8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEES TUESDAY , MARCH 24 , 1801. THE CITY. Spanish Court Cream Is the great skin rollncr mid ilmlo ) ] remover. A car of pickles from England forPtvx- ton k Gallughor passed the custom house. .Lutlior P. Ilnlo lina filed n , complaint 'churning ' John Schmidt with tholnrcony of a Indict ) ' gold ring valued nt 310 , the property of M. P. Halo. Manager Shannon and third bnsomnn Dpnnolly of tlio Omaha ball team , left JJridi'oport , Conn. , yoslcrday and will roach Oninha on Wednesday. "Old SI" Mnnngcr Shannon has signed SutclIfTo as a catcher for the Omaha team. This will send JlnlllRin to the field , Illllnj , ' the roster of the team. The Missitislppl vnlloy medical tissocl- ntlon will hold Us hovcntcenth annual ecsHlon nt St. "Louis , WednesdayThurs day mid Friday. October 11,15 and 10 , 1891. 1891.Norn Norn Brown and her friend , Will Hllcy , disagreed physically , and Nora nnd nor black cyo wore lined $20 and costs for bolnp the iifrgrossivo party. They wont to jail. The funeral of Mrs. Dnnlal O'KcofTo ' took p'.aco yesterday morning from St. Patrick's church. Fourteenth and Cns- tollftr sticcts. The remains wcro in terred in St. Mary's cemetery. Tlio customs ofllclnls nro kept busy in- fipcclliij , ' car loads of sugar du-itlticd for interior ] ) ointH in the Btato , shipped in bond. Cars wcro forwarded yesterday to Hastings , Kearney and Beatrice , to bo opened April 1. The funeral of Johanna TToppo , wife of William Hoppo , will take place this afternoon from tlio residence , cor ner of Forty-third and Garflold avenue. The deceased was lifty-ono years of ago. Interment will bo nt Forest Lawn. The special sugar train of twenty ears from Now Orleans for I ) . M. Stcelo & Co. , will nrrivo in tills city over the Missouri Pncllle at 9 n. m. Wednesday. The train i olnborntoly decorated and has attracted great attention all aloiiir the ionto. Flora Atihrov , bettor known us "Oiniihn Jack , " Is under the ban and the dccico of cxilo has boon passed. Judge Ilohloy declared that she was too tough for even the Third ward , and sixty dnjs In the county jail awaits her on hoV noxl nppoaraneo in her accustomed haunts. Ktnnil Your Ground. " \Vhcn you imiko up your mind to take Hood's Sarsapaillln , do not bo Induced to buy sonio other preparation Instead : Clerics may claim tlmt "ours Is us peed ns Hood's" ' nnd nil tlmt , but tlio peculiar inorltof Hood's Sar- snpatllla cannot bo equalled. Therefore have nothing to do with substitutes nnd Insist upon Inning Hood's Sarsaparilln , tlio best blood purlllcr and building up incdlclno. Til 13 UNION IJKl'OT. Work Will bo Stopped for an Iiulcfl- ultc Term. President Thomas L. Kimb.ill ot tlio Union depot company was asked yesterday what steps the company proposed to talto In view of the decision ot the court in the viaduct in junction CftSO. "flic depot company will do nothing , " ho replied , "until It is advised oy the railroad companies forming it , ns to the course to bo puisucd , I see no reason why the company should hpend another dollar on a building lo cated on ground to which it can obtain no legal title without the consent of the city."Tho "Tho land on which the depot building ntnuds belongs to the Union I'nclllo nnd was deeded to it by tno city in such a way that if iho company uocds it to another company the city niav stop in and claim the land. One- of the conditions in the bontt proposition voted on by the people was that the Union Pnclllc should bo allowed to deed the land to the depot company. The injunction covers this arid restrains the city consenting to the deed being given , hence tlio depot companv lias no light or title to the land anil would 'not bo Justified in contlnulnr the erection of the depot building ns long ns affairs remain iu their present condition. " It is proaablo that a mooting of the dhec- tors of the union depot company will bo hold soon nnd some plan of action determined on. Uessler'sMnfcloIIc.idacho Wafers. Cures all headaches In iio minutes. At all druggists Condition oftlio Men Hurt nt Hcoont Fires. Jolni JilcGrcal of the No. 1 hose company , Who was severely injured ut the Dohn sash nnd blind factory lire , has been granted a thirty days leave of absence nnd will visit his old homo nt Terre Haute , Ind. At the tlmo of tlio flro ho had boon on duty but two days , having Just loft the hospital where ho bail been sick for n month nnd the Injuiics received at the fire and the attend ant exposure plnccd him in n very critical condition. The chances nro that ho will never bo lit for lire duty again. Charles Cox , plpcman of No. 3 ohomtcal , who was struck on the back by falling biicks nt the Iiohn fnctorv on thu nay after the iiro , nnd Captain John Murphv and Thomas An- dctson of No. 2 hose , who were Injured at the lire , have recovered nnd reported for duty yesterday. J. U. Ellington , who wns hurt at thoGlli- lon , Millar As Klulinrdson lire , is still oiT duty. Complexion powder is an absolute necessi ty of the lollnod toilet In this climate. I'o/- tonl's combines every clement of beauty and purity , I3I1GAK IS AIilj KIGI1T. The IKvlnlon llcadqimi-tpr.s Will Re main In That Town. The Inhabitants of Hdgarhavo boon greatly ilirred up of Into by rumors to the effect that the B. it M. intended to tr.msfor the division headquarters from that point to Superior , Ihcreby cutting off ciulto a lovenuo from the business men of the former city. These rumors probably had their origin in the removal of two or Unco tra'n crows which usually stopped In Kdgar. When the order of ictronclimont wns promulgated thoio crows were taken off entirely and other ro- tluctloiiSj'in force made In that vicinity. The Dftlclals nt headquarters in this city snv tnero Is no intention of romovmrf the division headquarters from Edgar , so that the good tltUens ot that nourishing town were un- bcccssarlly alarmed. No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do Witt's Little Early Klscrc are taken. Small pill. Safe pill , licit pill. IVojitlior Probabilities for Mnrolt. If Mnroli comes in llko a lion it will go out llko n lamb nnd vlco verso. Bin everyday in the month , rain or shlno , , lho olcetrii5 , llKhtod , steam heated , ves- tlbiilod Hmltod trains of the Chicago , Mllwukoo & St , Paul railway will run , . . between Oiimlm and Chicago. The oloc- lro ( berth" reading lamp in the Ir palace looping cars are the greatest novelty of Iho iifjo. Ticket otllco , 1501 Farnam st. , Omaha. Claims Ho was Frank Kocbol Is In Jail becaUse somebody itolo some money from him , frank is ono of nature's apologies , and In dt If ting about the city Sunday afternoon ho entered n nlaeo near the corner of Fifteenth nnd Webster streets. Wnllo thcra ho made thu acquaint ance of T. H. McCrnkcn nnd Lucy Johnson. Koebol claims that when ho went In there ho had F.'O in cash and f I''S rcrtltlcato of do. iK'bito nt the American Savings bank. When ho catno out ho had neither and ho caused the tin-eat of lib entertainers for grand Inr- cony. In order to bosuro of the nppcarnnco of A prosecuting witness Prank was nlso placed under look and koy. The bank wns notltlod not to pay out the money , and the $125 is still there , but tlio f has not been found. Of course , the defendants deny all knowledge of the thclt. I B , FALCONER'S ' OPENING. Beautiful and Attractive Display of Spring Goods at.IIis Establishment , WHAT LAST NIGHT'S ' CROWD WITNESSED , Greatest Show of tlio Soison in All Tlmt De-light ? the Kcmnlo Heart , or HclirlitciiB AVoin- mi's Ucntity. The great N. B. Falconer dry goods store had n grand opening last night. About 7:30 : p. in. the crowds began to ar rive. Ladles of course were the princi pal visitors , though most of them wcro accompanied by gentleman escorts , and for thcso there were plenty ot attrac tions. A Ciu : reporter hnnponod around tlmt way and noticing tlio crowd wan dered into the spacious , well managed storo. On the firbt floor nnd on turning to the left was found the dross goods do- partmonl. All the latest novelties in cuinols hair , polka dots , embroidered robes , Cleopatra cloths and the now Bongallno cloths were found there neatly displayed upon the counters. Silk and wool plaids and all the now weaves had a place. Also the newest goods Irom fotoign markets. In silks , grenadiers nro very stylish , polka dots are very stylish and llowor designs and stripes nro considered novol- tics. China and India silks in dots and brocades were lavishly displayed. Some popular elTects in China silks are with the black buck ground with colored lig- iircf. A novelty in China bilk Is Intro duced ; it is a blue cloth with n true lov er's knot in white. The display of jot , silk and tinsel trim mings were elaborate. All ladle ? are fond of fine linon. Fal coner is soiling llio finest goods produced by John S. Brown nnd William Llddoll & Co. , the Belfast linen dealers. Ono noticeable sot wns tv beautiful table cover called the Masonic cloth. All the Masonic designs wcro woven in the linen nnd were exceedingly hand some. This is the first tiino these cloths have been shown in Otnahn. Some ot the new styles in linens are the French sprig , arum lily and the Gloximu French tissue cloths for ladies' morning gowns in all the popular shades nvo shown. Umbrellas nnd parasols in now designs nro shown , The Dresden China knob is popular just now. Ginghams and India muslins are dis played in largo quantities and in taking patterns. In gents' ' wear department there is a full line of silk underwear in all the now shades and plenty of neckties in colors which will bo popular. The ladies' hosiery nnd underwear department - partment attracted considerable atten tion. Gray is to bo the popular shade In underwear this season , though lavender , flesh color and black will still bo favored by many. A beautiful line -of handkerchiefs is shown ; also the now Boston bag , made of soft leather , lined with silk and fin ished with sil k cord handles. Tlio laces and embroidery depart- moms show a line lot of Inces , from the cheapest to the very best in the country. On the second llpor in the black goods dross dop.irtmont is found a full line of Henriettas , French serges , nuns' veil ings and India cloths. Eider down pil lows and comforts are also displayed horo. Flannels nro in great abundance. French llannels in wide stripes and de cided colors are to bo popular this year. The ladies' underwear department dis plays a largo number ot silk garments , quite handsome in pattern and design. The art department has everything now in drapes both painted and em broidered. Now cloaks nro shown in great variety. The Bavarian and mili tary cloak nro the popular s'.ylcs. ' Gloria silk ulsters for traveling will no doubt bo much sought for by the ladies this spring. The third floor contains the ladles * parlor. Tills room is handsomely furnished with a now style brass bedstead " stead , rugs , now btylo" draperies and onyx tables. A heavy rope curtain in a deep plush border hangs at the entrance to this room. The bonnets , well the ladles Nvill have to pay n visit to the millinery depart ment themselves to judge of the innny now shapes and stylos. Everything in the headgear line runs to gay colors and trimmings. The shapes are gen erally Hat but trimmed high in the back. Flowers run to the natural olleels. Curtains lit for a palace were dis played. Real 'Inco curtains made in Switzerland and imported by Falconer attracted considerable attention. The newest styles wore in the Kgyptinn silk Htripo curtains. Damask , ehonlllo , Swiss , China silk drapes and. curtains were tastefully displayed. Altogether it was a great opening , and the largo number of people presort seemed toup- prcciat'o the exceedingly line dbplny. For burhs nnd wounds wo would reconi- mci.d Salvation Oil. All druggists sell it at ' 25 cents. Many c.wcs have cnmo under our notice whcro nsltiKlobottlo of ] ) r. Hull's ' Cough Syrup ichovcd a sufferer fiom n severe cough , which hail bccntiontcd for months by competent physicians. 2 > cents. Wai-Illusion Ktill llnconvlutod , At n o'clock last mcht , the Warblngton Jury having fulled to nj-iec , was alsoharged and the prisoner sent bnefc to the county Jail. During the soventv-oluht hours that the Jury was out nlnctv-slx ballots uoro taken , the last standing eight for conviction and four for acquittal. Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldj. Mnrriusu The following marriage licenses ucru issued by Judge Shields yesterday. Name nnd address. Age , 1 < ! iisti\o : Andoihon , Omaha . : u | Juiuilo Olson. Umuha , . 23 I .lolin Krnro , Washington county . : in I Lena I'ltzon , Washington county . 18 J Jens I' . Jensen , Douglas county . 23 ( Anna Jensen , Douglas county . , . 20 in Fafoly by the most do loito child. Vet it cures ull b'ojil tionbloj , fiom in onllniiy fnco plmp'o to tliosotht form of contagious lilucd Taint eoor&o/f BLOOD 4 0 M/VoiiEttti flit. Co. , Atlanta , Qa. OLOSKI ) Till : CASK. Evidence mul Arguments In ttio Cat * Icy Court Martini. "I would rathorbo Idllodby the Iinllans thansulTor the dligraco of n court martial , " smJ Captain C.itloy In oponliift his argument for his dofcnso before tlio court martial yes terday morning. "Any true soldier , " ho continued , "would rntbor dlo In the fauo of the enemy and leave tils family Mio pittance of a pension than be court trmrtlalcd and Icavo the service ills- graced , though a millionaire. " The captain reviewed the testimony of the prosecution nnd poh.tcdottt the discrepancies unil the contradictions. Ho said ho had not attempted to go to the front nl Pine Kidgo because - cause ho know ho rould not perform the duty required of him. Ho hnil Dr. Spencer's ' cor- tltlcato that ho was unfit for the service his : ompany would probably bnvo to perform. "If sickness can bo construed to mean cow- nrdlco , " mill the captain , "I am gulltv , and no onlccr or soldier 1ms tiny protection from such n charge. " .IiidRO Advocate Uay , announcing that ho would discuss the cuso unprejudiced ntul without sentiment , ravlowod the case In do- Uul. Ho dwelt upon the gravity of Captnin Uatloy's offcnso in refusing to go out with Ills company to repel nn expected assault nt Pine Hldtfo after the hattlo nt Wounded Knee. "Tho camp wus In danger , the Ninth cavalry was rushing to the rescue ot the Seventh and an attack was expected nt any moment , " said the Judge ndvocnto , "nnd the company of the accused \\a ordered out AVhcro wns hoj Ho says ho wns tit Break fast. Ho had aiortltlcntoof dlsnbllltv , nl- though Iio had made the march from Rush- vlllu nnd had made no complaint until the danger was Imminent. "Ho has not denied,1'continued the judge advocate , "th.it ho w.w nblo to make short ni.uchos , nnd yet when a shott march In face of danger was ordered ho weakened. A man who tutns bade before ho meets n bullet or falls from exhaustion Is as Kuilty of coward ice as the man who Hccs before an enemy. It Is too bad that bnivo Captain WullncO did notgota certillcnto ot disability Instead of poing Into Iho Wounded Knee fight , If no discredit attaches to s > uch action. " Reviewing the record of the accused the judge advocate alleged that ho had never done an heroic deed , nnd tlmt in all his long yeais of setvico ho had done notliintr to com mand the admiration or respect of bis men or fellow oniccrs. This closed the argument nnd the court took the case under ndvlsotnont. The finding of the court martial , when it Is reached , will bo forwarded to Washington for the approval or lojectlon of President Harrison. This will require several weeks' tlmo , and the result of tlio Inquiry will not bo announced until the president renders his decision on the court's action. It is not the extiomos of heat and cold so much ns the sudden changes in tcmpsraturo that cause certain climates to bo m.hculthful. When , however , tno system is invigorated with Aycr's Sarsapnrllla , those changes are rarely attended with Injurious results. Don't Fool Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ily's now stctim heated palace sleeping cars , with ' 'electric lights In every berth , " still lonyos the Union depot - pot , Omnhtv nt 0:10 : p. m. daily , arriv ing nt Chicago at 0:30 : n. m. , in ample titno to make all enstorn connections. Ticket ollico , 1501 Fnrnam st , J. E. PKKSTONF. , . A. NAH , C. Pass. Ajjt , Gen. Atft MIGHT HUM * OM.A11A. Tlio Proposed Traiis-Srissourl Com mercial Congress. Mayor Gushing Is In receipt ot a document from the secretary of the Trans-Missouri commercial congress , asking him to make his appointments of delegates to the meeting that will bo held In Denver , Mav 10. The representation provided for Is ns fol lows ! Thirty delegates nt largo f torn each state nnd territory , lo bo appointed by the governor thereof ; ono delegate from each' county , to bo appointed by the county com missioners thcieof ; ono delegate from each city , anil ono additional delegate for each 10,01)0 ) or fraction thereof In excess of 10,000 of the population thcicof , to ba appointed bv the mayors theicof ; ten delegates from each board of trade , clumber of commerce or other commercial organisation , to bo selected by such bodies as they may elect ; that all railroad companies operating west of the Mississippi rivershall boentitled to two dele gates each , and they bo earnestly urged to be ropiesented , to tlio end that a just untlor- standitiK may oo reached between the people and the great transposition lines of the west and the southwest. This would give Omaha fifteen delegates , besides these appointed by the board of trade. In spcnldnt ? of the subject , the mayor said : "While- this miuht ; bo of some benefit to Omaha. I Jon't think wo would bo Justllled In sending llfteen men to Denver and the city paying their expenses. "I picsumo I shall muko the appointments , but I shall recommend against the cltv being at n cent ot expense , "If there uro any citizens who want to go and foot their owa bills , I snail bo glad to hoar from thorn. " lira in Worker ! v Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. C. II. Goodman , St. Louis , Mo. , snys : "Have used it for several yeuis with espe cially good results In nervous prostration , the result of mental effoits , also in sleepless con ditions ot Drain woikors. " Favotl Jlev I'mtornl Kvponscs. Mary Bruington died nt St , Joseph hospital Saturday , aged seventy-one years. The de ceased laid nslau $100 over n year ugo. btatlny that It was to bo kept to pay her funeral ex penses. The fnnond took plucont2 o'clock ye.stord.w fiom the Christian church , corner Twentieth and Capitol avenue. In terment nt Forest Lawn , Uoea In Millions of Homeo- 10 Yours tbo BtandiM. f I IV/T Mnrplilno llnlilt kl Jji/JLcur.dfn IDIoaudiji HopiytllUund. OM' ' & S3 Goodyear IVcIl/ / irnJo ofCaluUn cvtr uldeli Rlicrtlieil. HUJ r flhl U Unoriginal , , , , _ . , tlie belt nimlo. Hew uro of tail , tallons. 1'oillUclj noiiogeii. ulna liiilnn nampcil on iho tiJ bhoe. " J.HKANSAIU U ilo , Mfiilio urelacklnt ! In ? lli > l furce unit tltur , or ucuk , ncrtoua ( rum any raiitu , irml nt unio ( or tlie New Common Hrnio Ilunio 'ure. > aimii * tlngilruK . Norlettilenoniieiuo. 'Urou' Hwlfil liifaniiatlon fri'O. Continental Clothing House. BOYS' DEPARTMENT. O Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday we will continue tlicr sale of Boys' and Children's Fine Gassimcrc and Clicviot Suits , , sizes 5 to 13 years. Carried from hist season at ONE O last season's ' prices. $ B.OO Suits now $2. SO. ' 4.00 6.OO Suits now 8.BO. 7.OO Suits now 4.OO. 1O.OO Suits now S.OO , It is for your interest to o-ttend this sale. Suits of this quality liave never been ofio iccl this city at these prices. Remember , the sale will close on. Wednesday. LOOMIS & OO. , CORNER 15TH AND DOUGLAS STS , . . . OMAI-IA. BOSTON. YORIv. DF1S Setts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 1400 IDOUGLA.S STKISEIT OS1A11A , NEU. Tnc most widely nnd fuvornlilv known spec- Inllhtslu the I'nfte I Stales. Their lone ex- purlencc , rcmnikabloskill iintl uinvei.sal suc cess In the treatment ruxl cuie of Xorvous , Ulironlo nnd SurBlP.il Dlsoasoi , untltlo these eminent liliyslclHn to tun full conlklpncoof the nllllctod everywhere. Tliovmiiirantfi' ! A ORUTAIN AM ) I'OhlTlVH OUHE for the nwliilpfrcctiofcirlv > lco and the numer ous o\lln that follow In itq train. I'ltlVATH. 111,001) ) AND SKIN DISEASES sppdllv. cDiimlntnlvnml iicriimnuntly cuiuil. NTHVOUS IlKIUUTV AND hnXUAI. D1S- OKlinusyield ro.iUlly to their skillful trcat- iniiiit. IMl.rs. FISTULA ANT ) HKCTATj UI CEHS eunrnntcocl cmwl wltjiouti p'Un or dctcntlou from business. IIYimOUULR AND VAllIOOOEM pornm- noritly tfnn suMr'wfiilly curuujn oory iso , BYI'IIIUS , UONOKKUEA. OljKr.T. Spur- matorrlica , Scnilunl Weakni'sw , Lost MniiluHxl , Night Emissions. Dccayud Kacnltlos , Konvilo Weakness iiml all di-llcato disorders peculiar to cither GUV positively cured , ns well as nil functional disorders tliutresii It from youthful rollk'S ortho cM'cssnf mature jcurs. ' " aunran'cort ' ntly 'rivMr"riIKl < pormunc .J l l\ivvl u i\lj oiirod , lomoviil comnlctc. without cult Ini , caustic or dlUtntlon. Cures cITected at homo hy patient without u mo- rnunt's pain orannoyiuieo , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN , A HWU niP17Tho awful effects of tJU1L V U IVL cirij. , vlco which brliiRS nrennlo wrnkticts. destroying both nilndanil body , with all Its dioadod Ills , permanently cured. Hl KI'TT's ' Address those who have Im- U1XO. Ulj I 1O jiaiiod them ! Ives by Im proper liululRcncu and solitary nnblti. which ruin both mind nnd body , unllttlng them for business , study or inairhiRO. MAKItllM ) J1KN or thoao onlcrlng on that huppy life , u\\aro of physical debility , ijulcUly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is Tinsoil upon facts , KIrst 1'r.ietlcil o\porl- enco , Hetonil I'.vcry case Is specially studied , thus startlnj ; rliilit Third medlclnns arc prcnniuil In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus olTuctlng cuiuswltliout Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB -DON'T B [ TD UN CO ED by dealers \ \ ho try to sell you \uiitlilcss porous pins tors whiili pay them moic iirofit tlmn tlio genuine JlK.NbON'S , which nro In- 'clorscd by the \oluntarv testlmotilnls of over 5.CKX IihnrinacWa mul ph > sl- clnus an the bent. Take nothing but IJKNSOJi'S. Harper's ' Magazine For APRIL. "Every one should read Mr. Phc/ps's article on 1lte Behring Sea Controversy. " THE DEMRIN3 SEA CONTROVERSY. Bjthc Hon. E. J. Phclps , Late Unitcii StalcJ Minister to tlie Court of St. James. The French Army. Ily General JUAN Louis I.IWAL , Late Krencli Minster of War. Illustrated by T. UB I'llULSTSUf. Glimpses ol the Bacteria. DyiT , MircnnLU Tni'DDCN , M.D Amply Illu tr te4 The State ot Wisconsin. Ily Hie Hon. W. K. VILAS Wiih numerom portraili. The Court Theatre ot Melnlngen. Ity Dr. CIIAKIES U'ALDSTKIII , Director of itiemercm ! School at Athenj. Argontlne ProvlnoU Sketches , Ily TnnoDonu CHILD. Illustrated by TJon TIIUUSTBUP. Wessex Folk. Part-It. Ily THOMAS HAKDV , Illustrated by ClIAKLEI GUIKN. : Ihomat Hood , Ptmter , Pool , Preacher. Ily ihoRIglit Kcv , Dr. T. U. DIDLBV , Ishoi ! > of Keutticlty. In the " StnnflBr People's " Country. ly ! ClIAKLKS I fillKRT ClIAIlDOCK A Story. J'art IV. Illuilrltcd byV T. SutULUY , Short Starlet. Ily MARGARET CKOSDV and ANCELINETBAL , Poems. Hy WILLIAM \Viumitu \ OiiruiiLand ANNII I IBLDS The Editorial Depirtmonti , conducteil by WiiiiAti CUKTK. WILLIAM DKAN HUWULLS , ind CIIAKLUS lluDLtvVARNHII , containing an unusually iltracmc list ut conlentJ. Subscribe Now. $4.00 a Year , I'unuiaKU IT IIA1IFKK A 1IHOIIIKIU , KKV VOHK AMTLISIS MEMTS. 11ETTJRN OF THE POPULAR FAV01UTES. MONDAV , MARCH 20. amiVotlil I'aniousf HHNLDN BROTHERS llMF.T. HfOIX A ( WEEK'S ENGAGEMENT Presenting for the First Tima In Omaha Their Gorgeous , Hcv Spectacular PanloiniiiiB , SUPE Seats Open Saturday- Usual Prices. DIMS EDEKT MUSEE. WllILawlcr , Manasor Corlltli.mil rnrnain WIIEK Or MAllClt 23 HOP Cameron , tlio I.tlllpntlonOrntor , A vondorful Mlilmt , 1'uilro , Slnitlni ; I'urrott Io\oiili'rflllii liiis ( , Ln Vcrno , mn'tcr mind of iniclo niul ti.idiclnr of I'l.iok nrtA tlrst chi-s comedy entertainment In hcso wunclcts L COIDS IN THE HEAD , by ono application. OATAEKH , in a very short time. HAY FEVER , in from 3 to 5 days. EABAOHE , instantly. FIFTY CEWT3 A BOTTL.-E. roiisAiiC HV Aivi , niniGoisrs. I'icpuiPil only by the P1IENOL1NE MliMUl.sr. CO. . llarxer Ulook , Omahn , U. S. A , NEBRA.SKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORS , OMAHA. N.53 Capital , - - - - 4tOOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st. 189O , - oa.BOO OlUccrs and Dlrectors HonrfV. . Vnto jProitilent : T/cnhS. ItmilICJI'rosHtont ; Jiuiioi \ \ ' . Sav.ixoV V. Jlorso. Jolin B Collins. U U. Ciuhliu J. K 11 I'utrlck. AY II. d ItiiKliOf , c.iililcr. THE ! IKO1N BANK. Corner l tdnutl 1'arnamSU A Gcncr.il JtuiklnHuslucsj Transaotol DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Set of Teeth on llulilicr , for KlVi : Doll.Altv. A perfect IHimnrnntutM , Toclh cxiractcil without | mln or dint'or. nntl without nimcsllictlci ( ioll nnil Hiker lllllnK't nt Invest rntof. llrlilKii unit Crown Vork. luoth without pin tus Allnorkwnr- inntcil. OFFICE , PAXTON DLOCK , IOTH AND FARNAM I'ntninfp , Rtb street clcvntor. Open evening until8 o'clock. WRITE TO HERJ . . VVUllKllUKHJUlll IMl'll Illallf rt'UllMllUlWllllUUl' UUIIUIH. .1 boxen NUIVK IIMNhctircMltuu ; 1 nm utronjj HI e\t rl diiull niyowii work. " > l portiux Six IKIVUS fur f.t AildrosH , NHItyrHliAN t ( ) . IIUKKAT. ! ) . N Y Bold by ( looiliiKn Drue Co,1111) Knrimin St. , Ouuilin FREM SPECIFICT A POSITIVE nd permanent CURE for all dlieasaiottheURINARY ORGANS. Cures vvheroolhtrtrcitmentlalis.FulldirectionstYllheach bolllo. Price , ono dollar. See ilgnaturo o * E. L. STAHL. ForOalo By All Orugglsti. AND Is not plea nnt to take , ns It IB com- posocl of all the medicinal qualities thcitgo to make now and rich blood without ODinpolllnff the consutnorto $1 $ A BOTTLE FOR OllE-TfllRD SYRUP which can bo bought tiny where for thirty-flvo cants a gallon , ns nil sur- npnrillas aro. BEQGS' BLOOD PURIuIBU and BLOOD MAKER is composed of pure modiclno. and. al- lowa the purchaser to add syrup , wh oh is advise ! \vhon slvoa to children , If your UruK"l''t docs not liocp It accept no Miu-itlluti1. lint order ( llroot from lii.-u'.s Jlfi ; . Co. , Wi-lW Mlchliiiii bt. ClilciKo. 111. , anil they u 111 forw ml. \incss iiicp.itdouo , liot- tlu for $1 or hl.v lor * 3 BROWN STOCK FARM. 1801. STA.LLION SBASOK 1891 MON WOOD 11212. Sired by lonon , by Nutwood , 2il8J4. Iht , dam 1'iufiice , l > 3' 1'aneoit ' ii' . Bil (1.1U1 Anthuin , liy CuyJiT 103. 3d daiit Auuusti , by Hv-dyk's llollfounder , 4th dam Dully .Millsby Sculoy's Aiiiorlcuiiblnr S3B TO 1NS1JRB. Drool Glares. Colts and Fillies For Sale , Including two by tlio Ki'O.il II lack WJIkosislto ofinslow \ \ Wllhps - : ; itlso a faihlomblo bied--year-old Wllkcs stallion u good one. Send for utuloguo ; or bcttei , como uudboc them. M P. BROWN , P apll ion , Neb HOTEI. , The Mui'mv , < ai : Utli aitit Jini in tin' tnoHt nnbi > tintl < iHii eaiHti'iictetl jrvtt'l Jlnftiliiii/ ( him/in. / Sffcrnl Jit'iii'ii lirMt Itt'c mill * ritniiliiti Jruitt linm-inciit Tit > < > < > f , AII tin' ecilliiift unit JlcHll-H HllCtl IfitJi A t > CHtO1 JllC JH'UOf fulnif , intil.iiifi it iiiiimKHilifetn liin-ii qrid-/- . JYi-ci'HCfijirv unit //J'c / < it < innn Ilirutii/liiHtt tin : litilltllnifitt'Hin lieiit , luit and coi" / itdtf.i- lid Hitimliliu-iii cvti'ii I'ouiiii Tulilu itiiHtii'ixtNxal tins/ * tvlieru. B.SILLO WAY , Prop. HOTEI , DEZ.LOKTE. . Corner 14tli and Capitol Avenuo. Just completed , has 100 roomi , throa Btalrw.ijs , from the top to the bottom , Una fine elevator and diimins room Eervlo , is fireproof throughout , line bllhr.l rooimaiid the llnost toilet looms hi tin city. Lar o Sample rooms , Sultoa with b.ithko. Cor 14th nnd Canttol Avo. Strootoarsorvloa In alldlr'octlons. Kates , from S2.6O to il.OO. REMEDY. _ _ _ _ Manhood rentori.il. Nniill , ncalt D mm 9 Ba organs unlirKod. I'liiilssliinsjni- t > iteiicy , Vnrlcocoto.mul ulIcRectHOf .Sulf.Abuioor Kxi"as ouroil. Norer returns. 1tlll ulnclly eciul Isciilc'cl ) I'ltl' ! ' tuiiUintlnirrH. a riTijio that curoil uio of tlaso truublo . y\ililrc-c. wlili Htntup With Double Wire Suspensory. fATESIED AUO. 15,1887 , , IMPROVED IU1I29,190 , r > n fANIO 1IODY I'ICNSORY will Ilhou- mntlct'oinplnlnta Cen- DrnUnd Nirrous iublllir , Collvo , new , Kldiioy Troinb- un Hid iiVnHt \ - pnsua catiwil by ItHtlecntlonl In Voutli , AfCMur- , rlucl w Slug 10 flaspoisorr. BENT TO nKSrONSlHLK PAUTIKS FOTl CEIl < 'JAIN COMl'I-AimS ON SO mVS" AlHnun r.loctrlo TrtiHH mul licit Combined * &cnd 8a iKjstngo for riiru lllunlrntodboo * , 250 panel , which will lie sent you In phlu scilod cnvyl * opo. Mention this pa | > or. ' ' " Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. , 3O6N. Broadway , St. Lou la. PIS , HOUR'S LITTIE VECETABIE PIILS CUKC Side Ilcmlntilic In < lltoxtlon | , BILIOUSNESS , U nut niul nnl tim\y \ tirCn * ngcuf M iwu rui- c l ( .r . vtpttttiilii in- ick , Hoadnche liAbeulutcly cured t ; SSccnl < a vIMi C for OCi ( nil * , orb tortl. Ki > rtilobdruil3ta | , orb ] mal l HOCBS Mtointit no. , pstfs. s u nunciscccAlj 10P. SALi : IN OMAHA , KKII.BV Ku'in A Co. , ( .or. 13111 A flMiKlns fclrccH J. A. I'llllLT A. Co , Cor. Htli & DuueliiiSlrccll. A. U. Tmlvr A Co. . Council HIiiRi. lowt. PRINCIPAL DRucaaro tvcnwucnl REMEMBER IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remedy Thai Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COIQ In the HEAD , SORE 1HROAT , CJNKO , For Sale by lending Druggists Klinck Catarrh & Bronohial FenedyGo 82 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. BLAICE , BnUCH& CO. ctnalallcanithe rnottpowtiful female regulator ler. jcctlyllfe. Never fall $2. | iinalil icnd it lstninpfo ) parllculiri. Adilreil LION UKUGCO. . Malo.N Y. PAV. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen rears ctporl nso. A rojulir irraliiitoln IIIHI clno in dlploimi lie Iinllll Irntlnjwith tliot-roalcat miocoss , nil Norruii * , Ihronlimnil I'rlvntj l > l < oi < in. V lurmnnent euro uu.iriiiiteoiror inarm Hicriiiiitarrluni , Lost Mnnliond PoralnnnVoaknO' ) . MKlitlonej , lniiilonof,8rihlli. | | t-lrli turn itiiilll nil- oaiei of Iho Illoixl. Skin and llrlmry OMini. .V II I iriuifintuoriJJforovorr cnsol unlertj-liiftiiil fill l > euro CaiiBiilutlonfico. JUolc ( MjrUerloi o r I.I fo-lout. fr j Olluuliuuri-J n. in toip in SunJiiy n. ui , to 12 in. They nro custom inndo clothlnR of merchant tailurs , loft on their hanila lor ono reason or another. Thdso vo buy in largo or small qunntl tics forrondy cash. For oxainplo : a suit o ( clothes , coslln a ori'i ally $10 , wo can , no cord inc to style nnd quality , Boll for Slier $20. Just think of It , a saving of , V ) percent , ono half the original cost , Of paiitulnons . ' mndo fiotn 87 lo # 15 ol thorn of , the lutcstdo- \vu have ugooil variety , ranging In price froml.'l toS7 , originally , many signs , from th6 best tailoring csiublislunoDtb throughout the country. Wo roquoat nn curly Inspcotion. Merchant Tailor's Misfits and Uncalled forGarments , - They udjouniod , foollngr fully convinced that thoorlpln of the Misfit Parlors wns tonboll'h high tariffs on Clothing and the truth ot the Parlors Imvlnp thoraostclo anldi.slayof | ) anldi.slayofGOODS Kvcr witnessed by any ojo is now substari tinted by citizens of Oinalui nnd vicinity. Ainonjf the many bargain 8th. cro Bill romni ns unsold : PRIOR L-JST. SUITS. HOO Mi rclinlit Tullor mailunt 112 00 J II no Merchant T.illormiulo'it. : IK ( ) Jlin-liiititTiillof iiintlo ut 14 u ) ; IHI MiTOliunt 'J'nllor iiiuilo at 1000 8 00 Merchant Tullor MUII > : it- . . . 400 4000 Muifliant Tailor m.ulo at IS M 13 00 Morclunt Tullor mrulil ut. . . . too MOO 4UXI Jluieli Motfliniit.Tailor ml Tnllor niiuloat inr.ilo lit SI io f.O UI I ! 00 Merchant Tallur inu.lo ut. . . . coo MOO % ifiunt ) Tailor innilo dt ! W to U 00 Merchant Tullur snailoat. , . . 7K > Tallnsniailout : if > W ' MnoAli'ii'liimt 0" 00 .Mciu-liuut Tnllor mutlo ut , U5 Oil IB OOMcrvlunt Tailor inuilaii.li. , . . - W A poifcctllt wnrrnnlod.anct nil goods sold on tliolr merits. A ( ruumntoo in every cau just aronrosonlednt , the ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnarn Street , Oinaha , Neb. 1309 ,