Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1891, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Bat it Took Thirty-live Billcti to Secure
His Nomination.
Winclnnfcl , tlio Rittclicr Wlin Had II In
Tin-oat Cut , HlaiulH n Good
Mum * of Recovery Mn-
culn Oddn uiul limls.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 21. [ Special to Tnis
Dnn.1 Tha republican city convention ns-
icmblod this afternoon la Dohanan's hall for
tbo purpose of putting n ticket In the Hold.
I'ho ' interest centered mainly In the nominee
for mayor. The convention was called to
order at ! ) : ! W p. rn. Tbo matter of nominat
ing a mayor was first attended to. The in
formal 'Oto resulted as follows ! Wright ,
W ; Sab amp , 45 ; Alexander , W. Thlrty-flvo
formal ballott were tnUon before enough
votes \\cro gained for Alcxauder to secure
-lomli.atlon. .
The nomination of Alexander has caused
considerable dissatisfaction , nnd a movement
Is on foot already to call a people's ' conven
tion early next \voolc.
Messrs. Gran Ensicn and John Doollttlo
F/ero iinmcd for members of the excise board.
Van Duyn ana Stevenson , respectively city
clerk and city treasurer , wore renomlnated.
The physicians announce that \Vllllnm
Wliiriiint'Ol , ttio ( lot-man whoso throat was
cut yesterday , stands n ninstfixecllentchanco
of recovery. Although his windpipe was
novcrcd anil be WM unconscious from loss of
blood when found , it is bcllovcd that his
splendid constitution will carry him
tnrouuh. On Hrst recovering consciousness ,
bcllovditf that ho could not recover , hoslRiii-
lied by signs that ICylo had cut his throat.
Later , when ho showed signs of recovery
nnd lie was mudo aware of the fact that ho
would soon lie out of danger , ho denied that
Kyle mudo the assault. The ofllccrs are in-
ell 11 u d to bcllovo the ilrst story from attend
ant circumstances , but nevertheless they had
to let Kvlo ' go , mid ho again rejoice. * In hit
Governor Hoyd has received a loiter from
( lovernor Kusscll of Massachusetts request
ing him to recommend to the honorable sec
retary of tbo navy that one of the two now
war vessels now being built bo named Lex
ington In honor of the famous 8CC11O Of tllO
llrat revolutionary unttlo. Governor lloya
immediately sat down and wrote the follow-
loivlnir letter to tnu secretary of the navy ;
LINCOLNNob. . , March 21 , 1891. To the
.Hon. licnjamin l\ Tracy , Secretary of the
f Navy , Washington , D. C. : The undersigned
respectfully petitions that ono of the now
vessels of war now building' , or to bo built ,
lor our navy shall bear the name , "Lexing
ton. " t im It in honor of that nnciont town
whoso name stirs the blood of patriots , and
whoso soil has been made forever "snored
to liberty nnd the rights of mankind , " by
the blood of her sons spilled in the first
armed resistance to British aggression.
I ask It , believing that in whatever waters
her course bo laid , her name will servo to in
spire the bravery and patriotism that aril
mated tlioso seventy bravo spirits , "too few
to resist , too few to llv , " who boldly faced
bOO British troops , and by their valor on the
memorable Apnl 19 , 17"r > , made our republic
ixwsible. Kosnectfully yours ,
JAMKS K. liovn , Governor of Nebraska.
Tlio democrats mot tonight In Fitzgerald's
hall ( or the purpose of nominating a ticket
for the various city ofllcos. Briscoo was side
tracked. The democratic cohorts centered
on J. II. Amos as tholr leader , and ho wai
nominated for mayor.
In tha oratorical contest nt tbo "Wcslcynn
university last evening J. J. lloborts was
awarded flrst place and V. A. Stud second.
Burglars broke into Haltcn's pawn shop
last night and stole $11. > worth of goods , com
prising shot guns , revolvers , a rlllo and a
Mrs. Hccnii Hamilton niks tlio district
court to give her a dlvorco from her husband ,
UTItKMlT K,111,11' V Ji'
OMAHA , March 31. To the Editor of TUB
Di'.u : Having noticed some rather severe
criticisms In the press upon the action of the
city council lust Tuesday evening , on account
of certain restrictions placed In the new char
ter ordinance of the Metropolitan street rail
way company , I doom It but fair to the pub
lic und to the city council to review hastily
the situation tit the present tlmo. Many of
oar citizens look upon this us a channel in
which money may bo expended , the distribu
tion of which would stimulate local com
merce for the tlmo being , without consider
ing the pernicious effects time would follow
as a secondary consequence , should an un
limited nnd unrojtricted charter bo granted.
Municipal franchises , like municipal bonds ,
are public property , nnd not tendered ns a
special benefit to Individuals.
The < iuostlon us to where the line should
bo drawn , and as to whether bonds and fran
i chises should bo given , Is not ono easily de
termined , and can only be snttlod by a wise
nnd judicious weighing of the circumstances
involved. Thq public is , however , too often
ready to seize upon the opportunity of a
nickel in sight nnd shoot far from the mark
of tho5 gold picco later. Therefore by a
system of legislation our laws provide tlint
such matters bo first passed upon by the of-
llcers who are tbo guardians of the people's
Interests and then submitted for the ap
proval or disapproval of the electors. Should
iieso counsellors hastily present reiiuosls for
franchises or bonds to tlio publio they would
fall short of the duty of ilrst Investigating
nnd deciding.
That submission to the people for nvote
upon bonds or franchisee by municipal au
thorities is n recommendation of the sumo is
n statement that none can deny. Ttierofuro
nil necessary restrictions should bo placed
and all protection necessary bo provided hy
these guardians of our common iiroporty , in
order to prevent the strong arm of grasping
monopoly from making inroads upon our
common interests that would bo regretted
when too lato.
If the aboro facts are true , and I bcllovo
they will not bo questioned , Is it fair to ren
der hasty juduincnt ngainut men of well
known capacity and Judgment for doing
What scorns fair , equitable and Just to all
* > < i < * lfiii * * * fti tlio iiiiixitfrm f\f \ tit nnn 'lv
f '
I'll I lillX ) dJtlUJi 11UU tt * fellU l l\.t > VUU Wl | * Vl'Vk J
JcstrictliiK the now metropolitan franclii.-.ol
A few words now ns to tlm merits of any
now street car fraurhlso. In 1807 , the terri
torial legislature gave the Omaha street rail
way company a llfty-ycnr franchise , and
curufully provided that at the expiration of
that tlmo , nil of the property should revert
under the fr.mchisoto the city. Omaha was
then n more village , without even a hope of
inotroK | > lltan llfo ; yet the road was built and
oporatcd for many yours by the then only
known method of horses , regardless ot mud
knoo-doort , and other almost insurmountable
dinicultios. It was an institution to nbsorb
rather than mnlto money , but never stopped
its wheels oven when its owners held It by a
tdcndcr string through the key hole of tbo
bhorilT's onice.
Nearly twenty-live years of the llfo of that
franchise is gene , and m twenty-live years
more It must comn back to the people under
the terms of that charter. Notwithstanding
this formidable fact , It has kept pace with
the almost unparalleled growth of this city
In the pust four years , and acquired by de
velopment and consolidation with rival inter
ests nil modem methods.
It Is only by pluck , energy nnd daring ad-
Ventura that the present owners , nt the risk
of tholr lives' earnings , have irlvcn Oumha a
system of street transportation now pointed
nt by the world as being the best and most
extoimvo in any American city of nearly
twice the population ot this.
To operate this extensive system , T nm told ,
rrqulns an expenditure of about flSO,000 , an
nually , all of which is distributed at homo.
Men are paid the highest wages , nnd passen
gers given the best possible service over
nearly ono hundred inllus of truck. All this
money Is only taken 5 cents at a tlmo , and
nbout thirty transfers uro made , without
extra charge.
It is not necessary after the above state
ment to tell this intelligent community Unit
the owners are not yet making for themselves
a ulnglo dollar. I nm also informed that ex
tensions are still boinif made as rapidly us
Votslb.'o ' by the sale of bonds at a low pr.oo
on a heavy market.
To ulvo any other company tlio right to
L. Jm - M * : : . * % JKl , , . .lf
in STOCK oi tieyman lies
White Goods , Embroideries , Laces , Notions , Gloves , Dress Goods , Black Goods , Wash Goods , Buttons , Corsets , Muslin Underwear , Jerseys ,
Cloaks and Suits- everything from the grand stock of H , & D. has * been marked and will be found 011 sale Monday morning ,
New Spring ( Mains.
Monday morning nml emi
for tlni'i ) diiys wn will luivn a spoclul sulo of
now spring lace purliilns. Tlicsu uoods nru all
new , hplnj ? otisalo for tlio tint time Monday
morning , unit will consNtot NottliiRliuin fiu-
tilns In choke novelties la liotli heavy and
II ) ! lit PlTeiMS.
Tambour onrtnlnint low prices.
Irish 1'olnt In lai-Bo variety , runglii ; ? in
pilco from i tn Mw > r | inlr.
Kent IlnfSbols luce curtains from 811.30 to
$7. " > jor pair.
Miisllns In beautiful eireots from 12 lo S10
per pair.
Also silk curtains , KijyptatnhiOPH. muslin by
thuyunl. oti1. Tills snlu will ptnhravn the lar
gest llnoaf lucu i' lit tains over olfcrid by us ,
mid prices uro lower tliun wcr before. All
ciirtnliisolTorcd at this silo : uro about -0 per
cent. lower tliiin ri'KiiIur prices. Tlio success
tlint wo liiivolioruloforoinut wltli on special
sales of lace curtain * tint wo lira
liUilitiiirtcrHon ! | these Roods. Tlioso desiring
luce iMirtiiliiHiif any stylo. rniiKliiK In price
from 7 ; > c to JIM ptir pair will llml it to tlii'lr
! ilviintus'o toc.xtunliiu our goods and prlecN
on Monday.
lli'incmber this sale \vlll lust for tlirooiluya
Now drapery Roods In low. medium mill fltio
< jiialltlo * . uru arriving dnlly.
Wu solicit Inspection of our stock.
Ullroy curtiilii stretcher * on Monday S3 , regular -
ular price 8U.50. _
in llnieii ear.
Heyman & Deiches'
Children's Drawers.
H&l's ) price 20c . now 12c.
II. & D's price 25c . now 15c
11. & D's price 40c . now 25c
Children's Gowns.
II. & D's price 75c . now 50c
H. & D's price $1 . now 75c
Hand made , hand Embroidered
II. & D's price $2 now $125
II. & D's price $2.50. . .now $1.75
1I. & D's price $3 now $2.25
II. & D's price $5 now $3.50
II. & D's price $7 now $5
H. & D's price Si.25 , now 750
H. & D's price $2 , now $1.25
H. & D's price $3 , now $2.
H. & D's price $4.50 , now $3.
H. < fc D's price 57.50 , now $5.
H. & D's price $1.75 , now $ i.25
H , & D's price $2.50 , now $1.75
H. & D's price $3.50 , now $2.25
II. & D's price $4 , now $3.
H. & D's price 500 , now 250.
H. & D's price 750 to $ i.5o ,
now 500.
Cliilfas1 Gingham Aprons.
H. & D's price 450 , now 250.
operate over streets now occupied bv this
company , would not only bo unfair ana un
just to tlio present owners , but highly detri
mental to the publio Interests oy discourag
ing future development.
Agnin ; Toglvo nny other company tlio
rlRbts and advantages notcnjoyud by this
company after they Uu'vo fouRht the Lmttlo ,
Klvon the service mid dona so much to build
tip the city , would bo unfair to tbls company
and to the people who own the franchise.
Therefore tliu city council In tlio wisdom and
justice of its deliberation , granted n now
f nuiehtso with the sanio conditions and re
strictions that were accepted twenty-five
years ago by the present company , when the
only oncourngemont was tmth and hope for
the future.
For illustration , lot us make a parallel case
of tlio uresont stock yards. If the respective
railroads or other purlins should buy n largo
nniountof laud , build switches , yards and
pens to cimblu thorn to sell lots around their
property and thereby inure ] the present stock
yurils so that they could not pay tholr men
or do a prolltable business , mid If eompctl-
tlon made u Impossible for the other concern
to do business enough to sustain tbo neces
sary excuses foreillclcnt work , would the
community bo bettor or worse oil for Its
presence , oven though $100,000 bo expended
in Its llrst development )
Again , may I usk , Is not the Otnnba street
railway company oil institution which brings
credit nml renown to Omanti ! Have wo not
received much and dove not expect morel
If this bo true , would you cripple , malm ,
nnd porhnps ruin It , by glvlni ? unholy ad
vantage to a prospective Institution , con
ceived In adventure , born In ambition and
nourished by predjudlce , without thopo of
useful development.
Again may I ask why Omutm should giro
away Its franchise , wore valuable than
bonds , la a reckless way , unprecedented by
any other city ! Anil cau property owners
afford to stand Idly by and see their rights
and Interests sacrlHctxl without invoking the
strong arm of tuu law to star such ruthless
slaughter ! V. L.
From Heyman ADcicIics1 Banlirupl Stocli
H. & D's prloo 61 , now 60o.
H. & D'B price 61'5O , now YSo.
H. & D's prloo 82 , now 81.
H. Ss L.'a . price 83 , now $ L5O.
EC. & D'B price $8.50 , now § 2.50.
H. & D'a price $0 to $10 , now 85.
Infants' Short Dresses.
H. & D's price 50c , now 25o.
H. < fc D's ' price 81 , now GOc.
H. & D'B price 81.5O , now 860.
H. < te D'a price $2.5O , now 81.25
Et. & D's pr oo S3.6O , now $2.
H. Ss D'a price 80 , now 83.5O.
EC , & : D'B price 89 , now $5.
Infants' Long Cloaks ,
EC. & D'B price 84 , now 82.
EC. & D'a ' price 85 , now $3.
EC. & D's pilco 87 50 , now 85.
H. & D'a price $1O to 812 , now $7.50.
Infants' First Short
EC. & D's price 66 , now $3.
Children's Gossamers.
EC. & D's pr co $1.25 , now 860.
Ladies' Gossamers
EC. < te D's prloo $1.5Onow 06o.
H. < Sc D'a price 83.50 , now 82.
Ladies' ' Mackintosh
ET. & D's price 81t > , nowSlO.
EC. & D's prloo 818 , now $12.
EC. & D's prloo 82O , now 815.
EC. & D's price $25 , now $18.
Hosiery and Dmlcrrar.
Ladies'Cream Ribbed Yosts 12Jc , fln-
ishcil nock and aloovcs ,
II. & D's price 25e.
Boys' Fust Black Bicycle Iloao iIGc ,
II. & D's price 45c.
Laaics' Black Spun Silk Hose $2 ,
II. &l's iuico$3.50.
Ladies' Black Silk Thread Hose S2.50
H. k D's price $4.
Ladies' Black Silk Thread Hose 83 ,
II. &D's price U.50.
Ladies'5 and 7 hook Kid Gloves ,
all sizes , colors , only 75o.
II. AD's price $1.25 to $1.50.
Ladies' . { -button and 8-inch Mous-
quotairo Kid Gloves , in both
black and colors , dressed and un
dressed $1.25 ,
H. & D's price $2.25 , to $2.50.
Lot 1 on sale at 45c ,
H. & D's price $1.
Lot 2 on sale at 69c ,
II. & D's price $1.25.
Lot 3 on sale at 89c.
n , & D's price $1.50.
Lot 4 on sale at $1 ,
II. & D's price $1.76.
Lot 5 on sale at $1.39 ,
II. & D's price $2.
Lot 6 on sale at $1.75 ,
H. & D's ' price $2.75.
Judge Doano Decides the Tenth Street
Viaduct Injunction Oaso ,
ninny Conditions of the Proposition
Were Not Compiled With by
the Union I'acillc Tlio
CiiHo Kovleweil.
Judge Doano yesterday decided In favor of
the plaintiffs la tbo application made by
John D. Howe , Ernest Stuht and others , for
an injunction restraining tbo city from delivering
to the Union 1'aclflo
livering railway com
pany or the Uuion depot company the
$160,000 , In bonds voted by tbo city to nld in
ttio construction of the now union depot.
The Judge reviewed the case nt length , and
found that the conditions attached to the
issulntr and delivering of the bonds , em
bodied iu tbo pronositlon submitted to tbo
electors , had not boon compiled with in
several respects. The plun , of the depot had
been materially changed ; the amount required -
quired to bo expended on the depot before
the delivery of the Ixnuti , had not been ex
pended ; other roads had been denied access
to the depot In violation nf the terms of the
proposition ; londa required of the Union
depot company In the sum of JOOOCO , prece
dent to tnu delivery of the f 150,000 , city bonds
had not been tiled.
Continuing Judge Doano said :
"In the licit place the uopot company
H. & D. had an enormous stock
of these goods , nnd during tills
week wo propose to clear it exit
by cuttl ng deeply in to tli clr prices
II. & D'a $1 gowns now 73c.
II. & D's $1,50 gowns no\vl. \
II. .ft D's $2.2oRO\vmiiowl .50.
II. & D's $3 to $1 gowns now $2.
II. & D'a $1.50 to $ $ io\vii3 ; now $3.
II. & D's corset covers 'We , now 19o.
II. it D's corset covers oOc , now 3(1c.
II. fc D's corset covers 7'ic , now 4."o.
II. & D's cofsot covers $1.25 , no\v75c.
II. it D's corset covers 81.75 , now $1.
II. & D's corset covers $2,50 , now $1.60. $
H. & D's ( Irawors-Soc , nnw25o.
H. it D's drawers 7oe , now 45e.
1 II. & D'a drawers 75o.
II. & D's drawers 62 , now $1.25.
II. & D's skirts 7oonow 45c.
II. it D's skirts $1.2o , now 7oc.
II. & D's skirts $1.75 , now 81.23.
II. & D's skirts S2.-76 , now $12.
H. & D's skirts $ -1 now 82.75.
II. &U's skirts $6aow , $3.85.
H. & D's skirts $7" " , now $3.
H. it D's nrlco $3.'BO to 85 , now$1.
II. & D's price JO to $3 , now $3. $
Il.iSr. E's beaded wraps 315. now $5.
II. & D's loaded wraps 830 , now $10.
Remnant Day.
All the remnants accumulated
from the sale of H. & D's slock
almost given away.
Remnants ofSunh Silk.
Kcninnnts < if China Silk ,
llcuinants of Brocade ] Velvets.
KoinminU of Plain Velvet.
Nc\v \ Japanese Silks $1 $ ,
27-ln wide , beautiful patterns.
New Wash Silks $1 $ ,
22-in , no wand choice designs.
Black Faille Francaise Silks $1.19 $
24-in wide. H. & D's price 82.
Heyman & Deiches'
Embroidery Stock
On Sale'Tornorow
-oi 1 on sale at 2c ,
II. & D's price 5o toTio.
Lot 2 on sale at Be ,
H. & D's price lOc to 124c.
Lot 3 on sale at lOo ,
II. & D'a ' price 15o to 20c.
Lot 4on sale at IBc ,
II. & D's price 23c to 30c.
Lot B on sale at 23c ,
H. & D's price 40o to50c ,
claims tohavo expended mow than the $ I5O , .
000 required , to-wit ; JtOl.CSU.S . ) , These
amounts are as follows t
Temporary work. . . , > . , ( 17,939 33
Grading lO.Otil fil
Clearing .V 1,900 .W
Sewers nnd drains..5ti lttJJ ( Si !
Endncormpnnd superintending. . ,79 : C"
Main building ; , , , 85.7W . '
Architect's commission. ' , . O.311 43
Mull anil express building. 3.233 ! 15
Train sheds f . , , 1,11t 19
Icehouse ' . . . . 132 'Jl
Seventh street bridge IT 103 U" >
' ' ' ' ' " ' '
Depot platform .l : . , . . . . . .I' ] ojsil 83
' '
Total . flHGS9 ( S3
"It rofiuiresbut n'felimcotoseotliuttlieso
itouii , or innnyof thqm , ( > ro inno proporsonso
expenditures on the construction ot the
depot , hut with the ctplixnatloti given by
Mr. Stuht In bis dfflthvlt , It ii perfectly
clear that not morq , pian one item of tlio
whole list should ho credited to expenditures
on tlio construction of'llio ' depot , and thnt
is the item designated , main building ,
$85.752.8(1. (
"This helng so , I am entirely sntlsflcj tlint
tlio depot company is not entitled to u deliv
ery of llio bouds under the contract , "
The attorney for the railroad and depot
company at once pave notice of appeal , uiid
the bond was fixed at-J3OOOto bolilcu.vltblu
the required leiiKth of time.
lnuiu ) < K.
OH A in , March 21. To tbo Editor of TUB
BEE : In the report given In thoEvwura
Bcnof the 21st Inst. of the decision rendered
by mo in the Injunction case nguinst the
union depot company nml otbcM , Iain quoted
aa buylnu that the Union I'acllic rallwny
company "bad always taken cvorythinif of.
fcrcd but hud always fallod togivo anything
In return , " etc. . and also "that the company
bad In many ways attempted to retard tlio
growth and prosperity of the citv , but tlio
climax wns reached when its otllclals toro tip
iaU ( , dltctitd cars , " etc. lof course sala
Hcyman ( SDcictc's Entire Corset Stock
on Sale To-morow ,
Madam Wnrraa'a corset 1 75J ( :
H,1 & IVsl rlcoI.S
P , N. Blacli corsets 1 C5c.
ii. & rrs
E , & Q , Black corsets , 90c.H.
H. k. D's Price 91.M
E. & 0. white corsets , 76c : D's price. 91,55
J. B. drab corsets , $1
II- & IVs prloo $1.50
Ji B. cream corsets. 65o
II. & D's price SIM
S , 0. Hack corsets , $1,25
II. & H's price $1.73
59 cloz whita French -wove n corsets G9o
H. AU's iirlcofUH and 81.50
P , D. 157 Corsets $2 ,
P. D. 152 Corsets $2.25 ,
11. ft D'g price $2. ? : >
P D. 694 Corsets $4 ,
II. &I's ) pilco iJ.
PD , 97Corsets$2.75 $ ,
H. Jt D'sprloo$3.a.
P , D. 248 Corsets $2 ,
n. & ITS price saw.
P.D.396 Corsets$2.75 ,
II. & O's price S3.50.
PD. 904 Corsets $4 ,
ir. A ivs
Misses' Wool Suits.
H. & D's price $3 to $0 ,
H. & D's price $7 to $12 $ , nowS.
Children's V hite Suits
H. & D's price SB to $0now $2.BO
H. & D's price $0 to $8 , now $3.78
H. & D's price $9 to $12. $ now $5
H. & D's price $13 to $13 ,
now $7.00
H , & D's price $11 to $2Ono w $10
Ladies'White Suits.
H. & D's price $6 to $10 , now $3.78
H. & D's price $12 to $13 , now $5
H. & D's price $10 to $2O ,
now $7.80
H.Ac D's price $ SO to $3Onow , $10
Black silk plated Socks , 2Oc :
worth up to 78c.
Men's ' Driving and Street Gloves ,
genuine kfd , 7 to 8 , only 47ca
Fancy and solid colored Socks.
19c , former price BO can d GOc ,
$10 Kilt Suits now $5.
$8 Kilt Suits now $ - * .
S6 Kilt Suits no Ar $3.
$4KlltSuits now$2.
$3 Kill Suits nowl.BO.
Boys5 Fine Clothing.
$0 Boys' Suits now $ B.
$7 Boys' Suits now $4.
§ 0 Boys' Suits now $8.
Men's Mackintosh Storm Coats.
Genuine imported goods $12
nnd upwards.
Lot 1-Cambrlc Dressing Sacqu e ;
OSc ,
Lot 2-India. Llnon ,
, - , , „ . 11. & D's price * 1.75
Lots-India Linen Succiues $1.30
_ , , , , . . .o
Lot 4-Indln Llnon Sacques $2.
, . , H. & O'H urleo SMI toj
T A „
Lot S-lndia Llnon Sacques .13 ,
H. & D's price 33 to $7.M
Ladies' Tea Gowns.
JSew spring goods , printed Cam
bric , medium colors , $1.2B ,
* H. & D'S JlrlCO K
T-l * < r I - m
Fine Mohair Tourist's Petticoats
In all the desirable sprina coU
ors , $1.93 ,
T , , , . IF. & D's prleo J,1
Lustre Mohnlr Petticoats , ixill
mnge of colors , will not wrin
kle nnd very light in weight ,
$ * - ! 3O.
II. & D's price $3.75
nothinRoC the kind , nml used no Innirungo
which could by any fair construction hu tor
tured Into such expressions. Please glfo mo
the bonollt of this correction in the DA lu
Bun and oblige. Youra , etc , ,
ClEo.V. \ . DOAN-H.
jThlsrofcrs to that portion ot the opinion
reviewing the conduct of the Onion Vaciflo
toward Omaha , ami our court reporter evi
dently did not catch the exact meaning of the
court. Tlio correction is cheerfully made.
OII > ll3SlBNTKllS. )
Omnlm'H IMoncci-H Oet Tosctlicr for
In response to acalllssucJ somodnys ate ; ,
about thirty old settlers gathered In the x-e l
estate oxchaniro last night to reorganize the
Old Settlers association.
General Experience Kstcrbrook called the
meeting to order at 8lfi. : Mr. Alfred 1) ) .
Jones acted as secretary. Mr. Jones briolly
stated thu object of thu mcetinK , That waste
to reorganize tbo Old Settlers' association.
Air. .Tones spoke of the dillicultlcs of the old
society , Haying that It had hoon almost im
possible to got the members together , and ho
had grown discouraged.
"Again nnd again lately have 1 been ap
pealed to , " said Mr. Jones "to issue another
call and make ono more attempt at an organ
ization that will stand. "
Continuing , Mr , .Jones said : "Lot us ro-
orpamzo onu lirm basis , with younger blood
occupying the otlldul chairs , nnd thus build
up a , good live society. 1 have lost all the
books ana papers of the former association
and so wo will bavo to start anew. "
Mr. J. ( J. Mcgcath made a motion that all
residents of Douglas county prior to the ad
mission of Nebraska as a state , March 1 , INiT
bo eligible to membership. This question
was thu bouo of contention for the greater
part of the evening ; .
Mr. Henry lirunlngmadoa motion to the
effect that any having lived in the country
for.tumty-llvo ycara bo accented a * members ,
Entire Stock of
Infants' Wear at 50con the $1.00 $
Flannel Sacques.
Flannel Blankets.
Flannel Pinning Blankets.
Flannel Skirts.
Flannel "Wrappers.
Cam "brie Skirts.
.Long Slips.
E m broid e re cl Ro bes.
Nig lit Dresses.
On Sale Tomorrow.
Children's Jerseys.
II. k D's price 7 c , iiow25c.
Ladies' Jerseys [ Colored ]
II. Jk D's price $1.123 , no\v50c. \
Ladies' Black Jerseys ,
II. & D's price 82. ; > 0 , nowl.
II. AD's price $ ; { , now-$1.50. $
II. &Dspii co $3.50 , now SSI.
HE. & D's price $ .Jto $3 , now SII ,
Wash Plaited Waists ,
II. & D's price Too , now 50c ,
II. &D'a i > rico$1.00 , noffOOo.
Flannel Blouse Waists.
II. & D "a price 81.7fi , now $1.
II. & D's prico$3.60 , now $1 ! .
II. & D'a price 35 , now $3.
Heyman & Deiches *
Larffo , splendid stock golnpr very
rapidly. We still hnvo a good stock o :
Plaids and Stripes
20c finality fjoinpr at lOc ,
Sou qualities going til 124 c.
30c qualities yoiti'.j nll/Sc.
35c qualities going utKijc
75cn.ualltiosolTored ut-Ktc.
Satin Bourctte
81.23 qualitlos ortoroil at G21a.
Checks , Plaids and Stripes
( )5ciuulltios | no\v47-jc.
Twilled Sacking Flannels ,
0.U quality now25c ,
Colored Camels Mair
Goo qualities now 4Gc ,
46-ln Henrietta [ all colors ]
$1.2"fluidities now85c.
75o qualities now COc.
Tlio question wai debated and suggestions
oftoi-ed until nearly all tlio gentlemen present
had related their views ,
Uhrls Hnriinnn wasln favor of setting the
Jato bade enough so that all tlio members
would In reality bo old settlers and not In
name only. Ilisldouwas that llio nssoeia-
tlon should bo composed ot tha pioneers of
the county , the moti and women who wcru
hero long tioforo the railroads ; those -who
suffered tlio hardships of llfo on the plains
and helped to develop this vast western coun
try. CmtlnulnKMr. ( Hartmaii said Unit , of
course , fixing tlio duto HO far bach would
bar tilm from membership , but ho was tlio
son of an oU settler and with that ho ms
content ,
John Evans wanted a thirty-three yonn1
residence in the county necessary for nil nils ,
slon to membership. Thirty yeais wai after
wards agreed to and finally March , ISvas )
decided uuon.
' 1 ho following motion waj nt lnt made and
adopted :
Ml person ) \vlioresided In Douglas county
prmMmis tn .March 1 , llli" , mill vho aru Ktlll
rutldcnls usil ( ; < l ciiiint ) ' , uru cllcihlo liuucia-
Lcrslilp In tliu ( Jlil Kettlur.H'association ,
FollO'.viugthlalhorotvas conslderablo tnllc
about the organization , Soiuu win ted an or-
ganl/ntlon porfectcd at onco. Othcr < nf \ > -
Rested tlioailvlaabilUvof roforrliiK tlio mat-
Ur toacoimnlttcouiidOofcrrhiK tliu | Kirnia-
nent organization until u later mcotliiK. At
last acominlttoowas appointed by tlio chair
man to draw up a constitution nnd by-laws
and submit It at u date to bo nitroed upon ,
'I'ho commlttoo Is : froa ID.Jonos , chairman ;
J. O. Me oatli , 0. Ilurtnuin , .1. S , Gibson and
Joe licdtnond.
A cointnittou consIstlnKAl tlio following
KOntlemoii was appointed to dovlso some sort
of Imuco or button to bo worn by the member -
bor * : Ooncnil Kstorbmok , A. I ) , .IOIIOH , W ,
H. DowonVuItcr \ Wnikor and John Kviins ,
Thomcotlii [ ; , alter agroclni ; to meet at the
siiuiu tlmo and placu next Saturday , ad.
It Is expected that nt tlio next mootini ;
soul o Interesting experiences in early days
H. < & D.'s
Bankrupt Stock
At One-Third Original
s' Jackets SH ,
II. AD'stu-icoSlOto 8ia
LIKI ics1 Nowni'iflcoH SU . .VI ,
If. & DHi-icoOto | ) $10.
Lnilioa' 'Nowninrlcuta 85 ,
If. & ! > ' wicoJIO to $15.
Liulics' Nowiiiai-lcots itlO.
IF. &lsprloo$20lo30. ) !
11. AD 's price $20 lol .
Liilics' ' \VrapaJl5.
II. .tD's price $150 to10. .
Liulios' \A'rapsfUO ,
II. AD'.s prJco$50 to $00.
Ladies' Plush CloulM $20 ,
II. .tn'iurico : W.
Ladies' Flush Cloalis 82. ) ,
II. , fc D's price $ -1. ) to $57
Lail ios1A'ool Suits W. . 5(1 ( ,
H. & D's | iri o10lo $11 ! .
Ladies' \\ool Suits W.
H. Al ) '
Lud IBS' \Vool Knltdl ( ) ,
II. & | ) 'H price $80 to10. .
Ladies' AVool Suits J15 ,
II. &l's
Ladies' \\'ttsh Kuitsfli ,
H. &l8 )
Ladies' Wash Sints$7. 0 ,
II. & I'H price $1 fl to $20.
Hemstitc'd Linen Seta
8x10 U S Sots , $10.5)3. $ )
8x12 US Sots $11.SI ( ) .
S.xM 11S Sets SI3.
Lunch Cloths ,
'M IIS Cloths $1 ; regular prlro 32.
5-1II S Cloths $ ! ( ; regular price $5.
Pillow Cases ,
IIS Pillow Cases $1.0 ! ) ;
rnfjulnr price $2./iO. /
31S Pillow Cases * 1.113.
regular price ! K ) .
IIS Pillow Cases SU.50 ,
regular price $1.
Linen Sheets.
IIS Linen Sheets iMpair ;
regular price 88.
Tapestry Table Covers
( M Tapestry Covers $1.09 ;
regular price $15.50. $
8-1 Tnirostry Covers 12.61) ) ,
rofjular price $ ' 1.50.
10-1 Tapestry Covers $15.U5 ,
rofjulur price fJ. ( 60.
12-t Tapestry Covers H ,
rogulnr prlno 47.
Chenille Table Covers ,
' 1-1 CJlionlllo Coyors $1.iii ,
regular price $2.
G-l Chenille Covers W.
regular price $3 ,
8-1 Clicnillo Covoru $1.50 ,
ru u'.nr ' price $0.50. $
300 now , stylish SpringSiinalmaeuiH ,
II. & I'B ) price $1.fl ) .
73 newest 8liadc3 Satin Paritsols 81.HI ) ,
33. fc D's price * 2.
CO newest Surah Slripod Sunahadoa
$ 'l. ) ; II. & ! ) ' prico$5.
\Vo n.lso shuw a coinplolo no\v atock a
Bliiclc Siiiisluuloa lit $2,60. $3.'J5.
y.6l ) , $ t and $5 ,
will bo related by General ICstcrbrook anil
Mr. .Jonus.
Hero is n list of UiOK nteincn ! nnd ladies
who jilucod their iinines ujiou tlio
nou list of incmben la/t night !
Alfrcdl ) . Jones'M ' ; 0. II. Downi , 'SI ; .1. 0.
Megeath , Til ; .losopliCaUlui , ' , ' .Vi ; ( Jharlos
Catlliiir , < \Villliiinlt. . Jliwon. ' .17 ; A. It.
Ilnel.'W ' ; H. Kuniftll.'f ' 7 ; W. P. Hiwvden ,
Til ; J. S. Clbsoii , 'fjtl ; A. It. TOO/AT. Mil ;
Henry A. Kostor , ' 5 < i ! 13. K. Casbrook , : , 'r.
lioiiryHrunlntr , ' 01 ; J. J. j\lrL.iili \ > , T.7 ! 13. ! ' .
Ooolr , T(5 ( ; T. O'Connor , ' .M ; dianinlon S.
Chase'lit , ' ! ; John K vans , 'K ; AVIlllam 1'roi-
ton , " 30 ; Kralllo V. 1'roslon , ' .Vl ; Waller
Walker , 'HS ; Cnrohno ISaUbronk , ' "w ; Vlr-
BinluO. VanNotcad'B7 ; 0. llarttnan , 'Mj
Catherine M , Hull , ' ! , Uachnol Siiowtloii ,
'SI ' : Mrs. Walter Wnikor , "RS " ; Mary B. Wo-
Lain , \VillininSoxaur'ifi ' ; ' ; Joe 14odniond ,
'W ; J.H. KooHoy.'M.
Tliollpurcs following tlio names glvo tlio
date of arrival inOinah.i.
jiitKtrrfis. :
Unity church-Seventeenth street noai
Oass. PreachliiB lu thu mornlni ; by licv.
Newton McMiiiin. Subject ; ' "I'lio Moatliin
and tliu A biding , "
Kev. Dr. llarsliavlll speak this evening
on : "Tho Present Moral ami Uolltrious Outlook -
look ofOmuha. " Keats for all ttritnuerH In
the { jVoniiiK and uvvryliody itiadu welcome ,
The church ia at tbo corner oIod'o [ ) and
Kovon teeiithstrcots.
Dentil cif Will am U'llniot.
\ VilllainVllmot \ , son of Kinuol : AYilmot ,
died yesterday inoriiliig of imouinoninat tlio
family residence , I'M North BiKhtoontli
street , Tliodoeoasod wan twonty-oight yonrj
odigo , andhiid livud InOin.rtiu I.I I tiU llfo.
'J'ho funeral will talto [ dace from thu family
residence this nfturrioou uttic'clouk.
MlHtIl-/zlo ljnrrotto. wholuia been
111vith hi trip IK ) for the nut. week U im
proving ,