Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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i >
Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
Business Oft'co ' , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. .
N Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's ch.-Utol loans , 201 Bnpp block. Hock Spring coal. Thutcher , 1C.
Mrs. T. .1. Nicholas died nt 11:15 : last night.
Funeral notice hereafter.
"Kllcrn Ogo" nt the opera house Friday
evening , Apt 11 2.
It in stated thct tbcro nro fourteen children ,
Inmates of the Christian home , sick with
A mooting of ledge No. 5f > , Order of tlm
World , will bo held In Woodman hall Ibis
Cnsci of measles wcro reported yesterday
at the Noum.iyer hot" ! and at the comer of
Washington nvomio and Klghth street.
Otis llnnnnn , n harbor , was arrested yes
terday afternoon by Olllccr Handel on a charge
of drunkenness and disturbing the pcaco.
The remains of Charles II. Odoll , who died
In the Insane hospital of the Sisters of Mercy
of consumption , wore removed to Honey
Crook township yesterday morning , whore
the wlfo of the deceased Ilvct.
William AVnlkcr. a son of "Salvation"
Walker , was arrested yesterday morning on
an Information Hied against him in superior
court charging him with the larceny of a
watch from a colored man named Ocorgo
Clay , The case was set for hearing for next
"F.ilecu ORC , " ns presented by the mem
bers of the Inlsfall dramatic company , was
ono of the llncst performances given in the
city last year. Its repetition Friday even
ing , April I ) , will bo oven better than before ,
nmt It. will draw ono of the largest audiences
the BrnadwJy theater has ever held.
L. C , .Tames , who was tried In district
court last week on a charge of bigamy , was
brought before Judge Thornall yesterday to
receive sentence , lie was gUon two years
In the penitentiary , nnd his bail bond fur
appeal wns llxed at SI,000. Ho gnva the bond
and the case will bo appealed to the supreme
Judge Thornell Issued a decree yesterday
aftcrnooon In the casa of the Lake Mnnawa
railway corn > "iny , which wns tried several
wteksngo. Ho overruled llio motion made
by ttio plaintiff to sot aside the verdict which
was tendered by the Jury in favor of the
defendant , and ordered that the plaintiff pay
the costs of the suit.
r Confirmation services wcro hold in St.
Paul's ' Episcopal church Monday evening. A
largo auillcnco was present to witness the
ceremony , which wcro performed by Bishop
William Stevens I'erry , About twenty-five
were continued. The full hey choir was
present and added much to the pleasure of
the occasion bv their Ringing of the anthem ,
"Lord , for Thy Tender .Mercies' Sake , " by
An Information wns filed In superior court
yesterday morning by Alice Elleubaum ,
against her son , Laurence , charging him with
being an incorrigible boy. She states that
he is disobedient , will not go to school , runs
with bun associates , has an ungovernable
, temper , and steals everything ho can got his
hands on. She asks that Mo bo brought
bolero the court for an examination , and that
he bo sent to the reform school.
The Inisfail dramatic company has boon
ongacud for the St. Bernard" hospital fair.
On Friday evening , April I ) , they will give
that splendid Itish comedy "Eileen Ogo , "
that drew such an immense nudionco last
year. The cast of characters will ho the
name , with Ed. Cogloy taking the principal
part. The admission will bd 50 cents , and
the tickets will admit the bearers to the fair
at the Masonic temple after the play is ovor.
Deputy Sheriff Campbell of Olenwood was
In the Bluffs just evening on business. lie
stated to n reporter that ho had just found
the horse and buggy that was stolen from
Daniel Darboo , near Ulcnwood , while the
owner wns at church , an account of which
was published In Tun Bun several weeks
ago. The rig had been sola to a fanner near
Avoca , and was in his possession when re
covered. It wns returned to its rightful
owner yesterday ,
A tclecram has been received anuouno'.ng
the death of Mrs. Kiln Martin Cutting , wlfo
of Congressman John T. Cutting of Snn
Francisco , which occurcd nt that city yes
terday morning. The deceased wns well
known In the Bluffs , she having been the
daughter of K/ra Martin , wtio formerly
lived here. She was n sister of Mrs. Phil
Armour of Cherokco and of Mrs. David
Williams of Sioux City. The remains will
probably bo brought to Council Bluffs for
burial ,
A notice of commisssioner's ' solo has been
issued by Clerk F. M. Hunter of the United
States circuit court , in the ease of Jnmcs S.
Chrlsman and Clcorgo Kobart vs Ilattlo M.
liny , ct ul. The "otnl. " includes over fifty
parties who have boon interested in the prop
erty which Is to bo sold , ns defendants. The
sale is to satisfy a mortgage held by the
plaintiffs which was foreclosed at the last
term of federal court , and the property which
will bo sold ututor the auctioneer's hammer
comprises nearly all the laiui In what is
known ns Munuwa park , nt Lake Munnwa.
Thosulo will tnko place from the steps of the
government building , nt 10 o'clock u. m. ,
April 18 , 1601.
Fifty cars of hay for sale by the Council
Bluffs & Omaha Transfer company. Orders
in apt bo scat in at once , ns hay is scarce and
prices advancing rapidly. Orders received
ut 1310 Farnam street , Omaha , and 100.1
Fourth strcot , Council Bluffs.
Mandcl & Kloiu have tbo only house fur
nishing goods house in the city. They carry
n complete stoclt of furniture , carpets ,
stoves , crockery , curtains , simdos , fixtures ,
lamps , In fact everything needed to furnish
n house from kitchen to attic. Thov sell for
cash or on easy terms , at prices which nro
their own recommendation. This week several -
oral car loads of now goods wcro received ,
Call nnd SPO the splendid line of now carpets ,
Wo are sure you will bo pleased with both
patterns nnd prices. If you need furniture
and have not the ready money to pay for It ,
call and see us. Wo sell on easy payments ns
well as for cash. MANIH-.I. & IVI.KIN ,
_ 820 Uroad wuj ,
J. B. Atkins , western agent for DoPauw's
plate glass company , will RVO ! estimates on
plato delivery In Iowa and Nebraska.
J'EMtSOXAM , t.t 1'JIS.
Emmett Tinloy is in Chicago.
G , A. Uoblusou has gone to Chicago for a
brlof visit.
Judge W. O. James lias returned from a
wee's trip to Chicago ,
Dr. G. S. Guernsey , of , a
former Blufllto , Is in the city for a few days ,
Percy Clough , who has been in the oftlco of
Gilbert Bros. , for some years past , left lust
evening for Lcnoxvillo , Canada , where ho
will enter a largo wholesale establishment ns
Among the attorneys from abroad who nro
attending United States court are the follow-
Inci Hon. J. W. MoDill , Croaton ; Judga E.
Wlllard , Atlantic. ; 0. W. Culhson. Harlnn :
T. J , Mahoney , Omaha ; Louis Mills , Corr-
don ; Smith McPhorsnn , Hed Oak ; C. O ,
Mclntyro , Creston ; Hon. Charles Bullock
and Hon. H. C. Lnub , Dnilson ; Hen , B. F ,
Clayton , Macedonia ; Mayor W. L , Vaughn ,
llarlan ; Marshall U. W. Miller , Kcd Oak ,
nnd his deputy , S. S. Ethrldgo , DCS Molncs ;
M. Yoxvcll , Sidney ; J. A. MoLuen and L. L.
Woods , ( Juthrio Center ; A. Danlols and F ,
L. Davis , Missouri Valley ; A. W. Coffman ,
Avoca ; W. J. Morrow , Manning ; .John Mor-
risoy , Erwiu ; E , S. Page , DCS Molncs.
The formal opening of the Council Bluffs
mlllincrv parlors wilt occur Thursday morn
ing and will continue during the week.
Misses Hprmk & Hugsdalo extend n cordial
invitation to the ladles of Council Bluffs to
bo present.
John Schlckotanz has opened a barber
shop at 10L | South Mala street , and U randy
to survo his friends nud the public In general
in his line of business ,
Evans Laundry Co. . ftCO Pearl street. Tola-
phone 2UO. Goods called for and delivered.
United States Court Opened wit'u Plenty of
Wotk Before- ,
Suit * AgnliiHL the ItiillromlH
Forms On n QIIOH ! < ! ' Vou-
a Tlint Slow In
The federal court convened ycstciday
morning with Judges Love and Shims on the
bench. There wrro n largo number of attor
neys from other cities In the state , ns well as
a largo number of laymen , who have como
for the purpose of serving oa the Juries , or
have some personal Interest In the outcome
of the trials that nro to bo had. The llrst
done was the empanelling of the grand jury ,
which consists of thn following gentlemen :
C. R Savior , Ues Molnes ; W. A. HIchards ,
Stuart ; A. P. Illnck , ; Ionics Folton ,
Vdnlr ; A. W. Coffman , Avoca ; Warren
lonck , Crcscont ; I. . M. Iltidloy , O.sknloosn ;
M. A. Knight , Wlntorsot ; John N. P i'lck-
ptt , Osknloosn ; J. J. Mills , Stuart ; Sam
Wright , Clio ; T. M. Cosad , Corydonj D. A.
Jlnnclmrd , Allcrton ; Hobinson Hunter , ICco-
tuk ; M. Wcstonhavcr , Pcrlco ; C. N , Brewer ,
, lncsbur f ; C. H. llnrnctt , Council Bluffs ; J.
I. Connor , Albia ; J. D. Jones , Clarlnda ; J.
N. Wheeler , Coming ; Joe Spoor , Kcokuk ;
and \V. A. Htchnrds , Stuart ,
Immediately after the empanelling the jdry
clired to Its room and wont to work on a
nrgo batch of business that has been ac
cumulating for the past six months. By far
the greater part of the business that will
come before tills august body will bo with
ef To.ico to the bootleggers , more technically
mown as Illicit dealers in firewater.
Ono of the most Important features of the
nomliig session , nt least so far as public In-
; orcst Is concerned , was the argument of the
attorneys In regard to the removal of tbo
c.iscs which have been begun by the commis
sioners to compel the railroads to conform to
ihc orders of the commission In tbo mutter of
( olnt rates. These suits were brought in the
district court ot this county but were re
moved on motion of the defendants to the
federal court. A motion was then made by
the commissioner to remand thorn to thcstato
court , In accordance with the decision which
wns rendered some tinio ago by Judge Shiras
In Duiiuquoin n similar caso. It is this mo
tion which is now pending and which was ar
gued ut some length yesterday morning.
Juilro.Slums stated , in reply to the argu
ments , that ho did not believe in encourag
ing the use of the process of removals as a
means of obstructing litigation , and that as
the question had been decided once ho did
not think it necessary to wait for a decision
from the whole court. Ho did not decide the
question dcllnitcly , but it is evident from
what bo sakl that ho was very much inclined
to grant tlio request of tbo commissioners
nnd have the case remanded to the * tate
In the afternoon the case of. John Grant vs
the Union Pacilio railway eompanv was taken
up. Tha Jury was empanelled and the open
ing spceeties wcro made by the attorneys.
The case is one which is brought by the
plaintiff to recover damages for injuries ns
the result of an accident which took plnco
November 17 , 1887. The plaintiff at that
time was a switchman for the railway com
pany , with his headquarters at North 1'latto ,
Neb. Ho was thrown unon the track directly
In front of the engine , breaking his shoulder
bone and crushing his foot so as to render its
amputation necessary. lie demands damages
In the sum of $2.OOO.
In iho afternoon an indictment was re
turned by the grand Juvy against William
Joyce , ctiarging him with breaking open
Undo Sam's mall sacks. Joyce Is now in
Jnil in Kcokuk , but has boon sent for and
will have a trial at the present term.
The following is a list of the members of
iho petit Jury : J. Shepherd. Mount AvrV. ; .
S. IJaugh , Harlan ; S. S. Bonnet , Missouri
Valley , J. 1C. Ulehardson , Savannah ; A. C.
Heck , Allorton ; J. C , Cramer , Salem ; J. A ,
Evans , West Liberty ; George C. Dnftlold ,
Pittsburg ; J. J. Camming , Falrliold ; J. S.
McCluno , Guthrie Center ; Charles Bullock ,
Dcmson : John Melntyro , Ottumwa ; Hamil
ton White , Red Oak ; T. S. Guernsey , Leb
anon ; A , TrlnkaiiH , Corydon ; W. S. Sample ,
Kcokuk ; John Pcrdew , Ottumwa ; FrnuK
Porterflold , Atlantic ; J. N. Kcisor ,
Peoria : J. N. Crawford , Corydon ;
Ahner Clark , Fort Madison ; E.
N. Jones , Kcokuk ; Noah S. Miller , I'orleo ;
D. M. 'Wvland , Harlan ; B. F. Crail , Fairfield -
field ; S. S. Ioss , Mount Pleasant ; Jacob
Wright , Oakland ; Thomas McConucighy ,
Bnnapartn ; It J. Edmunds , UedOnk ; A. E.
Holland , Mount Ayr ; Simpson Bell , Ucd
Oak ; B. F. Parker , Corning ; BM. . Mor
risen , Creston ; James Esslngton , Bray ton ;
John It. Hell , Mount ZIon ; James K. Gurhart
Exiru ; John I { . Carpenter , Kcokuk ; M. II.
Yowoll , Sidney ; B. S. Groves , Afton ; Smith
M. Child. Dunlnp ; J. C. KusUins , Kcota ;
Thomas Fleming , Clarlr.da ; J. A. Bridges ,
Medopolls ; Jumes Hnrilson , Osceola ; B.
Hardy , Savannah ; AI. C. Lane , Dontsou ; T.
J. Hyon , Irwin ; H. C. Bnrnns , Elliott.
Mnudcl & Klein , proprietors of the install
ment house on Broadway , have inado ar
rangements to Increase and extend ttieir
business. They will open a branch estab
lishment In Sioux City about April T , on the
corner of Fourth and Pearl streets , the old
est nnd most prominent corner in the city.
They nro enterprising and will do a big busi
ness in the upper Missouri village. Mr. A.
Klein will take charge of the new venture ,
I'Mnc llahy Cnrringcs.
Have you seen those flno antique oak baby
carriages at Bracket's 1 Handsomest line
over brought , to the city.
That .Slow GelUK Injunction.
The contractors who are working In the
western part of the city , and notably tbo ono
who Is grading Nortli Twentieth street , Kepi
steadily at work yesterday , In spite of the In
clemency of the weather. The report that
the Twentieth street contractor had been enJoined -
Joined from carrying on the work turns out
to have been a mistake. The announcement
that they had been enjolnod , which was her-
aided through the papers , caused the con
tractor some iincusluoss about the matter ,
but ho was reassured when ho went to the
authorities and was told to keep on with the
work until he received orders to stop , and
then It would bo tlmo to think
about stopping. Accordingly the work has
been progressing steadily , nnd it is now
stated that unless the attorneys for the kick
ing property owners , who , by the way , do
not own any property on tho. street In ques
tion , got a move on them In the course of the
next day or two the work will bo nil aone
nnd an injunction will bo a useless luxury.
City Attorney Stewart states that ho has
been ready to have the case presented to the
court for some tlmo past , and is confident
that ho could beat It after n fair hearing.
The attorneys for the other side have not
been in any hurry , apparently , and the tiling
of the petition for tha injunction the other
day is the llrst hign of animation that has
been noticed for a long tlmo.
Do you want an express waon or boy !
Ittng up the A , D. T. Co. , telephone 179 , Ko.
11 North Main street.
The hospital fair , for the benefit of St ,
Bernard's ' hospital , commences next Monday
at the Masonic toniplo and lasts ono week ,
Uou't forget It.
Ij'pkor ' U Wniitcd.
Mitchell Haul : of Sioux City was In the
llluffs yesterday looking for n man named
J. C. Llpkor , whom ho wants to straighten
out n llttla business affair which ho loft
unsettled when ho loft that placo. Lipker
was formerly employed by the Sioux City
telephone company as lineman , which posi
tion ho held jntll a short tlmo ago. During
his residence in Sioux City , ho became
acquainted with Miss Mary June Hnuk , a
sister of the gentleman who was looking for-
hlui yesterday , u buxom young woman of
about twenty years of ago. The ac
quaintance ripened into something
inoro serious , and allvui apparently
on tlio Inch road to matrimony , whtn
Llpkcr suddenly announced that ho wns
about to leave the city. This announcement
caused cousternutlou in the young woman's
heart , for she wns In that condition in which
n husband Is n very convenient possession.
Llpkcr went , however , and wan tracked by
the Irate brother to Council Bluffs. When
ho arrived yesterday lie looked over the
ground nnd found that Linker's parents wcro
residing here" . Ho won thrlr confidence by
telling them that ho had a position which ho
wanted to offer their ion , nod gained from
them the Information that ho had gone to
Lincoln , Neb. , where ho was In the employ
of the telephone company. IIo started nt
once for Lincoln with the determination of
finding thn erring young man and taking him
back to flight the wrong ho had done.
KASllCK NOVin/MUi ) .
ItoMon Store.
The Boston Kloro , Council Bluffs , is show
ing mnnv novelties hi the dross goods line
suitable for Knstcr gifts , also in kid gloves ,
handkerchiefs , hosiery , tics , scarfs and
flshues. Novelties In niching , novelties In
laces , novelties in handbags nnd shopping
bags , novelties In pockctbooks nnd purses ,
novelties m wash goods , such as pineapple
tissues , flannelettes , line Scotch zephyrs , the
latest in black organdies , all the way from
K'c ' to 4rip , over 150 differentstyles : to so'.cct
from. Blactc flouncing from ( Wo to Jl.PO ,
block embroideries from 7c to.'Wc , all over
embroideries in black nt 4.C. Our stock of
Inccs never was moro complete , from the
cheapest lace to the finest. Spring Jackets
in abundance , the latest novelties' the sea
son ; many exclusive styles shown by us. In
fants' and children's cloaks , handsomely
trimmed In all the Icadlngrolorsin cashmcrt )
and clot , at our usual low prices.
Corsets , corsets In abundance. All the
popular makes. Corsets to suit everyone.
Corsets from 9c to 12.30. Agents for the
Thompson plovo lUtlntr corset , the most per
fect llttlng corset made.
Wall Paper. Our spring stock Is on the
way nnd will bo ready for Inspection in n few
days If you want anything In the wall
paper line wait and get our prices. Wo can
save you considerable.BOSTON
Council Bluffs , In.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
nil in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at nnco. Cull on D. J. Hutchlusou it
Co. , 017 Broadway.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. N.
Hurt by a Motor.
\V. H. Foster , who lives at 0reply , Colo. ,
met with a severe accident at aoout half-past
7 o'clock ' Inst evening while coming from. .
Omaha in a motor train. IIo was standing
on the rear platform of the front cur , talking
with another passomrer , when , as they wcro
passing Twenty-second street , a gust of wind
curoo along and took off his hat. Acting on
the impulse of the moment ho leaped off the
train to catch it. The step of Iho cor hap
pened to bo ley , nnd in Jumping ho missed
his footing and was hurled off the car so that
the wheel passed over his right leg , breaking
it a short distance below Iho knee. The
train was stopncd and the Injured
man was picked up nnd carried in
side the car. Ho was then brought
up town and carded in a hacic to the Wo
man's Christian hospital , where a surgeon
was summoned to care for him. An exami
nation showed that from the ankle down the
limb hud been literally broken to pieces by
the wheel In passing over it. It was decided
that the only way to save the rest of Iho limb
was by amputating the part which bait been
crushed , and this was done during the nlu'ht.
Foster lias a wife and three children in
Grcoly. They wore notified of the accident
to the husband and father last night , Foster
was on his way to the east and was only stop
ping oft in the BlulTs for n day or two. So
fur us is known ho Is without friends hero.
There will bo a mooting of the managers of
the St. Bernard's hospital fair at tbo hospi
tal this evening. It is important thai all luo
members of the committee bo present , as
this will bo the last mooting ueforo the com
mencement of the fair.
Our spring stock Is now complete. If you
want to bo in style call at Keller's , the tailor ,
310 Broad way ,
Shugart & Co. carry largest stoclt of bulk
Held , garden and flower seeds In the west
Catalogue nnd samples by mall.
A. Trespnsiiiii ; lltillroiul.
A suit was commenced in district court
yesterday aftcrnooi ; by L. Eveiott and Alary
L , Everett , executors and trustees of the es
tate of the late Horace Everett , to enjoin the
Union Pacific railway company from using
on alloy in tbo roar of two lots in Fletnmlng
& Bryant's addition for railway purposes.
The lots which are mentioned In the petition
nro on Tenth avenue near the corner of Six
teenth street. The plaintiff alleges that the
company laid its tracks in the alloy In the
year 18M , without permission from the plain
tiff , and that no effort was evur made by the
company to ascertain the damages which
were duo the plaintiff , nor to jay the same.
Hn claims that ho bus suffered damages to
the amount of $500 by reason of the use of
tbo alloy for railroad purposes , and ho asks
for a Judgment for the amount against the
company , nud for u temporary writ of In
junction restraining the company from run
ning their tracks through the alloy any moro.
The case will como up for a hearing at the
coining term of district court. J. J. Stewart
is the attorney for the plaintiff.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work a specialty.
Mrs. M. PfcilTer has returned from the
cast with a full line of spring mlllinorv , nnd
will bo glad to see nil her friends. Call nnd
see her Easter display next week. Will find
prices lowest in the city.
J. C. Blxby , steam ncailng , sanitary en
gineer , 203 Mo r Ham block , Council Blurts
Men who Shift the Scenes Turn to the
Banquet lioiird.
Ledge No. 24 of the Theatrical Mechanics
held their first annual banquet at tbo Grand
Army of the Kopubllo hall last night. The
tlmo set for the gathering was 11:30 : o'clock ,
but It was after midnight when President
Withmell called tbo assembly to order and
opened the banquet. About twentv-flvo of
the ledge members were present and ns many
moro Invited guests. Boyd's ' opera house
orchestra volunteered their services and dis
coursed some excellent music.
Quito a number of tbo momburs of the
mechanical department of the'Hanlon troupe
were present.
After the supper speeches and songs wore
In order. All of the popular songs were sung ,
some short speeches made , and a general
hhppy time was had by all.
The ledge is In a nourishing condition , and
the banquet was well managed. The com
mittees in charge certainly deserve credit for
their admirable arrangements ,
Do Witt s Little early Ulsers : only pill to
cute sick bcadachoand regulate the bowels
Post illlco thangoH.
BTho records of the poslolllco depart
ment show thnt during- the two yours ol
the present lulinintbtration ended March
4 , 1891 , there wore 2,754 appointments
imulo pf presidential postmasters. Ol
this number 478 woroumilo upon resig
nations : 1)05 ) were made upon the oxplm-
tlon of the commissions of the incum
bents ; 778 were miido upon removals ;
74 were made to 1111 vacancies caiiKod bj
( loath , nml 459 were inaclu at olllces
which were raised from fourth to the
presidential class during thU two years
term , making iv total of 2,7i > l changes.
The whole number of presidential olllcos
In operation on March 4. 1891 , was , how
ever , 2,899. At 200 of these ntlhnw m
chungoj have yet boon nuulo. The ap
parent discrepancy wli Ich a comparison
of these figures shows is accounted for by
the fact that in somu cases presidential
olllces where appointments hud bac-n
made were afterwards rologutcd to the
fourth cliihs , some fnllocl of confirmation ,
necessitating two appointments , nut at
other ollicos twoappolntinonttj have bean
made during tlio present administration
on account of death.
Do Witt's Little Early illsors ; cost little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
A SAIL ON irilE W\rDEEP \ ,
Orn Wblrl bj Rail to /tijierlcan Pleasure
Resorts ; i-
! 11
If'VoltViml to Take u Trip llils Sum-
niur "Without K\IIOIIKC , I'nrllcl-
jmtC III TIlO 1 Cjrt. Jllltcll-
less Ofl'cr.
ArrntiKOtncnta Imvo oceii cfTec'led by the
publlsliurs of Tin : DEB which enable ui to
innkon novel and attractive offer to putlos
who nro disposed to devote their llino nnil on-
crgy toward procuring now subscriber * for
UKR between tlus date and the 10th day ot
Juno next.
This offer will bo open only to parties so
liciting subscribers In Nebraska , Iowa , South
Dakota nnd Kansas.
A careful record will bo kept of nil sub
scriptions fowardod , and the awards will bo
made without partiality.
To the person that . \xlll sccuro the largest
number of cash subscribers lor Tin : OMAHA
WUIKIY 13nc or TUB SUNIUX HUG loforo
Juno 10 , 1891 , will bo given ruun OP COST A
ticket will include first-class passaco from
Now York to Europe and return. This In-
ludcs also all traveling hotel
, and slglit-sco-
Ing expenses. The trip will bo nindo with mi
excursion party gotten up by Mrs. M. D.
Frazlerof Boston , nud will be In charge of
competent nuldes , The truvoler has no cares
whatever. The tour covers all the nrlneipal
countries of Europe England , Germany ,
Switzerland , Franco , Belclutn.Itnly ami their
principal cltlos. Ineliiclltifj London , Paris ,
llrusscls. llorlln , Home , Florence , "Venice ,
A.ilnn , Oenon , etc.
The party starts from Now York Juno 27
nnd returns to that city by September 11.
Taken by uny Individual alone , tbls Eu
ropean trip would involve an outlay of at
least JTOO.
For the second Inrg st list of subscribers
wo offer n frco ticket from Omaha to San
Francisco nnd L.03 Aitucles ntiil jeturn.
Magnificent mountain scenery , the beautiful
Golden Guto , the land of sunshine , fruits nnd
llowors. "Who has not seen CJulffornla I
not dlo happy. " Travel is an educator , nnd
to properly appreciate the vastncss of our
great country ono must see Its boat features.
For the third largest list of sulncriburs to
the WEEKLY or Suxmy Bun wo offer a ticket
fromOmulm toQuobeu mid return. Wlmt
could bo grander than u trip down the beau
tiful St. Lawrence In nilil-suminerl To con
template tbo bcuuty of Thousand Isles Is de
lightful. How much more dellRbtful to visit
tnoin when In verdure clad.
And all this pleasure , for obtaining sub
scribers totlio WEEKLY andSuNinv , DEB.
For the fourth InrgoUlistof subscribers wo
offer a free ticket from Omaha to New York ,
Philadelphia. Washington and return.
Thcro arc no points on tnis continental
greater general interest Jhun these three
cities. An American citizen has not com
pleted his education until ho has seen the
seat of government. The persons and points
of interest in Washington are innumerable
and to the Intelligent observer a visit there Is
full of interest Now York'and Philadelphia
as the commercial andllnancial centers of tha
country are always interesting.
All this sight scoing nnU traveling given
away for obtaining subscribers to the
For the fifth largest list of sub'crlbers wo
offer a free ticket from Omaha to Ninnara
Falls and return. Everslnco your childish
wonder was aroused by , tlxa description in the
old school readers of tlicso wonderful fallayoa
have desired to see them. Hero Is the op
portunity. A most delightful excursion and
one without expense , given for securing sub
scribers to the WEEI.TCV or SUNDAY IIE. $ :
i or the sixth larirort list ot subscribers wo
offer a frco ticket from Omaha to Salt Lake
Citv and return , Thfl'tttmous Mormon city
is fast becoming a Gtntllo city , anil will In
time lose much of interest. Now. this sum
mer would bo n good time to visit the boom
ing city. Unrficld Beach is of course in
cluded in the trip. This , summer resort on
the lake Is a delightful place to pass a few of
the hot summer days. Why not secure a
number of subscribers for the W UKLY or
SUNDAY BEE and tnko the trip.
For the seventh Impost list of subscribers
wo offer a frco tickctto Denver aud Muni to u
and return. "While a shorter trip than any of
'tho others it combines many pleasant fea
tures. Jlenver the queen city of the plains
is always worth sculng while the health
and summerresorts of Mnuitou are delightful
Indeed. Health-giving , inspiring , restful
amid suhlimo scenery what trip could bo
moro restful I .All this pleasure for securing
subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEEKLY BEE.
Now what are the conditions upon which
these tiekots arc given awav < The securing
of the lurecst list of subscribers to THE
WEKKI.Y or SUNDAY Biu. : No Jnewspaperln
the west is so well and favorably known and
solicitors have always found it an easy matter -
tor to secure subscribers. TIIK BEB'S sub
scription list has always kept pace with its
reputation and It delsres to add new names to
its long list of friends , Bcinp at all times a
people's paper It makes friends with all
The subscription price of Tm : WEEKLY DEE
Is 81.00 per postpaid to any place in
this country or Canada , or ? ' , ' .00 If scat to a
foreign country.
THE SUNDAY BKE is $3.00 per year , but
Omaha subscribers for THIS SUNDAY BEE
will not ho counted In this competition.
Get up allst. Have your friends subscribe
for the paper. Sample copies forwarded
free on request ,
Persons desirinp to compete for one cf
these prizes will please ay so when sending
in their first orders.
Ueinlttauco in full must accompany every
Two six months subscriptions or four
three months subscriptions will bo counted
as ono order. _
The value In round numbers of public ,
business and icsldenco buildings in course of
construction at 1'ortlauil is put at $1,000,000. , ,
Local capitalists and city ofllcials of Ku-
gcno have agreed to assist the Tucoina min
ing and milling company to build nrond to
the mouth of the Blue river , where the mines
are located.
A suit has been instituted at Portland to
prevent the city from Issuing bonds or levying
a tax to carry out the purposes of the Port oi
Portland commission/ which Is to provide a
channel tncnty-llvc foet"Jn depth from Port
land to the sea. , .
Ed Arnhoim , n gayyoung e\v Yorker ,
engaged hiinscU to two 701111(1 ( ladies of Port
land , rnndo arrangements for two separate
weddings to tnku placa-nt the same time , and
then on the appolntod'day skipped for Ban
Fraucieco , where ho was arrested for em
bezzlement. > >
At Cascade ) Locks Henry Parr and H. P.
McCormlck had trouble/in n saloon over a
trivial alluir. They both ; drew revolvers and
began tiring , which tliqyj kept up until both
weapons wore empty. Ali ! ormlclt's wounds.
It is feared , will provpi fatal. Parr received
two llesh wounds , Imt s in no danger.
The btato railroad commissioners made a
tour of the railroads In. Oregon and found
two bridges in southern Oregon whicn thej
consider dangerous , and will reramincnc
their immediate repair. Thorouro lfiOO , miles
of railroads in the state , nnd the commissloi
will continue the work until all are Inspected.
John F. Webb of Whitney , Ala. , who was
mjuicd In the on the Union PadIIo
ncnrCuscadn Locks , died in the hospital at
Portland , Ho was unconscious most of the
tlino slncn tbo accident nnd wus injured inter
nally. Ho forbade anv message being sent to
his wife , but Jlnally ono was sent and the
reply cnino that she could not bo found. Al
other parsons Injured have been discharged
except Mr. Ilenness , whoso Jaw was budly
A contract has been lot for cutting and
grading thirty miles of the Albany ( t , As'.orla
r.tlrcau between Tlllaraoolc nnd Seaside. I
vt or * is pushed ahead on that line it will bo
t10 best thing possible for Astoria , as it wll
lonnojtlt by rail with the Wlllamotto vnl
ley Uinmlng the line from Tl'lumo.U to
t ojsldo would appear as If the Intention wr s
tj use the present completed portion of the
Aslorln k South Coast rend , which extends
from Sftisldo to Young's un.y , opnoslto
Smith's Point , Astoria , ft distance of sUtcen
Seal are plentiful oft llto mouth of tli Co-
utnblii tlvor , and pirate * uro mnklng tnonoy
mud over list. Ono Victoria schooner made
n catch of eighty-six hi two itavs. Most of ttio
coattinKStonmors were commissioned to no-
Ify thoscalrrs In the vicinity of Momloclno
a make for the vlchor hunting grounds oft
the Columbia.
lob"H ( White , prospecting' bclvrcou Cubic
2ovc nnd the headwaters of Uotk creek In
the granite district , discorarcit n rk'h , lertpo
\vhlch n.av prove a valuable property. The
owners will start n pack train as soon ns the
snow will penult and tnko the ore to Ilaxor
City preparatory to shipping It to Denver for
rcnttnent. About twenty ions have been
taken out already ,
The Oregon wonthor bureau tolcgrnphcd to
"W.whliiKton the llrst of the series of crop
bulletins for the year. It said : The loin-
icraturc , prcclpitntlon ana sunshine nro bo
ow thonornmli A Chinook wind in eastern
Diegon Is mi'itliigtho snow mid the ground
s very wet In the whrat districts. Spring
seeding has neon delayed. Full wheat Is In
Ino condition , fruit * buiht nro swelling nnd
stock wintered well. Warmth nnJ sunshlno
n o needed for ttiu crops.
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Wilt's Little Early Hiscrs are taken. Stnn.ll
) lll. Safe pill. Best
The mines of Montana paid ? I44XX ( ) on
dividends last month ngalnst $30 1WX , ) In Jan-
The Atlantic Garden , a popular resort in
Butte , was closed down by the sheriff for n
dcbtofft,000KK , ( ) .
Montana last year produced $ -17,000,000 , in
gpld , lead nnd copper from not inoro than half
a dozen developed districts.
Travelers report thoFlathcau lake
ovor. The ttlp must now ho made bystago
which rcauiixM two days' travel.
Many of the smelter hands in Hutto are
ifiltatliiK the question ot dispensing with the
twelve-hour shift , alining , If possible , to
innko it only ten hours.
0. II. Urown , postmaster at Nine Mile , shot
a big mountain lion within a few feet of his
iomennd , justas it wason the point of spring-
tig upon ono of his steers.
At Ionneron ) the Northern I'.xcillc railroad ,
n brlugo builder named Williamson wus uc-
clilun tally struck In the head with an ax and
sullercd a fracture of the skull.
Dudley DuUoso of Helena , grandson of
IJobcrt'i'oombs , received a commission ns a
ludgo of the Tenth Judicial district , whicli
eiubraces Chotcau and Fergus counties.
The Door Lod&o intnliiR and reduction
company will make a shipment soon to do-
tcrinino whether the coacontrato or smelting
process will give the best returns.
Colonel Atkins of the licnton nnd Montana
company had four flneers of his right hand
amputated. Ho froze his hand during the re
cent cold snap , while driving to the dam from
the city.
It is stated thatnilch strike lias been
made rear Wolf Jiutto , at the head of Sur-
prlsu creek , in the Belt mountains. The lind made by George Ador and William
The output from the mines of the Ilecl.l
consolidated company at Glcndalo for the
year 1S > 'Jl > , was 4,2I3. ! 170 pounds of Ioadlli0,000
pounds of copper , 'ISO , ! * ) ! ounces of silver and
GDI ounces of gold.
Henry Cleveland , a locomotlvo onjlnnov
who injured by his locomotlvo Jumping
the track on the Alttx railroad , has fully VO'
covered and is out again after three months' '
conllncmontln the hospital \Vlckos. .
Lnfurotto Grain has tiled a suit against the
Great Northern railroad corn piny for & ) . " > , >
000. The damages are claimed for injuries
received in a collision at Johnstown. January
It , while employed by the company ns flic-
The body of Christ Habn , a , laborer , \vns
found seven miles from Monarch , frozen to
death. It is supposed that while looking for
employment nt some of the mining camps in
that vicinity he lost his way and suecumcd to
tbo severe cold.
The Livingston electric light company has
executed a mortgage to tUo Minneapolis
trust company for $ . ' 50,000 , upon their plant ,
This money Is secured to take up floating In
debtedness and for the purpose of incieasing
the plant nnd oxtenditu ; the service.
The offer made by Granite Mountain cap
italists to Invest S7. > ,000 In the Cornucopia
inino near Ncihart for a certain per cent of
the stock has been refused , the company be-
lievhiR that their property is makmc too peed
n showing 1 ° warrant making the concessions
What is regarded as a remarkable feat In
mining tins just been comptetod In the now
shaft on the Cur.o lode , the property of the
Hope company at Philllpsburg" . The shaft Is
in lime formation and was put down 23i ( feet
In forty-seven days , and two stations wcro
cut in ilvo days more.
John C. Mello , an old rancher of Butte ,
while driving over a mountain road recently ,
was drowned In a mining gulch. lib
wagon wns overturned Into the gully nnd
old Mello caught underneath. Ho kept
his head above the water for a tlmo , but the
exertion VIM too great , nnd he fell back nnd
was suffocated.
John Sanders , an Anaconda miner , fell
through a chute at the 1WJO , level of the
mine nnd received injuries which will un
doubtedly provo fatal. Sanders was at work
on the sixth Iloor above the level and fell Into
the chute In trying to got by It. His prin
cipal Injuries aso about the Lead ahd splao.
At n recent meeting of t'no Butte working-
men's union itvas voted to endorse thn
scheme of issuing union cards , proposed by
the trades and labor assembly. These unlo'n
cards will bo given to every member In good
standing of a Hutto labor union and will
tnablo union men to determine at once
whether or not they tire working on the sumo
job with scabs.
Michael Konltch , an Austrian , was terri
bly beaten by John Phillips and Michael
Sagcr In n Diitto saloon. In addition to being
kicked and pounded about the body ho was
struck over the bond with a beer bottle , the
blow cutting a gash about two inches In
From Hcml to Wnl t n muss of disease.
SnlTirlii ! ! ; Tor.Iblc. Cured by
Cntlciirn Itemed ! } g.
I was covered wltlisjrofulous sores from my
head Ki my waist , nullorln : . ' so that I could
not slt'L'i ) nlRhta , and could Uo down only with
lilllows undur my arms. .My head was so sere
that Iconldnotwoara hut ; aiut bolus a fir-
nior , 1 could notKo harcliuadod,8'jworoa , ' very
Kift iKindlierclilcC on my head. Intact I \ \ asa
a dlbgUhtluK sight to othciH nnd to myself.
After dootorlni : for six years with ho best
iihyilcluni In the country , and gutting worm )
all tlio tlmo. 1 ha-l Klveu up all Impa of
eottlni ; vmll when I saw your CUTICUUA KEM-
i-.inr.H ndvei tine. . 1 and jiruourud ns taltliuuuh
with little ( a I in In thoin. The llrst set. him-
nvur , did niu such a VIHL : amount of Kond. ( hat
1 continued thr'r ' use , and now , after
foursots. , lam Imppy to hay that I urn ontlio
jy 'juiud. Any of tlm proinliiunt business men
and fu : inors In 10 will cndni o my storv.
OKOUGKA. UGINsKLMAN , i'lalulleld ' , 111 ,
Barber's Itch 14 Years
In 1174 IcaiiRlita bud dose of the barter's
lU'li , and from tbnt tlmo on until the fn 1 ol
1KK8 I diu'toiud ul most t'ontlmmlly , without
any iH-nolloliil rc'inlts. I was Induced to try
vr urUUTicuiiA UKMEIMCH. uiul now , aftortaK-
lns somu twouty-ono bottles , I am cored , and
my fi'CO njjaln Is us hinootlias nli-ibu'a I hud
already H)0iit noirly * Mi with doclora anU
UllTciont iirourlotar/m nhi'ln ; " * ,
01IA9. i : . WILLIAMS. Oslikoih. Vfli.
Cuticura Remedies
Arotho Krentt'itS-kln Cures , lllood 1'urldors
and Humor HcinedlcH the world Ims over
MKIWIU CUTiruiiA IlKsoi.VRNr. Ilio nmv llood
and sUlii inn Iflir and /i-oalost of humor rumo-
( I oicloanvo-i the blind of all Iniiiurltles. am
poisi/noiis / o 1'inmts and tluiH ruinovos tbo
( "Ai'fi : , ulillo OiiTU'ui'A. thu irroat skin euro
tnul I'lmcunA Ho AT. mi oMin'sIti tikln bcaiitl-
tlur , clo-irthu ada and hcnl | > , uiul rutoro the
I. a r.
Bold every wlieio. I'rlce ' , I'LiicuuA.wic' .
2C. . ItEsoi.vK.NT. tl * I'rvpirod liy tbo I'
UltUn AMlClll'.MICAl , t'OIII Oil ATIIIN , ItOitOII ,
r rsnd for"llowlo C'uioUin UNuuus
Ot ji.itos. W Illi stratliint * , 10J toitliuoillu a ,
'I.nJ , hliick lioul" . red. rouxh , uli iip | ( > t
iuUlly ) alt n cuicd liy Uuncum bo. i' .
( U'ldnryiind U.torlnu Pains , nnd
niHhuitrullutuil Inonu nilniilu by the
CUTItl'IIA A.Vn-1'AIN I'l.AhTKII , tllU
first ana only iiiiln-klllliiB.Htron ht
pi uetcr , uuw , Imiuntuncoui' luf ulllb.c ,
length nhovo tbo cju A ixtrllon of his right
car wns ciirrlcil nwny by the | ajjwroJ odpc of
another broUcn bottle , thosatro blotv innklnj ;
o dnnirci'ous cut near tlio Jiiciilar vein. Ken <
n Itch's \\ ! may provo fatal ,
Several companies will erect stcnm hoists
In tbo new mining mini ) nt Castlo. Ono on
the Bondholder inlnO is nlronJy in operation.
The Armiuln mining coniinnv ( nns imroliMcd
ono whicli will coit , when set in oicj-ntlon | ,
about $ dt)00. , ) Mnny other coinpnincs nro nr-
ranging to iic\eloic \ | their iiiliic.t b > steam
power. Tlio procllou of tlio Ctiinbcflaud
sixty-ton sinoltor I * beltiB actively \irojo- \
Douilnlck La Jlerpo , ft Frenchman from
Anncoiuli , died nt the Door Ledge county
Jail , iioxvnstricdn * to bis simlty. Thever-
let of tlio Jury was thnt tlio iiiuii was moro
icl ; than insane , tiuil ho wan sent to the ho.v
) itfil ut Dour Lodge. Ono utght he cot out ot
> ed and procuring a Unlfo thraatcned to 1:111 :
hcnttciulnnU , Hovns overpowered uiul
nkon to the Jfiil. Hovas tnkon vor.v sk-l ;
nd lost consciousness. Death was duo to
xposuronnd wautof uropor tiourUbmcnt.
Daniel Clnjihnin , an timployo of the
loithlorChloiinitie near Hutto , win foutiil
ro/oii to death within a half mllu of the
n I no. llo lind pone down to Husln for sonic
Mini overcoats nud stnvteil on his return at
> o'clock in tbo evening , it hcltiK bis Intou-
Ion to rcnoh tbo mliia In tlmo to KO to work.
on the 11 o'clocK shift. Ho never ronehotl
ils dcstlnntloii. The mow wns Ilvo foot
docp. When witbln halt n mlle of thomliio
10 bccamo oxliausteil and soon suceuinb l to
, ha coil ! , Air. Claphnin wns n single man ,
ngeJ ahout t enty.flvo ycnri and formerly
Ivcil in Dillon.
Tbo state inspector of mines estimates that
hero were Sjlh claims recorded in thirteen
counties lust yoar. Of these licavorhctul is
redltoil with ait ) . Caseado 4.VJ. Chote.ui U ,
Jeer LoilBO 1.IKM , Korj-us I''S , aullnlln 10-4 ,
loffoi-soii l,0fii ( , Lcivls ami Clark -N > , Mail I-
son T 7 , MenRbcr 1,44-1 , iMlswulii S-0 , I'urlt
CHI. Touching the iiint'i'\l : iiroa of Montana.
ho Inspector draws thn conclusion tliat nil
ho mountains of Montana suvo thoOr.i/.y
noutains anil that part of tbo main ran go of
ho Kocky mountain * north of Sun river , are
ntorsecteil with metallic veins.
At the head
of all blood-purifiers 13 Dr. Picrco'a
Golden Medical Discovery. But it's
different from all of them. "What
is claimed for this it's
ever , f/ttaran-
tccd to do. The money ia rofuntlcd
in every case whore it "mils to Ijcnc-
fit or cure. It's Lecauso it is dilTer-
cnt it can Lo Bold BO. All
diseases origin.iting from a torpid
liver or impure Wood yield to it.
It cleanses iintl ] ) iinilcs the system ,
freeing it from all manner of blood-
poisons , no matter from what cause
they have arisen. For Uvsncnsin.
Biliousness , Surofuhi , Salt-rheum ,
Tetter , Erysipelas , or any blood-
taint or disorder , it is an uncqtnled
remedy. Nothing else can take its
" Golden Medical Discoveiy "
contains no alcohol to inobiiate ,
and. no syrup or sugar to derange
It's a concentrated vegetable ex
tract ; put tip in largo bottles ;
pleasant to the taste , and equally
good for adulU or children ; -works
equally well all the year round.
Do You Dine ?
If yes , your dinner
should beg-in with soup.
Soup can be most
easily , most econmi-
cally and most expedi'
tiously made with
Extract of Beef
without other meat stock.
This is how
a jar of tbo
looks. It 1ms
a blue sig
nature like
this on the
Ask lor Liable COMPANY'S '
Council Illuds , Iir.
Allillsonsosof tlio KYB.
Iroitttul with tlio uroatoU
klllnnil caro.
nnd HAY IT.VKIl troatJl
nltli eminent BIICCOIS.
SUHIUALO1 ( ] KI.VTIONS ( , where micoviarpilu
Icsxly iierfiirnioil lili tlio utmost euro nnU si III , ni.
lurl 112 perfect rosulti. KIN Kill' ( ll.AS.SKJ IUJCIIP-
atcly iinucrlboil , corruotliu all rafnictlyo trouble ,
in Myoiita , llrioroilv | | mill AillzlnntUni , tlmi ran-
ilcrlnnUht oaiy. cluar mil pilnloHi , OtltOSIJ
NKUItAI.UIA.Hirt SU3K HW.VII.V. 3118 , nftor yovrt
ofu-rrlhlo Biillurlnj , no rollur , oiittrJlr euro I. O.D ! > ,
'loom ' I , Hlnik'irt lllock , over llenu fc Co.'a atorj
Council Illutri. la.
Of Council Bluffi.
DniEr-TOHS I. A. Mlllor , V. O. niormn , II Ij
Bliimurt , 10 K. Hurt. J. . I > . KJinunilsonUlvirlui
U. Iluitniin Tr.ins'ict li.uikliu binl-
ness , hardest cajiltkl unl aurplui of uny
tiankln HauUiweiloni lo-.v.x
Illcliost cnsh prlco paid for raijs and
all kinUB of ecrup motnls.
Country dotilord anil merchants will
lind it to thuiimlvunttifjo to comtnunl-
cntowltn us before disposing of tliolr
blocks. OILINSKY UUOS. ,
Union Itroadwny IJcpot ,
Tol. 301. Counciruiulfa , la.
Tha Now Oidn.i Hotel , in Council
U s boon com ilataU refurnts'iol unmoorn-
; zed throughout , tinil 1 1 now on i of the Imt
lioteh in tli a state. It Is looatsj in tti3 bu ,1-
nosspartof tiuolty an I th ulootrio m tori
pisitho door evury four minutes. Fira 4-
capoi and Urn alarmi throiishojt tin b ilU-
ing. Steam heat , hot cold watar .111 1
sunshine In twery num. Table uniarp isul
anywhere. Itatea , $ a.OOu cl-iy.
- QBO. M. WHITNEY , Manager.
For *
. . .
For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Cogs , Hog : , l
COO Potto Hook mi Trout in cnt of Autninln
11 ml Chart Scut 1'rrc.
cniKfl jTovr r'.CnnioMllnUH.IiilIuiniiiiitlQU
A.\ . ( Siiliiiil ftlcniuiilllB , 3111k I'cvor.
H.U. SlrnlnH , I.IIIIIOIICKM. Itlicuiuutlauir
( ' . ( ! . -.IllHlcniiMTf Nnoiil nlHcliuriiL't ? .
l.l ) > . -lntnnr | iirubnViirmx. .
ll.K.--lll"llM , IldlTCK , Plll'lllllOnllt.
) ' ' .K.- . ( ' < > lfo or ( irlprni Itvltiracliu.
. " . . . ' lunl Hldiu'y DlMniHcs.
I.I. r.riiptlvi ) ] ) l cu oi , .liitui/c.
J.K.-'niMfiincHiir Dlnetitlcii , I'urnlyalH.
BlnKloIiottloovcrWaosc ( ) , - - .UO
Sttililo CJnuc , with. . Hjiccinpn. Mnmull ,
Vitorltiary CuroOil und Mwllcator , Sy.OO
Jur Vrli-flnnry Cure Oil , - l.UO
Sold by DrnBcl t i or Sent rVcpnUlanywhoro
tndlnnny quantity on Itocalptof > rlca.
Oorncr William and John Sta. , Ko r York
In use SO fours. The only Rucowfnl remedy for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
lid I'roPtrAtlon , from met work or otlitr catnos ,
f I per rial , or 6 vi l amlUr u vlil powder , for ? S.
Bouinr Uniiaoistn , omi-nt i wtpnlclon rocvlpt
Ccr. William and John Sis. . N. 7.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc ,
006 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
oiTion , or.
Over 0 , n. Jncqiicmln tt Co. , Jewelry Stort
Corner M.iln anl TUmdw.vy . ,
Doixlcrs In foraljn anl ( loruostlo xchin l
Collodion mudu uud Ititorost paid on tlm )
Finloy Burke. Tboa , B. Oiuad/ ,
omces : J. J. Itrowii IluHdlii ; ; . Council HhifC *
I carry a full Una of BeskospaiM
supplies , Including comb foun
dation honey knives , smokers
sections nnd all supollss for
an opiory. M. S.ROOP ,
230 East Broadway , Connciiniufll' , la.
\v \ j ANTKD A Koodglrl ( or Kcnurtil liouso-
\\urk. Apply at ! ' . ' < Hluir H trout.
ifOU RUNT A funil > hol liouso with al
inoUuriiconronloncas. 102 8. Oth stteot. , 1
Tj HUIT faun forsaluor triulo ; wull located
A null all In Iji'arliiKi uooil liouso and barn.
Will taUo homo Rood city property , iitul KOIH !
tlmuKlvui. on btiliinco , Oiillon or artdress U.
J , lliilc'lilnson A ; Co. . CI7 H road way.
FOH SAIJC KJiio household funilturo.
K > urytliliiK flf'-t class. Call at UW North
Slh street. Council Hluir.s.
XAMr.NEthocolobratcil Mnl'linll . . sj
new HC.ito crown plunos uiul organs. Hold
on easy payments by Mar. Itoiirloms , inusio
teacher. 114 StuUnmn street , Council II hi Its.
TJ1OH SAIjK A liouso and liiriru lot on caiy
L' payments. Imnilro ut 403 1'arlc avenue ,
C'oundl lHulTM. In ,
WJ. liAUTEIWASSKil has moved lila
wnrohmibu from Hit liru.idwny to 40'J
Ilioiulnrur , whurohovlll Ucop on hand u line
Htoultof furiiauollxturua.
$100,1)0 ) will nihliu the first payment on 111
litres of llnu land In Boutlivc toni MInno *
mtii , and leu years to piy tlm h.tUnuo In ,
l'u r mi for rout In sumo louallty. Sumo terms
oa liiijirovul fiuins In NoliMSkn , Dull on 01
send for clruuhiis , tnJohnitun tc Vim Patten.
FOH SAI/K At u saorlflco , lurtfo sl/o Icttei
jiiesH , ' , ' ullluo desks and chairs , 'J store )
trucks , l lar o Iran sualo trunk. ' , ' limiting
stoves. 2counl < THoulos. atitup inddurs. 1 laren
platform Iloor scales. Keollno Sc 1'elt , 117
Main St.
FOU UEXT--Thu MoMalion hlook , 3 story
lirlelc , with hasoini'iit uiul ulovulur. J.
lot I'ourl street.
POHHAI.r A bargain ; now modern hnnso
with ult tha Into linprovoiiioiitH , woven
rooms ! will soil oil otisy puymonlH ; located on
thu I'lftli a von uo motor lino. I ) , J. llutchln-
8onU ? Uro.uUvay.
FOH SALE or Itoat Qarlin land , with
houioi , Dy J. It Uloo. lOJllrxIn t. , Oouaoll
Hoods ! fii.-udbt Heeds I
At Colo'u Imrdwaro Btoro , 41 jMiilti
btroot , you can trot thu host noods. Wo
Boll In bulk nnd can irlvo double tlio
for the money Unit you can buy by
Iho paper. Our seods'tiro all fresh and
tested itnd recommended by local ( Mr-
donors to bo tlio hestsoodHohtiilnublo.
Full line of iluld lind { jat'don socds.
Cor 1H01.
"Wo nro the people to ilfiiro ; with for
your mount for this year.VItli \ our ton
years' oxporlonco in thia line wo tire
prepared to oflfor the best value to bo
hud in this lino. It in cany to got fooled
on n bicycle. Our prices ranga from $25
to $15C. ! The colobrulod Victor nud
Grant lino. COLE & COM2 ,
41 Main Struct.