Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Iho Causa cf it to Bo lureatigatcd bj the
Contents of llio Btotimcti , Examined
by n CficiulHt , Sliow Traces of
Aconite 1'olsotiliis-Tlio
Inquest Tomorrow.
.An Inquest to Octcrmlno the cnuso of the
flonth of Trunk illghland of Dotison place ,
Who died the first of last week , \vlllbohcld
bt Hcafoy & Heafey's ' Uils uftorn oon.
Highland died suddenly nnd without nny
apparent cause , his lioultli having boon good
Up to the tltno of his death.
JIowcnttoanelphboriiiR drup Rtoro after
ponio mcdlctno for a slclt child. Wbllo thcro
R certain physician supfe'cUed that as Highland -
land \viis ROlnp to remain up nil night , hohad
best have tiomcthlng to keep him awnito.
The physician thereupon proceeded to put
up n tiilxturo in n glass , which ho gnvo to
Highland , The Inttor dranlc It tina returned
home. Shortly afterward ho felt a numb
ness In his extremities which quickly af
fected his uutlro body nnddoathsoonfollowod.
A post mortem examination was made and
the stomach nnd Intestines turned over to a
chemist for analysis ,
Tbora were symptoms of neon Ho poisoning
nnd the result of the chemical analysis will
show whether the mixture which Highland
drank at the druf ? store contained nsulllcictit
quantity of this poison to produce death.
The people in llio vicinity of Sherman
& McConnoll's ' Dodge Btreat pharmacy
hnvo boon wearlru llto preservers for
the pnot low diiyB , 8 the Hood of mineral
Waters they are laying In for spring
trndo threatened to inunuato their habi
Immense Consignment llecclvcd by
nn Oiunlin Finn.
The blir train load of sugar arrived at 7:45 :
ft. m. over the Missouri Pacific railway.
Conductor L. S. Patterson was In charge
Of the train nnd Engineer Wodoll was at the
throttle. It was n solid train and
along the on tire length of cacn car
nnd near the top was a wide strip of red ,
\vbltp and blue hunting.
On the door of each car was a largo white
canvas shield bomlnp the lollowing inscrip
tion : "This solid train of BURiir for D. M.
Stcelo &Co. , Omaha , from American sugar
refining company , New Orleans. "
, A manifest from the collector of customs at
c7ow Orleans was attached to each bill of lad-
The train load of sweetness loft Now Or
leans on the 20th , reached Memphis on the
CSnil nnd loft Kansas City for Omaha at 4:12 :
n. in. Tuesday.
The run from Hiawatha to Auburn , n
distance of forty-four miles was made In ono
hour anil forty minutes. The average speed
bf the train was about thirty-five inilcs nn
All along the line people turned out to sco
this immense consignment.
The sugar Is packed In 050 barrels and
2,453 sacks. The sacks weighed 100 pounds
ncleco and the barrels averaged 830 pounds.
The total weight of the consignment is 577-
GOO pounds.
Sometime today the train will bo photo
Ucsslcr's Magic Headache VVafors. Cures all
boadechos In 20 minutes. At all druggists
so vnr curJur/a KK ws.
Officers for the Election.
Election ofilcors ns follows wore appointed
by the city council :
First Ward : First Dlstrlct-T. D. Hatcher ,
Tohn K. Hart , Mlclmcl Connors , David
ITorgio anil D. I ? . Btiylesi , Judges , nnd R , A.
Carpenter and .Alexander Schlogel , clerks.
Second rtlstrlot Herman Tronkol , Frank
Humbert. Alfred Burch , T. M. Fowler and
J. It. Kelly , V. S. , Judges , nnd E. S. Daniel
nnd Charles L. Porter , dorks. Third dis
trict. Nathan Gordon , Michael P.O'lJon -
rll , E. 13. Polsloy , J. B. Cress and Daniel
1i lllvan , Judges , and Ell H. Doud nnd U. A.
Itlcrriman , clerks.
Second AVurd : First District John D ,
Ivlpnghor , lllcbard Hanrlcun , Joseph Dcniet ,
JoJOph Moloy and William S. Anderson ,
I nnd Cornelius P. Hognn and John V. Molier ,
clerks. Second district J. D. Newman , John
fFrlr-dt , George J. Seltzer , sr. , John Folner
[ hud Edwnril IColn , Br. . Judges , and Nathan
rDomick and Andrew Kernon , clerks. Third
idistrict John G. Bogley , Charles Gleason ,
i James Cnllnhan , Harry Stratton , ana Charles
jj. Cridcr , Judges , and M. M. Parrlsh nnd
'Dana ' Morrcll , clerks.
Third Ward , First D5strlet-M. J. Cor-
'coran ' , J. Dougherty , Chester A. Evans. John
Sautor and John Doud , Judges , and David
.OJavldson nnd Anthony Morati , clerks. Second
end district David Hohan , John O'Brien ,
'Thomas Ivclly , Nicholas Qulnn nnd Patrick
Ityan , Judges , and Thomas Cowling and
Henry Ditren , clerks.
Fourth Ward D. R. Scott , Charles Cum-
mlngs , Anthony Smith , William Trillcns and
John Van dor Huron , Judges , nnd Philip I.
Uraytou and J. Kelly , clerks.
I'rlooil Cattle.
Perhaps novorln the history of tbo Union
stockyards were there ns many high priced
nntl ns taw low i > riccd cattle ns thcro were
Tuesday. Out of seventy-six snlcs of steers
twoiity-tlirco sales of 000 head were made nt
prices ranging between ? 5 nnd $5.55. whllo
only onosaloof thrco head wont below 1.
Pivo sales of cows of 103 head sold nt
nnd nbovn $4 , whllo twenty-nine sales-of 274
head went at prices rnnsflnt ; between $3.23
nnd $ . " , Flftoou sal us of bulls were made at
pi Ices rauglng from $3 to $ ! . ! > .
rCrinoiubcreil in Ilia Ailllotlon.
Geork'Q H , Capon , ono of the popular nnd
Cftlclciit employes of the Omaha packing
company , who is 111 nnd who was bereaved
by tbo loss of his cstlnmblo wlfo last week ,
wishes to tlmnk his friends and follow oni-
ployos throuRb TiiBllKB for an acceptable
purse rontnltitng $187 , coutnbutod through
roronum Robert Fuuston.
i Tumors' Klcction.
South Omaha Turners olcctod oniccrs Inst
night ns follows ! Frank Humport , presi
dent ; Jobn Frey , vlco president ; John C.
Daniel , secretary ; Rudolph Hnrtz , treasurer :
'trustees , John Frey , Krunk Humport unit
Hudolph Hartz ; Edwanl Klstor , turnwurt ;
'j\lcxnnilcr Lcmm , second turuwart ; John
lilcswop , Janitor.
Notfs About tlio City.
Stephen Dsobetr , an employe nt the G. II.
Hammond company , bud bis right Itnco badly
fnuoezed yesterday by a tiorca rolling on
lil in.
A little daucbtcr. ngod four years , of Mr.
nnd Mrs. McNlcholson , Twenty-seventh nnd
II streets , fell oft n chnlr lost evening and
fractured the right collar bono.
Thomas Hnloy , Abel G. Bogy , Jobn Frey
nnd Bernard Kelly , fho tlemocratlo city con
trol committee , will moot touluhtat Thomas
llaloy's ' , Mlti N street , and orgnnlzo.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup reduces
inflammation while cblldron are teething. 25
coutb a bottle.
CoiiiinlsHlonor Himndors Talks About
the Outlook n > r Utah.
Kx-Sonator Alvin Saundcrs , whoso rotorn
from Utah about two \vcoksago was hastened
by a icvoro attnclc of la Rrippo , Is atlll con
fined to his residence , but is slowly recover
ing from his Illucjs.
His western trip was for the purpose of
nttcndhiR n mcotlng of the Utah commission ,
of which ho Is n member , and bo was absent
nbout a month. "When Intorroffntcd lost
evening as to what effect the mitl-polycomy
laws were having in Utah the commissioner
expressed the bollof thnt polygamy among
the Mormons is practically n thinf ? of the
post , and that the work of the commlsalon
would bo fully as successful ns anticipated.
Bald ho :
"Tbo action of tbo Mormon church la da
nzahut polypvnyr hns had n groal in-
iluciico. mitt U was an Important stop In tlio
icnl dlwctioti. Therenrn thwu who nvo in-
cli licit to bo skeptical about thla movs , nnd
wno think tbnt It was tnail. > slnipiy for uffcct.
ruey fully uxpect to eo polgyaniy agiiln em
braced by the church , bull ijcllove th l the
stop wiw taken In sincerity uml Rooil faith.
"I do not think , however , that the move
wan dictated by principle , but rather bv
policy. I bcllovo , too , that this snmo policy
will result in the totnl extinguishment of
polygamy. j\j ( Jeoruo Q , Ciinnon said In re
nouncing the unlawful doctrine. 'It M too
unequal alight to Imlrt. out again- * ' . CO.OOO.OW
tKioplo. '
"Another thlni * . The men who have so
bitterly opposed the change aru KOttlug old
nnd won't llvo jnucb longer. AVcotiruff is
over olghty years of age. There isn't the
same fccllnc thnt tbcro was \vhon the prose
cution of polygamlsU was lint bcmin. Thun
they openly boasted of tholr criminal rela
tion nnd these who wcro convicted nnd sent
to llio penitentiary were heralded us martyrs
upon tholr release , but there Isn't nny inoro
of the brass business. Then they would
notproiaUo to ivo up their polygamous re-
Intlocs. but uow this fa thp rule. The week
before I returned homu thcro were three
ewes , nnd in each Instance the prisoner was
wllllnfrtomnko tbo required promise. This
shows how tbo sltu.ttlon U chanRing.
"It Is not nn easy matter to effect the
change , for the reason thnt the Mormons bo-
llcvo thnt polgamv was authorized or com
manded by n communication from heaven ,
whllo the decree ngalnst it comes Jrotn man.
Notwithstanding tuls , the Mormons nro
grndunlly yielding to the Inevitable. Can
non , who hud four wives , now claims thnt
bo has noun , and thai bu Is lending the IIto of
a bachelor.
"Now that this question bids fair to bo
permanently settled , the Mormons have In n
measure given up their fight ntjuilist tbo Gen
tiles and are forming republican and
democratic parties. This Is nioro es
pecially true outside of Salt Lake , nl-
though It Is bound to como then- .
In Omlcti thri tvtn Mnrmnn nnnnrs hnvu
taken sides politically nnd the younger Can
non has announced thnt as hols nrepublican ,
his paper will ho republican.
"Suit Lake nt present Is suffering from the
reaction of n boom. A year ago tlio Gentiles
celebrated their victory by advancing real
estate values In some instances fully 100 per
cent , and the effect was Injurious.
"Thoweather has been very unpleasant.
Tbo residents call It tbo most disagreeable
\vlntor over experienced there. Certnln It Is
tint there wcro not two pleasantOays of sun-
shlno during the month that I wai tbcro.
Snow followed rnln and vice versa , and there
scorned to bo nothing but slush and slot ) . The
weather , I think , Is responsible for
the unusual amount of sickness.
Thcro bos been a grout deal of hi grlppo and
much pneumonia. Four of the five members
of our board were present. Only ono es
caped an attack of la grippe , and It used us
up completely.
"Our uoxt meeting will be In Mav and will
probably last until September. The com
mission has chnrRO of the elections , nntl wo
will hnvo to moot to appoint registrars for
school election. The regular election follows
In August , nnd wo will remain until that Is
over. The most Important work to bo done
nt our next meeting Is the redlstrictlug of
the territory. Ileietoforo it has been so ap
portioned ns to RIVO tbo Mormons everything
possible under tbo census of 18bO , but this
will bo changed under the new census so as
to arrange the districts ns they should bo.
"This will give Salt Lake morojthundoublo
the representation thnt it lias now. The out
look is promisingnnd tbo prospects nro that
tbo commission will bo able to effectually
settle tbo difllcultics that have so long
existed thero. "
Mrs. Jones hasn't ' n gray hair In her head
and Is over lift } ' . She looks ns young ns her
daughter. The secret of It is that she usas
only Hall's Hair Henewcr.
10 JtETAliIATJK < Jt
I'ndtloolc lelloves ! the Government is
Bound to Take Act inn.
WASHINGTON ; March 34. [ Special Tele-
Kram to THE BBE. ] Senator Paddock , who
has been spending several days in Now York ,
arrived bore last night. In rosnpnso to nn
Inquiry regarding the report that the govern
ment contemplated retaliation upon Germany
ns a result of the refusal of the Gorman em
pire to remove the prohibition on American
meat products , the senator salt ! ;
"Tho report tbnt President Harrison stated
tome the intention of the administration to
retaliate upon Germany for the cause named ,
Is not true. However , 1 have good reason to
bcllovo that if the senseless and unjust dis
crimination against American pork and other
meat products is not at once removed , our
government will take prompt measures under
tha net of August 80 , 1S90 , to retaliate by ex
cluding certain German importations from
this country , The c-iblod interview with
Secretary of State Von Boottichcr. in whicrt
ho stated that Germany would not remove
the prohibition against American pork on
account of tuo lusufllelcncy of the In
spection laws of the united States ,
makes U plainly apparent that the German
law is maliciously unjust and passed not
to protect the health of Gorman subjects , but
absolutely to prevent competition on the part
of the American corn-fed hog with the razorback -
back swine of the German empire. No coun
try in the world has today such rigid meat
inspection laws us the United State * .
"Immediately ui > on learning of tbo cabled
statement of the German secretary of state
I called upon the secretary of agriculture in
my capacity as chairman of tbo senate com-
rcittco on agriculture. I stated to him what
I now state to you , thnt It was plain Ger
many's position was not ono of regulation ,
but of absolute nnd willful prohibition , and I
urged upon him that under the provisions of
the net of August 80 , 1890 , Gorman beet
sugar , of which $10,000,000 worth was im
ported into this country last year , should
bo excluded under the provisions of
such law. I have reason to believe
that President Harrison Is seriously
considering the issuance of such n proclama
tion , and that if the restriction which Ger
many place * upon our meat products Is not
promptly removed the prohibiting order will
bo Issued. "
" \Vhat do you know as to any communica
tions between this government nnd Minister
I'liolps upon this subject ! "
"I know nothing oHIcinlly , but I have rea-
ton to believe that Minister Phelps has already -
ready Docn communicated withoa the SUD-
Jct. Minister Whltolaw Uo.d has boon a
tower of strength In Franco in maintaining
the commercial Interests of this country nnd
in demanding that fair treatment for tboso
who have or might hnvo dealings nnd
trade with the republic. For myscli ,
nnd for the western , people whom In
part I represent , 1 ocllevo that
under the nmnlo authority granted tbo
president ho will bo quick to seiza advantage
und to demand of Germany fair treatment
for fnlr treatment , or to insist upon the old
Hebraic doctrine of nn cyo for an eye nnd a
tooth for n tooth. I think I may state that
the president is as keenly ullvo to the re
quirements of the situation as anyone. I
know that the secretary of agriculture is de
termined , so far as In him lion , to test the
powers of the government under tlio recent
laws to their utmost. In Franco , thanks
largely to Minister Kcid , the restrictions
against American pork will soon bo removed ,
the only question being the amount of duly
to bo placed on the Imported article. 1 believe -
liovo ttint Germany will mid very shortly
thnt if aho prohibits absolutely American
Importations she will bo obliged to pay dollar
for dollar In the curtailment of her export
trade with the United States. "
Ifowo scales , trucks , coffee mills , car-
starters , Harrison conveyor. Catalogues of
Bordca & Scllcck Co. , agents , Chicago , 111.
Qttloc < outicll Moetlnir.
Last night's council meeting was an unus
ually imlot ono.
Mayor Cushlng vetoed a number of resolu
tions , among them being : the ono providing
for an expenditure of § , ' 5,000 in furnishing
the now city hall , und another against an lu-
crcaso of the gas Inspector's salary.
The ordinance providing that eight hours
shall constitute a day's labor was passed by
a small majority ,
The report of the special committee on the
struct par transfer system was not natlsfac-
torv to the council and was recommitted.
A now garbage onllunni-o was introduced
and referred to tno committee having In
hand the Investigation of the acts of Gar
bage Master Morrisoy.
De Witt's ' Llttla Early Risers. Beat little
pill over made. Cure constipation every
time. Nona equal. Use tboin now.
no Introduced by ttio Mctrnpol-
Itnn I'coplr.
Speaking of the Metropolitan street rail
way ordinance recently passed by the city
council , Councilman Blumor yesterday saldl
"I nm now satisfied that the company will
not accept tbo provisions of ttio ordinance ,
nnd I regard It ns a foolish expenditure of
money to order Its publication In the ofllclal
paper. Its terms are of such a nature that
woca-.uiot expect a comnHanco with its pro
visions , and tor this reason I think another
ordinance will be Introduced soon.
"Thcro iu n general feeling thnt this com-
puny uhotild bo granted the right to lay track
nnd operate n Rttvet railway In Onmhn upon
favorable terms , providing the Interests of
the city ore properly guarded. Tbcso pro
visions will bo Included I a the now ordinance ,
und nt the mno tlmo the Incorporates of the
new company will bo given a show for their
lives. "
Tbo Now M-Mllun ! Uaw.
OMAIU , rjlnrch 22. To the Editor of THE
BKR : There Is now engrafted upon the stat
utes of our state a now medical law , Our
bill tins undergone tbo tempest of this twen
ty-second session of the legislature. It with
stood the contest , the quo warranto , sifting
commlttcrs , nnd opposition on tbo floor. The
distributing and Hooding of both houses
many times of oilvono circulars by the
quack element , nnd tbo Incessant lobbying
nnd arrant lie ? of mischief makers from dif
ferent parts of the state , all make n back
ground that the mind cannot clearly review ,
Certain ills that the men who held tbo
lu'lin , Brown of the senate and Aldcn ot the
house , deserve the merited praise of the people
ple nnd physicians of thn stato.
To draft n worthy law under our pecu
liar constitution , to keep In chock nnd har
mony the thrco schools of n.cdlcino , to get
the support of both Itouics of the legislature ,
to sco that the bill kept moving , required
eternal vlgllauco.
It will ho an easy matter In the future of
the people so'desho to amend tbo law ns to
make sanltnry provisions. It could not ho
done this year uotk on account of the consti
tutional bar uud because no appropriation
coula hnvo been secured.
If tbo physicians In the future think they
can gut an appropriation for nn examining
board , ( nek this on as nn amendment to tbo
other requirements. Itwould make Ne
braska's ' medical law more perfect than that
of nuy stito In the union.
A woid in referenc-o to the selection of the
medical men who are to nctfor und under t ho
board. Lotthom have all the qualities of
gentlemen nnd let them bo of the active and
energetic kind. There Is much wortt to bo
done ntno remuneration ,
MKMIIKI ! or 1111 : NniiusKA STVTK , ASU OMAIH
MILLS Marnli 21 , ntfiilo p.m. , Mao , daugh
ter of Mrs. 1' . V. Jlills. need .B years.
1' March 23 , atJ : : p. in. , at the rc'sl-
flcnco of her mother. 2'ttl Webster street. Interment -
torment at Kookulc , In.
The following mirriago liojniai wora Is
sued by Judge Shields yesterday ;
Namoanu address. Ace.
I Allen M. AVIKon. Omaha . as
I KiUubutu Wllli , Omaliu. . SB
t'F.118 OAA1 , J'AICA.UK.1 lJI 1.
\V. B. Erwln of Kearney is at tlio Paxton.
II. AV. Hooserof Wahoo is at the Dellono.
John Norton of Talmago Is at the Miilard.
James Hockloj nf St. Louis is at the Del-
W. H. Ryan of North Pintle is at the Del
B. Li. Pratt of Sioux City Is a guest nt the
O. A. Morucnstcchcr of Lincoln is at the
G. W , . Singer of Sehuylcr , Neb. , Is at the
H. II. Cadwaladcr of Chicago Is at tbo
Hugh Lowenbach of Milwaukee- at the
Mu rray.
W. 0. Hambell of Falrbury , Nob. , Is at
the Murray.
W. W. Cordoll and wifu of Perry , la. ,
are at the Pnxtou.
H. C. Mahann and A , B. Schneider of Fre
mont are nt the Paxton.
\V. W. Stone and W. H. Dickinson of
Wuhoo nro nt the Doliono.
Several members of Hanlon's "Superba"
company are at tbo Barker.
Dr. U. A. Footo loft yesterday for Chicago
to bo gone a couple of days.
J. McCarthy left last evening for Chicago.
Ho will bo absent about ten days.
Mrs. Sweeney is con lined to her homo with
a very severe attack of tonsllitls.
Ctinrlcs B. Allen of the state auditor's de
partment at Lincoln li at the Dellono.
C. A. Squlrei is a victim of the grippe anil
has been confined to his room since last Fri
General Thnycr came up from Lincoln
lost evening and is thu guest ol Hon. Chris
County commissioners' clerK Webb , Is laid
up with a severe attack of la grippe , nnd ; Is
unable , to attend to the duties of bis oBlco.
The Doliono H. AT. La Ponotloro , Grand
.Tunotlon. la. ; R N. Dick , W. H. I/ozIor. North
1'latto ; Qeorgo 1' . Thlcns and wlfo. Chlcngo ;
Mrs.J.J. AlliMi. Now York ; J. d. Stcll , Kan
sas City ; II. W. Kooscr , Wnhoo.
The Mlllard George Ilnlot , Grand Island ;
L. Itoy Bchloslnier , 6an tfrnnclsco : A. Mooro.
Auburn ; K. M. 1'ord , Arkansas ; O. Olucks-
nmn , Now Yorlc ; JolinT. Emus , Atlanta. Un ;
O. L. Henderson , Chicago ; Edgar 11. Scott ,
lioekford ; II. I , . 1'ratt. bloux Oily ; A. H.
Nichols , ( Jhlcngo ; Otto Momhcnsor , Chicago.
The llarkor II. Wright nnd wlfo. Ozaialla ;
II , W. Mclachlan , Harrison : Mrs. Auimst
lullun , Airs. Augusta Jones , Ilarnustewn ; J.
A. Taylor , Davenport : H. Iloenoker , Orolo ;
IO. . Miuin , Clnc.u'o : Ed WIloy.'Qulncy ; H , N.
Itrldttos. tfhlciigo : 1 * . It. Goodrich , Now York ;
l < \ S. McDonald. Minneapolis : Jumes Gilbert ,
W. w. HoKiin. lio-jton : 1E. . Tout , K. 1) .
Drown , Chicago ; llovvell Nansol and wlfo.Now
York ; II. O , Mason. Fremont.
The Casey K. I ) . Godfrey , Heel Oak ; A , J ) .
Calinot , Minneapolis ; Mr , nnd Mrs. Frnnlc
Martin , Auburn ; Clntrlcs K. Holmes. Harrison ;
JolmOIoinont , U. M. Ilanscom , Klmwood ; ( J. A.
Luwls. Chicago : 1) . 11. Injrrlni. Hill Olty , S. 1) . :
O. O. Greenwood , Bliss L'nrkor , Silver City ;
Miss Hewitt , Arlington ; J. I'.isooo , Fremont ) J.
U. FItzpatrlok. John Norton. Hcnrv Hhl , ( Jres-
ton , lu. : L. I'almqutst , TiiltniiKo : O. 11. Whit
ney. Holmesvlllo ; J. Goldberg. Dead wood ; 11.
11. Ilnnsoin , Ohlcago ; Charles V. Majors , Grand
The 1'nxton I ) . O. Twnddoll. J. H. Mlllnor ,
Georso It. Oottol , VI. F. Hrasseo. Wallaou
Mierman. Now York ; Robert W. Day. O. K.
Wlokmun , Topeka ; J , II. 1'urec , Greenfield.
Muss. ; ( ioor o W. Young , /Vlbortson , Neb. ;
W. J. Yountf. Jr. , Clinton , lu. ; J. llussoll ,
Wan on U , Hayes. Minneapolis ; J. O. Wothor-
by , Milwaukee. WIs. ; Myor I'rarik. Newcastle ,
Wyo. ; W. S. Norton , Arapuoc , Nob. ; SIlss T.
Iliirrcnn , Miss M. Derey. Chicago ; II. II.
Ilranch. St. Louis ; H. O. Tlilottnn , Chicago ;
A. J. ICnlsor , St. 1'aul , Minn. ; S. Hpunccr ,
Zanc. Onl ,
The Murray A. L. Boll , Dos Molncs ; 0. n.
Coolr , Diibiifl.uo ; J. S. 1'erklns , Denver : K. H.
Klinbnll. Iloston : F. E. Alexander. St. Louis ;
V. E. Allan , Lincoln ; A. I1. West , Vllllwa. In. ;
Dare Osburg , bt. Louis ; 1U. . Lake , Mllwnu-
keu ; M. A. Kolm , John MniiKhtVJ. . Uan-
drovr , .f. T. lllnslmw. I. IAdlcr , S. T. UUK-
ptMihclmor , Now York ; CharlosH. Shivers , If.
M. Honors , II. 0. Travors W , 0. I'oltor , I'hl-
cngo ; A. M. Clark. St. Louis ; William Mc-
Grusor. O. J. Hamilton. I'llnt , Mloh ! O , L.
L-.unl ) , Ktanton. Nob. ; II. H , tjlopp , DcsMolncs ;
M. K. Sherwood , OWcago.
Books en Blcod
CURED and S' < ln dls-
eaaos froo.
Swift's Specific S. S. S. ctiral my
little b y of fcrofuV.i , from which lie
hail suffered 5 long time. I hail tiled
the best jihytlclans nnd great quantl
ties of inedlc'nc'ii without avnll. A
few bottles of S. S. S. did Iho wo : k.
Ho Is now < noylng ] the best of health
and li.ia r.othiul nny symptoms of tbo
dUcasofor oiorayear.
W , A. Clayton , Addle , N. 0 ,
The Swift Sposlilo Co. , Atlnttt , Go
< tF J..tlJl.
Mnltrrntcil l ) > n
Di i.nn , Minn. , Mnrcff SJ. ] Picclfil [ I'olo-
cram to Tit R Ur.E | > I\jfto ! Stonrns has tie-
clilctl that bit court hcn'ilo jurisdiction In tbo
case of John Klnsellui vliown-s uinllclouslj
maltrenlctl at tbo TwqUnrbors , thnt nlneo
bclntr In another ilUtrb4. I'tiH imrtlculnrs of
tbo disgraceful nffalr I ( vp Just reached hero.
It sco 1713 tbnt ICinscUuJjl ; ) { nrcuscd the In Jig-
nation of the railroad employes by stating
that Superintendent OrentslnRorof the Uu-
lutli ft Iron Itango idad bnd forced them to
vote ngalnst him ( KltaeJln ) for president of
the village. On this nccounthu bad been re
peatedly threatened with violence. .Masked
men took blm to n barn , bound bund nnd foot
from bis room , nbout tnlilnlcbt Saturday nnd
proceeded to strangle him with n rope nurt
Klclt , bent nnil otherwise tnaUrcnthhn. They
then besan firing revolvers nt him , one sbot
pn liiff throuph bin hand , another grax.inp
bis shoulder nnd a third priulntr bis scalp.
They then gave him a coat of tar and feathers
and allowed him w escape.
in lilnVoll. .
Wilbur Smith ot Deatlwood Is authority
Tor the stntcniont that the well on the prom
ises whcro ho resides Isa veritable gold mine ,
ns every bucket ot water urawu from it con
tains inoro or less colors of the precious
tncttil. A short tlmo npo bo stirred up the
gravel nt the bottom , then tlrow un sovcrnl
tubs full of flio liquid , and when It settled
panned out the residue , Iho result being
qulto n bandsomo clean-up. Tbo hillside or
bar on which tuo house Is built has nuver
bcon worked , but the probability now Is tbnt
nn extensive hydrauMo plant will bo put In
MlRsion Sooloty itioorporntcs.
The Omaha homo missionary and church
extension society of the Methodist church
illed nrtlcloa of Incorporation hi tbo ofllcc of
the county clerk today. The object of the
society Is to establish ana maintain mission.
churches nnd Sunday schools lu Omaha ana
South Omaha.
tbo I'rlcsti.
Cii.vni.oTTETOw.v , V. E. I. , March 4.
[ SpeclalCablegr.ini to Tun Br.E. ] Liberal
liapora oti the Island severely condemn
BUhop Mclntyro and Archbishop O'Brien
for tholr alleged activity during the recent
election on belmlf of the government candi
date. The Guardian charges that the bishop
instructed his clenrj , anil through them hU mark their crosses for conservative
Boils arad Pimples
Are nature's eftorts to eliminate jwifon from
thu blood. Tills lesnlt may 1)0 accomplished
much more ctlectnally , as well as agreeably
through the proper lAcrctory channels , by
the use of Ayci's Suisaiiarllla.
" For several years I was troubled with
bolls ami carbuncles. In casting about for a
lemcily , Itoccnned tome that Ayci's Sarsa-
paillla had beeu uscilln myfatliei's family ,
with excellent snccest , and 1 thouglit that
what was good for the father would also ho
good 'or the son. Thrso or four bottles of
tl.u . innflic.hH''iillri'lvciucil mo.and I have
not since ! n more than two years had a
boll , pimple , or any other eruptive trouble.
I can conscientiously speak In the highest
terms of Ayer's Sanaparllla , and many
years' expcilence In Uio drug husincss en.
ables me to speak Intelligently. " C. M.
IlatOclU , Farmland , IwlT
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DB. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , MASS.
Frlco 91 ; ili toitlts , J5. Worth ( J a belli : .
Drs. Belts &Betts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno most widely nnd fnvornlily known spec-
lallHteintbo Unftoi States. Their IOIIK cx-
purlunce , remarkitbloiklll nnd universal suc
cess In tbo treatment and cure of Nervous ,
Chronic und HurKlcnl Dlsoasni. cntltlo these
eminent physicians to thu full conUdoncoof
the nllllctcd ovcrywhcro. Thov enarantoe :
llio nwluloffcctJiof onrly vlco nnd the numer
ous mils that follow In UK tr.iln.
spoodlly. complctolv nnd permuni'ntty cured.
OUDEHS yield readily to their skillful trcat
iriiariinlccd cured without pain or dctuntlon
from hiislne"1 ! .
nently and snccesifiilly cured In o ory case ,
nmtorrliua.f-einltml Weakness , Lost Mimhood ,
Night Emissions , Decayed KuuultluS.l'umalo
Weakness und ull dcllcuto disorders peotillnr
to cither BOX positively cured , ns well us : ill
functtunal dlsonlcrsthtit result frmn youthful
folllnsor the excess of muturo years.
Q'P R irTl I tt 1 < Oiiarnntcod pernni n o n 1 1 y
O L l\l\j i U I\L < cured , rcniornl complete ,
without outline , caustto or dllntntlon. tiurca
cITuctcd nt homo by patient without n mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A < sinl rillv'TJ The awful effects of
n. OUIvL V UlVLi uarly vleo which brings
organic weakness , ( leslinyliiK both mind and
body , with nil Us drokdod Ilia , permanently
cured , a
H P < C H1JTTAtUrosa those who have Im-
UI\J. Itljl io puirorttliomi Ivcs by Im
proper IndulKOnco arul.hollt.iry nnblK wlileli
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
business , study or marrlitxo.
MAKIUEl ) MEN or tljoso entering on that
happy life , a ware of physical dcblllty.qulckly
Is hated upon facts. Ijlrst 1'ructloal experi
ence , Koeond Every case U specially studied ,
thus starting rl Iit. Tlilrcl incdlclucs are
prepared la our laboratory exactly to suit
each cns > o , thus olToctliijg. euros without Injury.
Drs. Bett ? " & Belts ,
Bpedno for Mr t rliv. nititnm.KlB.KiniralfU. Wi
lulnut , Mwtal DtprnMlon , Bptl nln of t he liraln , ro-
tultlnn hi laianlty aad Itvllne to ml.err d car anj
dailh. Pjemiluro Old > tfn , llarrvnnru. l.vtt ol Power
In either MI , luvolintary LOIIH , and Hperma lorrUej
ea.ui l tT oTer-i iIloA of ihe liraln. vulf-tbUM or
orer tnuulgtincQ. Lach box contain * one montt'a treftt-
rnjnL tlabox. or urfor tl , tantby mill i > re [ ld.
With caeb ord r for ill bom , will unil purcfeuor
ruanntao to refund noa r If Iho treatment lallt CO
1113 rarnura St. , . . . Omnba. Nob.
Notlco to ArohitoctM.
Tlio scliool board of DUtrlot No. I of Dawson -
son county , Ncbriiskn , Invites architects to
Bonu lilans , for ailootlon , nf a ucliool Imnso , to
coat not to exceed 110,000 , to bo built of brick , a
story , tiniloontuln nlKint U rooms , tube houtt'il
by bet watur ; In thu city of I.oxliijtoiuinlil
jiluna will bo consldflrotl ut B o'clock p. in. on
Mil. lly onlor nf school boaril.
Q. M. K. LofLAiiv. Uliector.
w I 1HO
With the times , and Wants something exquisite in a SPRING OVER
COAT THAT FITS , can obviate all the time , trouble and annoyance
usually gone through v/ith to secure what hevants at the hands of the
average tailor. We've got "em"an all that is new and novel in shade
andquality. We MAKE "EM" OURSELVES. We make THOUSANDS
of them. That's why we get the CUT AND FIT so perfect. ( It's exper
ience. ) OurS.PRING SUITS are the same way , everyone of them have
that NATTY , NEAT and TASTY apearance peculiar only to the CLOTH
ING MANUFACTURED by us , and when you stop to consider that all
these advantages can be secured in your SUIT or OVERCOAT , and by
far the largest stock in the city to select from , it is no great surprise to
find us always busy.
Our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT is a wonder in many ways ; the
people wonder at one entire floor occupied with Boys' and Children's
clothing ; they wonder again at the Variety and the beautiful styles in
which they are made up and their chief surprise and wonder comes
in when they see that our prices are even lower than they have been
accustomed to pay for common goods.
Beautiful Spring Goods in Every Department
Money Cheerfully Refunded in nil
Cases "Wlioro Goods
S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
The Ocean Steamship Articles
Scribners's Magazine
"OOBAN PASSENGER TBAVBL , " by Joira H. GOULD , beautifully illustrated
by Zofrbnum , Bachor , Woodward , Porard , nnd others. The history of ocean
travel , its Increase in volume , 'the luxuries of n modern steamer , stocking the
larder , observances on the various lines , the steerage , etc , , are among the tonics
of this entertaining paper.
Articles of TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE ao represented in this issue by
Mr. A. J. MoUut mov-JopliBOn'a soconcl pnnor on his perilous journey to relieve
Captain Nelson at Starvat'cm O irnp ; Robert -Gordon Butler's account of the
Cruleo of iko U. S. Steamer Thotia to the Arctic regions ; and DirgeHarrison's
description of a Kangaroo hunt a. sport now almost as rare lu Australia as a
buffalo hunt on the Plains.
Of CURRENT INTEREST .aro Mr. Herbert Welsh's article clearly setting
forth the causes of the recent Dakota Indian Outbreak ; Willnrd Parsons' paper
on the "Fro hAir Fund , " whicho ho originated. The first of living Spanish
poets , "Gfvpnr Nunez do Arc , " is the subject of another article. Prof. Dwight ,
of Harvard Medical School , discusses "Whatia Blffat-Handadnoss ? "
Price , 25 Cents ; § 3.00 a year.
10 Years' Experlencs.
Cured Inn to 5 ( tnr without tliolosi ofnn lioura'llma
from bu lne i. 'llio most nbsolutu euro
anil nil annoying dhcunr&es uvcr known to modloil
folonco. HYl'llir.lii.n warranted curolnWtofOilar *
The mut powerful rpmolf yet known for n purtna-
nontcuro. tiTUICTUIlBorpnlnln relieving' the blal-
dor. cur oil at homo , without ln lrumcnt ! ; no cutting ,
no pain , no diluting. IMIS of .Mnnlioort \Ycitkno9i
poiltlrelr cured ; Instant rullef. hltln Olacaioi unil
( cmnledisomos pcrmnncntlr curoa Dr. McUrow'j
luccen In the trvntmont of 1'rlvnto ll oajos hai
noTcrbccn.cqunlleU , nmlhU pront armjr of pntlcnti
rcarhoa from tliu Atlnntlcto the 1'aclllo. llouKs urnl
Clrouluri freo. 1-nJloi from 2 to 4 onlr. Kill unj
rnrnnm utreeU Offiiilia , Nob. Kntranoo oa oltlior
Chi n ese Physician
1643 Larimer St. , Denver ,
To tlioto Mifforlnjf from tlio
enrctB ot uny of tlio fulluwliiK
dUeaica , nnd cloilro lioiiltli ,
cbuulil wrltolAHi Wlnttntonoj.
Alldlicnioi pccullnr torom -
< in , falllnff nunknenH , lost man-
llOIIll , IHTTCIUSdllU I C , tOIUIll
illienaoii , noiiilnul cnkni' i ,
_ jouthfulfully.utlnnrr troiiti-
kn. H-Jiittr nnu liter troubles , heart dlieaio , InUli-
ostlon , clii'stuml lunu troulilo. comuiiiptldii , bmn-
chltK.rouuhv , cold , iiatluuH , catnrrli , till illicusuiuf
the bloo-1. icrofuU , uri'lilll' ' , < ll i'n e of a iirtrato
nuturu , K < inorrhui , uleot , piles4 lumori , cancer , suit
rheum , rhvuiuntlom , | iurJlr l .nll tklndlscnncj , 101-
tlronesi , 0 ; | )0 | ln , nuurnlKU. ilrufnrns tmltincM
Hutu < ue , eru | > tlan , InpOHofin , Ilia , inn In rim und
rtlioniotof thu Krnorutlve organn. nomatlor of haw
lontrttanillnK. A euro Kuurunlioil In ovorjr ca o or
moii r lofundcil If you Imie fulled to get cured
clMjnhero , do nut dnpilr , but lro I.KK WIMI n call
and Imvo a chut with him , which In strictly contlldtn-
Hal. Con.ultntlou cxnuiliiBtlon tree. Onla miiall
inn l'it rcniedlo * . TJiou > andi Imvo houn euro ] of
dllli'rtnt dlwaiet br I < eo WlnK Chlutno Vcu-
etable romcHlloi , Many laitlmonlnl * cnn be found
and iccu la hli offlcu , or Don wpai > er . Addroi ,
1643 Larimer 8U , Denver , Colo.
Enoloio itauip forreplr ,
For tlio treatment ot nit CltnONIO AND SUIIOICAL
D13ICAS1H. llr.icoi , ApplliincHsforlJafarmttlojnnJ
Trusses. Dost facilities , Appuratus mil llorucdlO )
forauccoaiful Ire-itnicnt nf every form of cllnea'O
lequlrln Meillciilor Surgical Treatmunt. N1NI3TY
HUO.M8 KOll 1'ATIBNTS , Hoard ami Attondonco.
Doit Atcomtnodatloni ' .Vest Wrlta for circulars on
Deformities nnd llrarci , Trusses , Club K'ut , C'urva-
ture.t of Hplno , 1'llni , Tumorn , Cancer , Catarrh ,
Uninchltli , , Klcctrlcltr , 1'arulyils , ICpll-
oy y. Kidneys , Uluddcr , K > o , Kar. Skin and lllood ,
nnd all HurRlcalCperntlona. DI8HA8K30I ! ' WOMHN
a spcclalto. Uook os Dtionset of Women Kroo.o
Imvcliitclr milled a 1/lna In Department for Women
llurlntr connncment ( Strictly I'rlTato. ) Only Itplln-
l > li ! Modlcnl lintltuto Making n Specialty of I'ltl-
All lllood Dlreaaos anccossfulljr treated. Meillctno
or liintrumrnti sent by mall oroxprcu locurely
imckurt , nn tnarlii to Indicate conUinti or render.
Ono porsoni. Interview pruferrod. Call and con ult
uiorxcnd hllory of your cam. nod wo will nund In
liln wr | ipuroiir HOOK TO MBN KUKK ; upon 1'rl-
vMo. Special or Norrous Ultoatos , wltbqueatloa IUU
Addroaaall Ittton M
Dr. A. T. McLnuflhlln , President
Ctb mid llnnioy btreets OmtiUn.
GOLD MEDAL , PAEI3 , 1878.
W. BAKER &Cos :
I'roni ' Tfhlcli tlio excess of
oil Itas been removed , Is
Absolutely Pure
and tt 4n Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used lu 1U preparation. It 1ms
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd Is therefore fnr nioro
economical , costing has than one cent
a cup. It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , jAsirA' : DIGESTED ,
nnd admirably adapted for Invalids
as well an for persons In health.
Sold by Orooors everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
322 SOUTH 15TE ST.
For all Diseases of the Blood.
All Diseases of the Nervous
For nil conditions of Catarrh ,
either local or general.
For Bronchitis , Asthma nnd
Lung Troubles.
For all forms of Dyspepsia , In
digestion and Liver Affections.
For Heart Disease , Brlght's
Disease , Diabetes and all Kidney
For Piles , Fistula , Abscesses
and all Rectal Diseases.
For Scrofula , Syphilis and all
Specific Blood Poisons.
For all Skin Diseases.
For all Genlto-Urinary Dis
For all Special , Private , Inher
ited or Acquired Diseases of
11101 ? sex.
For Nervous Exhaustion , Gen
eral Debility , Loss of Vital Force ,
end every form of Physical
For all Spinal Affections.
For Tumors , Cancers and Old
Sores and Ulcers , and for all Dis
eases , Misplacements and Weak
nesses peculiar to Women.
Consultation free. Treatment
fees low.
Omaha references that should
convince every investigator.
Office and Reception Rooms :
322 South IBth Street.
First floor. No stairs.
Hours 98O ; a. m. to 4:30 : p. m.
Evenings 7 to 8:3O. : Sundays 2 teA
A p. m. only.
" 8ANAT1VO. " tha
Wonderful Bpa&lih
to euro nil NcnoinDln-
ciucii , tuclt 01 Uok
Memory , IMIS of Drain
1'owor , licndactie ,
Waltcf ulncM , I/jst lion-
hood , XcrrouincM , ItJt-
Before & After Uoo. Mtudc , oil drains anil
low of | Ki rr of the
Photographcil from life. GrncratUo Ormn > , In
either tcx. cauecil by
oreri'ienion , ) outhful Indocrctloui , or the cxcmlro
QSO of tobacco , opium , or Hlmubntu , whlcli ultimately
lead to Inflrmitr , Coniuinptloa und Inianltr. 1'ut up
In convenient form to carry In thu VCAI pocket. ITIce
tl a [ uckatjo. or 6 for W. With everIS onler we clvo
airrlttcm Kuarauten to rur or refund thu
mniKty. cent by mall to nny addrcu. Circular freo.
Mention thla | nrr. Add rets ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Ilranch Office for U. S. A.
417 DcirhVirn 8lrr.-t. nilCAflO. J1.K
Kutm & Co. , Cor , 15th & Dounla. BU.
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor , Mth & DnuulufiU.
A. I ) . VUHCT & Co. , Council lllutTi. la.
Pofferlnif front
Uio oiToct * ul
youthful crron
man who U nrrvnui nn.1 uplillltatril. Addrvu
1'rof. V. O. I'OXVLl'.Il.MoodUil , Conn
nnnllT A HANDAI.WOOD CAi'HULKa nro tha
II Nil ( J I Q tie t ainlunlronpaulo * prtxcrlbuil br
u u u
i n rp uia , , , | , , , ittnn for tha cure of
Oonorlitaa and dlichnricea iroui the urluarr or no en
uticrltoU or nc'iulroJ. UM pur bvx. AllUrugk-UU