Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY , APltlL 7 , 1801.
Hans of the Local Oommlttce'for ' Enter tain- i
ing the Conference.
All ItcqtilrcinonU ol'the Ocnornl Com-
Hnvo linn n Carefully Com-
pllcstl With Momorlnl from
Local ministers.
. T7io following memorial has txwn prcparcil
by n committee of tlio MctliodUt preachers In
Omali-i nuJ forwarded to the com mission en |
appointed by the gouoral conference of 1SSS
to nld tha brethren of Omaha to entertain the
general conference of 1SW :
"Dcnr brethren ! Tlio following proaehoM I
mot nt the Pnxton hotel , April 2 , O. ' . C. Glen-
dunnliiff , .1. n. Alrtxllold , II. A. Crane , Q. M.
Uroxvn , P. S. Merrill , A. ilodgotts. C. N.
Daw-ton , W. 1C. Beans , C.V. . SuvldKO and !
"J.V. . Bhntik , niihop Novvmnii In the chair
nnd 1' , S. Merrill nctliiif aa secretary , end
took notion upon tlio conditions of your
, inoinoiundumbtibmlttcdtousttirouKhUisUop
Nowtimn. as follows :
"Ilciii I. tlcflnlta iirrnnxomrnU have been
mnlo wltli the hotels of Oinalinfor tlioucooin-
niodiillnn ul 230 or morn dclcKiitua. Tlicsn
hotel1) ) h-ivo bcun vlsltril by a com-
Jit'tcul cuinmtttcu. ( if which your follow
corinnMkmor , Dr. .Maxdclil ww : ono , and tlio
rnport N satisfactory to tlio brotlirun uf
Uniitlin , ,
"Ittin2. The ilcllnltc nrrnriKCincnti ninilo
for HIM iMitortaliiiiiuntot 2.VJ ilnlo ? iilcs In ) irl-
vuto roHldtncos nro aatlsfuctory to _ the
brottircn of Umnliri.
' Item a. All o ( tlio hotel ? hnvo acrood to
onUTUlii riolcKittoi wlihout , rnsard lo race.
Our tolorod brotliri'ii nro there ( ere provided
for as you Indicated.
"Item 4.Vo \ liavo secured the new opera
linitRC In which to lioM the BOSS Ions of tliu
conferriic'C. It lias a scaling cayaclty of SfiOJ ,
and will HrrominodaToII.WJ. Ithas Icon vis-
Hoil \ > y these of our number competent lo
ludeo. mill Ihn Interior of tbo ttructuro will
In oM'ry wny bo adapted to tlio object In view.
Tbo toininlttooi will meet In conimndlous
cliiuchpi , nil ot whleb are sltuatud within a
rndlus of Imlf itinllo.
"Itrm S. Tlio local committee which youro-
qiicslcil IIMSbeenoriinl/cil ; as follow * : J. II.
MtiNflcld , 1) ) . I ) . , clmlriiun : Itiiv. T. 0. Okn-
ctcnnlnsr. J , \ , . MuCnKiic , A. T. ISoctor. F. 0.
CJrnMp. Clark Voodinanand I' A. llcnson.
Iti'in C. A KUarnntcp bond of J.'J.OOO U
iicd by rrsnonsllilu parties.
Iti'in 7-Tbo followniK committees were
nlxonrgnnlrnd : I'tibllr nicntliiRs and ontcr-
1 JilntiH'nts Hov. T , C' . CU'ii'li'imltiRichairman ;
JCov.V.SnvId6. ( ! ( ! . O. I' . Wellcr. Jolin Dale
nnd J. II. MiUomicll. I'rlviitn untort ilnini'iit
] ov. 0 , M. Itroun. chnlnniui ) Klist cbnrcli ,
Jtov. I' , a.Merrill , Mrs. 0. II. Merrill itncl Jlr > .
.1. II McConiicll : HiinscoTii I'nrk olmrcli. Hcv ,
O. M llriinn. JIr i. O. UhnlU'o uml Mn , J.
Ilalei Trlnllr thurcli. Itov. W. K. Hcans ;
Mrs , C. 1Wollir und Mrs. A T. Itcctor ,
Bnwnrd strDou Hov. II. A. Crane , Mrs. U.S.
JtliodCH und Mrs. .lonopli llo.-itty ; South Tenth
B true I , Kor. A. lIcKlii'lt1 * . Mrt. I ) . Cole and
MM. It. HarRont : South Oinaliii. ItniO. . N.
Uavson , Mrs. .M. Mayliorry nnd Mis. Dr. Ohs-
pow ! Hown-nri churcli. Uuv. C. W. SavldRc ,
nlH .leniile Itryant ixtulJlrs. M. O. HohrbotlRh.
A-Hiilj-coinmltteu to vlsltothurionoinlnatlons
wasalso iiiiiolntcd | as follows : limn. (1 , M.
ltru\vn \ , U' , K. lleanu and II , A. Prano , Hotel
ontcrtiilnnii'iit Hov. A. HodgcttH chairman ,
J. 1) ) . Maxllold , ll.n. , Jupob I'uwcctt. T. O.
Itrnlnard nnd I ) . C'oU' . Corrcspoudcnco lov. !
V. S. Moirlll ohalrni.-in. Unv. 0. It. Allen. John
INI , Ila/lcton. Ml'is Candnco 1'hllbrlck. Miss
Hod Taylor. Miss Frances Eniprson.
MI S3 Ksulo 1'ryor anil Jonathan Mcllcn.
Klnanco-W. K. ICurt ? , E. A. Uonson. A.T.
Kcctor , J , L. JtcUagtic and U S. lEocd. ( De
pository to bo the American . bank. )
] < iilroado-J. ! O. I'bltllppl. chairman ; K L.
Jxiinnx. J. H. Huchannn , John Francis , K A.
IS'uili. U. H. Kltchlo , J. K Dollnvolsi' . Goorpo
M. Clayton und L. H. Williams , 1'ostnl nr-
rutixctnunts lov. ! O. N. Dawson , chairman ;
Jlev , F.V , Itross , Kov. ! ) . Snavcloy , Hov. II. II.
milliard nnd Kov. J. "W. Nlohol on. Hooontlon
of fratornnl dclcRatos and vlHltors 11. A.
Urnnc , A. M. , clialriniui ; .7. It. Mnxllokl , D.D. ,
O , 1' . Cr llitoii ! ; , D.U. , lilchardJainos. B. J. 1m-
holT , 11. T. Clarke and Ooloncl Tiillers. 1'ub-
llo wofhliij ) Hov.V. . 1C. Itoani , cnnlrinan :
I { \s T. C.Olonilcnnlnir , Dr. Maxflclil. Dr. T.
Blolv Stuart and Mr. J , T. ItobliiHon , 1'rcas
Itov. J. W , Shank , chairman ; J. K. t'owglll , J.
\ \ . Jonnlnsrs nnd Itov , J , 12. Enslun.
"Our people of Omaha und adjacent coun
try nro enthusiastic In the prospect of the
next general conference being nold in tbls
city , and all foci n solemn determination to
Klvo the delegates a cordial welcome and
tacitltata the business of the ron fcrcnco. Wo
trust , dear brethren , you will contuiuo to ntn.
us with your counsel nnd join us In securing
railroad facilities for the ilelepatc.s , and moot
ivith us as from ttmo to time your presence
tnny bo needed to carry forward to a succoss-
Iul Issue the proper cntcrtalnmont of the
Kcnernl conference of 180J. Tbtscominunl-
catlott U forwarded to you by thouctlon of
the brethren of Otiulm. through Dr. Max-
field , your fellow commissioner.
"J. P. NBWMAV , Chairman. "
"P. S. MERIIIIX , Secretary. "
Policeman JCBHO Nc\rnmn
Thoin In Court.
Ofllcor Jcsso Newman proposes to have sat
isfaction out of 8. K. Hopowoll , the owner of
the Keystone chop house , where the riot took
place last ivcolt. Ho ntis brouRht suit in
which ho asks that ho bo awarded $ .2,000 dam
ages , charging that owlnj ? to his color ho has
been denied ccrlnln rights and privileges uc-
conlud other American citizens , such as sit
ting upon a high stool nnd eating a 16-ront
K. S. Fla&gls not satisfied with his wife's
success ns a litigant and pro
poses to take a hand in Icpnl matters'
Ills own account. Three years ago , whllo his
\vifo Ada was out driving , her horse became
frightened at a team bolongltiK to the Omaha
Cab company. She was throxvn from hur
bURi'y , after which she instituted suit and
recovered a 3,000 Judgment.
FlaKe has now sued the cab company for
SIrtS.r,0 , : , , clulmlrjR that his wife's time which
stio lost amounted to $2,500 and that the tml-
nu co of the sum was expended for medical
services and Incidentals.
The case of the state against A. B. Smith
nnd William Wilson WAS put on trial before
.Tuiliro Kstolle. Thaso men nra charpred with
haviiiK robbed D. J , Mattlcson of tlT.CO whllo
ho was occupying- bed in a lodging house.
In the criminal court F. B. Mc-
Crackcn was arraigned and pleaded not
guilty to the cnarco ot Imvlnp stolen a de
posit check of $145 from iTrank Cobalt.
The ball of Cary Juclson Worhlnffton , the
" picture destroyer , was reduced to $1,000 , and
it Is probable that the young man's friends
will cpino to his relief nnd put up the collat
eral which will truarantoo hii , liberty uuti'
the next term of court.
Should \Vnrblncton bo released , ho has no
sure thing on enjoying the sunshine for any
great lengtli of time , ns It is understood n
warrant will bo issued , charging him with
behitf u lunatic , and ho will ho at ouco rushed
bade to Jail.
Nell Kdwnras , who was charged with hav *
Inp stolen SIO fiom the scrsoa of a Wnhoo
granger , was nriulgned before Judge Kstollo
yesterday altornoon. Upon being allowed to
plead to the plain charge of petit larceny she
acknowlodKed her guilt , and was sentenced
to ton days In the county iail. The woman
has already served forty-nine days.
Alf rod K. Woodman ploailod gulltv to the
crime of adultery with ono Sarah Troost and
was iltiod $ .V ) ana sentenced to ono day m the
county Jail , In mitigation of the crime he
pleaded that ho married a Kansas City
woman fourteen years his senior ; that they
botli were sick of the union , nnd after paying
Ids wife a Inriro amount of money for nw re
lease no took Sarah from llio city on tbo Kaw
and removed to Oinahn , where they passed
as man nndvlfo , putting up at tno Jennings
hotol. Mrs. Woodman followed them to this
city , caused Woodman's arrest , but failed tc
appear and prosecute ,
The oniclal announcement of court stonog
ranhcrs to servo with the now Judges Is
hailed with delight by at least four of tno
pcutloincii who wore laboring for the posi
H. M. Waring will servo In Judpo Es-
tclle's court ; Thomas If. Wilson will bo with
Judge Ferguson , W. S. Heller with Judge
Irvlno and C. A. 1'ottor with Judge Davis.
Court llooms.
The county commissioners yesterday
ttruclt a streak of oconotpy and started out
on a hunt for additional court rooms without
even consulting the wishes or doslros of the
With an architect they visited tbe large
court room , known. is Room No , 1 , and of tor
inspection have about docldod to split it
In two , making the criminal court room ia tha
south ' half and a trial court room out of the
uorth half , saparAtingtho two by n partition.
The members of the bar are miking- vlc-
orous protest , chiming that No. 1 Is the only
room largo enough when Important cases
nro on trial , and -with the room reduced In
nbo it wilt b Impossible to bandlo such
1 like my wife to nso Poizonl's Complexion
Powder bncauso It Improves her looks and is
ns fragrant us ylolcU.
JIo F\ll ! UndcrnMotornncl Wan Badly
George Snowdcn had a cloio call yesterday
morning at tbo corner of Sixteenth and
Howard trccts. Hoatteroptod to board a mov
Ing westbound motor train on the Ilamcoiu
park line , but m some manner missed con
ncctions and ent under the wheels.
Ho grasped the railing on the forward
platform of the trailer nnd was swung around
between the two .cars , falling across the
rails. The trala was stopped almost instantly ,
but not before the unfortunate innn had
sustained serious and possibly fatal In-
jurlcs ,
The wheels of the trailer did not pass
over him , but struck niridnst the
lower portion of the trunk , pushing the body
before thorn. The man's coat WM caught In
"the track crossing ? and ho was doubled up in
such n manner that it was a wonder that
that every bono In his body was not broken ,
The , car was thrown from tno track and It
was found necessary lo raise It before Snow-
den could bo extricated from his painful and
dangerous million. Ho WAS taken Into a
neighboring drap store , and later removed to
hl < homo , 411 North Fourteenth street , In the
patrol wagon. Besides numerous cuts and
urulscs It was found that ho had sustained n
fraoturoof the collar bono nnd severe Inter
nal injuries , but whether or not uo was bleed
ing Internally the doctor was unable to deter
Witnesses to the affair state that Snowdon
had been drinking , and a bottle of whisky
was found in his pocket. His condition Is
serious , but his physician bays ho will prob
ably recover.
Hall's ' HalrKonowor enjoys a world-wldo
reputation for restoring the hair to bald heads
nnd changing gray hair to the original color
of youth.
Qrand Armjr Men Cclobrnto the Or
der's IivcntfKillli Uirtlttlay.
Twenty-flvo years ago yesterday the first
Grand Army Kcpubllo post was organized ,
and uuder Instructions sent out from tha
cumuinndor In chief of the Grand Army Ko-
publlc every post in the United States cele
brated the ovenb lost night. And as o result ,
the programme * Avero all practically the same ,
consisting oftlio rcjdltiR of the order , the
history of the parent organization , patriotic
music and singing.
At Ouster post the first post organized In
Omaha , tlio members of General Crook cimp : ,
Sons of Veterans and Custor Uoliof corps
nsslstoj in the exercises.
Thotmll was beautifully decorated with
flags and portraits of the old commanders.
Stacks of arms draped with flags \vere placed
la difFrront pirts of the room , giving it a
wnr like appearance , though all was poaeo
nnd good cheer.
The orator ot the evening vras Judge Dnrt-
lett , who in a pleasing manner gave the his
tory of tbo first post , established at Dccatur ,
The ups find downs of Custor post were de
scribed 03' Com rude John B. Sawn ill.
The vocal music was furnished by the
young ladies of the Women's Hello f corps.
In Central hull tbo members ot U. S. Grant
no3t , Oeorpo A. Crook post , U. S. Grant
woman's Hcliof corps , GeorRo A. Crook
Woman's Ilcllof corps , and George A. Crook
Sons of Veterans , mot to pay tri buto to the
Dr. Stowo acted as master of ceremonies ,
with Captain Benson orator of the evening.
The history of the post was detailed by Major
Clarltson , with Judge Fuwcctt illling iu with
a patriotic speech.
On the -whole ) It was an enjoyable evening
at both of the post rooms , and ono thafw'li
long be romoinbored by the many who were
In attendance.
If you do not use -whole bottle of Cook's
Extra Dry Champagne at once , aruboer cone
will keep it for anys.
The Eden Museo has a standard novelty
entertainment this week that far surpasses
anything put on there yet. In the curio hall
the band ot Stunoan warriors , headed bv
Chief Atufuo , Is the cnlof feature , xvlucu
has been said and written about these people.
The bettor way Is to go and see them.
Beauty , the wonderful cat , the property of
II. C. Jensen of Sixteenth and Vintonstroots ,
Is also on exhibition. Beauty has raised a
brood of fourteen chickens. Lust fall Mr.
Jensen put sixteen CPKS under the cat and
she hatched them. Fourteen chickens are
alive and live with tno cat. In the two
theatres an excellent specialty entertainment
is produced , Reno. Mack and Jones In Los
Trols Diabfes is n funny contortlonal act. A
clover farce comedy concludes an enjoyable
Mile. Uhoa , the well known actress , will
appear in two performances nt the Boyd
today a matineout 2:30 : this afternoon and
the regular ftveiilng performance at 8.
lr ) , Birnov euros catarrh. Uco bld'g. '
Whom In Hlorlnoli ?
B. Blorbach , late proprietor of the Eagle
house on Fourteenth street , loft the city sud
denly about two weeks ago. Since then
nothing has been beard of the missing man.
There nro various rumors afloat as to the
caxiso of Blprbach's sudden , departure.
Some claim ho deserted his wife and loft
with another woman , others think It was on
account of Indebtedness.
No foundation for any of the rumors can
bo found.
Mrs. Bldrbach moved her effects from the
Eagle hotel Saturday and has gone to live In
another part of the city. She Is in straight
ened circumstances.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Best llttlo
pill over mado. Cure constipation every
time. None equal Use them now.
Next Yonr'H ItallyingCry. .
WisiiiXdTOX , April 0. The Post today ,
after referring to the possibility of "America
for Americans" being ono of tbo rnllylag-
crloiIn thonoxtcampaign , sajs : "It is re
garded-as quito wl.bin ( the ran go of possibil
ity that the national platforms next year will
favor n'strictlvo I m migration laws ,
or they may recommend that
all foreigners who engage In
business In the United States and enjoy
the protection of this government , shall become -
como naturalized citizens. If Italy had not
been so ocrprosslve , the issue would not
hnvo been so well donned. If the sentiments
that nro now expressed privately by senators
nnd representatives in both parties In Wash
ington llnd tin echo iu their platforms , they
will imilio Interesting reading. "
In J HSO "Broivn'i Bronchial Troches"
wcromtroducedtand their success as a euro
for colds , coughs , asthma , mid bronchitis has
been uu paralleled.
The following pormlts wora issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
A. S. Totter , I story brick bar'u.SOoSouth
Twoiity-sixth street i TOO
Fritz Miieilor. Sutorvbrlok addition to
! hall , ITU Vliitonhtrvet 1500
' ftrf ' ' " "
S. I.ambort , 1 story frn'mo"co't'tas"o"sov -
cmountliand I'rattstreets. , , pee
Two minor penults 250
Total , . . . , .13,350
DoWltt Little early Risers : only pill to
euro sick headache and regulate the bawol
J , C. MoMahon was culled to Colum-
IJUB , Nob. , last Sunday by news of the
Eorlous Illness of his daughter , Katie ,
anil a tologrum received lost ovonlng by
his assistant , Mr. Carlow , announced
her death nt 4 p. in. yesterday. Mr.
MoMahon is proprietor of the Drum
liquor store on Faruam street and has
many frlonda hero who trill sympathize
with him in his bereavement.
Judge Advocate Ray Will Vint Wyoming
for That Purpose.
I to Will Anlc tlio Prrsitlcnt fbr Ills lie-
GoorRO Snowdcn Crushed
by a. Motor Otlicr Ijo *
cal News.
Captain Kay , Judco advocate of tbo Pintle ,
will , in all probability , leave Omaha In a few
weeks and Join his company at Port \Va-
shalde , "Wyo. , where ho will organize a com
pany of Indian Infantry for regular army
Captain Kay will BO to Fort \Vashaklo this
ween to Init ] with the Indians and ascertain
their feelings with regard to the matter.
Company I of tha Ughth infantry , sta-
tioucd at Fort Woshattlo. is the company to
which Captain Itiy belonged before ho was
appointed judpu advocate. Ho HUes tbo field
Ufa much better than that of oulco work , nnd
tbo change tvill therefore bo quito ngrocablo
to him.
The Indian tribe * from which the com
pany will bo organized ere tbo Shoshonoa
and Arapahoes.
Will Ask Itctlroinoiit.
Captain Cntloy , who played a star part In
a court martini case cere a few weeks ago ,
has gone to "Washington to apply for retire
ment upon the grounds of a thirty years'
service In tbo army. There Is n provision ,
which permits the president to retire an
ofllcor when ho has served thirty
ycais , wovlalnjj tbo ofllcor nslts
to bo rotircd. If " Captain Catloy
succeeds In this no will retire on two-thirds
pay , the same as all retired ofllccrs. It Is
said that Captain Cutlcy feels the slighting
treatment accorded by the ofllcors at Tort
Omaha since the court-martial trial. Ho is
constantly snubbed by all the ofllcors at tha
fort , and that sort of treatment is becoming1
Army Nntca.
Major Bacon , Inspector goncral of the do-
pal tmont of the 1'latte , will \lslt Fort
ifiobiarn this wcclc.
Henjamln P. PInn of the Ninth cavalry
will bo granted n furlough from April 10 to
July 0 , and at the expiration of the furlough
will bo discharged at his own request.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early fiisers ; best llttlo
pillrfor dyspepsia , sour stomachjbad , breath.
" \VbatTwo Well Il KCi'.i in Search of
Wntor Found.
Henry Ilielor and II. R. Fisher , two well
diggers , wore Uigglncavell on tbo property
of Lou Adams , Forty-fifth and L.oavonworth
streets Saturday. When a depth of forty-
flvo foot had been reached tbo bottom sud
denly fell out of the hole nnil the mca bad a
narrow cscnpo. They munaijoa. to save their
lives by quickly grasping the rope of the
windlass which was hanging down the well.
AS ! it was , all their tools \\era sucpt away
into what was then supposed to bo a sub
terranean stream.
For a time the water rushed by the open
ing with great rapidity and gave out a
peculiar sulphurous odor. After a time .tho
rushing and the odor coascd. The water Is
very clear now that it has become quiet and
has the taste of pure mountain stream water.
Soundings were madein an endeavor to as
certain tbo depth of the cavern , buj. 100 foot
of rope let clown failed to find the bottom.
Mr. Adams has abandoned the hole as a
well and will have It securely boarded up.
Tbo walls of the shaft near the bottom are
rapidly caving .In , caused , no doubt , by the
action of the wnor * during the first rush.
Last night the surface of the water at the
bottom of the well was perfectly smooth.
No current was visible.
It Is probable that the well differs have
tapped some of the many subterranean
streams that carry oil the great rainfall of
Mrs. Winstar's Sooothing Syrup for Chil-
rni Teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea ,
eta 23 cents a bottlo.
Killing Frost in Alabama.
MOHH.F , Ala. , April 0. A heavy frost this
morning killed tomatoes , cucumbers , squash ,
beans nnd peas. Potatoes were cut down
about 50 percent.
A Father Discovers the Child Stolen
Whnnlbut n Bnl > e.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 0. Last Wednes
day Mrs. Bcsslo Rico died In distressed cir
cumstances. She cnmo to St. Joseph last
Juuo , claiming to bo stranded en route to
California. The Grand Army posts provided
for her until her death. Mrs. Jtico had with
her a little girl whom she coiled her da'uga-
tcr. Shortly before her death she called Mrs.
J. F. Holla to her bedside nnd confided to her
thocnroof the girl , stating at the same time
that she had stolen the girl when she was
seven days old and bad spent a fortune in
fleeing from the pursuit of her father. Mr.
Charles Ycnman , a merchant of Wator-
towu , S. D. , arrived in the city
the other day , and after in
quiry found Mrs. Holla , from whom ho
claimed tbo child as bis daughter. Ho stated
that Mrs. Hlco had not stolen the child In the
first place , but his first wife , who died at the
llttlo girl's birth , had given her babe to Mrs.
Hlco to care for until ho could take suitable
charge of it. When Mr. Yeaman mnrrlod a
second tltno and went lor his llttlo glrl'ho
found that Mrs. Hlco bad secretly departed ,
taking the girl \vith her. After sovcn years
of fruitless search ho located the woman in
St. .Joseph shortly before her death , but
owing to hir condition did not prosecute her
or mnko any inovo except to have the girl
shadowed. Mrs. Hlco had so prejudiced the
llttlo ono against her father that when ho
made himself known she wont into hysterics
nnd ho bos thus far been unable to persuade
her to accompany him. She is now nine
years old ,
Good Reports from Southern Ne
braska and Northern Knnsng.
ATCIIISON , Kan. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tan BEE. ] C. M. Rathburn , super
intendent of the Missouri Pacific , whoso ter
ritory includes about ono thousand
miles of road north and west of
Kansas City , has had reports as
to the crop prospects from all his subordi
nates and from every station in his territory ,
lie says they are very gratifying , the best in
the history of the road and the realization
equals the anticipation , Northern Kan
sas and southern Nebraska will have
the largest yield of wheat over known. The
acreage was never so large. Farmers who
suffered by the drouth last year hnvo seem
ingly given all their attention to wheat this
season rather vhnn risk corn , which matures
so into in the year. This , however does not
mean that thcru will bo a shortage of corn , as
the farmers have such a good wheat prospect
they are getting ready to try com as usual.
The road master writes that In the Solomon
valley , where the drouth was so bad last
yF < ar , tno ground la bW wet thrco foot dcop.
Flattering reports nlioi coma from points In
thoNcmaha valley In obrntka ,
The Old World ttvticnt Crop Short.
LOXDOV , April 0. The Standard today pubj ,
llihcs a review of agricultural outlook ,
in the coarse of whyi it says : The wheat
crops of Franco , pna Kussla ere inuch
below the average. T'ho ' aoflclcncy will bo
at least IM.OOO.OOO quarters. The piper nilds :
iib Is expected that told winds and frosts
have almost dostroyedttho i'ronch crop. Ger
many , Holland nnd Belgium all furnlsh.pes-
slmlstlo reports. In Itoumnnla there
is a decreased wlioat area , and In
India there has been a bud uhoat
season. The only exception is Hungary ,
where there are bettor prospects. It is al
most certain that thoworld'swheat consump-
'ion will exceed the production computed.
Whatever the magnitude of America's crop
may bo it will not bo sufllclent to cover the
"luropoan deficit , thus compelling an cxton-
ivo dralt upon the reserves for the third
car in succession.
How many persons who suffer day after
ay from headache , know that almost instant
relief Is secured by using Holler's Pain
" \iralyzcrl
An absolute guarantee ROCS with each bot-
e. Insist upon having It and don't tuko
'something ' Juit as good.11
xuirs or 5THfi"Ao r irj3sr.
There Is not an unoccupied building In the
lllago of Union.
There is talk of celebrating the ninth aunt-
crsnry of the city of Wymoro May 21.
The Hebron board of trndo Is Irving to se
cure an extension of the Santa Fo to tnat
Captain H , A. Morelnnd hai been elected
laptaln of company F of Juninta , vice Gen-
iral Cole , resigned.
Rev. 0. Stretcher , postorof thoGlftyCenter
German Evangelical church , is about to re
move to Louisville nnd will be succeeded by
Hov. P. Dolschor of Crawford.
The dam at the Lo Roy mills In Hastings
ivcnt out the other night , Inflicting a heavy
oss to the mill owners but giving the boys a
'hnnco to catch big catfish In the pools.
The next meeting of the Southeastern Ne
braska Teachers' association will be hold nt
Beatrice. The constitution was nrcondod
during the recent session nt Peru chancing
the time of meeting from Christmas week to
Thanksgiving week.
A goose hunting story from Clay Center Is
as follows : Frank Miller , son of f. J. Miller ,
aged thirteen , hooping ono of his father's
cows between him nnd n Hock of gcoso , drove
"ho old cow to n reasonable safe distance nnd
: hen taking aim secured seven geese with the
ihotfrom olio barrel of his gun. Ho was
grontlv disappointed In not getting to fire the
other barrel. But the old cow ungraciously
kicked him over the Instant ho made the first
shot. _
William Bloodorn's hardware store and C.
. Cnrrig's general merchandise establish
ment at Platte Center were burglarized Sun
day morning between 2 and 4 o'clock. The
burglars secured about eighty-eight flno
Docket knives , ono dozen razors , about the
same number of Smith & Wesson revolvers ,
1,000 or so cartridges nnd other articles from
Bloedorn's. At Carries they got several
suits of clothes , n number of flno shoes , neck
wear , etc. The boot } ' amounted to nbout $159
at each place. The same night an attempt
was made to enter the residence of W. E.
Kent , but they were , frlgatoned away.
S. D. Warnor. an old soldier of Boone ,
died at tno soldiers' homo at Marsballtown
aged sovonty-soven years.
Judge W. F. Branunn has rendered a de
cision in tbo Jackson county court that na
tional bank notes an ; taxable the same as
other property. '
About twenty-five tramps ledge ovorv night
n Missouri Volley'sicity jail , and bother the
industrious houso\vlKcstho , next day by bog
ging for something to cat. '
Rov. W. 0. Blodgott , nistor of the Creston
Methodist church , will bo a candidate for
grand chaplain at the coining encampment of
the Grand Army of the Hepubhc at Uubuquo.
Hon. Hiram Prlco has established a frco
reading room nt Davenport and sot asldo a
sum of money , the interest of which will
keep it up.
Gcorgo W. Applcton , a Salem man with a
wife and seven children , has been arrested
by the United States authorities charged
with sending obscene loiters through the
mails to respectable young ladles of balern.
Chris Geycr of Burlington has in bis pos
session the first pbotogrnph over taken in
that city. It was taken by a traveling pho
tographer nnd is a likeness of himself , and
nras made free of chnrgo , in order to induce
others to patronize the now-fangled picture
Secretary Eugene Wiley ofi tbo farmers'
alliance district convention hold at Port
Dodge , censures the citizens of that city for
not furnishing frco use of the opera house
and free hotel entertainment. Tbo Mes
senger says the business men of Fort Dodge
would have extended these courtesies if they
had thought thoj wcro expected. It was
simply a misunderstanding.
Mrs. Olive Li. iValkcrof Davenport filed
suit In the district court of that place March
U4 asking for a divorce from her husband
and alimony. Walker Is worth nbout $ JO , .
000. The following day they kissed and
made up , but since that time Wnlkor has
quietly been converting his property into
cash. The other day ho decamped , leaving
a iioto bidding his wife good-bye aud enclos
ing U.
A Dubuque man has been convicted of
omt > ezzlomo t and the case is a somewhat
peculiar one. lie employed n lawyer to prose
cute a claim against the city for damages re
sulting from a fall on a defective sidewalk ,
and entered into a verbal contract to pay the
attornov half the amount recovered and not
to settle the cose without tholawycr's ' knowl
edge , Later he settled the case on his own
account , refused to pay the attorney and his
conviction for embezzlement followed.
During tbo temporary absence of tbo
family some unknoVvn vandals entered the
residence of D. A. Porter at Creston and
destroyed nil the curtuins , pictures and other
loose furniture in the house. Sotno of the
things wcro thrown Into the steve nnd
burned. Hobbery was not the motive , as sll-
verwaro nnd other valuables wore untouched.
Mr. Porter bos no enemies , unless ho lias
contracted such by the prominent part bo
has taken in having tno whisky joints of
Creston closed , and thinks that the most
probable theory.
Vanilla , - Of/jjerfoot purity.
Lemon -I
- of .groat Btroncrth.
Almond -I Ec0nomyia'fckoir'UBO <
Rose elc.-yj Flavor as delicately
nnd dollclously as the frosli fruit.
COLDS IN THE HEAD , by one application.
OATAKRH , in a very siort time.
HAY rEVEH , in from 3 to 5 days.
EABAOHE , instantly.
Prepared only tiy tha
Darker Ulock , Omaha. U. 6. A ,
With His Thumb ,
A boy is slid lo hare mod the NcllicrlamU
from Inundation. Multitudes hnro bei-n
sarcd from the Invasion ol disease by a
lioltlo of Aycr * ! S.usn | > .itl1ltw This medicine
Imparts touo to the system nnd strengthens
every organ and fibre ol the body.
" I luvo taken a great deal of medicine ,
tut nothing lias done mo so much good as
Aycr's Sarsaparllla. I cxi > orlencc < l IM bene
ficial oflects before I hi\d \ quite finished ono
bottle , ami I can freely testify that It Is the
belt blood nicillclno I Know of. " LV. .
Wml , sr. , Woodland , Texas.
"Confined to an office , as I am , from ono
year's end to another , with llttlo or no out
door exercise , 1 find great help In Ayer's
Sarsaparllla , uhlch I Imo used for several
years , nnd am nt present using , with excel
lent results. It cnaliles mo to keep nhvnjs
at my post , enjoying the lxst o ! health. "
II , C. 11.111103 , Ma ! Jen , Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DR. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mara.
. * lt1xt $ . Worth ? Sn bottlo.
Drs.BeMBelts .
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno most widely nnrtfavoraM ; * known spec
ialists In the UnftoJ Stntcs. Their Ions ex
perience , remnrlmble skill nnd nnl\or iil suc
cess In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronic nnd Mirnlcnl Dismiss , cntltlo the < o
omlnnnt pliystclnns to the full confidence of
tlioaflltctccl o\i'rywhnro. Tlicr gunrnntPfli
the nwful ofTccHof cnrly vleonml the numur-
ousovlUthatfollow In Us trnln.
speedily , rnmnlptoly nnrt nprmimontly cured.
OHDEHS yield readily to their skillful treat-
ciiamiiteecl cured -without palii or detention
from buslnc- ! .
nently nnd successfully cured In every ease ,
matorrhoa , Seinliml Weakness , IjOstMntihood.
Night Emissions , Decayed I'ncultlcs , Kom.ilo
Weakness and all dollcato disorders poeullar
to either cnx positively cured , us vrull as all
functional disorders tliut result from youthful
follies or the excess of nmturoyonrs.
RTITrTnPIJOuan > n cl pormuno ntly
o llxlVyl U ivlvoiircd , removal complete.
without cutting , caiutio or dilatation. Cures
effected at homo by patient without o mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A "sTIRP " rilRT The awful effects of
n.OUl\L. V UIVLi oariy vice which brlnss
orennlo wonkticss destroying both mind and
body , with all Us dreaded Ills , permanently
FlPQ UPTTQ Address those vho have Im-
LT\O. DL.i.10 paired themIvca by 'Im
proper Indulgence aud solitary nnblti , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
fotHlnosi. study or nrnrrliiRO.
MAKItliD : MKN nrtlioso cntnrl&R on that
happy life , nwuro of physical Uoblllty , quickly
assisted.OrjRSUOOESS ,
Is boBea upon facts. Flrstrrnctlcal oxrerl-
cnce. Second Every case Is specially studied.
thus starting rlRht. Tlilrd medicines lira
prepared In our laboratory cxnctly to suit
each cuso , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Belts & Betts ,
itp&'a Asthma Cart n ver/aU to giro I
lufant rtli'ia tin worst cuar Iniunj com-f
fortaWj I ep | ifficti cnres wbiro all ethnri fan. AI
frini nmnnref | A < mo > ( < iipfi ( , Price. 60 r
- Cf rncj ! t orlr tnull. SitaplirR
DR. It EOHITtMAIffl , Rt. P nl ,
T/ie Great FrcnaU
Cures plij-od out mnnlioort , mnkoi society n plcn-
nuro nnrt nmrrk'iUlfo ntl ficlr/rr. ; Jnthort It roa-
tores tlintvltiilllr Hint lirlnnKii to n healthy young
unn. r.'nji.'icknto , or 3 for J5. Sent per mall. In
nplnln scaled cntelopo from obicrvntlonon receipt
of price. Tlio Klnslor Drug Co.McCormlck A. I.uncl.
Ixallo & U'jlti * uuialin , A. 1) . Foster , Council lllulTn
Age bring * InflnnllU-s , ncli in
, trcuk Itlclnryu uiidturplcl llr. .
have a specific cflurtoti tlicso orKnnn , otltn-
ulutlnc tlioImu-rlsRlvcHiititunitilUcliarjj-
cs. nuil Imparts vigor to the whole y > t ati
Pond'a Extract is
everywhere recom
mended by physicians
and ' surgeons.
DR.J. E. McGrBEW ,
10 Years' Expcrlcncu.
CurodlnS toSdara wlthunt thelomotim liour 'Mrao
from bnilnuii. 'j'ho rooit abiolutu euro forULKIJT
anil nilannoTlnt dUc'harKU * OTcr known to troJIcjl
iclunco. BYl'IIII.Iri.ftwarrnnlocl curoln WioW Uar > .
Tliu moil powerful rcmeiljr yet known for a porinn
ncntcuro. BT1HCTUHKor imloln rollovliijitho blaj
dcr , curwl nt home , without Icitruiuentt ; no cutting ,
nu palo , no dllatlnK. l/ > of Mmilioocl or Wenkiioti
potltlrelr cnri'iU IniUnt relief , bkln itlioaiei ani ]
frmaladlicnioi pormunonllrcuroo Or. IWJruw'i
lucccn la tbe treatment of Prtvato DUcaio hai
neverWwn oqnalled , end hit grcnl orraf of patlenti
reoobei from llio Atlantic to llio 1'acino , Ilooks anO
Clroulart frea. Iwidlei from 1 ft t onlr111 ! ' and
J'nrnatn itreeti Um&ba. Noli Kutnuoo oa eltbor
This week we show you a new thing in
the shape of 250 all wool , fancy colorings and
excellent style of Suits at $5. They are worth $ S.
Our $8 Black Cheviot Suit is better than
any ever shown in Omaha , and more than half
of them are already sold. They can't last long ,
so be quick and come in and look at them. AVe
shall have no more when they are gone.
Our95c Stiff Hat is as good as the aver
age $3 Hat , and we have 12 different styles and
colors for you to select from.
Our $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , $4 , $4.50 and $5
lines of Knee Pant Children's Suits can't bo
beat , They are the hummers of Omaha.
We haven't by any means gone back on
our customary tailor-made , fine ready-made
clothingon the contrary , we have a larger line
today than ever before in the history ot our
business ,
The Smallest Possible
Expense for the Yolume
of Business Tells its Own
Story. . . . ; , , <
' i i
f e CAI'T M
Respectfully ,
At the Same Old Stand.
13'th ' and Favnam.