Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Dolhcroil by Carrier In nay part of the City.
I3i lne Omco , No. 43.
o. an.
N. y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's tli allot loans , 204 Sapp block.
Oicriutnn Hock Spring coul. Thatcher , 10
A. M.Villlims \ of Worcester , Mass. , Is in
the rity , the guest of Guorso KuJlo.
It. N. Whlttlcscy Icnvos tills evening for a
ten days' visit in Evansville , Intl. , his old
The social union of tlin Presbytisrlnn
church will meet tomorrow ovanlng nt tlm
rcsldonco of 1" . J. Hoaglnnd , IWJ Sixth
The March term of superior rmirt Is adver
tised to open this mornlnt' , hut on account of
the Illness of Juilpo Mellon Ills probnula thnt
it will nave to ho postponed n dny or two.
The men belonpliif , ' to the police 'and cltv
marshal's furccis nro clamoring for n brick
sidcxvnlK to bo Inid around the ynrd in front
ot the station. The inmlisso deep Just nt
present that It is next to impossible to pass
from one building to the other without ruti >
nbiR Itnmctlbtc risk of being caught In tbo
quk'k'snnds nnd Uiirled.
The social union of the Presbyterian
church Is making proparotions for an cuter *
tnlnment which is to bo given by them our-
Infrtholnst part of next month. The most
* prominent feature of the entertainment is to
bo a number of tableaux from ( U-nernl L.OAV
Wallace's famous book. " ] len Hur. " Com-
mttteus br.vo boon appointed from among the
young people of the church nnd congregation ,
and no pains will bo spared to make it one of
the mou attractive affairs that bus over beuu
in the city.
First choice of beautiful patterns Easter
tiillllnery display Monday morning at Louis' ' .
.I.C. nixuy , steam neatlnsf , sanitary en
gineer , 2UJ Morrlatii block , Council Hlufls
The Boston Stow , Council Bluffs , is show'
( up many novelties In the dross rood ) line
hultnblo for Kastcr Rifts , also in Itiil gloves ,
handkerchiefs , bosiury , tics , scarfs and
Jhhuos , Novelties in ructilng , novelties In
laces , novelties In handbags and shopping
bags , novelties in pockctbooks and purses ,
novelties in wash goods , such as plncapplo
tissues , flannelettes , line Scotch zephyrs , tbo
latest In blnolc organdies , all the way from
lOo to 45c , over U > 0 ditTo'ont styles to select
from. BlacK flouncing frcm U9c to Jl.OO ,
black embroideries from "c to ittc , all over
embroideries In black at 4ic. Our stock of
laces never was moro complete , from the
cheapest lace to tbo finest. Spring Jackets
in abunaanco , the latest novelties ol the sea
son ; many exclusive styles shown by 'ii. ' In
fants' nnd children's cloaks , handsomely
trimmed in nil the leading colors In cashmere
and clot , at our usual low prices.
Corsets , corsets in abundance. All the
popular makes. Corsets to suit everyone.
Corsets from HOe to $2.50. Agents for the
Thompson rlovo llttlnc corset , the most per
fect llttlng corset made.
Wall Paper. Our spring stock Is on the
way nnd will bo ready for inspection In a few
days if you want anything in the wall
paper line wait nnd got our prices. Wo can
save you considerable.BOSTON
Council Bluffs , In.
int. PUKt.l'S' SkUMON.
Gentle John's Adoration of tlio Sav
ior nnd Its Lesion.
A.t the Presbyterian church yesterday
morning Dr. Phelps took us his text the fol
lowing : "Unto him that loved us and
washed us In his own blood and made us
priests unto God nnd His father ;
to Him bo ilory nna dominion foravcr nail
ever. Amen. " Hev. ] . , r , 0.
"Tlicso words , " said the spcalccr , "were
not apoltcu by the Impulsive I'etornor the
impetuous James , ns one iniplit bo led to
Uilnkby their wnrmlb and cuthuslium ; they
como from the lips of the Rontlo .lohn , who
while lying on the Isle of Patruos , In his
fccblo nnd starving condition ,
banished from ICphosus by tbo fury of the
Itotnun persecution , wus caught up into
liouvon in tno spirit and saw nil tbo things
thnt arc described with such mntchlcss
beauty ami unearthly splendor In tlio book
from which my text Is taken. No wonder ,
nftor seeing anil hearing such ttiincs , that
the RCntlo soul should bo all nplow with what
ho had seen , and that this ( { low should bo
communicated to the book h was writing
the book which forms so fit a close of tbo
"It Is easy to see that John bad a prcat
love for Christ. It h no moro thnu natural
that nfter his lone and intlmnta companion
ship with Christ ho should bo tilled with love
for the divine hand that hud saved him ,
when bo was utterly without hope and with
out any claim on tbo mercy of GoilVe are
nil in tlio same condition ns John was ; Christ
was ticder no obligation to save us. Ho
bavcd us from the creat love Ho bore to tbo
human rncn. To Him bo dory forever nuit
ever. All Ilia works do praise Him. When tbo
flowers bloom on the pralrlos in nil their
beauty and fraRranco that no human eye can
ECO , It ia for him. The old poet cou'lil not
have Known what ho was talking about when
ho snlil ,
" Full many a flower was horn o blush
unseen ,
To waste Its frairnnco on tlio desert air.1
"Their beauty ahd.fracranco are for the
eves and nostrils of him who made them.
Tlio fountain , as It leaps ilo\vn the moun
tains Into the valleys , is it noUMoss ) Tbo
creek , eliding between Its banks , the river ,
flowing to the ocean , are they voiceless I Tbo
biceze. rannln < ; the forest leaves , the wind ,
Mveepln around the corners and slBblnp
through the crevices , the riiiRinK' of
the anvil or la the stcoptu , are
they nil voiceless ? Worlds rushing along
their orbits nt the rate of ninety miles a second -
end Iho music of the spheres. ' Turn on the
little gas Jet ; you enn her Its music all ever
the room. What think you of the comet , that
throws oft from Itself n shuon of splendor
50,000,000 , of miles longf If there is a sound
of music la the little pas let , what think you
of the comet ) Was It made for man to look
at } Not a particle of it. What Is meant by
the music of the spheres ! Comets , suns ,
rushing worlds , with their vibrating powers.
What Is III It Is God's great harp , tuned by
His own creative hand , swept by His owu
providential hand. Hoar tbo son's of God
ghoutluR for Joy nt the creation. All His
works do pnUso Him. Are you stllU Tbo
physical universe may say , Oio glory and do
minion to Him forever. ' Tbo angels may
add to It'ITtito Him that loved us bo glory
forever.1 But only man can suy , 'Unto Him
thnt loved us and washed us from our sins in
His own blood'nnd hath made us kln s nnd
priests unto God nnd His father , to Him bo
glory nnd dominion forever nnd ever , umen.
"Man , of till , should not be silent. "
Tint Himpltnl 1'alr.
Proparallons hnvo about all been completed
for Iho week's entertainment to bo given for
thobenent of St. Bernard's hospital. The
fact is now assured that It will bo a very
pleasant nnd successful entertainment. It
begins nt Masonic temple Hastor Monday ,
March 'M , and will continue , during the
week. Miiny special and novel feature's have
been added to inako it pleasant for all. A
complete change of programme will be made
each evening. Thu muslo will bo very line ,
Dalljoy's band having been engaged for the
Kullrc week- . Three vnlunblo articles have
v : -r been donated to be voted to the most popului'
people , among them n line satchel for the best
llkod commercial traveler in the city. A val
uable diamond ring , largo rug , a line dining
room set , largo muslo box and some lur o
pictures have been presented to be disposed
of In the usual manner. All the proceeds go
to the bcuntltof the hospital , which is nonsectarian -
sectarian In rbnr.icter andpno of thotuust
deserving Institutions In the state.
J , B. Atkins , western agent for Dol'auw's
plate glass company , will glvo estimate * on
plato delivery In Iowa and Nebraska ,
, A good room for rent , 003 First avcuus.
HT1MITP PHAIf flAHlTfttf TllllPI'n
Mr , Cameron Tells His Side of the Story of
His Affalru ,
Dr. IMirlpV Sermon-Ilcnth of n Well
1C now ii Citizen I n | n notion
Against I'lllliiK In on
Twentieth Street.
Hiram Cameron , the Hawaiian gentleman
whoso wife's relatives have been endeavor
ing to make nome trouble for him , says that
helms lived In the United States long enough
to learn that thcro are always two sides to
every story , nnd liisists that thcro Is another
sldu to the story told in Tins Bni : yesterday
morning. To Tun DISK ho said yesterday :
"I am not the sou of a king , but I have roy
alty enough to do what Is right. I was born
in the Sandwich Islands of Hawaiian parents ,
nnd my chief fault seems to hnvo been in
inarrylmr nn American wife. In uiy native
country it is a very common thing for an
American man to marry a Hawaiian woman ,
and neither party loses ca to by the transac
tion , but hero it scorns that the color line is
drawn to a severe tciMlon. I have been over
tbo world a great deal , nnd have associated
with many people , but of nil races on earth I
love tbo American * the nest. They arc , however -
over , more prone to Jump at erroneous con
clusions than any other people I know , tiut
they nro quicker than u Frenchman to forgive
n wrong or redress an Injury. The article
yesterday morning did moan injustice that I
frel very keenly. Information was evi
dently given by some mistaken frlenus , who
nru unduly meddling with the nffulri of my
self midwife. It Is true thnt I married my
wife when she was but sixteen years old , but
I did so with the approbation nnd consent of
her mother. Neither of us have ever had
cause to regret tno act so far , ana 1 ito not
believe wo ever will if let alone. It Is true , I
am not wealthy , but 1 nm making nn honor
able living and trying to do what Is right as
I understand tbo right. My Idrni of propri
ety may bo unfortunately to austere , and
I have perhaps made enemies by attempting
to protect my wife and her friends , and pre
venting them coming iiito-contnct with any
thing that Is Impure or that would lessea the
world's respect for tbcm. The little dim-
cully wo have had grew out of my efforts to
persuade my wife's sister not to attend pro
miscuous masked balls. In this I expect 1
have done wronp , for I nm tpld that masked
balls hero are not what I htivs been led to be-
llovo them to be.
"I do not desire to attract any unneces
sary notoriety. I have a little s 110)1011 ) Upper
Broadway , wboro I am following my trade ,
upholstering. Ono-hnlf of the tlmo 1 work
in Omaha nt Uewoy & Stone's. I ouly ask
simple Justice from my friends nnd enemies ,
if I havo'nny enemies. "
Mr. Cameron Is a very Intelligent and well
educated ircntleman , and Is a line specimen
of mental nnd nhystcnl manhood nnd a line
conversationalist. His descriptions of some
of his travels are graphic.
Mandel & Klein , proprietors of the install
ment house on Broadway , have mndo ar-
ranneincnts to increase nnd extend tneir
business. They will open u branch estab
lishment in Sioux City about April 7 , ou the
corner ol Fourth and 1'oarl streets , the old
est nnd most prominent corner In the city.
They nro enterprising nnd will do a big busi
ness in the upp r Missouri village. Mr. A ,
Klein will take charge of the new venture.
John Schlcketanx has opened a barber
shop at 104 ! ' South Main street , nnd is ready
to servo his friends nnd the public In general
in his line of business.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within one nnd ono-hnlfmilos' of the P. O. ;
all in bearing- ; good bulldlnps ; possession
given nt once. Call on D. J. Hutchinson &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
Irnto I'.uslticsi Bleu Sulnr Hnul-
H'.rcrt'H CiiiniiiLToInl Annie/ .
Federal court opens toilay with Judges
Love and Shlrason the bench. Thcro nro
not many suits to bo tried at tbis term and It
Is possible tbat It will not last over a week.
Two of the most important suits that arc to
como before the court are those In which the
Ilrmlstrcot commercial agency are made de
fendant , together with II. S. Green , itsagent
at Dow City. Both suits arp for $100,000
damages. S. B. Dow being plaintiff la ono
and Abner Graves in tbo other. They were
brought originally In tbo district court ot
Crawford county , but were removed to tbo
United States court oo the ITtn of the pres
ent month , Tbo allocations of the plaintiffs
in both cases are almost identical.
Mr. Dow states that ho has boon a resident
Tor years ot Dow City , and a member of tbo
firm of S. IS. Dow & Co. , the firm doing1 an
Immense business in buy ing and selling grain
ami live stock , anil also in farming and real
estate affairs , and thnt the firm hud excellent
credit. The petition states that the Brad ,
struct company Is n company organized under
the laws of Connecticut ; is ivcll known
throughout the United States , baring a largo
clientage , tbo business of the company being
tbo obtaining of information us to the llunn-
clal standing nnd character of business inun
of the country , and that H. S. Grccu hut
besn tbo agent at IJow City.
In each case the petitions state that on
December ! ) ! , 1890 , Green forwarded a tele
gram to tbo Dos Moines agent , stating that
plaintiff hail transferred largo blocka of real
estate In such a way as to affect his mcr-
canlilo credit and tlnancial stniiilintr , and to
cast suspicion on his honesty and integrity ,
and that the telegram was so understood by
tbo party receiving tbo telegram ; that the
company In turn notified its subscribers nnd
others ot tbn action of plaintiff , in about the
sumo terms used b\- Green , and that the sub
scribers generally understood the informa
tion to bo of such character as to injure tbo
credit of tbo llrra ; that in truth plaintiff did
transfer some property to the Dow invest
ment company , of which bo was organizer
and a heavy stockholder , for which bo ro-
colvcd § 19,000 in stock in said company.
It Is further alleged that said Green oa
December 24 , Ib'JO ' , worded a message to the
Dos Moines agency to tbo effect that the
llrmhad failed : that this information was
also forwarded to tbo subscribers of the
company , greatly damaging nnd Injuring
plaintiff ; that by thu publication of such
false and Hticlous statements plaintiff has
been damaged la the sum of 1100.000. Plaint
iffs nro represented by Bcrryhill & Henry ,
Kuufman & Guernsey nndJ. P. Connor.
Accompanying the petition for iv removal
to the federal court nro two interesting aftl-
davlts. Tno first is by H , S. Green , who
states tbat ho Is not the agent of the com
pany nt Dow City nnd sent no such telegrams
to its Dos Moines agent. The other is by
Charles Orslngcr , agent nt Des Moines , who
states Green is not employed at Dow Cltv
and that no information concerning plnuitilT ,
as charged , was received nnd circulated by
the company. _
Do you want an express wagon or boy ?
King up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 17l > , No.
11 North Main street.
Miss Hurt Keller and Miss Hclleu Hnyrs ,
Mrs. PfclfTer's trimmers , have returned from
the coast with the latest Ideas in trimming.
Stopped Hie Work.
The injunction matter which has so long
been threatened by certain property owners on
North Twentieth street , to put a stop to the
tilling of tlat , street , has at last assumed dell
nito shnno , John 'W. Paul of Omaha was the
ono who was anxious to have the paving go
on , and It was at his request that an ordi
nance authorizing It to bo done was passed
by the council several months ngo. A. B.
Walker. T J. Evans nnd otherpropcrty own
ers blocked proceedings fora tlmo by threat
ening to have an injunction issued to restrain
the contractors and the city from going on
with the work. It was for only a short time ,
however , for ono day when the nttornoys for
the property owners slumbered and slept ,
Mayor , Miicrao sttrnca the 'contract
and tbo work was resumed. From that day
on It was pushed ns rapidly a possible , until
the property owners entered the ring once
more , und the wortt was stopped for the
present t > y u temporary Injunction.
U Ls stated that the injunction will do tbo
men mho secured it but llttlo good , for so
much has boon done thnt the stredt as It now
stnnils is in such sunpo that unless the
work of lllllng Is completed it will bo a detri
ment to the lots which front u Don the street.
The plaintiffs in the Injunction suit own but
llttlo of tbo innd in comparison with that
owned by Mr. 1'aul.
Alw. M. Pfclffer has returned from the
cast with n full line of spring millinery , and
will bo Rind to sea all her friends. Cnll
see her Easier display next week. Will -find
prices lowest 'n .hi city.
Dcnth or M. I ) . Iliirdln.
Mnrtln D. Ilardlu died at U o'clock Satur
day night at his reAlonco at the corner of
Fifth avenue a.-.u Ninth street , aged sixty-
live years. Ho had been 111 slnco last Mon
day with Influenza , whl : h had developed in
such a way nj to tend to produce heart
failure , nnd Saturday evening his physician
stated thnt ho was dying , and it was only a
question of a few hours when ho would drop
The deceased was ono of the best known
citizens ot Council Bluffs. Ho was born in
Simpson county , Kentucky , August 1 , l&'O.
Ho lived during the early part of his life on
the farm , nnd never received mnny educa
tional advantages. When ho was eleven years
of age Ills father , Davis Hnrdin , was npu.intcd
farmer for the Pottawnltamlo Ir.dlnns , nnd
moved nt once to Council Point , a lltllo vil
lage southwest of Council Bluffs , Ho broke
the groiind for Uio Indian farm , which tins
for many ye.v. been known as tbo Mart Hnr-
dlu farm.
Martin became Infatuated with the roving
dispositions of the Indians , nnd in his early
manhood ho joined several bunting expe
ditions , -one of which penetrated into the
Yellowstone region , going by the way of the
Missouri river. Ho was for a number of
years engaged In trading with the Sioux In
dians. Alter wandering for some tlmo over
the Hocky mountains , all the wav from the
Hrltl'h possessions to New Mexico , ho set
tied down , In IMS , on his farm near
this city , which was then known
as Knucsvllle. In the same year
ho married Miss Joiner , a daughter of n well
known early settler. Thrco sons and three
daughters 'wcro born to them , nil of whom
still survive. In Wu ho removed to Council
Blurt1. The deceased was 01:0 : of tbo trus
tees of Knno township for flvo years , road
supervisor four years and for several years
pastluis occupied the position of overseer ,
which place ho was lllling ut the time of his
The funeral will take place this afternoon
at 2:30 : o'clock Irom iho late residence.
Our spring stock la now complete. If you
want to bo In style call at Heller's , the tailor ,
310 B road way. _
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , SO Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work a specialty.
Attention G. A. U.
All members of Abe Lincoln post No , 29 ,
Grand Army of the Republic , are requested
to bo nl post headquarters at 1:30 : p. m. this
23d day of March , to attend the funeral of
our honorary member , M. D. Hnndou. All old
soldiers and sailor&aro Invited to participate.
By order of R S. Thomas , post commander.
Kdwin J. Abbott , adjutant.
Evans Laundry Co. . B20 Pearl street. Tele
phone S90. Goods called for nnd delivered.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarter * . N.
O'Brien. _
Snugart it Co. carry largest stocK of bulk
lli'ld , garden and ( lower scous In the west.
Catalogue und samples by mall. * "
Ho Conlil Como Miglity Near to Tell-
int ; a fjic , All tlio Same.
Boston Advertiser : It is painful to
find that the father of his country prac
ticed deceit down in Jersey. Ellas Bou-
dlnot , whoso papers nro Dotting printed ,
reveals this side of Wiishlntrton's char
acter , lie actually played a trick on
Sir William IIowo and made him believe
ho had 1U,000 men in his array about
Jtforristown , when ho had hut aOUO.
It seems that IIowo had sent ono of
his innumerable spies , who were lories
in Now York and patriots in Philadel
phia , to see what was going on about
Morristovvn. The adjutant concral
found out the rogue und nslrctl General
"Wnsbinglon if ho would not have him
No , said the crafty Virginian and
here I quote from Boudinot "but or
dered him to go homo arid immediately
to draw returns from every brigadier in
the army of the number of .their brig
ades ) , making the iirmy to consist of
about 12,000 elTcclive mon , fcc. , &c , . to
pluco these in the pigeon Holes
on his desk , nnd then to got
introduced to tlio spy and invite
him to lodco with him. To endeavor to
Cot him to sup with him alone. About
9 o'clock in the Evening to have an Or
derly Sergeant to call on him with posi
tive oi-dors that the Adjutant should at
tend the General in hanto. That then
Ho should mtiko an Kxcuso to the Gout ,
suspected as a Spy and leave him alone
about half nn hour. This was done , and
in this Interval , as was suspected , the
Spy took a copy of the returns , and next
morning1 wont oil with them to Now
York. This convinced General IIowo
that wo were too strong to bo attacked ,
and saved us thro' the win tor. "
I'rof. llosmor , who has written so well
about Sir Henry Vane and Samuel
Adams , thinks that Adam ? and Prank
lin did not behave quite right in the
matter of Governor Hutehinson's letters ,
which put Massachusetts in the hands of
the patriots. But hero is George Wash
ington , who "could not toll a llo , " mak
mg hi bripndiprs all toll ono.
"tin t lilko n Woman. "
She first pulled a nickel out of her
pocketbook , but she put it back and
searched until tiho had gathered together
gothor live pennies , says the Chicago
Tribune. The conductor asked if she
couldn't give him something besides
pennies , and she was instantly insulted.
Ho sighed , put the pennies in his
pocket and rang up a faro.
"Sho always gives mo pennies , " ho
said when ho was back on the phitforra
"I wish sho'd do as much for mo , "
Bala the stout man who had seen the
whole affair , and to whom the remark
was addressed ; ' 'but she won't. "
"Know horV" asked the conductor.
"I should say. Comes to my llttlo
meat market every day. Buys some
thing that costs , say 07 cents , nnd then
carefully lays aiido all her pennies and
gives mo three quarters or $1. I have
to y Ivo her pennies in change , of course ,
and I need pennies. Nearly everything
in u moat market is in odd cents , you
know. I'vo suggested that I'd ' be glad
to have ponntos , hut she always says ,
'Oh , I wouldn't trouble you with
them. ' "
"Of course. You want thorn nnd my
company wont take thorn from 1110 , so
she unloads them upon mo. Just like a
woman. They Boom to save up pennies
for street car fare , and then the conduc
tor has to go ever their shopping routes
nnd dispose of the pennies 10 the man
who will intiko change for them again
next dav. "
"Of course , Us just like a woman , " no-
quiosced tlio stout man. "I think she U
going to my market now. I'll take nil
the pennies you've got so that 1 can
mtiko change for her when she gets
there , "
The last seen of the two showed the
conductor in the act of counting pennies
into the hand of ttio stout nun.
I'otiRlnnnr'N l iiifr Nap.
ITiram MeConkoy of Springport , Jack
son county , Mich. , 1ms loon fast a. leop
for eight months. Last .luly ho lost the
power of speech , wns taken sick , went to
bud und has not spoken or opened his
eyes since. A few nights ngo blood
begun to How from his head nnd oars nnd
suddenly ho cnmo to his senses. ITo remembers -
members nothing since ho wont into the
Clothin House.
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday will continue the
sale of Boys' and Children's Fine Cassimere and Cheviot Suits ,
sixes 5 to 13 years. Carried from last season at ONE HALF
last season's prices.
g.OO Suits now : $2.gO. -
6.OO Suits now 3.SO.
7.OO Suits now 4.0O.
1O.OO Suits now S.OO.
It , is for your interest to attend this sale. Suits of this quality have never been offered in
this city at these prices. Remember , the sale will close on Wednesday.
sound sleep , but can recall everything1
previous to that time. McConltoy is a
innrriod man , and has of Into boon
granted u pension for service hi the war
of 1812.
iMiKSBiivixa TIII : ma TUISKS.
Troops Sent to i'roicot tbo New Se
quoia I'nrk Created by Congress.
The order providing for the transfer
this spring of Captain Dorst's troop K ,
Fourth cavalry , from its present station
at the 1'rcsidto of Snn Francisco to the
now public reservation known as So-
quola national park will insure the
proper guardianship of this valuable
tract , says the Now York Times. The
Fifty-first congress sot apart n portion
of the sequoia proves , bolter
know lias the Blfj Trees , of
Tulnro county , in California , as
a public pleasure ground "for the benefit
and enjoyment of the pooplo. " The pro-
ainblo to the act declared thnt lltho
rapid destruction of timber and orna
mental trees in various parts of the
United States , some of which trees are i
the wonders of the world on account of I
their size , ranlccs it a matter of impor I
tance that at least some of said forests
should be preserved. " That this state ;
ment does not overstate the fact the experience -
porienco of California shows. The
sequoia groves and forests of that state
cover a largo aggregate area. A few
of the northernmost , like the Tuol-
uinne , Merced , Mariposa , and Fresno ,
are well known , although most of the
last named has disappeared in an ad
jacent sawmill , but the main body is
south of King's river , nearly all in
Tularo county. They are in groups and
patches , twenty or rnoro ' In number , and
scattered over a bolt'perhaps sixty miles
long. A memorial laid before co'ngrcss
declared that , while thousands of years
of storm and upheaval had failed to
destroy thcso raagiiiflcont trees , "tho
thoughtlessness' and1 ignorance of the
frontier Bottlers and the cupidity of the
lumbermen are now , laying them pros
trate in every direction. The destruc
tion is lamentable nay , appalling and
terrible. "
It was further shown that these iso
lated groves , which are always found at
a very high elevation , contain in some
instances hundreds , in others thousands ,
of these trees , rarely loss than 10 foot in
diameter , and often from 15 to 20 , and in
height varying from 200 to 300 feot. One
recently found was ever 41 feet in diameter -
otor and 250 high and showed 0,120 an
nual rings of growth. Yet it was said
that trees over SO feet in diameter had
been cut down from sheer curiosity ,
while the fires of the sheep borders and
the axes of the lumbermen wore making
great ravages. It is true that some
stops have boon taken to preserve these
splendid growths by withdrawing from
sale the lands containing them , but
bold depredations on the timber ol
public lands are notorious. The only
safety was in setting apart a public park-
containing the trees to bo preserved and
putting it under guard. Congress ac
cordingly did sot apart a tract which in
cluded , reckoning ; from Mount Diablo
meridian , township 18 south , range 30
east ; township 18 south , range : H east
and four sections of township 17 south ,
range 30 cast. A subsequent act in
creased this area by the rest of township
17 , and also by townships 15 and li (
south , In ranges 20 and 30 oast. Since a
township contains an area six miles
square , or thirty-six square miles , it ,
will bo soon that n largo and important
Eart of the big tree region is comprised
i Sequoia park.
This reservation is altogether differ
ent from the now Vosomito National
park , which is at some distance and
many times larger , but possibly its suc
cess was helped by the skill that simul
taneously pushed the latter project to
success. And wo may mention still a
third reservation , which was sot apart
at the same time , consisting of four sec-
litfns , or four square miles , in townships
13 and 14 south , range 28 cast. This
contains the so-called Fresno big trees ,
the largestcf which , said to bo forty
feet in diameter , is known as "General
Grant , " and has given its name to the
small park around it thus sot aside bv
act of congress.
That the Kawcah ( i6-oporatlvo or Bel
lamy colony had 'it' good faith estab
lished itself long agd } n the Yisalia dis
trict , on land which a part of the
park covers , seonw'clear. . It will
therefore bo only ' just to idemnlfy
these settlers for"fell their improve
ments , including costly roads , as
well as for the oxporis'o ' of their 'removal
to other homes. It , may bo necessary
also to extinguish olh'r private rights ;
indeed , wo have the , experience of Cali
fornia , which paid $100,000 for a liuo
purpose in the Vosiiiiito valley. Cap-
lain Dorst's troop v < lU 'tako posession of
the park and oxed'ijtj Iho regulations
drawn up for it , ami Congress at its next
session can probabjy bo rolled upon to
boo that full justice Is done to the
colonists , as in other- cases of condemn
ing private lands to 'public uses. And
now that Sequoia and Grant parks have
boon established , the giant trees not In
cluded in them or in the now Yosemite
park , and already withdrawn from
private acquisition , should bo carefully
guarded nliko from the lawless depre
dation of lumbermen and the perils of
forest fires.
Hlnodft'iott Over a Quart r.
A quarrel occurred seven miles south
east of El Reno , Okl. , batwcuu Willis
Schwab and Will Floibdior , over a dif
ference of 2o conts. They were on the
way to church when one otl'orcd to swan
coats with the other , demanding 75
conta to booth , which was accepted. The
coats were exchanged , and put on. A
letter was discovered in the pocket of
the coat Fleischer donned. Floisehor hot
Si-hwab 2-5 cents that U was a love lot-
tor. The bet was accepted , and when it
was r ail it proveil not to bo a love let-
tor. Fleischer handed Schwah $1 , out
of which to take 75 conts. and Schwab
kept the other 2o cents as a forfeit on the
bet , This made r'lois > ehor mad , and ho
drew a spring dirk and stabbed Sohab
two inches below the heart , saying , as
ho stabbed him , "I guess that is worth a
quarter , " Fleischer ran away as soon
as ho stabbed Schwab and has not boon
arrested yet. Fleischer is fourteen years
old and Schwab is twenty-five.
IJrotlier Giinaaiilim' Treasures.
At the Saints and Sinners' corner
thev WOPI asking Kov. Ur. Strykcr why
ho looked so melancholic , writes Gone
Field in the Chicago News. "I have
been imposed upon. " replied that gon.
tleman. ; M have been done by Brother
Bristol , and you know what that
moans. "
"Tollus about it. " demanded half a
dozen sinners at once.
"Why , I read in the papers last week
of a number of lovely treasures Unit
Brother Gunsaulus had picked up cheap
at the lirayton Ivcs sale in Now York.
I inadouu my mind to got hold of some
of thcso things as soon as Brother Gun-
saulus returned , but I didn't say a word
about my plans to anybody. 1 like
Brother Gunsaulus vary much ; ho is not
altogether orthodox , according to my
way of thinking , but I find him a trauln-
bio and profitable subject to deal with
when it conies to old books , old prints ,
old manuscripts ana old china. I was
pretty stiro that if I saw him lirst I could
get as many of his Bray ton Ives treas
ures as I wanted , and at living rates , too.
Hut , as I say , I didn't breath a word of
my plans to anybody. The only ono I
feaiod was Brother Bristol , but 1 hap
pened to find out that ho had no designs
in the direction in which I was headed.
I chanced to moot him in Madison street
and I asked him what was now in the bib-
lomaniacal world. llo smiled bitterly
ami said it was too near Sunday to think
about such things : told mo ho was hard
at work upon a sermon on the personal
ity of the d&vil and the actual physical
existence of a lake of fire. I saw that
ho was in earnest ; ho had been doing a
vast amount of reading on the subject
and his mind was too full of
thoughts about that pnrmon to
devote any attention to anything
else. I spoke a few encouraging words
to him , pressed his hand fervently and
wont my way. I was mightily relieved
: o know tliat ho had no designs on
Brother Gunsaulus. Next morning
that was Saturday morning I got up
ibout 5 o'clock and drove in a cab down
LoBluo Island and mot the incoming
train. Brother Gunsaulus was there ,
nfilcop in his bai-th. I shook him up.
EIo complained that ho had boon kept
awake most of the night. 'How so ? I
asked. 'Why , ' says he , 'along about 2
o'clock this morning , just tbo otlior
side of the Indiana linosomebody llaggcd
tlio train and got on board , asking
'or mo. It was Brother Bristol. ' 'Broth
er Bristol ! ' 1 shrieked ; "what did ho
w.intV 'O ho was full of business , of
course , ' said Brother Gunsaulus , 'and ho
k-opt rno Up all the rest of the night.
Ilo's irot n ton day's option on all the
stuir I bought in Now York. ' 'Whoro is
hoi1 Let mo see him , ' I shrieked.
'Whoro is hoV" 'O ho isn't hero now , "
said Brother Gunsaulus ; 'you've just
missed the man. lie got off the train at
Uluo Island , in order to avert suspi
cion. " '
"Woncl Hani as Stone.
The Consolidated ifornia & Virginia
waste dump is at present the'
most profitable one in the city
for the dump-pickers , writes Dan
Do Quillo from Virginia City , Nov.
There they not only collect much ere ,
but also great quantities of wood. In
working ever the old levels immense
amounts of old timbers are encountered
and cut through old posts , caps , sills
nnd lagging. All this wood having
been under the pressure of a superin
cumbent mass of earth and rock from
1,400 , to 1GOO foot in thickness , it is com
pressed until it is as solid as boxwood
and so heavy that thrown into water it
sinks like a stone.
Thlavnnd Mm rllim n-nlnlrora unit n t. S3
a cord , the purchasers hauling it away.
It is said that a lump of thin comprosbod
plno wood will burn longer in a stove
than will a piece of coal of the Baino
size. Pieces of this wood when polished
are almost invariably mistaken for mar-
bio or for petrified wood , so heavy nro
they. This wonderful and almost unbe
lievable change has been wrought by
heat and immense pressure. In it is a
hint for gomooftho industries of the
country. I think from what I have soon
lioro thatpino timber might bo thus
prepared for the use of the wood en
graver. A few jewel caskets and trlnkot
boxes have boon made of this wood , and
they worn very beautiful when silver
bound and mounted. Turners would bo
delighted with this > compressed wood , as
it never splits and is absolutely un-
Onvo IlorsoU'way. .
A party of Hartford young ladies ,
visiting last summer at a back country
town , found great ditliculty in getting
their mail , siiya thoCourant. The train
would arrive and the letter bug reach
the ollloo , but tljon there was a long do-
lay. They laid it to the postmistress
reading the postal cards , which they In
sisted she did at each mall. Byand-by
ono ot the girls cnmo back to uartforil
and then she wrote her friends a postal ,
mying at the end : "I hope Miss -
( the podtmistress ) will not take all the
afternoon to road this postal card. "
The friends were promptly at the post-
office and the mail came slowly , as usual ,
but when nt last the postmistress laid
down this postal she said , with a snap
In her eye , "I hope , when you write ,
you'll toll Mies - she's an Impudent
hubsy. " It sounds liUo a "giveaway. "
Specimen figures from the Forty-sixth Annual Report
nusixisss iaoo.
Interest , routs , etc. 171
Tolnl Turning $ H2.15e.10cT ( > 8
ins and endowments I
Dividends , uninitics anil purchased Insurances ojriii ! ! M
Total to Policy IlnUors $ in , 2 TO. 51.1 03
New no'.k'los Issnod I j ; > , T5t
New liisurunco written , l.'iQ.Siil.OG.t 00
Asi'-ts $ ll"tM7.BOf ) 07
l.lalillltlcs , conipanv'sstandard I 101Mt.t. ( ! : i9 U
Surplus [ J porcunt ] . 14MH, at
I'olictus In force l Uli9
Insuruiieo In force 5091.18,7'JJ 00"
L-IOGlitlSB IN lytJO.
Tncronso In tout Inc surplus " . 1 ftVi1 ? } 03
Inciua oln lienelltstn policy liolduis 1JAS.4 " M
Iiic'ioiuo In iirciiituins , S.IV4'"S'
InciuiiM ! In Income 'J..i'.ll.s.'ll ' 81
Incrcn < .oln assets lO.Mll.'O ! ) 01
Increase ! In Insurance wiltton H,4.'iitiTT 00
a so In Insurance In fim'O TUWT.'i COO
In tlio year 1W1 . sa.sai.oro oo
In tlio year IPS' ! . ( W.V.'l.l.VJ 00
III tlio yiMirlMU . l.VJ.Kti.OS.'i oo
In the voirlS0 : . $ 8.0H.7II1 U
Intho year ISSS . 1(1.131.1 ( ? ' 74
In the yoiiMMO . a ! . ! . " * . 100 03
.lanmiry 1. 1581 . Sinfl.rjn.0lfl no
.Tnmiaryl , Ife'l ' . SV.ui"4.Vx ) 00
January I , 1VJ1 . r > cy-ws,7-\i 00
.Tnminry 1. 1 1 . ; . . . 8 4 l,1slft-H fit
January ] . lv l . „ . < WMI. ! : I : tJ
January 1 , Ml . ' . . : . 11.VJI7.81D U7
January 1 , 1S I . T . $ fl.OIT.-'ft ! fil
.limitary 1. * . ) no
January 1. ISDl . 1J.&W.4M 60
In the year 16 1 . $ 4mSfll - '
In the year ! NS > . 7.Wl.h7l75 (
In the year 18UJ . . . MAW.JII OJ
WM. H. BEERS , President. >
HENRY TUCK , Vibe President.
RUFUS W. WEEKS , Actuary.
R. O. SMITH , Agency Director ,
Over 0. B , Jncqucmln it Co. . Jmvolry Stora
\\7ANTKI ) L'onir-otunt u-lrl for Ronoral
11 liouaoworlc. Mia. W. \ -liKrinan ( , 517 .
'th street.
TfOH KENT A furiiMiert lionsc with all
Jmoilurn convuiiloncos. a02 S. 9th struot. ,
T7UUHT fnrmfursiileor tr.-ulo ; well located
-L' and all In hearing : geol linuxu anil burn.
Will tiiko some suoil city iminuily , uml KOOC !
tlmnKlvoi. on balance. Cull on or udilioss I ) .
J. Iliitchlnsim ft Co. . 017 llroiid way.
"TTloTl SALE Fine household furniture.
-U Kve.rytliliiK first class. Cull at MJ Noitli
8th street. Council ItlnlTs.
EXAMINE the celebrated Mcl'Iinll pianos ;
now scale crown pluno3 nnd organs. Sold
on easy iiuymonts by Mur. Itotirlciui , innsio
teacher. 114 Stutsmun struct , Coimo.l lllulR
POH SALE A house anil Iiiru'o lot on easy
payments. Inquire at 4U5 1'urk uvcmio ,
Council Blnir.s. la.
J. LAUTHUWASSKU lias iu < iv < ! ( l hla
wtirc'.miiso from TO Hroadvvay to40J
llrnndwtiv , wheru lie will keep on hand a line
stock of furnace Hxtmcs.
$1CO.OO will niuko the tint payniont on Ifi'J
ncrus of Quo land In soutli ivcj-torn Mlnnu-
fotu , anil ton yours to pay tlm b.ilancoln ,
Fiirms for rent In suno ; locality. Sntno
on Improved farms In Xoliraska. Call on or
sciul fur circulars , to Johnston k Van 1'attcn.
"IjAOIl SALK At a Bixorlllco , larco blo letter
i press , 2 olllco desks and clialra , 'i .storo
truoks. 1 larco Iron soulo truck. 2 hcnllns
stoves , Scoiintorsoulus. ystop UiUlurs. 1 larso
lilatronn lloor ncali'.s. Kcullno fi. l-'ult , 117
_ _
FOU UKST Tlm MoMnhon blodc. 3 story
iirlck. wlih luiMDniuiit and ulo vu tor. J. w.
i-qulie , 101 1'oarl street ,
FOU AMJ A bargain ; now modern noiiso
with all the Into IniprovoinonU , snvon
rooms ; will boll on on y puymoiits ; tocntcilon
the Klftli aveniiH motor llnu. I ) . J. llutaliln-
son , C17 Ilro.idway.
FOKSALiK or llaut Oir.lon lan.1 , with
houioi , ur J. fillloo. . 101 Mala t , OounoU
Sends ! SO < MM !
At Colo's lutrihviiro etoro , II Muin
Btrcot , you cnn { jot the bcbt sceiis.Vo
soil in bulk and win pivo double the
si-oils for the money that you win buy by
the paper. Our seeds tire till fresh and
tested nnd rocoinmoudcd by local pur-
donors to bo the host Beeila obtulntiblo.
Full line of Hold nnd ynrdon seeds.
"U'ourotho people lo llpuru with foi *
your mount for this ycnr. With our ton
years' oxporlonun in thi line wo tire
nroparod to olTor the bust valtio to bo
luul in tliln lino. It IH oiiHy to got fooled
on n hlnyclo. Our prlcos rmitfo from SIte
to $1'W , The colobrntod Victor tind
Grunt line , COLK k COLE ,
41 Muin btreot.
Council lllu.1i , In.
Allilliea.otiif the 15VK.
Irrnteil w".h tliu ureatuJt
( kllliind cnr.l. t
nnd IIAV KUVKIl troaul
with eminent uticcois.
SUUaiCAI.Ol'KH.VTIONS , wharo neco arr.
lesalf purfnrniu I vvltli the ntinuit c.tra nn I nielli , in-
turlntparfiKt roiultt. KlNKdl" < ! l/.va.-il'S : nccur-
ntt > lypa. < crll > oil. cirructlnj all rufractlrj Iroubloi ,
in MX > IIH | , llypcropla ant A < tlu-liialhii , tlini ran *
dorlni < Uit ! o ny. cli > .ir nn I pitnleii. I1 IKO.VIJ
NIUJIlAl.OIAiinl SIt'K I1KAD.V 1IIIC , nflur ro > ref
of torrlblo mitlorln . norollaf.o.itlrjly curu.l. OII03 ,
'loom ' 1. SliuiMrt Itloci , ovar llono Jfc Ca.'t starj ,
Council lllii H In.
Iliffbcst cnsh price paid for rnijs and
all kinds of scrap moials.
Country dealers and merchants will
find it to their advantage lo communi
cate wltn us before disposing of tlioir
stocks. GILINSKY HUGS. ,
Union Broadway Uopot ,
Tol. 301. Council'mulla , la.
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
UMis-rroin I. A. Mlllnr , K. O. Olcmon , 11 U
KliiiL-art , E. K. Duct , J. I ) . EdrnumNon , Ohnrloi
O. llannun. Transact banliini binl-
neoi. I > ; ir'OHt capital anu surplus of any
banlrlu SontlnTOstorn
Pinky Burke. Thos. E. Oasady ,
Attorn eys-at-Law
Onicos : J. J. Ilrown HulldliiK , Council lllnfTi ,
. The New Ojden Hotel , in Coatisll Jilutr-4.
h is boon com.ilatsa refurnished an mo lam >
izml throughout , and is no won < of thsbast
hotels In ilia slate. It is locataJl la thy bu .1 *
nebspartoftincltyanthi eleotrlo maton
pass the door every four minute * . Fire as.
capos and lira nlirmi throughout thj ball-l
ing. Steam beat , hot aad cold w.iter an'l
sunshine In very rnam. Table unyariims.l
anywhere. Hitus , $2.00 a diy.
QEO. M. WHITNEY , Manager.
" "
fornor Main anl llroidw.iv.
Dcaluri In furolxa : uil do iiaitlo .xjlruut
Uollemlon made uucl lulereit nalil ou thai
I carry n full line of Beokoa iot'3
supplies , including comb foun
dation honey knives , nmoltor.1
sections nnd all supplies fop
an nplnry. M. S.HOOP ,
! ? UO East Droadway , CouncillUuUti , In.