Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1891, Part Two, Image 9

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VVe had no more than started selling theEiseman Stock when \ve were called -upon to purchase another Bankrupt Stock. This time it was the well-known
lirrn of .Heyman & Deiches oftltis oily."We purchased the entire stock'oF : goods bought by them for their spring trade , and replevined from them by their creditors , and
sold ' to us at BOc on the dollar. Monday morning both stocks goon sale. Every arrangement has been made to take care of the large crov/ds attendingtliis sale every
an'y thus -week. The entire stock of desirable Dress Goods from Heyman & Deiehes go on sale Monday morning ; Heyman & Dieehcs cloaks go on sale Monday morning
also , the entire stock of Henry Eisman & Co. , of Council Bluffs.
Sterling1 quality an ngprcssivo
prices uro forcing tills dopnitmcnt to
tlio front. Every yard guaranteed as
" 1-in Persian wash Bilks. Latest Per-
elan novoltloB. 25cnyard.
China silks nnd draperies 35c , worth
G5c. 43 now styles China silks at COo ,
vorth 7Cc.
Silk jrronndinos , in plain nnd fig
ured , at 6 c , GSc , 76c , We , $1.21 ana
81.GQ ; warranted pure dye nnd host
Monday this department will display
tlio most extensive and varied stock o (
flno black silks over shown in Omnlin.
TIiCBO silks nro ron owned for wear re-
elating quality and superb lustre.
Ivory ; yard , oven tlio lowest grade nt
69o , is warranted. Those silks como in
nil the now weaves , surah , rndzitnor ,
nrinuro , faille , pros grain , India , etc. ,
nt69c , GDc , 75c,87c , $1 and up to $2.25
Wo are selling agents for Givernaud
33ros' , whoso silks are renowned for per-
lection in every particular.
In addition to Elsorann's immense
anil well assorted stock of flno Dross
Goods , wo will put on sale , beginning
Won day , all the desirable spring novel
ties replevined from the Hovinan k
Bciehet stock. This will embrace every
now and desirable fabric bought of and
replovlnodby Magroz , Portler , Wagnoy
Coof New York , and others , at just
half Iloymnn & Dolchescost. Wo wish
to state emphatically that these are
now pnrinp styles nnd desirable shades ,
nnd nil there was of tnesa gooasin the
lloyinan It Celebes stock. Comoaro
8G-lnch funcy Serge lOc , Hoyman &
Deichoa' iirlco 85c.
EnRllsh Cashmere lOc , Eisemnn's
price SOc.
Alpaca Sic , Hoyman ADolches1 price
A..C.C4 Cashmere lOc , Eisoman's price 2-Jc
Double-width 25c ; Eisoman's ' price 5Co
Now fancy lustres lOo , Hovman &
Doichos' price 20e.
TJalzo mixtures lie , Eisoman's price
Pine Scotch Plalda lOc , Uoyman &
Doichos' price25c.
50 Inch Union Flannel 18c ; Eisoraan's
price Goo , *
Jamestown Plaids 23c , Eiseman's '
Fancy French Plaids , 40-inch , at 73o.
40-Inch colored Mohair , best , 39c ,
Hoyman &Dclches"prico $1,15.
40-Inch English Henrietta 45c , Eiso
man's ' price 7oo.
40-Inch best French Serge 49c , Eiso-
mnn's price $1.10.
Silk Mulshed French Henrietta , all
shades. SSc. lloyinan & Dclchos' price
' 42-Inch Gorman and French fancy
BOrgoOOo , Eiscman's price 81.80.
An extremely largo assortmentof now
Spring Hobcs , in nil the latest shades
and most approved styles , atnricesfrom
ono-half to one-third of Eisenrnn'sor
Hoyman k Dolches' prices. *
Black Dress Goods
English Cashmere lOc , Eisenian's
pricoUSc ,
English Cashmere lOo , Eisoman's
price 8o ,
English Cashmere 25o , Eisomnn's
price 49c.
French Serge nt 680 , Ileyman &
Deichos price $1.
French Serge atOoc , Eiscman's price
French Serge at75c , Eisoman's price
Mohairs at lOc , F.lsainan'spriceSGo.
Mohairs at Me , Kisoman'snrico-iCo ,
Mohuiis at3o ! ! , Ileyman & Leichcs'
price 70o
Mohairs at 48c , Iloyman & Polclics'
price B8o ,
MohnirsatOSc , Iloyman & Doiclios'
price $1.80.
French Henrietta nt 43c , Eisotnnn's
price 85e ,
French Henrietta nt 47c , BToyraan &
Djiches1 price OS i.
French Elenriotta nt 55c , Elsomun's
price $1. CO.
French Henrietta nt SSc , Euomnn's
price SI.10.
French Henrietta nt C8c , Hoyman &
Doichos1 price $1.25.
Silk "Warp Henriettas at ] ust ono-half
Eieomnr/B prices.
French FuncyVeaes in figures and
ctripos , now and desirable styles
40c , Hoymnn & UoichoB' price $1.00.
CSc. Iloymnn & Belches' price $1.15.
Goc , Iloymnn & Doichos' price $1.50.
85e , Hoyman < Ss Uoiches' price $1.75 ,
t lack and "Whito Stripes nnd I'luids
85o , Eisoraan's price 75c.
Plushes. Vehets.
Plushes in all colon 2Sc , Eluoman's
price 75c. 24-ln plushes in all colors $1 ,
Eisemnn's price $2.50. $ Velvets In all
colors -15c. Elsoman's price $1.60 , Vel
vets Muck nnd colors 83c , Eisoman's
price $2.60. Fancy velvets $2.15 ! , Eleo-
tnan's price 93.
Monday will bo the last chance on
those Inrprchuck , damask and red con-
.ar Towels , worth ioc ! , all to bo sold
Monday at loc each.
11-1 sl/.e white Bed Spicads fcOccaeh.
Full slxo white crochet Bed Si roads ,
7 c , 8Sc. DSc , $1 , $1.15 , SI.25 and H.6' ' )
cjch.Vo carry the larjrcst sloe-Ic of
white Hod Spreads in this cit.v.Vo .
make you the lowest pileosor will re-
runil your money cheerfully.
Special bargains in cream Table
Damask from the Kiscman bankrupt
slcok. fPhpsa vore all buuplitenrly hist
senson and before the McICinlcy Wll was
passed , Thoroaro too many of them ,
nnd we are forced to drop the prices
still lower In order to soil them. Dam-
tisk ut20e , worth 35o ; damask at 3on ,
chcapnt OCc , &c.
All linen bleached damask at "Oc
yard. You can't ' match this bargain.
Extra value at 45c , .OOu , COc and G5cyard.
20-inch Kinbroidcry Crush 18c jarcl.
Special bargain in blenched or bruwn
Toweling At ICc yard ; Uisomnn's price
was 15o yard.
6-8 blanched Napkins at 5flc doren.
3-4 dinner Nnpkins $1 .M dozen.
Fancy fringed Doylies 2-ic , 50c , GOo ,
7oo ana $1 do cn.
Lunch clothsof every size and docrlp-
Turkey rod and cnrdlnal'oloths , the
Ijest German goods made in all the dif
ferent sizes , nt less ihnii wholesale
Table scarfs Jn great variety , all col
ors , in 2-yard wide felt , now $1 ynrd.
Tablo" Padding -10c , 45c , 60c , fiOc and
7fio yard.
Rubber sheeting 5-4 wide 75c yard.
Linen nnd Cotton Diaper , by the
piece , in nil the dlllerent widths.
Allot the Eisoman bankrupt stock of
Wash Goods on sale now in connection
with our stock at prices lower than ever.
Wo must mnko room. Wo nro too
crowded. Wo bought from Jlegroz ,
Porticr. Mngnoy < fc Co. all the line
wash fabrics , such as French Gingham ,
Sateens , &o. , which they replevined
from the bankrupt stock ol Ileyman < fc
Doiches. These were not the stock that.
Hoyman < ! t Deiches carried last season ,
but were purchased for this spring's
Wo nro display ing rroro Wash Drosn
Goods tills season than nil tlio other
stores combined. Notice our prices :
Now spring styles in Challis. dark or
llghtground , 3Jc yard. Bettergrndos
6c and 73uyard.
Elegant line of Challis in dark colors
at Sc yard.
82-Inch wide best make Chillis at
12Jc yard ,
Handsome dark style in Batiste , 8c
80-Inch wide best Batiste only lOc
50 pieces extra quality plain black
Sateen , "worth SOc yard , now lOcyard ,
All the now shades in plain colored
Sateen 25oyard.
All the fancy French Sateens from
the Elsetmm stock to close , now 12c }
Thousands of remnants from the TSIso-
man stock In black ! /iwn Checks and
Lace Stripes reduced toCcnnd 7)o ) vard ,
worth from lee to 25c a yard.
Big line of white Dress Goods at5c ,
worth double what we ask.
30-Inch wide I-.jons Serge , in black
and white only , lo ( ) yard.
30-inch wiUo Armenian Serjjo lOo a
30-Inch wide India Cashmere , 12o | a
yard ,
80-Inch wide Angora Homespun SuitIng -
Ing lOo a ynrd ,
3-4 Beige Mixtures lOo ynrd.
No such bargains ever offered in nlco
Wash Dress Goods and EO cheap too ,
Plain colored Lawns from the Else-
man stock 2jc. worth lOa.
Choice of all the host Lawns from the
Eisoman stock 5c ynrd.
You will bo loolilng for these ba"gnms
later on , but won't ' got thorn at these
\Vo show the largest stock of Dross
Gingbaui.Yo nro the only house in
Omaha whore you find the "Korrah
Moire , " "Bretunia Suitings" nnd Will
iam Anderson's Scotch iJcphjr Ging
hams ,
This is a department to which wo
pay a great deal of attention All col-
o-sin the best makes of cambrics Sjo.
The Impost stock and assortment of
Solicia in this city , in plain colors , fan
cies , double faced , etc , , at all prices.
Farmers satin , quilted linings , can
vas , ducks , padding , waddings , wig
gings , crinoline , and In fact everything
that belongs to this line you will flnd
rignt here.
AllthoElscnmn bankrupt stoclc of
lining at loss than half their value ,
The largest layout in this department
jou will find In the whole vest , vrn
carry all the lending : makes. o"r prices
nre lower than you xvill H nil anywhere.
On Monday vo place on sale a standard
double width sliectine 10-1 brown at
ISO yard and 10-4 bleached sheeting at
20c nrd. Spcoifil bargain in 7-8 Hue
muslin ( brown ) 82c yard. 7-8 soft , lin-
Ishod bleached muslin IJoynrd. Yard
wide solt tlnlslrd bleaohod mihlhi
Cc yard. Extra value L L yi\fd wide
LonfiJnlo cambric lOc. IoEon\'lllc '
8Jc. New York mills ItU : yarrt. Lang'-
don G. 13 Of.yard , CMioo.socloth , ' 5omd !
6c yard. Bleaohod cheese cloth 5c
jurd ,
A full lli > e of all colors in seaside nun-
tin p very line quality , double width ,
vor.v tleairiihlo sbadui , at lOc yard.
Good "brown cotton llanncl 8R | yard.
Dxtra heavy cotton llnnnvl lOoy'n'ril. '
Apron chocked gingliatn,3ic , oo nnd
7card. \ .
A splendid licklncr nt Oe urn"18 : yard .
Fullllnoof fanc-.yrhtrirod tlckiiis1 , ll'e ,
121c. loc , Ific , IKc and 20 < 5 yap 1.
500 pieces of outing lluriiiels. Those
are In prreat drmniul just now and we
have lot * of them ut Ojc , 7ic , So , lOuiind
I' cyard.
New line of shlrtinp in connection
\vitlithoBisemtn \ bankrupt .stock and
at prices lower than over for gnnJl
poods , 5c. 8 , lOo , 12jo and lw yard.
Cornoaro them and ox imlno them ,
it will be to your Interest lo do so.
A blpr line of indi < ibluccaHco3 in till
thoditVciontmains and qualities.
Shlrtintf prints , porcixles. pjniings ,
etc. , in great variety. '
In this dopirtmont Eibeinnn carried
nn immense stock , comprising all the
vcry'bebt brand * , such Alcxan *
dres , Trcfousso , Footer's nnd Joscphino
seamless and other line nnkoj. This
chance may not occur njrala to buy line
gloves at half their actual value.
All of Eisaman's ' Too glovus reduced to
39c pair.
All of Eiscman's $1.00 gloves reduced
to SOc pair.
AU of Eisgman's $1,25 gloves reduced
to 7oo pair.
All of Eisoman's ' $1.50 gloves reduced
to Su ! ) pair.
All of Kistin-on's ' $2.00 gloves reduced
to 81.2-3 pair.
Eibomm's stock of Indies'and chil
dren's \voolenmittons at Mta on the del
Furnishing Goods.
Unhvundriod shirts , 35c ; Eisoman's
price 50c.
Unlaundricd shirts , 41c ; ' Eiseman's
price Goc ,
pnlaundrlcd shirts , SOc ; Eiseman's
price Too.
"Unlaundricd Blurb , 7uc ; Eisoman's
price Sl,2o.
In ovcrslilrts Eisoman carried the fin
est stock In the west , comprising silks ,
French flannels , sulln stripes , fancy
sateens , silk stripes , line cheviots , Cali
fornia wools , llatmolslti nil grades. This
lot will bo sold for lew than the price to
Ibis was the finest stock of any car
ried by IMsoman. Wo will place this
entire stock on sale tomorrow morning
at prices to move it and move it quick ,
Donot fall to buy all the gonts'un-
laundricd shirts you want tomorrow ,
Tlioy will bo told for less tlfan the price
of the muslin.
In tills stock will lw found 100 dozen
gents' British. Ivjlf hosov heavy and line
gauze , worth 3oc per piir , reduced to
19c.Else man's $1.00 suspenders reduced to
SOc ; Eiiomnn's 60c suspenders down to
25c ; hojs'suspenders 25c ; suspenders re
duced to lOe per pair.
All ofEisoman's 50cbalbrlgean under
wear reduced to 2oo cnoh , shirts or
Llsenmn's $2.00 gloves reduced to 05c ,
Kisoinnn's $1.60 gloves reduced to75c ,
r.isoman's $1.00 gloves reduced lo 50c ,
Use man's SOc gloves reduced to25c.
To these having boys to provide for In
this line , you cnn buy waists tomorrow
for loss money than you can purchase
material. Now Is a chance to lay in a
stock. Eiseman carried a largo line ,
comprising Star waists , Mother's '
Friend and other well-known malics.
All of Eiecman's domot flannel waists ,
wortli40c , reduced tolOc ,
All of Eiscman's fancy percale walets ,
worth 60c , reduced to 25c ,
AU of Eisoman's fancy red percale
waists , worth 75c , reduce ! to 39o.
AU of Eiseman's Star waists.laundrlcd . ,
worth. 11.00. reduced to COo.
AU of i'lsoinan's blue scoreuclccr
waists , worth SOc , reduced to 85c.
i\'o efforts or expense have been
spared to mnko thia departmeat tbo
crowninj ; succossuf tlio season.
The latest novelties In niitlurn hats ,
) lo ors. feathers > 'riblinn3 and line inil-
inerv ornaments haVd como direct from
tho.feadlng French Importers in New
York , and till the bent American makes
have hccii purchased at tbo moiL econ
omical cnsh prices.
Special millinery openinpand display
of llac ; inttorn-hals' ' VVcdnosilay , Tliurs-
CLi\\ \ and friday ofthisweok.
1 i t
r.lsoniin"scntiro stock of cot-sots must
be cloned out at ouco.J .No liner goods
made than nro to bo found In this stock.
Kver.vo'io of tno following inakcj go on
sale tomorrow morning.
1' . 1 > . cor.-cts i '
V , ' . C ! . C. oorsots.7 ' t
1. Ccoi sots ! , ii'i t i
S. C. uor.-ieU. tTi-
I"Waner's. ) .
lr ) Hill's. -i
Dr. .Schilling's ,
Mfd. Warren's.
I'orrlsViist - . \ ,
. lUsoman's flOc cbraeteBreduced to lOc.
: l'.liioiiHirs7' > c crtrsots rc.uceo to U9c.
ritiuniii'i > $ l cofigpts reduced tooOc. _
Eiseman's $2.00 cowotB reduced to
C'soiran's ' $3.50 "corsots reduced tote
to 0:5 : - y
V "U * * r
Artistic btyles at tomptins prices.
The Eibornan bankrupt stock to bo
47 styles at le yard , worth 3a to 5o.
81 btylos at 3c yard , worth 5c to lOc.
154 styles at oc yard , vvortti Iflo to loc.
123 styles at 7c , 8c Do and lJc ( ; worth
15c to We. i
Plouncings and Bkirtin sof evorydo-
Bcriptlcm at this Bale nl loss than bank
rupt priced.
Laces andi
Drapery Nets ,
Fine linen torchonii ; ( real lace at 3c ,
5c , 7c , lOo. 12ic and loc ; actual value
lUc to ! ! 5c.
Biuclc chuntllly , Spanish euipure ,
niedicls , real ducheap iaccs , valenclcn-
nes and many novelties in trimming
luces at excocdlnclyllow prices.
Real and imitation murguisa laeos ,
flounces and nets , '
Eseurinl laces and flounces.
While most of tFicso goods nro of our
own importation many are from the
Eiseman bankrupt stoolc nnd imported
for this spring's trade , Do not forget
our unrcachablo prices.
Ribbons Ribbons ,
Tuesday wo place on sale the most
stupendousstooft of fine Pronch ribbons
over put in a retail btoclcoast or wost.
Visitors know the ribbonrdopartment is
a loading feature \vith , us , hut this dis
play will outstrip all ptuat oflorts. The
prices too \vlthin8ucli easy reach ,
Ho , 5c,7c , , iOc tolGc 'f6rr the finest silk
ribbons worth 15cuptO'75o a yara.
Such a splendid nnd./'ondloss variety
of fine linen nemstitohed and ombrold-
crod handkorchlofs iriuwhlto and artia-
tie colorinus la voryy dltllcult to describe -
scribe , Tl.o prices range from Ic each
up to 50c , for goods ujuaJly sold uu to
All ot Eiscman's ladies' and chil
dren's hosiery go on ealo Monday.
1 cn.50 of ladies'fast black hose , white
foot , only 12jd : pr { pair ; Kiseman's
price 2oo.
All of Elsomatt's 50c fait black hose
to bo closed at 23o per pair.
Children's fast black hose , double
ribbed , only 1SU ; IJIseman's price 2oc.
The carpet department is a largo
storoin itself and is surpassed by no re
tail carpet store in the country.
Our economical prices are winning
Debt cotton clmin carpets 20c to ' 2io.
Host Union carpets 550c , U5c and 3"c.
\Vool tilled carpets 37c , 43c and 47c.
Ktra super all wool 5oc , G3c , USoand
All the newest nnd most artistic do-
d'trnsln ' line Tapestries , Body Brussels ,
Royal Wiltons , Moquottes and Velvets
tit surpassing prices.
Lace Curtains
and Draperies
This department xvill place on saloMon
Mon ay the latest novelties in Swiss , ,
Tambour , Irish Point and Nottingham j
Lace Cuitainsat unheard ol low prices
for high class goods.
Lm'e Curtains from trio Eisotnan
stock at i > , 7c , 75e , 87c. Slimd$1.2o ;
rit-lily worth ! 1.25 up to3 pair.
Largo \nriety of real and imitation ,
China Sillc llrnperios at loc , I7c , 25o ,
3 > eli'0c , C3c and 7oc , worth 2-jc up to
Real coin spot nnd dottol Swlrs for
snsti curtnins and draperies nt lOc , 12 jc ,
lee , 17c , 2c : and 8oc.
. 1 n.000 Shades inountod on bostsolf-
aclinirjstrlncrp\lorsatl7c ] \ , llo. ) Sic , 80o
8oc.40o lihd oO . worth 23o tol. .
Floor Muxtlng'Oil "Cloth and Door
Crockery ,
Glassware ,
Cups nnd Saucers 2jceach , worth 103.
Plntes2c , worth Co.
PlntosSe , worth So.
Square Napkins , 3-5 , 8c , worth lOc ,
lee and -ic ) each.
Cream and Milk Pitchers 8c nnd 6c
worth lOa and 15c each.
Platters 8c , 60 and lOo , worth lOc , 20c
tin 125c each.
"Veritable Dishes 3c , So and 7c , worth
lOc. loc and 20o each.
Soup Flutes5c } , worth 12cench.
Oyster and boup Bowls 5 Jo. worth lOe
each ,
"Wash Bowls and Pitchers 680 per sot ,
woith $1,00.
Chamoers 25o , worth Coc.
Soap Dishes 3c , worth lOc.
Syrup Jugs 18e , worth 25c.
Glasses 2c , worth oc cacjh.
Salt nnd Pepper Shakers 4c , worth 15c
.Limps9c , worth 2ou each.
Burners 5c. worth 2oc each ,
LnmpOhironc.vsIttc , worth Iflc ench
"Wine Glasses So , worth lOeoach.
Cake Stands lie , worth SOooach ,
Glass Pickle JarsTc , sold everywhere
for 2ou.
Tea Kettles I5c. worth SOc oach.
Covered SHUCO Pans 9e , worth 20c.
Milk Pans 8c , worth lOc.
Plo Pans 2lc , worth fie.
Tin Cups 2c , sold all over for 5c.
Wilk Crocks 3 Jo each ,
Dippers So , worth lOo.
Washing Machines $4.50 , worth 87.CD
"Wringers $1.75 , worth $3.50.
Mrs. Potts' Patent Hat Irons fcl.a1) ) ,
worth $2.75.
" \Vt \ sh Tubs45c , worth Goc.
Clothss Bars 59o.
Copper Tea Kettles , No. 14 , copper
spun bottom. $1.2-5 ; worth $2.75.
Engraved Wire Sots 07c , worth $3.00.
Scrub Brushes 8e.
Bottle of the best Sperm Machine Oil ,
Twenty-four sheets otSholf Paper So.
Lamp Shades fie.
Tea Strainers lo.
Spoons Ic.
Door Stops Ic.
Sponges Ic ,
Tacks Ic per box.
lied Castors Ic.
Harness Snaps Ic.
Terra Gotta Cuspadors , in all colors ,
lOooach ,
Wash Easlns 13c , worth 25o.
Sugar Bowels 60 , worth Ufa.
liuttor Dislies 60 , worth 40o.
Spoon Iloldors fie , worth 20c.
Fine decorated cups and saucers. GSo
per sot , worth S1.60.
And 100 piece "Wodgewood Decorated
China nnd Tea Set at f'J.OJ ; worth 820 ,
in pencil blue , brown and neutral *
Fine Decorated Toilet Sat W.35 , worth
Furniture Dept ,
Our business In this department is
increasing- every weak. Our very rea-
sotmblo prices and the good quality of
ench article Is satisfactory to allour cus
tomers. Special low prices this \voolc
on Hud Room Suits , Extension Tables ,
Center Tables , Hod Lounges , Turkish
Lounges , Mattrcssos , Borings , Folding
Beds , Wire Cots , Children's Cribs" ,
Kitchen Tables nnd Safes. You will Hud
in our Furniture departmental very low
prices : Oak Paper Iloldors for the
wall , Chic Music Stands , Towel Rings ,
Hat Rncls.
Special sale on Pictures , Easels nnd
Looking Glasses.
Largo line of Baby Carrlagosat prices
which will bring ttio best in the reach
of all.
Special ealo on Trunks and all kinds
of Traveling Bugs.
A largo line of fine Blacking Cases
just received , whloh we place on Bale
this week at cost. *
You will flnd in our Furniture De
partment that our prices are very reas
onable. If you wish to compare prices
{ wonro always glnd to show you our
I goods.
| The prices on suits , springs , inat-
I tresses , tables and all Iti mis of chairs arc
[ as low as wo can possibly make then.
I Special sale this weak on bed lounges ,
'Turkish lounges , eoftis , ubholbtcred
chairs , folding" beds nnd cribs.
.Wall Paper. '
Wall Paper.
Do not judge those goods by our soil
ing price. Every scrap ot wall .paper
was sol ( I last Benson. The present stock
is entirely now and contains all tuolat-
icst and rnost'attraotlvo novelties.i'1
Letting Down the Prices on
Wo will eoll a choice creamery butter
for 20 cents which would cost you 80c in
other stores. Our finest Iowa creamery
will sell at 23c and 25c , for which you
would pay 35cnnd 40o olsowhoro.
Letting Down the Prices on
. 20 Ibs sugar just as white and just as
good as granulated for $1.
Very fine now oranges 20c dozen.
Very Hno lemons 20o per dozen .
Horse shoe tobacco U5c per pound.
Star chewing tobacco 35o.
Climax chawing tobacco 3oa ,
Mechanics' DalightSocpor pound ,
Wo carry a full line of smoking and
chewing tobacco , and will sell them for
35 per cent less than any firm in
Wo will sell you the best 3 pound
can California p3aeho3 for 20o , you will
nay SSc and 40c for the svmo poaches.
If you buy a can and you do not Bay
just what wo say , wo will give you back
your money.
Wo will soil you 21 pounds of granu
lated sdgaron the first day of April for
$1 , "V o have 500 barrels bought and in
bond for April 1st , and wo must got our
money out of it ,
Sweet Chocolate 60.
Premium Chocolate 17e } ; you cannot
buy this for twice the monoy.
Sapolio 7je.
French Peas I5o.
Oil Sard'nos 6c.
Very best CaUup 15o per quart.
Imported Mixed Pickles 15o par quart
Imported Chow Cbow 15c par quart ,
Is this not saving you money ?
I gallon can Apples 35c.
3-lbcan California Green Gage Plums ,
3-lbcan California Samson Plums,17 , Jc.
3-lb can California Apricots 20c.
2-lbcan IHuobjrrios 8Jo.
2-lbcan Dlackborrlos 8je.
2-lb can Gaosoborrlos 81c.
2-lb can Prosarvo.l Strawbjrrioa in
heavy Syrup , 17jc : worth 35c.
2-lb can PresjrvoJ llaspberrloa , in
heavy syrup , 17lc , worth 800.
3-lb can solid packed Tomatoes lOo.
2-lbcan host Sugar Corn lOc. Tnoso
nre very fine goods.
Columbia river salmon lOc per can.
Evaporated Raspberries 30o , worth
Evaporated Ulaclcborrlos 10a , worth
Imported Prunes SJo per pound.
Picnic Hams , Go.
Sugar Cured Hams Oc.
Dried Beef Gc ,
Breakfast Bacon Oo.
Boneless IlaniSJc.
Hologna Sausage 6c.
Head Choose 5o.
Liver SausagoSc.
Frank forts VJc.
DoraostloSoap7 bars Ior2-3o.
Lace Soap 0 bara for 25j.
Star Soap 1-lb bar 6c.
II. II. Soap 7 bars 25c.
Graham Flour 35o.
Snow Flake $1.
Minneapolis Best Suncrlatlvo $1,35.
Davis Koyal No. 10 , 81.00.
Best Soda Crackers 6c.
Prices on Soaps Paralyzed
All of Losllo Oakley's soaps ! ) Jo per
.All of Col galas' soaps 3 jo per cake.
.All of Graham Bros' soaps 3Jc per
jof \ \ Jainos S. Kirlt's eoapa 31o per
Aof \ \ Themes & Frederick's so.ips.
34e per cako.
Aof \ \ A. V. Pears' soups 9o per cnko.
All of McCullough Soap Co.s' soaps-
Hie percale a , *
. \ud the finest cnko of toilet soap youv.
over used , lo per cako.
l\Ion \ day we soil a nice broken Javn low
lie ) ,
The very best broken Java and Mocha- >
Glazed and Unclaxcd Rio 25o.
Choice Santas 'Me to 29c.
Peaborry 30c.
Choice Guatfirnala 82c.
Tno very best Old Govern men t Java. .
S5c.Pure Mocha 35c.
ThosecolTcos nro roosted fresh dally. .
Nlco Mixed T 5a 2Go.
Jap SlftincslSc.
Sun Dried Jan 81o.
Choice Uncolorod. Jap 40o , 50o , COo.
Eng-lish I3roakfast'a very flno onp for-
5Qc ; the best 75c ,
Oolong , nlco , 0c ; flno , OOo ; the boaV.
' ' _ _ ; _
/ ' . , " , ' " ' ' , _ ' _ { "
Jewelry Dept :
Solid silver Thimbles loc ; worth 60o. .
Solid gold Baby Rings 15c , worth 75o.
.Ladies' plated Ilair Ornaments89o , .
worth $1.25.
Gilt Iliur Ornaments 5c , worth 25o.
Ladies' moon f > tone loco Pins wlttu
chain , lOc , worth 25o.
Genuine Dohcmian garnet Ear Dropd
in solid gold settings , 49c ; worth $2.
Gents'solid ' gold Cuff Buttons $2.05 , .
worth $8.
Gouts' heavy solid gold Initial Rings ,
with ( ( ! ) six genuine diamond sole , $8.75.
worth $18.
Gouts' plated Chains , in all styles ,
Tfic ; jeweler's price $2.
Gents' beet rolled plated patent lover-
Cuff Buttons , 19c , worth 81.
Elegant eight-day bronzoClock $1,05 , .
worth $7.50.
Beautiful antinuo oak eight-day Clock ;
strikes the half hour $3.05 ; a bargain.
Nickel Clocks 69o ; jowolor's price
Rogers' Knives or Forks $1.45por sot.
Elgin , Springfield or Waltham.
Watqhos , in dust-proof cases , 83.50 , .
jowolor's ' prices $10.
Gants'grold filled Watches , full-low-
clod , American movements , $10,75 , .
jowolor's price $ .15.
Ladies' gold filled Watches , Elgin , ,
Springllold or Walthamhunting and .
open face , $14.95 , worth $30.
Ladies' solid cold 14-knrat Watches , ,
Eltfin , Springlicld or Walthara , $21.60 : .
worth $10.
Gonts'rold-flllou ' ( , hunting-case , stonnk
wind Watches , Elgin , Sprlnglleld or-
\Valtliain , $10.9oj jowolor's prices $25.
Dr. Hartor's Iron Bitters 7Co.
Hosteller's Stomach Biltors75c.
Indian Sngvva75o.
Lioblg's Hoof , Wino and Iron SOc.
John W.yoth 's Beef , Iron and "Wine-
75e ,
Lino's Family Medicine 40o.
Dr. Miles'Nervine 7oc.
Lioblg's Extract of Beef 20c ,
Armour's Extract of Beef 80o.
Cologne , 10-ounco battle for 60o.
Cologne , 8-ounco bet " .ofor 85o.
Vaseilno,6o per hotclo.
Wo huvo Just received through Omaluu
Custom House , our spring importation !
of finoKugllsh Shirting Flannels.Vo
have the Intost styles in thorn , also the
best , imido in Silk , Wool and Cotton
mixtures and all wool ; these flannels are
guaranteed to us not to shrink. You4
will llml them on sale in our now annex ,
on llannol counter.
White Shaker Flannel , 60 yard.
YarJ wide "Whito Wool Flannel , 29o <
yard. The cheapest flannel over sold ,
iu Omaha. Now styles in Outing Plan-
all at 5o , 80 , lOo , 12 } o and Ho yard.
AU Wool Flunnol Skirt Patterns re
duced to SOc , Elsoman'a price $1.60 ,
40-inch wide All Wool Skirt Flannel.
( Jo , Elsoman's piicoCOrs.