Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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OFMCK : No. 12 1'KAliL STREET.
Delivered 1 y Cnrrtcr In any part of the City.
Ilusinoss Oftlcc , No. 43.
Ktllior. No. ffij.
SllMUt JllCX'llOX.
N. Y. I1. Co.
L. Dlcilernian Is in Chicago.
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , cool.
Craft's chattel loans , 0 Sapp blonlt.
( lenulno UocU Spring coal , Thatcher , 10
A mnrrlnRo license was Issued yesterday
to Henry N . Chase of Harrison county and
Julia M. CotTKcshall of I'ottawattamlc.
The funeral < ! xoreise.i of Colonel Chnrlcs
Swan will bo held ut Ills late residence on
Stutsinun street this afternoon nt3 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs , Kmll LolTcrts will celebrate
their silver wedding April 8 at their resi
dence , ! KO Kluventh avemio. by giving a re
ception to a number ot their friends.
The saloon injunction canes ; which have
been brought by H , T. Burgess , with the
firm of IlurUe It Henry as attorneys , will bo
tried in superior court from Arml 15 to " 0.
Two wedding were performed by Justice
Hammer yesterday , the parties being John
( Jrossniiin and Anna Jensen , both of Lincoln ,
Neb. , nml ISdwIn C. Mould cf Perry und Klla
Toivnscnd of Council HluITs ,
In superior court yesterday the C.TSO of
Hart against llorton was to Imvo been tried
but the dofoLihuit failed to nppear and a
Judgment wns granted the plaintiff for tlllXl , ,
the nmuimt asked for In his petition.
The cases of J. .1. Hudd , charged with the
larceny of 11 bnlc of hay from thu feed store
of Jacob Stein , and John Murphy , charged
with the larrenv of a pair of scissors , were
continued In police court yesterday until this
morning at 1) ) o'clock.
The following cases of measles were re
ported yesterday : Mac Hnnchott , 120 fourth
strupt'Hurt ; Wise , ( JOt'i South Sixth street ;
Joel Hoggs' family , Ifi South Tenth street ;
1) . A. Wales , 311VillInm street ; R H. War
ner's family , fil.l Washington uvcnuo ; Annie
Lai-son , KM Broadway.
At n tiicetliii ; held In St. Paul's church
Monday evening. March ! iO , 1M)1 ) , the follow
ing named persons wcro elected members of
the vestry for the ensuing year : 1) . C.
Bloomer. Al. Duquette. John T. Stewart ,
John N. Hnldwln , S. W. licslev , T. K. Cavin ,
M. 1C. Smith , S. P. MncCoimell , J. R Kimball -
ball , W. J. Jamison , H. R Field.
Nclllo ( ! . , wlfo of J. M. Shea , died at 1010 :
o'clock Monday night nt the residence , 000
South Twenty-third Htrcet. aged twenty-
eight years , after a two weeks' Illness. Her
dcathVas n great shock to her friends , as It
was not thought that her Illness wns serious
until a few hours before she was given up by
her physician. The funeral xvlll bo held this
inornlnir nt 0:30 : o'clock from St. Francis
Xnvler's ' Catholic church.
The following apportionment of Jurors has
boon made by the county clerk for the court
in Avoca : W. S. Williams , C. M. Clnpp , A.
W. McDonald , II. C. Hough , Knoch Taylor ,
T. S. McKlhanv ' , Chris Hasrnussen , Joseph ,
McGlnnlss , K.'P. C'oop , William Ueed , J. II.
Slvers , A. N. Hnlliday , Jurgen Stamp , Per-
man Norrls , James Connor , J. M. Frum ,
John Hoi-Kin , W. C. Stafford , .lop Pierce ,
Jatnos Holler , Uoorgo Plumb , H. C. Brandes ,
\V. \ H. Van.
On the ovcnliiR of April 0 n ball and ban
quet will bo given in the Masonlu temple by
Abe Lincoln [ OJt , No. ! 3'J , Urnml Army of the
Hcpublle , the proceeds of which are to fjo to
the relief fund. The following committees
have been appointed to have the oversight of
the nffiilr : Arrangements , J. 1) ) . Drlnsbacli ,
( ieorRO Miles , LO. J. Abbott ; decorations ,
FothorliiKhnin , Whltelaw it Co. and L , . A.
Casper ; tickets , H. C. Hubnard , Theodore
Onlttar , U. S. Dnv.-son , E. L. Shn'art ( , D. I ) .
Mnltbyand the members of the \Vomun's Ho-
linf corpn ; reception , Donald Mucrao , H. C.
llubbard , John Llndt , K. L. Shugart imd
John Keller ; floor managers , J. U , Dries-
bach , J , Li. Tomploton and K. J. Abbott.
Supper will bo served by the Woman's Ho-
llof corps.
FotticrlnKhaui , Wikliolniv & Co's. At-
Iriuuluiis for the We ok.
Notwlthstnndlnt' the gloomy weather of
last week thousands of people of Council
Bluffs and vicinity visited the Boston store
to udmlro mid purchase the beautiful spring
goods that were opened each day. The
spring styles of ladles' dross Koods wore never
so handsome as they nro this year. The de
partures from last year's styles are
very radical and embrace all grades of
goads. During this \vrok Indies will be
well repaid for a , visit to the Boston store
whether they wish to purchase or not. They
will enjoy looking at the manv now and beau
tiful fabrics which they can llnd , and If east
ern prices will bo any additional inducement
they will be uniiblo to resist the temptation
to select something. Every line is full and
you will bo well entertained when looking
them ovor.
Wo will furnish you wall paper this spring ,
Jn nil tbo Intosr. styles , at eastern prices , and
will guarantee satisfaction both la quality
and material. I10STON STOKE.
Council UlulTs , In.
George J. Crane loft last night for Chicago.
Hcv. B. 1' . McMonomy loft for Colfax last
Ktmnct Tlnley returned yesterday from n
visit to Chicago.
City Treasurer Klnnehan returned yester
day morning from n trip to tlio cast ,
T. J. Kvnns Is conllnnd to his homo on
Oakland nvcnua b.v an attack of la grlppo.
Air. J. C.Kelly of Crescent has moved with
HH family to Oleander , Cal. , where they will
inaku their future homo.
ElsonVhittlcsoy of Kansas City was In
tbo Dluffs yesterday , thoKiicst of his parents ,
Colonel and Mrs. A. T1 Whlttlesoy.
Mrs. 12. J , Chnpln and son , lialph , anil
Miss Kate Wlsinan , of Hastings , la , , are
visiting the family of ( Jcorgo Hlnxslm.
Captain O. M. IJrown , Mrs. Jt-nnlo Mac-
Council and Miss Nellie Robinson , loft lust
evening for n several weeks' visit in Cam
bridge , O.
Mr. J. K Ktittcr , formerly of Trcdonla ,
Kan , , has moved hero to take charge of the
Council HluITs canning factory. Ho will re
side nt 1118 Fifth avenuo.
Mrs. Gcorgo U. Wheeler of Denton street
Is In n vtT ) critical condition. Shu bos occn
111 for several weeks , but it Is now thought
that thnre Is but little hope of her recovery.
C , (1. ( Saumlors returned last evening from
n three weeks' trip to Boston and other east
ern ol ties , Mrs. Haundors , who has boon
visiting relatives at Manilla , also returned
C. C. Field , representing A. G. Spauldlng
& llroi. , is In the elty for n few days , Intro-
' tluclng the new Victor bicycles which the
Spauldlng brothers control. Mr. Field is nn
expert wheelman.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murphy returned
from Jacksonville. Ill , , yesterday and will ro-
inaln In the lUulTs until Friday. They will
bu at homo to their friends on Thursday and
Friday afternoons ,
Jnmos I ) , Klhvoocl , of Chicago , assistant su
perintendent of the mall weighing service , is
in the city for the purpose of starting out the
weighers la their business. Today Is the
llrst day on which the weighing Is done , and
for the next thirty days nil mall In every
part of tha country will bo weighed in order
to furnish some basis upon which the roads
shall bo paid by the government for the
Dr. Myron Pholps. son of Dr. Stephen
I'holt > s , pastor of the I'resbytnrlan church of
this city , has Just graduated from the lioinoo-
pathlo department of the Iowa state uni
versity , and has located at Ilnrlau , Shelby
county , for the pradlco of Ids profession.
Dr. { 'helps is n young man of tine education
and excellent natural talents , The people of
Hurlan nro to bo congratulated upon thu fact
of liU Imvlng located among them ,
Shugart & Co. carry largest stoclc of bulk
Held , garden mid Mower seeds la the \vost
Catalogue und samples by mall.
J. n. Atkins , western ngcnt for DoPauw's
pinto glass company , will plvo estimate * on
plato delivery In Iowa and Nebraska ,
Brant Laundry Co. . 620 I'carl street. Tclo-
l > ticme 'AH ) , ( JOous culled for and ucllvcrcd.
Charles McVeigh Digs Ills "Way to Freedom
from tbo Jail ,
Kovcrnl Inlerotllnii Stilts Commenced
Kcilcral Court Notes About
tJtrcctClcanltiK Clnra fc inl'.li
Charles McVeigh was arrested Monday
afternoon by Onicer Murphy on a charge of
peddling without a license. On bis person
were found a number of alleged gold rings
which ho had boon trying to dispose of. Ho
was lidd away in the city Jail to await the
action of Judcu McCco , but when the court
came to sit In Judgment on Ulm McVeigh wits
not there to bo sat upon. A hole in the rear
wall of tbo Jail marked the place where ho
had once been. One of the heavy Iron bars
which line the brlclc wall had been neatly
sawed through and bent up out of the way ,
leaving an aperture perhaps eight Inches
wldo through which ho had put his body.
Severn ! blcks nad then been removed and
the prisoner was free.
When the escape was made Is not known
positively , but it was not earlier than mid
night. The other prisoners who were in the
Jail claim not to have known anything about
the affair until this morning , when they
found him gone. They state that late Mon
day night McVeigh left his cell and came out
into the corridor where ho beiran covering
himself with soap. They thought ho was
Koing to take a bath , but It never entered
their minds Hint ho wns preparing to toke
leave. It Is thought , however , that the pris
oners know more about the escape than they
will admit , but are deterred from saying
anything about It from n delicate sense of
professional courtesy.
Among the other prisoners were several
who'had been sentenced in the federal court
to terms In the Polk county Jail for boot-
legging1. They evidently did not think It was
worth while to escape , as their sentences are
not to exceed three months in any case , and
at the end of that time they will be able to
KO back to their vocation with their spirits
renewed by ttio rest and recreation which is
to bo found in the Polk county Jail.
McVeigh is a young follow of about sev
enteen years of age , slightly built , smooth
faced , and wearing a brown shirt. Further
particulars as to his appearance cannot bo
obtained for the fact that ho was not noticed
very closely when ho was put in the lock-up.
Marshal Tompleton made a trip to Omaha
yesterday morning in order to llml some
trace of the fugitive If posiblc. A descrip
tion was left with the police , but there is not
much probability that McVeigh will bo
seen In tills part of the country very soon.
The city marsnal says ho will Rive a reward
of.T > for his apprehension.- Deputy Marshal
White , who was acting ns Jailer at the time
tbo escape was made , savs ho will innko it
Sal , as ho thinks his Individual dignity has
been damaged to the extent of about $10.
Tim ( ircat Klro Hale.
The monster slaughter lire sale of clothing ,
boots and shoes , etc. , began yesterday morn-
liiir at the store of M. Marcus , and the room
was thronged with bargain seekers. At the
present rate it will take only a few days to
close out the stock , although there are over
$18,000 worth of goods on hand. Most
of the goods offered for sale are
not at all damaged , but the prices
nro put nt from one-fourth to one-
third of the real value Just the same. Men's
flno white shirts are going at iiSc to GOc ;
men's night shirts , handsomely embroidered ,
! ! 0c ; mien's underwear , worth $2 , $3 and W ,
forl ; $ S pants , * 'J.M ) ; hats , GOc , worth S2 ,
etc. , etc. These prices irive un Idea of the
way things are going , and of course the stock
can't last long nt these prices. Delays are
dangerous. Corno now ami got the greatest
bargains over to bo had In this city. The
store will not bo opened this morning' until 9
o'clock. M. Miners ,
WO and 548 Broadway.
Our spring stock is now complete. If you
want to bo in styfo call nt Holler's ' , tbo tailor ,
! UO Broadway.
Arguments In utHtrlut Court.
District court opened yesterday morning
with Judge II. E. Deemor on the bench. The
greater part of the morning session was oc
cupied by the calling of the docket. After
this formality had boon gene tUrouirh with ,
the following assignment was miulo for the
rest of this week :
Wednesday A. Coohran vs W. W. Cones nt
al..l. A. Landstroin vs 1'etor Heck , I'uter C.
MllliirvsJ.V. . Mime. A. Itosonberz vs Mrs.
Salllo Stlllman , A. Overoa vs Mike Ivlldure et
Thursday Horace Everett vx the City of
Council IHiifT.sol al. , 1) ) . .Macrao vstho Omaliu
& Council HluITs railway and brldstn company ,
A , U. A , Overtoil vs L. Ko-mifleld. Jaeob iUius ,
adtnlnlstnitnr , vs David Gray ot al.
Krlduy U I1 , JiuUon tit al. vs .Martin and
Lena Quick ot al. , Held. Miudock & 1'lslicr vs
I'atliurlnu Kiilton et al. , A. Overtoil vs t'lirls
Carlesop.llonry Nulfcrt vs K. V. Dorothy et al. ,
K. O. Conloy vs A. A. ( Iray el ill , , Kllen Itoylo
vs Council Hliilfs street railway company
Saturday A. Overtoil vs Dun Carrlng , H. II.
Wndswortli et al. vs Delia A. Stnbbs ot il.
In the afternoon the grand Jury was drawn
and put to work separating the saints from
the sinners. The Jury , as it stands , is com
posed of the following gentlemen : N. Kirch ,
T. W. Edwards , Peter Hotrick , L , G. Crow ,
Charles Hengner , J. P. Allensworth and J.
P. Mnxlleld.
The young ladies of All Saints guild of the
Episcopal church will give a sociable in the
Koyul Arcanum parlors ThursJay evening ,
April 2. Admission f > c. A general public
invitation is extended.
Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crock
ery , In endless variety on easy payments at
Mandcl & Klein's.
A Suit Tor n Strnot.
An answer and cross petition was filed yes
terday afternoon In district court by City
Attorney Stewart in tbo cose of Sarah B ,
Hohror vs the city. The suit is one in ivnich
the ulaintlff is trying to got possession of a
piece of ground at the corner of Third street
and Sixteenth avenue , which is now used ns
a public highway. In his answer the city at
torney states that the land In controversy
has Docn used us a highway for more than ton
years , and that this adverse possession
was known to the plaintiff. Furthermore ,
the defendant has nouo to a great expense in
making Improvements and the plaintiff
knew that such Improvements were belli g
made , but kept silent. Ho alleges that the
property owners whoso lots front on the
street at that point Imvo built and mndo im
provements in good faith on their promises ,
it is further claimed that the plaintiff owned
land abutting on the street , but conveyed it
away , thereby rccoznlzlng the property as a
public street. In view of all nh claims ho
asks that the plalntllT to estopped from lay.
Ine any claim to the property and that tbo
title bo declared to rest In the city.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within one mid one-half miles of the P. O. ;
all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at onco. Call on D. J. Hulcblnson ft
Co. , 017 Broadway.
J.C. Blxny , steam noatin ? , santUrr en
gineer , 20J Merriam block , Council Blutrs
Clnrn Smith Cuin-lit ,
Clara Smith , the ( iftcon.ycar-old girl who
was mentioned In yesterday's HER as having
escaped from the Homo of the Oood Shep
herd in Kansas City , where she had been
placed by her parents In order to prevent her
from going in a down-hill direction , was
found In the Bluffs yesterday afternoon in a
house of ill-fame kept by Jcsslo Miller , al the
corner of Vine and Second streets. She was
arrested by Deputy Marshal Whlto la re
sponse to a message from the police ot Omaha
asking ; that she bo hold by all moans , if she
could bo found. _
Federal Court Closed.
Federal court adjourned yesterday after
noon after a number of boot-legging cases
had been disposed of. The following defend
ants pleaded cullty of violations of the rev-
euuo laws and wcro sentenced to thirty day *
in the county Jnll and ft fine of $100 each.
Leo UutherlorO , Grtswold ; J. Lnngdon ,
Council Bluff * ; William Victor , Clorlnda ;
Ocorgo Oorspnchor , Council Bluffs ; llck )
Dalton , Union county ; J Borden , Center-
vlllo ; George I'nul , Henry county ; Frank
Tracy , tiutlirlo. J. Whlprlo and J. W.
Knowlton of Anita pleaded not guilty , but
wcro tried , convicted and sentenced.
Close of the Spiritual Anniversary.
The address on modem spiritualism by
Ml < s Nickerson last evening concluded the
scries of meetings that have been held in this
city for the past three days. The hall was
crowded to suffocation and many were turned
away at the doors. Miss Nlckerson's ' address
was another piece of marvelous word paintIng -
Ing that hold her nudlcnco with breath
less interest. She is certainly a re-
nmrknbla woman , capable of entertain
ing the most cultured imd Intellectual
audience. Her stnga presence 13 winning
and commanding and her exuberance of
poetic fancy , her perfect rhetoric and elocu
tion give her a power over an nudlonco that
few public speakers can wield. Her thrco
addresses here constituted simply an exquis
itely beautiful prose poem In three parts ,
each part more beautiful than the other.
At the conclusion of the services last even
ing the following resolution was adopted by
a unanimous rising vote of the nudlonco and
presented to the lady who had entertained
them so well :
Hcsolved , That WP. the spiritualistic so
cieties of Omaha and Council Blurts , and the
large nmlloiicc hero this evening , having at
tended the series o' lectures delivered In this
hall by Miss Eminrt J. Nickorson during the
celebration of the forty-third anniversary of
modern spiritualism , take great pleasure in
expressing our high appreciation of her won
derful Inspirational gifts , her thorough cul
ture and her extraordinary ability. Wo re
gard her ns n woman possessing one of the
brightest minds of the day. honoring not only
the great work she has undertaken , but grac
ing the highest circles she may choose to
enter. We unqualifiedly pronounce her to
bo the most polished at.d eloquent public
speaker with whom we are familiar today ,
from whose lips fall "words that breathe and
thoughts that burn" as naturally as music
gushes from the throat of a happv song bird.
Her brief ministry hero has advanced the
cause to which slio has dedicated her life
and materially strengthened Christian belief
in all directions , sweeping away with a mas
ter hand and at one stroke prejudices that
have hampered and fettered for years , and
commanding the attention of the liberal
churches and the press.
V\'o most heartily and \varmly commend her
to our brethren everywhere and the general
public as a speaker of remarkable power and
singular beauty , and socially n lady worthy
the highest regard and esteem.
Miss Nieuerson goes from hero to Denver
whore she will conduct a scries of meetings.
After a short tour In the west she will return
to Chicago , stopping at Council Bluffs for a
few days during the first week in May.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work a specialty.
Do you want an express wagon or boy ?
King up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 1T9 , No.
11 North Main street.
Ijlhrnry for thn Court Hou c.
Among the things that are to bo brought
to the attention of the county supervisors
when tlioy moot In regular session next
Monday , one of the most Important to tbo
members of the bar is that of having an ap
propriation made for. the establishing of n
law library in the county courthouse. One
of the llnest rooms in the whole building was
set apart when the court house was built , for
llirary purposes. On the transom In large
vhito letters is unlntcu the word , "Library , "
nit one who enters expecting to see a library
equipped in Keeping with the rest of the
niildmg is doomed to disappointment. Since
ho board of trade gave up the room overn
, -car ago It has boon empty.
For some time past those who nro Inter
ested have been agitating the matter in a
quiet way , and the result Is that at their next
mooting a petition will bo presented to the
supervisors asking tuem to make an appro
priation for the purpose of starting and
naintamlng a good llbrnrv. The cost , It is
thought , will not exceed $3,000 , and it la
ilaimcd by the supporters of the schema that
t will bo worth far morn than that to the
court ofllclnls and the members of the bar.
A good girl can find a sltuutbn to do gen
eral housework by applying to Mrs. P. M.
Pryor , 010 Bluff street.
II. B. Eastman , who was Jerked before the
iniblicgazo a few days ago while ho was
working up a trade in tombstones among the
citizens of Council Bluffs , has been allowed
to drop back Into obscurity for some time.
Ho has been compromising bis troubles wi h
ills customers by giving up the contracts
which lie had induced them to sign , and to
oil appearances his chances wore tolerably
( jood for getting outof the Bluffs quickly and
Yesterday afternoon , however , his chances
dwindled. A telegram was received from
the chief of police of St. Joe askme that
Eastman be arrested and held , as he had
been Indicted by the grand Jury for some
crime , the nature of which was not stated.
Eastman was arrested , but ho succeeded in
getting a triond to go on his bond , which
was fixed by Justice Patton at $250. As soon
ns Chief Cory learned that Eastman was out
ho at once Hied nn Information niruinst him
charging him with being n fugitive from Jus
tice , and on this charge ho was rcarrcstod.
In n case of that kind ball can not be given ,
and the result is that Knstman languishes.
An oflleor will bo here this morning from St.
Joe to tuko him in charge.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N.
O.'Bricn. _
Our line of carpets nnl parlor furniture
will bear inspection. Wo c'nhn ' the largest
stock in the city. Mumtcl & Klein.
AVill Clear the Streets.
" 1 hope people don't think that tbo council
as a whole believes in this nice , soft , thick
mud that has been covering the streets of the
city for the last few weeks , " said an alder
man yesterday. ' 'Tho fant that wo sat down
on Smith so summarily when ho introduced
an ordinance authorizing the letting ot the
dontract for the cleaning of the streets might
lead some uninformed people to think
ttiat wo wore in favor of mud on
general principles. It U not that wo love
mud more , but that we love Smith less. If
any other member of the council had intro
duced the resolution It would have gene
through with Hying colors , but as it Is well ,
the streets will bu cleaned some of these days.
It won't be done by means of an ordinance
though. That properly come ? under the
head of repairs , aim it will bo one of the
duties of thu street commissioner to see that
the cleaning Is done. "
, \ Smooth Customer.
Samuel Gray was arrested .yesterday nftcr-
noon charged with the larceny of n pair of
pants from the clothing store of M. Marcus.
Ho was deposited In the city Jail. Soon after
his Incarceration , the prisoners , and Gray
among them , were searched thoroughly In
order to find out whether any of thorn hncl
anvthlngon their persons that could boused
in breaking Jail. There was nothing found until
Gray was taken In hand. On him thoru was
found n small saw that was evidently In
tended for cutting iron bars. It was tried on
a piece of scran Iron , and it cut it liKe paper.
ray was asked where ho got It. Mo replied
that ho picked it up outside. Tbo belief of
the oOlcers , however , is that ho is the
pal of McVeigh , who broke Jail yesterday ,
and that the saw Is cittier the identical one
used by McVeigh In making his escape , or
one of the same kind. The orllclals think
thov have got hold of a smooth rascal , njjd ho
will bo held to await developments.
Trouble Over n lloixl.
Two suits have been tiled , one in the supe
rior and the other in the district court , In
both of which T. T. Snow and Mary A. Snow ,
his wife , are made defendants. Tbo suits
are similar In their nature , but Imvo differ
ent plaintiffs , William Ilutcliluson being the
plaintiff la the one In the district court ,
ana Nellie A. Angovlnoln the other. It Is
.nllcged that the plaintiffs purchased two lots
litin ) Snow located in Beers' addition near
Twelfth street , and nt the tirno of the pur
chase it was mutually understood that a long
| with the lota the right should bo conveyed to
drive- over a third lot wtijqh was retained by
Snow. This stlpultttlot , , however , through n
mutual oversight wai not put in the deed ,
and now , it Is alleged , Snow It seeking to
prevent the plaintiffs from pasMug over the
lot. The object of the suits is to have the
deeds so corrected as to cctitnln the provision
which It Is claimed was. the mutual under
standing at thu time of ( lip purchase.
Death of Dr. Iliitohiimon ,
Dr. David Huthlnsoirdlcd of la grippe yesterday -
torday morning nt Ills' residence , ffil South
Twenty-third street , ngod seventy-nine
vcars. The deceased had been n rosliVcnt of
Iowa for tbo last thirty' years , having coino
hero immediately after the war. During the
war ho was a surgeon In tbo Thirtieth regi
ment , Indiana Volunteers. Ho had been en
gaged In the active practice of medicine for
nearly fifty-live years. Ho leaves two sons.
D. J. and , / . M. liutehlnson , who nro engaged
In business In the Bluffs , The remains will
bo taken this morning to Wlntersot , whcro
they will bo Interred.
The Catholic Haznnr.
The second evening of the Catholic bazaar ,
which is being given for the benefit of SU
Bernard's hospital , was a flattering success.
A largo audience was In attendance and all
the booths were well patronized. An attrac
tive musical programme was rendered. After
the programme dancing was indulged in to a
late hour. This evening another treat is in
store for nil who may attend. Some of the
best Council Bluffs andOmahn musical talent
will bo on hand , and a most enjoyable time Is
Will Disclose Ilrowory Profit * .
CIIICAOO , March .11. An important bill was
Hied today In court which may throw lighten
on the actual value of the stock and the ex
tent of the profits of some of tlto largo brew-
erics In the country. Nathaniel G. Head
seeks an accounting mid to wind up partner
ship with Henry M. lllgelow of Boston , with
whom ho has boon engaged for several
years In "promoting" the sale of browcrv
properties to English syndicates. Ho claims
that Bigelow froze him out without
an cquitablo division of tlto profits.
The linn was identified with the
transfer of the breweries In Chicago ,
Milwaukee , Philadelphia and Indianapolis ,
and owing to the intimate connection of the
"promotflrs" with the enterprise , to got at
tlio prollts will necessitate an exhaustive In
quiry Into the affairs of each of tbo concerns
transferred , they all being made co-dofcnd-
auts. Judge Tuley Issued an Injunction re
straining Bipolow or bis agents from collect
ing any money for transferring any funds ou
properties growing out of the various deals.
Quiet in the Coke
PiTTsnuno , Pa. , March Ul. Affairs In the
coke regions today closed quietly and rather
favoring the strikers. Over ono hundred
warrants have been Issued for rioters , but
trouble will bo encountered In serving them ,
as the foreign element Is excited.
The federation of labor today officially de
clared the cokers' strike a light for cipht
hours and pledged the support of the organi
I IR Snowstorm in Denver.
Dr.XAKH , Mnrcn 31. The severest snow
storm of the season begun in this section this
afternoon and continued Uvo hours , making
nil travel Impossible and completely tying up
all cable , electric and horse car lines. Snow
fell to a depth of eighteen inches and Is melU
ing rapidly.
Do Witt's Little Eurly Risers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
Bnlnniii rniiu ng in < MuHkn.
Great activity Is manifested nt present
uvnonjr the Alaska salmon cannery men.
Twenty vessels steamers , brigs and
schooners have been Jilting out ut the
wharves lu San Fruncieco for the sea
son's en tch , and nearly every day for the
next two weeks will see one or more de
partures for the respective canneries in
Alaska of the different craft Ktioh ves
sel will take about sixty Chinese and
twenty whites to their canneries , as
well as full cargoes' of supplies of nil
kinds. The Kodinc C'limeries Imvo com
bined , and the company has closed this
season five cnnnorios that wore running
last year. ThlH reducds the force of men
employed from 500 to 1GO for this season
lit Karluck. Last year the fishermen re
ceived $00 for the trip up and buck and
$12.50 u thousand salmon. This has boon
changed to $00 for the trip and 10 cents
for king salmon and 3 cents for small
fish. The season extends over six
months and a man is able to clear from
$ . 'w to $00 a month net during that time
if the season is any way a good ono. The
canneries on Copper river , Cook's inlet ,
Apognne and NiiHnogiik pay $20 a month
salary instead of $00 for time lost on the
trip up and down , mid the sumo porcont-
ago on nun as the other canneries.
A 7)rosporotis season Is antici
pated. About sixteen hundred
persons will bo employed in
the work aside from the Indians. Tno
largo increase in the pay of llsherniin
from $12.50 a thousand lust your to 10
cents for king salmon und 3 cents for
small llsh this season will insure a bet
tor quality of salmon packed , and the
canning companies will make rather
than by the now schedule worked
under. In past years every Hah , largo
and small , that cmno into the fisher
men's not was made to count. The puck-
ing of largo or king unlraon in Alaska
will do much toward raising the genera !
standard ot excollbnco of the pack
there , and help to put It on a par with
the Columbia rJ.ver salmon pack , which
is getting smaller each year.
A TIiruHhiiiK Alnilu Him 'Manly.
Ono ol the prettiest girls in Fiiirflold ,
Conn. , has bean favored with the atten
tion of two young men all winter. Ono
WHS Charles Sweeny , aged twenty-throe ,
who wore good clothes and did no work.
The other was George Weed , aged
twenty-live , a foreman in Itodllold &
Son's quarry. The young woman was at
llrst taken with Sweeny's good clothes
and style , but her common sense tel <
her tlmt Weed's industrious habits
would bo of more value in thu long run
so she turned the cold shoulder on
Sweeny as a hint for him to discontinue
his visits. Sweeny mot the girl on the
street and addressed some insinuating
remark to her. Weed learned of this the
next day and Immediately demanded Unit
Sweeny should olTof-thh girl nn apology
This ho refused to do ami the young mei
agreed to eottlo the ihattor in the ring
The sumo afternoon liceompnnied by a
few friends , they \fent into the woods
near a quarry and 'iif tor deciding tha
prize ring ruleS ; should govern so far as
was necessary to secure fair play , thoj
stripped and went at it. Sweeny was i
good tighter but Wood's hard work hut
hardened his lists and. muscles and after
twenty minutes of hard , knocks Sweeny's
friends throw up the sponge. Then the
friends interfered tifid arranged a com
promise. Sweeny was' manly enough to
own up beaten , and. ho generously of
fcreu to go to the givl's house and apologize
gizo for his words to her. The bruisci
on the faces of the two men wore wushoi
and dressed and , loc/HIHg / badly bungci
up , thov went together to the house o
the girl , where the vanquished lover , ii
the presence of the mother and the vie
tor , offered ample apology for anything
ha might have done to hurt hoi- feelings
Ho stiid ho was ashamed of himself am
could hardly hope to ho forgiven. The
interview was short and at its close the
two men left the presence of the girl am
In arm.
Couldn't Illiiino the Tar i IT.
Hero are some of the prices prevailing
nt Virginia City , Mont. , May 10 , 1F.CO :
Ono keg syrup , $50 ; 100 pounds bacon nt
57i cents , $58.05 ; 10 pounds salt at 70
cents , $7 ; 15 pounds of coffee at $1.12 } ,
* 17.50 ; JiO sacks llourut $2.5 , * 750 ; ono
sack corn meal , $25 ; two strap picks , * M ;
15 pounds stool nt $1.10 , $20.50 ; ono short
handled shovel. $ H ; 20 pounds beans ut
10 cents , $8 ; 200 feet fuse , tO ; one Ueg
Wasting powder , $20.
Not since our advent in ttic city of Omaha have \ve \ made such an
elaborate display of Youths' , Hoys' CO OO and Children's Clothing as for the
present * trade , livery dollar's worth of our last season's spring
and summer stock we dispocd of at our memorable fire sale , hence
foi this spring : \ve \ have nothing to offer the little folks except gar-
ments of the latest and mot - the ad-
ap- proved stylesas to prices -
vertiscd by our friends in the dry goods business on their job lot of
odds and etuis , the accumulation of years , we will simply gnaran-
tee to tcctt to duplicate , a nd to undersell from an entire new
stock , with twelve times the asa - sortincnt to select from. We have
a special fondness for our Child- ren's Department , and see that it
lacks for nothing to attract the * trade. Lookers or'buyers for the
next ten days ; ee to it that yon get our prices on Hoys' Clothing
before yon ha/.zard a dollar in the catchers and baits from bankrupt
Snck , Three Button Cutnwny Ancl furnishing goods would
nnci Prince Albert. New fabrics CO CO overstock tlio nvorago hnbor-
In vvnles , cheviots , clnys and dnsher. Many novelties for your
fancy cnssimei'cs. Look nttliem inspection in both lines , pricesnl-
and save the tailor's profit. wnys right. L.ook them through ,
Money always refunded where goods r Rr Pn
do not prove satisfactory. , , ( X LO. ,
W. OOlt. ami JJOUC.lxA
Open Evenings Till 8 p. ni. Saturdays , 1O p. rn.
Or a Whirl by Rail to Six American Pleasure
If You "Wont to Take n Trip TliN Sum
mer AVIthniit K.\IHIISO , I'nrtlol-
pate in Tlio Ic's ! ( Match
less Offer.
Arrnngcmcnts Imvo oecn effected by the
publishers of Tun Bun which enable us to
inako n novel and attractive offer to parties
who nro disposed to clovoto their time iiiul en
ergy toward procuring ue\v subscribers for
BEE between this dnto utiJ the 10th day or
Juno next.
This offer will bo open only to parties so
liciting subscribers in Nebraska , town , South
Dakota and Kansas.
A cnroful record will bo kept of all sub
scriptions fowardod , and the awards \villbo
mndo without partiality.
To the person that Axill secure the largest
number of cash suoscrlbers for Tim OMAHA
Juno 10 , 1891 , will bo given Fiinc OP COST A
ticket will include first-class passaeo from
Now York to Europe and return. This in-
ludcs nlso all traveling , hotel and slght-seo-
Ing expenses. Tbo trip will bo made with an
excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. D.
Frazler of Boston , aud will be in charge of
competent suiilos. The traveler lias no cares
whatever. The tour covers all the
countries of Europe England , Germany ,
Switzerland , France , UolRium.ltaly and their
prlnclnal cities , including London. Parm
Brussels , Berlin , Home , Florence , Venice ,
Milan , ( Jcnoa , etc.
The partv starts from Now York Juno 27
and returns to that city by September 11.
Taken by uny Individual alone , this Eu
ropean trip would involve an outlay of at
least * 700.
For the second largest list of subscribers
wo offer a free ticket from Omaba to San
Francisco and Los Angeles mid return.
Magnificent mountain bcenery. tlio beautiful
Golden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits anil
flowers. "Who has not seen California wil
not die hapny. " Travel is un educator , and
to properlv appreciate the vastness of our
great country ono must see Its Uest features.
For tbo third largest list of subicr lurs to
the WEEKLY or SUNDAY BEK wo oiler a ticket
fromOmaha to Quebec and return. What
could bo grander than u trip down the beau
tiful St. Lawrence in inid-summorl To con
template tbo beauty of Thousand Isles Is de
lightful. How much more delightful to visit
thorn when In verdure clad.
And all tins pleasure for obtaining sub
scribers to the WKKKI.Y unrt SUNDAY BISK.
For thofourtn largostllstof subscribers wo
offer a frco ticket from Omaba to New York
Philadelphia. Washington and return ,
Thcro are no points on tins continental
greater general Interest than these three
cities. An American cltl/eii has not coin-
pitted his education until ho has seen the
seat of Rovcrnment. The pcr.sons imd points
of Interest in Washington nro innumcrablo
and to the Intelligent observer n visit there Is
full of Interest. Now York and-Philadelphia
as the commercial and financial centers of the
country are always Interesting.
All this sluht seeing and traveling given
awav for obtaining subscribers to the
i Kor the fifth larnost list of subscribers wo
offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara
Falls and return , liver since your childish
wonder was aroused by the description In the
old school readers of these wonderful f nils you
have desired to sco tliom Hern is the op
ponunuv. A most delightful excursion and
ono without oxponsn , given for securing sub
scribers to the wiii.KY ! orSu.vriAY HIK : ,
1 or the &ixth lart'ost list ot subscriLowwo
offer u frco ticket from Om.itia to Salt halt o
Cltv and return. The famous Mormon city
is fast becoming a Gentile city , imd will in
time lese much of interest. Now. this sum
mer would bo n good time to vblt tno boom
ing city. Garllold Beach is of course In-
eluded in the trip. This fcummcr resort on
the Inko Is a delightful placu to pass a few of
the hot summer days. Why not secure a
number of subscribers for the WMKLY : or
BUNIIAY UKK and take the trip.
Tor the seventh largest list of subscribers
wo offer a frco ticket to Denver and Manltou
ami return , Wblle n shorter trip than uny of
the others it combines many pleasant fea
tures. Ilcnver the ( juecn city of the plains
Is always worth seeing whllu the health
and Hummer resorts of'Mamtoti are delightful
indeed. Henlth-trivlng , inspiring , restful
amid sublime scenery what trip could bo
mores wtful 1 All this pleasure for securing
subscribers to the SUMMIT or WKEKI.Y UKC.
Now what are the conditions upon which
theao tickets are ijlvcn awav I The securing
of the largest Hat of subscribers to TIIK
WKKKI.Y or SUNUIY Hise , Nbiuowspnpor in
the west Is so well and favorably known and
solicitors have alwajs found it nn cusy mat
ter to secure subscribers. TIIK BKK'S sub
scription list , has always kept pace with its
reputation ntul It dclsres to add new names to
iU long list of friends. Being at all times a
people's paper it mokes friends with all
The subscription price of Tun WKKKI.Y BIE
Commencing Monday Morning ; , March 30 , at
Marcus Clothing House
546 ancl 54-8 G 1 0acl wn\\ .
This stock consists of Men's , Youths'and Boys' Clothmg , Gents'
Furnishing Goods , Hots , Caps , Boots. Shoes , etc. Some of these
goods are slightly damaged by fire nnci water. They will bo slaugh
tered at less thnn one-fourth cost price.
Come early and secure bargains. These goodc will not last long
nt the priceR we are goinq to mnke.
\Ve intend to clean then out in a very short time.
Council Illulli , In.
All illirntajuf tlio r. . .
BAH , .NOSH nml TllltUA't f
Irontcnl wt'.li the Krontus
ftklll iind euro.
nml HAY t'KVICIl troatcjl
Mill cmlnunt succosi.
SUIUIIL'ALOI'KUATIO.VS , where m snrr. piln.
IcBuly piTf < pnn6wllli \ HID utrmiit curu nnl iklll , ni-
Mirlnc perfect roiulti fINKSt1 ( iliASJlM nccur-
ntcly pro'crlbud , correcting nil rofractlvo troublji ,
in Myopia , Hjpumplaiiml Aitluln.ithni , tlini riw-
ilerlnirtkht our. clonr mil pilnloii. ( MltJN'IJ
NKUKAl.UIAnn.l SICK 1II-HOA ' 1115 , nfwr yo l
ottorrlMu nultorliiK. no rallofontlrolr enrol. CMIo.
Hoom I , Sliuir.irt Block , ever lluno JtOo. ' * toH.
Council Ulutli , In.
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 ,
DIKETOHS-I. A. Mlllor , R 0. aioawn , R I *
Bhuiirt ; : , 13. K. Hart , J. I ) . ICdimmd.son , Uliirlu : <
0. llannan. Trans\ct bankliu bml-
nea.4. Lanosfc oniiltal ami surplm of uny
Lunlcln SoutliwoHturn
Hijrhost cash price paid for rasjs find
all kinds of eurap niotuls.
Country dealers ixnd merchants will
find it to their advantage to cominuni-
o.'ito with us before disposing of t'.ieir
stocks. GILINSK.Y HKOS. ,
Union 13roadway Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council'lJluirH , In.
Is $1.00 per year postpaid to any place in
this country or Canada , or $2.00 If sent to u
foreign country.
Tin : SUNDAY Bci : Is ? 3.00 per year , but
Omaha subscribers for Tun SUNDAY 13iu :
will not bo counted in this competition.
Cet ! up a list. Have jour friends subscribe
for the paper. Sample copies forwarded
f i oe on request.
Persons itcsirln ? to compete for ono of
those prizes will plcaso nay so when sending
In their first orders.
Konilttnnco in full must accompany every
Two six moiiMis subscriptions or four
three months subscriptions will bo counted
as ono order.
Took 17 Vcars to Co to the flrucrry.
"Jim Gulliver was well known in early
day a in California , and a inouteucontriu
fellow. In Ml ) ho wns living in u llttlo
town in Ohio , and ono oroiiiiif ( his wife
asked him to Btop down to tlio store and
buy iv coiiplo of pounds of bacon. lie
failed to ruturn , and for seventeen years
his wlfo mourned him as iload. A Honrch
was inado , but no trace of him could bo
found. Ills wlfo , however , never mar-
riud "train , and continued to live in the
sumo house , mipiioi'tlng : herself by dress-
mnltin"- . One day in the full of 'GO Jim
walked into the house with a pnckngo in
his hand and , depositing it on the table ,
said : ' .lonnio , thorn's your bacon ! '
"His wife Hupprossod hur uimr/omont
andquiotly iiBked : 'What kept you so
loiif , ' , .lim' ; "
" 'Oh , I just took a trip out to Cali
fornia ! ' ho replied , us ho removed his
coat and prepared to inaku ills toilet.
' The last heard of him ho was living
quietly at homo with his wife. "
Miss Nnnny Knlihiinn bus declared
her Intention in the olllco of the circuit
o iiirt ut Kansas t'ity to become a dlb.en
of the United States und obtained hop
lli'ht papers. She Is a nutlvu of ( Jet1-
many and thlrly-llvo years of IIRO. She
is tlie llpiit woman who ever applied to
the circuit cloi-k there to bo natural-
i/.cd. MihH Kuhlmnu nays shu desired to
boi-nmo a citizen BO that she would bo
bailer able to manage hoi- property and
liimncial Interests. .She Is of the opinion
that women should vote at pchool elec
tions , but docs not favor u furthur extension -
tension of sull'rnpo to her BOX.
Slinriiinn llulro I S.-urclH.
It is said that when any ono wanted
to iniikoOonoial Shnpiniuiu confidant bo
would exclaim : "Don't you toll mo a
occrot. I'll ( 'lvo it away to the llrst per
son I moot. I don't ' want any Bocrots.
Dovlhnont begins with Bccrcts. "
MODIIUN houses for rent , Churlos Mattel ,
114.Main street.
WOK KKNT--IwnllliiK housi'.axi Fourth stJ
J 10 romim. convenient. t motor line und ecu-
ti-r of business. Is' . I1. Dodito it Co.
"i\ ANTHI-Mun with small family 10 work
till it imrtltm ! nn uxpnrli-nrod > < l unriluncr
pH'fc-m'il. Apply In Johnston & Ynn I'uttcii ' ,
Kverott Dlock.
WOllSAI.K-ls and 20 M. Main , f.V.0 ; ! l houses'
J-1 n loU onpns to Melt Rohool. J.'i.OJO , worth
$10.000. K. \VllllniiiH. \ . 18 N. Main.
WANTED-Oood plrl for Rt-nurnl house *
nurK- . Apply ut Jlrt. I1. Jl. 1'ryur , OlA
\\7 ANTKD-St udrnt In iletitaliillH-c. Aiipljf
ut No. 12 1'oiirl , over Ile < ? ollk-i ; .
HAVK ensli eiistonior for four lots liotweca
-bt nnil2itli ; sis. , uatweoii Ave llaiuHth
avc. , J , 1' . Orct'iishlclilH , CIO Uruiuhviiy ,
'l.r AY l' < ir Sulo 1 Imvo | iiircliu < ctl a line Int
' 1 of ha v. wliloh I will boll by car loiul or In
small ( iiliintltU-H. Iunvn orders lit No. 1323
West llrtiiidwiiy. H. Cold.steln & ( ! o.
"I/UtlJIT farnifcir silu : or I rail o ; well looatud
L und all In bi-nrln ; Koo.1 honsu and liani.
Will tukti Homo Kooil elty property , and Rood
tlmoKlvut. on balnnco. Cull on or address 1) .
J. liutehlnson it Co. . 017 llroitdwny.
l XAMINKIliu cololirntod Mc-f'liull pianos :
M nuw Kcaloi-rown nlnnos und orinns. Sold
on easy payments by Miir. Ilnurlunis. nuisiij
tencbor. 1U Sim SIMIUI Htrc'ut. Cniinc I IHufTs.
-A bniiso und \nrfu \ lot on utisy
piyniunts. Inqnlro at 4U3 1'iirk avenn&
Coiinc-lfHliilVH. In.
J. lAUTKI\VAS ( > Kl Ins moved lila
wiuehoiiM ) from : ii" > Itioiuhvuy to 10J
llroiulwnv , wlii'ru hu will kcop mi hntid u line
block of f iirnuco fixture1 ! .
"irOH At a micrlilup , Innro slzo letter
J- ' puss , -J ( illleo iloslts nnci chum , ' ! Hlnro
tiuoks , l hirx'o Iron nuiilo truck. ' . ' limiting
stoves , ' 'countor wulos. ifHtup Inildurs. 1 larxu
platform Hour siilos. : ; Kuollno & Kelt , 117
t ,
UKNT-Tlio MaMiilion bloc-It , II nbry |
lirlclc , with liiisoniunt und cluvutnr. J.v. \ .
c , IUI I'oiirl stroot.
17KKSAI K A ImrKuliii now mod urn lionso
- Lvltli all the Into Improvemtiiils , Kovun
rooms ; will soil oncu y payinc'iils ; jiwatodim
this Klflli nruniiu motor lino. I ) . J. IliiUihln-
KIII , til ? llroudwny.
POKSAliK or Kant Qanlan land , wltU
homos , by J. It , Itloa. IOJ Main it. , Oouaoll
All kinds of Dying und Oleunlir ( lone In tha
Illnlicst Slylo of tlio Art , Kndud and titiilnuit
Fabrics mndo to look 111 good us now. lied
KuntliciH cliianrii lly Mourn , In I nut ( 'hiss
.Milliner. Worlc prouiutly done mid ilullvcrud
In all purU of the country. Send for prlco
0. A. MAOIIAN. I'rop. ,
low llroadwnv. Near Nortliwiisloru toi)3ti )
FinleyBtirko. Thos , E. Oasady.
Attorneys- - Law
Ofllcos : J , J. Drown lIulldhiR , Council lllurfi.
Corner .Main nnl Ilroidway ,
Dnulnr * In forol'n , un I ilo-niMtlo xoliiirus
( Jolloiitlon mudu uud Intoruil uald on tliau
The New Oaden Hotel , in Council JHulJ'H ,
hHBboencomil9t3il refurnls'.io'J an modernized -
izod throughout , and h now on ' < ofthobaut
hotbls In tlia Hlatu. It la looatnlln th a buil-
nusspartoft loclty ani tha uloatrio nntor.i
paaj the door every four mlniitis. Kiru 01-
capuiundllro alirnxs throughout th ) billl-
Ini : . Btoam heat , hot au-1 cold w.xtor an-J.
Kunbhino lu fjvury room. Table uns.irpujji
anywhora. liritos , $ U.OO adiy. :
QBO. M. WHITNEY , Mauagor.