THE OMA.IIA DAILY B15E : itONJDA.Y , MUROH 23 , 1891. DMOIERS Al HIE WOMEN. Another Thoughtful Ecply to Geitrudo Alhorton's Bather Acidulous "Porno. " FREMONT TRAVELING MEN ORGANIZE , JirummciV Donclljr rourt-Unrrlos u Queer Snniplc Tlioy OPoro tip tlio Town Travelers * feinnll Talk. ' Commercial travelers nnd their friends ro Still Bftor Mrs. Gertrude Athcrton for her recent assault upon tlio drummers as a class. Tlio litest contribution comes from Now York nnd li as follows : NEW YOIIK , March 18-To the Editor of TUB Bum Your exceedingly Interesting U- BUGS of Sunday , March 8 , nnd Monday , March 0 , were sent to mo byonoof thoio "knights of tlio crip" whom , ns a class , Rlrs. Gertrude Atucrton has icon lit to nmlion tnrfiot of j but I trust hns failed to pain the npplausosho courted. Wo would rather not bollovo the lady to bo a narrow-mlndod cvnle , but surely she has proved herself un charitable oven If her experience has been Unplonsnnt , or purely nn Imaginary episode. To criticise , ono should have a broad Held of experience to experiment upon , \vhlchtho "weapons , two edged generally , inn. cut each \vnj ; but It requires a master hand ut all times , or tlio one xvleld- 5ng tnny hurt themselves the wont. \Vo woroploased to see tbatsotno little notlco ha : been taken of the poem bj1 a few of our traveling brothers , and that one of the cudgels used in defense of the blttorsarcaim was the words of our own true hearted Klla 'WhcelerWHcox. Her soul isalwnjs full of charity , lore , truth and justice , and finding nn outlet through the niculiiinoi tlio mighty pen , is ovci wieldlnp it for the Koodofnll. Your torso editorial'Women ' and IVIarrlngo , " ffiivo us much food for thought by Its uti- jiartlsnn and clear criticism , jet \vodo not entirely nprco with tlio idea tliat "self-analy- Blshns led woman to see , " that ' 'maa wants hinrrlafjo , not n particular ivotnan ; while she XvnnLs the special man. " On the other hand , our experience with these who believe they Jcnow , Is that men will not marry until they Jiiid that "special woman ; " an especially obodlont womanly woman. Tlio subject is full \Uiysandwherofores.imtl no mutter \vlicro two or thrcoof ono sex or inoro raiy hicot , it generally Is open for discussion. It is the law that binds , nnd strnnROto saj- , women love to bo hound , oven If they Icnow thev are free , they are eier sccUlnc ( or that endless cord of confUcncoand respect , a. true tnarrin e ; and tnlitas some of our lecturers . docs not abolish the truth that women nro only snthfied when chained to the do mestic household , Our cistern cities nro overrun with women brcnd-nlnncrs , und lr ono dnrod to question , many would ho lound helpmeets truly to these who" have promised to cherish and kiep from trouble and \\ant ; "her , " who now battles with him for the broad of every day life. There is oven now n current of Jealousy run ning Dotttccn the ll\cs of inon and women unmarried , and woman wins oft , but \vhv I All I Thespiiit of avarice , clutching at the boit impulses of the employer's ' nature , will \vlti lor the woman because of the lessor piy , find so the world nio\os on nnd human ma- clilno with It ; some dropping by thoav , unmlsscd aiid forgotten soon , as others close the Klip and the urmv of living souls tnairh on , Such thoughts as these arlso as wo Svatch iho masses go nnd come day after day nnJ know tbcso scones -will never stop unless Old mother earth collapses. V.A. . G. H. Simro Drummers. Whonono reflect * calmly upon such evl- floncos of total depravity as nro revealed by the following occurrouco , tliero seems too Jnuch Justice la the deep-rooted belief of ro- ) .lplous people generally that the ordinary 'drummer" of commerce Is a peripatetic ex emplar of original sin. The worthy congregation of the rirst Jvlcthodlst church at Potalutna , Cala. , \vns siirpilscd to find , on repilrinu to that odlflco a few Sundajs ago , that the same wns pot oiilv closed but its shepherd , had been ( suddenly called out of town. Their surprise Increased on finding that the Baptist congregation hail met ivith a llko experience , out ivhon U wns finally nscor- tnlncd that all the other places of worship \vcro similarly situated , a pubho sensation was the result. It scorns three commercial travelers , "bcinp stormbound In snldtoiin the previous JTrlday , and therefore Instigated by tlio evil ono to the commission or sundry deviltry , tind concocted a most ickod design. They jrcliovod tlio tedium of their stay by writing , on scented paper , a note to every minister In town , and" which contained each a single sentence in nn apparently agitated fomlnlno iiaml. "All U discovered Hyl" Anil yet some people Bender because , whenever over four drummers congregate m one of our smaller towns , the Inhabitants take In their aoormaU and call on the viglUntos to turn out , Fremont Trmoliiii * Alan. The resident traveling tnen of Fremont bold a meeting at the Now "York parlors on last Saturday ovcnlnp which was quite well attended and an enjoyable tinio resulted. Tuo ohjoct of tbo mooting was to organize a "Fre mont Traveling Man's Club. " Tbero were present ! J. H. A'anGaasbeok , George A. Blue. C. 0. Loako , C. II. Perrigo , J. M. O'Neill , J. W. Richards , A. D. pears , 0 , F. Turner , A. L. Esmay , E. M. Collliib and John A , Clizho. JV. . Hlcliards tvas chosen temporary chairman nnd 1 ? , Ij. lisniay , seciotary , Short addresses wcro jnado by diffeiontonos ptcsent < J. 0. Loalco , O. H. I'orriijo nnd V. I , Usmay were op- rolntod by the chair as a commltteo on by-laws and J. 11. Van Gaasbeolc , George A. JJluo and Mr. Scars were delegated to prepare - pare n list of traveling rnou residing In the city , or who niako thu city their quartcra A collection was taken for the purpose of creating a. sinklncr. fund until such time us un nssocintloa can bo organized and put In good running order. Tiiciols no reason , saji a Fiemout piper , Tfhy this city should not well and ably sup port just such an organization , maltliif ? It an , interoslliiK foituroto these ho bclougtolt. P'hls city has somothlnp llko slxty-llvo or seventy traveling mon , and v > hy they should not be dniwn to uthor tiy sorno society bond tie one has attempted to explain. Drumnicr'it Deadly Fond. COLLMIUTS , Ind. , March iiO.Vhen the pas- pcngcr train from the south on the Louisville division reached the city last evening , two of ho passengers loft the train and walked to ( ho depot platform. Tlio bystander ? noticed pno of tha men strlko the other with D small hand valise , when the man struck , Immediately shot his assail- ont , the ball entering the abdomen. The jnan 'Viho did the shooting \\M Imrno- fllately arrested. His nanio Is L. Ooldhmltb , b tmvellnfj aeont for n flrin of liquor dealers lii Loulsvillo. The wounded man Is U T. JSklllninn , who represents u linn ol mineral Vat or manufacturers ol Louis villa. Sklll- fnan Mas taUoii to the hospital , whoio the eurffcoiis pi-onouncod bis wound fatal. Doth xnon nro married anil live In Iouls\lllo. Skill man buvliiR three smallchUdron. Goldsmith refuses to uilk about tlio cause of the qunr rcl , out says ho acted in self dofonco. faltlll mauiu able to talk some , after bolng In formed Hint ho would die , anil made un anto- inortom stntomont , snjlnp that there had ccon un old feud between them. An XJnliiuo Mtniplo. - Tlio SU Louis Uioho-Domocrat tells of a Commercial traveler who prooably carries the most unique "simple" In the profession. It is nothing less than a human body three years old , nnoxamplo of the cfllcleacy of n pertain embalming llulJ. For thrco jcars this niunini has boon transported on the railroads ns a sample case would bo ; and. Indeed , there Is nooutivard sign which would Indicate the uncanny naturu of Its contents , lu this instance tuo lonportho body is preserved - served tlio inoro of an advertisement it Is for the fluid In the veins of Iho "stiff.11 The box Is zlno lined , and does not exceed the limits Df the inllroji ) excess bagcat'ornlolu ( weight. oj'H Or nnlv.o , The commercial travelers of ( Jounril llluffa bclU u mooting Saturday evening fertbonur- of orgaulilug a mutual unU frulcrua association. The moottnjr.vw railed to order bv A. W , .Tohnson. Wit. McCollouqh was chosen temporary chairman and A. W. John- on , temporary secretary , Bftor which an address was mndo by II. S. Ullnn , attoi which the following eipressod their rlows nnd sentiments ns to the feasibility of organ ization , nil ofvhoni uoro listened to with close attention by the audience : A. W. John son. TA HowoW O. Dorland , II. I. Forsyth , A. W.Hobbs.V , A. Slronff.B. H.IInworth , M. Swallow , R A. Biiby , AV. B. Lanins. W. U. McCollough , 1' . U. BhtpnrJ. II. Frniiklln , OcorRo Hudio , J. J. Jones , S D. AVadsworth , 0.V , McDonald. W. II. Stevens , & . Shlnn , Jr. , G. II. .Acker , w. A. MaAnony and othors. It as decided to form a mutual and fra ternal ortranlzatlon for the bencllt of the Council BlufTs traveling men , the object bo- Inff to bring them Uiwthcr at stated limes ( or thopurposo olbocomlngbettoracqualntcd with each other anil workingfor Iho benefit of each other , their cmplojcrs mid the city 'n which they Iho. The following committees were elected ! Organb-ation 11.8. Ullnn , Kd Howe nndV. . ( } . Dorlnnd ! hnll-A. \ Jobnson , II. rrank- lln and A. W , Ilobbs ; fraternal work H. II. Haworth , ( IcorgoHudlo and A. "W. Johnson. There will bo another meeting next Situr- day mining for permanent organization and 'or the election of ofllccrs. 0V 1MR31N'1F10/VT10N ninComber on tlio _ lllulits of KnrolRn Horn Cltly.eiii. O.MAIIA , March 18. To tbo Editor of Tup Ben : Mr. Webster , the secretary of state , writing to Mr. Caldoran , the Spanish minis- or , under date of 1851 , among ether things said : "Tho assembling of mobs happens in all countries ! popular violence occasionally breaks out everywhere , aettinfj law ntdell- mice , trampling on the rights of citizens and nrivntomon , and sometimes on these of pub lic ofllcors , and the agents of foreign govern ments , especially entitled to protection 'In these cases public faith and national honor require , not only that such outrages should bo disavowed , but also that thopor- pot raters of them should ho punished whoieyor Ills ixwsibloto bring thoin to Jus tice ; and further , that full satisfaction should bo made in cases in which a duty to that effect reats with the government , accord ing to the general prlnciulcs of law , public faith , nnd the obllpatilon of treaties. " And further on in the same coircspondenco the distinguished lawyer and statesman said : "Wlillo this government has manifested a willingness and determination to perform every duty whiih one friendly nation has a right to expect fiom another , In ci os of this kind , It supposes that the rights of tlio Spun- Isa consul , a public ofllier , residing hereunder under the protection of the United States govermnonturo quitodifferent fiom these of tlio Spanish subjects who have come into the country to mingle with our own citizens , and hereto pursue their private business and object * . 'Iho former may claim sped d in demnity , the latter are entitled to such pro tection as is atToided to our own citizens While , therefore , the losses of Individuals , private Spanish subjects , are greatly to bo regretted , jot It la understood that many American citizens suffered e < iual losses from the same causo. " .Ana these nrlvatclndlvlduals , subjects of her Catholic majesty , coming voluntarily to icsidolti the United State' , have certainly no cause for complaint If they are protected by the same lawand the sntno admlaistiation of law as imtlvo born cltbonsof this country. " And Mr. "Webster concludes by saving ! "The casom.iybo a now one , but the president being of opinion that Mr. Labordo ( the con sul ) ought to bo Indemnified has not thought It necessary to search for precedents. " Mr , Fish , secretary of state , writing to the American minister at Brazil lu 1875 , instruct ed the minister upon the liability of Brazil where some imperial ofllccr or agent connives at mob violence. Mr. Fish said : "It Is the duty of Brazil , when she receives tuo citizens of a friendly state , to protect the property which they carry with them or may acquire there , If persons in the service of that gov ern mont connive at or Instigate allot for the purpose of depriving a citizen ofthe United States of his property , the imperial govern ment muat bo hdd accountable therefor. " Mr. Evnrts in 1878whon , secretarv of state , writing to Mr. Olbbs , minister at Pom. said ! "A government Is liable internationally for damages done ID ulion residents hy a mob which by duo diligence ) it could have re pressed. " But the luarnod secretary makes no effort to dollno what "duo diligence" is. In 1S30 certain British subjects were in- Jurel by a mob in Texas. Jt was held by the secretary of state , Mr. Kvarts , after consultiup the attorney general , that the offense was against the pe-ico nnd dig nity o ( Texas , and tint thoInjuicd bad their legal remedy against their assalluuts In tbo state and national tribunals , and that tbo matter was cognizable only by the authori ties of that state. Mr , JoCterson , while secretary of state under President Washington , wrote to Mr. King , nmonp ether things : "Tho rule by which all governments conduct themselves la cases vhoro Injury has been done by indi viduals of 0110 to individuals of the other government is to leave the injured party to seek redress iu the courts of tha otner. If that redress bo finally denied , after duo ap plication to the courts , it then becomes a subject of national complaint. " Substantially the same instruction was given hy Mr. Monroe , secretary of state in 181.r > , and by Mr. Clay , secretary of state In 18ar. The oolnloa of Attorney General But ler lu 18i7 ; holds "Whore aliens suiter vie lence from citizens of the United States , ia their persons or property , they must appeal to the courts for redress ; to the state courts if the offense Is a criminal one , and to the state or fedeial courts for rediess by civil action. " But Mr. Evciett , secretary of state in 1853 , wrote to Mr. Marsly , minister nt Turney that "tho rule that n claimant for redress tor Injuries sustained in a foreign country , must flrs.t exhaust judicial remedies in such coun try does not apply to countries of imperfect civilisation , or to cases in which pilor pro ceedings show gioss perversion of justice. " And in 18 jS dtl-sens of the United States were massacred at Jaffa audthoTusltlsli gov ernment , having taken no cfllcicnt measures to punish the assassins , the commanding ofllcei of our &quadion in the Jledltcn.uiean wasordcied "too ropiir to Jaffa und to take such measures as may lie ia his power to in duce thu Turkish authorities to iiitiiit upon the ctimlnals the punishment they &o richly desoivo. " In 1SSO , at Hock Springs , Wyo. , twenty- eight Chinamen were killed outright and lit- teou were wounded , many wore driven from their homes audpiopirty belonging to Chinese subjects , to the value of $147,000 , destroyed. President Cleveland la his message to congress in speaking of the liability of the government for this Inhuman net of a mob , said. "Thatwhilst the United States government is under no obliga tions , whether by the express tormi of Its treaties with China , or the principles of In ternational law , to Indemnify these Cliineso subjects for losses caused by such moans and under the admitted circumstances , " yet In view of the awful Inhumanity and "wholly gratuitous" ho recommended payment. And in a communication to the Chinese minister , dated Foluuiiry 18 , IbSD , Mr. Bay ard , then secretary of shto , discusses the lawand facts of the case nlth a high moral ity and \\lth complete and exhaustive loiiin- ing and among other tilings , after stating thut the mob uas compassed entlielyof for eign Inborors , ho said : "Tho doctrine of tliu iion-llabllltv of the United States for the acts of Individuals committed In violation of its laws is clear as to acts of its own citizens , ami a fortiori in respect to aliuus whoiibmo the prlvlloKo accorded thorn , of residence in our midst by breaking the public peace and Infringing upon the right of others , audit has booiijcorroctly anJ authoiltativi'ly laid dowi by my uiedecossors In office , to whoso declarations in that behalf ) our note roforj. To that dootx-mo the course of this govern ment furnishes uo exception. " \\'a \ have a treaty with Italy , but this c.iu- notchangotbolaw , as all nro entitled to the equal protection of the law with orlthout \ treaty stipulations , and Secretary Uaynni meets this question in ujs ample Ic.uiiiiigln thoCliiueso case , anil says ! "Thcroun niul should bo no discrimination In apiilvin primlti 'o measures to all Infractions of law. And so , too , \\ith proven tfyo moisurus. " The question may still re in at n , AYhit will Italy do about HI Was duo diligence used to prevent Iho riot of the mob ) And can any dOKroo ofjustlco boobtained in Now Orleans I Ills ait unhappy matter nnd so was the wretched Malta , a nct of assassins , jut mob .violence can hardly bo necessary hi this land andlu gloat cities. JAMUS II. M , roMUUii. Tourists whether on pleasure bent or builnosi , should tauoon ciory tilp a bottloof s.yruj > of figs , as it acts most pleasantly am ) ofTcUuully on thu kiunuyti. liver and bowels , preventing fevers , headaches and other form * of su-lcm-is , 1'or halo In 50o and fl.OO bottles by all loading FMCIES OF THE WITTY ONES , FrlrolouJ Flings at Lifo'j ' Solemnities From thoNowpaper Jokers. HUMANITY HELD UP TO BE LAUGHED AT , Qiilpa find Quirks From 1'olittcd 10110 , ItitotiUctl to liifihtcn tlic Load and Uriliton ) ttio I'nth of All. Kcw I'nrllSun. A much admired girl -was ovorheanlwhllo carrylngon the following brief conversation with n , joung man who \\as known to bo des perately smitten v 1th her charms. She was fondling her dog , who was walking by her side , " 1 wish I wcro your dog I" said he , giv ing the plrl most raptuious glances. The girl looked nt the do ? nnd then nt her adorer. and said with a patronizing air : "You'll ' growl" _ 1'rospootluir- "Mnrrhtro licenses herd" ho whispered to the county clerk , us reported lu the Detroit Free Press. "Yes. " " ( Jot ono any \vcok day ) " "Yos. " "CJirl have to bo herd" "No. " "How soon can I get ono after she fiercest" "Jn fifteen minutes after you get hero. " "Sure pop ! " "Yes. Any particular hurry about it ? " "Thcro Is. There's ' seven of us after the same glil , and If slio says 'yos' ' to mo I've pot to bo spliced Inside of half an hour , or she'll change bur mind. I am just prospecting , jou sco Bo prepared for a cyclone about two dajs hence. " force of Hnl > lt. Sf. Joseph XlWS. Physician What form docs his insanity tale Tainlly Doctor Ho evinces a doslro to cut nnd Blasn ovcryono and everything within ivacli. ' 'Um. How do you account for it ! "Whut was his profession I" "General passoiiper agent of a railroad. " "Oh , that accounts for it. Merely an ex aggeration of habituil customs. Proceed vlth your statement , doctor. " ltay.7to JVeiu VorH Herald. If a body Meets a body , Taken a gloss of ryo. Takes another , And another , Need u. body cry ! If n copper Whoso -whopper , With a savage grin , Draughts dub and Gives rub-dub and Takes a body In ) Roasted 'JL'oit Much. Two old time Kentucky colonels were hiv ing a quiet little talk In the corridor of the hotel. "I understand , colonel , " said ono , "that you have not touched a drop of water for years , sir ! " "That is an exaggeration , colonel , " said the other. "In this town you must count upon getting your foot wet voiy often , sir.1' Ono Hound Too Many , C'/odte / Ilalew. "I fool done up , " the malden crlrd , "Tlint fnllmv. .Inch , vnn Irnnw. Just Dogged for ono inoro round until I said that I must go. " "I'm ' done too " the up , , jouth replied , "Much worse than you , I wet ; Llko you my lound was with friend Jacls- Ihs other liamo was Pot. " .flavins : HOVOMJJO. Fliciiaulo lllatttfr. Ilorno ( to his friend at tlio concert , who Is applauding enthusiastically ) Tor good ness sake , don't ' man ; that was nbommablo ! You'll bring that cruel mualo butcher out again 1 O'BowIo ' ( with Increasing enthusiasm ) Good 1 Can'tyou see he's ' halt fainting with , exbuustionl I want some revenge , my boy. Ill-ass and < 3old. IViiddp7il / < i Times. In politic' It is not wise 1 rom wisdom's lofty stand To maUo a inarch for victory By moans of a brass band. But then in matrimony's line , Tor luck your nims to bless , Just with a gold b ind search and so You'ro bound to win success. Not a New I < * nd , Denver Su . Mrs DoVislto-Good afternoon , Miss Blank. Is your mother nt homo ! Miss Jilauk No. She has gone to Mrs. DoMueg's progressive comersutlou party. By the way , what sort of a party is taut , Mrs. l o- Tlsito ) Mrs. DeVlsito-It is ono at which the conversation begins with art , science and literature and progresses verv rapidly to fashion , posslp and servants. A. .light qucozo. Clmh Ucvtcio. Bride elect Let's ' sec , dear , the wedding takes place nt 0 nnd the train lua\os at 1" , nnd 1'vo Rot to change my satin wedJlnc : drosH for ono to travel in. How cnn I do It < Briden'rooni-olect Well , that will give jou three hours , darling. Bride olcet-Truo. But just think , I've ' got to bo kissed by all at my old adinli ors , Told in ( Jin licence. Chicaya Tnttr-Occan. In ancient days , the story goet. When men and nature held their tryst , Unto the sun and moon and stirs Mon , lovcr-llUro , thoirhands once kissed. But in these days upon the hand Mon press a Iciss and def tly blow It Unto tlio stais alone that is , If they aroiuito ( sure their wives IDuo't. ' know it , lioto Ger On , Manager Dan Frohmaii was asked the other day what j\Unin and T > o did for a liv ing when they wcro ejected fiom the Garden of Bdon. "I guess thov rnido use of the scandal and wont on the stage. Tlio uorld Is a stage , jou know , " explained Mr. JTiohmaa. Ho Never IJOSPH lluixrt , The minister tn. y spirit lose , The congregation lax become , Tlio choir may cot mdilteii'iit , too , But still the devil works right on. 1'iirt luulnr , The millimaii was turning nwaj when little IllauchauxLlalinud : "Sn\ , milkman I" "Wliat is. It , little ouol" ho asked. "Masayslf It don't make no difference to ou sho'd llko to huvo spring w.ilor in the inllk after this. " AVnrU ol' the Tjohby , St. Isi'tfa LhrnnM' , A stroutr lobby went to Jeff City , And sang to the members a ditty , The woiklugmen's bills Wont into tlio mills , And never ramo out moro's the pity , , Y lirato. "You should not critlclso nio , Gcorijo , " said the young wlfo. "ICind wards always toino b.\ek to you , Cast your broad on the waters and it will return to iou. " "You aromistnucn , " ruturnotl Ooorpo , "if you refer to this broad , ThU would sink at OllfO. " fftu 1'oik lrt i , A woild ho leaves Of cares and frets , A circle grieves Cause : Cigarettes. 011 llu-ilncss i'rlnclploi , Tom Yes , I always laugh at Johnson's funny say ings , I am under certain obliga tions to him , ) ou knwv , Jack- Why , -\\hat , a colnddoiico. I owe Him money , too. ( otildii't lit * llupoudt'd On. I'uclt : I.awyi'r You any the lira oc curred on the JOth of larch. Can you s\\oir positively to the dntil Jonah Hutnstod No , ilr. Lawyer Why uotl Jonah Humstod Wai , "twu " Uio 20th by thcr nl- monncki but yor can't ' tioliovo nuythliiftycr co in them poskyjHitoinnneil'clno things. Out ol V\K\\\ \ \ \ . PMtadetlM'l'T'-Mi. "How are you , myboy1 ! I've ' been asking all of your old friends about jou nnd they say they novorseo you. Item out of the city ! " "No , 1'vo simply lost all my fortune. " Jly 13nricr ) , Mv barber's n peculiar man , \Vlth emphasis' t say , For though he's not sarcastic , Ita has A cutting % vay , A Jlcnvcnly Joke. i\Vw I'oik IfcruU. "Tho human race must bo awfully fast , " said St. Potor. " \Vhydoyouthinltsol" queried Gnbrlel. "They nro nil out of broata whoa they got here , " roturncd the gatekeeper. A \V mnl ii g , ffew I'orlt Journal. Ho donned his now spring ovcicoat About two weeks too soon , .And now his shivering ghost doth lloat In snaco at nilanlRht'snooti , Hunnliif ? Xu Cloafc She- Theselioopsklits nro for amateur theatricals and jou can send the bill Jo tlio box ofllco on the night of the performance. Tlio Clerk If It's all the same to you , madam , wo would rather collect the inonoy before the pcrf ormanco tak < js place , Ino .Stories. Clna/c llcvtcu , She spoke with half rcRiotfulslgh. Of other filrls' cipotiscs , j\nd held their foil ) up to scorn In nil their moods aim tciisea. .And when he'd gene , to her papa Hho went straight way ind pleaded IV just ono hundred dollars inoro To got the gown she needed. Her Itlc.iof It. Mrs. Cullen Are wo going to bo homo this ovenmp , Ocorgol Mr Cullen Yes , I guess so Mn. Cullen Thou don't jou think that If wo are going to stay homo \\omight us well go to the theatorl lluvo Uittern Kow York IMerourV Mr. Boaster I'd have jou to know , Mr Curtly , that I come of genuine bourbon stock : my family runs hick to the time of Henry IV. ISlr. Curtly Well , I guess jou'd bo willing to run back that far yourself if jou couldn't get your bouvlion any other way. Ko I.Joubt Ho Had a Hand In It. "Somebody has picked my pocket , " cried the fat woman. "Whom do you suspect' " asked the mUftet. " sneaking nrrnlosswonder ovortliero has n conscious look on his face. I bcliovo it's ' him. " _ Of ttiolluukivaiil Sort. Tonltcn Gdzclle "Tho spring is hero 1 The spring is horol" Exclaimed tlio waking tenant , As swift ho did the footboaid clear \ Vhiloavcdhls bedgown pennant. But as ho stormed nnd fumed about Llko the waters oil Capo Hatt'ras ' , And rubbed his back , It soon turned out Jtio meant the spring of the mattress. ti of nrc X < HITJH\\'EST \ , Nebraska. The Wcbstor county fair will bo held Octo- oor u , u , , a uiiuv. , Auburn business men are trying to obtain a government signal service. Snrpv county's ' ninth annual fair will ho hold nt'PnplIl Ion September 10 to 10. Tnlmago citizens are raising a bonus to so- euro the erection of a Iqrgo planing mill Tramps sot tire to the barn 9f A , Bothwoil , at ITiemont and the strnbturtfvns destroyed It Is said a deal has been closed which will glvoKcd. Cloud a largo oil null and paper fac tory , Kcv. ISIr , Gutho has boon Installed ns pastor of the German Prosbjtorian church nt IConrnoy. Two thieves who stole sk pair of pants from Herman Brothers of Grand Island have been landed in jail. A brldgo on the U &M. between IIol- drcgo und Axtoll was burned Friday evening , delaying travel several hours. Mrs , E J. White of Fremont died very suddenly ol affection of tno brnlu while her husband was absent from homo. In the Saline count ? district court two saloonkeepers were mulcted for damages , one for ? 700 find the other for 8300. Burglars entered \Vichtel& Kriolle'shard ware store at Ponder , but thov only suc ceeded in making away with about S15 worth of knives The ice harvest at Crete is ended with a record of 20,720 tons shipped to various points in Kansas and Missouri. Over $18,000 hn\e been paid to tlio workmen who gathered the harvest. The report that "White IVathcr , an Indian , married Missl lora Evertonor Hod Cloud , is denied by thoTairbury World , which says that the led man in question is In Faitbury and still single on account of tbohnrdhcart- edness of the county judge , who refused to issue the necessary inarriazo liconso. AFillraoro county woman who was brought beioro tho'insanity boaid at Goncva for examination , ns soon as she had sized up the crowd , fell down on her knees and offered a fer\cut prayer for their salvation. In spite of this evidence of a sound mind the board ordcicd her sent to the Insane asylum , "VV , C. Organ , nllas R. W. Cook , who was arrested at Columbus two weeks ago for forcing n chock for SUl.lOonVT. . lUikloy , which was cashed at the Columbus State bank January , was tried in the district court nnd found not guiltNo } sooner hud ho been rcalcased than ho was rearrcsteu for the ciimo of stealing ( W5 in gold from a bank In Whmothekocounty , Iowa , cook was able to piovo an ulibi in the case Just tried , A younc son of L. U. Baker of Battle Creek amused himself the ether day liy allowing ' lowing n long strip or cloth to wind'on a horizontal shaft of n food mill. Uy some means the cloth got wound around the boy's ' arm , and bofoio assistance could arrive ho madono IMS than liftv revolutions with the shaft , to which the little fellow had presence of mlntt enough to cling with both fcot und hands. Ho escape d Kith a broken arm , loivn Now ) . The Adams county dork Issued rnarringo licenses to forty coupleduring the past year , Joseph S. Anderson has , boon a inemDur of the Codnrllaplds school board , for twenty- ono years , Alittlochlldot Dennis llogan of McGregor , drank some concentrated lye and died a hor- riblodunth , > Tom "Wall , a colomd- sprinter , tin d Miss May 1'Vanklin , a whlto girl were married at Burlington. ' The two creamcrloj at Northwood made and shipped 1W,000pounds , ol butterduring the past joar. , , , , The record of the Mgjcjhalltown packing house wai broken Wqcjnosday when lUJj boss woie killoa. , 'Ilia fifth annual convention of the Iowa nnnkors' association Will b6 held in Sioux City Juno l , 10 nnd M.ii AVnltor Martin , oishtiyuars old , hm boon sent from ICeokulc to tho. joorm ; school. Hii father buid ha couldn'tcantrol ' him. Many Uolont cases oMla gilppo are reported ported ut Masoi Uity , but. no deaths have ro- sullod aa yet. Hawnrdon has twenty cases. Snorifl Drown of Chlc.iasaw county I : twcntv-thrco jears old and tho. youngest shuilH in the northwest , it not in the United States. Captain Dan Shields and his wife , tamper nnco rovluillsts , propose to stump the state with a circus tent capable of hokllug 15.00J people nnd a brass bund. Nicholas 1'oiris and his divorced wlfo Barbara , both of Ifort Madison , uwcluJod to try wedded lifo again and were married last week for the second time. Aslocknnd horse brooders' association In ? been organUedat .Manchester. The plan Ute to buy a largo farm adjoining the town und breed and drive line hordes. ACnstauu man advertises fora wlfo with "bluo cjcs , auburn hair , good form , ago about HO , weight 1:20 jwuiidj ; must boagood bou'tokecnor und of u bright sunny tcinpoin. incut , " ror such a iiaruKon hu will t'lvu lU1 , ton acres of laud uud a half lutcicbt lu sovcu w \ 10 KEEPS PI E "With the times , ard. wants something exquisite in a SPRING- OVER COAT THA.T FITS , can obviate all tlie time , trouble und annoyance usually gone through v/itli to secure wliat he wants at tlie laniicls of the average tailor. We've got "em" in all that is new and novel in shade andquality. We MAKE"EM" OU RSELVES. "Wemake THOUSANDS of tliem. That's why we get th.e CUT AN D FIT so perfect. ( It's exper ience. ) Our SPRING SUITS are the same way , everyone of tlaenahave that N ATTY , N EAT and TASTY apearanee peculiar only to the CLOTHING - ING MANUFACTU RED "by usandvlienyou stop to consider * tlaat all these advantages can be secured in your SU IT or OVERCOAT , and by far the largest stock in the city to select from , it is no great surprise to find , us always busy. Our CHILDREN'S .DEPARTMENT is -wonder in many ways ; the people wonder at one entire floor occupied -with Boys' and Children's clothing ; they -wonder again , at tlie variety and the beautiful styles in which. th.ey are made up and their chief surprise and wonder comes in when they see that our prices are even lo wer than they have been accustomed to pay for common goods. BeaUtiM Spring Goods in Every Department Money Cheerfully Refunded in all Cases Wlioro Goods MIE NOT SATISFACTORY. S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. cows nnd n horso. Hots SO years old , uses tobucco , but doesn't ' drink llo would prefer a Urplu , ho sajs , but will consider applica tions from \vnto\vs. Miss Alice Starnmin loJ rcccntlynt Wus- catlnt * . wpcl so\ontccti yours , llor death was duo to linpuro virus boini } used when she was vnceinatcd , which terminated In consump tion. tion.All All tlio tobacco dealers ol Qrinnell bavo agreed iiottosell cigarettes. Tlioyworo prevailed - vailed upott by tbo ladles of tlio Women's Christian Temperance Union , to sign n pledge to that effect. The Dulmquo Lodger says that nt a meet ing of the Uiibuquo business men held n iow dujs ago for the purpose of compiulnR notes. 11 was stated that 100 citizens of that place oved twcnty-flvo merchants In suim aREro- patliiBT iM0"Soraoof the Individual ikbts \voro as largo as $0or ) . It Is tot the extremes of heat and cold so much asthosuddon ohnnges In temperature tint cause certain climate to bo ucheilthful. When , however , tno sj-stom Is Invliroratca with .A-jcr's Sarsnparllla , thojo cliangcsaro rarely attended with Injuilous results. PLHiYSAN'JL' Mill Collector Alevandcr Tolls or Ills East ern Visit. Collector . H. Alexander has returned from a two months trip to the cast during which ho visited Washington , apondlnp thrco days in the city of masnlllcent distances , in looking after matters pertaining to his oMco. He then proceeded to dls old homo in Nor wich , Conn. , stopping1 In Philadelphia nnd Now York , en route. Spcakln of his trip Mr. .Alexander sild : "My trip was both plcasantand profitable. .All thcofllclals whom 1 encountered in the ticasurv department wcio oxcoodlugly cour teous , making my two ortlireodays of busi ness a real recreation. I called first upon Major liraclcett , thief cleric , u pou whom. I desired to uigo the necessity of dropping a lot ofora out traps from the federal bullcl- ing's Imrontoiy , and to arrange for the ro-up- holstoilng oftheso dilapidated lounges , and the hangiue o new curtains. If nothing happens to chan go my plans , you will see a change about these rooms bcforo long. "Peinaps the most important of mror- rands to Washington % vas in connection with the importation of ores from Mexico and the establishment of some basis for liquidating entries fov Council Bluffs goods , without compelling the merchants to ship them over the bridge and back again. "Under the now tariff act notable changes have been niiido necessary in tue valuation nnd entry of lead ores. The department Is sued circulars , moroof an attvlsorj character than mandatory , for tuoeuiihnco Of collec tors , in the light of such Information as could then bo obtmnod , ICxperiauco lias shown that some modifications should bo made , cannot explain the matter to you fully , be- ciuso It Is n long story , only to bo definitely determined by the secretary of the treasury , after careful consideration. Pending such decision sulllclentlatitudo hai been permitted to ease matter * tip very materially , and I am hopeful that a great part of the shipments of ore to the smelters here , will corno directly through in bond , Assistant SecretniTV' Spauldlnjjho is In chorsjo of * the customs department , requested mo to put my MOWS in writing nnd send them on to bo tukert up in detail when the secretary cois settled into office. "I was also fortunate In gelling authority to perfect arroueoinnnts , hy which Council Bluffs Importers -will bo greatly conveulonced. The seciotary is thoroughly set ngilnst having thit city con stituted a port ot del tcry. . or any other city Mllh in easy reach of an already cstabltshetl nort , hence It Is dcsIraWoto make the most liberal arrangements possible , und this will Uodono. "I have also been authorized to arrange for an examination room for the hotter carrying on of our b'uslaoss hero In Omahl , and bo- cured the appointment of my cleric , Mr. Crumb , as guagernnd inspector , making the vorUiuitfouo in the ofilco inoro completely equipped forsoi'vlco. " "What 'is the latest ratardlnR block SOI" "Oh , the nostofllre ; well , nothing hns yet been done on the plans , but Mr , Winnriin MJS lie holies , indeed ho expects , to get tuo foundation m this yenr , They could mnuo no moovlilla \ the incicaso In appropriation \vas pending , but elnco that has been shut out nt least for along time , the plans will bo started on the basis of fSOO.Ow. Jho aiohi- tcct's force is crowded to death , almost , nnd Ins nioto uorlc authorized thin can bo vrouKhtoutln years , but the Omaha bulla Ing is well up toward the hoail of the list. " NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS , Vsnillo , - Of porfoot purity. Lemon -I - Of crpat stroneth. Alrntmtl [ Economy in thoirueo. Rose etc J Flavor na dollcatoly r.nd dcllclously as tlio fresh ftuit , THEGREAT LIVERand STOMACH REIV1EDY Cure ? nil tltsoitlcrs of tlio Sloinncli , l.lvcr , Itonols , Kilony ? , Hlwlilor , Nonoua ] > Irasos , Lojsof Apucillc. llcailnche , Consllpnlloii. l'osl\eni ! \ > si. Inllgcstl > , Biliousness - ness , Fcu'r , Piles , Etc , , and rentiers the sjstiMiilessliaWc tocoutinut disease. DYSPELPSIA. , UA.DWAV& PTLI.S nroa euro fortliiscoiiipliliit Tliry tnno uiitho Internal sccrotlons t lioullliy action lostoru strenutli to Iho stomach , mill oiinhlo It to Dorform Its tunotlous. I'rko Slica box. hold by all driiKslsts , or mailed by HADWAV & (0. ( . aj Warroii fctreot , Jo\i ( York , on receipt of price. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , STliELEi'.r OMAHA , NEB. Tno most widely nnd favornhly knownspeo- lallsls In tlio Unftol States. Their loiip ox- porlouce , romarUiiblo skill and uiinor alsuc- COM In the treatment nnd euro of Morions , Chronic ind burgleal nheaiin , oiitltlo these onihu > nt pliyslelnns to the full oonfldenco ol tlioiillllctc'd ourywhnro They Kuuran too : A ( JEICTA1N AND rOSITIVE OUHE for thoawJulnlTects of curly vice and the numer ous evils tliatfollow In Us truln I'UIVATE. ' 11I.OOI ) AND HIC1N IltSKARES , cotnpliitely and pprnmiu'iillv turotl , S lBBIUTYA.Nl)8K.\UAIjUIS- ) ) O1UICI13 yield roadlly to their slcllltul treat- AND RT.OTAII utonus truaranlceil cured without pabi or detention from liiHlnosH IIVnilOOKLF. AND VAK1COOKLE perma nently nnd snocossliilly cured In ovoryoiso , hVI'IIILIH , aOIsOHKHKA. OIjF.F.r. Bpor- nintorrlioi , Hcmlunl Weakness I.ostMuiihood , Nlsht Kmlsslons. HeeajMl I'ucultlos , l'"cnii .lo ilclloiilo cllwrdurs peculiar to Plther sox posltholy curtil , as ell ns nil functional < 1 Itortlcnth at roBult from youthful follies or the Picossnt until re yours Q'Pl ? IfvPI lk'1 ' ? Ouiriiutcod purnmn o nt 1 y O llxlvil Ul\l _ , ciiro l , roiniiviil coninloto , wllhontenttln ? , cnustioor dilatation. Cures olTcctnd at liomo by intiout without o mo ment's pain orannoyaiici' . TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A TTPR finli Tlio awful efforts ot /YOUnl. . V/U1\L curly vltu which brlnss orsnnJowcaVnpss. dpitioyliiK both mind nnd body , \vltb all Its droado'l Ills , permanently cured. 'HP's 111 < 'ITQ Address thoie who have 1m- i-/l\kl. / DLillO [ Hiiod theim IMS by lin- proper Indulgeiico and solitary nahlt . which ruin both mind and lied ) , xinlUtlux them for biHlno-vi. stinlv or marrluco. MARIIinn MHNor thosu cntorlns on that liappy life , auuru of physical debility , quleltly aesUtcd. DUE SUOOESS Isbasod upon facts. First Practical experi ence , Second Kvory ease Is specially Htudlud , tlius Btartlnit rlglit Third inudluliiu are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus ofTccUiiKC\ireiwltioiit ! Injury , Dfs. Belts & Belts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB COLDS IN" THE HEAD , by ono application. OATAJ3IUI , in a very start time , HAY PEVEE , in. from 3 to 5 days , EARA.OHE , instantly. FIFTY CENTS A. BOTTLE. roil SAM : iiv AM , nuuaaisTS. I'lonuud only liytliu I'llCXOUNK M l-1lllOI.MoJ. : Unrknr lllouk.Uniuhii. . US. A , Winslow ilkes , Tha fneteut 4-yoat-old paoliij stallion In the Worlil , HcroriHII l-'J , nt'l.oiliiktton , ICy , , 3 < 1 Illnrk \Mkeu. doni br Aliuuut .U will nmkn tha mn uf IK/Ut / 1141 Vluton HUoot , ClinhaNub. BLAHusI ij COt.1.01V. Dr. f.C. DILLfflCS , asgi ; GUI I Do to Isa question that daily presents itsoll tolmndrodsnnd hundrodsof the road- crsof this papor. Many among this anny of sick nnd suffering onoa have boon un fortunate in selecting their physician , Many liavo boon in sled , imposed upon , swindled and nro lusrON.DJNT ) , bis- COUIIAOKD ana SKKPTICAI , . They don't know who to employer which way to turn to lind the help they need so much Nearly all huvo pronsiUy noticed the advertisement of DK , F. 0. IDILLINGS that hus appeared in this pnper dnily. Very many have read it carefully , not ed tlio claims tliorein mode , and have culled for consultation or written n 81 ate men t of their cas > o. Thosu luvvo almost in variably bciorno putluntsund are now hii ) grateful Iriendsr There are rnuny others who know that such an udvortlsomont lias nppoaied in the pa per , out huvo never rend it , preferring tobiiy to thonisolvobi " 0 , pshaw ! an other quack docloi' . Ho cannot catch me ; L have boon humbugged too many times. "This class are surely HUM- 35UQG1NO 'iHKStsisiWKS for there are THOUSANDS Of MKN AND WO3I1SN in the "Weat who KNOW that DR. DII/LINGS is the iiosr sucoKbsruiolllco prauti- tionor and specialist west of Chicago Then there ib nnottior cluss ot Bufiorora who , reudlntr tie ! doctor's honest un- nouncemont , will say : "Well , if I only KXKWttmt DIl. DILIKG H could DO \VIIA-T n is or > Aisi8 ho can do here , I would go unit try him at once. " Tims it is that many are prevented fromeooU- inpr hcli ) at the him da of ono who is qualified to iillord it. 1'A'J'JiY CIAIM made by Dr. nillinps ia lloxiiSTT-Y iviAl ) ! ! . Uo does not treat nuuto d isensefl. and if asked to tionta case of Typhoid Fever OP Diphtheria ho would refuse upon tlio pica of lack of experience in such casos. But the stubborn , liiicor- in , Uiuigorqus and upouinl ( iisoasoa cnuincriilod in his ndvcrLiscniunts ho treats with satisfying and often AS1OK- IhlllKO may bobrloly nmned ni IISHAiS ) ! : OP 'JMir JtlOOI ) , liifluilliUMiool- llo Hl.Uun l'JIMN. ) MA , MCltVOUS UIS- IASKS : AI II DibiiAsis AMI wi\i ; < IfllOMWIlIUIIOMKN Kill rnialt ! ti nirootlnir Um niur.B'l'ION. AHhIMI NATION niul NllTUinoM , all ( 'atarrliiil Tronlili' . . ml Id'ctnl rriniWort. nil Ocnlto-Urln.iry TroiiliiM niul nil dlbdsos of n prliato niituit' , NO lItUO ) CJIVKN , AKUIHncs aru iiiostly piopuiud from roots , lurlc * , K"IUS , htrbs. ihititis , nto. I'utlen tsaro Iiirnlshc'd ult HIM ! lolncs vliliotit extra cost. Uonsiillatlim fno. I'atloiiti BucocsHdilly troutul bycnrro- Hiundouru. | Kbuuth 15th atrcct. Oninfiii.Nol ) . - _ - _ - A BUfTURt i'rnlvoreHtllko"Ir. ( llu aanctlo J Uiilio IniBn. " Itlusrurriltliouianilil llycu wunt tin III.HT.ioiii ! Ia 1 11 lUuiin < ur ( ica Ijm | > lilvt Ni > . I. Miuiifllo Hlnillo'Iru t'o. . nan I'rnncKcc'nl DI m UV t.Y-I > r I.pil lie's rorioniral Pill tlio K'cnrh rtmeilf , ( t on the uicnnlnml MMlcin nn < -ure Miipi > roiilo troui nliuluTti mime. I'roinoto > iiiii > triuilon Tliciv | illli > lioiilt notliu tukin ilur- tin . ; ! < 'r , Am I'lll I'o , Itujnlty l'r i > * , H | > oa ctt ( .hi ) to , I * tjonulnu lijr hliuriumiA MiCoiiual > L , iiutf 1 * . U , Oinilin. I , AMolober , ttuui 1 % Lii , t'ouiioU liluli. Jor , JlorU.