TJtil ! ] OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MARCH 27 , 1891. SPEG1RL NOTICES , A nVEUTIBr.MKNTSfortlieno columns will Jx , iio tnkrn until 12:10 : p.m. . fortlio orcidtiK edition , nnd until 8iflp. ! in. , for the morning editionnncl fctiNnxv UKE. rpKHMS Cash in advance. Adrertlscmcutson Mils paso will bechanced chanced for at tlio rnto of H { canto pnr \vord for tlio flnt Insertion , nnd 1 cent per word for each nubRcqunnt Insertion , nnd 91.M pnr linn per mnntli , NoiulvortlH-ment taken for le ° n iliin ! > ccnt' > fortlio first Insertion. INITIALS. ( Izuros , synilrols , ctccountcach n.soiio word. rpllKSH tidvcttlscincnts mint run COIHCCU- J tlvuly nnd under no olrcumslancni will Ihoy bu tnken or dlxrontlnueil t > y telephone. IJAHTIKHmhertlslns In tlipin cnlunins nnd luxvlnc ; tholr answersndilresBcil to n"mim- lercd letter In en roof TUB HKB. will rucclvo n tiiinil.erdl cluck to enable thorn to get their joltur.i. Aimnors will bo delivered only on mes''iiUIIon ot tbli check , Kncloeo ttnswora In envelopes nropcrlr ucidrrMcd , Alifadvorll orticnts uniler the lioaa of "f'ppelnl ' Notices" nro nnbllnlu'd In Ixitli the tiiornliii nnd ovrnlnj ; t'llltlonsnf Tin : llr.K , the ( licnliitlonnf wlilch nu-piugnlcHtnorntliaii tn.Cn pnx | > n ( hilly , nnd RlH's the aclvorllsor the bi'iicllt lint only of tin ) largo circulation ot TiiKlIri ! In Omaha , hut iiNoln CouncillllnlTs , Mncoln and othorcities nniltownsln thuwcat. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thc o columnx will bo taken on theilbovorandltlonf. ntllio followlnc Ininl- IIOK.S IIOUHOS who nro authorized tntiikoRpcdul notice1 ! , at thosatiio ratus us can bo hud ut the tlllllll OlllCO. OUTII OMAHA HUANOII CFKIOE-No. s 20.VIN. Street , Lister IllncK. TOHN W. HELL. I'liiinnaclst ' , 620 South Tenth t ) fit root. flABH * rIDV. ) Statloneru und Printers- liaSoulhICth street. , Q U. KAUNSWOIITII , I'linrmnclst * 2113 kJ ' . CiiiiiliiiTBtn'ot. _ _ _ W ,1. street HUGHES , , Pharmacist , G51 North 10th Gr.O. W. PAUU , Pharmacist. 118 Leaven- worth Btrcot. T.TUOI1KS' I'll AHMAOV , Jlth and Farnam. " SITUATIONS WANTED. Forratet , etc. , tec top of flrtt column on WArrETVAsltuatlonisi coachman by u rollnbloman ; can KlvoguoU rcforrncn At 5113 Indiana avo. HUM 'JO * _ WANTKD-l'osltlon by youngmnrrlod man who Is abool < ucopor and stenographer ; peed references ; moderate salary. Address GfiXneo. lgO * _ WANTKD By competent young womnn : a position an stenographer ; stiito wages , Aillris ( 22l Main nt , Aberdeen. So. Dak. CT-iO : * "ITtT NTED-Posltlon "as watchman or hond TT Jartltor ! references At andean nlveno- Ciulty , Address 0 M , Hoc. M118-ai * _ r WAN 'I UP Hy nfihiBlolady totalcocharRo ot furnished rooms and convenient to llu-vo day bonrrtors. Address 1405 .IncKson streot. aood'rofcnnccs. JI07C-27 * Kmploymont Iluroau Established QMAHA . Tel. 1112 , HO N. Ifith , near Capitol tel avo. Male and fotuulu help constantly on lux ml. M507 All ! * _ WANTED-SItuatlons for peed clrU ! my wait Ing rooms are always full from 9 a , in. In C p.m. Canadian Employment ofllco , ai4 Telephone. t84. 024 ' WANTED-IV1ALE HELP. for rrttc , etc. , tcetopofflrit column on thttjtagc. WANTKD Printers at Ackorman Dros. A ; llolntzn , Friday morning early. 111R Uowartl Ht. MIX-7 ) ! ! . . . employment bureau , room 40 hank building Southeast corner Sixteenth and podge , opposite llaydon's. References , \Voinona * Christian association. MIM 27 * ANTKD-OIrciiliirs distributed , 13 per 1,000 paid. Maloim Co. . Wurrlor'sMark. Pa' ' , SU47 AO * ' : \JOW rcadv. Most wonderful ndvcrtlslns J-i muchInothe world has over known. Pat ented , fcolls to every merchant. Steady work. 11 IB pay. Enolo&o stamp. Are J , Mfir. Co. Kacliie.AYlH. BlUJ-L'S * "TA7ANTED-Snlcsmon to soil lightning rods ; T"qxTinriencod. . Apply to Kdw. A. Key & Co. . J34 4th street , Olnolnnatl , O. MHl-gO * TVXANTEI > Mon with Rood roffronco nt Met- T T ropolltau irt'B Co. . 1009 Howard st. _ . Ul-A. 25 WANTED ToaChorH nnd Ptuilents to work during vacations lit DotiRlns blk. VPANTED-Sollcltors-ladles and gents : 23 Yf Douglas block. 134 a _ ANTED-ltellablo solicitors , 23 Douclas block. 134 iM _ G for ; thol'roRrossIvo Icauuoi nilnl-dortluttnnya $100 In onoyoar.110 per ocl Ick benefits. For terms address F. E. ICrnuse ' room ca , 230 La Balle street. Clilcaiio , 111. M IW-27 * "V\7 ANTED Kxporlonced n ascription sollo- I * iT Itor familiar wltn Nobranlca , to canvasa the stU < 7 for tratlo Journals ot stand Inst must give references. Address , 0 50 , euro Hoc. , 103-iO _ C UTTERS Wnntort It goes without saylntc that outtorn produce hotter rosulti with the A. D. Undo now method than by any prln- olplout cutting taught. _ MiMl-23 * TANTED-A good miller. II. Hurgdorf , Ollnioro , Neb ; _ ir77-27 "VlTANTIi. ! ) Eiicrsotln youiiR man totako i orders. Address .Manufacturer , 1' , 0 , box 507. _ 1 02-87 SA1-ESMKN wanted to soil Roods to mcr- , phnntshy BamplO ! nowKoods ; biBjiay for workers ; nurmnnentsltiiatlon ; chance to build a line ' trnuo , Iiloilcl Mfj ; , Uo. , south Eond , Ind. i 0 A& * _ \ \ 7ANTKD-Good cnnvassors at the Singer ( Sowing Machlno olllcc , 1518 Douglas st. OKI-A-1R t WANTED FEMALE HELP , Ferratesttseetopof Jlrtt coltimn on tMs page \S7ANTnD-Olrlfor ftonoral housework. Mrs. TV J. n. House , 1831 Chicago street. M15J SO * \\7ANTED A neat Klrl for uenoral houco- > work. Small family. SSlllBoward. M14020 . , D Nurse , B'rlt ' rofcronco required. Inquire at liook Island ticket olllco. ifith and Fnrnam. MU8 37 * " \T7ANTrn-airl for housework , small fam- T Ily. Aul > ly 2JW Sownid wt. HO ANTED Girl for Rcnornl housework. ? OS South Eighteenth struct. 055-27 * for Ronoral hoiisowork ; 3 In family. S5S5 Hamilton street , MliO-Sfl' \ATANTUI ) A competent girl foa general f > houMfWork , utltll Doufflns st. 10.I Al'IUST-OIjASScookniid ' guncral housework glrl-wimtodj small family ; high wasos. , C2J N. lOtU. OTU 24 MANTK ; A clrl for housework. St. A. I ) . M Itulcombo. guiiii Calltnrula st. OSG-'Jt > n airl for acnural housowarlc. Mrs. Thos. IT. Hall. ICOO Shermun aroutio. „ . _ O \y , ANTr.D Oooil girl for general houso- ii 1202 Ucorgla avo. 82S2u FOR RENT HOUSES. . etc. , see top offlnt column on IM * jiaja TTIOU IIKXT Ton-room honso. all modern * lmuro\uuients , kx-iioy street , 107-J7 * T7IOK RENT S7-room houses , 16th and Vlu- JL' ton. 10 , 1 8-room house , l > lth and Uiildwoll , jvltli i H modern conveniences. tJJ. AdUresa J , ! ill0" ! ' tJ1N'y * Mfo building. < : w POK IIKN'L' a new atx-room cottager , olty water , sewer , etc. , east fnmts , gamlocu \ tion.V. . 11 , llonian , rooms S and 101'runzer block. Htl a3 HOUSllfor rent It-room lioiiso.modern liu * nrovoments , eumnrUOtli und Dodsn , pos- Epssbu Klvon liuniedlatoly. KiujulTO < 0l X'ax- ton block , M. L. Itoodcr. oa II'you wish to rent ahouso orstoro ice It. G. Cole. Continental bloulc. Kt TTiOll HKNT Ten room nrlek. very modem , JL. south and oust front , laundry , cold cullitr , wutor on every Iloor. iru oak trim ; location nut ) koysnf lr , Hunrtilutd : < 'r , Hot u bitse- incut. itOI , Capital avfiiup. lllSS-nl * Tfipll HitNT : Vlyo-rtipiu cottHgo on motor * ' line ; city wuteri txn Dousla ; . WO 8 room house , all mmlorn convenleuccii cholcolnoatton ; 2ia month to dcalrablo party. 11. K. Coliv. L'oiitlnciital block. HStK-iT ANUM11KU of b-rooin lioiisos. city tvutur und huth , i'Ja und upwards. Also coltiicu ) llundy & Co.,10U Pupltal uvoiiuo. U-if-AT ItKNT No.JIll Ounttol tivenu , inulnrn FOR RENT HOUSES. Tor rotu , etc. , ttttop of first cvlumnon lhl FOU lIKNT-rour (1 ( and 7-Vfxitn flata with both , hot w lcr. etc. ; pared Ktrcot ; near bii" iiifss | till ImprorciiiPiitsi only * 23 per mo. Hefcrcnces required. The Mead Investment Co. . 442 Hco btllldlnK. IU7 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS I'or ro.ttfete.ttetnfinfjtrnt column on thin pjgfc lpOlTltlarse rooms , llRhthousokccplnc. 2 Sl J-1 Ilnlf Howard Htreot. MHO 27 * FOH HKNT-,1 nicely futnlshod rootn for lUht house keeping. Kcfuronco rorjulred. ZKl St , Mary's nvonuc. M12I-M * -ITIOHllENT-rurnlslicd rooms. ( SlSJlurtst. J3 104-q4 ! ! * T AltGH south front room with alcove ; mod- J-Joni conveniences ) motor and cable : ' 'O ) llurtslreot. on-23 TftUUNISIIEU Hat for sale. 712 South ICth. JL SIPO'ViJs T71OH 8ALK-A. furnished flat with all niod- V crn Improvements. Clicnti. Hooins nlrcudy niled vrlth roomers. 701 H. ICth street , Mat 0. MUI4-2S * 171UUNISII ED rooms , steam hoatrroforoncnv -13 KlISDoilKlns. 32 ! 'fi * ri WO 3-roonr cottnecs and3room < All nicely JL fnriilsticd for ll lit housokocplnR , S10 , fl'J nnd $10 per month ; city nticl clstotn WHtcr. am Dccatur. JITOVIll hrntcd llata at TOO 8.10th. Thos. P. Hall , ail f'axton btook. DBS FOH UnNT-Furnlshod roonn. 1007 Douglim St. 211 "OUM/MAN houie , 1310 Dodso street ! for JL gooil board , tilco roorni , modnrn conveni ence ! ) , ratcsnnd location Itcannot bocxcellcd. GSfl nl5 P1SONT room with nleovc , curtains mantel , lioat. RiiR.bath , 2 closets , tor 3 gentlemen or man and vrlfc , tlU.OO per month ; 207 H24th sl033 033 ST. CLA1U Hiiropoan hntol. rrlth dinltiK room ; Htenm heiit In all rooms , 13th and Special rates by week or month. 03J FOUKfiNT-l'urnlshoUroom 14H Dodfiost. M784 m Ul * FOIl HENT-5 rooms , one Door , 1712 Jaekion street. M210 T/1OU KENT-Twcnty-flvo rooms In n brlolc Jlilock ; i/noil location : with or without fur niture , O. ! ' . Davis Co. , 1505 Tarnnm St. SS4MS6 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Fnrratuctc.eeetof > offlrgt column on tills pee * . LOVKliY inoini , with flrbt-class hoard ! ref- crcncos ! IU S. i.1)th ) St. 13.U * POIt KENT Two nlcgly furnished rooms with board , 1707IodKO. ) M12T-20h rpWO nlco south front rooms with boird. JL 1'lcnsnnt location. All conveniences. Also tnblo hoard accommoilutloiiH. HatNfnctloii gunraiitevd. The Hillside. N , W. cor , 18th and room with modern convcn- Iciices.wlthor without board , 1DI1 Donrlan. 7W1A1 * DnsiKAIIliK rooms nt the Frcn or. Can uKo accoinniodutc day boarders. 110 North Twunty-ilftli street. J10TO 'M * 1 > OOMS and hoard , 182J Chicago at BI15328 * A NIOELY furnished front room and hoard tJL for ; toper vrpolc. 1M11 Hurney street. M8h2-58 * FUllNISIIIID rooms and boara , FUltNISHEI ) rooms with board. 407 N. 10th street. J15SO-27 * FOUUENT-A. largo , finely furnished room with board , to a man and wife. The most tilpasnnt partof city nnd private family : no other boarders ; references. Address D 47 , Boo. 625 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Fonatcs , cte.tcetoj > of ftrttcolumn on thltpage. Oil UKNf Doaik ; rooniTn deslrabf ; < T"oHlc'o ; excellent convonionccs. Address. 0 , f > 3 , Hoe. MliM-28 * TfOU RENT Corner store , central nnd do- JL. slrahlo , May 1. or one-half of siroo to do- slrablc nnrtlos. AddrcssO lloo. M040 28 * TCTOK UKNT Offlcorooms , ground floor , near JL , 1'ourtocuth ' and Karnam. Desirable far coal , roul estateeoM.rlco or other first class , responsible buuhics' ' ; . * Addrostl 0 UO , Iloo. _ ' M040 28 * p OH KENT April 1 , u first class loontlon'for JL. crocery and moat market. A' f\rst class business puuranteod n llrst cln s estiihlhli- mont. Kclkonny &Uo. , Jtooia 10 , Continental block. K52 23 FOR UENT Desk In well furnished ofllce , with all conveniences. Room 19 , Contlnrn- tul block. tiq : 23 /1HOICE ( Inslc room for rent In quiet ofBco V < on prouhd floor. 1007 Furnam strort.M78Cg9 M78C-g9 * STOUES'nt tt S 18th ; steam heat furnished. Thomiis F. Hall. 311 Paxtori block. 030 DESK ro 1.1 , J15 ; Star Loaffand Trust Co. 855-A.20 TTOR RENT The i-storyhriokhullUlnK.wlth Jor without powcr.forinorly occupied by the Bee Publishing Co.OIB l-'arniun st , Tljo bnlld- Ing 1ms a II reproof cement basoinrnt.qoinpleto stcum boating flxturoH. water on all the floors. gaa. etc. Apply at the olllco of The Iloo , 1)15 ) VOK KENT Or sale , my building on Jones at , bot. 10th & llth. Q.A.Uiulqulst.UlOS 15th. OU7 ' FOa RENT-WAREHOUSE. For rates , ( tc. , fee top of first column on tfito page. T710R RENT Srioic warehouse , "iwo stories ; - hlzh basement , hydraulic elevator , traok- ivuo ; best location In oltr > A. O. Powell. 040 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc. , tee top of first column OH tMepaae , T > Jow"brl6k ; . Only liotol In the town. Good live town to do business In , Address lock box KiO Lenox , In. Mlll-28 * _ PUUTUQltAlMl ( tallery for rent or sale ; brick , ground floor , population 1,000. Klbbc , llnrtliiKton , Nob. 63(120 ( * "ClOU UKM' Now Union DoDOt liotolOiniilin , ' JL' Nob. E. Btulit lias erected a three story pressed brick hotel , located on the corner of llth and Mason stri'otn , bot'voon the entrance to two viaducts anil wlthlii ono block of the now Union depot , It contains 48 sleeping rooms , a kltchun. liumdry , oflleelobby , dlnlnn room , a barber shop or sanmlo room , a ladles' undKont-s'parlor , nnd hath rooms ; has the latest Imjirovnmcnts ; lighted by cloutrlo light orgaa ; husflro iilnrms luovory room , and Is huutod br stoain. It Is In view of nil trafllo going to and from tlio dciiot. I'lenso address sill letters to owner , E. Stuht. 10133 llth street , Omaha. Nob. J1700 'JO /JLAKDUN FAliMDto root. T.Murray. 1j10H SAljK An A1 lire proof safe. Enquire JL1 at Iloston Store. Ml "Clou BALK Coinploto set of drtifr store fix- JL1 turcs. Hhow cases , etc. . I' . O. box 372. 044 RENTAL. AGENCY. yariate * , rte , , tfo ( op or fr t column on tltit paoi ,1ST your houses to soil or rent vrlth 0. P. n , OU. N. V. JAlis , & 11 J , I'nul , IC09 Farntuu - atroet , malcci specialty of routing hoiiBos , stores , etc. , uncl colloctlnj rents. M.07 , COLK , rental aitoney.Continental blk.WO WO STORAGh. Forratet , etc. , tee ( np nfflnt column or thw page. ' J8tornKeon Nlclmlus and llth St. ; liroporty.Inmilro Coluinhiis llusgy Co. KW1 STOHAGH of household Roods ] oloan. dry plaoo , privately storoil.torins wodorate ; vo alha store stiivos during the tmtumor , we will KOtthoiu from thokousrsund ilullvor them lu the fall In good trim. Toi. UOO. 1 7 Douglas. Omaha Moo Uepalr Works. _ 7ia / IJIKA-l'KST and best storage for furniture , > JWolln. 1111 Kurimm st. ita _ COIjD StoraKn rpoins for OKHS and hutlcr. Also dry t tora'jo for md.HO. anil liouiolioUl Kooda. Itulca rousannblo , iiinpln tranUacc. The Nob. Cold HtorugoCo , , 81J-S1T Ilonard at. KU All _ BK.4T trncknito nnd itorugo bulldlnr In Omaha , United States Kovornmont bonded warehouse , llqiuouolclgoous stored andvitroil for. l.owuU rut os Riiarantcud , W. M , liush- imin. 1013-1015 I > eavunvforth. _ g ' IVI ASS AGEV B ATM S ETC. Ferrate * , tit , , sec tapoffrtt column on thlt pfuf. " " " T\f A SAUE-MuaRin luUTor , over ' 6wre."iatYi. ill M MI-AC * _ " ! V1 ASSAOII bath ut M d me cmltli'ii parlor * . Uu.1 lluor. axa. 15tU t. ttfi 87 * COSTUMES. LAUIKS anil ceutlumen cau rent inasqucr- ado kuU | t ea N. ICth IU 4tt AT 11' WANTED-TO RENT , rorrataetc. , ttttop of frit column on this pyt- WANTED llooru for shqo store , between Harnoy nnd C'hlcano ami 13th nnd lth sin. Address Immediately. Riving prlc .jxw- tcsslon and lixjullon , 040. lice. 105-M * \ V"ANTiiJlr : May 1 , a 0 to 12 room homo T' with modern conveniences ! ono with stable preferred , Near Omlnfss center. lto < v hoiiHo not wanted. Address , J , li llrandcU. 114 So. ICth St. b8O FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For rate * , etc. , tee top of f rat tolumn onlMspage TT OK SACK rurnlturo In 7-room homo ; JIIOIKO for rent ; opp. Hatiscom park , north. All modern conveniences. Cuqulro Ixjo &Nlchol.WthRiul ! Lcavcnworth. JI103 FOR iSALE- HORSES WAGONS For tata , etc. , tee top nf frst column on th C pu0 . FOH SALE 1'onr young brooa maros. tlitoo with foal. Uoom J Wltlincll ulook , l.r > tb nnd Harnoy. M14S-AS * FOB SA1..E Good heavy work tonmi BlHPux- ton hlocic. ' jlOIt SALK Carriage , team , > a on. horse , ' cow , Uash. Cheap. Colonel llutlcr , 1'orU HO1ISKS nnd muloi , cash or ctisy pavmcnts. Call or ivdilrcss llawkoyolnv. Uo. , rootuHa. Douglas block , Omaha , Nob. 030 IIIOH SALE Cheap , wason and double work harnaHs , or will excluiiiRO for huokboard , also Rood sldohiir buggy , cheat ) . II , K.Colo. Continental biilldlnt ; . WJ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Forratw , etc. , tectop offlrst columnontlttspaae. 4CO.OOO brink for snlo$7.f > 0nor 1,000 ; cnnshlp by rail. Address U5S lice. JIUI-20 * I1OU SALE-IUikorsoiitfltcomplotP , In town of two thousand Inhabitants , E. .Tonro , Aurora , Neb. lli-31 * FOK 9AIjIDIobold snfo In good rnndltlon ; medium slzo. Inquire at 40G Morcliuiits National bank. JUKI TTIOU BAIiIVA standard maUo upright J- piano , but llttlo used , at a sacrifice. Must bo sold at onco. Call at 2419 Caldwcll. 'J l FIllEbrlok. 122.00 ner thousand , tt D. Wood- worth , 1513 DouKlas st. 070 WANTED TO BUY. For ratei , etc. , teetop offlrst coluinn'on Hits page. WANTED An upright plnno , socondhmut ; In Rood condition. State lowest spot cash , maker , wood , octaves , &c. Address Q. A. Gray , Coleridge , Nob. 1)07-27 ) * IWILIi payeash or trade fresh mlleh cows for dry ones. Address K. S. Jester , IMS N 20th nt. j)34 ) U0 WANTED A small pony nnd phaeton choiip. Also St. Dornard dog. Inquire or address A. D. Itrandols.lH SoutliSl.xtccnth street. 801 FTJKN1TUKE bought , sold , stored. Wolls. 1111 Karnam st. 1)40 ) MISCELLANtOUS. For rates , etc. , see top offlrst column on thta page. WILLIS COY. house mover. G13 South 17th strcot , and 813 South 2oth avenue. UB-May 2.5 * G.ET OIo Olson to write up your town. It will boom business. Addrosa llox D , Iluin- boldt , la. M115-2S * W'ANTED Two coplci enoh of the mornliiR and oveiilnK HUB of Novornher Hrd and one copy of the mornhift of December 2nd and three conlcsofttoeveulnu of December 1.18HO , at the Dee olllco. 078 MASSAGE treatmentolcctro-thcrmn.1 baths , soalp uud hair treatment , nianlcure and chlropodlHt.Mrs. l'ost)19 ; ) > i a 15th. With neil blk. 047 FINANCIAL. For role * , etc. , tec lop of first column on tht * page , BANK stocks for sale. O. B. Burrows , Norfolk. Nob. 203 MORTGAGES placed promptly upon Omaha business property ut lowest r.itos. 'Loans nmiln on approved collateral security. Notes bought. School und municipal bonds nejrotl- ixteu upon very fnvoruhlo terms. Ktinbu.ll , Ohump' & : Rynn. liOS Farnam afa . 80J a8 OUTGAGE loans wuntocr. vestment company. t 701 _ _ trUUST A ; Eoeond uiortgacos on vacant & Im- J-1 proved city prop. County warrants boucht. Honey on band. F. M. Ulchardson,8l9 N.Y.LKo. or o MONEY TO LOAN RE AL "ESTATE Forracs ( , etc. , see top of flrtt column on Uid page JotTlnsTiSOlvo miles , five years , for stool ranRoi , fur- nlturo , stocks or lots , Address Q BO.Boc. mm 137-ni _ MONEV to loan , Midland Guarantno itnd Trust Company. 1G14 t'arnain Btroot. M7U3 MONEV on hand to loan on Improved or un improved property. Chus. w. Ilnlnoy , Omaha National bank bldg 511 M 1 * MO.NEY to loan On real estate. Installment mortgage : now plan ; easy monthly pay ments. For full particulars oall on or ad dress United States Loan Is Investment Co. , rooms 001 and CO ; Upo building , Omaha , Nob. Milff A6 _ _ _ 6.1'EU cent money , K. 0. 1'at orson , 1)07 ) New York Llfo building. _ TbTulT MONEY to loan on Omaha property. Fldol- Ity Trust company. 1011 Ifaruam. "PRIVATE money to loaa J , D. ZUtlo , 014 .JTN. Y. Life. 055 _ _ BUILDING loans. 0 to 7 per cent ! no addi tional chnrjros for commission orattornov's fees. W. U. Moikle , First National bank bld'g. Ool _ REAtiEsta'e Loans Cash on hand. Qlobo Loan and Trust Co. , 'MIS. 10th at , No delay , no extra charges. Houses to r mt , good list. 053 E. & C. M. Anthony. 318 N. Y. Life building , .lend money on farms In choice counties in Nebraska and Iowa , also on Rood Omaha rosl- dQiico property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; 110 delay ; money ready , Titles and values passed ou lioio. oru TVTONEY to lonn on Improved city property I"J-utcurrent rates ; funds on liuiid ; no de lay , Geo. V , lllust&Oo. , SOS Uamge bid's. & > t SECOND mortpano loans ; money ready. Alex. Moore , 401 lieo blilg. 100-LU * EASTEKN money-Gilt odRod Inside loans wanted. I'hlladollihlu Mortgage mid Trust Co. , Q. W. P. Coates rep. 1 Hoard of Trade. IS-mlll MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. For rnw ( , etc. , tec top of first column oti f/ifj / page. MONEY to loan by B. P. Masters on chattel and collateralsecurltlosfor any tlmofrom 1 to 7 months , lu any amount to suit bor rower. lionnti made on household poods , pianos , or pins , horses , mules , houses , louses , warehouse rccolpts.otaal the lowest possible tales with out publicity or removal ot property. My loans am 10 arranged that you cun rn alto a puymout ot any amount at any tlmo and ro- ducu both principal and Interest , If you owe a balance on your property or have a loan you \YaiiU-lian2ed. I will pay It oil nnd carry It for you. If you find It more con- vonli'nt ' , call up telephone No. Iti''l and your business will bo nrr.mced at liomo. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity , Lowest rates. B , F. Masters , Itoom4 , Wlthucll hllc. , 15th and llarneysts. * U4S OHA'L'TEl , ti. l.nh at. , luana moiioy ou chattels or collateral ut o.isouablo rates 040 PERSONALS , For ratc.ctr , tea toil ntf lirri cniim.l iQit Ink petit INI'OUMATION anted ny person wlio can send mo the address of U. D. Cnnnally orlllnim Davis , who wer itt Julesbunr In 1801 , will confer u favor on both parties , Ail- D. Union , b.iguaelic , Col. tPS-'JC * Forratet , eta. , tee top of first column on ( Mi pees rilHV ! Allen-ICotchaiu School of Kxpressloii , .llloN.i'ith. Olai > sc8 belniiforiiicd In laocution , DcUurta , Sl.akeauoaro , I'liysleal ' Uulturu. _ _ _ _ _ V.U an * B Kl'OltK buying a ulann exumliio tlio now sctilu Klmbull piano. A , Hospe.lSU UouRlas. _ oa GKO. V. GclliMiboolc. teacher of the hanlo , with Hope , IjlJ Uouijlus. _ S19 I1IAVJ3 u dnv new pianos for nalo awfully c icap , nn I Jiiivn cone ont of the plunu bust- neks. f. Jnimnon , 1 nruum und llth sts. 003 DRESSMAKING. Forralettatetetopofflnt cvlumnon thtipage. PAWNBROKERS. "JJll'.KD IJchlo IOUB ionoycor. Purnam&llth _ BUSINESS jOHANCES. fbrrntrt.tte. _ t topfl/jlr , lroumn _ | on thti page. CHANGE In n 1IW tlmo for men wllh A capital nnd active llluii nlthout capital to secure a very plcasdrjt' and profitable busi ness. No drones of curiosity deckers need apply. AddrcAi with y cent stamp. Consoli dated Ad Jus tnblo Bliou Co. , Salctn , Mil" . _ _ _ j ; / MIIg-27 * FOIt 9ATjE Or Excltfthfte. a well selected stock of general merchandise In a country town. U , It. Mcholsoir. : A > 33 Avoiiuo U , Council iTs. _ _ * ; 7 ; _ MUB-AI ffriNOUMllKHED productive rral estate In U Council lIlulTfl , vnnb tISOOOrnlll trailo for mi I in pro vod Ncbraskix'limd. ' J , J , Shun , Hcxiin 210 aierrlani block. < M12S--JO * _ AriKST-OLASS bihory and restaurant , with llglitttonk andlcood fixtures , for Rixlo In Denl'nii , la , for particulars add TOM K. K. Alien. Dcnlson , In. JU01-S7 * Sl'LrNDll ) chance for obtaining established ptoccry trado. For particulars add res * 0 S3. lice. M121-30 * WHOLESALR llqtlor liiulnoai. a party with capital desires to buy Into above business In Omami. Address , stating amount required , I'71 , Dec 4 : w * IAVANT to buy active orspeolal Interest In n llrst class grocery business ; all cash pre ferred. Am experienced. Address O 40 lioo. JIMO 28 * FOKSAI.E--IIololand furniture. Hampton. Neb.vllltakopart ! clear land ; If not Bold In ton days will bo to lease. For particulars apply lo178 \ , Contra ! Olty , Nob. 057 23 FOIl SAlVE-I-oaso and furniture of 25-room hotel In business part of a town of ten rallro.uR Itcasons for sclllnc ! Ill health , Address J 15 , Dee olllco , CoimcIllllttlTg. Mini > ALOON for sale , only ono In the city. Ad 'dress M. It. Dunn , I-OIIR 1'lnc , Neb. 637 all * ' FOIt SA.Ijnor Trndo Awoll located ranch with 10,000 head of cattle nnd 'IOO horses ; Cattlowoll graded up from nntlvos. NoTox- nns. Owlnii to tuvorablo cllmato ranch well ndnptud to breeding , I'artlcs Intorcslcd , do- slrlnc to close up their business , will oflcr special Indnccinontsto biiyora for cash orvoll located rual ritiito , Per further particular : ) apply to or address , Robert W. Clarke. 2il Ijii Hallostrcot , Chicago. , $2 ® " GllOOEUV stock for sales doing a cash bust"- ness. Address T 47 , lice. S15CO A1I1 * FOlt S A LK Do yon wish to Rot In a ( rood buslneSH ? llity the Conmcrclal hotel at Broken low , Nob. , tuKo part Umaha ucro properly. 407 SALE Furniture and undertaking business In a. peed town , with or without etoro bullillng ; Dart cash , balance Kilt cdgo paper or clear real estate ; linulcca about J.I.UOO. Itox 042. Lincoln , 4C3 CUAIRVOYANT For ratti , etc. , tec top of first column on thlt page. WISDOM Is Power. Arrival extraordinary of the world's most famous medium , Mrs. Dr. 1 M * Hall , of British fame , known as the child medium of Kiizliunl. Kcinaln not In darkness and Ignorance , but ecok yo light of knowledge and Iciirn what tlio mysterious future holds foith for you. Like a bright meteor Hashing across the darkened sky , this brilliant llttlo medium from across the ocean falls In your midst to dlapol the heavy gloom and bitter woo from the thousands of ullghtcned hearts. Do not allow skepticism or silly religious scruples to stand In your way. Mrs. Dr. 1.L. . Hall h the distinguished , world famed and only natural trance clnlr- voRiint 11ml spirit medium In the country ! seventh daughter of tlio seventh daughter , born with vail nnd greatest prophetic gift of second slsjlit ; while entranced will ro veal ovury hidden mystery In life ; lint boon pronounced hi Europe and Amcilea the greatest living wonder of the present aeco ; understands the sclonco of the "Persian and Hindoo magic , or ancient cliarm-norklng , and pre pares Egyptian tnllrfnfais ) which wlllovor- ooinoyourononiloiroino\o family troubles , restore lost ulToutlons"iiuko marriages with the ono you love nofiilluro : remove ovll In fluences , bad habits ; oiirus witchery. Ills and all long standing and mysterious discuses ; will give correct Information ou lunnults , sickness , dcutli , dlvo'rccft , absent friends , everything ; never fatting advlco to young mon on marriage and how to cheese a wlfo for happiness , and Jwliat business boat adopted for speedy I riches ; stock specu lation a specialty ; Srocovors lost' stolen or burled property1) ) i locates treasures and minerals ; also gives Indlsncnslblo advlco to yoftnB Indies on lovo. courtship iind marriage. Ifyourloyorlatruo or false. The mysterious nnd succp fiil muniior In which she treats matters of 1 the utmost obscurity huHglvon such untrcrstil satisfaction that her name has become a proverb ! In thousands ot houscluildsmaUohamjy by. her aUl JU"l &A- vlco/tliiJfictthatsnq.'lias ftJstlinUllir cnal- lougoor 810,000 to uny modluni ho cau onual her Inhorluarvcloiis'jrtivolatiom ) Is Bufllolcnt ovldoiibo that she stantls ; today without nn equal In her line of bushic.33. Madame wishes It thoroughly understood that oho Is the only bonafido seventh daughter of the seventh daughter of the present , ago and advertises nothing but what slio can do and would not bo chUscd with the many cheap pretenders found In every city. All who are In trouble , whoso fond hones have been blasted , who have Ucen deceived and disappointed through false pre dictions of others , uoforoirlvlnguu to despair , are hulled to call and ho convinced of the true statements of tlio above without delay. Madam convinces the most skeptical , as It Is a well known fact throughout the world since the days of ancient witchery , that only a sov- oiith daughter botn with a veil cun reveal the fdtiirn porroctlv. Hours I ) a. nr. to 8 Pn. . strict. N. 1) ) , Vorfoot satisfaction guaranteed by mull. Bond etanio for lllustnvtud circular with special terms. , Mrs. Dr. T. L. Hull , 323 N. iStli street , Omaha , Nob. | J OJS-'fl * TO know your future , go to Mrs , Stover , 406 North Sixteenth strcot , third Hoor. , M151 28 * MKH. KOUT. p'.ilmlst fortune teller , tells past and f uturo from the lines of the liana hi old gypsy way ; ladles only ; feol. 512 8. 10th. 550 A 1H * " MRS. Vr'ALLiACE , clairvoyant ; naturally gifted ; tolls past and futuro.lovo troubles , absent f rlonds , changes , travel , business. 1303 l''arnam ' street. Ma5 2fl * MASSAOK BladanUelzlor , over 0108. lath M101-AO * ANTED-AH shotild know Mrs. Dr. Ob KJII. the lady mind roadcr and fortune teller ; tells past and future ; she ts the best over hero ; Is especially deep In all mutrlmo- nal alTalrs and mysterious disappearances ; don't buy , sell or go on a Journey until you consult her ; shn can can fortoll Its results ; U truthful nnd reliable : perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mall ; send two stamps for Il lustrated circular. 323 North ICth st , Omaha , Neb. 181-alJ MRS. Nannlo V. Warren , clairvoyant , trance speaking , writing nnd rollablo business medium , four years In Omaha , 110 N. 10th. ! H3 FOR EXCHANGE. For rates , etc. , see top of first column on Ihfs jwffu. JL ? property for 8 to ID-room dwelling north of llanscuin 1'arlc , orgood building alto In uamo locality. Address 001. lleo. 110 .Hi * OLKA N general stock of nierohandlaa for farm and money , UOYS03 , Frankfort , Ind. ; 033 IH.YVKUnow houses In Poppleton I'nrknoar motor line , also 10 good lots thut I will trade for stocks of dry coo < ls , oluthlii ) ; and shoes. Address owner , David K , Well , Clurlnda. lit. M012-S8 * rilOKXOIlANOK-Olear general stock ofllry JL goods , clothing , boot und shoos ; will tnko real eatato and some uiunoy. Addtuss llox 2X > , Frankfort , Ind , ,5ti KU alO ANTKD Huruwamor Eonorai merclian- dlso stocks , larev or small. Address O 57 , Hoc. ! ; ' 1U7-31 IWlLIj trade Rood c\dnr \ lot worth KOO nnd take good upright pliIHo as part payment. Addrobal'iB. Ueo. * " 47h "VX7ANTED To trada , for a stock of drug * . T > llox 618 , city. 'U U5'J Vornitea , etc , teef < > iytjft , column nil l/iis / page TOST from 8laiiilitor.honso on4th aud 1'a- J-J clllc , a red slodK "weight 1,100 or l.a pounds. Howard If returned to 114 N. llth at. . Tel. IMS , Vjj iil-'i : * HAIR"GOOD WIGS , ETC. Forwfcj , c < c. , sccfopofficolumtt on.l/is / page. BFBT line batrKOodiIn west ; ImlrilreasliiR , wl s , switches , ban'3 , hair olialus , cto. , u specialty. Davle-i , Imlr coeds and milliner , oppoalto postolllcu. 111 S. 15th M , . Unnha. aw PATENT"SOLICITORS. . Forrateetc. , see topofflitt coumn on thta page. ) , \ & Co. , Itco building , Omaha. Hranch otlluo at AVmlilncton I ) . 0. Consultation free. UJU Cortlllunto of I'tiblluntii n. OFFICE ACCOUNTS. btatu of No I ) rusk Lincoln Keb.l , It U hereby certified , that the U. B. Mutual Accident association of Now York , In tlio state of Now York , ha * compiled with tlio .Insur ance law of this state and U authorized to truiisiiotlnislnussof ncnldiintInsurance Iu this Btuto fortlio current your. Witness my bund and the seal of the nudl- tor of publlo accounts thodny unU year above written. T. II. lltNTdN , Auditor 1' . A , CUAULE8 U. ALLAN , Dep ly. Ken , Stuto Agent , 41T Ueo llutli fuf. FOR SALE REAL ESTATt. Formic * , etc. , tt top of fint column onthttpOQt , T71011 SAlf A line Improved farm of 00 J- acres ; 1W under cultivation : shndo trens , fruit , windmill , wagon scales , ole : 10O tulles west of Omnhn ; t $ ) per acre , Ad tire J , O 4Jllc < ' . IWO _ "T710II PAIiK or Trnde A timber claim lu -U Dumlyco. . Neb. Addr siQ4a. lleo. aiO.Ono * 5ROOM home , lot aii82. tl.TOOt nlw 0-rooiu house , lot lUHxS"- . o. ror. lltli and Vlntou st-.r..OOO. Ilrlck liouiolot4l\M , n. c , cor. lOtti and llouglas , K10OOU Mn Kulilmnn , ! 12l 9,11th ( i7J ALL wanting farms ; peed clltnnte. tnnrkon and soil. AddremO. K , LanillsVlnoliiinl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T710U S ALf > -Choluo corner SUli streot. South JL' Omaha ; full business lot , Jackson , near ICth. H , Ho < : iM _ M7llal7 * T710USALE HcnttnKci. cor. 1Mb andOumlng , JL1 cboup. C. D. lllbblns , 1II1J Douglas st. "I710R SAI/E Olicnn A lioinstoad claim three ) JL1 miles from railroad town. Henry Kolloy. Ausclmo , Neb. IM-aj * _ ISO acres flno farm land adjolntuR good Ne braska town ; nearly clour , NX ) acres llnolv Improrod land 3'J miles from county Rent In Nebraska ; lightly cncuinbrrod. 120 aoreiKOod hind In Nobr.iska , Smllos from county scat ; 2 , ! > 00 InhabltnnM , lloi.sonnd lot in town In Kansas ; clear , Clear lot In Rood Nebraska town. 4-room house and lot , barn , wall nnd cistern , 10th street. Omuha ; slightly encumbered ; will trade for Omnhn property nnd assume oncum- brnnecs. 11. K. Colo. Continental block. 000 FOU SALE 7-room house and lot ; also 0- rooni house and lot , ut u lurxaln , Innulrn owner , gfill Marcy st. I71 Jla7 Tnoil SALK Extra biirqnln. Choice CSxtSO. J-'with bulldlniti rent ! ) JIM.00 per mo. ; ono block from nowl\ . U , L. Oroen , 1C. IlOUar- kor block. KB E OH South Otiaha property busliiosMtraoU- nso or residence o to the loadlui ; es tate dealers in Couth Om.iha , Ed Johnson St Co. , cor. ! ilth and N st9. WTUo " 1710ft SALE Cheap. Tbo rosldenco at 2. > 10 X' 1'lorco street , at a bargain for n few days only. Inquire at the Nob. Steam laundry , 16th and Howard streets. ( Hit 17IOK SALE The most comfortable 8 room J-1 modem house In tbo city , every conven ience , bath , Kns , elcctrlo both , furnace , laun dry , uto. Iinrsjo stable , room for 1 horses , olty water In Mablc , concrete iloor , full lot In half mile limit , convenient to 4 linen of earn , sluulo trees , oto , Prloo $10,000. Address V yJ , Hen olllco. 4M THh ; IlEAl/rx aiAUKCT. INSTRUMENTS placed on rooord March 20 , 1891. WAItH AJITIT DEED3 * .1 11 Brown and wlfo to 11 R Downing , lot 2. blk .1 , 0 E Mayuo's 1st add to Valloy.J 123 M 11 Oroll to John Oroll , lots37 and 28.V Altodlck's add 7,500 R It Downing nnd Wlfo to W E Kenyon , lot 2 , blk 5 , O UMaytio's 1st add to Val ley 100 John Dixie nnd wlfo to Mary W R Water man , lot ? , blkl'J. llanscom Place 3,000 J II Kvnns nnd wlfo to Ili llabb , lot 1C , Kustln'sadd to 1'lalnvlow 2.800 David Gilbertand wlfo to A J Clark , lot 2 , blkSO , South Omaha 1,000 G A llobson nnd wife to J II Trow , lot SI , blk U , Upton I'laco 1,200 J II Molklo and wlfo to J V Hack , lot 3 , I'lack'ssub 3,000 II T Murphy and wlfo to Nols Hanson , lots Xt and 30 , Murphy's add 450 Mutual trust company to Home Invest ment company , o 21,745 , squuro feet of tax lot31. In 10.800 J L Mlk" , to Patrick Leahy , lot 2 , blk 11 , Orchard Hill 850 L Schroocot , trustee , to G N Thomas , lot 0 , blk : ; , llrown Park 1,400 Walnut 11111 savings nnd Investment company to KE Jliirat , lot 12 , blk 2 , Waliiutlllll 000 QUIT CFAIU DEEDS. Joseph Kavan and wlfo to Rudolph I'a- llit , o K lot 12 , blk a. Summit Place , o 5 { lot f > , blk 5 , Armstrong's 2d add 5 W W L.m\o and wlfo to J E lioyd , a 20 foot strip adl s end lot 4 cand wH lot U , WklJfl , Omaha. . . 1 Alfred SjvaborRand wlfo to Nik JaUob- son. s'/i lot IV blk . ' , llo.-sa & Hill's add 403 J P Boyd , shorllT , to Central In'v6stmcri company , Iot4. blkl.Mavno's2d ad. . . . SC2 A 0 Wilson , special mnstor , tof T Seaman , o 30 foot of u 80 feet lot 3 , blk 14 , Shlnn'slstadd 1.407 Total amount of transfers 8 30,401 Leaves I CHIC AGO , niJlU.lNOTON &Q.I Arrives Ornahn. I Depot 10th ana &ta on struola. I Omaha. IBUnLINGTON ft MO. HIVEIl. I Arrlros Orothru I Depot 10th anit Mninn atreeta. j Omthn 10.23 n ml Denver Day Itxprols 1.06 p m 10.25 n ml Dcnclwood Kxproia , , , 405 p m 11)23 ) a m Denver Ixprea 15.15 p in 7.10 p m . . . . . .Denver NliilitKipros 035 a iu 6(10 ( p m , , . Lincoln J.I ml toil 11.30 a nt 8.13 a in . .Lincoln Local. DUO D m j.oivea K. c. , 01. j. w. n. AIU Omaha. Depot 10th nni Mnaon stroeU. Omaha. 9.M a m . . . .Kansas city Day lixpraiB , . . . 6.10 p m 945 P mK. | C. Night Blip vln U. P. Tram. I fi.15 ft m UNION PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha. Depot 10th anil Marcr BtrecU. Omaha. 5.OT a m KnnsnsCltr Erpross. 12 0" ) n m 10.30 a m .Denver Kxpross. 3 55 p in 2 50 p m . .Overland Fljer. . UOCip m 7.80 i > m ,1'ncltio Ifixpross. , 11.15 u m Ieiro FCJlI ; i. it i-Acflie i : : TZfrlvo Omaha. In. P. depot. 10th nnd Mnrcy Is. I Omaha , B.10 p m . . . .Might BxprcM W06 n m 0M a m . . .Atlautto Kiproi 6.JO p m 4.30Ip m , .Voatlbul ' ' - 10.45 am ' & 1'ACIFIO , Arrives Omaha. ICtV. depot 10th and Ucrcr Bte. Omaha. T.H a ml Bloux lltr I'aBieneor , J.8LRJBU mlBiipreaa. . . . . . . .UOJOjtJP i'TripACttTftArrive ( * Omaha. Depot 15th end Webster 8t . I Qibarm. HOP p ml 8t. I'anl Limited. . | M n m L ave ICU1CAOO & NOHTHWBSTUItH Arrives Omaha. | D. 1 * . depot , 10th ana MoJcy Bta. | Omaha. 6.10 p ml calcagoExproi ] nO(5 n m ' I Arrlvoi .Union I niuirj. C.tOp ml .Chlcnco Kxpres ? n.1.1 n J P m | , Hxptoia _ 632 p n J/CUVO ] Xrrlroi Transfer Union Depot , Council riluBs. Tranvfci io.07 a ra . . .IfansiioClly IMj Kiprcn. , 6 ( 1 p 111 1015 p ra . .Knniaa Cllf NlKht Hlpron. 620 a in Travel O1IAIIA It BT , LOU18. I ArrlTt' ) Transfer Union Depot. CouncU ItluITt , [ Tramfel (40 p ra ITti't. l < inli Cumin Hall. . . . . . . | | 2 If ) p n . Trftnsfer Union Depct , Council llluffj. 0 0 a m Cblcngo Kfftet % , OW p n 1000 p m ClilciKo ICiprfss , Ud ) it n 70S p m Crcilon . . 1120 _ n lousrcw r''i' Union Depot , Council 111 u Its. Tranifoi 7.i n m . .Bloux Cltr Accommodation. . 9 0 a u BO.S n m st 'I'nul K nr i . . . 10 on t > M TYPEWRITERS GROWING OLDJRACEFULLY , Pdopls Should Hvo 100 Years nntl Enjoy Life All the While. "To ( trow old Rrnoerully. " says the well- mown Dr. Onrdncr , "Is not the common lot ot ill. With advancing jcixrs coiuo lucronsOil iiflnmtlof , but thuy nro by no means navoldablo and their presence Is duo to fall- ro to heep up to tltolr work the various rjrnni of the body. Tlio study of the bMly by dentists furnlshe' unquestionable ovldcnto lint tlio duration of luiniuii Ufa limy bo pru- iiiRcd to 10J years. " So says Dr. Gardner nndj'ot what moro com- ion than to sou | irenmturoly aged , wlthcicd nd broken down man , or it nnlo , weak mill inuclatcd old Indy. The spirit , li broken ; nil ntoii'st Is Komi from life nnil look forwiml nly In dunth , The saddest Ililng of nil IH hut this picmnturo URO mid breaking down s needless. It eun easily bo avoided by u ittlocuro mid uislstliiK imturo Ju t iv llttlo , nd It Is upon this point that Dr. Gardner prvln spoalci most clourlv. lloi.tysi HoU'iico. common sense , nnd ullov- mrlcnco testify to tlio benefit * to bodorhed roni Iliu use. ot alcoholic stimulants. " It liould bo rnmomhorril , however , tlmt they itHtba pure , and tlmt of nil stimulant * , \\lils- coy I * preferable , The word whlikoy Is do- ivud from An nnclont word mennlng "wtitnr f life , " ami It Is a most appropriate nutno , nl- hough Micro I * so much tlmt N unworthy In ha market. The hlKhestauthorltlos-docttiM. ! liomltM nml sulnntlsta aureo. howovor. thut ) ulTy's I'uru Mnlt WhMeov Is pureamlcannot larmnvcnnchlld , Its oiTeot It to build up lies ) stem , runow the IIfo nml roplnco weak ness anil wonrlnoss by healthy vlRor. lie voiy arutul. howocr , that you oi'ouvo only the Dnulno ; Insist on your druRRUU furnishing roil wltli it and you vrltl ctfrtatnly Und great > onuUt from Its usu. WAUI3HOUSKS. leal Estate Men Favor the of the IHII. Moro than tlio nvorago number of mombora attended tlio meeting of the real estate ox- ohnngo yesterday morning. As soon as the > ro3ldent rapped for order , Mr. Tukoy made ho nnnounccmont that Saturday morning ho vould sot up an elegant lunch. This announcement was hailed with do- Ight , after which the public warehouse ) bill vus discussed at some loncth. Mr. Benson saying , "Tho passage of this bill means moro 'or the state at largo than it docs for Omaha. ! ts passage and the system of Inspection nnd rradhiff that must follow means better prices 'or small grain and naturally will induce 'armors to plant more wheat aud corn than ever before. " Mr. George said : "If tho'.blll passes It means 'ully fifty thousand moro farmers for No- braslta Ourliip the next Hvo years and an in crease of from - to 5 cents pur bushel ou too iricoof grain. " Mr. Tulcoy was an enthusiastic supporter of the measure. Ho understood that such a measure as the ono now bof ere the legislature would malto Omaha a grain market that would DO unequalled by Chicago. estate matters wore taken up nnd an ncroasoii demand reported. Mr. Suicaton said : "Wo are upon the bo- Kinnlng of n boom and I havn no hesitancy In saying that there are now moro inquiries for Omaha property than ut any tfmo since 18iOFor For the jure of colds , coughs , and all de rangements of the respiratory orpans , no other medicine is so reliable as Ayor's ' Cherry Pectoral. It relieves the asthmatic and con sumptive , oven in advanced stages of disease , aud has saved Innumerable lives. OLiEAXINO GllOSSWAIiKS. The Mayor's Comments on the Man ner of the Work. The mayor is not well pleased with the way n which the matter of cleaning the side walks nnd crosswalks has boon conducted by tlio chairman of tlio board of publlo works and the street commissioner during the past few days. Yesterday ho said : "Moro than a mon th ago a standing order was issued to those two mea to keep the crossings iu the business portion i r the city clear of mud and snow , but they do not seem any attention to those instructions. It is n dlrfjraco the way the matter is handled. Right in tbvheattjtf the city the walks are covered with snow" and slush , while thoao mon whoso duty it is to look after such things sit in their ofllces and lot men , women and children wade around in mud up to their ankles. There uro any number of laborers In the city who would bo glad to have n chancoto do this work if these official's would call upon them. " With these remarks the mayor started out on a bunt for the two ofllcials who loaf in the court house basomont. Mra. Wlnslow's Soothing Sy rup reduces Inllitmtnatlon while children are teething. 25 contb a , bottle. Decision In Favor of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ily. The now Paluco sloopinf * cars of the Chlcapro , Mihvivulcoo & St. Paul Ily. , with electric lights In every berth , will coritinuo to leave the Union depot , Omnhn , at 0:10 : p. in. , daily. Passengers taking1 this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 : a. in. , in ample time to make all custom connections. Ticket ofllco , 1501 Favnarn streot. F. A. NASH , J. E. PRKSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. Criminal Causes. The trial of criminal cases-will bo resumed before Judge Clarkson in the district court next week. Monday morning the case of the State vs Bon Cohen will bo called. Concn Is charged with concealing stolon1 property. Tuesday the trial of Joe Dwyer will begin. Dwyer Is the man who murdered O'Connor February 15 iu an Eleventh street chop house. Stolen Silverware. Tuo police were notified by telephone to bo on the lookout for a lot of silverware stolen Wednesday by burglars In the Bluffs , The inlsslnar property includes three dozen spoons , knives and forks. No information was received - coived as to who suffered by the burglary. Qont all _ the painful disorders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to tlio fcmalo BOX. They go , with the use of Dr. Picrco's Favorite Prescrip tion Periodical pains , weak back , bearing-down uensations , nervous prostration , all " female complaints " are cured by it. It is purely vege table and perfectly harmless a powerful general , aa well as uterine , tonic and nervine , imparting vigor aud strength to the whole Bystrm. It costs you nothing if it fails to give satisfaction. It's guaranteed to do so , in every case , or the monuy 13 refunded , It can bo guaranteed for it does it. No other medicine for women ia sold ou such terms. That's the way its makers proyo their faith in it. Contains no alco hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; a legitimate medicine , not a beverage. Purely vegetable and perfectly'harmlcba in any condition of the system. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation , Proprietors. No. 003 Street , Buffalo , NY. XKWS 0V TltR XOKTUWKST. Honnntlonnl ICIopcinont- . I. It Miles , n prominent cltlzou of Central 'olnt , JncUsou county , Oro. , nml for n tlmo n the employ of the sheriff of thut county , vos nrrost < xl In Portland with Mis * Lllllo jtomlhnm , n comely youtiR lady of the sumo ilncc , with whom ho hail eloped. Thocouplo ook n room In n hotel nnd were stir- irlsotl by n ilelcctlvo with n warrant or their arrest half nn hour later. V ( lUmtch ) from Central Point stntcil that in oftlccr would bo hero for the couple toUny , rat the next morning nnothor dispntch was received nuthorlxini ; the release of the couple and n'kliiR thnt they ho watched. A * soon as Allies and Miss StciulliamvoroRlrcn tholr Iborty they took n , trnln for tno ouiul. Miles mi n wife , who Is highly connected , anil n hlltl , and hl strmiKO conduct hn < croateit [ tiltc a scnsAtlon nnd lin friends cannot account for his action nnd think ho U lusnno , 10 Is a daring fellow nnd lint rendered vnlu- ihlo services to the sheriff of Jackson county n running down horse thlovos tiud other desperate criminals. Murilcp Ov c Ills SlitorVlIunor. Ooorfio Nicholas nd John Myers , two mlf-brceds , had a quarrel near Junction City , Cal. , over n woman , nnd Myon WIM hot nnd killed Iiutiuitly. Nicholas went to WoavorriUonnil gnvohlnnolf up. llo tnkos ho innttor coolly und has hut llttlo to say regarding the quarrel , hut statca thut M.vera nmo for him wilhnkntfa nnd ho .shot him. The qunrrol orlplnntcd over Nicholas' ' sister , owhom , it Is suld , Myers was nt ono tlmo MiKiigcd nnd hnd been unduly Intlinnto with icr , nnd who , with her llttlo brother , were the only witnesses to the killing , Brute In Human Form. At Darby , a small nluco fifteen miles south of Grnntsdale , Mont. , a honlhlo case ol may horn occurred. The deputy sheriff of Deer Led RO was nt Darby to arroat a crlm- nal , nnd two men named Uibscn nnd Denny ; ot into an altercation conccrnlnp the arxvst , .llbson knocked Denny down "and , xvhllo in the net of pounding him Denny nut his nrms around the neck ot ( Jlbson aiul hit out his lip pxtondlnir from both corners of the mouth to chin nnd then spat out the chunk of llcsh. Gibson will bo disfigured for life. Xcliriisku. Tnlinn o cltl/ons nro raising' funds to hnvo ho telcpuono Hues extended to that town. Ex-County Attorney Oinves of Thnrstou county Is stiltiB the coniniUHionors for olllco rent during his term. The farmers' nlllanco of Bayard contem plates the erection of n building for n ledge room nnd other purposes. Nebraska City musicians have organized an orchustra and ou Wednesday nl ht ttioy jnvo a henollt ball which was highly suc cessful. Forty tons of sugar beet seed nro stored In the ofllco of the Oxnard compnnyi nt Norfolk rcadv to bo distributed to the farmer ) . The seed coat ? S,000. The mysterious death of n , boy cloven yotira aid In the southern part of Cherry county last December was recently investigated mul 11 was found that his nock Imd boon broken and ho wns othorwlso injured. Peter Klcnchl sold his farm near Columbus the other dny , but when Will Ernest , who purchased the Innd , wont to talto possession of his property Ktonchl drove hlin off the place with a pltohforlc. A warrant was sworn out for Klenchl's arrest charging him with Insanity. Henry Moso , a Junlata farmer , fell from n load of hay and broke his lea. The wheels of the wagon passed over the limb and so badly crushed it tlmt amputation was necessary. Charles Pierce , a farmer living near Moso , went hunting nna succeeded lu blowing a part ot ono of his hands off. John Barloslnk was arrested nt Columbus for boating a woman nt Genoa. Ilarloslhk sold his farm near Gonon , hut before- giving possession he sold the doom nnd windows dews from the house A row ousuod with the purchasers and Barloslnk threw ono of the women out of the wagon In which she was riding and broke her arm. J.B. | Grumes , who died the other dny nt Nebraska Clty.Jwns an old resident nnd a ro- -spcctod citizen. Two years ngo ho sold his property -in-GrcgfisportL taking in payment mostly greenbacks. Ho did not , , aeslroto place the money iu a bank , so secreting It fn a straw tick ho began to assist his family to pack up , preparatory to tnkinprtbolrdcparturo for the state of Washington. Seine ouo un beknown to him emptied thu straw nnd burned it , thus depriving him ot about nil the ready casti ho had. The body of the man found dead near Prague recently has been idoutUlod 03 that of Carl Swoboda , a recent arrival from Chi cago. Swobodu was a man of moro than or dinary intelligence , had served la the y\us- trlan array and hnd seen much of , the world. Ho brought his family with him to Prague and Intended to open a tailoring establish ment. After being In town a fowpnvs ho purchased a revolver , went to the edge of the village nnd shot himself four times. His body was not discovered until th ( > next day. Ho left a note to his wlfo saving that bo must shoot lihmolf , but gnvu no reason for the deed. The coroner's Jury rendered n ver dict that ho committed sutuldo wiiijo msajio. Inwn. Boouo business mon will organize a social club. club.Rev Rev , H. M. Tonney has resigned the pas torate of the Griuncll Congregational church. The Kcokulc Humane society proposes'to see that boys are punished for killing feath ered with tueiv " " songsters "nigg,0r-shooters. A young man who has bean teaching school at Mnysvlllo for several years has quit the business and is about to open a sa loon iu Davenport. Dr. E. S. Barrows of Davenport ivas ninety-two years old Thuradny , Ho utUjnded Judge Grunt's funeral last Saturday , carryIng - Ing out a promise he hud made to the judge several years ngo. The first wedding that over occurred In Union county was in the month of Juno , ISIiO , and was a runaway mutch from Mis souri. In later years the tables were turned aud Iowa furnished many runaway matches to Missouri. J. C. Ilublngor will furnish clootrlo llchb for Keokuk for a term of 11 vo years nt Stiu per light per year. The city council has ordered the mayor to bring stilt against the Fort Wayne company for falling to carry out their contract with tbo city. 1 Walter Hldorea , a fourteen-year-old orphan boy , died suddonlyat Rockwell. It Is thought his death resulted from the effects of a tcrrl- blo whipping administered by Peter Me- " Mhhon , the man with whom ho lived. The coroner is Investigating , The Illinois Central company has at last decided to build a depot in tho'hoartof Wat erloo. It Is compelled to do so by the other railroads entering Waterloo. People have determined to patronize those roads whoso depots are within a day's ' Journey of the ho tels. tels.Tho The Continental fnrmcrj' loan nnrt socurlty company of Sioux City has filed ai tides of Incorporation witn the nccrotury of stnto. The oDjoct Is to ralso monuy to bo loaned on farms belonging to fnrmora who are stock holders in this ixjvporatlon and none others. Kx-Treiisuror Polar King of Taylor county , will have to servo n term in the penitentiary. His shortage is nearly S.'JOOU ( ) and ho was tried three times and each tlmo wns lound guilty. Strenuous efforts luivo boon made to hocura n pardon for Klnir , but Governor Holes refuses to Interfere. A stay of exe cution for sixty days has been granted In order to glvo King n clinnco to settle his nf- fall's before commencing upon his tara in the penitentiary. A lately Imported colored man at the Thorium-ton Inuio , Algona , proceeded to on- foreo the civil rights hill tbo other day by shaking up some boy.s who refused to lot him Join in n pool game. Ou his trial ho said Unit ho wanted to make men of thoin , hut the evi dence showing that ho was nddiutod to drawIng - Ing a rn/or In his reformatory efforts ho wns lined nnd committed. An offer was. made to remit If howould Ionv6 town , but hoprornptly dlbuppolutod the authorities by assuring thorn that ho would never go with nny suoU ntnlu on his character ns thu' VVi'iithor Probabilities rirMr.roU. ( . If March conies in lllco u lion U will go out lllo tv laml ) und vine versa. Bin every day in the jiionth , ruin or ahino , the electric lighted , Btoam houted , voa- tibtilod lliultod tmlus o ( the Chicago , Milwukoo ft St. Paul railway will run , hotwoon Ouiuhii imd Chicago. The oluo- trie burth roadlng lamp in tholr piiluua I cl < | ilnj ( cars uro tlio greatest novoUy ot I the ago. Ticket olllco , 1501 FarnumsL , Omaha.