Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE ! OMAHA DAIL.Y . BElDr Fill DAY , MA110H 27 , 1891.
JCwlj1 Strength In Grains "Was Followed by
SLarp Declines ,
Provlfllon 7'rloon Followed , Tlioso of
Ol her I'roilttut * on a Down Turn
JMvo Stoclc Values
CntcAno , Mnrcli SO. ISpcclal Tolcjrati to
TUB Ilr.K. ] In llio board of trade markets ut
tliaopciilng all rtntni wcro strong and higher ,
and lie ; jiroducUlower. Tliostreiiatli did not
last long , and linforo the end of an liour
wheat VIM down lo from curly prices and corn
wai oil about in much. In pork n lua 1 < m
from lust nlirlit was quickly regained , and
prices moved up n. few cents hlglicr. Sales
cnrly were : Mny wheat , tl.Ulil. totl.MK , to
li.OSJui corn , CS.Uc , to C7'c ' { | porl ( , tlS.OJ to
IIS. * ) . tollllO ; July , Jl'iW toJI2.10. to$12.GOto
IllfiO. Liml mid rllia were stonily. Iftlitro
wcro nny operators In w hctit today who really
foil bullish ttioy wcro content to utul ( up
wheat nn It wits offered on the way down , and
did not try to bull the miirkot. Thorn wn
no very inipnrtant on til do news , and wheat
wainrtecttd inoro or loss till day by the ac
tion In corn. The market started : it lie upon
llRlit receipts hero , moderate ut MltmunpolU.
the Htronzth In corn , nnd the Price Current's
statement tliiitsooillng and crop preparations
were seriously buldnd time. Tlicro VIM a.
light further advunco at once ; and then a do-
cllno sot In , which carried prices down liju to
llic from the top UK'ires long hoforo the closo.
The action for tlio leading months
wai as follows : May , { LNVi , to
ll.03i , to nO'lSS , to tl.OtJtf. to S1.1HK.
to ll.OS.'i' , wllli a further rally to at 1
o'clock. July , JI.01'lo ' fl.OI.'i , to J1.01H , to
tl.fllK , tot 1.00 % to JI.OI. I'uhllo cahlos were
steady early , find at the cloio Liverpool was
Ud olT on futures. 1'arls was nlso quolPil
castor on bolter weather In 1'rance. It was
claimed that cahlo advices stated that tfioncli
farmers hclil half tholroldvlicit and are not
solllnjr , and that replanting will fur exceed
tlio iisrcont'igo of the win tor crop damaged.
Ilaliics wired from Minneapolis that I'urnc
mitlmi'ltles clulnicd that the ( jranarlca lire
drained , with .not cnouch wheat left In tlio
northwest to keep the mills running , nnd Hint
the iK'urs need not he worried ahoutuarly
farm operations In Dakota , as the snow was
tlll very deep. Kansas City reported 11,003
bushels loaded out to go to millers. Now York
cleared 32,000 hiiHlielsof wheat nncl 40,000 pauk-
aien of Hour , with Illllo ( lour nnd no wheat
from Ilaltlmore. The soiling of the day was
part long nnd part short wheat. Mitchell ,
Farinun , Alllinlnu , Linn , White and many
others sold freely. Logan took considerable
wheat atone time , and'Uiiy bouqht u , round
lot nt nnotherllinc , causing a llttlo rally. A
( harp break In corn was distrusted anil
ninny did not wUh to sell vrhcnt short
for fear o ( a quick up turn In corn
which would bo followed by wheat. Shortly
before the close the market wns hold steady
nrouiKlJl.OTJa for Mny and Jl.007 for July. A
rally In whcnt at 1 o'clock was followed by an
other period of Holllng similar to that early In
the day. The decline was qulto sharp Just
before the close , when May touched the low
point at 41.02U and closed at 8l.02tfo ; July ,
tl.OOjf , closing at 3I.OO ? { . March was quoted nt
ll.OOie and closed at $1.00X , I'rlvlloxca on
wheat for Suturduy were quoted at St.01' and
11.04 for May.
At the low point In the corn tnarkot today
liny , OSJic ; July , KllJc prices wcro5540 toftS c
lower than the best pointy touched two days
ago. The decline at the prices referred to
from the close last night was S5jo In May and
2 ! < o In July. The break seemed oven greater
than this because ol a bulge of about lo this
morning at the opening. This IB said to bo on
wet weather and the bidding on longs , helped
by very light receipts. Hut the market wont
olT Just So from tlio opening figures without
any great commotion. Thp.QlTcri ss ffiftOtfdT
heavy , lnt.foja ( mio props wcro not under
the market , and those who bellevo In
BO-ccnt corn waited for n break to
buy. There wus n. rally of lo or
more from the low figures before 1 o'clock.
The action In May wasOOUc , to G7',4ef ' to07 c ,
to , to 03jo { ; July. ( W'ic , to KiKc , to M c.
The close In corn wns IVJo under last iilsht for
Icndlni futures , with May at 057 o and July at
84J4C. The ojctrcniohlRh prices of the murii-
Intc wcro quoted nt C8Uo for May nnd some
tales nt Die for July. Other closing prices were
BJ4o for March and April and OI'ieSjMVlSo for
Juno. May corn privileges for Saturday were
MKo nnd ( if&c.
Outs opened up strong , but soon followed
tlio oxntnplo of the other markets and weakened -
enod to a consldcrablo extent. Tlio inurkot
rallied Boinowhiit , liowovor , before tlio tun of
the boll , but closed from o to lo below yes-
tcrdiiy's.llsiiros. . II. Fowler sold Mny nulto
freely and bought July. Uounsolmiin & Co.
were nlso sellers of May. flint option opened
up ' , io above yesterday's closing price at544e. !
sold up to C.4J.C. down to 63ic ( , anil closed ut
63o. Juno sola from Mic ! , to 64Sc , to Kc. to
Klo at tlio closo. July opened ut5-o , sold to
aSJuC , down to5lc , und closed iitoljo. !
The urent activity which lins marked tlio
provision trade fora few days has Inrgoly
ulcd. Today tlii'ro wnHii riuiKo of urlco ox-
taudlni : to4Ucln pork , lOolti litrd and I5u In
Bhort ribs , mill the closlnB prlcca were 17iu !
lower for pork , 7Mo lower for lanl anil Solowur
for ribs. Auy ! iiorksold atlL .00 , to 81.20 ! ! , to
Hl.SO. to fII.UK ( ! July. * l3.fiO , to r..40. to
IIL'.r)7 , to * iasa > i , to tliajj. l-urd sold down
to UJ for Mny nnd $ (1.80 for July , hnd closed
ttt WB7H niid ttl.SSMBO.SA Hltis touched So.70
and W,0o. nnd oloscd u3,75 and W.07M. The
lower prU-os for lion's early started porit lower.
Packing In the west for the vroek was esti
mated at'SJ.OJO IIORS.
CQMMOiiiTV.I Uiioii. | ninii. | lx > w. | Close. IVost'y
Mar . . . . I 0 . 1 OM
Juir 103 1UO
Mnr Ml *
July , . . . 07 03M 8 $
Mar , , ) . . M & .1 64
Mar 1300 1 ! 15 11 87 11 03 12 07
Juir 12 43 U 65 12 as 13 35 12 U2
Ul UK-
Mar 560 6KJ & 73 6 75 5 80
Mar CCO S67K C C5
Julr. ,
Note * nml ( Sosslp ,
Ilccclpts at Duluth : CO cars whoat.
Ilccoluts at Minneapolis : 10 cars wheat.
hogs at Chicago for Friday :
Knnsas City rocolpta : Wheat , 17 ; corn , SO ;
oars at Ohleago for Friday :
whont , 2 J ; corn , 150 ; oats , 1W.
OhloaKo rocolptsi Wheat , 17,887 ; cornlllOS.1i
oats. 115,1)10. Shlpmonts : Wheat , 44.0J7 ; corn '
llAfll ; outs , llXtrj. )
Su Louis receipts : Wheat. 20,501 : corn. 81 , .
000 ; Oats , 21.000. bhlpmunts : Wheat , 8.400 ;
corn , ai.OOJi outs , 50,000.
IlDcrhohm's cable : cnrgot > s off const , wheat
firmly held , corn nothing olTorlng. On pnssngo
and for tiUlpnicnt , wheat and corn nulet , but
llrni.onihorcoldor. . I.lveruool wheat quiet
and steady , corn hardening.
1-ojnn k Co. to Toncruy ft Ilrynn :
May wheat opened this morning nomi
nally at ILrejH. The trndlnit was light ,
cables were dull and the weather was sprint
Llanhlatloii has been heavy hi nil articles.
elcs , particularly corn. The future prleo of
wheat depends on thu demand and weather ,
Tlicro U un iMitlro abscni-n iif aoiuuiul from
thlspolnt , and the weather seasonable. The
fear of inanlpuliiton ! In May continues , . \Vj
oaui > eo noovldencoof 11 , nnd botluvu It to bo
iiutvly newspaper gossip. The Cincinnati
1'rlco Current will say there Is nothing special
to say beyond that It looks llko
a backward season. No dnmago to winter
The selling uiul roululirj in the com pit
continue * . What the old bull party will do
remains to bo HOCII , Kor the present they nro
out of It. 1'ro vision business keeps heavy and
considering tliu heavy ducllno In corn they
HlK.w grout stronslh. Onnllsott spots'wu uro
favorable to buying them ,
W , ( X McCornitcIc A Co. to V. 0. Swnrtz Jt Co ,
Wheat was greatly Inlluciicml bytlio break In
corn , especially as the sculping crowd are
very bearish ana hutumcrod tliomarkot vigor-
ouBly. News was son rco. ItccelpUi at eleven
primary points WHO 3I5.UOO busholH and ship *
iiil-nts KKMHX ) . 1'iirgo oloarancet of Hour were
icported front Now York but had no etTuct
liuro , Tlio Cincinnati I'rlco Current ro-
uorti the winter wheat looking well
but * priag work backwurJ. The cloio
wns tnm * , Thiivcnkncs" In the corn market
nas thu key to Dm general cruln situation to
day. Investigation among prnln receivers
yesterday showed that where two weeks IIKO
country bids ( fcru accepted for flvoto flfty
c\rt. : \ they atonow belnn ncccptod to the. o.\
tent of three times that much. This Indicates
u sharp Increase I it receipts , and started three
ofotir largr-stbull operators lo sellinn at the
opening. 'I'lKMliort-iuro so nearly eliminated
that a sharp break ensucil which wns only
stunned by buying of the early sellers. The
marketluRlns lo look very heavy , anil ns If
the longs inuy possibly hnvoovontaycd their
time , ( . 'ash continues linn , There was but
little nuws today on the oat donl which fol
lowed the corn market closely. I'rovlslons
wcro fairly ncllvn. 1'rlcrs wcro lower , but the
market was without the panicky feeling
which has prnrullpd In It for the last two
days. Thu outsldu liquidation continues , hut
orurythlnK considered ttia market has taken
nirerlngs very well.
Kcnnrtt. Hopkins.VCc/ . A. MoWhortor
\Vlicnt boiirx were dltappolnteil that cables
Ehowcd llttlo deprcsiion. It was thought the
decIno ) hern oCI'ic would brltis In sick cables
this inoriiliighut Instead [ oriilKiiadvlcciwerc
nultullrtu anJ uiiuouriiRlng to holders. The
cIToitYKis to start the price about ! 4o hlelier
than the olosnyesterday , hut alter a sllcht
further advance olTorfngs came out freely
and iimlur heavy liquidation ot longs the
prleo broke Uic. A portion of thli
IIWH was rrcovnrrd later , but closing
prices were about the lowest of the
day nml 4n olT from Tuesnny'i top.
The market nets llko an old toporpulllnghlni-
keif together after a crafty drunk. Things
don't look to him the sumo as when flushed
with drink. The hiead famine Is not nearly
hi ) I nuiiliicnt. The fact that tlie'.vUlblcliupply
added to the amount for Kuropols 17-
5ii.Xi ; ) bushelshiruor thnn ayoiirawo anil the
pr'cesVO < ; to2.o lilKher. The truth N gradually
working Its way to his brain that Uussla and
other exporting countries hnvo taken ad-
viintngo of the iirtlllclal Inflation of
prices In Atncrjcn. to unload some
of their tuiru'.us and this Is mak
ing Its nppuarnnco In the enormous
amount on ocenn passage. Countrymen are
Int-Rcly responsllilo for the extraordinary
markets wo havu , hail recently. Tlioy have
hcon tntcnsnly biillMi on iiKrlculturat pro
ducts ot all kinds , ami tholr buyliiR has forced
prices to liolghts. it U by no
means certain that they may not bring about
other rallies of oiuial strength , but In the end
we areconlldcnt natural Inllucnccs will pre
vail nnd pi-Ices will heolc a normal level. Corn
nnd oats longs take advantage of nit firm
spots to cot out of their holdings and the oc
casionally urgent demand from shorts fur
nish them opportunity. Thu big holders sold
out near the top \vhllostlll working bul
lish It Is evident they are nut averse to a
lower level nn which loony back. Juslwhoro
their objective point may bo Is not advertised
In the newspapers , but the situation permits
of their controlling prices to n great extent
and they will doubtless lav llio ropes for a
fros deal atno ttlstant day. In provisions thu
leaders are wary. The wild ndvanco
of Tuesday has given "sober second thought"
to bulls as well as beurs. The fooling Is pretty
general that whllu some further decline Is
prolnhlo tlio summer will see a considerable
advance on present prices. What weakness
was shown today was duo to the decline .In
CIIICAOO , March JO. [ Special Telegram to
Tun IlEt : . ] UATTI.K The weather waa bad ,
( lenmml slow anil prices just steady , and that
was all. A cold and penetrating rain set In
early and lasted all day , hence only those
that were compelled to remain outsldodid so. .
The regular trade bought sparingly , yet
thoicnas a seed display of prlmo cattle ,
good enough for any body on any mnrlict ,
Cow sleek was also reported steady und hi
fair demand. Htockors of all grades wore re
ported lower , with a big accumulation of light
steers , for which there Is no domand. The toil
prices' for steers werufri.f > 0 < ( t5.73good ; tocholce ,
f..10@'i.4 ( ) ; others , $ l.tCK34.U. ; > : coin moil. W.OUiS
4.2--i : cows nud heifers , 82.'JJ4.00i stockers , S2.M
Q > 'J.7J.
lions lluslacss was slow nnd prices again
lOctoljo lower , making a decline of20oto40o
since Tuesday. Hough and common sold at
&UKX3I.15 : good mlxod nnd packers , (4.203&U } ;
prime heavy and butcher weights. SUO < i < )4.u ) ( ; ;
light.$4.1DOUO ; light light and skips , 4J.IK)3 )
Nsw YOIIK , March 20-lSpoctal Telegram to
THE liCE. ] To the surprise of many the open
ing In stocks , -while dull , was ijulto strong.
Early dealings In the ll t. Including oven St.
1'aul , wcro.without a feature throughout the
hour , und whlto thcro was some re
action the slight losses were after
ward recovered. Fluctuations , however ,
were mtulo over a range of less than ? J
percent In any thing traded In , The market
at 11 o'oloekwag.iyjtrt ' nselydiiU , vnd"stoady
nt abouttftgafcci''iilrij'fioeg. As on previous
rfnyXan hnprovomeiit was felt during the
second hour. Atchlson sold to 27 ( { ,
Kock Island to C0 ! { , St. 1'aul to
f > 0 ? , with Luolmwamm up nearly a point
froin lust night , at KlJ ( ? . London buylim was
In St. Paul and a few specialties. A lower
forolgn exchange rate helped the bull foollnv.
This wns offset by the prospect of Easter
holidays. Early gains In stocks wcro lost nt
the close , and few stock * closed lower than
yesterday. The most change was la Chicago
( Jus , U lower , and Laekawunna y higher.
Trading was unimportant and reached only
7WOO shares.
The following are the closm ? quotations :
U. i ) . is rcKl9ttiroa..m Northern Pacific 2iJf !
U.S. 4 coupons in Ou pruferrad 70
17.8. ll < 9 roiilstarod ,1J2 0N. & W 101
MONEY ON CAM , Easy ; closotl olferotl at
3Vi per cent.
I'lllMK JlEliaANTIf.B : I'APKU 57 per COtlt.
hTi-.iitiNni.xciUNn ; : Onlotiuidvuuk ; sixty-
clay bills , .85 ; ( leiuiinU. 84.8SU.
TlioCofTco Market.
NEW YORK , Jlarch 23.-Spool [ .l Tolojram to
THE BEK.l-CoififEK Oiitloiis opened steady
mid unclmnscd to 10 points down , nnd closed
steady and unchanged to 20 points down.
tomuor , J15.85 ; October , il5.3J. Spot llio dul :
steady ; Julr cargoes , * : \i.OU ; No. G , $19,0 } .
NEW VOHK , March 31.-Si > oclal Tolosram to
THK HKB.-Tho ] { ollowlnz nro the ir.lnlng
stoclcquotatluiu :
Alice IM Mexican . KM
Adnma Con 180 Mount Diablo . 17. .
Host & llclohor 7UO Occidental . 110
llodlo 120 Plymouth
Con Cal nnd Vu KM Slorra Nevada . 325
Kureka Con ! ! 40 Standard . 125
Homcstnko 850 Union Con . S25
Horn Hllvcr 285
July. Ol'jc ,
Oats Easy : cash. 53oi May , 53o.
1'ork Slowly jcasli. tll.73o ; May. 811.92'/ ,
Lard firm ; cash , iW.4J © 14 May , W.57' { .
Short Ulbs Steady ! cusb , $3.0.1 ; iiay , S3.72JJ
S.73. /
Hyo Easy ut 8Uc.
Hurley Nominal t7V3,78o. (
Flax Firm at ll.20SJOl.Sl.
I'rlnio Timothy Eusy at tl. :
Flniir Hnchnngoil ,
Hulk Meats Bliouldors. ( I..VX34GU ; short
clear , $ J.Wffirt- < ) ! short ribs , M.liOQ'i.M.
lliittor Unchaiujcdj croainury , 205J20c :
dairy. IfiG'Mo.
Cheese UnchanKOil : full cream Cheddars.
Huts , WJiOllWc ; Young Amerleus ,
KZKS Ln\ror ; fresh , .
Hides Uuulianuud ; hoivy : Rreonsattod , Co ;
llliht ruen Biilti'd. r > ? ic@Uc : Rrcou hldus. 4 ! { < i&5 ;
sailed bulk , JJo : Rreon suited oulf , ho ;
dry ; dry salted , ( XS7oi dry calf. SSOo ;
do.icous , 25o each.
Tallow UiioliuiiBodt No. 1 solid paclcud , lo ;
No , 2 , a > 4ISic i eako , 4Uo.
llecclpts. Shipments.
Flour . il.OOO 10.000
Wheat , bit . 13,0 j < ) 45,0110
Corn , lit . 111,000 10J.OOJ
Oats , bu . , . 110,000 101,000
There will lie no soHlon of tlio board of
Irndo tomorrow. _
NEW YoiiK. March G.-tVlicat-Rocelpts ,
49bOO bUhhdlb ; oxporta. 32,700 ; snot , lower ;
No. 2 ri'il , * I.15S In olovutnr : J1.17 iillout ;
fl.lO < * f , o. I ) . Ujitlous tlosoil steady and
lower ; No.2 ludMurcliolosliiK ntlll5V .
Corn Iteoolpls , fiU,5'JO bnshola ; oiports , 2.000
biihhuisi i > l > ot IrroBiilur , oloslim steady : No. S.
'MiiSVio In olovaton 7l\iu nlloati utiKrailod
inlxod. 77i < B7lc. ) Ontlons declined H'tQlitt
and closed onsyj Miirch c-loslns tvt78)o. )
Oats Itouolnts , 41,000 bushoFsi exports. 1.00(1 (
bushulsi No. 2 , iSftlo lowers No. \i\\\tc \ \ , ( JO
mixed wwtorn. WfiWj'ci whlto western , OO
Ontlons lower ! Murou. K > o.
BuRiir Itaw , llrni ! fulr rcQnlnc , Kiel con-
trifitjaH 1)4 test , 04 ? 5 3-10-j. Sale * : Xluseo-
vndo. fO lest,5sc ! ; ci-ntrlfuitnls , 5U-10o aud
37-10iJJci ; O mid K ; rcllnotl nulot.
Petroleum Unltod olusucl. April , 73o.
KifKu-lllKliori western , X'Uic.
I'ork Kaalur ,
Iard l/o\vor : western steam , M,70.
Iluttor Kxtra weak , others firm ; wctlorn
dairy , nftiWoj western orcatncry , SiaailSoi
I'.uln. ' Jit.
Uhuoso-Klrmi sUlms , , March 20. Wheat market no-
tire auU bocaut trougcr after Hay troko
from II.OW4 to 03Me. Hocelnts. 185 cars : ship
ments Mean. Oloslnii No. I hard , Mnr/h ,
fl.Ull on track , II.O-.J31I03 : No. 1 northern
March and April , OJc : May , W4c ! | on track ,
tl.ooi N'o. 2 nortlicm. Marob , Wo ; on track ,
BT. Louis , March 2a-Whoat--T.owor ; cash
H.niai.OlHl Mny , II.02S.
Corn Lower ; cah , ( TJVo.
Hals Intrcr ; casli. . ' > 2'ie. ' .
Vork Heavy at UJ.OO : < 312.12 ! { .
Liud I-owor nt M.12H.
Whl ky-tl.l7.
lluttcr 1'lrui and nnclmii cd.
KANSAS Cirv. March 20.Wheat Bull :
No. 2 Inircl , cush March atul No. 3 rcu. cnsli ,
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , riOltOGOUct March ,
W ) iOT > ! l ? c.
Outs Lower ; No. 2 , ca < h nndMnrcli,59Mouid.
CINCINNATI. 0. , March CO.- Wheat Otrni
No. 3 rod , JI.U3.
Oorn Knsler ; No. 2 mixed. GH
Oats Kuilor ; No. 2 mixed , MU
B , March 20. Wheat No. 2 , spring ,
011811,1)71' .
Corn Easiors No. n , ( Mo.
Oats lAWer ; No. 2 white. 5lie. !
1'foylalons atcady ; pork. May , 111.03.
LtviMiroou Mnrcli 2(1. ( Wheat steady ! de
mand fulri holders offer moderately. Corn
llrniidouiund fulr ; mixed vrcstornSsllJUd per
OinoAoo , March 20.-Cattlo-Uocolpts , 11,000 ;
market steady ) steurs , prime to cxtrn , M.03rt&
r.7 : > ; others. $ . 01131U ! cows and heifers , J.2J < a
4.w ) ! stoekcrs , J'xxai75 : ,
lloxs Uecolpts , : ijvx)0 ) ! market slow and
lower ; rough and common , $0.tKX34.15 ; Rood
mixed nnd puokern , tl.0i/I.Il5 ( ; prlmo heavy
nml butelicr weights , tl.lU3l.tX ) ; light , HIS ®
Sheep Itocolptj , 0,000s market steady ! na
tive" , W.00i.7. ' ) ! westorns. CUixaVHl To.xaus ,
aiIXK3 .4)j htiu 1)9 ) , t5.2.vau.l5.
ST. Louts , March 2fl.-0attlo-necelpts , 1,300 ;
slilpiuent1 ! , SOJ ; market steady : ( alrtufauuy
native fitters , > fl.OJ < 3'i.5) ) | stockvr and feeders ,
$2.7Kii4.10. (
lloss Hccolpts , 5,003 hoiid ; shipments , : , : ! 00 :
rntirkut lower ; heavy , JI.4OSI.M ; mixed , JI.M ®
4.45 ; llKht , $1.10(31.31) ( ) .
KANSAS Citr , March 2G.-Cattle-Roeplpts ,
l.COJrahltimcnts , l.rrjo ; market lower ; stcors ,
ta.80it5.Ui ! cows-.OOQ.20 ( : stookorsiuid feed
ers , W.003II.OI ) .
HOKS Itceolnts. H.SOOjslilpmonts , 5.000j mar
ket steady , lower ; all grades , { 2.25QI.50.
OJIAIl.l JI1'j
OMAHA , March CO.
CATTM3-Estmutod ! rocolntsoC cattle I.i50. : as
comimrcdwlth 2(112 ( yesterdayand l.KtO Thurs-
dar of last week. The nurket was btcady
on tlie best Krades of beeves and butchers'
stock anil slow and weak U > loc lower on
others. I'eodurs were slow and unchanged ,
lions KsthnateU receipts of lines 1,7'A ns
compared with 3,090 , yeUcrday and a.878 Thurs
day of last week. The market wns slow and
loner. Mghtand nutchors's wolRlit sold from
olcudy to ir o lower ; hcavr hois IDu to 15o
lowor. The ninrkut closed Hat. The range of
prices paid was I4.0051I.IKV. thu bulk sclllnir. at
I.10I.25. l lK9 , Sl.75ai.25 ; Usht-llghts. KL2J
OI.OO ; light , tl.OO3l.30 ; heavy , C4.254.U. i ;
mlxod , Jl.i.VJOI.M. The avoniKo of the prices
paid was } ) . lo' as compared with fl , ! ! ? yester
day and M.78 Thursday of last week.
. roeolpts of 560 as cnni-
pnrcd with 191 yesterday and 190 Thursday
ot last week. The market active nnci steady
Natl vcs , 2.7&a5l ) ; wcsto rns , fJ.M
DlHpositlon of Stock ,
Showing the number ot cattle , hozt and
slicep louirht by the packers and oilier buyers
nn the market ut shown by tl. ' . 'ooks ol the
Unlou stock yards company !
Huycrs. No.
Swift A company . i . : iC.1
The U. II. llammnnd company . 1C5
The Ciulahy paclcliiRcorniiany. . 2D
The Omaha packing company . 15
Shippers , feeders anl other buyers . 712
The Omaha packing company . COO
Swift & company . Ka
The U. 11. Hammond company . 354
Shippers , feeders and other biiycrs . 291
Swift & company . UCO
The Q. II , Ilnnunond company . 1 5
Shippers. , feeders nndothor buyers . 05
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No Av. I'r. No. Av..p.- _
S. . 833 p j _ . i 7 i'LAi.2i rp 9i (4 ( a-
t.UCJ ' ir73 077OT 425 19.,1'Jlfl ' 4 5
10 , . 1012 373 2. .1270 400 ' 10..1UI1 400
12.1120 73 C..1IW 450 17..13.V1 G 10
1..120J 3 85 21.ll.,0 475 14. .1274 515
1..1140 400 O.,1205 475 10. . 1250 515
10 , . 090 4 10 4.1..1S.-19 4 80 18. . 1577 5 00
20 , . TCI ) 1 15 8. . 675 175 40. . 048 2 CO
20. . 740 133 2. . 050 2 CO 18. . 058 285
2. . 950 1 40 81. . 041 200 3. . 800 R 00
5. . 810 1 50 a. . 043 300 2. .1005 3 CO
4. . 7U2 150 2. .1100 203 13. . 1025 300
0. . Oil ICO 2. . 050 200 8. . 878300
14. . 870 150 3. .003 210 1..1050 300
19. . 825 1 05 11. . 015 210 1. .1050 3 00
8 , . 010 103 22. . WO 225 22. . 059 S 25
2. . 845 1 05 1 .1100 225 11. . 1121 323
1..1140 105 0. . 03 225 10. . ! 4 340
2. . CSO 1 05 1. . 000 240 8. . 1083360
12. . 853 105 10. . 8(13 250 4. .1122 350
10 , . 815 1 75 2. . 700 250 7. . 091 it 75
10. . 733 175 3 , .1040 250 10. .1140 300
20. . 703 1 75 2..1075 2 CO
1. . 820 1 75 2..14W 240 1..14M 270
3..1220 2 25 1..1 245 1..1MO ilOO
4..1250 2 23 1..1 245 1..17CO UL'O
1..1030 2 : 2..lira 250 a co
1. . 820 2 US 1..10IO 200 a 75
1..1570 2 40 1. ,14110 2 CO
2. . 570 2 60 1..010 200 C23 300
2 , . 875 2 C5 7. . 037 200 ft > 0 : tie
. . 070 2 75 8..C01 200 87C y yo
30. . 704 2 75 a. . (170 ( U 00 WO 3U7SJ
4. . 7UO 8 03
1. . 900 4 10 18. . 040 4 10
2. . 300 1 50 1. . 140 350 153 400
1. . 2 ! > 0 3 00 U..KO 359 ISO 450
1. . 170 a 01) )
8.1470 2 10 5..HSU 225 14..1567 323
1..1310 a 00
CATrrB ,
No. Av. Pr.
II. E. Perklns--
10 steers , luxyfcd . 1103 (4 05
Uoiiicltis'W S Co.
110 steers . 1037 3 50
lone L .V 0 Co.
43 steers , hayfed . 1201 4 30
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
18 271 J4 15
60 180 4 15
43 303 420
10U 1B9 420
65 252 420
C8 20. ! 4 20
W 358 425
40 'JOO 425
67 318 280 425
42 Sil 40 4 25
72 230 427K
50 2112 210 4:10 :
82 233 40 430
70 238 SW 430
64 21S - 435
HO 205 - 435
52 2J7 - 435
IMO3 AND IlOUatl ,
i . MO - 200 12 . OS - 255
1 . 170 - 2 00 15 . 103 - 21 co
13 . 78 - 2 40
No. Av. Pr.
05 westerns , mlxad , shorn 10 ] J4 45
123 westerns , mixed , shorn 101 445
At'OEltS AND BlTS-O. E. Jennings , dig. OH ) , ' !
Uiih.spll Jennings , ills , 25 ; bit stock drill ,
Cleveland & Mor-e , ( Us. 53.
AXKS Kliiplnuotts , uer cloz , ff.25j cloiihlo
bitted , * I4.10 ; Hunt's , td.25 | J lpueiicott's
bronzed tixeS. JS.25.
HKI.I.S I.uht. brass , Imiul , dls , 70c ; Ken
tucky cow , dls , 70o.
DOOR LOCKS. KTC. List prices us revised
December 30 , 1880 , less W 10 nor-cent : uad-
loelts , now Hit , tils , 70.
HOOKS .Sargent & Co , , liurnnss list , (0 ;
wrought staples nnd hooks nnd sUples , 75 ;
Stanley's list , wrought stapler , 75c ; hooks nnd
eyes , wire screw , 75.
IiANTKiuu-Iluckoyo , sr. , 80,50 ; Buckeye , Jr. ,
15.50 ;
MowK.SEHUATB3-Stelleii's ) ) patterns , dls 70.
OII.KIIH X.luc nnd tin , now lut , UlsGO ,
I'H'KH Unllfond , ndze eye , dlsUO.
Ktvcrs WIIKOU box. 8 ; iron uncl tinned ,
now list December 10,1SSIdla30 ; copnur rivets
und burrs , M.
Scitcws-rittt head Iron , 70@75 ; round head ,
now 1U1. blued , fiOs llutlioiiil , hasH , now list.
7u5u | jupunnud , Ul couch , common or lag ,
03-10 ,
TACKSHIIAIJH , KTC. American Iron carpet
tricks. dU Mi stool cnrput tacks , all kinds ,
00 ; hwoilos Iron curpct trxOKs , till kinds , CO
Swedes Iron lacks , 00 : Swedes Iron upholster
ers' tuuks , CO ; tinned Swcuua Iron tuoks , 50 ;
American Iron cut tucks , 751 ooiiper tuckK ,
50 ; popper tliiisiiln nud tniiiK nails , 45 ;
cljar box nails , 45 ; UnlshlnK nails , 70 ;
llnncftriun nulls and miners' tucks , C5 ; gimp
and lueo tucks , 7U ; tinned Rlinp and lucu
tucks , WMOi trunk und ulout nulU , 70 ; tinned -
nod trunk and clout nulls , 33 | basket nulls.
33 : chair nrills , U3 : common nnd pntcnt
brads 70s tinned capped trunk nails , 3d aud
lOj looklBjUsj tucVs , W | ylctuio frum
polnti , KI leather x'nrpct tnckp , 40) ) brush
tapU ,2J. ,
TAI-FS MEASuniNOV A > ncrlcan , din , 03) ) { .
TlIKItilOMtTEItS-TluTnSC. (119. 75.
I'ltArs Gnmo , Ndwfiousc. dl . 4fl | enmf ,
Oncldn pattern , TO iiieuso , wood choker , per
dozen holes. 20.
TuowKLS-Ilrudc hrlcif. ills , 10 : Dlsston's ,
M-lOj ( tnrdvn , not per doz. $1.00. . . .
tmicKB ( AVarchouBo , etc. ) , Howe's K. J. &
Co. . dls , CO.
VigM-1'nrMlol , Piirkr-r'.s dls , 10p ! rnllol ,
ovnl slldo , 1 saw fliers , Wcntwortli's. ! Uu.
WIIIEllrim 30o und coppur 35o porlb. net
list : innrUct , bright oOal inurkot , coppered ,
60 ft 10 per contr tlnnod broom nlro. ) :
nnncnlod fence , Npi. B nnd 9 , per IPO Ibs , $ J.75 !
Jnpnnned barb fence. $1.15 ; milvixnlicd b.trb
foiice. KI.7.H plcturu wire , T. H. & .1 , , dls. 20o ;
clothci lliionlrc , imlvanlred. per oz coll. f-I.Mi
wlrpcloth , green , drab-und binck. per 100 sqft ,
Sv.itF.xciiE8-Cocs' Koiinlnc , M ; Olrttrd. CO ;
ur , 70-10 ; lloiiils * t Cull's patent combina
tion , 15 ; A Ikon , pocket ( bright ) M.OO. 30.
BLOCKS Stanley UuloAt-evclCo' Hit
IlotTfl Common earrhifo. dls 70-10 ; U. & E.
Mfp. Co's stove. dls40-ioplowdl950mnchlnp ; ; ,
0' tlrolwlts , ( Vl-lu.
OASTBHS-llcd , dla , 60 ; pluto uuJ shallow
rocUeK dls 50.
11UTT8 llrn , wrouRhti dls 70 : loose pin ,
cast , dls 70 ; loose pin , Jnpnuncd , dls CO-lo-10 ;
oosoplns , Juptinncd. > vrouBhtW ; Clark blind
butts , 75-10.
CHAIN Truco. CISIDper pair , not , 40c ;
trace , CH. Ainorlcun. per pair , not , Wo ; Oer-
ninn hnlter chain , list ot Uccoinlirr 31 , 1 1.
dl . 50-in ; Amorlcnn hnltor chain , ll < t of December -
comber ill , 1831. dls , 60-10) ) German cell clmln ,
list ol December ill , issi. dls , 60-10 ; Iron jack
chain , ! 15 ; brass Jack ehiiln. : .
COCKS llrass , new Hat , July 10 , 18SO , dls , TA
CqrrKK MlLt.s-Parkcr'8 hoard und box , dls ,
DO : Amorlcnn ( Kntcrorlso Mf t'o ) . dls.L'5.
CoMi'Assns , UIVIIIKUS , ETC. Coinpnisns. din ,
50-10 ; dividers. dlir > o und 10 ; callipers , dlo , 5'J. '
TKAWiNnKNivi:9 : 1 > , S. & W.Cu. . dlsTO ; ad-
Justnlili , ' . ili2U. )
FOIIKS Hay. iminnroand spading , dls 00-10-
10 ; plated , Al , HORCI-S & Ilros. , 60.
FHUITS AuJEtLir iMttsSES-Knterprlso Mfg
Co. , din 25 ,
Knv I'ANs-Coinmon , dh 70 : Acme , dls CO.
KAUCKTS-Krary ( latent petroleum , ills , M ;
Enterprise self-mcasnilnp. uerdox. K-TO. d l. . ' . ' 5. lleavur&Dlsston's , CD-10 ; horse rnsps ,
Holler Itroi , ills 50 ,
HAMMi'.ita-SInydolc , dls 23 ; Atlin , dli 50.
HAHNKssSNArs-Surgcnts , dls 7'J ; Uornian ,
ivNons Door linoljs , bronc , DO-10 ; door
minerals , door por. Jnpaned , door por. plntt-ii
doorpor. new list dls , 50-10 ; uorcoluln shutter ,
ils70. !
HATCHETS Discount 10-10.
HAY Ksivca Mifhtnlne , per iloz. , J9CO ;
Spear I'olnt , per doz. . Jj.tO ;
lloitSBN ll.s Sot. ; 5 0 7 8 0 10
1'i'crloss , per Ib lie Vie iio : not
r oithwcslcrn , " 28 81 2:1 : 22 21 10 dls 20
Champion , " 28 25 23 22 21 10 < lls 20
I'lltnuni , M 20 SI 21 20 10 19 dl.'i 10
KKTTi KR-nra a , percent < lls , 15 ; cnuinelcd ,
percent dl' , 00.
Ht.MlKH-Clarko's Nos. I. 2 , and 3 , p.itc , (11s- (
eount CO : screw hook und strap , S to 12 , pur 100
Ibs. , 4'ie ; 13 and upwards , pur 100 Ihs. . 3' c :
Strap and T list , February II , J60I. DO per
cent ; standard I ) . A. , No. f > , 9.1.31.
LOCKS Cabinet ami chesto-Oahlnst , P. &F.
Corbln. dls25 ; trunk , dls 20 ; Yale lock com-
pnny. Hat and corntBiitcd key , dls : C1M.
aiALURTg-IIIckory. 25 percent : lUnumvltac ,
23 per cent ; leather licnd , 23 per cent. ,
MEAT CtiTTEiia-Enterprlhe. dls 25 ; beef
shavers , ( Enterprises Jlfir. Co.ldls 25.
1'MiMiiSANu J.EVKr.s-Stanloy It. klj. Co'a
patent adjustable , dls 70 ; Stanley H. & I * Co's
iion-ad1 istulle , dls 70 : pocket Invcls , dls CO.
hole , nor doz. , S10.W ; Champion postholoau-
I'UNOiiKS-Boltor drive , t > cr doz , tJ.OO , } a25 ,
$2.f)0 , dls 50 | spring $2.W.
SAD IHONS From 4 to 10. peril ) , no not ; sclf-
lieatlnir. ucriIoi1Jlo.53net : Mrs. 1'ott's Irons ,
uouhlo pointed , dls fo.
SAMH-Ai'Kit Ilaedcr & Adamson's ( lint. CO to
1H , $3.25 uer ream ; llaedor k Adam
son's Hint , 2 , .2H und 3 , 5,75 pa
ream ; Unvdur A Adiunson's flint , ashurted J5.2
purreaiiiillaodcrtV Adainson's stnr , 4.25 per
ream ; llacder .t Adamson's cniery. JG.5CXail.50
per ream. Llst.XI'i olT.
i-Asn COIID I'er I h Common , iBo net ; pat
ent , 18c net : U Silver Luke licmu , ilOc ; ( J wluto
cotton , br.ilded , 2So.
\VKtniiTS-HoIld cyos per 100 Ihs. Jl.25.
SAUSAGE STUFKEHS on Vn.iEHS-l'crry , rtls
15 ; Enterprise manufacturing company , dls
SAWS Dlsston's circular , mill and cross-cut
< 3ls43 : Dlsston's hand , panel and rip. dls 20-5,35
ScAt.Kfl-Howe. dls 35 per cent ; UutTulo ,
percent ; Falrlianks , dls 40.
STONE grindstones , ! per ton. Z1B.OO ; crlnd-
fzrlndstoncs , mounted , "Sampson , ' ' Nos. 1 , 2 ,
3 , N.75 , Z2.25 , * 2.00 ,
STAi-r.ES-Fcnco Ivcff.f3.00.
SCJUAHES-StCCl , ( liH 75-10.
CUT * Bolls , Oo ! tecf''l't'ndor- ' '
lolns , lOc ; sirloin lu tts.fco : brtnolcss strips , Oe :
strip loins , 8c ; rounds ( ruiui ) olT ) . Ciici rounds
( rump on ) , .V/ic ; rouiuhlr.linnknlTJ.Cc ; boneless
rumps , 4iu ! ; chuoks. 4e ; plates , DC ; back
halves. 6io ! ; shoulder clods. 5V'e ; boot
loins No. 1 ( Htcer ) , Ijai7c ; hoof loins No.
2 , 1315c ; heef loins No. a , I2c : beef ribs , txailo :
hccf ribs No. 1 , 1814c ; sweet breads ( per doz. ) ,
COc : kidneys ( each ) , 3coxtallsoachac ; ( ) : livers
( each ) . 15cL'eef ; hearts ( each ; , 5o ; beef touKucs
( each ) , 40c.
I'liESH POIIK 1'ork loins. 54o ! : tenderloins ,
IScisparo ribs , 44c ! ; shoulders , 4c ; hocksao :
trlnimlins.4c : back bones , 2c ; dressed hoRS ,
5c ; cleaned picsfeottpcrdozcn ) . 30c ; rough un-
cleaned pigs feet ( per dozen ) , 20c.
MUTTON , Choice dressed mutton , 6'c ' : racks
of mutton , 13c ; saddlcsof mutton , DC ; breasts
of mutton , 4c : IUK of mutton , lOu.
SMOKED HRATS Hams , 14 to 10 Ibs a-vcraRc ,
R Cihiims. 20 to 22 Ibnvcrapc , 8Jic ; liarus. 1C to
IS Ib a vcrnce , Oc ; nklnno 1 twins , 0 > , ic ; shoul
ders .r He ; clear breakfast bacon , 7Je ! ; bone-
loss brvakfast bacon backs , 0iO ; bono ham ,
7VJe ; California or plciilo hams,5ic ; bone
less liam,8c ; drlod beef hams ( sots ) , Uoarlcd ;
beef clods , 7l4c ; short spiced rolls or ham rou
lette. 7c ; smoked beef tongues , per dozen ,
$0.50 : special hams. 12 to 15 Ib nvcraRO , lOo ;
special boneless bieukfast bacon , lorfc ; se
lected dried beef hams , Insldcs and Icnuckles ,
lOlic ; selected wide clear broaltfnst bacon , Oc.
DRV SALT MEATS Kuney light weight short
clears , Uc ! : Ion ? clears. 5je ; ; short clears ,
ri 'c : short ribs , 5 ? o ; shouldei-s , 4Jc ! ; clear
bellies , Oc : clear bucks. 5io.
\vclght bacon short clears , 7e ; bacon short
ribs , 0 > 4ci bacon short clenra , li'/.c ; biicon Ions
clears. OUc : bacon clear backs , Otfe ; bacon
clear belllas. 0 > 4'c ; bacon shouldcrs,5c.
HWKKT PICKIEI > JlEATS-llams. tierces , 80 ;
shouldorsNow ( Vorkcut ) tlcrccs,4Ue ; bellies.
tierces , Cf o : California ham , tierces , 5c ; bcof
hams , barrels , tlh.oo.
l'iciciEi ) UKKi-ToNOUiB-Ilarrelsf20.00 : half
barrels. 100 Iba , ; < itinrtcr barrels , 50 Ibs ,
J5.00 ; olxlith barrels , 25 Ihs , $11.50.
( .Aim-Compound , per Ib , tloreo basis. BJio :
pure leaf , per Ib , ttem > basis. 0 ! o ; pure lard.
tier Ib , tlcrco basis , 0c ( } ; liettlo rendered loaf
lard , per Ib , tlcrco basis. 7 c.
per bbl. , 111. 53 ; family pork , $10.00 ; shortcut
clear pork , * 10.00iai2.iw ; nrlmo moss pork , $ .l)0 )
311.00 ; boneless pl porlc. fancy , I1U.50 ; extra
mci-s beef , SO-SO ; phito beef , I7.5U ; extra plato
beef. * SJ ) : extra fnmlly beef , boneless , IW.50 ;
roll hcnf , boneless. J9.00 ; rural ) butts , $10.00.
I'm route Boiniicsi-narrcl3 , 20J Its each ,
JU50. half barrels , 100 Ibs each , 17.00 ; quarter
barrels , no Ibs uuch , KJ.73 ; olguth barrels , 25
Ibs each. (2.00.
Oit.a-1'rmiolard ' oil , winter strained , 48e ;
extra lard oil. winter strained , 46c : extra No.
1 lard oll,40a ; No. 1 lard oil. IL'c : No. 2 lard oil ,
2flc | oxtru ncat's-foot oil. 4)o ) : tallow oil , 41c ,
Half barrels 3e over barrels ; 5 Rullon cans. 2 In
a case. 60 over barrels ! 1 gallon cans , 10 In n
case , lOo over barrels : ! J culloncans , 201ii a
case , lee over barrels. Special prices on large
lots.SAUSAOE BoloRna , 4o : smoked sausage , 7o ;
blood sausaBe,4ie ! sliver BausaRe , 4Uo ; bond
cheese , 4Wc ; fresh pork sausaje , links , Oo ;
fn-sh pork sausase , hulk , 6 0 ; smoked porn
sausa o,8c ; Krankfurt sausaRO , 7o : smoked
head cheese. Co ; I'olMi sausage , 7c ; Knoblauch
sausnno,7o ; tonsna sausage , 80 ; summer sail-
saco. We. The above , prices are for lots of no
pounds and upwaids ; a Ici3 quantity a Mo
more. -
POTATOES Homo grown stock , 11.13 ; Cole
rado. per lmslicl.1
1'iE l'LANT-l'er < li , .cciO75o.
UAUMH.OWEII I'ordoz. J2.50.
HfiSACii 1'cr bbl , ti.00.
LETTUCC Choice stook , 4045o.
UUTAiiAOAS-MlehlRnn stouk , per bu , COc.
llBUTS-l'orblil , t2.758J.O ! ) .
ONIONS EastoniTsKtok , per bbl , J5. 5000.00.
OAHitOTS-l'cr bb.23. | .
CKI.EIIV Jlichlgun Slock , 40l5c ; Cullfornta ,
per doz. $1.00. i
KWHET POTATO ns-Cliolco stock Is held at
I4.00ffl4.25 per hoi. , ' ,
ItAnmiKS-l'cr ' doibunches , 45o.
I'AitSNii-s I'er bbLil.OO.
OAinuaB I'cr Ib , 2150-JUc.
OucusiiiKiis-1'er doiTfi.oO.
IY ItooiS I'craoc 730.
a-choico siook ,
! I our ,
Omaha MilllnK Ca Kellanoo patent , I2.W ;
JNVinclblo patent. 12.70 ; Star fiupcrla-
t VL , { , ' , | 0 ; fcnowllake. f..OO ; Fancy 1'atully ,
* . * t
U. T.Davis Mill Co. , hlKh patfnt. No.l nnd
Creain , ; Illuo I ) , full patent , J2..V , ; llu\vk-
cyo , half patent , { 2,40 ; special rnynl patent ,
No. lvUOOi Minnesota patent , $ -,8U ; Kansas
hard wheat patent , SfU.75 ; Nebraska spring
wheat patent , f-.GO.
H. R ( lllinan'a Gold Medal , S2.70Snow ; White ,
$ .VJO : Enowlluko. nuo ; low grade , $1.00.
Oshkiunp's ri-'iuly to rise buckwheat flour ,
11.25 pcrcnsoof fie 8-lb tacknucs ) ; hucKwheat ,
In bills , N. V. . * 0.00 ; KxoJlslor brand. 5..V ) ;
Slap Jaclc meal , $ a75 per case of M 2-lb pack
ages. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Country Produce ,
The principal change In the market yester
day-was In cgKH , which continued on tliulr
downward courso. As a gcnerul thing receipts
were llgnt. but a good many cgga caa.o In.
lluttor und poultry were steady ,
Ko 8-Salus were generally reported nt 1"c ,
though It wns rumored that a few went at
even less money , Thn receipts by cxprpts
were nulto larno ou Monday and Tuesday ,
while the freight brought la u good uiauy on
Wednesday nnd Thursday thatvrcro shipped
before the storm ,
II A v The market continues high anil good
hay Is quoted at (14.00 nor ton.
( U.MK-A few ducks and gccso nro comt.ionc-
Ing to arrive , but clcnlcrs complain that tluty
nropXrnnd ) not In very gooJ dcniantl , ( loose
nrocitiuted nt.LOO tcruoz.nnd ) litreo ilucka at
$ i xai.OO and small ones atll.OO I..V ) per dot.
DUTTcn-Oood country roll * sold ut 18 < ai9c
nnd occasionally n selected lot nl20c.
I'uui.Tnr The innrket was not very strong ,
Dressed chickens went at CffllCe and KCCSO and
ducks nl ltxai2o. It Is pottlnK rlthor Into In
thosonsou for turkeys nnd oven cholco Hook
can not lo quoted utabovoi14 < ! as the de
mand Is .
tight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CoFFEt-Orccn llio , 22a24c : Javn , 27o |
Mocha. 2Su : Itoasted Ailosn , iai-IOct Me-
Laiurhlln , XXXX , W l-ioci llunoln. 20 l-luol
( lermaii.W'ici DUworth'a. aic ; l.lon. tOl-lOci
Cordovla , 2J l-lOo ; Moclin , Slot O , U. .fnva , 20c |
ColTco e sonco 5 gro. boxes , < l.)51.50i ! ) chlo-
orv , 7SH4c. ! !
NtiTS-l'or Ib Almonds , IBei llrazlls. 10o |
filberts , 13c : pi-cam , iil4ci : wiilntits , 15ci pea
nuts. fancy white. Be : ronsled. loc.
Diitui ) KIIUITJ Turkish prunes , less thnn
hhds. IHiO , Oo ! auplci , evaporated , new ring
choice. 15c ; apricots , fancy , In sacks , 20c ;
blackberries , now , Oo ; raspberries , 25 Ibs to
box. a2c ; currants , now , djjc ! Votl/.zl curniuts ,
extra , In l > o\c" , OUci peaches , Oala. , choice ,
lie ( ; California dried grapes , In hags , net
seedless Sultanas , sacks , lee ; muscatels , 0 ? c ;
now Valencia , 8c ; Ondurn , layer , Co ; tigs , Iny-
crs , 14O20o : citron , Leghorn , 20c | lemon pool
8AiT-IalrySO Ihs In bbli , bulk , W.10 ! best
BMdesW5s , J2.ll ) : bestRrndc , loom , $2.50 ; best
grade , 88 10 , $ 'i0 ! : rock snlt , crtishud. $2.10.
llAKis-n I'owiiKit Kuynl.dliuncanH , per tloz ,
Pfu : H-lb cans , $1.45 ; ! i-lb cans , JIM ; 1-lbcuns.
l.\7u : I'tlco's , ! MI > oanq. * U5 ; VHb cans , JS.BOi
1-11) ciui , $4.75 ; other kluiU , 1-lb cans , per Uoz ,
CHACKKKS Soda , Cc ; oyster , 5Ho ; croatn ,
SJc { : Ringer snaps , 814c ; lopcrccut ofTen 10-
box lots.
Ou.s-150 prlmo whlto. PC ; 133 water white ,
lllic ; licndllKht , l.'lc : 74 gasoline , lliic. Oil
cans-1 gnl. $ J.O aa23 ; 2 gal , a.75a.tO ) | ft gal ,
$150 < ZJ5.0U.
Fresh K
On.ANnr.s Navals , H.Ooai.SO : I.'lorlda brlsht ,
russets , $ ; i.2.vai..r : > 0 ; Los Anijolcs ,
$ i.r > 0 ; mountain f rult$2.7V3i.OO. :
LK.MONS Choice , JI.OO : fancy , $1.50.
Aft'l.ES The supply Is very light nndnrlces
correspondingly high. Good stock Is hold nt
! . ' > . .Vl. nnd fancy apples as high as $ O.COi fancy
willow twigs , ft ) . So.
AtAt.AtlA OilAl'KS-1'er bbl , $10.00 ( 12.00.
CiiAMiKitniES Oood OnpoCod.'pcr bbl$12.0J ;
bushel loves , Jersey , J4.0U.
UitAl'i ! KIIUIT I'cr box , $4.50.
PlI fH.
Rticcoon. No , 1 , largo , 75c ; No , 1 medium. Me ;
No. I , small. 40c ; Ko,2 , 40c. Slink , N'o. I , larirc.
$1.00 ; yn. 1 , medium , 75uNo. ; 1 , small , 50c ; No.
2.50c. Sktinl ; , black , cased , No. 1 , largo , Jl.OO ;
No. 1. medium , 7. > e ; No. 1 , small , Cue. Skunk ,
short stripe , cased , No. 1 , large.7.r > c ; No. 1 , we-
uluiM.Mc ; No. 1 , small , 25c. Skunk , narrow
strlpi1 , cased , No. 1 , largo , 40c ; No. 1 , medium ,
25c. Skunk , broad stripe , cased , No. 1 , large ,
20o. Fox , cross , dark , No , I , large , $2.50 ; No. 1 ,
medium , 82.00 ; No. J , small , $1.50 ; No. ' . ' , * I.M ;
miiiuTl. . i iiu. niiciii , uu : i ( U. ,91.ur. ivoir ,
prairie , No. 1 largo$1.00 ; No. 1 medium , 75c
no. IsmailMe ; No.2. 40c , Hcnvor , prime , per
skin , No. 1 large. J7.00 ; No. 1 medium(5.00 ; No.
1 small , 53.50. Ucavcr. No. 2 , per skin. No.
large , $5.00 ; No. 1 medium , 83.2,1 : No. I small.
$ I.OJ. Otter , No. 1 larse. tt.UO ; No. 1 medium.
$5.0. ) ; No. 1 small , KLUO ; No. 2 , $260. Iynx. No.
1 large , J2.00 ; No. 1 mc-dluin. * 1.25 ; No. Isiiinll.
75e ; No. 2 , J1.04 Wild cat. No. lhirKo,50e ; No
1 medium. We ; No. ( small. lOc. Opossum. No.
1 large , 12c ; No. 1 small , 5c. Undgcr , ISO. 1
hii-Kc.GOo : No. 1 medium,45u ; No. 1 small. SOc.
Wolverine , No. 1 large.H.OO ; No. 1 medium ,
$ J.OJ ; No. 1 Miiull , fc.OO. Hear , blnek , No. 1
larsc , $20..0 $ ; No. 1 medium , $10.00 ; No. 1 sinull ,
$ ) , ( ) O. Hoar , grlv.zly , No. 1 largo , tlO.OOj No. 1
medium. $0.00 ; No.Ismail$4.00. Hearbrown ,
No. 1 largo. $1.00 ; No. 1 medium , RUM ; No. 1
sinull , $1.00. llonr , cubs. No. 1 large. $4.00 ; No ,
1 medium. $2.50 ; No. 1 small , $1.00. 3\ItirtoiiNo. \
1 large. riOO ; No. 1 medium , * I.OO : No. 1 small ,
50c. Fisher , No. I ; No. 1 medium ,
$1.00 : No. 1 small , J-.W ) . Huckskln , Indian
dressed , peril ) . , No. 1 large , fWo to 75 , ncr ,
summer , pcrlb. . No. 1 large , COc lo 2'ic. Deer ,
fall , per Ib. , No. 1 large , l.'c to20c. Doer , winter -
tor , per Ib. , No. 1 large , 12c to ISe. Deer , pioen
salted , per ploce.No.l large , 2io to 75c , Ante
lope , per Ib. . No. 1 large , 12c to 15c. Elk. per
Iu. , No , 1 liirgo , 80 to lOc , Muskrnt 111. , WIs. ,
la. Winter. No. 1 hirpc , I7c : wlntor. No. 1 me
dium , 14c ; fall. No.1 large , 14c ! fall , No-l-iuc-
dlum , lie : Oamagcd.spcurcd orshot,0c. Mu k-
rat Southwestern and territory AVlntor. No.
1 large , I4c ; winter. No. 1 medium , lie : full ,
No. 1 InrKc , lie ; fall. No. 1 medium , 80 ; dnm-
agcd , speared or shot. 7o ,
Atlsccllnnoi > u8 ,
TToNSv Choleolib frames , 18a21c.
I IME , CEMENT , KTC , OnboardcarsutOmnha
I'cr bbl Ash Urovo llnio. Mo ; Champion
IImevie ( : Qulncy white.BOo : Loulsvlllocoinent ,
11.50 ; Milwaukee cement. $1.45 ; Uttca cement ,
$1.40 ; English Portland cotucnt. $1.45 ; Now
Vork plaster , 82.25 ; Michigan plaster , $2. < x ) ;
FortDodKoplnstcr , tl.75 ; whlto Band , 1 . P.
hair , per bate , 81.00.
UOAI , On board cars at Omaha Anthrnclto
Chestnut , range and egg , 88.25 per ton : arate ,
$8.00. Hoftcoal Ohio. W5 ; Southern lillnoK
$ ,4.50 : Walnut block , $ 'J.25 ; Iowa lump. Kl.15 ;
owanut. K.B5.
HIDES Frozen hides , 5c ; No. 1 Krccn naltod
hides , 5JiOo : No. 2 green salted hides , 5o ; .No.
1 Brecn salted hides. 25to4) Ibs. r > ? 4'QOo : No.2
green salted hides , 23 to 40 Ibs , 4 < a4Ko : No , 1
veal calf , 8 to 15 Ihs , To ; No. 2 vonl calf 8 to 15
Ibs , 5c : No. 1 dry lllut hides , 77 ! Jo ; No. 2 dry
flint hides , DaoJJc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , r >
( S.0c.
S.0c.TAU.OWASD OiiEASK-Tallow No. 1 , n ? < aie ;
tallow No.2 , aHliMVie ; grease , white A. : i'4G ' >
a io ; grease , wlilto 11. l lj-ic : grouse , yellow ,
2Jic ; grease , dark , 2 > Jc'old ; butter. © ' . ' ! ;
beeswax , prime , lXSi20c ( ; roush tallow , li ! < i
IJo.NF.s iNOXiiLors ONLY Bry huffnlo , per
ton , $ I6.0018.00 ; nry country , bleached , per
ton , $10.00 ( 1:1.00 : ; damp and meaty , per ton ,
irS.W'OlO.OO. ' Those tu-lcosaro for bones welshed
and delivered In Chicago.
\Voor/ Kansas , Nebraska and Territory
Unwashed Fliio average 12 tol5 , choice 15to
10 ; medium average 18 to 20 , cholco 22 to 24 ;
quarter blood tivcruRO 17 to 20 , cholco 20 to 22 ;
coarse average 15 lo 10 ; cholco 10 to 28 ; cotts
and rouKli avorngo 12 to 14 , cholco 14 to 15 ;
seedyor burry J2 to14 ; black 15 to 17 ; bucks
and very heavy Duo JO to 12. Unwashed comb
ine and delaine. Fine delaine Average 14 to
10 , choice 10 to 18 ; medium delaine uvurago20
to 21 , cholco 20 to 22 ; medium combing average
20 to 21 ; quarter blood combing average 17 to
18 , choice 18 to 20 ; course combing- average 15
to 17 , cholco 17 to 18 ; braid average 12 to 14 ,
cholco 15 to 10. Tub wnshod.-CuoIco 28 to30 ;
average 25 to 28 ; coarse 20 to 25.
XiHATiiEit. llemloek slaughter solo , 2CQMc
per Ib ; hemlock dry hide solo , 2J@24c ; oak : < aij4cI''rtnch ; ; kip skins , OOclIOKrenoh ;
calfskin , $1,2TX& < .00 ; American oak calf.Slo
$1.15 ; American Hemlock calf , 75cl,10 ; Amcr-
lonnoak kip , 7X&X > a ; American ncmlook kip
C < xa75u : sheep skins , 50t < J1.00 ; goat skins , per
foot,20 < a.-Wc.
SIIKEI1'Ki.TS Green salted , each , 35c(2$1.2. ( > ;
ftrocn salted nlicarllngs ( short woclcd early
skins ) each. lX320o ( ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early skins ) No. 1 cneh , MtlOo ; dry
shearlings ( snort woolcd early skins ) No , - ,
each , 5u : dry Hint Kansas nml Nebraska
butcher wool pelts , per Ib. actual weight , 1C ©
c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool pelts , nor In , actual wohtht , MJ12c ; dry
lllntOolorailo butcher wool pelts , pcrlb. actual
welclit , 1012Hodry ; Hint Colorado murrain
wool polls , peril ) , actual weight. H31Dci dry
pieces and bucks , actual weight , 7C9C.
( P \f\JNO. H. LYLES ,
$1.000 WIIL BE PM3 TO
cunr , IODIDC orpornsff on AHY POISON
0. H.KAIN ,
BONDS Total luues ot CITIES ,
iv vr > aor r DISTRICTS.
Correspondence solicited.
lei-'OS ' Dearborn Gtreot , CHICAGO
15 Wall Street. NEW YORK
70 Btnte SI BOSTON , .
Wholesale Caih ComtnUston Merchant.
t and \Vojlern Crctmcrr butter and ,
ranch anil itutornjs nml piuo leaf larJ. Will nut
mclvo orliun4lo only thobeitiioodi. Advance ! on
car lots on track , warchouio or In ituro nt bank
roloi. Office and itoro 13i-13JO ICtU it. , Dcnm ,
MffliiWiircrs' '
The Brunswick-Balke A. II. Pcrrigo&Oo.
Oollondar Oo.
Ulllhrd racrchammo , All.Makes , AllPrlctl , All
Htloonfliturot. 1'atls.
407. 403 H. lOUi lltodt ,
Omaha. IJIJUodso Street.
Omaha Republican Printing Oo , ,
Law brlofi , bank luppllo ) , ami ev rthlna In tlio
prlnllnit llns.
10th nd Douitlaa tlroot * .
Ackermann Bros. 4 Hointso ,
Printers , llnJon , cloctrotrpori , blank book manu
facturers ,
II 1C Howard itroet , Omnhn.
Charles A , Got , & Oo. , KirtondalliJonos&Oo ,
Manufacturers anA Job \VtiolosMo Manufactur's
bers. Aiionti for Boston Unb *
licrphod Co. , lltfj. 1101 ,
1109 Howard ( treat. nml 1100 llnrnoy St.
Wil.iams , Van Aor- "W.V. Morao & 0o. ,
nrun & Harto , Shoe Knctorr , Corner IHh
nnl Dmialu sli. , Oni.i *
1112 Ilnrncr ttroat , Im. Mere-hints Invltod
Omaha , Neb. to call nnd examine.
John L , "Wilkla , Louia Holler ,
Omiha . box nntehern * *
p.iper fuctorr , nnd Piwkori
1317-1313 DoujUi. Tooli A Supplier Hoof ,
hnn A nhaop railiui.
Orders promptlr Illlo 1.
- Jnckson SU
W. T , Seaman ,
Oraiiliti'o Lnrpost Yurlotr
Omaha Carpet Oo , , Oilmoro & Hulil.
oil cloths , mat- Mnnuf.acturors \Vholo- \ -
UPRH , curtntn EOOJa.oU tnlo Clothlcri ,
lilt Doual.ii tro3t. 1103 Ilnrnoj St.
West & Fritsoher , B , Tnohmai & Uo- ,
Utnufncturern flnoclRari dunufoQturcrs' Agents ,
Jobbers of lent tobnccoi. Clcira. :
1011 Farnam itroot. WS. ISth St. , Oninlm.Nob.
GOAL , 00KB , ETC.
Omaha Goal , ( toke and Ooutant& Squires ,
Lima Go. Hard nnd loft coal iblD-
nnd aoflooal. pcrs ,
IS03 Fnrnnm root ,
B. It. Cor. lOlh , anai > our-
lu ttrcot ) .
Hulbert & Blum , F , II , Mohonoy & Oo ,
Ohio lumpHock Sprtml , 1 llBrd-Conl Soft.
Kicclnlor , Walnut black ,
tcrconcd nut , anthraclta , Ottttti 81S N. ICtli tind cor.
Btnlthlni ? . Htonm. .
I ets.
10th ndd IJouiiln !
Onicoill a. IStUat.
101 Capitol Avenue.
Parlin , OrendorfF & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , General western agent
Corner Jones and Oth its. Skandla 1'low Co. ,
Omaha , Nob. 1319-iaol Sherman nro.
Broken Bow Boiler B. T. Davis Mill Oo , ,
Milling Oo. . C , Q. UnJorwoucl ,
Office and warehouse , Mnn.ipcr nt Omaha.
1012 N. ICthnroct Ccr. 8tuanil Jackson ti
8. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
UTR of reudr to rnlsg
. 18th Blap Jack Meil. Unost
1011 N. itroat .
caken In the world. .
C.U. lllaclc , Manager. 1J07-1J15S. aOlhitro fc
Omaha Milling Co. ,
Jlcrclmnt Mlllcrf.
001 co nnd mill , 131:1 : North
ICtli Stiotit
Dewey & Btona rur- Ohas. SMvorick & Oi.
nitura Oo. , Furniture ana Carpoti.
Furniture nndcnrpotv
Farnam St.
1115-1119 Farnau street , 1200-1210
Beobe & Eunyan Inr-
niture Oo.
Buccossors toC.A. llccbo
&Co. .
Qrnco and 13tli St .
Schneider & Loomia , J.T. Minson Notion
Oo. ,
lobberi nnd Importori of Gents' furnishing Roods.
notions and furniaulnz m'f'R colubratoit brand
" " overalls ,
good ! ,
, etc.
panti , shtrtn , conti
1111 Howard BtrceL Cor. litliand Iloirurd Jll.
Kennard Qloaa and J. A. Mler & OD. ,
Paint 03. , ouzUi Bt
ItOS-llU llarnor 8tro9t.
. Ouiih.T.
Ooiaba , Not )
William Oumininss , Blake , Bruce & Oo.
LaaYoairorth il
I1T nd610 South NitnSt. ,
Omnhn , Nob. Omahn , Koh.
Hngh Q , Olark.
Genl Wo trn A ent
iluwn''B Hportlnu 4Ji n-
PP * " " ' ttl"L'l' ' ' bfSSlg'
u'ltllarucr "treet.
Hector & Wilbelmy Oo Loa-Olark-Androesac
Hardward Oo. ,
Cor , 10th al Jocltioa its
1108-1110 llarnoy
Qco. Oboraa & Co. , I. 8. Smith A : Oo , ,
(138. Ulhttruot , U03-1I1I l.snvtniTorlb li.
Oniiha. OmnhN ,
Pftxton Omaha Sato fc Iwa
, _ IrouWork ? , Works
Wroncht ,
nml cast Iron
tiulUliiK work , rnilnoi , Mnmif'rs
briui work , ( tonerut , < , > ll
foundry , miolilno m > work. Iron rliullori n
tilncksiultlinork. 0. 1 * . Dry f ri ; xn. O. An-
Acme Iron and Wire Wihou & Drake ,
V/ork ?
tnbtilnr fltto , fir *
Tron.nlro nnilbr M 'ks. box boilers , tank ) , elo.
II8. ICthKtroot.
* V. Iloohl , . l'roptl tor. IMerconntl 15th it root * .
Ecos Priatiiig Oo.
Lllliogrnphlnff , 1'rlatlni
Biul Hlnnt llouki.
Her & Oo. , Willinm D.irat ,
I.tH'ior Mcrolianti. Wines , I.lqtiori anj Cl-
1IU llarncy at.cot. k'aci.
' . '
Kelt Inilln llltterj. 1313 Frrnain St. , Om\hx
E. It , Grotto , Frank Dollono & Oot
Importer nail .lotid r of IcnuluoNa-
Uquorsnntl (
\Ylnr * nnd I.lquori.
103) ) unit 102) Knrntm St. viuln
Prlco Una oa npiillcitlo.i. Street.
L , Kirsolit & Oo. , A. Friok & Oo , ,
\Vholcsnlo Ii Iquorlloalor * Wliolculo MquorDetleri
1011 l-'nrnim Strce' . BOI F03 H. 10th St.
Q. W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wakofiolil ,
Hardwood Lumber. ' "ffi'c ' S-i1 ;
Hjrilraullo C'om nt anq
1310 North 10th StrosU QulncrYhlto I.lmo.
0. A. StoneMll , I. Oborfolder & Oo. ,
Millinery , Kotloni Importer nnit Jobbers la
Cloaki , icto Millinery.
nUSU South llth
11C-1IS S. loth St. . Omaha Mtrct.
Ma * Mayor fr Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f'pjowolers ' , dealers In Piano , Orc.ins , Artist * "
musical Initrumonta ,
etc. , Material ) , 1C 1C. ,
Fnriliuu and 16th. JM3 Uouylai
J. J. Jolmson& Co , ,
S13 S. 13th strojt ,
Omnlin , Neb.
Consolidated Tauk | A. Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo. Oyitors , flxli and .
rtcflnoJ and lubricating
011 . axle Krcnio , oto. 1303 _ J
A , II. Ulihop , Manager ,
Carpenter Paper Oo , , Western Plating W'kfc '
Cnrrr n full Block of Gold , silver And nlokoj
printing , wrapping and platlntr on nil incttil
tublownre. cto.rcplatoiX
wrltlntf paper , card paper - 1'ollihlru'brnn .t clma *
per , etc. Seller work. 1111 Bodgo.
Bibbel & Bmith , Bchrooder & Oo. ,
Dealers In countrr prod- Cash tmyorj butter i
lice , fruits , vcgctablofl , cfH * * nnd ironoral ot
etc. mlsilon merchants ,
1207 Howard street. < 23 Soutli llth atrcot.
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
UnnufartiirlnK nnl Job
bers nil kinds rubbdr
1003 Ftirnnm stroJU
Einorsoa Saod Oo. ,
Bood irrowert , deilori In
k'urdau , r.iu , cralnan4
trco aoo 11 ,
( JI-42I South Uth.
M , A. Dishrow k Co. , Boha Sa h & Door Oo ,
( Janufacturorj of saili , Manufacturori of mould
doori. lilindi and ing , blind ] , iluorj ,
MouldliiK . llranohof- ota.
Hco , 12th anil ItaM all. 10th anil tlirk utroott.
Farrell & Company , DufTy-Trjwbridga
\Ybolosale manf/icturon Stova Minvifao'g Oo.
irrup * . inolaiios un1 '
Manufnctiir'g ntO
vlnoxi" ,
nlovo pip ) .
217-213 South 8th gtreot 1213-121& I aviirm
Oonsolidatcd OofToo
1414 nnd 1410 llarnorit
Omulm. Nob.
U , S. Wind Engine & A , L. String & Bom ,
Pump Oo , ,
' .
1002-100 ! t'
Unlllihy wlnil inllU. Old -
unit IW Junoitt (1. ( If. .
lloas , Mtlnn mmmzer ,
H. Hardy & Co. , .
Torn , dolls , nlbutm.fnnof
liuodi , lioiuoturnlililnx lSnnitlM. A.lM' rrl ( |
' & Co. , mtnloitue frog.
goods , children's car-
1316 Dodt'o Street ,
' .
Ul'J Kurn.imeL
A. D. Boyer d : Co
W-63 Kichanja UulMlnic ,
South Omaha.
B. XOoffinan , Smiley Hunter & Oroou ,
& Co. ,
Uzctianita Uulldlni
20 KichanKO
K ullt Ouiatuu