Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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It Happens in the Tirnt Oamo They Play
with Line jit ) ,
Ille , Iloston mid tlio Athletic *
Vtlnnrrs Nebraska City \\lll
llnvu n Team Otltcr
Sport I UK News.
T-INCOIA , Neb , April U-Speclal [ Tolc-
gram to TUB Bpr.J A largo number of base
ball enthusiasts gathered nttho ball grounds
thisnftcriioon to witness tlio struggle in
wlilch the Lincoln and Sioux City nltios mot
tor the llrsttltno ,
The Lincoln team de'lghtod ' the spectitors
with IU very heavy hitting nnd general nil
around good playing. Hart was In the box
for the first five inning and did some superb
work. Ho was succcoJod hy Slebol In the
alxth Inning , hut the change scorned unfortu
nate , AS the Itotno team hit Slobol hnrd.
Patterson's lidding for the Lincoln nine
was splendid , llnymond did some excellent
work on third. CHno , Burkott and Irwln
'hiado the crowd fnlrly wild with tholr
hnrd hitting. Whenever cither of thc-o
catno to bat It was expected tlmt they would
send the bill into the adjoining pasture , luul
they Rcucrnllv succoedcel.
'I'iio bloiix City team appeared on the diamond
mend for the tint tlmo lo < i y anil did excel-
cellent work , notwithstanding. Tlio i > h > im *
of Genius and Uarl was suiicrb nnd Swart-
wood did some magnificent batting. The
Lincoln 0 0002023 II 10
bloin CMly 0 1 5
Huso hits Lincoln H Sioux CMtyT. Errors
Lincoln fi , Mom City ? Jliittt-rlcs I.lneoln ,
Ilnrtclt nnil Trunlcyi Sioux IIty Hurt , Hlobol
iinci CroHslcy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
American AsHoclntion riininpioiiM
I'lny Hull In INsnd lament.
Lot ISVIIM : , Ky. . April n [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hin.J : Loulsvillo again do-
fi-atod Columbus today thiough auiicrlor
Dlaylng. T.aston wns pounded a'l ' over the
field , while Ehrct proved n perfect stumbling
hlock. The hatting of Wolf , Donovan nnd
Weaver was the feature of the game. The
Loulsvillo 2 4 000340 * 11
Unlnmhiis . . . 0
llnsn hltt-Louisville , 1 * > ; Coluiiihiis , fl. Kr-
ruis-LoiilsvllIe , \ ! ; Columbus. 4 Hatlirles
Louisville , Khrctiind Cook ; Columbus , Kaston
and DOVVMI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mulling tlei I'Ynture.
UAI riMotiK , Md. , April 9. [ Special Tclo-
gihinto Tin : ln.l ) : The Bostons captured
the game today by timelv Ijattlng , and errors
on the part of Van Ilaltron and Hohlnson in
the eighth Inning. Theplnjlng of "Welch of
the homo team was brilliant. The hatting of
Gilbcit and ritrlcklcr were also features. At
tendance 3,487. , Thoscoto :
Itultlinoio 000111040-7
llosmn .1 2 n 0 SO 0 'J * 8
HHSII lilts llilllniore , 8 ; lloUon. 12. I.rrors
Ilnltliiuirc , .1 ; llotlon , 4. Ditturlos during-
hum and 'Jimnsind , Dily und Muipliy.
Knny Tor the Athletics.
PIIII.ADIi.i-iiiv , April9. [ .SpecialTelegram
to Tin ; Bn : . ] The Athletics. Inulan ensytirno
of it in disposing of the Washington team
this aftcinoon. Attendance , 1,01)7. ) John
Corkhlll has signed with the Athletics to play
right Hold. The score :
Athletic 0 00200000-8
WiihldiiKton . .00010000 0 1
llnsc- hits Athliitloll. Washington II. Hrrori
Atldftlcs I. Washington I IltittorlMS-Ath-
lutlcs , t'li inilicrlalii and Mllllgan ; Washing
ton , ICoufo und SleGnlre.
No Can if.
ST. Low , Mo. , April 9. [ Spcclil Tclo-
Kinm to Tun Bnr. ] The St. Louls-Cln-
cinnati game was postponed on account of
I'ltolier ' Knoll'H KXCIIBC.
Ciucuno , April 9.-Special [ Telegram to
THE Jin * . ] Phil ICnell , the pitcher
who Jumped his reservation with Omaha
to Join tlio Columbus club , hoing ouo
of the two players to desert the
"Western association , was In the city
yesterday on his way to Columbus toropoit ,
Asked why ho hnd withdrawn from beneath
the protecting folds of the national ngico-
inout , ho said ho Had not been fairly ticatcd
by Omaha.
"Ivns willing to play there , oven at n
slight sacrifice , " ho said , "but when they
sent mo n contract miming terms fur holovv
what 1 had boon olTctod clsevvheio and what
I considered I was worth , I demurred. No
ansvvor came to my demurrer , although I
waited many weeks. 1was growing anxious
whoa I iccohod the Columbus offer , and I
accepted It. "
uinuoln'H Ambitious IIcon. !
LIVCOLV , Nol ) . , April 9 [ Special Tclo-
giam to Tun linn. ] The five competitors la
thn blcj clo contest seem determined to boat
the world's record for speed. ITIvo more
evenly matched competitors never entered a
race course. Moars made n magnlnVcnt
spurt tonight , and gained n lap on Mockott ,
just ho fore the tlmo for e-lojine was called.
The cheers that wont up fairly raised the
roof. The following is the scores
Miles Laps. Milos. letups.
Mockatt. . . .m 0 Kloschur 14 * > 5
Moirs. . . . 145 0 Olark Ill 3
\Voru 145
A Clnh for XobrsHlcn City.
NKIIRVSICA. Cirv , Nob. , April 0. [ Special
to THE IlGR.--It | Is now a foregone con
clusion that Nebraska Citj will have a ball
team this season , and a good ono , too. Such
citizens ns Hon. John 0. Watson , Mayor
Frank Ireland , 1C. A. Hi-own , Oto Maittn/H.
II. Unrtllng. Gcorgo Stroobol nnd others hn\o
Interested themselves and the club Is bound
to bo -.vinncr. . Cliniloy Crawford , who
captained the Dallas , Toto.un hv > tycnr Is
hero nnd will manage tlio team.
T/f j ; < „ - s .v CAN JR.
-Vdornl Grand Jury nt Chicago Ho-
Cuicvoo , April 9. The federal grand jury
this m01 nmi ; began an imostlgatlou Into the
charge nirainst George J Gibson of I'oona ,
secretary of the whisky trust , of conspiracy
to destroy the distillery of II. U. Shufe
of Chicago , which firm declined to onto uio
trust , A number of witnesses from coda
woio examined , including some employes of
the whisky trust , nmoug them John
Schneider , a Poorli gunsmith , who. ills
alleged , manufactured the infernal machine
found In Gibson's possession ; Andrew Bozo-
iimu , city salesman for Collimu , Dirks tt
Co , of 1'ooria , who sola Gibson the phos
phorus ; O. II. Norton , city ilectrlr-lun of
I'eoria ; Itobert Ashford , thu coloiod janitor
nt the whisky trust oftlce , und ( 'hmles
Jaeger , Jr. , former piIviito secretary of Olb-
As far as can bo learroa llttlo of impor
tance was brought out In the oxninmitlnu of
witnesses. Neither Ganger Dovvjr nor any
of thu government inspectors who have been
nt work on the case were called today.
Mlnu on I' I i-o ,
CUUMP.T , Mich. , April 9. The 1'omnblo
mine , which recently passed into the hands
of Qulncy owners after llvo j cars of litlga-
tlou , was found to bo on lire this morning.
Incendiarism is hinted at. The smoke bos
url.'cn out nil the minors.
To Clonr the
Aniassxs Cirr , Kan. , April O. Secretary
Nohlo hu ordered all the Intruders off the
Sao nnd Fox , Cheyenne , Arapahoe , loiva ,
and PoltA\vnltomlo Imllim rcuervntlous , ami
lias Instntctcd the soldiers to clear the cntlro
co.ntry ,
C'lilungo Ijlro Stock. Ilxolinuco liuiulry.
Cnletoo , April 0. The committee InvaUi-
Ritltitf the Chicago llvo stock cxohang-o
heart ! a number of witnesses today , but
nothing of Importance developed. C. C.
Duly , rui > roiontlni ; the Uant SU Louts ox-
chnnco , nptKsnrcd before llio commltloo and
aald his exchange was much interested la the
investigation , that any loirlslatlon growing
out of It would affect EnstSt , Ix > uls na well
asiCldcneo , nnd asked that heartng DO
granted tlmt corporation , The cominlttco
decided to Introduce n resolution in thu house
nndxunaUi extending its jurisdiction , so tlio
Knst St. LouU exchange might bo "In
vestigated. "
A largo number of leading fnrmorsi and
stockmen from nil over tlio state attended
the meeting of the hou o committee on
agriculture this morning to listen to tlio hoir-
liiBof the stocKvnrils bill Hcprescntutlvc-
of thn I'Ait St. Louis nnd Chicago yards
were beard In opposition to some of the rmll-
cnl monsurus now jicndltig In tlio course of
the discussion It wa atuf-d that the farmers
nru suffering tnoro from commission inon
than from the stocky.irdj. The committee
decided to nsk rcpreacntntlvoi of the l o
stock uxihango to appear before them.
SrtJMXii A KW K I II'.V.
Oiivei-iior Iloyd llit ily Apjiritvln ) : Ilc >
ociitty lOnnctnd Htntutcs ,
Lt.vtoiv , Neb. , April 0. [ .Special to TIIK
Ilpi' . ! ' 1 ho followlnir bills were signed by
Cooiiior IJoyd today : .
Seuato Illo No. net to nmcnd sections
23 , . .W05 : ) , 01 , (50 ( , 7J. 81 , in , 01 , 03 , . , 101 ,
101 , 107 , 103 , 110 , 111. 113. 129 , 1 3,1U ! , 13. . ,
no , iia , ny , us , no , in , ini , i" , ir 7 , or
cnptcr 12 , entitled "cltlos of motropolltin
class , " compiled stituto * of IBS' ' ) , nnd too - said sections so amended and also to
repeal section 31 of snld chapter. This Is
the 1)111 concerning the Omilit charter.
.Senate Illo No. IS , an act , to create and rcff-
uhto public warehouses , and the warehous
ing , shlpplnif , welshing and inspection of
grain. JMovntors nnd storehouses are public
\\aiohonsc.s. The } nro rocjulted to make
wcokly statements. Owners ore nt liberty to
cxunino property nnd books.
In signing this" bill Govornoi I3o > d makes
the following comment : "Note : 1 observe
that this bill falls to provide for the fixing of
rates of storage , thosaino evidently being In
advertently omitted in the oniollment. Inas
much us the bill in Its present slinpo corital'is
many provisions of bonollt to these engaged
in Iho producing nnd the stor.igo of grain , it
receives my approval. "
HousoiollJso.'jli , an net providing that In
counties when ) tliero nro not mot alb an one
hundred and twenly-Sivo thousand inliiul-
tants. the board uhull not consist of morothnn
live persons
Senate fllo No..13 , nn act for the establish
ment anil innlutonnnc.Q of n soldiers' home.
Semite Illo No lr > , an net to make the
selling or giving w\av of 11 ro anus , ammuni
tions or other munitions which can bo uod
In lire nnns , to un > Indhu not a cltlzou , and
providing n pennltv therefor.
Setmtc file No 117 , nn net to mnlto the
selling or giving away of limit , spirituous or
vinous liquors , or Intoxicating drinks ofnuy
Kind \\hjftsoe\er toan Indian not ncitl/en'ii
felony , and piovidlng a penalty therefor of a
line not exceeding $1,000 or Imprisonment in
the ponlteutiiry for not less tliun two nor
more tlniti live years.
Senate lilo No II } , an net to provldo for the
depositing of stuto nnd county funds in
house roll No..r > 7 , an net to amend section
139 , chuptor 10 , statutes IbS' ) , providing that
every corpoiation hereafter created shall
gho notice annually in some newspaper and
that all stockholders of corporations are
jointly and severally llablo for all the debts
of the corporation.
The Lincoln _ hmtor bill was also signed
This nltornoon Governor Uoyd signed his
naino 71U timns to tertain rellof bonds. It
took just iifty-tive inhnitoa to accomplish this
Sill : JH ,1 Klti
Sail PHttlit of Iiss Ciirrlo
of nill'.vaiikce.
ICA > s\s \ Cirr , Wo , April 0 Miss Cirric
. .llswnith of Milwaukee , daughter of Isinc
Ellsworth , a wealthy commission merchant
of ttio Cream City , was airested hero yester
day for stealing § 1(10 ( woith of goods from the
Uullonodry goods stein She told a story in
the evening to tbo effect tbnt she h.ut boon byV II. Wcbt > toi , n lawyer , and
her story AMIS so well told that the firm re
fused to prefer charges. Last evening It rto-
.volops ttmb Miss lUlsworth lias from child
hood been si kleptomaniac. The young v.oman
Biew tlied of bointr sent to Europe for treat
ment , and refusingto bo kept in confinement
at homo sliowcntto Chicago .ind there be
came a trained nurse. She was so skillful
that many icputnblo phjslclans took her up ,
but \vheu her ailment 'Jevelopcd thev.eto
compelled to drop her in self protection.
Miss Kllsworth r.imo hero six mouths ngo ,
nnd in that period lias boon suspected so.'oral
times nnd unestccl once hoforo this occasion.
She gotolt both times , but refused to disclose
her identity. When idcntitlcd tonight Miss
nilsworlb tearfully admitted the whole truth.
Thojoung ludy hub licon making 11 livini'
hero tialnod - . She la
ns n nut-so. twcmtv-ttireo
jcars of ago , tall nnd dark , with n pretty face
nnd lustrous brown eves She speaks French ,
( lormnn , Jtnllin mid Spanish Mticntly and
studied art In Naples for a season. She has
been tolOurone four times nnd talk * , on any
subject with intelligence.
It in Now tic ) Ladies' 'I urn.
Citu'Aoo. April ! ) . Thcro wns quite a
scone at tlio meeting of the executive com
mittee of the women's board of the world's
Mr commissioners today. Airs. I'ottcr
[ 'aimer , president of the board , is ex-ofllclo
irosidcntof the executive ) committee , and
: ho committee proceeded to complete its
nynmzatiou by the election of a secretary.
Miss S. O. Cook of Tennessee was choseu ,
jut Miss Phoebe CJo zens of Missouri , secre
tary of the board , claimed tint she jvas , ox-
otllclo seci-etary of the exociitlvo commlttoe ,
and ileclincdto jicld toMissCook. No argu
ment could move her , nnd the meeting nd-
iourncdvlth the matter unsettled.
The Stito Will .Now Got KVCMI.
ximvAi'OLis , Ind. , April 0. J cnion Uclu-
iiold , cx-constablo and an nttorncy , was or-
icstcd this afternoon on the chmgo of burg'
lary. Uurlnp the past month there have
been numerous Oaring burglaiica In this city.
Last week several of the gang wcio arrested
nnd ono confessed to tlio groudjury. Ho
implicated liuiiihold as the leader , saying the
latter directed all the robberies , Sevcra
wcoksngo Koinhold'swlfo coinrnittod suicide ,
and the account In the local papers reflecting
on l.elnhold's ' cruelty so angered him tlmt ho
oidetrd the gang to attempt to burglarize
the house of u city editor "to get even. "
Chicago' * G H Ti'UMt GUoH Up.
Ciiu-iao , April 9. The stockholdeis. of the
Chicago gaa company ( gas trust ) lnuo de
cided to buirondcr the charter and ask the
ridellty tru t company of Philadelphia
\\hichlioldsthoscouiltie3 \ of the various com
piuics in thu trust , to Ubuolts ccrtlftc.itcs to
the present stockholders of thdVna trust
which should cutltlo cacti holder tohUpn
nit.i propoitlon of the stocks of the govern
gns companies in the tuist subject to pledges
to secure bonds ThU action was taken as a
result ot tbo recdiit derision by the stnto supreme
promo com t declining It illegal lor the trus
in hold .shares of stock of the companies coin
prUlng It.
I > me
SOMKUSLT , Pa , April 0. The confessioi
was made public today of Uavo Nicely , who
with Ids brother Joe , wcra hungod for the
murder of n farmor. Dave said ho nnd 111
brother \\cro nttho farmer's house i\lth UI
Intontlnn of robbing \VMloholircdofTii
pistol with the Intention of scaring the in
mates , ho said ho did not shnot the farmer
While ho did not any as much , It Is though
that Dave Intended to convoy the Idea tha
Joe , his brother , committed the murder. I
will bo remembered Unit both mon died on
the gallows protesting tholr innocoucc.
I'ltinl Wreck \Vlsonnniii. .
MiiWAt'KEK , WB. . April 0. The engine o
the north-bound freight train on the Wlscon
sin road jumped the track near Vornoif thl
morniup. It tipped over , pinning dowi
hniflnoor Mc.Mulleii , Klroinan Mooru am
IJrakimuw pp. All were terribly scalded
Moore Is dead aim thoothcriarenotoxpoctc
I-ottcry Agent IMcndn Guilty.
Ciuc oo , April . -Albert I'ollak , agon
for the lottery scheme kuown as tliojlntorna
tlonat boml oxdmngo company of 1'coila
pleaded guilty to selling lottery tlokots todi
nnd was lined riOO and costs. The mane
wus paid at once.
liAli ,
Tlio Cnr Will Not Tolerate Italian Interference -
forence with His .chcmcs ,
V Itusnlnn .expedition Into
ttavitt OfTorn
Lo\r > ox , April . [ Special Cablegram to
TIIK Hen. ] A St. Petersburg dispatch sajs
that Itussla will consider ns an act of \\ar
any Interference by Italy with the Kusslnn
expedition , starting in three or four days
for Ahyislnla. Russia regards I'mperor
Monclok ns the Independent soveielgn of nn
Independent tuition and will tolerate no ob
struction In dealing directly with him. The
expedition Is under command of Lieutenant
Mashkoir , n very determined man of an ap
proved courage and powerful physique. Ho
13 thlrtvthreocarsof ngo and has served
two years in the army of the Cau
casus The .second In command
Is a monk named Tlkhou. The
expedition expects to bo nbout two months
on the journey to the headquarters of
Menolok nt Antogu. A substantial habita
tion will bo erected tl-cro for use duilncr the
lalnv season , and excursions will be made in
various directions to gather scientific ! facts
and make Iticjulrlos ns to the condition nnd
history of the people. The expedi
tion will remain Ilirco years In the
comitrv and innko nn attempt to roach the
pront lakes from a dlicctionnotjet attempted
by Europeans It Is this pail of the pto-
granimo that oAdtosKuglbh jealousy.and His
feared It m.iv lead to underhanded attempts
to Injure the expedition , or at least elofoatls
objects. Lieutenant , Muslikoft Is confident ,
ho\vover , thnt with the frioiidshlpjof Monolek.
which ho has every reason to oxpcct , ho will
bo able to resist nny hostile attack.
M" nn : t'f .H.w .vy.
Consittci.itlon ol' the Land Kill
C < iiimciiroel.
Anrll ' . . [ Special Cablegram to
BKU.J The house of commons nro-
sentcd nn air of liveliness this evening.
There wns u goodly muster of members on
the tranches nnd the gillorloscro -well
Jllled. All the Irish leaders -with the single
exception 'of Mr. Parnell , when the house
wns called to order , were In their places , an
unusual scene lately on the Irish h-inchc * .
Mr. Ohulstoiio occupied his accustomed scat
and presented n spruce appearance. Mr.
} ulfour was dobonilro mid simllntr , np-
iniontly happv In the thought of the house
laving nt lust wuhcd the Irish
and bill. Mr Unlfour's ' pleasant manner
was In marked contrast with the solemnity
lisplayed by the Irish mcmboM , who \vero
iffected by their knowledge of the difference
of opinion which existed In then ranks in ro-
: uul to the mcasuio , Mr. I'arncll and his fol-
oucrs fnvor'nga ' rapid passage of Iho bill.
3oth sides were prep irod to make a demon -
stntlon upon the Introduction Into the house
of the ne > w members for Ashton Munor nnd
North Sligo
During the proccedlncra this evening Mr.
rimothy Ilealv assailed Messrs Noliu and
riioma'jV Kussoll for supporting the gov
ernment maiiist the qulbbliug amendment
offeied by Mi * . Honlv.
The spinkor llnally put an end to the rnat-
, cr by calling Mr. Ilcaly to order foi prolU-
ty and Mr Nolan foi using unparliamentary
This little pissago foicshadowcd ninny
lassagcsof a similar nature in the future and
ividcmtlv afforded much pleasuio to Mr. Bal-
foui and his friends.
.Mr. Pnruoli nriivcd at a late hour. Ho
net Maurire Ilealv on entering the houso.
but did not speak to him.
"While in committee on tne Irish land hill
fowler ( liberal ! moved that the sahriesof
the land commissioners ho placed in the esti
mates and thciohy bo controlled by parlia
Ilcalv hold that the proposal waa n vltul
one. The government had rigged u p the com-
nmlon out of tory nominees and attaches of
-ho houboof lords , tlio permnncnt laudloids'
jarracks. The only chance tenants had wns
vested in the control of the commission by
Morley also spoke In favor of Pooler's mo
tion , hut it'was rejected 1S > 0 to 112.
Ihe Klllini ; of Qtilntnn.
SIMI.V April 9. A letter received hero
vesterday from the leader of the Manipuris
who ordered the massacre of Chief Commis
sioner Quint on and party atManipur , sajs :
The British tioops attacked the palace and
ni.issaered injoldicrs and also killed vvomon
and ehildrcn. In addition , they threw womou
and children into hauling houses and desecrated -
crated thn temple There fore wo killsd
Qulntqn and his party. "
Aclvicci nro received hero of the success of
the British force Manipur. The dis
patches siy that the M.iulpurls made u fierce
attack nppon the slander force of ( jhoorkas
commanded by Lieutenant Grant , which re
cently captuiod Foil Thahot , driving out nn
ovorivholining force of JSIanipurs at the point
of the bnvonet after plajing sad tmvooln
their ranks by a well dlicctcd rlllo firo. The
loss of tilncsincn In addition to the killing of
their leaders was very heavy. The dis
patches add that the much t.eoded rcmtorco-
monts have nrrivod at rortTlmbot. This ,
combined with Lieutenant Giaut's victory ,
hnsso disheartened the Munipuris that they
now announce that they are ready to recog
nize the authority of British ollleials Addi
tional troops are now on the way to Maiiipar ,
when the massacre of Ghorkas and the sub-
bequont fnto of Quintan and his partv will bo
thorouchly investigated.
The letter of tho.Manipur leader also con
tains the following : "I deeply icgrot the
and event , which was wholly duo to tlio rash
ness and Indlscictlon of British oftlcurs. "
A second letter has been received hero say
ing that the surviving Brltibh subjects , with
the exception of Ti clerk and the tntorpiotor ,
woio liberated hefoio the clomand made by
the Hritisli government for their release had
been received.
i\plnliiH. :
LOVDOV , Auril 9. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BEE. ] Mr. Davltt , in an Interview , has
explained at length his position with rngard
to the government labor commission. Ho
said ho neither wished nor sanctioned his
nomination to bo u inombcr of that
body. In fact , bo protested against
it to Mr. McCaithy , tolling him
bo wns sum ho would DO
i-ejfctod on the ground that ho wus a repub
lican who hud neon com luted of treason and
felony and Imprisonment. Mr. Davitt ue-
dared , however , that those loasons foi his
exclusion , as llttlo ns ho cnrcd for it , were all
baseless "W ith the expiration of thu term of
his sentence his legal penalties aim disabili
ties terminated , and \\asficolyandfully
restored to his rights as a subject in July ,
IbSI. The holding of republican principles
was not n constitutional bar to his appoint-
rncnt. The whole objection against him wns
political , nn < l con.vtiuontiy unconstitutional.
Ills rejection was Intended us an insult , hut
ho rogmded it as n compliment.
Grnnvlllo'K Iiattor.
LONDON' , April 9. A letter written by the
law T.ord Oranvlllo Is published today ,
which attracts some attention , The duto of
the letter and the name of the recipient are
both omitted. The letter roads : "Undoubt
edly wo agree inospcct to the action of the
president. It is not equally certain , however -
over , tint auv expression ot mine might not
help .Mr. Blalno quite ni much as Mr. Cleve
land. I ceo that the latter Is trying , not \ ory
successfully , to separate free trade for his
plau. "
Another Hint nt Oporto.
OroitTO , April 9. This city , roceatly the
scene of a violent republican outbreak , wns
today dlstuibed by republican rioters. The
trouble arose through the arrest during' n
fair of several thieves who were mistaken by
the crowd for roimolicau agitators. The
soldiers were forced to charge on the mob ,
injuring many. _
The Treaty wltn Spain.
MADIIIII. April 9. At the cabinet council
today Premier Costello lu formed the qucou
that be had sottloJ with General I'oator , the
prlnclpil point of the reciprocity treaty with
America affecting Cuba and ho hoped the
treaty of reciprocity botwrcn Spain mul
America might bo iiopotlatcd Inter. Gencml
Foster will leave Mkirlri next week.
MoCurtliSi orrVrs to Hoslgn.
LONDON , Aprffl 0 Justin Huntlv Mc
Carthy , membeyof pntllamont for Nevvry ,
has olTcred to rc/Un lils soalln the commons
In fuvorof Sh.uv II tlintgoiitloiiuiii will con
sent to resume his old posltlonns Irish leader.
Uollof I'liitd * . Dhertod ,
Dt-mtv , April -Vlicn l Lidy Zetland and
Miss Dalfour todiy J reached Clare In tholr
tour of aid dlstrlbiLlon , the Clare bonlmoti
presented aromnrkidjlendeircss , referring to
the diversions by unscrupulous politicians of
tlio funds sent freui America for the nsslst-
nnco of the poverty-stricken people of Iro-
land. '
Story of Her Incarceration
in an | MH.IIIO'A JUIII. |
N > .w YOIIK , April O.-Tho Herald will to-
morrow publish a stnrtlluff story rolntlvo to
the Incarceration of Ann * Dickinson , the
famous lecturer , In nn Insane asylum. It
says : "Miss Dickinson cnmo to Now York
today with Dr. Soivnrdof Gosh en , N. Y , at
whoso house she has been since
she escaped from Danville , April 2.
They came for ths purpose of apprising
Miss Dickinson's friends of Now York of the
uiom ; she had suffered and to secure legul
advice ns to the steps necessary to secure her
freedom if she loturncd to Pennsylvania. .
Miss Dlrklnsoii lays thoblnnio for her Incar
ceration upon her sister , whom she nc-
CHSOJ of Imrboilng an Intense fueling
of Jealousy mid hatred She also
licenses her sisters physician , Dr , Hllctnnn ,
of being in the plot against hor. She says
she was tauen by force front her sister's
house to mi asylum , she rcilstod until the
skin was totn fiom her arms und her gar
ments torn Into tags. "
Dr. SownrJ , It appears , becimo Itnformod
nf the facts and secuiod the icloaso of Miss
Dickcrson. Ito expressed himself entirely
conlldcnt of the sniiity of Miss iilcicursoii.
Miss Dickersou herself , when scon by a
reporter , was perfectly calm and rational.
She will prosi-cuto her sister for the mental
and physical suffering she has undorttone.
A ! TEXt fi 31 iniltfK Til I 'A /
Iividimco Thai \Voiild .lustify tlio
CrlinuorW. C. C Mh.
D\IIA , Tov. , April 0. [ Special Tolcgnitn
to THE Bn'.J The tilnl of W. C. Cash of
McKlnney , Tex. , for the killing ot IMwaul I.
Young is now on and excite ? great interest.
Fifteen lottchs written by Mrs. Cash were
Introduced ns evidence today , They estab
lished the fact that Mis. Casti nnd Young
ucroon tcims of criminal intimacy nnd are
crv damaging to the deceased. The defense
will endea\or to prove by oxpci-ts that Cash
was Insane when lie did tlio killlutr Mrs.
Cash , the divorced iUfo of the prisoner , Is a
witness for the defense Cash's ' wife wus
put on the stiind todiy , nnd her testimony
was sensational in the extreme Munv of
the letters thnt Ed Young v.'ioto to h 'r
while she llveu In Kentucky and before she
and Cash were divorced wcio produced and
lead In court , all of which bear ovlUenco of
having been concoiwd In the devilish
to trar Cash's lyifo from him and three
children nnd ruin his home. Ueg.udlng
Cash's ' moves bAforo ho killed Young at
Dallas early in February of this j cur , they
indicate tuat ho wa Insane ftotn brooding
over the wrongs Itillicted upon him.
isu :
Serious Itlot nt n Kiro in n Snuill
I'on IIH'V ! vnnlji I own.
WiiKK'.miiuE , Pa , April U. A serious
riot occurred at Kingston , across the river ,
this afternoon. Tho' ' local iiro brlg.ido wns
extinguishing a lire , when Mitchell Duffy of
Bdwaulsvlllo forced his xvav Inside the lines.
ThoHronien turned the hoao on him , where
upon a number of Edwnrdsvillo men tooic
a hand ami In n short tlmo twcnty-llvo men
Hero lighting with Hones , clubs , wrenches
mid ovjrytlung lhi t could bo found. Tbo
police came to the re > cuc of Ihofliomou and
luinforcomcnta arrivtcl from lldwaidsvillc.
The business men along the main street then
catnoto thu usslstancaof the policemen and
ilromon. After an hour's fight. Udwntdsvillo
wua put toiout. no tes than twenty men
having been badly Injured on each side.
Broken heads , noses and limbs kiipt the
doctors of both towns busy lor hours , and it
is thought two or tin co will die.
'CiiHli I'l-ircs Jiir li\\o \ Stock.
CHICAGO , Api 119. The executive committee -
too of the National Live Stock assochtirn
ted ay outlined the basis of apportionment of
cash prices for llvo stock at 42 par cent for
breeding rmgs for horses , 25 for cattle , 15 for
svvino , it ) for sheep and ( i per cent for poultiy
nnd pot stocks. Ono hunel rod thousand dollars
are set aside in the classilleatlon for pre
miums on rings and the remaining 800,110) ) for
priyes for individual animals on the same
basis The committee ruenmniends to the
managers of the world's ' fair to mnUo pro
vision for state exhibits of live stock and
that ttio programme bo ho arranged as to
make a continuous and interesting display of
livestock. Breetleis of farm animals mo
reeiucsted to take the necessary steps to
enlist the co-operation of thnir" respective
state boards of agriculture and legislatures.
Htockynr.lH Near inuinniitl Biirn'ng ,
CINCINNATI , 0 , April 0. The Union stock
yards , situated about four miles from the
center of thu city and covering about ten
acres of ground , are burning , The lire
started in the hay burns and has snreact to
thosheds and p4s. The largo pork houses
bnvo boon saved , hut tlio remainder of the
yard will go. The loss will reach $2il,000. ! )
GlfT\ntii ; Copji.Ulre Trust.
Piili.vnnii'iiu , April 9 The Record to
morrow will announce tno formation of n
gignntla copper wire trust consummated at
the meeting of the Plumbers' Copper Wire
association hold today , Thu plan is to con
trol the cntlro output of gcods nnd prices.
AVnrlil's I'nlr I > , roitir4 nioutoil.
CiiK'AOO , April' . An election was held
today for a board of directors of the world's
fair the oiiairing year. Without exception
the straight ticket us nominated waa chosen.
This means a continuance of the policy of
last j cat's hoaid.
A.wny witn llglitfl.
ST PAH , Mum. , April 0. The MoIIalo
bill , which prohibits the wearing of tights on
the stage In this state and compelling the use
of at least n short t > Uirt passed thosoiinto this
lllo.w O'lirilis Hnilim.
v , y. _ j , April 9. Benjamin
lliuton , n retired Uryjgoods merchant , blow
his brains out thi-4 ' morning. Deceased had
been suffering fronf the grip
. '
Rig Cotton I'll- * ; : it A.
.iltMiMiis Tonn' 'Aprll ' 0. The cotton
ahods of Hill , Kontajjio & Co. ciught llro nt
midnight and wiil'bwontirclv doatrojod , entailing -
tailing a loss of Jttri,000.
Eilalr'H Mode U'lll lie Thf re.
Cos-conn , N. 1 ' " , April 0. The senate
today passed the btjj appropriating $ - . - ,000
for the lopresontatipii of the state at the Co
lumbian exposition j < „
Niw Youic , April D. Gus Pnllllps , better
known to play-going people as "Oofly
Gooft , " Dutch comedian , Is dyiucr hero of
B right's disease.
hook One ( or a I'lo ' TriiBt.
Uouiir.Mows , Is' , J. , April 9. The cran-
bciry lauds hero aionilro A mile has been
co\crcd and the lira Is still raging.
Over a ? oto.
IM Hochshcliner was tirrostccl at 0:10 :
o'clock last r.lght by Court Oftlcor Koysor.
The prisoner is charged with forgery nnd the
complaint is filed hyltoboit I'rlco , a whole
sale butcher.
The trouble is about a note of Iloch-
shclmei's for ? IO , w hlch i'rlco held. The defendant -
fondant claims tlio note has htcii paid mid
Prlco snya noi In the meantiinollodishelmir
lunRuishes oculiicl the bun. Thu cnso will
bo hoard by tbo police Jud.o this mormug.
Interstate Convention of Miners nnd 0 pom-
tori Breaks Up in n How.
American FYilcrnlimi of Ijnbnr null
ICiilglitM of Imbor Will Aid
the G rr-nt SlriiKglo In a
I'liiniiolnlny. .
Paprll " . The Interstate
convention of minors nnd operators cnmo to
nn inharmonious cud suddenly this evening.
After a llorco battle of won ! s and opinion *
further tall : was declared nrolltloss and
adjournment slno die wns taken. Thl *
notion menus practically thnt the inter
state 9t agreement has been iibollshcd , nnd
the t amicable ami harmonious relations that
have 1t 1 existed between the two classes for
the t put fhoycnrs nro broken off nnd may
not 1 bo resumed It nlso mciiiis that 73,000
mine 1 workers In the Ohio nnd Penn
sylvania regions will quit work May 1 , af
fecting r > uo,000 persons directly and hundtcils
of thousands tmllioutly. As the mine work
ers of thn countrv will also demand an eight-
hem-day , continuation of wet It after May I
now seems nhnoit impossible. Two great
organisations the Knights of Labor nnd the
Atr.crlcan rocloiatlon of Labor nro back of
the men nnd their inoiicv will ho nt their dis
posal.W .
W P. Keml of Chlrn o wtMtlio only ono
of the operators favoring the eight-hour day.
Others said In substance that thoj could not
stand it , that the cost of production would
ho Increased by It , etc.
After the nd ( out ntncnt of the conference
the miners held n meeting and decided to
demand mi advance on May 1 equivalent to
1U cents per ton on the bisls of nn olght-
hout day , failing in which a .strike will
Late tonight some of the leaders of the
miners stitccl that tboy were satisfied the
riilhoads ol the country woio bick of the
operatois In their light aeaiust ttioeight-iour )
ino\cmcnt ; thnt the light would extend to
the railroads also Thoopciutors Hi a gen
eral way conceded that some wcstcin loads
wuio suppoitmg thu light against eight
hours , but denied any concerted move.
_ ' _ 7,1' U'l/,1 , A/tlllTJtATJK.
A. NP-V Deal to lie Tried In the
Colco .Strike.
Motv-r I'l.msvsT , Pa. , April 0. Interest
centered today lu the coroner's inquest ,
which reopened nt noon. So far nothing 1m-
poitant ' has been elicited. The
stiikers scorn to Invo lenowcd hopes.
The locltcd-out men hnvo been doing mls-
sioinry work and t hero nro less men ntworit
today than yesterday.
James AlcBrido , of the miners'executive
board , sav's information has been made
against Captnln Loir nnd some of bis
deputies charging them with niuidur. The
wairants will bo sorvcd todi } ' . Supoilnlon-
dcnt liamsay _ of the Morewood works com-
nicnccd scrvinpoviction notices this inoinlng.
The soldiers will not take any hand In the
evictions unless the strikers resort to vie
Tlio strike leaders have agreed to stand
nsldo and allowtho men to act independently.
\Vlth this cud in view u convention of strik
ers was called for tomorrow , the ob
ject being the appointment of a board
of arbitration , which will ask for
a conference v ith tbo operators usroorosont-
ntius of the employes and not as an orgnn-
This afternoon Captain Lear mid thirteen
cloputios were arrested on the chnigo of mur-
doraiul tikcn toScottdnlo. They uavo bail
for their nppoiuimco. The anostod inonworo
bioushthoio in squads and taken to the
squhus' olllco in as quiet a manner as nossi-
blo to keep the news from leaching the strlk-
oi8 A. larpo crowd gathered , hovovor , and
tlipsldeivalk and street fronting the ofllco
were soon a moss of humanity. The defend
ants waived sv hearing and they were taken
to the Eighteenth regiment camp , whore
they will tie carefully guarded until tomor
row The nofendunts aio not worried over
the ultimate outcome of the suits.
President ( import * Gnnlllont.
CHIC \no , April t ) . Samuel Gompars , presi
dent of the American Federation of Labor ,
arrived tlila afternoon from the wesf. In an
interview on the prospect of success in the
proposed domnnd for an eight hour day by
the minors of the country , hosaid ho has con
sulted with roptosontativo labor mon in all
sections nnd has been assured of the heartiest
support , both flnnuclnllv and in other ways ,
should the threatened strike occur.
Arliltriitlon Hoard Hoiinimei-d.
NEW Youic , April 9. At a mass meeting
tonight under the uusplcos of the Central
Labor union to take action on the .stand of
the innnufncturinp clothiers of Rochester ,
several Gorman speakers \oicod the anar
chistic sentiments. Uesoluttons were
adopted bltteily denouncing the state board
of arbitration nnd calling on the govctnor to
remove its members
Grnntl blaster Tlilnks the Switchmen
Will \Viit.
The Switchman's union held their regular
meeting In Central Labor hall list evening.
The mooting was. of course , n secret one ,
but Mr. Trunk Swcony , grand master of the
Switchmen's union , consented to make a
few statements to a Bci : reporter.
Mr. Sweeny said : "bomo time during
February wo instituted a ledge at Lincoln.
There were twelve of the switchmen in the
13. > t AI. employ who were chaitcr members
of the lodge. The rallioad ofllcials upon
he inn g of this ptoinptly discharged these
twelve men without giving any reason for
their action.
"This light was started hi * the non-union
men who wanted to join o'ir older , but If
they did , so would lose their positions
These men considered the matter of joining
lodges or boncllt societies puicly pci.oual
matters and refused to bo dictated to by the
B. & r I. management In that respect. The
consequence was the strike. From what I
hear I understand ourcausois spreadingand
It probably won't ho long before it will betaken
taken up by the switchmen of the other
raids , who will refuse to handle B. & M.
"General Manager Holdiidcro appears to
ho In sympathy \\lth ns as Inr as talking
goes , but his subordinates continue to dis
charge mon who Belong to or join either our
ledge or benefit ussoclntioii.
'Tho condition of affairs on the B. ft M.
s\stoni , is something horrible. Tlio breakage
in the yaids is awful and all caused bccauso
of the action of thn munagnmont , As it is ,
the don't for the '
men care conipinv't prop
erty and onU tiy to hold their places , Sev
eral freight conductors and urakcmcii at
Lincoln quit w oik today in sympathy with us.
"To my personal knowledge overtures have
boon mndo b ) the ynrainusti'M to switchman
to return to work , the only stipulation being
that they tcnvo the order. I think our cause
is rigliUmd I think wo shall win. "
A trio to the freight yards late last night
showed overi thing to ho quiet and a dctuch-
mcnt of policfi under Sergeant Whalcn on
guard In case there is nny troublo. No
tioublo Is expected , however , as the strikers
nro conducting themselves In a qulot , orderly
Yesterday morning ovm thing scorned to
bo moving along binoothly In the B. it M.
W. A. Austin , locil freight agent , stated
that no trouble hnd boon experienced In getting -
ting nil the men they wonted , and all the on-
Bines had full crows Ho wns at a loss to
account for the strike , as the mon had made
nodomand whatovoron thocotnpwy , norhnd
they made nny complaint. Thorolmd boon no
trouble , and n person not informed of the fact
would not huvo known any stilko had oc
Mr. Austin further stated very emphat
ically , in touly to a question , that there had
been no distinction ImUvoon union and non
union mon , When tbo reduction In
force took place thorn hud boon no men dis
charged in the Omaha yard.
Ono of Iho crossing flagman who has boon
In the employ of the road for some tlmo
stated that tun crews wor all filled , but
tboy were not doing us much woric as the
nld crows , and Iho jnrds wore fill
ing up rapidly. Ho did not know
why thu men had quit , ns ho hud
never hoard any complaints , but supped It
was out of sjinpathy with the men at Liu-
U.V. . Loomls , assistant general manager ,
sluteiMcry nosltlvcly thnt no Instructions of
any kind ha.tovor hoon l < siuxi to discrimin
ate botu ecu union nnd non-union men , Of
the men discharged during the general tc-
ductlon , not tnoro than diic-tenth were union
mon. The trouble at Lincoln , ho snld , was
only temporaiy and ovor\ thing \vas i milling
smoothly now.
Will Invi'Klliraui tnn lilni-nlii Sliikc ,
Uursnrnti , III. , April " . ( Iraud Master
U'ilklnson of the Hrotherhood of Hallway
Tralmnou , was tolcgranhed todiy to c-omo to
Lincoln , Neb , to lincwtlgato the Lrrluvntices
ot fwen members of the trnlnmon'a ledge
thoiv , discharged by the Ulilcaw , Burlington
& Qulncy for alleged sympnthv wtlh the
striking su Itch men , lie sent Vice urand
N'ewman ,
" \VIII MIKI CM ; ( "ompiny.
John VVhllo , the ninn who recently ob
tained -judgment in n Salt Lake com !
acainstth9 Union 1'acltlc for # 1,500 , , and who
wns nnestPil during the trial of the civil imso
and after want * taken to Ureon Ulvcronn rhargiug him with thu-nmrdor of
Hriikc'innn PutTnggart , In July last , returned
to Salt Laid.1 Thu w Jay , having been dis
charged from custody by thc > judge of the dis
trict court of Swcctwatcr county.
Wliitosnyshe was brought be fore tbo court
from d ly to day , and that thoaltoinos for
the Union Pacific were continually moving
for continuances on the ground that evidence
against him wns diily expected The
statement was made that thcro uns
a mnn In the Texas penltentiaiy who saw
him push Tuggiuthotn the train ami that ho
was comlncto testify. This fivcowv-kopt
up until Wednesday morning , \\hcn the
court announced that ho wns exceedingly
wonrvof the matter and that In Ills opinion
the whole business was n put-up job nnd that
theio wns no cause foi * holding the man Ho
thoiefore discharged him
\Vhltosajsthnt while at CJrceti Hi\or ho
secured evidence tint the Union Paclllo mil-
way romiany was at the bottom of the whole
ninttor , und ho no\v \ proposed to sue It for
$45,000 damages for false Imprisonment.
AVII.IJ nxTi < ; M > TIII. .snxtnus.
Long XcoiliMl tiiiprinunuMilH Ilceiiloil
" "
Upon l''a\irnllj.
Nine members of the council mot lust nly lit
with City 1'ngincor Till-on nnd Clnlrmnn
nirkhatiscrand Mijor Furay of the board of
public works nnd dlscussod for two hours the
plans for pavinj * and sewer extdnslons to bo
mndo during the comini ; j oar.
The need of liberal extensions of the sewer
system ivas advocated hy nil of the official1 *
present , nnd it was finally atrreed that bonds
for ? 100OOJ for so\\or extensions nnd ? T > 0OW )
for paving should bo voted.
It u proposed to extend the North Omahl
sewer from Twenty-seventh across Thirtieth
streets ; improve the outlet of tbo Jones ,
Chicago und Cunting stiect sewers , staita
now sewer near Vlnton street from Ninth to
Sixteenth und extend the Twenty-lint street
sow or.
< LVA J'A ' . . ' .M/i'A'l.S.
The Pay ton comedy company will appear
In "JoinVhltcomb" at the Giand this oven-
In f. The audiences have been steadily in-
cioasing as the week passes on , showing that
the good work done tiv the company is ap
preciated. The' admission is 10 , ' . ' 0 au < 4 .11) )
On Sunday afternoon and evening , the
big new burlosciuocompmy , all ladies , will
ho nt the Grand ,
Claims a Dig Ij isq.
A Mr. Marks , stopping at the Casey hotel ,
reported to the pollco lust evening tlmt ho
had olthor lost or boon lobbed of a wallet
containlngnotes tothoamountof $1,300. Also
a certificate of deposit for ST > ,001 on the Na-
tlonnl Uankof Cominoicc. iJoth the notes
and the coitilicato were piablo to Mrs ,
I'm kcr.
-Ir , Marks claims that the wallet was lost
some tlmo Wednesday night.
"Up to midnight last night the pollco hnd
not discovered any trace of this picclous
U'niitPil in Sioux rity.
While Beverly Holds , m all round profes-
sionnl crook , wns wandering along Twelfth
street lar.t night ho met Detectives Snvngo
and Dompsoy. The meeting was n sad ono
for Uoverlj. lor ho wus taken Into custody nt
once and placed in cturanco vile at the city
iriclds is wanted in Sioux City for n bui- '
glari committed last Novombei In tint oity.
Thi ) chief of policy of Sioux City was notilled
by telegraph last night and the prisoner w 111
be hekl as a suspicious character until the
Iowa oflicors arrive.
1'rculiHiH i ro > ln.
33d. Gamble and 13d Co won woio taken
in to custody by the police last night on gon-
cral principles. Doth men nro croo'ts ' from
abroad. Gimblo hails fiom Kansas City und
Cowon from Clilcairo. Neither of the men
had been in town three hours befoio they
were given the best cell nt the police station.
Tbo charge U suspicious characters. Tlio
pollco thinlt tho-iiiou aio hotter olT locked ut >
than i mining atlaivo.
KeMirrr-ctltij ; the IHorrlslto.s.
Four men and two women sat In a small
room in the rear of the second lloor of
Academy Hall , on Mission sticot , Sin Ifian-
Cisco , nnd listened to Hov , .fnmo ? Dove bx-
pound tbo gospel nccoidlng to the tenets of
the Arn.yof It > rael , of which hois the lender
on thu Padllc const. At homo length ho
oxphlned the simple faith taught by the
Itodecmor , and roterrod to the woiks ot the
nposiles in following the instructions of the
Nu/ari'iie. Tbo speaker paid omo attention
to the prusnnt popular methods of Inculcating
lellglon. and hoped for a loturn of the people
to the wa\s practiced Christians James
Dove , the son of the acted preacher , delivered
a piMor at the end of his father's lominks ,
and after thn singing of sen-oral hymns tin )
clergyman pronounced a benediction , am !
thcso local pioneers , of the Army of fsiacl
disnorscd. The Doves , who are hi this way
enucavoiingto gain recruits to the At my of
Israel , aiorellrts of the Morrlsltos , who. In
the early sixties , riimo lu conlllnt with the
followers of Hrlghun Young In Utah Thov
snvthoy do not pioaeh anew faith , nor iio
they attack ox Klin p ones , hut they nold
thnt Christhmiu should bo taught strlrtly
Uon ) ) the texts of the Dlhlo , wnlch Is theit
gnldmi'o. They nro nt Issue with in my ex
isting things in tlio Christianity of the da } ,
nnd hope fora lutnrn to the simple mnrlicos
taught by the Kedoomor. Tlio Army of
Israel wlllcontlnuo to hold mootiims , as the
Doves , father and son , iy thov uio dolei-
ininod in their woric of reformation
I'hiM'ul Itrntn.
"Bears make good i > ots , " said Lieutenant
Clmk. "When 1 was In the ruvunuus.rvica
nt Alaska wo Had onu on the boat and ho
made things hum Wo named him Wliioskn.
Ho used tocllrnhlo the cross-trees , going up
hand over bund by the ratlins. Ono day ho
ventured out on the yard-arm and thuru ho
Htnycd.Vo haJ to got n rope and haul him
dow n , "When wo vvuro in the cabin ho would
backdown the companion-way andromoto
us for his moss of Kiog. Ho dcaily lo\od
rum nnd niolnsses Oncu \aultedovor the
hoadof our Chinese cook and wont Into thu
lockers , whoru ho helped hlmsnlf to biign1
and DtittorVo hnd a tackling mulofor
him , much thu same a.s uliarueviuf < i pi t
pug , and wo would drop hint ovorooatd , \ \ itlt
a iojio attached , to toKe his bth. Or v lu >
landed lu nnatlvn boat and nuirly filghtoned
thnocrupanls out of their wits , Ho was as
plufill ns a kitten , and , although ho finino-
timo-t dlsoboyod , ho was never tioachonius
01-unkind , Wlicn ho wus lost or hid himself ,
as ha often did , vvo would look In the clnrK
tillvvosnw two llttlo balls of llro. The < o
were his eyes , npd gave him awny every
time. "
( loial * AfHV.
Aunty -Did thu dentist glvo you laughing i
ILlttlo I
Llttlo CJIri Yci'm.
"Dleln't It mnko you fool llko Ifttitrhllig ! "
"Yc-'w.-aftejrtho tooth was out. "
OTITPP / Avrnr'pp
A Convention of Great Iiiiporlnuca to Ojin-
moroinl Oirclos.
Noii-l'm-ll-mii and I'ollllont
nlou Not I'crnilttiMl I'romiiumt '
aipti of thn Nation Will )
Will I'nrllolpide.
Kvv\s Ctrr , Mo , Ap-ll " . [ Special to.
Tnr llii * I Although n woekls ol to olnpto
before the llrst woslern states commercial
concioss will convene In this city , there Is
every prospect tlmt the mooting will ho the
most successful of the ktiul over hell In thu
United Status. 'Iho eoirospondliigseerclmy
is In receipt of acceptances from u hrjyo pro
portion of the luvltntlons sent ont.t nnd
nmoni ; these who \\ill DO hero niosoinoof
the foremost men of ttio eountty In com-
niorcliil niiii olllclnl circles. Many of the
inoio prominent mon who hnvo been Invltcul , f
and who hnvo not yet accepted or derllnofl ,
have Riven their nssuranco th it they will brt
hero If it I * possible to nrrango to eomo. The
fact that the convention Is to bo pmvly non-
pirttstin lint hnd much to do with the remit-
IICMS with which the country 1ms taken it up
Noiolltlcal discussions \vlllbo poiinittoil
Kvciy subject to ho discussed is 010vhlih
intciesta tlio tiertli nnil-south and the east
and wi'sl alike , Congressmen from ( lootgla ,
Alnhnnin , Aiknnsus , Kontuclty , Tenncsioo
and other southern states will discuss tlio '
topias proposed with congressmen fiom llh
nols. Wisconsin , -Iowa , Kansas nnd other
northern states
Ijiieouraglng letters have boon locelvod
fiom Congiossmaii ( Jilsp of ( ieotgla , Hon.
DeiiJainluUuttervvottliorOlilo. Hon Hdwaul
AtJlilnson of lioston , lion 1' .1 il ndcison ,
chalimnu of the house cominlttco on i Ivors
und hailwrs : ( . 'ovcinor Steel of Oklahoma.
A. M. Oockrov of Missouri , lion Uou M
Dickinson of Mlclilgnn , Secretary of the In
tprlor NoMe , Congressman Halter of Kansas ,
Secieturv of the Treasury I'ostor , Cemgress-
inanMcCie.iri , Hon. James C lllalno , Hon.
I' It Uroc'Uenridiro of Arkansas , Hon.
Ch ulus Fi.incls Admm ol Hoston nnd scoios
of others of a like chnrietni. A mijorltv of
these Kcntlciiion will bo hero in ponon , and
will contribute pit pert to the programme
Thoie ot thorn whocniinob bo hero will send ,
or linyi ) nhu.idv sent , papers to HID coiro-
spomling scciotnry to bo rend bvfoio llio
moetlm * .
In u communication todnv , Hon Benjamin
Huttorvvorth of Ohio said that ho would bo
delighted to address the congress on the
topic of "Reciprocity nnd more IXtonslvo
Tiido Kelntlons hotvvcon the United Sfitos
and other Nations " The indications now
mo that theMO will bo numoious pipers on
each of thou ) subjects Mriijjiitlon of Arid
L-uiils , " "Unlfouu Laws , "
"Iteclprocllv and liilcnintlonnl Trade IX-
tonslon , " "Tho Indian Question nnd Opening
of Indian L'lttels. " "Ti.msportation und Im
provement of * iitarwnys , Luke , ( ! ulf ami
Pncltlo 1'orts , " "Imiiilifratloii and Sottlo-
nient of Unoccupied L.uuls , " "Cause nnd
1'.fleets of Uusincss ( Jonibliintions und
Tinsts. " All of the other subjects on the
IHOj-ranimo will bo discussed nt length , the
secictaiv being nd vl cd already ofnuineiotis
paiori | beinn prepared unon the topics.
The appio.ichlnir week % \til probably finit
the list of acceptances by prominent people
quadrupled ll ia expected that nt leist
threo-fomths of these who have in yet been
tnnblo to decide either way. will Hnd It possible
sible to bo proscnt. Aside' dotn those , tliciu
will bo numerous acceptance i fiom thoau
who hnvo lately locclvcd invitation nnd win )
have yet , to bo Invited The local committees
are working hind on airangomonts nnd aio
using their best endeavors to tea no
pio.nmciit thinker of the country will ho loft ,
uninvited This inoutlng is to uo ono of the
bialns of the United States It will unques
tionably bo the most brilliant assemblage of
business men that has como together for
lion , ndwnul Atlt inson , nn eminent Jinan
clci of Uoston , Ins sent to Sccrotaij Kitihlo
the followInir resolutions , vvlth a roqnnstthit
thov bo niescntcd to comjross , in event that
ho Is utmtilo to bo heie In puison :
"Resolved , That tlie mint of the Utiltod
States should bo open to frco coinage of dol-
lais or multiple's of dollai- made clthci of
silver 01 of Rold , with the enstoin uy niopor-
tion of alloy reiiulroet to hntdcn the coin
"Uoaolveil , That the legal leneleract of the
Unllod St lies should bo so uinundod ns to
piovldo that in all contiucts or ngrccmonU In
which the simple word'dollars' is expressed
the dollar Implied by that ngrconicnt shnll bo
trie dollar miiilo of Hold , and that such eon-
tiacts in which the simple word 'dollnr' ' is
expiesscdshull bo e-nfoicoil in dollars made
of gold or the equivalent thereof.
"Resolved , T hat nil con tracts or ngi cements
forthc payment of uiAncy undo In express
terms of sl'vcr ' dollaisshall bo onfurrod In
all courts bv the payment of silver dollmsor
the ciiiihiilont thereof
"Hcbolved. That thouurchaso of silver for
eolnnpe Into dollars at the co < t of the Kovern-
moiit should cease. "
Ills oftlclally understood that the following
named vvoll linovvn gentlemen , not to speak
ofothoisnot heard "from , wilt nddiess the
congress :
Hon. John M Allen , Mississippi ; Hon.
Thomas 13. Patterson , Colorado , Senator
1'luinb , ICiinsns fJovcrnor Huiiiiliioy | , ICau- ; Governor I 'i nils , Missouri ; .ludjr j Llnd-
soy , Kentnckvimtor Teller , Colorado ;
. .fucL'oV. . G. Wood. Niishvlllo ,
Teiiu. : ox-Uovernor Itohiiisou , Kan-
has ; General C. W. Illuir , Missouri ; Hon.
.fcny M Husk , secretary of ngiiculiuro ;
.ludgi ; Cai'vvell ' Yoamitn , Colorado ; Hon II.
K Tlutiber. New York ; Prof. 1 \ J V. Slciff ,
Colorado , Hon Holmes Cummins , Tennes
see ; Senator Cockrcll , MissouriHon. ; . M ,1.
llryon , ToniicsseoTliiimas.r Iluilov , Texas ;
lion C , 1Orlsp , CJooigin ; Hoi. J.imo ? 15.
McCreirv , Kontueky , lion. William .linker ,
Kansas ; Colonel .lay L Torroy , Missouri ;
Judge ) , f. M. Thlirston , Nubias'lcu , lion. S A.
Thoinpsoii. Duliith ; .Senator Vest , Missouri ;
EraatusViiiim , Now Yoik ; Hon. II M.
Youtnnns , iMichlifunj lion , II. U Idlly ,
Kansas ; General Joseph Wheeler ,
Alabama ; Hon. ( iootgo If , I'uck ,
Kansas , Hon , It. T , Vaiilloru , Mls'-ouri ;
Senator StovMirt , Novnda ; 1'iof John II iv ,
K.uisas , lion ' ( J. Hemy , lion. Hunjnuiln
Huttorvvorth , Ohio. Hon C. 11. Itroukon-
ildgo. AiKinis.vs , lion AV .1. Ihyan , Kc-
bi.nlc.i , lion J ( J. ItuaowsMichigan , , Hon.
I ) A. WoArmond , Missouri , Hon. I nallus
Oonnollv , Mlnnasotit ; .fudge .1. .S JCmoiv.
Kansas : Colonel A. C Tislt , Coloiado ; lion.
( iuoiKOV \ dntdnot , Clovolnnd , O. , Colonel
Joseph Ilodtfson , Aliibima , Hern Alhoit ,
llend , iown. Jii'lKO Wldney , CiilifOrnii ;
Uoiitonnnt. < 'tov ( > rni > iliM.iiiiiU | , Ohio ; lion.
S A. Kanise-y , Soutli Dnlcotn , Hon. Ovvon
.Scott , Illinois , t'oveinor bti-ol , Oklahoma ;
Hon. W Ton.v , AiUmisus , Soiiatoi1 Puffer ,
< > flor ( lie ) KIIISH 'Ililove .
Judno Hi'lsloy was occupied ycstonlav
nftornoon lu iR'.irint : the cases .ivalnut tnu
men chnigcel with stiallng Union I'nclllo
eintss McICImilo and Unvls wtio bound
over to the district cojrt in the tium of 100 ,
nml ehurgedvlth Krunil luiccny Wapncr As
lirlggs woru ditchnigod , thuru not bcliiK
oiioiiKh ov Idc'iii'o to conviut Ilium
As a
Ills 1 es t not tit atlM'iiiit I" iiiucd ) costlvc-
iifiii IP ) the no ; of s.iliiu ) or ilr.istlc pnrga-
thus , \\lion \ \ nc..tli.ullc : iiicdlolni'HiiciMliMl ,
the most P' ' 'apt and liuniDrhil li Ayor'i
rills. lf \ olfc'Pt Is to ri'stnro Ihi1 rogtnar
action of .liu hovvcli , without niiiKcnlii
them. ) 'i > lnt ;'dllicso I'llU ii-talu
their mcdlrlinl virtues for n loii lime , and
uro uasj tu l.iKo.
" J can ri'commend Ayor's J'llla above nil
nthpr" , li.ivlng IOIIK pmveid Ihclr > aluo as a.
iaiiiulcforrnjelfiunH.uiill : ] ) . llcss ,
J.oltlisvlllc. 1'a.
" In I M , liytho ndvlrcof nfrlenrl , ! begin
tno IHU ( if Ajcr's I'llli as a remedy for bll-
IOIIKIII I , cMiiiitlpatlon , 1 1 lull fevers , and
nilds. They setM'il mo better than anything -
thing I hid pivvlouslv tried , ami I have und
tliem In attacks til that soil ever since. "
II. W. lltr.sli , Jiul.oiih , Ark ,
Ayei-'s Pills ,
rnnrju-o cr
DR. T. 0 , AYEU & CO. , Lowell , Mum ,
.vld by all IH'lcrs In VciUcUu * .