THE OMAHA DAILY ME St'M > AY 22 , 1801 , SIXTEEN PAGES. IGRR" & GO. Bo r 8. One cnso now stylish plaids , wo will run at. . 45c 45c r'/A All wool serge , newsprint shades , regular G3c poods , now. . C/\/ r"/\ Now camel's hair cheviots , really worth 76o , Monday for , . . . CTf\/-\ \ r"7 7 Kow bhuphcrd chocks , now combination of colors , worth 31. . * 7 f-\ /N -j f \ rN"ow castor cloth , spring shades , 54 Inches wide , for. . Ju-UU Few cmnolctto foulo cloth , 4011101103 wide , in the flf > latest shudos , at d > 1 f \ rNow English twcod suitings , 51 inches wide , well ftr \ $ J.JU ( rtli8U ° - l 4)1.UU ) " " " " " Now Scotcli cheviot sultiiiRs , 51 Inches wide , sold , ftj -j -1 Q I elsewhere at Sl.ii-j , Monday jbl'JL0 BEA.UTIFUL STYLES IN NEW FRENCH CH A. LLI ES , Wool Ms , 19c. Onocaso new wool challls , rich styles , alsoblnclc nnd black and white , a 19cvoll , worth Ko. BLACK GOODS. Our regular OOc black brllliantino , pure mohair , Monday , " 45c . - silk finished black brilllan line , regular 31 quality , for ' 75cj ; A'o\v sonsido all wool sorpc , 40 inches wide , a nvro bargain 50c 50c flew black French compare , all wool , regular $1 quality 75c Monday at 75c New nuns' ' veiling , superfine quality , all wool , worth Soc , sj : Monday 0/2 Our regular $1 black all wool honrlottiv , 40 Inolios wide , for. . Q f 85c Black silk warp henriotta , extra , fine finish , worth OR " fur 4).1.-ZO ) Kelley , Stiger &CoMFarnani&15th Sts WILD \VOHDS \ IN THE COUNC1 ! . Mcmbora Intlulge In UniVgaifiod and Pro fane Personal Bemaito During Debate. KNOCKED OUT THE BAILOU ORDINANCE. Efforts to Tut It on Its I'lmsago Failed It IH Now In the Com- nilttco'H lliiiul A Win ter UiruiiH. The council moetlnR last night was ulnrwlntcr circus , and for three hours thir teen members iiululged In liowo play. Tlioro was war from the start r.tul it guns hnJ been in order some of tlio members would bo in the hospital or the morgue this morning. The incotttig was an nJJourncil regular , anil \vnslortliopurposo of considering the Bal lou electric light ordlnnnco. As soon aa the roll was called the councl went into comnuttco of \vholo\vithMr. . Coonor In thoclmlr. The clerk started to read the ordinance but bo fore lie hnu road a dozoti lines Mr , 13 ccb el moved that It bo recommitted to the committee on electric lights. This motion inclwitlulefcat and tlio cleric again com menced reading , but was Interrupted by Mr Ghaltoc , whostatod that tboordnuxnco wa not ttio one that was referred to the city at Mr. ' ' .Moroarty Insisted that it was tbo Identical ordinance and itvarof words en Mr. Cliaffeo insisted that ho wanted to do justlco to the city , the llullou company am all parties concerned. This was denied by Osthoff , who remarked that tlo hand of tbo Tliompson-Houstoi company was visible In the opposition , Mr. Davis tooKexception to the rcmarlt anA Intlinatcil that tnomnnwho mndo tu statement was a liar and vuo trulU was no ' Mr. Morearty Insisted that the clerk Mr. llcchcl objected , ph-ing for bis reason that tlio ordinance had been tampered with since It loft the hands of the city uttorney. Mr. Davis said the city nltornoy bad re ported ngutnstthopassago ol the ordinance. Mr. Specht said the council , and not th city attorney , passes ttio ordinances. Mr. llcchcl moved that the coimnlttoarise nnd report against thopassago ol the ortll uunco. Mr. bpecht objected against any iurthe delay. Mossrs. llraner , Asthofl and Spech clamoixM for the reading of the ordinance and the opinion oliho city attorney. The clorit was ngnlu allowed to read , wbll IMr. Ccchol was upon his ( cot demanding recognition. Clialrciun Cooper applied the pag rule , am slvut Mr. Bechol off by saying , " 1 will Uuu your motion wtien the reading of the ord nance Is completed. " At last the reading vas completed , nnd th committee arose , the chairman recommend ing tlio passage ottho ordlnauco. Tlio report was rejected. Mr. ClmlTeo aslied Mr , Morearty if howa \vlllliiBtbo subway clause should bo strlcke out. out.Morearty refused to answer , "Then wo will defeat tbo ordinance , " sai ClmtTco , "You can't do It , " yelled Spcoht and More nrly in one voice. "Morvarty has the original ordinance drafted by tlio city attorney , In his posses alon , and If ho will present It wo will vet for its passage now , " said Ciwls. "This ordinance was submitted to the a tornoy , " retorted Morvarty. "Yes , " continued Davis , "and bo know xnoro about ordinances In one snluuto tbn you iloiu six months. " "Perhaps ho does , but I know enough t fellow that you area d-d fool and that son : of you follows are now in the oinnloy of th " said Morx'artii Thompson-Houston company , us lie wildly waved tits lists. 1'rcsidcnt Lowry pounded for order , wbll vlorearty continued by saying , "I am proud o be abloto say that I champion the course f the people , and not a corporation. " CbafTeo insisted that the Ballou people vant not otilva imnchlso to Unlit , butthoy also want u franchise to build sub-ways , vlilch franchise , ho said , ho intended to oppose. Uavissald it was another Dorsoy scheme ind was Intended as a blackmail. SpecbtInsisted that Wlloyowncdtoomany of the councilmen to hope for honest legisla tion. tion.Morearty arose and asked that the ordin ance bo recommitted. Dcchcl moved that it bo placed upon its passage. Osthort moved to nmond by referring it incktolbo commltteo oa KM and electric llKht and the city attorney. lluchel amended by moving that the amend- iiicnt bo laid on the tulilo. In turn tlio motions and amendments were put , and when thoorclinancocamoout of the shuttle it was referred "There are four barr'ls to this ordinance , " snld ChalTee. 'The ' trouble with you Is , " anld Osthoff , "you have been unahloto get into any of tbo barrels.1' Cliaffeo demanded an explanation , but before - fore ho could make himself heard , President I-owry declared the ordinance referred to the committee nnd the city attorney to pre sent a corrected ordinance with ull'objection- abe features stricken out. MayorCiishliiRc.illed the attention of the council to tbo pas-iairo of the Australian bal lot law , stating that Its pissagovlll ; necessi tate dividing tbo city Into new election dis tricts. Ho sugpestod that u special commit tee bo appointed to arrange all necessary de tails , so that In the event of a special election tbcro ivlll bo no unnoccssavj delay. The communication was referred to acorn- mltteo to bo appointed Tuesdav night. The appointment of W. F. Uechol nnd D , J. O'IDonoUoo as city appraisers to All vacan cies la lieu of Chris , ilnrtman and \V. J. Shrlvcr , who \vcn \ > appointed last May , and refused to serve , was confirmed. The New Omaha Thomnson-Honston clec- trie llj lit company was on hand to bid for future lamps that the city may require. This company agrees to furnish lamps on the following tornis If a Jive-year contract Is en tered into : One hundred 1 , ' . ' 00 caudlo power are latnpi , SUO' per annum per lump ; 100 arc 2,000 caudlo power lamps , $15O $ per annum per lamp ; " 00 arc 2,000 can dlo power lamps , $110 per annum , per inrap. Tlio proposition was referred. A resolution allowing I'axton & Gallagher ami other property owners along the line of Tenth street to connect their buildings with tbo now viaduct was adopted. Slavla it Co. , who have thosowr contract In North Omaha , wore given live days tluio In which to remove tno surplus earth on Lalto street. If tbls is not done the board of pub lic works will do the worlr and charge the ex- pcnao to the contractors. Criminal Case * . In tbo cma of the state against John Fisher , who was on trial before Judge Clark- son on the charge of having stolen property of the value of ? ID.0 from the person ol John Ubanlf , tbo Jury yesterday af ternooa returned a verdict of guilty. Just before adjournment prisoners were arraigned and sentenced as follows : Lowry Klco , convicted of assault with intent to kill Unzol Hurt , live years In the penitentiary : Harry lllbson , convicted of forcing the r.aino of D. P. Powcn to a check for tfJSI , live years in tbo pealtenliaryj l ved Mitchell , the young man who stele a suit of dotbes from the residence of 0 , S. Montgomery. was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. lllnti l''lvo Parly. Vosta chapter , Orderof tbo Eastern Star , held a high llvo party at the led e room In Nasonlo hall last night , A largo number ol the members wore present an J all partici pated In tlio scductfvogamu. A brio f inter val \vm devoted to lOfreslunvnUs and then the emits were Again In demand until nearly mid night. eek Services. Services will boboldoachevcnlns during passion week at the Southwestern Lutho'm church , conducted by the pastor , itev. Luther M , ICulms. The programme for the week I at follows : Sunday , March 1TJ 1'ulm Sun day a ; 11 a ui. , "Jcsut at Bethany , " and a 4 BARGAINS- IN Ml M 1 Soc , extra quality Black Satin Uhadninu , would bo cheap nt $1 , Monday , 8'ic. Hiirgi'.in 2 OOc , heavy Ulack Satin Rliiidama , iv leader , worth $1.15 , solo price , OOc. Hiir'i\in ( \ 3 $1 , extra H"o Satin Kluidama , heavy and well uorth $1.3" ) , DOW $1 , Hartfiiin 4 $1.10 , super line Black Satin Uhaduinn.a regular SI.50 quality , for Monday , SI.10. BARGAINS- IN Black , all Silt Surah. Lot 1 55e , black , all Silk Surah , good quality , worth 6oc , for this sale. 53c. Lot 2 7oe , Black Sill ; Surah , extra quality , well worth OOc , our price , 7oo. Lot a OOc , extra wide lllaok SHU Surah , fine quality , worth SI.10 , for Monday. 90c. Now printed China Silks. Now plain China Silks. Now brocaded China Silks. Newfiffurecl Grenadines. Ne\v Embroidered Silks. New Embroidered Crepes. NowBengallno Silks. Now Novelty Silks. We have the most complete stock of fine Novelty Silks in the city. Kelley , Stiger& Co. 7:30 : p. iri , " .Tesus Entering Jerusalem ; " Monday , March ! W , 7:30 : p. m. , "The Sop ; " A SUCCESS INIIKKD. Juvonllo Hnl MnFijiie Given ( or tlio Turtifrs' i Itililrcn. Von wou Id certainly have forced with the poet about "tbo happy days of childhood11 If yon had been present at Ocrmanla hall last evening. There was none of the "strayiuK thro' the wildwood'1 business , but there was nero fun and t > cnuino enjoyment crowded nto a few llceting hours than could bo found n the wildwood m many a long day. The occasion was tbo third rnnunl juvenile aalmasquo under the auspices of the rcor- canlzcd ladies' auxiliary ofltio Omnha turn- vti'cln , and it was a most pronounced and Haltering success , which cannot fall but prove gratifying to the young ladles having the affair in charge. The committee of arrangements consisted of : Miss Emma ICueimo , chairman ; Misses Anna Sehulno , A.lvlna Kn lcr , Amanda Klembcck and Emma Andres. Tto latter lady presided over the refreshment booth. The affair was arraicncj exclusively for Lbo children , and none but juveniles were nl- lowed on the floor , Nearly liio mashers par ticipated , and manv ot the costumes wcroex ceedingly pretty , wbilo some wcio as uuiuUo as they were ridiculous. I.lttle.MaRsio Sdiwnrlck matlo a most at- trautlvcQiiren llcts In un ulvgantvelvet court coittiinouf Iliu olacii time. Mliiulo Andrea was a typical tninbourtno girl. Dorallaiiiiicr wus attired as u Oshcniun's duncntcr. Willie MoN'olty wore a jockey costume and looked like a sure winner. Mlnnto Itoss was prettily costumed as Tolly. " Kdlth Scarso was a very ticmnro little Qunkurirlrl. Ul.tra Snyder were a very neat sixteenth century cuMiuiiic. A Scotcli girl who attract Oil much iitteiilum vruveiltn bullattlu Kenimcllng wliunthu hour for unmasking ; arrlvuil. Wlllloltrnnck Anil NVIllIo Va or were attired assiillors. nnd a pair of lolly tiirnhuy wore. llattlo MungorwaH "winter , " but was far from a th I lllne 010. Mttlu Selma Andres made a cliarining Halo Ori'oiiawuy. Tluiio was plenty of patriotism manifested , and Nlnu Stelu and lirr sister Knuna vroruat- tlri'd In graeefnl uoMuiuus of the nutlunal colors. Ootmlii Ivarbach was cleverly costumed as < nclKnrKlrl. Iiiiura Ivntbaeli was a fairy , and very fnlry- llko him looked. Tllllo l.arscn nppoarcil nsiin 1'vcnlns Star. Uural'ainy ' wai a aweut and synipathctlo mm. Arthur Sciiwnrick ri'iirescntoil General Hum Hum , a gallant toliliur ui the eontlauntal . Cora I.earso wnro u.Iapancso oostiimo. Tliuru woroolowns and hirloiiilus : | galore , but l.uuls llulinrod. Jr. . lluriiian Miitz , U. Nolir and Julluj Maurur loumcd to hare a monopoly onclounlsh pranks. iVliiulo Tlilcho wore a baby dress of palo kino. Fiinnlo llelmrod was prettily costumed as a Si.uilih | dancing girl. 01 a Mohr , llilllo Van Court and Waldo llollii wornl'iipayi. and Iml muro fun thun anv other trio on tliolloor. IMinlnutlvo Dot I'oiny was about as small a liallotdaiicer us could well ho Imagined , but she was us cutu as could be , K l Mauror , Jr. , was toirftcd out as n peasant girl anil lilsowii ( atlicr didn't know him. Alf Mohrwus Iliu blackublklnd of a picka ninny. l.unn Riiniinl was a bpaiiibh dancer and 1'rlila Urnxu u llowor flrl. 1'ruddlo .Mcrth wnaabravo flroladdloof No 3. Mlnnlo llelmrod and Tonlsu Mctz were trimly ut tired In HIIUZ tlttuiK LItllo Lord raniitlcroy costumes and ucro general fnvur- Wlllla Mohr made nnoof tlio most active anil iiiUi'lilvrouimonkeys * ImaKlniible. At IIo'clock the llnor vas uuirud ! : of the tlro.l youngsters and the Kruwu fulksmonopo- Il7ud thu dnnoltu prosrannjiu. Tliu wlioIoulTnir wusvoryonJoyablobotMi participants and spoctutors , old and you us. Tbo little folks will have something to talk about for vocks to come , as tbo occasion will undoubtedly provo nearly as attractive In recollection as it was In anticipation Labo street mission of Christian church. Sunday school at U p. in. , corner Twcnly- ilxth and Lake itroets , J\li \ raado welcome. Just received , the latest styles In Slllc Wraps English Corduroy Walk- itif , ' Jackets ; they are very stylish. Ladles'Capes , oxtta long , with ni > - pliquo collar anil yoke In black and tan , stylish , ut$8. A. complete line of Black Mazers , Hoofers nnd tight-fitting Jackets , with tln.-ieHriminings , etc. , at $10 , $11.50f2 ! , $13 and $1" . Flannul Hlnzers In stripes and jilnida , from II.51) ! ) up. iMissi-s'aiul Chililrnn's ' .Jacket ? , TJIiiz- crs and rtuofcrs. in all the latest cloths , from . 'Joto * K1. C'hlld rcn's Clonlss , in Ran neb , Cash- mo re and Silks , etc. , ut ) to 5 years , from 42 to10. UfflN i ! Department. 100 Dozen Towels , 20c. Fine bloacliocl IlucU Towels , fancy jorders , regular 12oo towelsor , ( thia sale , JOc. Napkins , # 2.15. 50 ilo/.cn J napkins , full bleached satin damask , at 82.15 ; see them ; they are worth St ) . To\vels , 29c. A.11 of our 33c , 3oo and 40c fine lioin- stitchcd and knotted fringe ! lluok Towels , on center table , at 29e each. Marseilles Spreads , $2 , Oneenso j.\tra Hue , heavy Marseilles Bed Spreads , bought tq' sell for $ ; { , as a leader for Monday , only $2 each. Chenille Table Covers , 0-4 Chenille Covers , rich colorings at S'2 each. . , 8-iChenilloCovorJjno\v designs anc colors , § 3.75 each. ICelley.Stiger&Co OXFORD OBTIOTS CAMBRIDGE Forty-Eighth of tlio Famous Oollego Strug gles Decided Yesterday , A MAGNIFICENT CONTEST WITNESSED , Tl c Attendance Not Quio : Up to Fcr- iner Vears Teenier Posts a For feit and IKSIIL-K ate to llanlon. LONDON , March 21. Thn forty-eighth of ho famous races between the crews of Ox- ord and Cambridge university was rowed his mornlnpr. It was won by Oxford by a quarter of a lencth. The time of tbe winning crew was 22 minutes. Tbo race was over the usual course , a dis- unco of about four and one-quarter miles , lundreds of boats and barges loaded down vith spectators were anchored along the Ivor. In addition the house tops , tow paths , streets and otbcr points of vantage near the Thames were crowded with sightseers. Thou sands of cnrrinffes of every description lined ho banks , The attendance , however , did not cqualthatof former years , owlnn lo tbo curly hour nt which the race was rowed and .o tbo prevalence of a sleet storm in the 'orenoon and the bitter cold vrcnthcr. Oxford won the toss ami chose the Middle- , iox or north shore side , Cambridge liad to : > c content with the Surrey or southern shoro. The rival eights were started at 11:09 : a. in. sharp. As the crews bent to their work hail ntid snow was falling upon them and a north- cast winil was r.nsing a very lumpy sea. Cambridge at first pit away with a load and at Clasner's boat house the Cambridge boat wasaheuil. Then Oxford bent to her worn , leading bllgutlr at Craven cottage , six fur longs Ironi the Mart. At Crabtree , a inllo and three furlongs from the start , Oxford had the lead by a IciiRth , but the Cambridnocrow spurted , pulling ahead again.At thu soap works , one mile and three fuilon s from tbo start , the two boats were apparently together , both pulllnn even ly and siroudy. , , .Nearine Hammersmith - smith bridge , ono mlo | and six furlongs from bum , i timui LU U u uui iiiiiuu u spui i , lny under tbo brtdjo n quarter of a IciiKtu ahead Their" ttno | to tbls point was 8 minutes nnd 5 sccoiiih. At Dover , two miles from the starts-Oxford led slightly , Thn chccriiiRand excitement was intense and a dead beat was loiiked upon as n possi bility. At the oil mills , two miles and ono and a half frcfatho start , the two boats were again even.mnd It scorned as If tbo sculls wore almost lifted out of the water by the efforts of the oaiamen. Oxford , when nearbiR t'his\vlclr , wavUadinp , but It was by a few feet only , ( joliif towards Cornoy beach the boats stmcK-lnto smoother water , whlob lusslsted tbollKiittir moil in the Ciitn- brldgo boat , and beyond Tlinruycrofts they forced ahead , eventuallyJcudinf ? Oxford by a quartur of a length. ' ' Gallantly , coolly , without outward Hign of exhaustion the con testing crows 'tugged at tboir oars wlth the utmost brUttrtncy nnd nerve. The BtruirKlu In the last Quarter milo of the course was magnllieent , Cambridge rowing plucldlv and with plenty of strength , but Oxford passed over tlio line tlrst by u quarter of a length auild iutcnsoexcitement , winning tbo raco. Oxford's ' tlmo was 22 minutes , Tbo bet ting was nominally a to 1 on Oxford. Teemcr'8 Cliultcii | ; ti > Hanlon. BosTOXMas3 , , March 81. A cortliled draft forfc-'OO , payable to the Globe , 1m been re ceived from John Teenier ol St. I.onh , as a forfeit fora inatcliraconlthKiHvard Hanlon , to be rowed at thu 1'oint of Pines , near Boston , May TO , fortl.OOOa sldo.or any other amount Hanlon may prefer. The challenge will remain oicn | ten daysandlf not accepted by Hanlon Is opened to Connor orOuudaur on the same conditions. A CJrent Flxzlo. NEW "YonK , March 21 , Tlio greatest flzzlo of a elxJayvalk ever bold closed to-nlgbt A carefully selected stock just re ceived comprislnu ovorj'thing tluit is no\vnnd desliablo in hu-os At Extremely Low Prices , tlT'Don't buy anything in Laces until you have looked hrough our stock , 4'J-itich UlncU Chanlilly Flounclngs , 81.25. * l.fiO , $1.75 , $ l.'Ji at.l , $ l.i.j ! ! u aril. l-Vinoli Black , Plain and Dotted Fish Nets , at-lc ( ) anil 571o a.yard. 48-inch Hlnclc , all Silk Kipiifoil and Jottoil Drapery Not9 , $1 , $ l.i5 ! , $ l..r)0 $1.75 , Slinnd U ) ) . 10.112,15 and IS-lnoh Black Chantllly jaco FlouneitifTd , at OJo , $ l.lo , $1.61) ) and i.oOa yard. Torchon , Metlici , Smyrna , An- icjnc , Louis XIV. and Italian , Valenciennes Laces and Insertions n all widths. MGLTIrS IN j 45-inch Black Kmbroidorcd Linen Do L'Jndo Skirtings , nt 9oc , 81.25 , S1.3S , & 1.60 , $1.7 < > , and $2ajard. Special. Special. 5,000 yards Hamburg , Nainsook and Swiss Kdjiitiufl at5c , Itlc , 12c , lee and 20c , worth alniodt double. Easter in Ladies' Handkerchiefs. "Ladies' Fine Han-1-Eir.broidoreil llandkorchiofs , Mollopod borders ( very latest designs ) , at eec , 50o , Ooc , 7"c , Soc andl each. Kovolties in IIand-1'aintcd Japanese Pans. llovcltics in GIIUKO , Coque and Ostrich Poathor Pans. Latest Novoltlos in Dross Trlnimlncfs. KelleyStiger&Ca nt 10 o'clock , The receipts amounted to only SH.OOO. Tills , after paying the llrst prizn money , will bo divided amen ? tboso that covnrcd rrJ.'i miles. Score : Ilugbcs , 5JS miles , two laps ; llonnctt , 510 miles , sk laps ; ISIoore , 5:10 : miles , one lap ; Ilegloman. S"0 miles , three laps ; Noremac , 5'5 miles ; Peach , 300 miles. ' Kcsultod I'atill.v. SiVANXAii , Ga. , March SI. HobertVI1 - itm , knocked down last night by Byrnlo Murnhy in a prize llfjht , died early tbls morn- ng from concussion of the brain. irO.W.tV Di.iJIHA I ) Kttlllt iff. A Kansas City l'nial < : 's Iirlu. _ ; Deed int. . Iionis. ST. Lot-IP , Mo.'Marcii 21.- [ Special Tele gram toTiiKHr.K , ] One of the most daring robberies committed in St. Louis for some , lmo occurred last night. Kale Burt' , claim- ng Kansas City as her home , entered the cwclry store of Henry Yost , 1-10 Olive street , nnd asked to see some diamonds. The clerk placed a tr.iy before her from which she so- 'ected onn , and going to the door as if desir ous of examining it dashed out and started on a run towards Washington avciiuu. A fler tbo clerklind recovered from his surprise ho started in pursuit and captured her seven blocks away. She was turned over to the police and locked up. Lack of money , the says , forced her to commit the robbery. Nebraska nml I > wu I'OIIHOIIS. | WASIIIXOTON- , March ill , ( Special Tele gram to TUB BIE. : ! Pensions were granted Loday to thu following N'obiMskuns : Original William Kster , Lo'vl Clifton , Leaiulor B. Miller , Willium Cons , Joseph VV.Grecnxvood , Oils H. Mason , Frank 0. Putnam , Gcorgo II. Slyurs , John Erlekson. luuruaso Thomas 13. Uonar. Iowa : OriKinal Thomas C ! . Northrop , .Tared J. Harrison , William M. AVoods , .lames Carrablnc , Alfred Jackson , .lonab II. Raton , William N. ( jilchrist , William J. Chilly , lirnatius llelsup , Martin N. Moore , Daniel T. Gulnn.Tames 1C. P. Good fellow , Jasper Den nis , licnjamiii Dick , UUiulcs II. Kormnn , Jinncs J. Uavis , William MfMniiiis , Jobii Ilubbirt , .lohn P. Negus , ( ! i-orgo W. Loatburs , Charles Johnson , James S. ( Irlgirs , Kpbriam S. Fcnton. Additional William Crakes. John Howard , James L. ICeys. ito- issue Kphrlam M. Loop. .lames II. drain. Orlslnal widows , etc. Fannie , widow of Henry C. Kmslngor ; Mary A. , mother of Knos Macy ; Annie , mother of Turner f iillr I via Miifi * \\i\i\r\\\r \ nf ( ! iirtttri > A.T Wii f\\v \ .lanotte , widow of Alexander Kirkwood ; Mary , widow ot Mldmel O'HhaiiKlinessy ; Mary II. , widow of Wesley A. Heath ; Har riett , widow of Charles A llryan , K'lHtcrn Capitalist * in Galv < vstoii , OAI.VISTIXTOX. : , March 21. [ Special Tele gram toTiiEHi'.r. ] An excursion party com posed of blxty-llvo eastern capitalists has arrived In the city. A visit wns made to tbo jetties , which are being constructed bv tbo government nt an expense of SH O AOO. Tbo largest delegation was from the state of Mow "Yoik headed by lion , William M. Learned of Albany , Judgoof the supreme court , Mas sachusetts and Pennsylvania were largely represented. 'I'bcro were also In the party residents of Maryland , New Hampshire , Vir ginia , Alabama and MichiganOhio , Vermont , Is'ew Jersey ami Illinois. Ono of the mem bers registered from Shcfllold , England. Tbo party will divide after leaving hero , part going to Mexico and the balance to Cali fornia. Promising Cattle Outlook , ST. . Louis , Mo. , March 21.--Spcclal | Tele gram toTncIJKK , ] Major Andrew Drum , ono of the largest cattlemen of Kansas City and president of the Cherokee Strip Llvo Stock as- Boclntlpn , is In tko city. Major Drum t > ays ranROcattlo wintered fairly well , nnd with the possible exception of the northwest ho considers the outlook In tlio cattle business qulto promising. IMoro ICxporlH of Oold. NBW YOKK , March 21. Oold coin to the amount of | , V)0CK)0 ) , ) ww ordered ut tbo sub- treasury this morning for export to Kuropo , making the total for today's steamers tI,775UOO. , , SPECIAL-MONDAY. One lot fine camel's hair Suitings , newest styles at $ S.75 per suit. WASH GOODS. Now chnUics , bnnutlful styles , now colorings , tit 61 4 _ Now , latest ttylcs , equal to Imported goods , 1H : . . castilian chintz , rloli stylish goods , worth 'Mo * fe ? - . I IOC 1 f\/ Outlnp ; ilimnol , now stripes , newest styles < f\f . _ Anderson's Scotch outing llannols , for shirts niul fc- * ( _ 5K vvalsta . OOC WHITEGOODS. t f-\ Printed dimity , iio\v \ rich colorings , very stylitd ) . - | O / Dotted and Figured Swiss , in nn endless variety. Now styles In Black French Organdy. Kelley , Stiger& CoFarnain & 15th Sts \ MTAl SECRET MMtltliVCE. The True Story of the Death of Helen Potts Revealed. IER HUSBAND'S ' FORCED CONFESSION. riiuOli-l'fi Mother Given tbo n Her Dau-litor'H Sad Dnwiiliill and tbo I'crllilyorCar- lllc HarrlM. Nr.w VOIIK , March 21.--Special [ TelcRrain oTnc Dix ] Helen Noihoa I'otts , a hand- omoaiul accoinphsbed girl of nineteen and a tudent at Cornstoclc liiiishinB school for oung ladles in this city , Uled Foliruai-y 10 , ast , from an overdose of niorphlno. It was mown tliat sbo had taltcn a pill at 0 o'dock the night before , supposed o have boon compounded from a iroscription given her b.f ; Carlilo Ilnrrb , a onng medical student , \vlio at the tlmo HK- nvd as a frionil of tbo Polls family. It now ranspircs , according to a full-column story a tlio World today , thai tlio ilcail tflrl's nothcr had foi'cod from the young medical student tills atlliluvit : Carlilo W. Harris being duly sworn , says that on Februarys , IS'.IO ' , deponent , umlorttio lamoof Charles Harris , married Helen N. . 'otts under anil by tbo name of Helen Nel son , before \V. I' . KinckliolV , alderman of tlio Seventeenth distrlet of tbo city of S'ow Vorlc. a ? appears by the annuxuU .ranscrlpt from the records ot narrinies. : ; Ooponent further suys ho makes this iftldavit of his own fruo will and without coercion or duress. As additional ( iroof of lih suiit marrinLro , as aforesaid. Mrs. I'otts , the dead girl's inolliur las ] > run.ircd an afliaavit in whii'li sbo says : "My daugliter , Helen l otts , \vhoilicdof morphine poisoning at tbo Coin- stock school , ha * hccn the \vifeof Carlilo W. Harris since February 8 , 18'.H ) , I liked the you UK man nnd his family , but he refusal a lonjj cntfagemont and a secret marriage fol lowed. 1 knew nothing of it until August , when I was telegraphed for and wont to my sick child. 1 had no suspicion of the na ture of her Illness for some days. Thou my urointT-iii-iuw niKiiruu mu us cuusu wiis 1110 efl'oct of sin , mill when 1 gained courage teen en t cr in v daughter's room she saw uv my face that Iliad been told , ind said : ' .Miuninu , bring mo the bible ; ' and with her hand on the book she told mo ol the inurriajo. Her buslwiid hail performed acriininal o.erailon [ upon tier before fjolntr on tMs visit , nnil ho assured her , lier troubles were all over. They were not. A sharp Instrument bad entered the perfectly formed llttlo boy's head and killed it some ilinu in the latter part of June , After 1 was told of tbo nmrriiiKO her husband wrote ino an ailratloinito letter nnd I began to fi'Ct ' Unit this young folly inldit well ho forgiven and wrote kindly to him. Tlio engagement waste to bo announce at the holidays. Ho refused to Iiavo It announced when the tlniu came and a few days later wrote mo nnd suggested that the'question of marriagu bu Uot'erred two year longer. I lost patience and yet xvroto him kindly and tried to show him what llvinp ; thrco years as nn unacknowledged wlfo must moan to bcr , and tnut I saw no reason for it. I urxcd his promise to bo remarried and I said Unit lie eould take Ids wlfo , RD quietly on ttio an niversary of their marriage nnd ho married by a minister of tbo gospel In a Christian manner , nnd that If bo succeeded la graduating In tbo spring I would ncnd them both to Kurojio before ho settled to practice in the city. Ho wrote In tbo Kindest way , said everything sbould bo done as I wished , oven If it hindered Ids professional advancement , If no other means cf satisfying my scrujiloi could bo found , Boon afUT their secret marriage Or. Harris received n loiter from n wealthy society Kii'l saying she know ho was la no position to otTcr marriage to her , but offered tier heart and fortune to him , 1 fear this wasttio boKlnntntf of tlio tragedy thutcost my daughter her life and her iiiunu , " Various ufinlavits and the written state- ment of the { heartbroken mother have been committed to the district attorney for action. The father of young Ilariis is snld to bo the niuinber of n club In a Brooklyn estab lishment , and bis mother is prominent in the temperance movement there , Hl3 randfathcr Is Ui. McUroaUy fo this city. JllH Horrible C'rlmo ol' an Insane "West Virulnln IMnri. WiniiiNo : , W. Va , , larch 21. [ Special Telegram to Tm : HKK.J News of ono of tbo most atrocious murders ever committed In this vicinity has just reached here. Thurs day afternoon i'oter Richmond ordered his wife to pick up a pair of scissors which wora on the floor , and because sbo did not Immedi ately obey bo seized an nxo nnu struck her on the head , rolling her to the lloor. Ho then .struck hi'r novcrul blows with the cdgo of the weapon , leaving bor bead hanging by but ashri'il. Ho then attacked his mother , who ran from the house screaming for help. Richmond was overpowered by neighbors and bound. lie in supposed to bo insane. ilnstluo lii . ' plio oi * Color. COVINOTONKy. . , March SI. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : 13i.J ! ! : Seaborn Smith , a prom inent whlto citizen and road commissioner , who committed a criminal assault on Leila Alien , a yotnif , ' mulatto girl In December , ISfeO , was yesterday found guilty. The pen alty U death by hanging , and the sentence was pronounced. Tlio casn is a ronnirUnulo ono from the fact that It Is tbo llrst case of a white man being convicted of assault on u ncgress. A 31 UttKM KXTS. The I51U have reason to bo Jubilant over tlio success of their third niinual benefit ( jiveri last evening nt the Hoyd , nnd the very largo audience could not have been othcr\vlso than satisiled with the very excellent pro gramme provided for their entertainment. There was not a single hitch In the lengthy array of attractions , tbo performance not terminating until ll0. : ! I'attl llosa and company appeared In tbo first act of "Margery Daw" and the second act of "Imp , " the llttlo lady iccelvlnt , ' aa ovation at the hands of her uudlonco. From an aitlstlo standpoint Mr. Wllllatn Caldcr's personation of "Hip Van Winkle" de- sorvei a great deal of praise. Tno vote-ran nctor follows closely ttui lines wnlch Mr. .lefTcrson has made famous , and so unctuous was the portraiture that ono could not help Dut rt-Krct Unit the aetor had given up the stage for tbo inoru protltanlo liuHliie.'is of manager. Miss Hatch , who lilnyed ( irotcheii , was very good , lii- iloed. 'J'ho specialties were cnjoyahlo the Sicilian Trouh.uloun from the Kden MUMU : bringing tlio programmu to a close. During the evening Miss Rosa was the ro- rlplcnt of a beautiful basket of roses , a tliaulc oltcrlng from thu Omaha ledge of lOlks. AVantcMl in I'enver. ' O. 13. Itltmastur baa been arrested as a fugitive fioin Justlco. Komo time ago , no and his partner were arrcstod oa tlio same charge nttho rcijucst of Iho Denver authori ties , who wanted them for obtaining mono/ under false pretenses , but who subsequently refused to conio uftcr them and the prisoners were released. Rltmaatcrrcmulnod nero , hut his companion went to Sweden. Tbo Icn- vor grand Jury recently indicted the muuand Ultinustor was ngain taUcn in. Ho was ro le-used on bail lo deliver himself whenever the Denver olllccrs came after him. Worked on Its I-IIWH. The DoiiKlas County Horticultural society hold a special meeting last night In tbo Viiro block , The attendance was laiyer than usual , and the entire evening was devoted lo reviling thu constitution and by-lawn of the society. llHt\ . To Mr. anil Mrs. Irving Allison , March 21 , a son. son.To Mr. and Mrs. O , W. 1.111 lo , u bon , tiatur- duy , Muicli 11.