Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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The Great Tire Bale nt StonchlH'8 Con
tinued Monday.
COIU'H T.'irontl nud Ilitrhnnr'n
Tliroiid nt 1 I--O u Hpool Ija
Ciirtalm nt IDc-Attriul lliiH
Gruul I-'Ire Snlc.
Wo did not place ono quarter of the
poods from tlio itcont fire on unlo Satur
day , for wo could not yet to it , but wo
had all Iho oil-gains we advertised. Hut
Monday inorniti } ' wo shall open up the
cntlro Block , audit will surprise our
bargain seekers.
Hoar in mind that the goods were
mostly damaged by vvaierand smoke.
Some o ( the goods wore singed by fire
but silently.
Double width M-rgodre's goods , fully
40 Inches wide , In all colois , tit Tic a
jard. Then ) goods luivo been wet ; this
IB nil the matter with them ; thoj aronot
damaged otherwise. They lomolnbhck ,
cardinal , light nnd dark brown , \vlno ,
navy blue , elcctilc blue nnd tun. In
\voha\othom in any color jou inn
imagine. Wo shall plnoo no limit on
these goods , and jou may have as much
as vou want of them.
60 iikees of black silk finished henri-
etta fiom this stock that were not touch
ed by Hi o or fcinoko at JMoould bo u
bat gain at Wo.
7fj pieces of plaid dress good1) ) , in all
the new spring stjlos , they vsoio in the
original cases when the llro broke out ,
and aio w orth Too and 3c a ytnd. Our
price will bo 8fjc.
600 ladles'fancv plaid and stiipo pira-
Bols , silk and satin , the sticks alone are
worth42.00 , and the pirasols are worth
83.00 , $1.00 and $ r > 00 , Your choice of
these nn Mondaj at 7oc.
! iOO silk umbrulliiM that were wet , hut
of course they could not posslblv bo hurt
with water , Koine of the handles tuo a
little tirnished , thov are worth 3")00 ,
50 00 and $7.00 each. Our price will bo
81.08 ; 1,000 samples corsets that are
worth up tol./jJeach ( at li'Jc ' ; 1 ease of
Indies'fnnej hose , those tonipiisos all
their ioc ! , . 'tic and oOc goodn , at IOo a
lulr ; just think of thcso foi a diive , 1U. "
do/on moni hocKB at 2jc a pair ; 800
pounds of saxony yarn at 5c a skein ,
worth up to lf > c ; 1 ciuo of Turkov rod
table doth at ISca yaid , worth 50c , 1
caho of largo bi/o Turkish towels with
fancy border nt IOo each , vvotth up to
600 ladles i.ickets nt 93c , worth up to
Slogan t wieatlia und inonturos , now
Trench goods , at8o each , worthup toSOe.
Lai go spray Trench llowors , regular
vnluofioinil to $2 , at Me.
The finestgradoof Impoited montuies ,
fruit llovverfl. etc , the regular pilco Iroin
$1.7o toii'U.CO ' , at 09c.
10 cartoiib of ribbons in
. . ,1.1. t r\-\ . novoltj , n strlpo t . , , _
wiuin iso. L'j at luo a jurd , vvoitn aoc.
At ] 5o a jard wo havj another lot of
double fuccd brocaded fancy ribbon in
\ory liandsonie designs , fully -worth 50c.
Fancy ciopo In ovoty conieivahlo
fihapo nt ISc ; niillinoijs will quote jou
the pi lee atf > 0c.
A table of line unlrltnmcd hats , black
Btinw II its , etc. , at 0 , woith 50c.
Another table of luui builds , tianivvay
und novelty hats In spring shapes at2. " > c ,
worth $1.00 and $1.60 each.
Our lineal grades of Kngllsh Milan ,
Neonolltan , lace straw chip and loco
combinations will place on another
table at ! )0c.Vo ) guarantco those goods
to bo worth up to $3.60 , and these bar
gains to bo found on our bilcony ,
25 cases of children's tthntncd sailors
nt ir e.
60 do/.on children's ti limned school
hats ul lOooach , woith unto $1.60.
110-118 S. 10th Street.
Millinery opening nil this week al
Uliss , 1510 Douglas street.
\\Vro In It
On "Now Process" gasohno stoves.
Don't forgot it. John Hussio , 2107 Cum-
ing stioot.
'I ho Morno I > rj Oooiln CO.'H
Advoitlsoinont of the LTojman &
Dolches bankrupt stock on the 5th pige
will piovo profitable rouling toiluy.
There are lots of the goods that wo have
never placed on salo. The prottlost
oinbroldoilos and luces in tlio stock will
bo placed on sale Monday. Wo shall
place on sale in our moil's furnishings
dopaitniont a case of men's ' night shirts
ut 2o ( ) ouch , worth OOc ; so that all may
got some wo will boll only 3 to each cus-
toiror.Vo will offer on Iho Iloyimm &
Dolchea bankrupt remnant table a lot of
choice dress lengths al Mo on the dollar ,
cashmeres , heniiottus , soigos , etc. All
the stock of dioss trimmings , braids ,
pissamontorlod ( ioin the II. & D. stock
on Hiilo Monday.
Mrs. R. II. Davlos on Monday , at 10f : > 0
n. in. , will display pattern hats and bon
nets In the pattern loom for Easter , 111
South loth btreot.
Chas. Shlvorlck & Co. , 120U.120S-1U10
rarnam blicet. _
Dr. Olhnuro'H olllco lomovcd to Hush-
man block , N. 1 } . cor. 10th and Douglas.
Take the "Ola Sioux Cltv Uouto" S.
C. & P. K. U. for Sioux ( 'JtIluion ,
1'ierio , St. Paul , .Minneapolis , Duhith
nnd the cntiro north and northwest.
McCormlck & Lund , flno perfumes.
A Notulilt ; IVaturo.
The nuiluigtim loulo Is the only line
from Omaha to Chicago und thooastuiul
EOiith wliobo solid trains depart from the
Union depot , thus avoiding the iucon-
veniunco und aiinoynnco uf trunsfcis
Fine cnulago' ' ) , Soxmau'a ipposltory
Mnplo S ) nip.
The firs t shliuncnt of ciiolco now
rauplopyruji just rocolvcd.
0. 13. Moouic A , Co. ,
Cash grocois.
Now wall map of Oiiniha nnd South
Oinaliu for sale by Alulr & Oajtord ,
room 1 , Uco building.
Impiovod ' 'New Process" gusoltno stovo.
Lily wrought stool ranges. John llusdio
2107 Cuuiiii ) , ' stioot.
Millinery opoul'ig ull this week at
, 1610 Douglas btiuet ,
\Vontlior I'nihnbilltiui Air Mnroli.
If March comes in like a lion ttvlll go
out like u lauili and vlco VOIHIU Uu
overydayln the month , lain or shlno
the elcotrlo lighted , btoam heated , VOH
tlbulod limited train * of tlio Chicago
MlhvuUoo it Ht , Paul railway will run
bolwoon Omuhu und Chirago. The oloe
trlu berth loudlng lamp lu the Ir palace
eloopliiff cars tire the greatest novelty o
the ago. Ticket ol'.lco , 1601 Farnam Bt.
Omaha ,
Grandest Display of Now Spring Goods Ever
( bllcted Under One Roof.
NcvO oiiil H lij tlio Tnr Itouil Ilato llccu
ArrltliiK fur tlio I'ust l'cIlnjH
nnd J M'ry Di'iiart incut Has
UN Oiui Qnot i
Vi'o claim wo soil more dress goods
lhan nnj house in the clly and wo piovo
wo sell them oh oapor.
SJO unmarked diessc of the now Ang-
ornhotncspim suitings in tans and gtey ,
en jards in each dress pattern , for 8Uc ,
ho en tlio pattern.
123 unimulo di esses consisting of 8
yaids double fold Jamestown suitings , in
all the newest spring colorings , $1.1)8 ) for
entlio 8 vard pattern.
INGS , * . ) 10.
IK impoited unnrido combination
suits , consisting1 of 8 j-ards honrlotta
cloth , foulo serges or silk mohairs , with
ippliquo fronts , braided with titibol of-
ects. The leal value of those suits is ut
east S10 , choit'o tomorrow , i'5. 19.
PATTLUiVS , $1 10.
75ulchrnnt unnmilo di esses of the so
jopulai light ohoviots , In nolkadot and
square ellcctf , Ino toned stripes and
checks. These aio co'iulno ' imported
abiies and will bo sold Mondaj at $1.10
or cntiio pattern.
.toolcfrantnll wool IVonch albatross
unmade dresses , with full fronts of silk
embioidery and bands to match , 10
j-ards in o.ich pattern ; just the thing for
s veiling wear. So.Uo for full dicsa pat-
18 unmade dresses of the linest 50-inch
wide Ficnoh toulo cloth for dress and
street wear. This is u medium wolu'ht
Material in the following now shades :
. " "ront'h tiray , new toso modes , now tans
ind bronns. $0.50 for an ontiromittorn.
7o unmade drobscn , 8 yatds each , ull
wool , impoited soft linishod borgos ,
worth 75o a jard. The ontho dross pat-
.orn , 8 jards , goes for $3.75
" 1 unmade dresses of the best manu-
'actured French honrlotta , in blue bhek
and jot black ; no better oods made ;
woith ? ! 75 a yaid. Tomoiiow $ o.2.j for
entlie dross nittcin.
llcst diossllniiiKB , 'ljo a jard.
On Mondav wo nlaco on sale 22 silk
mttorns , in the best Tionch falllo silk ,
.n now tfrois , tans , browns and greens
ind bl.ick ; 10 jards in each pattern.
rhooiitlio putoin $12.50 ; worth * 2 1.00.
Your oholco of 21 figured China silk
dress patterns , polka dot anil all now de
signs and shaded al $050 for entire put-
Thousands of j-aids llnogrado of all
known ( olorssuriah silks , toiuoirowonly
20e a yai d.
15 nieces Mlndiido drapery silks ,
woith $1.2-5 , for 0ic a jut d.
Tinsel Hiiriah silks , Iho newest thing ;
for trimmings this spring , at IJOc.
111 South 10th Street.
N. 1J.
Our Aniiiinl pl ln
Will take place Monday night. Store
will close at 5tO : ; to piop.ue.Vill \ open
at 7 and rom tin open until 0SO. :
\Vo \ pioml o our friends the finest dis
play wo have over mado. The now goods
in every dopirtincnt aio elegant in style
and the hard limes in this country and
in 1'urope have made them moderate in
piicc. Wocan promise our filends on
Monday night at 7 o'clock a display that
ib worth coming to see.
A NV\\
Mr. l'iod L. Bluinorof the city coun
cil and Mr. A. 13. C'bardo , lute iccelvoi
of the United States land olllco at
O'Neill ' , Nob. , have formed a copartner
ship in Iho liio insurance llnonnu opened
veiy eomfoilublo otllcod at rooms 20 1-5 ,
.T. J. Biown block , opposite the Y. M. C.
A. building ,
Those gentlemen represent such well
known and strong old line companies us
the IMmmta , Commoicial Union , Royal ,
Goiinnn American , Pennsylvania , etc.
They linvo cnsrnijed in the business wilh
a view to making it iicrmaueiit , and wo
have no doulil Unit in tlmo theirs will
bo ono of the leading nst ncits of the
citj' . Mr. llluinor ib too well known to
need an Intioduclion to thobiiblnussmun
of Oiiiaha. Mr Cbai do has been for
m my jeursono of Omaha's stioni ; up
conntrj frieiul . Ho has attained pioni-
iiuMK'H as a domocratlo politician and a
wiitorof some abilitj , mid will no doubt
in his now iclatloii , although assoointi-il
with a stronc republican , btill uliiif ; to
the utmciplos of his puty , but not ,
however , In such u niaiinei as to inter-
foio in any way with the success of the
now budlnofsonture
The now ngenej wjis i of used admit
tance to the Omiha Umlorwritors' exchange -
change by u vote of that Dodjon the
"double header ' und
gioundbof being a , ,
is now lofuscd rates nnd iccognltion by
the compact , but tJlumor & L/hardo ox-
poet to obseivo the julnclples of the exchange -
change and maintain their lutes al
le.isl as steadily as uo the gentlemen
who dominate that coiibuinptlvo Insti
'inno for $ ! % ( ) ,
On easy monthly payments , 7i octaves
rosewood ciibo , btool and scarf. Gion
baijtiln. ( A. Itope , 1513 Douglas street
Dr. Holmes , homoeopathlst , successoi
to the Kite Dr. Dlnsuioor , Douglas block
Spring carpels , draperies and Itirni
tuie. Orchard's , Continental blk. , 1511
und Douglas.
Shoimnn iVMcConnoll , presetiptlonlst
and family chomUth. 1513 Dodge ,
See I'd JohiiBton & Co' list of bar
galas In South Omahn piopuity In the
special columns.
Auction sale furniture tomorrow 1
o'clock , 2it ; South 12th , miir : Fur-
nnui. Omuliti City Auction Co.
Take the Klklwn line for Doudwood ,
Hot Spring , South Dakota , Douglas ,
Casper , Wjomlnt ; , HiibtliiKs , Harvard ,
Yoilc , Duvlil City , Superior , Geneva ,
Exeter , Sevvurd , Lincoln , Vi'uhoo and
To Ilavo Poaething Extraordinary to Offjr
V MV Chillies I'.aid SiilfhiK < ) , IComli
.MolrcTine IVionlp" , I nvvii rotinlti
I'liuuiclM , .Silk ll c , IJHO | !
IIuse , lUo.
Tlio prlucsfor Monday are simply tor-
illc. Thu goods must bo sold nt onco.
JOO pieces nowchnllios just arrived ,
lc jurd.
2o pieces flno 10-inch fancy plaid suit-
"K" !
Tlio very newest and latest out , only
> 0o n yni d.
A beautiful line fancy plaids at 2-3o
100 tleco3 of tlio now wash fabric ,
vorah Moir-o , usually retails at33c , our
prlco Monday is llc ) yurd.
Mnkojour selections Monday. You
nil } no\or have a chance njjuln to buy
uch handdomo and dosir.tblo fooda at
Monday wo ofTor a now line of Zephyr-
awn tonnls llnnncls in fancy stripes and
lolka dots at 15c jard , worth 2jc.
Ono case Barker 30 inch bleached
nuslln , 13 yards for 31.00.
Ono bale 30 Inch unbleached muslin
c ii yard.
50 pieces figured poiculcs woilh 12ic
aid , you oan goi them Monday at 7Jc
100 whlto bad spreads Monday at Gc ! ) ,
voith $1.00.
100 fine white bed spreads , largo size ,
Sc , woith $1.50.
50 colored table covers , slzo 10 by 1 at
iOo each ,
500 do/on Hue damask nmlhuck to\vols \
it oc , lOe , 15c , 19c each.
50 pieces fancy diagonal dress goods 40
nehcs wide , 2oo jard.
160 dozen Indies' ' fancy slllc hose in
tiucy stiipesin solid colors ; also in sitno
ota largo lot of ladies'fancy ' lisle worth
rom $1.25 to $2.50 a pair , ull go Monday
at C'Jo a pair.
Rnmomhor , ladle1) ) , this is the boat lot
of hosioty over oilorod in Omaha at 09c
> uir.
Cur loads of house furnishlnp goods in
Miscmant ; you can buj almost anything
you need in jour house and the prices
vro BO low that it will surprise jou.
Como in and boo for yourself.
Special nrices in every department
Joyce , the milliner , has rulurncd homo
rom Now York and has now upon exhi
bition at his now location , 100'J Douglas
street some olcgunt designs in now
apt ing millinery.
Tor line Easter plants and flowers go
to J.V. . , Ss II E. Arnold , 1210 N. 18th st.
Got tlio Grip
On tlio best "Now Process" gasoline
Htovo made. Como and HCO it and vou
will s > uj BO yourself. John Hu io , ! iJ07
C inning street.
luster ! hats and bonnets displayed al
weolc at Bliss , 1510 Douglas.
ISantor Dinpluy of Allllitiory.
Ladies , visit thu pattern loom for mil
linery on Mondajat Mrs. R. 11 Duvies ,
opposite poHtoflico.
A great many do not know that there
is but one crcnuino New Process L'asoliiio
sto\o , which is far suporioi to the imita
tions. The genuine and original New
Process as improved for 1811 can only bo
hud in this city of Milton Kogois &Sons ,
coiner riirnam and llth btrcots. Solo
agents for Omaha and South Omaha.
Don't Tool ioursnin
Notwithstanding all rumorj to Iho
contrary , the Chicago , Mihvaukoo & St ,
Paul Ky's now steam heutod palace
sleeping cars , with ' 'electric lights in
every berth , " still louvos the Union depot -
pot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv
ing at Chicago at 9.)0 ! ) a. m. , In ample
time to make all eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , 1501 st.
J. E. PuKsrox , P. A. NASH ,
C. Pass Agt. Con. Agt.
Turkish bath rooms , 15th and Farnam.
Elsihsor , Pmdun& Clsassor , piop's.
See Ed .Johnston k Go's list of b ir-
gains in South Omaha piopoity in the
special columns.
The Burlington train No. 2 , leaving
Omaha nt t:30 : p. in. and airlving in Chicago
cage the next morning at 8 o'clock , is
the favoiito of the tliroo daily trains , it
being a superbly appointed 'vcstilmled
train of Pullman Palace sleepers , re
clining ehait and dining , pittomod
after the latoot designs , titled up in
lusuriouR stjlo and fuinishcd vvlth every
convonlonco calculated to redound to the
osiso and comfort of the passengers.
Train No. 0 leaves Omaha at:10 ! ) : p. in.
andarihosln Chicago at 1 p. m. next
day. Has through Pullman sleepers ,
chair and dining car City ticket
olllce , 1-lM Farnam slioot.
Mrs. R. II. Du\ios on Monday , at 10:30 :
a. m. , will display pattern hats and bon
nets in the pattern room for Lastor , 111
South 16th falrcot.
A Fact \\nrtli Knowing.
The Burlington is the only line run
ning tluough Pullmansloopingciirslrorn
Omaha to DoadwooJ. Trains leuvo
Omahn dally at 10-o : a. m. , unlving at
Dead wood at noon of the following day.
1'oacook coal. No 30t , quick lire ,
v\hito ash. A. J. Mojor & Co. , opp. P. O.
Calllornlii l-xournions.
Pullman tourW sleeping car owur-
slims to Callfoinla and Paclllc coast
points loa\o Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas City ovoiy Fildaj via the- Santa
Fo routo. Ticket i ito fiom Chicago
$17.50 , from Sioux City , Omahn , Lincoln
01 Kansas City $35 , sleeping car rate
.from Chicago ft per double bcith , [ rom
'KniiMis City $3 nor double berth , livery-
thing furnished except meals. These
excursions aio porbonnllj conducted bj
oxporlenccd excursion nmniigors whi
mtoinpimy parties to destination. Fet
cM'tirslon folder containing full pnrticu <
lain ami map folder und tlino table ol
Santa To route and morvlng ot sleeping
car berths , addiess S. M , Ofcgooil , geiv
oial ngont , K. L. I'alincr , fi tight iunl
piihsongor agent. A.T. & S. F. ,
411 N. Y. Lilu Uldtj.,0muha , , Nobrubku
The 99o Stow , 1319 rarnain Street Offer
Stupendous Bargains.
It Von U'lsli to 1' Anjtlilntr
nnil Don't ICiimvMiero to 1'lmt
HCnlloiiUs We Keep
Wo direct your attention to Bomo
Btupunduus bargains for Monday and
next week.
Special sulo of now bird cages at man
ufacturers' prices.
Our "Bounty" bird cage at 19o is
woith double.
At C'Jc ' , 78c nnd 890 are bird cages
worth ono-thlid more.
Now styles of brass cages at 8Jc ( , We ,
$1.10 , $1.129 , ete.
Lnrco foathordustcts at 2oc , worth
50c Larger onoj at. ! VJiind40c.
Clothes wungeru at $1.98 , woith $ 100.
Tubs nt ! ) n' , Uocnnd "oc.
Clothob-horsos for dijing clothes 2Jc ,
39c and 40c.
Mrs. Potts'sadirons ' $1.35 per ? ct.
Common nickel-plated budlrons 7 < ? per
A splendid pil'ovv ' sham holdoi 25c.
Cnrpct-HW coper $1.60 , worth 82,50.
Special values In glasswaio.
Tumblers nt 3c.
Goblets at4c.
Smco dishes 2ccacli.
Spoon holders 3c.
Creiimor& Jc.
Sugar bov Is 5c.
Butter dishes 6c.
Half gallon water pitches lOc.
Celloiy glasses 8c.
Wo ollor eonio splendid values in
crockoij and china ware.
A special diivo In decorated M-picco
toasots. $ i > . ! J ) , woith 8300.
Tinware bu gains.
Milk nans lit 2c , ! ! c , lc and 5c.
Pudding pins utoc , Sc and lOc ,
Pie Jims Uc ,
Jolly take paiisSc.
Dish pans 15c lOc tind2oc.
Thousindsof other useful articles lit
lc , 2o , lc ! , Iciindfic.
Our navanco wlo of baby cairiages
still continued.
Prices aio ridiculously low .and the
jonelitsto ourcustomersproportionately
At 31.50 , $2.60,8395 $ , 84.05 and up-
wnul aio cairiages that would teem
cheap at twice the money.
Don't forget our jovvolij and siHcr-
ware departments.
Wo aio foiomost In the quality of
goods and at the lowest notch insil\er.
Rogers' ' ttlpplu plated knives and
poika Mondaj SI.25 per sot.
1319Parnatn btioot.
Wo are leeching dailj fresh ship
ments of fancy cheese. Cull nnd see
them. G. It. JIOOUK & ; Co. ,
Cash grocers
Ed Johnston & Go's ads in tpdajs Heal
Estnto column are mighty inteiosting
Spring Millinery.
Joyce , the milliner , lias returned homo
[ rom Now Yorlc nnd hns now upon o.xhl-
bitlon ut his now location , 1G09 Douglas
stieot some elegant dcblgna in now
spilng millinery.
Itcal Estate Men IVIio Are Actively
lit \ \ ork.
The session of the real cstatooxctmngo } cs-
tcrday morning was botlcr attended than has
been thocuatom for some tlmoust. [ Itllnally
leaked out that the Increase was duo to a re
port which bail been circulated tint A. 1' .
Tukoyvould produce the lunch ho had prom
ised the members of the exchange. Mr.
Tukoy announced , however , that tlio inem-
beis wore mistaken as to tlio ilato , as next
Saturdnj vvns the tlmo set for his luncheon.
After thu reading of the call tlio members
hclJ u rcgulniexperlencu meeting , ami dis
cussed matters of current Interest.
'Iho ciuestiou of advertising thoclty and
thoworkof the committee appointed nt the
mass meetinBlast Saturday o\enuifj lamolu
foi a fulrsliaroof attention , nnd numerous
schemes were proposed Several of the
members stated thiUthej htio taken the nut
ter In hand individually , niul had prepared
ciiculnr sett'iKj ' fortti the many advantages
of Omaha nnd the special bargains hi realty
the sender had in" hand Uheso circulars
were sent to eastern centers , enclosed \\lth
the leaflets issuoa by thoexclmijgo , nud sim
ilar advertising matter.
Iho .Metropolitan street railway charter
was also discussed at lonsulcrablo length ,
and a great dlvcrsitj of opinion \vns scon to
exist amoug the incmbcis on this subject.
Several vve-o of the opinion thut the 111010
street railway companies there wcio in the
city the hotter It would bo for the citizens , as
competition vvould Increase the facilities and
thereby Increase the traftlc.
Other members thought that ono company ,
opciating under the proper restrictions , was
nil that vvns ncccssaiy in ft city the si c of
Omaha. The argument waxed warm , hut
neither sldo g ve vay.
Mr. Gcorttoof the Enst Orrnha land cotn-
panj said the conipinyviis \ golugto work
ut once on tholr line from | the \vhlto lead
works to Shcrmnn avenue , and would push
the work as iipldlyas possible.
iMcu A\hu Waul to Carry A.\es mid
Mount IniiK Imtldi'rH.
The flrontidpollco coramisslonors hold a
meeting yostirday afternoon to examine ap-
pllcmts for positions in the llio donirtiucnt.
JuUtting from the crowded condition of the
corridors , thoflio Iwlilies' ' llfo inustbo sup
posed u sinecure bj a largo number of peoIo. |
It looked us though half the uiieiaplojod men
in the city had turned up to bu examined.
Men of all nntlonnlltlescio there , Ger
mans , Austrinns , 1'oloa , and of course many
from the JCmcrald Isle Onnat atlmu the
men woio called in b > * Chief CiulUpan nnil ,
stanaiiiKln fiontofjho commissioners' tublo ,
went thiough thoorcicnl of u running tire of
questions from all tcf the members of the
Commissioner Hartman always asltod n
man if ho could cliinu a laJdofd htj or
ninety feet und not get dlzry. Most of the
applicants thought they could , but scarcely
nnv of them coull glvu reasons for their
bulicf. One man fait suio tie could climb ,
because , suid ho. "when a boy I was ahvajs a
great hand to illmli trees" t n
In ul ) sixty applicants were examined , the
board slttlntr fioiu'Jniitllri p in
It was decided that cacn member of the
board make a list cf twenty names At the
niectliiK Monday ni lit the raiiimlssiouors
will compare uotos and Uccldoupon tuo men
to bo appointed f roai tlmo to tlmo.
Chief ( ialllgau lain need of four men at
once , and that number will no doubt bo ap
pointed at the executive session Monday
All tlio commissioners wore present , Major
It. \l\\njH
that patrons of the Chicago & Noith-
westurn In variably teitlfy their satisfac
tion nt the borvk'o given 'Jhls tan
haidly fall to bo the oa o in view of the
splenuid passenger equipment In dally
use on Unit line especially the nuvv
bluepors , dining uira and parlor chair
curs. In addition to thin , the ( .omeii-
iont hours of departure of the eastern
limited tniiiis , 4:30 : p.m nnd U.CO p.m. ,
dally and thu fait thut then * trains ar
rive tit nnd depart dlioct fiotn tie U. I' .
depot In Oinnluv , miilic.s the C'liicago &
Northwestern most omplmtk < dly tlio
favoritu line to Uhlcaffo fnd eastern
City ollico , M01 Fnrnam fitroot.
Bpecld Unen Sale-Remnants of WMo
Qoodi , EtCi
Ml Ici ) > nrl inciitM CroMilcd vvltli Utir *
gatiiH New Gootls ot" lively
n-.Mnll Orders
i illcd.
Thotisiinds ofroiutmiitsof vhltogoods ,
n barred jaconets , satin stilped nain
seeks , cntdcd piques , worth up toilocu
iril , po for oc a yard.
Anltiiniensolot ol remnants of white
joods for nprons , the very finest Indh
inons , mulls , jtconets , gnlst-C't ' , till with
satin stilpe nnd hutnstltclicd boidor ,
vvorlh up to COo a yiud , goforll-'ica
' rd.
Keinnnnls ol apron chcclc glng'hnms o (
lie very best brands inado , every ytiul
luaiaiitoed to wash , worth IDc j'oca at
ijo a yard
8jo tt jnrd buyslomnniitsot the voij
) est Preiich s items nnulo In o nud ID
vjirds lengths.
3icu jurd buys remnants of good
quality unbleached muslin.
Good qualitv cotton crash | c yard.
All linen crash 15ic a jnrd.
All linen imported Cieiinun towollng
Be , Sc.lOo , ItJic.
13\lra a\Jo \ lionoyiomb towels Oc.
IBIinchcd damiibk tonelH , knotted
friimcs and fancy bordois 10c , lUic , lOc ,
Zic , 29c.
Tuikiah to\\cl wash rags -Icoicb ,
1,000 do70ti unbloAchcd 'ruiKKh tow
els , plain and fancy stripes , Do , 112jc , loc ,
SOOyr.nls remnants "unbleached table
dain.iblv lllc it Jitrd.
GO Inch cream satin table damask 49c
a yard.
Thousands of pieces elegant cut tain
lottingnt lUic. lOc , ' ) c , ; r > c.
500 yard spool threiid , ysud of host
ilostlc web ; eako line cotoiinut oil soap.
, vvo picknges cafjitt tniks ; largo si/o
Ino lombs ; 4 spools ombroideiy silk ; "
lac'Kiifrus pins ; card laif o or small
safolj pins , and thousands of other arti
cles that sell icgulaily nt flo each , all
sold nt oin notion counter foi "c apiece
Samples of liundicds ofbtylcs in chil-
Iron's and mi cs' lace collars , ladies' '
ino impelled lace and chenille neck-
vearand iinjiorted tlns-ol combinations ,
Oc , 15o , Joe ! , Hcoith ! up to$5 $ 00
T1IH 150STON' S'lOIill.
11 I South IGthStieot.
U. H. C. Peterson , the artist who has
done such good woik heio , has returned
o Chicago , after finishing a pictuio of
ittlellugh McWhotter.
Elegant display of Ihster inilllnerj
all \violc , at 13libb' , 1510 Douglas street.
Those who use the linc&t teas anil cof
fees got it at O. 1) ) . AloouKfc Co ,
Cash grocers.
liolioiiii.ui Ifalr OimiMlttccfl ,
Tlio committees representing the iovcinl
Bohemian societies und lodges to arrange
for the fair to bo bold In May for the benefit
of tbo Bohemian lodge tcrnplo , will meet nt
Twenty-sixth and N streets ut 2 o'clock this
The committees are as foi Ions : From
I'roliopkVclkv , No 20J , Independent Order of
Foresters-Messrs. Joseph lliownandJosoph
Teanolilldck ; from Star of Ubetty lodKe , Ko.
145 0. S. P. S.-Mossis. M. 'iobins
Jtlf Ul kJ It Jf - iTAVJOOlO Joseph ! TI J.U 1 144
nnd li Dientsblcr , from tlio Itolicin'an Tur
ner Sokol Messrs. .Maik lloukol and Joseph
Uccovar ; from Olivoviilest ll lolcst , No. Ul ,
i. G D. Mesdames F"rank 1'iotilk and
ftlu ; Cltv Council.
Attho ndjourncJ raiding of the city coun
cil last Friday nlijlit spcoial ordinances N'os.
2Jnndii3 , levying special taxes for sidcwall
and slopingb-anks , wcio passed. Ordinance
No. 2V ) , cicating paving district No. 3 , ex-
ending on Tvventfourth street from A to K
streets , was p.isscd.
The polling ilares Avcro sdcctcdas follo\vs
First Waid First dlstriit in the vacant
building on tlio east sldo of Tnoiit ) slxtli
street between M und N ; second uistrict in
lonrj's building oa the \\cst , sldo of
Cvventfourth ) street between J nnd K
streets ; Third district In 'llionm Iloitor's
smith1 } , tlioiastslde of Twenty-fourth street
jotwccn Knucl L streets.
Second wurd-Pirst district In Judge
jevj's oflko on Tvvont.v-sixth sticct ; Second
district in the bulldiiifr at Is'lnctocnth and S
streets , B i own paik ; Ihlrd district In tlio
vacant building on Dcllcvuo and Kallioad
avenues , Albright
Third ward 1'irst district in Chester A
Ivans' building , T\vontr-nlnth undlt streets ,
Second district In John Kllhor's ' building ,
Ihirtitth and Q streets.
fouith ward lu the old bnm attho ox-
change. _
An After : \llil ui gilt Tiro.
At 2 o'clock last Fiidnj iii.htVlllinm
Jorngan , residing between Twonty- filth ana
rvvonty-shth and L. and M streets , \vns
awakened by smoke In his house 11 } the
lime Mr. Corrlgin sot nisfninilv caicd for
Iho vvholo inside of his liousu vvas on Hie
'Iho prompt aiilvul and oflicloiit serviio of
Keseuo hose soon extinguished the Iliuics
The ihtnago was about WX ) Jli
? "JO insurance. The origin of the tire li
otoH Alxnit tin ) Gil ) .
Mn A. N. llogeti of Albright Uquitolll.
IMra \ VilliaruVatnor Is sick with lung
Charles Wobcr Is puttliicup a uo\\ build
if ? at Albright.
An Infant uauglitor of Mr and Mrs fi. li ,
Dutton is danycrousl ) 111.
\Vlley Ham of Kent , \VaMi \ , \lsltuig
William II Myers of Albriulit.
Suiorlntendcnt | Hj II Mcday of thoU. II.
Haininoiidroinpuiy has KOIO toUhicafo.
A Ciorinin thoitro , to bo followed by a
dance , will be given In Ilium's opor.i house
this evening.
Gcnoral Manager Tjjnuvti and thief C.ittlo
IluycrThomjisoiioC tlio ( I 11 , Hammond
company are hero from Chicago
Mrs ICobcrt , wife of Ilonnaii K'obeit , who
1ms been on the sick list forsomntnne , is bet
tor nnd is able to bo about the houso.
James Penman Uied at 2 o'clock voiterd.iy
afternoon at the residence of I. . . Dull ) ,
Twonty-llfth and I streets , mil vvlll bo buried
Kov Thomas Stephenson , pustnr of the
Fir-jtllautlst church , T\uitv-sevuiitti , bo
tvvecn M and N Streets , will hold both
morning nid o'vcmngberviuis todiv.
Mrs Kats > Gapon , aped forty vears , vvlfo of
feoiK ! CJapon , was huiieil from the family
residence , .W-M It stitot , nt J odoc-k vestei
iliiy iiftoinooii. liitcrtiionlas Jiiailo Iu
Uaurcl lllllcoinclory
A privnto social and dance will bo gliron In
the looms of the Socid club Pi Hay fiuiiinp.
the 'Jth. Messrs Jlarry C Miller , D.inM
Sullivan , lUi II J3oud and It. A Cariwiilci
are the cominittio on nranuoiuents.
Kobort I , Wheeler , pastor of the 1'resb ) .
tori in church , will iircacii nt II o'r-loilt un
"Our Uut ) to thlldhood. " 1'rcsldont Itn\U
T. Martin vv 111 conduit tlio Kndcivor society
ivt I ! r > odoclt The lo Tilur cvoiilni ; scr-
\ tcos and bormou lit 7 .ifl o'douk
The social in the Prosb terian cliurUi last
IVida ) nlKlittu Mryvill ntttndod con-
sideling Iho iiirlcmrntvnthir The juo-
graramo was \vell piopnrod und llnel ) r 'ii-
ilorul , and all jiroiont proililm ll ou" ut tlio
iiiOHtt'ioabloiharvUbo ! ] < .lls our tdd lu
tlio ilty.
Just Received Silk nnil Ootton Undorwonr
la Black anil Colors.
Some ! llarKnin < i lit Union Sultn
Npeelnt rinle of .Von und I > cslrnble
in Kid Cloves Sco
Our .Now ri Oootls.
( eduction In ooreoK 2oo to 7Cc
reduction on all our cotuoK
\\ro have too hi i { jo a slock nnd will
tai < o this vny to icducu stock and clvo
our cutlomoiu a benefit. Our stoik is
ncknoHledjicil to bo bj fur the best ictail
stock olcoiiots in thoclty , It Includes
nil the loading innke , 1 * . D.l { . AO. ,
1'liouiMn\ | C. 0. , Down's War
ner s nnd in my oUiou.Vo Imvo from
Oto lOdilToient styles in each of these
niakos , vorj short \ % alsts and o\trji long
\v , lists. ,
\VA1SFS. \
lorrK AVarneis , l uipolso , Jonnobs
Mlllor , iroutoti.
Silk Kgyptiau cotton and Balbrlgpnti
lg.Viilttui ] cotton mnkos tlio finest
quthtjof xindor\v \ irns , its soft to.xturo
and rich color cannot bo injured by
\\roluvo just received a wv largo
stock of wilk and cotton ribbed "undor-
\\c.\r inblaik aiiilcream colors
Silk union suili , black and cioamcol-
01 s , 80 " 5 anil SO. 75.
Lisle vests , GOc , 7oc , $1.00 , SI 2) .
Cotton ve ts in black , wluto andcic.mi ,
2reJOc ) , 50o , 7oc$1.00
Silkdravpis. black and cream , 31.60.
S3 50 , $175 $ , $5. 7 5
Cotton di.ivvois 50c , 7SV , Soc , SI.25 ,
SI 50 , SI.S5.
\\To hivojust icccivcd a beautiful line
of kid cloves , in ull the now and desir
able sliadusjor Luster , lncludiiidres | ; cd
and uiiiUcssod.
( loodmck piovo , Sl.OO.
5-hool , d i e od.J . 1.50 quality , for 31.00.
7'hook undiOhscd , forSl.M.
8 button moaquotalio uiulrcsiod , for
SI 5S aiidSS 00.
All ( 'lovos llttcd to the Innd.
Something now and elegant inUovllos
in our ait dupartmont.
2\11S. \ ! .1. Bl'.N'SON ,
15th , neir Uouylai.
To every ono hiving puichascd an or-
jinoftis vlthhiif the put bovontcon
ycaro a th art will bo gl\enfioo.
A. UUSIT , 15JJ Douglas street.
tci hah and bonnets displayed all
at Bliss 1")10 Douglas.
See to it that jour name and addiess
frits in the nov citj director ) now in
incss. J. M. Wolfe & Co. , olOPaxtoiiblk.
AT Aijfi Aij\ie..Mir > .
A Scout \Vlw Thin leg tt c liidliuiM Are
"Undo Jimmy" Cannon , -vvoll-knovvn
povcrnmout scout , arr nod in tlio city yoitor-
clay from \VasbIiiston. Spcikliig of t lie re
cent Indian outbrcilc , ho said1
"i'hcro would not lm\o been any tmuWo nt
ull , In my opinion , If the Indians had not
been nskcil to give up tlii < lr arms. Thoj ot
scared vvlion asked to Jo thh , ami thoncht
they -would ba sovcrolj puiilshoO after they
hul complied with the order , and so pre
ferred to light r.ithor thim inrtwith their
' There won't ' be nuy tioublo with tbo In-
dhns this spilng , unless it should IJQ stlnod
up by vldouswliitot > ople. . The Itirtlnns hive
inoro scnst > tlnn some ptoploglvo tlicin credit
for Thcj Uiiovv Uncle Sam can cisily put
down an ) uprwlnKanil they
The f olio vv In inimao HOOIUOJvorj \ Is
sued b.vJutlgj Shields rvvitorJiy :
Nam a in a ulilreu Ace.
IN .T. lenwtll Omiha . 'J
1 hum i llolr , iul : n' , Neb SJ1
( Hcnrlrli ll vn , Oiniliii .is
( Ihrlbtluailstinr , Onuhu . . L'O
Meets ! ' < > morrow.
Connnlssioncrs Bcuinand 'llinmowaioluo
onlj mcmbois vvhoput. limn , opiienrancojcs-
terday nftonioon. The meeting was ud-
Joumcduntiltomoriotv at2 o'cloelt
CltAnoS-Mrs r.avlnu , aged SJ til Iho rosl-
( iLiico of licr Kriutlsuu , J. U. Tiylor , JJJO
Indian i uiniio
IntiTiiiint it Tccuinsch , Neb , Mend iv ,
Jlnreh 21,1890
mi ;
riioij * hitfcnr toOitr I'nlroni ,
pounds of ovtrn U stiRar ( nlinojt
\vliltolor ) iJl.OO.
HI pouiielsurntuilntod silffnr , Sl.OtX
loxiwet topoll22 ! iiotunlsof granulivtod " *
supur for sBJ.rx ) on Ainll 1.
A llnoeolleo for S.HJ per pound.
Choice mixed lea -Go t per povind. S
SiiK'iir coin 9c per > MIL /
SoliilpnoKeil loiniitoos,0c per can. '
lllucberrlis , licporcivti ,
Mu now fat noas o per cm.
llox of prooit Ijooo.
Ono pound can of llonbon b
dor KKians foi i ! jo. Tills biklntf
ponder Is uirantooil to picas * .
il ) > oimd uiis l.miidty snip "UV1.
( Jooilsvrup tOc pur gallon.
A medium syrup Tie pot jrullon.
UxtiullnosyrupSOdnortriillo'i. C'hoi CQ
Xo\v \ OrloaiH syrup for cookiiij ( | > uiposo $
IOo to ( "As tier f Mllois.
JUJliL'S O , O. I ) CJUOrilRY ,
fil J.V. 101 h , Tol. 11)5. )
lllc ant illipliy ol lOnstor milllnory
iillvvoekntHlifc3r , , lolO Doiiflns8ticot. {
lloys\\ranled P \\iintcilntA. ) . D.
T. Co , IliO I Douglas street ; yoocl
W. 7 Seaman , wiigons and car-
CO klnils ol mineral water In the hot ,
tlo or ease Shi nuin , JlcConnoll ,
161.1 Dodjjo st , 12d tloor v < > st ot postolllco-
J , K. Dlo trick , architect , 1)00 ) N.Y Life.
The Dalcnln Jlut hp-lim .
Tlio linprovoinonts tint Invo tilvon
pi .no at Iho DaKota , hot siiriiijjs iluriii (
thotii ) > t ycir inikolt now ono of the
imM uomilsii , nttracth onnd iluwliublo
rc-sortam the countij. In iidaitioii to
the boiielitsto bo iloilv vl front tli use
of the Kiitor , tlio Hiiporior ellmato nut
boiiitiful natural surroutidiiif sivnili-r it
tiiicxpoi'iiill } utti.ictivo iv-ort , while the
ciuiti\o p loiioi ties ot tlio water miiUo
tlinhpilntrs.1 rival of tlio fitmom hot
spiiiiK-sof Aikani.i . Aniplo hotel ac-
oominoihtionsaioprovlilt'diit ro ison ililo
raks and tlio joiiriuv to and from oan
no\v \ bo quicMy and I'nmdirtnbly inado
via the I ieinont , llUliorn A Musoml
Vnlloy , vvliich lius boon com
pleted to the liot springs. IXcMiislon
tickotaiuo sold ut rodiieul r.iteH. Pull
Informalloiuan bo obliiiiiod upon ( ii ) } > ll <
cation to an ) n ont o ( Iho I'romont , Ullt-
hoin & Missouri Valley or by
.1. K lluehmivn ,
iigonl,0iuiui. !
See I'd Johnston & Go's list of bar
pains in South Omaha pioperly In tin
spicial columns.
I0n t > r IHnpluy ot
Lidict , vl'lt the pat torn room foi mil
lliicry ( in .Monday , atMra 11. H. Oavlos ,
oiosito ) ] ] )
Eettirn of tlio Popular Fa orito3 ,
L mnix \
1'iibontln for tlic flrt Him m Onuhu llicli
Gorgeous , I\re\v
Spectacular Panlomime ,
Now Yor-k , Boston ,
Plilladelpliin , Chicago ,
Cincinnati and St Iouls.
now on sale
Cor. llth and Farnam Streets , Omaha.
Ob" MARC II 23d.
The Midget Actor
Hi K IS yens of age , 2S indies till . .mlelgu \ \ 10
liuiiniK He < lr luini' , locl.ti j 'iilr > aiul \ sc.ind
( IcliuiMlriIntj oi.itions. WUitml instance ,
_ The Smallest Orator
Who Ever Lived
As a IVlidget there
Is None Smaller ,
' 1 lie l > Isl n iiMid ( KiiHipc.m Aitist ,
lu t'u1 Muni Ions Oriental
Tlio inus' ' Miis.-itlonalIllusion In ( lie vnilil , as pmcj
lld ( ( In thopi'iilvl > < , soic in * .mil ini ifiniiH ofllii11'nst
Imlliis l I ri'oil/o tlio l iioiuiil nut lies l ti > iilijecl
Mi'miMdi ' , U ' ! \ ' . ' I ) ostapo ( ho
valclmfllii'iiioshlislliiiit. La Venn aj'111' ' t % .unl ills. . | ' | > < Mi. , oliji'ils nujioai a 1
" . ioi * vilU'lm rtcicrpnicll e-l
- r jilliihioiiiiimiid. Tlicj'rf.ili'-tplc
< , | ( rlllo .sliot of Mi xlui , In ( iiricy und
Ilin Jl.fiOO . Ill
sIluliiKpiiiintt. ' ,
ti kl ohiulliifc'
tliiui nl Hi" L.Hlu | ciillfl. : MUS o il Ul- >
s , i.'lo.
pnor. M I.OMNIIIut"i : \ Mimlt ul H ! , ( till artist.
OrcllisnlIns vlmi olijuitly tinted. Trina-
. . iio Ma lo
Auoidej ruULuily.
j ) in-lit Illuhlons. .
Itcnu'iiiber lint ( no tllmo admltsto all , .Vllno she , ( imiilnu fic.iKs , _ . „ . .
nstlo | . r n pU-iiMire , I'litotiiliimcnt , stiidj , tlioiiflil ormuiiie.iu'ill goto tliu