Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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    -I -\7 f ITT VT
Eugene Groom , a Sbenandoah Student ,
Shoots Himself to Death. '
III * J'nrcMcIl McHnn c to tlio fllrl lie
Ijo cd lictters to Ml * Itulatlvos
nnil l-'rlBHild Iowa
I , April-l.-Sneclal | Tele
gram to TUB IlKn. ] Kugeno ( Irooni ot Table
KOCK , Nob. , committed sulrldoat his board
ing house In this city about 10 o'clock this
Ho was n student nt the Western normal
college , having entered that Institution Just
two weeks n o. Today the coroner's Jury
relumed the foil owing vcrdicl :
"Wo. the Jury , nnd tbnt the deceased ,
Lugone Groom , came to his doalh by a ra-
volvor shot from his own hand about 10
o'clock A prill , A. D. , li'.ll. ' "
On his study table wcro found n note nnd
spine lottew. The note rcaa i "Send for my
folks at once. " This was written on nn or
dinary blank piece of paper taken from n , lab-
let note book The letters were neatly sealed
nnd addressed one to father and mother ,
which i cud :
"CJood bye , pn , ma and the rest , for I am
golnir to snoot myself. Ulvotho rest of my
friends mv icgnnls , for I would rather bo
dead thiin crazv. Lay it all at Myrt's feet.
Hho is tlio one that has done it. Your son ,
"Einnvi : ( JitooM.
"IK. . Do not bury mo alive. "
On the back of the folded ndto was :
"S'oii would never \vnnt to see mo In the
asylum. "
The other letter wns nJd rested to Myrtle
Jones , nnd reads :
"Mjrtlu , you hnvo ruined mv life , and now
you see tho'fruits of it. ( iod bless you , forl
can't. Ki in MUIIPOM. . "
On his studv ' tnblo was unothor letter ad-
ihoshcd to ono'of his friends , dated this morn
ing , nut no mention was made In reference to
his llfu.
Clroom roglstcrcd as a student two weeks ago ,
had scloutod a good course , and hnd his work
up in good shape last nlxht.
Tlio revolver used was a Smith fc Wesson ,
'H cnllbro. The ball entered his head on the
light side. Just below Iho oar and came out
on the loft side of the head. Tbo balUvns
found lodged in the window casing on Iho
opi'Oslto side of Iho room.
His parents uroexpected tomorrow , when
they will tnko the body homo to Toblo Hock
for burial ,
Tlio Innngtirnl ( Jaiiio nt McCorinlek
Park Tuniori'OM' .
Major General D.ivo Howe with his I-'arm-
ers' Alliance team will bo here Ihls morning.
They are n doughty lot of people and it is
rumored know something about nlnylng ball.
Anyway , they will go out to McCormlck park
this afternoon and endeavor to take a fall out
of Shannon's ' lambs. E\ory body will boon
hand to see how Ihoy nro going to do It.
AM this Is the llrst gnmo slnco tlio robin
begun to sing it would bo wise to bet your
small change first.
ICeep > our stuff until n snap comes along.
It will bo hero on the 10th in tbo shape of a
Illg Head aggregation from Milwaukee.
Today it will ho a toss-up which wins ,
r.itlicrtonmls liable to fall down.
Noiman llaker , ho of the musical Uw , will
ho In the box for Omaha , with OldCySiit-
clltTo behind the pinto. While ! Mr. Koauh ,
with his snudlo-eolored curls , and IJilty TralT-
loy , of old Union I'ncilio fame , will represent
the Farmers in a similar way.
It ought to ho nn interesting conflict , and
probably will , ns It Is the first of tbowhole
gate receipts series.
Following iiro the positions and bnttlng
order of the two teams :
Omaha. Position. Lincoln.
SutcllfTo . - , . .c . . .Traflloy
Baker p I Coach
McCauley Ib Irvin
Shannon ' 'b ' Toinno.v
Donnelly 8b Raymond
Walsh as , . , ! . Kowo
tlritlln If Burnett
Twitcbell cf Patton
Hallijtan rf Cllno
Now Orleans Jtaecn.
Nr.w OIIIHVNH , La. , April I , This was the
closing day of the Loulsvllln Jockey club's
spring mooting. Track fnst , Koloy IJoloy
won the six furlongs soiling' race , was bid in
by her owner nnd then won the thlrteon-
Mxteentlis handicap in fair couipunvln 1 : -l ,
n quarter of a becond slower than the record
Maiden allowances , five furlongs Lord
Tom Hlmyar won , Haranibouro second , Sur
prise third , Time 1 : OJ.
Six furlongs IJoloy lloloy won , Redstone
second. ITairv tliird. Tiino 1:14. : Fairy was
disqualified for losing load pad and third
place was given Maud.
Three-year-olds nnd upwards , thlrloon-slx-
teenths of n inllp itoley Boley won , Vntlol
second , Bonnlo itlrd third. Tnno 1:21J : .
Tlnee-ycar-olds , mile handicap Bankrupt
won , \\'hilllor second , Cashier ttilrd. Tlmo
Hut lie Ilollovea in European 'Xourn
forlloNill Aboi-iglnoH.
CHICAGO , April 4. f
Colonel J.UHOS W. Forsythe , whom General
Miles suspended during the recent Indian
war nnd whom th4 president reinstated , is ut.
the Palmer liouso. ] ( ut lie will not talk
about his c.iso nor will ho express nn opinion
about the possibility of another outbreak.
Ktl iuctto would ho violated to .talk of the
forniir and to quote his own words , "Thoro
Isn't n Indian within tbo soiinJ of my
voice , so don't ' know anything about them "
"What do you think of Buffalo 1J111 taking
Indians toKuropo ! "
'Think II n civilizing process , but , " and
the colonel pulled his whlto Imperial and with
a touch of sarcasm hi hU voice , added , "liu-
manllariani whom seem to inmglno
they have n mortgage on the Indians
have s different opinion. If they could provo
such to bo 10 all Cody would have to do would
bo to go to Canada , when ) ho can get nil the
Indians howanls. " *
The colonel , who hns boon In Ohio , will ro *
imiln In tlioclty a couiilo of weeks anil tticn
return to Fort Hiloy , Kan.
The following western people are In the
city :
At the TremontV. . A. Buchanan , Cedar
Neb Hnplds , , la. ; Jnmcs H. Carroll , Beatrice ,
At the Palmer-John H. . .Manchester , Oma
ha ; John II. BiirronViomlng ; Alex S Cor-
mnck , Uortli Dakota ; Mr. nnd JSIrs , E. D.
Jones , Sioux City , In.
At the Leland Mr , and Mrs. J , Bovden.
Lincoln , Nob.
'UIVI lutll , 7. I/ ,
At the ( Irani ! Pnclflc P. D. Morgan ,
Allnu March , It. Richardson , Clark Wood'
man , Oiiinlia ; S. II. Crooks , Helena , Nont.
Tlioy Strike Hcfiiuno Mliiu Owners
to Olmy the r/iuv.
. "VVyo. , Amll ) . [ Special Tolo-
T.II Ii r , I The minors at the works
of the licu'k '
Spiluea I'oal coinpmiy hnvn re
fused louiitiuuo work imlw tUo provision *
of tlio Jiuv lu-iniillue for ttio soinl-uionthly
jiuyuirnt cf minor * Iw cnrrU'U out oy the
ow'ncr . This II.H hoeu ref usoJ bylho opera-
tore unil the mine * u ill bo closed , Several
lumdii'it tncii \ vho \ \ \ out of employment.
Governor Hmlwi : toiluy appointed the fol-
loxvined chymes to tlio tlrst western states
commercial ronercss nt ICuusus City : W. K.
Kobulttfcr. K. K. Filch. lYankMoudcll. 0. D.
ManJ ) . I1. Kellogg William Brown , U. K.
Jlnll , L. O. Davis , 0. K. Orifilu. All ro
uioinbera of the Wyoromi ; logislnturo.
'linifl { mm Pint
onrn while there remained soina good bills to
\Ki \ COIuUlerCll.
Senator Heck tliought the session otiKht
not to close until the apportionment bill ) md
been pjused.
Senator Kolpor inovciHho resolution bo mid
on Uiu table.
Senator Deck offered n substitute thnt the adjourn Mondnv next ntll ) p. m.
The substltuto wii lo t.
Senator Kolpor moved the scnato fidjotira
next Monday nt 11 n. in.
Senator Pointer olforvd a silbstlttlto tliat
the question ho ninilo upcclal order for 2 p. in.
Tnls motion prevailed.
Homo roll No. I3D , upproprlntlnB 813,000 , for
the pnytnuiit I tlio ducUi.ti contest wns
passed ,
Half n dozen senators explained their votes
In the anirmrUivo by saying they were on-
nosed to the bill us \vnolo , but voted for It
In order thnt the Just features should bo pro-
vldoU for.
The sonnto wont Into committee of the
whole and Indutlnltcly postponed liouso roll
No. ! M ) , providing for rapnnuntntlto anil
senatorial npportlonmont. The veto on the
adoption of the report of the committee of
the whole WH as follows :
Yeas ColHim , CoilltWf Dysart. Ejruleston ,
Horn , Koontz , Moore , Poyntcr , Unudnll ,
Sanders , Schram , Khuimviiy. Tliomai , Van
Itouscn , Warner , Williams , Woods I" .
Ntiys LJeclt , I'lirUtolTersoi ! , Hill , Ivo'por ,
Mattes , Michcnur , Hinittj. Stevens , Switxlcr.
Taylor , Wilson II.
The senate then passed liouso roll No. 107 ,
providing for buildings at the fcoolo minded
Institute tit Jlcatrlce , No.ISO , creating the
onico of deputy siiicHnti'ndcntof | instruction.
ilouso roll No. 'il.H , rcKiilatlng the olllco of
county treasurers , was Itlllud.
The Joint cMiimmteo on final adjournment
reported in favor of tuljauriilng tonight tit 10
o'clock , The report was adopted.
The ncnntii assembled In the afternoon at
! ) o'clock nnd the following bllli wcro passed :
Semite tllo No. ! > 74 , correcting the jilat of tlio
city of Lincoln ; liouso roll No. 'il , Kovorn-
Inp election of county oflleera , and 13" , tlio
South Oinnhn gradlm ? bill.
Votes of tliati 1(3 wore tenOerod President
Majors for thu dl'nili'd ( and courteous innn-
ncr In which ho him presided over tlio senate ,
nnd to Secretary 1'lrtlo and his nsslsUmts for
the courteous manner In which tboy had
treated the members of the body.
Thosennto then passed tiouso roll No. Si ) ,
liuiitliiK tuo number of county commissioners
in Mircn In pntltttlnu nf Tint. rnnm rlinn TO IMIil
Inluxbltaiits ' , and took n n'cess till 5:1 : , " ) p. m.
U'heu the .senate reconvened the chair signed
the several bills and took a reccas to 7:1)0 : )
[ i. in.
Ilio House.
LINCOLN , Neb , , April 4. [ Special to Tun
Hen. I The house spout the morning allow
ing employe ! extra pay imd putting sovorul
sunuto bills through committee of the whole
ready for a final vote , jtfouo excited discus
sion but Shea's warehouse Dill. Several In
dependents opposed It , because , being sup
ported by Omaha men , they suspected a
schema to rob the fanner , but It wont through
with the others.
At tlio afternoon session the house con
curred in the resolution Uxlng 10 o'clock to
night as tlio hour for llnal adjournment.
Taylor of lJutler , Watson and " Vhlto were
appointed to the conference ) committee on
the appropriation bill for stuto Institutions.
The house rejected thosonuto amendment ,
raisins tlio salary of the governor's secre
tary from * I,500 , toSJ.OOO.
Tlio secretary of state was ordered to print
! l,00 < ) copies of laus or IS'Jl ' and 1,000 conies
of the Journal of each liouso. The chief clerk
was dlrcuted to have 00 more copies of the
legislative manual. The chief clerk and two
assistants were nllowoa extra pay for extra
labor , such thno to bo determined Tiy the
chief clerk.
A resolution favoring a national graaoa In
come tax was passed , democrats and inde
pendents combining.
Ono thousand copies of the report of the
labor commissioner were ordered printed.
Kruso , Cramb and Bortrand were ap
pointed to the conference committee on the
.valnry appropriation bill , and at G : 15 the
liouso tooU n races' ' ) until 7:30. :
Vliifllqttvo Coke Strikers Itnninlii
1'cnecntl U nil or Armed Force.
MOUNT PLEAHAXT , Pa , , ApriU. The situ
ation In tbo coke region is not materially
cuiinged. The feeling prevails that as long
as the militia remains there will bo no indro
uwlossnoss. It is learned tnac unless the
strike U settled before they ere culled Homo
the depredations will bo renewed as soon as
their backs are turned. The feeling among
the strikers Is intensely bitter , but they arc
careful to commit no overt act anil content
themselves with scowling at tbo uillitiu and
muttrrlne In iinintelliKlulo tongues.
' From 9 o'clock yesterday morn Ing until 10
o'clock at night mi unshaken line of foreign
ers , about ono in ten of whom could speak
English , Died around tbo bier upon which the
Codies lay. Robs and groans wore heard on
every sloe. Crowds collected about tbo cloth
ing which the victims had last worn , nnd
judging from their actions tboy will provo
vipers to the men who did the shooting. It
Is well known among- citizens that the lives
of Captain Lear nnd the deputies would bo In
jeopardy should the militia bo withdrawn.
Tboro Is no doubt but that the strikers are
determined to wreak ven cauco eventually
upon the people responsible for the death of
their country men.
Ono peculiar feature of tbo situation Is
over a month they still have considerable
money and from outward iippoaranco arc not
suffering for anything. In the Mount Pleas
ant bank thcro Is a lureo list of depositors
whoso savings range from StiQ to ? 3,000. Of
this money very little has been withdrawn.
How thcso people live \vlthout drawing
money it is dmlcult for Americans to under
stand. To those
who have no money the
labor organizations f n rnlsh small sums. Tbo
strike is likely to continue indefinitely.
A Dig Meeting Protests Aj ; iiiMt Any
Attempt nt Itopcnl.
OTTAWA , 111. , April 4.elefratos from all
cities along the Illinois valley from 1'oorln to
Johct assembled In convention hero today
nnd passeu resolutions absolutely refusing to
consent to nny amendment or repeal of the
present cirahtiiKO law. The mayor of each
city and village along the line of the valley
was Instructed to appoint ono or moro dele
gates to attend nt Springfield upon call of
thu chairman of the convention and use all
opposition In their
power to prevent nny
further legislation In icirard to the matter.
Resolutions wore also passed Instructing the
representative.s and senators along the line
nf the Illinois valley to use every endeavor
to prevent the passage of nn amendment
and further resolutions praying the Individ
ual members of the ontlro legislature to
IK > SO any amendment or
repeal of the law.
The mooting wns nn cnthusioAlo ono. Ad
dresses wore made by Hon. J. CJ. Elivood of
Joliet , ox-SenatorHiloy , ox-Senator Vnugboy ,
ox-Mayor San ford of Morris , Clwrloi P.
King of 1-Morla and many otncrs.
Chicago Drainage Trustees Meat.
Cmcuio. April 4. At a mooting of the
board of druluugo trustees today a resolution
to the effect that the amendments suggested
to the la was draf ted by the attorney and
presented lost week bo adopted was passeu.
A resolution was then offered thnt the
amendments , etc. , bo communicated to the
legislature nnd cnusod considerable discus
sion , some of the members being in favor of
noiidjng it direct to the IcjfUlature , while
others wnntQd to defer action until it cnmo
before the citrous. The resolution finally
wont over until the next mooting. The pro
posed amendments have already been sum
marized in tnisja dispatches. Chairman Pron-
dergait read a letter from John ICooy , a civil
oiiKlneer of Spnuetlold , in which , referring
to the statement of last week that the board
thoujtht Chicago could hotter afford to fur
nish Poorla a new water supply system than
build a under
statutes ho
, referred -
forrod to Pooria's now water supply from a
well sunk near the river , nud said that now
that the city takes its water from a uourco
Independent of the Illinois river no probable
Increase of the water or organic matter In tbo
river would pollute its tupply ,
Held lorTrlul.
DiiiTroiiDVls. . , April 4.-C , A. Mather ,
who has boon on hearing on the charge of
receiving deposit * knowing the bank to bo In-
solvoutVM held for trial In 11,000 bonds ,
A Wayne Oounty Tarmsr Shot In a Dhputo
Over fifty Oents.
Wllllnin Vlergu zilio Victim , Old and
Inoffensive ) A h'oiul of liong
Standing I-'Iro at
Si. I'anl , , ' .
NonrotK , Neb. , April 4-BpocblTelegram |
toTiiK llCK.J-An nllcrcntloii that occured
this uioinlng near Hnsltlns , Wnyno county ,
seven miles from this city ; Herman Nnigen-
find shot nnd mortal ) ' wounded bis neighbor ,
Wllllum VlerRUti ! , an old man nearly sixty
years of ago. Vlorcutz had taken up some of
Neugenfltid's cattle nnd when the latter and
his son cnmo to claim the animals A'lorgutz
claimed fifty cents damages , nnd over this
amount hot words wcro passed and Kcugon-
llnd ended thodisputo by drawing a 33-callbro
revolver and shooting Vlcrgutz , the
bullet , entering his left side lust
below the ribs passing nearly through
the body and lodging in his
Ivor. When tlio old mini fell the younger
Neiigenllnd jumped on him and struck Him
several times with a club about the head nnd
face , Inflicting a number of savcro cuts and
bruises. The N'eugenllndi then Hod butworo
capturou this afternoon , taken toU'ngnarnnd
lodged In jail.
Viorgutz was carried to his homo and DIM.
Sliter unil Taihjuaii of this city were sum
moned. The bullet extracted and Vior-
guU' wounds dressed , but neither physician
thinks there is nny chance for him to ro-
covcr. '
Nengcnllnd Is of n quarrelsome disposition ,
nnd between him nnd the Viorgutz family
thcro hat been n feud for several years , which
terminated , as many expected , in this morn-
Waterworks fur 1'oncn.
Pooci , Neb. , April --Special ( [ to TUB
BEE.J The election of city oDIcers takes
place noict Tuesday. Two tickets have been
place 1 in the Hold. Home claim that In this
contest the question at issue is whether or
not I'onca will have waterworks. Others
contend that In regard to watorwoiks It
matters not who are elected , as that question
will be submitted to the people for dedsiou
on April 1" , and if , at thut ttmo , the proposi
tion is accepted or rejected the newly elected
councllmen , whether m favor or opposed ,
will have to act in accordance with the ma
jority of the people. Tlio present mayor ,
William Lister , N up for ro-eloction , being
opposed by John Friday.
Conl'orr ii'i I'cgreps.
OIID , Nob. , April 4.-fSpeclal to TUB
DKE.0rd | lodge No. 10) ) , A. R & A. M. ,
gave a supper to the lodge members and vis
iting brethren this evening , the occasion
being the conferring of thu third degree on
Ilrother Charles C ICing , cashier ot the
Fnrmors' and Merchants' bank. There wns
n largo attondanca of members and a very
enjoyable evening was spent.
Tire at St. Paul.
ST. Pun. , Nob. , April 4.-Special [ Tele
gram to Tun Ben. ] A fire last night nearly
destroyed the stock of Wysock Brothers ,
dealers In general merchandise. The cause
of the flro is unknown. The loss is claimed
to bo ? .t,0H ( ) . The prompt action of our flro
department prevented the destruction of
valuable adjoining property.
A Quiet lilcclion.
CirAi'rKi.i. , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hnn. | Nine thousand dollars
la bonds were voted by Sughrun precinct jn
Duel county , for the purpose of building a
bridge across tlio North I'latto river The
Australian ballot system gave good satisfac
tion , nnd it was the roost quiet election over
hold Jn the county.
Death of a Lincoln
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4. [ SpecialTelegram
toTiiK JtlEi-.J-J. U. Richards , an old and
respected citizen of Lincoln , died today of
lung trouble nt Seattle , Wash. , where ho
had gone for the ber.ollt of his health. His
death was very sudJcn nnd unexpected ,
A Paper f' > r Tixon. * , Neb. , April 4. [ Special to Tun
Ben. ] Tlio little town of Dlxonln the south
western part of thl ? county on the Short
Line railroad has given birth tqa newspaper ,
"Tho Dixon Index , " with E. Savage as pro
prietor. It Is Independent In politics.
A M > otiitj nf Ten Thousand Saints nt
Salt Ijnke.
Su/rLucr. , Utah , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UKK. ] The sixtvflrst annual
conference of the Mormon church opened In
this city todnv with 10,000 of the. saints In
attendance. Nothing of importance wns
done except thnt CJeorgo Q. Cannon com
manded nil the fanners in Utah nnd Salt
Lake counties to goto raising sugar beets
for a faatory south of Salt Linko. in which
the llrst residency Is interested. The elec
tion of prophet and apqstlos will occur to
it DcnomiriOil.
HALIFAX , N. S. , April 4. Ifpcenl Newfoundland -
foundland papers received hero are llllcd
with most ulolcnt articles in denunciation of
the British government m its treatment of
the colony lij relation to French fishery
rights , and emphatically protesting against
the proposed ICnutsford bill.
Suicided by l'oinoti.
CANTON , O. , April 4. Albert Boinls , who
was arrested a week ago for shooting at Mtas
Carrlo Schneider with latent to " 'kill , was
taken from jnll today to a hotel to nay a bill
ho owed. At the hotel dotk lie swallowed a
drnucht of poison and died soon afterward.
Another iMIswiHslnpl TJOVOO
Gunps-viM.r , Miss , , April 4. A largo levee
two miles below Longwood , on the Missis-
Bipppl side , broke last night. More of the
low lands of Issaquoim county , a portion of
Kharkoy and several fine plantations In south
Washington county will bo Hooded.
Fined for Contempt of Court.
Toi'PKt , ICan. , April 4. Superintendent of
Insurance Wilder was lined foO and costs for
contempt of court In revolting the charter-
the Capital Insurance company after being
enjoined from doing It. The court restored
the charter.
Commander Venzoy Hiiiiiicttcil. (
Cnu'.uio , April H. Coinmandor-in-Chlof
Veazoy of thoGraud Army , ivho was In the
city today on his way to Decatur , 111. , to at
tend the annual state encampment and silver
anniversary of the society , was tendered n
reception nnd banquet tonight by a largo
number of local Grand Army men.
Architect \VliuIrlin
WASHINGTON , April 3. Supervising Archi
tectVlndrlm has resltrncd and will assume
the duties of superintendent of public works
at Philadelphia Monday.
Carried by Assnult.
CALCUTTA , April 3.The British have at
tacked and carried by assault Fort Tbobat ,
twelve miles from Manlpur , garrisoned by
1,000 Manipurs.
Cold lny In lawn.
BtwuNOTO.v , In. , Aprils. The thermome
ter dropped twenty degrees bero today , and
It has been snowing for twenty-four hours.
Ihtinncctl by lor.
MONTREAL , April S. A sudden rise iu the
river last ulgbt caused great lee shoals. At
the dyke JustfiopposKa Cartlcr scjuaro aa
on ormnus body of lea was shoved in , tearing
the prorticimUo 'phitfonn for twenty feet ,
falllnc over the dvko to the Htt''Ct And vlllng
up thirty feet high The ootidlttons nro Al-
nvj-tt Identical with the o In 1KST , who.i a big
Ilooa oecurrcdv , jmd much npprohcnslon Is
Strikers CeniurlfB > Scottdiilo.
ScorTn.u-K Pn. , Apr'l ' 3.-Tho strikers
nro centering in Scott Jalo tonight to attend
the fimernh ot seven ot thu ton victims , who
are to bo burled In the Catholics cemetery
hero In n long trlWh already prepared to ro-
ccivothom. Tliu jtllkon are gathering hero al-
rendy In suck mini bar * that by tomorrow fully
10,000 men will bo present at the funcnil. A
special train 1ms just brought In TUO armed
militia from Mount FMcaiout , nnd other com
panies will bo here In the morning , n. < trouble
U feared from the great body of strikers
when they see their rellow strikers burled ,
who , they say , were simply murdered , Mayor
Foils of Scottdalo has ordered all the saloons
closed tomorrow.
It Is reported from Mount Pleasant that
this afternoon n number of inllltin men en
tered n store belonging to n cripple mimed
Daniel Seiners ami inuilo demands which ho
refused , whereupon they broke the windows
and splintered tlio door Into frngaicntn with
bayonets. Ono of the guards beeamo so hila
rious that a striker named Kelly struck him
over the with u pick hnndlo. Inflicting
an ugly gash. The different captains hnvo
been apprised of their notions , nnd thov
promlso to take stops to discipline the unruly
The arrest of deputies on charges of labor
ofllclals for feloniously shooting continues.
It Is rujortod hero tonight that a striker
diednt Tnirs today , supposed to have been a
victim of the Moiowood riot.
Colonel Hawkins , In command of the
Tenth regiment , snys that so far as his In-
vcsticntions go Captain Lear was perfectly
justified In llrlng on tlio strikers nt More-
wood , and that hu should stronely ndvlso
thnt the militia bo kept In the regions until
the strike 1s over and the region quiet.
Tonight Hov. Father Uauibing of the Scott-
dnlo Catholic church , who is giently beloved
nncl re.stccted and has a strong Influence over
the striker * , issued ati appeal to the region.
ITo says : "It is tnno for all parties to rolled.
Men cannot bo replaced or displaced nnd the
vast majoilty must remain In the region. "
ilo advises 11 peaceful , ninicablo settlement
before the trouble goes further nnd perhaps
both parties faro worse.
New YOIIK , April .1. Kepresentatlves ot
the American Institute of architects , na
tional association of builders , national asso
ciation of building Inspectors , national board
ot underwriters and national association of
flro engineers convened in this city today to
jointly frame a model building ordinance.
The mb-i'oinmlttoo appointed deemed
it Impracticable at present to draw
up a detailed building law. Some
of the recommendations are : That
the legislatures of the various states should
establish stnlo building laws governing Iho
construction of bulldlnirs : that in all incor
porated cities there should bo a separate de
partment for the inspection of buildings ,
whoso olllcers should bo appointed for long
terms by the local executive ; that aside from
especial local codes the general law of appli
cation of rules should contain rules that nil
buildings over seventy feet high must bo
built of Incombustible material. Further
reconimendatioijs aromadc for tjio safety of
human life in buildings.
Divorce Lixiv ,
LONDON , April : t. [ Special Cablegram to
THE Unn.j Thoagltallon for a reform of
the Kngllsh divorau law' iu the direction of
liberality has been gaining- ground ever since
the release of Mrs. Jackson from her hus
band's ' custody , unll is likely to make its
appearance in parliament. Pcoplo are
coming forward 1 in newspapers with
numerous cascV * of the hardships of
the present law upon both husbands
nnd wives , deserted by their partners , hut
who arc unnblo to obtain a divorce. In some
instances Imsbiltiti * have been convicted and
sentenced to' loup terms of imprisonment ,
whllcjtbo are. loft destitute nhd cannot
marry' ( tgajn..Injjthoreasos the husband or
wife Is nrt hnhitunl drunkard , homes are
broken up nnd children In the care of rela
tives , but no dlvoreOt > itubo obtained , It is
not thought likely , HOWever , that nny reform
can as yet bo effected , as the established
church is opposed. to any relaxation of the ex
isting law. _
Dr. O'Heilly Opposes Pnrnell.
ST. Louis , Mo. , April 3. Dr. Thomas
O'Heilly ' of this city , a moniDcr of the execu
tive council of the Irish National league , has
received a letter from Fitzgerald , president
of the league , announcing that ho 1ms called
a meeting of the executive council , to bo hold
in Cincinnati April 9 , to discuss the question
nnd take action In regard to endorsing Par-
rell. Dr. O'Reilly lias written a letter to
Fibgcrnld In which ho takes a decided sland
in opposition to I'arnell and says Fitzgerald
will meet with opposition in the council , as
most of its members are adverse to Pnrnell.
nnil hu advises nil friends of Ireland not to
contribute a dollar to tlio Parncllltos , aa It
will bo used only to continue tlio disgraceful
scones now being enacted in Ireland by thnt
A Disorderly Meotlni ; .
PARIS. Anrl ! II. Dnrlnir todav's session of
the Internatlonul miners' congress the ad
visability of a general strike was brought up
and n stormy debate ensued. The discussion
was brought to a close amid the utmost dU-
order , the socialists nnU anarchist delegates
vociferously execrating Delegate Baslv , who
took nn attitude of moderation. It was
flnally decided to put the question to a vote
tomorrow. A howling mob gathered outside
the building and threatened vengeance on
Delegate Dasly , who had to make his escape
by a back door.
Allfnncn Convention.
AIis ouui V.uur : , la. , April a. [ Special
Telegram to TUB J3ii.j : ; The farmers'alli
ance of this county met in convention hero
today , with about soventy-flvo delegates
present. The question of ncilvo political
work was discussed. The alliance will iirob-
ably nominate n full ticlcot this fall. State
Lecturer ( Jrilrlth was picsent and spoke to a
fair sized auaicnco.
llpinooriits Banquet.
, WIs. , April 3. The banquet
of the Junenu democratic club took place at
the Planklnton house tonlcht and was at
tended by 300 leading dQinocrats of this city
nnd state , Senator-elect Palmer of Illinois
and Governor I'cek , who were to have re
sponded to toasts : wereunnblo to bo present.
General Black of IHljiols , William ( J. Ewlng
of Illinois , and otlieffi spoke.
NEW YORK , April 3. The International
American monetary commission closed Its
sessions today by { ho adoption of n preamble
reciting thnt thoJl.xJng of n ratio between
gold and silver and pie adoption of n common
monetary unit does not seem nt present
probable. A resolution was passed ending
the work of the commission.
111g ; I'iiijiHy\yrtjita \ Iron
U.NIOXTOWN , Pn.I April a. The Columbia
Iron and Stool company assigned today. The
liabilities nro suVpgs | > J to bo $ 00,000. The
Pennsylvania construction company It forced
to go with it , bcingoAn adjunct. Its llabli- |
tioi are fc'OO.OOO n. d. sets $1,10,000. The em
ployes have not received any wages for five
Killed His Mutlutr nnd Himself.
fli-ooviNOTOv , Ind. , April 3. This after
noon Ward Dcmaro , aged twenty-five , nmr
dored his mother by culling her Ihroat nnd
then cut his own Ihroat , dying Instantly.
Lcmaro was of a melancholy disposition and
regarded as slightly unbalanced mentally ,
linllorod to Ho Hnl'e.
NEW YOHK , April 3. No further word
from the wreck of the Aguen at IJoucudor
reef in tbo Carribcnn sea flilh Warner Mll-
ler's party has yet bben received , but It is
believed the party nro all safe.
Murder In t'io Second Degree.
New YOKK , April 3. The trial of Alphonso
J. Stephanie for slaying ox-Judgo Gltnton U.
Hojnolds was concluded today oy a verdict
of murder In the second degree ,
Wild Schema of an Italian to Avoiigo. tbo
Now Orlean ) Lynching ,
Mnrqiilfl Ilmlliii's Note to Secretary
Olnlno Considered by the Cab
inet Investigating at
New Orleans.
PiTrintmn , Pa. , April 3. A special from
Newcastle , Pa. , snys : Today Sebastian
Oebarrlo , lender of 1150 Italians employed
near \Vanipuin , told n strange story. Clobnr-
rio , who is a naturalized citizen mm a prop
erly owner in Wampum , seemed to place con
siderable weight ution the information itn
parted. Ho said n strange Italian asked him
If ho would go Into n plot to
avenge his countrymen who had been
killed nt Now Orleans. The stranger onld
JOHM ( > Italians could bo brought Into Pitts-
burg in live hours tiino ami with the old of
guns , surprising the cltizcus , they could bo
nblo to tnko the city without much trouble.
Ilo urged ( .iab.irrio to get the Italians nt
Wampum to consent to meet others in Pitts-
burg at n given signal. Ilo then told how
every Italian settlement in Allegheny and
Heaver counties were receiving the snnio
information , and how each sottlOmont
expected to send a largo delegation. In the
iifteriioon the Plttsburg envov loft for ( Jar-
bon to stir up the Italians there , nnd said n
secret mooting was to be held In the near
future to talk the matter over among thorn-
A dispatch from Wheeling states ttint',000
Italians near Moundsville- , now employed on
the rallioad nnd who have been drilling , in
tend logo to New Orients , though for what
purpose they refuse to stale.
Whatever of triilh there inny ho in the re
ports from Newcastle and Wheeling as lo tbo
attack on Pittslmn ; In case of trouble bo-
twcun this country anil Italy , ono thing is
certain , Hint for tlio week nn unusual
number of Italians have been arriving In this
nttt' /Inllt * till ml '
nn i ? 11 n nit o * *
thirty were unusually iiuir-crous. The police
department lias been quietly at work nnd
secured n list of hundred Italian
boarding houses , nnd tlio dully invoice of
strangers * is under strict supervision.
Fears nro entertained for tbosafety of
Captain Lear , whoso men did the shooting
jestcrciav. The thrents ngninst htm nro
loud , and ho Is going nroumt with u body
Trouble la looked for in Fayctto county ,
and it Is probable a. regiment of militia will
be sent there.
High Class U'cckllua Com
ment on tlio li'nva Incident.
1S9I ! > u jYcic YoikVf < u > clatc < l 1'irm , ]
LONIIO.V , April y , Current opinion hero Is
selling moro slcndlly against the action of
Marquis di Hudinl In trying to force his de
mands on Mr. Blalno , in the matter of the
lynching of tbo Italians in Now Orleans ,
Tomorrow's leading high class weeklies devote -
vote considerable attention to nn analysis of
Ihcir position and generally discuss the affair
from the , standpoint of the United Stntcs
The Spectator holds that "serious thinking
Americans will admit the imperfection of the
constitution and are bound to romady the de
fect , all the more because there Is small
chance of their , being compelled to remedy
It/ ' Touching the talk of war , the Spectator
ridicules the notion of Italy declaring war
against ono of the greatest powers of the
world , "a power capable within six months of
buying nnd building a fleet that would block
every port of Jlaly. American ingenuity
would bo so stimulated to outdo itself that it
would turn every steamer that cj ulUll oat t |
Into nn Improved Irouclad. " i
The Economist snys : "Marquis dl Hud In I
and his government ara In cul-de-snc. They
cannot sit still , they cannot fight nnd they
cannot obtain the redress tboy want wlthoul
fighting. Italy's allies will never permit h or
to risk a war thnt would disturb "European
combinations. The United States holds the
exceptional position that it cannot bo con-
nuorcd by any ponor or probable combina
tion of powcis oven If all Europe was all led
and made thoattoniot. "
"Baion Fava's note , " said the Catholic
Tablet , "begged every question nt issue. The
real explanation of the precipitate action of
tlio Indian ministers must be found In the
fact that they felt that public opinion in Italy
required some demonstration. "
The conservative press apply the dlfllcully
to illustrate the evil that would result from
the concession of home rule to Ireland , nnd
the comparison will hnvo undoubted potency
to electoral pUitfotms.
A report prevailed In political clubs tonieht
that Lord Salisbury , on the Instigation of
Kudinl , would offer to mediate for the adjust
ment of the differences between Italy and the
United States. A high foreign ofllco ofllcial
said the question bad not been discussed. Ho
admitted thnt n communication bad been sent '
In Sr Julian Pnuncofoto to rctiort on the
question , especially ns nuccuugiuo position
of British subjects.
The nationalists discounted their victory In
Sllgo to some extent by exaggerated predic
tions as to the majority. Speeches made by
the Parnolllles nfler their defeat showed un
abated pluck. The Pnrnellitos trioa to dupe
Catholic voters by the display ( of bogus tele
grams from Homo to tiio effect thnt the pope
disapproved of the anti-Parncll policy of the
hish bishops.
German scnit-ofllcinl papers have bcon au
thorised todonytho report of the transferor
Kussian IrooD.i to the ( Ullolan frontier ami to
iclnlmlzd the importnnro of Iho cznr's decor
ating I'resldont Cnrnot. N rortheloss the
uncMinossIn oftlrlal circles mimlnstho samo.
The government Is reported to bo In posses
sion of informatlo placing beyond doubt the
existence of n formal defamlvo nndoffonslvo
nlllanco between KusMn nnd Franco , In
cluding stipulations thnt Franco will
support Itussla In her plans ngulnst India.
A census of the United Kingdom will bo
tnken on Sunday The country Is divided
into 1(5,000 ( districts. The system pnrsuotl
widely differs from the American svstom.
It Is estimated that the total population of
England and "Wales is OT,707ftla , of Scotland
4,1SIMS nnd of Ireland 4.TUlsr
' . ' 'ho baccarat scandal has forced the roM-
not to postpone the rojuet to parliament for
n grapt to Iho prlnco of Wnlos to enable him
to Vlim out his debts. Nothing will now hc
beam of the proposed grant until
the next parliament meoti , and then it will
depend upon the composition of the honsa of
The prlnco of Wnlos has taken lo pigeon
fnncylng , lie keeps n stud of homing pigeons
nnd has had a liouso siioclnllv built for them
at Satidrlnghnni. Prince Ilonry ot Bnltcn-
hc.rg had a slight attack of smallpox at
Grnsse. The fact was kept n secret and his
Illness wns attributed to his catching n cold.
Ho Is now recovering. Tlin queen wants lo
apixitnt Prlnco Henry of Hattenburg to tlio
post of warden of the Cinque ports , mndo
vacant bv the dcith of Knrl ( Jrnnvlllo. No
salary is uttnched lo the place , but
there goes with It n splendid icsi-
dcnco nnd free quarters inViilmer
castle. Lord Salisbury opposes the nomina
tion , Insisting upon the premier's right tun | > -
polnt the warden. Tlio queen refuses , how
ever , to recognize Iho premier's poiverloln-
tcrfcro with 11 crown nomination.
The king of Oroeco Is about to become n
guest of the prince of Unlcsnt Mnilboroiigh
house. Ilo proposes to acquire an estate in
ICnglaml and to reside there permanently ,
abdicating tha tlironoof C7reeco In favor of
his son , thoduko of Sartn | Hohasiin im
mense fortune duo to bourse spixiulatlons.
Theodora "Watts has written in the
Atlienouninn enconiumoii the Into Lnwrcnco
Bairctt , in which he savs thnt Just
prmlulls to liis death Mr. Harrott signed an
agreement to produce Tennyson's "Thomas
n' Ueckor" In America
Oiildn , In n letter , defends the American
copjrlghtnct nshonor.iulo totho nnllon. The
law , she declines , Iris been received In an
unworthy and ungracious manner by Kngllsh
authors , to whom it Is of the most bonollt ,
Tilt : ijeisiMn\T : : rLKASKit ,
I'rcmirr Kiidlni's Ijatest Note Indi-
caleH pn l arly Sottlcniiint-
WisiiivflTON' , April'3. It Is said tonight
that the president and his advisers nro much
grutlllod over Iho receipt of Iho latest mes
sage from Premier dl Kudini , which was the
subject considered nt the cabinet meeting to
day. Thov are Inclined to think that it Indi
cates nn early settlement of the diplomatic
war. The milder tone assumed by Kudini
in lih message to the Marquis Imperial ! Is , it
is coiibidciea hcie , duo to thocloar statement
of our government's ( osltlon by Secretary
Blnino , supplemented by nn able presenta
tion of thocnhoat Homo by Porter , United
Stntos minister. Jt is reported that at the
cabinet meeting n letter was lead from
cither Baron Favn ortho Marquis Imperial !
intimating that Ihe recall ot the minister was
really but a leave of absence. Baron ITava is
still ill at his residence.
May lie Taken with Salt.
LONDON , April 3. The Homo correspond
ent of the News telegraphs : "Porter , United
States minister hero , has Informed mo Hint
tho. federal govern inent has promised to do
everything possiulo to bring the New Or
leans lynchers to trial , and that both the
American and Italinn governments nro confi
dent thnt the incident will bo piomptly and
satlsfnclorily arranged. " The correspondent
adds : "Tnis opinion is not very general
hew. "
Murdered by the Matin.
NKW Yoiiir , April 3. "Details of another
butchery by thoAInfin has been received
i hoie. Belglerl , overseer lor Mr. Treachor ,
who is erecting a largo number of cottages
iiearAlbcrdi , In the Argentine Kepubllc , in
some wnv offended the AInfla. February 23
nt daybreak the house Bolglerl occupied was
found to bo partially burned and Hclgioriand
his young wife discovered dead on tbo floor ,
their bodies horribly mutilated.
* -
Developed Nothlnts SniiRntloitnl.
Cnie.voo , Aprils.Contrary to expectation
today's session of the world's ' fair national
commission developed nothing sensational.
A communication urging economy was re
ceived from Secretary of the Treasury Fos
ter , but no action was taken toward reducing
salaries. The concentration of nuthorlly in
the executive commitlco of Iho board of lady
managers was approved notwithstanding the
protest of Secretary Cousins.
- * -
CIiincHc I'rotont Airainst niitlr.
SAN FJUNCISCO , Cnl. , April 3. Tlio Chinese
incirhnnts of this cfty at u mooting todny
agree to forward a petition to the Chinese
minister at "Washington , protesting in the
name of the CnincHO rosiucnts agalnst _ the
appointment of ex-Bonaior Blnlr as' minis ! or
'to China. They declare that ho will not bo
received by tlio'Chinoso government.
Hnmll Hill Against it Jllg Concern.
NEW YORK , April n. The sheriff has re
ceived an execution against the IJenwood
Loom company , manufacturers of hat bands
in this city , for ( i,10l In favor of Alonzo L
Knno for money advanced. Kane was presi
dent of the company and resides In Muwau.
kce. The company was incorporated under
\Vost Virginia laws wlthl,000,00.
Negotiations Resumed Between Minister
Phelps and Ohnnccllor Oaprivl.
According to Humor Prt'slilont Ont *
tuit In to Vlill Mii i-ow In Order
to Test Pnhlli ; Opinion Tim
191 tin Xtw York . \imteliiM \ //rtj
HKIIIIV , April . Negotiations hn\o been
resumed libtwcon United ipUtos Minister
I'hclpsntul Chancellor Von C.uirlvl on the
question of Iho withdrawal of tlio prohtul *
tlon against Amerlc.iu pork prodttcori , and
llicro are morn hopeful prospects of mi early
and successful issue than reoi'iit reports have
led the public to behove. An Important indi
cation of the government's Intentions H
frlvon In tonight's North Cicrnuti ( i.azotle.
Commenting unon the American diipntch
ptipllshed in the llorlin pipoi-s , honilod ' 'No
pigs , no beelroo * sugar , " Iho Cia/ntte saysi
"Contrary to the viowi oxptiMsod In
this dinpnleh , the American government In
endeavoring' by measure * of snaltnry reform
toputnn end to the C < ermnti embargo upon
American pork , IMS adopted the boil and
only means to load lo the deal roil ngrooment.
1'u bile salismclloii over the admission of
American cattle Increases ns Iho qu.dlt\ _
the Imports become rpoopnlzoil. " 'I'lieJluin-
burg ofllcial rulurns for Mnrch show
during tlio month Ml American eatilti wro
linpoited. If thu lot of "M brougiit Into in
I'obruary by the Hteamshlp Anmlill bo added
the llvo weeks total promises a rapid expan
sion of Iho tr.ulo.
Chancellor Von C.iprlvl yesterday
n memorial from the delegates
various ( jerman Industilos , propnred after
two days' discussion , regarding thot'hlcago
world's ' fnir.asklngfoi' the appolntinuiit of In. *
othenviso assist In the fullest possible way
( iprman exhibitors to make a display worthy
of thocountrv. Tonigtit's 1'olitls.clio Nuch-
rlehlc'ii stales thnt the dominnut olllclal view
is in favor of the rcnrvsontulioii of Uormaii
trades at the fair in a manner wortnyof their
present development.
Count SchotivjilolT , the Russian ambassa
dor Hero , returned to the Uusslan embassy
from St. Petersburg jcstordnr and I mine-
diiitely hold n conforcnco with Chancellor
Von Caprivi.
A cninmunlcntlon has appeared In the
North Gnzetto saying that the rumor
of Iho transfer of Kussinn troops to the
Oalici.ui irontiur is
unfounded. Tlio cam
nuinlcation further snys that the bcsto\vnl of
tlio order of St Amlrow upon President
Carnet was merely an act of courtesy upon
tlio plrt of the cvariii return for the fuiicr.u
honors rcmkrcd the dnko of Leuchlcnberg.
This feeble oOluinlrofeienro Is woiso tliini
absolute sllcnco. Count SchouvalolT's ' Icuva.
was cut short 11 foitnight. Prluco LoluuioJ ,
the Itubhlan ambassador nt Vienna , hail Ins
conge from the embassy abridged SOVCIM !
weeks through the czar's sudden decision to
Instllule n moro onergollc policy.
.Moscow papers , simultaneously with Kus
shin organs in P.iris and Brussels , report
that I'rcsldent'Cnrnot is going to Moscow ,
ostensibly to visit the French exhibition of ,
arts nnd industries , which is to bo opened
therein .May ,
AH article In La Franco snys the prosonca
of President Curnot at , Moscow Is obvlouslv
n feeler for the purpose of eliciting puullu
opinion. President Carnot's going or not
going will not allertho fact that the alliance
between Franco nnd Kussla , recently accom
plished , vastly heightens the danger uuil ac
celerates thonpnro.ioli of war.
The chiefs ol thodrclbtind will net In unl-
floii with Lord Salisbury in reference to the
Dulgnriaii Imbroglio. Their concerted policy
consists in simply refusing to interfere'or lo
permit in tcrferonco in the Balkans.
A significant incident has Just occurred In
Soila. Baron Wangunholm , Gemma consul
at Sofia , tclecraphcd to Chancellor Von Cap-
rivi for instructions us to how ho should re.
spend lo Premier Stambouioff's dcnuiid for
Iho surrender of M Socbovukod , oa ass of
Iho. Hussiun ngencr , who Is accused of send
ing menacing letters to PilncoFerdinand nnd
his mother , 1'iincoss Clementine , nud to M.
Ureascoff , llulgaimn minister of foreign af
fairs. Baron Von \Vntieeiihclui rcpro-ents
itussln since tier own inlnlstorhos been iv I Ill-
drawn. Chancellor Von Cnprlvt Instantly
authorised the suironderot SochovukolT.
Prince Ulsmnrck hut recreived a telegram
from tlio emperor congratulallng him upon
the anniversary of his birth , The telegram 11
wns so short and formal thnt it was not pub- . /
lished. yS
Count Von "Walderseo took luncheon at
Friedilchsruho tod.iy. Ilo left imtnedliitcly
afterward to meet the emperor at Lubeck.
Prince Bismarck's ' intimate friends blame-
him for his unyielding atlitudo toward the
emperor. The Frlcslnnlco papers continue
of malversation of the Onelph fund. Over
a million marlcs of the fund , ills now stated ,
were used bv Mismiirck In support of his per
sonal policy. T1 o prince Insists uuon main
taining absolute lonco [ , and will not per
mit Ins friends to respond to the charges until
they become u question for the consideration
of the roichslag. Tuo government ( luolph
fund bill does not mention nny withdrawal
of the decree rolallvo to the scijueslrallon of
Iho property to the royal bouse of linn-
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