THE OM.AI-IA 331SB. COUNCIL BL.UFFS. Oi'VICi : : No. 12PCAHT.STr.nBT. D < llvrcd by Currier In nny rnrt of llio City. U. W. TJf/rON - MAXAOCU. , No. 43. Nf M Editor No. 23. JIKXIMOX. N. Y. P , Co. Council IHulTs Lumber Co , coal. Craft's chattel loam , 10-1 Sapp bloc' * . Ucntlno Itock Spring coiil. TUatihcr , IB Main Patrick Kcegan nnd Miss FiiJvIa Fitter- nil ! , both of this county , wcro married jcs- tirdny by Jmtico i'ntton. Special meeting of Ktchclah Council , No. 8 , batnnJny afternoon nt , the residence of Mrs. .T. 0. Tljiton , 1W7 Fifth avenue. The wlfo of Oniccr Murphy , who has been very 111 with n complication of bronchitis and inlltipiirn , isicporlcti slightly liuproud. William Hamilton , L. D. Hvnns. K. Uo Ben Cullv , D. Hndicy niul Patrick Laikln ivcro flnrd flO.ll ) enthcsttrdny morning In police court for clrunlicnness , Tlio "thrco hours service" at St. PauU church will bo held todav coiutneiiclnu at 'J o'clock. All Christians BIO Invited to attend , c\en for n port of thnt time , and comiiiomoi- ntu thosuflcilngs of tlioir ciuclncd Lord. Mra , J. W. LaliiK It dangerously lit at her residence , S'JO South blxtli sticct. Her phy sician stated nt 11 o'clock last c\ciiliif , ' llmt slio wns \ cry low. und that while she might last until mornlnir , thcro was no hope what ever of her recovery. The Adjuster * of the insurance lompinios .who nro the losers 1:1 : the Marcus flio Iwvo completed their labors Thry fix the loss on stock tit f 10,1)00. wlilch Is $ lf > ( )0 ) less thnn the total Amount of insunncc. The loss on the building Is estimated at $70" > , and that on tlio fixtures utIOO All the ubovo amounts wcro niid to Mr. Murcm Wcdliosdnj ovculng. Marcus will ln\o a sloUBlitcr Biiloas soon as he can glvo his stock an o\crlnuiliiii ; . Sheriff O'Neill went to Foil Madison Wednesday to take four convicts to the iieiit- tcntlaty. They ucro scutcnuod by Juduo Thorntll nt the last term of distilofc cnurt. They were 0. A. Ioury [ , sentenced to ono jeiir for making niiliclous thicats ; J , U. Kin ft , two and six months for horse stealing ; L. C. .Taine.3 , twouars for blgnmy , ana Hcnty Hall , bontcnccdfor llfo for uiur- dcr In thonistdeyrcc. * HAY FOIl KAIjI3. Fifty cam of bay for sale by the Council Bluffs & Oinnlia Tr-insfer company. Orders must bo sent in at once , ns liny Is scarce and piiccs advuiumi ; rapidly. Orders received at 1UIO Fnniain Htrcct , Omulm , and 1005 I'ourth street , Council Blurts. Mnndcl & Klein liavo the only house fur- nlsliinR poods house In the city. They carry a complete atoclc of furniture , carpets , stoves , crockery , curtains , snadcs , llxturcs , lamps , In fact cvcothlnp needed to furnish a house from kitchen to attic. They soil for cash or on cusy twins , at prices which are their own recommendation. This week sev eral unr loads of now Roods wcro received. Call and see the splendid line of new carpets. \Vearosutojou\\iUbo pleased with both patterns and prices If jou need furniture and have not tlio rondy money to pay for It , call and &eo ui. Wo sell on easy pav ments ns well as for cash. MAMU-.I. iS : lu.ux , _ 820 1)roacl\vaj. ) iM It A G MIA I'JIS , Judge Hood wont to Chicago yesterday. Mrs J. C. Mitchell , who has been seriously , 111 for tun past week , Is now pronounced out of danger. Mrs. Charles Xlmmcr and children of Helena , Mont , are quests of Mrs Zimmei-'s parents , Mr , anil Mis. George Gerner , 170 Glen nvonuo. They will stay In the UlufTs several months. J. D. Doslcr , central superintendent of the DuillnRton road , and C. 0. Wilton , supcrln- tcndctit of the Iowa lines , both of Chicago , wore in the city yesterday morning looking over the uffnlrs'of the company at this point. Easier display of millinery Trlclay nnd Saturday nt Montelth's , U1T Broadway. Drs. Wooilbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel Telephone 115. High grnda work u specialty. Airs M. Pfolffcr has returned from tbo cast with a full line of spring millinery , and will bo Klad to see nil herr lends. Call and see her Knstcr display next ivcck. AV111 find prices lowest In the city , Mlildlotnniis Hero. Ycsterdnv's Dec contained , an account of tbo shooting of Doc MicUUcton In a gambling house In CoIn ton , Nob. The man who wns hurt , and who it Is supposed Is now lylnt : at tha point of death as tbo result of tbo affray , iswcllknoun among the members of the sporting fraternity in Coum-ll Bluffs , he hav ing lived hero until last spilnpr , when the gamblers wcro expelled from the city. .Trom hero ho wont to Sioux City , nnd then to Cov- Itigton , where ho was ll\ln nttho tlmo of the Hhootlnp. Ho Is spoken of hlguly by the sports wno knew him , the general opinion being that the shooting \vas not the re sult of any bclllfrcrcnt actions 311 his part as noas \ always considered rather peaceable than otherwise It U said that on. } night while ho was employed In the gambling house formerly kept by Jim Wilson near the corner of Broadway nnd Main streets , \\ailikc man from the west came up to Mtdclloton as bo wns sitting at the able dealing nut cards , nnd pulled out a re volver. Without uttcrlne n \ \ owl ho lifted the \\oapon within six inches ot Middle ton's face nnd pulled the tripscr twice. The re volver failed to bo discharged , however , either tlmo , although an examination of tbo weapon afterwards proved that it had been loaded. From that time on the local gam blers were of the opinion that Mldtilcton was not born for the purpose of being killed In that way , and they xvoro therefore very much surprised to hear of his liaUntr been shot after all. _ K\ans Laundry Co. . r > 20 Pearl street Tele phone 2'JO , Goods called for und dollvcicd. J , B. Atkins , western agent for DoPauw's plato glass company , will Rive estimates on plate delivery in lown. und Nebraska. John Schlckotanz has opened a barber shop at IDHj South Mala street , and Isrondy to servo his friends and the public in genoiul in his line of business. The IMsciiian 1'roublo. vas Issued in supeiior court Maich 0 , In lavorof Casso , Luckloy & Co , gnlnst Henry LUcinnn & Co , for JiO l.)0 ! ) , oesldos the costs of the suit. Yesterday morning la swperloxcouit n jnporiis lllcd by Attornoya Hailo & McCabe , stating tnnt tbo execution bud been madens authorized by the court , but the papers had Iccu re turned by the sheriff , w Itb the statement that there w ns no property which eoulu be levied upon. Tbo court was therefore asked to Issue aa order commanding the members of the linn of II , lUsoman & Co. , and their asslgiico , S. V. McComiell , to appear befoie the court anil answer some questions ns to the state ot the firm's financial affairs , The order uas issued , and this morning at 10 o'clock vuis set as the tlmo Tor tbo hearing of ( because The attorneys for Casse , Lack- ley & Co. hope to secure some interesting disclosures , _ Sluigait A. Co. carry largest otocltof bulk llekl , Rnrdcn and ( lower seoas in the ' .vest Catalogue and samples by mall , Tooled with llio Mull. J. M. Lamr-itc , a tent-maker who has an establishment on Pearl street , was arrested lint evening on a chnrpo of sending obscene mutter thiough the malls. The obsccno mat ter reform ! to consists ot n valentine which vm received bjr Miss Eva Von Wormer , a sonlng clrl at the residence of Mra. P. Hlulc , on Ninth avenue , between Third and Fourth streets. Latncko denies scudlup the \nleiitlno , which Is a masterpiece of ob. tcoiilty , bat after considerable qulnlnp ad- mltteu that ho and a boy had concocted the valentine batucon them. lilt bail \\ns ilxod t (1,000 , but was afterwards reduced to & 00 , na noas out at a late hour lost eight try- lug to sccuro a boudsmaa , NEWS FR01I COUNCIL BLUFFS , Au Uuknown M < m Qfountl to Pieces bj a Wabasli Trcight Train , POSSIB1LITV OF A DEEP CRIME , Cold Wlion Struck A llusy lee Middle ton In ( he 'llio IVdrrnl Court Oilier Mattcis. A man was run o\crla3tovcninR at nbout 'o'clock by tbo Wabash freight train \\blch Is duo In this city at that tlmo. The train was in charge of engineer S. J. freeman , Conductor Kit Mulllpan anilJ. ( S , Hodman. As ttio train was coming over ft slight rlso la the giound thrcc-quortcrs of a inllufrom the city limits tno engineer saw a ( talk object ijlntr between the tincks about ono hundred jnrtlr nhcad of him. Ho could nottnalto out what It was , but when ho arrived within a car length of the object ho saw foi the llrst time that It was the form of a man. He nt once reversed his engine and blew Ills whistle. It was too late to atop , and the whole train paiaed o\er tbo prostiatc form before it came to a standstill. Tlio body was picked up nnd brought to the Dlulfi , where an inquest was held. held.The The body of the dead man was so mangled us to bo hardly recognizable. The bead was severed completely from the shoulders , tut otherwise win hardly scratched. The tiunk wns soiled In twain The arms wore liter ally bioken to pieces and both Icps were sev ered from the body. The engineer stated that when he picked up the body ho felt of the foot and found It completely cold. J. S Ilockman , the liicman , corroborated this statement , and ( I II. Whoclc , ono of the hraiieincn , said ho fou-id the face cold within fifteen mhuitos after the accident , but ho thought the foot was a trillo warm. 'JLJio fact that the man was cold when ha was picked up leads the ralltoad men to think that ho was dtail when the tiain struck him , having died from heart disease. An examination of the heart will show -whether ho has been subject to heart disease , and with thohouo of llmlmy out something la this direction an examina tion Is to bo nmdo of the hcatt this moinln , nnd the Jury will not render Its verdict until aftur the post mortem is held. Who the dead man Is it lslmpoi.slblotosay , as the corpse wns examined by ut least thhty railroad turn , mid not ono of them could fur * nlsh nny clue to his identity. Tbo only thing that w ill UMid to Identify him Is n paper which was found In ono of his pockets , boailiiK the in scription : "Commenced working for Cniis Bock , July 9 , Ib8 . The last ilguio of the jcar tan not bo maJoout. as it Is p.ullally rubbed out by being carried In the pocket for some time < Chrls Heck is a fauaer wbo lives about eight miles east of the deaf and dumb asylum Prom all appearances the dead man when nil vow as of robust built. IIu lias blue eyes , prominent feituins , largo lips , and sandy mustache. Ho wns dressed in a blue blouse nnd ourulls , rubbci boots and a Scotch cap. Sprint ; GoodB. Immense nrilval of sptlng poods at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In , in dress goods , black ana colored silks , fancy dross ( Jhlnnsllks In llRUres and polkadots , elegant llneofsurrah silks in plaids for dress and dross trlmmlnirs , dress trimmings in black , steel and gold , the latest In the market. Almost every shade in the velvet lino. A special offer for this week la black silks at $1.00. $1.11) ) , and ? 125 , worth from SI.i" > to $1.50. Novelties in hosiery in silk , llslo and cotton , novelties In underwear in silk , lisle and cotton. Windsor tics , th best line in the city fiom 5c to 50c. Wall paper our Immense stock of wall paper Just received. Call nnd get our prices , wo can sa\o you money. BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , la FothcrinprhninVhItelaw & , Co. Tra\ oil nRraon of Council Bluffs will hold a mcctinR Saturday , Mar. 28th , at 7 : 'M p m. . In room U'J2 , Mcrriam block. Business of importance. All coma. "Hnv by tbo car load. W. S. Homer , 407 Brondw ay. _ _ A. llusy liurglur , Residents of Bluff street wcro troubled with a bold , bad burglar night before last. The residence of H. L. Shcphnrd was vis ited , but almost as soon ns tbo burglar had entered tbo house , nn J before ho had had a chance to load up , Mr. Shephard appeared on the scene. The room from which ho emerged was light , while the room where the burglar was holding his scanco was dark , so that ho had aa opportunity to escape before Mr. Sbephnrd could get hold of nlmor see what ho looked llko. Shophnrd raado a grab for him , but iust as the fjmb took root the buip- lar slid out of the door and slammed the door niter him. W. W. Willaco's house was the next on the burclnr's ' programme. Will Wallace wns rending In the room ndjol'iing the dining room at about midnight. Ho heard footsteps in the dining room , but thoupln that It was some other member of the family. Ho paid no attention to it , but soon after on going into the next room ho found the silvmvaro all gone thut bad been left on the table after \\Iththooxcoptlonofa largo silver latter , which had evidently been dropped n i the entry by tbo burglar on account of Its umvleldlncss. Solid sllverwuroto thovaluo of $ 'iO was taken. The strange part of the business is that durlnc all this tlmo the door between the rooms wns open , nnd the burg lar must hnvo passed within ten feet of where "Wallace was sitting and ha/1 carried on all his operations under his very nose The fact tbnt a pair of overshoes was also among the missing property is regarded as partially accounting for the quietness with which the man carried on bis work. An attempt was also mndo to enter the residence ot L. Xurmeuhlcn , which is situ ated nearly across the street from tbo other two , but the visitor \\ns fripbtcncit off be- ford bo hivi effected an cntrunio Who the man is who nmdo himself so plentiful around the Bluff street houses Is not known , but it is thought to bj the work of an amateur. The police have boon put on the trail , nnd an attempt will bo inailo to rcco\or tbo silver- wait ) which was obtained from Mr. Wallace. Some of It , It is thcfURht , can bo recovered , ns It was engraved with n monoKram of the owner. Do you want an express waon or boy ! King up the AU. . T. Co , telephone ITO , tfo. 11 North Main street. J.C. Blxby , steam noitin ? , sanitary en gineer , SOJ Mo rrlam block , Council Blurts St , Beuiarcl's hospital fair commences Monday. _ The Ttlanhattau , sporting uoadquaitcrs. N. O'Brien. Applicant H l''liOklnc in. Now that the oftlco of overseer of the poor \acaut , Applicants for the place are begin ning to Hock in. Petitions arc being circu lated by the dozen among the 'friends of the aspirants , and each ono Is seeking with all bis mlcht to marshal his forces la such a way as to com Inco the supervisors , whou they meet , that ho U the only man who can manip ulate tbo affairs of the ofllco In the \viiy In widen they should bo manipulated There .will bo n good deal of lUoly skirmishing be tween now and the lit st Monday in September - ber , when the board of supervisors holds its roirulir mocilng , at which tlmo the ques tion of who ulinll hold the oftlco during the jeomlng jear will bo sottlod. Among the .candidates BTO Henry Dolong , Captain J , P. Wllllums , Dr. A. J. Cook. John Vex , Major Klclmioml. A. A. Hart , FranK 1'etersoii , John Booth , 0. Wesley , N , Schurz , Will Ilnrdln , A. L. IlcudrluKs , Hov. Doilsou and W. L , Biggs. All those gcntloincn , it Is stated , are pulling tha wlroj with consid erable vigor in orclor to bring about the do- slrod result , How many more will como to llgat in the next few days it is Impossible to say , John AhlesvunU It understood , however - over , that ho U not a candidate for the placo. What peculiar fascination there is about thg oQlco of overseer 9 ! tlQ pwr it b bard to sec , as there Is onlv a unlary ot J.VX ) n > ear connected with It. Ills thought , howo\cr , that this amount ca-i bo Increased ury , mntorlally by the use of a llttlo Rood business judgment , and It U supposed thnt that fact | has something to do with the rapid increase In the number of applicants. Court. Judge Love opened federal court ) us tct day morning by taking uutbo u < o against Will- lam JOJCP , rharg"d with tbo robbery of so'no mall sacks atButlington. Alter a short time had bctn npcnt in tha examination of wit nesses Joyce wns found guilty and sentenced ton term of thrco j'cnrs in the penitentiary ntFort Madison. Ho wns lontlnrd In the city baMllo the remainder of the day forsafo Keeping , and was taken to I'ort Mudlson last fl\cningln charge of Ueputr United States Marshal Pulton Henry MOJCM wns found guilty of n viola tion ol tbo revenue laws , but was not sen tenced. Charles Banner of Shonnntloah was tried on nn Indktmprjt charging him with the same oflo te tit Unit of Mjcrs , but tbo evidence ngalnst him wa * not RUfHclcnt to hold him , anil be was dl chaigcil. BcioroJuilKO Shims the suit of Orant npai nst the Union 1'adflo was on trial today. 'llio plaintiff finished his sldo of the case shortly before noon , mid in the afternoon the lonijnny biouebt in Its witnesses. The coso was submitted to the Jury at about 4:30 : o'clock. The trial of the Giant caio finished up nearly nil of the hw cn6s that will bo tiled nt the picsctit term of court. Ibis morning the criminal calendar will bo taken up , and the iciniiinilcrof tbo term will bode- \otcd mostly to the boot Icugors ami the few other offenders against tbo United States laws. Onnccountof tliolllacss of the members of the grand Jury U WHS found necessary to reorganize the body yesterday. Tim wont will goon as UMinl today , however , ns the members hnvo been IBoin and nro rcaily to Imrstigatolho cases that may ho brought befoiolt an usual. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ; wltbmono andonc-hilf mlloi of the P. O. ; nil In boailnif , KOOil buildings ; possesstBn plvon at once. Call on I ) . J. Hutchinson & Co. , til" Broadway. Ourspring stock Is now complete Ifou want to bo In style call ut Hcltci's , tbo tailor , 310 Bi old way 'J roubleor ( n Horsr. Hcnrv L. 1'otts of Oinnhn was in the city jostcidav with a large taloof woo to unfold , no stated that ho had mortgaged a hoftc to n man named Hcnij Miltci , also of Omiha , nnd that Miller took It Into bis head the other day to foreclose tbo mortgage on his own hook. 1'otts protested , and Miller , In eider to enforce the claim which ho had on the bo ist , pulled out n HUH , so Potts alleges , and compelled aim to give It up. Potts then wont to a justice of the peaces nnd had a writ of replevin Issued for the hoi-i o and took pos session of It under theM A d.vy or two after Miller came back and took the horao out ofPotts" stable on the ground that the re- plovlnpapcrsuudcrwhlchthe hoiso had been soi/cd had been made out incoircctly He then hustled the animal to this sldo of tbo river without the knowledge of Potts , and hero ho has been ovoi since. Yesterday Potts was in the city mid happened to run across his piopertj In the Ivcil livery barn , whcioit has been kept since Miller took it. Ho nt ouco proceeded to Justice ! Pulton's court , whoioho bad another writ of replevin Issued , anil took thu horse away w itb I tin to Omaha. Theca owill bo bcnid March III. Potts car lies the mull to nnd from the depots In Omaha , nnd ho thicatcns to begin un ac tion against Miller for intorferinu with tbo carrjing of Undo Sim's mail bags. AVIi ) He Spins Xi > Vnrtm. "How ih It , lieutenant , " asked a young man of a gmy-moiistnchotl naval o'lleor ' , "that with jour many \oars \ of hoalifo , Involving no doubt many strange ndvon- turos , ono never hours youroxpeiionccs of the seaV" "AVoll , " was the unswor , as reported in the Now York Times , "I will relate to you u. little instance of misplaced con fidence. Some years ago I was attached to a ship on the China station. Ono night it was tny turn to take the mid- wateh. I Bottled mjsolf on tlio star- boaid bridge mil. "In a few moments I noticed a commo tion in the water close to the ship. There appeared not more than n half cable lonnth Irom where I wits standing a most gigantic sea serpent. I had oftonreadof such things , but had never believed in thorn , but I could not doubt the evidence of ray own eyes In u moment - mont it vanished , to reappear the next instant almost under our bow. The moon was shining brightly nnd I ( ot a prood look at it. The monster's head was fully as largo as nn ordinary flour barrel , and it wasnt least twcho fcot above the water. "It disappeared in a few mtnutos. Tlio no.xt morning' at breakfast I related my oxpoiioncoto my brother otllcors anil BOOH after turned into my bunk. Just before lunch I felt liKe drinking a glass of beer , and , ringing for thoboy ordered him to bring tno a bottle. The lasual didn't appear in a reasonable time and I rang for mm again. 'What's the mat ter with the boor , .Tim ? ' I asked. " 'Nuthln' ' do matter\vld do boor , Mr. Bobbtay. ' ' "Thou why don't jou bring it ? ' " 'Can't ' do it , Mr. Bobstny. Do doc tor done stopped > ere boor. 'Said data pusson ilut sees such snakes as you wuz talking about dis morning oin't to hub no more boor. ' "And that is the reason that I don't like to tell remarkable stoiles. " Student ol'Hainan Nature Ho had a push cart full of "tho latest and best" novels , and had just opened upon the corner , BBJ s the Now York Sun , when a young women stopped and inquired : 'Havo jou a teal good book ? " "I have , lady , " ho replied. "Horo is the latest thing out and just what will plenso jou. Lot's see ! Lot's see ! " "Is it ical entertaining ? " "Thoentortulninfrost book published fortv year , miss , as I'm ' willing to s wear to. I wns so mtoiostod in it that I sat up all nlpht and never wont to the bank next day. Ah ! hero it is : 'How She "Won Ilhn,1 Tells you all about how a young woman of of well , about twen ty-four , miss , nnd the very picture of Youtsolf , b pging vour pardon , won a lovely husband who was so rich that ho ginvol-roofed his stable with poirls and diamonds. It gives jou an insight into "How much ? " she Interrupted as she took out her puiso. "Fifty cents , miss , nnd as I was going "I'll tnko it. " She diopped him n half , took the book , and passed on , and the old follow had u tulnkio in his eyes ns ho looked after her and muttoicd : "Sho'll bo along again in thrco or four days , and then I'll soil her the sequel to it : 'How Ho Skipped Out After Ho WHS Won. ' Got to study human nuturo In tlieso dull times. " A. Model Girl liuying a Stamp. "Ono 2-cont fctamp , please. " It was a young and pretty woman who said this in the postolllco the other day. She WHS at the head of a long line of men waiting to bo served , and every man ex pected there would bo ono of these long and exasperating dolaj's that usually oc cur when u woman stops up to the stamp window , says tlio Now "York Herald. But nothing of the kind happened and everybody was pleasantly disappointed In tlio llrst place Btio had the oxac. change , and , again , when she got Hit stamp she did not stop to ask questioner or wait to afllx It to her lottor. She aim ply took her purchase nnd wont away unmindful ot the broadside of admiring clancos she received , She was a model joung woman , A SAIL OS THE fflisf DEEP , ui Or a Whirl ) to Bis American Pleasure Resorts , EVERYTHING PRL-PAID Alt)1 ) FIRST CLASS. II You Want to Tnlcc A Tfi p Tli t * Sum mer Without KA ) ) < | II O , I'nrtiul * l > ; ue hi The r loss OHcr. Ariangomcnts lw\o occn effected by the publishers of Tin : Urn \\lilch enable us to inalio n novel ntul nltmctho offer to parties uho tire disposed todovotothclrtlmo nnd en ergy touiml piocunng new subsciiOcn for Tim OMAHA WIUMBLE or Tin ; SUM > A\ BKB between ( tils ( Into nnd the 10th day of Juno next. This offer will bo open only to patties so- llcltlnisubscilbcri ; In Nebraska , loxvu , South D.ikotnntul Kansas. A. cnicful iccorcl will bo kept of nil sub scriptions fouanleJ , fttul the auaulslllbu uado without partiality. THB nUUOl'F.AN' TOUlt. To the person UutAvlll seeuro the Hugo-it numbei of c.vli lor Tin : OMUIA \Vici \ > M Brn or TIP : SUM > \x HER toforo Juno 10 , 1391 , will bu K CII nil v OP tosr i not MI run1 rtmoiTiN toni ncicnr This ticket will incliiilo llrst-clnss pissnoo from New York to Uuropo tuicl nstuni. TbU hi- luilos also all trmellnp , hotel mil slKlU- colt - lt > } expenses Tlictiip will DO undo ulth 1111 excursion pirtv gotten up or Mrs. M. U. Krixrlerof Iloston , nnd will bo In olnrgo of competent uuldcs. The traveler has nocaros wtiutc\cr. The tour co\crs all the principal countries of Europe ViiKlnnd , Germany , Switzerland , Pranci1 , BUminItly | ? ) nwlthulr cltlos. IniludliiK London. l ar t Brussels , Dcrlin , Home , riorcnce , Venice , Milan , CIcnou , etc ( MIN : M-TIIIU i nv\sop sionr-sni i\o. Tbopartv starts from New York Juno 27 anil rcttuns to dtv by September II. TuUn bv iiny liuliviiluil mono , UiU Eu lopein tilp would mvolto nn outlay of nt least JHX ) . AMKlUCivN AND CANADIAN TOURS. ITor the second largest list of subscribers wo offer n fieo ticket from Onmbuto S.ui Franclsoo mill Los Aneclos and return MaRiiltlccnt mountain scenery , tno beautiful Golilc'ti CSiitc' , tha lind of sunshine , fHilts ami ilo\\crs. "Who hni not iceu California I not dlo hupij. [ " Trwolls an educator , mid to propoily nppred.ito the vastness of our greatountir ( one mustseu Its Iwst failures Foi thothiul 1 irKCst list of sutnuillic-rs to the Wrii < i.or SUNDAY DKUooltera ticlcet fromOmutia to Quebec and lo'urn. What could bo prantlor lima ntilp dona the beau tiful Ht. Ijiwicncola midsummer ! Teen - teirphto the beauty oflhous-imt Isles Is de lightful. How much moio dcllKhtful to visit them when In verdure clad. And all this ploisuio for obtaining sub scribers to the \Vufcm anil SuM > vvl.n. ! Forthofourtti lir thstof sub ctlbsrso oflcra frco ticket Irom Omamto New Y"ork , Philadelphia , \Vr.3hlnploii audioiuin 'lliero nro no points on tms continental greater Kciierul Interest than these thieo cities An American cltl/dn 1ms not com pleted his education until ho has seen the scat of Ko\cinmcnt. Tlio poisons and points of interest \VashIiiRtnn nto innumerable and to thu Intelligent observer a visit theio Is lull of interest. New York and Pniludelphli as the courncrclal and cc.iteu ot the country nrenlwuja intcrcstuiir All this slgtie SCPIIIR and traveling given away for obtaining subscribers to the "Wrm/ir or SUMM Urn. For the filth larcost list of subeditors wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niajrun Pulls anil icturn. Eversmco our childish wondcr'wrsaroused by the dosc-riptlon in the old PI heel readers of theio wonderful fallu jou havodesirou to see tliepi. Hero Is the op portunity. A most delightful excursion nnd ono without ox nemo , pi\en for securing sub scribers to the WERI.KY or SUNIIVY Hi K. 1 or tbcsixth lamest lis'o of subscnborsno offer a free ticket from Oai.iha to Suit JLako Citv and return. The famous Moimon city is fast becoming a Gtntllo city , and will in time lose much of interest. Nov. * . this sum rncr would bo a good tlrao to vUlt the boom Inp city. Uarfiold Beach Is of course in * eluded in ihei trip. This summer resort on the ! ako is a delightful place to pass a few of the hot summer dajs Whvnot secure a number of subscribers for the WEEKLY or SUNDAY Her and take the trip. For the seventh lai Rest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket to Denver and Manltou and return \VtilIo a shorter trip thin any of the others it combines many pleasant fea tures. Ilenvor the queen tltyof the plnins Is al\n.\a worth seelnu while the honllu and summer revolts of Manitou arc dcliRhtful indeed. Health giving , Inspiring , icstful amid sublnno scenery what trip could bo more restful 1 All this pleasure for sccuiing subscribers to the SUNIHY 01 WEEKLY BtD. CONDITfONS. Now what are the conditions upm which tucso tickets aroijiven awav ? Tbosccurinp of the larcest list of subscribers to THE \ \VEEKI/\ SUMHY Hei' . No { newspaper In the west Is so well and favoiably known nnd solicitors have alwaj s found it an easy nut ter to secure subscriber. Tun HEI'S sub scription list has always kept pace w 1th its reputation and It deisres to uud now names to its loner list of friends ' Being at all times a people's paper U makes friends with all classes. The subscription price of TIIF Wrria.Y Bus is $100 per year postpaid to any place In this couutrv or Canada , or $200 if sent to a foreign country. Tin : SUMJA-I BBIS Is S2.00 per jear , but Orniha subscribers for Tia SI'NDAY BEB \\lll not ho counted In this competition. ( Jet upullbt. Have your frioiuls subscilbe for the paper. Sample copies forwarded free on request. Persons desirmcr to compote for one ef these prizes will please say so when Bonding in their first orders. KomltUnco in full must accompany every order. Two six mon'hs ' subscriptions or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as ono older. Ilcrfcccro : Cuiltln'tllo Kept. For some time Irviti Kcllar , n. haiiil- some young1 man , whoso homo is in Piillnuclphiu , has boon courting M'83 ' Edith Ovcrhol/or , who lives at Tromont , neil * Sprliigliuld , O. The woUding wns sot All preparations hud been inado , the guests invited , , and the brido's trousseau prepared. A- | the last minute Bomo ono took tha prooin nsidu nnd nfikod him if ho know his biido had already b i ti married. The news like n thunder chip to tha \oungbridegroom. The girl's fotmor husband was named Aimsttong. Ho has been sent to the Ohio penitentiary for a cutting fiaeas ( it Iiawroncov'1110,0. , about a jear iijo. ( The jjhl liad then secured - cured ndivorco fromlifm and tnkpn her maiden niimo. ICollaV'knew nothing of the girl's past history , and she never Flavoring Extracts. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS , Vanilla , -A Of perfect purity. LemonI Lemon - of Q Btr0ncth. Almond -f fROM Economy in their uso. ROM etc.7J Plavor as dollcatoly and dollolouely as the frosn fruit. Easter Effects. Our beautiful line of Spring- Weight BLACK CHEV IOT SUITS , in sack or cutaway , bound or unbound , at prices represented in four corners of this ad. , would make very desiiablc and appropriate wear for Easter. They arc of OUR OWN MANUKACFUUE , and long dealing with the consume has enabled us to remove every defect in way of fit. Our cutters are artiSts of merit. No flimsy turnouts heie ; we can't afford it. G aim cuts we turn out are conspicuous on the street by their neat and tasty appearance. They advertise and bring- many returns. Great many people know B. , K. & Co.'s garments by their correct appearance. Many more are finding it out day by daVE appreciate ONE TIIOUSMi ) SPRIG OVERCOATS. The largest assortment ever brought to Omaha , and comprising more and handsomer styles than all other houses combined. We fit the long , the slim , the short and the fat ; < nobody shut out on shape. Our prices , where fit , quality and workmanship arc considered/has / become . We all Omaha to this line. come a regular 4-11-44 to competition. want see Our Boys' and Children's Department Is a feature that never fails to attract. Just now there are scarcely hours enough in the day for the crowds to complete their purchase. The styles are many. The make up bright and pretty. The prices very low. Space crowds out the mention at length of our many new things in Hats and Furnishing Goods. 'Browning , King & Co. , S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas. KELIABLH DEALERS , Open alter Monday , March 30tb , until 8 m. Saturdays 10 p. in. spoKooflt. The young m in did notro- nialn to upbr.ild the girl who had du- eehod him , but loft at once forli H homo in Philadelphia. IIu biiid to n friend before ho left that hin lifo was ruiuud and ho felt tint ho should novur ho the man again. i'ul ' > y McKru4 Hirtlnlnj I'n rty. The latest fcsti vllv tit the \\hlto house is a birthday lurty to Miator lionjamiti Harrison McKee , aged four. In honor of the occasion the > ounj ( man discarded Uills and appeared in a black vchot jaclcot anil knco pints. In the pockut of lii& Iiillet ) bhirt icpoiod a fjolcl wntuh. The guests of honor , attended by tlioir mammas nid IIULSOS , arrived at the white house ntS n in. The pulorsuoro lighted and tlio president assisted his fjrmtKon in reaching. "When sup- poi \\is uimouncod the president and Master Benny marched at the head of the piocossloii to the prhnlo dining loom. There the vouthful guests \\oro \ \ lifted into high chairs. The florjil con- tcr-pioco of the table consisted of two American flags in a field of green. The guests found at their phiccs little baskets tied with the "Union colors and filled \\lth bon-bons There wore also flower whips , the handles wound \\lth rod , wliito and blue ribbons , and lire-balls dandled at the end , in which llttlo bollfl tingled as their youthful owners pluyed with them. Knoh whip hud the nnmo j > f the recipient and the date stamped upon the ribbon loops. When the little ones \vero seated the host , Cluster Benjamin , gravely asked a Messing in German , and the feast began. President Hnrribpn stood behind his grandson's ' clmir , ana Mrs. Hnnison plnjed attend ant upon her granddaughter Mary. Mammas and nurses formed an admiring coidon around thorn all , while the babies drank bouillon and ate tlioir ko cieam and c.ikes. The cream was served to them in pink boxes tied with pink ribbons. During the meal , as well us during tlio dancing which followed , Piof. Sousn and a few members of the bmd gave a musical melange. After supper thoio \ \ asa dance. The four-jcar-olda moved through the oonloiinial lanciois with gioat succors It was iilmobt 0 o'clock when the last of the goodbjsoro \ said , Benjamin giving as self-pfMbcsa'd a salute to his guests in parting as lie had in welcoming them. IIo oven conquered a temptation to look at his gold watch , nnd almost forgot that ho hud the glit tering ticker nt all. It is said that in another vear , when Master Benjamin can remember bettor his birthday festiv ity , the day will be maiked by a much more pietcntious colobiation , probably a fancy di ess ball , uhioh will lovivo the momoriod of the ono ghon at the white house during the Van Buion adminis tration. Electric Trussss , Chest Protectors Belts , , Etc. AGENTS VAN1ED. DR.C.B. JIIDD , OO6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la TKMJPHONKS. OUTIOE. 07. 27 MAIN STREET. Over 0. II. Jacqucmln & Co. Jewelry Store FinleyBurke. Thos. 13URKB & CAS AD Y , Attorney . rilACTICi : IK TUB STATI5 AND riiDISKAti counrs. Offices : J. J. Drown HulldlnsCouncil BluHa , Iowa TO BEEKEEPERS. I carry a full line of Doekoepsra supplies , including comb foun dation honey knives , smokers sections and all supplies fop an npiary. M , S.ROOF , 820 East Broadway , CouncUBlulfti , la. Specimen Piguics fiom the Forty-sixth Annual Report OKTIIU- SUMMARY OF REPORT : BUSINESS OK 1HOO. Premiums t Interest , rents , etc 74 Tot nl Income $ ' pontli claims nnO endowments | 8 , ; ! 43 Dividends , ntmutlcs and imroh.ised Insurnnocs Total to Policy Hnldnra $ 1:1,270,544 : OS N'o\\ polled s Ksutil t 4V751 Nc\v Insiirnncurlttuu 159,57flOKOO OOlsIDITiON JAN. 1. ItJOl. $ iif > .n47.8on or 1.1abllltlos rninp 1,1 v'.s standard ) 10l,04'li > 9 H Surplus [ 4 per ciMit ] 14K'JS,4W fttl Policies In force 17UG9 Insurance In force OOU/IJS.TJJ 00 PK.OGIi.E8S IN laOO. Incroiso ( n Iontlno surplus t 00 lucreiso Inlicnolltsto policy holdois ! ; K Incioiso In nreinlunis , Iiiuionsu In Incorne 2 IMI.KU 8 liicronso In assets ) ot Increasu In Insur.incorltton 8.4.- > 1,977 OC Incrcasu Inliibiiranco In force rj.rjj.73 6 oo GROWTH OF THE COMPANY DURING m. PAST DECADE : INSOHANOHX ISSUED. In the year 1R80 . 122,229.070 00 In the yeirlfW . i . UU1,4U ) { ! 00 In the year ISO , ) . 159.57U.C83 00 A.KNTJAU 1NOOME. n Iho vonr8 ! = 0 . S 8.0UTIO 41 n tlio yeirlWK . . 10.121,172 74 II the VCurlhLO . i . . U2,15SIOO OS INSUnA'OHi IN FOH.OU. tintinry 1 IfRl . tn5.72 < U > 10 nuimiy 1 ISS'I . . " . . : . 2.VJ.074 VK ) 00 January 1 161)1 ) . WjiVJ.w.T.'O 00 ASSETS. Tanimry 1 ISil . J4MKau ) 81 Tumitiry 1 IXSO . 00H IJ24 UJ anuary 1 Ib'U . . . llvm,81'J ' U7 SURIPUUS. Taniury 1 I8 < < 1 . 1 0.047aV2 81 Tnimary 1 U8'J . 10.1NU15 DO January J 16U1 . 14fc(9 ( ,4W , 80 PAID I'OIilOY IIOIiDEUS. In the year HW1 . $ 4 , WM 24 In thoyeir l ts . . . 7.WI.87 ! 73 11 1890 . . . 1J , ' . > 70(5I4 03 H. BEERS , President. HENRY TUCK , Vice President. ARCHIBALD H. WELCH. 2dV. Prest. RUFUS W. WEEKS , Actuary. El. G. SMITH , Agency Director , SAPP ETJILDINO , OOTJNOIL BLTJPP ? , IOWA. SPECIAL NOT10ES. COUNCIL BiUFF3. HAV rflrSalo 1 luno purch ised a ( ln lot of liny , which 1 will soil lij ear load or In stnulUiu.iiitltlcs Leave oidc at Xo 1322 West Uroidway. \\7ANTHD A Rood girl forcenoral liouso- > V work. Apply at 111 llUHVsttoct. OK lir.NT A furnKhuJ house with al modem W2B. Uth street , TjiKUITfanufursalunr trade : well located Jmul all In tc.irlnsi ROO ! buiisoaad birn. Will t.iliuhoino coo < J city propoity , and good tlinoBl\ci.on bal iiioo. C'ull on or aUilrcsi I ) . J. lliitclilnson tVCo. . (117 ( Itroadwuy. liU'A MINE I ho celebrated Ulel'lmll iilaims : Ji < now scale crown pi uios and organs. Sold on easy payments by Mar. lluurlcm . nnmo tvucher. 114 btulimaii street. Council POIl bAIiI2 A house and Inr o lot on easy pay muii ts. Inqulra ut 4GJ 1'ark uvcinio , Counclf lllulVs. h. WJ. lAUnK : > VA&Snit Uns moved his wnruliou ; > u fiom 3i" > lira i Iway to JOJ Urn id way , where ho vrlll keep on band a Quo stock of furnace fixtures. ) . will niiiko llio ilrst pavmont on 100 $1U.UO aerrsof flnoland In houth wc-.torn Rllnno- oti , and ten jours to piytliu bilancnln , 1'arms for rout In same locality. S uiio Unas onliniirimul farms In NoLraska. Call on or siiiul foi circulars , to Jolilisten & Van fatten. TTOft bALK At n saorlflco , liirKORlyo letter J prubs , J ofllcu desks and oli.ilw , U store tiuolvs , 1 luivo Iron soulo truck , 2 liunlliiK stoves , 2iouliterBcalos astcp ludikrtt. 1 hwa phtfoun lloor suuloi KcUIno & Telt , 117 iMulii St. TTlOlt HUNT riio MoMtilion block , 'A story -I- brick , u Ith bn-soiiiciit .mill elevator. J , W. Squire , 101 Peail utrcct , TTIonsAI/R A biiriilii ; ; now modern house J-1 with all the Into Improvements , NOVOII rooms : will .soil cm eaiy puyinnnti ) located on tlio rifthavcnuo motor line. I > . J , Uutchlii- son , 017 llroutlway. TTOU 3.VLE or Kent Qirilati Und. nltti JL > houiei , by J , It. Itlos. 10J Mala it , OouaoU Blutr BcrdM ! SeotlDl Hoods ! At Colo's hardware store , 41 Main street , jou can got the beat seeds. Wo Eull in bulk und can 'ivo double the seeds for tlio money thut you can buy by the paper. Our see tie are all frcbh and tested and recommended by local pardoners - donors to bo the best seeds obtalniblo. Full line of field nnd garden eceds. JlloyolliiK for 1H01. Wo nro the people to lltruro with for your mount for tills year , With our ton years' experience In this line wo are prepared to oiTor the boat vnluo to bo had in thin lino. It is easy to got fooled on a bicycle. Our prices ranffo from $2.5 to $135. The celobrntod Victor and Grunt lino. COLi : & COl E , 41 Mtiin Street. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCk . 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 s I. A. . Millar , F. O. Gleason , R. U Blmiart , K. E IIartJ D. Edmundson. Clurloi 0 , llannan. Transiot Kenerul banking bust. nciit. LirKost : cn.pltil and surplus of banlclnSoiitliffostorii Iowa , INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Uldhost cash prlco paid for rnijs and all IctndH of pcrup motuls. Country doalora tvnd merchants will llnd it to their advantage to communl- 'Ciitowltti usboforo disposing of tlioir slocks. GILINSKY BUGS. , Union Broidwny Depot , Tol. 301. Council'Ulutrs , la. M. H. CHAMBERUN , M. D KYI' , KAH. NOSH AN1 > , ConnclUllulM , in All dlioanoiof tlio KVIC. EAU , NOSKnndTllHOA'l UentC'l with llio tirenlost ikl Ilium rnro. CA'UUUU , ASTHMA. nntl HAV KKMCll troatoJ ttlthcmlnnnt luccon - - 8UKUIOALOI'KIlATION3.iihoronecui rr. pain. Icmlr pcrformo 1 with the iiimoit cnro uinl iklll , nv turlnxporroct rumlti KINF81' OI.ASSm acouf. utoly prescribed , curroctlnx all rofrncttvo troublol , Alropla , llrpcropltuiiil Aitlitlnatlim , tlmi ron- ilBrlnmluht nur. rloir n I nnlnleu. (1IIUO.NIU NiUllAI. lIAnn . < * < i/\uiiti Qtun iin/vi'MVijiii. , niLur rtt ri ofUirrlblo euiTurlne na rollaf.entlrelr ourul Ollloo , 'loom , Hhuiart Illuck , oror llano A. Ck ) ' < atord , Council llluffi la. NEWOGDEKT HOTEL , The Now Ogdea Hotel , in Council Blutft. auBbeen completed refurnlshelaninodorn- Izod throughout , and is now on a of the boat liotulsln tlio state. It la locatocl In tha bml- noKtipart of tno city an.l thi olootno motou paoatlie Uoor tivory four mlnutua. Fire ej. capos and llro alarms throughout thj balld. ing. Steam lioat , hot tnd cold water an ! fcunshlue in every mom Table unsarpiaj'ji anywhere. Hates , $3.00 a day , QEO.M. "WHITNEY , Manager. OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. Pornor Main an < l Uroidway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOV/A. Dealers In foroljn and domeitto X3h nn\ Uolleotlon uiuUo aacl laiercut yalJ ou tlutt dopoilt * .