THE Q TWENTIETH YEAR , OMAHA , TUESDAY MOBNING , APJRIL 7 , 1801. NUMBEK 288. GRAND ARMY CELEBRATION , Veterans of Nebraska Observe the Twenty- lifth Anniversarj , - ELBA SERIOUSLY DAMAGED BY FIRE , Insanity Cnused by Ilellnlon Scone nt an Indian Funeral Itobbor- ICH nt Sewnrd Accident ally Shot. Neb. , April 0. [ Special Tele- pram to Tim Hun. ] The veterans of Kear ney celebrated the twcnty-flftb anniversary of the organization of the Grand Army of thq Ucpubllc tonight nt the city hall and every available space was tilled. The principal pcnKcre were 13. C. Calkins , K. O. lolnies nnd ira II. Wambaugh , representatives of the different local organizations , who gave a his tory of their rnspcctlvo societies. A. J. Snow enrosentou Smith uavltt post , Oranu Army of the Republic , B , II. Moulding represented Sedgwick post. Mrs. 0. C. Spalds repro- Bcntcd the Scdgwivk Women's ' Kcllof corns nnu Mrs. M. Y. Miles the Smith Gavltt Women's Hellof corps. Tbo S. S. Hartman nnd J. B. McVhorson camp * of Sons of Veterans , nnd II. 1C. Painter tent of Daughters of Veterans , was writ repre sented by one of its lenders. The affair was a pleasant ono throughout and showed that the oln soldier clement of ICoarnoy Is In a wonderful state of preservation. An Indian Funeral. Font Romxioy , Neb. , April 0. Special to Tin : nii : : . ] The wife of "Hand , " 0110 of the Indian scouts , was buried In the post cemetery , Ilov. Plutmner , chap- 1 n of the Ninth cavalry , oniclatinp nt the grave. This makes the second Indian body in the post cemetery. The first was a child of Bnptlstl Qarnlor , the post Interpre ter. Mrs. Hand leaves four urown children. a son and three daughters. The scene nttuo Konvo was nulto affecting , the husband nnd dnuuhturc giving vent to their sorrow row In weeping and walling , ns their moro enlightened brothers nnd sisters of the pain faced race do under like circumstances. Your cor respondent 1ms been on the western plains for thirty odd years , nnd todav was the first time ho ever saw a male Indian shed tears. While the rending of the service was going on , Hand was walking around outside of the crave yard , but as soon as the earth was thrown into the grave ho came nnd stood be side It and lifted up his voice and woptwlth his ( laughters. The son , moro stoical , stood back a tow paces nnd wept silently. It Is not customary to bury the Indian dead in govern ment cemeteries , but Hand beluga soldier , guvo him the privilege. Scwnrd , SKWAIID , Neb. , April 0. [ Special to Tun Bnn. | Last night the hardware store of S. C. Oiks was broken into und knives , razors 'and guns to the value of about 8150 stolen. Tha entrance was affected by the breaking of n window In the roar of tlio store. Early this morning the police nrrouted three men who were seen on the streets yesterday. The goods were found secreted In a bay mow on the fair crounds and In possession of ono of the burglars. Thn other two were captured a few miles from town. A farmer living nonr Milford on going out to tils barn this morning missed omo corn nnd noticed that a wagon had recently left the crib. Ho traced the wagon to Sownrd and located , he claims , Iho corn in the barn of Nicholas Sowoll , who rnns a bus linn in the city , and Scwoll and his hired man , An- 'demon ' Talley , were arrested and are now in Jail. Accldfltilnlly Shot. WATHIII.OO , Neb. , April 0. [ Special T le- gram to Tiir. BKI : . ] Robert Patrick and some of his. friends from Omaha cnmo out hcrj hunting this afternoon. After gelling their blind built Patrick went to get In when the trigger of his gun caught , causing nn acci dental discharge. Tha chargq took effect in the inside of his loft foot , just grazing the bono. Had the charge gone quarter of an inch further in ho vvould probably have lost half of his foot , ns It Is It hat made nn ugly \ wound which will lay him up for several v.'ccks , aUhbugh it is not considered serious. The unfortunate man was taken to his homo In Omaha this evening. Over Ilollglon. OSCEOIA , Nob. , April 0. JSpeclnl to THE Bjr.l The board of Insanity of this county has been called together by the clerk to take nctlon * In the case of Alfred Llndburg , who was reported Insane. Lmdbuiv ; Is" a young man about twenty-two years old nnd came licro from Sweden about four years ago. Ho is called religiously crazy and spends most of his tlmo reading the Illblo and singing psalms , and has occasionally kuocltcd a few fellows over tlmt did not agree with him. The board considered him a lit subject for treatment nt the hospital for the insane and ordered that ho bo sent to Lincoln. Anniversary at Fremont. FIIKMONT , Nob. , Aprfl 0. [ Special to TUB Bijc.J MePherscm post , Grand Army of the Republic of this city , hold an open meeting tonl itat thoMusontu temple to commemor ate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of llio ordor. The meeting was at tended by a largo luullcnco and the pro gram mo wus n most Interesting throughout. Among those who pnrtlclpaicd In the oxer- clses were Comrades L. I ) . Richards. I. P. Gniro , James Murray , James Huff , Judge "William Marshall , 0. WrHynttand Captain K. D. Percy of company K , Nebraska na tional guard. Mayor Shorvln delivered the opening address , and patriotic songs wore an Interesting feature. Just Heforo the Battle. KEAIIVRV , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Telegram - gram toTiieHBi ! . ] The llnal round-up of the voters before election was hold this even ing and addressed by the champions of the Independent tlcKot. Slnco the , bond contest , which closed on Saturday evening , It has boon difficult to revive the Interest usually taken In city elections horo. Morality , eco nomical expenditure of the peoples' money , and alleged mistakes of the past were the chief Issues discussed tonight. The main Issue , however , Is : Shall Stanley Thomp son , Independent , or Ira Johnson , the citi zen's man , bo elected mayor , The contest will bo close. Ilcnpcnlntf of a Fremont FIIEMOXT , Nob. , April 0. [ Special to Tite BEI : . ] Thu Krn hotel , the oldest and lurgojt hostelry in Frouiout , which has been closed for some tlmo undergoing a complete change of the interior plan and a refurnishing throughout , was thrown open to tto public ogaln today. It will henceforth bo in the hands of a now management. Messrs. Smith & Collins , the latlor recently with the Pal mer hotel at Grand Island. School House Uomls Voted. Cos * ! ) , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to THE Bur.At ] an election held here for voting bonds to crcnt a t5lHX ! ) school build ing nliiety- . oven votes were polled nnd all In favor of tbo bonds. There was no dissenting voto. _ s _ lUi : Pirn al Klli.v Euu , Neb , , April 0. [ Special toTnEBKB.J A fire broke out In Leon Jeucskls' saloon this morning und was Immediately beyond control , spreading rapidly to adjoining build ings , and only stopped when everything In its way wiu consumed. The losses and In- eun\nco3 nro as follows : Leon JeucaUl , three iloro buildings , cntir * . fitojk of llxturvt and ealooa Hock , loss esti mated nttO.OOOj Insurance , $3.XW. ( Hocon & Fugate. meat market , los , S.VX ) ; no insur ance. Helm Brothers , carpenter shop utul tools , . ' 00 ; no Insurance. Store building owned bv Frank 1'Iourkowskl. fSOO ; insur ance , $ .VO. Klba State bank bulldhiff , dam aged , ? . ! . / ) ; no Insurance. Elba Graphic , loss , $ tXX ) ; no Insurance. Dcrrllot ( "ouiiollmrn. Nr.nttASKA Cur , Nob. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun | Bnc. ] There was some Important business to have been transacted by the council tonight but no quorum was present , although tha chlof and cntlro pollco dcourcil the city for members Thlele , Hod- onbrock and Welsh , The latter , a domocra * was tha only ono found nnd ho claimed to 1" sick In bed , .Mayor Ireland gave th absentees n severe "jacking up" nnd the council adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. A dozen of the wealthiest and most prominent citlons of the town waited until a Into hour for n quorum nnd several grading contracts wore walling for confirma tion , but matter was the setting aside of a patch of ground on Thirteenth street for the benefit of the Boyschlng cereal mills. Union Swlteliini-n on u Strike. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 0. [ Snoclal Tele- or.nm to TIIR Itnn. I Onnnnil Mntiturnr TTnl. drcilgoof the B. &M. refused to reinstate the union switchmen discharged from the yards here , Tonight all the union switch men In the B. & M. yards struck. About fifty switchmen nro unemployed and half a do/on are working. Thuro has been no ex hibition of any violence. The strike was made under the advisement of Grand Master Sweeney of the switchman's union. A U'cll llj ) . - oiKilled. . Nou. ; April ( > . [ Special Tclo- gram to Tun Bii.l : Peter Nelson living six teen miles northeast of KImball wai killed today while digging n well. Ho was being lowered In the well when the rope slipped and bo was precipitated to the bottom , a dis tance of 1UU feet. Ho was mangled In a horrible manner. IOWA. MilVS. CTJ All Antl-Itno'llo A'lctory. DES MOINES. la. , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. ] Elecllons wor hcld In too Third and ' Fourth wards of this city today to fill vacancies caused by resignation" John Sherman , republican , was elected in the Third ward by n largo majority , and Henry M. Kollins , republican , In the Fourth ward by about twelve majority. Both wards nro democratic when party lines nro drawn , but the light in this case was nnnpartlsan nnd the result is regarded ns an anti-boodlo victory. DunuQvn , la. , April 0. The enllro demo cratic city ticket was elected today. Stew ard's majority is 800. All the republican randldales for aldermen wore defeated. Those elected nro threes democrats and ono rcuubllcnn. KroKi'ic , la. , April 0 , The municipal elec tion hold-today resulted In the ro-olectlon of Cralc , democrat , mayor. The other demo- ciutic nominees were also victorious. Mtthlns Post .Jubilates. BUUMNGTON , In. , Aorll 0. [ Special Tel egram to Tun Br.i : . | Matthias post No. C , Grand Army of Iho Republic , ono of the old est orgnnizalioua In the country , having re ceived its charter September M. 1SCO , duly celebrated the silver Jubilee of tno order nt Its hall tonight. A brilliant programme of ftnnnnhns mtimr * ntrv ivn rnrrlnrl nnt. f WET IX THIS COHE ItEGIOMi. Operators Moot wit i tiittlo SUCCUHS in Starting Tliclr 1'latitn. PiTTsnufio , Pa. , April C. Though every thing was quiet , aff.drs In the coke region today were dccldodly Interesting to both sides. Tlio operators made n datermlned ef fort to start sovcrarof their plants with but doubtful success. The strikers devoted themselves to looking after the stragglers and kent away from , the works. But few men nro working lu each plant. Several companies , however , have notified the sheriff of Fayctto county that they Intend to stnrt tomorrow or later in the wcok , and the county will be hold rosponslolo for damages if their works nro not guarded. The militia nro still hold there , their presence being a guarantee of poaco. The strikers still hope for a compromise. Up to tonight seven Morowood rioters were arrested and eight of the deputies who did tbo shooting. The Justice held these charged with riot nnd carrying concealed weapons In $1,000 ball , while the dcrmlios charged with murder were released on $300. A Small Jtlot. KiNsisCiTV , Knn. , April 0. There was a small riot at the Pluculx packing bcuso this morning. Rumors of the reopening of the packing house , which has boon closed slnco November , caused a crowd of laborers to con gregate about the gates , about three hundred In all. Later twenty Italians cnmo up in a body. They told the super intendent that they would work for SI a day. When the crowd learned of the offer of the Italians they seized fence pickets , stones and ether missiles and charged the Italians. The Italians made u aland for a moment , but were soon forced back , and ended by taking n precipitate flipht , followed by a storm of curses and missiles. It Is not known whether any Italians were injured or not. TMIOV1IMK A JIOXG TJtAMXJIK\ . Grand Master Wilkinson Fires the Trustees of the Brotherhood. GALESIICUO , III. , April 0. S. E , Wilkinson , grand master of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen , has discharged Charles T. Sails- bury , John C. Glenn , Charles W. Flanders , John O'Rourko ' and R. S. Bodmnn , grand trustees of tlmt organization. The reasons for this , Wilkinson said , were usur pation of authority and failure to mnkou proper examination of tbo books of the vari ous oftlclals. Salisbury of this clly , ouo of the trustees , denies the authority of Wilkin son to discharge thorn , and says tboy are still serving regardless of the ordor. Strlkn of III icknmknrs. THBNTON , N. J. , April 0. Twelve hundred brickmnkors struck this morning against a decrease In wages. THE EJIHAKGO OX J'OttK. Announcement from Berlin of Its Withdrawal Creates n Sensation. CHICAGO , April 0. [ Special Telegram to Tnu iSnr : . | The cablegram from Berlin today stating tlmt the German government has de finitely withdrawn the embargo placed upon American pork created quite a sensation among the packers bora. The manager for Armour & Co. , however dtvll-i' ' to credit the report. Ho said If it wen , rn liu liouso would have heard of It from Berlin , " \Vo have high hopes , " ho added , "that ultimately the embargo will bo taken off. But tlio ban dits that will coma to America ns the result nf such an action are not so great as many people.suppose. 1 ho inspection liiws of Ger many , which It would bo absurd to have re pealed , are so strict and the fees charged by the Inspectors nro o high that profits are cut down to u minimum. " The manager of the International pr.cklng company thought the report nt toast praiaa- tuiv. It bad , however , already caused an ndvnnco in prices , nnd should it provo nuthcntlu there will bo a still stronger mar ket. Nelson Morris thought If the report was true ho would have heard of It from Germany. If It U correct It will help the .American market Immensely. If tbo report Is verified ho will begin the shipment of pork to Germany at OHM. Other prominent pack ers expressed the same views. Si , Joseph Hfcrdwnro l-'niliiri4. ST. .IOSLTII , Mo. , Apill 0' 'iho wholesale hard\vnro house ut Shuluo & Hosea was closed today , with imcis of { 'MO.OOO and lia bilities off 170,000. CAUSED THEM EXTRA WORK. Additional labor Thrust TJpjn Treasury Officials by the Direct Tax Bill. MISAPPREHENSION REGARDING THE LAW , Causes U'lilcli Have Itulttuoil Germany to Iln'Hc Ilia ICiiilmrijo 0:1 : Amcrl * can Pork Nebraska Postmasters - masters Appointed. ISGTOX BimnvuTiin Bun , 1 5in FOUIITEKNTII STHKKT , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 0. 1 The passage of the direct tnx bill has caused an enormous amount of extra work to bo thrust upon the ofllclals of the treasury dcpartmout. From all the states In the union letters nro rccewod dally Inquiring about the repayment , nnd there Is a wldo spirit of misapprehension as to Just what tha direct tax was. From Indiana and Nebraska , from Texas nnd from Malno loiters have como in quiring about the chaneo of securing repay ment by persons who bollovo they have paid the direct tax to the government commission ers. In many Instances Internal revenue re ceipts are sent to substantiate the claims , but of 'course the treasury can do nothing for the claimants , ns the tax collected In all the the northern states was col lected from the states themselves and not from Individuals. On the other hand , south erners have direct claims against the refund money , and In order to facilitate the proofs of these claims the department has decided to cngago rooms outside the treasury bulliluig , where ull the recorus will bo kept and where clerks can go through the flies and secure sucli evidence as may bo necessary to assist In returning to tho" people who paid the money the amounts that may bo found duo them. This Is a new departure from the government's methods , as up to the present time It has always been to throv ns many barriers In the way of getting monuy out of the treasury as was possible. It Is believed in the treasury that It will bo at least two years before tbo last dollar of the dlvidBud tax is paid out from the vaults. NEIW.VSKA rOSTMASTEIIS APPOINTED. The postmaster general todav appointed the following postmasters for Nebraska : 0. B. AVhipplo at Dorrlngton , Scotts Bluff county , vleoJ.V. . FalrcnUds , resigned ; J. V. Nelson nt Frola , Douol county , vlco A. F. Frold. resigned ; C. A. Palnialtcr nt Goran- mm , Valley county , vice. J. G. Wolfe , re signed ; R. P. James at Hiawatha , Dutidy county , vlco C. M. Muild , resigned ; J. M. Huglln nt Hosklns. Wayne county , vleo J. W. Powell , resigned ; w. H. Eplingat Konnard , Washington county , vlco P. S. Nelson , re signed ; S. Taylor at Meadvlllo , Keya Iaha counly , vl'jo ' F. V. Snyder , resigned. WIIT OEiiM.vsv nusnn THE EMIHUOO. A cablegram from Berlin , printed this evening , states that the Gorman government has finally determined to withdraw the embargo barge placed upon' American pork. This Is duo largely to two causes. The first and most potential was the passage of the moat Inspection bill by the last congress , which bill , by the way , promises to open up a wider market for American hog and cattle products in Europe than ever before existed. The other cause was the diplomacy shown by Minister Pbclps , who bos been commended upon nil sldos upon the manner In which ho has conducted the negotiations which , while not yet completed , have progressed suffic iently to enable the departippnt of agricul ture people to predict that there will belittle little diniculty from this time forward ir. the way of landing American meat pro ducts In the Gorman empire. In this con nection it is stated at the department that the Inspectors under the Inspection bill will bo appointed directly by the secretary of agriculture and that they will bo required to bo graduates of vctorlpnry colleges and men thoroughly versed In entile diseases. Already about u score of applications have been re ceived , but Is is not likely that any appoint ments will bo raado for a week or ten days. The Inspectors to bo appointed will bo sta tioned at tha slaughtering establishments of the country , principally in Chicago , Omaha and Kansas City. JUDCIE CIlOUNSn'S CIIAXCES. It was announced in these dispatches a day or two ago that Senator Manderson was con fident that Jiulne Crounsu would bo appointed nsslstantsecrotary of tno treasury. Tlio sen- ntor loft for Philadelphia on Saturday nnd has not yet returned , sothatbo has not been form- all v notified that Judge Crounso Is to DO ap pointed. Secretary Foster was reticent today and declined to state positively what had been donoln the matter , but It was learned thntun- loss something turns up which Is not now expected - pected Judge Crounso will bo appointed assistant secretary of the troasjiry within u Jay or two. This will glvoNNebraska a strong position In the most important de partment Of tbo government , nnd the friends of Judge Crounso are contldcnt that ho will mnko an excellent official who will reflect credit on the president and tbo administra tion. ciunt.E.sTo.v J.-OT nnAuy ron SBA. It is stated at the navy department that the cruiser Charleston , which a news dis patch reports as being under orders from the stnto department to proceed to Honolulu , will not bo ro.idy for sea for at loastteu days or a fortnlgnt. Tbo state department has not and cannot order a naval vessel from ono uolnt to another. It may request the navy department to make such an order , but in tbfs case It has not made a request. The original Intention of tbo navy department was to send the Charleston back to Honolulu when she arrived at San Francisco , but meantime the Chilian war seemed to indicate the necessity of another United States naval vessel being lent to Chill in addition to the Baltimore , which arrived at Tolcohuana Friday , and the Snn Francisco , which is to sail Wednesday for Chili. So that the navy department has not vet decided where to send the Charleston , but will select her destination when she is ready for sea , according to the necessities of tbo hour. TUB NEW CONSUL TO SALVADOK. Prof. J. W. Love of Fremont , who was re cently appointed consul general to Ban Salvador vader , leaves tonight for his now post via Omaha and San Francisco. Mr. Love had n long conference with tbo minister from San Salvador during bis stay In Washington , and goes down very well posted on the character of the country ho is to visit.PEIIIIV PEIIIIV S. HEATH. . Nebraska and Iowa I'oiiBloiis. WASHINGTON , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEB.I Pensions were granted today to the following Ncuraskans : Original Peter Lemon , August Mllnor , Harrison Mc- Lenahnn , John Y , Philip. Additional- Thomas M. Davis , Hiram Mngec. Increase Hlchard I. Brown , Daniel Smart , William H , Gardner , Charles II. Marquis , Jeremiah Dodd , Archibald Study , \V. H. Morton , Levl Wllcox , Calvin H. Young. Original widows Alrlna V. , widow of Joseph F , Gil bert ; Caroline B. , widow of Enos li. Gobb ; Sarah A. , widow of John Y. Phillips. Iowa : Original Jonathan L. Moore , Richard M. Hall , Arthur L. McKay , Andrew Leo , George A. Palmer , Joseph V , Hopkln- son , John C. McConnell , Ernstus Harden , James F. Holmbuch , Henry Pearson , Sam uel U. Llndsey , Marshall MoFarland. Ad dition ul Nelson C. Spencer , Henry H , Mer rill. Increase William J. Cain. James Low- cry. David Mfthur , Matthias Kief , Daniel J. Smith , Thomas Stnrkoy , George D. Green- leaf , Wllllum Henry Jenkins , John I. Hind- man , William II. Orange , Georco W. Smith , Thomas Benedict , William II , H. Brown. Helssua and Increase Henry II. Hlgley. Original widows Ella , widow of Henry F. Folsom ; Nancy A. , widow of William H. Fowler. Proetur Not Ordered Homo. WASIIISOTON , April 0. No ona at tno war dcpartmout knows of any telegram having Deon lent to Secretary Proctor requesting > 'U return , The secretary telegraphed lust Friday that lie would lcnvoSan Francisco lor Washington Monday. Ho nas carried out the part of his pr iframmo , visiting tha military posts of the iiauth and 1'iiclflo const , and If ho has decided ! to curtail his trip it Is probably bocnuso havtslios to see the president before the latter leaves Washington on his western lour. T1IK FKlfKltAli fOn\\SlTE XJ II' . Important Decision l > r the United StnlcH cm rcml Court. WASHINGTON , April 0. The United States supreme court today reversed the Judgment of the sit promo court of Montana in the case of Andrew J. D.ivls , nppolUnt , vs Henry Wlobbold , and ordered thd casoroinatided ; for a now trial. Tula was at suit for damages and Involved tha title to certain lands in the town of Butte , Mont. Tno case turns upon the construction to bo given to the provisions of the townslto law' ' of the United States. Davis held the title uudor the town- stto entry act , of which ouo provUton was that no title should bo acquired under the net to any gold , silver or copper mlno or to any valid mining claim hold under the exist ing laws. Wlobbolu claimed the tltlo under the general mining laws , "nnd when Davis offered to provo that nt the time the patent of the Uutto townslto' was Issued the promises In dispute were not known to bo valued for minerals of any kind , objection was taken on the ground ihnt Wiobbold's patent showed that ns a matter of fncl the premises did contain valuable mineral lauds , and as such could not bo granted by the townslto patent , The coUrt sustained the objection , and this ruling , which was really decisive of tno controversy , this court over rules. 'J ho question Involved In the suit nas been long In dispute and there have boon various nnd , In some instances , diverse opinions on it In the executive departments. Thn tTtiltnil Ktntivt Rimminn rnnrt hai sev eral times passed upon it by Inference and implication , but this , U is said , Is the first direct decision. The court , in Its opinion , written by Justice Field , says : "Tho Im portant question U whether , In * the absence of knowledge that thcro were any valuable mineral lands within the town site , Davis can bo deprived of the premises purchased nnd occupied by him because of the subse quent discovery of minerals In them and the issue of a patent to the discoverer. After much consideration wohnfocoino to the con clusion that this question must bo answered In the negative. It Is iruo the language of the statutes touching the acquisition of tltlo to mineral lands within tbo limits of town sites Is very broad , but In strictness they impart only that the provisions of the town site law shall not bo the means of pass ing tltlo also to valuable mining lands. Wo think they must bo held mnrcly to prohibit the passage of title to turning lauds then known to exist and not to prohibit the ac quisition for all time of mines which then lay burled unknown in the depths of thu earth. rOS TI'OXED THE VOXFEK ESCE , President Harrison's Trip Defers tlio Canadian Negotiations. WASHISOTON , April 0 , Accompanied by Sir Julian Pauucefolo , the Canadian cabinet ofticlals called upon Secretary Blalno nt his home just before noon today , Their stay was uutafew moments , and returning to the hotel they announced that they wore about to leave Washington. President Harrison has signifies his deslro-to bo present at the conference , nnd as hfe roming trip west would Interfere In that iWvus"Jnouvrht best to postpone negotiations untU , such" tlmo as the president could glvo the uiattor his attention. Messrs. Foster & TbompsornVJinow d WBsTF Inpton this afternoon for Ottawa nud Tdppor will go to London. Ho soys Sir Julian will notify the party when : o return to Washing ton , wblrh will boas cfob.i'03 con conveniently glvo his attention to the ne gotiations. _ . Concrcss Only Can Grant Hollcf. WASHINGTON , April 0. Secretary Noble today readered a decision rejecting applica tions to perfect about forty-two entries under the { linber and stone acts iuade by members of the ICowah co-oporfttlvo colony In Cali fornia , now located within ] the Sequoia na tional park reservation created by nets of the last congress. The secretary holds that these applications to purchase under tbo timber and stone nets are not entries of land , hence It was competent for congress to reserve - servo lands. Their claims In casns of home stead and pre-emption onlrios are also denied. Those colonists have expended In the con struction of public roads and other Improve ments about ? 100,000 , and while the decision may result in hardships Wi the colonists , any iclfef must come through congress. Not Yet Olllolally "Notified. WASHINGTON , April 0. Speaking about tbo cabled statement of the removal of the embargo barge on pork by Germany , Secretary Husk said this evening that ho had no official notification of It. When the Inspection law of March 8 was passed bo caused Its provisions to bo communicated to the German government through the department of state and Minister Phelps. The secretary's belief Is that though wo have received no ofllciul notice of the removal of the embargo we can look for some such action on the part of Germany before long. Mnxwell Land Grant Company Wins. WASIIISOTON , April (1.The / supreme court of the United States today afllrmcd the judg ment of tbo circultcourt of the United States for tbo district of Colorado in favor of the Maxwell land grant company on a suit brought against that company 6y the Inter state land company to recover a largo tract of land In Las Anlmas county , Colorado. No Immediate C'hnniro Probable. WASHINGTON , April 0.--It is stated on the DCSi of authority that there U no immediate prospect of a change In the oftlco of United Sintus treasurer , and that tbo president will certainly take no action until Huston re covers from his present Illness. the Klnonld CIIKO. WASHINGTON , April 0 , Arguments were begun in the Klncald case today , but ad- journmctit was soon taken because of the ill ness of Jurors. _ Appointed tnaGood Field. WASHINGTON , April 0.ho' president today appointed Thomas F. . Willon of Arizona United States attorney for the territory of Arizona. _ _ * J ) lit CVSH lA'O ntjtill'lt UCITV. 'tlio Great Snljoot Tliixt ls Receiving the Attention of Cnnnillnnf ) . MosTiiEAt , April 0. ISpocIal Telegram to TUB BKE. ] The only subject f discussion In nil circles In Canada Is reciprocity , the mis sion on which Sir Charles Tunpor has gone to Washington. The conservatives sny It Is proof that Sir John MacDonald was In earn est when ho mado. the pre-election promise that ho. would seek , redprocal trudo with the United States. If the mission fails , as many think U will , the liberals will bo blamed for convoying the Impression that better terms could bo made with their party. They claim the conference Is devoid of mean ing and blame the conservative government lor assuming nn allitudo hostile to reciprocity while making promise * that they would try to bring it about. FarOmaha anil VlctnUu IA < jU rain ; station ary ttmpcnilurc. for titlircuka , Tuieit ftml South Dakota Wannerair ; ; tmutherlu ipiiii&i , Great Sleep Fust Kiulod. DETUOIT , Mich. , April ft. The sleep fast of 163 hours ended today , . Gcorgo Cunningham was tha only ono of the contestants to com plete tbo prescribed limit. Townscnd , the old time pedestrian , kept awake 1MI hours and then collapsed. Ho exhibited signs of lu&anlty. \YILL \ RAISE THE EMBARGO , Germany Withdraws Its Objections to the American Hog. CAPTAIN O'SllEA ' AGAIN HEARD FROM , Ho I'rcimtscs Further Sciisntloiinl lie- vrtoptitcnls In the Divorce Cose I-H ) | ; ( Tool Inn A m > 111 : the Nor wegians Foreign Noirat Btinus , April 0. It la nnnounood that the Gorman government has dollnltoly resolved to withdraw the embargo plowed upon Amor- can pork. It Is added , however , that the oftlrlalnotlcoof this withdrawal will prob ably ba delayed for some time in view of cer tain negotiations which nro goln ? on hero be tween the German government and tbo United States. Tim-nril Modern Democracy. ROMK , April 0. CnrUlnnl Lavlgle's toast nt Algiers und the events which rapidly fol lowed that striking uttornneo nro sill ! much discussed In church circles. Everything clearly Indicates the decided drift of the Catholic church toward modern democracy. Hut those who have enjoyed the confidence- Pope Leo know that ho has always considered Hof prlmo Importance for the church to free Usolf from Identification vlth old dynastic properties. But It was necessary to move slowly so ( is to wound royalist and aristocratic susceptibilities as little ns possible. In all countries the pope lias favorite correspondents , upon whoso ad- vlco ho places special reliance , and who nro charged with carrylnir out his personal pol icy. Cardinal Lavlgior Is one of these , and when on October U Inst Cardinal Lnvlglor arrived lu Homo the pope charged him personally with the Important religious and political mission of bringing the church In Franco into hnnnony with the republic. Luvlgler's speech brought storm of loiters to the Vatican. All Prance grow Infuriated. While the Idea of the toxl wai suggested and approved by the Vatican , the form It took was not satisfactory. The ardent pritmito of Africa wont somoivhiit hoyond bounds. Ho attacked tlio old parties and taunted thorn with having been la alliance with Boulnngism. But this vigorous language bad a good Hldo. It made all Franco understand unmistakably that the church intended to break with the past. There was no more equivocal mennlnc. The pope said with re gard to this : "Tho cardinal has done right , it was necessary to strike a great blow In order to get out of this condition of hesitancy and confusion. " The letter of Cardinal Knmpolln to the bishop of Tours repeated In frontier for n the nilirtnn rrll'nn IM A 1 rrtniHi IPhrt Qimnnrh nf ihowholo Episcopal body shows ibnt the work has been successful. It w 111 come to pass In splto of the opposition of parties. The pope sees that the future belongs to the democracy. lie Is convinced that the United States will furnish a form for the conclusions of European society as well as ecclesiastic questions. Ho believes sincerely that Europe is marching towards democracy , with republican Institutions as the predestined goal. In hW character as pontiff kodaronot say so , but Cardinal LaylKlqr's ' address was an echo of close conversation with Leo. Ob servations whlchijToachodHtboi-vatleau-froBii * bos been heard , and statesmen itro warned. Norwegian OJnalTocttnii. Loxnon , April 0. [ Spoclal Cablegram to TUB BEE , } A Stockholm dispatch says that the Swedish government is beintf strongly advised to put down the Norwegian disaf fection with a forcible hand. The irovorn- mont's critics claim that Swedon'hus been too lonlont and conciliatory In Its treatment of Norway and has thereby encouraged the spirit of accession" among a certain class who would sooner see Norway under the pro tection of Russia or Denmark than Swndon. Neither of these powers , It is said , would dare to help Norway should the disaffection bo dealt with. Russian emissaries nro charged with fomenting the trouble In Nor way. Health of tlie Ilolr Prosiimptivo. LONDON , April 0. ( Special Cablegram to THE Bsn. ] The health -of Prlnco Albert Victor , duke of Clare'nco and Avondalc , the oldest son of thoprincoof Wales and holr nrcsumptlvo to the British crown , is again causing considerable anxiety among the members of the royal family and in court circles. Prince Albert Victor has boon com pelled to leave Bork , the headquarters of his roirlmont. the Tenth ( princa of Wales own ) hussars , in which ho holds the rankof major , and Is going to the Curragh military district in Ireland , where ho will bo attached to ono of three cavalry regiments , the Fourth dru- goon guards , the Second dragoons of the auss-ari , now stationed tncro. Cnptiiln O'nlio.-v . DUIILI.V , April 0. ISuoclal Cablegram to THE Bee. ] lua letter acknowledging the receipt of an apology from Hov. Father Fur long , who during the course of a political address had erroneously stated that the household expenses of the O'Shea family had been berne by Mr. Pnrnoll , Captain O'Shea says that Mrs.Vood , the aunt of Mrs. O'Shcn ' , allowed that lauy ? 15,000 annu ally for her expenses. In concluding his letter Captain O'Shon hints there Is a proba bility that the O'Shea-Parnell divorce suit will bo reopened and that should such bo the case further revelations of a character in jurious to Mr. Parnell will bo tnaclo. Natives Un in Anns. CII.CUTTA , April ( ! . iSmboldoncil by the success of the Manlpurls who recently killed tbo Ghoorka escort nt Annam , the Mlranzl In the ICohat territory , district of Poshawor , division of Pungab.havo arisen in force and are attacking tbo British troops along the wbolo Icnfeihof tholrllnes. Strong reinforcements imvf been dispatched to the front. In addi tion to the Mlranzl trouble telegrams from Rangoon announce that the liakuchlns have am hushed a small British column on the way from ono military post to another. Lieuten ant Forbes and live men were killed and cloven others severely wounded. Humored Hinrrlago of Pnrnoll. LONDON , Anril 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BECJ , A sensation was caused In the lobby of the commons this evening by a ru mor that Parnell bad been privately married since the O'Shea divorce proceedings. Ac cording to this rumor thu lady whom Parnrll married Is not Mrs , O'Shcn. Several Par- ncllllcs In the commons were interviewed- but refused to say more than that the "mys. tcry" of their loader's ' inner life , often re ferred to as certain to clear Pnracll's charau ter , will shortly bo explained. Italy HUH Ccioloil Dmvri. LONDON , April 0. The Times' correspond- cnt at Homo says : The arrival of the text of Fava's first note showed that the misunder standing was duo to Blalno misinterpreting the demand for trial as a demand for conviction. The ministry Is indisposed to push the mailer beyond the demand for the recognition of International justice. The ex citement has entirely subsided. rigMlnn UclielllouH Natives. SIMLA , April 0. Sharp lighting with rebel lious natives continues. A Mlranznls rising Islmpcndinir. Yesterday the Twenty-ninth regiment lost nine killed and four wounded , Worried Off the Hmich. LONIION- , April (1. ( It is announced on good authority thai Judge Stejmoa , whoso mind Is said to hnvo become Impaired owing to llio nnnoynnco and worry 'ho was subjected to during and after the trial of the celebrated Mnvbrick poisoning case nt Liverpool , will retire from tUo bench tomorrow. Constitution. Svnxnr , N.S. W. , April 0-Tho Austral- inn federation convention 'has adopted Iho provisions of the constitution regarding the power of parliament nnd requiring that all appropriation nnd taxation bills must urlftl- nnto In the house of representatives. Illlaiii Olllulnlnil. Kini. , April 0. The ceremony of piercing the dam of the North Soi\ canal took pae ! < todav. Emperor William imulo the breach nnd the water poured lu In an immense volume. _ _ _ cmvAUws jiuxmrt'Ai * COXTKST. Today AVIll Decide the Most reotillar Ktrii'j * lo In tlio cMty's History. CHICAGO , April 0. The municipal election tomorrow will close one of the inoit peculiar and hotly contested campaigns in the history of Chicago. No loss than llvo candidate * are making a contest for the mayoralty , and ns botwcon four of these. It is impossible to forecast the result. The friends of each iwall apparent candor claims about tl'O same number of votes 53,000 to 00,000-for their respective favorites. The first candid atu In tbo field was Klmcr Wash burn , cx-chlof ol tlio police and ex-chief of the United States secret service bureau. Ho was put in nomination prior to the regular party convention * , ostensibly by the independent citizens' move ment , but It is understood that his chief support primarily came from n1 secret organization , whoso object is to minimize the Influence of the foreign ele ments In the city administration , and which claims to have 2,000 voters In its ranks. The argument in favor of Its candld.uo Is the necessity , in view of tlio approach of the world's f.ilr , of putting the city into condition , ns to clean streets and other public Improvements , that visitors from well kept cities In Europe will not bo shocked , and to render the police force so efficient thrtt thieves , gamblers and other criminal classes will not dare ( lock to the city In anticipation of a rich harvest. The saloons also are to bo vigor ously looked after. There are two democratic candidates DeWtttC. Crogler , Iho present Incumbent , and Carter Harrison , ex-mayor. Ilairlson bcgnn his canvass before tbo democratic convention met , niloginir weakness and catering to the bad elements on the part of the existing adminis tration , and promising reform. The light at the primaries was bitter , Ami at the convention Hnrrion's men , ac cusing the Crcglcritcs of fraud , with drew nnd nominated their man. The remainder of the democratic candidates nom inated Cregior. The state central committee took the matter up ami decided that Crcgler was the regular nominee. In the meantime Harrison received the endorsement of tha personal rights league , a body niauo up largely of Germans , and ho continued In the field , making a vigorous eauvnss. Then the republicans met nnd nominated Hempstcad Wa hburn , son of the latoEllhu B. Waskburn , United States minlstnr to Franco during the Franco-Prussian war. Ho is running on n platform which promises the application of business methods to city affairs nnd the ill- vorco of the pollco force from politic,1' . The fifth candidate Is Thomas Morgan , nominee of the socialistic labor party. _ , , TliQ , fight. Is , , botwecn'.tho factions of .the 'bitter , the state cuntraVcommlttoo , * " Senate Palmer and leading democrats from other states helping Croglur. On the othcr hand , Ills not known bow much of JilmorWnsh- burifif strength will como from the republi can ranks and the struggle is decidedly com plicated. flEXATOK EMiMUXnS 1XTEHVIEW Ho Expresses Himself Upon the Gen eral I'ollt on ! hit tuition. WASHINGTON' , April 0 , The Star this evenIng - Ing has a long interview with Senator Ed munds on the general political situation. Speaking of the farmers' alllanco movement , the senator said that some people tire trying to persuade the farmers that laws have been made which operate unjustly upon thorn nnd that laws hnvo not boon made that would furnish them with moro rapid and steady prosperity. Ho thinks they nro to a largo dcgreo mistaken and In tlmo will discover It. Indeed , ho presumes that the largest part of reflecting farmers understand that crops cannot bo Increased by legislation or debts honestly. Askctt what the danpcrs were to both of tbo great parties In the situation , the senator said that if in the next presidential election the fanners' alliance should carry many suites without having n majority of the elec toral college there would bo no election by the people , and the present house of represen tatives , being largely democratic , that party , would olectlts candidate. As to thodangorof the republican party , It Is that the nlllanco may carry some states that , would otherwise go republican , nnd thus , if there was no olcc- tlon by the people , give the election to the democratic candidates. Asked If ho thouaht silver -would bo an Issue In the next campaign , the senator did hot think It would ho an Issue between tbo republican nnd demo cratic parties , for ho thinks the demo cratic party will imrdly wish to make it an Issue to theextcniof running any consider able risk of separating gold and silver ns the coin inonoy of the country , nnd certainly the great uody of tbo repnbllcans will not. Up to tna point of safety then-publican party will bo In favor of using silver ns money , ns It always has been. What the farmers' nlllanco platform , if the party should nominate a presidential candi date will bo , ho could not say. "The third party movement , " continued Senator Ed munds , "undoubtedly exists In tno farmers' nlllanco. If successful to the extent - tent of getting the president and congress It would doubtloess lead to the en actment of measures that they have Indi cated , and whether they were good or had for the farmers would soon bo known. " The senator did not think communism Isnttho bottom of the farmers' movement , and added that the percentage of commun ists in this country ho believes to bo very small. As capital was always watch ing the conditions of the government of the country , the success of any movement which would "render unsound legislation probable \vould greatly disturb 'tho llnaucca of the country , anil that , of course , would reach every branch of labor und business. 11 IS 110 V /J.VAV.V , IIo'lH CoiiHcurntcd to the Nvw See in TcxnH. \ EIIIK , Pa. , Am-Il 0. The consecration to the bishopric of the now see In Texas of Itov. Dr. Thomas Brenimn of the Erie dlocoso yesterday - torday was nn Important event In the history of the Komun Oatholtochurch. Fifty priests participated. IU. Itov. Tobias Mellon , bishop of the Erlo diocese , was the eonsecrntor , and was assisted by Bl.slion | Pheluu ofl'Ittsburg and McUovernof Ilnrrlsburp. Last evening the newly consecrated bishop oftldntcd at pontifical vespers and Bishop Phnlan preached the sermon , Bishop Hiciniun will iiuiko the church of Iho .Saurod Heart , in Dallas , a pro-uithedral and will proceed to build a nnd orphan asylum und es tablish a now order nf sisters and a religious order of men. Bishop Urcuuun , who Is the youngest priest In tha United States , has ono nf the largest diocesescovering'i,000 t > ( | uaro miles , with a Catholic population of , ' ,000. , Stciinislilp ArrlvnK At QucunstoiYit The Aurunla from Now York. At Hamburg The iSuropo , from Kcw York. At TIavroTho Hrctngno , from New Yci'to , At Now York--Th' Qa < gno1 from Jlavro and thu SliUuuu from Hamburg. OFTEN MARRED PROFESSOR. Albert E. Foster's Matrimmtal Chrcor Brought to n Sudden End. WIVES FROM CANADA TO KENTUCKY. The Tlilnl OhJctsM to n Prospective Numb r Finnnnd Ills Arrest Follows A Imml OllK'O Siot'x ' Rax. * , S. D. , April 0.-Speclal [ Tcleg.iur. to TUB 13iB. : ] Prof. Albert 13. Poster of this city was today arrested on tha charge of bigamy. Foiter is what Is known ns a high flror , nnd during his resilience hero was counto I as ono of the "four hundred , " Ills career aa developed before .lustloo Stlckney today Is n marvel. In Hamilton , Canada , ho married n young lady by the nnnio of Carrie Windoin , nnd two years afterword ho mnrrtcd n lady llx Peru , liul. , who Is known ns Florence No. li. Two years afterward , In 1SSO , ho appeared lu Nowpqit , Ky. , whom ho gained entrance to the best circles and ono nlu'lit eloped with MtssMliuilo Kmglitthudaufhterof ; Cephons ICnipht. a prominent mill wealthy mercliant. Last December hn came to Sioux Falls ntul has been doing nil lie can to work up n ctxso so ha could have wife No.I. . > His nrrcst was caused by the father of wife No. iinturtlml outraged gentleman an nounces Ids Intention of placing the often * married professor behind the burs. A requi sition has been applied for nnd he will betaken taken to Newport , Ky. , for trial. Do Inn n , l.iiri-.l Olllcu HuHlnoRs. CutMiiERi.M.v , S. D. , April 0. [ Sixjein Telegram to Tin : UKU.I Today has been the busiest day in the United States laiul ofUeo hero since thu Sioux reservation was opened to settlement. When this reservation wa3 opened it was not surveyed and It wus but n week ago that plats were received from the surveyor general's ofllco fora portion of the land. Notice was then given that tbo oftlco would receive filings today , ana this informa tion caused n stainpcilo among tha settlers already upon the lands. They has tuned to town , all of them reaching hero Sunday. 1-iundrqds of them camped hcsldo the land ofiico all night and un til this morning -when It opened ru.d their llllnps were received. The strlfo between rival toxvnslto companies was very bitter ns to which should Hrstplaco their filing ou dcslrnblo townMto property. But no personal struggles occurred. White settlers In a few Instances attempted to Illo on land claimed by the Indians , but the land officers refused the filings and the Indians now have undisputed possession. IJoTrli'll for Slimier. Sioux PAI.I.O , S. D. , April 0. [ SpccialTolo- gram to Tin : Bui' . ] Plenty-Horses , the Sioux Indian who Is charged with having murdered Lieutenant Casey , was brought from Fort Meade to tills city today In charge of two deputies. The trial will come off dur ing the coming week and promises to bo one of great importance to tlio BovernmcntWltnessoa oroa arriving ifrom aHsectlonsjJof .tlfocountry.mPivo2 ( r- > IrlvedSfromKMoatanattndltwoJfromjKnnsaslHt ' nn early hour this' moraine * "AH ' eye wit nesses of the crlino will bo placed on the stand and if Plenty-Horses is guilty hoVlll bo hung lu thin city. Short on Fuii < l , VUKMII.MO.V , S. D. , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKB.J There Is a rumor cur. rent on the streets today that owing to the late trouble and the deficiency In the appro priations for the next two years the univer sity would bo closed until the begin ning of the next school year. By that tlmo this trouhlo will bo over nnd probably some Important changes mado. State HcgentHrnndt has been in the city today on university business. Ho neither denies nor confirms the rumor. It is nvcll known fact the school Is in 11 very seri ous way financially , and It scum j almost im possible for the school to run on the scant allowance. VOXFKSl K\CK KA I ) KM ) . Q. Cannim Ilcllovcs Himself on the Polygamy Question. t K Crrr , Utah , April 0. [ Special Telegram to Tiir Bin. : I Tbo conference of the Mormon church ended today. Gcorgo Q. Cannon made an address in which he said that the church was very anxious to know what the government was goliiB to do with the matter of their dealings with their plural wives , and that he hoped that they miicht bo permitted to kcop the n on account of the ties that existed , but they did not know. Ho counseled them to do m the law said , nnd tlmt if they were not permitted to keep them to do as they were commanded , ami respect the statutes and let the burden , if any , fall on the Lord. 'fli 3 Old Man Wan Tno KnCrrr , Utah , A pnl 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hui : . ] C. S. Taylor nnd a young girl named Kloiso llama from the town of Logan were arrested at Pocatello , Idaho , yesterday. They had ciopod from the town of Logan and were pursued from that place by the father of the young woman. Ho was too Into as they were alreauy married , and nil the old man could Uo was to sny bless you my children and take them homo. HTOJf/V STVC'KJIKX , Annual nio.-tlne oftlio Western Cntllo Ori > k > oiV AHSOoliitlon. CHEYKNXI' , Wyo. , April f ! . [ Special Tele gram to TIIR Biu. : ] The annual mooting of \Vyoininji stockmen , hold hero today , was well attended , prominent cattle growers bo- Infp-present from \Vj \ omlng , Colorado , Mon tana and Nebraska. John Cluy , Jr. , of Chicago cage acted as president of the m ietug. ! An address was made by Stock Acront Leury of the Union Pacific1 , who ald that lUfl.OOO cattle would roino north this .ycnr. Instead of Inspecting them nt the unloading point- they would bo inspected whcro ablppod and would not bo accepted without a clean bill of health. The reports of the oflloflrs of the stock association show it to bo In u Rood financial condition. A largo number of cattle thieves have been suerosufully prose cuted during thn year , A bettor fivllngpur- vadcd the meeting than has boon manifested for .yjvoral yean. Cattle have wintered well , prices hnvo an upward tendency and stocKmcn anticipate a return of at least a part of thu ohl-tlino prosperity lu the busi ness. AVnrlc iil'iin Incenillary. CASI-EU , Wyo. , April 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEK. ! Sunday night some un known person burned the sboop shearing and dipping pens at this point. Thopon.i were the largest In the state and will bs re built Immediately. * i / lonni : Mndlxxi * . DiiNvrii , Col , , April 0 , The ease of Donna MndUxn , the former wlfo of tno deceased merchant prince , \V. B. Daniels , is causing considerable gossip horo. HesliK" asking for herslr.vroof un cUuto of tJ50 | ° iOOO she isks that the divorce bo set aildo. Kho alleges that after their imirriago In Now York they came hero to live. Hoou after this Mr. Dan iels drove her from the homo and she went to CtmrotMicto llvo. Wbllo there Mr. Daniels bv frauu profiirod a acp\ratlon from hcrupon the groumla of .vli'ltery. She auys * honovrr saw the nc.nt-lulu . or was Mirvod with notice