THE OMAHA DAILY BBBKaTRIDAT , APHlIj 10 , 1891. 5 PROCTOR READS THE PAPERS , Information Which the Honorable Secretary of Wat Is Possessed Of , r * JUS FOUR MINUTE STAY IN OMAHA , Btiort Interview InVlilcti lie t-'nys He's Not n Cnmlldatc anil Decline * to Plfi- CUH Wnr. Hon. Ht'dllold Proctor was n visitor In this city for about four minutes yesterday even- leg. leg.A A party consisting of General BrooKe , commander of tno department of the Piatto ; Colonel Hughes , chief quartermaster ot the department , nnd Lieutenant Koo , atdo-dc- catnp 011 the stall of Brook , went to North Piatto to meet the secretary. This parly accompanied Secretary Proctor as far as Omnha. , The secretary was quartered In the elegant "Wflgnor p.iluco car Mariqulta , which was at tached to Union Poclflo train No. 4 , the fast mall. mall.Tlio Tlio mail train was two hours and fifteen nslnutci late and consequently nrrlvcd hero nt 0:3.1 : p. in. At the depot was quite n crowd , eonio drawn by cut 'oslty. Others were nrmy ofllccrs from the fort. AH the secretary stopped from the car n crowd of nrmy ofllcors , newspaper mon and old-timo friends of Mr. Proctor gathered about , TUB HKE representative was fortunate In securing a moment's Interview , considering the crowd and the short stop licro. In re- fiponso to questions , the secretary said ; "I know positively nothing about the talk of my succeeding Senator Edmunds slnco his resignation. All I know about It Is what I b vo lend In the papers. " Continuing , Secretary Proctor said ! " 1 am not a candidate for senator from Ver mont. All this gossip about mo in that con nection is without my knowledge. " When asked bis opinion in regard to the roccnt Itnlian trouble the secretary said : "Really you must excuse rno from any ut- tcranco on tbat subject. I know absolutely nothing about It , save what I bavo seen in tbe wipers. " When asked if the nrmy of the United Status and its dependencies , the mllltln , were In good shape for war tbo secretary replied : "I would prefer not to express any opinion , ns head of the war department upon" that subject , nnd I do uot think It % vouhl bo proper for tno ns n member of the cabinet to speak about such matters. I could not giro you an opinion , cvon. if I won ) perfectly Informed as to the details of tbe mutter. " 1 have had n very pleasant trip , " con- tinned the secretary , "but 1 intended to re main away from \VnshInRton much longer , lo fact my programme was to meet the Pres ident nud Secretary Tracy on the const nnd return east with tncm. However , Important business calls mo to Washington at once , and J shall tnako no stops on tlio way. " When asked if ho had nny changes In the plans for the now Fort Cook In view , the secretary bald ho had not , but expected the work to go on ns nl- rontly planned. Mr. Proctor said that ho was greatlv pleased with the condition of the frontier forts which be had visited on this trip. Ho said that tbcso posts were all well kept , well ofllcored and manned , and In sbnpo to combat nny hostile demonstration on the part of restless Indians. The secretary is particularly pleased with the means of quick transportation for troops from almost any military post lu the west to the seat of trouble. Tbo secretary said he was in favor of en listing Indians as soldiers , nnd stated that efforts would bo mndo n all of the depart- inontK In the west to secure as many Indian recruits ns possible. In itersonul appearance the secretary of war looks llko n well-to-do farmer. Ho Is tall and slightly bent. His face Is rugced and seamed , and bo looks at ono out of a pair of resolute but klnnly prey eyes. His manner Is quiet. In conversation he Is very dcliborato , his words coming slowlv ns If they were carefully selected and weighed be fore uttornnco. Ho carries with him the nlrs of a courteous gentleman of the old school. The party traveling with the secretary con sists of tbo Quartermaster general of thl army , H. N. Hatcbcllor. Captain Thomas M. Woodruff , Fifth United States ir.fautry , and Mnjor H. C. Wilson of Washington. In sneaking of the trip from North Piatto , Into Omaha , Lieutenant Hoc- , t'ido-do-catnp to General Brooke , said : "Wohiid a very pleasant trip. Wo mot Iho secretary's train nt 11 o'clock this morn ing , and [ can assure you have traveled slnco then. The train was nearly three hours Into , ttiirl wo mode a very fast run , nearly sixty miles an hour , all the way in. " The car Marlquita , In which the secretary travels , is ono of the finest tbo Wagner com pany turns out. Everything wanted to make -suclia trip a luxury was provided , and the secretary said bo would certainly have a pleasant remembrance of the trip. Wtint la fanld in W 'WASHINGTON ; April 0. It Is learned on good authority that Secretary Proctor has no Intoutiou of resigning his ofllco immedi ately. His return from the west to Wash ington Is caused by personal reasons in ad dition to his deslro to ice the president before - fore the latter starts on his tour. Ho will resume the discharge of tbo duties of his oflloo when ho returns to Washington , but If Governor Page during the adjournment of the Vermont legislature should conclude to appoint the secretary to tbo United States senate to fill the vacancy caused by Senator Kdmunda' retirement , it is stated by the same authority that Procter will accept the appointment. C.S.Raymondjowolorroraovod to tem porary locutionN. E. cor. Doufjlus & 10th 03IAII.4. . Ilcnten by At ! ) o'clock yosterdny niornlnff Hans Lm- lx > tv , nlK t wntcliman ot Jotter's brewery , South Omaha , was attacked by four masked uioti and badly boat on over the bead with a revolver , and nftor securing1 Mr. Llnberp , the ronbors 'assisted by two others , attempted to blow open the safe , but failed. Mr , Llnberir was met by the men as ho came out of ono of the doors on Ins round of Inspection , mid before ho could do anything they had so beaten him over the head that he was helpless. Proceeding to thooQlcotho xvould-bo robbers drilled two holes in tbo door of ttio sufe and charced them with powder. The explosion so fastoiiod the lock find bolts tbat the safe could not bo opened. At 3:15 : tbo tulcvos gnvo up the job and loft. Lntcr In tbo day 'Mr. Llnborc told a Ben rcK | > rtor ho thought the burRhiravoro rosl- tlvnts ot that part of Soutn Omaha \vbcro the brewery i * situated. Ho gave several reasons far this bollcf , one of then being tbat tbo robuora evidently know lilin. Llu- borpr Is a scvei-o sufferer from the beatlug ho received. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vllb Ttngrcts of tlio 1'coplc. Cashier W. A. L. Gibbon it about to rctlro from tbo banking business In South Omahn. The Kebrasua Savings and Exchange bank \ will soon bo recognized as o national bank , nnd Mr. Gibbon will ouly act as cashier until thn transfer bo made. Mr. Gibbon's sterling honesty and upright business inotbod secured for him tbo respect of his competitors and the conHdonco of the public , una his departure from South Omaha will bo n scnso of regret to his inuny friends hero. Ilosnys ho Is not prepareu to inalio known hii future cour o , but suugosts that u short i > orlod of rest would not bo out of place. It may IKS pj-csumod , however , that a man of Mr , Gibbon's abilities will not rom < iln idle long , Hot ; Klnujit'HMK Incrrnsc , The hog sUuchtorlngs at South Omaha are now only 10,000 less than Kansas City's for the season , With a total slaughtering for the season ot 1,3411,000 , and on lucreuso ever the ccrro- pending period of last year of 230,000 , or 20.43 per cent. Chicago holds first place with fi.Vj.000 packed , an Incrcaso of 103,000 , or 43 W per cent. Kansas City maintains n slender bold on second place with 160,000 , an increase of only 10,000 , or 7.14 per cent , while South Omaha forge * toward second place with 181- 000 to her credit , an Incrcaso of 42 , < 00 , or 47.10 per cent. Again South Omana shows a larger percentage of lncre o than any other of the largo packing centers. IlnirVrnrly 1'imiofflco Statoniont. Postmastcr John M. ( llasgow makes the following intcrestbig report by months of the last half year's business of the postoBlcc : OreM receipts for quarter cndlnff December - comber Si"IMW. . . . . 6,331.41 Grots recolnts for quarter ending March 3I.1SJ1 CT ? < .OS Total , I1X1KUI Number of pleros delivered by carriers In October , IhlM 107.471 NiimlHTof plo p * collected by carriers In October , I * * ) . . 11C , J Total number handled at ofllco in Octuber. IWiO XJO,02 > Number of nieces delivered by carriers In Itovembcr. law 115,314 Number ot iilece collected by carriers In November , 1K 1Q3.'O ) Total number handled at ofllco In November. 1.0 341,1st Number of pieces delivered by carriers In December. 1TOJ 110,727 Number of ( iloci-s collected by carriers In December , IKIO 125,001 Total number handled nt ofllco In DoortnU-r. 1191 UC3S3I Number of piece * dollvcri-d by carriers In January , lnui 115,016 Number of plocot collected by curriers In January , IhUl HS.BOB Total iiiiinbpr handled at ofllce In .Innunrv. 1MI1 314,753 Number of plucct delivered by carriers Inrebnmry , 1-1)1 ) 1IW47 Number of tilucvs collected by carriers Inl'ubru&ry , 1S31 llt.611 Totut number handled at ofllco ID robruiiry.1891 319.822 dumber of pieces delivered by curriers In March. IS'Jl 119,02 Isumbor of pieces collected by carriers In Mnrch. 1SU1 07,082 Total number handled nt ofllco In Miircli , 1SUI 340.9S1 Specials rued veil during quarter ending DecBinbcrai. IBM 110 Specials mailed to other ofllces ( luring quarter cndlnj December Ul. 1890 785 Specials received during quarter ondlnc -March 31 , lbt l 118 Specials mailed to other ofllces Curing quarter ending Mnrch 31Is91 004 The Hammond O. W. Simpson of Chicago , general man- nccrof tboG. II. Hammond company , has re signed. The place vacated by Mr. Simpson , will ho filled until another selection , as it has boon for some time In the past by A. P. Lyman of Boston. Notes Alxuit the Clly. A son has boon boru unto Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scarr. A daughter has boon born unto Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Soykora. Some canine thief , Wednesday night , stele two pups from John Leonard. William S. Anderson , who han had a family of four down sick , reports alt the household better. Howard Meyers has commenced work on his now residence , Twenty-third nud I streets. Duncan Clark's fcmalo minstrels will glvo an entertainment Monday night in Blum's oi > oni house. William J. Mnck , who wen * , to BloomlnK- ton , 111. , with ttio body of the late Harry P. Dawson , has returned. Edward A. Ilolyoke , the Black Hills repre sentative of the Cudahy packing company , is visiting the plant on business. Manager Charles H. Ilich of the Stock man has returned from , the range cattle men's ' convention at Cheyenne , "Wye. Mrs. Philip O. Hirsch is very sick and con fined to her bed and will not bo able to at tend the funeral of her daughter Laura today. Tour B. & M. switchmen under Yard- rnastor Albert Storzhach nt the Fourth ward yards have struck on account of the troubles at Lincoln. A bold thief at 7 o'clock this morning picked up n case of matches at the Union Pa cific depot nnd deliberately walked up N street. Ho and It are pone. The Run club will have Its first regular shoot of the season Sunday afternoon at the Third ward range , commencing nt 1 o'clock : . All members are urped to attend. Miss Hannah May of Chicago , the accom plished sister of D. G. May of Swift & Co. , who has spent three weeks visiting her brother here , has returned homo. The Ladles' Ala society of the First Chris tian church will give its initial social this evening nt the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M , Hunt. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. E. P. Chose of l > es Moiiies , la. , is visltlnc Mr. and Mrs. Charles H Hlch. Mrs. Hlch , Mrs. Chase and Miss Rich were wel come visitors at the yards nnd paciiine houses. , , A warrant for the nrrost of William Llnd- soy of Albright has been Issued by Justice Brccn on complaint of Frank Dolozal. charg ing Llndsow uitb selling a mortgaged horse to the complainant , The sale was in ado in Harrison county , la. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASinxaxox , April 0. [ Snecinl Telegram to THE Bne.J Pensions were granted today to the following Nebroskans : Oripinal Thomas H. Wade , Martin Chnninow , Patrick Smith , Albert II. Soulo , William Schmidt , John J. Fricre , William (1. ( Clay , Harlan Hadley. Additional John Laflln , Sampson Ycomnns. Increase Robert 1C Miller , Fran cis M Dillon , Thomas Syalbaclt , August Moldonhauser , William Mercer , William Fow- Icr , William H. Dehuse. Ueissuo Stephen II. Kinney , Patrick Clancy , Jesse V. Glenti. Iowa : Original Josopn Matte. James Price , George Smith , Gordon Woods , Jacob Coppock : William McGrath , Matthew Lo- quatto , Thomas A. Clark , Jatnes Henry , Ed ward G , Stevens. Isaac C. Hall , lavid Palmer , Abraham S. Van Hausen , Robert A. Kayor , Francis M , Nichols , Llnzn Ellis. Navy William C. Wood , Clay Wilson , Anthony Dovlno , Amos H. Kisner , "William Orr , Huprh W. Winders , John Moses , Lee Kdmond Hudt.Tohn . Stradlcy , Ell Lan caster , Edwin w. Smith , James M. Green. John Wadsworth. Additional David Edmonds mends , George Sanders. Restoration and roissuo-Gcorgo W. Darnhart , Incrcaso W. Carner , Washington Tulhott , C. If. McCullough , II. Mack , James M. dough , Austin B. Francis , Charles Havens. Frank It. Wright , Clement M. Bird , Levi H. Foun tain , John T. Sanftirs , lins M. Moore , Thomas H. Hayes , Tillman Pock , David L. Cuppott. Reissue John L. Klrkhend , Cor- liellus H. Kussell. Kolssuo aud increase William B. Anderson , HonrjL. . Dashloll. Original widows , etc. Martha J. , widow of Joseph Bennett ; minors of John J T. Glas- pow ; lUchcl Mann , former widow of John N. Glasgow ; John B. , father of Jaraos A. Ollliband. More I'cnnsjlvnniii Tourist * . A committee from the board of trade will leave for Lincoln this morning to moct the 'Pennsylvania tourists and accompany them to this city. These Pennsylvania tourists have boon to Denver and the fur west and nro on their way homo. They ivill nrrivo in Omaha at 2 p. m. today and will bo clvun a drive about the city and then escorted to the Paxton hotel for lunch , wboro th . Second regiment band will serenade the visitors from 4 o'clock until tbo hour of their de parture , which will bo about 0 o'clock. Grrat Tin I > Ui'Ovcrics. SIDE , Cal , , April 9. The Son Jacinto estate has commenced the reduction of tin era The present openings In tto Cajalco minoirlll Rl\on daily output of 100 tons , Tha ore mill and reduction works will bo In operation Juuo 1. The tin lodes discovered exceed fifty and extend over twoutv square miles , ana it Is claimed the output will equal the total consumption of the United States. Visited dunlin's Schools. Prof. H. W. Sawyer , suiHirintondont of the Council Bluffs schools was In the city yester day and visited several ot the Omaha schools , accompanied by Superintendent James. The Council Bluffs schools nro closed temporarily on account of the prevalence of la grippe and measles. DeWltta Little early Hisors : only pill to curoslclf ueadacbouud regulate the bjwel Full Text of thj Regulations Prescribed bj Secretary Rusk. THE DUTIES OF' THE INSPECTORS , racking HoiiftCH to Do Nnlnbcrcd and All Their I'rnducta tiabclod iinilStmnpiMlVhcnIiitciulcd Tor Interstate Shipment. The following additional ruloa nnd regula tions hnvo boon prescribed by Secretary Husk for the Inspection of live cattle , hogs , nnd their carcnssea under the prorlsions of the net of congress providing for the Inspec tion of llvo cattle , bogJaud the cnraisscs and products thereof which are the subjects of In terstate commerce : 1 , The order and regulations providing for the inspection of export cattle and sheep , made October 20,1 'JO , under the provisions of section 10 of the net of congress approved August 30,1S90 , are continued in full force and effect , thosatnoas if made under the provisions of the net of March 3,155U , nnd all exporters , to secure clearance for their shipments of cattle , must comply strictly witn the said regulations. 2. The proprietors of slaughter houses , canning , salting , packing or rendering estab lishments , engaged In the slaughter of cattle , sheep or swine , the car casses or products of which are to bccomo subjects of Interstate or foreign com merce , will tnako appllcntloa to the secreta ry of ngrlculturo for Inspection of animals and their products. 3. The application must be In writing , ad dressed to ttio secretary of agriculture , Wash ington , D. C. , and shall state tbo location ana address of the slaughter house or other es tablishment , the kind of animals slaughtered , tbo estimated number of animals slaughtered. pr week , and the character and quantity of products to go into the interstate or foreign commerce from the establishment : and the applicant in his application shall agree to con form strictly with nil roculations or orders that may bo madaby the secretary of agricul ture for carrying on the work of Inspection. 4. The secretary of agriculture , upon re ceipt of the application and after considera tion thereof , will give the establishment an- oftlciul number , by which all its Inspected products will thereafter bo known , ana this number will bo used both by Inspectors of the department of agriculture , and by the owners of the cstaDlishmcnt , to mark tbo products of the establishment. 5. The secretary of agriculture will appoint nnd designate a veterinary Inspector to take chnrgo of the examination and inspection of animals and tbelr croducts for each establish ment which has been oflldully numbered , and will detail to sucb inspector such assistants or other employes us may bo necessary to properly carry on the work of inspection at the establishment.- The Inspector appointed , and all employes under his direction shall have full and free access at all times to all parts of the buildings used in the slaughter of llvo animals and the conversion of their carcasses into food pro ducts. 0. The veterinary Inspector In charge of the establishment will carefully Inspect all animals In the pen of the establishment about to be slaughtered , no nnlmnll shall bo al lowed to pass U ) the slaughtering room until it has been so inspected.Vhcnovor any animal is found on inspection to bo diseased the animal shall bo condemned by the inspector specter , and the owner of tbo same shall at once remove it from the premises and dispose of It in such manner as may bo pro vided by the laws of the state In which said animal Is located. 7. The veterinary inspector or his assistant shall carefully inspect at time ot slaughter all animals slaughtered at tbo establishment and make a post-mortem report of the same to the department. Should the carcass of any animal , on post-mortem examination , bo found to bo diseased nnd unfit for human food , the carcass shall at once bo removed from the establishment under the supervision of the inspector and bo disposed of in tbo manner provided by the laws of the state where slaughtered. Any owner of any cs- tabllshmont In which inspections are being made under the provisions of the act of March It. 1S91 ; who snail wilfully cnuso or permit any animal which , upon inspection , bos been found to bo dibeased to remain on said premises beyond the time allowed ov the Inspector In charge for its removal , shall forfeit his right to inspection , and the estab lishment will , for such time as the secretary may direct , bo refused certificates of In spection upon its products. 8. The carcasses of cnttlo which leave tbo establishment as dressed beef will bo stamped by the inspector with a numbered stamp is sued by the department ot agriculture , and a record of the same will bo sent to the depart ment at Washington. P. Each and every article of food products made from tbo carcasses of animals inspected will lie labeled or marked in such manner as the owner of the establishment may direct ; the label , however , must bear the official num ber of the establishment from which the product came and also contain a statement that the same had been inspected under the provisions of the act of March 3 , IS'Jl. A copy of this label roust be filed nt the de partment of agriculture at Washington and , after filing , the label will become tbo mark of identification showing that the products to which it has been attached have been in spected , as provided by these rules and regulations , and any nerson who shall forge , counterfeit , alter , or" deface such label will bo prosecuted under the penalty clause ot section 4 , of the act of March S , IS'Jl. ' Each and every package to bo shipped from the establishment to any foreign country must bnvo printed or stenciled both on the side and on the top , by the packer or exporter , the following : For export a. Official number of establishment ; li. Name of packer ; c. Location and state of factory ; tl. Not weight of contents ; c. Isamo of co'n- slgneo and point of destination. In cjiso the package is for transportation to home other state or territory , or to the .Dis trict of Columbia , in pluco of the words "for export" the words "interstate trade" shall bo substituted. The letters and figures In the above print shall bo of tbo following dimensions : The letters in the words "for export" or the words "Interstate trado" shall not bo less than three-fourths of an Inch In length , and the otner letters and figures not less than one-half Inch In length. The letter ana figures afllxod to said package shall bo legible and shall bo In such proportion and of such color as tbo inspector of the department of agriculture may designate. , 10. The iuspoctorof | the department of agri- ctiluro In charge of tbo establishment , being satisfied that the articles in the packages came from nnimalsj inspected by him , aud that they are wholesome , sound aud tit for human food , shall afllx totha tcp of the pack ages meat Inspection stamps to bo furnished by the department of ngrlculturo , the stamps bearing sereal numbers and the Inspector shall write on the stamps the date of inspec tion. tion.Tbo Tbo stamp must ho securely fixed by paste and tacks In such a way as to bo easily read wnen the package Is standing on its bottom. Not less than live tacks shall be driven through each stamp , ono at each corner and .one In the mldUla of tlio stamp. The stamp having been afiUcd it must bo immediately canceled. For this puriwso the inspector will use a Mcncll plato of brass or copper. In which shall bo cut llvo parallel waved lines long onouph to extend beyond each bide of tbo stamp on tbe wood of the package. At the top of the stencil will be cut tbo name of tbo in pcctor and at the bottom tom of the stencil will bo cut the district in which Inspection is mndo. The im printing from this plate must bo with blacking or other durable material , over and across the stamp , and in such a manner as not to deface the reading matter on tbo stamp , that is , so as not to daub and mike it illegible. Tbo stamp having been af fixed and canceled. It must immediately bo covered with n coating of transuarcnt varn- U > h or other substance. Orders for stamps must be made by tbo inspector on the chief of the bureau of animal industry. 11. \ \ bcnovorany package of meat products bearing1 the stamp of inspection shall have been opened and its content ! removed for sale the stanii ] on the package must bo ef faced and obliterated from the package. 12. Uc'ports of tbo work of inspection car ried on in every establishment will bo for warded to the department by the inspector in charge , on such blank forms und In such manner as will bo specified hi "instructions to Inspectors of slaughtcringestablishindits. " 13. The Inspection of swlno for export or Interstate trade will bo conducted In tbo same manner as prescribed , In the forgoing rules , with the addition , hoVvorer , that a micro scopic examination ( or trichina will bo re quired for nil swine products. 14. When the slaughtered hog Is passed Into the cooling room bf tha establishment tbo veterinary inspdelor In ctinrgo , or his assistants , will take frpm each bo ? two sum- pics ot muscle , ono from the "pillar of the diaphragm" and the 6tbcr from another part of tbo body , and the sixnlplei will bo put In n 0SI self-locking tin box nod a numbered tag will SIP SIb placed upon tbo heft from which tho'sam ples have been taken ntid n duplicate number o if the tag will be placed In the box with the g a in pies. The boxes containing the samples f 'rorn ' the hogi In tbo cooling room , so tagged , ivill bo taken to tbe xnlcrosconist for such establishment , who shall thereupon inako u" microscopic examination of each box c ontalnlng samples , nnd shall furnish n ivrlttcn report to the inspector in cbargu of t ibo cooling room , giving the result of the microscopic examination , together with the n lumbers of the hots from which samples h iavo been examined. 15. All hogs reported by the mlcroscoplst o the Inspector in chnrgo of tbo cooi ng room to bo affected with trichina A'ill at euro bo removed from the 'ooling room of the establishment indor the supervision of the Inspector or ono if his deputies , and be disposed of by the iwner In such manner as miy bo required by .ho laws of the state whore the factory is slt- atod. 10. The inspector In charge of tbo slaugh tering or other establishment will Issue a cer tificate of inspection for all carcasses of ani mals or the food tproducts thereof which nro lo bo exported into foreign countries , which xsrtificato will cite the number of the factory , , ho name of the owner or owners operating .ho same , tbo date of inspection , nnd the lame of the consignee nnd country to which ho articles are to bo exported. This ccrtlfl- ate will also contain the numbers of the lamps attached to tbo articles to bo exported. Ono certificate only will bo issued for each consignment. The certificates will bo issued In serial numbers nnd in triplicate form. Ono copy thereof will bo delivered to the con- ilgnorof such shipment , one copy will bo at tached to the invoice or shipping bill to ac company the same and bo delivered by the 'ransportation companies to the chief officer if the vessel upon which the consignment is o bo transported , and the third copy will bo orwarded to the department of agriculture 'or filing therein. Mrs. Winslw'sSooothlng Syrup forChil ren Teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea : tc. 2S cents a bottlo. FEtt8O\t Ji JVt K.I ( S UA. 1'JIS. W. H. McCord nnd wife are in Chicago. C. II. Cornell of Valentino Is at the Paxton. J. W. Holmes of Kearney Is nt the Paxtou. General W. B. Hawley has gene to Chi- ago. C. W. White started forSt , Paul yesterday iver the Northwestern. J. D. Harrlgnn of Grand City , Mo. , a broth- r of the codnty coroner , Is In the city. Ex-Govornor Tbayor and Thomas X. Ben- .on of Lincoln were la the city yesterday , Allen B. Smith , assistant general freight agent of the D. & M. railroad , went to Lin coln yesterday morning on business. Hon. E. P. Roggen Is 111 at the Mlllard. 10 look bis room Tuesday evening , und while rnprovcment Is noticeable it will probably bo , \vb or three days before ho gets out again. The attack was the next thing to pneumonia. Tbo Ilarkcr J. J. Webster , Kansas City ; icorgeV. . Tort , Btunrt ! U. A. Conor. DCS Molnes : John Swartz , llurllrigtoii : 1' . W. Klnnx. Fremont ; It. 1' . Huron. Itapld City ; 11. " > " . 1'ox. Siivannnh ; Uofuiolt Illor , Crete ! A. O _ 'erry , Kremont ; J. A. Davla and wire. L. 11 lor , Crete ! K. Howling and \\ltc , Nc > f Vorlc. TbeMurrj Lo ls Mayer , D. P. Whitney. J. L. Goldsmith. K. U. Hooker. 0. H. Wimple. Chicago ; J. 11. Toiler. II O. llayard , O. E. Kcbncldor , 11. H. Ueeso. K. T. Caldw ll , Irvln H. Martin , C. K. I.atigwortuy. A. E. Kalin. E. S. Pepper , Now York ; 9. M' . Wllt < e , Itockford , 111.0. ; G. Stuart , 1'lttsburg ; Joan Do gltvcz , Now Orleans. Tbo Dellono "Warren Andrews , Frank Tol- ovor. Nobriska. C'ltyi JIUIPS K. Boyd , Lin coln : W.V , Wallace , T. Lester nnd wlfo , Philadelphia ; A. A. Harker. I' . D. Hills , John A. I'rcnson , Chlcaro ; Mrs. H. 1' . Oooyan1 ! . Now York ; K.V. . Ilullook , l'f E. TeUt , It. N. W11- fon. A. Wester , Then IKriiKor. . Chicago : H. V. llonn. St , Louis : O. llurnes , Qulticyv. ; . E. Cotton , Pcnrlu , III. ; S. 1'rank. fa. F. Kress , F , Wuxliburn , Now York ; .T. 1) . Strics. Columbus ; U. 11. JolIeM. J. Olcliorn. The Oacr J.V. . Taylor. Kansas City ; nichard Wekc. Stanford , Conn. ; John HarKor , Dcadwood , S. IX ; J. K. I'llllnn , North I'latto ; II. lledwoll , Red Oak ; J. G. Anderson , Wulioo ; 11.0. Miles , lloatrico ; T. II. Wlluy , Lincoln ; U. H. Cravens. ( ! . K. Pltier. Anna. Deinlnte , Chicago : G.V. . llandnll , Council lHulfi , : H. O. Knton. Toledo , O. ; T. S. Drown , Frank Ilurk- liiim. Shea. lu. : E , J. Thompson , V.II. llol- lanU , St. Joseph ; W. It. Campbell. Glenwood ; LouUUlmlcy. Oswt'Ro. N. V. ; L. 1' . Hamilton , Uuattle. Kan. ; J , A. Andursou. Wulioo ; J. Stelncr , Chicago : Uobcrt Treltiig , Grand Islund ; A. A. Tuttle. Cnllfornia ; C. A. Smith , Sul'aul. Minn. : J. G. Meek , Superior ; It. L. Mnttlio\vson , Leigh , Neb. The I'axtoii 1 > . E. Mudze , Ilurlln&ton. la. ; Sam A. Otis , Providence , It , 1 , ; John Wilson , Ivt'urnov , Neb. : 0. W. Wattles. Uarroll , Iowa ; Hobert Kecd , fcow York ! A. E. AlKon , Kear ney. Nob. ; J. M. Nolan , St. 1'pul. Minn. ; Hum- iiol Illrsch , Adolpli Sehlotfeldt , New Yorkr J. Thompson , Ashland , Noli. : J. O. Stu'kctt , Den ver , Colo. ; Kold Nortlirup. It , E. French , H , Kred Wiley. St. 1/oulS , Jlo. : Horace I. Mayer , Adnvlllo , wyo. : James A. LalTertv , Chlcuco ; J.V. . MorrUou. Lansing , la. : Jumes Donahue , Kansas City ; 11. D. I'ettlbonc. Frank 11. I'eavy , Minneapolis ; F. ILn Ituo. G. 0. Gray , Corning , la. ; IJan Morcim , Cblcago ; A. 1'rod Cook. St. Louis Mo. : II. I ) . Dernpliy , Js'ow York ; IX S.Grlflln and wife , llcntrlco ; O.V. . Gr n , Chlcaco ; A. T. Vcclard , Hochestor. N , Y. ; 11. C. Gager. 1'roniont , Neb. The Mlllard M. S. Woodward , Dos Molnes ; L , Kurl Philadelphia ; K. Harrison New York ; C. K. Itobcrts. Uhlciiio ! ! J. M. 1'atterboii , ridttsrnouth : 1MI. Johnson , 1'xanklln , I'- : It. A. Thompson. New York ; A. f. Hanl Mnr- filmlltown ; O. "W. Hort. .Milwaukee ; E. t ) . Mix , Now Vorit : A. M. Stockwell. New York : li. A. Branch. Chicago ; F. S. Cruyblll , Hastings ; A. G. iiifbort , Chicago : E. C. Touslor , Clilcaso ; K. C. Masley. Knnsns City : 1) ) . M. Kntnotii : , St. Paul ; W. S ) . Mathuws , u'Melll ; E. LnrKltis , AfililnndV. ; . J. McGlllln. Imperial : 11 , I' JlcAdow , Kansas City : C. E. roarle , Pt. Joe ; W. 0. Woods. 1'hlUdolphl.i : r. A. Morris. Clil- casoj A. I * I'owcll anil wife. Now York ; 1' . Hubert , Toledo. U. : Mrs. H. I. Ailiunfi , M rs. C , W. Smlt h , Mrs. O. M. * cott , North Jlund : W. U Klnz , MlntiimrwlK : E. M. KorJ , Ues Molnes ; AV. 1) ) . Burlington ; U. N. Miller , Kiss Molnes ; W. II. 1'hus. Wisconsin : E. WeMholf , Milwau kee ! O. 11. WIlcoz , lloston. me tired t i People aslc memarriago a fail tire V Of cours ยง 't'aint ; s'poso I don't know myujiz } what am I here for ? " If , the women only keep healthy they keep in good spirits and cupid is in demand. Let every enfeebled woman know this there's a remedy that'll euro her , the proofs positive. Hero's the proof if it doesn't do you good within reasonable time , report the fact to its makers and get your money back -without a word but you won't do it ! The remedy is Dr. Pierco'a Favor ite Prescription and it has proved itself the right remedy- nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't euro every thing but it has done moro to build up enfeebled and broken -down wo men than any other medicine known. TIME'S UP. The season is here , and the weather is out of order. One Thousand Handsomely made up SPRING OVERCOATS , our own nianfacture , embracing all shades and fabrics. There's but one season for them. It's the present ; malce your selections quick. Our riow-a-days price won't stand in the way. Our line of Spring Suits , in all the fashionable cuts ; are stylish and are made up to hold their shape. Don't -wait on the weather , but avail yourselves of this general cut in the prices of new and desirable clothing for man , youth , boy , and child , all occasioned by the backward spring. Watch our show windows for . ' ' " bargains. You'll see 'em. Honey Cheerfully Refunded I/in a & Pn vtengoods do not satisfy. [ \\llQ \ & bO. , IReliable Clothiers.s = = Open Evenings Till 8 P. M. N. B. Send for Illustrated Catalogue AMUSEMENTS. i'll ' Friday. Suturday.ind Sun- ( I ! iay with Sat. Mut. April 10th , llth and 12th , The Celebrated Comedienne MlssVcrnona JARBEAU In her Brilliant Musical Comedy STARLIGHT lupported by bor own Company of Comedy nnil Musical Tulctit. New nones , now dancpn. new muile , new faces , .owcoitumes , new snjlnirs nnd now tunny sltua- lon . New envotto br Imndvimo clrli. beautifully oMumcd. ' 1 lie tilt of tlio nca'dn. Miss Jurueau a ew BODBK , "Wink the Other Kro" und "It's the nmo Thine Over .Acaln" lk > i eueotn open Ihursdnr at regular prices. THE G-BAND To-Night , THE PAYTON COMEDY CO. IN JOSH WHITCOMB. " Saturday Matlnco. Sco Saturday's papers. Saturday evening. "Tho Hidden Hand. " Popular prices 10 , M aud We. ISOITD'S. ONE SOLID NIGHT. JUontlitEri'Hinn , Aj'i'il Hltli * 'Wouldn't Jlls It. " I The Vorr lloit. 1'or Nine IKillnrn. \ M o und llcllcro. HALLEN & HART , Under tbo management of 1IAHUV HIKE. n tliclr atcujlnt : rovlvlilcntlonof comedy ! fun and UlUllC. IVpsented by tlie strongest Karoo-Comedy Co. In America , boinetblnnnew. brlt'lit nnd entertaining. iuropem : anil .American musical nOTCltes. Drll- liiintniUBlaand untranclne dances. Don't Miss the Funny Elevator. Trices as uiunl. THE &BABTD.jBtIIBiVIf.AB1J SUNDAY , APRIL 12. MATINEE AT 2:30. : . . . . - Kvr.vixo AT 8:15 : DUNCA.N OLARK'3 FEMALE MINSTRELSY The Grrat Trench Hitch Kkkon ! An Enlarged Couiianyl Duller Tlian Kverl Orchcitra. Tic and We ; Ilalcony , Me und Soc ; Gallery Vic. Iloxihoct open Saturday , DIME EDEN 3OTSEB. YFIll Lawlcr , Manager. Cor. llth nail Farnarn WKIEK OF Al'KIIi . Tlio Baruoin Warriors , l'lr tiind only troupe ever lironjiht to this couatry. Morton. Kcno und Mack , In "Ij3 Treols DIablcs , " Ilnrtand Knupton In A. II. C. . Mod way , Theme und Curlton. nnd a host ol nr t claiB flpt'clnltlea , A novelty outortnlnmont. Uuo Jllmo Admit ! to All. BST AT3IU1S1I ED 1SDS. IH.J.8IMP80NI . . 1409 and 1411 Dodos St. , Omaha , Neb. First Class GarriagBs , The Leading Stylos. The Lowest Prices. YOUR 1'ATUOMAQE SOLICITED. HOTEL , T7i Ulnrnni , Cor. t4tlt unit flartiru , { fllip inoMt HiiliHtiintlallu Hotel Jtulliltnif In Onmliii. Nerrrnl lirnru Uriels fire ir if/N rttnniiia frtun bflKfjiirnf tu roof. All tin : ci'illnuH mill floor * linctl tilth Akln-Hton fli-a jtrttof inlitii , tniililna * t tniitoHHlMc lo birrji qiifc/- . I'lrucHfitjtfH aiitt lire alarum thrut tiilitint t lie lnill\ti \ > u. btcttin livitt , hot Hint tmlfl irntcr mill crei'tirooni. lultle itnitiirjHiiiucil B. SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DEI.LONE. Corner14th and Capitol Avenue. Just completed , hai 1OO rooms , thro * stairways , from the top to the bottom , has fine elevator and dinning room service , f fire proof throughout , fine blllarJ rooms and tbe finest toilet rooms In tha city. Larca Sample rooms , Suites with bath & 3. Cor 14th and Capitol Ave. Street ear service In allcKrecllonB. Rates , from 2.50 to $ i.OO IFSEPH'GlllOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. FOH UiniEH O.XLV I > r l-oduc'i rcnodlul I'llli tbo Krtnfli luimtlr , act on the menstrual ijrttf m and cure lupprtfablun from wli&Ujrvr cauvu. 1'rutnuto uODPtruitUun. Tbnio Ull" iliuuld nut IMJ Ukrn dur- log , iek'n ncrAm. . 1111 Ca. Kojnllr I'ropi. , Open rcri'Iair I'-o. , lu. Genuine br Stiunuin it MoConuell , I outfOiU , liuur I'D , Urualiu. C. A Molcbpr. Buutli Omatia , il. 1 * . U1IU , Council UluSt. C , or 3 fur tj. NO OUR.R ! PA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. SoTentf n jonrn experience. A rouMrenv1iuto In mMlclno , ai diplomat nhoir I < itlll traMIn ? with the greatest nucceif , nil NerTom. Chronic nnd 1'rliato Dliei'U * . A permanent euro cnnrantpol for Catnrrh CpcrniHtorrham. Loft Manhood. Seminal Weakness Night LonoJ , Impoloncr , Srphlllv Mrlcturo , and nil < ! ! e ios of the Hlood.Skln and Urlrmrr Organs. Nil. I Buararitoo twi fur overj case I unJorlako nnd f.ttl It cure. Coniultatlon true. Iloolc ( Mritcrloj of Life ) sent froi. OacoliouM 9 a. ui. ted p. in. Similar 1J a. Di. to 12 in. Dr.Fl DILUICS 322 SOUTH 15TH ST OMAHA , NEB. For all Diseases of the Blood. All Diseases of the Nervous System. Kor all conditions of Catarrh , eitlier local or general. F"or Bronchitis , Asthma and. Lung Troubles. Korall forms of Dyspepsia , In digestion and Liver AITeetions. For Heart Disease , Briglit's Disease , Diabetes and all Kidney Troubles. For Piles , Fistula , Abscesses and all Rectal Diseases. For Scrofula , Syphilis and all Specific Blood Poisons. For all Skin Diseases , For all Genito-Urinary Dis eases. For all Special , Private , Inher ited or Acquired Diseases of either sex. For Nervous Exhaustion , Gen eral Debility , Loss of Vital Force , and every form of Physical Weakness. For all Spinal Affections. For Tumors , Cancers and Old Sores and Ulcers , and for all Dis eases , Misplacements and Weak nesses peculiar to Women. Consultation free. Treatment fees low. Omaha references that should convince every Investigator. Office and Reception Rooms : 322 South 15th Street. First floor. No stairs. Hours 9:3 : O a , m. to 4-:3O : p. m. Evenings 7 to S:3O. : Sundays 2 to 4 p..m. only. IN flrt ADVERTISING. For four cents In slnmps.ue wil lie MiK'SC Hens for newspajicr ndvcrtie-cmtnl.s , cards or circulars. Ilriglit , lively , liuiuorous suitnlilc for evcty line of business. I'rom sketches by our best artists. For merchants or business men In city or country : they nre great charminc novelties that will add life aud cliar- actcr , Try Art in Advertising. ALDEH& FAXON , NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS , 00 * < 1H W. Tblrd HL , CINCINNATI. O. Moore's Tree -of Life , A o'llvecarn ' for Kldner and I/lvcr fompliilnti and ull Mood ill'oait ! , . Diioiltpnr to sutler wlnm jon can tie curwl IJJT n lnK Mor > ro' Tree u ( Life tuo Great l.lfo Kunioljrf 1'rlru II per battle. 1'ra- pared and put up ( j ; l > r , J II. Moore. TKSTIMO.WA.1,1 I.ll. Mooiir. DenrSIr For 9reml yenri mr wlfd IIRH bcmiHlrtictcMl tjy in ara | < * lnn In licr licnl nna B finn ( l dir ( | lon of thn oliolo sjrcti'in , raiiutil I , ; niftlvo klUnejr nnd tumid llri-r , loiruthi > r ol'li un- ftroku. Two lOIIp | if yuur "Trcu of JJtd , " littl holiiocl lirr Tt'ry much , undo iiurruuncnt euro IH AH- luri'J. Vnur lucrtldnu linn Inlt Ilia truu clciuvnuul a iiiTiiif ) ul reiniMlT , ttud K < H > I ut once to tlio cuuici of tllii'ose. Vounlrulr. lliVOII.MAN 1'AIIKICH. . 1'llll.AllKU-ntA , Jlo. , NOT.IU , In83 IrJ. II.Mixiro.riilcnBo llairMr Your Trim til l.lfo came dulr lo hanil. anil alter ncnroful trial uf It. 1 Inko pli-unuruliinarlnK II U nil jrouclnlm furlt If nnrnnu U ult > thli HUIO- iniMit , li'lttii-ra wrllo direct tuniH. Wltli licut wlntiol torjtiu mid yuar Tree of l.llu , Inuijinin irulr , U il.KKY. remedy Tor all in I ummtuiM clliiUiurrri nti'J JiriiatHdlii'ttn-ioliurn A certain rur for tutlng weal to women. Mra.QlttT Ipre crit > . . _ I TtltEvf. lCHtuie t CO In remiiininKlltii ; It | til nuirtrxn. i J8TONERMO.DECWm.lU. 1'IIICK 61.00.