Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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8PK01RL MDT10K& '
* " DVEIITISKMKNTS for theno columns "will
A bo tnkrn until n'M : p. m. . for tlm arming
edition , mid until p. in. , ( or the tnomlriK
edition nnd KUNIIAY IIKK.
-riMIHMB-Cashln advance.
T. > ATK8-Adtcrtlseiiioii on tills nnKo will bo
J clinrgrd for nt llio rnlo of 1M rents iw
word fortlio first Insertion , nntll cent per word
for eneli stilisoqtiont Insertion , nnd * I.M per
. line per mnntli. Noadvertisement taken for
thnnSflcents for the llret Insertion.
INITIALS , flgurus , symbols , etc , , count each
mono word ,
ailinsn advertisements must rtm consecu
tively nnd under no olrciiinstnncM will
thpf tin taken or discontinued by telephone.
'I JAKTII'.S advertising In thpso column ) nnd
JL having Iholr answorsnddrcisod to u"nuin-
1 orcd letter In rare of TUB Ilri : , will receive n
numbered check to enable them to pot tliclr
lutterHi Ansnorn will bo nnllvorcd only on
lnoM'iitntloM of this cheek. I'.ncloso unswors
in envelopes proporlv uddromed.
1,1. nuvisrtlicnicnta under tlio head n (
A "Special Notices" nro pulillHlird In both
llicmoriilim nnd evening cdltloiiHof TUB llr.r ,
HIP circulation of which ni-'crfKntc.itiioretlinn
. " .COO papers dully , iitnl Rivet tlin advertiser
tholHincllt not only of tholnrgo olrculntlon of
TitKllKRln Omnhn , but also In Counclllllitrfa ,
Lincoln nnd other cities nml townsln tlio west.
AdvcrtlslnR for tlicso columns will lo ti\lccn
on tlio nliovo ronilltloiiH , at tlio following busl-
nt" > thoiwi whonronutlinrlrod totakoippclnl
not Ires , ut tlio siitno rules nn onn bo haunt the
innln ofllcc.
SOUTH : . .Street. MstorlllooK.
rOHN W. HELL , I'liarmuclst , 620 South Tenth
* EDDY. Stationers und Printers ,
IK ! South ICth street.
lTr i'AUN8WOIlTII , riiarroaclst , 2115
CumhiK street
\\r J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North ICtli
T > street.
EO. W. 1'AUU , 1'hnrmacUt , 118 Lcaven-
worlb street.
Jf IS' 1'HAHMAoy. 24tb and Farnam.
1'wratei , etc. , tec tnpnfjlrtl column on tlttt page.
OITITATIOX as clnrk In store orofllcn. city
v5or country town. Ij. , Inlnnd , Nub. 871--1 *
"WANTKD-SuwIng todo In prlvuto fnnil-
Vt il in , pooil work Kiinrantued , Oallor nil-
i K4SI Hi. Mary'mtvc. _ B0. > 21 *
\\rANTKH-Bltimtlon by roRlstorort tlruz-
' > lht ! olulit yciirH1 oxiiorlonoc. Artdrosi
' . 34th and Hun ml urn nl. 831 iiJ *
" \V7ANTKI-l'osltlon ) as bookkeeper nnd
TT clnrk : eight month's experience. Address
HixEBT. I'latlsinoiltli. f < rb. M8I484 *
" \\/AM'Hl ) I'osltlon as cnnlncer ; undcr-
Ktunds Iteynold.s-Corllst vulvo pear ; can
Kl\o jrond references If reiiulrcd. Address box
V OJ ) Mitchell , & 1) . KM23 *
Ernploymont Ituroau Hstabllshcd
OMAHA . 'I ol. 1112,110 N , Ifith , ni-iir C-npl-
tul nvo , Male and femtilu help constantly on
hiinil. J1JK17 AU *
WANTKn-Pltnatloni for peed clrls ; my
wnlthiK rooms lire always full from II n.
m. lo n p.m. Cnnndlun Employment oilloo ,
: illi ! S. 1Mb. Telephone , SK4. 1)34 )
1'or ratrs , etc. , tec top ofjtnt column on tM page.
' \\7 ANTICD A yniinsipan about olnhteon or
i twenty years old to wink In an olllce.
Must lie a fair nuntmin nnd bo able to nlvo
good ri'forenco. A miod , ste.idy position to
tliorliflit Imrty. Adcivisln your own hiind
1 42 , llco otlice. iM048 25 *
liHADV Most womlorfulnilvortlslnc
iiincliliu ) thn uorlcl lias ever known. Pat
ented. Hells to ovoi-y inoiuliniit. Stonily wnrlc.
lll | my. JCncloso Btauip. Aro.T. MtK. Co. . llu-
i-liip. N ls. | - "
_ _
rPIIKOIilnheiiDllclnl society. WO to ? l.r > 0 In
I ono yuar. $ . ' > to * ! " > \\ookly slclc liencllU
Orzanl7nrs wntttoil. Addrofi ? Suproino l.oileo.
8'J ' Kuolld ave. , Clovolund , O. fciT ( SI *
" \\rANTED Siilcsmon on salary or cominls-
'i sloii to linnillo the Now Patent ChiMiiIcal
ink KrnsltiK I'oncll , Tlio Rrcatostsolllnir nov-
clty u\rr iiindiiQi'il , Krnsuslulc thoroiiRlilv In
tuosocniulNnu ; nbruslon of pupi-r. " ( Ill m id Mi )
licrcont prollt. One iiRPnt.'s Hiilos amounted
toj ( 0 In slxilnysj another $ > 2 In two hours.
AVe want ono enoruntlo Konorul nseut for each
Hlato anil torrltoiy. S\inplo : liy ninll it'c.
Tor terms nnd full , particulars addrcSB The
Jlourou Krabcr Mfg. Co. , La L'rosMvWHM887S4
M887-S4 *
N wanted to sell line of clears ;
V75J1IK ) per month and cxponses pnld. Address ,
\\ltli clamp. National Uigur t'uiniiany. St.
Lou Is Mo. _ b7254 *
WANTED Special net-lit fnr Improved
biillu I us association stock. Host ccmnmny ,
inn-it popular plan , terms. Address
wllli ri'furcnco , GH ! , lleooniro. &U1 25 *
\\T ANTKI ) EnerKistlo younj ? mun to take
TI ordurs. Addicss Maiviifaoturur , I1. O. box
2l > 7. E 02-27
WANTED A VirlRlit honest boy 1 to 18
years old at ilrii ( ! atoru , cor. Ixi o nVo.
anil Iliunllton st. 87J25 *
WANTED A liustler for olllco work by nn
Invpstinont coinpnilV. Party to take
I.OOO to J5.000 stock In company. Address G
7 , Hue. il 74J-24
SAl > iSMKN wanted to soil Roods to nior-
oliuntH by saniplo ; now Roods ; big pay for
workers ; permanent situation ; clmtico to build
nflno trailo. JIoilol Alfg. Uo , , Boutli Ucnd , Ind.
axi AS *
_ _
\\rANTEn-Oood cnnvnsspri nt tlio Singer
Tt HowlugMuohlno oniee.1518 DouBlasst.
WANTED An oxpcrloncod inalo stcnosri-
phor and tynowrltor to do work In a law
yer's ofllco In a city of 10,000 Inhabitants lo-
I'atml In this stuto. Must bo well rocom-
mcndnl. Address llox 217 , Lincoln hotel , Mn-
coln. Nob. J1071
Forrattf , etc. , seetop of first oilimni on tliln page
r\OOK \ A tlioroiiRlily oxporlonccd cook and
WKoneral lioiLsunork ulrl In small funilly :
only tlioso with ( Irst-elnss references need
apply ; high wages. Callat2o031)ouglnsRtrect.
I117.S8. a *
\\rANTED-Olrl for Konerul housoworlc.
i > Mrs. Thw. V. Hall , 1GOU Sherman avonuo.
_ 82t >
WANTED Good girl for gcnorul houso-
\Mirk. 1201 ! Ocorsla nvo. S2S2i *
Q Ilih wanted utSOO S. 'J51U livcnuo. 718
for ratts , etc. , fee lop of flrst column on thin paje
8 room linuse , all modern cnnventoiu'its' ;
iIiolco location ; 133 a month to dcslrablo
imrty , U. K. Pole , Contlnontul block. MSOi-37
' ' " '
T 2112 Capitol livcnuo A nlco 7 room cottage
with batli. Inquire 2J18 C.ipltol avonun.
TT OH IlENT Klovon-room , nimlorn honso
JL' noutnua t t'xposnrf. Til8 B. ami at. Ki7 24 *
FOH KENT I'lve-room cottage on motor
line ; city water ; DPI Dousing. _ 720
TT1OK Hunt. Ono house In the clocant now
JL1 block at 1'Jth ' anil California His. Ton
rooms ; all modern conveniences , llrontum
Ic < ; . 6'i-J N. V. I. . _ M7U23
TTIOUUENT 87-rooin houses. 18th iind Vln-
Jton. . Jilt. 1 8-room lioiiH ( < ,8UtIi unU Uuldvroll.
with all modern convptilonces. * a. Aildrcnii.1.
II. Johnson , Oil N , V. l.lfo building. 430
TT1OU UKNT No.2tll Capitol nvoniioinodom
X' conveniences. The 0. ! ' . lqIs Co. 757-7
FOH ItKNT 3 now siv-rooin cottaeos , city
\vntor , sewer , etc. , oust fronts , good loca
tion. W. It , lloman , rooms b and 10 Frourar
uluclc. BU n2
ANUMllKll of 8-room bousos , elty water
and bath. (20 and upwards. Also cottages
and Hutu , llundy & Co. , lull Capital nvciiuo.
II" you wlsb to rent uliomo or store sco II , E.
Cole , Continental block. ttt >
ijlUIt 1IKNT VourOiind 7-ronm llats with
1 batli , hot WHler , etc. ; paved Btreot : near
busnicfs : all Improvements : only f 5 per mo.
Iluferencei rixiulrcd. The Moud Investment
Co. , 413 Ueo butldliiK. tr. 7
" '
Forr > itearie. , ( op of first column onUils paje
E Allen-ICetobam School of KxDresslon ,
Uj.N'5lh. ( Olnssi'a buliiirforiiHulln Klooutlon ,
Dolsurto , Kl.aUcipuun. , I'hj steal Uulture.
( KI'OKK buying n ulnnnoxiiralno tlio uuvr
> sculo Klmbidl piano. A. IIntino,151t , DouKlas.
G EO. 1' . Uollonbock , toaahor ot the bauJa.
wllh lloipu , 161.1 Douglas. 24U
IUAVKu tow now planoi fur Halo awfully
cnt'ip , HI 1 have troiio ont of tbo piano busf-
ncst. 8. Jonaaoiu 1Vrunni uud llth alu. UU
1'nr rales , tie , , letlap offlrtt Mlumn on thtt pagt.
r AltOK south front room with nlcovoj mod *
J-J crn conrenlcnccil motor and cabin 2UVO
Hurt nUoot. nlMi-l :
UKNT Ono clcgnnt , furnWiod front
riKiin. stiiiim liral. ns and bnlb : t2.00n !
. Airs. 11,0. JIosos , ! SW I'ltrnani Mreot ,
TnUllNISlir.I ) flat for sale. 712 Sou t tb.
OIl KENT I'urnlsbod front room with nl-
cove. IniiulruL' CI IJouglusst. MS'JT-Zl ' *
| ? OU HICNT larRo front parlor , with fold-
-L Inn bed | nlsoMnnllot rooms ; innuorn con
veniences. SiXfillnrncy. 107-24 *
rooms for rent. 1721 Dodge.
irtOIl HAl/K A furnlsbcd flat with
1 ornlinprox-cinonts. Cbcap. Hoonis already
flllud with roomers. 701 K. street. Hat O.
MV14-SS *
rp\VO furnished rooms for lioiisokocnlni ; on
-I. ground lloor. 1512 Oass street. MWW Sl
T OH KENT rurnlsbcd rooms. 1U2I Kjirnaiii.
S181U 20 *
TillTItNIHIIKt ) rooms , steam heat , rofcrcncrs ,
J-1 KJ15 DoilRllH. W5 ! '
/111 North 10th street Rooms wltli board ! one
handsome front room : can accoininodato ft
number of table boarders. Mrs. Churchill.
6M SI *
imitST-OI.ASH i furnished rooms. 410 North
JJ .ICth street , hccond Hour ,
1/lUUNIdlIKI ) room with modern conven-
J leiiccs.nlth or without board , 1011
: i-rinin ( cot ttiaes nnd , ' 1 rooms all nicely
furnished for llibt hoiiseUconlnR , (10 ( , t\'i \
and tlO per month ; city uud cistern water ,
' "Mt Dociitiir. _ MTOTi 31
limited lints at 709 8. 16tb. Thos. P.
Hall. Mil t'axtnn block. _ _ _ _
IpOl ! KENT rnrnlshcd rooms. 1007 DoilRlai
hoiiHc , lillO Dodpo street ! for
good bo.ird , nlco rooms , modern conveni
ences , rates and location It cannot bo excelled.
CM sill'
ITIltONT room wltli alcove , curtain' , mantel ,
Jhoat. . pns.botb , 2closets. for2 Kontleinonor
man and wife , ilti.OO per uionthi " 07 S 24th st ,
QT. CLA1U Huropoan hotel , with dlnlnK
Orooni ; stenm heat In all rooms , 13th und
Podge. Special rates by week or month. 034
FOIl KENT I'tirnlshcil rooms , gas bath nnd
Hteam , 1510 Howard. IUr >
FOUUUNT-1'urnlshodroora 1418 Dodsost.
M784 ni : u *
FOH KENT fi rooms , ono floor , 1712 Jaolcson
street. M210
TjlOH KiNT : Twenty-uvo rooms In a brlolc
J- block ; pooil locution ; with or without fnr-
nltnre. O. ! ' . Ilavls Co. , IVXi 1'nrnnm st. 8243150
1'or ralesetc. , rrctopofflnt eiitumtt on t/if / page.
HOOMH and board , 1623 Chicago st.
M1525S *
LAHOK front room furnished suitable for
two , \vltli or without boardU34S.20th strect ;
A Nlor.fiV furnlslipil front room and board
XX for 2 ; $ . " > per Wfok. soil llurncy stroot.
M882-58 *
fpWO largo south rooms with board. Each
JL suitable fort wo. All modern conveniences.
I'lcii iint location. Satisfaction assured , at
tbo Hillside. N.V. . cor. 18th and Dodge.J181221
J181221 *
FUKNISIIKl ) looms and boaid , 1023Dodge ,
8f-uW *
"TTltlHNISHRI ) rooms with modern convcn-
A : Icncles ; board If desired. S. U corner 23th
avenue nnd Ilaincy , M702 1 *
Elt'HNTSIlEl ) rooms ivlth loard. 407 N. 19th
Btreot. M5SU-J7 *
"iron UKNT A Inrfie , flnoly furnished room
L with board , to u man und wife. The most
Dlonsant partof city und private family : no
other boarders ; references. Address I ) 47 , llco ,
Forratr * , etc. , see top of first column on tMs page
OH IUNT- iinfiirnlshod rooms. Soiitli-
wctil corner IGtb and l.eavouworth sts.
M1X1S-2J *
/ 'orintoi , tlc. , fefnjorstcolunuioii this page ,
THOU UENT Corner store , central and de-
J-3 slrablo , Mny 1. or one-half of same to de
sirable uartles. Address G : id , lice , M04t'b ) *
POK IlENT-Ofllco rooms. Rround floor , near
fourteenth and 1'arnam. Ucslrablo for
coal , real estate , coal. Ice or other Hrst class ,
responsible business. Address O 31) ) . llco.
MQ40 88 *
FOH Itr.NT-Aprll 1 , a ilrstolahs location for
KTOcery and meat marl.ot. A first olnss
business ( -iKirniitoud a first class establlsli-
niont , Kelkenny & Uo. , Koom ] U , C'ontlniMital
block. 1KIJ sa
OH Itr.NT-Dosk In well furnished olllci- ,
with all conveniences. Itoom 19 , Continen
tal block. uB28 :
OU UKNT-lInlf of ofllco In host olflco
building In Omuha ; $3.00. Address G..20.
/"IHOIOEdnsk room for rent In qnlet office
von ground floor. 1007 I'uriKini street.
M78C-a > *
STOKES at700 S 10th ; steam heat furnlsliod.
Thomas F. Hall , ail I'lixton block. WO
D ESIv rooui , 113 ; Star Loan and Trust 635-A20 Co.
TTOR ItKNT-Tho 4-story brlokliulIdlns.-Hlth
Jor without powor.formorly occupied by tlm
Dee I'libllshliiR Co. , 010 I'arrmm st , The bulld-
hiK lius u llruproof cement , basomontcomplete
steam heatliiK fixtureswater on all the Hoora ,
tas , cto. Apply at the olHco of The Hoo. 015
OR 11KNT Or sale , my building on Jones
at , bet. 10th & 1UU. O.A.LImliiiUtilOS : 15th.K17
FOK liCNT Btoro room. ax77. ) In now dow
ry LulldlnK on Chicago Btreot , Just west
of ICth Btrcotf.V.oopornioiitli. IncludfiiKStoam
heat and city water ; also 1).moment ) snltahlo
for shop , on rornor 10th nud Ohlca o streets ,
120.00 per month , lioborts , 402 North ICitli.
M814-M2J *
Fort atefetc. , sec top of frst column an ttits ] > age.
"I710K KENT Hrlck warehouse , two storlua
L1 high : basement , hydraulic elevator , truelc-
auo ; best location In city. A. 0.1'owoll. ( HO
Forratesttc.seetop of first column on l/itejxifle. /
TjlOK KENT A farm adjoining the town of
-I ? lllalr , Noli , l.arso orohard , vlnoyard.
tame Krassos , runnliiK wutor , fenced , If. W.
lie Mr file , Hlnlr , Neb. 441-21 *
PIIOTOORAI'Il callory for rent or sale ;
bilok , KrouiKl lloor , population 1,000 , Klube ,
IlartliiRtou. Nob. 6SD2D *
T710K UKNT-Xow Union Donotbotol.Oninhn.
J Nob. K. Stuht 1ms erected n three story
pressed brli'U hotel , located on the corner of
llth and Mason streets , botncon the * entrance
to two viaducts und within ono block of the
now Union depot. It contains 48 sleeping
rooms , a kitchen. laundry , olllce , lobby , dinliu :
room , n barbershop or sample room , a ladles'
and Rents' parlor , und bath rooms ; has tlio
latent Improvements ; lighted by olcutrlu lldit
nrcaa ; has llio alarms In o\ery room , and Is
heated bv steam. It Is In view ot ( ill trallle
tonnd from the depot. I'lcn o address
all letters toowuor , E. titubt , I01JS llth Rtrcor ,
Oiimha , Nub. M700 UO
GARDEN 1'A.UMB to rout. T. Murray.
TJlOH SAUr/-AnA.l fle proof safe. Enquire
X ? nt Uoston Store. W5
T7\OHSAIjE-Complotoset \ of dnic itorullx-
JLf turcs , SMOK cases , etc. , 1' . O. box 372. Wl
fcrfnta , tie. , ice top of frat tclumn on this v/tye.
1ST1 your houses to i.ell or runt with U , V.
iia N. V. Life. on
EKNTAli AKCIU-OCO J. I'aul. 1(101) ( ) TarnanT
street , makes specialty of routing houses.
stores , etc. , and collootlnt ; rcnta. M507
" \\niOhas IIOUHCS nnd stores to rent ? I have
il InUof cuitomors. J. II , 1'urrotto'n Hi'n-
tal Agency , tilth and Hod o , B7JM25
K. UOI.K , routal aecucy.Contlnental blk.
t'orrattitc. , ice top of first colutnnon tMs
" "
with modern convonlonocs ! ono with
table preferred. Near uuslni'tu cantor. How
houto tint wmitcd. Address , J. U llmndeU ,
114 So. th 81. bfiO
_ _
VV ANTED To rent h-itol In lovru or o-
V > br iUn. Addrt-as F 10 , IJoo oUlce , M711-2J *
ForrnlM , rt < . , r loj > offlnt column on ( his fcigt ,
STOKAOK of liott liotil goods ; clean , dr.v
place , privately storedtortni modornto : weal
al o store Htovoa during tlio summer , wo will
cot them from the houses and doilvpr them In
the full In good trim , Tol.UGO. 1207 Douglim.
Omaha Steve Hopalr Worka. 719
iTKAl'EST nnd b < t toriiiro for furniture.
Wolli. 1111 Fatnainit. KB
/ OIjDStornRe roonn for ORg < nnd 'butter ,
V-/AISO dry stornitofor niilso. and bounoliold
poods. Hale1 * reasonable , ampin tracka p.
llio ttcb. Cold Etorugo Co. , 815-817 Howard st ,
CM All
T > KST trackage nnd storngo bulldlnx in
JJOinaha. United States government bonded
warehouse. IlouioholdRooits stored and cured
for , I.oweit rales RiiarnnteeilY , M. Iluah-
man. 1013-10II Loavonworth. 2U3
Torralet , elt. , fcttop filflmlcolumn ontltttpage.
SAliB I'uriiltiiro ' In 10-room flat. 502
roil 18th struct , for t-50. I910 21
SAtiE rurnlturo In 7-room
house for rent : opp. llnnscom park , north.
All modern conveniences. Enquire l oo
ANlchol. th nnd Kcavenworth. M8C3
for ratu. etc. , get top of flril coliimti on lh < pnpf.
SAM' Good heavy work toaui ! GIBl'iut-
ton iiueif. Miea-31
Foil BALI llollnblo nnd perfectly Rontlo
family h' e , xound In every respect , with
harness and now phaeton for cash. Inquire nt
Windsor stable , 14th and 15th Davenport
street. B1SXW US'
T71OII9AI < E Carriage , team , urngon. horte ,
J cow. Cash , t'licap. Colonel llutlor , 1'ort.
Foil HAM : 3 ImportoA Bhotlund stallion * .
13.11. Herman , lllalr , Web. 45U 21
TjroltSESandinulcj , cash orousy pavmcnti.
JJ-Call or address llawUoyo Inv. Co. , room iu ,
block. Omaha. Keb. OV1
iriOUSALE Clioap. wagon und double work
harnebs.or will oxchanKo for tiuoldioanl ,
also good side Inr buggy , cheap. II. U Cole ,
Contlnontal bnlldliig. liU
I'nr rates , tic. , lopotift column on tlitijiacjt.
FOR SALE Dlobnld nnfo In good condition ;
medium Blzo. Inquire at 400 Merchants
National bank. . M4.3
FOIlSAliH Sowlniniinchlno.ftlio Anicrlcnnl
K od as now nnd complete. Address by
letter only. T. Moore , 1707 Oass. HXJ-S&
Iji : fcliulvlng. countcrH. tables. RII
llxtuio ? , &c. , &c. Gco. W. Monery , 1410
DoiiKlasst. SO"- ? ! *
FOR SALE A standard malin uprlslit
piano , but little used , at n sacrifice , Mut
bo sold ntouco. Call at ! 419 Oaldwell. 1
Finn brick. $22.00 nor thousand. 0. D. Wood-
worth. 15fJ DoURfus st U70
For rales , etc. , M top offlnl column on
AyiTANTED A small pony nnd phaeto
"T ehoap. AlsoSt. llernurd dog. Inquln
or address A. I ) . IJrandoisi , 114 SontfiSlito'entli
WANTED To buy Immediately , Rood
b.ilodhaym car lota delivered atdruml
Island. Neb. , send lowest cash price. Address
107 north I'lno si. Gr.uul Island , Nob. a > 8-3
TTIUHNITUUE' ' bought , sold , stored. Wells.
J ? llllFurnamst. m
ANTED Anything , mdso. furniture ,
horses. busKlos Will buy anything you
have for sale or sell It for yon. Kobort Fulton
Auction and Commlsslot. Co. , 1419 , VouRlas
Street. Omaha 171
For ratesetc. , stetopofftnt column on this page.
IIMJEH Lectures. Subjects , Financial rc-
-L latlona of KiiKlIbh nnd Spanish speaking
America , by Sniinr Coimrolunto ; physl-
al , voice and elocutionary culture , by
Dr. Kaupmann , ctnl. Kvory nluht this week ,
commencing this ovenlnK tit 8 o'clock ; doors
open 7tO. : : Omaha CJullathonlum Hall. 413
Sliecly block. M940-23 *
A LIUEHAIj price will be paid for a copy of
the Omnha World-Herald of Ioo. 7th. 1800
iSuiulay ) . If left ut this olllco. 874 211 *
MASBAOE troatrnotit.olcotro-tbormnl baths ,
sculp and hair treatment , manicure nnd
cliUopodlst.Mrs. PoitU19M S. 15th. Wlthuoll blk.
For rates , etc. , see top ofjlnt column on thli page.
BANK stocks for sale. 0. V. Burrows
Norfolk. Nob. 203
HAVE customer for $ .5,000 wortli of national
bunk stock , eastern Nebraska 01- western
Iowa , Oinaba preferred ; ijlvo particulars by
letter1 O. G. Wallace. 310 J. J. Drown block.
Omaha. 7ft.-2i :
MOHTGAGES placed promptly upon Omaha
business property lit lowest rates. Loans
made on approved collateral security. Notes
bought. Suhuol and municipal bonds negoti
ated upon very favorable terms. Klrnball ,
Champ & Itynn. 1'JB Fiirnain at. [ 60U a8 !
" \TOUTOAOE loans vantcd. McOaguo In-
J-'JLvestinciit company. 701
MONEV to loan on good collateral security ;
mortpaces bought. Jtlmball , Chanii ) A :
Kyan , 1205 Farnam 8U 70S 24
JTUHST& second mortgages oil vacant St lin-
J- proved city prop. County warrants boupht.
Money on hand. K M. Kloliunlson,818 N.Y.LIfc.
Forratcf , etc. , see top of first column on this page
SECOND mortRnRo loans ; money ready.
Alox. Moore , 401 Ueo bldg. 400-5 ' *
ONEY to loan , Midland Guarantee nnd
Trust Company , 1014 Farnam street. MT08
MONEV on hand lo loan on Improved oc un
improved property. Chas. W. Ualnoy ,
Oinaba National bank bldg 614 fll 1 *
MONEY to loan On real estate , Installment
mortgage ; now plan ; odsy monthly pay-
inonta. For full particulars call on or ad-
diess United States Loan ft Investment Co. ,
rooms 001 and CO. : llco building , Omaha , Neb ,
0 TEH cent money , II. 0. 1'attorson , 007 New
York Life build niR. 707al7
M ONKY to loan on Omaha property. Fidel
ity Trust company. 1814 1'arnam. 278
> 1UVATE mouoy to loan. J , 0. Zlttlo.014
N. Y. Life. 035
BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 percent ; no addi
tional clmrtfos for commission or attornov'a
foes. W. 11. Mollclo , I'Urst National bank bi
RK\Li Kst.i'o Loins Oash on hand. Olobo
l.oaiuuul ] 'rustCo.t079.1Glhst. : No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses tormt , seed list ,
1)52 )
OE. & 0. M. Authony.aiS N. Y. Life butldins ,
.lend money on farms In choice counties in
Nebraska and Iowa , also on food Omnha resi
dence property ; lowestratcs ; best terms ; no
delay ; money roadyt Titles and values pasted
on hero. fljl
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
atourrnnt rates ; funds on lmndno : de
lay , _ Qej > .J\JllujitfcGj3. ; uiJt :
EASTl'.HN nioncyj-QIll odRoil Insldo loans
wanted. Philadelphia Mortgage nnd
Trust Co. , U. W , P. Ooatcs raf. 7 Uoard of'l'rado.
For rates , ttc. , ice top of Jit it column on this page ,
M ONKY to loan by U. R Musters on chattel
und collateral seourltloafor nny time from
1 to 7 months In any amount to suit bor
Loans iniido on honsohold poods , plftnos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
recclpts.etc..ut the lowest possible rales without -
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment of any amount nt nny time and ro-
dm u both principal and Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
huMju loan you want chanaed. I will pay It off
and carry It for you. If you find It moro con
venient , call up telephone .No. lli'H und your
business will lie arranged at home.
Money always on liaiul. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
n. I' . Masters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll blk. , 15th and 1 hi nicy ati.
_ _ _ [ _ 043
7"1llATTEr. banlf.iiio y , iMIi St. , loans money
V-/on chattels or collateral ntreasoimblo rates
yornitfictc.ite topnffirtt foiimnon thu p < tg ( ,
PATENT lawyers undsollrltora.O. AV. Sucs&
Co. , Ueo building , Omnha , llrancli olllco at
Wnshlngton P.O. Uoiiaulutlonfreu , Qua
t\rraieittc.icetopoffritcvlumnoi\ $ page ,
t AOIE8 nnd Bi-ntlcinen fan rent Masciior- |
XJ ado tulta at ( 3 N. 16th st. 4'J5 ' A U *
larraltt.etf. , rfftov ol flrst folunin nnftU / pan
' "
- ) ( ] .
, todtitcln "A. A."Chd , Will send "IMV
23nl. Will bo In " 11. S. " With , and RO to "T. II. "
28lh. Uould llko lo litar ftoiu you. 1' . M047 SO
TOUNNIKRuniner Qmuban. Yourrnothcr
O has returned. Mull Zi"
\\fANTED aentlotiflfoi of Inducnco and
> incaiu to nMlst ollkdjrln buslncsq. Ad-
drcvi 0 , . 24 , lleo. 1 \ = _ 805-ia *
ADY correspondcrlVnntcd , object niatrl-
inoiiy. Address OJMtce. Bloil-at *
as to tlio urliore-
- ol valuable BnftlUli tiimtllT ,
nlnce noun March 14. VKynfrotftovcnson , 1.27
1'axtonblk , f1' " 7M24
Torratuclt , , eetopofflr _ _ ltolttmn on this paoc
I WANT to buy active otspoclal Interest In
n flrst class grocery litulnossi all cash pro-
fcrieil , Am experienced. AdOrcss U 4 ( ) llco.
CHANGE In a life tltno for man " 1th
A ciiult-nl and active men \tltliout oapltul
to ncciiro u > ory pleasant mid prontiblo iiml-
tiesi. No drones or curiosity seekers need
npply , Address , with 2.cent stamp , Con oll-
datcd Adjuvtublo Shoo Co. , Halcm. Mass.
TT1OII HALE l.easo nnd furniture of 25-room
- ! - ' hotel In business pnrt ntn , town ot ton
rallrondH. llonsonfl for selling ! ill health ,
Addrc" ? J r > , Hco olllco , CoiincinilulTa. Mini
FOIl SALn Ata barRiitn , a Mil established
double business In wood location ; OIMIPI
leaving city. Address O "A Hco. aill34 ) *
TT1OII SALIVA flrst-clasidriujslockor about
Js coo , located In vcstorn Io\vn \ ; town of 800
pcoplo ! ilrst-cliKs opportunity for physician
or druggist. Address lllako , lirtico * Co. ,
Onuilia. 8CO-2J
"TT1O11 SALH A Rood piylni Koncral inor-
clundlsQ stock , fixture * iitid InuWlnp , Iu n
food locality ; stock nil fresh und good , Tor
liartlculan address W. 11,11. , Mckcrson. Nob.
SALOON for sale , only ono In the city. Ail
dress M. It. Dunn. l-otiRl'Ine , Nob. 8.17 all4
\ \ 7" ANTKI ) llnorRctlc reliable business man
> Tilth JJ.OOO to . ' > ,000 for road or olllco work
In wholesale buslnoss ; food salary and ex
penses for right mail , Address U IS , llco ,
808 23
_ _ _ _ _
TT1OH 8A.UorTrnde : Awoll loonlcd ranch
-L with 10,000 head of catllo and 'M horses ;
cattle neil graced up from natives. No Tex-
nns. Owlim to favorable cllniato ranch well
adapted tobrocdliiR. Parties Interested , do-
elrhiK lo close up tholr business , will olTer
special tnducoinimtstn buyorsfor cash or well
located real estate. 1'or furtlicr particulars
apply to or address , llobcrt W , Olarko. 223 L.n
ballo street , Chicago. 7,15-UO
WHOIjlvSAL-B liquor Ijuilneis. a party with
capital desires to buy In to auo A o business
In Omaha. Addtoss , stating amount required ,
1'71. llco. 721 Zl *
GUOOEHY stock for sale ; doing acashbiml-
ncs . Address 1M7. Hoc. M5CO A13 *
" 1TAOII SALE Ono-half Interest In the best
JpnyliiR meat market Iu Council Ulull'.s ;
poor health reason forsolllne. AvcraResaloa
ovorJM porday , Address O. , care of Hoe ,
Council UlulTs. _ B1542-'JO
Foil SALE Do you wish to Ret In n coed
business ? lluy the Conmerolal hotel nt
llrokcn How , Neb. , tu.uo part Omaha aero
property. _ 407
FOIl SALE I'urnlture and undortaklns
business In a good town , -with or without
store balldliiKi nart ctsh , balance Kilt eilpo
paper or clear real ctitato : Invoices about
WOO. Hot 042. Llncoljl. _ 4EJ
EXl'EKinNCED canvassers nnd salesman
with llllle capital vrillllnd the best spiling
specialties In tlio west , by calling at 1G11 Chicago
cage street. Derbyshire & Uorom. 4SOalO
For rales , etc. , sec top of fli-st. column on tit ts page.
fsDDJMiB"Pb ( o i1v " "oxtrooVdmi y
of the world'H iiioaL-fuinous medium , Mrs.
Dr. 1' , L. Hall , of British fume , known as the
child medium of Knzltmcl.
Kemalnnot In darkness and Ignorance , but
scukyo light ol knowledge and luain what tlio
mysterious future IioldM forth for you.
LHo iv bright tnctvor llashliiK across tlio
darkened bky , this brilliant little medium
from across the ouoanlfnlls Iu your midst to
dispel the lu..ivy gluoniund ulttcr woo from
the thoiiHiuuls of ullghtiMiMl hcartM.
Do not allow skoptlqlfelii or silly rollglous
scruples to stand In your ffay.
Mrs. Dr. V. L. -rhodlMtlpKulshed ,
world famed and only natural traneo clalr-
voKimt und spirit medium In the country ;
seventh daughter of tbo seventh daughter ,
born with vail nnd greatest prophetic Rift of
second sliht ; ; whllo entranced will roealovory
hidden mystery In life ; 1ms been pronounced
In Europe and America the greatest living
wonder of the present ORO ; understands
the science of the " 1'erslan nud Hindoo
mnRle , or ancient clmrin-worklnjj , and pre
pares Egyptian tallsmnns vhleh will over
come yourenemles , roinovo family troubles ,
restoio lost affections , make marriages with
the ono you lo\c nofalluro : remove evil In-
llucnccs , had habits ; cures wllchory , fits and
all long standing and myHtcrlousdlbcascs ;
will give correct Information on Imvsuits ,
sickness , death , divorces absent friends ,
everything ; never falling udvlco to young
motion marriage nndhon to choo o a wife
for happiness , and what business host
adopted for speedy riches ; stock specu
lation u specialty ; recovers lost * stolen
or burled property : locates treasures
and minerals ; nlso gives indlspenslblo
advice toyoung ladles on love. courUlilp and
marrlaKO. If your lover Is true or false , The
mysterious aiidbiicccssful manner In which
she treatsmattOM of the utmost obscurity
has given such universal satisfaction tliat her
name has become n proverb In thousands of
households mnilei happy by her aid and ad
vice , Thofnetthutsho lias a standlnK chal
lenge of { 10,000 to any medium who can enunl
her In her marvelous rotations Is sufllctent
evidence that she stands today without nn
equal In her Hue of business. Madnmo wishes
It thoroughly understood Hint she Is the only
bonalldu seventh daushtor of tlio seventh
tliiughtorof the present auo nnd advertises
nothing but what she can do and would not bo
classed with the many oheap uretondorsfouiid
In o\ory city. All who sire in trouble , whoso
fond hopes have been blasted , who have uoen
deceived and disappointed throimh fnlso pre
dictions of others , boforogivlngupto despair ,
are Invited to call and bo convinced oftho
true statements of the above without delay.
Madam convinces the most skeptical , as It Is
a well known fact throughout the world since
the days of ancient witchery , that onlyaf-ov-
OMth daughter born with a veil cun reveal the
future correctly.
Hours Da. 8p.m.strict.
N. U. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by
mail. Hond stamp for Illustrated circular with
special terms. Mrs. Dr. V. L. Hall ,
KS N.lSth street , Omaha , Nob.
028-MI *
MllS. WAILAOr clairvoyant ; naturally
gifted ; tolls past and futuro.lovo troubles ,
absent friends , changes , travel , business. iiM :
Karnam street J1JXJ 2U *
TVTASSAGE Madarr Ddzior. over CIO H. Kith
1VJL M 161-AO *
ANTED-A11 should know Jlrs. Dr. Oo
Ban. the lady mind reader and fortune
teller ; tells past and future ; she Is tlio best
over hero ; Is especially dcni > In till mntrlmo-
nal atTalrs and mysterious dlsappoarnnecs ;
don't buy , sell or RU on a journey until you
consult her ; she oan cuu fortoll its results ; Is
truthful and reliable ; perfect satisfaction
guaranteed by nitilli soril two stamps for Il
lustrated circular. 2orth 2 \ loth sU , Omaha ,
Nob. ' n 181nlj
MltS. NannieV. AVamrf , clairvoyant , trance
speaking , wrltlnsf afad reliable business
medium , four years In'JJinahn. ll'JN. 10th. ItiS
Forratesctc. , ttctopoftyijtcolumii on
HIOHLY Impro veiV/Oriialia busTuess proo-
crty to trade for TOW hind and some cash ,
E , A. Loavouworth. roar ) j2. Darker blk ,
IIIAVKIlnow bouses Inl'opploton I'nrlnioar
motor line , al o 10 Euctl lots Unit
for stocks of dry pqtw ! . clothing and shoos ,
Addrosa owner , David K ) Voll , Olarlnda. In.
, , t _ MOia-58 *
FOH EXOII\NOE-Wur ! lots near court
house , IMcrrc , capllrTil South Dakota , for
town property or landMjfn Iowa orNohraska.
) Vrlght A LuaburylC04jowotd , ( street. > ! . ' > 2J
rpOKXUlIANGE-.OIittr'Renorul ' stock of dry
-L K0odsolothln.bootrxiul shoos ; will take
real estate and some nncy. . Addicss llox ? J\
1'ranltfoil , Ind. _ 6.H nlO
ANTIJU-A stook of poods for Nebraska
farms and some cash. U. M , Herman ,
I'ullcrtoii , Neb , _ Ktt 23 *
T WILL trade good clear lot worth 9M and
J-tako KOUI ] upright piano mpurt puyment.
Address 123 , II co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47&
WAMKU To trade for a stock of drug *
llox 618 , city. 100
Forratraetc.itetoi > offlrit columrion tMipage ,
E "NQAOEMENTa to do dross maklnRlirfum-
Illos sollolted. Mln Sturdy. 2U1U Ilarney
strout. 6I164-A2 *
Forratet , ttc , Ketap if Jlnl rolurnn on thto
TpllKL ) Uohlo louni money , cor. Varnara&llth
Fortattittctt tcipoffrtttobtmnonthts txiga.
OU Sale orKxcliango Choice trnckaRc , nix
blocks 1'lrst ISixtlonul bank : for clour Iowa ,
or Mintcrn Ncbrnski innd. Wright Jtliiftbury.
1001 Howard ttroct. Mffilgt
4.HOOM hniiso and lot , lnMdo3'inllo limit.
near Amei a > e , $ < i o ; tiW cash , tmlanco
niunthly. lliitchlii-soiut Mend ,
6-IlOOM house anil 'M foot lot on Capitol nvo
near SGth. W , 100 ,
0-room house and 3ft > | ft. lot. Rooil barn , cast
front , aillli ni'ur Ciimlng , 3,5C < X
Cliulcn lots without cush to parlies who will
build , llutclilnsoa & Wend , 1J-4 Douglas ,
_ _
5-IIOOM hou e. lot aixKJ , H.TOOl also ft- room
IIOIIBO. lot III J i x 2 , s.e. cor. llth and Vintoii
Bt , . J-MHO. Urlck hnusolot llxno. n. o. cor. 10th
iuKlDouiihisaoOJJ , Mrs. Kublnmn , sm 8.11th
wanting farms ) peed cllmato. markets
ALL soil. Address U. H , LuiiillH\'lm ' > linil. ;
N. J. M103 Aii *
KICK open every night from 7 till 10
OK ' for the accommodation of tlioso
engaged through Iho day. Wolll show you
our best real pstutobnriralns only If you c.ill
boUrotiiiT nud lop , m. Wo have nu arrange
ment by which 'you cnn secure a eoad IIOUHO
ana lot on Lowonroniio between Karnani nnd
Onmlngstronts for less than the lot Is worth.
Itrsldenco and business property lilted and
rcntqd. sales and exchanges iniiito. applica
tions for loans rccolvod. Star Loan and
Trust Co. , 1st lloor. N , V. Mfc. M 711-24
poll SAL-Il-Oholco corner21th street. South
J-1 Omaha ; full business lot , Jucloon. near
10th. a , llox MO. M744al7 *
"OOUSALE 1 cnttaRCs , cor. I.MH nndOiiinlns ,
-K cheap. 0. U. lllbblns , 1113 Douglai st ,
acres line farm land adjoining good Ne
braska town ; nearly
100 acre * llnolv Improved Iiui(12i4 ( inlles from
county boat In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered.
120 acres Rood land In Nebraska , Ouillos from
county seat ; 2.M30 Inhabitants.
Hotso nnd lot in town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In Kood Nebraska town.
4-room house nnd lot , burn , ell and rlstem.
Idlh street , Omnlmj sllKhtly oncutnbored ; will
trade for Omnhn property and assume encum
brances. 11. E. Cole , Continent il block. 000
"TTOIl BALK 7-room house and lot ; also 0-
-U room homo and lot , at a bargalu , Iiinulro
owner. 2 : > t Marcy st. * > 7i M3i ?
TIOU a.VLi-Extra : biirualn. Cliolco COxl'W ,
JL' with building ; rents per mo. : ono
block from now r. O. O. I * Oroon , U. 39 Mur
ker block. >
! AOllHS Insldo city llmlts.7Mpi'racro.CMli.
L Address Original Owner. V 2T Hoo. 47J 24 *
TmOH SoutbOmnha property business , traok-
JL' ncoor rcsldoni'o so to the lending roixl os-
tatudealers In South Oinabu , Ed Jolmson&
Co. , cor. i.4th und N ats. nTAj
SALE Cheap. Tiio resldonco at 2,110
I10R street , at n bargain for a few diiyn
only. Inquire at llio Nob. bfoani laundry , IGtli
iinu Howard streets. 001
1710II BA LE The most comfortable 8 room
- - modern house In the city , ovorycoincn-
lor.ce , hath , gas. electric bells , furnncc , laun
dry , otc. Laruo stable , room for 4 horses , city
water In fctablc , concrete lloor , full lot In half
mlle limit , convenient to 4 lines of cars , shade
trees , oto Price 110,000. Address J1 so , line
olllco , 403
For rales , etc. , tec tnp of first column ojt IMa page ,
Madam Uolztor. over CIO S. 1,1th.
M1Q1-AO *
MASSAGE bath at Madame Smith's parlors.
: td lloor. 420 ij. 15th st. ua U7 *
Forntttt , etc. , scctojj offlrxt coltiinn OH t/if / pane ,
IEST line hair Roods In west ; balr dressing ,
JJwIcs switches , bnnps , balr olialns , etc. , n
spccltilty. Davlos. balr Roods nnd milliner ,
opposite iioilolllco. 111 H. 15th St. . Umiba. U57
il restored. Small , vcak
. ,
r , Vurlcocolc. niulull offoctn of Holf.Abusoor
12ICCS9 rnreil. Never return ) . 1 will Kindly tend
( scaled ) I < 'ltHK to nil ouffercrs , nrcclpo that cured
mo ot tbeso trouble * . AiiJrcs.i , will ] stniup ,
_ Ii. A.11UAD1.KV. ilnUloCrcck. 31lch.
Notice to Waterworks Contractors.
Illda will DO received until \Ycdnutduy
March25. Ib1) ) ! , for thoconstructlon of thedani
for Impounding re-servolrand complutlon of
works , for the Cri'ston watorworka company ,
nt Cteston , la. I'lans and speclllcatlons are
on lllo nt the ofllco of the Union construction
company , Creston , la. , and ofllceof W. II. Millard -
lard , 201 Omaha National bank building
Omaha. Nob.
Nob.E. . A. . RCDtnrii , Clilef KnRlnocr.
Crobton , la , , March 14. Ibjll. Ml5dlOtm. < : o
KTu. , til. J. A i ; . Aintu
Omaha. Depot 10th nni Mnoo alreota , | Omaha.
9.6d K m . . . , Knn B Cllr Dar KfprosB.,1 0.10 p m
8.ii r > m g. 0. NtghtK p YlnU. P.Trnn < . | 6.4S ft rn
Letvvoi I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrlraa
Om ha. I P pot IdtU anil Mirer lr et . I Onulin.
5.07 a in KnnsasCIty Exproii 1205am
10.50 n m Denver Kinross ! IMp ni
2 W p m Ovorlanil Flyer 1105 p in
7.30 p nt faclBo lliproas 11.15 a n
MO p m Krprens. . . 10.05 B iu
905 am .Atlautla Kiprcoo. . C.SO p ni
480 pm .Vostttinla 10.45 a ru
Lcavci BIOuX CITY & 1'ACIFIO , Arrlven
Omnln. I U.I' , depot. 10th anJ Mnrcr Bti. Onaan. ami Bloux CUT Puienger , .
4.80 .n l. . , , . .Jjt.J'aiil HirpraiiJ ,
loavciT | "B1JTUX dity'Tl'AdlttO. I Arrives
Omatiru | Depot ISth \TebitorSts. . I Omaha.
6.0U p ml Ht. 1'nul Umllnil | tf.M a ra
TDlIICAIlO , MIL. & tic , l'AUIi.1 Arrirca
Oroatm. IU. 1 * . depot. lOlh nnd Mercy au. | Oiaahit.
0.10 p ml rnlcnsoKiprois i a.(5 ( n ra
1(3 it ml ClilcoKo ISiproas | cro pra
L avej I . Vi.l4L.BV. I Arrive *
Oamlia. | Depot lith tha Web tor Bta I Qmfilm.
Ornalim | Dcputltlll tnd Wtbitcr 8I . | Oinabn
10:80 : a Loula * K. d Kx | > re . , , , l 0.10 p ro
.15 p ml . . . , Bt. l.oula & K. 0. Hxpreu I 8 80 o ro
"U'BTHi I CHICAGO , u. I. A PACIFIC. I A r rife i"
TranitCfl. Union Damn fymn"ll lllnlTJ. | Tf\n fnr
C.40p ml , Chlcnto Riprfli * I OIK a a
j3 p m . . . . . . . .Chicago Hiproas. I C3i a
Tranifor Union Dapot. Council lllnttn Ytannfor a m . . . , Konio c'lljr l ) r Uxiruii. | , , , 6.11 p a
10 p IB . . .Kumii City Nlgbt K prma. . . C.WH m
OMAHA A BT , I.OUI8. rrlef
Triniter Union Depot , Council UlufT . Trinsfer
410J lilt p ro
cmoAoo , Artlrei
Tr&nifer Union Uep t , Council lllutn.
l 0 a m fl. p ra
1000 pra . Ohtouo liipreal Bto * m
lf p m iljlfe. "
Tranifor DoleD Depot , Counell liluffi. Trixntfcr
T. S t m . . .8lou Cltf AccommgantOD , , , 810 a u
CA1 p m 10JO p m
Avoid draughts ami sudden clinngcs ot
Donot dlscnrd your warm winter clothing
oo soon. Itlibcttor to suffer n. llttlo Incuti-
cnlcnco tliun lo take cold.
Itcmeiiibor tliat ono N especially llnblu to
ontroct a btul cold or clilll at thlssoiuoii of
AcoURkor raid contrnctotl totwcon thdfton-
> ns Is the most annoying kind , mid mny lust
liroiiRh the summer.
If you foul ncottitli or cold coming on , take
drink of pure whiskey nt onco. It will keep
lioblood In circulation andli tlio bcstjiru *
onlntho npnlnst tbo diseases of the season.
licmombor Hint only ruun whlikoy should
10 tukon. DulTy'.s 1'uro Mtilt Whiskey 1m thu
tronjiest recommendations from the leading
clentlftU nml medical men. It li the only
tuiHlaril medicinal whiskey. TIVKO no other
otn your druggist ot grocer.
iur A muvi : YANIC oo.
Colonel Hilary llorljcrt nn I nn Adroti-
turoiiH rilucuoHt nt Baiik'rt Konl.
Colonel Hilnry A. Ilarbort ot Alu
mina nnd a Now York inoiuboi * of. con-
rross were eoutotl in iv cloak room of ttio
louse smoking irngnnl Iluvnnus , vrrlloa
Uongrossmnn Amos J. Cumrnlngs.
Colonel Ilorbort wns in the confederate
army , mid the Now York rrnrosoutii *
ivo wits BGrgonnt major of a Now Jor-
o.v roglmont. The fhjhtat Fredericks-
mrp , nftor the cnpturu of the heights in
vtny , ISliiJ , was the subject of convorsa-
ion. The tnlk drew out many a romitv
sconce , linoh congrossiiiim told wltoro
lis rogltncnl win located during the
) tvttlo. It WHS evident that they Imd
) oen within hailing distance of cuuh
ether for several hours , notirly twenty-
iino years.
Colonel Herbert wns under General
Wllcox nonr Uimle's foril when the
loltflits were tnkon. Tlio sergeant-
nnjor crossed the rlvor on pontoons n
nile or more below Froclcrlckrijurg , and
vns in the assaulting column on Sunday ,
May 3. Ilia roglmont scaled Maryo's
lolirhtsnenr the female sornlimry. It
wssod near the spot whcro three brass
cnnoti were captured from the Washing
ton artillery of Now Orleans. Congress-
nan Coleman , a member of that very
mttorv , was addressing tlio houbo while
the colonel nnd the sergeant-innjor were
cons'orsing' .
Jlorlwrt wont Into the tight from Wil-
cox'a inlrenchmouts at liunlts' Ford on
Sunday inorninand the sorgoani-innjor
wont out of the light thirty-six hours
aflorwards from the same iutroncli *
nier.ts. The heights were carried by
the old Sixth corps. Sedr\vick | made nn
effort to olTect a junction with Hooker
at Chancollorsvlllo , and the Jljrht nt
Salem church occurred on the same
ovoninp. "Wllcox swung so far to the
right that ho Hanked Scclg-wlck's loft ,
caino down the hill , ami recantm-oil
Frcdorlcksburg1 , leaving1 "Undo John"
upon the hoignts.
On IMondny evening tlio confederates
were reinforced from Leo's army and
made a charge upon the union lines ,
They were repulsed. After dark , however -
over , Scdgwiulc drew back , lie occu
pied the intronchmcnts at Banks' Ford
vacated by Wllcox. A , pontoon bridge
had been built ncrosstho llappahannock
late in the evening , nnd the Slxth corps
rocrosscd the rlvor before daylight.
For \vocks \ afterward the pickets con
fronted oaeh ether with the Happahan-
nook between thorn. There was very
little firing , and the utmost good fooling
existed , Thosergoant-mnjor told abtory
of a picket reserve on the union side of
the river. A confederate olllvor of the
day appeared early In the morning on
the opposite bank. His rank and duty
was indicated by his sash. The instant
the olllcor in charge of the union pickets
saw him , ho ehouted : "Turn out the
gunrd , oflicor of the dayl"
The reserve fell in line and presented
arms to the confedornto ofllucr , who ac
knowledged the compliment with a
grateful salute.
There was so much good fellowship
among the pickets that it oxcUed com
ment among the division and brijrado of-
liccrs. Orders were finally issued on
both sides to prevent the inteaclmiigo of
commodities. Colonel Herbert's ' pickets
svero stationed at Scott's lO.un. half n
mlle above Banks' Ford. Ono day , after
the orders were issued , the colonel was
riding along his line when ho saw a stal
wart yankee wading across the river ,
The yiinkco was within thirty foot of the
confederate shore when the colonel
halted. Ho was about to retrace his
stops when the colonel shouted , "Halt ,
como ashore. "
The yankee hold a newspaper and said
that ho had como across to tracie coffee ,
sugar and newspapers with the confed
erate pickets upon the distinct under
standing that ho would bo allowed to
"So I thought , " the colonel shouted ,
"You deserve no consideration. You
know it. is against the orders on both
sidos. Como ashore , sir , you are a pris
oner. "
The yankee demurred. Thereupon
the colonel drew his revolver , pointed It
at him and said : "Obey orders. Come
ashore instantly , "
Tlio yankee waded ashore and stood
upon the bank in his wet clothes. lie
was a stroiifj , stalwart follow and ho had
a manly bearing , Marching up to his
captor , ho saluted him , thumped his
breast , and said in n loud voice :
"Colonel , shoot mo , but don't talto mo
prisoner ; I prefer death to capture. I
am a now recruit. I have been in the
army only two wooks. I carao from
Michigan. I would rather suffer death
than liavo my friends learn of my cap
ture under the present circumstances. "
The appeal touched the colonel's '
heart , llo regarded the Boldlor fixecllv
for a moment or moro and then said :
"Return to your linos. Hut understand
that hereafter any man that crosses the
river will bo detained as a prisoner , "
Tlio soldtor thanked him and waded
back to the union pickets.
Upon arriving at General Wilt-ox's '
headquarters , Colonel Ilorbort bald :
"General , I have broken your orders. I
have allowed a prisoner to return to his
linos. " Ho then told the ( .lory of his
adventure with the yankee picket.
"Well , colonel , " replied General WIN
cox , after duo rolloctlon , "if I had been
in your place I should have done pro-
clsoly as you did. "
And that was the end of It.
fa tlm American Male 11 Rluttorn ?
An essayist , writing under the numo
of J niton Gordon , bus stirred up a good
deal of talk in Now York recently by nn
article setting forth in succinct and de
cisive Knglltah the opinion that Amorl-
can men nro slovenly and careless In
dross , and not particularly assiduous in
tholr patronage of the bath tub. The
article which started the discussion was
published feomothing moro than a month
ago , hut it did not soouio a place In tlm
small talk of the town imt il qullo re
cently. Tlio author makes the point
that when Americana condonm the girls
of this country for marrying Kugliah-
men they forgot the scrupu
lous cleanliness , nicety of nttlro
and remarkable cure of his person which
distinguish the average high-class Eng
lish mun. It is pretty well known every
where that Jullon Gordon is Mrs. Vnn
Honsaelaor Crugor , a woman of dis
tinguished family , and the author of a
successful hoolc called "Tho Dinry oi a
Diplomat , " Mra. Crugor's position In
society is unquestionably n lofty ono.
She moves among people who occupy tl.o
moro oxcluflvo plans of the 400 , and her
observation of mtm nnd mnmmr.4 hm
boon oxtonslvo and nrcurnto. Undoubt *
ouly the men whom she knows are of
good Hoclnl position. Ht'iino her sum
ming up of the chmactorlHtics ot tint
Amorlcnn inalo Is of moro thnn a voruyo
importance , _
A QIIAVIS mYii.xTi < : i > IN Aimis.vai ,
How n Kntlior of n Boy lit ( Jruy Kt *
covered l\\i \ \ J-OII'H Itcmnlttn.
Atlanta Journal : Ono of the bloodiosl
bnttlos fought on Georgia soil during
the Into war was that of llosaoa.
Among the mnnv patriotic youths ho
took uims in dofonsoof tioutncm hide *
pondonco wns the eighteen year old son
of Mr. Juthro Jackson of Grlllln , On. ,
nnd the bravo boy mot ills death nt the
battle ot Itosuca. Ho was dourly be
loved bv his comrades and they gave
him u Httlo bettor burial than usually
falls to the lot of tlioso who die upon the
Hold of battlo.With rough boirdj
taken from tbo bridgommr by they
made him arudecollln and tenderly and
lovingly placed him under tlio sod.
U wusHomo tinitt in the spring of 18(3(1 ( (
that Mr. Jothro Jackson went to Liotucn
to look for the grave ot his son , llo
wished to find the remains , and to take
them to Grltllii and iutpr thorn in the
family burying ground. The conmidon
who Inlil young Jackson lo rest guvo the
father a description of the spot \\lioro
they had buried him , tolling him about
the rude plno colltn made /roiu / the
boards takoa from the bridge. After
many days of tlroloss search Mr. Jack
son failed to locate his son's grave anil
returned to his homo in Orltlln.
A few nights nflor his return bo
dreamed that his son came to him and
pointed out the spot vrhoro ho win
buriod. Tlio dream was llko a vision.
lie saw his son standing beside his bed
and board him say :
' 'Fathor ' , I am buried under a mound
which Was thrown up by tbo yankees
uftor I urns killed. You \vlll know tbo
mound when yotisoolt by tlxofokoborry
bushes growing upon it. Go and take
inoupniulcarrvino homo to mot her. "
So Hli'ongan impro-isioiHlid this dream
niako upon Mr. Jackson that lie returned
nt once to Hu.suca , taking with him ono
of the comrades who had buried his son ,
The mound wns found just as described
in the dream , and the pokoborrlos were
growing upon it. .An excavation was
made , and a few feet below the earth tlio
rough ninocolHn was fouud , and 'In It
were tno remains of young. I ackaon. TIe
was fully identified , not only by the cof
fin and the shoos , but by the naino which
was on the clothing.
Secretary Proctor's visit to the Chick-
ninauga battle Hold last week was In ac
cordance with the authority given by the
L'ifty-first congicss to purchase land for
establishing thcro a grout military
reservation. Tlio selection of this snot
fora national park at tlio west like tlinl
nlrondyoxlM.lng at Gettysburg Is well
justified on historical grounds , says the
rJow York Sun. It Is true that ono es
sential difference between the two kittles
is that Gettysburg n union victory ,
whllo ut Clilcknmuugii success was with
the confederates , liut if , as was tlio no-
tual fnct , nnd as the present park pluil
in Its dotailu fully recognizes , the battle
boughlat Chickamaufja onSoplombor IS
nnd i20 , 180 , is rogaided as part and parcel -
col oftho uporutioiis which two months
later were continued at Orchard Knob
on November til ) , and Lookout Mountain
on the -tth , and completed at Mission
ary llldgo on the 25th , the grand result
of the Tonnossco campaign becomes as
dlstinctlv a * national triumph as the repulse -
pulse of Leo from Cemetery Hldgo. In
the plan of the Chickanmuga park the
approaches and driveways take in the
bconcs of tlio Inter fighting
that loft Chattanooga , which wns
the prize of the campaign , secure in
union Io3ping. ; Andwhilo the obioctiou
against eummoratini'a union dofcat Is
thus fully mot , it is also a lianpy clrcuin-
stance that this great memorial ground
will appeal to both southern and north
ern soldiers. In this respect also it ro-
Homblos Geltsburg.
CJhickamaugn wns fui-thor distill.
guishcd for being the bloodiest battle
fought in the "West. Its losses in both
the armies were far greater than these
at Shlloh , while oven in the tremendous
engagement at Murfoosboro the union
losbcsln killed and wounded , were moro
than 2,000 loss than in the sanguinary
fipnting at Chickntnaugn. "No Hold
surpasses it , " said the liouso military
committee , ' 'in the dondllnoss and per
sistence ollts fighting , " and this asser
tion may bo supported by studying tbo
comparative losses at various great bat
tles , from Austorlitz nnd "Waterloo to
Sadowii , Gravelotto and Sedan. The
preservation of the lines ot this field nad
of the actions on the slopes of Lookout
and IMIssioimry Ridge will bo vuluablo
for historical und military study.
The visit of the secretary of war and
his party should bo eutliclcnttocomplcto
the preliminaries proscribed by congress
so that the work of clearing the ground
and placing tbo murks nnd monuments
can begin.
An Opal Wordi n million.
The most famous opal In history was
that which wus worn "in a ring by the
llomnn senator Nonius in the days of tlio
Irlmnvirato. Its sl/o scarcely equulod
that of u medium nl/od hav.lonut , "Yot
its beauty and brilliancy rondo rod it a
umrvol among tlio dilottunll of Konio ,
especially when it was known that tlio
goldsmiths and "mouoy-changors" had
tot its value at $1,000,0JO. ( Marc Antony
made overtures to Nonius for its pur
chase , intending , it is thought , to pre
sent it to Cleopatra , but the senator refused -
fused to part with it , and for fear that It
would bo taken from him by sheer force ,
bought safety In illght , Here history
loses all traces of this famous gomthoro ,
being no record of Its transfer from
Nonius to any of his family.
Downol tliu
There was a lively scrapping match
between two Indiana lightweights the
ether night , and when the victor returned
turned to his homo in Hey momnulled
up over his victory nnd $100 In his
pocket , Ills mother realised that bin
egotism might bo his downfall if not
nipped in the bud. She therefore
fcfumred off and broke bis jaw nnd
knocked him out inthebocond round.
BoSIs arid Pimples
Aroruitme'ft cflorln tncllinliinteiolsonfroin |
the Mood. Thl > result may 1)0 ) accomplished
much moro otlcc.tun.lly , as well as agreeably.
through the proper exctctoiy chsiint'li , by
tliuuso olAyur'sSuiinnaillla.
"For aeionil jnari I \ > ia troubled with
tiollsnndcaibunc'.es , Iu casting about for a
remedy , Itocrutred to mo that Aycr'sBarsa-
parllla hail beeu used In my father's family ,
uith excellent success , and I thought that
wlwt was good for the father would iiHo bo
Kood for the son. Three or four bottles ol
this mcdlcliio entirely cured me , and I liavo
notiliico ( n moro than two years had a
boll , plmplo , or any ether eruptive trouble ,
I can conscientiously speak in the lilghegt
terms of Ay IT'S H-mnparllln , , and many
years' eipcrlenco in llio itruc business on.
tvbles i no to ipeak Intcllleoiitly , " 0. M ,
li'itflcldI''aniiland , Ind.
Ayer's Sarsaparil.a
DIl , J. 0 , AYER. & OO. , Lowell , Uivsa
I'dcoSIJ tic t ttli. , $ i. Worth I J tollto.