Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Husbands prefer their wives to use
Spanish Court Face Powtlor , ns it gives
the complexion such a roflnod iind doll-
cnto appearance. For snlo by nil drug-
( jlflts ; sample free.
The following articles passed the cus
toms houBO yesterday : ilfty-two cheats of
tea from Japan for Paxton & Gnllnghor ,
nnd seventy-five chests for D. M. Stcclo
& Co , two casks of brandy and ono cask
arrack from Franco for Ifor & Co.
The Hoyn photo supply company filed
articles of Incorporation In the olllco of
the county clerk yesterday. The Incorpor-
ntors are George Siegfried and Fahlniv
Hoyn and Emll Gunz. Tno capital stock
Is $ SM,000 , divided Into 2oO shares of 8100
each. _
It Is sweet to llvo , butOI how bitter-to
bo troubled with n cough day and night. Dr.
Bull's ' Cough Syrup , however , Is a sure rem
edy. 23 cents.
"I cannot clnR tonight ! My throat Is soro. "
"Of courio you haven't tried Salvation Olll"
"No. " "Then got it and you will sing lllto
the birds.1
The Pngo Soap Co. has shipped a car
of soap to their agent , C. F. Parker , at
Ogden , Utah. This Is the third car they
have shipped this wcok.
Commencement of Iilfo by Some .lin-
liltloun Youtijc DootorH.
At Boyd'a opera house yesterday afternoon
wns held the tenth annual commencement
exercises of the Omaha medical college. The
toouso was about halt Illicit with friends of
the graduating clais.
After a selection by the opera house orches
tra , prayer was ofCcrod b > Hov. J. M. French.
The Introductory address by the dean of
ttio faculty , Dr. Donald Macrae , followed the
I ) ray or.
"This U the tenth tltno , " said Dr. Mucrao ,
"that the Omaha medical college has Issuea
licenses to practice the art of mcdlclno. Of
course there Is a sameness of programme la
all commencement exercises , and this year lane
no exception to the rule. The year of grtulu
ntlon always stands out prominent In
n medical nmii'a memory. I have
been In connection with this college
almost since Its Inclpioncy , and
everyone knows now that the Omaha medi
cal collCRo will hold a high place tn the medical
cal world. Tlio men who grad uato today
stand as hlph In their examination 3 as In any
college In the world. "
After muslo by the orchestra , the presen
tntlon of diplomas took pluuo. followed , by an
address by Dr. 1' . S. IfOisonrlnK , president of
the board of trustees , who said :
"As president of the board , of trustees 1
have the pleasure to present you witl :
diplomas nnd declare you doctors of medi
cine. I wish I had the time to speak such
words to you as would impros ? and oncour-
In life. Observation
! nijo you your professional
tion and experience has taught mo thai
young graduates have the idea that what
they do not know Is not worth Knowing , it
will require but a short tlfno to disabuse yen
of this Idea. Discouragements and dlsap
polntmcnta urc frequent In the practice ol
medicine , but do not bo discouraged.
"In this ngo of rapid progress , t behooves
you to bo on the alert. This is no time for
Idlers or idle recreation. I'usli forward , bo a
peed , thorough physician , and forgot not
that you urc good American citizens.
"Alnlto It your aim in life to relieve suiter
ing humanity. Never betray the confidence
reposed m you by yobr patients. Shun the
witio cup , und nil strong drink. It is upoi
the roci < of strong drink that so many of our
members have been shipwrecked. Never re
fuse to attend tha worthy poor , but shun the
class of dead beats whose names are on ovorj
doctor's books.
"Be a well rounded , f tillv developed physi
clan. Answer ovcry cull where suiTcrin
humanity requires your services. Good Ipulj
and f"rnw > " . * - - " "
to you _ _ . . , - _ - n
- S&Le.fensviug's'irddross Wa loudly np
Each of the class was the recipients ' . /f
handsome bonnets.
Dr. Macrae then presented the prizes.
William O. Zclglor of Handolph
wns presented with a check for
1500 for havlni ? the highest standing nt
the examinations. Messrs. Leper and Stock-
dale , though not graduates , gained the , prize
for the best anatomical specimen , $ -5 each.
Uov. Willard Scott closed the exorcises of
the day by an address.
"It must bo very evident to you nil , " said
Hov-Scott , ' 'that It will bo impossible for mete
to speak to you today alonp the lines which
your Instructions have been leading you. Tome
mo you seem to bo only young people who are
still students. I only see you as youthful ,
and see you ns thoughtful.
"It la fortunate , I think , for you that you
have come to the great west. The portion of
this vast country whoso destiny is as yet
merely outlined. Whether your line m life
.bo medicine or surgery , or whatever It may
bo , you are part of the people and are ex
pected to help lift up your country.
"A liberal education Is the best thing a
can hava aril especially a young mnn
Erson starting out In life. There U no
ipht to check nor breadth to bound the
possibilities of a man if ho has a liberal edu
cation nnd a Bound understanding us a foun
dation , "
Rev , Scott closed by wishing the class all
success. Xho graduating members are : John
W. Straight , Omaha ; William J. White ,
South Omaha : William It. Martin , Omaha ;
Charles W. McConnell , Omaha ; William U.
/oigler , Randolph ; John \V Archerd , Lend
City , S. D. ; MlsiAddn Unwerman , Omaha ,
and Charles A. Mullens of Manly.
Agate hoanng scales , cotleo mills with foot
power , grcocrs refrigerators , butter coolers.
Catalogue of Cordon & Sollock Co. , Chicago.
Samuel Uuvns has just received the
latest "fad" in china Easter bouvonlr
cups , 25o to $1.00. See them.
Their IjiiHt Rest.
The funeral of Patrick Morris , who died
of pneumonia on Tuesday nt his homo-It ! )
Walnut street , will bo hold nt St. I'hllo-
menu's cathedral nt IU'30 n. m. today.
The Omaha coopers' union , of which the deceased -
ceased was treasurer , will attend in a body
as will the South Omaha coopers' nnion.
Mr. Morris loft it wife and two children.
The funeral of Mrs. Nellie E. Kloffnc ,
whodied Tuesday of pneumonia after an Ill
ness of two weeks , took plnco yesterday
at 10 o'clock ' from the family resilience , 'JIU',1 '
South Twelfth street to St Patrick's church
Fifteenth and Castcllnr street. Interment
was mnao at St. Mary's cemetery.
The funeral ot Thomas Scanlon took plnco
at U o'clock this afternoon from the roil-
denco of the parents of tbo deceased at Fort
Omaha. The remains wore interred In Holy
Sepulchre cemetery.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Hlscrs ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
' C.S.Raymondjowolorromovod to tem
porary locatlonN.E.coi' . Douglas & ICth
Return of " Floaters. "
Patsy Dowllnff , who was "lloatod" to Iowa
some weeks ago , concluded to return to
Omaha nnd take thirty days la jail.
Ho told the court that ho couldn't stand
life tn Iowa and thought It was an inhuman
act to send n man there.
"Omaha Jack" was another who preferred
Jail to Iowa. She wus "lloatod" a few days
ago under a suspended sixty days' sentence ,
but when It came to a show down she was lot
off with thirty days.
Wllllo Newman , a colored youth who ro-
ccntly served a term on the lull for rooblng
an actress connected with un "Unclo Tom's
Cabin" company at the Orandas given an.
pUicr thirty uoys as a vng uud suspicious
cbaracior ,
Dan Burna was given n thirty Clays'
"floater" and
promptly emigrated ,
Ucsslor'sMagluHcadacho Wafers. Cures all
LeutcUc : ! In i-'O minutes. At all druggists
Ilulihv lii's Pnrini-L J\.luil.
Two men calling under the names of Davis
hnd Cameron have boon arrested at Uutto as
conlldcneo men nnd land sharks.
They claim to bo agents ot the firm of 0 ,
M , Baldwin & Co , of Omaha , whoao shady
trans actions have been mudo public In these
Minneapolis Boil Eatato Mon Donouncatl
for Slandering Omahi ,
FnotH Gnslly Obtained Seriously PIs-
tortccl for tlio Purpose of Itcl.ttl-
llilH Clty'H Commer
cial Importance.
Tbo rcnl estate oxctmnco took occasion to
denounce John M. linrtlctt nnd Ulmrlcs M.
Wnrnor , n couulo of Minneapolis rcnl cat n to
brokers , tn n most emphatic manner.
A few wcalcs ngo these men took a swltip
around the circle , visiting Denver , Kansas
City , Sioux City nnd Omaha , ns they said ,
for obtaining comparative knowledge of some
of the western cities.
Upon their arrival hero they were trcntcil
In a royal manner by the cxchaiiKo , shown
about the cttv nnd given information regard
ing municipal affairs nnd the Industries of
Soon nttcr reaching their homes their ob
servations appeared In a column communica
tion In the Minneapolis Tribune In which
they exerted every effort to bellltlo and lu-
Ju'ro Omaha.
In speaking of the banking business they
said : "Tho abrogate banking capital of
Onmhn , Including surplus , Is $4,150,1)00 ; the
deposits SlU.lMO.OOO , making u capital of $30
per capita nnd n deposit of ? 9t : per capita. "
This the exchange denounced as a Ho. and
by figures produced yesterday the president
showed that on January 1 the hanks had n
capital of $0 , 1MUOO ) , with $3.,203 of surplus ;
that the deposits , nro S S.-TO oao , bchiR greater
than any of the cities visited by thcso men.
Thu sumo figures prove that Omaha was
grossly misrepresented In the bank capital
per capita , ns It Is $05 Instead of $ . ' ! 0 , and the
deposits 5100 nor capita , Instead of $ 'JJ , thus
belnc greater thau Minneapolis or any other
of the title's.
They also state that the manufacturing In
dustries of Omaha give employment to 0,000
persons. This the exchange proved to bo u He ,
as the members had llf/urcs that oven
during the present dull times more than fif
teen thousand persons llnil constant employ
ment In the factories and shops of the city.
Speaking of real estate , Messrs. 13artlctt
and Warner make the pcoplo believe that the
price ? of real estate In the business portion
tion of the eltv nro out of nil proportion
tion , and ns an example they cite the
fact that they priced a Furiiam street lot and
the agent told them It could not ba touched
for less than ) ,000 a front foot. KceardltiK
this lot. It is on Farnatn , between Thirteenth
and Sixteenth. These men asked Mr. Wil
son of the exchange what prlco It wa hold
nt. He referred them to the agent , who Is
nlso a member of the exchange. This agent
offered to furnish n warranty deed nnd
sell nt $1.500 u front foot. Upon getting the
price and terms , the two men from the north
made an appointment to meet tha agent nt 0
o'clock thut night , put up a forfeit ot 85M ( )
and within ten davs take the lot nt the prlco
agreed upon. The agent was on hand
promptly nt the time , but It wns only , to
learn tnnt the men had suddenly loft
town , since which time nothing has
boon heard from them , only through the Min
neapolis Tribune.
On the whole , the ox change regards Messrs.
Bartlctt nnd Warner as u , couple of paid
hirelings , sent nut to injure ether cities by
getting into the conlldcneo of the business
men and then blackmailing thorn.
It Is not the extremes of nnd cold so
much , as the sudden changes In temperature
that cause certain climates to bo in. healthful.
When , however , the system is Invigorated
with Aycr's SursnpnrUlh , those changcj vTO'
rarely attended with injurious '
A mnsscpjixejjtioTrof the members'Of
iiic-bitr"oftho Third judicial district of
the btato of Nobnislm Is hereby called ,
to moot In the Douglas county court
house , room 1 , on Saturday , the 28th-
inst. , at 3 p. . in. , for the purpose jof
rocoininondlng to the governor such persons -
sons us the bar shall Bo1uct > for appoint-
niontto the honch of this district.
And others.
est Kxploiti ol' the Don Carlos
Lumber Goiniiimy'M Operators.
Charles L. Blazer is again behind the bars.
This tltno the walls of the county Jail nt Salt
Lake Intervene between him mid liberty ,
nnd Mr. Blnzcr lim about maclo up his mind
that Knit Lake Is not a banner town for
Blazer opened his brief but brilliant en
gagement In that city March l-uud ten days
later the sheriff rung down the curtain over
the Jail door. <
The smooth adventurer had his examina
tion last Monday on the charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses nnd wus bound
over to the Brand Jury In the sum of $ .2,000.
An effort was made by IJlazcr's attorney to
have tUo bail reduced , hut withcut success ,
and the prisoner remains iu the custody of
tno sheriff.
All that the prosecution had to rely on to
establish tbo charge \vcre the letters and tele
grams that passed betwceu the Utah Na
tional bank of Salt Lake and the Commercial
National bank of this city , and a batch of letters -
tors of an incriminating nature found In
Blazer's possessI6n when arrested.
The principal witness wus Banker Stoutt ,
who told how the defendant entered his
oftlco on the 12th inst. and introduced himself -
self as C. L. Blazer of Omaha. Ho bald ho
hod made up his mind to engage in the lum
ber business In that city and wanted to open
an account with the bank. Ho showed let
ters of rccomniouilntlon nnd a number of
drafts on the Don Carlos lumber company ,
which showed by the stamps of the banks
they had passed through that they had been
Ono of the loiters roail as follows :
Incorporated. Paid in capital $30,000.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Mills in South Missouri.
O.M.UU , January II , 1801.
To Whom It May Concern :
This will Introduce to'you Mr. Charles L.
Blazer , general manager nf the Doa Carlos
Lumber Company. All business transacted
by him , as manager , in lha inunt of our com
pany , will bo duly ratified by us , and any
and all drafts drawn on us by him will bo
promptly paid.
Dev Oviu.os LUMIIKH Co. ,
By G. H. lloekett , President.
It will bo observed that the letter wns
doted January 1) ) , IbOl , which was several
mouths after the Don Carlos lumber com
pany came to a speedy , unexpected and un
timely end.
The letter that completely sot Banker
Stoutt'u tumd at rest was as follows ;
OMAHA , Jan. 3 , 1891. To whom It may
concern : As a basis of credit , wo hereby
certify that wo have frO.OOO capital , fully
puld up. Wo ewe not to exceed 0,5(10. (
DON C\wo < i Lu.Miinu Co. ,
By Q. II. Hockett , president.
The next time Mr. Blazer culled ho opened
an account. Ho deposited fvo drafts ono
for $500 drawn nt sight ) the other for * J,000 ,
drawn payable six days after sight. Ho
wanted to check against the 11 rat draft In
case ho needed money lor personal expenses.
Banker Stoutt acquiesced. Accordingly
checks to the number of three were duly
paid us follows : To Blazer , Hockcr
.S ; Co. , ? l.'ll ; to Mr. Heath , KW ; and
to Blazer himself , $25 , making a total of 5180.
The draft for foOO was sent on to Omaha for
collection , but Instead of the money a letter
came vyaniini : the bunk that the Don Carlos
Lumber company was an insolvent concern.
Then loiters nnd telegrams were sent to and
from this city nnd Omaha. Among those re-
c < jlv < ? l fcyho \ Utah National bank was the
following ;
"G : . ; . , ilnvch 50 , ISOl.-Wo bavo Just
wired you that the Don Carlos draft 13 hot
paid. Wo finally found whcro they had nn
onlco not the olllco'of the company-but the
ofilco of a Mr. Davis , an nitornoy , und bavo
boon unaWo to sco him or K ° { him to call. It
Is an old story with us. * Wo linyo
lust hoard this afternoon that this outllt
cleaned up flO.OOO in this town , und that ih y
were so smooth that they have thus far
evaded Justice , though they have been called
to account to our knowledge , and vjo sin-
ccrely uopo that they Uavo not imposed upon
you. "
Another letter dated March 2
by the nflldavlt of the cnshlcr of the Com
mercial National bank , said I
"I went nt once to tlio oftlco of John P.
Davis , who says ho represents the company
hero. I presented him the draft and Itvtis
refused. asMnalcatcd in my aflldnvlt enclosed -
closed , "
Another letter snldi "Isaw ono of the
clilof conspirators this morning and asked
why the drafts had not been paid , but did
not get a satisfactory reply. "
The reading of thcso letters naturally
rrcatod a distrust In Mr. Stoutt's mind , nnd
ho Interviewed Blazer. That Individual
loftily replied , "Oh , it will bo paid before 4
o'clock ; you know some business liousus put
such mutters off to the last moment some
times , "
Banker Stoutt still sought for light , and
again wired the Omaha bank ofllclals and re
ceived In reply :
1 On receipt of dUpatch went to ofllcc of J.
P. Dnvii , presented draft nnd was refused. "
The banker finally concluded that it would
ho well to have Bhizcr where ho could llnd
him , nnd accordingly caused his arrest. Ha
said Blazer told him that ho hud purchased a
t-0,000 residence and was going Into business
on a largo scale.
Some of tuo letters found in Blazer's pos
session tire qtnto Instructive and show up
Attorney Jolm P. Davis of this city as un
exceedingly handy man to have around.
It scorns that Mr , Davis , tint content with
assimilating law , has found time to nmimuo
the Don Carlos lumber company at the snmo
time uct as sponsor for his associates iu the
lumber business. In a , loiter dated ' 'Novem
ber U4 , l&OO , " and directed "To whom it may
concern , " ho recommends Illnzcr "to thocon-
JldtHico and good will otnny others with
whom ho may have dealings. " Ho not only
know him In a professional capacity , but
' 'nlso in nn individual capacity as u represen
tative of eastern pcoplo with money to in-
vo-jt in western enternriscs. " He closes
with : "I bellovo that anyone who soss lit tote
to do business with Mr. Blnzcr will bo able
to relate a similar oxpprloLCO. "
Blazer showed good "sense In keeping the
above , but should have burned the following
From the sama writer. It shows that the
Don Carlos lumbar eompnnv was a fraud of
the first water , and that Blazer , Davis et at.
wore cognizant of It. An extract from It
reads :
"You told mo a pretty big story about the
exchange of the South Omaha lots for thu
ranch. I wish you to kindly send Mr. Ste.i-
vens n sample of the beef that you rntso on
the ranch. Do you expect to plant any lim
ber on the property ! I trust tbo stock jou
raise will bo of a little morn desirable tpmllty
than tlio stock Issued by thu Don Carlos lum
ber company. Mr. Pollock writes me thut
ho is 'powgrful skurso1 of meat In Missouri ,
ntul you would do a friendly ntid kindly uct
by sending him a choice steer or two. Can
you got 'Maw' a Job on the ranch rounding
up two-year-olds i"
A telegram from George Hockett , the al
leged president of the company , found in
Blazer's pocket , lead :
"Please send nioSCVJ if possible , at once to
Denver. "
This wns offered In evidence and fjavo rise
to a faint suspicion that when the prosldon'
of n eompnnv with a paid In capital of $ "Wh , ( ) < )
would humbly ask for $ , " > 0 his lines must have
been cast Iu liartl places ,
In the face of all this showing , Bln/cr's at
torney moved to dismiss , but the court
couldn't ' sco It that wny , and the bond was
llxed with n promptness that surprised the
pretentious lumbuunan.
It would seem that within the past fowdays
the honor that has been supposed to exist
oven among gentlemen of vague ideas ns to
the rights of property , has been found
wanting among the ex-attaches of
the defunct Don Carloi lumber company.
A compliant is now on lllo In police court in
which the aforesaid John P. Uavh Is com
plainant and Walter Belhird , ox-bookkcopor
of the Don Carlos , dofonuant. It charges ob
taining money undo. ' false pretenbcs , und til-
leges that liollard hoarded with Davis until
his soul hunkered for a chango. yfneii ho sold
all of Davis1 furniture lo u second-hand
dealer und tool : .nn Arabian ciopurtuie.
UhoouiiliiiT-oi the Don Carlos ami the fate
'tu its would-be capitalists is inglorious.
Bln/er is In Jail in Salt Lake awaiting trial for
obtaining money under false pretenses ; Bal-
laruls ii.fuglU.vo from Justice on a similar
charee : E. O. Hnlstead is In thu Douglas
county Jail hwaitltu ; trial for grand larceny in
stealing a lot qf diamonds from a protitttto
und John I ? . Dayis Is-lof t sadly dlscouboluto
hW'dlng the bajr. "
\Vlmt it Costs
Must bo carefully considered by the great
majority of people In buying even"nocossItles
of life. Hood's Sarsapa'rlllacommends itsef }
with special force to thu greatmlddlo classes ,
because It combines positive economy with
great medicinal power. It Is the only medi
cine of which can truly bo said " 1UO doses
ono dollar , " nnd n bottle taken according to
directions will average to last a month.
Anotlior Hatch nf Important Papers
The council Is experiencing moro trouble
with the committecmon who lose papsrs.
Some six weeks ago a potltloa was pro-
scntod by property owners , asklnir that the
Union Pacific railroad company be required
to plank its tracks at the intersection of
Sixth and Jones streets.
It wis referred to the committee , but now
tno chairman f uruUhos the information that
the petition has been lost ,
President Lowry Is not in a happy frame
of mind over the m.ittcr nnd today stated
that at the next mooting this chairman must
present the petition or explain. The street
13 In a terrible condition , the mud being
nnnrly a foot deep ana the tracks raised six
inches above this ,
whether on pleasure bent or business , should
take on every trlj ) n bottloof syrup of lips , as
it nets most pleasantly nnd offcctunlly on the
kldnoys. llvor and bowels , preventing fevers ,
headaches and o'.her ' forms of sickness. For
snlo In 50u ana $1.00 bottles by all leading
druggists. _
Wcl ! Known In Oinnhn.
J. T. Granger , caslnerof the defunct Wash
ington National bank of New York , is an old
citizen of Omaha. Ho was for some years
private secretary of S. II. H. Chirk , when ho
wns general manager of the Union Pacific
ton or more years ngo. Later ho was Identi
fied with ( jonotvxl G M. Dodge In the con-
structlon of the Denver it Fort Worth rail
road , of which ho was general mnnnger. Ho
is favorably remembered by railway pcoplo
hero , and those who know him accept Ills
statement without reserve that himself , Gen
eral Dodge nnd other officials of the bank
were entirely Ignorant of President Sher
man's ' peculations.
Dr. * Dlrnov euros catarrh. Coo bld'tr.
Ily Omaha MOD.
The McCormlck block , a ? 175,000 structure
that will ho erected in Salt l nko City this
summer will bo put up by Omaha men. Th'o
contract was lot Monday.
The plans of Architect Mendelssohn were
John .1. Fields secured the contract for
erecting the building , whllo sub-contractors
Knglo and Kpeneter will look after the mill
und Iron work. The material will bo innuu *
facturcd , hi this city ii'nd shipped to Salt
Ce a la Millions ot Borne *
10 Xo the standard.
Continental Clothing House
Prudent Buyers cannot afford to spend one dollar for any article of clothing , until they have seen .
some of the bargain lines iii Men's Suits , Spring Overcoats and Boys' and Children's Clothing/
We are having the largest sale in Children's Suits ever held in Omaha. We will sell this week *
/7v \ 250 Boys' Cheviot Suits , ages 4 to 14 , at $2 ; regular price outside of our store $4 *
See show windows for samples ,
4 00 15 ° u"lts > aSes to H of the celebrated Sawyer Double and Twist Cassimere ,
.V/W at $4 , Sold last season for $7.
"We are showing the largest variety we have ever carried in Fine Overcoats.
Look in our show window and see the Melton Overcoats , in a medium shade ,
cloth and silk-faced , at $7.50 each ,
The biggest value ever shown in the city is our All Wool Argyle Cheviot , at $7 , Sea
samples in our show window , elegantly made and trimmed at $7 each ; all sizes , We will send" "
a sample of this cloth to any address.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
14,00 DOUGLxAS
Tno most widely and favorably knownspco-
nllsu In tlio Unite 1 StuttH. Their Ion : ; ex-
ptTlonco , rotnnrkablo skill nnd suc
cess Iu the treatment mill euro of Nervous.
Chronic und Surgical nisouses. ontltlo thcso
onitnont the { till confidence ol
Hid nllllctpil everywhere. Thnvcwuriintpo :
tha uwlul rIToptsoteiirlvvIco amVtlio nuinor-
ous ovlls tlmtfollow In ItR'trnln.
moodily , comnUitelr ninl porninni-ntlv cured.
OKDKUSylolil loadlly to thulr skillful treat
ment ,
irunnintued cured ivlthout puln or detention
from basinet.
nctitly nnd successfully curud In every c iso ,
niatorrhuM , t-cinhml Wuaknuss Lost Manhood ,
NlKlit Einlfsloni' , Decayed Kncuitlus , 1'eiiiiilo
Weakness an 1 nil dulloato dlsordurs peculiar
to cither wx positively cured , us wulHw all
funutlonnl dIsordcrsthat rebiiitfnini youthful
follies or tlio oxrc-ssof iniituro years.
'riiMPTIt 11 < Ounr.intcoil jicrliiuno n t ly
O I l\l\j i U IVlv cured , removal complete ,
without outline , cutlstioor dilatation. Cures
oircctcd ut homo by imtinnt without o 1110-
ment's pain or niuioyniico ,
A 9I1T1 < PIIPK 'rl'0 ' awful clTeets of
ii. oujvi UVJIXL. unily vlcu which brings
orcunlu wenkni'sq , dohtioylnu both mind und
body , with ull Its dro dod ills , permanently
C THJ'r'I'C Address those who Imvo Jm-
vi. His l 10 puirod theini Ivos hy Im
proper IndnlRonco nnd solitary iml > lt- > , which
ruin both mind nnd body , unllttlng them for
business , stud v or iiiiirrliit-'i ) .
MAHItlKI ) MKNor tlu-so - entering on thut
li.tppr lifeawuruot physleul dcbllltyqulckly
cd upon facts. First Practical oxperl-
once. Second Every case Is specially studied ,
thus Nturtln right. Tlilrcl medicines uro
prepared In our laboratory exactly to Suit
oachcat-c , thus ofTectliiK cures without Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
The annoyance of breaking
lamp-chimneys need not be
Get tough glass chimneys.
Macbeth's " pearl top " and
" pearl glass" are tough
against heat ; they clo not
break , except from accident.
They are also clear , trans
parent , not misty or milky ; they
fit and stand upright ; shape
and proportions are right to di
rect the draft upon the flame.
They cost a little more than
rough and wrong chimneys of
common gkss that break con
I'lttsburk' . CEO. A. JUCIJITH & CO.
; NO
COLDS IN THGHEAD , by one application ,
OATAHRH , in a very short time.
HAY FEVER , in fiom 3 to 5 days.
EAHAOHEjjnstautly. _
I'roimrotl only by tlio
llurkor lllouk , Omaha , U. S. A ,
Graduate Dentist.
A 1'ullSct of Teeth on Itukber ,
lor rlVK DOI.I.AIH. A perfect
Bt guaranteed , ToclticitraclcJ
without pain ar ( taoitar. n < l
wltliuut nnnfilliullo. liol.l ami
Ihor Illllniii ut Idwoit rutui.
llrlilnJ mitt l.'runu Wurk. loulli
wllliout ( ilutvi. All nom ; ir-
Kntrnnc * . ICth itrcct cloTfttor , Open evcnlngt
UDIII8 o'clock.
) Tlio OrlKlnnl und \Vorltl r niotts (
) WILt < 1IKOIN A (
Presenting for tlio First Time In Omaha
Burgeons , Niw Succlacnlar Panlominic ,
oxts Open Saturday nt Usuil Prices.
Will I.awlor , Manager. Cor. lltb nnl Varna in
Don Cnmcron. tl.o Lilliputian Orator. A wonderful
Mliliret , roilro. SlMglnx I'nrrott , l.ovcnbcrit Illnilons ,
La Verne , mn tcr m'nil ' of ninulo unit bachelor of
black iirt. A timt rlnut comedy cutcrtnlnmont In
addition to thcso wonders ,
Moore's ' Tree of Life ,
A poBlllvoniro for Kid noy mil I.lver Complaint
ninl nil lilooil illvoiMci. l > Mltpiy : to HIIIUT when
yon cm liocinecl by Uhlun Mooro's Tree < f l.tfe , I.Ifo Kernel ) ' ? rrliofl pur botllo. 1'ro-
pured put up l > y Ur. .1. II. Moore ,
This U to certify tint I lura to < to.l tlio medlcn
prupcitlcii ot Dr. Muuin'ti Tree of I.llo roniuily to m
entlroHiitltrnctlon , niul cm moat hunrtlly rcconi
nieiul It IntliDfUfTarlntf unit ntlllcteilcvprywlicro. to
bo nil o'altno.l for It In thj above rtitemi'iit. I.nst
rprlni ! I was inifforlnii from loss of mipetlto , constl-
pnllJii , otc. , or'K.niltnu from klilncy and liver
trouble , nniU hint not used ono bottle of till * uri'iit
J.Ifolluiiipily until I wns uic.illy relived. .My wire
nli-o , liolnif ntn very crltlrnl tnio In life , wna uf-
fprlnx miicli nt tlrac . nnd by Iho uo of tliH rom-
eily Imn Ijicn unveil Ironi iniu'li Kiiflcrlnj * nnd possi
bly from I'remiiluro ' clo.ith. Our yunnKent on'
licullli for scveml > cu ; ] iri been very dulltnto. Jin
continctoil nome lung trouble by taklni ; cohl wltli
mci : > cU lilcll pnuliieiM Hront nervotn debility mid
occn lonnt bleodtncof tlio lun s : helms iibcil Komo
four bottlosdf Trcoof I.ifannit locU ninl looks us
tlioiiKli new llfo hail boon given him , If ) on nro
afflicted , try It. liEomu : Mltiru
llox V4 , Cnrllilo , In. rrosliJlnK KMor.
. .
1400 and 1411 Doclao ; St. , Omaha , Nab.
-nunnniis OK
First Glass Carriages ,
The I.cndliiR Stylos. The Lowest Trices. .
Tli Jlurrau , foi : 1-lth unit iltn-ncv ,
Mlin tnoHt HtibHtanttnllu
Jlotct Itntltllnii In Oimilni. Hci'crul
hcnvu bvlek Jti-o tc < illn rtiitiifiif/ from
iKiHCJiieiit to roof. All tin : cellliwx ninl
flooi-H linctl irltb Anbcntore jn-oii/
iiiliiftnnklnu it fiiij > oMM/bfe to burn
QHvl ( { . Five encuj > en untl jtra iiltii'iim
throughout the Inilltlliiii. Steiitn lic.ut ,
hot unit cohl tivifcr unit nnnnliliiili\
ereru room. X l / \titnnrjiHnncit < tnu-
Corner 14th and Capitol AVenuo.
Just completed , has 100 rooms , throj
stairways , from the top to tha bottom , hai
ftne elevator and dinning room service , Is
lire- proof throughout , line bllbr.l rooms and
the ilne'.t toilet roomi In the city. Lar a
Sample rooms , Suites with bath &J. Cor
14th nnd Cnnltol Ave. Street oar servloo In
all directions. Ilfites. from SB.5O to S1.00.
National Bank
Capital , - - - - 400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - OSi.QOO
Olllcort mill Uluxtora llenrjr W.Yatet , I'raalilintt
I-cnla a. ItuuJ. Vlco-rrcsulent ; Jutnoi W. HaroiiJ , W
V.Moraa. John H. Colllni , IU U Cuatiln ; , J. .N. II
IMirlck W. 11. tUIuglioi.
Corner IJtli nud Karnara StJ.
A General IJuuklni Uuslueu Trmsiotel
Specific Directions.
II'A COLD IN THIS I1U.VI > , npply
I'oud'H Extract ( diluted oiio-hnlr )
by n nnnnl ilouchr , or Mind' It , or
vuporlzo It over u lamp und Inhulo
tlio Cumon tlirou li the IIOHC.
IF IIOAHSi : , Knrcto wltli I'oiid'a
Kxtruct Kovornl times dully.
xr TIKI : TIIIIOAT is sonu
nnH MCCK .vrinr , rub tlio neck
EASIEST thoroughly \vltli 1'oud'n I2xtract
nn l , on retiring , \vrnp the noclc
In n woolen l ninlngo ; Maturated
tt'Itli loiil'n Hit met , und pro
tected ! > > nn outer ivnipplnj ; . i
tulto n tcnspoonful of I'ond'i Ex *
tract four or five time * dully.
core , rub them Tioroualy with
I'oiul'n Extract.
I'oiul'N ' Extract and bnndn o with
cloth saturated \vltli l'oiul' Ux-
TO tract. ItchliiK quickly stopped.
BUT do not purcluiKc no mo cheap
Mibntltuto nnd expect It to do vrliaU
Pontl'M ' Extract will. Ho Hiiro you
have gciiiiliia article. Ulnilo only
by Pond'N Extract Co. , Now York
and. Iioiidon.
A check for will secure insertion
of half-inch , one time , in papers below.
PHILADELPHIA..Ladies' Home Journal EOO.OOO
NEW YORK Delineator . ' 300,000
11 Housewife 140,000
II Our Country Home 110,000
II Ladies' World
II Argosy 130,000
SPRINGFIELDO. , Ladies' Home Companion 110,000
Advertising Agents ,
66 & 68 W. Third St. ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen yonrs c < porl-n30. A. rotnlir sri'tmto In tnMlclno. in dlplonni sttoir. If itlll
tlio Broatost aiicco" , nil Norvo" ' . Clinmlo anil I'rlvntu Dl o not. A pornmnont oura unnrunleo t for Uitorrl ]
bpcr , , iVl Mnnlmcul , Seminal WuBHiio-n. NlKht 1.01101. Impntuiiur. Srjihllli. Htrlcluro. nndnll dlij
5" " of tlio Hliioil , Skin nn I Urinary N 11. 1 itimr.inUjo t-W for every cmo I un lort iko ttM td
iiro"ConsultnUon free. llookMyitorloj ot Mfo ) ont fro ) O.llculiour4-l a. in. to 8 p. ra. buaJay II )
a. m. to 12 ni.
"KANATIVO. " the
'VVoiiilcrful bpnnlsh
Kcmcily , 1 told with n
AVrlUumJuarantri )
to cure all Ncnoux Ills-
COAIJ , such u Weak
Mcniury , uoss of Drain
Power , It c il chc ,
Wakclulness , luA Man-
hooil , Ncrvouencti , IAS-
tltuclr , all drains nnd
Before & After Uso. | oi of power of the
Fhotoitrapheil from life. Ucncratho Orgoni , Iu
either > ex. cauied by
over-eiertlon , youthful Indeerretlom , or thu ezrcsth e
u of tobacco , opium , or itlinulonti , which ul'lmntely
Icaa to InOrmlty. Consumption and Inmnlty 1'ut up
tn convenient form to carry In tli veil pocket. 1'rlco
II a paciaBf. or 6 for . With every IS order wo glvo
written Kuarantoa to euro or rpfunil the
monor. StnttTmalltoan/ftiWreta. Circular free.
Mrntlou thli papir. Addrcsl ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Drjnch Offlco for U. a A.
Wncurbornfltrcpt. ruiCAOO. 1M.
Kuhn & Co. , Cor , lltli > V DouRlsft 6U.
J.A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14lh ft DoiiKli
A.I ) . Kcftter & Co. . Council Mufti. In.
It cuii be l en In a tup t cutfu or . or In ar.
:4 lt at fuo3 , without ne Ituowledge of
> In . . . . n ° luieyli ] r < ul , . . and will ctleet
p rra n ct sad > peady cute , whcmer t""J'"i'l'tu '
umij thai t&S'pau'nt underuoo no laoonvinlonoi ,
nd ira hi u owir . hli forapUle rolprrooltca Ii
tifaoiad. i8p > E baoKopArtlouUrir < a. Tabrliadot
KUI1N & CO./lOth / It UoujjUM. & IMh it Cuinlns BU ,
" 'Trada fupplUd by1I..AKE. . UK
- - irTUO CO..Om n
nnnllTI HANIIAI.WOOII OAi-aur.KS nm the
I ill I A beit anil unlr cnp ul < rutcilboUr
UUUU | n rc.-viUr iihrdclani for Ilio euro of
Qonorliou ami dUclmrgo from tin urlnarr
nutrllua ot uc'julruJ. II.N per box , A
= i
Parsons who nro nfllictou with
RoniplnintBhouUl not ( till to use
It frivca immoditito rolitit untl a per
innnont euro In a short timo. It vH *
provutit tliia loll dlsouso from having i
futtil termination. Sold byall dru c
Itas'jro , as you vuluo your haaUh ,
pot thogonuino , manuftioturod only py
UK. A. 11. WILBOIl , Chemist ; Uoston ,
Ma Ci utlivaricnowieilted
ItuOluB i iM ( ly for nl'
unnatuial UlBcliaigui
ceitalncure ( or Ihr U bllV <
1 tMlinr vvakneii iieculli
WrionUby Irrc ortolt ! udo ( li fl
1 I THE U CHlM > citCo In rpmnuntudlDg Ittq
| all iuir r r .
I ) STONED , M 0,0icuu , ltti
Hol < ( hy ItrairKUUb ,
I'Bicis 11,00. ;