Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1891, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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Down in the March with the Precious
Ecolopar ,
Bjwikos from tlioVIienl and I'linchrn
from tlio Hlioiiltler DoliiRH of
tliuMenVlio iV-lunnlnn ( flu
CluitLy MlHCCliimy.
A * "will expected , the warm days of last
week brought In ttic ducks in great numbers
hut owing to the subsequent unpleasant
wcnthor Imt few gunners Iinvo been out and
consequently but few hints brought into the
runrltot. Out good sport can bo depended on
fromthhon until well Into .April. There is
another Idnd of shooting , too , that will soon
engage the iportsnian , nnu that Is snlpo
shooting , nndta many tbl is the no t enjoy
able and exlilleratlng of all , However , ns
pleasurable ns the spring snipe snooting Is , I
think , if the law could bo niado universal , It
might to be prohibited. Tito precious llttlo
Rnillnngo only drop ? down ho re on our
niamhos and meadows In the warm mellow
lnys of March and April to make love ,
nd tryst and tnnto , and for a llttlo
rest and nourishment. They are on tholr
Journey to their hatching and breeding
grounds in the for north , nnd should bo al
lowed to rovcl hero for the brief period that
Inarks tholr stay , and continue unmolested
On tholr way. This would always Insure
gnat sport in the fall.
Hut stranger than nil , tlicro Is no law
whatever in Nebraska for the protection of
tlio bird , When lie corncs , bo It In spring
time or autumn , you cmi taUo your breech
loader nnd co out on the feeding grounds nnd
knock them right and loft with Impunity ,
tliat is. If you can sbuot peed enough , for it
is no child's olny to grass thcso erratic Hying
litllo beauties ,
Why h this ! The galiinago AVIlsonll is
tuoraost highly prized ot all our foathorud
trained The quail is not his equal nor the
xvoodcock his superior , and still hols denied
the leglslutlvo protection occorded those
birds. If Hob AYhite , the wild duclc.
pooso nnd insectivorous bird is to bo pro
tected , why notthosnipol
Tticronrc many line snlpo grounds easily
accessible to Omaha , but the ilnest of all are
protnibly cost of Missouri V alloy. Stretching
thereaway isalow-lymgincudow land of rich
est , blackest loam , corrugated nnd broken
\vlth tufted nliTKerheadi nud trickling rills.
iimkliiponu of tharholcMt "boring" grounds
hungry scolopnx cvor struck. This loamy
roach is dotted heio and theio with clumps
of blood-twigged maples , -with bunches of
Wild roses and long Mrctchcs of llliputlnn
cane , pucker brush , smart weed , ( lags and
the broad-spcnrcd buffalo grass , which
makes It a great rendezvous for song birds
of all Ida Us , also for turtles , frogs and gar
ter snakes.
What sport It Is to put In a few hours here
on n bnlmy March clay , The freshness , tlio
plcturcsquenoss , the romance of the scene is
delightfully revivify In e , ,
"Skcap I skcnp 1" There goes ono of the
llttlo rufous-colored beauties now. Ho flushed
"Jrom that cluster of brambles. Crack I Ho's
mine. Ho plunged into the mud Just past
that maple thnro like a thousand of brick.
Hero ho ii. Loolt at him as ho lies there in
nil his dellcato beauty , amidst that tangle of
pepping dandelion * and curling vvator cress.
\Vlint llttlo rofcrenco to man exists the
Ricaterpartof the Deity's creation ? Some
.things appear to bo nmao for Ills use , but
what myrlnds of others , grand
nnd beautiful , hnvo no connec
tion with him or his presence. The
snlpo nnd the glossy blades of the tiger-Illy
glistening alongside of each other In the soli
tude of the gloomy slough. The graceful
blackbirds , the budding vegetation waving
In curves of matchless beauty , the limpid
pools , the grandeur of the whole wild land
scape , all ask not thq eye to adiniro them.
"Vet man thinks the world nnido for him ,
Instead of being but ono of the countless ex
pressions of the Creator.'ono . of the links In
tlio infinite series of crcatioiu All ! from the
vasty heavens to the squinnlng ephemera ,
but portions of the mniitlo which the Inscrut
able , Master wropcs about Him for purposes
of H is own.
But all moralizing , all sentimental musing ,
lioars but racagro fruit , yet the true sports
man will indulge la it , notwithstanding tha
next moment ho will lift his gun nnd kill
another hlrd.
Out the shooting will bo at its height In a
few days , nnd you can shoulder your gun
nnd make n , trip with mo If you want to. Next
tveolc I will toll you something about the
babltsof the Jack ,
How Adam Slzos Thorn Up.
"Well , .Atom , what do you tblnlc of our
team of this season , asked Gus TilclCoIm , as
lie took his seat In a chair at Morrcll's barber
shop last evening ,
" 1 vas crnzy about it. " and Adam shrugged
Ins shoulders and lifted both hands ,
"Crnzy. Why , what's ' thomatterl"
' 'Vhy , doj'ro nogoot , Doy couldn't win n
Name ot.noggloyimm , letalono does paso-bnll
i Barnes. "
"Couldn'thoy ? that's all you know about
it now there's ftlcCnuloy "
"Ilo was a tcrobrot Chnrloy Horse ho
couldn't ' hit do ground if he'd fall off a
liouso. "
"Anil Shannon-1'
"Ho vas n bruddcrhood. "
"Joo Walsh. "
"Now you vas talkln1 out lout. " .
' Donnelly "
"A an' do "
vou dayman , nextdayonnodor.
Tivltoncll. "
\ "J like some inoro of doso. "
"Canavan. "
"You haf to wako him up offcry time ho
jews to bat. "
"Willis. "
"OXCUBO me. "
"A Dutchman. Ho vlll do. "
'Vi loclijawod In do know. "
"Ilodounknorvcnuff to turn remit. "
"ilovns no front number. "
"Annoder horse on you. "
"And Brandt ? "
"Doro vn do cnmel dat broke do straw
iWck in U\o. "
'But you'll go and sea them plnvl"
"Not morcub seven times a veek , 1 bet , my
Hfo on dot.1' '
' 1'h ' Is In Your
The cmnks can cut this out an I paste It in
tholr liaU for reference. It 5hiwiat agianco
tbo dates of the Omnhas at hui.o and abroad.
. . ,
3,33. ; . ! . . io i cit , i. 8u-i
11,20,51 . tt. ) I'nul ll , IS.I'i ' . I . . JIIIIIWIPIIU IT . : : : : ; , ; . . . . .
r. ft . Milwaukee II , 23,8.1 . ICuiuut lly
_ , . y..uii ' :
SUiuxCttjr Autiit
9,4 , , 4. , , . ( . . . . . .lionvuil . .aI. ( . , Bt. Puul
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IIUI.IJ . IJDivliiU. 15.1H. . . .KaniuCttr
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pp | > tjnjbur- 4,6 , II , . , 81. l' ill
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IJ.j ; . . . . . . , , | ) Ii , 12. H Mlnn tioJU |
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> i,2 * > ,
bl. I'uul
I at.
JlniinccrSliannoit DoluyeU ,
tugor Shannon trli-R-mpliod lut ovcnlnd
, lhat lie had boon detained at Now York aud
\\0itlduot \ arrive until Wednesday next.
Dad Clnrko Co inn Unok.
"Dail" Clarke has ntltwt 8lm\0'l a contract
nlth Omalia for lS'JlMitl , will bo on band
early this veek. JIo ta.vs ho novoj was Jn
fin-jr roudltlpn tban txt present and hoi a by
Unavork to nRnlft m ratlato alinself In fuvor
nlth thn fnns out horo. No ono will sny but
whutUua has bcou , and is yet , fovthnt mat-
lor , a great uitclior. Ills ono fault vat hU
iply temper displayed ut times wnoti tUero
lut tbo sliRbtest rail foi-lt. lu addition to
'is ' superior pitching aollitlea he Is a good
bitter and moro than ordinarybdsoman , nnd
ran make himself highly wvtnl lo nny tenw.
Ho ncd have no nppralienslon , If no docs
rood work ho tvlll qulckij bo In bis old place
In tbo esteem of the Omaha public.
IS'ormnn llakor Arrlrcn.
Normnn L. Baker , Umnha'a now pitcher ,
arrived Friday , Bnkcr first played bollw
nn nmntcur with the Hnrtvlllcs , champions of
the I'hiladclpbln amateur Iciiguo in 1831.
Signed next season vlth 1'ittsburff Amoricaa
nssoclfttlon club. Nolan was reinstated nnd
It let linker out.Vcnt , to Johnstown , Pa. ,
and won the championship of the Interstate
league , composed ot Johnstown , Altoona ,
Now ISrlgliton , Voun stown nnd Now Castle.
In 16S3 horltcbcd for Oil City ( Iron aud Oil
league ) nnd cnmo In second. The club dU-
banded In the latter part of July aud bo went
to Springfield , 0. , In the Ohio league , and
thoywon flrst place. The next season ho
went to "Louisville , wbo sold his release to
Nashville , and Nashville came In in second
plnco. Next year , 18S5 , Baker broke a linger
on bis pitching hand und was allowed to go
to llocuciter ( International league ) . Uopan
next season with Rochester , who sold him to
Toronto , and Toronto won first place. In
1887 ho went to Newark ( Central league ) and
they won the cbaninlonship. In the fall ho
went to Stockton , In thn California Icngno.
and pile lied the last It games out ot 12 nnd
wont ) , lost 1 nnd tied 1 , winning the cham
pionship. In 1SSS ho wont buck to Nownrk.
In 18S9 Baker was with tbo Baltimore Amer
ican association team and did peed work.
Dakor is In Rood shnpo nnd nnxlous for the
season to open. Ilo was born October 14.
180' ' , "weighs 157 pounds , and stands C feet 11
inches In height.
The Onmlin Kennel Club.
The Omaha kennel club , ns announced In
Inst Sunday's DEI : , held their regular mcet-
? en Tuesday , March 17 , to take action
upon the renting of a club room. The night
being very stormy , and many of the members
out of the city , therownsnot a full attend
ance. The cominlttco appointed to rout the
club room handed in their report , and a vote
was tnitcn , resultlnBln the selection of a very
nlco club room In the McStmno building on
Fourteenth street , ! No. 313 , a few doors north
of l'1arn am street.
This Is a inovo In tbo right direction.
Members nnd tholr friends can now enjoy a
n pleasant time discussing doggy matters and
thollko. The room is to bo ( Ixcdup with
tables and chairs , the wall ? to bo adorned
with pictures of mo winning clogs of this and
other countries , mid tbo best Journals can
always bo found here for the cnllghtmcut of
these Interested.
It Is the intention of the club , after things
nrolngood running order , to discuss tbo
points of each breed , as is done In all flrst-
cluss kennel clubs , and to inoro clearly dem
onstrate the ideas , a specimen of the breeds
under discussion shall bo uscid. In this man
ner till members can soon bo familiar vlth
the weak nnd strong points of tholr dogs. To
the sporting fraternity of Nebraska the
Omaha kennel club tenders a Idnd invitation ,
nnd shall bo pleased to sco them and tholr
dogs at the club room , and also shall bo
pleased to receive tbelr applications as mem
bers of the club.
All members of the Omaha kennel clnb are
requested to attend the meeting next
Tuesday , March ! M. at 8 { > . m. , at 213 South
Fourteenth street , to llnish up business leftover
over at the last regular mooting.
Tlio Tennis 1'lnycrs.
The Y. M. C. A. tennis club will start the
season -under the most favorable ) auspices.
Thooniccrs are Myron \V. Richardson , presi
dent ; J. W. Ilnttin , vlco president ; \V. J.
Fey , secretary , and John lirowu , treasurer.
TnoprouiuU at Twenty-third and Harnoy
streets will bo leased an d nppiopriatcly llttcd
up Immediately. A building or clubhouse ,
with facilities for baths nnd dressing rooms ,
will bo Erected and the whole enclosed with
a high board fence. The grounds will en
close flvo courts , ono of which is to bo re
served exclusively for lady patrons. The
club now has n. membership of thirty-
live or more , which they hope todoubloby
Juno 1. They have rejected the proposition
to ] oln the state league. Champions Will
Doano nnd AhOuiou will don trio knicker
bockers and etriped cap again mid make it
warm for all comers.
Short Hits.
Lengthy Willie .Mains has signed with the
Just three weeks from next Thursday and
the llrst clmmplonslilp game will bo played.
ITrank Ban die's ' cigar emporium \vlll botlio
headquarters of the Omaha team , this sum
mer.Hnymond wanted only WOCO to play with
Louisville. How much does ho 'got from
Lincoln , half of Itl
Norman Baker has arrived from Dallas.
Ho Is Iti line condition nnd anxious for the
opening ot the season.
The .Apostles have hooked on to another
good mnn In Hamburg of the Loulsvllles. Ho
is a sprinter nnd n hitter ,
Charllo Hoover has caught on with Sacra
mento , and the English syndicate will locate
their main brewery there.
Harris Collins , who bas an oftlce In TUT
BKB building , Is u brother of Hub Collins ,
Brooklyn's fumous second basemen.
The man who says thnt Manager Walking
has gathered up another team of tall-cndors ,
doesn't know a ball ulayor from a woodor
Honey Swartzol of Kansas Cltv Is still oul
In the -wet , and ho says he'll stny there nnd
drown before he'll sign at Johnny Speas"
The whoio baseball world would welcoma n ,
truce with the American association , no matter -
tor who Is lu the wrong. Poacols want base
ball wants.
Jimmy Manning announces his intention 01
carrying an extra Inflelder this season. Ho
can afford to. Ho gets Holland for his beard
and clothes.
When President McCormick hnndoc
"Clinkers" Fngln his release , "Clinkers
said : "I'vo ' no use for this ; I've ' got a
pocketful of "tm " already. "
The Western association doesn't want St.
Louis and Vendor Aho too : Sporting Times
Nolndeody , St , Louis would bo bad enough
but Von dor Aho 1 Murder I
Danny Stearns lins at lost put. his John
Hancock to n Cowboy contract for this year
nnd is ulrcndy ollinir up bis liaoo nnd shoulder
dor for active work on tbo field.
With anything like team work , nnd that is
almost a certainty judging from the mnko u ]
of the aggregation , and Lincoln will roako
an nudncious snatch at the flag ]
Now that Shock threatens to jump to
Washington , they say ho Isn't liked very
well In Milwaukee , Sboch a Dutchman nnc
not liked In Milwaukee. Git out.
The Boston papers , whleb have corsUtoi
in not learning how to score properly , have
at last tumbled. They will omit battery er
rors from the error column this season.
It Is said that Martin Duck -would have
Jumped to the Athletics had ho not DCCU Ii
love with n St. Paul bollo. They will bo
married In July. Qunckl quack 1 quad : I
Milt Whitohcncl got rcadhcaded , as ir.Irac
uloua as that may scorn. t seine act ion o
Manager Teboau out In Denver , nnd Man
: > gcr Tobcuu lot him out unconditionally.
And maybe Sioux City hiun'tpota ' tmstla
on her. faho has Just closed with Ed Swavt-
wood , and Omaha has been hunting for t
third baseman over nltico the seusou clobou
Well !
That was an awful tumble of the Poet's
from the Western association to the Illinois
lowalcaguo. 'Two yuan ago aud Burns was
one of the most premising Holders In the pro
The American association has demanded o
Sioux City that she ivleaso both Shelbecl
nnd VnnPylcOjtw they belong tothcAtblctlcs
but the Cora Huakon say "Nar. cay
Pauline ! "
The St. Pauls are already nt Hot Springs
getting la seine good preliminary licks. They
have secured the ejicluolvo right to the nark
down there but will share It with tha Cincln
natl leugue team.
The AVcstcrn ns oclntion will begin busl
ness just three weeks fiom next Thursday
with Milwaukee ot Ouinba , St. Puul ii
Kansas City , Hloux City at Douvor and Mm
ncapolii at JJrcoln.
The Farmers' Alllnnco team Is bound to
ItMp them nil guessing. Ju\t thluk ot the
world's series being plujoa down t the canl
tul of Nobraika ; doesn't ' that make you
Omaha ducks sick I
Sioux City U chuckling over the signing o
Dcwald of the late Cleveland brothers. Th j
say he can throw a biuobnll through a two
inch knot-held at thirty pice : ill no times ou
of ten , with both tyca tied behind hU bick.
An excijaui ; * any * tbut Ilarrv liavmoat
vlll cnotnia the Lincoln team. If to docs
) nve Howe must dlo between this and the
opening of tlio season , and Dave Isn't going
o die , because ho has Just had his llfo ln <
ured ,
It looks now nstt Honplo could go back tl
ila ' 'gooil sit , " M Editor Rupture donon
nntcuhis beer JointforFrank Day has been
'cslgncd by Manager Harrington , It Is all
lay with Hddle , for ho can't hope to play
&uy otbor position but second.
What would Chris Von dcr Aho ay If
7omskoy ! thouldjumpto tha league T Sport-
ng Times. What would ho say t Why ho'd
jo in the sanio llx ns the nan was when the
cndgato came out of his wagon as hovai
lulling uphill with a load of apples , pre
St. Joseph nndTopclm hnvo both had tastes
of professional lull nnd they like It , dcspttt
the fact that It proved too rich fortholrfliinn-
clnl Wood. Thcso cities , with Emporla , Ar
kansas City , LeavonworthAtchlson. Sedulla
and Joplm want to form the ICausw-jNllssourl
And now the Sporting Times , which
ought to hno bettor sense , asks : "What did
Yonder Aho want with Joe "Walsh , any-
lowl" Don't you know , Mr. Tlmo3that Joe
Walsh Is the peer of any shortstop In the
land. "Shorty" Fuller can't hold a tallow
dlpto him.
Ono week from Saturday noxt. Manager
Shannon and Uls lambs will marcli on to Lin
coln for the llrst enmo of \vholc-gato-rc-
celpts scries. A largo delegation of local
fans will accompany the Black Sox to the
scene of war and my advicois that they buy
round trip tickets.
The Brnwera have not yet succeeded In
signing Orlnith. Potlt and Shocli , reserved
players , and the latter two nro using tto
American association ns n club to knock out
a few more sitnoleotis by way of salary. You
couldn't shoot cither ono of them into tbo
American with a ICrupp gun.
McAIoor , the qulot young gcntioman who
was a prime favorite in the Western associa
tion In IbbS has developed into ono of the
finest acrobats In the country. Last Thurs
day no turned a triple somersault over Ills
Von der Aho contract and Inndcd on both
feet In the Cleveland National League camp.
Joe Walsh is already In good trim for the
opening of the season , lie's ' been juggling
boxes and barroli of freight down In the Pa
cific express ofllco nil winter nnd Is as hard
as nails. Last Friday ho seized a cruto of
chlnn-waro with bis teeth and Hung it across
the sldowalk Into nn express wagon without
turning a feather.
That lively little bird of the sparrow fnm-
llj * , Cblppio McOarr , has at Insicoino to a
conclusion with Denver. Ilo Is to receive
transportation to Denver nnd return and
$2,000 for beer money for the season. Why
couldn't ' Omaha hnvo trapped the Chlppiel
Can It bo that she wasn't convpoo-tont , m
Jimmy observed to Naglo once upon a
The American association threatens to re-
tallnto by signing\Vcstornassoclutionplavcrs
If Sioux City persists in holding Shclboclc
nnd Van Dyke. Barnie , it Is suid , has
already offered Clausen ? 1,000 to jump his
Milwaukee contract. One thousand dollars
for Clausen , this proves the correctness of
the report that the baldhcadcd caglo of tno
Chcsapenlto Is crazy.
Alter Hide Carpenter had been released
by Cincinnati last summer thov tried flvo
diffcicnt men in his place and every ono of
them failed to como up to Old Hickory's '
notch. Then ho cnmo to Kansas City and ,
aespito the fnct.tbat ho and Elmer Smith
won the pennant for them , they cotsoroon
him down there nnd clamored for his release ,
but they didn't got it , did thoyj
Apollo Clul > Notes.
Holton uas out of signt.
"VVIicro was Pix when tno light went out )
\Valkersays , his was a case of not-in-it.
It Is reported that 3lcschcr wears dia
Ficscherwillbo In any and all of the com
ing races.
Flcsehcr's ' medal Is a bird , but It only bas
ono wing.
Lord Bacon. Is the champion scorer Ibis
side of Chicago.
Osbnrn Is to have a now cushion-tired
safety this spring.
JCho boys are beginning to .cloan up their
wheels for the coining sensou.
The bj'kors have all forsaken the Coliseum
and taken to the pavement once more.
\Valdron will ride n pneumatic-tired Or-
monde safety on the roads this season ,
\Vortz will liavo n new racing wheel this
spring. It will probably bo a Columbia.
There wcro many of the boys a-wheollng
Sunday the xnoktrity over t'ard the Bluffs.
Charlie Hears received quit o a shaking up
in a fall while practicing at the Coliseum
Mr. Potter of Texas made a creditable
showing considering the time ho had for
"What's tbo natter with an Apollo baseball
team ? Tbero Is plenty of material in. tno
Osbomo would , have had a place had ho not
been robbed by tlio tlmo limit , a rank decis
ion In his case.
Floseheris probably gathering up another
fine Job lot of medals for tbo beuolitot aomo
enterprising sneak thinf.
George Minor has about decided to buy a
wheel and go to racing. Don't do it , floorgo ,
this sporting llfo is horrible.
"VYo see several of the late racers woarlnp
nowhnts , What's the matter , did the old
ones bccomo suddenly too small )
w dross , the Tennessee greyhound , says if It
hadn't ' been for the grippe ho would b.avo
given both Plx Fleschor the dust.
The Apollo club now contains thirty mem
bers , and by the time the summer .season
opens they hopa to sco this doubled.
Denman was n loakor-on at the races. He
may thank his stars that ho did not rido. or
ho might huvo been -wearing the hog-smn
Kext Alondny evening tno term of the pres
ent officers of the Apollo club expires and tbo
members are all now deeply hnmcrsod In
Holton had to take the booby -prize , but
Just wait until the fall races open up ; n ' ) l
show seine of them that ho can ride whou ho
takes a notion ,
Holton sports the "booby prlzo" of tUo lite
tourney ou the outside of bis cutaway , and Is
prouder of It , by a long shot , ttiau I'bc is of
his eight-day clock.
Louis Floscher enjoys the honor of having
won the handsomest modal aver offered In
the city. Ho h undoubtedly tha amatqar
champion of Nebraska.
Hit ho r Ilolton or Denman would mnno n
good captain. Either Is big enough to plow
an avenue through the atmosphere for tlio
gang on along road run.
Wuutorferlng , the plucky llttlo rldoc Who
was decidedly In tt during the flrst three
nights , but wbo hnd to oasa up ou account of
sickness , U all 0 1C again.
Last Saturday evening In their final race
both Flcscher and I'lxloy broke the Coliseum
record , which , U3:59 : 1-5 , by Jack I'rlnco.
Flcscher mace the mlle In S :53f and Plaloy
in 3:53 : 1-5.
Just after the finish of the Plxlov-rioscher
race lost Saturday evening a fair damsel in
tlioaudicuco was hoarrt to cry out : "Pixloy
is in the soup.1 She probably bad n pound
of randy at btake.
"What has becoruo of llttlo Willlo Dllllo
Search i The last seen of him ho was float-
in gin tlioconsommo , but ho probably has
tied a cable car around bis neck nnd gduo
down with McUlnty to the bottom of the sea.
The EoRver sports nro trying to make a
match between young Blouk of trmt city and
young i'iiloy of Omaha , liloek has a record
of 3:03 : on a quart or-iailo track , while Pixley
has a record of 'J:5J on the same kind -of a
Q'he L. A. "W. has brcn having n boom
since Ills Itoyal Highness Pcmgolfits has
held the.ofllco of chlof consul. Ton new
members ) were added to the list last wc k ,
and they uro still n-comln1. Keep up jour
lick , chief.
.Heard that Charlie Moors wtrnnts a whack
nt I'lxley , Well , can'two got up a sweep
stake race , letting in Flescher , wertz , and
whosoovcr wants to ccuno in. A flvo-inllo
race between the quartette named would
mnka a hummer ,
JNU' , Grots , erroneously called Grass but
hotter known as Drown , Lily Williams'
trainer , modu a flue showing at tha mus.
Put blru astrUo u racer Instead ot the too
wagon bo was compelled to ride , and Utfll
Bhmv > om nil lib heels.
" \Ynlkiir , who made such a dcsperato dub
for the hop skin medal , claims ho wu doped ,
ht wheel loudod and was given ton tnnch
roferea or ho would have wou. Ilo now
wants to ride n thirty-day race with the
champion or tbo Omaha vrhoel club for
money , marblei or ctnflrf. The only draw
back to KddloU that IflSSloo gamo.
The first iskuday In Ai > rll the clectionof
officers for 1891 takes pTi 5. The ofllccs to bo
illhxl nro president , vlcq.prosidcnt . , secretary
nndtrcaMiror nnd captain. Henry Tagger
nod Charles Wears ara-rxdlnlngfor president ,
Allen nud Walker for dee president , Smith
and Calkins foraccrutnjrrjind treasurer , and
Flcscher , Dcnmnn Dolvulrrff , Wertz and 1'ix-
ley for captain. The ofllccra jiow uro Monrs ,
president ; TJgBorVlo6ibro3lJont , : Culldns ,
sooretnryj rioschcr , treasurer ; lloludorff ,
> A
the M
A few geese , rcdhends nnd mnllara are
already shown ut the c Mriilsslon houses.
The cornfields nro unusually full of chicken -
on this spring , and there Is every prospect
of a plentiful crop this fall
A largo number of goodly-sized pickerel
have been taken through the Ice at ( Jut-Off
lake during the past ten days.
Charho Williams , an enthusiastic kennel
club member , has just ordered another fine
St. Bernard bitch , at a cost of f 100.
The Colllin gun company and Cross it
Danmiro are preparing for a big rush of busi
ness during the spring shooting Benson.
C. A. Clnflln , an ardent sportsman , has
Just received by express from Host on three
pairs of trained wild geese , for decoys , at a
cost of IS3.50
Ed 1'unlson , of the old Winchester dun
club , Is running a hardware store up nt
Arlington. Ho says the ducks nro tumbling
in to the lakes out there in swarms.
The Omaha Illflo club will make extensive
Improvements at their range across the river.
and as soon ns thcso are completed will start
In with their regular weekly shoots.
' -I'll see you some time next month , " said
Jack Morrison to the black buss. "How'll ' I
know you'ro coming ? " queried air. Bass.
" 0 , I'll drop you allno"ioturned Jacir.
Nothing has been heard of lato. from the
proposed amendments to the gatno laws , and
Ills not very likely tnat anything will bo
done with them during the present session.
There was a flight of wild geese going
north passed over the city late last Tuesday
night thnt lasted for nn hour or moro.
Thousands nnd thousands of the birds ivcnt
Harvey MiUrovr It making extensive pre
parations for his annual spring geese shoot
nt liivcrSloux. McGrow onus twopairof
wild geese decoys , said to bo the best trained
birds in the west.
lr. ) Doshoof Bancroft , dropped In on tbo
sporting editor , for a chat , yesterday after
noon. Ho sajs that the prospects for great
vlld fowl shootlngup his way are excellent.
There will boa great plentlfuluess of water
aud the birds have nlroudy begun to come m
both ducks and gcosc.
Tboelty ofTopcka , Kan. . Is ono of the
most wlde-nwako Iran shooting communities
in the wcst.iul ; [ it Is pleasant to know that Its
"shooting folks" propose holding n number
ot Interesting events there the coming sea
son. The " \Yost Side gun oltib. ono of To-
pcka's crack organizations , held its annual
election lost week and nindo an excellent
choice , as follows : President , " \Villmm B.
Jansen ; vice president , L. Blscoo ; troasurcr ,
W. C. ICnor secretary , ii. It. Vaughn ;
Held captain , lL. . Epps.
Dr. W. J" . Galbralth is a sportsman of tbo
exemplary tjpo. He his had frequent op
portunities for Indulging lu his fondness for
field sports and is an adept in the business ,
whether it bo in prasstng chicken on the
open prairies nnd on the hillside , ducking on
the marsh , ortracking.Uio noble elk in his
mountain fastnesses , i As u woodsman ho
has butfowsupcrlors. and can trail the royal
wnpltl where any ordinary man would fall to
detect 11 sign or would hesitate to 50 if ho
did. Ills proforcnco 1s still hunting , al
though ho has a fondness , too , for fair
IMnnn'H ' allies , the norland dog in fact Is a
gentleman sportsman in the fullest sense of
the word.
J. A. U. Elliott of Kansas City , the cham
pion pigeon shot of America , defeated VV. H.
Wolstcncroft , Philadelphia's cruck shot , last
weolc at 100 live birds for $1,000 a side ,
Hurlhighain rules governing the contest ,
twenty-one yards rise. The match was
never la douot after itho fifteenth round.
The Western man wni' ' shootlng In great
form , and it was plainly scon that tha young
Philadcldjblan could nqt , w-in. 1311iott < s best
mil was irindd in thp eurfy partpf 111 ? , mulch ,
when he Icillod forty-two birds' without a
break. The birds wore bf the best quality
"and were furnished 'by the veteran Wllos
Johnson. Andrew J. 3-jsk , of Helena , Mon
tana , refereed th6 content , E. D. MHor pjll-
Ing the traps. The score follows , figure 1
Indicating killed with only ono barrel used ;
figure 2 , killed , both barrels used , and 0 ,
missed , using both barrels.
J. A. U. TSIltott-S , 2 , 2,2 , , 2,2 , , 2 , 2.2 , 0,2,2 , , ,
2 , 2 , 2,2 , , S , 2 , 2 , 2,2 , , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2,2 , , 2 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2,2 , ,
3 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 1 , I , 2 , 2,1 1 , 1 , 2 , 2,2 , , 2 2 , 2 , 2,2,2.
no o n o n n n ° n i ° i o o o o n
? 5'o1 y S1 S11' o1 g1 o > 3' ' ' ' ? „ o15' o1 f S-
o1 o' o15' ' * ' o' 5' V * ' " ' ' " ' " ' " ' ' " ' ' " '
A J , , U , o , , , U 03
\V. \Volstoncroft-l , 2,1 , 0 , 2,2 , 3 , 2,1 , ,
U , U , n , l } , ° M , -1 , ° , ° H , Q , n2 * , , tjt ' ? ono * * i M , M , on M , U , o , J n , o ,
o o n ft ' ° ° ° o o o n o
n ? 1 1 'n ' 1 11 ft
-i "i ui vt ui * i * t i * * -i u 1 , * - , -t " " , u , ,
U , o M , o , o * , W n , J n , n * , * 3 > , "i o o t on * , u , J > i , o w. 1 , * * , \lt n 1 , n , o ,
u , u , o , u n , o * 3 , i , o , n , ? , > , 2.1 . , 01 M , i. i. i ot & . i , ono ii" . M
Local Sports.
Pnt Allen , the Omaba heavy weight , was
knocked out in tbo thirty-third round at
Denver , Wednesday , by Lawrence Farrell.
There is n prospect of a llnish fight being
arranged between Scolty Gordon , a local
light weight , and "Kcd" Brenunn , now in
Lincoln ,
John Tumor , the four-year old black stal
lion recently purchased nt Lexington , Ky.hy
W. A. Paxton , jr. , Is by Director , dam Lady
Salisbury by MurabrinoPatchen , No. 58.
Danny Killlhor and Billy Smith , the Aus
tralian , willHghtat the Twin City club at
Minneapolis , March 23 , nnd Hi Johnsou aud
Jack Manning on the night following. Sev
eral of ' the fancy froin this city -will go up td
see tho'mills.
Tommy "White , tbo Chicago feather weight ,
who inailo tbo longest fight on record in his
class with Danny Daly , at South Omaba , a
couple of months ago , has been matched to
fight George Slddons for $2. > 0 a side.Vhlto
and Slddons have met before , Slddons knock-
big Tommy out after a long and stubbcia
The Mascoutah Kennel club's third annual
bench show to ba bold In Chicago , commen
cing April 8 , is certain to provo ono of the
grout ovonta of the year. The list of specials
foots up $1,285. , and there nro iirst , second ,
third and fourth cash prizes to tbo amount oi
f3,532-a total -of $4,8ir. as against K5C9
given by Now York nt its late show. In a
letter to the sporting editor of THE BEE , Su-
perintcndendent Hill slntos thnt no entries
will bo received after Monday , the 23d.
JSd Ilothcry , wbo taw FiUslmmona ad
minister a quietus to bis old friend Jack
Dompeoy , Is dead stuck on seeing some ono
"do" the big Australian. lie has a sort of a
notion that Jim Hall , fresh from the Anti
podes , Is the nan who is able to take the
contract. Speaking of thcso two pugilistic-
luminaries to a knob of sporU at bis saloon
last night , Ed said : fj
"A light between FlUiJind Hall Just now
would create morelntordst ; In sporting circles
than a fight between any two men in the
world , not excepting.Sulllvau and Peter
Jackson. Although FtMlinmoiis | whlopoc
ono of the most sclontlflb and gamiest men in
the country in Dcmpsoy , ho had a fearful ad
vantage over Jackand , everybody now knows
It was anything but'ri ' match that is that
Jack never .had a ghonfof a chance. Ad
mitting everything thuljjs claimed for Fltz-
shnmons.tho word conies' from the host Judges
of fighting llosh In San Francisco that Ilall is
a wonder , too. These . 'Australians ' nro verj
foxy people. They scntj teter Jackson and
Fltz over hero to defeat any or all couion Ii
the two top classes , and/ftthey / didn't disap
point their countrymen , J ow Hall bos ar
rived , Ilo Is on a similar errand , and bo is
after tbo man from hlrrown land , whom ho
claims ho once ensllyJHclted. It is certain
any wav , In Hall Fltzslmmons would flnd
very different roan from Dompsoy. Ho Is
just as tall and is said to hnvo even a longer
reach , Is us strong us n bull , ns quick as a cat
and srlcnced outof sifht. Ho wclgus today
not less than 10S pound * , has the muscles o
n prorrlllu , and cnn tight enuily as low down as
Hs. Ho la anxious to meet Fitzsimmons
and .If ho does , I'll ' bo tlifcro , If It Is on tuia
sldo of cither of the bg | ponds , nnd make n
mutch at a little of the lent ; green I lot go 01
Dompsoy. "
\VtiiHiiorIius ffimi tha Wliso I ,
J. W. Pwiner of Chicago was a visitor a
tbo club homo last Sunday.
Sam Patterson , local cocnul a Plaits mouth
was in the city last Wednesday ,
There h llttlo doubt that C. E. Randal
Will receive tbo cbalrmiuahlp of the racing
board ,
Captain Emerson and Lieutenant Mittauo
wltl lead thq wheel club to Council Bluff
today ,
Vajuo rutnorinya that our own JJobby
Witli the times , and wants something exquisite in a SPRING OVER-
COA.T THAT FITS , can obviate all tlie tiniLe , trouble and annoyance
usually gone through , with to secure what lie wants at the hands of tlio
average tailor , We've ' got "ern" in all that is new and novel in sliado
andquallty , We MAKE "EM" OURSELVES. "We make THOUSANDS
of them. That's wliywegettlie CUT AND FIT so perfect. ( It's exper
ience. ) Our SPRING SUITS are the same way , everyone of them liave
that NATTY , NEATand TASTYapearancepeeuliaronly to theCLOTH-
ING MANUFACTURED by us , and when you stop to consider that all
Uiese advantages can. be secured inyour SUIT or OVERCOAT , and by
far tne largest stock in the city to select from , it is no great surprise to
find us always "busy.
Our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT is a wonder in many waysjtna
people -wonder at one entire floor occupied witli Boys' and Children's
clotliino ; ; they wonder again at the'variety and the beautiful styles in
which they are made up and their chief surprise and wonder comes v ;
in when tney seetnat our prices are even , lov/er than they have been
accustomed to pay for common goods ,
Beautiful Spring Goods In Every Department ,
Money Cheerfully Refunded In all
Cnsos "Whoro Goods BROWNING KING& CO
S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS ,
a ± ict
For the next thirty days we will offer our entire stock of Sheet Music
at fifty per cent off. Books at publisher's prices. We also have about
5OOO copies of rnusic that we shall close out at two-thirds off * ( Remem
ber , we do not carry any 1O cent rnusic ) . Come early and make your
selection as this will not last but thirty days. "
Uiolins , PM68 ,
l/iolas / , Clarinets ,
'Bellas ' , Piccolos ,
Basses Moharps ,
PI fT FHOQ Emory , Washburn , Bruno Benarys and Bay State.
UU1 1 Jr\r\O At Prices that Defy Competition ,
PIA.NO DEPARTMENT Tou will find trie Steinway , Chickering ,
abe , Vose & Sons , Sterling and other well known malces.
ORGAN DEPARTMENT Story & Clark and Sterling. '
Be sure you call and get our prices before purchasing , as we guar
antee to save you 2.0 per cent. Pianos and Organs soJd on easy pa'y-
ments. Also for rent.
Mnttnowa Is negotiating for the purcb&so ot a
Omnhabas nnowbloyclo club culled "Tlio
Tourist Whoelmon.-Sports Afloia. Where
Is \VhonrotUey )
The Iowa division of thoLoaijuo of Amorl-
can Wheelmen will hold tbelr annual moot at
Neutou on Juno 10 and 17.
A. II. 1'errigohos returned from an ex
tended bustnosi trip , on which lie vlbitccl Lin
coln , Fremont and otbor foreign ports.
A party will wheel from Nincara Falls to
Detroit , leaving tlio former plucoJuly 9 ,
so as to arrive at Detroit lu tlmo to attund
the moot.
Uou. Henry ( joorgc , who was con verted to
cycling hy tnq Klwcll tourists In Jlormilda
last winter , liasliocomo uu active aiidontliu-
slnstlo rider of tbo vrbeol.
I1 , A. Khvoll 1ms announced his Intention of
orKanlzingn party of cyclists to tatte a wheel
trip around tfco world , following nbouttbo
saint ) route taken by Thomas Htevcns.
Our tournaments this buinrncr will attract
n number ot the LnKlish cvcllata to our
shores. W.O. loncsoiiti It. J. Slocreadyylll
bo among tbo fast men who will coma over ,
It Is almost positive thnt tbo race path Ml"
not oo patron hcd by two of tbo fast inon of
lasteeabon , as A. U , Hlchbns followed \Villio
Windlo's oxaraplo and states ho will not rica
Probatlv th.o heaviest man on the mem her-
shloll tof the League of American whjel- (
men Is UoorgaP. Dads ofMnnrio , InJ.ylio
welxas 53 pgunils stripped. Ho rlacs a
safety. ,
Denverbas probably r. mtilUr prgpovtlon
of. flub wbeclmun tlan any city In thounlCn ;
but , jutlKlng by tbo manner la > vblch. tbo
two local organizations are starting In tilj (
state of affairs will not be always thus ,
'Iko luulKnraent of the loa o iwoot to po-
troll this your will trevent inuuy of tbo eun-
crii men wbo psuully attend the meets frpqi
present , gwlug to 'tie distance ud. out
oftravolInR. ItUa throo-dny meet and vrill
bo very attractive.
Riders of solid tired machines , when
changing to pneumatics , should ha wnry
when riding their air tires for the llrst time
In a crowded thorouprUtoro. The pneumatic
takes a lot ; nero pulling uptban asollJ.ima .
a collision is a anrprlalngly simple mutter.
DThe Nebraska division , under tliau'ulJunco
of A. 11. 1'crrlgo , chief consul. Is booming
cycllne for all tt Is worth , Thcro h no
reason why Nebraska 'should not liavo n
lartcer ixsrccntiiRO of league members , nd
Mr. J.-'errlgoh n good man toawakon In the
dormunl onoa a sense fit activity nnd perRO-
voranco. Snorta Allold ,
ThoOrnjia Island wheel clnluvnsorpranUed
Monday niitbt by the elcotionof the following
oftlcors : Will Klnjr , president ; H. A.Povv.
ell , vlco picsldcnt ; Cbarloi Mcnclr , BCCI-O-
tary ; A. C , Meyer , treasurer ; C. It. Hon.
slnRer.qunrtcrinastor , 0. A. Kllllan , camalii :
H. A. 1'owpll , llrst lieutenant ; Qus Shuotz-
cnbock. surftoon ; II. Ivoreiigen. color bearer ;
H. J. liar ten baclt , bugler.
Election day dnws nlsb and yet the eandi.
dates are comparatively few , ' 1'bore were
times In the early days of tbo wheel club's
llfo , when tt > o panclldatos for ofllee ere
almost as nuiuorous 113 the active monibor-
hlp , nd selections oonld bo niada f rein n
list of the best oyclloB material in the dty.
TbeOniatia wheel flu blJ.andalwnTiUusbeo"n ; ,
the foremost bloyclo club in Nobriuka. Thy
raombi'm hold her future , as n cycling club In
their own hands. To continue in the course
of prosperity that has marked their pint
career , they muit bo led aurt directed by
ofllcioU who understand and me u part of
the cycle ivorM , and the now bonidr from the
president to the colgr-bcarer , should bo
selected from the rank ! of the nctlvovh ol-
men. Inactivity ID H tlcycleelubls a JuriiiK ,
deceptive dwijrcroua disoaio that la ura to
terminate fatally sooner or lator.
nnd Answers.
. , - . . , - UIIOVK. Hob. . Mivroli IS.TP tbo
Spurting Jjlllur lit 'I'lullKEjVlypu | | Juusa
( Ivo ullitt pf Owah XiH Llucolii' * loaiiu
for tbo season ? Which lias thostronzost bat
ting wild Inllold support ? Juinul T. flolfinnii.
ADS. OmaU ; ilcCimloy , first ; Shannon ,
second ; Walsh , short ; Donnelly , thlnl ;
Twitchcll , right ; Clarke , uk < r nnd JJllo-1
iprg. pitch : Newman nnd Hallljrnn. catch ;
Lincoln ; Vlnnngun , flrst ; Irwln , soooml.
Toronoysbortjinyuiouilthird : , ; Clluo , right ;
Pnlloii , middle ] . ; O'Day , Jlart
andKoacb , pitch : Trnnioy and Wilson , cfttch.
Of course I tblnlc Omaha has the strongest
team In the world.
Si.OA-N.Ia. . Mnrelin , To the BportlnR Ml-
tprofTiiB 1JKK ! A und II are playing old
sli'diii ) oriuvon-iip. II u name , II ) jiulnUi. A
hiiiiMtoliiN. J ! Imn7 , II duals nnd plays lilgli
and low nnd they urua. tlnoii KIIIIIO. I eluPiu
A. V.IIIH the inonwy : am 1 rlulit ? Answer In
SIJNIIAV llm : mid obllgo A regular subserlbor
to TUB JUir.v lieu. r , if , I'AIII/KV. /
Autf. You are correct.
ntKNvrmw , In. , March -To the Rportlnn
Kdlior of TIIK HKIC : I niu aeonntaiit roiidor of
yourpuucr , butliavu been In tlio country for
hpinotliiio. Wluit I wiinttoUiiow IH wliolhLT
NuhraHkabiiHurguiil/cU aytatoleitiruqfir luso *
bidl or not ? If BO. HCIII ! mo n cony of tliclr pro
ceedings and obllgc.-Jiiincs ll.l.'liiulwluk.
Ant. 'I'lioro has bcou no league .
OHAII A. Mivrcli H. To the SnoUtim f.UUr ( of
Kl W ifiKllysfiitu in 8unday'f <
open for uir ciixiiKeingiil , Huve oitUKht the
] ) ust two loiibiins In the BtltlilK'Ui ' ftiitn
Ko.ism : . ( Jiiii bn fiiiiiKt or uildrtuiicd , Jl'/7
llimmy ttrnot.-JJiui Iliinlfun.
U O. I < N , Hprinter , Your uiall bits boon
forwarded to Atlantic , In.
MIIHOUWI VAI.MCV , lu , Maroli sq. To the
SjioftuiK l.dltnrof Tim lice : Will ynii nlcasu
uiwwiir the fpllowliiiclri ih HportliiHCOtiiniiu
of BiinrtM1 * llt-r// / jli s Ht , I'atit Btpiicd WIN
Itiini n. ( toodenniijili ? if to In wlinl uoalllnn
wlliuo pln/7 Hid liiiovor nluh for tJninbtt.
J * " , In whut your ami njlli wbitt lucowm ?
E. T. W. , Mlnsoiirl Vnluy | , In.
An3.Yci. ( | ) . (3) ( ) In the flcW. (3) ( ) No.
O AHA. Mi rcliffOt-To tbo ( JpnrtlnH l'41tornl
Tim UMi I'ltUKU mutu In your fiUiitlny'a
' who won ttui lutu btotulu-
hou iratoh ? Mfc < i Hnvrhor \
pfuy tbU year-ltei Jcr ,