Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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* " " "
AlV"EItWSt"KNT8"fortiic coliitnnii wilt
J * . bo tnkrn until K''O p. in. , for tlio ovrnlnR
edition , nntl until 6:10 p. in. , ( or tlio morning
edition nml SUNIIAT Ilr.e.
i In advance. '
YJATE8 Art vertlsementi on lhl papnwlll'jo
JLX chnrjrrd for nt the rule of 14 cents per
word for the II rsl Insertion , and 1 cent per word
< r cncli Kiihscqiirnt Itnertlon , nnd tl.Wj per
! tnv per month. J < o advertisement taken for
cm tlmn ' . .Scents for tlio llrst Insertion.
TNIT1ALH. figures , nymliols , etc. , countcacb
JL nsonn worn.
rpIIKHE advertisements mint run consccti-
JL lively anil under tin olrcumstnncns will
they li tnkun or discontinued liy telephone.
PA HI II.HndtortliilnRlu thc n columns and
having Iliolr iinsworsnadreMod toa"nutn-
lercd letter In rnro of TMK HER. will receive a
miiubercd cheek to enable thi-tii to Ret their
jpttvr * . Answnrs will l > o nrllvcred only on
jiroscntnt Ion of thin check. Enclose unswers
in tn\ elopes i > ropcrlv addressed.
ndviTtl cments under tlio liond of
ALIi Notices" nru mtbllshrd In Imth
The morning nnd evening cdltlomof Tun HEK.
tlm clieulntltiii of which aircrcpntcs inoretluin
to.COTpiipers dully. nnd elves the advertiser
the Ix-nont not only of the Inrce circulation of
Tin : Ilp.n In Ornalm , hut IIM > In Oouncll IIUifTs ,
Xlncoln iindothcrcltlcs and townshi the west
Advertl lnK for thcie column * will lx > taken
pntho ahovuenndllloni. til the followln buM-
lieKD housm who iiro authorized In tnko Npcclal
notices , itt the saiiiu rntcs us can bo hud at the
> nuln olllco.
SOUTH . Htreet , Lister Moon.
IN W. HELL , Pharmacist , 20 South Tenth
M street.
It EDDY. Stationers and Printers ,
CHASE ICth street. _ _ _ _ _ _
" " "
ll7""rAUNS\vbTlTil , Pharmacist 2115
Cumins street
* \V .T. lTFcJin : , Tharmnclst , C24 North 10th
T T street.
GKO. W. PAHH , Pharmacist , 1713 Lcavcn-
woith street
ITt'GIlKb' 1MIAHMACY. 24t.h and rarnam.
J'orrnlco , ( If. , tectop of f rut column on tli ( > pnge
\\rANTF.I ) lndoor ponttlon : my employer
' can Kot thoiisoof about J.'tJO without In-
errsu Address II Cl lire ofllcc. _ MfiSI 10 *
rnilOltOUOIILY experienced drug clerk
JL wants situation In Omulm ; speaks Oorman.
Ilulclilson.K.t ) 1'nxton. _ MCIU- " *
\\7ANTr.D 1'osltlon hr a Indy stcnoc-
raphor. Address 11 f > t , lleo ofllco. 01.5-7 *
* \ \rANTED Hltuatlon as bookkeeper or any
place of trust ; good reforcncei. Ail-
flrcss ( l f/1. lice. . .M5C1-7 *
t A NTii : > Situations for aoofl girls ; my
* \MiltlnKronmsiironlwaysfiillfrom n n.
ni. to Op. m. . Canndlnn Employment olllco.
UUVi S. Tulopliono S.M. _ U10
\\7OMANwnnt4 to do wnxlilng and Ironlnc
V > by tlm day. b3)S2Uh ) Bt _ Clit-B *
Kmplovincnt llnrcnii Established
OMAHA . 7 el. 1112 , liu N. ICtli , near Cipl-
tel nve. Male and fcnialu help constantly on
liaml.- M507 A1S
J"or t rifr , clc. , ttclnp of first rulumn on
VI7 ANTEI ) To meet.auYst class sowing ma-
* ' t'hlnn man to KO on the road with mo. ex
penses paid. Address II C4 Hco olllco. MOM 0 *
"VSrANTEn A few yoiins moil of neat up-
Vl pearniice to act as salesmen. Koom 413.
gaxtou block. M 040-8 *
\\T ANTr.D-llcllahlo pon-on to take thu
IT nprticy In their town for ono of the
Best selling nrtlclrs ou the market : re
tails Bor-lc ; pays 100 per cent imillt ; sells to
every family ; enclose stamp , llobert 9. West ,
, Olm eland. O. JIU'15-7 *
" J17ANTED Aeents to orsanl/o local
J > branches of thu Nebraska State lluslness
Men's association. Men of o.xpoilcnce only
need apply. Good contract awaits you. Cull
at room 5 , U , B. National Dank , 12th and Kar-
tuimals. _ JIOT-8 (
\V ANTEIMnn for branch ofllco ; salary
' $73 per month ; } " 5 deposit required , looi
in. MC23-7 *
T\rANTKD Experienced merchant tailor or
i T clotlilns man to takeclmnjo of \rcjtorn
pdlei ) fora wpll-ostabllshcd eastern merchant
tnllorlne company ; Rood pay for experienced
party. Call nt room 4 < , Merchants hotel , Tucs-
Uny from 10 to K o'clock. C03C *
" \X7 ANTED Travollnn salesman ; spcclal-
Tt ties worth KWO per month to any good
man ; also slda lino. Allison , 325 Dearborn St. .
Chicago. .45 !
\\rANTEO-A go < xl single butcher who
T' spuaUs English nnd Ucnniiti. Address
lock box ! y. Shelby , Iowa. EC3 7 *
TV ANTED giilcsmcn on salary or commls-
T slon to handle the Nnw
Ink Erasing Pencil. Iho gioatest selllnz
jiovoltyovor produced. Erases Ink thorough
ly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 2uO
to fjPO per cent profit. Ono uent'K sales
iimountcd totfi.'O In ttlx days ; anothort-C In
two hours.Vo want one energetic general
liRcntforoachfitatoand territory. Sumploby
innll Il'icts 1'or terms and full particulars
uddrcos The llonroo Eraser Jlfg. Co . La WIs. r 15 C *
"V\7ANTKD Three Rood paper hancora at
imco.Oco. W. Losey , 11 Pearl at. , Council
lUtlfTs. 0080
1OLLKCTOU ' for books wanted for the road.
" 4IU lleo building. iil4-S *
WANTED-Aetlvo solicitors for a proml-
ncnt bulldlug ana loan company ; new
plan ; ROXI pay to right men. Call oruddrcss
101 Hop building , Omaha. 1 to 2 p. m. 4C4 7'
T\7 ANTKO-Mon to travel for our Canadian
It nurserIcs.Sioue&.WoIllngtonMudIsonWls
W .ANTED Circulars distributed , EJ per
1,000 paid. Mulcuu Co. , Warrior's Mark.
fa. M147A8 *
" \ \ / ANTED Mon wllh good roforoncoat Met-
> > ropolltan fll'f R Co 1WW llowartl st.WlA
Wl-A 25
\V 7 ANTED Good canvassers nt the Singer
,1 , tewing Machine olllce , UlS Douglas ht ,
Forraltfetc.iectopofjlrst column on lhs ( page
WANTED A Rood Rlrl for general house
work. Mill Ilarnoy.
\X7ANTED A competent woman nscooK , 120
IT a month. Airs. Chambers , OI4 North 24th
ttroet. M KC-3 !
WANTED Ladle * . I have the
AGENTS HHO of novelties ( or ladles' and
clilldrnn'H usoovermiulo ; r.nllmltod demand ;
larco prollt : illustrated o.itulopiio free. Mrs.
G. Campbell , 484 West liaudolph St. , Chicago.
Msn-7 *
WANTED A Klrl foreeneral bousowork ;
4 apply at oneo. It'Jl N. 20th it. & 00-7 *
1 W' \\7ANTED-Olrl for ccnoral housework ;
T Rood wages to rlcht party. Southeast
corner 2Mb. and Jones sts. 4MI-8
T\7 ANTED-Offlco lady ( widow ) with Knowledge -
edge 'of bookkeeping. 11. 67. care dally
ee. OH.6 *
WANTED-Compotont slrl for general
housework. Apply 710 N. 223 st. 010 7 *
ANKAT elrl wanted for ccneral housowork.
Mrs. W.T. Stoeticl. iat 3. aith ht. CU7
\\7ANTED-A conipetont cook and laun-
IT dress , Uorman preferred ; references re
quired , t-oiithwest corner UOth and California
W ANTED-Oood clrl for Kencral house
work. 1012 South llth street. MNU 7 *
L'ANTED-GIrl for general housowork. IW )
N.SSthst. tto
W ANTKD-OIrl for kitchen and laundry
work , nao a eath st. 444
For rotts , tte. , iretop of fint column on ( 'if *
IfpOli KENT Very ' "d'OTrrablViT'ruoVn'
Jbrick dwelling , near Trinity church ,
may bo rented after May 1st In connection
with another house of same site , suitable for
first-class family boarding homo ; rent mod
erate. to sulliililo tenant. Nctberton Unit. U.
JEM 1'lrst Nut , llauk. _ MXi.8
TTIOH KENT Ona 11-room and ono 7-room
J-1 house , near lllch ecluml ; modern , con
veniences. The 0. 1' . DavU Co. UW
T OH KENT-3 room hou o 27 und California
J ? street. InqulroaioS. 31 and Half Howard.
( -
O4ISCanttol aveuuo A nlco 7-room cottage
* - with bath. Inquire 2UH Caultol aveuuo
. _ MiiOST *
FOH UENT 5 room cottage 1733 N. 10th st ,
house U newly paiiorvd and painted and U
In lln-lalim condition. Apply to 11 , Hurdy
1310 rurnitm st. _ ail
iron KENT 7- room flat , Laiigo block , Tu-
Jqulrout building , 602 So. 13th ttt. 37y 0
HKNT 5 rooms , ouo Uoor , 171 ! JacUoii
Forrattiete. , top of flrtf .column nnthd p7
ANl'MIIKIlof P-room hotiMss. city water
and tmtli. 120 and upwards. Also cott < B
and JlttU. lluudy ii Co1014 Capital avenue.
100 cottnBcs. tenement IIOUSCK. lists and
stoics wiinted for cti lotner list for rent ,
xaloornxrliiinge. with U V , Ulngor , ground
lloor. 1511) rarnam. gdaaa
"I7IOII llENT-l'urnished house In llrlsgi'
-L ? I'liice. Hot nnd cold water hath. Inquire
M. V. Heals. tlBN. V. Life building.
TN Ilrown hulldlni. corner Ulth nnd Cumlnc ,
Jolcffant npartnii'iits eif 7 nnd 8 moms , tiath ,
kltchcnnlsupplled with rnngct nnd Ixillcrs.
Ladles nro Invited to Iu < ip ct thpso npart-
mi'ntn. Kofcrcnccs will bo required. Enqulro
Oltliens' Ilnnk. 4J4 ml
rplIE Kotcliam house , Atchlvon. Kan. , 43
JL rooms. Inquire UcorgoV. . Uottldltig , Atoh-
Uoii. Kan. 438
JTEAM hfated flnMat70'J S. iCth. Thos. V.
S'l Hall. 1 Illll'axton block. 3IJ
HOUSE for rent 11-ronm houso.modorn Im
provements , corner 20th and Dodge , IXM-
session clvim Immediately , Kiujulro 40Jl'nx-
ton block , M. L. Itoeder. 033
T71OU UENT cheap A half part of a now 8-
J-J room house , N. E. corner -'Otli und Maple
at reels. Jt iB <
for Rent 7 good sized rooms. 3
HOUSE and pantry , well , cistern , city
water and bathroom. 1219 f. 20th.Hf7-
FOU KENT May 1,10-room house , centrally
located , modern Improvements. Inquire
713 N. mill st. 4M
TJ1OK HENT-Sli-room cottanc. 833 9. 21st st
Jj M407-7 *
KENT Cottage , MX largo rooms In per
fect condition ; every convenience ; largo
yard nnd shade ; 0110 block from cable. Ad >
dress H 4. lleo MI53 6 *
KENT After April 6 IV-room house in
FOH repair. City and clstvrn water in
cluded ; sewerage ; rent li'.OO per month. 1411
So > cntb avenue. al
T71OK KENT Vour 0 nnd 7-room flats with
J- bath , hot water , etc. ; paved street ; near
business ; all improvements ; only f " > per mo.
References required. Tbo .Meudo Investment
Co. . 442 Hco building. 318
' you wish to rent n'houso ' or store see H. E ,
II' . Continental block. ail
For rates , tic , , ttctop of first column on thtt paae ,
"VTICE rooms for rent , furnished or unfurL -
-L > nlshcd. 1C19 Capital aveuuo. 012-8 *
PUKNIBHKD and unfumtshod roomssingle
or en suite ; all conveniences , line location ,
rates not excelled. 0 Hurt. OI7- & '
Troll KENT Desirable nppartments tor
JL1 light housekeeping. ISth and Clark streets.
"OtlHNISHKU and unfurnished rooms for
J- ! rent ; modern conveniences. Cll N. 19th. ,
ITtUUMSIIED rooms for light housekeeping.
-U HIB N , 15th St. M5C2-7
ESI UAIILE furnished room for rent , 1021
Chicago street. _ WO
south front room furnished , 1904
LAIEOE . fiQ30
room with modern conven-
I1UKNISIIED ulthout board , 1011 Douglas
smith front room with alcovn ; mod
ern ronvcnlcnccb ; motor und cable. Suai
llurt street. ' _ 407-7
. CLA1H European hotel , with dining
room ; steam heat Iu all rooms , 13th and
Dodge. Special iates by week or month. U1B
T710K KENT rurnlshed rooms , 1007 Douglns
.1 ? 314
TTlliONT room with alcove , curtains , mantel ,
- iheat. . KUS. bath. 2closets , for 2 icntlcmon ; or
man and wife , $10 per month. 07 S. J4th st.
"IT OH KENT Nlco rooms , steam heat. 1710
JU Davenport street. J1272all
" 1710U KENT Ono larso and one small room
-L1 at 2109 Douglas street , 437-8 *
T710R HENT-Kurnlshcd : ooms. 2213 Hurt st.
-13 10J-a2l *
PULLMAN house , 1310 Dodge street ; for
good board , nice rooms , modern conveni
ences , rates and location Itcannot bo excelled.
BC6 iil.l *
F or rattf , etc. , itctopcifflrvt rotumu on ( Ah pagt.
T\ESI1ABLE ( room with board In small fam-
JLlly , nicely situated In modern residence ;
2iiO : llarncy street. _ M40I.B *
ROOMS and board , 2105 Douglas st.
M e-U
"IT1UKNISHED front room , cast bay window ,
JL1 modern conveniences , choice location.
board If desired. 7U8 N. 10th. M 570 11 *
ELEGANT corner , east rooms ; first class
table ; reasonable terms. D-'JN. 10th street.
M5SI 8 *
FOU KENT Nicely furnished rooms and
board. The I'rcntcr. IIP N. JJth st. 4S1-0 *
T7WON T south room , first-class board , 1814
J-1 Dodgost. : iG > 9 *
T An elegantly furnished front
, room and bedroom connected together.
with use of piano , 1217 Dodge st. 415
TTIOi : KENT A large , finely furnished room
J- with hoard , to a man anu wlfo. The most
pleasant part of city and private family ; no
other boarders ; references. Address D 47 , lleo.
_ 318
TT'UKNISIIED rooms and board , 1023 Dodge.
J : 627-afo *
For rattttteK6 top offirtt column on this page
EOll RENT Hooms. unfurnished , over my
Htpro. auietzol , 1621 Howard street. COT
For rtifw , ttc. , tee tup of fitt nilrmti on thtt paje.
Oil HENT-Ono half of tore , 1522 Douglas.
il a.'o-ii
Q1\LENDID \ Hats , and stores , 113(5 ( N. 18th st
TTIOK UENT-Tho 4-story brick building , with
- - ! or without power , formerly occupied by the
lleo Publishing Co. , Din Kiiriuim Bt , The bulld-
InK had a II reproof cement basement , complete
steam heating fixtures , water on nil the Uoor- ' ,
gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of The lice. U15
T71OK KENT Or sale , my building on Jones
-13 st. bet. lOth&1Iti.U.A.Ltndqult > t.1lGSl5th.
TONES at709 S. ICth ; steam heat furnished.
Thomas K. Hall , illl 1'a.xton block. Ul'J
DESK room , (15 ; Star Loan and Trust Co.
I'ormtctetc.tcctoii ofjlrtt column onthlepage.
A1CUEN of ( I aore.s for rent near city. Co
G operative Laud and Lot Co. , U05 N ICth st.
AI5UEN 1'AHJIS to lent. T. Murray.
G M31Q
FCT rota , etc. , tee top of firl column cnlhlt nags.
HE. COLE , rental agoncy.Contlncntal blk.
Forratet , etc. , tec top of flrtt cojumti on Hits paje.
To rent furnished room with
WANTED by man , wlfo and child. South
east exposure. Address II 02 , lleo. MSSS-S *
\\7ANTED 3 unfurnished rooms In Omaha
'i by family , S children , miut Ixxuoar South
Omaha motor line , private house with Rood
yard. Kcfcrcnccs required. Address with
terms , which must bo low , Roomer , t-outh
Omaha. M Kia-7 *
\\7ANTHOto rent-Hoom suitable for real
i estate otllce ou ground , IGth street l > e-
twcon Quitting and Ilurnoy. Address H Gl.
co. Mltll-7 *
ANTED to rent A good modern b to 10
room house with barn. Pryer lllll part of
city. Pamllyoftwo. llest of reference. Will
rent for uiriu cf yean. Address with prlco
ttiidlocatlon Address H 3X Hoe. caU'
WANTED An unfurnished room , centrally
located. Addrosa H .VJ.'ltee. oOIce. 018-h *
A GENTLEMAN with little dnuRhter aged
three years , wunts room and board in ro-
flned private family : state terms and full
particulars. Address HM , HoootUco. Gia-G *
\\TANTED-Torunthouboof about 7 rooms.
T T modem conveniences , good location. W.
V. Valll. iza I'urnam at. 4S5
WANTED Furnished house , good location
with modern Improvements , Viy centlo-
man and wlfo ; no children. Answer It. , l > . O.
V\7ANTEt- May 1 , a B to 13 room house
TT with modern conveniences ; one with
stable preferred. Near buslucvi center. How
house not wanted. Address , J , L Urundel * .
IU So , 16Ui bU tH3
For rale , tle.tntt top of flrtt column on tM pflo .
FOK KENT -Ilrlck wnrolinuso. two storle i
hllh lm < cmcnt , hydraulic elevator , track-
ago : best location in city. A. f. 1'owoll. 321
Fur rate * . tte.rttlopnf fint column on it < pnge.
of nleodriver * , ourry and phnuUm for
snle , Co-Oporatlvu Land and Lot L'o.'Jr. N
10th street. G3I-3
DESlHAIILEhor oand phncton for sale very
cheap. Will xcll separately. Inqulrn at
stable s. w , cor. Chicago and llth street. * . AG3 7
FOH 8AI.E llnnU'-onio , New York Imtid-
tundc. fquare hex liUKgy ; used ono u n-
invr. K. --alniiu , 1'aclllc hot < jl dcpattmont ,
8th and Jones. CIO
for sale. Stallions In service at
StlllwatorKtockfiirm. b'ind forcataloguc.
li.J.Kcudall. room 403 Drown building , Umahn.
654 M4
FOU SALE A good phaeton. Ilootn 6. 1205
Knrnnm st. 470-0
nnd mules , cnnhor Pa y payments.
HOHPES address llnwkeyo Inv. to. room : ci.
Douglas bloclt. Omaha , Neb. | E4
"I/OK SALK Cheap , wason ann double work
Jt ? harness , or will cxchamie for backboard ,
also eooil sldo bur bucirv. choan. II. E.Colc.
Contliiontal liulldlng. an
, team , wagon , borse.cow. Cnsh.
Cheap. Colonel Uutlor.lKt I'arnam. M815
I-'orrofM , ttc. , trttop o/frtt column nil thttpagc ,
SEOUH1TY Tlio most perfect pocket sav
ings hank made ; 630,000 bold In 00 diiys ; Ills
vest pocket : absolutely Impossible to open
until fifty dimes have been deposited ; amount
deposited always visible ; s.implchy mall S5o.
pordcwcnlLM ; fpeclalvrlco for large quanti
ties ! flrstcomo. llr t sorvort ; a sure fortune
for hustlers , bccurity 1'ockot Hank t'o. . a i
La Sallu street , Chk-ago. MKt4-7 *
IrOU SAl.n-48 Victor bicycle , J.U Address
.11 CO , lice. 593
sure and call on us before purchasing n
piano or organ , as wo will sa\o you
money. Largest block. lowest prices and
easiest terms. .Max Meyer it llro. Co. 51'JG
HOCr.UV flxtures. Hutchtnson & Viend.
G llro Insurance , 1524 Douglas. G17 C
at once nnd secure a bargain
New EiiElaud organ , K5 ; cottage queen
organ , ? .0.
sterllnK organ , KM ; Clough & Warren , HO.
Newman Bros , orean , J4" > ; Ijitoy organ , 100.
Palace organ , JT > 0. Max Meyer \ llro. Co.
513 6
TnOH SALE Cheap-Small 1J ! story barn. Dr.
JDjqncg IQtli end California sts. J307U *
HAVE a few new pianos for sale awfully
T cheap , as 1 hao gone out of thoplnno busi
ness. $ . Joniison , rarnam and llth Kts. 343
' bargains In second hand organs.
SI'ECIAL a Uirpo number of standard
nmkcH , at prices running from J2. " > to f.V ) ; worth
double tlio price. Max Meyer > * c llro. Co. SUP
' you want to soil or o.xclinnKo city prop
II1' erty , farms , wild lunds llvo stock , irink or
other stocks or merchandise , see E. V. Itlngi-r.
ground lloor. 1510 Fnniam. iSX'aia *
c. , netopofflrttcolwnnon thtt page.
\ , \ T ANTED Otllco Iwokcasns , oak , valnntor
W choiry. Address 11 fit. lloo. M GW-B
"W ANTED-A first-class residence lot ; will
V > pay tJ,000 to f4,5UO for the right thing. Ad-
drcjs If ffi , Uec. COJ-B
\ \ ' ANTED Cheap plow team. I. X Watson.
> L-04 g. IGth street. G06
> A half Interest In an old estab
lished tire insurance. Money or clear
properly taken. Address II 43. Ilee. C20-7 *
WANTED To buy a 10-room modern dwell
ing In good location n Ithln Bi miles from
P. O. . full lot desired ; will pay from J7.003 10
? ) ,000 , Terms about U o.ish. Address box II
61. eo. UI3K
TX7 ANTED In good order , a first-class sec-
> end hand baby cab. Address with price
11 Ki. Uee. CUt > -7 *
\VANTKD To buy a 1C 11. P. automatic cn-
' gino ; want to soil or trade a SO bbl. mill.
Wm. Laldas. i3 ! ! N 21th aU 514 10 *
\\7ANTED-Stook of men's clothing or boots
' ' nnd simps for good real estate a ml cash.
Address II J5. lice. * 4)iG ) ;
fur rntel , etc. , tee top offlnt column on tht * pant ,
J-'sts. Practice limited to diseases of women.
M5iO > U
T you litivo uny second hand clothes to sell.
call or address , Kallsh , 215 S. Utb btreet.631M1
PllULSTEltlNG-Kurultiiro polished and
muttrossos renovated. Peterson , 113i < N.
18th st. 410 14 *
" \X7ANTED Renewals nnd subscrlptlonn for
IT The Ladles' Home Journal. Miss E. 0.
Morrell , 1014 Knrnnin street , Omaha. Mi83A30 ;
treatiiient.olcctro-ilicrinal baths.
Bcalp and hair treatment , manlcuro nnd
chiropodist , Mrs.Po3t ll9H S. Uth.Wlthhcllblk
ILL1S COY. house mover. 513 South 17th
street , and bU South ISlh avenue.
"V\7"ANTED Two copies each of the mornlnz
IT nnd ovcnhiK HKK of November 3rd'awl
ono copy of tlio uioruliiRof December 2nd and
three copies of tr o cvciilnz of DoccmTjor 1.16UO.
nt the lleo ofllce. OT8
i'Vr terms , etc. , ttc top of first column on 1/iw page
rPHE Woman's Christian association Alll
JLhold their regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday , April 7 , at" : : > 0 p. in. , In the narlors
of the } oung Woman's Home , 100S. 17th street.
Ills * Collier , corresponding secretary. MG517 *
For rattt , etc. , ee top offirtt column on thin page ,
FIRST mortgages on vacant and Improved
city property. County and city warrants
wanted. F. M. Klcliardsoii. 818 N. V. Life. Ji.
j bank , 319 S. l.Hh st. . loans money
ou chattels or collateral at reasonublo rates
_ _
MONEV to loan by U. I' . Masters on chattel
and collateral sue urltloa for any time from
I to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans inudo on household goods , pianos , or
gans. horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts. the lowott rates possible with
out imuiiuiiy ur removal 01 urupcriy.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time and
reduce both principal and Interest.
If youowoa balance on vour propeity or
have a loan you want changed , I will pay It
off nnd carry It for you. If you find It more
convenient , call up telephone No. 1G21 uni
you buslnc s will bo arranged at homo.
Money always on hand , No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest lutes. H. K. Masters ,
Koom 4 , Wlthncll bile. , IStliandllarnoy sta.cii
: cii
] \f ORTGAOES placed promptly upon Omaha
ILL business property at lowest rates. Loans
inadu on approved collateral security. Notes
bought , bchool and municipal bonds negoti
ated upon very favorable turms. Klmbull
Uhainp .t llynn. 1205 Knrnam at 803 ulS
MOItTGAGE loans wanted. SlcCaguo In
vestment company. 70
forralM , etcsectop of flrtt column nnthti page
IV Vour property Is already encumbered , nn <
yoo need moro money , wo can borrow from
tl.COU to ? af i for you and t Ku n second mort
gago. Alex Moore. 401 ilco hldg. _ COOS
MONEY to loan on Improved Ouiaha rca
estate. aX ) H. Wth streot. '
MONKVtoloanon Improved city propcrt'
at current ratci : funds on hand : nodo-
lay. ( Ico. V. Hlust k Co. . an liamga blo'g. at.
OK. & . C. M. Authony.318 N.V.Llfe building
lend money on farms in choice counties li
Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha resi
dence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no
delay ; . money ready. Titles and values passoi
on here. 'M
_ i loansG to7por cent ; no nddl-
oJUonal charge * for commission or attorney's
feus. W. U. Molklc , First National bankbld'e.g
MONEY to loan on city property , eastern.
Ncbrnhka and western Iowa farms ; lowest
rates. List your property f or aloc/r exchange
with E. F. lllnger , ground floor 1510 rarnam.
ONEY to loan. Midland Guarantee aud
Trust Company. 1014 Kurimm street. MTUJ
MONEY on hand to loan on Improved or un
improved property. Chun. W. Italnoy.
Qtnaha National bank bldg 511M1 *
0 1 > Kit cent first raortcagu loans. It. C. Patter
x'tOHiKit New York Life bulldine. TOal
MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Vldol
liy Trust company. 1814 Faruam. 2Ti
t'orratet , tte tettopofinl column onthltpi\ge
ill VATK ntonejMLo loauT J"D. SClTtfe , 91
IN , Y. Llfft. x
ttf. , tttttp.'offjty ' roliimn on Uib nap * .
QTOCIC millinery tfoouV In thNolty , alio ona
V 7n | Salt Lake City. MiWk of drugs nnd S'nall
stock dry goods to exchange forclear prop
erly and somoMSh. yytclil oii,5 Taiton.
[ 710R SALE The furniture of a 40-room
12 hotel , beds , beddlnft'nnd all furniture In
oed condition ; alw > MIoan and all fixtures
onneetod therewith and billiard tables and
II noccMnry coulumwitv Also a lonso of tlio
-story Imtol building.In which said hotel ,
aloou anil hllllnnl fumUuro and fixture * nro
Ituated. llulltlluc 1 hunted by steam nnd
Ijrhlecl by electricity. EvcrrthltiK in first
IBM condition. > V BiuOudld bargain for tlio
Izlit man. I'or further particulars call on
luck & Cumubell between 11 nnd 12 a. ni..r < Hiu
05. New York Life bulldlu ; , Omuha , Neb.
67311 *
' tooK for sate , with or without build-
DIU'O lot ; only drills sloro in town. Ad
dress M. 11. Hates. Uonlplian. Neb. CS > 7
rrOH SALE A rnro chance. A Rood book ,
J-1 stationery , news ana fiuiry goods busi
ness , established In H7G , Inn Missouri river
own In Nebraska , poimlatlon. : railroad
hops with a monthly pay roll of
Ides other Indiutrles. Stockitroatly reduced.
Mock and flxtnros valued about I'.UW. ' lc&wii !
or selling , on account of poor health. Tor
ull particular * address J. r. Young. Plum-
noiitli. Neb. M587H *
GOOI ) business man with about M.OOO cun
A secure a * oed position on salnrrnnd n
nrso dividend cu his In vestment , Address 11
t lice. 6ig C
_ _ _ _
40,000 merchandise Omaha prnpertr will bo
taken In part payment , lliitchinvm &
Vend , reliable flt-o Insurance , 1M1 Douglas.
rrOU SALE Ilutclier'a tools nnd fixtures ;
-L also Ice box , cheap ; coed location ; room
rents for 1 5 per month. Address II 51 , Roc.
COS 12 *
OKICK yard , complete ahrt well located ,
JJcaimclty 70,000 per dajMnodern machinery ,
tfll exchange for Omaha real estate , llutch-
nton & Weud , Ore Insurance , 1034 Uouplas st.
B IAUOAlN-1'rofltablo furnUlied Hat , KM N.
10th. fOOlO *
FOH HALE nincksmlth shop , tools nnd
Block. IJox 101 , York. Nch. M331-0 *
LIOH SAL"E Half Interest In an established
-L steam laundry In Omaha. Address 1130 lice.
"TT OU SALE I.oa o and furnlturd of 25-room
JL ? hotel In business part of a town of ten
rnllrouds. Iteasons for selling ! Ill honlth.
\ddrcss J 1. . lice ofllce , Council lIlufTs. 1MI !
2ALOON for tale , only ono In the city. Ad
Jdrcss M. R. Dunn. Long I'lnu. Nob. KTT alii *
stock forsulo ; doing a cath'busl *
ness. Address V JT , Hoc. JI500 A1J *
DO you wish to get In a good business ? Itciy
the C'onmerctal hotel at llrokcn How ,
> 'ob. . tnKe part Omaha aero property. 407
TTIOK SALE Kurnltimi and undcrtaklnR
-U business In u good town , with or without
store bulldlnc ! nart cash , balance cllt cdco
nniicr or clear leal estnto ; Invoices about
M.COO. llox 1'4 Lincoln 4KI
Forrafw , etc. , tcctnp o ] flrtt column on this pago.
rpo TRADE Houses nnd lots , good farms ,
Jhorsei , cattle , furniture , wagons , harness ,
lihoatons , etc. I'ora quick trndo In western
style cnllatEvanscxchangu.GlUfaxtou build-
In ! . ' , Omaha.
\\7 ANTED-Good cucumborcd Omaha , property -
' orty ; wo will plvo you line rental piopci-
ty cleur and some cash ; iio property too bl ; ;
for us too handle. Alex Moore , 401 Bee bid ? .
CBS ( *
"VTICEfarm In central Nebraska to trade for
-L > city or town property , merchandise or live
stock. Co-Upcratholmnd aud Lot Co. , 205N
lUth st. ( 18
O TUADE 2 good homes , lot and tarn , for
Q stock fnnilturo or 'notions. Address box
JIB. Kluln. Xcb. { , (250 ( *
IWriili trade a cooS-eoulty In a house and
lot In tlio most aceesslblu partof Orouha for
clear lots , acres or clqur house and lot , Ad
dress 1140. lice olllco. t j 010
have Clear farms near Omaha and DCS
WE , Iu. , to cxcjianao for good busi
ness orrcsldeno/j properly in Ouiaha ; will as
sume rour morfga o and give you borne cash.
Alex Slooro , 401 Dee bids. GDIS *
/LEAR ( farms for bm'aha property. J. 0 >
, 40 , Chaiu. lier of Comiiprce. ; , 'JI7
< EAN general stociRllof niprchandlBO 'for
farm and mouoy. Boxax\ Frankfort , Ind. '
T WILL trade good clear lot worth > JOO and
J-tako good upright piano 03 part p.iymont.
AddrcsiFia. lloo. 47i
1'or rate * , etc. , sec top offirtt column on this page.
"ITIOKSAliE Choice corner 24th street. South
X' Omuha ; full business lot , Jackson , near
ICth. H. Ho.3SO _ M744al7
TT1OK SALE Lot with house of olstht rooms ,
J-1 bath room and closets , half block from mo-
\Yntcrandsowerconnectlons. . Price
tXOOO.ono-hnlf ou time at 0 percent. Address
1100 , lleeofllco tur "
TTIVE-room houses In Orchard III11 , $1,500.00
-L each on monthly payments. Tbomus F.
Hall , 311 Paxton blk. ISO
Br.l'OUE buying or selling property consult
ridollty Ifcul Estate Co. , * 15 N. Y. Life
building. _ MtfM 7 *
FOR SALE Urljjgs Place lots on motor line.
Also aero property. 1' . M. Richardson. 818
N. Y. Life blag. 302
j SO acres Hup farming land adjoining good
J-Nt > braska town ; nearly clear.
103 acres llnelv Improved land lii miles from
county seat In Nebraska j lightly encumbered.
120 acres good land in Isubruslcu.S miles from
county seat ; 2.5uO Inhabitants.
House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Ulearlot In good Nebraska town.
4-room hou e and lot , barn , veil and cistern ,
10th street , Omuha ; slluhtly encumbered ; will
trade for Omaha property and assume cuoum-
branccs. 11. E. Cole , Continental block. OOP
SALE Kitru bargain. Choice 60x120.
with building ; rents J 11)0. ) 00 per mo. ; onu
block from now P. 0. O. L. Green , It 39 , IJar-
kcr block. < JK
SALE A fine Improved farm of 300
- ucrea ; 100 under cultivation ; bhado trees
fruit , windmill , wagon scales , etc ; 100 miles
west of Omaha ; 1) ) pur acre. Add res , O 4 ? , lleo.
i C
TTlOlt South Omaha pro perty businoss.track-
J ? ngoor roildenco go to the Icatllns real cs-
tatu dealers In Smith Omaha , Ed Johnbon .t
Co. . cor. 24th and Nats. M 13
JI1O11 SALE The most comfortable 8 room
* - modern house In the city , every conven
ience , bath , pas. elcctrlu bolls , furnace , laun
dry , etc , Lnrsc stable , room for 4 horses , elty
water In stable , concrete lloor , full lot-In l.alf
mile limit , convenient to 4 llnrs of curs , shade
trees , etc. I'rlco 110,000. Address F 23 , Hoe
ofllcc. 4&
_ _ _
A OUEAT Chance Wo have Jnst complete *
J-X ArraiiKvmcnts whereby you may seuuro 11
Bocxl house and lot on Lowe avenue , between
rnrnam and Cumlng strcota for loss than the
lot U worth. Just tlilnlc Of ill A house and
lot cast front on Lone avenue , forjfi.500 , the
lot Is wonh f-,000 ; the house and Improvements -
monts cost 11.400. Tills Is un opportunity of n
life thno to secure a good homo on ono of this
beststri'otsfn Omaha uLa great sarrlllcc. 1'or
partlculursspo Star Loan" und Trust tk > . , llrst
lloor N. Y. Life Offlco'mren every ulglit fron
7 till 10 o'clock. MJ -
_ _
FO SALE Twcnty'JKausos ' and flftv va
cunt lots in UunfleO' Place The arlsto
'cratlo addition to UirirUfti. Uborul commis
sions to agents. InnulHi of Patrick Land Co.
room 140. lleo building \ ' _ fll 4M Ifa
TTIINKfitock Furin forsala , I haio forsalo
-L1 the Huest stock furnVlli tlio west , contaln-
Ingl.OW norcsof very line land , XM acres un
der cultivation , BO uewi of tame griiis , AX )
acres of fenced pastur * ' with running water
000 acres hay and pastor * land with plenty o
water , Klrst-class biilfdliiKs nearly new ant
In good repair. They Ikifludo two large dwell
1 ngs , stables for 500 heiulof cuttle , witli fcci
yards attached , fullytwiulppod with foe (
troughs and hay racks , tkrgo horse barn , corn
cribs. Imy tdicds , otci. ' windmill and wntc
tanks , ItulldtiiKsand fi'M yards nrosheltcrei
by u largo cottonwood r > V > eon north nndweH
sides , bltnatod m Unmhic county , 70 mlles
noitliwestof Omaha W'the ' famous Klkhori
vulley , 8 mlles north orftlostl'oint , the county
teat , and 4 miles cast of Ileemcr , I'rlco
and terms sent on application. Adure >
! ' . fonnenscholn , West Wilnt. Nebraska. 501-1
E 7-room cottage. 4nd and Cumin ?
r , easy terms , llutclunsonVcad
11 ro Insurance , ITd Douclns. 517 I
PT-IIOOM house , lot UJxK. . { 1,700 ; also 6-roon
Chouse , lot UUiiSr. . s. u. cot. llth and VIntoi
Bt t'.OOO. Ilrlckhoute , lot 4UGC , n , e. cor , lOtl
and Douglas , rJu.000. Urs.KuhinianSlU5 , llth
_ _
FOH SALE The cheapest property in th
city , on Lake street. 7 rooms , ta,5oO. U V
Orunu 11 N. V. Llto. Call 17.1. H4'J
For ratectt. . Kt ( up of trt ciilmim un inln p < j3
MUs Hturdy. J10 llaniey fct
1 AD1KS and Rcntlciuun c u rout
AJ ado tulU at US M. ICth in , 43JA.J1
Several hundred handson stylish , seasonable , sensible
Spring Overcoats , of the crop of " 91 , " at prices to sell them quick. The
time is limited. We don't want ONE left at the end of the six days.
They're in Melton's , in Kerseys , in Tweeds , in Cassirneres , in Cheviots , in
\Vorsteds. They're in all shapes , shades , styles and sizes.
Four dollars and seventy-five cents will buy you a handsome Mel
ton garment , made , lined and trimmed right up in shape. Man , do you
Six seventy-five , seven twenty-five , seven and a half or seven dollars
lars and sevcnty.five cents , in cold cash , will buy you an Overcoat that
you'll be proud to wear anywhere.
'Leven and a half , twelve , or thirteen dollars , will buy you an Over
coat that not half the people you meet can tell from a garment made to
And when you spend sixteen to seventeen doa rs and a half we will
agree to give you an Overcoat , the EQUAL in every wayt shape and
manner of any "made to order" garment that you can buy for thirty to
thirty-five dollars.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our out-of town friends can have samples of these garments , or of our lines of NEW
SPRING SUITS sent them by mail upon application.
Furratu , etc. , ( ee tnpofjlrtt column on Ihf * jvWe
"fiHU SAIjK Ten cliolco lots and money
- Ilonncd utCpcr cent to Improve same. In
I'opnlcton Park nnd ynundor A Hlnicbauuh's
nildltlou. ICIchard 0. I'attersou , 1)07 ) Now York
Life. _ 440-a
' Grain nnil Stock Knrni GOO acre $ ,
Sl'ENDID (100 ( fenced ) under Cultivation ,
' . " 00 acres hay nnd piistnro land ,
fenced , 20 ncro fruit bcarliiK orchard ;
Irces around whole firm , il dwcllliiK
liouscs , 4 litrRo buriw , hay sheas , yards , etc. ,
corn-cribs granary , .to. , Hplondlu water nnd
close to luarlot "i mile ? toVcst 1'olut , Ilia
county seat of UmnliiK couuty. TIiUls aruro
chaneuto KC a llrst-elass farm In a locality
that has never had a failure of crops slnco the
grasshopper plaRUO. This farm \vlll bo sold
\vlth or wit hout stock ant ) Implements.Vrlto
for full df crlptlon nnit prices , cnclo-lnp
stamp to i < \ SonuciibChcln , West Point. Ne
braska. _ 501-17
Forratctetc.ttctopof flnl column onlhfs ) > ioe ,
TPO know your future satlsfnctory for the
J- least money goto Mrs , Stc\or , 4W N. loth
street. _
- should know Mrs. Dr. Do
WANTKD-A11 mind render nnd fortune
teller ; tells past and future ; she Is the bu t
evcrlicro ; lse.spocl.illy deep In all matrlmon-
nlal ulTalrs and mysterious disappearances ;
don't ouy. soil or co on a jonrnoy until you
consult her ; she can fortoll Its results ; is
truthful and reliable ; perfect satisfaction
piiurnntccd by jnall : send two stamps for 11-
lustraxcd chcular , 'J i Tv'orth ICth st , Omaha.
. CI7 11 *
MRS. WAliliAOU clairvoyant ; naturally
Rlttod ; tells past lUuHuturo.lovotroubloB.
absent frlomls , clianccs , travel , business. i : S
1'aruani street. 004-1 *
MRS. Nnniilo V. Wnrren , clairvoyant , trance
HueakliiK , wrltlnt ? and rcllabln business
medium , fouryoarslii Omaha. 119 N.lUth. : OJ
. FOUT. palmist fortune teller , tells
MHR. nnd futaro from the lines of the
hana In old gypsy way ; ladles only ; f eo il 512
S. lUth. .V > OA13 *
Forratuttc.stetopnfjtrst column
and best Morale for furnlturo.
CHEAPEST 1'nrimm st. _ aS7
trackaso iind BtoraRo bullclln ; In
Omaha. United States government bondixl
warehouse. Household Koodn stored andc.ired
for. Lowest rates suurantcod. VI. 51 * Uush-
maii. 1013-1U15 Loa > cm\orlli. _ ' 32i )
STOHAOE of household Eoods ; clean , dry
place , privately stored , t rnis moderate ; wo
also store sloven during the summer , uowlll
gut them from the bouses mid deliver them In
tlio fall In Rood trim. Tol. CGD. 1'JJ ? Doughis.
Omaliafetovo Kopalr 'Works. _ 719
rooms for osss nnd hutter.
dry storaco fonndso , and household
( foods. Itatcs reasonable , ample truckage.
The Kob. Cold -SUirugo Co. , BlJ-til" Howard at.
Forraiu , etc. , sectnp offlnt column onthitiiQ6
/ l EO. K. Ootlcnbock , teacher of the banjo ,
\nr\vUlt1lnann 1 > A < I
\ \ 1-rt DrAllrrlfi a
Wllli iiuapu ,
buylnzn , piano examine the now
rrMIEAllen-ICetchaui School of Expression ,
JLiii > N.s&th , Classes boIiiBformcd In Elocution ,
Dolsurte , SLakuspenro , Physical Culture.
For rates , etc. , see top offirtt colum u on thti page.
SALK I'urnlturo In T-room house ;
FOll for rent ; opp. Hnnscom park , north.
All modern eonvctilunces. Inqulro Leo A
Nlcliol , "stli and I.caveimortli. ! K >
TT1UHNITUHE bouKht , sold , stored. Wells.
JJ 1111 Farnam street. IE7
SALK Complete set of druj store flu-
POIl . show eases , etc. , 1' . 0. box ii72.
Forraits. ttc.scetopnffirst cnluinn on tMi
f OST A light colored grip contalnlns piano
J-JcaUlonucs , wire , tools , te. A sultubio re-
wanl If luftatSlax Meyer & llro. Co.'s. S1UO
I OST A Knleht Templar charm xvltli Uvo
XJ diamonds ; llndor leave nt C'hrh Speclit's
Hth street between Jackson and Junes. M400
, ( ( ( . , ecttop of first column un thU pace ,
line hair goods In west ; hair dressing.
BEST . switches , bangs , lialr chains , etc. , a
specialty. Uuvlcs. hair goods HUI ! milliner ,
oppoalto postolllcc. HI 8 IStli BU. Omaha. a4t
Hi tte. , tee fnj > o/firtt column on
HAVK nltvayson hand n lot of first class
mllclicows for saloorwill trudofordry
ones at barn. S. U. corner 19th and Leaven *
worth. aJ. Blontsomcry. SUJO MV
Formic * , tie. , ttt top of flr t column an tMt jtajs
F HEU Motile , B , e.cor , I'arnam .tilth.
For rate * , etc. , see Inp of fint column on f/id page.
MABSAGE bath ut Madame Smith's parlors ,
M lloor , 42J f. 15th stroot. Ml-11 *
J-'orratft , etc. , tee top offlnt coutnn on thti pagt.
PATENTlawycrsnndsolliltonG. :
Co , lleo building , Omaha. Ilrauch oflleoiit
Wnshlnston , U. U. Consultation frea.
v /will find proposal advcrllsemunUof Na-
tlaiinl , State and .Municipal authorities nnd of
building commlltec ! * , as well at Important
news of projoutcd work , lu all parts of toe LJul-
ted Mates und Canada , not uUoKhere pruvl.
ously piihllshrd. In TDK KNdIN KMU.NG
HiCUKD.priort : ( < i l-a7ThoSiiiliary ( KuRlnecr ) ,
NowVork , Ou lale Tuckduys In tliUcltv , uv
K. Wytu an'i. upT-11-21- '
THE IlKAliTY" 3LV1111I3T.
TNSTHUJIENTS placed on record April B ,
J1S01. .
John Albert and wlfo to Cordelia Jonos.
loto , blk8 , 1'arkl'nrost nn . I 500
sol Itcrginan and wlfo to S J 1'lshcr , und
14 lots IU uud 3J. 1)11 ) 2 , ICIlby Plnce . 1,500
E A Ili'nson , trustee , tol" NVlIoukal , lot
12. blk fi , ] len on . 473
E A Cobb nun wife to Ijcnn Kroon , lots
Iti , 17 and IS. blki lllrniliiKliiun. . . 050
S A CdinpLoll toT A O Mllnor , o H lot 0 ,
blU-330 , Omaha. _ . 4,000
A K Greenwood and wlfo to John Half *
man. lot" , hlkr > , I'nrk Torost ud . 500
Carl Kanspholt nnd wlfo to 1' P Scldolt ,
lot4S Fl'ortcr'sad . & 00
M lies & Thompson to I'nul Hoiinl , lot 7 ,
blk 4 , Missouri Avenue 1'nrlc . 313
Omaha & If L &TCo to Johiin Mlkkel-
son. lot 8. blk 41. Klorcnco . CM
Onialm Si I'L.tXCo toJ 1 * Ivonscn , lot
TJ. blk 42 , Tlorcncc . 500
J I Rcdlcknnd wlfo to Charles While , n
4 ft of s 44 ft lot 17 , blk U. Ucdlck'i sub
of ISodlck'sad . 150
0 Libaundcre tollcssloN 1'r.itt. lot 30 ,
lilkl , Buundorsfc II 's ud tonlinit
Illll . 050
C Smith and wifoto Margaret Smith , w
SJslOO It lot 0. IHitlhiK'tiiii Center . 1
AO Troupund wlfo to J S King , lot 4 ,
blkis , CurtliuRoadd . T . 1
W J Wagoner and wife to UJ Grant , lots
10 und II , blk 1 , Vau Ucurcn Heights
( refllc ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8M
r A Wlthncll nnd wife to I'M Lconurd ,
fractional lot ! ) In 11 and y > In I0lt13. . . C.OOO
SUWInn and-xvlfi ) toJ N llurkc , lot 0 ,
blk2 , Sdndd toSo Omaha . 2,350
Nellie M Ilruiiiier and luisbind to.lolm
Oitlld , lot ] , Dlk2. Ayor'sK&Tadd. . . . 3.MO
lj V Slorso iind wlfo toT O llriituior , lots
111 und 20 , blk K , Itlorso & Uruiiner's
add . . . . . 1
P A Morrcll nnd wlfo to Omaha real es
tate nnd trust company , lots 19 to M ,
blk I' . Suunduri > ! > & lllmobiiugh'tiUlgli-
land Park . f. . . 1
Total nraouutof transfers . I 24.00 !
Omiua. DepotlOth n-l Mircy streets. Otn l'
C.07 a m , .K ns.i Cltr Kinross. Tz.o. " ra
0.30 a in .DonTfr KxorDss S.55p m
2Wp m , . .Overland Klror .OSpm
t7.30p m ,1'nclnc " 11.45nm
Leaves . I Arrlrii
Oronlm. U. P. dcpou 10th nnd Murcr Sts. I Omaha.
G.10 p m . . .Nlk'lit iipre 5. . . ! U Oj A iu . . .Atluullo Kjipmsi. , , 1'i.M p m
4.80 p m .Vcstlhulo I.lmitocl. 1045 am
. "XrriTcn
Omaha. | U. 1' . < lf'Qt. | lOlh nnd Mnrcy Sts. Uuialio.
| , . tiloux Utr l-u > cniicr .
_ - 10.10 n m
Onubn. I Depot 15th and Wcbator bta. I Omaha.
JUO p ml. . . . . . . .St. I'nul I.ln-llI'll I
"J-eavos .
Omaha. | ( J. 1 * . depot. IQili nnd
U.I5 a m j.Chicago 10iiron | . . . fi.20 p m
< 3)p ) m . .Vustlbulo Limited. f.M a m
(115 ( p ra IOTR Acconimcdnttonloxc. Bun. ) 7.05 p m
t > 10 p m , Ktt5tern 2.41 p m
8 OOp in ( cun. Sat' ) l'q nontiroxc. ( Mon.l 7.41) ft m
ICUIOAliOT Allfi. A'rir.
O JUh ' a. | U. t . d i p j t. I ) th an I Marcy Sta.l Omihy
aiOp'ral Ctilcazo Kzproit | v.45 am
IMa ml Clilca o Kxvrast | C.3J pm
Oh , there was a smart merchant there still
are a few ,
Who bought a Smith Premier ( pooullar but
t rue ) .
And his typewritten letters wcro somuoh ad
lie scooped in the dollars , and straightway
The Smith Premier Type-Writer Co , ,
Office , IQOOit Farnam Street , Omaha Neb
JL Department of tlio JII-our ] , olllco of Ihu
Chief ( JunTtermnstcr St. I IIH , Missouri.
Aorll 7 , l ! ll. Scaled proopstils. In triplicate ,
suhjoct to tlio usual conditions will boro-
colvud at this ofTIco and at the olllcos of tlio
Quartermasters at the folloulng imniod sta
tions , until 12 o'clock' , noon , central standard
tlmn. May Tth , IM)1 , anO then oiienod , for fur
nishing and delivering Wood , Coal nnd C'har-
coal , iiurlnnuio itscnl ycnruceinnliig.uly ! 1st ,
Iffn , ut Ports I.ouvctnsorthaiidHlloy , Kansas :
Torts Hi-no and Sill , Oklahoma Ti'rrtlory. nnd
1'ort. Supply , Iml lull Territory ! Furls dowN
and LofHin nnd at Dvnvur , Colorado and
L'niapsnt GulliriannU Oklahoma City , OUu-
liurau Territory. Proposals for dolivcty at
other points will Lo entertained. Bidders
must tatc tlm plates uhcro llicy propose to
iniiko dells orios. The ( iovorniuciit rc&urri'.i
tlio rlRlit to reject any or all bids , or tn
contract for either Uiiil of Kumilli.'s. or snt'It
portion of each as may lie coiisfdoix-rt lor thu
wst. Intercut of tlie service , und to walvomich
dcfuctR as nro not hi con Ilia irlth
tlio Inw. 1'rtiferenca will 1)0 ) Blvuu
to articles of dotuostlu iproOiwtlon or
manufacture , conditions of Quality
ami price Inoludln In tlio orlco
of foreign production or innnufuctnru
the duty thereon hi'lnn tquul. ItlaiiU prouo-
Eiila ana printed circulars clvln full Information
mation will bo f nrnlbhcd unoa application
tothla tlllco or to tlio ( Jimrtcrniastcrs of tlio
stations named , Knvulopen containing iiropi-
sals Simula lie inarkL-cl "Proposals tor Pui-1 , "
atand nddrossucl tothounilcrhlKnctlor to the
Quartormaslcrs of tliu stations named abovit.
0 , W. 1'OaTEK , QuartormaBtcr , U S. A. . Cliiof
Quart ormastor. in-O-t-a'T-S-O-lO-iu-li-e.
Counclliticn AR-OO Ho Is Ncit to Hlaiuo
inino niiliou . initcr.
TboBallou ordinance continues to \ > o the
thcnio of conversation with a number of
councilman , especially with tboso who \voro
Its friends.
Tho.v all insist that the guilty party shall
bo discovered nnd punished , though they refuse -
fuse to stale wliero they will loolc to dlscovor
such a pox-son.
They are wiuin g , nowtrver , to excuse City
Clerlt Groves or his deputy from bintne , as
they have about arrived at the conclusion
that the cover of the orichial ordinance dis
appeared Iwtoro it roiiclind his oflluc ,
Tlin Mayor's Opinion ,
Mayor Cujhtnghas not yet decided what
ho will do with the Ballou cloctrio light ordi
In speaking upon the subject lie said : "I
am in a peculiar position and I don't ' like to
say what I shall do. "
'Tho loss of tnotiUopaRO I don't think Is
fatal , but the wording of the orJInnnco is
strmtug. in ono section Air. isuuou evident
ly intends to convoy the Intention of furnish
ing cheaper light , but ho falls to say so.
"Ho says , "April 1 , 1 will bo ready
to outer into a contract , but ho falls
to say anything about the contract.
' Another bad thlni ; Is the IciivlnK of the
blank regard ing the holght of wires , If
this Is loft as it is , the witcs irmy bo on the
t'rouml or they may bo 1,000 foot lu the air.
"I don't want to ho too exacting , but the
passage of the ordinance Is ques
tionable , nt least as far as legal
ity Is concerned. It Is a known fact
that the original ordluunoo was read a first
nnd second time , after which a copy of the
original was IKUSOI ! .
"This allshowaa irrcatdealof carelessness ,
and nm afraid that to make matters olndlni ;
between Mr , Bnllou nnd the city It will re
quire the passage of n now ordinance. "
Stand Your Ground.
"When you make up your mind to tnko
Hood's Sarsapurlllu , do not bo induced to buy
sotno other propamtion instead. Clerks may
claim that "ours Is us peed as Hood's11 and
all that , but the peculiar merit of Hood'aSar *
xaparilla cannot bo equalled , Therefore have
nothing to do with substitutes and Insist upou
having Hood's Bnrsaparilln , tbo best blood
purillcr and buildinn up medlcluo.
Ocelaloii in l < nvor ol tlto Clilungo ,
IMIIwatikdO A ; St. Paul lly.
The now Pnluco Blcopiiitr cars of the
Chlcapo , Milwautcco & St. Paul It.v. .
with electric lights In every berth , wilt
continue to Icnvo the Union dupot ,
Oninhtt , ut 0:10 : p. in. , dally. Paa uii era
tukitir | this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil HlulTs , iind arrlvo in Chicago nt 9:150 :
n. m. , in nmplotimo to make nil ens'.ern
conncctiona. Ticket ofllco , IfXIl Fnrnum
Btrcot. F. A. HASH ,
J. E. PIIKSTOK , Gonorul
City Posaongor A goat.