Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    TITTB OMAHA 1XA1LY SVMAr , J\lAKQlt \ 22 , I'AUMS.
Delivered by Carrier In any part of tlio City.
Huslness Oilier , N'o. W.
Night Editor. Ko. 2.1.
N. Y P. Co.
Council IllutTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Snpp block
( Jvntilno Hock Spring coal. Thatcher , 10
Don't full to pet prices on lumber , when
building , of.lucid kVclls Clo. , ( XX ! Uroidwny.
The funeral of fJcorgo SSuivclv will occur
this afternoon nt2 o'clock from thoresilience ,
10I1 Avenue 0.
William Itosenbrookand Miss Ilattio Hen
derson , both of Omaha , wcro married yestcr-
liv.limtlcn I Inmincr.
A marriage license was issued yesterday to
Patrick < J. 1-afferty , of Harrison county ,
Iniva , nnil Jilloii lloaly , of Uouzlns county , ,
Christian Christen sen anil M tss Dora Paul-
sen , both ofOtnnhn , worn married yesterday
nltcrncon ntthe parsonairo of the Congrega
tional church , Hcv. O. W. Crofts ontdating. Thorncll overruled Hank Hull's
motion for n now dial In district court yes
terday , on the diarce of murder In the Jlrst
degri-o. Ttw case will iti nil probability bo
nppcnled to the supreme court.
It was roporteil lost ovcnlnu thntM. I ) .
] ! ar < lln , iho county overseer of the poor ,
was dangerously 111 , Ho Una boon
qnllo III f or some titno past , but Ins physician
now states that thei-o Is but little hope of his
Ht. Hov. William Stevens 1'orryn.I ) . , will
preach nnil nttminUtcr tbo nostolic | rlto ot
confirmation in Saint Paul's ehvirch to
morrow , Monday evening nt- * : ' ! l > o'cloolr.
Tlio full choir will sing , the iinthoni holnir ,
"Lord , for thy Tender .Mercies' yake-
Tiirrar. This service U open to all who may
ilcslroto attend.
A four year old son ot.f. J. Cook , living at
- ; * 1 lleh street , run away trom homo last
vvcnlng , niul bis parents were nlrnnst dis
tracted with grief. They feared that bo bad
Gallon Into n well and bi'i'ti drowned , or tliat
something rrninllr terrible hail to'fallin him.
.Atn Into hour but evening the missing lad
had not boon found.
Mr. K.V. . ICoys , u member of the firm of
Keys Hi-others of this city , was married tnst
Wednesday to All-it CUvunn I Hurls ol Hod
Oalc. the ceremony taking place at the ivsl-
dcncoof tbobriilo's father. Mr. Davlil Har
ris , of that town. Mr.and Mrs. Keys have
KOIIO to Fort Worth. Tex. , whore Mr. Keys
will rcpipscnt the Interests of the firm of
Keys llrothcrs.
The forty third anniversary of modern
spiritualist will bo celebrated March 2' ) , : )
nnd : $ l , In Grand Army hull on 1'ciirl ' street.
Tito believers in tbo iloctrires of spiritualism
of this city anil of Onmlin will unite In the
celebration. Meetings will ho held each day
nt'J : : ) nnd 7:110 : p. in. , at which Miss F.inma
.1 , Nit-licrson of ChU-aro will deliver a bcnea
of lectures on various subjects.
Frault V'ctt-rson wits arrested last evening
on n warrant chawing hint with thro.itoning
to Kill. His wife wns the coiiiplaiiiunt. Shu
blulcd that her husband hint boon ( jotting
dmnUnnd abusing her of late. Vcstorilay
ho II lied upon whisky , as usual , nnd threat
ened to blow brr brains out. She accord
ingly wont to the otllcoof the city marshal
nnd swore out an information charging him
ns above stated , His bond was llxod at
Jl,000 by the court , In default of which ho
was confined hi Ibo city Jail overnight.
The Veteran Fironioti's association hold a
meeting at the rlty building Friday evening
for the purpose of milking ; arrangements for
the llrcnion's ' tourniinient , wide-Ills tolm held
In Cedar KaplilsnextJuno , After ndlscns-
slon it was deckled to oruanizo a. team to
comnelo for prizes , and , if possible , to send
tho.lolm N. . hose toatn along.
They also discussed Iho question of Iiavlncu
thincofor the bcnellt of thti association on the
evening of May I. It wns decided to bavo
thodnnco , nnil a committee was appointed to
tiialto the nrranRCinenbt for it. consisting of
the following : ,1 , L.Tomnleton , C. 1) . Wal
ters. W. II. Hrown , C. W. Maynard , nnd
Witllnco MrFatldcn.
Mlssnurt Keller and Miss Ilcllen IIa.\es ,
Jlrs. I'fciffcr's ' trimmers , have returned from
the coast with thu latest ideas inlriinmliiK.
Easter sale of linpotteil hats anil bonnets
lieglns Monday morning , tiird Louis' ' .
J. C. nixbr , steam hoatlnif , santUry cn-
jlnccr , 20-J Morrlaia UouU , Council tllults
I' I'.l IC.3 \ H.i t'llfi.
Max Mohn Is ilniigorouily ill with In
C. "W. Snyder , formerly of the Nonpareil ,
has boon appointed coranilssloner of immi
gration , with lieaclquarters at 1'ort Townsend -
send , Wush.
H. 1) ) . and .T. C. Hcliborlliifr of Iowa City
\vcro In the oily yesterday , the quests ot
their college friends , P. S , Stephonsoii and
Dr. V , 1. Troy n or. U'hoy ' were on their \vay
to \ Vnshinton. ( .
John Schlclcetauz has openol n harbor
shop at KM1 ; South Main .struct , nncl Is ready
to sorvn his friends anil the nubile in general
InhiBlluu of builnoss.
Fruit farm for sale OH reasonable terms ;
within one anil one-half miles of the I1. 0. ;
all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Cull on L ) . J. ilutchinsoii &
Co. , ( ! 1T Hi-oadway.
TfJivclins ; HIci
About twenty-live traveling ; men mot in
Marcus' ' hall lusto veiling in response to the
call which was issued a fo\v days HKO.V. . I { .
AIcCullouRh was appointed temporary presi
dent and A , AV. Johnson tomiorary | secre
tary , after which Cieorgo Hiidlo briefly stated
the ohject of the meeting. Hu out
lined the work of the traveling
men la various other cities , nnd cnlls at
tention to the fact that them was no
organl/atlon whatever tuning tlto knlglits of
the jr rip In the lllulfs. The objoet of tbo
present attempt at orcanizalloti wiis to work
for the building up of Council T-UufTs , es
pecially In the innttor of hotels ; not to worlc
for any one hotel , but to seek tolnduco trav-
clliijr men from oilier cities to patronUo the
Council Bluffs hotels on general principles
when they nro passing through tbo city , In
rroferencoto thosu of Omahn. Another object -
joct for organizing was to crento a fratcrnul
IcolliiR ainoiiR the traveling men of this
After the purpose ot tbo organization hnit
been thus stated , tbo following committees
were appointed : ronstltullon , by-laws and
organization , II , 1) . llllui. Kd llowun'id \ .
(1 ( , Dorliiinl ; room , A.V , Johnson , A. W.
Hobbs , 11 , L-'rankllii ; fratcrnid , Harry
llawortli , ( iflorgii iviidh ) , AV . Johnson. The
next mooting will ho heM next Saturday
evening at a place to bo ohosoii later.
The Hospital Kiilr.
Preparations have about all been completed
for tlio week's ' entertainment to bo glvcMi for
thobenolHof St. Bernard's hospital. Tlio
fact Is now assured that it , will Ion very
pleasant nnd successful ciilortalninent. It
begins at Masonlo tomi > ! o lOmtor Monday ,
.March : < 0 , and will conlliuic during Uin
w > clc. Many special unil novel fcntnrns have
been added to make It plcv < nnt for all. A
complete ehatiKO of proKrammnwilluci made
each evening. The mu io will ho very line ,
Dalbey's ' lnuul lutvhiKbeoM eiiKWU for the
entire week. Three valuable articles have
been donated to bo voted to the most jiopulur
iieople , runout thoui a line satchel for the best
liked romtnrrclal traveler In tbo city , A vul-
uablodlainuiui ring , lur e rujr , a line ( lining
room set , largo music bo.x itiid sotno hirgo
pictures liavo beoti presented to bo ills posed
of in the usual manner. All the proceeds go
totboboneilt of tlio hospllalvhloh u non-
sectnrlau In character anil ouo of the most
doservhiB Institutions In the st.Uo.
Hay bv the car load. Oftlco at present
07 Uroakwuy. W.S. lll.Mf.ll. .
J. 11. Atkins , western agent for Doi'uuw's
plate glass company , will Kivo ostlmiiujs on
plate delivery in Iowa nnd Nebraska
The N'ow Puelllo U tlio mast centrally
located hotel In Council BluiTs.
A Rood room for rent , 009 First avenue.
Romance of a fnutUich Island Prince and
an Illinois Young Wonlan ,
Tliiirticll ( llvona C'niio by
I'eiil ' ,1 nry Mot-o About the
I'ark CmoOther
.Mnttor .
On Upper Broadway , nearly opposite the
Ok'dcn house , there is a snail frame building
whose front Is ornamented or otherwise by a
larco plcco of board cutout in the liapo of
a Rultnr. On eaen side of the board are
Inscription ! ! which are Intended to let the
general public know that musical instru
ments , shotguns , clothes-wringer * , anil in
fact almost anything , can w ropairea tor
nersons of ( rood character by maklm ; appli
cation within and depositing the required fee
with the cashier. Tlio viesidmi ? ( 'enlus , of
the place Is a loiif. ( dark , spucWcit-fnc-cd mini
with a decidedly forelRti accent and rejoicing
In the hhjti-sotindini ; name of CappilontH
Japonl Cameron , lie claims to bo a descend
ant of the royal family of I.unn'ilo ' , the hst
member of which reined over the
IslnniU before the late King ICaUUnuans-
cciuU'd the throne. The blue blooil that
Mowed through his veins hnssorvod him n
good turn several times diirltujhls life.
'I'ho first pnrt of blsnamo was piven to him
soon after ho VIM horn , and ho hasclunj ? to
It over since as the only reminder of departed
Rlorv , Cameron , the last section of lii-i
co noinoii , was thannmonf a Krcnehnmn
who adopteil him In early childhood anil
cared for him until he readied man's estate.
After Cnmoron bad become old cnouRli to
take care of himself ho cut tlio slrliiRsthat
bound liiinto his adopted father , aiul staitetl
out to see the world. After Ion ? wain ! critics
ho strticlc the town of Sprim'Hcld , 111. Tlicro
hornet Minnie Kroamor , a youiiBRlrl who
was completely Insriniitcd with the idea of
receivhif ? alloiillons ( rotini ( roiuiliie scion of
a royal family , even If that lai-ticnlar
scion' were raiiKi'd somewhat below
imr In the mntninonliil niarltot.
t'nmcToii wmt onwlth hlswonlnfr and mot
with very ll.tttcriiiK-succois. litaiito of the
oppo-dtlon of Miss KiViXiiwr's reliitivos. who
were decidedly ac-iinst hiTthnnvinp herself
awavon niinxti whom they considered a more
adventurer. A murriaffo was secretly ar
ranged , and In orderto outwittlu * frlntnts of
Iho prospcrtlvo bride , itvas decided to kip
by tlieliKlilof the nwoti to Chlcauo where
ihoy could pllsht their ti-oih and malic ar-
MtiKt'inciitsfo ' rliving happily ever afler.
The elopomoat toolc nlaconnd the Idiot was
tied. In spllo of the fact that the irlrl was
only sixttcn years ol nio nnil couiu not
according to Iriw ninny \villiout the consent
of her parents.
After tlioweildiiicnothlnf , ' more ww hoard
of theeotiplu by the fricndaof tlio VOUIIR
lady. Thev traveled all over the west , nnil
Unfitly settled down in Council Bluff a last
July. About two monthsaio Mrs. Cameron
wns t.monlll and sent to SprlngtloU for her
sister , Miss I cttio ICreamer , to come iiiul
help her. She was overjoyed ill petting
some news of her sister sind started ut 0:100 :
for this t-ity. She us now occupying a nobltlc-n
at tbo telephone station , She is on peed
terms with her sister , but she announces
that Cameron has uot to KO. She has con
sulted attorneys , who have told her that the
marriage Is no'tlopal from the fact that her
ulster was muter njrn when she was married
and had not obtained the consent of hnr par
ents. ShOPxnects to begin proeoedlnps of
some kind , either in the courts or hi some
way , to separate the con i > lo.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , Is show
ing in-uiy novelties in the dross uooils line
stiltablo'for KuUer pifts , also In lild gloves ,
hatidkorchlefs , hosiery , ties , scarfs and
lishuos. Novelties In i-uehiug , novelties in
lacesnovelties in handbiifd and shopping
bajis , novelties in poeketbooUs and purses ,
novelties in wish good' , such ns pineapple
tissues , flannelettes , linoScotcb zephyrs , the
latest in black organdies , all the way from
from. Blactc llouming from ( Ulc to ll.'JO ,
black embroideries from To to : jie : , all over
embroideries in black at-He. Our stock of
laces never vas more complete , from the
cheapest lace to the Spring Jackets
In aUmaimco , the latest novelties oftho sea
son ; many exclusive styles shown by us , In
fants' and children's cloaks , handsomely
trimmed In all the leadingcolors in e.ishmero
and clot , at our usual lo\v prices.
Corsets , rorsets in abundance. All the
popular makes. Corsets to suit everyone.
Corsets from We to f-.W. Atrents for the
Thompson tlovo llttlnir corset , the most per
fect lilting corset made.
Wall Paper. Our spring stock is on the
way and will be ready for inspection in a few
days If you want anything in the wall
pnpor line wait midget our prices , Wo can
save you considerable.BOSTON
Council Bluffs , In.
Do you wan tun express wa on or bovl
Urn K up the A. L ) . T , Co. , telephone 17'J , No.
11 North Main street.
The Manhattan , sporting headquarter ) . N.
luiunil Oullt.v.
Tlio Jury in the ease of the state vs L. C
Jnme.s , cliat'Boa with Ugnmy , was sentou
ycrttcnlnyliiornliig ntubout 10u ; ! ! o'clock ' am
returned an hour later with a verdict o
guilty , 'Xho maslinuiu punishtuciit for at
olTousollkothatof which Jnmos has buei
convicted Is either live yeai-s in tlio ponlton
tlar.v or ono year anil n tine of $ . 'iOO. Tli
soiitcnco , nuij1 , however , bo as much lowe
tluuitlmt as the court may see lit. It is no
probable that the court will tnko ail van
ta oof the law authorizing him to nialto it n
llpht sentence , as tliomiso is rccognlzoil ti
lieinKonoof the most Ilagraiit of its kind thu
has been tried in the district court of tUl
At the close of thn trial a halt \vas called It
tlio proceed I n K-i I'V ' County Attorney Or ou
by roiiiiusiof the inenibcM of the jury. Juro
H. S. Smith of the cast end of the county
then stopped forward and In a fu\v nppropri
ate words prescntod to JuJ o Ttiornoll a Hn
cold-headeil eano Inbnhalfof tbo inctnben o
the petit Jury. On the top of the gold hea
was the inscription , "Presented to Hon. A
It. Tliornell by the petit jury , district court
.innuary , IS'.ll. " .luJipi'Jhoriicll tlunkol th
donors and assured Ihoin Iho gift was blghl
Our spring stoclc Is now comploto. If you
want to bo In style call at Keller's , the tailor ,
310 llroadwiy. _
Dvs , Wood bury , dentists , 80 Pearl street ,
noxtlo CJr.ind liotc-l Telephone U5. High
grade work a s | iialty.
After Illi UmtirclUi.
II. A. Cox. ofthollrmof A , U. ' . Thatcher
Co. , Is inmiiB an overcoat anil umbrella
which ho claims have been taken tiy the pro
prietors of theO dcn House , and bo begun n
suit yesterday afternoon In the district court
against M. S. Stout , T. W. Abnoy , Adam
Murray , mid \V. II. Dooley to recover the
missing property. Ho states that last spring
he boarded at tbo Ogden House , and ono day
doposlted Ids -fl.'i overcoat anil C silk um
brella In tbo cnat room provided for the pur.
poso. reci'lvmecUodts ' in return. The next
day ho offered to return Ibo cheeks , but the
proprietors refused to iivo b' ' 1 > 'S eoat and
uinbivlla. O.V. \ . Hewitt Is tbo attorney for
the plaintiff.
ISvniis IjiunJrv Co. . r " 0 Peart street. Telephone -
phone U'.H ) , Cioods called for nuj ucllvored.
Muretlioiittliu I'ntk Case.
Mention \vasmadoln TUB Hci : yostcrilay
of a suit which had been brought In the dls-
tricteourtby Kiln Keofeto recover the possession -
session of twenty lota In Falrniount park.
The petition ww very ludolltilto as to the
state of what the ground was upon which
the plaintiff based her claim , but Colonel D
II. Dallor WIMMMSII yesterdny and u attlo
more light wn.s thrown ON tha subject.
The pialntlU 1 a lady who lives In ht.
Louis , so the attorney stated. raw nl S ,
\Villlams , the original ownerof the property ,
took possession in IKM and kept It until
187' , when ho sold the propel ly to
Mnry A. and Thoinan Hackctt , who
afterwards sold it to Mrs. ICccfo. Mr. D.iiloy
could notsav just when thlt last sale was
made. The "basis of the claim h > tlio wnio as
In the other cases which have been mod ,
viz. . the Illuititlltv of tbo condemnation pro
ceedings by which the city got possession of
the premises ( or park purposes. The suits
which \vero tried teforoln the dlstilctcourt
huvo been talwn to the supreme court on up-
peal , and the ucclslon will tint bo had
until ticjit May. .Mrs. Keofc'n suit will not
be pressed until Jtls found \vhnt the tlectslon
of the supreme court Is In the olher cases ,
and thontliev will all fall or stand together
The lots wh'ehMrs. ' . Kecfo Is after nro lo
cated on the bluff which overlooks the city ,
and comprise nearly hnlf of all the territory
along thotopof tile bluff ntulextondliiKdown
the bluff townrd thuclty iiuitoti dUtsnco.
( Iranil Kimtur Milllncry Opening.
The Indies of Council HUiITa nnd vicinity
should not overlook the fact that Misses
Holcn Sprltikntul Ella Hagsdalo are malting
preparations for opening ttio Council Dluffs
millinery parlors with n beautiful display of
ICastcr millinery. The new placeIs locale. ! nt
.TJ'.lHrondway , nnd the opctiktr will occur on
Thursday , oftluj week , nndcontlnuo Friday
and Saturday.
it Kleinproprietors oftho Install
ment house on Hro.idway , huvo niadJ at1-
ranceitiPiits to Itieroaso and e\lenn tlieir
business. They will oien ; a branch cstali-
lislmiPiitln 8lou x City about April r , on the
corner ol Fourth nnd I'eurl streets , tlio old-
o = ttaiul most prominent corner In tlio rlty.
They are enterprising \vllldoabigljusi- -
ni-ss In the tippr Missouri village. .Mi' . \ ,
Klein will tnko ehnrgeof thono\v venture.
Mrs. M. 1'felfTcr lias returned from the
east with a full line of spring millinery , and
will ho jlftd ; to see all her friends , Call and
see her Master display next weulc. Will llnd
prices lowest In the city ,
Siiugait fcCo. carry lanrost stock of built
Hold , garden and llovver seeds in the west
Catalogue and saiuplos by mall.
fiCAIro. IllltJ'ile.
Sunday morniiii ; at I o'clock. Kuiina L , . ,
\vifonf I'ranh K. Ultchle , died from imeu-
inonla. Notice of funeral hcroufler.
Hl.l'MHSiKI : > 0.\ TillJ'l. . HHt.
Honat ir" S oiinlil Such Itcsl as Could
lie I-NIIIIK ) In tin ; Cliaiulicr.
LIXCOI.V , > 'eb. , .Mnroh 21.--ISpci'lul to Tin :
Unt.l At3 o'clock this few
senators remained a\vako In the chnmber.
These \vero thn relays appointed by the con
tending fiietlons to protect the Interests of
each. Tlio cbalr was nhvays tilled by ouo of
thutipposltioti , the nrcildent about 'J o'clock
In Iho morning retiring to his private room
to iteoii.
A survey of the room nt a o'clock ' brought
nuiiiy iiiterestinir features tovlo\v. M'he sen
ators are not men who arc accustomed to
"nlirlitiiifr it" away from homo. As a consequence
quence they easily sitcciitiioed to slumber ,
and dropped Into nil kinds of places and all
! : iuls of attitudes to uo/o away the hours.
Senator CVllln.s , a little mini with tfrey
beard and hair , lay upon one of tbo leather
settees , his h.ituls . crossed upon his breast
mi tiis face turned upward toward thu
fold paper on thoceilinir. llo was the cm-
oiliinent of the sentiment "Now I lay mo
Iowa to sleep , " and if anybody needed sleep
t was this sanio llltlo man.
Senatoi'IJtr'tf of Hurt sat In a heavy arm
chair , his lepi extended to thoscatof arother ,
lisheailrestluir in his haiicl with the elbow
oti tlio chair arm. Ho looked as If ho were
isteninsto prayerlu the little church by tlio
Senator Itmulalll.s a little man , and yester-
da ) received a visit from his little wlfo Part
if'lho I'Wlit ' bo studied railroad bills , and tlio
est of it ho spent with his head In a paper
Senator Horn , a big , rotund , rubicund
igriculturalist , with superfluity of blood ,
ookoftbis eoUaim shoes and walked around
ito.Toshuu M'Ultcoaib In thopirty scene.
Senator Sclinxmextenilod his le s in front
nidabovo him and slept , It sceineil almost a
slivp which knew \\nking. .
When Senator \Vllson iot throush pulllns
lis moustache and wondered "why in thun
der" they had notcontested and thrown him
out , ho fell like a lot : on the carpet and
It'lviitiod nf tini' TCf lmvstca tilnntod thiek
with normal schools.
Senator Warner , who had precipitated the
all niplit session , walkcl Iho lloor In a brown
study , with bis litmus in his poekots. Then
: io dropped into aii nrm-chair hoslJo his desk ,
, hrcw his rljibt arm over thotop of the latter
and droanied of tlio model industrial scnool
Tor jrirls which ho and John Jensen have
iilucked for Geneva.
Senator Mattes , a little man with a fierce
nid.ilpo . moustachoand cxpressioncuddlcd , up
in tbo president's chair , tbo ctiiliodhncnt of
the story of ' 'JCiiiKfor a Day. "
Senator Dysartvoro his spectacles and
slept , compaiiiiK the Newberry and Stevens
maximum frohrht bills.
Sunator Swltzltr smoked some stroiij ;
cigars , declined invitations tope downstairs
for u litllo while , and at intervals perused
what has liecomc knoivn as thesonnto lib-
torlcal iiamphlot.
Scnalor Shea was the picture of misery.
He could not sleep , nnd dually it was SUR-
poitcd that ho jo home. , which ho d id after
ijonator ( Jhristoftorson found a lied somewhere -
where , but whether under the speaker's
desk or on top of the postolllco no Uody could
Senator Crown walked the floor until ho
Kot blisters on the solo of his boots and was
filled with electricity enough to run a motor
car.Senator Kel per spread several papers on
the lloor , threw sovorul In w books near the in ,
anil , with his feet grazing a radiator , re
vived his lively otpovlonco on the stump of
last fall , when ho pledged his constituents to
stand for railroad legislation.
Senator Kgeloston cmldlod himself up lilso
a cocoon oa ono of the settees and \volco up
half a ilo ontinica shouting for an adjourn-
Kenatdr ICoontx sneaked iin-stalrs _ into one
of tlie comnilttcorooms.Kd 'Murliii found
him and rushed him down to take in another
diabolical call of the houso. The call was a
hoax , but tlio senator found somebody to
swear for him.
Senator Woods , lUo ! ono of the traditional
babes , slept until thn dawn opened his eyes ,
which glistened like abates from the dissipa
Senator Nlchener , Ibo physical clant of
the crowd , sat at his desk all niKht and wrote
letters to his wlfo and to hisalllnuco vcokly ,
wondering the while \vliy calls of the house
couldn't bo made during'tho day. .
Senator H I'd found n means of disappear
ing wliteh conduced to iumklvilbed moans
of inning a rest.
Senator Turner wormed himself Intoa cap-
Unl N on two chairs and nald attention to no
one.Senator Van Iloiison took down a roam of
foolscap onil wrote the whole night , showing
bovoadtlio possibility of n doubt that the
position of second assistant berg-cant-tit-arma
should bo colonized.
Senator Thomas went off to an Imnglanry
corn Held near the Iron rail and slept -without
a murmur.
Senator Slmuiwoy smolied nnd laughed
and the laugh was hottkd by the phonouraph
man and will licroaflor bo attached to a
liiekcl-ln-the-slot machlno.
Senator Smith dreamed of thoK \ \ Irriga-
t ion ditch at Koanioy.
Senator ljy itindo night glorious by a lux
uriant siiioko'and the consideration of the
photographs which ho had that day received.
Senator Foyntor didn't sleep. IIo was
pivlnjr and rccclvliiK nolntcrs all nluht. ox-
cent when bo showed how housed to sing
years ago when ho was a inemborof the
Senator Sanders throw a handkerchief
over his head , and ono eye looked out from
beneath as if warning you not to approach.
Senator Starbuck occupied the ohnlr pnrt
oftho time nnd slept like a tbo rub when bo
didn't , occupy It.
Senator Slovens studied parliamentary
Senator 'VUlllnms throw himself In a heap
near the north will and when uoawoko the
dny was many hours old ,
Vurillct | u the Utopia 13lsa * ter.
UiiiuaTAii , March 31. The jur.vlu tha
casoof the victims ol the steamer Utonlti
disaster rendered a verdict ol "accidental
dcatn. "
Ntbrn. U TiwusHaniiug : Cntul"dates for the
Various Offices.
1 *
Violated a Ooiirt ( ) r.ler--lrtl ( .Vow
Nntcs-Kniultflpli lli > inln -
lit Kill.
VOHK , Nob. , March 21. [ Special Tcloeram
to TUB Hii ! . ] Owing to n blunder initlo l
calling the wnventlon hold m thn elty Fri
day night as a citUons' Indopeiulont nnws
convention It inn boon dlscovowd the
iio'iituntlotis were not la accord
\vlli the new Australian law on
account , of the clause requiring
the enll for a convention to "no inaiU ) by n
pirty that II.IH pnilud 1 per centum of tlio vote
at a proviou ? oK'tion. Consternation now
reigns in the ranks of the iltlzcns-lndcpend.
cnt-domocratlo ranUs , ns It U too Into to call
niiothcrcoiiveiit ion , and petitions ar beinii
c'lrculatcd to ratify tlio nominations accord
ing to law.
X'loliit Iti 'a loiirt OriltM- .
SfiM.inon , Not ) . , March ai. [ Hpocinl Tole-
Krain to Tin : Hri : . ] ( luthrlo hrothcri have
been lined 51110 for violatinpnn order of tbo
dhtrictcoint nnd were placed nniloi * lioinl of
§ 1,0.10 , not Uivl'daio it n aln. 'I'ho Outhries
aio mill nwnoiMiind o'.vn . nl.irgj dam In tbo
Hcpubllcaii rlvor. A thick shoot ot ice
lorinedon the mill t end and a stranger eamo
alonif nnd ' . ' . ' i-nlllnp. Tlio Outhries
\unted a loyalty of 0 cents on n
cMr lo.ul , but the mnn refused to K\VO \
it , sayiiin tint at. bov.n jrlvinp rinployinciit
ton large number of men ho ouxht to have
the it'e for nothing. Then the Uulhrlcs
opi'iiedthe pate of the dinii , ilraliilnir tlio
nond uad lettlnp the ice drop t& the licit of
the river. This stopped Ice culling. In n
short llnio the mill owners closed the K"ites
and the nond nMlllod. brlnKinjr the lev hack
tothcnld lovcl. A ft or a fiee/o tliu ice nun
resumed work , tlrst. obtniiiitn ; u restralninc
order ngnltnt Iho O'Jtliries from tbo court ,
lint thoCiiitlirius were not to bo balked by
any court. Th .v opened the nates a .win. the
men at work narrowlv escaping with their
tools , for this the CiUthriiM have bec'.i ' fined
and placed muter bonds , which Is the betciii-
nine ofa Inwsuilln wnloh the inhabitants
of the place have taken sides.
Oconpntlim Tux the Ihsne.
MDXT , Neb. , March 21. fSpccltil Tole-
to Tin : llr.u.J-'l'ho ropiiuliciiiis and
democrats held their conventions touight fur
the nomination of city tickets. The contest
for some of the ofllccs was spirited , particu
larly tor treasurer on the inpubllcan ticket.
A.V. . Korbea bcinu nominated on the lifth
ballot. The catnpaiKn is to bo fotidit out
on tlicofcuputinu tax issue , the republicans
adopt hn ; i-csohillons for the report of the
present otMipation tax , and plncln ? 'i ( > 0 on
saloohs and u tax on forcii ; " eorporiitiijns
cloin husipess in the city. The democrats
] > lcdgul themselves nirninst any occupation
tax. ' '
The republican tlokctls as follows : Mayor.
William Krled ; deck , ICd 1'c-rs.v ' ; treasurer ,
A.V. . Forbes.police judge , T.V. . Oralir ;
oniincllmeii. Oskor v ( Hidden , .1. A. Klliott
Henr.v HrcilenfcldV , l-\ Crook ; ni'inl cM
of the school board , t ) , A. Murrull , and C. 1) ) .
Slnrr. )
The tleniorraMoticket < Is ns follows :
W'l.vor , .hniws liirrav ; clerk , 0. H. Chris-
ti'iisL'ti ; treasurer , U. I'lamh ck ; polii'uJudge ,
C. \Villitiiiis \ ; ineinhers of thu school board ,
( ieortfeb. Locmisaad.lusncs Huff ; councilmen -
men , M. II , Iiiimmn , Albert XliiKre , J. I ) .
Markcy , O. A. JIariiis.
Slr.ii lilllcpiililiuan. .
YOHK , I cb. , Marc4i 21. HPl'cclalTelegwm ,
toTIIU Oii : , | The republicans mot In con
vention at the city hall thisoveniiiK nnd
ulaccd in iioininulion n straight ticket. Hon.
O , W. Uciuls was unanimously chosen for
mayor , and tbanlte' ! the convention
for the honor bestowal upon
him , with one ot his characlorit > tic
speeches. 'Iho ether nominations wcro : M
Al. VVildinan , clerK ; J. D. White , treasurer ;
I'1 A. Hiuinls , city engineer ; .M. C. Frank ,
police judfjo ; couhciluieii , .First ward , Dr. .1 ,
rf , Davis ; Second ward , .1. II. Tviclcoy ;
Third ward.I. , 0. Steiubach ; Fourth ward ,
OcorpoS. Cook. For several years the issno
ha * been iion-uarlisati but nt this election the
republican : will cndo.ivor to eleet a straight
Oril N WI Notes.
Oun , Neb. , March 21. [ Special to Tin :
Iiii-Thc : Farmers' and Merchants' hank
ofOrdhas boon organized and will bo ln
business early in AUBUSI. It has a capital
stocic of Sii.-i.OOO , owned by leading citizens of
Ord and well to do farmers of Valley county.
Mr. J. K. lioqtict , latu of IhuCo/zonsliouse ,
Omalia , IniH leased the hotel buildlntf owned
liy I1"1. L. Harris and will open for liusincss
April 5. The building is a line one , built of
pressed brick with rod sandstone trimming' * ,
three stories nnd a basement , and ha * all the
modern improvements. It Uonoof ttio finest
hotel buildings In the state north of the
PUttoand will bo appreciated by tbo travel-
In ! ; public.
nei't icr > H < M > ulilitnns.
HKATIIH-I : , Nob. , March 21. [ Special Tcle-
j-ram to 'I'm : Bii-Tho : ] republicans of
Ileiitnco in convention assembled this after
noon no iiluated a full city ticket for tbo
coming election. The fipht will bo a triangu
lar one , with several petition candidates for
mayor. The new Australian ballot law Is
causing considerable annoyance , and blls
fnlr to prow moil ! perplexing with the approach
preach of election dav. The republican
ticket Is as follows : Mayor , 13. H. Sheniinn ;
councilman , U. O. Dorsoy , A. .1. Conluc , 13. F.
Davis and George U. Htrockoy.
Iliilldln-r Itnotn at Uaiidnlp'i.
HAN-IIOI.I'II , Neb. , March 21.-Special [ to
TIIIJ linn. I Work has commenced on a 100
barrel roller llouring mill at this placo.
The building boom has commenced. A
number of very line brick blocks will bo
crPO'.cd this season.
The tide of emigration has been turned this
way for aura. Almost every train , comes In
loaded with settlers.
With its two railroads and a beautiful and
fertile farming country , Randolph is destined
to bo a town of no little importance.
A Ijleniise C'nnciiH.
CRNTHVI. CiTvjJj b. , March 31. [ Special
toTin : nt-n. | A.lJppnso caucus
noniiiiated M. YScott , for mayor , w. U.
Kerr for clerk , IV | > Travcr for treasurer ,
K. O. Sitnmoiis for.i engineer. For romirll-
tnon : First ward , C. Larsen : Second ward ,
J. 1C. Ilabbitt , Tliird ward , O. C. Harris.
For members of the1 hoard of education , A.
.1 , nowlo ami CVWl Adams. The nominee
for mayor has unm.tAvko elected council man
on theunti-llceiWiUckot , holding that posi
tion nt ireseiit.u _ i
A N'o MISOPHO Tlokot.
. - . to Tim
NBI.SON , Nob.vMfvrch-Jl.-Special |
llBB.J A laruo anircproscntatlvo assembly
of thocitii'.ens ot this village met lust evening
nt Iho court house'ahtl ' nominated the follow
ing ticket for villiure trustees : .1. C. Smith ,
.1 , M. Hull , J. II.Vbtiel \ , W. It. ICnapp and
.1. Goodrich , No n'latfortn or resolution was
adopted , hut if this ticket la elected It lll
Insure that Nelson remains a no llcemo town
for another year.
It.-iilna ( IV 'tluknt ,
niAiNAiti ) , Neb. , March 21.-Spec'lalto [
Tim llEK.-Tho ] citizens' caucu * was held
hero last even ing , resulting In the nomina
tion of the following men for trustees for Iho
cnmius year : W. T. MoKlvain , C. C. del-
wiek , Henry Fox , J. M. Wright , W. J. Ma-
h'affoy ,
Stcnlliiff Typewrit CM.
CoiixiN-o , la. , Mnrcli 'Jl.- [ Special Tclo-
cram to Tim DUE. ] Typewriter thlavos ar
leaping a harvest here. A now machlno wao
blolon from Attorney Uarcer's ofllco last
night , the tccond theft recently.
A Tlckot Tiif Crnld.
CaAin , Neb. , March Ul.-lSiwIal to TUB
llEi-Tho : ] citizens of Craig held acauius
and nominated llvo trustees. U. d , Gales ,
U. r * . llarlow , V O Kerr , J. C. Smith anil
John llnscollVCM nominated for the r < ular
oftloosnad l > r C' ' I. , . I'hirk , 13 , U Kerr nnil
II , Knglcston to fill vacancies.
Tlio People Nomlnnto.
O'Nfiii.i , N'ob , , Man-It SI. [ Special Tole-
grainto Tin ; Ir.i-A ) : ] people's caucus \v.w
held tonight to place la nomination a city
tlc''ot , O. V. Hlglln nominated for
mavor , Tom C'liiniiboll for dork , IJavUl
Adams for treasurer , Sumncr Adams for
city engineer and N . Martin for police Judge.
The ward caucuses to nomlnalo candidates
for aldermen xvero also hold , lien 1)oyarman
wai nominated In the First ward , Wank
Campbell In tha Second , and Htirrett Scott In
the Third. The license initiation wiw not
mentioned , but thov are all known to be in
favor of license , 'it Is proUiblo another
ticket will bo placed In the Hold ,
Str.i't i'lirty litm-t. -
F.UU CITV , N't-b. , March Ul. | Bpi clal
Telegram to Tin ; Bui : . | The city election la
this city will ho onstriflly tiarly lines for
the first llnio In the history of the town.
Doth republicans and democrats Had caucuses
tonight and nlticcd in nomination candidates
for i-lly ofllt'bs. Tlio republli-nns named U.
W , .Abbey for mayor ; for rouncllmon , A. J.
Wanner and W 11. Schaok : treasurer , 10. K.
Met/ ; police Juilge , K. S. Towlo ; school
board , \V. K. Darrington mul .1. C. Wylle.
ThiMlonucratsnoiiiinatcil Kobert Clcggfor
mayor ; rorcoiiiiellmcii.I. W. Holt nnd .1 U.
N'ooinii ; trcasurcf. Ned Mlii'illuii ; pollco
judgeI. , I * ( 'leaver ; srlnol board , .hdwiu
Puilson and \V. II. Crook.
A > -saiit ! uih I-unit ID Kill ,
tr\-iv : \ , Neb. , March -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : HiiThomas : ] Ht-ndursnn ,
formerly n section foreman on the 11. it M.
t this place , was anvstcil this evening on a
warrant , sworn out by Mark Alexander for
assault with intent to kill. This Is the fruit
of lee much \vliUlcy. Henderson is a very
iuit't | nnd gentlemanly man , exi-opt when
under the Inlluenco of whUlty.
S'niclil ! ' hy To .H n.
T-U ! MSIIII , N'eb. , March -Special [ Tele
gram to THK HKI : . ] Mrs. Nnn C. Alexander ,
n Indy living four miles east of this city , died
this nlli'i-iioon from the effects of stryclitilni'
poisoning. Mrs , Alexander has been despondent
pendent for sometime. An inquest will beheld
held tomorrow and startling developments
are o.Miected bv the same.
A Doet ir's ' A cciil IMI ( .
CIIIHH HUMix , Nell. , March21. [ Special
to Tin : Hti : : . ; Ur. R D. Hume's ' ono of Iho
prominent physicians of this place , while
in.ikiii' ' , ' a call last iikht on horsch.iclc , met
with a painful ncL'ident by the horse fulling
upon him and breaking bis right leg Just
above the ankle.
! ' < innd Doitd in 111 > Knad.
PHUUT , Neb. , March 21 , [ Special Tele- to Tin : IJr.iThe : ) body of na unknown
man wns found Just , outsida the village litnus
tills morning. The coroner has been sum
moned from Cuivsco. NotliiiiH is known ns
to thocausoof the death.
Cii.d.MANNeb. . , March -.M.-fSpocinl to
Tilt : HKI.J I-nst evcnliifj while ridiir , ' a boy
hy tlui name of Lew > 'asnmssun had his
leg broken by the falling ol his hoi-oc.
Si'lionu'S to llo li-.ctis'c ) < l for an M\-
litbt sit I ! World's l''alr.
Y.\\KTOV , S. D. , March 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : IJiv : . ) A call for a conven
tion of representative moil of South Dakota ,
to meet in convention in this city May ! 30 , to
take action upon arMiipvinents for nn ex
hibit from tlio state for HID world's fair in
Chicago In 1SOJ , has been issued
bv the Viiiikton Coininei-i'ial club. The
call makes this following appointments :
of delegates. Kauh county ono delegate-at
lar c1 each Iiicorporatod town , ono ; each
town over',000 , population , two ; fiieli town
over 10.000 , four. ; cadi commercial club or
hoard of tr.ulo , ono ; rai'h railroad coinpnny ,
one : state farmers' alllame , llvo ; dclciratcs-
at-largo to bo named by the proslilent , of the
stain alliance.
Is ( . 'oiislif titlonnl.
Rioix Fu.i-s S. 1) ) . , March 'Jl. [ Special
Telegram to Tun liisn.l A year ago the Icuis-
laturo nassnd a vigorous law , compelling
commercial agencies to doposIt.VOUO ) In cash
with the state treasurer as ,1 guarantee
fund for any Judgment found
against the company for misrepresen
tation as to credit. In consequence
cf the law , Dradstroet's ' withdrew from the
state , nnd . to this day to report the
standing ofa single firm In South Dakota.
K. ( ! . Dim & Co. . however , huvo fought
Ibo law through the various courts , mid
today's ' decision confirms tlic lower court la
upholding the constitutionality of tlio law.
K. G. Uun it Co. , in their argument , claimed
that commercial ngencles were engaged In
the business of Ititcrstnto commerce , and
thus \\ithiiitho \ provisions of the federal
constitution. An appeal will bo nt once
taken to the United States supreme court.
Kill 'CM ! a Miloo i.
BI M.\IWK , N. D. , March'Jl. [ Special Telo-
gramio 1 in : J > i.i.j : mu IIULIII iuuu riiuicu
Shipley's saloon nnd arrested the proprietor
and seized llvo cases of beer and several jugs
of wino. This is the tirst effort in the direc
tion of enforcing the prohibitory law since
the adjournment of the legislature. A strong
organisation has been formed hero and In
other towns for wiping out the saloons. The
place raided today was the s > cone of the
shooting affray a week or so ago.
Atljiidgcd Insane.
Vr.KMii.Mox , S. IX , .Mat-oil 21. I Special
Telegram to Tm : Br.c.J Mrs. Flora Jewell ,
aged thirty-flvo years , was adjudged insane
and will ho sent to YnnlUon Monday. She
has shown alight symptoms for a year past.
Jt.l TMKtt ltl.llA A'l'/C.
Strange Xl-iniicr In AVIiio'i a Creston
AT mi Oets loney ,
Cttr.sTOX , la.MnrchSl. ( Special Telegram
to TUB Iii ) : : . ] An old citizen of Creston
today received alotter from a priest nt Lis
bon , Spain , apprising him of the fact that a
Spanish exile , who was formerly his asso
ciate as nn employe of the Chioigo , Ilnrling-
ton AQulncy roundhouse here , had just iliod ,
leaving him $5OJl ) upon the following condi
tions :
The citizen Is to give the priest a bond In
the sum of J40,0i)0 ) , guaranteeing that ho will
unearth and restore to the S.imam's ( only
heir , n daughter , Jewels to the value of
uuneu in jro.sion. jcaari.
MU.lllM , . . . . giving
the exact location of the trcasuro is to bo sent
the cltl/.onou receipt of the bond.
The Spaniard , -who was banished years ago
for po'.itieal olTeiibc.s , worked a nionkov
wrench ganir for the " ( y until his Spanish
ruler died , when ho was permitted to return
to his country.
en .Moinot.
OTTI-MWI , la. , March 21.- The DCS Moines
river here is the highest known for four
years. Tbo ice today tore away llfty feet of
the approach to the wagon bridge nt ICddy-
vlllo , cutting off communlciatlnn with llio
south sidoof the river. The town Is threat
ened with total Inundation ,
Tlioy I'lny CJIit'elctTH.
'Four DoDfiB , In. , March Bl. ( Special Tel
egram to TUB nr.r..l David Miller uf Dews
defeated C. A. Merrill in two straight scries
at checiicrs , thereby winning HID litloof
"chuuiiilon checker player of the state. " Out
of seventy games Miller won thirty-nine ,
Merrill sixteen and iUtcon were drawn.
Piii'iioH Holds n
DUII.IN , March 'Jl. Parnoll hold a long
conference today with tbo leaders of the
Cork election committee In regard to Maurice
Iloaly's acceptance of 1'nrnell's chidlcniio
that they should both resign thnlr seats in
parliament anil then seek ro-clcctloii in a
test of the popularity of their respective
causes , _ _ _
Foundering of a Mv < ' < Ilbh f-hlp.
T-OXIION , March 21. The Swedish ship
Senator " \Veber , C'aptala Wlnck , from Car
diff March 9 for Uio Janeiro , fonndercd Intho
recent heavy gale which sw'-ptoverKnglund.
Fourteen ol the crew were lost
Beautiful tjprinrj Is hero nt Inst nnd our counters nro eve lonil-
od with the choicest desifjna nnd Inloststylos of sprUin suits , ovci1-
conls and pnnts. bouoln iii Immnmo ounntitles direct irom the lui1f \
( jest ninnufncturorsln the enst.rmd aswo have dotoftjiincd lotto llio f I
clothing business ofCoimcil Bliiffs this season wo will pSnco on snlcv-
Wcclncsclny , Mat'ch IStli , nnd continue tlio anloono weoVc :
A line of ( tincy worsted svtits in I'oumt nnd slrnlght out sackg
and cutaways mmln up to soil lot1 $ li2.RO. nut1 prlco cUtfing thl nlo
A full nncl complete line ofblndt cheviot suits , bound nnd un
bound , In oil styles , nnd sold ovei'ywJiero for $15. Out1 price for oiio
week. 40.SO
Tlio grontcst borgnlnsovei1 offered In men's pnntsnt'o now right
here. Those pouts look every bit tts good ns any $ IO pnnts ttiiulo by
n high priced tailor , nnd nro jut vntuonsnnyO ptitus of-
fereci Jay the clothinn trndo. Wo olfot * them durlriilhissnlerorH.IO
Ottt1 stock ol underv\-enr , tiecUrtt-osslno. suspondet's nnd hn
ese is almost coitiplcu. ' , and wu guaiMntao to suit the modi f -
To buy before examining our ocnls niul prices moans
; i deliberate wasting of } 'our money.
522 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , "
'l t\i ! < TI' ' l
Ijlni'S In He ttcporlcd lit
( lit1 Intel-staler ( " ( iiiiiiilssion ,
Cinrxon , Miuvh 'il , [ Spcolnl Tolo rntn to
Tin : Ilir.-Cluiirmnn : ) Ooililaril of tlio Trunk
lues , Chnlrinnn UliiiU'linni of the Contra !
Trnftle tintlCoitimlsslonvi * Mldnloyof tlioest - '
rn fl'nnioftssoclitlonslinvubi : > tMi npiiointcil n
. 'oniinlttoo to ferret out the cut rates ou beef ami klnilroil rates , ntul report j
oftonditiK lines to tlio Ititcrstnto commerce
L'ottiinlssUm wlt'i ' u request tluit Ihuy bo dealt
witliiu'coi'illtitf to law. This is tlio most sen-
mtlonnl action sitico the format Ion uC tlio
c'uiiiinlssioii. The prositlcnts of the strong
iinus threatened to take this action
homo Hint ) ujro , but it was lliotiglit
the m liter hail been dropped. Hut tlio
coiiiniltteo wns appointed by ttio Joint com-
inittcovilh itislrui'lloiis to beitii [ irucood-
at onrc. The lint tnovo of Iho fominit-
was to notify all wcstorn lines of tlio
niM ion taken , telt'frraiiis bolni ? sent them tliis
aftonioou asking if tlioyvuiiiil oo-ojienito In
ho movement. Ko far us known the answers
TO in tlio alUnniitivo , Tlio strong ousteru
Hues cspocially have for throe months Jo < t
not only tliu crc.iin but the built of tliotrulllc
through nlli'Kcd c-ut rutos. AUIiouuli Iho
( iranil Trunk nnil Nlckol 1'lntv luivo ilurliu ;
this time tiilcen over III per coat of tlio bust- j
ness against olpbt competing llus they nro j
not accused ol cutting rates ns much ns
the r.afltiuvamia. for nlno months It is , il- j
lejrod that M ) per cent of tlio K rain tnfllehas
( 'onoat cut rates but hi each cusu eiistcni
llnuswuro charROil with the manipulation.
It is tliouqlit the present movement will put 1 I
at least a temporary stop to cut rates. j
Hutu' ' ! ' ( ! lltiilroiul S'il < - .
CIIICAOO , Mareli 31. The story of tlio al
ICRud sulo or tlio Loulsvilli ? , Now Albany .
CluLMgo railway wasrovivcil today owtiitft
the arrival in tlio rlty o [ CJcncra' Kinnuul
Thomas anil Tliomas Grccnouih ; , the rs'cw , i
Vork bunlicr , who mot President Iitoytoilo ; !
niul nthur Motion olllciiil.s anil spout the d.iy ; ,
Inspecting thu terminals. The visitor * wro I
sucn toniu'lit and oxplnincil tlieir mission. I
They represent about twenty prominent New
York capltullsb who are nrcparetl to take
financial interest in securities of ttio Motion
road pro vido'l thoinvpsti ntlon is satisfactory.
The Motion , it Is well known , Is unxlous to
soil about fJS < )0,003 ) worth of bonds. "That's '
all there Is to it , " said Ouncrnl Thomas.
"The road Is not to 1)0 sold to tlio I-ako Krio
, t Western or IJIchniotul lerniinal , or any
other corporation , so far us > vo know Tla-ro
are no negotiations looking to n chaiiguln
owni'Mhipor inaniigemont , "
( ilvillU IJC'llllOCll I tilt I'M.
CIIICACIO , March -Complaint havinir
been maito that , the Krokuk & Wostcrn roaa
Is < iuotliiBii ratoof IUcents per 100 pounds
on packing house products from Kcohuk
to ChioiiKO uirainst the regular rate
of IS cents. Chairman Walker summoned
representatives of interested roads before
him toilnv , 'phe KcoltuU it Wostcrn can
only pet into Chicago over the Atchison and
the latter road agreed to bcuonia res.ponslblo
fiif llirt rntut.o mill n tiMmnr ft nf l'lto : > 4-
i ) Ulll Not. Iti'sl n ,
CIIICAOO , March 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Ilii.l : General Superintendent Uicldn-
sonoftho Halllmoro , fe Ohio laiicthod today
when told that thcro was rumor afloat that
ho oontoniplated rcslRiiiiiR his position anil
ru'AirnliiKtu the Union Paclllc.
"Thoro Is nothing In the story , " said ho.
" 1 have no intention cither of leaving the
IlaltlmorOiSt Ohio or of coliii ; Imclt to the
Llnion Piicillf , I am perfectly satisfied to
Mirialn where lain. "
ptl fir n ll < Molv ! r.
BIHMIXOIIAM , Ala. , March 31. On potltlou
of ttio Merciintllo Trust company of Jlulti-
iiioro. Caloln MontKoinuryhns heon appointed
receiver for the Hlrmlngham , I'owdurly &
JJossemor rullroail.
il Cock iHlaiul Sale.
CIIICAOO , March 31 , President Cable of
the Itook Island road said to.laylhatso far an
lie Itncw there was no foundation fortho
rumored sale oftho road to Gould interests
\ \ III ! ! oC lt W'ohttJl'ii
_ March 21. Has tern railroids
mvo nrrangcd to boycott any western line
hut may hereafter ho dotcctod paying cotn-
nlsblons to their agents on the sale of tickets.
St aniNil | Arrival * .
AtQuccnstown The Cllyof Chicago , from
Mow York ,
At llrowheail Passed The Sorvla , from
N'ew York , for Uvcrpool.
At London -Tho llrltish Kmplro , from
Atl'lilliidclplilu Tbo Montana , from KOII-
At Lizard iMssed-TtioKaCJasuogno , from
Now York for Iliivro.
MM JlltN I'll IIM 'tHK II TItKti.
The green houses on the farm of W. 1C.
Vanderbilt , at Oakdalc , I. , . I. , burned yesler-
day. 1-oss , ? 100.000.
The Missouri stnto senate has p'isscd the
world's fair bill , appropriating : ? ir.OKM , ( ) . It
now goes to the governor ,
Tim person who represented himself at
Memphis , Tonn. , to bo Dctoetlvo O'Malloy '
of New Orleans proves to bo nn Impostor.
Charles , who killed Tlavld
( Jrcevor at Kansas City , Mo. , was. yesterday
found guilty of manslaughter in the fourth
The Totiikins machinery and Implement
company , at Dallas , Tex. , unsigned yester
day. Liabilities , $115,000 , ; noinmul nsfcots ,
A dispatch from Angci-s , the capital oftho
dcoartinent of Mnine-ot-I.oiiro , Frunru , says
a general strike has hcon declared hy the men
working In the state nunrrios. Severn ! seri
ous affrays took place yesterday ami troops
were sent to suppress the disturbance.
I a t night Klmcr Collins of Allegheny
Ulty , l'a..llnlshed his thirty days of fasting.
Cofllus took nothiiiK but pure spring water.
When ho began ho weighed IMHJj , ' pounds and
nt tbo close rct'istored I ID pounds. ll will
anon attempt tolrouk all records by fauting
At I'lttuburg , I'a. . last evening , a crowd of
strikers attacked twenty non-union wen re-
U ANTI'I ) Competent ulrl f ir ci'iii'inl
lioiixuniirk. Mis.V. . \V. Slii'i-iiinii. 517 S.
Ur.N fiirnUlu-il with
> Conipi'tent i-lrl f ir housownrk.
Call at HrJAvfinio I ) .
lKI'IT farm fur Htilvor Intilci neil lin-alfd
-L nnil all In bcarlni ; ; enl house mill hini. ;
WIlllakosonioRDOil elty puipoily. niul H'nnl '
lliiioclvei.Dii balanrt' . fall mi or uildross 1) ) . " "
.1. I luli'liliiviH .V ( . ' < . . 017 ltroil\viy. ; ( :
SAI.K Pine housnliold fnrnlt uri > .
ivi : > r.vtliliut first , class. Cull at : ill.l Noilh
Mb slrcetCouiii'UniuVH. _ ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT'XAMIXKlliocoicuriiFi'il Md'hull ' plaiiiw :
1 - ninM'nlo crotvn plitniM anil or tini. Snlil
on iMsy payments by Mar. lloiiilrms , iinisiu
U-arlier. Ill St iilHiiuin struct , Council Illun'i ,
I/Mlt SAI.K . A house am ) Inrjii' lot on easy
-L pavnii'iits. Inijnlro at 4 ( ° > . * > Park aviMiiie ,
coiincii niuii-4. la. _ _ r
\\T .1. liM'TEUWAS Kll Him innvcil hli
' wiiiuliiuiMi fiiiin : U"i llniadxvay to UJ
llro.idwiiv , when1 lie wilt Ucep on lisiud a line
stiic'li of niinuoi' llvt ures. ,
$ l ( ) Avill miiliO tlio llrsl pavilion ! on ! ' ' )
lii'ri" ) of ( liiu land III south uoMiirn Mlono-
Foti , and ten ycirs : to pay tlio > ' 1 in ,
PniMiii for ten t In Hump locality Snino trmi t
on iiiijiruM'd farms In Nolir.iska. Cull on ur
send fur circulars , i o.lohiiMon k Vnn I'lilton ,
Ij'OH SAI.K At a sacrlllcc , Inriti ? sl/o letter
J ? piess. 'J olllci ) doskf ami chairs , U Mciro
tiuo'is. ' t lat"4o Iron Hcalu t riii'k. - hi'atli
stuvi's. ! ! > oiint irsoiili" ) . -'step Indilt'rs. I law
platform lloor smiles. ICeulIno it I'clt. 117
MalnSt. _ _ . _ _ _
ITIOlt HUNT Tim JlcMabon HlocU.i : tory
J- lirlclc , with liasoinent. and elevator. .l.W.
, lot I'unrl ' street.
M--A ? bargain ; nuw inodorn Inniso
with all tbe Into Impros-cinriitj , seven
moms ; will soil on on y puymi'iils ; lui-atudoii
Hid I'lflli uvitatin motor Una. I ) . J. Ililtubln-
tun , HI ? Uro.idway.
FOKSVLE or Itont Qir.lon lunl , wltiT J. II llljj. 101 Main it. , OouuoU
llifrhost rnhh price paid for rajfs nnd
nil Uinds of scrap inowls.
Country dealers and inerchtvnts will
liicl it to their mlvnnlngu to cominunU
catowltli us Iraforo tlisiisiiiu | ( o ( tltolr
stocks. ( UMNSKY UliOS. ,
Union Uroadwny Depot ,
I'ol. SOI. C'ouninl lllvill's , la.
Or Council Bluffs.
OIIIB-TOIH I. A. Mlllur , R O ( llirisTi. 13. r
Fliiivnrt , II. E. Hurt. J , 1) . Kdtiiun linn , Oliarloi
U. llannan. Tr.uis.'xot Ij.iiilfin , ' bml-
ncas LarosL v.tpltil mil MiriiUii of unj
lui n I : In Sjuthwostorn low.i.
Rl1inill > rc Atlomnys at 1-iw. I'rao.
( X 0.lllllUU : > tire m the Htali ) tmtl
federal courts. Ktxinis : i , I an I J tliu 'urt
liutiubloek , Uouncll lllull'.s. IOW.L
rilimllf > rc Attorney at KIIVT , Nal9
. J , tlldllllJUS , I'oarl ' slMM-l , nvi-i llusli-
noll's hturc. Tuloiiliunu Nu.M. . Iliisinesj
hours , b a , in. toll p. in. Council Illull's In.
The NowOgdia Hot'-l , u CJona sli Hlnlfi ,
h sheen coiaolstad rut'urnls'ioJ ' an tai J rn-
.zndtliroug'iout ' , nndi4 niwon ot 'ho best
hotcUiii tli Blilto. His lunatrt.tlii I'll bud-
nussp.\rtof t > u city an 1 tli olo-'tr. ' ! laatoM
p KS the door every lour inlii'itas. 1'lro 01-
eapin iiud llr < ahriiu thi-'jiij'.iout th b.ilM-
ne. hat , hot iiudold ' w.itar aivl
sinishlno in HVITrinm Tablouas irp\B'jol '
inywhere. liatos , S .OO atl iy.
GBO.M. WHITNCY , Manaior.
turning from work at the 13 rail duck wlro
mill anil beat tlioni badly. A few minutes
Liter another hatch of non-union men wcro
nttaekt-d aii'l terilbly beaten. The mnnngo-
monthas culled on the authorities for pro
A sevcrn hailstorm visited Orlando , l-'la. ,
yesterday. One hundred windows In the )
San Juini hotel were hrohcn , and sky light-i
sulYerod greatly. Kvory pann holiiK gono.
The damage to the fruit cannot bo estimated ,
butts probably not groat. There was a tor
nado ntVilcox , Kla. Trees were torn up by
the routs.
Tbo pollco of Is'ew York yrstorday im-
cartniiil an almost iiiiparalled ea'o nf moral
di-pr.nlty anil wretchedness. In tho-tuno-
inonllunisuatiltJI lrlr t avenue they fonml
two little girls- -Mii''gio MciN'nllv. twclva
vcars old , and Mary McKcnna , idulit yoari
old-lvingon the Hour of ono othn roomi
dead drunk and in nn adjoining rdimi wat
Mary McKonna'H father and four women
hi the same condition. Oa u rickety bed was
the girl's father In the la-it Htagiut of con-
sumption. MclCi'tina and the four woinon
worn I'ommitu.'d and the ulrU given hi cliargo
of the ( Jerry society.
Piirchiixlnii < anadlanCat tic.
MnsTiiKAt. , March 20. - [ Special Telograia
to Tin : HBK. ) It Is said In cattle export clr-
clos that all of the Canadian distillery cattle )
la Canada have been purchased hy Gold
smith of Now York and Morris of Chicago.
The prlco paid Is from fi'f ' t ° r'"i < ; tllt-s ) I
pound , Tliero are over ten tlioujimd head
this chins of cntlln oxporU'd yearly and about
the ( mine numher has boon puabased by the
American doalers. This U uljoutJa head
dearer than last year ,