Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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( k/ Whirl bjRaU to Bis American Plcasuro
If Von \Vnnt to Tafcc a Trip This Bum
mer AVIthoiit Jiki ) > ciinc , 1'nrtlcl-
puto lit Tlio Ieo' ! Mntuli-
Icsn OfTcr.
Arrangements hnvo econ effected by the
publtshcra of Tun Br.r. which enable us to
tnalto n novel and nttrnctivo offer to i > afttcs
who nro illcpoyod to devote tholrtlmo tinU en
ergy toward procuring now subscribers for
Tun OMAHA \Vr.r.Ki.f IJnn or THE SUNDAY
BKE between thla date ntid the 10th day of
Juno next.
This offer will bo open only to parties so
liciting Su'scr'ucr3 ' ' hi Nebraska , lowu , Soutli
Dakota und Knnsas.
A cnroful record will bo kept of nil sub
scriptions fownrdeJ , and tha awnrds will bo
imdovltliout partiality.
To the person that will secure the largest
number of. cash subscribers for Tun O.MAIH
WcKici.y Dr.i : or Tim Suxu.vx BCE before
Juno 10,1SOI , will bo given raun or COST A
ticket will incluJo first-class passage from
Now York to Kuropo nml return , Thli In-
hides silso till traveling , hotel ami slght-sco-
ing oxpcnsci. The trip will bo made with an
excursion ' party gotten up by Mrs. M. I ) .
ITrazicrof Hoston , nnil will bo in charge of
competent guides , The traveler lias no cares
whatever. The lour covers all the principal
countries of Kurope Kiijjlanil , fSermnny ,
Switzerland , Franco , IteltilumItaly and their
principal eitlos , includliiK London , Paris ,
Brussels , licrlin , Homo , Florence , Venice ,
Lilian , ucnoa , etc.
The party starts from New York June 27
nml rctuniH to that city by September 11.
Taken by any Individual alone , this ICu-
ropean trip would involve an outlay of at
least $700.
For the second largest list of subscribers
wo offer a free ticket from Omalinto San
Francisco mid Los Anpclos nncl return.
Magnificent mountain bcencry , ttio beautiful
Golden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits mid
ilowors. "Who has not seen California wl 1
not die happy. " Travel Is an educator , nnd
to properly appreciate the vnstnuss of our
great country one must see its best features.
For the third largest list of subscribers to
the WCKKI.T or SUNDAY BCB wo offer a ticket
from Omaha to Quebec and roturn. What
could bo grander than a trip down the beau
tiful St. Lawrence in mid-summer } To eon-
tcmpinto tlio bcuuty of Thousand Isles is de
lightful , How much inoro dellKlitful to visit
them when In verdure clad ,
And all this pleasure for obtaining sub
scribers to the \V'iiivi.Y : and SUNDAY DISK.
For the fourtn largest listof subscrlocrs wo
offer a free ticket from Omaha to Now York ,
Philadelphia , Washington and return ,
, * , Thcro nro no points on tins contin onlnl
- greater Roncrul interest than these three
cities. An American citizen has not completed
I *
pleted his education until ho has scon the
seat of government. The persons and points
of interest in Washington are innumerable
I nnd to the Intelligent observer n visit there is
full of interest. Now York and Philadelphia
as the commercial and llnancinl centers of the
country arc always interestlnir.
All this sight s'comg and traveling given
away for obtaining subscribers to the
For the fifth largest list of subscribers wo
offer n free ticket from Omaha to Niagara
Falls nnd return , Kvcrsinco your childish
wonder was aroused by the description in the
old school readers of theso\vonclcrful % falls you
have desired to BOO them , Hero is the op
I portunity. A most delightful excursion and
one without oxpcnsn , given for securing1 sub
scribers to the Weni.KY or SUNDAY BIE. :
For the sixth larccst list , Si subscribe rswo
offer a free ticket from Onulia to Salt Lnko
City nnd roturn. The famous Mormon city
is fast becoming a Gcntllo citv , and will in
time lose much of interest. Nov , tins sum
mer would bo a good time to visit the boom
lug city. Garilold Beach Is of course in
cluded in the trip. This summer resort on
the lake Is n delightful place to pass a few of
the hot summer days. Why not secure a
number of subscribers for iho WEEKLY or
SUNDAY BCD and take the trip.
For the seventh largest list of subscribers
wo oiler u free ticket to Denver and Manitou
nncl roturn. While a shorter trip than any of
the others It combines many pleasant fea
tures. Denver the queen cltv of the plains
is always worth seeing whllo the health
nnd summer resorts of Manitou are delightful
indeed. Health-riving , inspiring , restful
nmid sublime scenery what trip could bo
mono restful I All this pleasure for securing
subscribers to the SUNI > AY or WIIKLY : Ecu.
Now what are the conditions upon which
these tickets are given away ? Tlio securing
of the lurirust list of subscribers to Tin ;
WIIKIY or SUNDAY BIE. No Jnowspaper in
the west Is so well nnd favorably known and
solicitors have nlwajs found It an easy mat
ter to secure subscribers , Tin : Ban's ' sub
scription list has always kept pace with Its
reputation and it deisres to add now names to
its long list of friends. Beiutr at all times a
people's ' paper it niakea friends with all
classes ,
The subscription pricoofTiin WKKKI.Y BEB
is1.00 per year postpaid to any place In
this country or Canada , orji.00 if sent to a
foreign country.
Tim SUNDAY Bnn Is $2.00 per year , but
Omaha subscribers for Tin : SUNDAY DEE
will not bo countPd in this competition.
Uet up nlist. Have your friends subscribe
for the paper. Sample copies forwarded
free on request.
Persons dcstrlncr to compote for 0110 of
these prizes will plouso any so when sending
in their llrst orders.
Komlttanco In full must accompany every
order ,
Two six months subscriptions or four
three months subscriptions will bo counted
ns ouo order ,
The Howoscalo took llrst proinicniatPnlla
dclphld , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions.
Dofdon & Sellock ( Jo. , Agts. , Chicago.
Priceless fioniH In Tniextry , tlio Envy
of Count less Collector * ) .
Today Is the day of decoration , from the
kitchen to the drawing-room. Nothing es
capes the artistic touch of the fair cliato-
Mno. After tlio headlong crao for old
china , old paintings , autlquo furniture , In
( net , everything old except ugo , comoa the
search for genuine old tapestry ,
A slight sketch of the origin and growth of
these hangings may bo of interest to col
lectors whoso nets nro spread lu anticipation
of u priceless bit of arras.
1'nlnting in toxllo fabrics is an art that ex
isted ou the banks of tlio Nile many thousand
years ngo. To nomadic tribes it formed the
chief ornamentation of tholr tents ; tlio
dwellers In towns also found their homes
only Inhabitable , thanks to the draperies
which not only divided the apartments but
formed n protection against htmt and cold.
In Egypt these stuffs wore woven under
the BUperlatondonco of prlc-sts , who had a
monopoly of the cloths used for sacred pur
poses , especially these for burial robes ; seine
of these stuffs were striped , ethers flowered
nnd Interwoven with threads of gold and sil
ver , that In beauty of color outrivaled those
of u later period.
In biblical lore wo find the hangings of the
tcniplo doors were of blue , purple , scarlotnnd
fine twined llnon of needlework. Weaving
was ouo of the chief employments of tlio
Greek and Komnn matrons and In the Creole
poets mny ho found frequent allusions to the
loom and dlstult. The tyrant Nero expended
the sum of , : i > . ! , ! ! 31 In llnbylontan tapestry
nnd furniture for his dining room mono. At
this era Homo ruled tlio world nnd the riches
nnd | spoils of conquered Winrdoms were
brought homo by the victorious soldiers.
About the ninth century the art of tupcstry
wourlnff was Introduced into France , though
not generally Into Kuropo till about the tlmo
of the Crusades.
Perhaps the most famous uleco In oxlst-
nuco comes from a Flemish city and Is culled
iftcr tuo town "Tho JJayeaux Tapestry. " It
1 attributed by popular tradition to bo the
work of Queen MutllJn , wlfo of Wllllntn the
Conqueror , nnd her court ladles , to commcm-
orate the victories of her liusbnnd nnd ropro-
scnts llo Invasion utnlconquest of England
ny thi Mormntu nnd was presented by
Mntll-Ja to llaycaux cutlicdral as n thank
offering for the Hid rendered to her husband
by 1U bishop , Oilo. The pictorial needlework
h till feet in lonntli and twenty inchei In
width nnd hns but tbo seven primary colors
used In Its composition , the minute
ness with which Iho nftiilre of
dally life , nrinor , weapons , food , mnnnors
mid costumes , arc depleted Incline ono to tbo
belief that the work must bo contemorary
with the event ! protraycd. The linen Is
divided Into seventy-two parts or scenes ,
each with n Latin Inscription designating Its
subject. Ono scene li thosieffoof Dlnannnd
the war between the duke of Norinnndy nnd
Contin. nnd In Its entirety it Is a moit com-
nloto history of the conquest told from the
Norman side. The whole com position repre
sents more than DUO persons. IbO hones and
fi.'O other nnimuls , besides ships ,
boats , buildings , trees , weapons ,
tools nnd other objects , The figures
nro colored Hat , that Is without any
attempt at shading nnd no effort is made to
Imitate the hues of nature. The colors of the
clothing nro not Improbable , butthoio of the
anlinnh belong to an unknown spcdes. In
the nhsenco of shading nnd nil perspective ,
an attempt Is mndu to supply the clellciency
by varying the color on different parts of the
anlmnls , for Instance a horse will have tlio
fore legs nearest the spectator of green ana
to give the oltcct of dlstnnco the lilnd legs
will hoof red , then too it will liavo lluo ears
nnd a yellow mane.
As ono stands before the work your are led
to wonder through what strati go adventures
these big Flemish men nnd women have
passed before iho centuries dimmed their
bright green and rod costumes , standing out
from the nmbcr-tlnted bnclcirroutul. In 1SOH
Nnpolcon ordered this tapestry brought to
I'uris , where It was shown In tlio national
museum , and later In the largo cities of
Franco , then returned to li.iyunux , where at
present it may ho seen in iho public llbrarv.
In the reign of Charles V. , surnamed the
Wise , the tapestries ol Arras were so famous
that the nniuo generally given to this species
of bunging ( French Arras ) ( Italian nrazzo )
is said to have been derived from the name
of the town.
Tlio world renowned Gobelin factories are
the present source of nil rich tapestries and
wcro originally located at Hhcinit In the
llftocnth century , Jchnti , the founder of
the factories , made the happy discovery of
a peculiar kind of scarlet dye which added
great beauty to the effect of his tapestry.
In carrying out his ideas ho expended
such enormous sums in the estab
lishment that It was called "La
folilo Gobelin. " fn IGG'3 Lo Grand
Monarch purchased the works nnd trans
formed it into a general upholstering manu
factory under the supervision of tlio court
painter , Lcbrun , Owing to llnancinl embar
rassment during the regime of Napoleon I.
the work was suspended , though revived
later under Louis Philippe , and in 1871 the
factories were burned by the communists.
Cosmo I de Medici erected an establish
ment for weaving tapestry In Italy in IMS
and it was always supported by that munill-
ccot family. The lust work from the Flor-
cnco factories represents the "Fall of
1'haoton" and the "Rape of Proierpino. "
With the death of tholastscion of the illus
trious housn of the Medici It ivas decided to
close the works.
A new gallery of tapestry was opened in
Florence in 1SS1 , the llrst and only im'.ituliou
of the kind in Italy. It contains specimens
of the different developments of tapestry nnd
represent sin a special manner its history in
Tuscany. These riches were scattered about
Italy in the palaces of Florence , Pisa , Siena
and in the grand ducal villis until collected
in ISO" ) by lUron Hlcasoli , who placed them ,
temporarily , in the nailery that unites the
1'ittl and IJftlzi palarcs , where they remained
until removed to the new gallery , where
they formed an almost complete his
tory of Tuscan tapestry and contains sorno
exquisite specimens of Gobelin , Flemish an d
Gorman work. The earliest specimens are
of the fourtconthvantury , and in the days
when these tapestries wore worked each dif
ferent material had its peculiar signification
and the colors wore symbolical wliito repre
sented purity of morals ; green , contempla
tion ; black , mortification ot the flesh.
Among the old Flemish works Is a tapestry
of the sixteenth century , rjprosotiling
Henry II. and Catherine do Medici , with the
ladles of their court , viewing from a raised
dlas the games given in their honor. This is
ono of a series of the most beautiful and in
teresting in the gallery.
In the Chateau Puu there still exists some
flue specimens from tdo Gobelin looms repre
senting six scenes from the lifo of Henry IV ,
one the parting between the young court
beauty , Gabricllo d'Estrcos ' nnd her royal
lover ,
AtSizergu castle , England , In the "Queen's
room , " there nre shown some wonderfully
bcajjilful embroideries worked by Catherine
Parr during her widowhood before ) she was
called to assume the golden fetters of a queen
of England ,
A few exquisite examples of old Gobelin
work nro in America in private collections
otablytwonot very largo pieces valued at
50,000 , owned by a Canadian gentleman ,
Also a very few pieces of arras oiviicd by-
New York parties which hnvo been placed on
exhibition once or twice , and Mrs. Kato
Chnse-Spraguohas In her beautiful homo in
Washington a most exquisite gem of tapestrv
from the Gobelin looms which formerly
adorned the walls of ono of King Louis
Phillppes'palaces ' , representing a least given
Ulysses by a queen of some barbaric
Very recently the French Benevolent soci
ety in Now York received a magnificent gift
of Gobelin tapestry from the French govern
ment. The design is 17 fcot In height by
23 feet in width , the subject being n famous
picture by ( Jros of "Los 1'cstiteros do Jaffa , "
an cpisodo In the lifo of Napoleon I.
De Witt's ' Little arly fliscrs. Jlost little
pill over mado. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
Blair is still after Ed Illloy.
The West Lawns will reorganize.
Toner may sign with tlio West Omaha
team ,
Purcelland Duller always play inthosamo
LHtlo Bradford of the Nonpariels is a , great
Bnlloy and Lee will be two of the fielders
0:1 the Blair team.
Sweeney of Ncoln , la. , will cover shortstop
for the Blair team.
Tlio Museo will have a great battery in
Uamp and Crelghton.
The West Omahas lose the milnstay of
their loam in Llnauan.
Tlio Camp brothers will bo found oa the
Musoo team this season.
Keltn may not bo found with tbo Missouri
Valley team this season.
Gene Sullivan , n catcher from Afton , la. ,
wants to Join the Blair team.
Gatewood will put In his spring practice
with ono of the tennis in Omnlia.
Lucas will chase the pigskin in ono of the
Wisconsin lenguo teams tills season.
"Dudo" York of last year's IC < jarn.oy team
can bo secured for the coming season.
Hurley may bo compelled to givoup play
ing this season on accuunt.of his health ,
Thompson , the popular catcher , was in
Omaha the past week , Ho isdlsongngod ,
"Moultey" l app will play In the outllold
when not pitching for the Cbcyonno toam.
Illali * is negotiating for Wilson of ICoarno
Ho would make a oed man for their toatn. J" .
"Spud" Fnrrlsh will occupy the box for
his team In their gaino agalnbt the Omalms.
The Newman Grove , ( Nob. ) Clippers will
bo under the management oE Thomns Oster-
Kurd ,
Taylor , first baseman of hut season's Lin
coln Giants , will probably sign with the
The Blair club will gtvo a grand ball for
the bonelit of the baseball association In
about two weeks.
Patterson says Norgrcn will play out of
sight at short on this season's West Onialuis.
Pat ought to know ,
Kddlnger , ho of Iho long nrm and terrific
speed , will shoot 'cm over in the Illinois and
Iowa lenguo ngnln this season.
Blair would like to secure Pitcher Kllnp of
the crack Kansas City "Ilavorlcys. " Hero
is u man that would male them nil hustle.
Nebraska City has secured n great team
for this season. A number of their 1800 tonm
hnvo signed in the Iowa nncl Illinois leagues ,
W. B. Moore , manager of the Falconer
basobnil team , consisting of Miller and Ar-
° 1J. Pitch ; Uadklo , catch1 Sounders , 1st :
uonman'a , j ; Itassmusacn , as ,
Davis , loft , Ilcnnhon , middle ; nnd Sage ,
right , they say nro open for engagements.
Big Kclm , Missouri Yalloy's ' hard hitting
first baseman and captain , says ho wants
nothing but gentlemen In his toam. Now ,
Koira , como oil ,
"Handsome" Billy Wilson the pet of the
Nebraska City funs will line 'om out and
guard second base for the Missouri Volley
team. So says IColm.
Klpp , the third baseman of the famous 1830
Kearney team , and hist season with the
Cctlar Knplds club , will cover short for the
same team this season.
\Vllllann , the crack pitcher of the Crane
company team , would make a good man for
ono of the I. and I. teams , Ho was formerly
with the Chadrou team.
CntchcrtJravcs of Missouri Valley would
lluo an engagement in the I , nnd I. longuo.
llo Is a great backstop nnd would bo aval ,
uablo find for nny team.
Pitcher Wollbau in , last season with Ulair ,
wishes an engagement. lion pitched good
ball last year and wo expect tosoo him make
n good record for himself this season.
Big Jake Thompson , the mighty pigs-foot
consumer and best first baseman nnd batter
In Omaha , has not boon signed. Managers
should not overlook Jake , as ho Is nil right.
Ilnnsoll , Mohler nnd Gntowood , the Iloot-
footcd In and outfielders of last season's Ne
braska City team , will nlay In ttio I. nnd I.
league this year , \\utch Mohlor's great loft
arm shoot 'em over for Davenport.
"Irish" McGco says ho would rather knock
out base hits with his knees than have Har
tley Taylor get In ono of his upper cuts on
his Jaw. Mao has sworn oft for good and It's
likely thnt lie Joins the Nonpariol toam.
Billy Croft , the shortstop of the "SU Motz
Brothers' ' team , is now manager ot tlio
Cheyenne team. lie hns the team for this
season signed nncl they open nt Salt Lake
May ! ! . Hilly says his team will make them
nil hustlo. Success to you.
Blair It looking for a good manager.
What's the matter with Churllo Tow llo
would make a splendid man for the position.
Being n good Judpo of n bull player , nnd a
good ono himself , he could undoubtedly fill
the position to the satisfaction of all.
Sldncr has boon eating sassafras and gin
ger and using Elmer Smith's horsn liniment
ml this winter and ho says they won't bo In
it with him In throwing down to second in the
Wisconsin lenguo this season. Sid is another
Nebraska boy with a good sit for "Jl ,
For the cure of colds , coughs , and all de
rangements of the respiratory orpans , no
other medicine is so reliable as Aycr's Cherrv
Pectoral. It relieves the asthmatic nnd con
sumptive , even In advanced stages of disease ,
and has baved innumerable lives.
If'llEEI , SOTJE8.
Eleven 0V , C. members Joined the league
last weok. _ The last expiring act of the pres
ent board will bo to make the wheel club a
member of the L. A , W.
Messrs. Harder , Matthowson nnd Curtis
iiavo been appointed a committee to represent
sent the A. A. U. in treating with the L. A.
W. regarding their proposed alliance. *
Stlllman G. Whlttakor , the professional
bicyclist , will make an effort to lower all
existing records up to twenty-five miles this
season , but ho has seen his day nnd can't do It.
The ofllco of club-kicker will bo declarea
vacant nt the next meeting , owing to neglect
of duty bvtho present Incumbent. Gibson ,
Matthews andlCnstman are enthusiastic can
didates for the Job.
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup reduces
Inflammation while children are teething. 25
eeub a bottlo.
OMAHA , N'eh. , March 12. To the Editor of
Tunllyi ; : When and whom was the uroat
"ICnow-Nothtm ; riot" of 1314 ? What dntnaco
wus clone und how many potions killed ? W.
J * ti.
Ans. The celebrated "Know-Nothingriot"
of which you inquire , occurred In the city of
Philadelphia , Pa. , May 0-8 , 1844. The row
was between the "Native American Party"
( Know-Nothings ) nnd the Irish residents of
the vicinity where the above named party
was holding a convention. Some of the for
eigners fired Into the American squad ; a riot
ensued which resulted in tbo destruction of
thirty orforij' oulldlngs , including a Catholic
seminary , and tho- death of fourteen of the
N. Kan. , Match 10. To the Editor
OMAHA linn : 1'leaso explain briefly the pro
cess of curing grapes for raisins. 1' ' , M.
.Ans. In curing grapes for rnlsins the
choice bunches should bo left on the vines
until they become dry nnd shriveled , then
picked nnd cleaned , Next n pot of boiling
wood ashes lye is prepared , to which some
quiclc-liino has been added. With every four
gallons ol this mixture an ounce of flue table
salt and a pint of salad oil should bo stirred.
Each basket of grapes is allowed to remain
immersed in this liquid from three to flvo
seconds , after which they are spread on
boards and allowed to dry for two weeks in
the sun. _
IOKA. la. . March 11. To the Editor of THE
IIK : : I am sutlsileil that not one-half ot the
citizens In tlio United States ro.illy know
whether they uro cltl/.ons or not. My ances
tors ciune In tlio "Jlayllowor , " hut I have
never been naturulliud , Ami a cltl/.m ?
E. W. M.
Atis. Certnlnlyyou are a "citizen" In every
sotiBo of the word , no odas whether your
' ( Mayflower" ancestors wcro "naturalized"
or not. Sn , too , is every other white or black
mnlo born In the United States who has
reached the ago of twenty-one years. All
persons who wore residents of the colonies at
the time of the Declaration of Independence
und deliberately yielded to that measure an
express or implied sanction , became parties
to it , and they and their descendants are to
bo considered as natives , their social tie be
ing coeval with the nation itself.
WAVNK , Nob. , March 12. To the Editor of
TDK Hr.c : When unvhoro did the phrase
"Uncle Sam , " us applied to tlio United states ,
originate ? A Sunsciunuil.
Samuel Wilson was n beef inspector at
Troy , N. Y" . , during the revolutionary war
and was vory.popular with the men in his
employ , who always called him "Undo Sam. "
The boxes were 'shipped to a contractor
named Elbert Anderson , bearing the marks
"E. A. , U. S. , " the last two initials signify
ing that they were for the United States ; the
first two that they wcro from Elbert Ander
son. It is related that n Joking workman was
asked of what these initials were abbrevia
tions , and that ho replied that ho did not
know , unless they were for Elbort Anderson
and "Undo Sam. " The joke spread rapidly
until it was soon said thnt all packages
marked "U. S. " were for "Undo Sam. "
OMAHA , March 13. To the
I'loaso answer the following : 1 , What two
writers wrote ot Mrs. 1'nrtlnRton ? a. What
Ci'iiernl commanded tbo United Status forces
from 1NOO to 1812V 3. What great singer died in
Liverpool from the bursting of u blood vessel ?
4. What two generals In this country have hud
boats named after them ? M.C.I' ' .
Ans. 1. The orlglnnl Mrs. Partlngton was
immortalized In n speech nnd afterwards in
articles written by Sidney Smith upon the
rejection by the house of lords of the reform
hill. Ills famous "Partlngton" speech was
delivered nt Taunton In Ib3l. B. P. Shilla-
her , the renowned humorous writer , wrote
both of and under the signature of "Mrs ,
Partlngton. " 2. Brigadier General James
Wilkinson was the commanding general of
the United States forces between the dates
of 1800 and 1812. 8. "Mnrio Clotildo" ( Mrs.
James Wcoks ) , the vocalist , died of heart dis
ease in Liverpool May 2 , 1840. Slnco that
tlmo fifteen noted "singers" and "vocalists"
have died in Liverpool , some of them sud
denly. Uivousnnidca of about when the
person you refer to died , whether male or fe
male , and we will glvo name nndshortsUotch
of life. 4. Nearly nil of the great generals of
the Iftto warhavo had vessels named for them.
Tnetols bolh a Sheridan and n Phil Sheri
dan , ilie latter a fishing smack belonging at
Gloucester , Mass. ( See report marine con
ference , 181K ) ) . The .Marion , named for Gen
eral Marlon of revolutionary fame. Is a United
Slates naval vessel now in the Asiatic squad
ron. 5 , Wnlt ton or IB days until the city
elections , which are now coming off. bavo
been settled niul wo will give the list of
mayors you ask for.
Coi.VMiiui.Kob.Miiu ) > li 11 , To the Editor of
TUB HUE : Kindly givu a list of four of the
richest men In the United stutes and their
place of residence. M , U ,
Ans.-Tho Vniiderbilts , Jay Gould , John U ,
Hockefollcr nud J , W. Mackev are the
wealthiest men in the United States. All
except Mr. Mnckoy reside in Now York city ,
ho is in San Francisco , London , Now YorK
und Paris by turns.
W. Bi Omaha. The flrstoxocutlvo procla
mation in regard to tree ) planting wna issued
by the governor of this state in 1STJ. Kx-
Governor J. Sterling Morton wiu the pritno
mover lu bringing this about. In 1875 urbor
I am , Uden vibh freight
Front HIe.golden gate.
To lands across %
sweet hope
As a cargo
clear as can be.
M de only by
clay was maao a legal holiday by nn enact
ment of the Nebraska legislature. During
the satno session provisions wcro mndc to
award premiums to those who put out the
most trees in its observance.
"School Boy,11 Lincoln , Nob. The state of
Now York did not vote nt tbo llrst presiden
tial election because she had not yet passed
nn electoral law ; North Carolina and lihodo
Island because they bad not adopted the con
C. B. , Omaha It is Impossible to glvo you
a list of the articles of commerce that nro ad
mitted duty free , tlioy are too numerous : it
would take up all the space allotted to this
department. Request the secretary of stnto.
Washington , U. C. , to send you the printed
list ,
I' . M. , Agency City , la. 1. The magnifying
power of tbo simple or sinclo lens was known
to the ancients IOIIR before the opening of the
Christian era. Xnclmrias Jansen of Holland
wns the Inventor of the compound micro
scope ; this in 1IHK ) . 2. The army of Xcrxos ,
2,217,010 fighting men , besides nn equal num
ber of servants and camp followers , is sold to
have been tbo largest over brouuht together.
E. H. Smith , Pueblo , Colo.-When a family
attains to royalty , they drop their family
name , and cannot In reality , bo said to pos
sess one. William Is nlntli indirect line of
decent of the House of Ilohonzollorn , which
only dates from thotlmeof Elector Fredrick
II , 1701 , ho being first to style himself "King
of Prussia. " It must ho understood , how
ever , that tbo main brancli of the House of
Ilohenzollern was founded in the year 800 ,
A.D. , by Thnssilo , count of Zollorn. In the
sixteenth century this house of Zollem bifur
cated Into two branches , the younger branch
being called Hohenzollerns , which , ns mentioned -
tionod nbovo , hcL-nmo Klnps of Prussia at the
beginning of the eighteenth century.
J. A. L. Sherman , Tex. Vour Inily I'riond
can flnd some Kood authority for the state
ments she makes concerniiip the birthplace
of President Jackson , it always having boon
a matter of dispute , ifbcinir even doubted if
Jackson himself over really know what state
he was born In. General B. P. Butler , when
governor of Massachusetts , once made the
statement in n speech at Boston that Jackson
was born in Ireland. , The American Cyclopedia
pedia says he was born in Wnxbaw , N. G. ;
Dictionary of Biography says -'Waxham , S.
C. : " Ltmman's Dictionary of Congress snys
" \VnrsnwSottloincnt , N. O. ; " Pnrton's Lifo
of Jackson says "Waxliaw , N. C. , " but wlso
notes that Jackson himself always spoke ot
being a native of South Carolina.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers ; best Httlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour.stqmacli , bad breath.
Weather Probabilities for March.
If March comes in llko n lion It will go
out like a. lamb and vice , verso. Bui
every day in the month , ruin or shine ,
the electric Hjjlitod , etoain hoalccl , voa-
tibuled limited trains of the Chicago ,
Milwukoo & St. Paul railway will run ,
between Omaha nnd Chicago. The elec
tric berth reading lump in the ir palace
sleeping cars are the grontest novelty of
the ago. Ticket ofllco , 1601 Farnam st. ,
Omaha ,
Lost ( 'ho SnmoVtfo T.wloe.
Frank W. Beckford , proprietor of a hotel
at Jefferson , N. H , , wandered about the Cen
tral railway station in Syracuse , N. Y. , for
several days last week la n dilemma. Ho bad
stopped there for a short time on his way
east and somehow bo lost his wife. Ho is
sure she was with him on the carsand knows
that she was with him after arriving at the
station , and ho knows that she is missing.
That is about nil ho docs know about it. Mr.
Bockford snys that be can 111 afford to lese
tils wlfe.or nt least that ho hates to part with
her , because she has $3,000 in monev and a
number of rich relatives. Ho had Just made
a trip to Albion , N Y. , on purpose to get
her. "Sho hnd lost herself from him once bo-
fora , and , indeed , for the lust three mouths
lie hnd not known where she was. Finally
tie hoard that she was in Albion and ho
started for her. bho had promised to go
hoaio with him. After a fruitless search
during the night ho concluded to go on as fur
as Now York and have the search continued
by a detective agency.
A Guard inn or tlio 1'cnce.
IJmtnn Courier ,
First Ofllcer AVhat was the noise over on
your boat ?
Second Officer A man stele n watch from
a little boy , and the boy cried.
First Ollicer Did you arrest the mnnl
beeond Oftlcor Why , no ; the nmn was
quiet o.iough ; but the boy made n great
nolso , so I arrested him for disturbing the
"When Charlomapno nnd his " Knighta of
the Round Table ' ' wcro making war on tbo
Saracens , in Africa , it frequently happened
thnt ICnights on either side would light in
single combat fort 'tho ' honor of their re
spective armies. hTilo Rnracens hnd lioen ,
for many years , bo'Bt'ourgo ' tlio dreaded
Invaders ot EuropV , nnd nil waged war
against this comtnpii enemy.
But In these daystheworst scourge thnt
threatens us , is that dread invader , Con-
simi ; > fi'v. .
Consumption fastens its bold upon Us vic
tims while thov nro unconscious of its ap
proach. Pr. Piercc's Golden Modleal Dfs-
covefj- has cured thousands of cases of tills
most fatal of maladies. Hut it must Iw
taken Injfore the disease is too far advanced
In order to I-G effective. If taken In time ,
nnd given a fair trial , it will cure , or money
paid for it \ ill \ia \ refunded.
For Weak Limps , Spitting of Wood , Short
ness of lircvUli , Bronchitis , Asthma , wvero
Couglis , and kindred affections , It is un uncv
quilled renxjcty.
For all diseases that orlso from n torpid
liver and IcSpUrd.bloi'd. nothing ran take the
place of Dr. FCri5' ( iplden Medical Discov
ery. NottinTviU ; after you buvo seen wlint
it does. It'ift'iVbita and curus by removing
the cause. it > invigorates tlio liver , purities
the blood , shartaw the' appetite improves
digestion , and Builds ( hi both stronpth ami
llesli. when icdncod below the standard ol
Sold Uy drugjhta , everywhere ,
) Tha Original nndVorld Fanious- (
Presenting for the First Time in Omaha
GOUGOIIS , Kcw SDGclacnlar Pantomime ,
Seats Open Saturday at Usual Prices.
Will Lawlor , Manngor. Cor. llth and Fnrnaiu
WEEK 0V JIAllCll 10.
Tlio Arabian Vlllltico. The Accarlslns' . wonderful
panlsh CiypBles. .Mlhen Sisters , Skirl Dancers ,
urlor nnd Wllliunn , Duollsts , ln anl and Lucifer ,
Dr. llydo'H , Sanctuary , A Hunnjr Kiirco.
The annoyance of breaking
lamp-chimneys need not be
Get tough glass chimneys.
Macbeth's " pearl top " and
"pearl glass" are tough
against heat ; they do not
break , except from accident ,
They are alp clear , trans
parent , not misty or milky ; they
fit and stand upright ; shape
and proportions are right to di
rect the draft upon the flame.
They cost a little more than
rough and wrong chimneys of
common glass that break con
I'lttsburtr. OKO. A. MACBETH & CO.
To euro Biliousness. Blck Uendacho. Constipation.
Malaria. Llvor Complaints , take the &afo
ana certain remedy , S.UITU'S
Pee tha SMALT. SIZE MO Httlo bosns to fhobot-
tie ) . They are tbo most convenient : Eult ullages.
1'rlcoof either lxo , 23 conu per bottlo.
KBSSBNCBt 77' 70 : Ptoto-irmTuro ,
panoleliootthlfl picture for 4
etnta ( coppers or Btamps ) .
, J. F. SMITH A CO. .
Makers of "llllo Beans , ' St. Louis. Mo
" ' "
Persons who nro alTlietoa with this
ooniplnint should not fail to use
It pivcs immediate relief and n per
manent euro in n short tlmo , It will
prevent this foil clisoaso from having a
fatal termination. Sold by all druggists.
Bo sure , as you value your health , and
got the genuine , manufactured only py
DR. A. B. WILBOR , Chemist , Boston ,
1409 and 1411 Dodtce St. , Omaha , Neb.
First Glass Carriages ,
Tlio LeiiclliiR Styles. Tlio Lowest Prices.
k Total 1MU03 of CITIES ,
Correspondence vollclti'd ,
191165 Dearborn 8treet < CHICAGO
15 Well Street , NEW YOR
70 etoto 81 RO8TOW , .
Wholeiale Caih Commission Merchant
KljilnanilVottorn Orcamury butter nn4 cliocie ,
ranch ami slate BUKI anil puio loaf laril. Will not
rrrolro or bun llo only tliv lust gooil" . A'lvtnuo > on
car loti on track , waretiouiu or In itoro at bank
jutes. Oilico oad itgro 182MUO I'JtU ' at. , Uccrer.
The Bnmswlck-Balko A. IL Perrigo&Co.
Oolloncler Go.
nilllaril morchitndl n , AllMnk05 , All Prices , Al
gnloon flxturei.
177. 409 S. loth itrodt ,
Oninha. 1315 Uotlgo Street.
Omaha Republican Printiug do. ,
Lair brlcfi , bank upplloj , find crorthln la llio
printing lino.
10th unJ Dauahi
Aokermrum Bros , & Iloiutzo ,
Printer * , binders , el crotTpers ( , blsuk took manu-
fiuutreri ,
llHIIoir rl Ktroot , Omhn.
John L. "Wilkio , Louis Holler ,
Ojnnlm paper box factorf nutchori' and Packer '
1317-1118 Don jl 11. Tools A Rupplloi , Hoef ,
Orders promrtlf lllloI. lie A fthoop o.iMiw.
1110-lllj .
- Jcckson St.
W , T. Seaman ,
Omalm'i LnrKost Vmlctj
Omaha Oarpet Co. , Oilmoro & Euhl.
Curpeti , oil clotlii , m t- Manufacturers Ac Wholo-
llnitu , curtain Koods.oti ) . pnlo C'lotlilors ,
1511 DoiiKlni itrcot 11091 turner Ht.
West & Fritsoher , B. Taoumaa & vJo- ,
Manufacturers Una cigars ilanufncturors' Anunta ,
Jobbers of lent tobuccos. Clears.
1011 Farnam itroot. MS l.Hlli St. . Oinnlia.Noli.
Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires ,
Limo Oo. Hard nncl noft coal ship *
8. " " r."l1i"th0anS0 iu- 1303 FyS root ,
las streets. Omaha
Hulbert & Blum , P , E. Mnhoney & Oo.
OlllO Itirap.Hock Sprint 1 , Itnril coal-sort
Kicelslor , Walnut block ,
ISF1.1.1- > 't , antlirncltot Offices 813 N. I6th nnd cor.
American Pnel Oo , Howell & Oo. ,
Shipper * nn < T donleri la
anthrnclto nnd bltu * 217S. Utlntroct ,
mlnom coal.
Ornnlia , Nob.
215 3. llth stroQt.
Kebraska Fuel Cto. , Johnson Bros. ,
( H nirnnm Btrcst ,
213 S. 13th straat ,
Omnlia , Nob.
Omahn , Nob.
Mount & OriBin , 0. B. Havens & Co. ,
113 B. 14th stroat , IKBf'nrnara street ,
pmalm. Nob. Ornnhiu
Eagle Oornico Works P , Rucmpin
Slanu tnclurers of Galvan Onlvnnlzeil Iron cornlc3s.
ized Irun Cornlco. Uormer wlndo rs , door
Wlndowcaps.mctallcikr- caps , llnlnls , ate. Tin
fta. 1110 and 1112 tronnnd slatn rnofor.
811 I'arnam St.
M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry
Drr poods , JurnUhlna Goods Oo , ,
Roods , notions. Dty Roods , notions , Rents'
furnlflhln KOO < | I.
Cor. llth ana Howard sH. Corner Iltli ami Ilnrnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Catnlojua
16U Capitol Avonuo.
Farlin , Orencbrff & T. 0. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , General western agent
Corner Jones and 9th sta. Bknndla 1'lovr Co ,
Oniahi , Nob. 1319-1331 Sherman nro.
Broken Bow Roller B , T. Davis Mill Oo. ,
Milling Oo. . C. 0. Underwood ,
Office and warehouse , Manager at Omaha.
1012 N. Itith itroot. Cor. 8th and Jackson nts.
8. P. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
M'f ' K of reailf to rnli9
1014 N. 10th troot blup Jack .Moitl. llnust .
citkos In the world.
C. E. lllack , - Muna7or. 1WT-121J 8. HtU ) BtrO *
Omalia Idilliug LO. ,
Atprclmnt Millers.
Cfflco nnd mill , 1313 Noitli
ictu ytioct
Dewoy&'Stona Furniture - Ohas. Shiverick & Oo ,
nituro Oo. , Furniture and CarpotJ.
Furniture and carpets ,
1115-11191'aruam street , 1200-1210 I'arnam St.
loebo & Hmvyan Fnr-
nituro Co.
Successors to C.A. lloebo
Grace and litli : Sit.
Schneider & Loorais , J , T. Bobinsoa Notion
Oo , ,
robbers and Importers of Oent ' furnlshlnK ( roods ,
notions and turnlshlnz m'f'K colobratoil brand
goodi , "lluckikln" overalls ,
pants , shirts , coats , ota
1111 Howard stroot. Cor. 13lh and llowjrd Bt .
Kennard Glass and J. A. Fuller & Oo. ,
Paint Oo. , StMJU
H03-1413 Harnejr streot.
Omaha , Neb. Omaha.
William Oummings , Blake , Bruce & 0j.
Luayonworlh U
117 nnd(113 ( South lOtb. St. ,
. Omnlia. Nob.
OmabB , Nob.
Hardware Qa. ,
C r. lOtU n4Jacl iia U
itroet ,
HC8-IHO Harrier
Oinaba. Oumlu MuU.
Qco. Oboma & Oo. , J. B , Smith 4 Oo , ,
6133.13th itroot 1(33-1113 I .irenworth i |
Pfliton & Vlorllng Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Works
Wrought * il cnst Iron ,
tiiillillnxwiirk , onjlnoi , Mnmif'r ' * flro nntl hurslv
bra work , ironernl lironf ( infos , vniill , JA (
ton nit rri ni.iclitna nnrt work , Iron thiittcr.i nnl
Mnoksmldi work. U , 1 * . flro inpiipo . ( I An'
lljr. nnH7liit. , ! drccnl4tli.t , JnckiousU
Acme Iron nnd Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Work ? , ' ' ,
M'f'i tubular fines nrl
Iron , wlronmlnrns w'k . box liollcM , tanks , oto.
6U3. Kllhiitreot.
iV. Itooal , I'roprlolor. rieroonml 19th itrootj.
Rees Printing Oo.
Llthocrnnhlitu , t'rlntlnf
nnd Illrtnk Honk ) .
lUli nniUIotrtmliUi.
Dor & Co. , "William Darst ,
Mnnar Merchnnti. VVInus , Liquors nud Cl *
1112 llnrnoyiitroot.
' '
Mimurnctiir'rsKcmtieJr' *
Knstliullnimtorj. 131.1 Fnrnam SU , Omttlii
R. R. Grotto , Frank Dollono & Co , ,
Importer nncl Jobbjr of Liquors nml OcnulnoNo1
Wlm'inna Minion.
10:0 niul Iir.-J Kimi.un . SU riulii ClKxrj.
1'rlco llsti on nppllcntlol. 1KX5 Doiul.n Street ,
L. Kirschtfc Co. , A. Friok & Oo. ,
liolo nlotj Iquorlloalor' Wlioloialo MquorDoalen
IMl v-nrmini Slroot. SOI BOS S. 10th SU
0. W. Douglas ft Oo. John A. Wnkefietd ,
Imported , AmericanPort ]
llnrdwooil Ijumbor , lnul\ im'nt.MIIniuikf (
Hydraulic Cement nu4
1310 North ICth Stroat. Wlilto l.luio.
Oharlos E , Lee , Wyatt-Eullard Lumber
Ilnrrtwooit lumber , wood
carpets nnil j.tirquot ber Oo.
8th utul Douglas. JOth nnd Iznnl Streets ,
Oady & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
f.lmo , Co'iunt , Kin. , M'i Lumber , IImo , cementota
Cor. nth nrvl tmvtai ) struGU
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oborfeldor & Oo , ,
Mllllnerr , Notions Importers nnd Jobbers to.
Clouki , ICto Millinery.
208,210and SU South llth
11C-I18S. 16th St. , Omahn ntrcct.
. Oa. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
Jl'fV Jewelers , ilonlon In '
1'lanos , Oruant , Artist1
muslcRl ImtrumoutJ ,
etc. , Slaterlali , Ktc. ,
I'arnam mid 10th. : S13 Uoniilas Htreot ,
J , J. Johnson & Co ,
518 8.13th strojt ,
Omahn , Xcb.
Oonsolidated Tank ' A. Booth Packing Oo , ,
Line Oo , ' Oistors , llsli and cannoj 3 % , .
Koods. U-
Itcflnod anrl lulirlcittnt
ens , nile Ka'To , oto. i 1103 LoaTonworth. j
A , II. lllsliop ,
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ka
Cnrrr n full utock of ( Jold. illror and nickel
trrnpplnii and platlnir. on nil inotal * ,
tublc < rnroctc.rcilntod.
Tallin * paper , card pa Polishingbmi9 Jlchan'
per , etc. dollcrnork , 1
M , A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sah & Door Oo.
Manufnotiirorit of nanh , Manufacturers of muu4 ! *
door' , bllnili and IniiJ , bllnU , iloori ,
Moulding , limnohof- uto.
Bce , IStli nnil Unrlsti. IGthanil Chrk.itrooti.
Farrell & Company , DufTy-Twwbridja
\Vholo ale manfaotnrors Stova Minafao'gOj. ' ,
i , molaisoi anJ
re atoroianl
ntovo pip 3.
217-210 South 8tli ntruoU nn-12li I. c\vunwortlut : ,
Opmpany ,
IlUnmlllia llarnojiL
Omahn , Nub.
i ;
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L , Btran & So in ,
Pump Oo , ,
Ilullldar wlncl inllli. OH 10U2-10QI rnrnum troot ,
nnil V ) > Jonoi t. 0. V. .
Otnnlia , Nob.
Kuan , actlnu nmnnjor.
A. D. Boyer & Co
Bouth Oninho.
B , Ji Goffimn , Bmlloy Hunter &
& Oo , ,
IK iiutiaing SOKicljunuo Ilullaiui
UQUlU OlfllOi * . Boulh Ouittvf