Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OllAffA DADDY BEBl : J\IOND.Air \ , MAKOIT 23 , 1891.
cn\jir cool * MOSUY.
Generosity Con qur roil tlio only Con-
foilcrnlo Olllerr Ontliiwfl'U
Collonct John Mosljy , the famous con
federate raider , recently made n visit In
Atlanta , Ga , , and received much alton-
tion from the confctloralo veterans
thcro. Oi o of thoin naked him how
ho cnino to ally himsolt with the
republican paity , which ho answered by
I surrendered at T.jnchlur ) . I think
I was ulxnit the Inst nun to gl\o in I
do know nnjvvu.v that Iiis the only
confederate olllcor who was outlawed by
the United States govornmcnVhon
L > cosimonclcrcd Ivvnsln tholovorondof
tliovalloy with aloutfour hunched men.
Gcnnral Ilnncock was at Winchester
with -10)00. , ( ) IIo demanded tny surion-
dci and I declined to comply , asking for
a ten dnja' truce , beciusol wanted to
know what Johnson wnsfjoingto
do. Ilnncock tologuphcd Secretary
Stnntoti the altintlon , Bfijlnpr that ho
would , under a ling of truce , hn\o \ sicon-
foiciico with tno , Stnntoii thought
Hancock Intended to comoln peisoiiand
tploL'rnuhodhlmnot to do so , as I would
likely l > o guilty ol seine nctof treachery.
Junior I sent Colonel Chapman
with n llaff of truce to moot
Hancock's ' man who was ( ion-
oral Chnpmnn of Now York. An aunistlco
of live days was tijjrccil upon , lint when
it was out \\olmd heard nothing from
Johnston. Then Hancock madoanother
demand and mid If I didn't ' surrender
ho'il march his army up the valley and
douist.iilo it. i couldn't surrender hon-
ornbly bccauso I did n't ' know whatJohn-
Bton was fjolnfj to do I disbanded my
army and 8t.ii toil for the James Klvor.
Ikforo gottlnj , ' thcro I hoii'd Johnston
had Hunonduiod and went to inj father's
homo noir Ljneliburg. Genotal G\vgf \ *
wnsln ihnrgo them and tluough frlonds
hobognn negotiating for my smrcmlor.
GcnoinlGregff tuloyiaphcdto AVnsliintr-
tonand was told to rocoi vo mo , , uid glvo
moiny ptrok1. This wnsbroughttomoiind
on the day ngrccd upon I v\cnttoLi.vich- ;
biirg in a buggy and vent tomvhrothor'H
law olllce. Tor bafety I can led iny
piilols wltlimo artd laid thoin down on
the taWo In the olllco I then bent word
to Gonouil Giok'tf that I was in town and
ready tosunondcr.
"in the mean tlino , " the colonel con
tinued attora pause , "GoneialGioprghad
been instructed bj Secrotaiy Stanton to
airostmo and bond moon. Giegg was
tin honorable man. Ho know that Iliad
come in on his stitomont , that I would
bo paroled , nnd ho sent a man to mo
tcllling mo of Ms subsequent oiders.
The maaaald something about arrcotlny
mo and I picked up my pistols , enving ;
* I tome hcio to bo paroled and not
ai rested , and I'll kill the man who tries
to take mo. ' The man left with n
peculiar smite , anil I got out of Li ncli-
buitf. Gregg did not molcbt mo then ,
but twenty-four houis later sent a squad
1o arrest mo. 1'lioy wont to my father 't >
house , but ot course I wasn't there. Goii-
oral Gregg1 llnallv gotnn orderfromGen-
cial Grant to paiolo inc. Then I went in
and guve mjsolf up. I became an ad
mirer of Giant- and ought to have boon.
I have boon cons'iretl for it , but not by
these who know the story.
"With my paiolo 1 wont to Wttrion-
ton , Va. , and sat down to law. Every
time I'd leave the county some potty
piovofit-mnislml would arrest mu. It
vvas a codsolobS annojanco , besides being
a const int bourco of anxiety to my wife
and children. My vvifo loft homo for
Baltimore and in pasting through AVuslv
ington without my knowledge decided
to call on President Johnson. II or
fnthor and Johnson had been bosom
frloiidsbofoio the war and had boon in
the same congTCFs. She made hursolf
known to Johnson , and ho not only re
fused her icquoat but treated her rudely.
.AsBho was leaving the white house ,
my son Bo\orly , a boy seven joara old ,
eald : 'Mntnmu , go "and BOO General
Grant. '
"Mrs. IMosby did go and eoo General
Grant. Ho received her kindly mid
tiositod lior with the greatest eourtesy.
"Whon ho had hoaul her tluough ho
\viotomo a passport , which was over
after a protection , and I have that letter
now in General Grant's own.hand writing
in my trunk at San Fianclsco
"Tlien in ' 7a , " ho went on , "when
Grant and Gicoloy weio before the
people , Grant was terribly abused , and I
took the stump for him to icfuto the
nbuso , and those woio the only political
Brooches I over made. I never accepted
anything1 from Guint , because I promised
the people in lay speeches I novel
"now many tlmosworoyou wounded1'
the colonel was asked.
"Six times ; and I cary a Yankee
bullet In my thigh now. "
"Woioou \ ever captuied ? "
"No , but I had t o or tbico mighty
narrow escapes. In December , 1804 ,
after some haid fighting with Illinois
troops , in which wo woio scattoicd , I ,
with Tommy Love , one ot my best men ,
stopped one night at a Air. Lake's , near
Hooter's Crosbioads. Our horses woio
hitched outsldo the jard and a squad of
yankees in passing saw them. Thov
surrounded the house and one of thorn
shot nt tno through the window. The
ball struck mo In the sldo and passed
mound to my bick-bono. I know I was
hard lilt , but before the Yankees came
In mj coat was under the bed. I had
put my hand on the bloody wound and
smeated itovoi my mouth , giving mo
thonnpoaianco of an internal hemor
rhage. ' 1'ho "Yankees did not know mo.
They thought I was one of Mosbv'mnon ,
but they vvoro unable to piovb It. I
looked as If 1as \ done for , and after
taking mj clothing and boots they left.
I know that as boon us they wont into
my pockets they'd tlnd out \\l\o \ I was
and would como back for mo , sol got
the familv to jmt mo In an o.vcurt , cover
mo with foddei and a negro drove mo
away. Soon after I was gone the
Yankees came galloping bade. They
nun lounii wnoso ciotiiing tlioy had and
they wanted mo. But I wassafo In the
mountains. "
Tito Colonel hebltatod a second anil
then , with a peculiar smllo , ronnrkod :
"And do jou know , that negro ran away
theory next day. "
The most fastidious husband , lover or
brother , loeommonds Spanish Court
Taco Powder. For bale by nil druggists.
Couldn't Pi no rt Ucnttcmnn.
Many stories of the generosity of the
latoGonoial Lconaul Jerome ate float-
Injj about , but ono that is qulto curious
seems , bofnr , to have ouapod attention.
At the time when hiajoungor brother
wao a stxulont at "Williams collcgo , ir.
Jerome donated a handsome bum , tlio
Intoiost of which wastoproUdo an an >
nualgolil modal for the "most porfcet
gentleman" ot the graduating clnss.
The faculty founu so much dlfllculty
in dcduing thochaiactoilstlcs of a gou-
tloinun that the donation wtw afterward
_ _
Mrs. Jones hasn't n pniy hair In her lirad
and Is over 11 f ty , She looks as young ns her
dnuglitur. TLo sccniL ol It Utbutsho uses
only Hull's ' IlalrUoncwor ,
A special from Titlln , O , , sajs : ( ) a
WcJnosday evening , at the rcsldcnco
of the bildo , in thlsolt , occurred ft inu'-
rhigo ccromoiiy uniting Sirs. . ldna ! L.
Goodsoll anil John L fotolgor. 'Ihlw
union is of morn than local Interest , for
thoroason thut the bride isthomotliei1-
In-law of John D. llookofollor , the Stnnd-
nrU oil magnate , altbou jh the family
relationship has not been rocoanlzcd for
yoars. Mrs. Stclgor Is nearly seventy
years of ape , the possessor of ncompo-
tonco , while her newly-wedded husband
Is scarcely forty. Many jcarantroMrp.
Stclgor was married to a man" by the
name ot Johnson , and after lila death
Ehohocamo the \vlto ot'SquIro ' Goodsoll ,
who was the father ol the present wlfo
of John D. Hockofollor. For sovorul
years previous to his death Goodsoll
lived amrt from his wife , making his
homo with his daughter , M s. Rocke
feller , in Cleveland.
Tliroo ricirH I l lit 1'or mutton.
Is'olBo Curr of Bear Creek snw a half-
grown bear cross the Ice on the upper
end of Monument creek the olhor day
with the leg of a sheep In its mouth ,
writes a Now York Sun correspondent
from Scran ton , Pa , Curr was cutting
hoops on I'olo ridjfo , and ho was on the
point of dashing down the slope to kill
the young- sheep thlof with his axe
when n , much larger waddled across
thostroim inthowakoof , tbo little one.
In a moment the hlpj boar overtook the
little one , pitched upon it , downed it in
the snow , snatched the leg1 of mutton
away fioin It , and began to tear the
moat fiotn the cone. The small hoai
picked itsolfun , squatted on Its haunchoa.
glaiod at the big boar and \\liiinporad
and whined as though the loss of the
mutton had almost broke its Heart.
While It was givingont toils feelings
a still l.irgor uamo thrashing
thtough the brush. It dashed past the
cr vlnpjoungtiter , pounced upon the
hotond boar , and surprised It so suddenly
that it loloased its hold on the mutton ,
The second bear then gave battle to the
third , and vvhilo the sciimmagfo was
poldg on thollttlobear recaptured the
sheep's log1 and inido ofT with It. The
thhd bear soon licked the second one ,
and the latter immediately pave chase
to the little bear , oveihuulcd it , and
foiced It to drop the mutton. The little
bear had another crying spoil ,
and while it was whining- the third
bear took the leg away from the second
onooncoinoro. It lujgod the log1 In its
mouth to the llttlo boar , and the latter
took tlio log In its teeth , waddled oir a
few yaids and climbed Into a beach tree
In a few seconds the second boar ran
past the thiid ono and started to climb
the tree. It wasn't quick enough , for
the tbiiil boir pulled It down just as it
hnd begun to hug the trunk , gave it a
good culling and made it clear out.
As soon as the llttlo bear saw that the
second ono wasn't ' likely to meddle with
the leg of mutton any moro it backed
down the trco and shiired its meat with
thothiid bear. Carrsaid that so long
as the boar family had glvon him the
most interesting sight ho had seen in
the woods In manj a year ho Ind no
business to molest them , and so ho didn't '
try to. _ _
Pleasant to the taste , surprisingly quick in
eflcct anil econoniml In prlco novondcr
that Dr Bull's ' Couch Sjrup is the loading
picparntlonotits Wild.
' 0 woman I In tby hours of casouncertain ,
coy and hard to please.VIth children hull
Ions liours she's spent. Do try Salvation Oil ,
the liniment.
Queer O (1 Hermit.
Theio is n queer character living the
lifoof ahoinut neartho townof Ham
ilton. N. Y. His hermitage is a dilapi
dated old farm house in a lonely spot of
tlio tov\n \ , invisible from the highway
and distmtfioni other dwellings -His
iinmo is Thomas Church and his age is
oighty-oiio jears , IIo was "born In tlio
faun House and has spent the long j oars
of his llfo on the soventy-acro home
stead , keeping strictly apart from and
\vhollyindiirorentto the world outside
its bounds. Ho never has slept anight
nor eaten a meal outsldo of the hou&c.
Ho never redo in a stage coach nor rail-
reid car nor attended a show- any
kind. Ho no\o" tent or received a
letter , never took a newspaper and
never voted at any election IIo has
never had but ono timepiece in the
houbo and that is a 100 jeai old clock
that ho iiihori'cd ' f icin his fnthoi. IIo
has never bought a now suit of clothes ,
but continues tow oai the patched and
faded garments spun and \\ovon from
the wool and made up by his mother
years ago. IIo lived as a batcholor until
long alter his pironts wore dead and
xintll ho had passed middle ago , and
then , to the astonishment of ovorjbody
vvho know- the pair , ho married an old
maid neighbor who v\as \ as solitary and
cccontilo in her habits ashiuholf. She
died six years ago , and since that event
ho has lived aloho , oteopt as ho lias had
the companionship of a favorite dog.
IIo saj s that ho never found any pleas-
uio in mingling with the outside world ,
and is only sumomely happy and con
tented in his "dear old homo. " The
few neighbors -who have had occasional
intercourse with him unite in saying
that ho is the soul of integrity and us
guileless as a child.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrn. Boo bldg1.
AVanlcd to rMoilKO Mn.rrln. < ; o
William Harmon and John Tillotston
of Charlotte were engaged tomairy two
girls of Eaton Uapids , Mich. , but the
v odd ing did not take placo. It leaked
out that Harmon and Tillotbton pro
em od their marriage licenses and foil so
good over the matter that they went
out to have a diink , Ono followed an
other and they woio vciy ( hunk when
they wont after the ghls. The pros
pective brides vvorotogcthornt the time
of their ai rival , and declared the match
olT. This made tlio young men veiy
melancholy , and to diown their grlo'f
they again had to take to the flowing
bowl , and kept at ituntil all thoii money
vas \ gone. The next noon they worn to
drunk to Know what they were about ,
and being hungry vent to the hotel to
got a dinner , offering tolea\o their uiir-
ilago licenses as collateral. It would
not vork and the pilr had to walk homo
without olthor brides or dinner.
Porbrnclnp up the nerves , purlfjliif ? the
blood and curltii ; sick hendaclioand dyspep
sia , tlieio is nothing equal to Ilood'sSarsnp-
urllla ,
Vindication Dnlnjcd.
Down in Kentucky there was a tiinl
recently In which the fact was biought
out that John Uaivo } called William
Tillnna ullar 150 times , a snoop tlilof
sovonty-ono timesa swindler llfty-two
times and olToiod to lick him 101 times.
At this juncture "William concluded that
It was time for him to vindicate his
wounded honor , and so ho called In and
gavoJohnii thrashing. Thojuiy , after
thinking the matter over , concluded
that ho ought to have started in an hour
and a half oaillor.
Do Witts Uttlo early Hfcorsi only pill to
euro sick headmho and icgulnto tlio bowels.
Vnponio Toot ,
If would seem ni though the stupid
and pointless jokes about the largo foot
of Chicago women will never lose Its
piquancy with certain people. Tor
months it has lain iiuiescont : but now
comes a chcustuutlul otory about a No-
At'cuuuihtloiuof nuiotH m o tjpocUUy ell
m.irlptl liilhc juornlnj altar finukliu durluK
o\oiilnt liotirtt , auU tlio satiric w alls nro cov-
eroU with u Hi Id , tcwctom lu > or. 1'oodiMi-
turlngtUoilu inch at ihlj tlino will bocumo
oovcn-d Itli ibis toiititlotisj uiutlnit. wliluli
fur n time prjtoi-ts , U ftou tlio tictUm oltlio
U'ustrlo f rin.M > tf , and priipci- ill : o tloii tuo-
voiiloil. Oiiu or two of thoSoiloiil'iiBlllles
takt-r. In tlio uiomiiii Uuloro breul > fat.t will ol all ccuiau-
latloosotuuoui , I'tk-y v'u '
vntlti ( jli-l with phonomonnlly largo foot ,
eshlbitltiK' herself In n tnusoum asn
Chicago pirl , This coming to Iho notice
ofeovornl Chlcnifo hclroswa , they pa la
tlio trirlSJ ,000 to say shown s from St.
Louis , nnd the end is not jot.
it Dream.
It wassomo time In the spring of 18(5(5 ( (
tliat TuthroJuokson wont to Uosnca to
look foi the riuo of his son , who was
klllocl In battle , Says the Atlanta , Ga. .
Journal. Ltlio many others ho wished
to find the remains nnil to take thorn to
Grlllinand Inter thom In the family
burying ground. Tlio comrades who
laid young Jackson lo rest gave the
futhorn description of tlio snot- where
tlioy had buried him , tollltig liltn nbout
tlio rudoplnocollln inidolroin the boards
tnkoti from the bridge After many
diijs o ! tireless search Air. Jacksonfal led
to locate his son's ' grave , and returned
to his homo In Grillln. A few nlghta
alter his return ho dreamed that his bon
came to him and pointed out the spot
where ho vj buried. 1'ho droan was
likoavlsion. Ho saw his son shndlnff bo-
ulilo his bed , and hoard him say : "Jj'nthor ' ,
Iain buried under ainound which wag
tluown up by tlio Yankees aftorl was
killed. You will know the mound when
you HCO it liy tliopolfobcuybushestrrow-
ing upon it Co and take mo up and
curry mo homo to mother. " So strong
iinlmpLossIon did tills dicninmahoupon
JNlr. Jiicltsou tint ho ra turned tit once to
licsact , taking with him one of thoeom-
rades who hsul burled his son. The
mound was found just aa Joscrlbocl in the
clrcainund thopokoborrlcs \ grow-
iiiguponit , Anoxcivatlon was made
and a low fcot bolo\\ the earth the touph
plno collinwns found , and in It woto the
roraalns of joung .Tackron , IIo was fully
identified , not only hy the collln and the
shoos , which wore a present from the
father , but by the naino which \\as \ on
the cluthing.
Sluxilc anil Alll atDr
A surveying corpsiit tlio mouth of the
St. Sebastian ihor 1'lorldn , lolated the
paiticularsoC nmostdesporuto oncoun-
tcr between an nlllgatoi anil a shai-k.
The engineers had pitched their tents
near tlio rlvor and , just abovolts mouth ,
nnd wcio citing their dinner beneath a
small clump of palm" . All at once their
attention was attracted tea violent com
motion in the waterneai thoshoie. AI
first the "bodies were so aUivo nndinado
thospiaj" . IntouninKlod with blood , BO
heavy that they could not make out
Nvhat the two 'objects wore. 3inallv ,
nftor about halt an hour of such work ,
the monitors sceiuctl to bo growing weak
and weary , It was then di&covoied to
ho a light to the death between u largo
-alligator nnd a man eating shirk. The
former seemed to bo trying to got to
shallow water , while the shark \\as
equally determined not to go. Tlio fight
was still golngon although giowing lcs.s .
\lgoious all the time , 'vhon one ol the
pirtics got his n imhostcr anil shot them
both. On pullini ; them ashore the
alligator was found ittinus a foreleg , bit
ell assmothaslf cutolTnithu soigoon's
linifo Tlio shark liticl numerous ugly
gashcsonhls body which would probably
hive killed him soon. The paity
skinned the alligator and sa cd some of
the tcoth of the shark as mementoes of
this singular and sanguinary encounter.
Clark Is Kvidcutl ) Ifcltl for
; UltlllfltiOS. )
A dispatch from Oplon , nhicti appeared In
Tin : Sti\i > M BIT , stated tint n man named
Cl.irltlmd been ancstul tliero on a telegram
from Oirmlia Clark , so tlie dispatch states ,
Is a music dealer In Ogdoti , uiid la charged
with Joipery.
Thcic is u mistake somcwhcio T o orders
lud been sent fiom hoio either by tlio pohco
or sheriff to arrest such n. party.
It is surmised hero by thopolico thit Clark
Is In somoivny connected \illh tbe fiaudulent
I'icrco pinno company , and that tlia tclcKiim
was sent from Denver instead of Omatn.
Therownsa mm named Clnrk coimectei ]
with that swindle , uiul it h more than piob-
nble that this Is the iran wintoJ in Denver
\\otlciDgthoplanoschcino tboro.
Dr. Birnov cures catarrh. Boo bld'p. '
HI : ii IN JA.UJ.
Mr. Molnt'sli , U'lio iMuiscd Ills
JPrloiids , in .Tnll.
John H. Mcliitosh Is with us npain , but ho
Is not the dishing J okn of a fen da\s \ ago ,
Detective Ellis arrived In the city at 0-45
o'clock ' Inst evening with Mr. Mclntosh in
charge. "While being held in Mlivaukee
awaiting the mnvalof an Omaha ofilcer , Mo-
Intosh , with the aid of an attornev managed
to oWnlti his liberty for a few brief moments
on n. uilt of habeis corpus IIo wa , liow-
cvor , almost ImineJIately roarrestotl and
hold until Uotce.ive HUi.s arrived with , the
Jack Wood called upon Mclnto < lh at the
police station last night and had n Miorttnllc
witntlio prisoner , 'iho convcisation ditlnot
amount to much , ns Mclntosh's ' replies to
questions put to ulin were very unsatis
factory. _ _
N"ogrlplne , no nausea , no pirn wlionDo
Witt's ' Ldtllo 12-uly Klsors are tdcon. Small
pill. Safe pill.
No Vcnllct Vet.
Unto I ) o'clock last night nothing new had
been heard from \Vnrbington \ jury.
Deputy bhotlft Hunt took Juiors O'Connol ' !
and Murphy homo inn cabyestcrdnvto nllow
them to make n change of clothes. The jury
ib rciortoil | as all woilimdtulclni ; thrcosquare
meals a day , _
il Oinnlni.
Omaha got some excellent giatultlous ad
vertising In iho New "Voile I'ross , a piper
which is said to have ovar ono hundred
thousand circulation , 1'letuas of the com
mittee of seventeen on pi in. mitt btope ol the
pioposod pan-repulllo ) conprcfi appcaroil in
it grouped , with thochninnan , Colonti Chase
of this city , ai the con tnl llguio. Around
L'sodla MJlllonaot Uomea
4 0 V"
limn be lrt lo In rui > .f.-olf' ur lin. or In r
Mole. uCfeotl , without Ida kaowMga ol the i > tucul
tfUMixiirr. llUutooluiulr UurmU and willeHeo
a CiroiBiiiaC and tpeedjr our , wbither Iht polient I
anjrtnr iadrinli ronu looUolis r ok ITAt.\
bAILM. It optrtUMin auittljr ( oil -with Bueh o r
uimiy tbit tha p U nt undirgoe. DO ln oavemeno
rl tra h > I * wan , him oomplu * riloraialka 1
enootvd l p Ii book ct portlouUrl fre t o blbid o
KUltN 4CO..181U * Uou lm , AlttU ACumlng luppiiMa \ > t u \ & . uaucE u co ,
CO.Om ti .
! ilm npi > car Juoh man us Cnrdliinl Gibbons of
lUlttinorp , Colonel ItobortO. Inpcnoll of
KowYorkIr. Olifirlos E. Chccnoyor Chi-
cngo , Ur. John Ularit Itidpath of Jndlnnn ,
Judpro William H. jNrnoux of Now York ,
Gcnernl Low \Vnllnoo of Indiana , Uoneral VI ,
0 , McDowell of Now Jersey nnd others.
KNrmuc-v''roo FAST.
I'nco Tlint ruU Ilollmct nntl Illazcr
On tOC tlio llacc ,
rollowtneclosoupoa thohoolsof , the nn-
noanccmentof 'tttorDcllnrd's htostcrooltcd
deal , comes the report fro in Salt Lake of the
nrrcst of 0 , L . Bldzcr forobtalnlnj : money
under false protcwos.
liclhrd nnJ Dhzor flgurod unfavoiably In
: hls city during tlio latter pirt of Juno , 1890 ,
n connection vlth the Djn Carlos lumuor
swindle , and the httcr wa bound over to
furnish a bond nnJ tlicu dhappcirod.
Uollaid posed 83 an Innocent party , claiming -
ing thit \vMtucrelybookltepcr for the
concern , and was discharged. Ills testimony
on the stand did not pleiso Blazer , \vhos\voio
out warrant for him on the charge of adul
tery , but the cwswas not pushed. Dlnztr
did not llnd tlio ntmosphcro ofOtntha con-
! cnlnlbutnellnnl\vai , so much Bloascdvitli
lib sucxoss In fretting out of ticklish places
that ho continued to remain in aud nbout the
IIo wai next mixed up in an clectrlo Upht
deal in Council lllulTs , but again managed to
squeczuout.lonMnR Ills associates to hold the
ba ? . The last eomphlnt ( llodasjainst him
was only a few days np > , vhon a tooconlld-
Ing friend with whom hotta stajlnsdlscov-
cicd that licllard had sold all the furaituro
In thohousoto nsoconil-hnnd doulor.
Roforo the vvnirantcouldho served Ilollanl
folded his tent nnd deputed , It Ii stated
that he Is now inJorsoy City , -\\horoho Ins
Durhiff the months < lnco his iclcasoBlarcr
his given this cltv avlrto berth , but Ills said
that the Kansas City , Demer nnd Sioux City
authorities \vant \ him for pames similar to the
ono liownsnoil < hir ( in Stilt Lnko Hols now
dcpondlrifr on Oniabancqualnnnccs to como
to thofrontand restore the money ho secured
under false pretenses , but these parties nro
lettlnliiin severely nlono.nndhls iirospecU
are Kcttlnpno better very Mst.
The local authoilticinrcof thoopinlnn that
Blazer sets the nice altogether too swift and
that ho Is getting vciy near the eiitl of his
siting ,
( jessler's.MaRicIIealicho Wafors. Curcsall
icadiches In ! 3O minutes. At all druggists
Uoody.piienlH for Aid In
licltnir of Cli Idi-cn.
The relief department of St. Timothy
Mission ostcnds aid and sympathy Incases
of sickness ana death 'Jfho present easels
.hat of aflllctlonln a very poor family near
sixth and Lcavemvorth streets Tivo
jrothcrs and a very joung sister moum the
oss of their mother , 'ho died Saturday
\Vithoutfathcror mother , their bereave
ment calls for public svm pithy.
Generous contributions are needed for this
nnd other calls nnd the readers of this Item
are asked to tiring their donations to H&sloa-
ary liecdy. 1 117 rarnamjstreot , today and to-
morrmv. The fiindsmustbo on handtopiy
Lho inodorato os [ > onscs incurred Mr. Ueeuv's '
liouisaro Ironi 1 to 3 p. m If ho is not In
lea vo your pi rt Just tno same.
Missionary Kccdy desires to acknowledge-
the receipt of So from Mr. Chailos Jlarley to
support the woikof fat. Timothy Mission.
Don't ' F"ool V ciursclfl
JNotwithstn.nding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Mllvuulcoo & ; St ,
Paul Kj's now Btcain hoitod palace
sleeping cars , with ' 'eloctrio llt'nts la
every boith , " still loaves the Union do-
not , Omaha at G:10 : p. ra. daily , ar liv
ing' at ? Chicago nt 0:30 : a. in. , in- ample
time to imilco all eastern connectioas.
Ticket office , 1501 Tarnim st.
C. Pusa Aerl. n- Con.Ajt. | .
AH to Idiots.
SOITII OMAHA , -jNlarch 19. To the Editor
of'Tiir BEE : TUat woithy contemporary ,
tlio 'Jackass ' " called In -
Dattcry , so , com-
nieinlnfr Inn recent article upoa the fact that
the quconof EnRland had partially rescinded
her dictum ns to the scaring of decolleto
dresses at court receptions. Indulges In a
frantic effort nt witticism by asserting that
to a woman of so few Mcns as tholnUv in
question the rclinqulshment of onoof them
must , hove been decidedly painful. The ed
itor of thnt interesting sheet miij consider
hlmsjlf qualified to form opinions of people
he has neither hid the pleasure nor the pos
sibility ot scelnp. but in deference to
Ids own Interests ho may llnd it
moro lucrative to seeK other llelds
for his puerile Idiocies , and not
millet such matter upon his Bnphsh sub
scribers. Kiiplisnmen , I thin It , make as good
citizens as any In the country , but the simple
fnctof u man's forswearing his country does
not demonstrate that hodusiies In any way
to disparage thoquten nor the constitution of
the country of his nativity.
As to the queen's ' abilities , wo may judRO
fally by her acts , but I fall to bee that the
4'Hemmed Inbj
Is one of the headlines that appear
ginning of the Indian troubles. Tl '
had no idea what avide applicati
have. There are hundreds and the
seen the Indians , who may be said ,
They are the long-suffering victin
Shin Cancer , Rheumatism , Scroful
ing , and all the various ills that all
These are the liostilcs. With the
S. S. S. deals as effectually as tl
Sitting Bull. In fact , S. S. S ,
could he. It arrests , drives out ai
diseases of the blood. It promji
just mentioned , and is areinuly f
testimonials show.
TrcnllNO on Rloocl ana Sk
Ttin Jltit'tai , , ( o
Mlotvl ( / *
licnilMr / , /tins it-tilt * tiiiliiliur
fjtinfinfiit tui-itof , Alltlifci'tUn
jftiorn llnrtl wltl. stNltrHto * jtre
inlnrtiitiUitnitt ' u > ' ' " > / < ' to
Qtikl ; . lti-crncMU > CM mnl / / * nl
tliioiifilioiitllHsubiiitittiifi. fttfiini Itrnt ,
, Prop.
Comer Uthancl Capitol A.venue.
Jnst completed , hn.3 1OO roomi , three
ttatrways , from the top to the bottom , ha. ?
flue elevator and dinning room , service , is
tire pr oof throughout , fine bilhrJ room ) aud
the flne.t toilet rooms In ths city. Lar a
Sample rooms , Suites with bififea. Cor
1-lth and Cacltol Ava. Street oar service In
alld.rectiona Kates , from $2.6O to $1.0O ,
remctjytor nllttm
unnMuitl dlntliarRCiand
rirlntaillicuiiMnliiifii A
curtain cur * oMI. - < 1ebll -
Jireaonbeltnnd fcclsafo
Co In reCinunodlnK H to
til nulVtren
nnnjir m SANIUI.WWIJ UI-SULKS r th
I Mill I A l e t anionlrcap | ule | ro orltat tit
UUUUI nrcjul4r , phiilcl mi for tlio mro o (
Gonorliaiaiijaiiolurgoa fro.u tl > 3 urinary orituni
or acjulroi IM pot toJc.Alldrugtl : u
"Will be boys. " They'll ' climb fences , and catch on nails. They'll ' climb trees >
and slide down the trunk. They'll ' slide down cellar doors. They'll ' pick out tho/
deepest mud puddle on the way home and go through it "kersplash" ratiicr tlia-ff
travel on a dry sidewalk , They'd rather play marbles than eat. They'll go
through ni ore clothes in a montli than their "anxious clad" can afford to buy in a
year , They'll ' do a thousand and one things that only a boy can think of , and a
boy that don't "ain't ' nutclioi'a boy , anyhow. " The only thing you can do is to
buy clothes that arc as near cast iron as you can get , and let them go itVe have
placed our spring stock of
on sale. "We have clothes for small boys and clothes for Jargc boys , clothes for
tidy boys , and clothes for tough "kids. " We have Knee Pant"Suits for boys from
four to fourteen years of age , and Long Pant Suits for boys from thirteen to nine
teen years of age , and every suit was made for hard wear , made to stand the
racket. For six days we will offer you at the popular price of
your choice of five hundred Knee Pant Suits , in a half dozen handsome styles of
All Wool Cassimerc , made up in nobby shapes , in ages from four to fourteen ,
worth four dollars. Bear in in nd this fact , when u'e say "all wool" thTTf
means ALL wool , and when we say "worth four dollars , " you'll find them
WORTH'four dollars.
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
OP EN UNTIL s P. M. | New Neckwear Today [ SATURDAYS 10 p. MJ
editor * of such n piporns tlio W-H. nro In
the slightest degree quillfloil to ] ud o of
thorn If the sheet nlltiilcl towouiJ dedicate
Itself to tlio betterment ol it. cdltorhlt , hoth
ns toloirlcinilliuiKinno mlp-ht , poilmps.
ovoilook those tcmpoiuy and periodical
ebullitions of. spleen on tlio put ol ono who
apes the Urltisli , but who Ins not acquired
UIQ imtmcrs of n Jjnpltincltjr. Give us TUB
MEK. 13vll bo to him who evil thinks.
S A. W.
Complexion powder is an nl > soluta necessi
ty of tlio rellnoJ toilet in this cllimto. I'oz-
zoni's combines every element of bcautj and
parity. . _
How Sonic of tlio Am-sted ( lamlilors
KasHy Secured Kicptloni.
There Is a liorsoon Captain Corinaclc , not
ing chief of police.
During the progress of the ctxrtltifj of the
pauiblorsto tliepollia station nftcr the raid
of Saturday night , and just when the stitlon
was cro wded almost to Us full capacity , the
captiln , who vas stindiui ; ouUido the railing
UtlMng vlth n Iriend , saw nnritiRof tough-
loolihiR citizens wnndor Into Uio station.
Supposlnp the nc\\ comers to bo a lot of
tramps looking for n roostiiiR plaro for the
ni ht Captain Oortmck turnul to the afore
said bunch of disreputable loo'tin , men and
told tlioin to bo gone , that thciovas no room
for thorn Tlio crowd , taking him at his
word , promptly tiled up the stnirs and was
lostln the throne " \\hlchsurrouiidcd the sta
Itnftomordf transpiicil that the people
thocaptiiln hnd so suimuuily bounced \\cra
a WIROII loud ot prhoncis from the Diamond.
ThomlMako not discoveicd until It was
toolato to rectify. The cnptim Mill hn\o to
soc up the chips on the strciiRlh of his ciror ,
J 1''tISi.
Air Dnn Sheedy of Denver nriuod In the
titj joitcrdaj and Is stoppin0- the Paxton.
Lieutenant Job n A. Ilutton. Eighth TJulted
States infantiy. left jcsterJiy inoininir for
his station at Fort MclCinnlo , AVjo. Llou-
tenant Hutlon has been in the city foi the
past two weeks being examined for promo
lUTOUIF-Sundiiy niornliiK at 1 o'clock , of
pneumonia , Kmiiit I'i wlfo of 1 r.iuK L ,
Hltclilo . , . . .
I'unoriiUnrMccs today at 2 o'uloelc. Inter
mental bl. f > ouls.
L/EI1MAN Mrs Citarlni I.oluunn , aK l CO
vcirs , at J a , in. Mindii ) , at the risulcnco o (
IxrbonlUiiir , I ihnuin.r : > OIL'ninliij ! slrcot
Kunoral ' 1 uoidny , 31uoliJ4 , at i ! p m
Fi lends limited.
jr the Hostiles"
red in tlie newspapers at the be-
'he jolly night editor that wrote it
ion his alliterative headline -would
ousands of people who have never
to be hmmed in by thehostiles.
ns of disease of Blood Poison ,
la , Mercurial and Potash Poison-
tack and rack the human system.
chief of them Swift's ' Specific
he police of the plains dealt with
is more active than any police
nd destroys all Llood poisons and
itlymal e'i ' victims of the ailments
for many others , ab hundreds of
In niKeaitn Mailed Free.
Atlanta , Ca ,
Iron I fie
Mttiinlnctnrcrs of Iron nul Vlro Icnccs ,
Disk Ouirtls , Iinprovnl Awnings , Coil and
Sand Stnoiis , IronStiilrwuyn , Iron Donra uiul
Bliultori\VlroSlKiis. ( nUoHrissorlc olovory
dcscrlpllon. All UuclbOf ropilrliiR.
217 South 12th Street ,
Opposite Nebraska National Bank , Omaha ,
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 , - OL'.BOO .
oniconimct Dlreclori ItonryV \ Ynloi , IVmldont ,
J-twl S.llfod Moo-rro-ilunt. Jiimoi V Haruu. W
V.Uorne Jolm H. Colllm II. U Cuililu. . I X. II
I'ntrlck W. 11 H Uuirioi.culiHr
Corner Kill nul furnint bit
A acnornlllunlilui Ilimlooss Trmsactol
Earrerlm from
u" > c.IIlia8 ol
youtbtul orron
early decay , wafctln * vreakiicu , lort mauUooi ] . clc.
1 wfllKiKlVvitliiuilu treutU ( " * ' W ) c nlaluln |
full urtlculani tit hoi cure , i'llCI ; o ( clmrgu
Acuknaia luodlial wor i alinul'l lie rt-'adbr < > vrr |
man li" U iiorrotii anil ilclilllutod. Ail'trol
I'rof , If.C. \VilHltMooauB , Couu
Specific Directions ,
ii'.v < ( > i.D irv riiiiiKSnpi : > ir
X'onil'N ixlra : t ( diluted onc-liulf )
l > j n iiitfiil douche , or Hiinfl'lt , or
vnporl70 it \crn lamp nn l Inlinlo
tlio fiimcM < hroiiil > < I" > none.
ii' IIOA.HSI : , Kuraiou
XSitrsict Hottrnl tliticH dully.
11' 11112 TIIUOAT IS
nn.l Ni'Xv : S'JI'iri' , ml ) tl > o neck
tliurouglil ) ivllh Poiul'M I ilracC ,
mnl , on retiring , i\rai > tlio nock
In u uoolcii bninln o Raturntctl
villli I'oiid'H Extract , uiul pro-
tided liy mi outer iirniiiiliiK ,
IK TIII : HI.NOS Aiti : soitn ,
tiiUo n tcniipooiirul of 1'niitV * IJi-
Ciiict four or tl\o tlincn dully ,
IV 'fltK MltlltS AC III' nnd nro
pore , rul llirin vigorously ivllh
I'ontl'K Kxtrnct ,
FOR CHILBLAINS , Imtlie with
1'ipiul'ft Kitrnct ntid baililatjo AVllli
clotli < itnrntcil tvllh 1'ontl'i Kr-
tract. Itching quickly tlopncd.
DDT do not iiurcliniio nomocHcnj
BilbKtllllto niicl expect It to < lovlia'
I'oiMTh Eislriictvill. . IIo Hiiro you
Iiavo goiiiiluo article. ? Iu lo oiilf
, Ijj I'oiul'w Extract o. , > o\v Vork
' Illlll IiOllllOIl.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Fovcnteoni'eirsojcnorli'nje ' A rojiilir nnlinto In iiratolno uicllplomit nlioir lintlll Iroatlnz with
tlieirroTlcst tiicco " , nll Ncrruti' Lhronloiinl 1'rlvati I ) | OIMOI A lurmanont euro miirantcal farlntarra
f > rcrinatcrrhiPi LuitMnnliond. feomlnnl Weiknois MKlitl anal , linpntoncr SviilillU. Slrlcturo , aalail alii
cni-s ciftlio lllaail. stlii unl Urlmry Owins X II 1 uar uitoJ.Vrur every cnso I iinlortalo and rullii ,
euro Consultation fioe. UiokJI ) ( > stcrlos ofl.irosontlroo. ) 0 JlooliourJ-i ) toj p. ra BuaJity 19
n in to Urn.
Fortho treatment otnll CIIHONIU ANB SUIMiir-.U ,
DISIwVbFS. llmcoH Applliiiiruifor IMormltlot iin4
Tnisson Hint I'-icllltlus , Ap.irntin | ( nil Ilcmoclloi
foriiiccLSHful Irti-itraurit ot every form of UIHOAIO
rciulrliifc MedliMl or hiiruicnl 'Jrcntmont. M.NICli
KUOSld toil rATUST" Hoard mil Attcndnnra
Ile t ArniininoilittoM * fVi < tUllu t for clrcul ire 01
IJcformlMoi nnil Itriuos Irus ui Clul ) 1 cut , ( 'urva.
tiiroi of hplnt , I'lln , 'Junior" Cnnccr , Inturrh
llroncIilllH liilnilutliii , Klictrlrty 1'nnlysh llill-
erir Hllnoj s lllu.lilor. lye , 1 nr , bkln mil llloil
nnanll "iirnftiiUipcmtloni nit-hAbl' OK OMI N
nrptrlillo Jlotk o IllscnuVouion ( Kruo Uo
tinu ) lualy iiiilol nlylnu In Dopirtiiitnt f or U onion
Iurln ) conllncuientHtrlclly ( 1'rlrnto ) Onlllnllv
liluMoillrnl Initltulo MuklnR n Sputislty of fill
All ISlMil ll < eiHoiiiiccoiifiillr trpnlotl Mmllclnu
or InstriiiiHMiH hont by mull oroxirost lorurol ;
lucked no mirki lo lnJh.-Uo cotituitj or ecmlor
Onoporioniir Intorvloniirofoiroa Callnndconsult
in or s tnl liltorj of your ( iso nnd wu wlll-uncl li
Jain wr ) | ) i our ItOUlC TO M KV Kltl'l ! . upon I'rl
Tito , feialal < r .Vurroua Him IMOI , wltiiuo ! ( tloi ! Iliu
AiMroHiall Utters lo
Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President
lith uiul Harnoi btrctts , Oraulia
"SANATCVO. " the
Vlin < lrful Spinlhh
II mcdy , l sold " '
eiKf , tucli i Wcik
ilcmorj , JJOKB tt llrnln
1'oxvcrh i ! ailac lie ,
" \\ukefulncin , I/nt Jfon
tiood , NcnoutocM , l.u
rllutlc. ill nuil
Deforo & After Uso. lOfl Of | KHr Of t'lQ '
J'liotogmrkil from life Crncrutlvo Orsani , In
' " " * " .1 " * Mtl.i.r MX , cautcU liy
oier-ctertlonjotitlilul , Inilesertlori ! . crihonce-mlvc
u o of tobacco , opium , or ttlmuluitt , vllcli xil'lniutdj
Icid tolnnrinltj. Coniuuipilou > nd 1 inanity 1'ut up
InconTcnlcnUunntocarryln th c lXc | .ct X'rlce
( la packaB"orO forM. with every liorilerwo Kl > o
twrlllnu Kutruiiton lo ctiru or rnfimil tlio
moiur. fern l > y mill toiny oJJrcKS , Clrcu'ar ' f ne.
Mention this paper. AJdrefi.
MAUHID GlEMICAt CO.Hronth . O cn forU.S.A.
417 ll'irtiorn fitrp I flllOAOO JM
KuhniCa .Cor. lilli fe lI'mzlniM ' * .
J A tiillt-ril i , tor Hill A : DmiKluiSU.
A.Li. ( uttcr&Lo.tuuucil liluKi Ju.
Graduate Dentist.
A rull Hot ot Ticlli on ItuliUr.
lor HV13 I'OI ' IJAII * . A pcirfict
without lain or ilniiior. unit
,1 WltllOllt Hll l lllttl ( It. ( iolll 111 I
t * illror Illlli ! . ' ill Inwoit rii'jn
lliUllonnMI rown Wiirk 'liulli
_ , . . . hltlwut pliilon. All ork ur
I n tr unco , 1MU ilreot tlovalor. Opuu uvuuln.s
Cnro < lln3 Ui5 clnjswithout tliojosi ofnn lioura'tlma
from tiuslncii Tlio nioit absolute ruro ftrULKKP
end-illniiiuijlnn llcliarics ever kn > wn to mod cat
iclcncc SYi'llir.lS.ttwntrantoJ ruroln SQtoVJ dnji.
riiu inott pmorfiilruinoljT y t luio n foriporam.
non t euro HI'HIC'IUUlSorinliilii relluvlnctlio bill ,
der , cuictl fit IIDIIIO , without Inilruiiu-nli ; no cutting ,
mipitln , no tlllutlni ! Ixioof .Vliuiliooilor W'onknoil
posltlnly cured ; Imtnntrelluf bhln iHiC'iion n4
fcinaludUon oi iicnnancutly ( url I > r Mc(9rOTr'i
IUCCOBJ In tlio treatment nf I'tlvnta Hlneaio haj
iiovorLpnn ( ( ( unlloil niulhlii jrrcit firmy of patlont4
line his ( rotn III"Ulaiittcto tlo 1'iicino IIo iks and
tlrculnri fico l nllut from 4 lo 4 only lull nua
hirnnm vtroiti Ouuhn , Nul > . Kiitrnncu on ulllior
ptatflo for HrterU. niiiinea .ntv. j , ur lfU. vft& &
fultluz'ln iDittiltiii'l liiain to inliory 4Kif kna
iloiDi rrvnul'jru Old Alt ) iur nncn. Luiiot rowtf
tnolthor vai , Invuluntnrj 1 oacei , itnd npwrnntorrlif %
c&ut&l br or r- iirtloof the 1'raln , rolf bui or
OTOT InilnlKtnra lull hot conttlnn oaimonlt. ' trttu
niont 81 alor. or ! -lor 0) ) , ntli/inillpreptliU
Wltn tucU order lor lioxti , vrlll unit purctuxr
rittrtctcu to rofon'l uoair I ) Inn truttmnt foJUKJ
euro. uuaruitu iluuvauuluiniiiauiola < iUf b *
II ) ruriium fallout. > Oinivlii. Nob.