THE OMAHA DAILY BJfijfi : WEDNESDAY , APRIL 1 , 18iL THE CITY. Henry .Mnlno and John Dronnnn were plnced on the retired list for thirty cloys lor vngraiicy. Tliruo minor permits ; neprcRatlni ? $425 were Issued by the buporlntendont of buildings yostordiiy. Spnnisli Court Cream Fnco Powder ndtls softness to the skin find brilliancy to the complexion. Sample free. The receipts yesterday at the Internal revenue olllco In Omaha were $ JJ1KOO. H. Tills Is the largest amount received In ono day for Rovornl months. Mmo. Muentoforintf and her puplh willplvo iv recital this afternoon nt a o'clock ut the Llnlnuor gallery under the auspices of the Ladies' Musical so- eioty. Henry Corporal , the rnnn who stole two stoves from a house when the family were moving was sentenced to thirty dnys In the county jail by Judge Ilolsloy yesterday. The will of the Into Simon Lehman was admitted to ] > rohalo last evening. All of the property , both rosil mid por- Bouul , titnoimtltitf to about * 2oO,00 ( ) Is bo- quuathcd to the wife. The funeral of the late Wylio Dixon will take place from the residence of Joseph Redman , 1827 North Fifteenth Htrcol , Wednesday afternoon at Uo'clock. Interment at Prospect hill. At the annual mooting of St. Barnabas parish hold Monday , March ! 50 , the fol lowing olllcors were elected for the on- Hulnu' year : Gcorgo P. Laktfrh , Tlico. L. . idngwnlt , wardens ; J. I { . RliiRwalt , T. Sowiird , A. W. Alason , A.V. . Urock. John Mnckloy , J. II Daly and Will Browne , jr. , vestrymen , 1'rourcnn. It is very Important In this ago of vast ma terial progress that n remedy Uo pleasing to the taste mul to the eye , easily tukcn , accept- n llo to tlio stomach mul healthy in Us nature nnd effects. I'ossosslnu these qualities , Syrup of FIRS Is the ouo perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. Solid StoilliiK .Stiver. Novelties nnd staples In the newest T ouls XV pattern , lleautiful designs In cold meat forks , almond spoons , butter picks , salt cups and spoons , oyster forks , Bimlino forks , tea and table spoons , etc. , etc. ( Jatch Luuraa.ii , 1514 Parnam Btrcet.- bOMK KVIDHNCK. No Further IJ lit on tlio Manner of .JjiiiH'H llylaiid'N Tnliliiic OH" . The inquest In the Jnmcs Ilylund case was continued yesterday afternoon. Dr. Mason tcstllled that ho had boon called to the HylanU residence to attend to a sick child , Ilyluntl accompanied Dr. Mason on his return as far as the druR store at tno cor ner of Forty-first nnd Hamilton streets. While still with the doctor Ilyland tooKa bottle tle of whisky from his pocket nnd drank some , then ottered the bottle to Dr. Mason , who declined. At the drug store both the doctor and Hy- land took a drink of whisky and ginger to warm them up. The deceased re mained at the dniB store until the prescription for his child was ready and then left for homo , this was about 0 p. in. At U o'clock Hyland was a corpse. The next witness was Kurtz Halm , the druggist , at Forty-first and Hamilton streets. Halm merely corroborated the statements of the doctor , and was positive that the driuk tnkca at tno drug store was whisky and ginuer. This ended the testimony for the day. The inquest was postponed until Saturday nt 11 n. m. in order to allow Prof. Miller of the Omaha medical collopo to finish his analysis of the stomucli of Hyiaud. "Gentle spring" loses many of its terrors when the system is fortified by the use of. .Aycr's Sarsaparilln. . With multitudes this wonderful tonic alterative has long super seded nil other spring medicines , belncovory- whcro tccominendod by physicians. . C.S.Tlnymond , jeweler , removed to tem porary locationN" . E. cor. Douglas it 10th SI II I iii cry Open In u Music. Spring opening tomorrow. Music afternoon - tornoon and evening. Mrs. Duvlcb , mil liner , 111 S. 15th street , opp. Omaha postolllco. SAMK Oljl ) KlCV. Another of JtlorolinuHo's Piano Per- forum noon Come in Ijt lit. Another of the peculiar transactions of G. 1C. Morohouso canio to light yesterday. Morehouso took ono of the pianos of the Ghlckerlug consignment to his homo. Ho afterwards mortgaged It to C. K. Deltoborts for IIU5.Vhon Morehouso was arrested Do Uoberts obtained possession of the piano and had it taken to a storage house on Dodge street , between Fifteenth nnd Sixtconth. 0. 1C. Morrell , who is holding the lurgcst saclt of all tlio Morohouso creditors , learned the whereabouts of the instrument and en deavored to replevin it. DoKobcrts learning of this intention on the part of Morrell , spirited the piano away. So once more Morrell got the worst of a deal. Moroliouso hail a preliminary hearing in police court yesterday nnd was bound over to the district.court in the sum of ftOO. The prisoner was taken to the county Jail much to the relief of the city jail oillcials , who claimed that Morehouso made them more trouble than any ten ordinary prisoners. M'JtOSCEMVMAXO ftt VKlf. Olio of tlio lending burlesque organizations now truvcllnc Is the Fuy foster English gaiety company , which will bo seen nt thoU U run it on Thursday , Prktay and Saturday evenings next , and nt a Saturday matinee. Tlio company is composed of bright pretty girls , and the programme ot singing , dane- IIIR and spectacular burlesque thatthoy pre sent is full of merit and is sure to please. Hhea's appearance at Boyd's opera house next week as Josephine will" attract much at tention from the thoughtful. Her success in this piny in Omaha last season nnd the line impression it loft with our thcator goers is not forgotten , nnd the advent of the pliiy will no doubt sut people reading on the subject of French history , as it does wherever Klion ap pears. Those \vho attend will certainly have clear ideas of the personality of the principal historical characters of the tlmo ot the tlrst empress than they have hail by witnessing this grand performance , which Is n magnificent pa o ot French historv , well interpreted by a splendid company. Ono of the finest cnnaKements of the season nt Uoyd's will open this cvenlnc when Mr. Stuart Hobson nnd his splendid company will present his now social comedy , "Is Marriage n failure. " This comedy wus written for Mr. Itobson by Messrs. Archibald 1) ) , Cordon nnd Ad Uorbott. Mr. Uobson takes the part of an eccentric stock broker by the nanio of " HorncoKeut , nnd his acting in "thn character h salct to be equal to anvthhiK the famous comedian has yet accomplished. On Thurs day evening Air. Uobson and company pre sent llronsoii Howard's proat comedy , "Tlio Henrietta " than which tbcro la , no more suc cessful written by an American playwrluht. It Is a uuro comedy , and not ono of those Wild contributions of absurdity cuch as passes today under the uamo ol comedy. 'Tho Henrietta" ls rcflncd , full of Kcnulno wit nutr humor , with dollcato tonchot of pathos combined into n harmonious whole , milking an effective niul exceedingly Interest ing play. The sale of seats commenced this uiomiui ; and the demand was brisk. Dolossy Klralfv's "Water Queen , " wblph has become famous as the most magnificent nnd elaborate spectacle of recent vuars , will bo presented at the lloyd on Friday , Satur day nnd Sunday next , Dr. Blrnoy euros ciunrrh. Boo hldj. Moonse * . Thofollowiograurrlago licenses were issued by JuJgo Shields yesterday , Name and address. Ago. jOoorxwU Uiwl . Omaha . . . . , , , "t I Kvuru \ . Allwluo , Omaha , . . , . . . . , . , , , .13 i William Hntirjr O. MoKee , Omnha . 24 | tlJj Utb : Bhuup , C'ouucll 1J1UIJ3 . 10 FOUR NEW EB1INE WEARERS , Qorernor Boyd Respects ths Hi tlon of the Bar Association ) SKETCHES OF THE NEWLY APPOINTED , I'lnns Tor Division of the Judicial " " Duties Tlio Question of Pro- Tiding tliuNeeded Court Koonis. The four attorneys selocUid at la t Satur day's ' bnrmcctlni ; and rccommendeJaj suita ble Arsons to sit upon the Judicial bench of this district are happy men today. A tolcgratn was received last night , an nouncing the fact that Governor lloyd had carried out the wlshosof the bar association anil had appointed t.ho parties selected. Yesterday the ofllclal Intelligence was re ceived that Frank Irvine , HcrbsrtJ. Davis , Arthur N. Ferguson and Leo Kstello have noun clothed with judicial ermine , nnd that as soon ni they qualify will be prepared to administer Judicial justice. The now appointees are well Unown in Omaha nnd the district , as moitof them have been residents of the city for a number of years. frnnlt Irvine , n nopliow of the Into Chief Justice Miller. 13 a democrat , lie wns born in Shannon. 1'a. , In September. 1S. " > S , where ho received bis curly education. Ho grad uated from Cornell collPRO in ISSO , and nt- tended the National law sctiool at Washing ton , U. U. , graduating from that Institution in IS&l , and for ono year win a deputy under United States District Attorney Corkhlll of the District of Columbia. In lSst Mr. Irvine removed to Omaha , and since that has been actively cngagi-d in the practice of law. Herbert J. Davis , tuo youngest man on the bench , was born nt Clarktville , Butler county , In. , March , 1SW. Ho attended the public schools of his town and in ISSil gradu ated from the St. Louis law school , carrying off second honors In a class of thirty-six students. In the fall of that year ho re moved to Omaha , During IbSli ho formed a partnership with the late Judpo Savage. The same year ho was elected a member of" tlio board of education , and later filled the chair of lecturer of medical jurisprudence in the Omaha medical college. In ISS'J Mr. Davis wiis appointed Jud " of this district to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of .ludgo Oi'oIT. This position ho tilled until the election of .Hid o Clnrkson took place the following fall. Mr. D.IVIS is a republican. Leo S. Kstcllo , the sou of n Methodist min ister , wns born at Hamilton , O. , Christmas day , 1817. As a boy ho attended the public schools at the places where his father was stationed , with several mouths -of training at the Kingston ncadomy. In IStW , when only fifteen years of ago he enlisted in the First heavy nr- tillery , Ohio volunteers. Ho did not servo long , for his father secured his discharge on a writ of habeas corpus. Later ho received Ills father's consent , re-enlisted and served In thu Mississippi squadron until the closu of the war. Returning home ho went to Hess county , where ho studied law. After being admitted to the bar ho removed to Iowa , whcro hu roii > nlnud until 1871 , when ho settled at Kud Cloud , this stato. In 1874 lib accepted a position in the railway mall ser vice and moved to Omaha , In ISS'J ho formed n partnership with Mr. Oaborno of Blair. In 18S1 ho removed to this city , ran for district attorney on the republican ticket nnd was elected by an overwhelming majority , defeating Hnnry Estnbroolc. In the fall of 18S7 ho woif the race for district judge , and althoiiKli defeated , ran nearly ono thousand ahead ot his ticket in Douglas county. Arthur N. Ferguson was born in Albany , N. Y. , October , IS-l'J , and when four years old removed with his parents to Michigan , where Uo resided until 18. > l , when his parents ro- rnovodto this state , settling at Bcllovuo. Hero Mr , Ferguson received his early educa tion , after which ho returned to Now York nnd graduated at the ICiiidorhook academy. Ho then removed to Alexandria , Yu. , whore ho attended college. In 1870 ho coinplotod llio lawVourso at'tho Iowa university and re turned to Bcllnvue , where bo opened an of fice , removing to Omaha in the full of 1872. In 1877 Mr. Ferguson wns a member of the of the state senate , representing the Sixth senatorial district , then comprising Douglas , Sarpy nutl Hurt coun ties. The following fall ho was elected dis trict attorney , and served for two years , while Judge Savage was on the bench. From 18S1 to lbS3 ho was a member of the board of education. Mr. Ferguson Is a democrat. When the now Judges will begin work and how they will divide the dockets Is a matter that will receive early consideration. Judge Clarkson has resigned , his resigna tion to take effect as soon as the now Judges qualify , but when this will bo none of the now members seam to know. Ho is now holding court tu Washington county , anil it seems to bo the universal dcairo that ho shall finish the term , though if ho will not , it is probable that Judge Irvine will qualify at once ami proceed to Hlair , where lie will relieve lievo Clarkson. No meeting of the Judges has as yet boon arranged to divide un the work that remains to bo completed this term , nnd some of the now appointees rather favor letting Judges Doauo , Hoi > ewcll and Wakeley complete tlio February term rather than to make a new allotment of the cases that are noticed for trial. In nil probability the old Judges will bo given the choice of work and as there will bo two to look after the equity docket , Judges Wakelov and Doano are booked for tlieso positions , it being understood that they prefer this work. JudL-o Ilopowell will undoubtedly look after one of the law dockets , while one of thu new members , probably Judge Kstollo , will have charge of criminal business. The attorneys nro well pleased with the outlook anct now houo to catch up with the business , which is terribly behind , us on the equity docket there uro now Sli3 cases noticed for trial at this term. The law dockets are almost ns far behind , as hefora Judgn llopo- well tbero nro420 cases uotlced for trial and before Judge Doano , 429. \V hero the now Judges will sit Is another Taken in time , even Consumption yields to the wonderful cfToctH of Dr. Picrcc's Golden Medical Discovery. It " won't make now lungs but" it will make diseased ones healthy when nothing else will. There's reason for it , too. Consumption is Lung- Bcrofuhv. For every form of scrof ula , and all blood-taints , the " Dis covery " is n positive cure. It's the most potent strength-restorer , blood - cleanser , and flesh-builder known to medical science. For Weak Lungs , Spitting of Blood , Bronchitis , Asthma , Catarrh , and all lingering Coughs , it's an unequaled - qualed remedy. It's a guaranteed ono. If it doesn't benefit or cure , you have your money back. You've everything to gain from it nothing to lose. It's ' especially potent in curing Tetter , Salt-rheum , Eczema , Erysip elas , Boils , Carbuncles , Sore Lyea , Goitre , or Thick Neck , and Enlarged Glands , Tumors and Swellings. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly beal under its beiinju iuilueuco. V question and n serious ono , as at the present time all tlio rooms in the court house are oc cupied , with Judge Wukcley holding court In TUB Um : hulldlnjr. The question of securing now quarters will he attended to by the county commissioners , though the judges will bo consulted hi the matter. Some of the commissioners want to clean out the basement of thu court house nnd put ono of tbn equity courts in the room occupied by the superintendent of plumbing , whllo a proposition to use the smiill room bank of tholarRO court room for an equity court has been discussed. Another proposi tion Is to rent rooms outsldo for the three new courts , This mutter will probably bo set tled nt the next meeting of the county com missioners. Tlio increase of help around the noiv courts is another trmttor that will come up for consideration , 1'liero nru now three additional stenographers and three additional bailiffs to bo appointed ami this in Itself , U making no llttlo stir among the par- tics who are anxious to servo the county. At the next term of court the number of jurors will bo doubled , and Instead of the commissioners drawing thirty-six names , they will draw seventy-two , which will necessitate the revision of the jury list. A. I ) . Our prices for inon's ' , women's , chil dren's shoes nro cut this weak till to pieces ; rend the nil. In Sunday's I3co. Iloro are some of the reductions ; Child's Oxf'd ties , 7flc , worth $1.23. Child's peat button shoes , $1 , worth $2. Ladles' $2 kid shoos for $1.33. Lndlcs' $5 kid shoo for $3.8.3. Misses' Froneh kid shoo , $2 , worth $3. Misses' kid shoes $1.60 , worth $2.50. Misses' kid slippers $1.10 , worth 81. 75. Men's $8.00 shoes , hand sowed , S5.CO. Men's Sll.OO French shoos , $0.75. Youth's French calf shoes , $2.2. ) , worth $3.r > o. Youth's lace shoos $1.25 , worth $1.75. Boy's cnlf shoos $2.00 , wotth $3.00. This is a genuine mark-down of goods not usually cut in price. A. D. MOUSE , 1-Jth nnd Fnrnrun. HXCKKDKD ITs AUTHOIUrV. y'H Decision ifTeotlnt * the I'ollce Hoaril'H Powers. Judge Ilelsloy yesterday rendered n de cision In the case of state vs Louis II. Hib- bier , which has been pending since last Juno. Tno defendant was charged with sell- Ing liquor without a license , but the real point In controversy was as to the powers and privileges of the board of lire and pollco commissioners , Htobler had a saloon nt the corner of For- tictti and Lcavenworth nnd was prantc'la license bv the board for the year IS'JO ' It so happened that February 2i. : ISW ) . wns Sur. day and Hibbler fractured the Slocumb law by selling liquor on that day. The case was reported to'the board of flro and pollco commissioner * nnd after hearing ho evidence they revolted his licoiiso and or- lered the place closed. Hibblor , however , lid not obey the mandate , but on the con- rarv , continued to supply the thirsty as be- ore. Then his arrest was caused for selling uiuor without a license. The i oint raised by the defense wns that ho lira and pollco commission , sitting as a Iccnso board , had not the power to revoke lis license under the circumstances. In sup- lort of this position ho cited from the stat utes the passage giving to the board the right to rcvolfo u license "upon duo proof of conviction" of the defendant , of any viola tion of the Slocumb law. It was argued that the defendant Imd not boon convicted ; that the case had never been before my court and therefore there could not have > con any conviction. Tlio position wns takoa hat the liccnso board could not resolve itself nto a court to pass upon the guilt or inno- ccncoofa saloon keeper , and it was asked hat the defendant bo discharged. The court hold that the ground taken by tie defense was tenable nnd that the license lourd had exceeded its authority in revoking ho liccnso. f It wns also decided that tlio defendant-was still lawfully possessed of a license and was lot therefore guilty of the offense charged- This decision is virtually to the effect that nil cases of violation of the Sunday closing clause must bo prosecuted before the police magistrate , and no licenses can bo revoked on that ground unless the defendant is found guilty by the prouorly constituted court. Hilly the Wliittler Won. The case of 'William Yoho against the i-Mcti musee was concluded in Judge Hope- wcll's court yesterday afternoon , the Jury re turning a verdict of ? 1H..94 for the plaintiff , wtio with bis family performed some freak lets in the inusco. Caed In Millions of Homos ' I CThlcliMtor'i KnalUh l > lan.on.l Ilraod. THNYRQYAL PILLS Original anil Only Genuine. AFC , &IWAJI rrllftbl * . LADtcai Diu/nlil for CMclltiteri KnalltH Vlf mend .Brau.t In llnl and Kail oin , , < > M with tine ribbon. o other. Htfuttttangfro t itfcmrl for | > trtlcalari , ItclUT for I.adlp , M < rv r Mail. lll.OOUTntlmODUIl. .Vain , / . CblolieMerCucuilcul G'g Uull < in Kq unre , Sold ty ill I * ll > nigjliu. I'm. DuarEnowipOeec mucly ( or nil th.i unimtuial dlnctmrKca and lirlvntoillsenKOOf inon. A certain cure for the dcblll- tailnn weutncn peculiar to women. I prescribe It nnd foeleafn In recommendlnc It to " BUflerwri. J.8TONERM D.DEC , TURlll , Nolrt liy i ' JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAHI3 EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PliRFEGT OF PENS , Is gUICIC. Others In comparison are plow or DKAI ) . Iffaffrrlngtry WOOD'S PLASTER. It I'pnxtralcv , lie- lluvrt , Ciir < * ti. All \\7 A NT1" D . Aisonts 10 soil the 1'lnlcss \vniN il iU uimiua , Llnoi the only line evur Invuoteil Unit holds tlio clothes with out plus ; it perfect nuccesii : patent recently issuc'ds sola only by iiRonts , to whom the ox- cluslvu rlglit Is Klvon. On receipt ut K > uunts wo will soiul a stimjilo line liy nuill ; ulsu clroit lurs ; prlcii list anil terniH to nieiit. Hi'cnre youriorrltcirv at onco. Addrusi TIIK 1'IN LESS CI.OTIIKS LINK OU , 17 lluriunn t NVorci'Hlur M-iss fJi n > 'lin-ti , flh'rt niul Leiifurt'lufii cured in S diiys bv llio I'ri'iich Itcmi-ily entitled - titled thu KIM ) . It iUs ) heluiin.M ami N tiliburlniii Inio tlio inlliuiii'I pirt : . Wl I rofuii.t innnoy It It does ) not 01110 or i-iiii'i's stricture , Ueiitltiini'ii. hero > n rolluliln tirtii > li' . * t u pnokucoorS for | Ci per until prm.iild. MtCor- nilolc I.und , Uiiuilui ! ( . ' . A , Muleh.-r. llnwnrd Movers , unU 1C. J , huvkoru , iSontli Oumliu ; A , 1) . Fontoraud M , 1 * . Kilts , Council Ululls. The Majority Of so-M'uedcouRli-ojresdo little more than Impair the dlRcstlrt function ! ) and crc.ito bile. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral , on the con trary , while It ctiroi the cough , does not In terfere with the functions ol either stomacher or liver. No other ncdlclno Is so safe nnd cfUcaclous In disrixcs of tlio tliroat nnd Ultlg3. "lfour ycar.naRoltjknsovoitscold , which was followed by a terrible cough. I was very sick , nnd confined to my bed about tour months. 1 employed a physician , most of the time , who finally oatd I was In consump tion , and that he could not help me. Ono ot my neighbors advtied mo to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so , and , before I had finished taking the first bottle wns able to sit tip all the time , nnd to go out. Dy the time I had finished the bottle ' . wns well , and have remained so over since. " 1 l > . Uliby , llartonsvllle , Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , IMIKl'AltKt ) I1T DR. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , MftBfl. Hold by nil DrutL-Mi. 1'rlcjtl ; Ubottlc , i5. I'o euro nillouinebs. Sick HcaJnclie. Constipation. Alnlarln. I.ltor Cumplalnt ) , tnko tlio Euifo and certain rcmodf , S.MlTll'S Una the BMALT. 817.15 (40 ( llttlo beans t < ? Clio hot- llo ) . They nro the most convenient ; cult ulltutci l'rlcoof ltlicrtlio , 25tonu per botllo. KHSSBWr * t 7. 17. 70 : Photo-Bravum . , ? .7 * * I"1018Uoof thu t'cturo ' Ior4 teats ( coppers or stamps ) . J. F. sMtrn A ro. . MnVcraof "lille Uoans , ' St. loiils. Mo. I ) r. l.cduc's reriodlcal I'lll lie French rempdy net on the mcnstnml sjstem nn uro aiipiirusslon from wlmtcror came. rronioto tnenrtrimttiJti. These pills should not bo taken > lur- nu , ecxnnnoy. Am I'lll fa. lloynlty l'r < im. , Spon cr Clny Co. , In. ( ioiiulno tiy Slicrnmn A Mcl'onnall , otiita at. , iii-ar 1' O. , Omalin ; t , A. Molchrr , Bouth Umalmj M. I' . Kills. Council Muffs. | J , or a for J5. INTHCWORLD WILL IV > w U BVk * Mf "UnCTAIN A RUPTUnt nrKivorollof llko"l > r. 1'lerccs Alacnctlc ; I'.liiHtlo TriiBd. " Itlia rurciHlioiiBaiiil8l If yon want the IIKK'l\cn < l'lclnRtamps Horfrcol'amplili't o. I. M'liiirllc KliutlcTrui Co. , Kail l'' , CaL Remember last winter's siege. Re call how try- insf to health o . f. were the frequent changes of the weather. What was it that helped you win . the. fight with disease , warded off pneumonia and possibly consumption ? Did : --yougive due credit to SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod A HKMM BMBMM MM H MMMMMMMMMMBMMBMH BH > BKX BMa l' f Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda ? Did you proclaim the victory ? Have you recommended this wonderful ally of health to your friends ? And what will you do this winter ? Use Scott's Emulsion as a preventive this time. It will fortify the system against Coughs , Colds , Consumption , Scrofula , General Debility , and all Anannic and Wasting Diseases ( specially m Children } . Palatable as Milk. SPECIAL. Scott's Emulsion is non-secret , and is prescribed by the Med CAUTION. Scott's ' Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. ical Profession all over the world , because its Ingredients arc scientifically He sure and get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Uowna , combined in such a manner as to greatly increase their remedial value. Manufacturing Chemists , New York. All Druggists. A.MUSIS METMTS. BOYD'S _ IWtt KNGAGEMKNT OF THE COMEDIAN STUART B.03SON . , AND COMPANY OK 1'LAVKUS. uiuler tlio Direction of W. It. HAYHEN. Wednesday Evening , April 1st , Gordon & CorboU's Now Comedy , Is Marriage a Failure ? Thursday Evening , April 2d , Ilronsoii Howard's Oroiil. Comedy. THE HEKIETTA. Mil. HOUSON . as . Hurtle. Tlio I.aml ) . 1'rlccs , Parquet nnd I'imiiict ' Olrclo SM.ti'l , Italcony , Ifl.OO , Konoral mlinls-ilon to lint floor , Fl.O'J ' , etmorul ail mission to balcony T.U- . gallery > c. llux Sheets open Tuesday BOYD'S. SH April 3 , 4 and S' Children's Matinee Saturday. KIR.ALKY' © lleautiful Fairy Spectacle the WRTER * QUEENS I'rcientlnBa Host of Novelties nnd Oilriltloa , THE OIUClINAh DAHKS , NOT DO LKONOH AN'I ) LOM..A. FAIL MMR llian.VA KONUADT , TO ARNOLD KIHAU'Y nnd SEE KIUALKY'S COUPS do IIALLKT 60 - Persons in the Grand Production. - 60 Trices us usual. DIME EDEN MUSEE. WlllLawlor , Jliinajfcr. Cor. llth nnd Farnara WKKK.OF JIAHCII 30. Tlio Wooly Kaccrt'Bnby. Nnliiro'a ( Jrontpit Turin- Blty. Slrnblkn. A ( Irnnil IliiMsliui Illusion , The Urilii'U | ' unilKllurlui ynnrtottc ? , In Vocal nrnl In- utrtiim-ntiil Mualc.A lllilh Class Nuvelt ? JJnler- tulnuicnt. DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Set of Teeth on Itublor. for KIVI ! HOI.LAUM. A in-rfpct lit KUnraiitced. Touth oxtractnl without pnln or ( tanner , > nd wlthuutanncstliotlcs. tiolil anil ullvur tllllni ! . t lnwe t r tei. Ilrl ir nil Crown Work. TtelU without ( ilutc'i. All work war- OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntrmico , ICtU Ueot clovator. Open evenings unllU o'clock. Winslow Wilkes , The fastest 4-year-old pacing stallion In th World , Hocorcl2U 1-7 , nt Leilnnton , KT , , Sil heat.tir Ulick Wllkc. . danibr Almout . . wlllinako the of IhUI at HXI Vlnton .treot. Orajlio , Noli. BEABO.M 100 HANHAI.WOOO CM-SUI.KS | nnnllTI UUUU 1 1 1 I I H bv.t ami only cupiulo. ( jrcicrll > o > I by regular pliMlclani for the euro of Uonorhosa and from tha urlnirr orjans l GREAT DAYS - : - - : - THREE- GREAT GREAT SALES BARGAINS - : - THREEL Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday. Two hundred and fifty Men's Fine Sack Suits. The material is an all wool cassimcrc , made by one of the best and best known mills in the country. The lining is a first-class Italian. They are cut , made , and trimmed up in shape. The patterns and colors arc the acme of good taste. The sixes run from 34 to 42 , so that any ordinary man can be fitted , and .a. _ ten dollar bill exchanged for one of these suits on Monday , Tuesday or Wednesday will buy you just as good a suit of clothes as fifteen or sixteen dollars spent anywhere else will buy. A thousand pairs of Men's Solid Calf Shoes , in all styles of toes and lasts , in AT narrow , medium , or wide , in all sizes , in lace or congress , These are gen uine Goodyear hand-sewed shoes , and arc made upon honor. Every pair has an extra stay in the back , rendering it impossibc to rip , or for the hanger to pull out. Every pair of shoes in this tremendous sale was made for us by one of the bestshoe manufacturers in the country , has our name on the bottom , and is guaranteed by us to be the equal of any four dollar shoe in this great big state , [ twenty-five cases patent leather shoes at the same price ] . AT Fifty cases Derby Hats , with narrow , wide , or medium brims , in all thefashT ionable shapes , made of very fine stock , lined with fancy satins , in all sizes. Hats that you'd willingly pay anybody else three dollars for , and think you'd got your money's worth , at a dollar and sixty-five cents. You Remember the Days , We do the Rest. NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. , FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays IO p. m , ADVERTISERS an reach moro tcnchors nnd school olllcors through the columns of our Local School Journals , published by NebraskaTonchors PublishiDBOora- pany , than any other teachers' paper published in the West. A largo circu lation in Nobr. , Kan. , Colo. , Montana , Wyoming , North and South Dakota. If you want to so'.l ' your goods Advertise. Address , D. V..STEPIIENS , Mg-r. Fremont , Nobr. Ncbr. Toachori Pub. Co. ESTAOtilSMHD 1SBS. IZU.SIMPSO'Nl 1409 and 1411 Dodtje St. , Omaha , Nob. lIUU.DEItS OF- First Glass Carriages , The Leading Styles. Tlio Lowest I'ricos. ' youu I'ATKONAOE soi.iorrnu. HOTEL. T/IP Mitrrnv , for. ttflt nnil . Hotel tliiHttiHu Itt Oiinilin. hfttru brick / / ! ir / / riiiiii/iiff from bHHCHU'iit to roof. All tint ffillitu" "inl lltioi-it lined icltit AHlifHtonIra proof Inlnii , tniililnu It liinmnslltlt ! to littfii quick , f'irefni- > i'n < nnt fli'o nlnriim Iliruutihout this ImltillniSttnmlteiit , hot iintl colil niitt'.i" rind niiHliltnllt 'futile uimin-iiuauvit siLLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELLONE , Corner 14th and Capitol Avouuo. Just completed , has 100 rooms , thraa stairways , from the top to the bottom , his fine elevator ami dinning room sorvloe , Is flro proof throughout , Una hlllar.l rooms and the finest tollot rooms In the city. La a Sample rooms , Suites with hath in. Cor 14th and Caoltol Ave. Street car ssrvloe lu all diteotlons. Kates , from $2.60 to fc'1.00 , NO OURBl ! NO PA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. , euro . . . a. m. to Vim. GOLD MEDAL , PABIS , 1878 , from which tlio ciC4-F of oil has been removed , ia Alwolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals nro used in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far nioro economical.costimj , less tliun one cent a ciij ) . II is delicious , nourishing , BtrcngUiening , KASHA I > IOI&TF.I : > , nnd admirably ndaplcd for invalids ns well as for persons In health. Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro. BAKER & CO Dorchester Mass W. , , , , LIQOOW.L IN ALL THE WORLD 1IIEKE IS BUT ONE CURE DR. MINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It ran lit al rx In H run uT oUV nr I * . . < " I" " UCM | ittfaaJ , without me knowloilire a thu pMicnt , U n.oni.ary. It l .tuoluwly h.rml . una will fl t ap.rmin.nt anit ipesdjr uuro. whfllier too t l ilnu ror u loohnlici r ok. 11 traorter U opor.lo. .0 qul.tlr .nd wllU uo WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP For the SUn mil Scalp. Pr.pirrd br > nermitolnclut with 3U lew.1 i | ' nence. Unfiii.lwl fnr ecinmi , ( c.liibexl , nilikin , lleih orru > . chil'I'eilhiinili , etoei. nir ivr.plntlon , ujljr cuuii'lmon. ' etc. An unfailing rem.ilr lor .11 > c.lp .iTvctloiM , nJ nuepreteut- _ ir o [ til forini of .kin ill e Mi. Tor Silt bj DrngjiiK or lent I ; mill , I'tlco CO c < nt > . , ' ilCIIll ItlriiniQlina ( ! . . ( .I,4H.t.lick.fl.n I3rM DooV nP.t . , ll.'lf > m , e 11 it'n ' ted icilp itKllii , in J Ih.ii ir.timiil .l ( i,4tt > fvf ICC. CVnvlUiUB lf * . ufflr A , jl.lUr , JOHN \VOO1MUJKY , Dormitologiit , IKS IV , 4 U HI. , Now York City. The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) , ' * J m ' An - - SAUCE nd Mit < Irararts the incut dellclom Unto KXT11AOT HOUI'H , ofal.iTTiilfrom ; : . CJUAVIIM , TI.UIA.N at Mnd ran , t ° 111" 1'iotluT nt HOT fc CUIJ > IIA : ft niBAT.1 , Unit Ilinlr MUCH is lilitlilyoitcrinetl 111 CAMH , liidli , opinion , Uiu inou' WKI.SII- pahtnlilo , n well IIH thii incut wliol" . HAUIUI1T9 , Foino PUUCU that la made. " Ac. Bewai ofjtoiitations ; BOO that you got Loa & Perrins' Signature on every botttoor Oritilnal & Ocnulnn. JOHN IUWCAN'H f ONH , NiiV : VHUK. "SANAT1VO. " tbo Wiindurliil hpiaUU llrtneilr , I' told with Vt'rllti'iuiiiitrnntrn t'iciiruall NCMOUI tli ) < cati'ii , luch ni We lc Mi'lilurjr. tfitt ol llrftla I'o war.liodiclic , liokd , Ncrvouiuui , ! < . . . tltudo. til ( Jrilci n4 IOIB of power ot the ( lencriUvu Orgini , la clll.iT tt'i , omul by oYcr-tiertl'jn , joutlitul indricr'tlont , or tlir ricti.lio n n cf tnbacco , opliim , or Ultnuhnu , which ultlinattl/ lead tolnnrmlly , Contuuiptlonnua IiiMDlty. rut up In commie nt furm to carry In the v t j jcktt. JTIco ft npackauc. nrf. Jar 13. With t very W order wo ulro a wrllton euunintco to rur or lefiiinl tlm inoniir > Ktnttiy irulltonnju'ldrcM. Clrculir ( rc , Mention tlili piprr. AiMrrM , MADRID CHtMICAl CO , , Uryuch Office for U.S. A , 4171)f ) rli'irn fitrrft. ( Tl IfAOO , IJ.U I'Olt SM.K IN OMAHA. NEIL , IIJ" Kulm .t Co. , Cur , ICtli & IlnuKlu Bt * . J. \ Kiillcr ACii. , Cor t tli ft IioiiuluSU. A U Fiint r * IV , . l iiini'il llliiir. i TO WEAK MEN I the urtfct. frud ol HK rm youthful error ! arlrioc ! T , wasting we.kni'in. loit luauluxxl , etc.