WHATSOJE ATOM IME DONE The ; Sown ? o Bo Able to Hold Their Own WkenthuTiuieOomcsto Bo TWICE MARRIED TO THE SAME WOMAN , Ulntn Aiicl HuzcoBtloim for the Coin * fort ntul lioiuttirylnjt ; of tlio Sex Koimnocs nnd pUciu- It FlKiircxl In. There Is a little tovm In Ohio called. Wells * -lJlo. 3t has always btcn iiotctl for its lues- haustihto supply of natural gas and pretty girls. Ihe natural pas hasn't boon doing anything special to add to its Rlorr , but the pretty ( flrls have , Some money had to TM raised for foreign missions In ono of the churches anil a lot of these girls pledged themselves to ralso It. So each of them opened business for herself to earn the money. Ono bought n bushel of beans and baked them inbonn crocks. Aud shobaked them so wtlL that the whole town has taken to eating bca s and nothing else , o.xcopt pop corn. And this was because nnotlicr girl bought and popped a lot of corn and sold guy little bags of It in the business o Dices of her friends. The third young woman developed n homely nnd entirelynowldoa. Bnooftcred to catch all the rats nnd unco In her friends' ' houses at ii cents n head , nnd there Is a stnmpcdoamong the rats nnd mice in Wells- villo. Another homely tut useful bnlce Is per formed by n girl who has hired the services of a grinder , r.nd who ROCS nbout with him collecting all the edged tools of her friends , which ho shirpensvhllo she turn ) the crank. ' 1 heroseeim nlso to bo n considerable demand for corn salves and ointment in tnnt town , fora young woman -\vho has peddled these from house to house has made more money than any ono else. Hero are some of the other necessary things that nro sold from house to house by tbrso dcad-ln-earnost , foreign-missions young women : Brooms , lye , pigs' ' feet , hominy , broad , cnkos , candy , eoftsonnnnd chicken pies. Ono srlrl has trimmed the bangs of all fcmalo Wcllsvillo and has begun 011 the bangs of the men. An other keeps the nails of the town In good order , and the last ono heard from tends ba bies at so much an hour. Not a need of the town Is left unmlnlsterod to. All of which Bhows that vrhon an Ohio woman t3pousoi thecauso of forolcn missions or nnv other cause Bhomnnes it go , ovou If she takes the \vholo town Into custody to accomplish It. Iiitn tlio Street to I > ic. A Now York policeman while on patrol late at nlghtsaw u poorly-dressed girl stand ing for-about nn hour under a gas lamp. Ho epoko to her , and she told him that she \vns sick and had no homo. Though only seven teen , tLcro were drop lines of dissipation and misery on her palo face. Sbo said that she had been Induced to leave homo by a faith less lover. She \vorked as a clonkmnkor for a while , and when she became nick and could not earn anything ho deserted her , Tno yo- liccnmn took her to n police station , whoto sbogavo the name of Lonlsa Miller , Sha was faint Irom oxposuio and hunger nnd the sergeant sent out to a restaurant for food for ho/ . After eating sno revived somewhat , but complained of a terrible pain in the lioart , and had slight convulsions. The scrpcnnt sent to ncllevuo hospital for an ambulanu ] and a surgeon cane with it. The woman had been spitting blood. Tha sergeant feared she was going to die and the surgeon questioned her in id started to leave the houso. She had contagious Wood poisoning , he said , and was not a case for Bellevue hospital. Sao be longed at the Charity hospital 011 Illnchvell's ' island The Scrgt. made room for her In the lode- ing room. In nbout an hour she- came out , crvlng. She was hardly able to walk , She said that the room was hot mid the air so foul that , she could not breallm. She bade the sorReaut Rood night nhd wont away , re marking : "All that Is loft for mo is to dlo In tbo street. " According to the strict reflations of the liopltalambuldncoservice the surgeon was right in refusing- tnko the patient. War den Fallen said : "It certainly seems hard to roluso to assist , nny 0110 who is sick and des titute , but the ambulances are ullowcd only toUko persons suffering from acute dis eases or injuries. It would not do any damage - ago to make a change in thu rules so ns to take all cases thnt properly uclonc to a hos pital at once Without red tape. Contagious diseases arq always executed , but the moans ot disinfection are so effective and conven ient that , with proper c.iro , all cusos could betaken taken ianu ninbulanc' } without danger. There is now a sicb-xvagon for Infectious diseases. " The case of Louisa Miller U typical of hun dreds in this bift city. Millions are spent on charities and hospitals , but there nro no means provided for prompt rollof in such cases. SIio Und Some [ 'ride. A Boston photographer tells a story of n young man who came Into the studio ono day nnd asked nervously If ho might have n little conversation with him , says the Traveler. The visitor was painfully ugly , and , after some awkward blushing aud Indefinite allu sions , ho asked the nrtlst If ho supposed } io toad ninoiiB his samples a picture of aay young- wan who lookea like him , but was bettor looking. "What do you moan , young man ? " asked the photograpner. "Well , " re- piled ho , mnklnpra clean breast of it , " 1 am just engaged to bo married. The young lady lives out west. She isgolng homo tomorrow. She says she thinks I'm ' aoROodshodoosu't ' mind ray being homely , but she vantsngood- looking picture to take homo with her to sliow IMJuid MnUer. This romantic story Is going around Just nt present : "Senator Wilson of Maryland , who died the other day , was very kind tea poor widow. She had a pretty daughter , about whoso education and other affairs she often consulted Judge Wilson , and loft them In his handswhcnshodlud , Just as her daugh ter was grown up. Ho settled up the small estate , nnd advised the daughter as to her plans. These plnasvoro 'very judicious , hut \voro nil broken up by llio Judge himself , who foil in love with the pretty daughter and mar ried her a regular Maud Miller case. " A Itrmlnni Knight. In a Now York elevated car a young man \vho had looked upon the wine when It v.'ai . red , and who stood loaning ngalnst a door post , was lurched by the sudden starting1 of the train into a young lady's lap. Ho strug gled to his foot again with muttered npolo- Klos , and the offended beauty drawing her skirts closer , looked dazgCH nt the tlpiy youth. In n few moments ho had almost ro- po.itodtho otfouso , and the lady was on the point of leaving her Boat , when a young man rose und rested Ida arm 011 the door , inter- poslngnn unobtrusive but effectual barrier between tbo rtrunkon mnn and the uneasy fair one , It was a graceful act , quietly done , nnd Rratoful glnnco from a pair of blue oyei rewarded the service as their owner settled hack in her scat with n sigh of relief. No F\iol111 u with i 1 cr. At ndancoa bright young mnn and a Just "bright cnoueh young woman stood up to Twgin the military schottischo. "How shnil wo dance this , as the servant * do or Ilka the gentry i" he wkod facetiously. "Whichever way you are accustomed to , " replied his partner. They did , not "drop arms , " Decorating for llnnlth. Colors not only Influence cattle , but human twin pa nlso , says the Deutsche llovuo. On this point some curious experiments are ro- period from Italy as to the effect of colors on the nerves ot the sick and insane , in the hos pital for the insana at Alessandria special rooms nro nrran god with red or blue glas * in the windows , mm also rod or blue paint on the walls. A violent patient is brought sud denly Into bluo-room nnd left to the olfocU of thnt color on his nerves. Ouo manlao was cured In an hour ; another WAS at poaro in hli mind ftftor passing a tiny In n room all violet. U'ho red room is used for thu commonest form of dementia melancholy , usually uocom- Vanlcd by a rofuial to tuko food. AI tcr three hours in the rodroora a patloat a/ulcted. lo this way began to bo cheerful and aafcod for Oii-l RMidon tn 8 trlko 8itocr * fully. The young women in an Athens seminary have , hy threat * of a trlko , compelled Uio Orook : government to manage that Institu tion according to thotr own Ideas. 'Jhonil ol the MtnLster.l'resldent Trlcoupls soreo tlmo ago , \vsa nccomiMnlcdby the dismissal i of the rprps of teacher who had worked la ulnto institutions under his minister of pub- Hi ) instruction. Tlio change of instructors vvao made in the Athens seminary four weeks nco. The yoiina women nt once dnllcd tin in dignation mooting , nrotentcd against their ncv/ instructors , and indorsed their old onoi , ncd finally resolved to RO In a oody to the ministry of education with their complaints , Incnsono rcmedysliould bo given they voted to quit the seminary for pood. They all crowded into the ofifco of the minister of education nil hour later and presented their case through a spokesman , whoso ultimatum was : "Uivo us our old teachers or wo will leave tcliooltomoirow. " The minister , with Ills assistants , argued with the young women lor two hour * , but without effect , U'hon ho reluctantly promised that within \veek the old corps of teachers nhould bo reinstated , and the young women left in pence. Wearing "So you have given up woannp flannel. "Uhy is thisl" asked one lady of another , snys thnNow Vorlt Ledger. "I gave It up because I found something so much moro comfortable. I am goingto turn the order of undergar ments topsy-turvy , and wear linen mwinto for warmth , nnd wool In summer for coolness , if I wear wool nt all , winch Is somewhat doubtful. Why. my dear , do you know thnt I always tnko cold when I leave off my linen house dresses in the fall nnd put on wool ones. I had noticed this for several seasons , nnd finally wade some experiments , by which I satisfied myself that linen or cotton was warmer than wool , and so 1 am going to fly in the face of tradition nnd custom nnd wur linen ; and you -will find that my health will improve. I entertain Ideas abrtut the houlth- fulness of garments that can only ho washed In warm water. Of course , wo know that n inodora'.o degree of heat not only does not de stroy the ecrins of disease , but Is favorable to their growth , nnd It appears to mo that flannels worn from month to month , some times from season to season , with only warm batha between wcarings. must , in the nature of things , accumulate impurities. Suppoie tliero is nn Illness or exposure tojltseasc , how could tlioro be more favorable conditions for Its continuance than the flannels as nt pres ent managed I Of course I don't ' expect all the world to follow my example , nor do I think It will affect the tmlllc in wool goods , I only know that I have batter health and will ho much moro comfortable In linen , than m wool. This is only my notion of what is good for me. " _ Didn't Want n Itrotlior-lii-fjaw. The particulars ot the killing of William Trimmer hy Frank Cota at 131 Uajon , Cal. . tire rather sensational , It seems that Trim mer , who was twenty-one years of ago , has tjcon paying attention to Cola's slstor , much against tbo wishes of tbo entire Cota family. Young Frank mot Trimmer and forbade him having anything more to do with the girl or nttomptiuK to aeo hor. Trimmer retortou that ho would see her ns oltcn as ho pleased nnd so long as sbo wns agreeable. Both men were armed and on horseback , and after con- sldorablo more nngry talk they agreed to get dnvii upon the cround and settle the matter right tuoro , This was no sooner agreed to than done , and nf ter tying their horses to a convenient fence , they stepped off twenty paces In the road , turned about and con- monccd emptying their revolvers nt each other. Alter four shots had Decn exchanged Trimmer fell dead , nnd Coin hod a nutlet In his back , winch had torn through the right. nrm , and was eventually removed hy n sur geon. Ho wns removed to lil Cnjon and placed in charge of a constable and tbo cor oner was telephoned to Irorn this city to take cbnrga of the remains of Trimmer und hold an inquest. Cota will bo brought to the Sart Diego county Jail nnd charged with murder as soon as h > o is able to travel , llo is twenty-two years old and both families are among the oldest in the county. Tlio nfCtilr has created : i sensation in the country about -where tha trouble occurred. SiipcrilnniiH Thoordinary uxiloty listof "Not at homo , ' is still supposed to bo necessary , wiltes the Itov. MlnotJ. Savngo In the Boston Globe. But perhaps , by nnd by , wo shall get civil ized enough to rocointzo one's right to hU personality and time , even when ho is at homo. Then that will pass away , .t hope no ono will think 1 am asking him to be too good. If ho flnds lying really nccessnry , why then I have nothing to say. Only let us give up so much of It us is ontlr.ely smpoclluons. .Muddy AVenther Contain o , The muddy-weather costume designed by Cnarles Ilincojk Is nuking headway , Nearly all the west end tailors have taken It up. There Is nothing mannish nbout It. The skirt Is live Inohei shorter than au ord inary skirt and dlsplnvs a neat ankle and a pretty foot to great advantage. The bodice is incut becoming. It is set ofC by a zouavo and puffed sleeves. A. trim coat and a Spanish nat compIcU ) the costume. The weight of the garments only amounts to seven pounds. Knickerbockers made of thick hoaiospun take the. place ot petticoats. Fourteen yards of stuff are needed to make nverything. C3 An Obilur.ito Parent. Long oxporlonco made him sago. Ho did nlltkins's to fret us ; He said wo shouldn't marry and Wo couldn't make ulm lotus. Getting lluady f , > r IS.istcr. A green bronze grasshopper of gigantic sUe , yet not too restless in temper to act ns a pnpcr-ivoiRbt , li ono of the Easter notions. To keep him company Is n pen tray of green bronze fashioned after the likeness of a loaf , on which nllliputlan chicken , out of nil pro portion to the llrobdlpnuginn grasshopper , is looking for sustenance. Quaint boubomiiercs for Easier are swans of Japanese china , Kach bird curls Its long neck and its head round on its shining hack roposcfully. ERRS that may bo these of storks or rocs are r.uhor attractive , Some swing in golden nets for suspension from picture frames. Others packed in baskets , covered with golden network , through which ono noes that infant birds , or mayhap rnbblts , are breaking away the shell , a broson fragment of which bears tbo Easter greeting. 4 A huge egg U giving birth to a monster. Warty red arms that'faintly resemble crabs' claws are thrust out of it In ado/sen places. Dreading equal terror la n lobster , with pro- trudlng eyes , on whoso red shell birds in their little nest ilo not dare to jilsnxreo. Progs draw whcoiharrows ladomvlth youug ducks , which ono is forced to conclude they uro planning to devour quietly ut homo. Charming souvenir * of loss startling inten- "tlon are pink rows and huge < lnlsles that hldo among their petals small silken hags of bonbons bens , A tissue paper parasol with a gilded stlukls another cunilr receptacle. Table ornaments for Bustrr dinners , the use of which \vlll betoken on the part of the hostess n certain degree of originality , are cooks and hens of natural plumage and life size. A rooster , with brilliant cornb , crows exultantly over a nest of decorated vggn which ho has not laid. Their tlonils Will ttrniv. After re.idlng the proceeding of the woman's convention the professor remarked In the .Now York Bun. "It seems that women , or a great many of them , are now de termined to go into business , to work nt trades , to enter all the profejslons , to take charge of public affair ) as politicians , and to become the rivals of men M monoy-makors m the market. Depend upon it , then , that the aspect of women will undergo n change in cor respondence with thochnngo in their habits. Their faces will becoino moro severe and grim ; their heads wll | grow bigger ; their muscular system will bo strengthened : their shoulders will bo moro squared out than those of n Greek bu t , and they will walk la astrldontstylo. It ncorus that they want to pot a business dross , nnd you may ho sure that the tvoinon who wear It will soon got na of the IOIIR hair which U so bothersome. Lookout for nil sorts of changes when the program in a of thu wc-umn't ' convention lsc r- rlod out ! " For bouquet , purity and cheerful ness , Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial Chimpagno has no rival. Ic i * splouuld with a diunor. FAMILIM CREELBI UTTERS , Three Interesting Eplstlci Juit PuWialcd for tbe Unit Time , A VISIT TO HIS 70V/N / IN-COLORADO , Ho Describes HIM Life as n Fevered Mnrcli , Without Tlmo for Hcst mill ltcurentlr > ii-Scrli > - ttiral Talk. Llptilncotl's ' Mftcnzlno for Mnrch cent aln the following in tcrtiatliiK letters from lloraco Orcolcy : GJUIELEY , CoL , Thursday , October 13 , 180. My i'Ylotid : J have boon a fortnight ( al- aoit ) wnndoring through West Vlrulnla , Ohio , Missouri , Knns , etc. , to this place , where on my arrival from Denver today I found ynur \ < 'lcomo lottor-nono amonR the many awaiting mo moro vrolcoac , except thnt of my daughter I - , Informing mo of her safe nrrivnl In London with her invalid mother , % vtio scorned scarce ly the -\vorso for the lout and ill-advisod journey. i..ot mo giro you some idea of this place nnd people. Between the main branches which form the river Phtto.sovowlHtnallor ilvoraorlargo crooks Issue fro tii the CM to rnbasoof tlioliooky mountains , and , nftor a snort crulso ovrr thu plains , fall Into the Nortli or the South 1'lntto. ' The lursost of those Is the Laramie ; next comes the Cache a Poudro , which rises la the snowy rntigo near Long's ' poik nnd runs ntarl.v duo east Into the South Platte , nbout half-way Of Its course over the plains. The new Denver Pacific road connected the Kansas' Pacific at Denver with the Union 1'aciiio at Uhoycnnu crosses tlio Cache a Poudro llvo mlles above injunction Avlth the South 1'latto , and lioro Is located around the lallroad station , which UM ns yet no depot , the new village of Crcclpy , youngest couiln of JonnU'sKOUrd. ( The location was pitched upon hy the loca ting committee of oui'uniop colony nbout the 1st of March last , the land secured soon after word , and thu settlers began to arrive on the bare , kloak prnlro early In Muy. There were no buildings , and nothing whereof to erect thorn , and tbo soil could not bo cultivated to nny purpose without irrlpntlou ; yet hero wo hwo already so mo 700 families , three hun dred houses built or nearly finished In tlio , 100 moro scattered on the nrnlrlo nround , anil probably 2,000 persons in nil , with more dally arriving. Vvo have an ml- gatluRcanal which takes < vnter from the Oachuslx miles above auct distributes It over 1,000 , acres , as it will do over several thous ands rnoro ; and we are milking another on the north side of the Cache very much longer , which is to imftnto at least .20,000 acres. We are soon to have a newspaper ( wo luivo already a bank ) , and wo calculate that our colony will give ut least GOO majority for a republican president in 1871 ! , nftor harvest ing that year a wheat crop of not less than 60,000 bushels , with othtr crops to mutch. And wo hope to Incite the foundJtkmof inauy such colonies on every sidoof us. But enough of this , I spoke to the colon- l ts in the opoii air yesterday , tr.ivcisod tlio settlement and examined Its canal to thu head , and leave this morning on the train for homo , where I hope to bo , thankful fora safe and rapid Journey , on Monday oven iliff next. This letter would reach you sooner if I carried it , but I wish it to bear the proper post-mark , and to show you that I write at sunrise , looilnp off upon the Rocky mountains , which present a bold nnd even front some twenty-flvo miles westward , -with Long's ' peak nbout sixty miles off ns the crow Uios , and many others covered with eternal snow glistening behind nnd around It. Excuse - cuso great haste , for I have much -to do before - fore leaving at 11:45 : a. m. nftd believe mo ever yours , HOKACE GiiEEi nv. NEW YOUK , April 5 , 1ST1. My Friend-I have youra of the ! ) d. I hoped that you could come to spend a few days with us. Now that tills is not to bo , I am convinced that all is for the best. I should have been too busy to see- much of you , ex cept on Saturday nnd Sunday , with hall an hour at breakfast on other days ; nnd I wish to meet you under better auspices. Yet I. can' t attend the general con\rer.tlon ( Univer- sallst ) next September at Philadelphia , where you are sure to bo , slncol must then bo in the vest. Next month I go to Texas. So , 3'ou see , my lifo Is all a fevered rnaich , and now I seem unlikely over to sit down ana have a quiet tall : with you. ( I have some dry cedar wood up at Jhappjqita _ , which I havolonp purposed to burn in an open fire plnce on u succession of winter evenings , while I sit before it with afew dear friends , read poems , nnd talk ever our past lives. But I guess that cedar will remain unburned till alter my funeral , ) I regret to flnU you inclined to disparage yourself. There are but two Kinds of peoolo on this planet , those who try In some hum ble way to do good , and the other sort. The former nron.Il equals , and should so regard themselves , as well ns each other. I have no friend who would not be happy and proud of vour acnualntuuco. Well , 1 shall take ray daughter , G ( now fourteen , almost ) and go up to Tarry- town on Friday evening to see n good friend , and then over to Chappaqua next morning , oven though it rain. I hope to have a long , bright day there. And so , dear friend , udlou , and believe mo , yours trulv , lion ACE GWBI.EY. Nnw Yoitic , April 20 , 1S71. My Friend : I Imvo yours of the 18th , and thank you for so good an excuse for saying that I and my Baby ( almost fourteen ) had a very choice Satur day at Chappaqua. Wo went up to Tarry- town on Friday evening to visit dour friends , then drove across ( ten miles ) to Cluppaquu. The day was bright and quite warm , as you know. A friend and hfs daughter accom panied us , and brought us back in the n tor- noon to 'i'arrytowii , whence wo came liome that night , I remember few days moro en tirely enjoyable. I went up again last Satur day , but the any was dull nnd many things wont awry. I lost my poeltctnook coming down , telegraphed two ways for it' , nnd it was thereupon found in the Sing-Sinn depot ; but I did not receive it till yesterday , and meantime I had two places to speak , for ono of which I rolled upon wy memorandum in diary au d had hard worlc to 11 nd the placo. I was befriended by n good providence in that , as in finding my pocliotbook after it had lain throu hours in a busy depot unnoticed. So on the whole , that visit turned out well. 1 go to Texas reluctantly , There seems no choice but to bo in thu world or out of it. I am not sufficiently broke down to refuse to bear my part among men ; so I keep on. It will bo just the same 100 years hence. You judco that men will not suffer forovcr If to suffer implies pain , I ngreo with you In the scinso of loss , I think suffering will en dure. Tlmt is , I bollovo the very wicked hero will never bo quite so well off as thougl tneyhrul boon good that they will never makeup tlio leeway they lost while serving the enemy here. 1 judge thatMnry Matrda lone is now , and ever will be , in n , lower grade than Mary the mother ot Jesus. As to the scriiituros , please consider Daniel sli 3. I do not Insist that this refers specially to the f u tnrollfo ; I only urge that it indicates the general principles on which the divine gov ernment rusts. So of nllthnt speaks of "ren during to every man nccordiiiRto his works. ' These passages may not specially apply to the future life ; but their 'spirit pervades al God's dealings with inon. I did said you the Independent , wishing you to see what I hold. , I hope your frleud'B ' visit gave youroa plo&suro , and that you will yet visit you friends in this city , and never full to count amonc them , yours , Homes No griping , no nausea , no pain when D Witt's ' Little .Early Risers are token. fc > irml pill. Safe pill. Best pill. 8XXGIILA JilTJES. A four-winged duck was hatched a shor time ago at Bar Harbor , Mo. Miss Almoo Unpin U no armless Swiss nrt- 1st , who Is beginning to uchlovo fame. Sh paints with her toes. A species of duclt known as the "murro" i readily captured at Portland , Ale. , as it scorns InsonsiDloto fear aud will not move until the hunter is upon It. CA Uorman , scientist applied a mild ole ctri urrent to a swarm of boos , causing them to fall stupefied to the ground. No harm was done them und they could be safely handled A resident of Washington , D , G. , has re ceived from his ranch at Lo Mesa , Ban Dlogo countylCal. , nn oronpo weighingsixteen and one-fourth ouncos. It li a beautiful speci men. men.A A curious white frog has occn oxlubl ted in JjOndon lately. It is a fall tfrown spcclmon of the ordinnrv kind , but unlquons to color , whilolts lirillinut ruby oyci uro rlmtnotl v lta pom.Thero There llroi ntlCnlftht , O. , a young man o twenty years \vlio la 0 foot 0 Inches toll , rm" whosorendi betweenflnpor tin niiJ flnficr tlpt whonhln dims uro ouUprcau , la G foot 1 % , The body of the en ? whichonSflntcmborW , 880 , Jumped from the ton of the Washington monument at tho-cafital , nnd lived for norno Imo afU > rvvardf is preserved , properly la beled , In the Smithsonian Institution , A resident ol Tampa. FIS. , has n natural urioslty In the form of a pair of deer's ' horns vlth n cl nrl.vdellncd hound's head on the Ip of onoof thorn , formed la n manner that makes it Impotslblo that it should bo a vorlt of art. Aaron .Andrews , n colored mnn living four r llyo miles from llalycondale. proionts a ihonoinciion in human nature. Jlo Is so de.if hat ho cannot heur the report of a pun dls- harged near him. Tlio loudest thunder Is not oven faintly hoard by him , but hacau bo omnmnicttoa with by thortRcncy of the 1m- nan voice. Ho cun't understand any ono ox- opt those with whom ho Is intimately ac quainted. Gcorgo Llppcrt , a imtlvo of flavflrla , now n America , is n curious freak of naturo. Ho ins three separate legs , each of which is eu- Ircl.v independent of the others. In Ills outh ho was nblu to use All o ! his IC-RS in valklnn or running , but having sustained 111- uriesln nrallroad accident , hu Is now obllgdl o wear ono of them strapped up to his body , lo enjoys excellent health nhd earns a living , s n wood carver. DBowilng ( Jrocn ( Ivv.J Times : Mr. Ed Vhito , a reputable citizen of the Three ' 'orks vicinity , Rives an account of what is regarded avoryuxtraordlnary thing. A few ays ago ono of his sons killed a rtibblt , nnd pen dressing it It vas found to contain a ape worm two foot long nnd a half iuoh .wide . , t wns very lively and bolnc put into a bowl f water swaui around in a vigorous sort of nshlen. Shell Imnteraaro numerous at I/i .Tolla , oar San Diego , Oal. , at low" tide. Ono lady ound a bunch of devil llsh cgpt in a kelp icap , nnd while examining thorn nn ecrg poncd and the babv " horror trotted Its ckiit egs over her hirna. The whole thing , now n a pleklc. Is not larger than a pea. Bhe nlso on nil n polyp , resombllnga small purple leaf , vitu hungry , white tentacles waiving nil ver the exterior. A curious fossil was found in the Wlthlo- oocheo river , Florida. It Is the broken skull nd horn of a mammoth ot or bison. The rotital bone , between the horns , is eighteen nchos across , andthodiamoter of the horn at lie baio Is seven inches. The horns bend ackward llko the African btrlT.ilo. This 1m- lortant rello wns brought up by the drcdg- ng machine , with some mastodon's bones , monster teeth and pieces of nn Immense tur- , o. An Old Picture. JfM llovle O'lfltl-j. There are times when a dream delicious Steals into a musing hour , jikoa faoo with love capricious That peeps from n woodland bower ; And ono dear sccno comes changeless , A wooded hill and a river ; A deep cold bond where tlio lilies end , And the elm tree shadows quiver. And I lie on'tho bank there dreaming , That the lifo 1 live is a dream ; ? battho real is but tlio scomimr , Vntl the true Is the lun-flc ked stream , ioneath mo the perch nnd the beaver sail past 1 [ In the dim , cool depths of the river ; The struRpllngily breaks the mirrored shy And thoelin tree shadows quiver , [ "hero are voices * of children away on the hill ; Them are bees thro' the flag flowers hunimlne ; Pho llphtcrman calls to the lock , and the mill On the further side Is drumming ; And I sink to sleep in my dream of n dream , In the grass by the brink of the river , Where the voices blend ana the lllios end , And the elm tree shadows quiver. Like a gift from ttio'rtaat-ls the kindly dream , For the sorrow and passion and pain Are adrift like the loaves on tBo breast of the btreum , And thocnild-hfe comes again. Oh , the sweet , sweetpain of n Joy that died Of a pain thatjis jorforever | Oh , tbb lito.thaUdieililh. the stormy tide That was once my sun-flecked river. The richest cut glass In the world is Dor- linger's American Cut Glass. The genuine always has their trado-tnark label on It. You r lealer should show it to jnu. There Is noth ing more appropriate for wedding or holiday gifts. Dr. lfC. , DILLISGS , Omaha , Nob. Mai Gael Do Isa question thnt dnily presents itsuif tohundrods and. hundreds of the road- ersof tills pnpor. Manyumong' this nrroy of slclc anu sutrering' ones have boon un fortunate in selecting their physician. Mimy Lave boon m sled , imposed upon , swindled and are UKSI-ONDKNT , Uis- couftAOiCD and SHEL'TIDAI , . They don't ' know who to otnploy or which way to tarn to llnd the help they need so much Nearly all have probably noticed the advertisement ofDR. P. 0. DILLINGS that has appeared in 'this paper daily. Very many have road it carefully , not ed the clalnia therein mode , and have called for consultation or written a si.atomcnt. of tholr cnso. These have almost invariably become patients and are now his grateful friends. 'Thoroavo many others who know that such an advertisement hnaappoared i-n the pa per , out have timer read it , preferring to say to thorasqlySs : "O , pshuwl an other quack doqtor. Ho cannot cutoh m"e ; I Imvo booh humbuprped too inany tlnioa. "This class are surely HUM- uuaama riHK3itKjjVj'.s for there are THOUSANDS ofUIIttr AND IVOMKN' in the West who KNOW rthat DR. BILLINGS is the JlOST SUOuKSSKUr. , ollico practi tioner and spodliliet west of Chicapo Then there Is another class of suliorors who , reading tlio doctor's honcut an nouncement , wijl'gay ' : "Woll.it tonly ICNEW that DR/plLLINGB ' ! could DO WHAT ins OkAfjrs lie can do hero , ' . would go and tr.vimnat onco. " Thus it is that many iir 'jrovontod from hook inc help ut th tlianiia ot ono who is qualified to nltord it. UVKHY OLAia made by Dr. Hillinps Is JlON"KSTf\ jrADK. lie docs not treat acutoillsonseB and if naked to treat a case of TyphoU Fever or Diphtheria ho would refuse upon the pica of lack of experience ) in such cnsos. But the stubborn , lincor- ing , dnngorous and special diseases enumerated in liia advertisements ho treats with satisfying and often AS'lON" I8HINO SUCOKSS. TIIESR msKASES may ho briefly named o. nihKASKS OK THU HLOOU , Inolndlnv speel- HO nation roisoN. AU , NKIIVOIJHIIIS KASKB. AM niSI'.AHK.SAN'I\VKAKNKSSK8 1 < "HOMYUIOII WOMiN8UI < TKU. nil truubliw aflcotlnii tlm DIOKSTION. ASSIMILATION iinilNUTHlTIUN , all Cuturrlmi Tionbln , in Ketut rroubles. nllUonlto-L'rlnuryTroubloH uiiil nil illBua i-x of a nrlvuto until ro. N ( MlNRUAh 1WUG9 OIVIIN. JIoillcliios are mostly prepared from roots , bnrks. ums herbs , elirnba , oto. 1'atlent-J uro furnlnhwl ul % vlliout ! iixt.r.i-cost , ( Jiiiisiilliitloi toiiUHticoostifiilly troateil l > y c rr epoudoiicc , Xi BoutU 151U utriot , Omaha , Mob. Large Stores in 20 different Cities. Nicoll the Tailor. 1409 Douglas Street. Tlio Stick Suit FASHIONABLE ATTIRE $23 * Tlio Rule Cutaway U0 , FOR $20. FASHIONABLE ATTIRE FOR $50. O ORDER. TTS our business to dress you becomingly. * It matters not the price ; nor the occasion ; ii large experience plenty of goods , and honest prices will do it [ and it will ] you'll come to us. * This ready knowledge of the best in tailoring , and wit to do it right , has built for NICOLL the larg est made-lo-order business in the world and we're ' not resting on our laurels. Examples of our genius and tact in selections are everywhere about our stores. Hundreds of vyise purchasers are daily selecting rom the thousands of fabrics arranged in our novel and convenient way. Lookers' become myers and we're ' amply paid. Our capacity for making to order is broad , but we advise you to order early. SPUING OVERCOAT'S ESPECIALLY , ( hotter early than a Sector's bill ) $18 to $10 , BEAUTIES , Silk or Serge linings. Trousers $5 to" $15. Suits $20 to $50. Fancy Waiscoats , . Etc. ' , Open from 7 A. M. to 8 Our mail Dag filtod with samples , onablus our country ? . M. for bu y toilers. friends to order "city cut' Saturdays 10 P. M. clothes. icoLL THE TAILOR. .j 1409 Douglas. Next September New Karbach Block. From dnto of this paper. Wishing to intioduco our and attho Eamo tlmo extend our business and make now customers , wo have decided tomnko this special offer. Send us n Cabinet i'icturc , I'hotograph , Tin Type , Ambrotypc.or fiatjuerotypo , of yourself orany mcmbero yourfamilylivin ; ordeadaiHl will maUo youar irr : MZU CRAYON PORTRAIT TRKEO * " WCAKOE , provided you exhibit It to your friends naa sample of our work , aiidusoyourlnllucnco insecuringus future orders , riacoimmoaiid nddros oii back of picture audit will bo returned in perfect order. Vfo make any chance In picture you -wish , not interfcrlntwith tlio 'likeness. Kcfcr to any bank In Chicago. Addressull mil toPAClFBC PORTHA.aT HOUSE , 1 12 AND 1 14 CLARK STREET , CHICAGO , ELL. 33E StTHJH THIS 3PA2PE3R. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 1-509 DOUGIA.A.S OMAUA , NEB. Tno most widely nnd tavoraWy known spec ialists In tlio Unite ! Stales. Their IOIIR ex perience , romnrkublo skill nnd univeisal suc cess In the tieutinoiit nnd cuio of Nervous. ( Jhronlo nnd Surgical Dlsonsos , oitltlu tlicsu oniliipnt physicians to tlio lull confldonruof thoulllU'tcd everywhere. ThorKunmn-too : A UEKTAIN AND I'OSITlVR CUHE for tlionwf uloiYocti of early vice mill the numor- oti.icvllstlin.tfoUnw1ii Its train. rillVATB. 1II.OOI ) AN1 > SKIN DISEASES speedilycomplntolvnnil pcrnianfiilly cured. NHUVOUS IlKIIlMTY AND bKXUAIj IS- OHIUUSylolOrorillly ) to tholr skillful trcat- , AND UKOTAt crturantcod cured without puln or detention from business , nvnituuisLi : A.ND VAIIICOOEI-T ; pormn- nontly and Hiiccossfullv cured In oiorycjso , SyPJIlLIS. GONOItlCfll.'A , OtiEr/r. Spor- mntorrlic.i , Sonilunl Woikucs : , Lost Manhood , Nlglit Emissions , Decayed Faculties , Komulo Weakncii mill all ( Icllcute dlsoidcrs peculiar to cither fcox posltlvoly cured , nn well ns all functional dlMmlers that rc ii it from youthful iollles ortho oxrossnf iiifttnroyears. * \TirTillMi ! Cjimranlcod irarmuno ntly o llvlvil u l\u cured , roincvnt comjilcto. wllliontcuttliu , eiuistio or dllatnllnn. Otiros ollccted at liomu by patient without o mo ment's ii.iln orunuoyatieo , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. . , vice which „ orcanlo weakness , ( Ic.struyln'-r lioth nilnil and body , with all Its dreaded 11,8 , iionuuiioutly cured. D ? Q lll 'l'"r < \ Aildroai these wlio have Im- Ui\J. DLillo pairad ihcini lve by Im proper indulgence mid Military nnhlts , which rulu both mind and body , unllttlng thouifor bmlnpsi. studv or marrlftKO. JIAUIIIKI ) S1HN nr these onlorlns on that happy JKo , u-wuro ophysical [ debilityquickly , asslstoil , OUB SUOOES3 Isliasodupon ( ucta. Flrjt I'ractlcal oxporl- once. Koconcl Kvcry caHu U sjieotally Htuillvd. thus BtattlriK rlK > iu Thlrtl mucllolnus uro jiu'paroj In our laboratory exnolly to suit uncli uato , thus oflfuctlng curcswlthuut injury. Drs. Betts & H03 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA Uio elvctri ot joutMul error ! early decty. wmtlnff wcnknrsj , lout uianliooj , oto. I ufll iwna avaluablo truutlw oiiloi1) cnutalnln ) rullpartlcalara for iinma cure , I'llKli ' ; ( churto Aiplendld medical worlc t should \a rewlty evwj rnin who l n rvnui null dnhllltitPil. Addrvu JL'roC I'.C. l'O\VLLJlHIoodiiflCoilu. . Contractors' ' Supplies , \Ylieel Barrows , Shovels Scoops , Bars ; Hoes , Hose , Picks Wire and Manilla Rope , Tackle Blocks , All Kinds Twines Butchers' Tools , Carpenters' Tools , Coopers' Tools , Machinists , Tools , Moulders' Tools , Builders' Hardware. AGENTS FOR Yale & Towne Fine Bronze Goods AVm. T , Yood k CD'S. Ice Tools , JAS.HORTOMSONCO BUCOKS3ORS TO James Morton & Son , 1511 Dodge Street , Toloahone437. 18 B 8. 1R.J.8IMP80NI . . 1400 aud 1411 Bed a St. , Oraaba , Neb , -1IITII.UKIIS OF- First Glass Qarpiages , The LoartlnaStylcii. Tlio TxWoot ) Tricei i'OUU 1'ATUONAOn NERVE AND BRUIN Rpodfla for Hyittrln. riliilneMrt , Wooraljla , WnlrO ( ulntu , Mtntal l > eprn lon , bnlitnlntfnt tlio liraln. . n- Bulling In Infanltj 4'i Iwiwllair to mUory dwar ai 1 UoAth , Prem&turo Old Ane , Jlarrenncis l.o or I'qwor tnollbar tei , Inrolintarl.oi.ti , nud Suiimotorrttu > cauinl lir orurioitloA of ibo linln , ulljuio or . t.aclibox coniurupniinonlL'ii or rlndijl7iincu. tretu rnont. 81 a box , or nil fur U , luntkr ninjl | ir ti > ld. Wltli ach order ( or ill boici , will mnU purrhanr auu Qt o lo rufunii incawy U the ( rotmint laMiU GOODMAN DHQG CO. , U ) 1'ara * ui bttoot , Omaha. Nob. For the treatment of nil CIIUONIO IMHUASICS. llnicoi. Appllniicuafor Ucfuriultloinnil TriiHscos. Iloit KncllltUja , Apparntu tnil Uonu'illu ) foraiiccuHHfut tr&ntiucnt of ovorjr formuf ( llsoa a loqnlrlnn Mcilla-ilor SnrKlcnl Treatment. N1NKTV UOOJH KOU 1'ATIKNTd , Hoard nml Attonilanco. Ho < t Acconimoiliitloni Woit. Wrllo for clrctihr oil DorornnllO' ' nrt llnicoi , Tmisos , Clnl ) Vert , Curvn- lures ot Splno , 1'lles , Tuinon , Cnnoor , Catirrli : , Itroncbltlx , liihnlntlon , ICIcclrlrlty , I'ar IyaH , IIpll- Cray , Kl < liioys , Dluililer. lye ! , JCar , Hkln nnd Illood , nnrt nllHuralcalUpumtloni. DIHKAaiJSOFVOJIKN n pcclnlto. Hoqk on Dlsemos of Women KrooVu Iiavci lately wldclnlirlni-ln ( Dopartrncnt for Wornon Dnrlnit roiillnuinont ( Htrlclly L'rlvato. ) Only Itclln- Mo Mcdlral liutltiito Maklni ; n Bpuclnllr of 1'Ul- VATK DISKASUS. All llluoil Dlyeasei iiiccoufully trcntol , Moillclna or Initruiucnti nent by mall or u.xprou nucuroly imckud , no mnrki to Indlcnto contunti or i < cndur. Ono persona' . Interview profurrud. Cnlland consult umu-Htnil liltorr ( if your CHMO. nnd wo will toiiil In lain wrappcroiir IIOOIC TO MUN L'llKKi upon ITI- tntn. Spccinlor Nurroun Dlnoiuui , wltbqnostlunlUU AUdrossitll Uttori to Dr. A. T. McLnughlln , Prcsidoat Oth and llarnoy Streets , Oiniiba. , J. E. McGr REW , THE SPECIALIST. 10 Year * ' Kxpcrlcncc , PHIVATE DISEASES Curort In 3 to 5 ditys without the Ion of nnliours'tlmo frimbu lncsj. The most abiolutu euro lor OM5KT nnrt nil nnnoylnu ctlicliarcM ever known to iiicdloal fdonco. HVriIll.13 , awnrraiHod euro InSJtoM days. 'lliu most powerful roinolr yet known for n pcrian < unit euro. bTUIUl'llllICorpalnln rollurliiB tlio bind. dor , cured ot liomo , without Instrument * ; no cuttlnc , no pnln , no diluting IxxKif Slanliood \Ycaknoai roBltlrcly ourodt Initant relief. Kkln dliouioi and fonmlodisoniui pcrmnnantly currd. | ir. .Mcnrovr'i mcco.li In the trctumom of I'rlrato DUoaiot Imi novorbcon oqimllod , nnil his irruat nrrair of pntlenti rurmlKM Jrom tbo Atlantloln the I'nclllc. llouk * ami Clroulari frou. Laillui from 'J to 4 only , lull und Kurnnm utrocti Oicnhii , NoU Kntrtinuo on oltbor bottle. Price , on dollir , Set tlnnaluro at E , 5l/uiL For 8ao | Dy All