ECHOES FROM THE ANTE-ROOM wa of thd Wcot Among tbo local Secret Societies , AMASS MEETING OF INSURANCE ORDERS. KfJbrt Ucliiff Mndo to flrnnse Pnb- llo IntcrcHt In HICKO Orders Tlic A. O. U.V. . In Omnha .Vcivs mid Noted. A movement Is on foot to call a mass meet- fagot all the fraternal Insurance societies In the city In the near fuluro , and A circular will soon bo Issued and sent to all these lodges la the city asking their co-opcrntlon. 11 Is proposed to hold the meeting at seine central nclnt , possibly the exposition bulld- Inif , nnd iv prominent cltl/cn has consented tel l > rcsida Other promiiictrt cltlzoos have con sented to address the gathering on subjects relevant to the. objects of the orders. Thcso mass meeting bnvo been held In ninny largo cities and have resulted in mark ed benefit to nil the soclctloi participating. 'Iho expense Is a moro bagatcllo and ono so ciety has no advantage over another in respect to the benefit derived , TUo projectors of the mass mooting liopo that It will meet with favorable considers- tloii at tlio hands of the societies In this city nnd It Is expected to prove of material bone- lit to alt lodges Interested. A. O. U. AV. ( CommvntetHrMA Tlio Anchnt Order of United Workmen , strong right hero In Omaha , with a thousand members , and In No. braska , with over seven thousand members , yet nn order that Is not well known , or , if known at all , is comlcmnud with the hun dreds of secret orders which hair no resom- lihincu to it , cither In formation , strength or purpose. It is a purely benovolout order , CTiO.OOOstrontr , enrrylngnii insurance of { 3,000 , on the life of each member. Originally got ten up for the purpose of giving Insurance at ox net- cost to each and every member , twen ty-three years ago , it has carried out Its pur pose in every case , and during its brief ox- litcnco has disbursed lens of millions of dollars lars to the widows and orphans of its de ceased brothers. In territory It covers the United States and Canada , and n member of any lodge In any jurisdiction can always find relief and care tn any part of the country ho may bo in , if required. In Omaha there are flvo lodges , varying In membership from sixty to nearly three hun dred. They are all In a good financial condi tion , frequently clvlngholp , not only to their own members when sick or out of work , but N _ _ _ nho frequently Inking up outside charities , K nnd whenever they undertake to assist where \y \ charity or protection is needed , they not only do It , but do it well. In so manv ndnds Is tbo Idea of secret so cieties existing only for purposes of buffoon ery and nonsense imbued , that it may ha well to glvo r.n Illustration of ono lodcc , which is n fair samnlo of the rest , Union Pacific lodge No. 17 , ono of the first lodges organized In Nebraska , has a member- Hhip of about ono hundred and seventy-five. This lodge moots every Monday night In its ledge room In the Barker block. It has an organized team properly drilled fortbocxhi * bltion of crow work. It has a funeral benefit /und for members nhd their wives. It has . and with the assistance of sister E.nlzcd provided a crow with Instruments ) rm a , bnnu known as the A. O. U. W. band , lu its treasury , altliouuh always open to these requiring financial aid. It has a fair flu-plus. Before it are heard , in parliamen tary practice , nil questions of the day , intel ligent debaters , essays , recitations , etc. The . / botid uniting the members is of thn strongest , - but a penorous rivalry always exists between this and its slater lodccs , and frequent enter tainments , open to all members nnd frc- quontlv to thu public , tends to keep up enthu siasm in tbo good work. National Union. Omnlmcouncil No. 449 National Union leld its regular meeting Tuesday uight at EtK's ledge room. In splto of the storm there WTO a largo at tendance , aud great enthusiasm was mani fested in the interest of the order Ono candidate received the degree and ono mem ber received by card from Loavonworth , ICua. A number of applications will bo pro- tented at the next meeting. The president and speaker of Nebraska council wore present to extend an invitation to Omaha council to attend their "open ses sion" on Thursday , April 20 , nt Uoynl Ar canum hall. The subject of the proposed mass meeting of the members and friends of thu fraternal insurance societies of Omaha Was fully discussed , and the president ap pointed speaker Qoorgo Kcr as committee- confer with the other oaganizations. The inombors of the National Union lu Omana are very actlvo Just now , propnrlnp for the Visit of Senate Deputy T. A. Ironmonger of Ohio , who expects to institute a number of councils hero in the near futuro. 1. O. O. P. Ruth Rcbokah decree lodge will visItllasU Jngs tills \veok for the inirposo of instituting b new loago there. A now Robckah lodge was Instituted at Friend on the llth inst. by District Deputy -McFarlnno , assisted by members of noboknh lodges at Exeter and Dorchester. The work Miis dpno by the team of Delta ledge of Dor- cUester. The ledge has fifty-six charter Diembers. _ K , or i > . Oflolo lodge No. 70 will confer the ampll- fii J llrst degree next Thursday evening. The Intigo will introduce several now Innova tions In connection with the stcroopticon ex hibition , and it is expected that the work " will be exemplified In "much finer form than ou the last occasion , and the members of the order in the city are Invited to bo present. i VOXXVll / / An Enclish publisher announces a new work entitled "Ho Always Pleased His Wife. " It is llctlon. John B. Thomas of Cleveland brings suit against his wlfo for divorce , alleging , among other things , that she smoues on an a/crago fifteen cigars a day. At a wedding in Arcadia , Fliv , the other day , the brldo was married to her ninth hus band and four of her former husbands were present at the ceremony. John W. Crlstla of Kansas City Is npplnng for a second divorce from the same woman. having remarried her after she nad secured n divorce from him two years ago. Ilq swears she expressed profound rocret that ho was not killed m aa accident whore a number of poppla lost their lives. Through n matrimonial agency , Louis A. Monroe , aged sixty-five , and Mrs. Lucinda Kowo , aged sixty-two , were married lu Do- troll the ether day. This was the groom's first plunga into umtrlmoi.y , nnd ho secured his brldo entirely through correspondence. Whoa the ceremony was ended ho throw up his hands aud cried , "Bless the Lord , amen I" A curious instrument of writing exists in Dunkirk , Ind. It appears that two early lovers failed , for seine reason unexplained , to ninrry , hut mnrrlwl others. Lately a writtea agreement has been signed up. in secrecy , providing for their future inamagoto each other , lu the event they survive theirprcaoat companions. The contract further provides a. liquidated damage of 5,000 upon failure of contract , as provided. Lady Cook , formerly Tennlo C. Claflln , arrived in Now York a low days ago. iSho told a reporter : "My nUter and lhavoa crcat plan In mind a woman convention which wo Intend to have Inaugurated at Chicago durlug the world's fair. It will bo a congress of women Interested la the emanci pation of women from the slavery of mar- rlugo. Thoru arc a score of prominent people ple in England interested In tuoschomo. " Miss Louisa Martin , who left Shnmokln , Pa. , thirteen years ago with Noah U. Long , who she supposed was her husband , discov ered about n month ago that the marriage was a mock ono. and has returned to bur father's homo from Btroator , 111. She says Bho asked Long several times to show her the marrlago cortillca to , but each time was refused. She then concluded to run away , but Loug watched her und prevented her doing so every time she made the attempt. Herman Nelch , a Gemma farmer , living la the northwest part of Kilt county , Kan. , wa hot and killed by bli wlfo , Nelca had been fciylag for soiuo days to got hu wife to sl u the pupon mortgaging tholr homo , and all other Inducement.- ! having fnilwl , ha tried butcher knlfo ai a poriuadsr , h-jt haa not made moro than ono pan whoa the wlfo pleKCd up a ruvolvoratui fired twloo. ono ball ratortng Nolch' * nccK and the other his head , Neich only lived a abort llino. Kdvrnru Waters w&s arranged before the county rmptstrntos t nirkonhcad , England , Jn a charge of assaulting his wlfo , and the onrldcncoihowcd th thoklckid her , chased her nbont the liouso , sohcd her by the throat , attempted , practically. to strangle her , bumped" her head a : ilnst tlio wall , throw her on the floor and knelt on her ctiost , nnd finally , as she rushed from the house , ho gnvo her & parting kick and a blow In the mouth. The Justices con siderately fined lam 20 ilillltnirs and issued nn. order allowing the woman to lire away from him. A Wife. Harriet fro'toff SjwjTord < Harper1 § Uixar. lu these old days when both were yunng , And youth Lrinunod high a rosc-wrealhcd cup , Over the balmtrndo she hung. All flowers and flushes , all smiles and blnihm , ul that you , darling ? " she crlod ; "Coma A lifetime later , ns he sat Iho sparkle fallen from the cup Reaioinbcringihis , remembering that , In nil life's clmuceo , these words , these glances , Kvor had called , ho thought , "Como upl" Now from the vast and vague unknown , Ueyond the last sky'd starry cup , Where she was waiting him nlon , Klutlng and falling , thntswcct votco calling , Still ho heard crying tohlm , "Como upl" The action of the Minnesota senate com mittee of the whole , in recommending the passage of the now Justly celebrated bill pro hibiting the wearing of tights on the staao , would Indicate that wo have spurts of reform and spasms of vlclonancss , now and then breaking out side by side lus t as the vllo smelling sunflower occasionally grow in the same bed as the lily ot the valley. These upright Judges of morality would place Viola la vestments and Rosalind in a Mackintosh , miner than that tholr sons and daughters should bccomo depraved through the display of fleshing _ tn a burlesque or In somoof Shakespeare's ' plays. Should this spasm or reform Dccomo gen eral wo H.ay all Uvo to seu the cods placed in dress suits , and the goddesses in Kcdfern ( jowns high necks nud long sleeves. Hail the bill been aimed at the Indecent piftutt.j which now and then adorn the dead walls of the city , If it had provided ngalnst the * suggestive thrco shoots of several minstrel shows which nro touring the country , there could not have been anything but rojoicmg that so earnest a stand for the purity of the drama had been taken , but when they aim to place an embargo upon the wearing of tights , instead of the highly col ored lithographs of hnpossibio blondes and brunettes In very qucUiotiablo positions , their ctlorts in the cause of morality amounts to little better than n farco. But the Minnesota reformer ? are not with out associates In the matter of reform. A number of well known Philadelphia women bavo raised a protest against the studies of tlio nude displayed In the Academy of Fine Arts of tlio good city of brotherly lovo. "Wo deslro lu the nnmo of the womanhood of Phllndephla"recitea ! this now index expur- gatorious , "and as voicing thecxpressed senti ments of very many several of whom are stockholders of the academy respectfully tote to protnst against the flagrant indelicacy of many of the pictures now on exhibition. "It Is the general sentiment that never before - fore in Philadelphia has modesty been so ruthlessly assailed. As Christian women , wo feel this to bo an offense to our woman hood , an attack on the delicacy of our daugh ters nnd the morality of our sons. " And yet many of the women whoso names nro signed to this protest are society favorites. loaders in the exclusive circles of ttio city which prizes blood above every other consideration. And yet without the least qualms of conscience they will attend the Assembly balls , tno Mcadowbrook hunt parties , the Horao Guards' dances in the most ultra of decollete gowns , glorying in the charms of neck nud throat , flattered at the covert glances bestowed upon them by the male moths that flutter about them. Per contra these artists , their friends and the public generally deny that there is any impropriety In exhibitions of the human form , either on caava * or on the stage , unless the representation makes a direct appeal to the senses ; tbey claim that mere nudity is not indecent except to minds which aio de praved , and that the complaints which are made of the evil effects of classic art emanate almost invariably from prurient prudes whoso minds are so constantly dwelling on improper themes that they llnd indelicacy In a picture of the crucifixion and abroach of good taste in a ref urcnco to the legs of a piano. But If Phlladolphlnns are content with pictures of red-brick houses and nea-greou meadows , und LliUik well of the Italian who draped Mlclmol Angela's figures with trousers and petticoats , who shall gainsay ttiern ? This Is a wide world nnd there Is room for every eccentricity of las to. Tun Louxacn. Commencing Monday evening at Boyd's opera house and during the entire week , with the usual Saturday tnatlneo , the llnu- Ions will present their latest granu spectacu lar aud pantomime creation "Superbn. " Who has not ncard of and been entertained by the Ilanlousl Their "La Voyage en Suisso" and "Kantusmn" have miuio their name known everywhere. They have been the greatest producers of spectacular trick pantomime ; ttio present generation has known. Following their success of "Fantasmn , " comes "Super- ba.11 It Is in the dressing of the ttory of "Superba , " the elaboration and beauty of the scones , tbo wondcrfulncss of the Illusions nnd trnnsformntioiisnnd thospeclal features Intro duced that the extrvagunza excels. The scenery Is , of course , all now , It h described as being very oloborato and beautiful , and as ntttrnr flirt nri\t.tjmt. lllnlllt-Pft in lift Rrvm llnnn the mimic cr pantomimic stage. The chanues and transformations are said to bo very rapid nnd wonderful , whllo the stage tricks nnd mechanical effects partake of tbo roinnrkablo. The entertainment , however , li not all in these tricks and effects. Tha company is u very largo one , and is said to bo composed of talent above tbo average employed in spec tacular productions. ( Jeorgo Molvlllo , tbo clown , stands nt the head of his class , and the olbor principals are also well known as capnblo artists. The tallet , the young lady contingent In general. Is also said to bo up to the sumo high standard. Among the- special features nre Had ) Tulmrnnd Hassan AH , the Arabian ncrobnts , and the Grecian gaiety dancers , the latest European novelties. Tbo special a conns include the ship of roses , the abbey of the echoes , the chaim ot the charmed rocki , tha forest of fears and fan cies , the Egyptian village , the great sphinx , the fountain of prismatic waters , and the flowery lano. Manager Lawlcr of the Eden musco has discovered a wonderful llttlo midget In the person of Don Cameron who will appear at that popular house this week. Don Is but eighteen years old , weighs but forty pounds , and Is only twontv-oight inches tall. Ho Is now known as the lilliputlnn Domcsthcnos , Ho declaims , recites poetry and verso and de livers well chosen orations. Ho Is a perfect wonder. In the line of wonders to bo ure- seated the coining week is the famous $1,0)0 Kinging parrott , Do in Pedro , who sounds tha different bugle calls of the Spanish army , talks and sings wonderfully well. This hird Is a ram avis. Another curiosity Is the ono man band , fourteen rnuslcwlinstrumoiifcj played by Uob crl'Druco at the same time. Mr. Lawlcr has also secured , ono of the most mysterious boiugs on earth , Ln Venio , to present to the public the mysteries of black art , tbo most sensational Illusion known to the world. La Yoruo Is the peer of all in this act and to these who love the fairy tales uf old , of ghosts and goblins , will have a chnuco to BCO the ariglcal of those early talcs. Prof. M. Lovonborg's illu sions or dissolving views is another rarlou- thing that will bo nrescutod. ThoLolirt will present In the tbeutoilum their Inugts ao burlwa.uo uiuglc , "Sllgttly Mixed , " Introducing a number of specialty features. Washington Star : "I married a beggar , " sha saidwith a great show of womanly sacrl- llco. "Tho mlsculof you did ! " oxolaimod her companion , "ho was worth a million. " "But bo was a beggar Just tbo same. " she persist ed , "didn't bo beg mo for a year to marry him. " A SUL ON TUE BRINY DEEP , Or a Whirl by Ball to Six American Pleasure Ecaorla EVERYTHING PRE-PAID AND FIRST CLASS. If You "Want to Take a Trip Till * Sum- nicr Without HxpeiiHC , Partial- pitta In Tlio lccM ! Match * less Offer. Arrangements have oecn effected by the publishers of THE DEB which enable us to make n , novel and attractive offer to parties who arc disposed to devote their tltno uncl en ergy toward procuring new subscribers for TiinOMAiu WKKKLY EKE or TUB SUNDAY Unt between this data and the lOtb dny ot June next. This offer will bo open only to parties so liciting subscribers In Nebraska , Iowa , South Daltota ur.d Kansas. A cnrcful roconl will bo kept of nil sub scriptions rewarded , and the awards will bo made without partiality. THE KUHOl'KAN TOOK. To the person Hint , will secure the largest number of cash suoscrlbcrs for TUB OMAHA Wnr.Ki/r Ban or 'Jus Srcntx BEE before Juno 10 , 1601 , will bo given Flint : or COST A. IIOUXU TIHl" KUUOPBAX TOCll TICKf.T Tills ticket will include first-class pnssaito from Now York to Kuropo ami return. This hi- ludcs also all traveling- , hotel and sight-see - Ingo < pcuso3. The trip will bo uindo with nn excursion partv gotten up by Mrs. M. U. Frazler of Boston , and will be in charge of corupetcnt culdcs. The traveler has no cares whatever. The tour covers all the principal countries of Europe England , Germany , Switzerland , Franco , BclKittin.Italy nnd their principal citioi. including London , Paris , Brussels. Berlin , Homo , Florence , Venice , Mllau , Genoa , etc. hBVEXTT-TimiJB DATS OP StOHT-SKEINO. The party starts from Now York Juno 27 nnd returns to that city by September 11 , Taken by any individual iilono , this Eu ropean trip would involve mi outlay of nt least 8700. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN TOURS. For the second largest list ot subscribers wo offer a fico ticket from Omaha to San Francisco and Los Aupelos unil icttirn. Magnificent , mountain scenery , trie bountiful Golden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits und flowers. ' "Who has not sceu California I not die happy. " Travel Is an educator , nnd to properly appreciate the vastness of our great country one must sco its boat features. Ior tha third lUt of subscribers to the WBCKI.Y or tv UUK wo offcra ticket fromOmalia to Quebec and raluru. What could lie pnindor than a trip down the bo.iu- tlfulSt. Lawrence la inld-summerl Tocon- tcmplnto the beauty of Thousand Isles Is do- lightful. IIowinuchnioi'o delightful to visit them when in verdure clad. And all this pleasure for obtaining sub scribers to the WKBKI.Y and SUNDAY BKF. Forthofourtti largest list of subscriocM wo offer n free ticket fiom Omaha to Now Yorlc , PUIladelpblu. Washington nnarolurn. There are no points on tnis contin cutnl greater general Interest than these three cities. An. American citizen has not com pleted his education until ho has seen the scat of government. The persons and points of Interest in Washington nro innumerable nnd to the intelligent observer n visit there is full of interest Now York nnd Philadelphia as the commercial nnd ilnauelnl centers of the country are always Interesting , All this sigta seeing anil traveling given away for obtaining subscribers to the WLEKIA or SUNDAY Ben. For the flfih lai-Rcst list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara Falls and return. Everslnco your childish wonder WHS aroused by the description In the old school readers of these wonderful falUyou have desired to sco them. Horn Is tbo op portunity. Ainostdelichtful excursion and one without oxpcusn , tfivun for securing sub scribers to the WEF.I.KT or SU.\I > AY BIE. For the sixth inrcost list , of subscriberawe offer a free ticket from Omaha to Salt hake City and return. The famous Mormon city is fast becoming a Gentile city , nnd will in tlmo lose mucft of interest. Nov.- , this sum mer would bo n good time to visit the boom ing city , Garljeld Bench is of course.In- clndccl In the trip. This summer resort on the lake Is a delightful place to pass a few of the hot summer darn. Why not secure a number of subscribers for the WEEKLY or Su.NOATlJErjniid take the trip. For the seventh largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket to Denver nnd Munltou nnd return. Whllo n shorter trip than , uny of tlio others it combines many-pleasant fea tures. Denver the queen city of the plains Is always worth seeing whllo the health andsummorrcRomof Maiutoa nro delightful indeed. Health-giving , luspiiing , restful amid suhhmo scenery what trip could bo moro restful ! All this pleasure for securing subscribers to the SUMHY or WEEKLY BKE. CONDITIONS. Now what are the conditions upon which these tickets are given awayl The securing of the Inrtrest list of subscribers to Tun WEKKIA or SuxmrBcif. No Jncwspapcr in the west Is so well and favorably known and solicitors have ulvas found it an nisy mat ter to secure subscribers. Tun UKK'S sub scription list has always kept pace with its reputation nnd it dcisrcs to add new names to its long list of friends. T3c\na \ tit nil times n people's paper it makes friends \vith nil classes. The subscription price of Tins \VncKi.r BKE is SI.00 pur year | iostpald to any place in this country or Canada , or SJ.OO If sent to a foreign country. Tnu SUXIUY Bcr. H S2.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for TUB SUNDAY BUB will not ho counted in this competition. Get up a list. Ilovo your friends subscribe for the paper. Sample copies forwarded free on request. I'ersons desirinif to compote for one cf these prizes will please uy so when sending in their first'orders. Kcmlttanco in lull must accompany every ordor. Two six months subscrlntions or four three months subscriptions will bo counted as ono ordor. Da Witt's Little Early Klscrs : only pill to euro side hoadactio und rcgulotti the bowols. KJt l/CVl TlOX.ll , . It Is nropood to appropriate $2,000,000 for new school buildings in New VTork city , InJAthens fifteen public schools remained closed nil last year because the teachers re fused to teach until their salaries should ho raised. alias Frank , a successful and popular teacher m the schools at Carthage , Mo * , Is announced us a candidate for superintendent of schools. Prof. A. T. Free ha * b'oon appointed finan cial agent of Yaukton college. Ho takes the place of Uov. II. Kyle , cluetod United States senator. The professors of the normal department of the state university at VorinllHon , S. I ) . , will have their pay stopped ou account of the scarcity of funds. President Kliot of Harvard , is not In favor of co-education , and In a recent lecture- stated that this is u question which will bo regulated by the wealth of communities. South Dakota has 00,150 pupils enrolled in her public schools. Mtnnehuha county ex ceeds any other , her figures being 4,413 , with Brown county next with 2,810. There are 1,030 foreign students at German universities ; ! 13l of them are from Hussia03 ! ! from Austria , 255 Swiss , 117 English and 430 Americans , mostly from the United States. Hotwoon 400 and COO women studied at tba Swiss universities last year ; 229 of them were regularly matriculated and were preparing - paring themselves to take degrees ; 140 of thorn came from Russia. Borlln university faculties will offer to the 5,000 students enrolled for the summer term 7111 courses of lectures tochooso from. Forty- six of these courses are theological , soventy- Eovcn legal. 237 medical , 850 philosophical , Profs. Koch and Mommsen will not read. . The Advcnttst finance committee recom mended that tbo gencial conference assume control of the erection of a college at Walla Walla aud aonato $5,000 , bomg one-tenth of the total cost. The citizens of Walla Walla will donate 135 acres of land and (41,000 la 'money. The confercnoo la the northwest will donate liberally toward the enterprise. The recommendation prevailed. The timeliness of the agitation la Germany 0(1 ; . -i JfO i a BOOKING FORWARD. Advertising as it will be in A. D , 2000. We have at a great cost of money , labor and loss of sleep , secured the ONLY ACCURATE TALISMAN no\v in existence. By it we are told of every Fire , every Failure and every Railroad Wreck of mer chandise at least three weeks prior to their occurrence. Our talisman lias also secured for us the imperial cutter of all the courts of Europe , ( for we now stand in with all kings and queens ) -who remodels every garment to suit the shapes , forms and wishes of the most fastidious and best dressed citizen in this community. Thus it will be seen tlmtwe are in ADVANCE of all competitors. We are on the ground , tell them of their coming afflictions and thus secure enormous stocks at about our own figures. By the aid of a few congressmen , whom we control at Washington , \ve have made a contract with the government that enables us to man ufacture our own currency , which will be taken at par wherever pre sented , with no cost to us except the printing. Thus it will be seen we have been enabled to distance all competitors. And when it becomes necessary to improve our condition we will write more truck like this. But experience is the bast and only teacher ; that is a well established fact , and when houses who have been , here scarcely a fortnight attempt to tell you that they can do things so much better than we who have been here over a third of a century , it sounds as if the eggs were trying to teach the chickens to cackle. We say nothing of our advantages of owning our own business building and the ground it stands upon. In the meantime we shall be equal to all and second to none. You may rely on the best styles , the lowest prices , for all your wants in Men's Clothing , in Boy's Clothing , in Children's Clothing , and all mer chandise pertaining to our branch of business. And , by the way , don't forget our 9Sc hat. Sincerely yours , M. HELLM AN & CO. , CO. . . . MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. ( WliolosaloblxolusiVohj. ) 509 South 13th Street , - - Omaha , Neb. NEW YORK DENTIL PMLORS N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. DR. FLx. . We mo now inaMnjr n set of teeth for ll.OJ. Wu uNo inaKu the Morris Tlilii ninstle I'lato. as Ill's us card lioard niiiklns ( t the pla.iwinfst | il itu to wi'iir. nnrt Will ot Hroalc. In the mouth. rainless KxtroPtlnn. HronriiDW method mo I'osltlvly ir\trai tcdVttbout \ , I'silu or Dan2ur , Gold. Mlvor : imluno ! llllliiffs. C'rown and lltldju work atluwoit rate * . OIllcoopoiiuvomnKs until &UO. Sunday. 10 lu a. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE CO Draperies and Furniture , OLDEST AND LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WEST i 1115-1117 FARNAM STKEET , OMAHA. NEU. In favor of raising the salaries of German school teachers is illustrated by the Meck lenburg School Gazette. Near relates , Is an invalid teacher of seventy-nlno vcars. Ho hus taught there for $ IX ( ) mutually for the last lif ty years , and , though hardly dhlu to walk to the schoolliouse , Is still obliged to attend to ult his duties , as his sal- arv has boon too small to enable him to save for his old ape. In tlio vicinity of Hutzoiv , August Weiss , sovcnty-sovon years olil , Is coinpletliifc nh forty-sixth year as a teacher for § 00 a year. The Gazette appeals to Its readers to cortributo toward a ponslon fund for him. Two months ago the O.xzotto re lated thu story of a teacher who , after sixty years of service , was sot aside for a younger inun nnd was obliged' 'to ' work us a day laborer to Icecp hluiself'frdm ' starving. In lending money t .ttjo L.ord always bo sure of your middleman. ' An oxtinrt religious editor announces his belief that the sling with fwhom David killed Goliath was made of wlilslry. Men can bo found , who//ure / willing to goto Africa as missionaries , ! who nro not willing to take care of a cioss bijby for the tired wife for half an hour. jr , Tlio man who flnds fault with the poor quality ot the scrmpn , generally tries to make tbo collection Cfluql to his opinion of tha preaching by dropping In a cent A Wisconsin clerpym ti refused to marry a counlo recently because Oio hud no suitable clothes lathis rolntlbrfUraoy bo observed that Satan Sbldom refusoa an invitation because - cause ho has nothing to wear. The administrator of the cathedral at Mi lan has found Itnocessory to contradict the statement ot an English clergyman that the Don 03 or Judas Iscarlot wore preserved as relics In the cathedral. There is trouble In a church at Racine , Wis. Mrs , Albrechtwas oxnellod for mak ing faces at the pastor , Uov. IL 0. Hanson j and for snoring during the sermon. Hha has brought suit against the trustee who escorted her from the pew to the door. ; Last November Rev. T , II. Lockwood of Sturgeon , Mo. , was suspended from tbo Min istry t > y Presiding Elder H. E. Glllum of the Central Missouri conference for humeral con duct. lie appealed to the annual conference which mot nt Marshall , where ho was tried and acquitted , although a mild reprimand \vas given him by Bishop Vlnson for his fa- miharltv with the handsomer sisters of his Hock , lie wus transferred to Wynndotto , Kan. , where ho will be stationed for the present , COLDS IN THE HEAD , by ono application. CATARRH , in a very short time. . HAY TEVER , in from 3 to 5 days. EABAOHE , instantly. FIFTY GENTS A UOTTI/E. roil SAM' HY ALL nUUCfUST3. I'ropniod only by tlio 1'IIENOLINK ilhniOINK CO. . DurUor Hlock. Omaha , U. S. A , HOTEL. T/io Murray , * -'or. 1-ltlt uml llarncu , ttttlir limit HtttiHtitnthillii runntnietctl Hotel IHitlillnit In Hinului. Sevcrnl heiiru Itrlck flrct icnll * rtinnlini from bHHfint-nt to roof. All tlio rclllnu * anil jlooi'H lliifil trltlc AnlieHtoH jire jtvoof iitiiiH , HHifilntit iii\i \ > oHniblt\tuti\irn \ qnlek * JflrucHctttfCH < nnlre nlnrtn * throiti/liotit the liiilliUnif. Ktcatn liciit , hot unit colit irater nntl miiinlitinlii cvcrui'oom * 'fublc inimii'jiaHucd tiny rcro. . SILLOWAY. Prop. HOTEL DELI.ONE , Corner 14th and Capitol Avenue. Just completed , has 100 room ? , thro a stairways , from the top to tha bottom , has fine elevator and dlnnins room service , is fire proof throughout , tins blllard rooms and the finest toilet rooms In the city. Large Sample rooms , Suites with bath&c. Cor 14tha dCat > ltolAve. Street ear service la all directions. R&tes. from. $2.60 to $4.00. lhaTuapo Uiv reuim/fortba ] mbote dlwua j ltg use UionundA ot cue ) ot the wont kind and ot lon g Undln < c hue been cured. Indi * < l to itronj li injdlti In lit efflctejr. tbit I will tm4 TWO uorrun riiKX , with VAI.UABU { TIIEATIBK onthUdlae Mto iT uf. fenrnbo will tend ma tbvir liprtnu ! ad P.O. vlilrau. T. A , Blocuui , 01. 0. , 1 1 1'eurl .St. , N. Y. NO GURJEXl NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen junr experience. A. rezulnrirradnato Inmralclno , nullploimi nhoir. h ntlll trontlng will tlio irrottcitt BUCCUBI , nil Norvoui , Clirunlonml 1'rlrAto Dhoa ci. A pormnoont euro Kiiaroiitco t forOatarri Srormntorrlictn. I itt ManliootlSeminal Weakness , Nlk'litT.osu' ? , Impotence , SvplillH. Hrlcturo , unilnilalx cases of lliollluuil , S' < ln and UrlnuryOm.ini. N II. 1 Kimrinlco JolWfor mory c.uo I undertake anil frill t < | euro , ( onsiiltntlnnirco. HooMJlystcrlui uf Llfosoulfroo. CXlloolioun U lum. toH p. m. aumlny 11 n. RI. to2 ! m. MEMPHIS. TEMH : THE < 5REAT SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER "Where doefi tliovord "Appeal" first appear in tlie ITow Testament P TO THE FIRST 5QO PERSONS Answering the : xt > oTo question correctly ONOR , BEFORE ! JULY 1 , tQOli wo will give tbe following presents : ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS GOLD , 01CGO OncOlty I.olln Hloiiiiihln. worth 81.COO.OO Ono Tiiio 1' , worth NUO.OO Ouo Urltliii ; Mure , wor U 4UO.OO Ono Hot of l''iiniltiirc , worlli SOO.OO Aud10:1 : oilier UUtM. coiiHlntltiK of I'arin VIIKUIH. Hlmt iiuis , NctH of SIIr > nrc , I'Uio ClocliH , ( Joltl ntelifx , llri ntlui ; IlillCH , And other Valuable OlftH. IVJILJaLE REWARDS , 10 the mWillo fi\o hundred persona Bcndingus the correct niiiwer , wo will ( ; lro tbufollowing : Ouo 1'nlr Slnlrli Ilorncn , nnil 15iiKy ( 8 WOO.OO ' One I.nt In MPiupliln , north . . . . l.OOO.OO T < ) saiiii < iiii nnil fc'iny i > oiiai-s in Uuicl uao.oo ( Itie l > lanioi : < l ttlnc. tiortlt 1OO.OO uo farm tVawon , wortli 1OO.OO , And 41 > .l oltior dlClx. fOUK liiK of I'iiia ' Hct of Hllx-rwnro Hold WntvIivM , L'lnckM , , 1'uriu VKKOJIH , llciicntlnprJitincn Nliut duiiu , Anil otlii-r Yaluublo Olfts * . LAST REWARDS. JQtiXl u9Lxa.otXa.oxr OHox- . Tlio e who fail to rocclvo ono ol the nbovo premiums , still have da opportunity to secure ono of the last rewards. To tlia Innt tlvo hundred 1'crtona ' Ecndlng in the correct answer , vo wlllglvo the follow ing : Tuo Hundred nnd Fifty DollnrH lit ( loltl 2no.OO Olio Oold Wntrti , worlli 100.OO Ouo I'lno Not r Jo\rolry , north joo.oo Oiio I'l no Sou I lip Mnrlilur , Morlb. . . , , RO.OD One 1'lno C'lilnn h 't , north OO.OO Audi n otlier GiriH.foiittlilluK ot Uold AVatcliPH. Nliot fJiinx. < KctH of Sllv < > r-irnro , U IllllCX , J-'JllO ClOCUfl , NUWlllT And oilier Vuluublo A Grand Total of $16,000 , in Gold and Presents , Every letter , to receive- attention , mint ho tiorompnnlcj with fel.OO for ono year's aubtoriptlon to the WEKKLV AprniiyAVAtANCiiE. No auiwen will bo recorded unlesi accompanied by 81.00 for ( Ubacrlption. Every nniwcr to the question , accompanied uy the sulicrlptlon , will bacarefully numbered anil filed In order , and on day received , to tfacro can ! io no mlntako. The AppttL-AVAtANCHR li over one-half century old , and tofori to any bank in tbo country , or to Uu&n'u or Vraditreet'a Agencies. Sample Copies Freo. Liberal Terms to Agents. 13 PAGES , ONE DOI-LAB PER YZAB , WEEKLY APPEAL-AVALANCHE