THE OMAHA. TUESDAY , JVJMJR01I 2-i , 1801. THE Oi\LAHA. \ BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE ! No 12PEAHL. STREET. -Delivered by Carrier la any part of the City. II. AV , TJI/TON - - . MA.NAOE11 TELEPHONES : Business Ofticc , No. 43. Night J2dllor. No. 23. It 10It. 31EATKJS. N. Y. V. Co. Council muffs Lumber Co , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 20-1 Sapp bloclt. Ucnclnaltocfc Spring coal. Thatcher , 10 " Mnin Thteo drublcs xvcio fined S10.10 in pollco cou rl j esUrday mornlnjr. Onnrcount of the Illness ot JudpeMcGco tberowiU bo nosnislon of superior court held until tomorrow morning. Ernest Hussill ot Chicnco and Mnmlo Ilradloy of Omaha \tcro united in marringo yesterday afternoon by Jiutico Coiios , Special com muni e-ntlon of Blurt City loclfo , No. 71 , A. . P. &A. IS1 , thl owning for xvorlc In tlio second decree. Visitors welcome. Ily order or W.M. Tlicic-will bonmcetltiR of the Calan as sembly \Vcdncsilny c\enini \ ' , . All ofllccrs are requcatod to bo present. Ilv order of > Iu. O. JJ. Younkormnn , U. C.Mrs J. G.Tlpton. 1C. ol It. and S. The imrdoclset for the March term of dis trict court has been completed unit li rcaily for the printers 'JL'horo ire OiT cases to bo tried , wnleh uio about equally dlUdedlo- wecn the Iw ami equity calondurs. The Western lowallnslnesscollcKOls mov- Jnpout of its present quarters In thoSliucart Dloclc latotliu Marcus butldlug. 'J'lio ( .hanse ls for the purixwo ofnllowliij ? the proposed alterations to bemwlo in the Shujjnrt bled ; . Tboworlils lobe commenced m a few Uajs. ITraulc I'cterson vai discharged bj Justice. Hotnmer jcstcrdny afternoon on the charge- of threatening to kill , which was preferred by his xvifo. Mrs. Peterson stated tlmtsho \vusun\vlllliig to prosecute , nnil as she was the only witness to the ttansnctlon it so lined to the court that tint v\iw the only thiiiKto bo done. I'eterson paid the costs. The following cases of mojslcs Hero re ported ycntcrdav : Mnynaul Tarny.-IJl Knst Washington a\cnuo \ ; Maurice /Jcnay , WL Willow a\onue ; IS'flllo Hell. 2J5 Harinonv street ; 1'rcd L Miller , 1IO-4 South Kighth. street ; John Showers. 1501 licnton street ; Uaby Is'lrool. - \VajhitiRtoii avenue : Blanche Patterson , Ml 1'ark men UP. Cbarlcs Hicks of Hancock , has boon ar- rcstcil on an Information Illed by Miss Cora Borah , charcing him with criminal assault. The \oniiir lady claims that sliotooka buggy ride with II icks a welc nio last Sunday , and _ thnt Hicks then assaulted her. Ho was Riven n hearing before a justice lu Avoca , and ttiis bound o\cf to nwnlttho action of the piand jury , Jiowasiolcnscd on bonds. Hoth tlio parties nio well-known In tlio Blurts. Ttio case will bo tried in the district couit at Avoca. In federal court jcitorday the railroad com- miisloncis tiled a motion to remand the oases \vlilcli liavo been begunacainst thcMuillntf- toii , Northwestern. Kock Island , Jlllwaitkco and Sioux City raiiroasl companies to thu dis trict court for trial. The cases wtro begun originally in the district couit bj the com missioner ) and were removed by the rutids to the federal couit. The comnilssioneis thcro- - upon Illed a motion to remand them in tic- cordiiiico with u decision \ \ hlchas ren dered by Judge Shlras souio time a o. Tlio attorney made their nreutncnt in the celebrated casoof. Woodward against Ilneh in the district court jcsterdiy , and it was Buuniltlcu to uio court , 'llmVM a c.iso \vlilih wis tileJ some \vcek URO Itwiuj broURlit by the Into air.Voou urd to sot aside a. deed of some property whkb ho bail uiiulo to Mrs. Ilcacb u short tlmo kforc his dcilh. oil IbORiouud the old limn was clillcllessvlipn lie maJo tlio dcoJ , atiUtbnt f > \n. \ Bench had Rained imduolnllu'neoo'or lilm by the mo of her personal charm" . It ercntocl considerable Interest at the time it \Vfls tried. It is stated that n broad tuist has Iconj foimcd by the bnkors of Couiicil UlulTs , Oiimhn , South Omabu nnd Albright for the jjarposo of settling upon some Used price nt \vlnch brcnd shall bo sold. It has been do * ciiled that the retail dealers in the four eit- icAglinllbo furnished -ulth trend , until some other Hchodiile slnll he agreed upon , nttha rule of (1 for twenty- live leaves anl : the re- tnll ile.i'ora ' nro to sell at tlio rate of f > cents per louf strnleht , or tlicyvlll bobovcotted. 'Jlio snmo prlcoMlt bo given to hotels as are Klvon to retail dealers. .A inoolliifc of the tiust is to bo hold next Sixtuuhiyln Om.iha. .Alderman I'eter Smith of this city is the president of the now oipanizatlou. Mniulcl & ICleln hmo the only house fur- HlsliiiiRKOodihouso 111 the clly. Ihoy carry a coiiiplcto stoolt of furniture , carpets , stoves , crocltery , curtains , snades , llxtures , lumps , In fact every thine needed to furnish nhouso from kitchen to little. They sell for cash or on easy terms , at pi ices which tire their own recotiiinendntlon. This week sev eral car load * of lioxv poods were received Call and sco the splendid line of new carpets , \Vo arosureou uill to pleased with both jntterns and prices. If you need furniture nnd hnvo not the rcadj money to pay for it , call and see u . U'o sell on caiy payments as veil us for cash. MAMU i. A KMI\ : 3JO Ilroadwaj . The formal opening of tlio Council niufTn inlllincrv parlors will occur Ttiursdity morn- " inc and \\ill continuo duriiif ? the"weelc. . blisses Hprink & Un dnlQ extend iv qorcilal in\ltatlpu to the ladies of Council Bluffs to lie present. J. C. Blxby , atcim noatinj , sanltiry en- rlneor,20--i , Morrlatu bloclc. Council Blum Mrs. George D. Brown is a victim of la grippe. I. F. Hcndrlclts has reUirncil from aweelt's ' stop at Col fax. John I. , . Temnloton and M. P. Ellis left last evening for A short visit to Co If ax. J. .A , Church ill , who has been spending the winter lu Florida , starts for borne next Tues day.O. . O. A. Lcnch oflCeoltuk. clerk ofthoUnitfd States court , Is In the city , the guest of the Hotel Gordon. C. T. Stcphenson left last evonlng for Milford - ford , Ind. , wlieio he was summoned by the death of an uncle. Mrs C. B. Luring and child , who hmo been ( poiullnir the winter \lsltliii , ' relatives In Cincinnati , O.start for homo tomorro\v. Prcil Barren , representing' H. B. 33oilo ( k Co. . Chicago , manufacturers of Venetian blind * , Is in the clly superintending work In his line lu the New OnuiU hotel. J. 11. Atkins , western agent forDol'au\v's ' plate class roinpiny , will clvo estimates on plate deli very in lo\va and Nebraska , A good rootu for rent , GOO Tirst avonuo. N iioii. . G. U Gorman , whokoops a saloon rt 153 Droudway , was on the streets .yesterday looiciiiK' for u man whom ho claimed hail played a piuuo on him whereby bo had con- lldemcil him out of § .V ) . IIo claimed that ha had bocn drinking ucer with a oung man la his saloon anil having a general irotxl time ybenhu suddenly went to sleep , \Vhcn ho nwokoho found the pluasntit young man mls slu | ? and also his pockelbook. Ilostarteil out on the \\ar path nnd rustloU a follow into the police station whom lie thought was the guilty party , but ho turned out to ho tbo wont ; onu mul mis allowed to go , Gorman cannot ghcncry accurate description of tlio man , but holuv-s asortnf ati Idea uho It wixa. and ho lu tends tovoric Omaha today In ( lie hope ) ot getting back his friend and his pocket boon. Nollnoto Alnrlilo Ono II. 11. l nstinnn , alias Kltou Hunt , etc. , Induced MW. M F" . iluinp , thrcuBB fraud und luisruurescutation , to sign n contract for the purchase of n monument. Jlarblu dealers nroMirncd not to purchase the contract. U. U. Hump. Mrs. J l. PfellTor has returned from tbo cast with full line of spring ; inlllluery , und \vlllboKlndtoseonllhorfrleiijj. Call nnd cc her Kastor display next week , "Will llud jirlccs lowest in the city. Shugnrt k Co. carry largest itoottof bulk tlold , furdcn and Honor icoas la the west. Cut&loguu aud tatuulcs by uialL /i / SEWS ITOI COUNCIL BLUFFS , Grain Dealers Euing tbo Barlligton far a Big Eebata on FreigM , MRS. CHRIST SUES THE WABASH ROAD , MIC Waills liulciiinity for Her JIus- bniiiI'Nlc ) tli llritcn AHilRiiinciit. Knocked Out riiiicral of 2 I.V. . It aril In. A. $100.000 damage suit va ? 'commented In the federal cou it yesterday by J , V. ' , Conn and .A. B. layloraRiilnst the ChlcaRO , Bur- HneUiaitQuincy ; railway company. The rilalntllTs state tint they constitute ft firm \Uilnhdocs a lanjo bu lnsss In Ucbraaka e\oryjearln tlio line ot Ihostoik and grain. They have boon In business over since 1873 , and Inthlitlmotlioy have been constantly dolnt'business with the company. They learned some time ao that the other patrons of the company have been iccclUiiR favors In the vray of rebates , vlilch they claim hn\o amounted to about COpor cent ot the cntlro frcipht charges , but the plaintiffs have not rcucltcd nny rebate. They nro accordingly disposed to kick , and they briiiff the suit ublchls now pending on the strength of the Interstate commerce lavvhlch , provides that IreU-ht chargw slnll bo unifoira bot\\ccn nny two points. The amount of damages vhlcli they claim they are entitled to is $100.000. $ Tbo petition in the case is n \olnmiiioiisono , n pllo of piintcd and typewritten - written sheets four Incurs thick being ticc- cssniy to contain the statements upon \vblch the claims arc based rituDaby IIa > p you seen the o flncnntlnua Oilr baby carriage" ? at Drucket'sl ilandsotncst line ever brought- the city. I'oslon Stnro. OOUN'CII. BLUFFS. The Boston Store , Council HlufTs , It shoiv- Inp many novelties In the dress poods line suitable for Kiister gifts , also in kid glo\cs , handkerchiefs , hosiery , tics , scarfs and flshues. Novelties in niching , no\eltics In incos , no\eltics In handbitf * and shopping blips , novelties In pocketbooks and purses , novelties in wash goods , such as pineapple tissues , llannclettcs , llneScotch zephyrs , the latest in black organdies , all the way from lOc to-iric , ovcrl. > O dillc'ent stjlcs to select from. Blade .flouncing from ( i'c ) to 31.90 , black embroideries from 7cto3jc : , nil o\or embroideries In black at 4" > e. Our stocl : of laces ne\er \ was more complete , from the chcjposthce to the finest , bprlnp Jackets in abundance , the htcs t novoltles of the sea son ; mativ oxdusivo styles shown by us. In fants' ' and children's cloalcs , handsomely trimmed In all the Icadingcolors in cashmcro undtlot , at our usual low prices. Corsets , oorsots in abundance. All the popular makes. Corsets to suit cvor\ono. Corsets from 30c to SJV ) . Accnts for the Thompson clo\o Httlntr corset , the most per fect lltting corset made. 'Wall Paper , Otu1 splint ; stock Is on the \vayandv\illbercily forlnsxctloaln [ ; afe\v- clujs If you want anything in the wall paper line \vult and pot our uiicos. Wo can save you considerable . BOSTON' STORE , Council Bluffs , la. Out1 sprlnpr stock Is now complete. If you wnnt to bo in style call at Heller's , the tailor , 810 Broadway. _ Drs. Woodbury , don lists , 30 Pearl street , next to flr.ind bout Tciophono 143. High do work u specialty. \ llatub oT Cri initials. JudaoThomell had before him jostcrday moiuiiiBtbo thteo prisoners who have boon found guilt } of \uriousoltcnscs with which they - cre iharsed , for the purpose of pronounclnc : their sentences. Henry Hull wns given a , life sentence in the penitentiary at hard labor for the murder of his wifo. The prisoner showed no slpti of feeling- when the sentence was passed , hut remained , as tbrouphtbc tilal , perfectly passive. J. B. Kin K was the next who wns called upon to stand up and rcceno his sentence. olonelD. B. Dailcy nskotl the court to bo cnient with him , from the fact that Uo was a younp nmi , and it was his belief that a lonp. revengeful sentence did more harm in the way of Innlcnlng the victim than it did peed in reforming him. IIo also stated that c had already passed a term in the penl- tcntlar ) of KoDraska. In reply Judge 'Jhom- ell stated that there was only one circum stance connected with the whole affair that could possibly bo considered as in the slight est d ureo extenuating , and that was that the mlsoner wns under the iiilluenco of liquor when the crinio wa-- committed , and that hoconscnuently did not know what ho \ dolupr. Ho sw no reason , ho\iovcr\vhy that fact shoalu secure for him a ligliterbuii- tenco. On the contrary , ho thought it was ancxcellentopportutiltv to teach tdo joutif , ' nnn a lesson , nnd theraioix , without any desire - sire to bo harsh or revengeful , ho fixed King's sentence nttwojeuistmd six months at hard labor in thi penitentiary. ( ! . jIlenn - , the youiiK1 man who drew a rcvolvcron Conductor Mitihcll of thoMil- \\atikcelu order to protect his trailing corn panlonfrotn the conductor , who wanUd his faro , \\as gl\cii a year in the penitentiary. The Judgd euro him some good advicoaloiiR \\lth the sentence , telllne him to behave himself , aiidtbatlf ho did so he would prob ably bo lot out before the jenr was up. He also o\erruled his motion for a now trial. L. ( J. James v ill bo sentenced for bigamy today. Mandel & Klein , proprietors of the install ment house on Uroadway , have made ar- raiiRemcnts to Increase ima extend tnelr business. They will open a liranch estab lishment in Sioux ( Jity about April 7 , on the cornerot Fourth imd 1'oarl streets , the old- cst mid most prominent corner In the city , Ihoy arc enterprising and will do a big busi ness in the upper Missouri village. Mr. A. Klein will take charge of the now venture. John Schlckotanz has opened a harbor shop at 1O4' ' { South Mala street , and Isroady to seno his friends and the public in general in his line of business. fivnns Laundry Co .520 1'earl streoCTelo- phouc'li'.K > . Goods called foraad delivered. 1 nltl lo licit. The funeral services ol tno late M. D. Hardln took place j-csterday afternoon from the residence , lr. Stephen Phelos of tbo I'resbj torlan church oftlclating. A largo number of the friends of the family were present , including the members of tno Grand Arnij' , who attended In a bed y , the deceased having boon elected tonn honorary membership - ship in the organization some tiroo before his death. Tbo room where the rennlns lay \vas a profusion of ( lowers whlih had been sent by friends as a testimonial of respect 10 the dead. After a few brief but touchlnir re- marlis from Dr. Phclns. the remains were given Into tbo hands of the pallbearers , who carried it to the hearse. Iho- following con- tlomcn oftlclated as pdlbearers : James Pat terson , John Dii-key , I ) , B. Clark , E. li. Shugart , J , D. KJmundson , J. 1 > , Cooper , K. B. Ilownnn , John Keller. The body was followed by a largo cortege to its lost resting place In Fftirvioiv cemetery \vhoro it was in- terrndvith suitable cere monies. Ttio death of Or. Hardln created a pro found Impression throughout the city , IIo has boon well-known to overjonc for so many yean , durlnpr nearly M of which tlrao bo has boon Idontltlea In some way or other with the imbliclllo of the city , that when be dlod It was like removing one of tbo old laud marl's ' , Ills ofllco in the court bouso WAS clab " .elj draped \\ltb crepe yesterday and all tt. oftlcoj in the bulldlai ; cra clos'ed by coinmou ngroomciit from ' 'o'oloUc until 4 as u muru of inspect to the deceased. \Val > a8li In Court. A suit \ \ as begun In federal court yester day morning by Mlnnlo Christ against tbo Omaha St. l.ouls railway company , The plaintltl inihocaso Is the widow of Andy Christ , who was luurod la -wreck on Juno 23,1SW ) . The plaintiff allege that nt the time of the \vrcck her husband was employed by the compuny M llrcman. Near Silver City there Is a sharp cunfO in the track , and while rounding this curve , on account of the bad condition of the tracks , the rotten ties , tbo unskillful spiking , tbo defective engine , the negligence of the en- plneer mid conductor , U is alleged , the train left the track while going nt the rate of thirty-five miles an bour , the tender and mall car being projected ngalnsttho engine In such aay as to bruise Christ about the bead and body severely. It i < further alleged that Christ was thrown1 on the boiler and burned about tha face , arms , hands , throatand lungs , fro.n which injuries be suffered the trwatest ntrony for 11 vo hours nnd then died , The pirJnlifl claims tint at the tiinoof the Occident her husband was re ceiving a salary of fSO per month , and that she is now loft penniless. She dennnds satisfaction from the company lu tbo sum of $15OOO damages , which she claims represents the Injuries which ihe has sufleredos there- suit of ttio accident. The suit -was brought originally In the dis trict court of MIlHcountv bh the plaintiffs attorneys , Messrs. IBoulton it Hanry , and was brought to the federal coui't jcstcrday on a motion by the do fondants. naatcr lints In great variety iio\v on dis play nt Louis' ' , Masonic block. rrult farm for sale on reasonable terms ) within ono and one-half mlloi of the P.O. ; all in bearing ; good bnildlnps ; possession glvnn atonco Call on U. J , Ilutchltison & Co. , 017 Broadway , A Tricky Tombstone Sinn. 'H. U.Eastman presents himself asnrow- rcsontatlvo of the Vermont granite company and sild his business was to work up the tombstone trado. His prices wen ) consider ably below these of the lec.U dealers , nnd some of those whom he has had on the string con tided in him enough to sip contracts forwent wont , These contracts ho has sold to the dealers In consideration of about'JO per cent commission , and the result has been a neat mue aurpiusin uis iu\or. Eastman , according to o no man's story , by- quoting his goods at prices considerably lower than these ot the local dealers has potteti Into the good graces of n num ber of the Council Uluffi citizens , After tnU has been accomplished , and his intended vic tim has been induced to believe that hewants some of Kastman's wares , that gentleman draws up a coupio of contracts which are supposed to ho dunlicatcs. Ono of th&o tie hands to the prospective purchaser ui.d the other ho reads aloud , so that ho may see that the contract calls for Just what bo wants , Tlio contract which is seen by thonuichasor Is perfectly straight , but the ono m the hands of the agent calls for a stone several times smaller than'tho other Ho reads the dimen sions , however , to correspond with these on the other. After tlio two have been , to all appearances , compared and found to bo Iden tical , the agent bands over to the purchaser ttio contract which ho has been reading , for his signature , 'llm victim docs not take the trouble to icad it over , supposing that every thing Is all riRht , of course , and puts douu his namo. The agent tboii pockets his con tract and goes away in the consciousness of having done a gnod day's -work. These con tracts are disposed of to local marble men without trouble on the 20 ncr cctit plan. It transpires that Eastman has worked suc cessfully other parts of the country and has boon published in some of the marble jour nals. Sometimes ho goes by the name of Eastman and at others ISlton Hunt. He is descilbed in being lUo fett eight inches In huight , weighing about ono hundred nnd scvcnty-fho pounds , forty jcara of age , with black moustache , gold oyojlasscs , nnd wear ing black overcoat. jMIss lilmma J. 7\'iclcerson of Chicago , formerly of Boston , the noted teacher of psychic culture , arrhed attbeOgdon bouso last evening. She will receive professional cnllsfrom 10 a m. to 5 p. m. Llfo readings nnd nervous discuses n spccinltv. Will bo pleased to meet frlenas socially after 3 o'clock. Do you want n oppress wagon or boy ! .ling up the A. D. T. Co. , tclophono U9 , So. 1 Kortb Main street The Assignment > et ThoBruen attachment case was settled at ho term of the district court which has just been completed at . .Avoca.V. . S. Druen , It ivillba remembered , Is an Oakland meichnnt ivho made a > i assignment about three months ago for the benefit of his creditors. The as- Ignmcntwas attacked by a number of oth"r creditors , eight in nil , whowcro loft out In the cold , on the ground that it was illegal. The claims bold by the "llssatisfiea cieditors amounted la all to * 9,000 , and their owners , without paj ing any attention to the assignee , ovlcd on the gooJs by attachment and began roceedings to set asldo iho assignment upon the ground that the assignee lud been au thorized to sell goods for credit , a thing \vhichhfisbeondecided hvthotoutts to bo _ 1 legal , and upon the further groundof fraud. Judro Mncv's decision sustained Iho credi tors in both particulars and sot aside the as signment 'Jho cicdltors whoso claims , to the amount of about $14 $ , OCX ) , were co ered by the assign ment , arc thus left without anything to set tle their claims. C. B Union , a brother of the bankrupt merchant. Is the only ono who sa\cd himself , and he did so only by display ing coasliiera bio business foresight. Seeing that tlio assignment uould In all probability be set asldo , ho bought upfS.OJO worth of the creditors' ' claims for flftv cents on thodolKir , the claim which ho bad filed with tUo as signee amounting to about 53,000. Mho goods are to bo sold April 4 , and it is thought they will reallzo about seu'nt.viU-o cents on the dollar. IIo will , therefore , not lose anything. although lu reality ho loses the amount of his claim. t Mis * Hurt Keller and Jilss Hellcn Hayes , Mrs. Pfciflor's trimmers , have ictuinod from the coast with the latest ideas in trimming. The ftlanhnttan , sporring headquarters. N. O'lirien. - The hospital fair , for the benefit of St. Bernard's ' hospital , commences next Monday ut the Masonic toinplo and lasts ono week. IJou't forgot it. His llopcH CruHhed. A young farmer from Franiont county was in tbo city yesterday morning looking for a young- lady whom ho nnd at oao tlmo in tended to marry. Ills name was \Vilson , nnd when ho Is at homo ho is a farmer. IIo had entered into a contract \\ith the rela tives of his aftlanccd bndo for the lease of Uio farm owned by them near the boundary of I'ottawnttamlo and Mills counties. Ttio agreement bad ail bocn completed nnd ail the parties to it bad signed the contract , with the exception of thoyounplady. The husbandox- pectunthad not yet asked for her signature to the document , thinking that could tie ob tained ntany ttuio , as the couple were to have been mairicd tomorrow , and the plan was that the jounpoeoplo were to take up their residence at the bride's old homo , and her youne sisters were also to continue to ' Iho'uL tneir old homo with their married sistor. Hut youngMr. ; Wilson's hopes mid anticipations of a happy future were cruelly crushed when bo learned Saturday that the yountc lady had disposed of all her * posses sions at her nome , and was InCbuncll Bluffs with her brother , who lives in Montana. The young farmer bridled and saddled his liorso und rode nearly all of last idght. nnd readied the city early this morning. Upon making inquiries lie learned that they had registered - istered at the Hotel Gordon and haa left on the ( i o'clock train last nlsht for the nest. Tbo pirlloftno explanation other conduct to console her deserted lo\er \ , and ho snjs he can conjecture ao reason for her act. Besides deserting him the lack of her name to the contract for the Iciso of the farm makes the document void and leaves Mr , Wilson in an other predicament. The JOUIIRman spent the day looking for his woald-uot-bo bride , without nuy success in finding cither the girl or any reason for her stranpo conduct. At 4 o'clock botoolc the train for Froinont county , where ho will go back to his old job of following the plow , I'n/.zles the I'oil co. PiTTsnrHO , i-a , March 23. Excitement still runs high in McKccsport and vicinity over the murder of Detective Gllklnson ana the snooting of the other ofliccrs. There seems to bo an 1mpenetrable im story sur rounding the nervy nmn KUzslminons. or lludtl , uho fought tboofllcen. liudd clalnn that houwokooutof a sound sloop to see his wlfo struiKllnr ( vlth two wen. nnd hoflrod , not know lug who they were , Wheu tbo do- tec lives searched bis hax ; v ] they found oapcrs showing tliot Frederick C FlUslm- mnns hnd recently fallen hair.lo property In Brook ville , Ont , A tcli-gi m was neot thcro a.idnrcplv promptly came that Fred erick C. KltMiinmons wiw al his homo In that city. This Icndi nildltfonnl mstcry ) to the man. ' _ .V TH * t I'JtKfi fOE\T , Colored I'rcJ * DclcRites Ur rj the In terests or riiclr llaoe. Wisnis'dTov , March. D. Tlio wtnmlltoo apjiolntcd nt the recent convention of the Afro-American Press association called upon President Harrison today and'presentod ' an address urging the appointment of a colored man on the world's ' fair commission , and "also a capable negro luilst to fill n placet on the bench of the fodtnl judiciary. " The addtess says In part : "Our national pro gress his been ranld In nil di rections. Many millions in mouoy are the vaiuo of products of negro labor ; tbo wealth of many great states has been created by his toll , nnd the staplca of \astrozlon of the republic which load ourch.imber < , bless our tables and furnish material for factories to work are the result of pttlcnco and the Industry of the class In whoso behalf wo * penk Bellov- Ing In > oJr sincere dcsiie to extend Impirtial treatment to nil classes.o \ respectfully invite - vito your excellency to consider tbo propri ety of placing some one of this class , so peculiarly Illustrative of tlio nation's progress. In a representative and prominent position In connection vlth the world's fair. In nmnv states of the union as well as In our national congress the leg-ill status of the American nccro Is still u natter of serious discussion and legislation. That ho nny bo clothed with power to speak for himself uitli authority , tha' the old tlmo Idea of fair play may prevail , which prants to the peers or the accused the right to voice in judgment , wo beseech thatjou will consider the merits of a number of able jurists who belong to the people no represent In tbo judicial appoint ments wlilchwo understand will be made in the near futuro. " The president in response said that so fur as a position on the world's fair commission Has concerned there vuro no vacancies , and if one were to occur the alternate would 1111 the place. If It bt came possible , however , to do an\ thing and a proper man was pre sented no would mnko the appointment , Speaking with rufcremo to the request that n coloied man bo appointed to the bench , the president asked if the delegation bad a man Avbo was thoroughly -\crsed in law nnd had nrrhctl at that eminence In praetlco which would entitle him to fill an appointment as clieultjudgc. "Present the name of apood man"s.iid , the president , "and I will clvo It that consideration which its importance do- When the committee told the president that there -\\ero n number of that class among tbo race who > e names would be presented to him with the endorsement of the bar in the state In which they practiced , ho advised that their names bo sent in , and promised to consider tncm Impartially. Tholntenlow was -very pleasant , the presi dent inviting the conimlttco to call again , and thinking the negro press convention for the kindly remembrances of his endeavors to act fairly by the race. i A rEVVlsI.l It C.tSE. Abductions nidi MyMcrions DlBnp- ipciirnnccH llcoomlni ; Cluoiili1. DETROIT , Mich , March S- ) [ Special Tolc- cram to Tim iltB. I Exiitcment over the abduction of Joseph 1'orrln last week tins brought out the particular of another mys terious disappearance f.rora Perrin's resi dence about Christinas , .time. The missing perbonls a former sen ant ot Pcrrln's named Carolina Beck. Her brother has called at the miller's residence from tluxi to time to try to get an Interview with his ihtor , but without avail , as the family has always put him oft with nxcusos that the girl was 111 or away fromhomo. A leporter cotholdof tbostory today and secured an Interview with I'errin who admitted having knowledge or tboglil's whereabout' , saying- she i\as in a city Insti tution , nnd adding that tbo police had the particulars of the case. 'Iho circumstance * are regarded as being peculiar in vlow of last week's event. K EVE A TS 111 B C1IA R G E , Mrs. I'otts I mists That Karris Caused lier DnuttliU'r'g IJcatli. NEWVOKK , March 2J. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Mrs. Potts , the mother of Helen Potts Harris , called at the district at torney's olflco this afternoon and made a full mid complete statement of the case from her point of view. In this statement she re peated the chances that ) outig Harris -was linpllc.itod in and Is responsible for the death of her daughter , as lias already been stated. The exact nature of these charges as plated before the district attorney could not bo learned as Dr. Nlcoll merely contented him self by stating that the mother had called and proforied the charges. Plo sajs It will bo some dajs before the iiiattorwill go before the grand jury. Stokes' Salt Against ninckny. W YOUK , JlarchM. In the suit brought by Edward S. btokoi to recover $73,000 in a stock deal from John " \V. Maekay , the mil lionaire , nnd HcttorDo Castro of the Muckay- Bennett cable company Judge Barrett today ordciod ISIackav to submit to anexanlnation before trial. Stokes claims ho turned over the bonds and stocks , which defendants pay SIOO.OM for , IIo only received 25,000 on account. Maekay claims to have bouuht and paid for all the stock ho had. Do Castrs swears that Maekay advanced him $1.211,000 , to buy UP tolegranh linos. Ihirned toDe.ith lj ) JFU BY CITT , N. J. , March -'a.-Whllo a number ol workmen were raising a still In thejardsof the Tidewater oil retinlng com pany at Constable Hook today a laigo plno burst , the oil becoming ignited arid poured doAMi on the unfortunate workmen. The llamcs wcro extinguished as quickly as oossi- blo , but John Hays , Michael Ilailoy and George Gregory wcro burned to death and John Anderson and John Gallagher so frleht- fully burned that they cannot recover. Ono SlissiuHippI Dtlltor Kills Another. "VicKsiiuio , Miss , March Ii3.-Brnest Hnrdenstein , editor of Husincss , a wec'ily paper , and John G. Cashman , editor of the Evening Post , have bocn at outs regarding the New Orleans Ivtiching. This afternoon Cashman was attacked by Hnrdenstein on the street , and drawhe ) n icvolvcr , killed Hnrdensicln instantly. ' The latter was found to bo unarmed. Cashmin's friends assert that Ilardenstelii was'"uiaking dire throats , and that the Mlin Now Orleans Gvtmtljfnvy Intl ictiiiontH. Wrw OULKANS , La , Alnrch 23. The grand Jury returned two ndictmonts In blank today. They nro for attempting to brlbo Jurori nnd arosupposoti to bo against Mc- ChrystuUnd Cooncy , ihe two men previ ously Indicted. Tlio only now feature is the indictment of D. C.O'-Alalloy as an accessory before the fuel In the nl vo cases. Donth of a Cliojen no Citizen. Wyo.Maj-eb'J3.-fSpccIal , Tele gram to TJIE Brt.l AlbortC. Snydcr for thirteen jcars manaKC of the Western Union la tbis city and postmaster during the Cleve land ndtnlnlstrat'on , died hero today after a brief illness of pneumonh. Ho was at the tlmo of bis death a momhor ot the Cbcjcauo school board and bo.u-d of trado. Kuloiilos. 1'CEiiifl , Colo. . March 23-Ben Grant , a negro , -wanted la Topeka for wife murder , was located hero today.Vhciithoshorlftat - tenptod to arrest him Grant tied A largo cwwd Joined in tlw pursuit , und when ttio negro found escupo iinuosalblo ho put a bul let through lib emu head , I'r fildPiit ol'fitjinlor < l Uriivornltjr. IlLOoiiiM.TOV , Ind. , March 2.I. Dr. David S.Jordan , president of Indiana university , was yesterday tendered by Senator Stanford tbo presidency of tlio Lclaud Stanford , jr. , univcnltv at Palo Alto , Gala , and today ac cepted. Thcsaluiy is ( ! 0,000por year with rcsiduLiw. 10 KEEPS With the times , and wants something exiquisiLe in a SPRING OVER COAT THA T FITS , can obviate all the time , trouble and annoyance usually gone through -v/ith to secure what lie wants at the liands of the average tailor. "We'vegot ' "eni" in all that is new and novel in shade and quality. We MAKE "EM" OURSELVES. We make THOUSANDS of them. Tlmt's ' Avhiy e get the CUT AND FIT so perfect ( It's exper ience. ) Out-SPRING SUITS are the same v/ay , everyone of thomhave tliat NATTY , ME AT and TASTY apearance peculiar only to the CLOTHING - ING IVIANUFACTURED by us , and when you stop to consider tliat all these advantages can "be secured in your SUIT or OVERCOAT , and by far the largest stock : in tlie city to select from , it is no great surprise to find us always "busy. * Our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT is a wonder in many ways ; the people wonder at one entire floor occupied with Boys' and Children's clothing ; tliey wonder again at the variety and the beautiful styles in whieti tliey are made up and their chief surprise and wonder comes in "when they see that our prices are even lower than they have been accustomed to pay for common goods. Beautiful Spring Goods in Every Department. IMoncyChcorfiilly netunded in all Cubes Where Goods ARE NOT SATISPACTOKY. S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. OGDEN HOTEI. The New Ojden Hotel , in Cojn = il BliitTi Ins been completed refurnished an tm lern ired throughout , and ij now oil ofthebast liotels In the state. Itl3 lOMtetlln thabu ! ness partoftio city anl tin electric imtori piss the door every tour minutes. FIM el- capu J rid tltfi alarms throujhout th i biild- ing. Stoini heat , hot and cold , water aua sunshine in every ro > m Table unsarnvJ'jsl anywhere. Kites , S .OO adiy. GEO. M. "WHITNEY , Manairor. OFFICER fc PUSEY , BA.NKERS. Corner Main nnl Tlroidwav. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dculers In foreign .ml doiiostlu .rcli imi Oollorllon made uuU Interest tialcl on tl n ) deposit * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COU NOIL 3JLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute. Chronic diseases of all kinds mill dcfonn- Itlus spcctnltiu * * . No3 2001 and "M Hroulw.ijr , Cou lull Ulutr * . la. A ItlG Vf > Hl'ttUAIIttX. Proiillnont 3Itii ! Coinliluu for tlio I'ur- pose ofl'.iilld iia < * lawn. K > OWIUB , Tcnn , Maich M. [ Special Tclcgwin to THE BEE.J Ono of the largest Incorporated enterprises over entered In to In the south has just been orciuizeil in thi * city under the la\va of Tennessee. It U to bo known us "Tlio corporate town companjof KnoxUUe , Tcnn. , " and has for it ? object tlio foundation of a manufacturing city in tlio hliibUnds of Xast I'ounosseo on the plim bv which AllilulcsborouRh was so successfully establlshea. The capital stock Is $10WXOi)0. ) The president of the now en terprise is Hon. Kobeit P Poitor , superin tendent of the census , nnd ox Con gross mini MeComas of Marylutid islce urasitlcut. The directors aio United States Senators John 0. Carlisle of Kentucky , Mian G. Harris of Tennessee , H. C. Ilaiisbrouh of North Dakota , evKcpresentativo Boninmin Butter- worth of Ohio , Austin Davis of Caicafro , Judce Lee nndv. . I > . Love oITennessee. b. M. Johnson of KnoxUllo and 0. A. Jenkins , president of tbo National banlc of this city. The Inttcr gentleiiidii is treasurer of the company. _ _ Ll UllfPl'ElX AEtf 1'OUK. llio Assrax-atiii } ; l > isen o AKHII ! As- Hiiiiilii nii Ipiilrinio l onn. NLW YOUK- . March 23.-lSpotlnl Telegram to TUB Err. ] Dr. Edson of the board o health said today that ho believed there \vas an epidemic of i-rip In tills citv at present. The death rate last \\eolt \ , the doctor snid , stood at 810 , which was atleaitSDO above the average. Of these deaths at least 1JOeto \ \ caused by pneumonia , hlch showed an increase - crease ol thirty-seven over the previous jenr. 'I have seen several sick persons whom I find suffering fiom grip , " added Dr. EiUon , "and , in addition , a number of men with whom I have conversed , informed rae that mum of their patients uio down ulth the disease. " Mortally \Vountlrd tils Itlml. CINCINNATI , 0. , March SJ. Louis Bezluah , a prize flchterof Covint'ton , Ky. , the man who at Dallas , Tex. , last yar killed ono James with n blow of his Jlst In n sparring contest , wiii shot and mortally wounded to night by a young gambler named Arthur Chambers , alias Kid Dugan. The lutter'i tnlstiess , ono May lliloy , cast him off a few weeks ago. Tonight lie forced his vay into her room , where lie found the woman In company with Hc/iimti. Drawing a ro\olverho flred two shots Into the prize fighter's abdomen nnd twomoro at the woman nnd lied. Tbe wuman was but slightly wounded , but Dciinnh will tlio. Ijnwreiico Ilnrrrtt'n Simple run era 1. 'New YORK , March 23. Lav/ronco Bar rett's funeral services wcro conducted this morning In ono of the parlors of the Windsor hotel by Itev. Thomas Sherman. They were of tlio simplest character , consisting only of prajers for tbo dead. About lifty people were present. M the close of thoseivices the remains of the tragedian wcro placed In the funeral car of thotraia for Boston. Tbo party will stop at Doiton tonight and tomrrrow morn- Int'Willlcavotliatcity for Cobaasett whore the last rites for the dead will be performed , Almost Another Horror. MONTREAL , March 23. ( Special Tele gram to THE BKE.J Fire In the reservoir bulMingof the Lonsuo I'nint lunatic asylum did fl-00 damage jesterday. four men in the fourth story , lliiding escape cut oft" , leaped from the \\indow , and 0110 of thorn fatally injured. 'Jbo institution uarro\lv es caped nnothcrsuch dUa-iter as ou > rtoolc it last spring , when ninety-four lives were lost , Jlox CIII-H Hiiiiird. It lays between sparks from 44a engine and tramps. "Forty-four , " by the vny , i $ the Kansas City train on the Union Pacillc , Missouri Pacific trainmen entering South Omaha on a stock train about 1 o'clock , dis covered a string of boxcars In Vho northern end of the yards on lira. bo von cars were completely destroyed and flve badly damaged. 1'uo ot the car * wore loaded with coal. All were In charge of the Union First Beautiful spring is herent Inst nnd our counters are overload ed with the choicest designs nnd latest styles of spring suits , over- con ts nnd pants , bought In immense guantitifefa dlraot troni tlio lar gest manufacturers In the east , and nswehnve determined to do the clothing business ofCounc'.l Bluffs this season \ve will plnca on sale Wednesday , March 18th , and continue the sale one week : FIRST OPPORTUNITY. A line orfancy worsted suits in round nnd straight cut sncks nnd cutaways mnde upto soil for $12 50. our- price during this solo $7.35. SECOND OPPORTUNITY. A full and complete lineofblnck clieviot suits , b > .und and un bound , in allst-yles , and sold everywhere for $16. Our price lor1 ono week$0.8O. week$0.8O.PANTS , RA.MT S. The greatest bargains ever offered In men's pants are now right here. These pants look every bit ns good as any $ IO pants niade by nhlflli priced tailorand arejustnsgood value as any $6 pants of fered by the clothing trade. Weoffer themduringthissnlcfoj'SS.lBl Ourstookof underwear , neckdresslng , suspenders nnd ho ese is alniost conaplete , and we guarantee to suit the most Te dious. To buy before examining our goods and prices means a deliberate wasting of your money. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS , HA.TTEUS & GENTS' ' FURNISHERS SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BuUFFS. \\7ANTEn A good ulrl for pcnnral HorU. Apply atl.'l llluH hlreut. OH UKN'T A fumtHlril lioiiso with nl Modi-rn comoiitnicus. ,502 Mltli street , I T/'ltUI'L' firm for sale or Ir.ulo , well located -L mill all lu Ic.irln. ; scx > I iiousc nnd him. Wlllt lUo&oiiiUKOucI city | ii ] > oity. nnd xo d tlinoKtvoi. on lialiiiu't1. Call cm or address 1) . J. Ifntehlnsuii .ICU..G1 ? AljE i'luo hoiisohold furnfttiro. -t ? Kvcrjthliuflrstcliis * Uull nt 'M Xoith 8th street , Council llliiirs. EAAMING the celebrated Alil'liall piamw. now scale crown pluiioi : i nil organs. Sold 011 cisy juynicnts tj .Mar lionrlc'iiis , inusiu teacher. Ill .Stulsiuaii strtel. Council IllalK POIl SAIjH A homo and lariro lot on easy p.iyinuiits. laqulro at 403 i'ark avunuc , Counell UlulTs. In. \\J .J. IjAUl'iniMASbKlt lus moved bis ITvaroliouso from JT > liroiicluny to40U Ilroadwuy , wlieru huwill keep on hand a Una stock of funiaco fixtures. $1COUO Mill iimko tbo first inyinent > n 10J ncresof line land In boiith uo > t 3m Mliino- sotn , and ten yonrs to ji.iv tint I ) dance In. I'tirms for rent In same locality. Simu tirins on liniirotcil fiirins In Xo'r.i-iUa. ' Call on of so ml fur circulars , to Johnston & Van I'atlcn. FOIl SU.E At u flixor.flco. laiuoslzo Icttor pre-is , i ofllcu dotUs und chiilrM , 3 store trucks. 1 laiju Iron scale trnel ; . 'i liontliiR stoves , acouiitor scales. Sstop ladder * . 1 lario plilform lloor scnles. Koollio & 1'ult , 117 MulnBU FOIl IlENT-Tho MoMMion block , a story brick , with basement mill elevator. J. W. Squire , 101 Pourl street. FOUriALK A bargain ; now modern House with nil the lutu Improvements. HCVOII rooms : will soil on ca y iiiyinrnts : locate I on thol'IftluiMjimo motor lino. H. J. llutolitii- Bon,017 , llroailuay. TCTOU SlUE or Ilonfc Oiraaa UaJ. with . & ? hou , by J. ItlUoa. . Ml Mala at , Ooiiuotl niuir * FinleyBurke. Thos. E. OasaJy. BURKIi & CASADY , A.ttorn eys-at-law LMIACTICU I.V Till ! STATE AND IKDUItMj OOlTllTS. omces ! J. J , Ilrown HulldlnsCouncil IllufTa. Iowa tCO | , „ t,0 | , 6tato uml federal courts. llnorasJ , 4 and J bliu..irt Ucno block , Uujacll lllulfj. HI fInrnifir ! < ; At'or"0Jr ' nt ' . NO. to , J. LUAIIlUm , i > oui , Btnct , Otul. Hug ! , . nulls storo. Tulcphono No "Vi. lluilneii hours , a ii. in. to U p , in. Council ItlulN , 1 u D , I-I. McDaneld & Co. , Bulchfifs' aid Paolori' ' Sup.ilh ) , Market Fhluras , Casing , Pplpni nnd Sausaso Makers' Machinery , R33- Ki\Ialii8t ! , . Council llluff * , lit. Also cluluw Turd. COUXCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS . . . . . . . . * .ni.i. > > ji.iiii iij in mull , in IIIHI I IIISH Miiiinar.Vork \ proiuntlydorio and delivered In all part * of thosountry. tend for prlea , , O. A. MAO HAN. I'rJp. . 10U „ llroadwnv , Ncir Northwestern Depot COUNCIL ItoL'fi-.s. IA. M. H. CHAMBERLIN. M. D K\K , KAIt. TllIlOAT M'KCIAblal' Council Ilium , In. Allillai-nieioJllio K\'K. ' BAH , NOSK nnd I'llllOAT treiiicil > ' .h tlio ikllland cam. CAl'AKUH. ASTIIJtA. nmlllAV ( KVKII trcaUjJ wltlieminent miccoas. - o - StllUICAL01'BIUVTION3wlierenocemrr | , pn- MH ) ; purforniul with Urn utmost cnro nnl HtcllL as- nurlnit porfi-ct roiults KIMKS1' ( IIjAtiSK nccur- nteljpro-icrlbij < jcorroctlni { all rofraotlrj troiiblo * , n Slropln Hyiwroptnana AitlKlnntliiii , thin roa- dprlaii oiir. clov ntil pilnlen. Cill . . . . . . . . . . . . SICIC - IIIUtlArilB ' .i.j.vflb la I4fllx' Itr , attjr JUlrX ff tcrrlblo MI ITorlni ; . no relief , ontlrolr curu t Ulloa , Uoom I. S'ninirt Uluck , oior llono ACo. ' < itoro. Council liluffH. It. CITIZENS ST1LTEBAIK ' Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 , SURPLU3AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215,000 nuiE-roiis t. A. .Mlllor , F. 0 Glovun. E D. BhuEiirt.iX K 11 art , J. D Edinundioii. ( Jlnrloi C. lluanin. Tr.mfiot. U.inklu ; Ijinl- ncal oit capltil bncl lurplui "o ( uuy tiankln Sjutliwostern I.v i. INTEREST ON TlMi DEPOSITS , Hljrlicst cash price paid for rufjs nnd all kinds of ecrnji metals , Country dealers nnd merchants will find it to their ndvanttigo tocommuni- cato with usbeforo illupo lntr of their stocks. GJLINSKY HUGS. , Union Drontlwny Depot , TohaOK Council Tllutrri , la. TO BEEKEEPERS. I carry n fullllmof Boakeapara supplies , Including comb foun dation honey knives , smokers sootions nnd all supollos fop an apiary. fA , S.ROOP , SQQ Eawt Broadway , CouncllBlutfu , I a _