ti . in ii IIAII.V I-HHV : xiirviiAV ism. si THE OMAHA. 33EE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' O iriCK : Is'O. 121'KAHL STREET. Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City. H. Vf. TJf/rON - - MANAOKH. TIILK1'HONKS : nuslnoMOnicc , No. . Night Cdltor. No. 23. JUMUt JIKXTlttXi N. Y. I' . Co. Council Hinds Lumber Co , coal. Crnffn chattel lonns , 20 Sapp block. ( Jcnulno KocU Hprlng coal. Thatcher , 10 Mnin T. L. riamott wn * fined $15 TO In police court yesterday morning fordrunkcnncii. A marriage license W.IH lisued yesterday to Jninos llamfcavet nnd Mnry C. Uurkc , bethel ol Council IllufK The funornl exorcises of the late John W. Ktlnoro will bo hold tomorrow afternoon nt tlio l-'lf th nvcuuo MethbdNt church. 1'ho funeral of Mrs. John Smith will tnUo pliico this nflornoon at 2 o'clock from the res idence of North First sti cot , Hev. tr. ) I'holps oIlMatliiR. Tim Collotvlnir cases of measles wcra re ported vostunlav : Maud McKusson , Oak land nvcnuo ; lav Towns , : ni Nurth Main aticot ; Einnui llcekman. 711 Seventh street. John Mcrkel was arralRticil ooforo Justice I'allon yi'sti'nlav on a cliargo of obtaining money under false pretenses , tlio prosecuting witness bulnw Paler Knoi-ht. After be.iriiiK the evidence McrUulfts tliscuurjjuit by the court. The ivcular inontliiy meeting of the 1'ottu- wnU.iinlo County Kriiit ( Irowors1 find ( ! nr- jlcneis' association will tultu ylnro this nflor noon at 'J o'clock In the fanners' tall , county court boii'c. Joscpn D.mU'cr nnd Miss ICobocca JelTrles wciounltcil in innrri.i ) ! ' * Thursday nl ht at HID lusldonco of tlio bride on Nicholas street , Wcsu-llliiKOf the Catholic church ofll- ulntln . The newly wed coilplo will llvo on I 'emu nvenuo. The irraiid Jury innilo n tour of Inspection ycsti'i'Utiy afternoon through St Barnard's hospital , nceonliiiR to the statute that nro- vldes th.it such an Investigation shall bo inailu oncoa year by the ciand Jury , of all stnto Institutions , The Iliodupartmont was called out yester day nioriiliiff , at II o'clock to the corner of Fifteenth street nnd Third uvoiiuo. A llro lind boon started In some old Ice houses which \vcio formerly roiinectcd with the Stewart { mrkltiK houses 'J'hry won ) uu occupied , and t was no doubt the uorlc of an Inccnduary , who was anxious to sco the rest of the estab lishment , follow In the trade of that which was binned down n couple of ycais npo.Tho liroliml notion eonslili'niblo headway before the llraiiicn arrived on the scone , but thov Sim ceded In extinguishing it before any ( Ininagoas done. The case of the Council Hluffs it Omaha transfer company vs M , Zoltsiniinu was on trlnl in Justice I'.itton's ' court yesterday af ternoon. The plaintiffs claim that they had n contract , with Xoltsiuan to furnish him fortv tons of hay during I ho recent , hay fain- Inoat. * ! , ' ) . . ' ) * ! per ton , but when they delivered It ho refused to talto it. They nccordlnijly brinir action to recover dniriages in the sum of $ . " 0 on account ot his alleged refusal to stand i ) whis word , X.oUsiii.inn claims that ho had the contract , but that the plulntilTs refused to fulfill their half of it. Ho sues for $ ! ' 5 damages. The case was tried on tliCM ) rather contradictory statonioincnLs and was taken under udvisoinent bv the rourt. Henry l.xvoiiiort ) | of Atlantic was bioughl before Clerk I' . M. Hunter of the federal couit on the charge of soiling liquor \vlthout n ( 'ovorninetit license , lloclalms that ho had tnado application for n license , but had not yetrccehed it , A telegram was sent to the deputy rcvcnuo collector at DurliiiRton to llml out whether ho told the truth. A icpiy was received stating tnat no license had been asked for by any one from Atlantic named Davenport. The prisoner was accordingly bound over to await the action of the federal grand jury in the sum of f'JOO , In default of which bo was sent to Jail. John CmmniiiffsVillinm Stannard and H. II. Miller , wore arrested vestordav for driv ing over the sidewalk on Seventh street be- twcon Mill and Washington nvenuo. The street at thut point Is in an almost iinpnss- uhlo condition , and during the recent muddy season the teams thut wore compelled to pass that way mndo a reid for themselves by dilvlng along the sidewalk. The adjacent property owners did not. like this , and thov complained at the marshal's ' ofllce , with the result that the three arrests were made. It is said that informations are out as'iinst ' sev eral other offenders , who will bo arrested on 11 like charge. Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crock- cry , In endless variety on easy payments at Wandel .t Klein's. Fruit farm for salt ] on reasonable terms ; within ono and one-half miles of the P. O ; all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession given atonco. Cull on 1) . J. Hutchlnson & Co , , 017 Drondway. i'jitso..tjvi 7t < i . i i'ii s. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murphy , loft last evening for Indianapolis. A. W , Alexander wont tc Charter Onk yesterday morning on business for Weir , JShugart & Co. Mrs. 0. O. Howard , wife of an nttoino.v at . Hod Oak , Is in the city , the guest of Miss Allio Campbell at " ( ill ) Avenue A. Mias Mary Williamson leaves next wrek for 'U'lnll-jld , ICnu. , where she will visit friends during the sprliiBnnd summer. Mrs. H. K. Duknyand s'pn , Earle , loturnod yesterday morning from Chlc.igo nnd are visiting Airs. Dokay's ' parents , Itev. and Mrs , T. F. Thlolcstun. Mr. Hert Sims returned ynstorday morning from Plattsmonth. NOD , , wtioro bo went to attend a concert given by the celebrated or ganist , Frederick Archer. Mr. N. P. Dodge and family returned yes terday morning from n four months' trip to the Pncllic coast. They were accompanied byCiunci.au M. Uodgu' who did not stop , but \vcnton to Chicago in his special car. lrs. ) Wood bury , dentists , UO Pearl street , next to Grutid hotel Telephone 145. High grade work a specialty. SPUING GOODS AT HOSTON STOI11J Fotticrlnjiliam , Wuliolnw Afc CO'H. Al- trnuiloiis Tor tlin Week. Notwithstanding the gloomy weather of last week tliousniids of people of Council ; llliiffs and vldnity visited tlio Boston store , toiiilinlio iniii purchase the bcauilful sin-Ing Koods that were opened cncli dny. The spring styles of ladles' dress ioods wcio no\er so huiidsomo as they nro this year. Tlio de partures from ' iCro last year's styles ro very ladlciil mid embrace nil grades of ( , 00(1During this \\cek ladies will ho \\ell rep.ihl for iv visit to tlio Hoston store whotbor tboy wish to purchase or not. They | ulll onlay looking nt tlio niiiuv now nnd beau tiful fabrics \\hle.h they can Ilnd , nnd If eastern - ern prlcosvlll bo nny uddltlonal Inducement they will bo nimble to resist the temntutton toBelectsouiellilnp. Kveryllnois full mul j on will Do H ell entertained uliou looking tlioin o\er. U'owlll furnish you wallpaper this spring. In nil tbo lute t stvlcs , ut cnstorn prices , fd \\lll uunriuiteo satisfaction both lu iiuiillty und material. IJOS'tON STOUIO. Council UlufTs , la. .1 . , Wnmi.o : > \ Uo. . All Chinese poods at half prlco at Jim I Lung's , SOS liroaihvay. Not In town. An answer was Hied jesterday by the do- fcndanU In the case of Hnchul I.arltncr iiRalnst Jack Cirecu und Thomas Skinner , which was commenced last month insupeiior court to obtain possession of n tlilrty-two- ncro tract of Ijnd situated between Itig lalto nnd the river. Tlio plaintiff claimed ihnt the I l.md was hold by the defendants without any rlk'lit or title , and shn drmaiuled that they glvo It up to her , together with $150 damages ; which she has sulTcicd by the detention. cshi the answer which wius tiled jestord.iy the defendants allege that the property , which Is situated north of the river line according to the old Bovornmont survey , is In thostuto of Nebriblui , nnd that thcruforo the court has no Jurisdiction In the caso. They ask that tlio case bo dismissed nt plaintiff's cost. The ' trial was to imvo coma on yesterday , but us ' tdo tiling of the answer brought some new matter into the cose , itsu * postponed uutll next Monday , NEWS FR01I COUNCIL BLUFFS , John Giloert Finds His Load-of Debt Too Heavy to Bear. GRIST OF THE COURTS YESTERDAY. MM. Piiscy I\liif-Mnek ) Hnuuit Over Cniey'H Kuncral I'nr- nlMl HlH Hand Other City Matters. John Gilbert , who keeps n plumbing estab lishment nt the corner of Main street and Willow avenue , tnado an assignment yester day afternoon for the benefit of his creditors. W. A. Wood Is the assignee. Tno terms of thoassltjiimont cover the entire stock nnd fixtures , consisting of steam , plumbing , brasft and load poods , steam fitting und well digging goods , pumps and sewer pi DC , De- sides all bMK accounts nnd notes. Accord- Ing to hi * statement , the liabilities are - ) , " ) * . 15. Tlio failure resulted from a superfluity of Imddouts. Mr. Gilbcit status that helms been utterly unable to collect money thafwas owing tiim from patrons , on account of the general dullness , Ho thinks that If ho had been able to collect this money ho would Imvo succeeded in mooting his obligations and Imvo passed over the dull season safely , His creditors kept pressing him , however , nnd ho had to take this way of satisfying them. It was impossible to ascertain last evening what the assets will amount to. A futr stock Is on hand , nnd It is thought that it , together with the amount ot outstanding accounts , will be sulllclent to pay nearly nil the dobts. A good girl can ilnd a situation to do general - oral housework bv applying to Mrs P. M. 1'ryor , 010 Hlull street. ' Our spring stock is now complete. If you want to be in stjlo call at Holler's , the tailor , I ! 10 U road way. in District Court. The case of Horace Hverctt vs the city was resumed In distilcPcourt yesterday morning nnd occupied tlio attention of the court until n o'clock In the afternoon , when on account of the Illness of Mrs. Pusey , wife of N. M. I'nsoy , the attorney for the plaintiff , tlioro was a continuance ) until sucb ttmo as Mr. I'usoy shall bo able to attend. None of the cases that followed In the assignment were ready for trial , so an adjournment was taken until this morning , after n few matters of minor importance had been attended to. A decree of foreclosure was granted In the case of Charles Bowman against Kato 13. and F1. J. Sackett on two lots situated In Sackott's addition. An objection to motion for a continuance In the three cases in which J , P. Casady Is defendant - fondant was filed by tlio attorneys for the plaintiff , Wright & Ilsddwin. 'Ihoy allege that n continuance has been asked for by the attorneys for the clcfondant.it every term of comt since that of .lanuarv , ISUu , nnd has each ti mo been supported by nllidavlts from physicians stating that the health of the do foiid.uit Is such as to tender the trial of the case impossible. Thov argue from this that tlio health of the defendiintls constantly fail ing , and that n continuance of the case to an other term of court will bo equivalent to turning tlio plaintiff out of lourt altogether. A motion for a continuance was filed in the case of W V. Cranrlo vs Charlotte Mulsh , by the plaintiff , on the ground of a failure of ceitaln depositions to arrive that it is claimed are essential to the trial of the case. A decico was given in the case of M. I , Scars vs William C. Brownleo. ot al. . in faor of the plaintiff , the defendant failing to appear The tltlo to lot 1'JO of the original plat of Council Bluffs was quieted In the plaintiff. In the case of A. Ovcrton vs L. Ilosenflcld , in which an injunction was sought by the plaintiff to restrain the defendant from engaging In tlio sale of intoxicating liquors , the plaintiff was graded ti Judgment lor at torney's fees and costs , by default , and an order of abatement. Several ether cases in which Overtoil Is plaintiff were dismissed at plaintiff's cost , at the request of Jacob Sims , O\erton's attorney. A like order was. made in out ) of the Injunction cases in which David Giay is plaintiff. Meschendorf don't say so , na the following prices will convince jou of ! I'ortcrlioufosto.ik , I''Ke. Sirloin slcalt , liy o. Houm1 steak , lOc. 1'rimo lib ro.ist , lOc. Shoulder roast , 7c. I'ork roast , Sc. I'orlc chops , lOe. Vein , Tc to 12'jC. ' Mutton , lie tn l-J'j'c. Shoulder steak. Se. Sausage of all kinds , Se. Host No 1 11.1111lOc. . Host No. 1 bacon , lOe. Hcst No. 1 lard , 10o. Host Fo. 1 salt pork , So , Oleo. and butter , ISc andSOc. Do you want nn express wagon or boyl Unitf up the A. D. T. ( Jo. , tolophouo 179 , No. H North Main struct , The Falrmount Sc clfjar at the Fountain. Mack Hound Over. H. D. Mack was brought before Justice Hummer yesterday forenoon for n prelimi nary , examination on the ctiiirRO of obtaining money under false pretences. Standing room was uta premium In the little ofilco of the Justice , half the residents of the western part of the city having soupht admission for tlio purpose of seeing whether tlio prisoner was the man who had done them up. As Mack looked around on Iho crowd and saw so many familiar faces became to the con clusion that It would not l > o worth while to contest the point , and ho waived his prelim inary examination. The court bound him over to await the action of the ijrand jurv , and llxcd bis bond at&OO , In defaulter which ho was remanded to the Bounty jnll , Tlio cnso will bo brought before the grand Jury at Its present session , J. C. nixbv , steam nesting , sanlttry en- KlnccrliOJ Morrlnm block , Council Blurts Our line of carpets ntU parlor furniture I will boar Inspection Wo o'uhn the largest I stock In the city. Manuel & Klein. Kiinornl oi Mrs. Cary. The funeral of Mrs. Phcubo Cary took place yesterday morning at the resilience of her son , Chief of I'dlit-o Wiulo Cary. A T. h ' - number of Irlends of the deceased wcro piescnt. Hov. T. J. Macltay of St. Paul's ' Kplsoopal chili oh conducted the exercises In a very impressive manner. After the ser- ' vlco the remains were taken to their last , resting pluco In Falrvlew cemetery , followed by many friends. The following persons ofllclnted as pall bearers : J. 13. Atkins ' , Alexander wood , J. N. Cassndy , K. 'J : Abbott , T. II , Hays and N. A. Taylor. Travelers' union will meet Saturday , April lTUp. : : ! in. , at board of tiado rooms , : u.2 _ Men-lain block. Business of importance. , i All commercial nnd cx-commerclul travelers Invited. Suugart & Co. carry largest stocltof m Held , garden and ( lower seeds In the St Catalogue und samples by.mail , Mr * . 1'iiHtjy Oyiiig. Mrs.-N. M , ' Is I'usoy dangerously m at her , home , at the corner of" Willow avenue nnd Sixth stieot. She has been u suffoicr from diopsy for son.o tlmo past , nnd of late it has boon complicated with symptoms of * heart failure. Yesterday afternoon she was ro- ported to bo very low , nnd In the evening her physician stated tbat her death was expected momentarily. I'arnly/ed Ills Hand. A fourteen-year-old sou of Joseph T. Wright , who lives at Wright's landing , T.at Manawa , met with au accident yesterday morning whllo shooting ducks with a muzzle- loading shotgun on the lake. Ho snapped ono trigger of the gun , but It failed to go off. Ho then snapped the olher and it did douclb duty , going oft at both ends. The barrel was shattered and small pieces of the metal pnssca through u heavy bucKsklu glove which hd had on , tcanng It to shreds. Stnnge to say , his bond wn not lacerated at all , but was paralyzed by the shock , Ho was taken to UoHavcn's drug store , where ho re- calved medical attention. ttls not thought that his Injury will bo serious , The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N. O'Urlcn. 8031 H U1G 1M110. _ * Called the Turn oiTiiBnru Key Ilclilml Which xvas $ : ) iUOO. ! "Tho business iintl sporting llfo of the pioneers < on the polclcn shores nnd in the 'jrlorlous climate of C'lillfornla' was a feverish one , " < myt > General William Humph revs , mi old ploncof , in the St. Louis Ctlobo- Democrat. "To the -JOors the oldest tilings of the effete c-nbt hud pnfiscd away und all things .hnd bccotno now , It was not an unusual tiling at Billy Owons' pliico to sco u mini walk in and lii.y down iv certificate of deposit for 810,000 , on tlio ncohnvin T llrstnskcd the banker to oovor his bet. Without a olinnpo of muselo banker and player | would ( abiilo the coming out of the ace , and if the bank won ho qulotlv raked in ills $10,000 rortifioato of deposit , laid it in his left hand drinsur , nnd the man in front of the table went out ti wiser und u poorer mini to begin prospecting airtiin lit Poverty Flat. I once saw u rich man como in nticl , tiring of 'picking' along with bets on n single curd , he nonchalantly tapped on tlio high card with his pencil ll.H ho siilil : 'Mr. Denier , I'll just go you or the high card my three-story brick hotlso . . . , near the Palace hotel , against your $20.1)00 ) , ' nnd drawing out of his pocket his deed , tlio bettor laid it on tlio ace. 'Dono'said the dealer , who was likely to have a * 10,000 bankroll in his pocket 1 and n reserve fiinil of $100,000 in u small safe in the corner of his gambling hell , tjuiotly the outside betting' went 01 and Hourly nil the cards \voro outtho ace being the Soda' curd nnd throe ncoa Htlll in the box. The deed still lay on the aco. At last , when Mug. jack and three aces were the only cards in the box , the hotter said : Hold' Dealer ! I'm d d tired of that rice. It's going to split. I want to put my brick house on the king ; . Are you ngrocdi" 'Cert , ' exclaimed the dealer , lie pulled. Outcainotho king- , falling- tlio right of the dealer. The bank lost. The man with tlio brick hous.0 won $20,000. 'How will you have your money , ' wild Mr. Dealer. 'Cheek , ' laconically answered the lucky gambler. The dealer's hide partner filled out a cheek , while the game went on. " "Hilly Owens anil Judge Jones were as no as the Siamese twins to each other. The bond that bound them was n friend ship that only ended with the life of Judge Jones , who died with ills boots on in his ort'n faro bank , killed by a cowboy who got the drop on him in a light over a disputed bet. One night in May , when the game'run light , ' as gamblers bay , and Judge Jones hud played in a good streak of luck for a month , Billy Owens , Hushed with 'Old Otard , ' came baeic to the faro lay-out from his sumptuous pal ace of jrin and sin. Walking up to his chum lie said ho said : 'Judge Jones , tills is a mighty mean game with these hundred-dollar pikers around the board. How much you got in that big bafo over yonder ! " M ust $ ; WflOO in tliur , old man , ' opliod the judge , 'and that's just : iU,000 moro'n you'vo got the band in your cm w to try and win. ' 'Ah , that 'ri your little game , is it , old Texas never tire ? ' exclaimed Hilly Owens , just full onnupli for n 'llyer. 'I'll just go you my check on the California bank for $ U2,000 , cold 'plunkors. " 'Put ' up or shut up , Billy , sententiously answered the Texas judge , as his stool gray eyes , expanding wide , shone like twor' white diiimondsT Hilly Owens walked over to the gamblers' oseretoiro and a well regulated gambling place is never with out a table called ' ' -'secretary , whore pen and ink are ready , and bank checks , without any particular bank's name , can always bo found. Tlio saloon keeper iilledip a cheek on the bank of California for $ ; tl,000 ! and signed it up and walked back to Judge Jones. "Lip to this moment Jones thought Billy was foolin' . Ilo was mistaken , j "I'll bet this is the pot (1 ( , 7 , 8 Against your safe and contents. ' 'It is well , ' bald Jones wilhout a smile , pulling out a big safe key from his hide pocket , and slapping it down hard in the pot. 'That represents my wealth , ' said dealer Jones. All the other players censed to watch the gamo. Tlio third turn , as the key laid hugging the check for $ , ' 1 000 , the six , seven , and eight spots came out of the box. 'Dusted ! by the everlasting jumping jingo ! ' yelled 'tho Texas judpo ; but d n my eyes , Bi'ly ' , you are the very man 1 want to win if I must lose. " "The bank broke , and till daylight Billy Owens made it lively for the boys , and within a week , the judge , who closed his bank and wont away , struck it rich in a placer mine , and opened up a now game more gorgeous than the first , in spite of his landlord calling the turn on his sufo koy. _ " A Curious Coinuliloiico. "Speaking of coincidences ' ' , said the man with the wooden leg , as ho lighted a half consumed cigar ho had been car rying in an old handkerchief ; "speaking of coincidences , gentleman , I can toll you a very singular thing. 1 was going up Niagara street , in Buffalo , when I saw a man with a wooden leg on the other side of tlio street coining down. Wo looked across at each ether and stopped. Says I to inybolf , and bays ho to himself : " 'That follow lost his log at the battle of GoltvHburg , or I'm a sinner ! ' " "WollV" asked ono of the group. "Wo looked at each ether across the I street for a moment , and then says I to myself and says ho to himself : " 'I'll strike him for quarter , and nn old comrade nnd follow-sufl'eror will shell out. ' " "Well ? " "Very curious coincidence , gentlemen very curious , " continued the man , as ho pulled away ntliis old stub. " We mot on the crosswalks.o shook hands. Wo struck each other for a quarter , but didn't got it. AVe were both dealt broke. Neither of us was in the b.ittlo of ( jottybburg , or any ether but tle. Then says I to myself , and says ho to himself : "Blast his eyes ! but he's traveling on his Bhapo and tolling a tale of woe , and ho'b no man for motoasboeiatowith ! 'and BO wo walked otT. I don't like t'oincl deuces mybclf ; there's no money in * om. " YOB , Ilo HUH. "Tho tramp has a pretty taking way with him , I toll ycfnP siid a farmer who had come to the eastern market with hoa load of hay nnd dropped olT four of the gentry who had boon riding with him , bays the Detroit Free Press , "Ilo w do jou meiinV" was asked "That crowd en mo up this morning just as I was leaving home , and the big fellow sung out : " 'Say ! old man , wo want to rldo to town with you. " 'Caii'tdoiU'saysI. "Can't wo'i" says lie. 'Then we'll sot right down on yor front poreli all dny. We'll also see that the old v oman cooks us a bquaro dinner , nnd mobbe thoro'i some apples nnd elder la the collar. " "Then what did you say ? " 'Then I smiled all over ami says , says says I ; "Hoys , I lilco company. Climb right up herb and we'll smoke and chaw nnd Imvo a good visit as wo rl along. " ' A SAIL OS jIE | BRINY DEEP , * > * IK i Or a Whirl b ; Ralkto Six American Pleasnro Besorts. 3 ID EVERYTHING PREPAID AND FIRST CLASS , in * If You M'nnt to Take n Trip TliU Sum- mcr Without , Kxprii-r , Partici pate In The lion's Match- leU ' OfTcr. Arrangements liavo neon elfc-ctcd by tlio publishers of Tin ; 15iE : which enable us lo mnko a novel nnd attractive offer to parties who are disposed to devote thelrtimo and en- crgy toward procuring new subscribers for Tar. OMAHA WrtKtr HUE or Tin : SUNIUY HKB between this date and the 10th dny ot June next. This offer will bo open only to parties so liciting subscribers In Nebraska , low.i , South D.iliota and Kansas A careful record will bo kept of all sub scriptions fownrded , nnd the awards will bo mndo without partiality. TUB KUUOITAN TOUH. To the person that .will secure the largest number of casli suuscrlbers for Tin : OMAIK U'ur.hi.v Bin : or TUB Srxmx Bui : before Juno 10 , ls > 'jl , will bo given nini : OP COST A KOfM ) TllllIHIIOl'UVN TOtll TICM'.T Tills ticket will inc'lndo first-class passaco from Now York to Kuropo und return. This In- ludei also nil travelini. , hotel and sluht-see- hiK expenses. The trip will bo mndo with < iu excursion partv gotten up by Mrs. M. D. rnzlcrof Boston , and will be In charge of competent guides , The traveler bns no euros whatever. The tour covers all the nrincip.il countiies of Europe Kiigland , Germany , Switzerland , Franco , Belgium.Italy and their princiual cities , Including London. P.im Brussels , Berlin , Homo , Florence , Venice , Milan , Cicnon , etc. fiCVCNTV-THIICB IY OF SinllT-SEI'.IXO. The partv stnrts from Now York Juno 27 and returns to that city by September 11. Taken by uuy individual alone , this Hu- ropean trip would involve un outlay of ut least $ riH ) . AMERICAN AND CANADIAN TOURS. For the second largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to b.m Francisco and Los Ancelos and return. MngniKccnt mountain scenery , tlio beautiful Golden Gate , the laud of sunshine , fruits and flowers. "Who has not seen California \\ll not dlo bappy. " Travel is nn educator , und to iironorlv nnnrectnto the vastness of our great country one must sco its uobt features. For the third largest list of subscribers to the \VIIKI.Y : : or SINI > AY Bic wo offcrn ticket fromOmaha to Quebec audieturn. What could bo grander than a trip down the beau tiful St. Lawrence In mld-summorl To con template the beauty of Thousand Isles is de lightful. How much more delightful to visit them when in verdure clad. And all this pleasure for obtaining sub scribers to the \Viiiti.\ : : and faus'im BIK. For the fourth largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to New York Philadelphia. Washington and return. There nro no ( mints on tins continental greater general interest than these tlueo cities. An American citl/en has not com pleted his education until ho has seen the seat of government. The persons and points ot interest in Washington nro intiiimcrnblo and to the Intelligent observer n visit there is full of interest. Now York and Pnlladelphla as the commercial and financial centers of the country are always Interestine. All this siglit seeing and traveling given awav for obtaining subscribers to the WKKJU.Y or SUNDAY Her. r For the fifth larcost list of subscribers wo offer a , f roe ticket from Omaha to Niagara Falls and return. Eversinco your childish wonder was aroused by the description in the old school readers of these wonderful falls you huvo dcslrca to sea thcln Hero Is the op portunity. A most delightful excursion and ono without oxpcnso , given for securing sub- scriuors to the WEEI.KI or SUNDAY BIK. : 1 or ttie sixth lamest list of subscnborswo offer u free ticket from Oin.itia to- Salt Lake Citv and return. Tlio famous Mormon city is fast becoming a Ciuitllo city , nnd will hi tune lose inucb of interest. Now. tins sum mer would bo a good time to visit the boom ing city. Onrilcld Beach Is of course in cluded in the trip. This summer rcbort on tbo lake Is a delightful plnco to pass a few of the hot summer duj-s. Why not secure a number of subscribers for the WEEKLY or SUNDAY BPU nnd take the trip. For the seventh largest list of subscribers wo olTer a Iieo ticket to Denver and Mnnltou nnd return. Whllo n shorter trip tlnu any o tbo others It combines many pleasant fea tures. Penvor the queen city of the plains -Is nlwajs worth seeing while the health nnd sui inner resorts of Maniton nro delightful ndeed. Health-giving , inspiilng , restful nniid sublime scenery what trip could bo moro rp.stfull All this pleasure for scouting subscribers to the SUMHY or WCEKI/I BEL- . CONDITIONS. Now what are the conditions upon which these tlcltflU nro given awav I Tlio securing of the larirost list of subscribers to Tun \ViiKi.ior SUNIUY Bri : . No { newspaper in tbo west Is so well nnd favorably known nnd solicitors h.ivo alwnjs found it nn easy mat ter to secure subscribers. Tins BBIJ'H .sub scription list bns nlwajs kept pace with its reputation and it deisrcs to add new names to Its long list of friends , IJeliig nt all times u people's paper it makes friends with nl" classes. The subscription pricoof Tin : WKIIKI.Y BIR : is $1,00 per year postpaid to nny place in this country or Canada , or ? J,00 If sent to i : foreign country , Tin : SUNDAY Br.n Is.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for Tun SUNDAY Bui : will not bo counted in this competition. ( jet up alist. Hn.ve jour friends subscribe for the paper. Sample copies forwarded fioo on request. Persons deslrim ? to compote for one ef these prizes will please ay so when sending in their lirst orders. Uenilttaiico in full must accompany every order. * Two six months subscrlntlons or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as ono order. ULOKIOVS TJCll'S l'KOVOSiit. Knvluhlo Oiipni-luiiltluH Tor Siinimo ICvcitrHloiiH OTi-rcil tn All. A.trip from Oiunb n to Denver anil Manitoi includes ixridothr/nigh / the famous Plutto Val ley of Nebraska and Colorado to Denver , tin largest and most benuilful city of the Kookj mountains and nlong the foot of the Kocky I ( niountiiln ran go froul Douvor to Manltou. The ' panorama whicliMs laid before the eye of tao traveler In a Journey from Denver to Muni- ton , includes lolio , \ swoop of tno eye ! U)0 ) miles of'iiountuirt neulcs , snowy rungo , foot bills and ' . ' . to the c'Mions.JLiOiu's po.uc , nwny a north ; CJray's pcilc , the dome of the coatl- ncul , Jnmes' iu > alt. tlio Arapahoe peaks , PiKo's peak , the most famous of nil moun tains of Coloradosflid nwuy to the south. : IO ( ) miles from the paititiof obsctTatlon , the three forbidden iiioiiiitiiliiUops known as the Span ish peaks , are nililtrvlow for a part of the distance. l < , i Alnultou Is the most attractive of the many resorts of Colorado. Lying nt the foot of J'lku's Peak andit / the entrance nf the Ciardoii of the ( .iods , It Invites the tourist nnd slKhtsoorto the most roinnikiiblu formations nnd the grandest mi a most picturesque scenery of thut rugged range. Its mineral springs nnd pure ulr glvu now IIfo to the do- billtatcd. The Pike's 1'oalc rnilroail , a marvel of engineering skill , conveys passou- gers to the very summit of the lofty old mountain. From'tho ton of Piko's PeaU all ttio great/ mountain peaks of Colorado nro distinctly vislbl whllo to the cast Its tree- lined avenues at right angles , looking llko n checker board In the distance , lies the pretty llttlo city of Colt rude Springs nnd beyond the great plains of eastern Colorado. A volume could bo written , Indeed volumes Imvo been written , of the glories of Munltou and PlKo's Poalc , A ticket covering this tourli offered for the seventh larsest list of subscribers. There Is no American tour which combines a greater variety of scenery and n wldur In terest to Iho traveler thiin ouo from Omaha to Kun rnuiclsco and I.oi Angeles , Unlit. The trivolvr passes through the stales of No- briislui , Coloratlo , Wyoming , Nevada and California und the territory of Utah. This U STEIN HAuS-CNCR-Cc ? OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STE.UI DYE WORKS All kinds of Oy In ? and ClPiinliu doiio In th I Itchi'stbtylooftlio Art , I'mlt-il ami btaliioil rubrics ' iiiudo lo look us good us now llnl I'lMtlicls i ii'.inu'l I'y ' "Mt'am. In I ust ( ' nm M.iimor. Work prnnmtly diino and dullvnrud 'n ull parts of thouoiintry bund for prlvo Ut C. A. MACMIAN. Prop. IOU Uroadwav , Near North wesluru Depot , COUNCIL , I' the gicat business belt of the west and at every step of the Journey something of inter est presents itself , whether the tourist bo student , business man or meicly pleasure seeker. Nebiaska and Its prairies ; Colorado nnd its mountains ; Utah and its wonderful Salt lake ; Nevada and IU mid plains and Cull- fornia with Its innumerable attractions , are all compassed In this trip. Omaha , the most prosperous city in the union today. Denver , the queen city of the Hockios ; Salt Lake , the /ion of Moimondom ; San Fianc-isco , the golden gate , and Los Angeles , the City of Our Mother of the A.igels , form .1 string of Jewels of raicst water. These nro all prosperous cities ; thov are all beautiful cities ; they are all wonderful cities. Each is remarkable for some particu lar reason. No two of them are alike hi attractions and no tiaveler can afford missing to see each nnd all. In tlio months of Juno , July , August and September the prairies of Nebraska , the Rocky mountains , tlio valleys of Utah and the gi cat Sierra range are seen to the best possible advantage. It is the fruit season of California , tha sight seeing period of all tlio mountain countries anil the pleasurable Dart of tbo year for tnucl. Tlio ticket ottered by Tin : Br.i : tn return for the second largest list ot weekly -ml- ) scribers obtained by Juno 10 , 1801 , allows stop-overs at all points of interest between Omaha and Los Angeles. A week or a mouth may bo spent at Denver visiting the pictur esque mountain resortsadjacen t and another week can likewise bo cnjo ) cd nt Salt Lake in hunting , llshhig , sight seeing and bathing in the great inland sea. As much time as tlio passenger likes may bo oiijoynbly spent la sun Kiancisco and oilier points in California , not executing tlio lovely orange groves and fruit orchards of southern California. Niagara falN. the world's gtnitost catar act , needs no glowing description. . H cannot bo described , Pouring ever a precipice UK ) feet high , tlio immense volume of water of Niagara river , tbo outlet of the great lakes , linds its way toward tbo ocean. On either side of the river are rpli'tidld views of this tremendous wateifall , above it anil below it and all about it aio other scenes which Imvo attracted travelers from all parts of the world. Goat island , tbo burning spiing , the whirlpool rapids , the suspension bridge , are Incidents merely to a visit to Niagara falls. The llehl on which the battle of Lundy's Lauo was fought Is within a few minutes' ' drive on tlio Canadian side. The facilities for visiting all points of Interest on either side of the river are superior. The regula tions controlling access to and from tbo sev eral points now prevent the exorbitant churnes which wuio formerly almost as fam ous as the cataract. A day or a few days at Niagara falls is 0110 great event in an average - ago lifetime , und no American should over think of visiting tourist icsorls abroad until ho has soon Isingara falls. Ilo can h.ivo no appreciation of power , of grandeur , of uwo- insplriug beauty , who has missed u visit to this world iciiowned spot. _ for tli ) Alilniico. Detroit Free Press : Ono day a Peas ant drove his Flock of Sheep into an Inclosuro nnd was preparing to Denude them of their long and Heavy Fleeces , when a Hwo , which was the oldest of the lot , suddenly Objected and said : "I IMVO long thought this an Outrage on our nights , nnd 1 now Domain ) to lie taken before the Cadi , who will give u Decision. " The Peasant , nothing loth , led the E\vo to the village , whore the Cadi ( who invented the f'mil lint ) was then receiv ing the Complaints of his Subjects , j j After hearing both Sides of the Story j | ho Stroked his long Hoard , scratched his right Shin with his left Foot , nnd replied : "My Decision is that the Peasant tdml ! not rob you of your Wool. " "Good" ! I Know I was lUght ! " chuck led the Kwo. "Hut I further Decide. " continued the Cadi as ho relieved the Tickling in his Thro.it with a Cough Drop , "that the Peasant neither Feed , Lodge nor longer euro for jou. In fact thut ho turn you out to Shift for yom > olf. If you aio not willing to make him any Return hovlll be n wise man to get rid of you. " .MOltAL. Looks now o-s'lf the Hackbono of Win ter was IJroken. Served Tli in I light. An exemplary sentence was passed nt the central criminal court , Melbourne , recently on two prUonarH found guilty of robbery in company. Judge Casey said that these olTonttcs should bo put down with u strong hand. The lush was tlio only punishment that would deter these cowardly criminals. Ono prisoner wnn sentenced to three yearn' imprisonment and to receive twelve lashes , mid tlio second prisoner was sentenced to BOVOII years' hard labor and two whippings of twenty lashes. THE TWIN CITY , STERM DYE. WORKS , 0 A-SGI-IOEDSAGK , Pi-op- Corner Avenue A and 26th Street , Council Bluffs ; on Courti cil Bluffs and Omaha Electric motor line. OFFICES : 1521 Farnam Street . . . Omaha , Neb. 621 Broadway - Council Bluffs , la. Ml ! , MM Al If Of Ever } ' description. Packages received at either office's * or at the works. © ericl for Price List- FIRE ! FIRE/ THE GREAT FIRE SALE AT Marcus' Clothing House Tsjitill tfoing on. Don't inisa this grand opportunity and Save from 50 to 75 Cents on Every Dollar , As thousands of nurchasors . can testify to the extraordinary bargains. CALL. AT ONCE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATH. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. fOnintN hon-os for tent. Churlvs Muriel , 1-114 MnliisttCL't. OU ItrNT-DufllliiK bousf , Stril'uuiMisl. ; HI rooms fomciilciil t motor line und ven- -r ot biiiliii' > .s. N. I' . Ioi ) ( o A , Co. U'ANTIII ) Man vltli small family u > work on : i Kiirilun ; an oxptMli'iiccd gauli'iicr pri'fi'ricil. Apply loJoliuslon f * Van I'nllcn , l\ciuU : liloeK. \\7ANTUO-Oood ( -Irl for KIMUMII ! liouso- ' work. Apply at Mrs. 1' . SI. 1'iyiii , 018 HluIV hired. YUANTCI ) Student In iloiitnt olllco. Apiily at No. ia ru.nl. o\or Hue ollleu. TJ A YKciish customer for four lotslintwpon -Ili'lst mid ' 'titli sis. , Imtttom A\o I ) und Hli : iM' . , .1. I' . On I'lishlulds fill ) Ilioiithvny. "T.I AY Tor Snlo-1 lm o purchased a line lot 1 1 of hiiv. wliloli I \ \ lMI' \ \ ! hy carload or lu small quantities. Ln.iMi onlurs at No.lfi \ \ West Ihoudwuy. H. ( Inldstfln .V Co. I/IKITIT fnrinfiu hiilunr tiado ; well lountPd -L an < l all In bearing ; KOO I liousu und b.irn. Will tnl.o .soiiHi Rood I'lly piopoity , und K < " > d tlnio lvi'r. on bal.inco. Call on or address 1 > . J. Iliitolilnson & . Co. , Iil7 llro.uluuy. IT'XA.MINE ' Ilio cflohrntuiTAInniiiill pianos ; 1-J nuw sunlo crown pianos nnd or.'aim. Hold on K.iHy payincnts liy .Mar. llourlciiiinnsio tcin'her. 114 Mutsninn struct , Council IHulK "IJIOU hAI.K A liouso und lartro lot on msy -L' payments Iinjiilro ut 1U'1'arU ' a\enuc , Counolf Illulls. In. . \U J. \UTiil\VASmit : : lins moved hla ii tvaiolionsi ) fiom Ili'i Ilroailnuy to IUJ Ilrniulwitv , whuro ho will Uuop on hand a llnu blouk of fuiiiatu IIMures. "I71OH hAI.K At H saorlllcc , IIIFKO M/o lultor - ' IIIUSH , oflk'u di'sliH und vlialis , M Morn trucks , 1 lui.ii ) lion * > uulo liuck , 'J heating Htnvcs , Svoiiulcr sualiis a stop ladders. 1 lar 'n plutfonii Hour bcjalc.-i , Kuulluu A. I'oll , 117 Mala fet. fTum UINT-TIIO : MoMuiion i > ior.i < , a Mory A.1 hi lux , with hiisiMiiunt und uluMilor. J W. .wiilrc | , ; ui I'onrl Htiwl. T7WJHSAMO A biiiBiilnj nciw mudurii lionso -I ultli all tin' lulu linpiovoinuiils , scron rooms , will soil on naiy p lyinrnts ; located on Iho riftli iivi'iiiii ) motor line 1 > J llululiln- sun.Ol ? llMudway "ClOHSVLiK or Uant-Qinlan land , with J : houioi. Uy J H. Itlaa. Uli iUlu t , OouuoU Uluff * 27 MAIN STUHBT 0or 0. II. Janiurmln A , Co. Jo elry Store NEW OGrDEwTHOTEI. The Now Ogiton Hotel , In Council HlnlN linn boon completed ref urnt'rteU an imJo'ii- Izud tirniHhoiit ) ; , and i < now on t ot tha lust liotolH In lIm Kt.itt ) . It Is located In the Im it. nuss partot t iuclly.an 1 tin uluotno untar ) PJHS tlio door ovury four intnulof. Fire at- capes and hrualirmi tliroir-lnut th ? billi- ing. Btuam heat , hot ant cold w.itgr aai liiinuhlnuln every rojm. Table unaarpnuJ anywhoru , Hatoa , $ ii.OO aday. GEO. M. WHITNEY , Maungor. Ilijzhost cash price paid for rnijs and all kinds of scrap annuls. Country iloalorfl anil inerehauts will find it to their advaiiliijo to eommmii * catowltli us before disposing of their Blocks. GILINSKV HIIOS , Union Uro.idwuv Depot , Tel. 801. Couneil'HluIld , In. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 ; - ! . A. Miller , I' O fJloixson , R ft Ehnirnrl , K. K. Hurt , J. I ) Kdniiiiidion , Uharloi Ullunnan. Tr.imaot Kcnnr.it b.uiMiu linsl- ness l.-ir < oH capital untl surulu * of uuj Lankln Soulliwosloru l.nr.u INTEREST ON TIM ; DEPOSITS , M. H. CHAMBERLIN. M. D KYB. KAIl NOSH AND TllltOA'l'SI'KllAl.l-il' Council lllulTt. l AlllllM'tllDluf tllU KVK IJAIt , NO- i : nil' Iri'iitcil wi'.li Iho ( kill iinil rnro CAT Mill 11. AHl'IIMv nnil HAY KCVKU troatJ t llli cnilnoiil IHCV011 - - HIJUdK'AI.OI'EUATIONs , nhora -sasii nuLutsarr , n ln. Icxsly | ii > rfonnu I with llni iitmnn en re anil iiklll , in. Mirlrin porfi'ct ro ulu KINKS I ( il.A.SHUS uuuiir. nli'ly priucrllipit , currwIliiK all riifnrtlrj troiiblot , m Myopln , llrpuropln nnil AitlKlimthiii , thin run- iliTlnuiilk'lit miy okur anl iiilnlon CllltON'IIJ NKUUAI.IllAnnil SII'K IIKVOX UK , nftor y in ortcrrllilu Hiuiorlnu. no rulluf unilrulr curuil onioi , iloom I , Sliui.irt Uluck , otor liana \ . Cu.'n uluf * Council III mil la. Electric Trussss , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED. DR. C. B. JUDD , OOQ Broadway , Council Blud'a , la' TldMUMIONKS. oi ricn. 07. it OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. f'nrnor Main nnl COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. DuiilorH In foreign un I do.noUlo xnli Uollunlluu uiadu unU lutorojl paid uu tlui * Ucpu ll .