8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : VEDINESDAY , MARCH 25. 1891. THE CITY , John Smith , wlio Illegally npnroprlat- ctl n wntch belonging to M. F. Ilnlo , was fined $25 and costs. Twenty-five bales of tobncco from Iln- vnniv for Wcdolcs ff Co. were received by the customs houso. WilHnm Mlllcrisundor arrestclmrpcd with stealing a lot of clothing vnlued nt 821 from George Wilson. Polo \Vnr \ < 1 nnd Arthur Matthews , a brnco of vagi , will tarry In the city lor thirty days ntnorrlgnn's sanitarium. David Reed , an old veteran and G. A. R. man , is lying very ill with plieu- monla at hio homo on We&tDodgo street. Preserve your complexion by using n tollot article. Wo recommend Euro Court Fnco Powder , sold by nil druggists. Sample free. The collector of cutitoms has received notice of the shipment of n largo cargo of tin from Now Orleans consigned to several parties In Omaha , The ship ment consists of about six thousund boxes of tin plates , Thomas Scunlon , a clerk nt the Omaha coffin company , died Monday night at tbo rcoldoncoof his father , Thirtieth and Browne avenue , aged twenty years. Ho was attacked with the grip and was con fined to bed seven days. The funeral will probably bo hold Thursday morning- . When you RO to buy Hood's ' Sarsaparllln bo snroto Kctit. Don't be put oft with an inferior substitute. Insist upon Hood's. Model Motive 1'owcr , The Baltimore & Ohio railroad com pany has recently placed in survlco emits last'trains between Now York , Philadel phia , Baltimore and Washington , thro o now engines which are doubtless the finest and fastest ever built in this coun try. Those now floors have driving wheels six feet six Inches high and cylinders twenty Inches by twenty-four. The Inrgo cylinders civo them tremendous deus power and the high drivois protect the mnchinory from the rack nncl strain incident to driving smaller engines nt great bpeed. There is practically no limit to the speed to which these now marvels may bo driven , nnd they skim ever the rails as smoothly as a swallow ever a lake. Another recent addition to the mollvo power of the company is a consignment of eight powerful , ten wheel passcnpor engines , designed for service on the mountain divisions. These are the heaviest tcn-whcot engines over con structed , weighing sixty-seven and one- half tons. They have driving -wheels six foot two inches high and cylinders 21 inches by 20. Ono of those machines performs the work heretofore requiring two of the ordinary class and they take the heavy through express trains UD the mountain grades quickly and with per fect ease. The Mt , Clare shops of the company have recently completed an order for ton switch engines of the highest typo , nnd Bufllclcntly powerful to muko up n train equal to the full drawing power of aeon- Bolidatlon freight engine. Also three now heavy eight wheel passenger en gines , having driving wheels live feet eight Inches and cylinders twenty inches by twenty-four. Thosn engines are now doing excellent work ; they are very powerful nnd susceptible of great speed. In addition to the foregoing the com- 'pany has now under construction , at its Mt. Clare shops ton powerful ton wheel engines designed for fast freight service and for heavy passenger trains on oeca- Dion , also twelve consolidation freight engines of great powor. Thcso additions to its motive power are in line with the other improvements constantly being made in the general bottorinont of the B. & 0. property by its present management , which have boon noted by the press from time to time , nnd the rapid augmentation of the passenger traffic f the company indi cates that the public is quick to recog nize the present and constantly increas ing olllcioncy of Its train service. Tilt : COALi HATE. ItallroadH Will Slake it Uniform- Notes. TUo contracting frolght agants of all the lines connecting lu Omaha , together with the heads of the coal departments of these roads ylU moot In this city today for the pur pose of fixing a uniform coal rato. Bovural of tlio lines claim they have been working at a disadvantage under the present schedule of rates , and au effort will bo made to adjust the matter. Employes Will Tnko n Hand. A movement , Is on foot among the railroad employes la this city to organize an associa tion for tbo purpose of taking a hand In legis lation adverse to railroad Interests. The movement being made among the employes already organized into associations and will bo extended to all ' classes of railroad wage- earners. Demy the Report. The officials at the B. & M. headquarters deny all knoxvlcdgo of the news contained In the press dispatches from Piorio , S. D.t to tno effect that trafllo arrangements had bcca completed between the D. & M. and the Northern Pacific , whereby the B. & M. would extend Its line from Itaplcl City to Plortn. There have been no arrangements ot that kind made , " said ono olllcial. "Moreover , our line docs not run to Rapid City , but Is on the otnor sldo ot the Hills , so that the report U utterly false on its face.1 Dr. Blrnov euros catarrh. Bee bld'p. Don't Fool lonrsolf ! Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ky'a now steam heated nultico stooping cars , with "electric lights lu every berth , " Btlll leaves the Union do- lot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. dally , arrlv- i ng at ChlcjvRo at 0:30 : a. in. , In ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket ofllco , 1601 Farnam st. J. E. PIIESTON , F. A. NASH , G PUBS. Agt. Gon. Atft. A A'A O C/A VJKJIBX TS. Mr. D. T. Faber , representative of "Tho Two Old Cronies" company , which Is ono of the bos farce comedy attractions on the road this neason , Is In the city , ' -Two Old Dronlos" comes to the Boyil on Monday and Tuesday of next weolc. The company in cludes such people as Prank \Vllls'Ada Dcaros , Chnrlos F , Jerome , Julia Macklo , Al Blllnian , Joslo Domain , Harry Dietz. Mubol Nichols , Frank O'Brien ' , Ada Stockholm helm and many others who are recognized lenders of fnrco comedy , Stunrt Uobson nnd his company will bo nt the Bcyd for two evening next week. On Wednesday evening Mr. Uobscm's now play , "Is Marriage a Failure1 ' will bo presented , Md on Thursday evening "The Henrietta. " The Hanlons' now siwctacular play "Su- pcrba" draw the largest bouso to the lloyd last night since the engagement of "A Texas Steer. " Tbo great spectacle will continue during the week. _ _ _ _ _ The Kdeu Museo has a first class entertain ment thU week. In the curio halltho cele brated inldcct , Don Cameron , who besides being ono of the smallest men living , is ono ot the greatest orators nnd dcclnlmers , The llttlu man is a wonder. Ono of the greatest curiotiiilcs is the singing parrot Pedro. ThU wonderful bird sounds the trumpet cull ; , thu bugle calla and nil thu Spanish signals. Ho alnirs In a wonderful manner. In the theater Lavoriie , tbovondoitul magician , lu the cri-ntpst ot all UluiloiiH , black nrtholds forth. LaVorjiu is without doubt the uroatost priest in the order of borcory nnd witchcraft. The illusions of Prof , llltidorf's uro without par allel. The specialty fo&turf * in tlio Bijou tnoator ore excellent and draw full hcubos. U'ne danciup of tbo twin * s excellent. HIS BROTHER ROBBED HIM. Wealthy William Fitzpatrlck Will Bo Bnrled Today in a Pauper's ' Grave. WORTH OVER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS , An Irrigation Inquiry A Flcturo 1'cdillor Works a Scheme IVcin Jlnlclw n & Co , Other Local Mutters , William FIt/patrlclr , who died at St. Josopn's hospital on the 12th inst. , stated on bis deathbed that hovn.i worth 85,000 In coin of thotcnlm. Nevertheless , lili bod.v will bo laid Jawny In a pauper's grave today by the county's ' undertaker. If William's tnlo bo true hU brother Is n double-djcd villain. Ho stated to a number of his friends , during hH llfotimo nnd after ho was tnkon to.tho hospital to dlo , that ho was ono of tbreo brothers who lind Inherited M5.UOO from their father. Kaoh was bc- Pthed J",000 , but John , ono of the brothers , corilitii : to William's story , obtained pos session of the lattcr's ' snaio and refused to divide. William drifted about from pillar to post , without any special menus of earning a live lihood , having been reared with the idea that ho would never bo compelled to work. Frequent - , quent appeals failed to soften the Hcuit of tbo brother In Illinois and William grow discouraged. Ho finally drifted to South Omaha , whore ho did nllmanncrof light jobs , Including ten ding bar iu saloons. Ho was a ? ulet , gentlemanly fellow nnd made many rlends. Several wcelts ago William was prostrated with lung trouble and was taken to St. Joseph's. lie adhered flrmlv to the story about bis brother nnd after his death a telegram - gram was sent to his brother notifying him of William's death. The telegram was re turned as not , Imvnifr been delivered. A few days afterward another telegram was sent to the brother , and this nlso was re turned , the brothorietuslng to cither receive it or pay the charges. The body has been at Hoafoy's undertak ing roomi since March IS , awaiting Instruc tions as to its disposition. No further tele grams will bo sent , put the body will bo turned ever to the co.inty today for ' burial. IKRlOiYlIOM 'INQOIUV. Spsclnl Agent.lUtitou Tolls of Ills \Vofrk nnd Plans. Mr. U. J. Illnton of Washington , D. C. ( special neont In charge of the irrigation In quiry , was at the Pnxton yesterday on his way to Lincoln where ho will hold n con ference with Prof. Robert Hay , chief geolo gist of artesian and underllow Investigation ; Colonel Nottleton , chief engineer ; Prof. Cul- vet of tbo university of South Dakota , geolo gist for the Dakotas , nnd Prof. Lewis A. Hicks , ceolopist and engineer for Nebraska. Mr. Illuton stated that his visit west was for the purpose of conferring with the gen tlemen above named nnd arranging to con centrate all the forces of tbo department in the northwest , namely , In western Nebraska , the Dntcotas and eastern Montana , with a view of determining the exact extent , nsncar as may bo , of the artesian basin of the Da- kolas. "Tho work will bo pushed as far ns the limited appropriation will por- mlt , " stild Mr. Hlnton. "Lost full wo sosurcd an additional appropriation nnd our forces have been engaged in the southwest during the winter months. Now , howovrr the work will bo pushed In thowcst and northwest. Wo will endeavor to locate the 'water plain1 of the northwest so that wo may bo able to .estimate the depth of veils In all sections of thatrogion. "Tho meeting at Lincoln will bo for the the pUrpose of conferring as to future clans and it will also bo of n public nature , for the purpose of bringing the matter prominently before the people. A. meeting will bo hold In the legislative hall tonight at which ud- dresses will bo made by myself aucl others interested in the work. " WORKED A SCHEME. Plan of a Canvasser Tor liaising tlie Wind. Robert Griffin Is wanted for obtaining money under false pretenses. A complaint flled by M. McCabe alleges that Gilflln represented himself as nn agent of the American Artist association of. Kansas Cliy , and sola J. H. Lonegan two tickets nt GO cents each , claiming that they would.cn- title the holder to have two pictures enlarged by the association. Ho further alleges - legos that the tickets nra worthless , as Grit- tin had no connection with tbo association at the time of the sale , although ho had pre viously been in their employ. It is alleged that Grlfllu has been working the scheme quite successfully , nnd that there nra a number of other sufferers. BALDWIN WAS UA.MCI31) . Ho Iia Not MrtUo H's Orange City Schema Work. When young Mr. Baldwin , the head schemer of the wholesale lumber and timber olaim agents protested to TUB Bui : that ho had not Dllltcd any of the cltUuns of Orange City , la. , on his Tacoma excursion , ho was right. „ It wasn't Mr. Baldwin's fault , howovor. A letter rccc'ivod by the TUB Bui : yesterday f rom P. O. Lankolmnn of Orange City states that Baldwin had secured the contracts with thirty Orange City people , but did not cot their money , as that was to bo paid on Anrll 10 , when the party was to start for Washing ton. The publication In TUB BKK of Bald win's plans nnd the letter from the Seattle land oflleo denouncing him as n fraud put the Orange Uitv men ou their guard , and Mr. Baldwin will hardly call there for the collec tion of the contract money , For the euro of colds , coughs , and all de rangements of the icsplmtory orpans , no other medicine is so reliable as Aycr's Cherry- Pectoral. It relieves the asthmatic nnd con- sumpttvo , even In advanced stages of disease , and has bavoit Innumerable lives. Wentlior Probabilities Tor March. If March corao'a in like a lion It will go out llko a lamb and vlco vorsa. Bn ; every day In tbo month , rain or shlno , the electric lighted , steam heated , ves- Ubiilotl limited trains of the Chicago , Milwukoo & St. Paul railway will run , batwco.n Omaha and Chicago. The elec tric berth reading lamp In their pulaco sleeping cars are the greatest novelty of the ago. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam st. , Omaha. Closed by Creditors. The hnrdwarostoroof Morohouso Brothers at 1513 Douglas street , was closed by cred itors yesterday. The members of tLo firm state that the suspension Is only temporary and that they \\111 bo able to resume business within a few days. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg , Must Ijo3j nn Arm. Thn man McManuto of Waterloo , who was shot and brought to tbo county hospital , h in n critical condition nnd to save his life the amputation of his right urui has become neccsssnry , BETIIOVEN , WELLINGTON , BISJIAHCi Kings uiiJ Queens Inniunorable. uourly all the nilnda tliut ham cluinged the coursoof ulTuIrs In tliavurld for conturlcs , luivo licon to C.trls- bua for lioillly tilil. Not every Dody can RO even in tlioso times ot fist travel , Imt o\cryIjoclv tm : lii\o : tlioboucilta o ( CurlsUatl utsinull co-.t ut homo In the CurKbud S | > rudi > l Nilt. which ( its jvnjxmiteil fromHioHprudcl cJptliiK , una contains nil tlio kolhl coiutitucntK oitho wntvr. TlinKcnuhiQCntltb'kdgpradolSuUlt u nat- > nrnl tonicilr * lilcli hnlwuyt * ulfoutlvo lu nil uUortt ( > rn ( thn Htoiuuch , liver unit kldnpyH ; forlcllpuoinitIuialonKOitty ) | nnd rlieuiuuttu u Hoe tlo in , It h wltlinut Denial. Ho siiro to ob- tuln tlio ucnulnu article wliloh Ima tlio seal of the City of Curlnbail und tlio sluiKilurn of "EUniir Mnuil l oi\Co , , t-olo A ont8 , 0 Uar- cloy fat , N. V. , " wltli every L-gttlc. Jlcnl Instate Man IlUouss .Iiniinrtnut Btiliuinos. There wns nn unusually Inrgo nUcndanco nt the meeting of the real cstato cxchnnRo -yesterday , mid Instead of discussing Mr. Tukoy's prospective lunch , the members talked business. The public warehouse bill wai discussed at length , the members arguing that HJ passage will not only bo of material benefit to Omaha , but will add from two to flvo ccntr. to every bushel of wheat that Is raised within a radius of 200 miles. Mr. Wilson thought the cstnbllshlnu of public warehouses would Increase Omaha's population at least ten thousand durlna the next two years , as well as doubling thu bank clearings. air. Ucortto advlsod the holding of a public meeting- elect a committee to go to Lincoln nml labor with the members of the house. No definite action was taken , though nttho next meeting of the exchange it Is probable a committee ) will bo elected to worlc In con junction with , the board of trade committee. TllANSFlilt CHECKS. New Flan Under Consideration fur 'ilicitDistribution. . The members of thn council committee ap pointed to treat with the street car company relative to a general system of transfer checks , coed on any of the lines In the city , nro making some headway in tbelr efforts. Mr. Blunicr , chairman of the committee , states that era long the committed will bo nblo to submit a report that will bo satisfac tory.Tlio Tlio committee asks that transfers bo given on the Twenty-fourth street , the Sher man avcnuo and Walnut 11111 Hues going either way , The company Is willing to give tbo transfers golngsoutb , but as yet have not agreed to the proposition to give transfers to trains going tioi tH and west. The New Hospital. The Methodist hospital movement in this city took a stop forwanl on Saturday last. It hud been known to a few for some time that negotiations were pending , which , if successful , would give the Methodist people a bonanza In the mattorof location ) building , etc. These negotiations culminated last Sat urday afternoon in the purchase of Dr. Clif ford's ' hospital building , with all the furni ture , fixture and appurtenances thereunto belonging , the whole being obtained at about one-lit th its actual value , It Is probable that Dr. UilTord will bo appointed oculist of the institution. ConsIderable money will bo nccHed to put things In running order , and from ? : J,000 to STj.OUO per year besides the income from pay patients will bo necessary for current run ning expenses. Call on or remit to J. E. Cowgill , secretary. Itoom 400 , Bee building. Do not tnlco any chnnco of being pohonod or burned to death with liquid stove polish , paints or enamels In bottles. The "Hising Sun Stove Polish" is safe , odorless , brilliant , tbo chcdpost and best stove polish made , and the consumer pays for no expensive tin or glass package with every purchase. Htole Good IluricH. Tbo News , published Sidney , O. , the homo of Warbington/tho destroyer of "Tho Return of Spring , " devotes a half-column tea a review of the case now pending In the Douglas county courts. In answer to tbo affidavit published in Tun Bnn that War- blngton's uncle , who had a penchant for other people's horses , always "stulo a worth less animals , " the News says that the horses taken under peculiar circumstances were al ways line animals. It is not the extremes of heat nnd cold so much as the sudden changes in temperature that cause certain climates to bo uuhealthful. \Vhen , however , tno system Is invigorated with jiyer's Sarsapnrilla , thobo changes are rarely attended with injurious results. Dovnii y Kcoovprtnif. William Dovaney , the young man who was shot in Goldsmith' * saloon some tune ago by Pat Ford , jr. , is still at St. Joseph's ' hospital , but has recovered sufficiently to bo up and about the building , ills nurses say that ho will soon bo able to rcaurno his accustomed duties. Used in Millions of Borneo 10 Xoara thoBtnniln.M. The annoyance of breaking lamp-chimneys need "not be borne. Get tough glass chimneys. Macbeth's "pearl top " and "pearl glass" are- tough against heat ; they do not break , except from accident. They are also clear , trans- parent.notmisty or milkythey ; fit and stand upright ; shape and proportions are right-to di rect the draft upon the flame. They cost a little more than rough and wrong chimneys of common glass that break con tinually. I'ittjburg , QEO. A. MAC1IETU & Co. To euro Biliousness. Sick ITciclncho. Ccmllpntlon. ilalarlx Llvor Complnlnu , tnlo the nalo and cartala remedy , SMITH'S BILE BEAN § U 9thoBMAU,8I5K(40 ( llttlo b-anslofliobot- tlo ) . Ther are tbo most convenient : suit all 0499. 1'rlcoof cither lie , 20cenu per bottla. UTC KIIMO ' 7 , 17 , 70 : CliotoBravura. rviwcfllWl ponolaltootUila plcturo for 4 cenu ( copper * or etauipj ) . Makers ofBllo b ana. ' St. Louis. Mo. . ' . Ecll < h Dlancnd III ENNYROYAL P6LL8 , /t-x Orlclt > isliniiiniilyOe uln . * _ 2-tjN a u , tl i ; rrlliMi. l > oic uk Urujftit for CAffA < 'fer * Ktigt' . * t > \ * ' , mimlBrtmi In lied > nA all m.ulllo | b iti. . .W khllu. r.lbon T Ve no other.j < , lM < ( ( j o r wi ulimu. litfHianil < Mal < nl. Al IrBll lorMoaac * lo ittn > p fbr ptrtt.ultn , lr.Umo l4la a < t "Ilillcf for l.iJIim , " ( Uiur , bj rt-lnra BUIL J , UOO TiitlnxiliU A'a . yufir , ' ' SoU bj ) r > | | UU. 'l-LlUdm-l'l e remedy ( or all In a unn > tuial dlacbarges and private tllicaaeiol men. A certain euro lurllic d lillt- ttttlni ; ucukncu [ iccullar to women. Irrcacrtbeltandfocliafa In recomm odlnB It to * * ' Old by Continental Clothing House. BOYS' DEPARTMENT. Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday we will continue die sale of Boys' and Children's Fine Cassimere and Cheviot Suits , sizes 5 to 13 years. Carried from last season at ONE HALF 3. SO last season's prices. $ B.OO Suits now $2.O. 4.OO > . 6.OO Suits now 3.SO. 7.OO Suits now 4.OO. .OO . 1O.OO Suits now B.OO. It is for your interest to attend this sale. Suits of this quality have never been offered in this pity at these prices. Remember , the sale will close on Wednesday. iUAND , LOOMIS & OO. , CORNER 15TH AND DOUGLAS STS. . . . . OSIA.HA. BOSTON. N1SW YORK. DEIS MOIN13.S. How many people there are who re gard the coming of winter as a constant state of siesre. It seems as if the elements sat down outside o * the walls of health and now and again , led by the north wind and his attendant blasts , broke over the ramparts , spreading colds , pneumonia and-death. Who knows when the next storm may come and what its effects upon your con- stitiution maybe ? The fortifications of health must be made strong. SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold out against Coughs , Colds , Consumption Scxofula , General Debility , and all Ancemic and Wasting Diseases , until the sieger is raised. It prevents wasting in children. Palatable as Milk. \ , SPECIAL.Scott's Emulsion Is non-secrct , and Is prescribed by the Med CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put up In salmon-colored wrappers. ical Profession all over the world , because its ingredients arc scientifically Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Gownc , combined in such a manner as to greatly increase their remedial value. Manufacturing Chemists , New York. All Druggists. AMUSE MEKTS. ! RETURN OF THE . POPULAR FAVORITES. MONDAY , MARCH 23. JTho Original nndVotld r inous ( HHMLON.BROTHERS ) WILI , 1IEOIN A ( WEEK'S ENGAGEMENT Presenting for the First Time in Omaha Their Gorgeous , New Splacifar Pantomime , SUPERBM. Seats Open Saturday at Usual Prices. DIME EDEN MUSEE. Will Lavrler , Manager , Cor. II th and Farnam WKKK OK MAItCll 23. Tlon Cnmeron. the I.llllputlnn Orator , A wonilordil Mlduct , reilrn , BlnglnK 1'nrrolt , Loyoiileru Illuslonn. La Vcrno , miMcr mind of iiinulo nnd bachelor oC blnck ort. A Unit elms comedr entcrlalnmont In addition to these nondcis. INFLUENZA OR "LR GRIPPE , " Persons who nro nfllictcil with this complaintshoulil not fall to use WILBOR'S ' GOD LIVER OIL AND PH08PHHTE8 , i Itpivosimmodinto relief and a per manent euro In u short tirao. It will prevent thla foil dlsoaso from having a fatal tormlimtloiL. Sold.by all OruRfrists. Bo sure , us youtvnluo your hoahh , and pot the genuineinunufivoturetl only py DR. A. 13. WIEHOR , Chemist , Boston , Mass. VYIODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP For tbt Skin mil Snip. . _ . jd by & Derra tel il l with ,2Ut.-r , nV experience. Uneiualed for eczema , caldheid. oily ( km. il ih wornu. chap r < * } btndi. o wi- i - i r6Plratlnn , ugly completion , oeo. An nndlllng remidr for til ooalp tllcrtloni , ! a " < ; ' preventive - ivo ol all forms of ikln iHioinei. For Bale b ; Drugjitu 'or ' lent by mill , Pries W cenU. Facial IHomiidiPS. d&S&SxSaRSSXi ; llln tr t.doiitU iVlaimlMilp.0 cll ( > ii. n4tb.lr IrtttiutuiiiDl ( i < > li I ) for ICo. C\t.uu il n ft. . , ii cfflo cr t > y uutr. JOII.V II. AVM1DIIII Y , D < rm tolo l t. 1XS W-MVU ! at. , Nv\v York City. DRUNKENNESS X.XQOOXi HABIT. IN ALL THE WORLD THERE IS BUT ONE CURE DR , MINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It tan be irlTe l > it u ; of tatte * or t r , or U r. .Molu of I..3 , without Iho kliowlodgo ol the P ll nt , if neoeuarr. It U absolutely tiarmltu no will jittot ptrmaoent and ipaodr our * , "he'ncr tbejpatieni l iaoder Mitrtulier or aa alooliolio M MOlc. IT / K > Kli fc'AlLS. It oparitea aa qu ol)7 ) nd with aach s - Uvlntytbaitba ptllent oudergoea no Inconvenience. and ! r h la aware. Ula complete reJoru-etleu la ( Tested. iSnaaebooH otparUcularefroe. aob b Jet KUIIN & CO. 10th if UouaU.i.ic lun Cumliigflla. - . b/ ' - Ki'JlnUCJ3 " uo'aad ' . . P1 UO C'O..Oraaha \\7AMrTT7n Atronts toiioll tlio 1'lnloss WAJN1 J ± U oiothes Llnoj the only line ever In vontua tlmt holds tlio clothes with out pins ! u iiurfoot aUccvM ) patent recently Is-miied : ( sola only Uy uRonti , to whom tlio ox- olu.lvu right Is Klv n. On receipt of WcouU wo wllUonaamuiiplo line liy innlU al o clrou- larsj prlcn list mid tornw ui " Kent. btjctiro your iorrlUry at onco. Address TllrI IN LES3 OLOTHEa LINE CO. . 17 Uerwnn it Worcester Mix ESTABLISHED 1858. KUSIMPSONI 1409 and 1411 Dode St , , Omaha , Neb. First Glass Carriages , The Loading Styles. The Lowest Prices. yoUlM'ATUONAOR SOLICITED. NEBRASKA National Bank TJ. 8. DEPOSITOKV , OMAHA. N33 Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st. 1890 , - O'2BOO OHlcera and llrcctorltonrr W. Yiitcs , I'roildent ; towing. Uuocl. Vlco-l'roniilcnt ; Juntos \ \ ' . Suva < o , W V. Morse , John B. Colllm , It. U. Uuihliu' , J. M. 11 I'utrlck. W. 11. 8. lluxhoi , caihlor , THE ! IRON BANK. , Corner I2tli uud Farnam Sti A General Bunking llimlnuss Trausaotol HOTEL. Tlie Murray , Cor. 1-ith unit ITurneii , istlie tnoHt miUHtantidllu roimfrnctril Hotel JttilliHniin Oinnlia , tici-ci'til lictiru brlcli Jtre tcti/fM iimnufrom ItttHcmeiit to roof. All the vi'ltliitm anil floors Ilitetl tritk Anhciitos / / * < ; jn-ooj titliia , mitltlnu it * lniiioNHtMe to burn quids , fireCHCHjteH it ml Jlre nlurnm thfo a1to\tt \ tlte bnll < llniStcninhcHt , hot Hint co III \ riitciami HtniNhlncIn ereru room. lalilo ttimurj > amicil any- where. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELIONE. Corner 14th and Capital Avenue. C Just completed , has 100 roomi , thro ) stairways , from the top to the bottom , has "ihid'ejovfltor and dinning room service , U Are proof throughout , flnobillar.l room ? anJ the finest toilet rooms in the city. Lares Sample rooms , Suites with bath < S . Co 14th and Capitol Ave. Street car service In all directions. Hatea. from $2.50 to $1.00. OR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Bet of Tcctli on Htibl'cr , fv , for HVi : DoI.I.AHi. .AiiprfuU \U lit guaranteed. 'Icetli oitructcil , S without pain or ilanrer. nnl L'i without nnae tbetlc . liold and M ll er Illllnk-s lit lowcjt rntoi Hrldito nnd Crown Work , Teeth without pistes. All work war OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntmnco , Ibtli ilreot olovntor. Open oenliiK until 8 o'clock. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. nitBT , enil4olu t nip torfreoPjmphlHJVo. I. Alituctlo lila > U Tni > i Co. , Sin FroucUco , C i A COLD IS INFLAMMATION. TO POND'S EXTRACT R -1UCES INFLAMMATION. CURE Specific Directions. IP A. COE.D IN THE HEAD , apply A Fond's Extract ( diluted one-half ) by a nnnal douche , or sunn" tt , or vaporize It ovoralampniidliihalo COLD the fumes through tlio none. II' HOARSE , carsjio with Pond' * Kxtrnct ovcrul Union clallf. IN I If THE TIIBOAT IS SORE and IS ICC 1C STIFI' , rub the ncclc EASIESt thoroiiL'hly with I end B Extract , and , 011 rcllrlns , wrap the noclc In a. woolen baiidnco nnturatcd -vvllli I'ond'd Extract , nnd protected WAY tected by nil outer wrapping. IP THE LUNOS AUE SOHE , APPLY take n tcuspooiiful of Poud'n Ex tract four or flvo time * dally. ' IP THE LOIBS ACHE and are POND'S nero , rub them vlaorounly with Pond's Extract. FOR CHILBLAINS , bntho with EXTRACT Pond's Extract and bandoKO with clotn saturated With I end Ex TO tract. Itchlnc quickly Btopped. BUT do not purchase nonio cheap BitliNtltiito and expect It to do wbaC PART Pond's Extract will. Ho sure you liuvc comilno article. Made only by rond'n Extract Co. , Now Yorle AFFECTE and I.onilon. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiti oirtouLATioN FOI ? $5O.GQU TRADE ! A check for &o will secure insertion - 7RADE MAnK. of Iialf-incli , one time , in papers below. PHILADELPHIA..Ladies' Home Journal 500,000 , NEW YORK Delineator 300,000 " Housewife MO.OOO 11 Our Country Home 110,000 11 Ladies' World 100,000 " Argosy 130,000 SPRINGFIELD.O. Ladies' Home Companion 110,000 ALDEN & FAXON , NEWSPAPER I ? Advertising Agents , 66 & 68 W. Third St. , TRADE MARK. CINCINNATI , O.r TIIAPE MARK. NO GTJR.EX ! NO PAY. DrDOWNS , 1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neta. Horentoe-n roius mperlens * . Arejulir : rn1ifUo In modlclno. atdlplonm iliow , In itlll tir > / n4 "lt tlie iYoateitVucm , " ll NarYout. Chrunloitnil IVIvntii lll.o not. A permanent euro auortntool ( or iatarrH BieriiiVtorrli"i , Uj t"lanliHMl.B Iinpotuncy.Srplil.U. Cincture , udill < | | . eaitti of tl > 0 lll&od.Hkln und Urinary Urgani. N II. 1 Kuar.intoo lVJUfor uvery ca < o I umlortnko and fall tq cure. CoDaulUtlcnfroo. JJ uk ( Mritorloi of Uo ( ) nanl freu. OCIoaUourim. . tub p. m. Bunlar W . m. to 1 > m.