Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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S. "W. Lowe carried brass knuckle1' ' ,
nnd tlioy captured nflnoof 820 und costs
Two minor pormitfl , nfrognUnr$27fi | ? ? ( ,
were Issued ly the Buporlntondont of
buildings yesterday.
Spanish Court Cream Ims como to stay
nun regular adjunct ot a Indy's toilet
table , for snlo by nil druggists ,
John rtoulonu , a vng\ will tarry nt the
county lull for the next thirty days , the
first and last ten on bread nnd water.
Loiuhcr nnd Ustor , charged with rob-
blny Falconer's uonohmin , ' W. A. Ful
ler , of f)0 ! ) , will have n hearing nt ! iJO : ! p.
m. Monday ,
Special OITlcorVnrroii Finch lias re
covered from n severe iiltnck of tlio
crlppo , and resumed his duties on
X'nriinm street last night.
Mr. Alt I ) . Jwios , secretary , has called
n meeting of the Old Sottlors'nssoclntlon
n ( the rooms of the rcnl estate oxchnngo
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.
Dwyer nnd Gilbert , the mon who burg
larized Morris It Wilt-ox's store , waived
examination in pollco court yesterday
nnd wits bound ever in the sum of $1,000
each to await n bearing' .
Judge Donno announced from the
hunch that upon the opening of court
this morning ho will hand down
Ills decision In the 4'llovcnth street via
duct and union depot cabo.
Fannlo Horndori , the woman who
robbed .Tamos Stinson of Klkhorn of $20
was arraigned before Judge Clarkson
yesterday afternoon , plead guilty and
wis sentenced to thirty days in the
county jail.
Mr. C. II. Black , mnnngor-for S. P.
Gilmnn , donated SIM to the Itanovolont
Association of Paid Piremoii as a slight
recognition of tlio services rendered him
on tlio occasion of the lire which ou-
curred at his placo.
The Barber asphalt company has com
menced work on ita now factory in East
Omaha , The plant will bo completed
nnd in running order by Juno 1. It will
giro employment to forty men and will
bo one of the largest in tlio United
The Washington benevolent associa
tion illod its articles of incorporation
with the county clerk yesterday. Tlio
incorporators are Charles U. Heed , AV ]
II. Butler , W. U. Taylor and W. II. J.
AVyter. and the objects are to improve
the literary , moral and social standing
of the members and to care for the same
when they nro sick.
William Goldfnin , a South Thirteenth
street second-hand dealer , is under ar
rest for receiving stolen property. It is
claimed by the detectives that U old fain
stands in with all tlio juvenile thieves
nnd buys whatever they take to him.
U'bo specific case on which the informa
tion was Illod was for receiving a lot o
brass stolen from the B. & M. railroad
coin pitny.
"That tired feeling" is entirely overcome
by Hood's ' Sarsaparilla , which wives a feeling
of buoyancy and strength to the whole system.
Only IMnco Wlicro a United States
I'ntcnt May Itc Annulled.
STEKU : CITV , Neb. , March 20. To the Kd-
Itrr of THU Dnu : There is a great deal of
c.meat going on In regard to the Otoo
rcsii-vatlon land , winch was put on the mar-
Itet in 187S. As I understood the law it waste
to bo sold to actual .settlors onlj and not to
exceed 100 ncrca to ono person , the head of n
family , There were a great many claims
taken by men and w6mou both , or by a man
end his minor sons , and some -was taken by
speculators who would stay on the land for a
night and then go to the hind ofllco , prove up
on the claim and get n patent for the sumo.
1 would like to have you to answer through
Tin : BEE If n contester would have any
chance of success If the patent on the land
had uecu obtained fraudulently. There have
been a number of contests placed on file ut
too laud ofllco in Lincoln.
Ax Oi.n ScnscnuiRit.
[ The agent at the United States land ofllee
nt Lincoln says the proper tltno to enter a
contest against a claim fraudulently obtained
Is before the patent to It is issued. After
that time the only recourse Is the supreme
court of the United States , and that is an
exponslvo luxury. A number of persons liv
ing in the vicinity of the Otoo reservation
have been bilked by unscrupulous lawyers
who were after a fco , and these people have
been made to believe that by filing a caveat
with tlio United States laud npenlat Llnroln ,
to the effect that a patent had been fraudu
lently scoured , the patent could ho annulled ,
The Hllne of a caveat In such a case , however -
over , is a waste of time and paper , as the
Bupruus court of the United States iilono is
qualilhd to cancel any patent after It has
once been Issued. ]
The t'razed Teacher.
Miss Addle IClegan , the school teacher who
was arrested Thursday nnd locked In the
county Jail on the charge of Insanity , Is rest
ing quietly. Her condition is slightly Im
proved. Tlio relatives who rcsldo at Lavinn ,
\Vyo. , have been tologiapned , but have fulled
to reply.
U'ontlicr Probabilities for Marati.
If March comes in Ilko a lion it will go
out like n lamb and vleo versa. Bu.
every day In tlio mouth , rain or shinet
the electric lighted , steam heated , vos
tibalod limited trains of the Chicago-
Islllwukoo It St. Paul railway will run ,
between Omaha and Chicago. The elec
tric berth reading lamp In the ir palnco
elonjjing cars are the greatest novelty of
tlio ago. Ticket otllco , IfiOl Farnam St. ,
The Ilanlon Brothers' greatest master
piece in their spectacular line , which opens
for a ono week's engagement nt Hoyd's opera
house. Monday evcnlugand Saturday matinee
included , iflfcalil toi'xcel an ) thingbofoio that
these famous brothers have presented lathis
or nny other country. It has n storv of Inter
est und It 1 clearly told , ami with appropri
ate dramatits action. There nro effective
climaxes und characters of interest to the
plot which will hold public attention. The
ihuiliins rnrry wlta them this season 100 people
ple In the production and three car loads of
wonderful .scenery , bonilm they hnvo the
prcatost HvliiR clown pantoinlinist with thorn
In Mr. ( leorgo Melville , who will Introduce
many new and novel specialties. The sale of
peats for the entire week opens tomorrow.
Leo Townsend , advance representative
of Stuait Hobson. Is in the city. Mr. Hobsou
nnd comminy will appear in the Bo d on
" \VcdnC3dixy ana Thursdry , Anril 1 and 2 , in
the following repertoire : Wednesday evenIng -
IngMs Marriage n Killuro ; " Thursday
cvcnli.f , "Th6 Henrietta. "
Mr. .Harry Hlch , comedian of the Pattl
Rosa company , stopped in Omaha yesterday
cm onto to his homo In 'Toronto , Canada ,
whcro ho will rest the next four weeks , Join
ing the company In Philadelphia about
April & > . Mr. liich 1ms been suffering Irom
nu attack of the grlppo and It has bocu found
necessary to tnko 11 rest.
The snlo of seats for the Omaha ledge of
Elks was opened yesterday morning at tuo
Boyit , for thobonotft tomorrow evening , ant ! by
noon urarly half tlio house was sold , Indi
cating ; that the homo will bo crowded fur the
third annual bcnellt. The programme us ar
ranged by the executive rointnlltoo Is very
strong Including the Pattl Itosa company in
two acts , ono from ' 'Margery Iaw" nnd one
The Imp. " Mr. William Colder , the vet
eran actor \\lio plnjod In Omaha twenty-one
vcars ago , a number of the Academy of
Music stoclc company , will nppar In the
Idtchon scene from -'Itlu Van \VlnKlc'1 as
sisted by Miss Hatch , the loading lady of the
Pattl Hosa company , who will apiic r as
Urotchen and the two Sornborno cblldi-on
who will appear as Henlrlch and Moenio.
Colonel Wllliani t\ Cody ( Duffulo IU11) ) will
glvo u tUteon inlnuto.s' talk , whlto several
professionals now appearing ut tlio ICdun
lusoo will be KOCH In specialty turns. Owing
to the length of the programme the curtain
rvlil rise promptly t S orcloclt ,
Dr , Elchuiond Doolines to Allow Dr , Gross-
lima to Present a Otue ,
Many Matters of Interest to tlio Mctl-
lonl I'rorcssloti Conned Over
Unlng ; Kooh'tt Ijjinph lu
Dr. Richmond of St. Joseph , president of
the Missouri Valley Medical society , added
largely to his reputation by an exhibition of
snubbing such has not boon witnessed In
these parts In many a day. The perform
ance took place at the opening of tuo mom-
trg session of the society yesterday.
The meeting was held at the board of trade
rooms , and It .had been soml-ofllcmlly an
nounced that Dr. Grossman would exhibit a
case of lupus which ho had been treating
very successfully with the celebrated Koch
lymph , As this was the llrst case In this lo
cality In which this remedy had been used , a
irreat deal of Interest was excited ainonj1
these who ho.ird of the matter.
About the time for the opening of the ses
sion Dr. Grossman appeared on the scene of
the meeting with his patient ana accom-
pinlcd by Dr. Oulhralth. Ur Grossman had
been solicited to produce his case for the ox-
nmlnntloii of the society by Drs. OifToid and
Oalornlth , both of whom am members of the
profession In high standing , and enthusiastic
members of the medical society. Dr. Gross
man is not a member of thasocicly.
Dr. Galbralth approached President Richmond
mend , after the meeting had been called to
order , nnd asked that Dr. Grossman bo
Kivonllvo minutes in which to present his
case to the notice of the society.
The president replied very curtly that If
Dr. Qrossmau wished to present nny case ho
would huvo to wait until utter the programme :
of papers had been concluded.
"But , " remonstrated Dr. Galbraith , "Dr.
Grossman Is a prominent physician here.
This case is one of crcut interest , end the so
ciety cannot afford to insult n man of Dr.
Grossman' ' * staudlnp. "
The president was stubborn and persisted
In his stand.
The business of the meeting proceeded nnd
the president announced that the llrst subject
to bo presented was the discussion on renal
casts , which had been passed over yesterday.
Papers on the subject under discussion
weie rend by Dr. L. A. Merriam , M. Helfrltz
Jonas , H. IT. Crummor and A. B Somcrs , ull
of Omaha.
The papers contained matter of intorott
only to the profession.
When the reading of these papers had been
completed Dr. Grossman , who had nervously
waited In the lobby for a favorable oppor
tunity , hastened to the side of the president ,
and asked if ho would bo allowed to present
bis case to the notlco of the society.
"All clinical cases must wait until after
the papers have been concluded , " snapped
Dr. Kichmond. "Wo can not ranch your case
until this evening , if at nil. Wu cannot con
sider clinical matters now.1
At that Dr. Grossman withdrew in n hurry ,
accompanied by Dr. Ualbrullh und thu pa
It wis then announced thatDr. J. E. Sum
mers , ] r , , had a clinical case to present , and
the president gave his gracious permission
to the presentation of the cuso.
The case was that of a llttlo boy nbout j
seven years of ago whoso right clavicle , or
collar bono , had been entirely removed last
September ind had been replaced by a new
growth ot bono. Tlio case was ono of tuber-
culls caries and the bono hud been removed
from articulation to articulation.
Dr. Summers also presented another case ,
that of a little tcirl about twelve years of ago ,
whoso right sldo anil arm had been very se
riously burned , the tissues of the body unit-
ing.with those of the arm from the shoulder
to a point half-way between the shoulder and
elbow. The case was also complicated by n
largo tumor on the buck uoar the arm.
Both cases excited great Interest and wore
closely oxunilued by all the members of the
The next matter presented was n paper by
Dr. A P. Jonas on a case of vaginal hysterec
tomy , in which the entire uterus was re
moved. The operation was performed suc
cessfully and the patient recovered.
The next paper wus by Dr. S. Stewart of
Council Hluits on the subject ' 'A Neglected
1'haso of Sanitary Science. " The speaker
dwelt at seine length on the progress of sani
tary sclonco and referred to the measures for
safety which had been thrown about man
and boast by nn enlightened generation.
He spoke of the popular Idea that great
danger rni ht exist in a glass ot water and
commended the progress In this matter. The
same precaution should bo extended to the
Konornl inspection of food. Statistics from
the largo government abattoirs of lierlin were
cited to show that diseases of all kind }
existed among the animals slaughtered for
consumption , which were only detected by
rigid examination.
The danger of using impure meat , nnd also
the great danger of using tuo milk of cows
which are infected with tuberculosis , was
dwelt on at great length. Several cases were
cited in which whole families had become in
fected by using milk from catttlo so dis
Several other cases of disease peculiar to
cattle , hogs , sheep nnd fowls were discussed ,
and the danger which.results from the use of
meat Irom such diseased stock were dwelt
upon at length.
The speaker said that the educated veteri
narian was the ono who was to solve the
problem of how these evils were to bo
avoided , and ho prophesied that u great
change in this matter \\ould be witnessed in
the near future.
The paper drew forth pi-eat applause and
was listened to with close attention.
At the afternoon session the paper was
discussed , u number of members taklpg part
In the discussion.
Following this Dr. J. E. Summers read a
pauor on abdominal surgery which was dis-
cussou briefly.
A paper on "Feeding In Acute Diseases"
was then road by Dr. J. 1 < \ White cf Council
Bluffs , which drew foilh a rather lengthy
discussion. In hU paper Dr White took the
stand that physicians were in the habit of
feeding their patients too much. Ho coun
seled moderation In the feeding of patients
nnd took the ground that it was hotter at
times to allow the patient to go without food
for a snort time rather than to tnlto the risk
of overloading the stomach. In the discus
sion which followed nc.irly all of the speak-
eis took tlio suuo : ground us that taken by
Dr. Whlto.
At the conclusion of the discussion the
committee on credentials proposed the names
of Drs. Ubnso , Swartzlanuor and 1'arKer of
Omaha for membership. They v > eio accept-
cd and admitted to membership.
Following this Dr. S. C < . ( hint of Kansas
City wad a paper on "Stiictuics of the
Hcctum , " with n statement of a case.
Thoio being no discussion on this paper ,
Dr. H. Gilford ot tnls cltv read a paper on
"A New Operation for Uutroplum of the
Eyelids , " The paper was very brief r.nd
pointed , nnd treated of u nmttor pertaining
percullarly to the practice of nn oculist.
U'hero was no discussion on the subject.
Following the reading of this paper Dr.
Duncan ot Kansas City read a paper on
"Lupus Yulgaris
Tlio next order of business being miscella
neous matters , Dr. J. E. Summon , Jr. , Intro
duced un amendment to the conbtltutlon pro
viding that the annual meeting oftho society
lx > hold In Council llluffs. Under the rules
tnUas laid over until the next annum
After discussion of matters of a profes
sional nature , the society adjourned.
Or. Grossman' * ) I'utiont.
The patient whom Dr. Grossman bud Intended -
tended to present ( o the notlco of tbo society
was Jules Hugollot , n blacksmith living ut
1313 South Nineteenth street , In this city.
Ho was adllctcdlth lupus of the pharynx
extending through the lachrymal channel to
the cyo. It arpcared that the patient had
been seen by n number of Omaha physi
cians who tcstllled M to his condition
before treatment with the lymph. The
disease first assumed a serious form In Juno
last , the ttiront bolng nrst affected. In a
short time the patient was unable to take
any nourishment except broad and milk.
Several physicians pronounced the disease
cancer , The disease spread to thi oyc , which
was surrounded by a raw ulcer covering the
region about the eye for a distance of over nn
Inch from "the eye Itself. A small hole also
tniulo Its appearance near tlio lunor corner of
tlio eye , In the cheek. Treatment with the
lympli was commenced nbout four weeks n&o
mid llfty-threo Injections \\oro given. Ttio
lymph was Injected Into the bacK , botwocn
the slnulilcr blades , nnd was used cautiously
at first , one-fiftieth of a drop only bctniruscd
ntntlmo. Thla amount was gradually Increased -
creased until n dose of ono nnd ono-hnlf
drops of the original lymph was given. The
disease succumbed to the treatment nnd the
patient Is nearly cured. 'Jho ulccrntlon of
the } .hroat ha % disappeared nnd tlio patient
announced that ho Is now nblo to cnt chow-
chow. The ulcorntlon about the cyo lias
almost entirely disappeared and presents a
healthy nppcarat.ce.
UcssIer'sMaglo Headache Wafers. Cures all
headaches In 20 minutes. At all druggists
The Hoard oT 1'ubllo AVorks Allcr the
Anphull 1'n.vrrn.
Hecont developments Indlcnto that crU
many days n largo algal war cloud will pass
between Charles E. Squires of the Harbor
asphalt company and Major HtrUhauscr ,
chalrtimn oftlio board of public works.
The major hns given It out that ho will
cancel all of the 1S'.X ' ) paving contracts of the
asphalt company , which include these for
paving Lo\vo \ avouuo from Hamilton
toCnmlng strcoti Grove street Iiom rnrnnm
to Dodge street ; Thlrty-tlrst avcnuo from
Farnam to Douglas ; Twenty-fourth street
from Spaldmg to the Holt line railway nnd
Twenty-seventh street from St , Mary's ave-
niio to'lliilf Howard street.
This Information has Just reached the cars
of the property owners along the line of the
several strecU , and there Is anything but a
happy fooling manifested toward the chair-
wan oftho board.
These same property owners bo'ilego tlio
ofllco of the chulrinan and demand nu ex
planation , but meet with a smllo and nro fur
nished with tlio information that as tlio Bar-
her company has broken faith with the city ,
contracts must bo cancelled and lot again ,
this time to parties who will do the work In
the specified timo.
Tonropoiter Major Blrklmuscr sold : "I
have decided to cancel tlio contracts on tlio
streets , " but why lie would not say , adding ,
"Tho reason will bo known soon enough ,
though 1 will say that this company has failed
to carry out thu'provisions of its contract us
to the time in" which it agreed to do tlio
worlf. "
Mr. Squires of the nsnlmlt company In
speaking of the matter salti : " 1 have hoard
this story of what Mr. lilrlchnuscr intends to
do , but if ho thinks ho can cancel ono of our
Ib'JO ' contracts I think ho will bo convinced
that ho Is not In it to any great extent.
"Talto Lowe nvcnuo for instance. "Wo
stopped paving on that street because wo
\vero ordered to do so by the court. Dr.
.Mercer enjoined the work for the rea
son that the ga" , sewer and water
connection had not been made. That was no
fault ot ours as everybody knows. In the
nutter of the other streets. Wo expected to
have the work completed early last fall and
to rush matters , wo put in a largo stock of
material , called our pavers from Kunsai City
and Chicago anil nl the request of the chair
man put this larcogangof men to work , olny
to learn that Con Gallagher hud fulled to put
In his curbing. Wn increased the capacity of
our asphalt plant by putting in $1,000 worth
of now machinery , tioupht a largo amount of
pitch and tar and after working a few days
were up with the curbing gi'ngs and then vo
stoppeJ work for the season.
"All I have to say is that If the city had
kept the cuibors out of our way , every street
wo contracted for would have been com
pleted last season.
"If the major thinks ho can cancel these
contracts you will see a prottv fight , as that
contract was for the year 181IU. It was let
that season and the work was to have been
performed that season. If he attempts to set
ono of those contracts aside , any property
owner can protest nnd in thut event the
street could bo held for years. So you see
ho is not liable to nmko any thing more than a
"There Is ono thing that I do not like.
Early in the season I told the board that the
curbers wore getting behind with their work ,
and unless thov hurried wo would overtake
them. Thochninran never mndo an effort to
keep these contractors out of our way , and
as result wo overtook them , stopped work
nnd the whole blnmo is placed upon my com
. "
pany. _ _
To the young face Pozzonl's Complexion
Powder gives fresher charms ; to the old , re
newed youth. Try it.
Trainmen Start for Home Rather Dis
gruntled and UiiHiitlslled.
The committee of trainmen from thol'aciflc
division of the Union" Pacific concluded their
conference with the officials yesterday morn
ing and returned to their homes this after
The men say that they have literally ac
complished nothing. The whole matter has
boon placed in the hands of Superintendent
aicNoilof the Pacitlc division for adjust
ment , with some prospects of a. satisfactoty
Thucommltteemcn feel that they were shab
bily treated by theofllcials , and claim that
they wore insulted by the manner in which
their proposals were rejected. Homo of them
were very wrothy and dire throats of future
tronblo wore made. They stated also that
the trainmen on all the divisions hud iniiny
gilovaucos to ndjust. and that committees
would bo numerous at hcadquartes In the
near future.
rtoforo leaving the Dcllono. nt which all
the committee has been stopping , a meeting
was held at which resolutions were adopted ,
returning thanks to the management of the
hotel for the manner In which the committee
had been treated.
Dr. Blrney cures catarrn. Boo
- ) NO I' ASK 1313.
The Jury In the Clainpitt Cnse I > s-
olinriiod Court N itcs.
After being out three days the jury In the
ease of tno state against John PI , Clnmpitt ,
the man who was charged with assaultiijg
his wife with a butcher knife ( came into
court and announced that it would bo Impos
sible to reach an agreement ,
This decision was received bv the court
nnd n new trial will ho ordered later In the
The case of the state against Fisher
Is on ttial. ( 'labor is the man who
some time ago met and robbed Joe UuoLk nt
Klghtu street and Capitol.avonuo , Upon the
completion of this case.ludgo Clnrlcjon will
conlinuo all of the other criminal cases'until
his return from Hurt county , ,
llornford'H i eld Phosphate.
Useful In all forms ot dyspepsia. . _
Its Mrm llnll.
The first grand ball glvoti by tna Sons of
Veterans' cornet bind nt AVushlngton hall
last night was a ijeditiiblo ; success A bant
seventy couples Attended , The dunce pro
gramme consisted of twenty-four numbuis
nuJ at the holf-milo post delicious rcfiesh-
incuts were served , Frank E. Hart ws master -
ter of ceremonies.
Used la Million * ot Bome
Ho Introdtiucn-fllbtitlm-mr to Show Ho
Hnn Willing to Fl lit.
The Cnplaln UaUcy court-mnrtinl CMO
begun nt tlio usuolllicur yesterday morning.
Borgcnnt llonill company 0 , Second In-
funtry , was the flwt witness called by the
After relating the facts as to tlio move-
incuts of Ills company much tliotatnoas other
witnesses had toltb the sitory , the sergeant
was inked if any of the oillcers of company C
worogolns to sUiy. behind 1C the company
went out to meet the hostilcs. The scrKoant
said ho Jtnew of 'ino ono who was going
to stay behind. "Rations were belnp wo-
pared for nil tbo ofllcers goltiK Into the lldil
mul Cnptiln Catloy'vii3 nuniDcrod iviuouu
the i-cst.
Soivoaut Hcnsltp said ho wni nrciontoii
the morning of UcccmborlH ) when company
0 was onlorcil to t ko up n position
In the Hold near the post Captain Uatloy
wns not with hli company when tlio men loll
In line nnd tunrchcd to their position , but ho
arrived nnil tool : command about twenty
minutes later.
As Captain Catley proceeded to nsk ques
tions relating to the movements of company
Oat 1'lno Hldgo the judge advocate tu-oso
and snul to the court :
"In order to ihow that this line ot testi
mony Is entirely unnecessary , 1 will iidinlt
that company 0 wits at Pine
Ultimo with the Second Infantry
nnd that Curtain Cntloy waa incotnnmndor
the company und participated in all tliomo\c-
monts of the cotnHiny | whllo at 1'lnu ' Uldce. "
Cantnln Cutlcy nskcd the scrjreant If ho
was present during the inarch Jrom.Husli-
\lllo to Pine Hlil/ro. /
The soi' . replied that lie vas. Ho saw
Captnln Oatloy duriniftlio march ami hutird
him cwinplolnliiE nbout being very tirud niul
sere from the eiTccts of thoitiurth.
CorporalClmrlcaSn > der was oallccl , but his
testimony was very meagre and ho wis
qtilcltly excused.
Second Sergeant Itlchaid E. Hayes ww
then ushered Into the august presoncoof the
court. The witness was at I'luo Ultimo 011
Dccuinbur 110 Hu saw Captnln Untluy po-
Inp to brcakfiMt that morning shortly
before compimy U wns oriluivd
out. Captain Catley Joined his company
about twenty mlnutos alter the company hud
t'ono out.
Corporal Rcrgathas called In ,
The corporal said that when company
0 was ordered out in skirmish line tub
llttlo church on December - ! > , the Indians
Mine over tliohill.disinountediiiidapproachod .
to 'vithln n ilistunco of 'MJ ( yards.
The Indians leveled their guns at the sold
iers , but Captain Catley told tlio men not to
lira until they h.ul orders to do w. Cnptalu
Catley ordctod his men to Ho down , but ho
dlil not liu down himself. Houlkcd back
and forth in front of this troops.
Private John JlangoW auld ho helped lo pet
Captain Cnllcy's personal effects ready lor
tlio Mold nn Dec-ember:10. : Ho believed that
Captain Utillor was going to tlio front with
liU companv. :
Private William D. llosu gave similar tos-
titnony ,
Captain Catle.v submitted a telegram from
the war department nt Washington replying
to Ills recjuost for a copy oftho procccdlngH
in liU trial before a court-martial
In ItsTS. ana pnitleularly lor
11 copy of the judge advocate general's ro-
vlowof the lime ntf that time. The incssairo
from Wnshlnpton stated that a copy
of the proceedings referred to
would not be furnished until Captain
Calcly had first statoil Iho reason why such
papers worn desired. Cut > talti Catloy sta'ted
to the court that lie wanted a copy of the
judge advocate general's ' rovtmv of the former
tiial bocnuso the prosecution has insisted
upon dragptng the matter into till ? trial.
Tbo president of the court asked
Captain Catloy if ho had not
nn uulhentieiitod copy of the pio-
cecdingi. He replied that no had , and
the court decided ) that the captnin might
bring Ihat copy inlo court it lie so desired.
The couvt then adjonrncd pntll 10 n. m. to
De Witt's UtUo Early Risers. Best llttlo
pill ever mado. Cuio constipation every
timo. Nonooijual , Uso.thcm now. .
THK STlt.llJIOilSiWON. .
1'aciflo Cohsc I'olccr Player ) Do Up a
Charles "B. Ubcl was-raised In Pennsyl
vania , but ho had to comoto.Oniaua to cut
bis poker teeth.
Ubsllsa recently graduated product ota
veterinary school , anil ho concluded to como
vest and call upon his old college chum , lr.
Hamaciottl , the city veterinary sargcon ,
Ho stopped at cue of the leading hotels , and
Thursday ovcningacouploof casual acquaint
ances asked him to go to their room and
diagnose a game of poltor.
JJbel had $00hloh ho ws anxious to sco
developed Into a hundred , and ho proceeded
to Inspect the symptoms of the game. Suf-
flreittobuy ho found an aggravated case ,
and before ho left Ills patient ho had pur
chased Just WO worth of cxpeiienco , 1'ho
g.imo did not seem to bo suffer
ing , and TJbol realized that his
presence wns no longer necessary.
In bidding Ids acqunintancos good night ho
rematkcd that ho was "broke , " and the gen
tleman on whom fortune had smiled gener
ously handed ovor$5 for present necossltlos.
Uhel could not sleep , nnd tto inoro ho
thought of the missing fS5 Iho inoro no
wanted it , so this morning ho shouldered his
prlp nnd hit story und souflit County Attor- Mahoncy , who dicw up aii in formation
charging tbo two speculators with gambling.
'Iho warrant was served and the parties ar
rested just ns they emerged from the hotel
dining room. The defendants iravo Iho names
of A. fidinUton , Tacoma , and O. It. Toss of
Kansas City.
Mothers will llnd Mr * . AVInslow's Soothing
Syrup tlio best icinedy for their children.
S5 cents a bottlo.
Forged a < lioelc.
Jesse Schooloy Is wanted for forging the
name of L. 0. Jones to iv check for -S"i on the
Commercial National bmk. He attempted to
pass the check on Joe McCaffrey , but was un-
Wifhthe limes , and wants something exquisite in a SPRING
COA.T THA.TFITS , can obviate all the time , trouble and annoyance
usually gone tlirougli v/ith to secure wliat he wants at tlio hands oftho
average tailor. We've got "em" in all that is new and novel in sliado
andquality. We MAKE"EM" OU RSELVES. We make THOUSANDS
of them , That's why we get the CUT AND FIT so perfect. ( It's exper
ience , ) Our SPRI NO SUITS are the same way , everyone of them have
that NATTY , NEAT and TASTY apecirariee peculiar only to theC LOTH-
ING MANUFACTURED "by us , and when you stop to consider that all
these advantages can be secured in your SUIT or OVERCOAT , and by
far the largest stock in the city to select from , it is no great surprise to
find us always busy.
Our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT is a wonder in many ways ; the
people -wonder at one entire floor occupied with. Boys' and Children's
clothing ; they wonder again at tljie variety and the "beautiful styles fn I
which they are made up and their chief surprise and wonder comes
in when'they see that our prices are even lower than they have been
accustomed to pay for common goods ,
Beautiful Spring Goods in Every Department.
Money Cheerfully Kof umlcd In nil
Onsen AVlioio Goods KING & CO.
S. W. Corner I5th and-Douglas , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
successful. It is Jnul that ho had better luck
lu other attempts and that bo mumped to
lloat hoveral chedcs. ono of which was for $10.
The detectives uro collecting the bogus
p.iper ,
Each .season has its own peculiar malady ;
but with the blood maintained In n state of
unifomi viRor ana purity bytliouscol Ayrr's '
Sar&aparilli little dinner need bo fe'arcJ
from meteorological liilluonces. Is'o otlicr
blood medicine is so sifo and elTcctive ,
llsti ma toil Cust of Intrniliiuiii ) ; tin :
Austral an Hal lot ,
Mayor Cushing \ninlystrivlii ( ? to study
out clio intncaclc's of the Austr.iHau . ballot
, law vbleh rccciitly passed the legislature. A
copy of the law In pamphlet form \\as sent
to him today nnd in going through
Its pages ho Jlnds that to
put the system in operation m
this city will require that the municipality
be roJlstrlctal. hosidos there will have to
bo many other acts performed.
In spoaWuc upon the subject the mayor
said : "There is nothinir lilto the purity of
the billet , but It comes high , especially In
Omnh'.l. ' d will try the workiiifjjof this
law nt the Juno school election , nnd
to dose tlicro will ha\o \ to bo a now rosistM-
tlon. There will have to ho till ) registrars
nifiiointod , who will sit live days. Under the
old plan tlicro were but 110. ! Again under
this now law , supposing theio ate 35,000
voters in Omaha , wo must have eighty pre
cincts , which will rc'iuiro 5(50 ( Judges
and clerks , wbllo heretofore wo
got along with 205. Now the
tlio city will have to print 100,000 tickets , or
lour for each voter.
"Unilor the old system the candidates pild
for allot' these. Notonly this , but MO must
build eighty booths anil voting places , which
will all cost money. 1 tmvo spent some time
over this matter nnd fletira that each
election will cost to exceed J1B.OOO ,
which is from § 7,500 , to fi.OOO niovo
than ( .lections have heretofore cost.
"Ono thins is certain , and that is that dur
ing thuyeais to come elections In Omaha will
not be us numerous asm the past , "
bearing scales , cotTco mills \vlth foot
power , trrcoers refrigcrotois , butter coalers
Catalogue of Bordeii k Selloelc Co. , Chicago
Mrs , Alary Moanoy , wife of Wlko Moanoy ,
died utherresldcoce , 70S Soutli Thhtoonth
street , nt o'clock Thursday ni ht. Tlio fu
neral will bofromSt. 1'nlloinena's ' cathedra' '
at8UOthis : mornlnfr , with interment at lioiy
Sepulchre coinotery.
The deceased was one of the old residents
of the city and was a sister of John , Thomas
and 1'atrick Gnrvey.
Mrs DanO'Kcelto died at her residence ,
20i4 O , k street , josterday morning. She had
boon , an .invalid for nearly a year ,
K .
Dr. Birnov cures catarrh. Boo bl'd
Pat Lynch surrendered the keys of tbo
countyjaii josterday inorninKandls now only
a private citizen. His successor , ex-Dotectlvo
1'at Horrifrati is duly installed and to all ap
pearances is -famllhr wita the business as
ho had boon thcro for years.
"JVlore Circulation ! "
Is a cry that has frequently been heard in the newspapers
and on tlie stump recently. Money is a very powerful affair , but
it is not as important as health. Men who lack health rue willing
to give a good deal of money for a stronger and purer circulation
of the blood ; and yet not much money is required to secure this
ground work and basis of vitality. To the weak , the feeble and
the debilitated Swift's Specific ftjrsWz& * V&\ \ insures a plentiful
circulation of rich and pure B jKf § § 3 blood. This
means , * of course , that < his Bfc LTL AK\ \ powerful vegeta
ble remedy destroys the germs and drives out the seeds of disease.
Wherever the blood is to be purified and the system built up it may
be depended on to do the work promptly and effectually. Mr.
John O. . Rogers , of Dana , Illinois , says : "My wife was for
years an invalid from a blood trouble , and suffered terribly at times
from erysipelas. A few bottles of { raSSKPj cured her. She con
siders itJthe best blood purifier and ISassSI tonic she ever b.nv. "
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca.
COLDS IN 1UE HEAD , by ono application.
OATASRH , in a very short timo.
HAY IEVER , in frora 3 to 6 days.
EARA.OIIE , instantly. _
I'lopunid only liy tlio
HurUor llloek , Uiiiaho. il , S. A ,
1 crnalc li * ntihe rwon powerful I erotic refuiaiur icr *
Ictllyulc. iolToKudVS. . BiilVCT. Y'
National Bank
Capital , - - - - $400,000 ,
Surplus Ian. 1st. 1890 , - 0 ,300 ,
Olflcori nntl | ilroctorIlonry W Vntoi , I'reililonl !
I vrN H.lteiwl ) VIco.i'roHKlent : Jamot \ \ hume , W
V.Morm Julm H. Colllnl , U. U C'julilru , J , N. II
1'ntrlck . II S. HuglioJ. ciwlilor i
T1-1I3 IRON UA.NK , ]
Corner Kill mid Kurnum Sti
A General llnnkliu lluslncsj Trausactol
Notion to WaterworksCoiitrnolnrH.
llldw will DO ri'ColM'il ' until WiHlnoHduy
Mart'lil'i. 1HDI , for lln > const met loii/r ( tliudum
for lnimuii | < ilNK rti T\olr uiul coiuiilctlou o (
vorUa , fur tlio C'ri'Htonuit ' \ < -r orlci i-onipiiny ,
HtCroktnn , la 1'l.inH und himcltlcatloiin tiru
onllto lit ilionlllcunf tint Ciiloii cmmt ruction
ciinipjiny , Grislon , In. , iinrt cilllco ( W II. Mil *
Innl. al Oinulin Nutloiutl bunk txilldlnv
Uinuliu Not ) .
\t * fki i
Crcstoti , Ii
Drs , Belts &Betls
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tlio most widely nnd favorably known spec
ialists In tlio Uimoi Mutei. Tlielr Joni ; ox-
purlonvu. rcmnrkiiblu tUll niul nmvnsil .suc
cess lu the li'O.llnioiit und curouf Nervous ,
Chronic and StinMcal DUoaics. cntltlo these
eminent , phjaloliins to tin ) full oonlldcnco of
tlio iiflllcti > iliivt > rwliuro. Thtiy Kiurnnti'o :
Iho avlul rffpctsof onrly vlco anil the numer
ous oills tlnilfollovv inHs train. .
snoodllv. complt'tolv niul DermutiPiit ! v cured ,
OIUJKUS yield KUdllylo tliclr skillful trout-
cuaranleoil cured without pilu or detention
from lniHlni' < i.
UVIIUUUKI < n AND VAlllCOCr.IiE pcnna-
iinntly iind suocfssfnlly omul In ovoryc-isc ,
hvriiiMs. GONoitniiRA , GI.IKT. : spor-
nmtorilioii , Koniliul Weakness Lost Manhood ,
NlKhtEmission ? , Decayed I'licultltis , I'ciimle
\Voulincss \ unil nil delicate disorders iicuullar
to either si'v positively cured , us wollus ull
functional disorder * result from youthful
folllesor the oxcc s of mat nro years.
CTUp'PDiUuarantool | | | purm.incn tly
J 1 i\lL > 1 UIV L < cured , removal complete ,
without cutting , eausttc or dilatation. Cures
effected at homo by pittiont without o mo
ment's pixln or annoyance.
flTK'P Tll ° mlHl ITecl of
UU l\\j \ early vlco which tiring
wonknoso , dostroylnt' both mind and
tody , ultli all Its druulecl Ills. ] icrmancatly
cured ,
UP < R'PTT'x ' Address tlinsc who hnvo Ini-
J/IVO. IJL. I 1 O puiied tlienif Ivea liy lm >
piopor liidulncnco and Kolltary nal > lt * * , which
nilii lioth mind and body , unllttlng tlicui for
biHlness. studv nrinitrrliiKO.
MAHIIIEDMKN or these enterlnB on that
liiin > v life , awuroof pliysleal debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. 1'lrst 1'riietlcal ' eipnrl-
cnco. Fceond Kvcry ease I.s8ioclnlly | studlod ,
thus slurt In ; , ' rlnht. Third mcdlulnes uro
propaii'i ) In our liibontory oXncMy to suit
each cite , thus ufTcutlngctiieswithout Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
DEI. J. B.
10 Years' Experience.
Cured In 3 to 5 Jays Mthonttlio Ion of nn hoiui'ilnio
from builnasn TliomnitrnMoliilc tiuro for OI.IJKT
nnd ull ariiiojrtniiillxrlmrttn ever known to twllnnl
donco. riVlMIIIISnvMtrrintodciiruln3JtoMilitxa
'Jhti moil powerful rcnioiljr jrut knuvvn for n prrnri *
ncntcuro. STIIIUTI'lllJiirimln In ri'llovlnn tha Ijlmt-
Orrcurcilat lionin , Mitlioiillnstruinuriti , no cutting ,
nomlnna | dlUlliii : . lx of .MnnhoodgrVonknuii
Iioilllrclr curoJ ; Initant r.lluf. bkln illson ei and
fciunlu ( lUeatiii | > riiu\iiunlljr enrol Dr Mc'irovr'4 '
iiccusa In tliutrrrumsnt of I'rlrnta litiounoi Imi
nttrrbvrn rcuallo | < l.iinil lilt irrontnrmyof intluntn
rr > rli < ! i > Iroia tlio AtUnllf n Hi < ! I'arltlo llouki i\n < l
Clrciltiiri liuo I/iiitliM Iron U to 4 onlr lull niul
I''imiuiu tirueti Unialia , IsuU Untranco un cltliur
TO WEAK MEM BulTerlnj tin etTicU frora nl
uutlif ul errun
earlydecar , wrwttojjwoEknrM , | i t iiunlioul , ntn.
1 wUl lonii utaluililo trtutuo ( M-nlcdj coutalulii ]
full ( rtlculira fur homo cure , Vltii : ; of ilurR'i
ndld medical work ) tboulJ Ita riid byrvt'r ]
mail who It ncrtniii ami d litlltat < > il. -A > Hroi.
I'rof , K. C , I'0\VJLiil : Mootlu , Couii
ITho Original and \Vorld Kumous- (
) \vn.r.
Presentlnc for the First Time in Omalis
Gorgeous , New SpEclacii'ar
Seats Open Saturday ntUsutl Prices.
BOLfd'S ' ,
Tor tliuCharlty Fund ol
Omaha Lodge NO. 39 ,
Benevolent and Protective
In tlio Kirst Actor
Also Second Act of
in the Idtchonscoiicfrom
Fifteen Ml mi tea lth
Tlio Cclelrutiid Tenor ,
. O. B.
Tlio ( Jullfornla J ugglor.
, O. 1-1. KTJR.TI2 : .
The Sicilian Tioiibadonrs ,
Sale of scats opens Knday morning.
\VlllLii\vlor.Manasur. Cor. lllii unl Farnam
Tliu Arnblan VllllnKf. Tlio AccnrlnlnV , wonderful
punish liyimlci .Mtlinn Hlatori , Sliltt Diuicorfl ,
iitloi Mini WIllDiiin , IMiullatJ. I.iinril anil l.uctfor ,
llr llito'H ) , ! > nnotiiarr , A Kuiin ) Fnrco
Knrtlm treatment of oil CHIlONIOANi ) SUUOlCAr ,
DldF.AHDd. llticcn , Appllnncui furl > uforinltlc'innil
formiccoiiful Ire'ttmont'of ovurr formof < ll ca
lOQUlrtiiKMoillrnlor HurKlcnl Troitmont. NINh'l'V
1K10MS Kill 1'A'I'IKST.S , lluunl nml Altnmlinco.
lln-t Acc.iiiniMjchtldiM . U'rllo for rlrciilnn oa
DeforinlUci mill llriiCTi , TriUMii , Chili I l-i't , Curvii- .
turi of hi > lno , 1'llu * , TiuiiorM , Caiiror , ( ? atnrrli
llrtinchllli , liilinhtliin , Kliictrlrlty I'ur lr < l4 , Kjill-
cy r. Klclncrn , Illaililrr. Kj/e , Knt , Kkln nnil IIIooJ ,
nii'lnll ' Miriifcnllitiurnlloni. IHHK.tHKS \VOMKH
n hrci'liilto Hock on UltfliuuMnrNiini n Kruo.Vo
liinulittuljr iKlilulii Ijlnu InIxiimrliuant for Woman
Uurlni ; cimlliUMUi-iit ( Strlctl ; I'rUato. > Only llolliv-
Mo Mi'illril Inniuito MKklni a t < i > iiclnllr of i'lll-
All lll.ioil l > lsui : e xuccn sfiillr trcittoit Mtullclna
or ln iriiiiH'iit < nunt br null orcxprcu eocurnlr
I nkcl. ( no mrtrki to IndlraU ) crtntwnt1 , or pcnlur.
Una | itr * ( ina , lnU.irvow ! prufvrrfid. Call nud ooniiilk
iinr/rHi'mlhll err of riiur uin , nnd wti will nun < l la
Inln wriiiicr | [ our HOOK' ! < ) MK.V HIKK , upon I'rl-
< nti > H | > rl l or Ncrvuui I > l euot , * ltliii tlonll < t.
A'MrotH nil Ittlirt to
Dr. A.T. McLauahlln , Proslclonk
btb und llarnojr titrcotx , Oniuho.
Graduate Dentist.
A Kull Hot of Teeth oil llubbor.
fur HVI5 lion.Aiirt. A i > erfi ci
UtKunr nti * il. Tuulh imrnclcxi
nllliuut pnln or "Unnor , > > WL
vrltluiut niifiu Uictlcv ( jolil nuCI
Bllicr tllllnico nt lowoil rnto < -
llrMico ami CruwuVurk , 'Iceili
nlthuiitiilatur , All work war-
rumnro , ICtlj itrctt eluintor. Open