Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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r > cllvr > icd \ > y Carrier In any part of thoClty.
11.V. . TILTON - - - MANAUEH.
IluslnoM Oftlco , No.13. .
Nltjht Kdltor. No. 23.
N. V. I' . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , conl ,
Craft's chattel loans , SW Sapp Work.
( icnulno Hock Springcou ! . Thatcher , 1C
Knrly Ohio seed potatoesfor sale by T. J.
Clnrk , HO 11 roadway.
Mrs. N. A. Taylor is reported seriously 111
at her residence on Glen avenue.
Ttia ( Irand hotel will bo opened for tlio
necoimnodatlon of thu general public tills
Huns Hanson and Annlo Madison , both of
this city , wuro married yesterday uftcrnoon
by JuMtico 1'atlon.
\V. K. Utiambers will Rive a dancini ! party
this evening nt thu Royal Are.iimra bull In
tljij ShugnrtUcno block.
The Married Ladles' Social society will
myot tills afternoon at tlio rcslitonco of Mrs.
F. H. Warner , fi I , " ) Washington avenue.
The Uttlo Trinity Sunbeams will give i
soclnl tomorrow m'onlng at Trinity Meth
odist church. All their frleiuls are invited.
A plat was filed with the county recorder
yesterday of Ilonjnmhi's subdivision of the
town of Avoca. The grantees uro R mid J.
V Honjainln.
Tlio Fifth Avcnuo Methodist church has
secured Hon. John M. Thurston fornloeturo
on Mny ! . Ills subject Is to bo "General
Grant' and the plnco of the lecture will bo
the Masonic toinplc ball.
Patrick \Vliito , ono of the Insane patients
who lint been In conllncnipnt lit St. Itcrnnrd's
hospital , died yesterday afternoon at 1
o'clock of la Hiippo. The funernl arrange-
mcnts have not been made.
At the littt meeting of the Council BiulTs
Mowing associatlnn the following hoard of
directors was elected for the ensuing year :
0. 1 { . JlmmoM , Clmrlcs Ueno , Harry ilaas ,
Dr. Soybert , C' . U. Heed , J. N. Bowman and
F. A. Jluckman.
Hov. G.V. . SnyOcr will conduct the open
ing services of the English Lutheran church
which he is organizing , next Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock In the Young Men's Christian
association rooms In the Morrlnm block. Ho
will bo pastor of the organizations hero and
at Enterprise. He will rosldo with his fam
ily at 111 ! East Pierce street.
Tncro will bo n reform convention held in
Atlantic on Wednesday , April ay , at 1 o'clock
In tlio afternoon , for tlio of eluding
delopiUcs lo the Cincinnati , convention , to beheld
held May 1'J. All Industrial organizations
will send two delegates each , and two dclo-
patcs nt lar o will bo sent from each county.
The convention is to be held for the purpose
of uniting these who hcliovo in independent
action , in politics , for the coming campaign.
An attachment suit was commenced .In
superior court yesterday by Forrest Smith
and N. Schurx against K. C.'Hnrrls and Mrs.
H. C. Harris. Tlio plaintiffs claim Hint they
had a contract witti the defendants by tlio
terms of which tlioy wcro to soil a piece of
land , for which they were to receive n com
mission of ? lf > 0. They claim that they have
performed their of the contract , lint
the defendants rofnsii to piy : up. A writ of
attachment wns Issued on the piece of prop
erty in question.
Thomas Hatcholor commenced a suit ; in
superior court yesterday to replevin n team
of horses , a double harness and a wagon
from Oliver Hamilton. Tlio suit grow out
of a neighborhood quarrel , which was in
dulged in by tlio parties a few days ago ,
which resulted la the arrest of Hamilton on
n cliiu-Ko of larceny. Tlio complainant
brought In his evidence , but after bo had
Oono so cnmo lo tbo conclusion that Jio had
failed to make a cus < i against tbo defendant
nml dismissed the suit.
Maria C. , the fourteen-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs , IMVA Johnson , Oiod yesterday
morning at f > o'clock , of diphtheria. The
funeral will take plnco ut 1(1 ( o'clock this
morning from the family residence , 810
Eighteenth avenue. Mr. Johnson has been
the victim of crcnt misfortune during tbo
ft last two weeks. On the ! ! 0th of last month
ho lost another daughter , and bis two sons
nro now 111 with the same dread dlscnso thnt
has already created two vacancies In his
home clrclo.
A complaint was received yesterday In the
oftlco of iho attorney qnncral with reference
to what appears to no a somewhat crooked
transaction In land In the northwestern part
of Council muffs. C. K. lirown , tbo com
plainant , was imlucml to pay $ . " 0 for a lease
of fifteen acres of land ncnr the mouth of
Big Inhe. Tlio land was pointed out to him
by the lessee , whoso name was Quick , and ho
proceeded to build Ids house. Ho afterwards
Investigated , nnd claims ho found that tbo
plcco of land which ho had leased on the
theory that It contained fifteen ncres , was in
reality much smaller thnn that , as the river
had eroded thu rnst of tbo section , nnd the
Inrper part of the land which ho thought ho
had Ruined possession of wns in Nebraska ,
and was not Included In bis Icani at all ,
Tbo following cases of measles wcro re
ported ycstcrenv : Clnrlhcl Chambers , ill ! )
.First avenue ; Clarence Empkie , Sixth street
between Sixlh and Seventh avenues.
The Hussoll special trnln arrived as per
schedule time yesterday atturnooii at 4
o'clock , and attracted n great deal of atten
tion. It comprised twenty-live cars loaded
with throshrrs and traction engines and one
box car tilled with sunpllcs for the agencies
in the west. The cars were nil furnished by
the Chicago , Hurllngton it Quincy people
and were all of uniform slzo with air brakes
and Jenner couplings. They will run
through to 1'ortlaiid , Ore. , without unload ,
ing. Tlio tram was under the rlmrgo of II ,
M. Matthews , general agent of the Burling
ton ut IMUsburg. President N. S. Kusscll
and Secretary C. M. Kusscll of the Kussoll
manufacturing company , accompanied the
trnln from Masstllon , O. , to Council Iluffs ! ,
nnd will remain hero today , tlio guests of
( jonornl Western Agent E. C. Harris. Tlio
train was consigned to the Union 1'aclllc last
mt'ht and will make daylight runs through
The finest display of onyx fast black
[ islory Is to ho found at tlio Boston store ,
uncll Hiufta , this week. All grades , from
lie cheapest to the llnest silk.
,1 ,
, Prs. Woodlmry , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
ill t to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
ilo work u specialty.
/ > / ; 1'AitAtsn.t.i'us.
qulro Higgs Is reported as being qtilto ill
A. Wlckliam left tor Denver yesterday
afternoon over the Union Pacillc.
Tbo Misses May Campbell and Blrdio
Douglas of Missouri Vnlloy nro the pucsts of
Miss Maude Young , ' , ' 17 South First struct.
Bert Arthur , who has beep In Now York
city for several mouths past , Is in tno llluffs
visiting his parents , Mr. and Mrs. J H.
Arthur ,
K. C. Brown leaves today for Hot Springs ,
Ark. , on a health seeking trip , intending to
remain there until the weather is a Uttlo
moro fnvornblo for a western trip.
Prod M. I.oomls has resinned his posit ! -x
as cashier for the linn of David Unulley
Co. , and has accepted ono with tboVobb
Mercantllo agency. His headquarters w.
bo In the Sapp building ,
Superintendent Sawyer of the city schools
has gouo to St. Joseph , Mo. , where lie will
visit tlio public schools of that place. Ho
will return by the wav of Onmhn and Sioux
City the latter part or the week.
Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crock
ery , in endless variety on easy payments ut
Mandcl & Klein's.
V Seed oats , com , millet nnd seed potatoes ,
gnrdcn seeds of ail kinds , ut II. L. Carman's ,
WK ) Main and 501 Pearl streets.
Ladles' Jersey vests , 8 } o each , nt the Bos
ton Store , Council Bluffs.
Halrd opens up his mammoth sodn fountain
tomorrow ,
All Chinosu goods at half price at Jim
Lung's ' , UuS Broadway.
Curtain poles with brass llxturcs and all
complijto , IVo each , at ttio Boston Store ,
Couucil Bluffs , tuis
Question of Oaring for Oounty Patients
Becoming Slightly Involved.
What the DifTeroiK.'c ttettrcon the
Amount * to K.v-
picsslons of Opinion
on Itotli Sides.
Mrs. , T. C. Atkins , Mrs. L. W. Ross nnd
Mrs , Oeorgo i'hclps appeared before the
county supervisors yesterday morning to re-
moiistrato against the treatment that had
been received by t'jo Woman's Christian as
sociation hospital In regard to the treatment
of county patients.
Several months ago a contract was entered
Into by the supervisors with the Slitcrs of
Mercy , by which It was agreed that all the
patients whoso cnro devolved upon the
county should bo cared for at their hospital ,
at the uniform rate of i per week for those
patients requiring medical treatment , and fJ
per week for nil others. The representatives
of the Woman's Christian association
hospital claimed that in Justice tliey should
receive an equal shnro of tbo county patron
Supervisor Graham did most of the talking
for the board , nniJ Mrs. Atkins for the hospi
tal. Mr , Gr.iham stated that at tbo same
time when hodrewitp the contract which had
been signed by ttio Sisters of Mercy , ho had
drawn up n similar ono for the Christian as
sociation , It being the intention that the two
organizations should share the work equally.
Hut ho claimed that when the contract was
presented to the olllccrs of the Christian hos
pital for signatures , they refused to sign it
unless n provision should be Inserted releas
ing them from the care of any patient who
had sc.irlet fever or diphtheria. This pro
vision the supervisors refused to make , and
as thoSlster.1 signed the contract without any
reference to privileges of that sort , all the
work was turned over to them , and has been
done by them over smoo. lie stated that
any time the l.idleiof the Woman's Christian
association were willing to sign the same sort
of a contract as had already been signed by
the Sisters , the county stood ready to dlvldo
Its Tmtrnniiirn.
In tbo afternoon the sister superior of St.
Hcrnnrd's hospital was before the super
visors. Slio was told of the request of the
Christian association for a shnro of the-
patients , nnd was arkod what she thought of
it. She replied that she thought the asso
ciation ought to sign the snmo contract that
she hlid signed. The policy of the county had
always been to treat tbo two Institutions in
the same way , nnd if the Woman's Christian
association wore allowed to do a part of the
county work without taking care of the cases
of diphtheria scarlet fever , she would
aslc for the same privilege. She did not
bluino the lailios at nil for not wanting to
take care of the patients who allllctcd
with contagious diseases , they had families
to tuko care of , but at the same time she
could not consent to any cnauuo In the plan
whereby she should have the contagious
diseases nnd the other hospital therest.
Considerable ; discussion was had over the
question , but tlio supervisor. } evidently
thought ns thoslster superior dla , that it was
not right to' make ) any discrimination in
favor of ono hospital or the other. It was
the opinion of those present that the ar
rangements for the cnro of the county stoic
wore better now than they ever had been be
fore , and it would not ho wise to mnko any
change whereby thu cases of contagious dis
eases should bo thrown out of doors without ,
a place to go. Tlio subject will come up for
further consideration today.
The question of the right of way for the
Council HlulTs street railway company to tho'
Chautnuqun grounds was taken up ana the
petition was grunted.
A ballot was taken on the ofllco of overseer
of the poor. There wcro but two candidates
in the Hold when It carne to u vote , J. L.
Forman nnd D. K. Doason. Ono ballot was
taken , Formaii receiving four votes and Dod-
son one. Formaii was declared elected anil
will take chnrgo of the oflico on his tiling a
simsiuciory oonuviui uiu uuuiuir in uio
sum of $3,000 for tbo proper discharge of his
thA resolution was passed on the death of
i no former overseer , M. D. Hardin , signify-
fog the respect of the members of the board
o r the deceased , and extending sympathy to
tbo family and friends ,
Supervisor Graham nnd County Attorney
Organ were appointed a committee to look
tip the records and lind what property there
Is in the county owned by the insane patients
now bolng cared for in St. Bernard's hospi
tal , which would bo liable for the support of
the owners , who are now being supported at
the expense of the county. They were auth
orized to begin proceedings against such
property at once.
For a flno drink go to 13aird's tomorrow ,
fi'JU Broadway.
Wall paper.
3c n roll , Boston store ,
Council Bluffs.
Curtain poles with brass fixtures and all
complete , lOe each , at the Boston Store ,
Council HlulTs , this wook.
Their Fnvnr.
Manager A. S. Hnzolton has heen talking
\ylth tlio ilissntlslicd property owners along
the proposed Cbautauqua motor line , and
claims helms been promised the consent , of
many of thorn to have the motor line built ,
provided tbo city will pay all damages which
may result to their property on account of
the widening of Kidgo street from Pierce to
Canning street , from fifty to sixty-
six feet. They claim that they
labored utidor u misapprehension ns to
the wanta of the association. They thought
that they were to give up a slice of their land
on tlio east side of the road , to inaka a street
for the city , without n prospect of receiving
anything in return except the benefits of hav
ing n motor line running past their houses.
They have been assured that they can re
cover damages from the city , and they are ac
cordingly beginning to look with moro fnvor
on the scheme. Tlio widening of the street
has already been ordered by thocitv council ,
nnd thosuvroyor has gone to work making
tlio necessary surveys , so that the property
owners nro comparatively secure.
Air. Hnzolton states that he is very much
pleased with the prospect fur having a motor
line built nnd put in running order before
the coming assembly season opens. The motor
company was to have had a meeting yester
day for the purpose of acting upon the propo
sitions which have been made to it bv the as
sociation , hut on account of the inability of
the members to got together it was decided
to postpone the mooting for a few days. It
Is stated Hint It will be held before the cloo
of the present week , Tin most strenuous
ellorts uro being inado by the association to
have iho motor line notion in readiness by
the lost of June , ns It is a conceded fact that
upon this depends In a largo measure the
success of the enterprise.
Our line of carpets niii parlor furniture
will bear Inspection. Wo claim the largest
stock In the city. Mandcl & Klein.
Opaque felt window shades Me each , with
llxturcs ami all complete , at the lioiton
Store , Council UlulTs , this week.
Charged with Forgery.
Herman Motrgrr Is in the city Jail on n
chnrgo of forgery. There has been no In
formation tiled against him yet , ho being
booked with vagrancy. Ho was arrested by
Ofliccr Uiywlck nt the request of Jacob Nou-
mayr , proprietor nf Neumayr's hotel. It is
alleged that Molrgor has boon stopping at tha
hotel for some time past. The proprietor
nskcd hint to sottlu , but ho stated that ha
was out of funds. In order to save himself
from being hurried unceremoniously out of
doors , ho produced an order which ho claimed
Ciinio from Thomas Tostovln , the city sur
veyor , nutnorlzliiK the proprietor to board
Motzgcr for any length of tliuu and look to
Toatovlu for tils pay , Upou Investigation ,
Ncumayr found that the paper was a very
poor attempt at forgery , the writing not re
sembling In the least that of the surveyor ,
nnd the first immo of the signer being spelled
Incorrectly , 'Iho case will bo tried before
JuOgo Mctloo as soon as , iho prosecution can
prepare Its testimony.
Uuv Uarkor. J. A. Ktson and M. V. Pierce ,
the throe counlry boys who were arrested
Tuesday morning upon ti charge of carrying
concealed weapons , were released by Judge
McOeo yestarday morning In police court ,
they having testified that they were enrouto
for the wild west , where they expected to
have need of maiiklllers.
A. Gorman , J. V. Murray,1 .mines B , Me-
Intosh nnd I'etcr Green were each lined J."i
and costs for drunkenness. Harry Oroon ,
the young man who caused his friends so
much trouble heretofore on nccouat of his In-
tlmato frlcndshli ) for the cup that cheers ,
was given a double doschis line bolng llii.70.
The necessary money wns deposited with the
marshal by the father of the culprit , and he
was discharged.
Month of Hubert Miirlco.
Uobert Burke died yesterday afternoon at
12 itfO o'clock at his resident , 200 'Harmony
street , of lung fever , nt the ago of thirty-six
years. The death of this well known char
acter , who was familiarly known as "Black
Bob , " has ended ono of the most pathetic
careers that is often seen in real 11 to. To the
outside world Burke was known merely as
tut ex-gambler , lie was formerly'employed
in one of the principal gambling houses on
middle Broadway , nnd ho retained the
position until tbo gambling houses were
closed by the citizens' movement last spring.
He. with the rest of the fraternity , was com
pelled to give up his occupation or leave the
city , and ho clioso the former. For weeks ho
made an honest ellort to earn his living by
hard work. His hands had become soft as u
woman's during the years of easy llfo lhat
hchadspcntln the gambling houses , but ho
secured n Job of dirt-shovolliig and worked
nt hard manual labor for several weeks.
About this time ho was arrested on n
chnrgo of vagrancy. Ho was immediately
released on bail , but within two hours was
rearrosted. This time ho was unnblo to se
cure ball , ns ho was charged with being a
fugitive from justice. His wlfo was seri
ously ill at the time and It was while on h Is
way to a ilnm store that the second arrest
was made. For three days ho was confined
in the cltv jail , while his wife was lying at
the point or death , without money and with
out friends to take care of her. At the end
of that time ho was released , as the chnrgo
that had been placed against him had turned
out to bo entirely without foundation.
Soon after ho foil a victim to consumption ,
which , his physicians told him. would take
him off In n few months at the furthest. Ho
was entirely without nionev , and lie , his wife
nnd his chifil of n few months of ago wcro
kept from actual starvation only by the as
sistance of some of his former brothers of
Iho green cloth , who have been furnishing
them money and provisions over since the
husband nnd father was taken sick. During
all his last sickness , It Is stated , that ho has
endured his trouble without murmur , and
has gained for himself the respect of all who
have interested themselves in his career , oven
though tnov may not approve of the llfo ho
used to lead. The widow is loft without a
dollar with which to support herself nnd her
child. What provision will bo made for her
is not known yet , but it Is not probable that
her husband's friends will let her suffer.
nt the
Ilnmon Sinr" ,
A visit to the Boston Store , Couxrii ,
II WITS , will convince the most skeptical that
they nro headquarters for everything in their
lino. This week they are showing bargains
In every department In muslins , sheetings ,
dress goods , wash dress goods , hosiery ,
gloves. The latest in spring Jackets and
Military capes , ? 3.00. S3.SO , $4.00 and $5.00.
Our spring stock is now cotnplcto. If you
want to bo In style call at Keller's , the tailor ,
I ) 10 Broadway.
Outing flannel remnants at the BOSTON'
STOUI : , COUNCIL II LUFFS , this week 5c a yard ,
lOo nnd % quality.
Grand Army Convention.
The annual encampment of the Iowa
division of the Orand Army of the Kepubllc
will take plnco in Diibinjuo , April 14 to 10.
Abe Lincoln post will bo represented by
Wall MeFaddcn and James Jacoby as dele
gates , besides Commander F. S. Thomas nnd
Past Commanders William CnmpDcll ,
William Roper , H. C. Hnbbard , John Lindt
nnd J" . J. Steadtnan. Wall McFaddon's '
drum corps will also go along. The delega
tion will leave iho Bluffs by special car over
the Northwestern Sunday evening , April 12 ,
nt.'i o'clock.
Ono nf the items of business which will
como before the convention will bo the elec
tion of a division commander. J. J. Stead-
man of Council Bluffs. C. L. Davidson of
Hull nnd Phil Sclmllcr of Sac county nro
among the western lowans who tire men
tioned ns candidates for the position. The
Bluffs delegation will go Instructed to vote
and work for the election of Colonel Stead-
When about to build don't fail to get prices
on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , S13
Broadway. Telephone 2S" .
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
nil in Vonring ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Call on D. J. Hutchlnsou &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
WAI.I , r.ii'nii.
COUNCIL w.urrs.
Tbo City Antnvors.
City Attorney J. J. Stewart filed the
answer of the city In the district court yes
terday afternoon in the case of 'P. J. Evans
and A. B. Wtilker vs. the city , hi which it is
sought to restrain the city nnd the contrac
tor , C. U. Mitchell , from grading Twentieth
In the answer the city attorney alleges
that the amount of taxable property in the
city , according to the assessor's reports , Is
$0liSJO : ! $ . Ho demos that the city has ex
ceeded its constitutional limit of in
debtedness , the indebtedness amounting to
SHU.OOO , which is moro than $ -00,000 less
than the amount allowed by the constitution
of tno stafx Ho.states that the lining of the
intersections will cost less than ? iiOO , and
that it will not increase the indebtedness of
the city , as there is in the city treasury moro
than enough to pay all the extra expense.
Ho denies the statement of the plaintiffs that
the work as proposed will cost the plaintiffs
a largo sum. The statement of the plaintiffs
that the tilling of the street will cause pools
of stagnant water to accumulate nnd thereby
canso sickness is also denied. The city at
torney asks that the suit for an Injunction be
dismissed at plaintiffs' costs.
Icecream soda 5 cents at Balrd's.
Do you want in express wagon or boy !
King tip the A. 1) . T. Co. , telephone 179. No.
11 North Main strcot.
J.C. Blxny , steam noatln ? , sanitary en
gineer , 203 Morrlnm block , Council Bluhs
The wedding of Mr. Ooorgo Hughes of the
firm of Hughes &Co. , and. Miss 1'ussio Keat
ing , took plnco yesterday nt high noon at St.
Francis Xavior's ' Catholic church , Key.
Father Malloy officiating. The bridal party
arrived at the church as the clocks were
striklug the hour of 12 , nnd proceeded ( o the
altar , where they were met by the priest ,
who pronounced Iho words that inado them
man und wlfo. A largo number of friends of
the contracting parties were p resent. . After
the ceremony had been performed a reception
was hold at the homo of tbo hrido's parents ,
Mr. and . Mrs. M. Keating , ; Ki. ' ) Broadway ,
only the Intimate friends of tbo family being
invited. AtUw.\lr. : and Mrs. Hughes loft
for Portland , Ore. , whore they will spend
their honeymoon ,
.More About. MnoV.
II , i ) . Muck , who is now In the county Jail
on a charge of obtaining money under fnlso
pretences , is wanted in Sioux City. Ho
worked up something of a trade among the
people of the western part of Council Illuffi
by notifying thorn that Iho council had or
dcrcd n chance in the numbers on the houses ,
nnd then proceeded to sell them the required
numbers taking their pal' In ndvnnco. It at -
pcars thill i.ohns worked the same scheme In
Slonx City and during his stay there ho put
up at , the Belvldcro hotel , where ho went
under the tiamo of McMnnnls. Ho ran n
lareo bill for board and when ho came away
left n check with the landlord for the required
amount. When the check was presented at
the bank for payment it was pronounced
worthless ns McMnnnls had no credit thuro.
It was protested and the bank luul to pay the
costs of protest , In addition to losing the
amount of the board bill.
Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of hulk
tleld , cardcn and llowcr seojs in the west
Catalogue and samples by mill.
The Palrmountfio cigar nt the Fountain ,
Amntdir Minstrel * .
Low Dale's minstrel * of Onmhn held the
boards at the now Broadway theater lost
evening. The lower lloor of the opera house
was well filled , and the frequent applause
showed how highly the performance was en
joyed. The first part of tto entertainment
consisted of a minstrel show of the regula
tion kind ; the songs were bright and catchy ,
nnd some of the Jokes wcro very good. The
songs , "Nellie Was a Lady , " by I. M.
Troynor , "I'm King O'er the Land and the
Sen' " byV. \ . A. Derrick , "This Little Pig
Went to Market , " by Walter Dale , and " 1'vo
Cotnt ) Homo to Stay , " by AdC.lllesplo.wcro nil
well rendered and favorably recelvod. The
second part of the programme was also Inter
esting , the Oinnlmuanjo quartette nnd the
Sutorms mandolin club appearing in selec
tions and n fine drill being executed by u do-
tnchmont of the Omaha gunrds. If the enter
tainment had stopped at this point the public
wotihl luivo said very well , but the third and
last part rather throw a damper on the audl-
unco and inado it feel that It would tetter
have stayed at homo. It was intended to bo
n burlesque on the recent Indian war at Pine
Kidgo , but this feature of the performance
was little iiioro than horse play and added
nothing to the general merit of the enter
tainment. _
Opaque felt window shades ! ? 3c each , with
fixtures mid nil complete , nt the Boston
Store , Co-uiicll Bluffs , this week.
Wall paper.
4 double rolls for 30c.
Boston store , Council Bluffs.
Outlnp flannel remnants at the BOSTON
STOUI : . Cofxcii. Hi.rrrs , this week Cc a ynnl ,
lOc and I'J' ' c quality ,
From the moment that Prol. Herrmann
palms hU plovcs , a pleasant prelude to a
wonderful exhibition of sleight of hand , until
the Until curtain ends the performance , the
audience is held spell-bound over the art of
this prince of prcsthllgitatonrs.
I'rof. Herrmann began a short engagement
at the Boyd last evening , and the nudlonco
which greeted him crowded every portion of
the theater , for ho has always been a great
favorite In Omaha.
Outside the multiplicity of tricks which
show his powers ns a palmist , several now
fealuros uro introduced that created an tin-
canny feeling notwithstanding the knowledge
that U is only art that Is called upon to mys
tify thooyo.
Kvcn moro successful than "Strobelea ! , "
which is Herrmann's latest Illusion , is an act
called "New Black Art. " In tins Mine.
Herrmann presides as the rival of the orien
tal fakirs , and shows herself u pupil worthy
of so great a master.
The most complex and supernatural feats
prevail throughout this act. the lights In
the house being turned out , the
stage hung In black , a border of
gas jets around the scene opening being the
only light in the houso. Amid these sombre
suiToumlings Mine. Herrmann materializes
objects and figures at will , while the "mirrors
of eiguntic shadows vanish like lightning. "
Later Herrmann appears , nnd the gentle
man with tlio cloven hoof , who insists upon
a display of tno magician's ability. Finally
Herrmann consents and the celebrated Illu
sion of cutting his wife's head olT is per-
fonnod , the audience giving a sigh of relief
when ho places the dismembered head upon
the body.
In addition to being u clover artist , Prof.
Herrmann adds trrcatly to the pleasure of the
audience by his pleasant humor and sallies of
wit nt the heads of those who aid him In
performing his feats of magic.
Leading doctors throughout the country
arorcconunceding Hallcr's Snrsaparllla aim
Burdock , us a blood purilier and to build up
the system.
Til 13 Y AUK OUT.
liiirllngton Switulimcit Lonve Ibolr
Work Tor u Time.
The B. & M. switchmen's troubles took
definite shape last niuht by all the switch
men going out on n strike. All tlio men left
their work peaceably and no ill feeling 01
signs of disturbance were exhibited
At 8 p. in. the striking switch'nen hell
a secret meeting at SiO South 1'c'nth strcot
Reporters and outsiders were emphatically
denied admittance. This meeting lasted foi
over two hours , and nil the points and con
dltions of tlio trouble were tallied over
Several stirring speeches wcro made , all ad
vocatlng the rights of the men who throw
the switches.
This is not a matter of wages or shorter
hours. It is n question , the switchmen claim
of personal liberty.
The men claim and demand the right to
Join and remain members of their own bone
lit organization. All the trouble seems to bo
about the Switchmen's Mutual Aid associa
tion. It. is claimed that the ofllcials object to
the men being members of this organization ,
and have inado war upon it ,
Men belonging to the association have bcon
discharged and their places HlleJ with men
from abroad.
The switchmen deny the right of tbo road
n dictating wliat organisation'they shall or
shall not bo inenbers of.
A Mutual Aid association member said
that they had been misrepresented , andthoru
had been discrimination in regard to men
outsldo of the order. The men want the B.
& M , to allow them the privilege to join any
association they sea lit , and they don't want
any dictation in tlio matter.
At Iho meeting last night a committee of
Ave was appointed to confer with the new
men Imported to lake their places and urge
upon them tlio Justice of their cause nnd if
possible Induce them to abandon work , .
Mr. J. F. Justice , chairman of the griev
ance committee , said that the discharge of
men belonging to the order was the greatest
The B. it M. system has a benefit associa
tion of Its own. In it the expense Is about
SW to flO a year fOralK)0 , ( ) bcncllt policy.
The Mutual Aid association furnishes the
same bandit for ? - . " > per annum.
Contrary to expectations there was no
trouble In the yams last night. A body of
police under Sergeant. "Whulcn patroled the
tracks nnd guarded tlio crossings.
Trains mid freight11 woio moving slowly
nnd only ono or twtf minor accidents to the
now men were reported.
Two switch engines were running , but
were short-handed.
The sense of the meeting was that all
efforts to win were to. oo employed , hut no
violence to men or property was to bo used.
Dr. Blrncy euros.catarrh. Coo bld < j.
Dnnulau Cniinty Tonuli * I-H.
Tim next meeting of the Douglas county
teachers' association will bo held nt tlio
court house on Saturday. April IS , beginning
atl)0p.m. : ! ) The followliiL' programme has
been announced :
How to got the best results'from n Class
Recitation in I'mnnry tirades and Grades
ubovo Primary.
The phico for Technical Grammar In the
When flAby war sick , wo nave her Ctstnrla ,
Yfhcn shu WAS a ClilM , thocrleii for Castorla ,
When tlio bccmne MUn , tha clung to Castorla ,
IVbcn thu lied CtUUruu , e
The season is here , and the weather is out of
order. One Thousand Handsomely made up
SPRING OVERCOATS , our own mnnfacture ,
embracing all shades and fabrics. There's but
one season for them. It's the present ; make your
selections quick. Our naw-a-days price won't
stand in the way. Our line of Spring Suits , in all
the fashionable cuts , are stylish and are made
up to hold their shape. Don't -wait on the
\veather , but avail yourselves of this general
cut in the prices of new and desirable clothing
for man , youth , boy , and child , all occasioned
by the backward spring. Watch our show
windows for bargains. You'll see 'em. "
Money Cheerfully Refunded & Co.
\vliciijooils \ { do not satisfy. , . ,
Reliable Clothicrs.Hll
Open Evenings-Till 8 R M. N. B. Send for Illustrated Catalogue
Country Sotiools. Value nf Parsing , Value
of Diagraming. , .
What branches ot study , if any , may ho
finished and laid aside in ' .ho Public bcliool
These subjects nro suggested by the com
mittee for Kcnornl discussion.
Tliosuporintondeutof the Omaha schools ,
and n special teacher of primary studios oi
Iho same schools , will ba present and take
part in the discussion of ono or more of tlieso
Tlio best and cheapest Cnr-Startor is sold
by the Hordon , t Soiled : Co. , Chloasp , 111.
\Vith \ it ono man can move a loaded cir.
Illiterate hotter Carrier * .
OM VIIA , April 7. To the Kdltor of Tun
Hci : : 1 have noticed in my travels In the
country where this free delivery system Is car
ried onln thopostolllco dcpartnient.sthat two-
thirds of tlio men have never passed the civil
service examination and the same per cent ,
cannot read enough to innlco out tin ordinary
immo addressed on an envelope.
My attention was called to this fact in ono
of the largo cities of tbo west , Kansas City ,
for instance. A carrier broujrla mo a letter
very plainly addressed on It my name , Wei-
don , mid nskcd for Wolshdor. I accepted tlio
letter and corrected tlio mistake , and had a
talk with , him and ashed about his scholar
ship. Ho honestly replied that ho never at
tended n school in his iifo. Is this what the
civil service examination means I din a limn
ho sure of his inuil with such carriers ? 'ihis
civil service stiould-bo Introduced in all post-
onices where there is a free delivery system ,
and the carriers of nay ollico should not bo
looked ou according to their politics , but ofll-
cioncy. ,
It is very necessary to enforce this matter
to perfect the mail matter where this free de-
liverv system is carried on. i care not wnui
iintio'mdity the man bo , nor what his politics
is , if he KOOS through this examination and
makes the required per cent , ho sliouhl bo
given preference over the few favored that
have not passed. I nm a republican , nnd ono
I lint wants justice done to all men alike , but
I fall to see any postmaster take hold of this
and nmko his ollico what it should ho. A
carrier is really a postmaster to a certain ox-
tent. Republican , democrat , or alliance , ns
no mav be , it the man is inclllciciit dispense
with ills service. I did not mention Kansas
City as being the only city , hut I can , and
will , mention some at homo , and may call ttio
names of some of our carriers that liavo
never passed and will never pass if they
should try. The matter do-servos some nt-
tentlon , and \vo should bo interested enough
to have tlio postmaster select competent men
for the purpose. I should like tunro space
but fear jon cannot allow U. Will give more
facts at homo in tbo uo.xt.
K. P. WI-.LKON- .
DoWitts Little early Risers : only pill to
euro sick headache and ro. ulato the bjwol
Dnnaiiit : rircmcn.
Tlio firemen , bad n great ball In Exposition
hall last night. It was the fourth annual ball
of the Benevolent Association of Paid Fire-
nen. Many of the boys wcro there In their
icatest , uniform and brightest buttons.
fully two hundred and fifty couples were
> rcsent. The many handsomely dressed
ndles and tno boys in blue inado a very
) liashiB ! sight for the gallery full of spco-
A wire had been run Into the hall and the
iremoii were prepared to leave their fair
companions on u moment's notice should nn
ilarm bo sent In. Fortunately such n hur
ried parlinu was not necessary and tlio
participants danced to their hearts content
Chief Galilean , dressed In a brand now
uniform coat , his breast adorned by a gorge
ous trl-colorod rosette was master of cere
Everything went off like clock work and
the ball was a great success.
Program mo Postponed.
Tlio Young Mcii's institute mot last night
in the Paxton block and transacted some
routine business. Owing to the fact that
Ilishop Scanned will In all probability bo
given n reception next Monday night , tlio
regular literary programme which should
bo considered at that time will bo
postponed until the following Monday. In
all probability the members of Iho Ins'.iluo
will attend the reception at the bishop's
house In .
a body.
_ _
Mrs. Winslow's Sooothlng Syrup for Chll
dr n Teething cures wind colic , dlarrluu.i
etc , j cents a bottlo.
on Wooley.
Mr. Smytho , chairman of the commltto
appointed to Investigate Mr. Wooley , began
the worlc yesterday afternoon by carefully
looking over the papers and bids connected
with the Davenport street school. Competent
c.irprntors will bo employed to mnko a
thorough investigation of the entire Job.
Your Sunday dinner Is not complete with
out n bottle of Cook's Kxtra Dry Champagne.
Unco tried never forgotten.
and Iowa I'ntiHlnni.
April 8. ( Special Tele
gram to Tim Hun. I Pensions were granted
today to the following Xcbraskans : Origi
nal Oliver P. Hum , Nicholas Whtttokind ,
Joseph A. Dudjfeon. Additional Jaino ? 0.
Howard , James G. Alcorn , Henry Thorn-
giito , Luke Fibher , Max Lcnz , Martin V
Harbour , Jacob Klndscher , William J.
I'nrkcr , Lewis Frit * , James \V. Nausler
Isaiah P. Morse , Edmund Stoney. James N
Formen , Wells C. McCool. AVIlllum S. Perry ,
Jonathan li. Dorry. Hcissuo William A.
llrlgga. Original widows , etc Luclnda
widow of Iloiijaniln F. Bliipman ; Sarah L.
widow of Henry 1'arUer ; LouiMt M , , widow
of Frank Hlbler.
lowas Original Charles U. Wlckhatn
John II. Iloone , Charles 11. Eaton , William
Wilson , Charles Woidcmcr , Milton Parker ,
deceased , Henry N. Merry , William H. David
son , Adam Young , Louis You in ? . Addi
tional Charles Miller , Thomas Odaylames
Kly , Jefferson .1. . ( ones , U'illiam II. lligloy.
llenowal Samuel Li. Wlilto. Increase
Abraliam Myers. Oliver 1' . Holmes. Cor
nelius 1) . Toiny , William Uickcrson , George-
W. Leo , , lltiRh Pounds , Joseph L. Ooshcy ,
Tosoph Denncy , David 1C. lOvans , I'1. S. Fos
ter , Austin Carver , Dnvld Hycrs , James N.
Flanagan , Willard Morse , Michael K. itutlcr ,
Iturrlson 13ore , Frederick Pcttigrovc , Joshua
Carman , John A. Meyers , EuKcnmt Am-
iiums , William Kochlor , Qhipi'Ts K. ilrown ,
Willlom tiibbs , .Nintitovv 'Furloy , David
Stypo , .ludson O. Wilmarth , Josopli 0. Will
iams , ( Jal C Ilnrrlmnn , Solomon O. Trogdon ,
San ford C. MucMainilliam 11. Suits ,
JiicotiArnutt. Albert F. Sterolt , A. A. Jack
son , Gilbert H. llnss. JetToi-son Wall. Hels-
--Calvliin Smith , David C. Mooro. Orig
inal widows , etc. John U. , father of J.Inmcs
II. Unlues ; minors of Milton Parker ; Sarah
J. , wiilo\v of Milton Parker.
Do Witt's Uttlo ISurly Ulsors ; nest Uttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , ; bad breath.
Indications Tlrnt it Will lie Good anil
SAX FiiAxrtsit'o , Ctil. , April S. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Hii : . ] The Evening 1'ost
prints an interview willi ono of the loading ;
grain merchants of tbo state , regarding the
shortage In the European wheat crop , as
follows : "Everything indicates that tlio
price of wheat will bo higher this year than
last. Six weeks ago tlio price commenced to
go up gradually nmj , low (3 ( fr0ni $ l.r > r > to
81.00 per cental. Our exporters are selling
cargoes for August. September. October.
Novcmbnr and December at tlio rate of fl."il )
or more here. This season's options are $1.5(1 (
untilJuno , and tlio year options are quoted
tl.fi7fc. ! Tncso options are tlio bast Imit
ations of the prices which will prevail dnr-
uring and after tlio harvest , nnd tbo next
rep will brlni ; 1.50 or moro per cental. The
oreago of wheat this year in California is
ory large , perhaps larger than over beforo.
ivory Dart of tlio state is all rlKhtoxcept the
San Jonquln valley. There the rain fall has
ot been sufllcient to glvo the growers any
largln. If , however , during this month they
hould get two or three Inclioi moro of rain
t will glvo the growers of the valley the larg-
st crop perhaps they over had.
UK theatrical UmlcrtalcliiK Closed
liy HIP. TrnKC'iiuii'N1 lfntl .
Nnw Yonic , April S. [ Special Tulegrnm to
L'liisBKi : . ! Lawrence Barrett loft unfinished
nt his death one of the largest theatrical un
dertakings that tills country has ever seen.
L'hls was a dramatic festival to bo held in
Now York in 189J , and for which twenty
weeks bail already been booked atthoHroad-
way theater , it was Mr. liarrott's intention
n tills fosti\fttl to present Shakespearian and
other classic dramas on a scale of unsur-
) assed magnificence. IIo bad already so-
jurod a contract Irom Mary Anderson , and
jail not the negotiations been broken off by
the Middon death of tlio tragedian , it Is prob-
iblo that Mr. Irving and Miss Terry would
nivo consented to tnko part in the proposed
Andrew Cur.icizio in Contempt.
PiTTsni'uo ' , Pa. , Aprils. Andrew Carnegie
cist fall neglected to answer a summons from
i Lawrence county court to'appear as a wit
ness in a certain caso. Today ho was ar
rested by a deputy sheriff in that county.
Mr. Carnegie wont to Newcastle , settled tlio
nuiUijr with the court and guvo testimony.
Orent Crowds nt Dcuntur ,
DIICATUII , 111. , April S. Tlio weather con
tinued perfect nnd the crowd of Grand Army
men proatly Increased today. There was a
irnnd parade this afternoon , and in the oven-
liu the Women's Relief corps held a mooting.
Tlio regular business meeting will begin to-
KcplnuoH the Stilt TriiHt.
SAOINAW , Mich. , April S. The Michigan
salt company was formed today to take tlio
pliizo of the salt trust , from tlio collapse of
which recently iliro disasters to ttio tnulo
were predicted. The now combination is
stronger than tlio old ono.
A ISram and Nrrvo Fo-id ,
llor.-iford'H Acid I'lioHplialo.
Dr. 0. Worthy , Lancaster , N. II. , bays : "I
have used it in requiring brain nnd nerve
food as u result of overwork attended with
exhaustion and lo > s of strungth , with im
paired digestion , with good results. "
NnwYoiiK , AprilS. The grand Jury today
rein diet oil the Excise Commissioners Alexan
der Meakln , Edward T. Filzpatriclc am :
Joseph Koch ou the charge of neglect o :
' Positively cured liy
tinso ; Little Pills.
They also relieve Ils- ) |
tress from Dyspepsia , Indigestion - ;
! TTLE digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
Drowsiness , Had Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
TODgue , I'uln In thu Slilo ,
regulate the IlowcU. I'urely Vcgetablo.
Or Council Bluffs.
TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPL'oS . . . . 725.000
Oit -I. A. Mlllnr. K. O. Olo.'ison , li fj ,
6hutiirl. ; li K. Hurt , J. I ) . Kiliiiunilson , Uliarlm
! . ' . Ilumm. : : Tr.uiHUOt Konor.U ti.uikliu bust-
ni'ss. ciilul ; | nnd vurpluj ut any
banklaSoiithwosturn Iowa.
The Now Ondon Hotel , In. Council lilu'Fi ' ,
Ins boon complotad rui'urnlulie.l ixn mo.lurn-
ized throughout , nnd i now oil" of the host
hotels In the slato. It Is located In tH ) bu n-
nusHpartof tn > city an i tin oloatrio mjtor.i
pat)3 tha door uvury four umiutui. Firj 01-
capes nnd tire alarms throughout tin b till
ing. SteAin huat , hot nu.l cold wUyr an I
sunshlno in wvory mom. Table uns jrp 133 j.l
anywhere. Hates , $ a.OO a day.
OBO. M. WHITNEY , Mamicfor.
fornor Main nn'l Ilrovlwav.
Do.ilnrs In foreign anil doinmtlo xahnngb
Collodion nuido and Interest paid on
ji. it , i'ii.\3tniKi1ix \ , M. it.
Cyo'in : S T"r < mt
ouncll llhllts. - - low a.
rMiru uyu * , cnm tyus.
nliiTnl nnil wo.'ik vision , T
itrmslic. cienfnoi's , UU-f' j
ImfKG' from tlio ours. < 'n-
nrrh , Iny fever , nitllinin
nil nil iit'iito iniil chronic
ITL-ctloiii it ! thu tliriuit it
puclnlty. ( ihist , ov < f4 lit *
IM ! nlihontpnlii. ( ihissoi nccuratcly | iriicrll > cil In
Illloiilt oasi's , often ciirliiK chronic nutiratulii find
Ick liuadfuhc. Snriflcnl opurutlun ! * , uhru m'cos-
nr.v , | iiliiuisljiiorfortuod : ] , iiHsurlnx bc'-t. roults
OllkT , bhliKlirt-Ut'iiu block , rciom 1 , round I Illnlls , In.
Hiphost cash price paid for racrs and
nil kinds of scrap motuls.
Country dealers and merchants will
Ind it to their : idvnntnga to coininuni-
unto with us before disposing of tlioir
stocks. GILINSKY BUGS. ,
Union Hrotulwny Depot ,
Pol. 301. Council 'UUilTd , In.
K' SlllllflPr ? "Attnnoyi' | at tnvr. Prao-
IX OilUIIUllb tlco in tlio stuto unil
'odcral courts. Rooms 'I , I and 3 Sliugarb
llunu block , Council lllutru. low.u
HI Plnillhfirc Attorney at Law , Nn. ID
. J , UlillllUUS. poliri Ktreut. nvor llnsb-
uill'.s More. Ttiloplionu No. UYI. llnslnuss
hours , b a. in. lot ) p. in , Council HlutfH , In ,
Fiiiloy Burko. Thos. B. ( toady ,
Attorn eys-at-Law
Onicosi J. J. Ill-own UullilliiK. Council lllufTi ,
\ Schlffmspn'i Asthnm Care nersr/ufd loglvo I
ijuf nf rttirla ibo wont caftij luurti com-1
9 fortiMa ilcepi effect , euros wluro all tthorj fail. A I
S ! fJ" mI'T' " " " mo" * " > ' 1'rlce. 60r l . and I
"Ol.OO , of Drnitjlin or ly wall. Sami.le FftKE for I
fli.tamp . ! DR. R. BOniFfMANN. Bt PanLH nn.
"IV'AMTKD ( food girl for general honso-
T work In small family , 721Ylilnw uvuntio ,
l UKNISHKD front room on ( 'round llonr ,
J. quiet , pluiiHunt nolgliljoriiiMKl , two blacks
from Main Hlieet. Single gentleman piuferrud.
Address ! ' H , lleo ulllco.
$ , stouk of general murchiimitso to exchange - '
change fora farm In southwesti-rii I own.
Must liegpoii land , .lulnifclon & Van I'atti'ii
\\7AXTKD-A Hrkt class shirt polisher nt
M tliuUltyKtu.ini laundry. : il .Vorlli Slain
slreoti steady work and good wages ,
Foil UKNT"l\viiIllng ) house. Ml iMiurtli Kt.l'
JOrooniH , convenient tnmotm line and cetiJ
cr of business. N. P. Daduu Ac ( 'n.
HAVE eusli uustmiiur for four lots between
uMfcl mid : ; iili ; SH. | , between Av0 I ) und-till
ave. , J. I' . OicuiiHliliildH , ( in Hroadwny.
J'.I AY I'or Piilo 1 have purchased a line lot
1 of hay , wlduh I will be.I liy car loud or In
small miaiitltlcH , Inavo orders at No. ItCJ
Wrst llniadwiiy. ! ? . ColtlMuin k Co.
"liMtl'IT ' farm for suit ) or trade ; well located
> and all In bearing ; goo 1 house nnd burn.
\ \ III tiku : boinn good elty property , und good.
tlniDKlvm. on Imliinui ) . Call on or address I ) ,
J , Iliilclilnson , t Co. . 017 Hrciiuhvay.
IfMJK HAMC A hmiso ami lariro lot on easy
* - pnyiiiontH. Inijnlro at 4G.1 1'urk avenue ,
I'onnelf Hluirs. In.
l/UMl KKNT-Tlio MoMahon lilin < li. U story
* brick , with basement , und uluvator. J. W.
' ' > , iUl I'uarl HtreuU
lilOltSAI/li A burgulni now modern liousa
, t. with all Iho latu ImprovoinoiiH , suvtin
rooms ; will sell on easy payments ! louatodon
Iho Mflh iivennu molor lluu. U. J. Iliitualn-
kon.Gi ; llruailway ,
FOH 8AUB 7ir Ilont-0ril8n Uad. wltb
houtug , by J. U. Itloe , 19J Mala it , Uauaali