THE UMABA. DAILY BEE : SUJSTDAl ABOH 22 , 1801. SIXTEEN" PAGES. THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Money is Fairly E y in Omaha and the Tributary Territory ! HOT MUCH CHANGE iN MARKET VALUES. boculVlio1 csil ; ( ! liuslticss U'ns N'ovcr licitnr Than NOW--A Wider Fluid nnd n Hotter Clues of Trad : , A careful study of the financial situation In Omnha for Ibo past six dnys reveals no fea tures but these which nugur well for the commercial prosperity of this city find Its BurroutuUtiK territory. The relaxation of the money rnnrlcct , while it has boon gradual , In fact too much so to always plonso the borrow er , tias novorlholcsA made steady progress and raonoy Is now fairly easy In Omaha. It would bo still o lor were It not tuat .busi ness inon and capitalists : \ holding back , a httlo llmld nhout otnharhlnc in now enter prises for fear of that tiljjhtmaro of trade known as hard tlmos. Money also appears to bo nioro plentiful In tbo smullcr cities and villages In the country tributary tolhls city. Tbl * Is evidenced by ca-sler collections , few failures and ft much better feetlnj ; among the basinets men. The conditions prevailing in the financial world at largo hnvonfoo been favorable. A week ago , as was noted at the time , some lit- llo unoaslnos3 prevailed In the cast owing to ( Inuncial complication * across the \vator , but they were short lived. The rucuporatlvo powers of the jtrcat Htmnclal contorn of the old world arc enormous and dllllcuUIcs , though they may bo great arc BOOH overcome. The disasters \vlnch havu overtnken English investments in South America dunnir. tlio past six months have taught Europe that no better or safer Hold ' can'ba found for financial enterprises than the United States and the ultimate result must ho the placlngof vnstsums ot money In this country by foreigners. Till ! WIIOLESAI.n TlHim. A good deal is being said about dull times In the west , duo to n combination of circum stances , such as short crops , hostile Indians and legislator ! ) , but a careful inquiry Into tbo nctunl trade conditions of this city will reveal some facts that may , perhaps , bo a Httlo sur prising to these unfnmllinr wltli the subject. The retail trndo of the city has been rather dull , but In spite of all drawbacks , the whole- Bale trade of Omaha Is now bettor than over before In tho'hlstory of thb city This may seem strange , In view of the fact that large sections of the state have been In a very baa r condition from crop failures , but this really , cuts a small llguro , for thn western half of Nebraska Is hardly a drop in the bucket as compared with the great , extent of country covered by Omaha jobbers. They have pushed out farther than ever during the pist six mouths , into the western states , sending their representatives clear to the Pacific const ; and again , on the cast they have gene farther into Iowa , encroaching upon the territory of elder and larger cities and lliidlng a most romuncratlvo field. They have done more than this , for , besides covering a larger territory , they uavo obtained a better class of trade than during any previous year. Omaha jobbers have al ways hnd to contend against the prejudice of the largest retail dealers who have felt It beneath - neath their dignity to buy in any city so far west as Omaha ; nothing but Chicago , Phil adelphia or Now York would do for them. Omaha has grown In Importance in the cyc3 of those people and they are find ing that It is to their advantage to patronize Nebraska's ' metropolis. Thorn is no denying the fact that the retail trade of the westfrom central Iowa to the Pacific const , is coming to look upon Omaha , nioro and moro every year , as their cointncrcial center. The spring Is now at hand and the Jobbers arc propaiing to put forth even greater of- torts than before , as thcro ISA general feel ing of contldcnco among them that the corn ing season will bo most'favorable to all branches of trade. Heavy stocks of poods have been laid In and they are prepared to handle any amount of business that may come. The jobbers of eastern cities have claimed for so long that in these cities only could novelties and goods of the latest style bo obtained that they have made some people believe It , but if these people would visit Omaha they would bo surprised nt the size nnd variety of the stocks of goods carried by the local jobbers. The jobbers look upon the talk of Indian troubles in the spring as a most , unfortunate thlngaslt cannot do otherwise than soriouslv impair trade on the northwest border , which has heretofore been one of the most promis ing Holds In the stnto. Speaking about the Iowa business a gen tleman connected with the transfer In COUP ell Bluffs rrmnrlis that Omaha's ' tonnage across the river to Iowa points is double what it was a year ago. Thissocins like a pretty big statement , but it only corroborates tun clulms of the jobbers that their Iowa trade is doubling. In dry goodstrado has been coming up dur ing the past six days , and Jobbers nro becom ing quite enthusiastic over the prospects. Traveling men are sending in good reports from the far west , claiming that money Is be coming much easier and that goods nro bound to move freely during the summer. 1'riccs on most lines 01 ury ROOUS nro sini. The wholesale grocery trade Is In a very healthy condition , Supra have absorbed the most of the attention of donlors , owing to the reduction on the flrst of the month , but that matter -was fully explained 'a weelt npo. It may ho added , however , that refiners' linvo stocks of sugars hero In the hands of agents which will prevent there boliiu any sugar fnmino before the flrst of tbo mouth , as is the coso nt some other markets. In hardware , trade has boon fair during the week under review nnd Jobbers express themselves ns fairly satisfied , for , wnllo ttioy have not been rushed , they have been com fortably busy. They are obtaining tno heaviest part of their trade from Iowa and the far west. Prices have not been materi ally changed by the local houses. Barbed wlro has been advanced by the manufactur ers ? y.UO per ton , which mokes It very ttrm hero , though there has boon no material advance - vance , duo to largo stocks on hand. Wire nails am weaker on account of the pressure of manufacturers to soil , which may result In a decline , unless ollsot by the colco strike , which would tend to limit production , COUXTIIY rKOlH'CE. The wcolc past tins witnessed some Im portant changes In the produce mnrkots of this city. Notable among thcso changes was the lump in etKs from 15o to 21 o nt the close , brought about by n temporary scarcity , .According to reports from the country , the roads havu been In such shnpo ttml farmers have not been visiting the towns and most all Itlnds of country produce have consequently been in light receipt. Hay wont up with i\ uoom to $14 or $1B per ton and wnsscarco even nt those prices. An exception to the pcnerul rulu Is found m butter , which has been gradually weakening oil , until It Is pretty hard work to pot 20o for oven the choicest country rolls. Poultry sold at the same old prices which have prevailed for some two weeks , the market presenting no now features worthy of notice. Chickens have brought SQlOo , turkeys 14@10c , cucso and ducks Il ( < l2c. About the only kind of came In the market has been n few scatter ing loU of rabbits , which sold at tl per dozen for cotton t.ills and $2.GO for Jacks. Potatoes , onions , etc. , remain ns high us over. Ornnpcs , which have been very cheap all the Hprlnp- , are ndvanclnu In California nnd it would scora that they nro likely to sell con siderably Wither before the season is ovor. In Italy the uamago to the orange and lemon crops has been enormous nnd was caused by n gale of wind which swept the leaves from the trees , leaving the fruit without nnv pro tection. It is estimated that about & > per rent of the crop will be tit for shipment dur ing May , Juno nnd July. flT.CVUTIYC MJUtKHTS. The trade in wheat at Chicago during the past week has been a continuation of the light between tlio strength of the foreign situation mut the loal bearishness of the homotriulors , caused by the splendid pros pects of the growing crop and tholargo stocks un hand. The market closes with a gain of a Httlo ever Ic for the -week and there would not seem to bo much prospect ot a serious break unless the foreign situation should yeakcu materially. It has been u decided bull week In corn anil oats , caused by the light rocelptJ and strong cash demand which Lu Induced a buying craze. Both markets closed at a decided ad vance ever last weak. Provisions have been strong and higher. Itecolpts ot hogs neb 10 largo as expected and prices on thorn wcro higher. 1'nckcrs seem Inclined to soil men1) pork , but think , other products cheap enough. The following table will show the highest and lowest prices tinld at Chicago and Bt. I/oulson each day of the week , oho the open ing nnd closing prices for the week : - y | Be * s as SB s KC4 K-K / , g tt H ftg B S3 3JX f j'rft ' . b ss k's n s B S 82 fc a bb | | II uu n u B s s aH s-3 na s's a fS ? S * s ; K O V M SS 8 2 h M Sh S 32 2 X SK + * * * B S S2 SB ga g s * KiK X * MJ < * Z - ! - 2 CT : K : l 2S3 22 S3 U3 x : x : s : y : xx. ft s tie ess ns ss X * < XA S'S K n s's S is bg sa as gs s : if. w K - A tf * l t * 2 3 B is g'a ae 5 ss K x XK ; K K Xjf Si - 2 8 3 a is as KS ss sss x rft six OSt All A lIVK STOCH. OMAHA , March 21. OATtnit-Estlmatcd rocolots of oattln2. : > 03. as coniDiired with 2.127 yesterday and 2,8W , Satur day of last wcolc. The receipts during the \vcok luivo boon about 11,300 , ns compared with 12,833 the week prior. Tlio market throughout tlio week has been on the sldo of the seller. The inarKrt was active and about steady on good grades ot ucovca and slow nnd wuikana : lOo lower on less de sirable grades , Good grades of butcher .stock was act Ivo uiiil strong , otlior sratles slow and Weak. Feeders were unchanged. All sold. Iloos Kstlinated receipts of hoes 0V > 1 , ns compared with 5,00.1 ycatcrdny and O.XM Satur day of last week. . Tlio rccolpls durlnj ; the week hnvobecn.T.,903 us coniuiirod with 40,519 tha wualOnrlor. Thn market prices of liogshavo rapidly advanced during tlio week , clos ing lilcher today than at any time since November 0. The tnnrket was ncllvo and All sold. Tlie range of the prices imld WisRi.7OB1.05. ! the bulk soiling tit SI.OOO 4.00. l lg < . fl.7IWl3.73 : llBht-llftlits. } i75G3.25 : light. 1.1.70501.00 : lioivy. : J1.9-il.03 ; mixed , Sl.Miiin.05. The average of tlio urlcoj paid wns fi.87U : iiscnnijiarod with H.7DJ1 yesterday and $1. USaturdnyof last week. aiiECl'-Kstlmated receipts of shcop 322 , as compared with 701 yastcrduy nnd 1,04'i Satur day of last wrote. Thoroco'utH during the week vero 3.459 ns compared with 3.879 thn wcou prior. Tlio market \vaa active nnd steady. Natives. Ji 75113.10 ; westerns , Kccclptu nnd Shipments" Showing the otllclal receipts and shipments of cattle , liofju and sheep on the dates Indi cated : Stock 1 Estimator ! Today. Odlelal yesterday. Oattlo. , .117 cars. ifiOO Oattlo. . . 97 cars2,127 Hogs. . . . Uloar.s , 0,050 Hogs 83 cars. 5,00't Sheep. . . 2 cars , K2 Snoop Scars , 701 Horaos. . . 1 car , 20 Horses. . . . 1 car , 2J fllftiniit : mill Today. Yesterday. lllgtiost . SI.M Hlphost . tl.OO . Lowest . y."J Lowest . J.U5 Conipnratlio 'Xahlcs. The following tiblo shows the runxo In prices on hogs : Monday. Murcli 2 . 13 103 55 Tuosdiiy. March 3 . : j V6tiM Wednesday. March ! . ; . 3 104W1 M Tluirsdav , JlarchJ . a C05KJ CO Friday , March n . 3 00 ® : ! M Saturday , March 7 . 2 KAM M Monday , Murcli 0 . tl 1055:1 50 Tuesday. March 10 . 3 ISiiWt M Wednesday. March 11 . a o : < i l M Thursday , Muruh 13 . a IMsa CO Friday. Mnrch la . a IWW 05 Saturday. March It . a 10I&J W Slonday , March 18 . a l < * ai : KS Tuesday , March 17 . a 2Tj 70 Wednesday. March 18 . 3 KXifcl 85 Thursday. .March 10 . a 55 'l 05 Krldtiy , March 20 . . . 3 3.Yii4 00 Saturday , aiarch21 . . 30004 05 I'rcvolllni ; r-rloos. The folio-win : : U a table of prlcii paid on this market for thogradoot stock montlonodi Fancy stwjrs , 1B3 ! to 100) ) lha . tl.5345 I'rlmostuors , 12.VMO U731b3 . 4AO 4.83 ( ! oed stours , 1150 to 1I15J Iba . 3.70 Sl.tW llutchcrs' steers. 10V ) to3Wlbs. ! . . . 3.SO 0 .tU Fair steers. W tol5 ! ] Ibs. „ . 8:1,05 : Common. 8 ! to 12J01bs . 2.75 ® : i.01 1'nlr to food cows . 1.00 fKJ.OO Coed tocholcocows . 2.03 P/.7 : > Cholcoto fancy cows . 2.40 { . ' 1.75 llolfers . 2.0) WI.50 Yearlings . 2.00 Feeders . 2.20 liW.OO Stookcrs . 1.23 4W.2S Oiinnars . 1.03 te'.oo Hulls . 1.75 JM.75 Oion . 1.73 { 41.75 Htaia . l..r > 0 { W.75 OllVOS . 1.M li .75 Western cornfod steers . , < . . . ,2..r o dl.r > } Western steers . l.M ) at-50 Western cows . 1.00 © 2.10 Avcrnio I'rlco Showing the avoracro prloo paid for loads of hogs on the days laJlcatoJ la 1831 ISS'J ' , IS'JO ' and 1891. Day. Mar. 'VI , Star , 'W. 'W. Jliir , ta. 0 & 07 Sunlar. 4 24 60S 3 Til Sunilnr. i ID 87T 4 Si Buniliir , 375 4 3M i 15 873 4 45 5 IT 87J 4 51 6 li : Sunilay 971 4 4S 6 11 4 H too Sunlar 50tt 381 4 4'J ' 8umlar , 3W 4 4) i 00 367 4 M 5 14 Sir. 4 49 610 3W 4 < l 6 17 Buadnr , 4 15 5 II 5W & 0(1 ( S W 4 U Similar , JSd 4 49 6 11 3W 4 4(1 ( 5 11 987H 391 4 49 123 < if rrlccfl. The following table shows the prices paid for Blieop : Prlmo fat sheen , ? .15jt510 Oo < xl fat shcop , r. IinxBIM Coiiiinon toiuodluin sheep. 225fca25 \Vostcrn , , v. 2Xxai ( J IJUposlllon of Htnok. Showing the number of oattlo , hojs nnd ihooj ) purchased ou tUU market as teportud by the TvoUhnifutorof the Stockyard ) company * - pany for MarchZlt CATTM nurcrs. No. Swift * Co. M2 The 0. U. Hammond company . , , 209 ThoOtllnhy piickliiBCompinj' . . , , . . . . , , , . . 470 OinaliApnclilnitconipany. . , , . 12 Shippers und feeders. , , , . . , _ , , . . . .1,100 , 110(19. ThoOudnhy pucklna coin piny S.XV ) Omnha packing company. , - , . . . , . . , . . , SwlfutCo TJ7 ThoO. II. Hammond company. . , tflo Shippers nnd feeders < . . .1,275 DISPOSITION OF STOCK FOH TUB WEEK. Shoving the number ot head of cattle , hogs and iliocj ) bought by the jmokors and lerulltie luiyors on tlio market during the wcolt ending March 21 : CATTLB. Iliiycrs. No. Swifttoo „ . . Mir. ThoO. II. Hammond company 1.M > The Uudnliy packing company. , , . . 1,028 , Uniaha pacKlng company , . , , . C" Other buyers , . . .4 6,180 , lions , ThoCudahy packing company , , 14.ISO Umaha packing company 0,202 Swlft.t Co H.493 TlioU , II , Hammond packing company. . 3.K94 Other buyora 10,253 SI1EEI' . Swift & Co Ml ThoOudnhy packlnz company 70 BTA OS. 1..1150 300 WDSTEIIN CATTI.I , No. \v. Pr. I'lsher.t Urctt. 22 steers liayfod , 1318 ft 10 0. steers hay fed. . - 1212 4 10 02stcorshayfcd 11SO 410 MODS. No. Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr. 3t 147 1350 81 224 60 $ .100 119. . . .130 'I M C3 2771 ICO 300 ! > . - > 150 I ! 00 8' ! 210 80 3K ! ) to . . . . 100 80 cs 7t 223 100 300 53 183 HO II 70 02 228 1GO 390 07 163 80 II 70 C5 .102 12J 390 87 178 80 II 72i } 71. . . . 220 1OT 300 70 M 210 a 73 74 ItU 80 300 103 1S2 80 II 75 GO 215 40 300 04..108 40 a 75 75 i'J3.i 80 300 o : ] 103 a 75 ra 2j j 40 see 77. . . . Iffl 80 3 75 C2 221 300 80 174 200 3 75 83 215 123 39J 01 185 80 3 75 63 254 40 300 62 170 40 375 05 275 200 300 71 193 4lX > 373 61 2'11 ICO 300 81) 170 3 60 71 221 i300 01 191 80 380 100..182 160 390 SO iWO 100 383 71 101 395 09 , 214 3 80 CO 2M 440 305 71. 110 200 380 55 U42 240 305 71 182 80 3 60 C2 200 80 395 Ofl 131 120 3 80 81 228 60 395 05 187 2i0 ? 3 80 74 213 80 395 77 107 40 3 80 70 2.11 240 395 GO 202 ICO 380 CO 258 305 74 183 100 380 50 230 80 395 01 in 80 3 KO 52 2U1 40 305 79 194 N ) 3 80 72 220 80 395 77. . .218 : HU 3 82) ) { 03 244 120 395 O'J 210 240 3 85 C3 247 40 395 08 190 80 3 65 72. 237 80 305 71 197 80 3 85 68..285 80 400 03 103 80 3 83 60 242 400 G'J 2 ± ! 80 3 86 61 Jill 200 400 GO 207 40 3 83 51 1141 40 400 79 IDS 200 383 ( V ) . . . . 2&J 80 400 78 191 bO 3 85 65 203 80 400 70 SIS 40 3 87'J ' 68 293 100 400 04 180 40 3 87J ! 62 KEI 400 US 203 40 3 JO 64 385 80 400 75 213 MO 3 M C2 254 40 400 r.O W > M 3 m 60 271) ) 4115 74 23il 40 3 90 M 310 40 405 M 213 - 3 90 44 318 100 405 KJ 219 - 3 HO pias AND nouaii. 72 4121)0 ) 100 102 120 250 12 01 - 2 25 18 03 250 5 82 - 2 23 12 83 250 17 77 - 2 25 123 83 120 200 " 0 00 2 25 2J 101 285 SHEEP. No. Av. Pr. 202 westerns , owes . . - . U2 II 70 * Country I'rncluou. A few changes will bo noticed in the produce markets , tlio result of yesterday's trading Kfffs went still hlghor. Ohlokom were woiiu hut not < i notably changed anil hay was no quite solilgli. Keas The market was still luchoron nc count of the scarcity , but shippers must b cautious nliout antlcloatln too mnuli , as a sltiRlu day of largo receipts would be nimos certain ID k noolr prices way down , Ycstor dav's sales were reported at 11)32 Ic. OA.ME A fo\v ducks have arrived. Mallard nro quoted ntt3.00i > cr dozen ; small rabbits tl.OO ; Jacks. ! .50. HUTTEH Tlio market continues wcaK and 18 Q19a isahoutas hlsh asRopd country rolsoiin lie quoted aafoly fcomo fair butter gees at 1 N'ot much chance In the market , Chickens. ( WJlOo dressed ; diiolcs and gcoso choice , 11 ft lie ; turkeys , ltl. ' > c. HAY The supply Is very light but Ills no sufo toantlclputomuchovertl2.0pGr ton , Tlio Improvement Kccorcl. The following flRurcs plvo the totals o nal estate transfers , building permits ant bauk clearings for the week ; HEAL , ESTATE T11ANSFEH3. Monday . t & 2.in9 Tuesday . l'ii ' : Wednesday . 5S.8a Thursday . 67.11 Friday . . Ct.trid Saturday . 3,55 Total . . . S2J5.22 IIUILDINO I-CllMITS. Monday . J 60 Tuesday . 4IK ( Wcdnosdiiy . . . . . 2,030 Thursday . . 1,4:3 : 1'rldn.y . y Saturday . , . , . 301 Total . I 0.50 : 11ANK CI.EAllI.Na3. Monday . . . . . . ( GCi B.'tS..r } Tuesday . 722.U2fi.25 Wednesday . 007,107.0(1 ( Thursday . 701,711.5. 1'rldur . 02. , S55.U Saturday . C18.S70.C Total . . . . 13,899,405. V A docronso of 18.5 per cent from the corro epoudlus week ot last rear. Tlili KEALiTV MA.IIKBT. TSSTHUMCNTS phtcod on rooord March 21 A A. Illll I net nnd husband tollorsey Mc- Danlcls. lot 4 blkSt1 , South Omaha. . . . $ 1,00 0V t'ovollund wlfo to J. V ltoe . lot 22 , lilk 1 , Coroiru add to Urolghtou'a llol hts . t . 4) Arthur Hast to Ora Cunningham , cJ ! lot 18 , Iilk2. Hopped Bonanza sub . 800 tiiitlimi Luiariiiiand wlfo to L 0 I cc , lotsl'J 11111)20 ) , blk 1. lloITinrm Terrace , 500 Ha.uo to W K Allen , ljfiblk 2 , same. , , 60 Oninlia II K&TOotoOS llrowstor. lot 28. blk 3 , founders & U'H add to Wul- nut lllll . 700 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Union ( took yards company ( o TH Mln- uliaiiot ul , lots , bike , llrst add to bo * Omaha . . ' . Co-opcratlvo I > ALCotnl'ntDaUon.lotJ B toll , blk S , Smith A Williams * sub. . . , 10 Total amount of transfer ! . I 3.K THE SPECULAR MARKETS , , ensallonal Day on 'Ohasga Over Ecmxrl- nblo WHEAT AND COftN STlLbGOING UPWARD , I : > I Icnvy Triulo In tlie. rev I'rfccs SIlKliily Higher Cnttlo nud libs Market ncttor. OHICAOO , March Sl.-Spcchl | Telegram to TIIK llr.n.l-On tlio boara ot trailo It was to- sorvcdforlho lastdayot the \ cok to have lie most sensational opening In tlio Icadlnz grain market. Strong us whs the general ad vance Into on Friday , and quickly as prices weronmrfccd up lit com to a point ! So ever the irovlous lilgh point on tlio crop , the oponlng odnv eclipsed nil else. During the firs' hour May wheat rose from tl.OU'i to Sl.Mf , nnd July sold above St.00. Corn started with akmntlof lotoSo over the cloio of yoiturUay , with May nt G7e ! { , and July at GC o to C0'-o. IMay win marked up to 0354C In quick order , broke toGCijo a ml recovered to C'Uo. Tills action started provisions strotiK nnd active , and pork sold before call at 30d ever last night atSll.OO for May , with July marked up to JI-.27 , Otlier iroducts wcro up-lloto no from last night , 'ontract stuff received was very small In pro- lortlon , and on inspection Insignificant. Thcro was a rousing big market In wheat most of the session. Tliero were some surprises outside of the Interest created by : lie broad and strong market. The notion In July by which the premium of May was nar rowed from about 'J3 to exactly "c at ono time was most significant. The news of the day was , not startling In character , but trade gave : nero attention to local operations than to ca- jlcs atul other outsldo Influences. On the artoftho general trade , the advance was [ ought from thostart. Not only scalpers , but many recognized bull houses were regarded as short In the pit. Tnls opposition , together with very free selllngof Mllmlne , While & Co. and others , prevented a much morolllKhty ; market early In the day. Ai It w. s the pni"0 was a lively ono. May started at tl.02 ! { ; sold at $1.0- ' , rose to JI.OJ.'j , and reacted the flrstliour. JiilysoldatKJctol ( ? ic , to$1.00 ! { , andrcactcd. In thlstradln ? , Mitchell , Poole , Clnunplln , Ilrosscau nurt the scalpers wore active buyers. Sellers woroS. V , White .t Co. , Slllmmo , Lamsan , Kctnmcror , QltTord and those others Intcrostoa In chocking the advance. IJator lu tlio clay Mr. llulchtiison became a free buyer of July. [ > utsnlo orders were to chanzo May trades to July on the Ion ; side , and White & Co. became sellers of May nnd buyers of July. Oa this May touched SI.O ) , whllo July had a rcmarka- Jlo advance to (1.01. ( reducing tlio difference lo c. Still later the reverse was truo. Whllo May dropped back Ho to fl.O'Jli , July lost lo ! ( to M.'io. This was anhcnir before tlio close. Mverpoolcables wcro linnoarlystroiu later and closed } { d to ! 4dup , J.irls reported wbcat 10 centimes higher and flour 15 higher. No.v York sent messages sajjlng that foreign bids there were on n working basis. Four Atlaiitlo uortsolearcd forthoweek 338.000 busho'sof wheat and 312,000barrels and sacks of flour , un Increase over last wock In wheat and flour equal to 215,000 bushels of. wheat. Both coasts cleared In wheat and floiin 2.731.000 bushels , asalnst 2OMODO last wooU. English f.irmcrj' , . dolIvcrlesworoV ( > ,2lOn.ilartcrs 'tit anavorago l > rlcoor : tis5cl. At 1 o'clock tlio market was lulct on a reaction at 81.02,16 for May and P9 ? . e for July. The wheat market- subsided considerably before tlio close on realizing sales and the ovonhiK up of the trades. The last prices were at $ l.0l for Slay and OOJjo for July , or lint Uc up from last night for May and 12o up for.'July. March was quoted at Wio to 81.001J , and closed at Wic.Tho'number ' of cars esti mated for Monday Is K > . Dunn fc Co. hud a latudls'patch reprJrtlng"tOOOJ'busholsbf ' wheat taken dtDuIutli , all by rail , at23o pcrlmshol , to Now York. On the curb privileges on Jlay wheat sold the same as' on Friday , at Sl.Utti forputs and $ I.03J for calls. The corn market -was a wonder and a mizzle. The start was Indescribable The pit was ex cited so that operators lost their heads and made all sorts of trades thoflrstmluuto. Sales of May during the tint flash were all the nay f rom CGo to 68c , but business proper was mostly uboroOTc. July also opened all the way from 02c to OOo , with trading after the. ' first moment around 034c. ! On the early litrongth and oxcltument May sold up to GSVc. with rumors ot trade at COo. July rose quickly toCC'ic. These were hlKh points and fully So over any flRiiri's bpforo made on the crop. Later tliero was asenoral letting down In prices and bcforci tlio close May sold at GGUc ; July , 04iC ? , and tlio closing prices were GfOJo and C5Kc. A.t the close of the corn market It wns conceded that a great deal of Ion ? corn wasdtslodiedon the market at fancy Usurps. This helped tn relieve the pressure just to that extent. Tlio great ell ml ) In prices was duo to tlio bidding by shorts and to the equally strong bidding by the bulls to niako the shorts nay up for the stulT. Nothing but tlioiittltuuo of local operators had nnythlnR to do with tlio excited whirl. The export clearances for the \vcok \ showed a llcht de crease from last week of 100,000 bushels from Atlantic ports , Fljiiirosi on early months \vero : March , G74otoGSc , back to Oljfc , and clostnK atrCiJiO ! April. Cl'ic. closing at CO'jo. ' .Iinio closnd a fia tlon over July , around The sustained advance after all fancy prices early was but ? o for May and July. Muy corn privileges were quoted at ( lie for puts and OS4c ! for calls. The oats ninrkot oponodnp strongat about Jfioabovo yesterdays , closing figures. May tlellvorysold quickly from Mo to Mo , scoriae therobytlio hUhostpnlntof thoseason. That option weakened soon afterwards , however , and finally closed at.Hic. . Juno sold from KMo toMtfc , and closed at 6le. July sold fruiuGlctoOlJio , and back to5IUc , at which amount It clmed. August delivery closed at as'ic , after soiling up to : S'o. Iliq provision trarto did heavy business. Prices started utoady , or slightly lildior , and atonco felt the Inhiiencoot the advance In corn. 1'ork scored a straight advance of 50c , touching * 12.IO for May and $12,47iJfor July early in the day. The closing prices were 15c under the top. still leaving a Kaluof IL'ic a barrel , at $1 ! . ! ) ' > for May and tliSi'A for July , l ard sold at ja.53 toW.B2 fimd baolc tottf.574for ! May , again showing but 2io ! net Rain. The sumo for other months. Itlbs started at M.75 and moved up 2 > io with pork , to ( LIU , and closed with half tlio ndratieo lost , at (5.B5. There was sucn a largo Interest lu the pit , and Romanypaokor and commission houses hid behind the brokers , tliat Individual features of the trade could not be told , rilICT.3 AT CUIOAOO. coMMonmM Open. I High. I Low , Cloie. ' | Yeat'y WlIIAT- Mar 10) 103 02W d 103 Juir W COUN 02rS UT * CO " " ' rS juir I" . . CO COM OATS Jlnr M 61 Pome- Slur 11 C2 1SO.V 11 ms 11 no Juir , 1J05 12 42S 12 SO 1107H [ tins SO6S5 Mar 560 > SO 6S5 67TH Mnr o KM c MM 055 juir HUCK3 AX Sr. LOUIS. coMMonirr I Opon. I I Clota. | Vcs'y WllEAT Mnr . I031C 1 O' July . VtH OIK Conn May . OATH May. . . . No to ) nnU. CJosslp. Estimated lies at ChAgo | Mon'lar , 340,009 , Minneapolis and D'ululh receipts , 311 curs nhoat. Bt. Loula rocolpts : Wheat , 31C2J ; corn , 51.203 ; oats , ? J,000 Chicago receipts ) \7hoat. \ r 0,8l3 ; corn. , oats. 17U.S05. KhinmoiitaiVUuat , ,8M : corn , : SI , 5i ; ; oats. 110,141. OlilcnsoonrsVlioatlll. ! . 14 No. 2i corn 313. 17 No.oatsS13 : , B7 No , a. ovi earn at Chicago for Monday : \vlioutGl ! corn , 300 ; onta,5UO. Liverpool and I < oudon late cables un- chanct'd ! Horlln. Hi marks loner ; Paris wheat , 10 to L 0 centimes higher. Ileorbolitn's cable : Off coast' wlioat flrm. I'renoliouuntrv markets llrm. Knjlamlsomo snow. Liverpool vrhoat Hrm. linlil lilRhori corn stron K ! wliuat futiiros firm ! No. lUali- f urn in Murcli , 8s 4d | April , 6s id ; Juno , 6 1 ! U ; Au jist , Sa ? ' ( ! , I.OKUII ! c Co , to Toncray it Ilryan-Wo Lave linrt a ilay ofcxCltoinont In ull the jilts , uiiil client had iHsliurc'Vohoiir ot a good do- nmiul at Dulutli fur cash whont. Thcro la none hero uml no prospect ot any. Ouroplii- Ion la tlio price la too mud , The oxcltniiiont In corn was at ( ovnrhuat ( or the first hall hour of thi ) session. Oats shared In thu cxcltomuut , The UuilucsidolugtUu lust few woekn In corn , onls nnd protlMoni lirutjeon lie nrr , Dut-lns that tlmo pork linlftdvnni'od nboiil * J,00 per barrel and otlior h"H protluclH In tliesainu proportion. The ndvnnco In corn lintboon not Ics thnrilDo anil oats tully nno tulf ot tlil.t. Wliont has iol l u\ > from l Vototl.3 durltift tills 11 in c. Ttio ndrimco htii boon nbotttcnoiiKhtor the prctout and ft a In tlicoxcltornent l < ilno If not a decline alonK tliowliolo lln.o. AVobcllcvo In thohttcr. W. 0. McCorlnicU fc Co. to P. 0. SwnrU & On. : The wheat innrkct till * wcok Imi dlM I net type * of scalpers on ft largo ncnlo. The tlrst nro bulls who uro buylnj itliouton tliostrong cnblca anil tlii > ilainao to forolfin crops , nnd wlio licllovo tliU dniniiiio uroat enough to mnko n demand not only for tlio present crop ot vhcat , but for the next crop even llioush It bn n larso ono. This parly liuvo bought on n lar o scnlovlicnovcr Mny Blruck Jl.oi , Tlio other faction nro equally larpo ecalpcrg , anil bcllnvo that hnvlni ; a largo crop In prospect , our present orlco discounts any dunianil that wo may have ( rom abroad , especially M tlio very larpto receipts wo nro having every day Indloiito the present crop to have boon larger than WIIH estimated. This party hnvo bucn heavy sellers w licnuvcr Slny appronched 11.K1. llctwccn the two the market hns been confined to narrow limits and Its activity ciir- talle < l , Cables today wcro lower In Liverpool nnd Uerllnwhllulruiichninrkctsworonnotcd firm. Farmers * deliveries In tlio UnltcdBtates ( how nn advance ever last week's prices or Hi shillings. The Odessa ttooks show up very light , being imly ) , OJO < ] iitutors , llradstrcct's reports larno exports from the two coasts amounlliiKto2.7Wooo. Ilotli thoeorn nnd oat markets hnvo been rancy deals and vllli the very light itncUswhich nro hcio tlio bulls have hail iiodllllculty In ruslilnR up prices to unit thornsclvus , Tlio cash tlemand con tinues largo anil nbsorbs ull arrival * . Provisions have Rotten to bo a runaway deal nnd ithtllfllcultlo toll how fur It > f III bo cnrrlcdby Ilio onornioin siicculallnn ( but hai entered It. ( Ines.scs at the eoiirsonC the mar ket next wculc nro valncli'ss. Hccolpts of are under running citlntatc ! > anil the sientiuy advancing , ICennett-llopWiisitt'o. toS. A.Mo"\Vhortcr- Whont , by a typographical error In rvnrliitlnit llriidstri-ot'sestliiiiitoof wheat anil Hour In the United States and Canada nnd afloat for 1'nioiio in a morning uuiier reduced itoeks 63MUtKXj ( bushels , badly scaring 1111 Informed shorn nnd Infusing bulls with It belli ? Saturday , whoii lloor traders are usually lo close deals , Increased doinandf ) from aborts anil resulted In n rally of about le front tlio opeiiln ? prices. Onthoerestof tlio wave , commission - mission houses conspicuous In linyliig In the past , wcro heavy kcllors. unloading from two to three mill Ions lircaklng prices back to where they stnrtcd. There lias lccn fioo covering In July , ami otr < < rln s being llpht , thu price was forccil to within "o of May at oim time , but a good share of this gain was afterward8lo < 4t. Wo regard the situation as strained and don't think in-loci ran bo sustained. Corn and onK Tlio big shorts in corn found tlio pressure too much for thorn and came In today , the clique supplylnirtho demand between OT'ie ' iinil & 3'io ' for Mny. It was riiiiiorotl that , pnv atn sottlcmoiitsworoiniidoby a few shorts last night nt OOo , but the rumor cannot bo 0011- llrnivd and Is Improbable. Them are doubt less n good many little shorts still In the mar ket , bulcovcrlnghy the big ones has removed thu iiKiiri Incoiitlro toinaiilpiilutliiK fora fur- Ihor advance at present anil a material de cline next wcok would socm In order. Oats shared In tlio strength of corn , but the short Interest is much lighter hero and manipula tion moro dllllcuU. AVe think urulii nnd ] ) ro- vlslonstouchod the top today for a substan tial decline , Tlio provision market was In good condition to bo acted on by buoyant grain markets and promptly advanced with them. Shorts vero covering and eood Invest ment buying was noticed , Trading was active. It would socm so considerable im ad vance should now bo checkedbutlt Is Im possible to KIUIKO the sentiment ot the bulls. Ola pork , whlo hit about as good us new for consumption , Is t..5O abarrot less. CHICAGO MAVE STUCK OniCAao , Mnrcli 21. [ Special Telegram to TIIE llEu.-UATTLn lluslnoss was active to the extent of the supply which , as will bo Eocn.was moderately llRht , barely sudlolcnt to make the market , yet everything In the beef line was sold early anil thogoneral mar ket closed steady. Values on geol crittlo have been on tha up turn the past wool ; from tlio start to the finish. 1'rlmo und funcr steers. fi.S&IJd.SO ! otliers. H.r.oas.00 ; commbn. MTSffll,1..1 ! : holfcrs , KJ.75 ® 4.25 ; cows. } 2.5 : < 33.5J ; cannoraS1.75aH.i3 ! ; stock- era. $ .1.00i.50. ; HOM Thf trade was actlvo and values lOc hlRlicr , nnd lu foir.o Instances IRc higher. Llcht common mixed sold at 8l.7C'lWi Rood mixed and pnc'tors ' , $ I.O.TiJI. 10 ; prlmo licavv and butobor weights , $ lt0lU5i ! light , 84.00 ® 1.15 ; skips , JJ.70SJ.80 , STttCKS .l.VZ > llttSItS , Nsw VonK , March 21. LSpcolnl Tolozram to THE BEE.I-It Is well enough thcsodnys to go , oppoilto of what Is lioard regarding stocks at resortsof the nlfht provloui. Last night the talk'was very bearish and the bank statement wus held up us a bus-a-boo. InUcad of a soft market tliero was considerable strcnth and lmprovoncnt in prices where vcr changes oc- currcdfrom lastnlKlit. As expected , positive strengUi was shown In Ontario and Western. The oponlng figures were lrroular and only slightly chaiiRod from these of last evening , and succeeding transactions fulled to develop any feature In tlio general list , tthllo four active stocks , St. I'aul. Northern Pacific preferred , HurlInzton and OntarioSt Western scored on ly slight advances , with the exception of the last named. Ontario & Western rose X per cent to I8J . when the market subsided Into the usual In tense dull ness and remained for the rest of the hour en tirely barren of fentuios. Tno bank st'itc- moiitwasnotiigalnsttho marketas Unbowed but ISO.COOdecrease In reserves withJ4.OOIV.oo Increase In loans , und $ .uooi'J : ) in deposits. The market closed with prottv f.ilr support , with Atchlsnn steady at "OK , IJurllugton btjndy at 7tJ , Northwestern ! 1 up at 10D' , Rock Island and St. I'uul ' each ! i up , and Lake Shore and I.aekaivahna showing sllclit Kalns. The sales for the half day were ,00 ( ) shares , Kcnnott Hopkins &Co. to S. A. AlcWIiortor. The stock market today has been utterly quoted at all. What trading there wan was professional mid fluctuations In prices wore without foundations , Tlio slight rally under which the market closed yesterday cccmcd to have spent Its force with the day und stagna- tlouhas been there .throughout the day. The bankstatcmout , owing to a largo disburse ment , showed ndocru.iso In the reserve fund of $ " ! S.SM. It seems likely that the gov ernment disbursements will bo large enough In tbo near future to pre vent the money market from becoming tluhtln consoquoncoot the 11 off of money to the Interiorjisual at thlaseason. The state ment had no olVoct on the market , vhloh closed dull unJ featureless. Total sales. K.O'JD. The following are the closing quotations : MONEY ON OALI , Easy at UHpor cent. I'nisiu MEIICANTIIB 1'A.i'Eii fta ? nercont. tiTKiit.iNO KxctiAKOss Oulct , linn ; sixty- day bills , 11.60'it demand , t "Woolly Hank : Statement. YORK , March 21. [ Special Tolo ram to THE IlBii.l Tlio weekly bauk state meat shows the following changes : Kcscrve , decrease . $ l-.oans , Increase . Hpculc. tncrensu . ? : > ,400 l > tgil : tondorH , Increase . . < . 57HOO Duposlts , Increase . 3.43.\K)0 ( ) Olrculutlon , decrease . i&SOO The banks now bold $ ) .03 > , : i73 In excess of this requirements of the 2.1 nor cent rule. The exports of epeulo last week from tlio port of Now Vork amounted to KUO OIT , of wlilch ? n,087MV1wn : "In " pold aml41lM)2 ) Insll- vnr. Of thn total f oorlii$2,7' ,00'J in sold and J2M.OGO In 11 vcr went to Kurope , and ktotUW In KoldiindllBO.CUMii silver wont to South Amer ica. Tlio Imports of snoolo an.ountrd to J47.1.V ) , of which 110,793vat liigoltl and J27.aC3 silver. In _ _ _ _ _ mining Quotut IIIIIH. NEWT YoitK , Slarch 21. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The following are the inlnlng stock quotations : Alice 2'0 170 neither. , , 2VI ldcior ! : UI2 Ilodlu Ill Chollnr 2.15 Crown I'olnt m Con. , Caloncl Va.luO ) Kurcka Con 3Ji llulo .tNororosj 2JO Ilomo.ttnke , & 0 Iron Hllri'r - Horn Hllvcr 810 Jlnilcan. , , . . , , ytj Ontario 3UO riinouth ) 1M ) 130 Union Con 8UO Tlio Cdfuso Mnrknc. NEW Tonic , March M. [ Special Teloram to Tun IIKK , ] COKfKE-Optlons opened barely steady and unchanged to 10 points decline , and closed steady atft points u | > to 15 points dpwn. Tlio fiules were W.OOO bass , Including March. 117.00 ; April , IH.Wi May. JI7..W ; Juno , H7.20 : July , { IB.KxaiH.K3 ; Feptombcr.M.lOjOcto- bor. (15.U ; Docoiubur. (13.40. ( Bpot Ulo firm and aulcti fulroareoos. IJJ.OOi No. 7 , U7.C2)j. ) , March 51. Closo. Wlic < atllO ; May , ei.u2ittJ.Oii ! ! ; Juiy , Corn -Steady : r li , .var4 c ; Mny , Sculy.iia.r.Vic. ? ( ! ( Uats-rirml caili , ( VlUU'x1)oi ) { Mi y , Mc. ! ( ltyo5c. . lln rlcy 76e. 1'rlnioTiiaolhy-tl.SSitt.Sa . \Miliky \ 11.10. I'ork-Stcftdy ; cmh. 111.75s Miiy.W5-t05c. Iiiril-Stcadvt c ih , W.40 ; May , | < liif ! > Sl.ortHlbs-i > l aly ( : cash. J.U 3i May , M.82 ! { rinnr-Sto.vJy : winter patsnU , frl.MJt5.VO ! . , . , llulk .Moats Sl.otil'.iors. . ' t.na4.4i ) > | uhott clear. J\l > o l(1.00 ( : short ribs , J5.X5.0\ ( llntlcr UnrlmiiRoU. IJUlcS-Unchntucd. Tnllow llnoluuucd. Uhooso rinns full cream cncddars. 10ij4 ! lie ; Hats , liauiici Young Anicrlvas , 11 W ll'ic. Kggs-1'lrnicr ; fresh , ! lV4-3Ma. Uectlptn. Shlpmenti. Hour . lO.iwO 0.000 Whunt. bu . tO,0 49,000 Corn , bu . rn.iM ) 12I.COJ Oats , bu . . 170,000 140.0JO NEW VonK , March 51.Vhoat \ Hcsolpti. 59,2iXbunljelsioxporls , nouoi spot , firm ! No. S ml. $ l.l3Hliielo\ator'1.10 } > ialloatl.lC ! < tM.17J ? f.ah. Options opened stnaily and closed llrm ) No. S red March closlnt at JI.I5V . Inn : May closed at T se. Oats-Uec'olitM.4\OOOhilshols | : exports. MX ) bushels ! spot lilithor ! No. 2 white. CoafiO'Ol ' inlxod western , 47iHle ( ! ! wlilto western , We. Optionshluhcr ; Marcti , GOc. SiiRar Haw , tlrnii fair rcllnlnn , 5 1-10 ; trlftiKaU , 0,1 ; test , 6 11-10 ! rvllnud.dnll. I'utroloiitn Unltcil closed , April , 71 ? ic. KISJM I'lrmiT } wrstern , Wo. west ern Ulu'oso I'lriuj waiito.l ! sldins , ST. Lnuifi , Mnrch \Vlicat--lllghcri cash , KJJi.02" , ! May , $ ! . ! ' . Corn-1 1 Ighori rasii , C' . ' > ioi May , 02 ? o. Onts Itlithur ; oash.M'i" ' ! > layB4 ? o. I'ork-ytions iitll.G ! ! { < U > ll.73. I.iird-Stniiis at0.12i. ! Whisky JI.1U. Huttor Kasy , hut unohancodicrearaory , 22 OSOc. _ M i jiNKArous. Marclf 21.Cash wheat strolls and hlRlicr , I'oorwlioatsliijtelsh ! receipts , ; eo cars ; shipments , f > 0 curs. Olosn : No. 1 hard , March , f 1.00 ; oil lr.ioktl.03i ! ! No. I northern , Mnrvli. and AprlL.irrttciMiir , USVc ; on track. OSUoj No. ! i northern. March , D3ci on tracU , DO IVAXSAS Clrv , March 21. Wheat -Quiet : Nu. a hard , caHh.OJO'Jlo ' ; No. 2 red , cash , IKJ4S USc. Corn-K.\ettcdaiul hleher ! No. 2 , cash. Clc ; March , GOttO > " > lu ; April. Mc. Oals-Struiiperi No. 2 , cash , 485o ! bid. MII.WAITKRK. ainrchSI.AVlioatVlrmi No. 2 spring , unsh.U'ui MayOTtc , , Uorn I llchor ; No. iUViiii' . Oats-IIIchor : No. 2 whltr , K.Wtf. 1'rovUlons-Qulot ; pork , Mnytll.07S. ! LivEiiPOor * March 21. Wheat I'lrm : sup ply fair ; liolrtors oll'cr sparingly ! California , No. lfs , 4Uil8sliil percental. Corn StroiiK ! demand fair ; mixed western. SsSVid percental , OitiOAao , March 21-Cattlo Itceolpts , 2,000 : market steady ; steers , prlmo und fancy , f5.2T GO. 20 ; otliors. : i.7Cr > .00 ; helfurs and cows , 11.75 U4.23 ; . . Hos-HccelpK 18/100 ; market hlshcr ; mixed and packers , { . ! ; prlmo heavy nncl butcher \vclglits , M.aWi4.a > ; light , fl.OO ® 4.15. 4.15.Shocp Rccolnts , 4.000 : market steady : na tives , $ . - > .CO@G.a ; westerns , f3.23Bj.73 ; lambs , fj.OOGS.15. _ ST. 1,0013 , March 21.-CatUc-Itnccpts. ! f 0 ; shipments , 403 ; market steady ; fair to fancy native ntucrs , $ l.oa < 3J.tiO ; stockera and focd- cri. { i'Offll.OO. llo s Itecolpts , 2,100 lioad ; Bblptncnts. l.Krl ; market stniiiKi heavy , $4.0 ® 4.20 ; mixed , 11.75 ril.lOj llRht , 8i.KO4.1fc : ! ) _ KANSAS CITY , Marjh L'l.-Cnttlc Itocclpts , 10.000 head ; slilpiiiciits. 17,000 head ; market - kot stcaay ; steers , SUVIill.Ol ; cowh , U75iQ4.00 ; Btockers and fccdorx. $4.oCXl4..r ( > 0. lloiss Kccclpts ] , 5.893 : shipments , MO ; mar- kot higher ; al U gradesW.lOiftl.SO. JII\TS Foit jg.t ITEK i\i routs. The chnrmliiff old custom of giving presents on Easter morning is coming- into move { jcnernl use every j'car , Wnny cltiinty little gifts can bo made by the little fin gers nthoino , says "Ilarpof's Young Pooplo. Flowers nnd buttornics , emblems of the resurrection , nro the favorite decorations for snchots nnd otlior * favorn. Tlio llowors used should ba Avhlto the color of innoceneo und purity. Lilies nro tlio firat cholco , then whltopnnsica , roses , daffodils , dais ies , nzulcns , carnntions , jonquils and violets. Paltn branches ( typifying vic tory ) may bo painted with a .Latin cross of { 'old. , 1'ho lithographed cards liked so much a few years JIRO hnvo hail their day , hut many pnintod ones are still sent to dis tant friends. A littles girl can fashion a lovely souvenir by pressing four or live pansfcs under a heavy weight for a wools and pasting thorn when dry , on a gilt- edged cnrd. They will rotiiln their col ors nnd look like a painted bouquet , A book mark is easily miulo by cut ting oil the corner of a Hnon-llnod en velope. On this paint a butterlly gor geous in scarlet , black and gold. Mike thcnntnme of wiro. When in use it is slipped ever the corner of tlio piijjo. f\t TI . alrm nttrr i 4 1m i.rt 1 c , n tl r drllf ac ] ir.i _ . . riety. Hero nro a to\t now ones : Take ndnck o'g ( , empty the contents through a hole in the largo end ; trim the edges of the opening ovcnly with scissors ; put a spoonful of wntorln a cup ; sift plaster ot Paris in until it begins to stilTen. Fill the lid of ft pill box with it , and gently press the small end of thoogg on it just enough to keep the shell up right. Leave till the next day to harden , then if the shell is loose , glue it fast. Cheese a shallow pill box about two Inches wide. Gild the base or cover with moss. On Easter morning place at the plate of each member of the family ono of these "Jlower holders'with , two or three pansies or rosebuds. Alargo opg which has both ends of the same size will mnko a novel jewel caskgt. Cut a largo oponlng' in thoeido. Mount with the plaster on un oval or diamond- shaped box. Tuko a narrow strip of stiff puper , make a ring of It exnctly lilting the inside of the egg. Glue tothisahngof silk deep enough to reach the bottom of the egg ; before fastening this in place put in n picco of cotton sprinkled with orris root. If the edge of the shell is uneven , glue a bit of chenille over it. Five cents' worth of piaster ( tho'kind used by masons for white walls ) will bo enough , Usostratona or hot white glue , A bonbon bag Is always a delight to children when lillcd with ininutocnmlicH , Break a hole the size of a quarter lit the urge end of the ogg. Glue n hag two iiehes deep on the outside , covering the raw edge with a row of gilt naiior " stars ( to bo found iti any toy shop ) . "Run two pieces of knitting ullk in for drawing strings. Decorate with hawthorn if the epg is dark. PUG violets or peach blos soms on a white egg. A sachet of pale blue or pink ellk may bo decorated with nn embroidered spray of white Chinese primroses. Muko n fanciful bowof soft ribbon paste in place and POW the edges down neatly , lluttorllios can also bo painted or worked In outline on a sachet. A design of white azaleas Is suitable for painting or a threo-cornomd sachet hhaped like a fan. The sticks of the fun must bo in dicated with gold paint , or it should bo effective In white or gold on a satin fan. Pans are sold at a reasonable rate in the largo dry goods stores , all ready for painting. A convenient little banner can bo made to screen too f-onsitlvo oyon from the glare of the evening lamp , Make of yel low silk about five Inches by seven with an interlining of cotton Jlnnnol , Paint with white clover or primroses. The brags attachment can bo purchased ready to hook on the. blind o for a few cents , or one can bo made at homo of wlro. A inaijazino cover may bo made of white llnon , painted with a cluntor of unplo blossoms. Gut n plcco of linen 22x li Fold a liora half an Inch wide on the tldos ; do not SOT thin ; It will keen Its plnca when the ends are turnutl up three inches for pocket a Over- vast these with float. I'roMvlth n hot iron , folding At tl'o ' back In book form. Sli ( Ton the cover with two plecci of curd board , and tlo a ynra ct inch wide tipple croon enlln rib bon lo keep the booK in phvco. Porn Illy book lot cut two plocos fiom roughdrnwhujpajwr. Mark thn with a pen or gold paint. Tfoxtcut ion pieces of etlir writing' pupor , on oajh Write npsUly n verso from some ( r.vorlto Kii tor hymn. llnco tliom In u plio pud fasten through ono po till \vlt'i a brass rivet. The butterfly design would bo pretty for an oblong booUlot cov ered witlf white kid. Outline design with gold paint. Tlio dimlnutlvo egg will form Ih head of ti comical choir bm. Wako his cassock of a sqwvro of black nun'c veil ing , fastening a round block of wood In place of foot. Sow a roll of black tioar tile tot ) for slcovosand ever this slip a collar of wlilto muslin. Glue the head on ; mnko the hair of curloy blwiof rope , and don't forgot to j > lace n tiny rod hymnal In his paper hands. Girls who are sltlllful with the brush will take pleasure In jalntlng- cards u giildcn cross surrounded by llllos , whlto- robcil aneolH on n silver back-ground , or choristers chanting : Slupr nlouil for Chrlnt our Klnjf , KorChrht , thoSnvlor , bom , This i-nrol over wo will slug On this T.nstcr mom. RfflLWSYTlMEGRRQ IIUUMMITON , t MO. llVKUl Artlto * llepotllith nnd MVIMI ntrcatn. JOniihv T. ! % nm' Uenvor Ibr F.iprom 4.0. ) n m [ .I. ) n in l.Ui p in i,2 > n ni Denver ti-13 p in I.IU | im . . . .Denver Mxlitlliproi , . : a in ,03 , p m Lincoln I.lnilloil ll.H ) it m . \ ! > n m o.oo p tn 77u.uei I h. L , 01' . .1. A k > . it. Oinnlii. I Ior > ot 10th ml Muon trcots. P.RO m" i Clif l > ny Kxpr i . . , . | R.10 p'm P. t5 | > ni K , C. Night Ktp. YlnU , l'.Tri n . | .6. < i s rrj I.ontoi | UNION PACIFIC. FTnTvo'T" Oinalri. I Depot Ulli tml ainrer tlreoU. [ _ On , h * . i | KnnsruClly Kxpreu U.Mam t limner ICiproni a.Si p ra ij Ovcrlnnil Her . P m 11 1'nclBo Kipross 11.0 a I U , 1' . depot. Hlh BnJ Marty Hll.l Oninlia. f..l'J p ml II Nluht Uxprcsn , .Atlaullo Kiprna . , , 1.80 p ni I Omaha.V \ , P. clopot , 101 h nnj M rcy 8ti , Otuaha. T.l&itmt . Sioux CUT I'monftr .4.SO P ml. . bt. r u | Klpr < x , 10.10 _ ig "SIOUX " ' C : [ Arrlros Det'Ol 15tlnnfl St . I Oreihiu 0.00 | i ml Ht. I'ml Llmltotl I I''i i Ixjntoi ICIllCAflO & NOKTHWK8TBnN Arrltoa Onuilm. | U.I' , ilfpot. 10th anJ M or Bti. Omahiv 11.15 n m . . . . .Chicago ISzrm * * . . . n.aTi > m 4.30 p m Vcntltrala I.liulloJ , a na C.lSp m Iowa .Accotnmodntlon ( oic. Baa ) 7.K p m . . .Kiatcrii Uro a. is p m 7. < o m C.10 p in I . nhlcijoTCxprtm . I 0.45 n 1.6s a m' ' . riilcwo Kipruas , . I U.IO | > t I O.M vu.v .v l' . i.DLIa Oniahiu | U. I * , di'pjt. ICia and M M > 8U. | < .OQ p ml . .Ft. IjOiiiiCminiiiTiUII . | 1 ? . * 1 p IB . Oiuihn. I Ponotlith unit W bat r Bta. U.OU u m lllnck Mills Kipras 6.1) ) p rt V.UO n ni . .llastlagx lip. ! ( ICx. Bun S.M p in 6.10 p m Waboomncola l'tiex.Sana1 ( ; ) 1 1.35 a m 6.10 p m . . . .Norfolk ( or. ll.Un rn Artlr Omih.i. llepitlilh fin a Webmttr Bta. * . . .Bloux Cltr Accommodation , . , P.05 p m Siou.x CHr Itipro'i ( ex. Sanaa ; ) ia.i9 p n St. I'aul .Limited O.V1 n in Hancoft 1'n'iengfr ( ey. Bumlnr ) R.i.s B tq 1 MISSOUIII I DoiollStlitnc4 Wcb t r8t . Ouiahn I.ouliAKTuWcb | . . , .8t. I.ouliAKTu 0.10 p m | , . . .St.I.ou'i.V K. a H.30 a in T otcs i ciiiCAaoJiTi. iAcirioT Atrlre Tranifurl Unlniv ---i-n ninfTJ. 7. < 'i a tn'.Bloux CUT Arromrnoitatlon. , . ! > , M n ra " Pn-i ' QUAIJTEItMASTKIl'S OKh'll'13- Oiniiha. Ni'hraBka. Muroli 20tli. 1891. Scaled proposals Intrlpllcntowillho rccolvea lirro tin- tllio'olrck p.m. . cratrnltlmu , April ' 'Oth. 181)1. ) und thun ( ipc'in'd. for fiiriilslilir ; wood , coal aim ohiircoal ruqulri'd in tlio Ocpartincnt of tlio 1'Intto. durhi , ' Usual year coinm < ! nclii July 1st , ivji. I'ro | > o4alssnbmlttcil to any jiost or depot quartOMimstor In this ilopartinont for furnlsli'iK ' tlicso RiiiplIcsundertliccoijtllilom ( of this tiilvortlHRiiirnt will ho eonsliliiroil , IJ. S. ri'sorvos rliiht torojoclanyor nil bids. All liiforiiinllon fnrnlsheu on iinDlloatlon to tlili olllcooraiiy of tliopostor clcpoL qimrtcrinns- turs. . Kn\'ulopo continuing propoBitlH to bo addressed "I'ronos.ils for fiiol/'unil iicUlresscd us above Indicated.VM. . U.HUOI1I2S , . Ilou- tcinnt Colonel and Doimty Quartermaster General , U. . A. . Clilof Qutirtcrtnnstcr. M20 14talS-13 Noiice. Thn annual moothiK of the stockholders of thi ) KxiiDilt Ion IIulldlnt ; association of Dmjilm wlllb-jlifld atthostoroof Max BlcyurtVltru , KIlli and F.irimin struots , Oinnliii. N'ol ) . , I'rldny ovrnliiKiAprlit : , 1811 , at8o'clock , for thooloc- t'.on of a board of live dlrccton for tlui pnsu- Iii yciir. and for the transaction of sucliotlior buslnesias miy properly como before , the iiici'tln ; . The total Indebtedness of LliHusso- uliitlnii , March 15. bill , does not nxcuou llfty- five tlioiisund dollars ( SV > , ' . > OO ) . MAX MKVEHI'rosMont. W. K.AUNAMHHi'rn , Secretary. John A , Wulicllold.ll. AYOrcmor. Jr..directors. MHvl 171 'OV virtue of annxocutlon on transcript \ 3. ' Hiioil l > y the district court of Douglas county.Nobraskaand tomcdlructcd. In favor of II. Jl. Itronson and against li. Ituiubjl , by command tlicruof I have lovlod on'ono.iliiglo HKlusiirliiR Htlok buzgy ui tlio property of said K.Uiimliel which 1 nhall CXIIOHU forsalo to tllclilghcsb bidder forcush at tlio riiirlhonst cornorof Tlilrlocntli aad 1'arnnm ' stn-cts. on Snturday , March ! M , 1SDI , tttton ( IOoVockln ) | tlio furuiuxMi , to satisfy said oxcciitlon and CCKlS. ) , ted at Omaha , this 17tli day of Mnrch. A , D.lbll. ) JOHN V. 110Y1) , ishcrllT. M 18 ( llOt N'otlor ; . Snlo of Mcllrldo d Co. stock , otfl. Illds will 1)0 ) received up to March 28 , IfiOl , by Ohas.Y , Kalnoy. I5IG liodxo Htront , for the piir.-liuso of | lie furniture , flxtiirui. nii- vhlnurv , Ktock , utc. , late plant uf Mollrldu& Co. , iirlntorHiind sutlonom , at No. l.llli Uoiltfo St. , Oinahii , Xeb. The iiiorryiiu'nes reserve the right to rojcot any and all bids. bids.MAnnARKT MAnnARKT "V. I ) . ItAINKV , HninMi' & COIISON , IlENHVl'VV1IAW , llKIIIIISIIT MCUOV , U , It. ADAMS , Horlitagocn. MMilllt * Notlco \\iitci-\vorJCHConlrJtclorH , HUlH will no rcculrod until \Vodnosday \ Maruli2.IHiil , forlhu construction of the ( lain forlniiiDiindln reiorvolr und completion of wurlCH , for thoUri'ston watortrorks company , iitCrvslon. la. I'liina and spoelllcatlons nro onfllo lit tlioolllcoof the Union conntrnotlon company , Oriston , lii.innl nlllcuot W , II. All ) , lurd , 201 Omaha National bank building Umaha. Neb , K. A , RaoiflKii , Chief RnKlnoor , Preston. la , , March 11. IkOI , MlOdlOtnii * Nolluo ti > ArchltcflH. Tlio school lioard of District T\'o. 1 of Han son county , Nebraska , InvltuB urchlieeta to Kciid plans , for ailoutlon , of u ucliool IIOUHO , to coul not to exceed tio.ux ) , to bo built ofbrluk , 3 Ntory. andoontaln about U rooms , to buhoatcd liy hot watori lit the city of l oxln ton : ahl plant will twvoiittilurod at 8 o'clock ji , uj. on April 1. 1801 , liyordorof Hdiool bourtl , ilir.'ditM u , M , K LorLAiir , Director ,