Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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APVF.ItTIHEMKNTS for thc < o columns vrlll
Im taken until H:3i : p. in. , for the ovt-nlna
edition , mill until hianp. in , , fur the morning
edition nnil SUHIIAY HKK.
rpKUMS-Cnsh In advance.
"I > ATT.H-AilvcTtlfcmr > iit < i ontliN pa-go will bo
4 * charped for nt Ilio ruto of l"i cents pur
vrc rd fortlio ilritlnnertlnn. nnil lernt pt-rword
for uni-h Mitiwqiintit Itipcitlon , nnil JI.Ni jior
linn per inontli. No nil vurtlsrmriit taken for
sq Iliiiii " 'i fcnls fur tliu first Insertion.
INITIAL" , flatlres , ' symbols , clccountcach
nsono word.
rPIIKSn advertisements mint run conscen-
4 lively nnil tinder nn olrcumstnncng will
they MO taken or discontinued by telephone.
"OAKTinH advertising In these columns and
4- having tholr nnswr-rsaddresaed toir'nntn-
\ onil loiter In euro of TIIK HKK. will rccelvo a
numbered check loftmhio them to got tliotr
letters. Answers will bo tinllvorcd only on
presentation of this check. Knuloso answers
in envelope proporlv mldrrwd.
AhL advertisements under the bond nf
"Special Notices" an ) published In liotli
tluunoi'tilnit nnil ovenlnir edltlonsof Tin : MIK : ,
thnrliciilntlonof which atfKrcgalvstnorntliiiti
ifl.MM pnpers dully , nud Rives the advertiser
thobniioflt not only of tht ! Inrtfo circulation of
Tin : Hiu In Omnha , hut also in Council Dluir.s ,
Lincoln tind other cltlos ami towns In thowst.
Advertising for tbeso columns will bo tnlcon
on tbo uliovo condition * , at tbn followlnst bu | .
ness hon i'H who nronnthorl/od to tnko sporlnl
notices , at tlio snmu rates as cun bo had at tbo
main olllcc.
20ZI N. Strcot , Mstor IIIocK.
* TOUN W. IIEIiL. I'harmaclst.WJ ' South Tenth
' dtreet.
OIIAUr * EDDY. KtntlonerH and Printers
11.1 South ICth street.
. * KAllNSWOHTII , I'liariniiclst ' , 2115
4 . . 811. strcot
jTlltunrnSTi'liarmaclst , (21 ( North 10th
tk.l | street.
G KG. W. I'AKH , I'linrmaclst. J7ia I.oaven
.1 worth strcot.
rUOHKS' 1'HAltMAOV. 2 th and 1'arnam.
, fir. , ffcfotn//lr ] / ( r < ) liiinii < m f/if pn/r [ ,
Xjnw miplovmcnt bureau , room 40 , Hank
J- > bti Mill Utf , ( Bill nnd lodg ) . opposite llay-
rtens. Knfi'iciict'n , WOIIIIIII'M Christ tan asso
ciation. I'urnlshes llrstelnss female licln.
"I JOdlTION-Wuntcd as cook. Address O
.1 lice.
AYOtINd Herman Klrl , speaks English welT
would llku to truMil with n family tt
Kuropo as n set vant. Address , O 19. Hce.
M817 22 *
POSITION as stenographer and typnwrltur ,
or olllco work of any kind , bv lady of evpcrl-
jiice. 0. Ullec. M lii-22
I'ANTKD A place to do general house
1 woik. Address I ) 17 , Hoe , WO 22 *
\ \ rANTT.l3ltuntlon by registered driic-
* i Rlht ! olcht yi'iiis * oxporlfi nee. Address
DitiKKlst ) 21th and Saunders st.
"VVANTT.n-Sltuatlon by younv man In
' wholesale house , experienced ( shipping
clerk. Audross O. ( J. H.,2700 Douglas streot.
MUI 22 f *
"XyANTr.n-l'osltlon im bookkeeper and
' clnrk : uleht month's uxpcrlencc. Address
Ilov IW , riiitlsmoiitli. ISeb. MSI4 Jl
"VyANTLO-rosltloti as engineer : under-
' stuiiiU Iteyiiolds-Corllss val\ORoar : can
-pno uood Kifoiciices if required. Address bov
IK-'O Mltcholl. y. I ) . KiaiTJ'
"lirANTI'D 1'osltlon as forelndy In BOHIO
T > wi > t ( > rn town or olty , best of elty reference -
once funilshcil. O 111 , lleo. SOO 23 *
\XTANTKn-SowlnKtodo In pilvato faml-
i Hos. peed work Kuarantecd. Call or ad
dress 2t.'l St. Mary's avo. SO. ) SI *
) -Sltnitlon ; ns cook orhousokonp-
er. IIC'I Clark st. 700 L'O *
\\7ANTrn 1'oslllon by j-oiinc Indy ntonnji-
TT rnphnr nnd bookkeeper ; will furnish nif-
eiences. Address I'M ' ! ) lleo , IM 20
OMAHA Kiuplovmoiit Hureaii Kstabllshed
11 .years. 'I ol. 1112,110 N. Kith , near Oapl-
tel ave. Malonnd female boh ) constantly on
hand. M307AIJ *
'VlTANTRD-Sltuatloiis for Koort girls ; my
, TTviiltliiB rooms nro always full from 0 a.
in. to C p.m. Canadian Kniployiuont ofllce ,
HUH S. liHh. Telephone. EH4. 021
i'or raffs , etc. , tee top of first rnlumnon fW ) mni ! ,
"VyAKTKD A snle-sninn sclllni : to the retail
' * trade to taKe our full line of jeans , eot-
tonndes , casslmoies , blankets , Ilannols , Klnii-
luinis Inconneotlon with their other business.
Oood commission , Addrobs Manufnclurur ,
Hot 131. llryn Mitwr. Venn. M843 21 *
\\7ANTKn-Salpsiuei ! to soil ItKlitnliigroiU ;
T i-xnorlnncod. Apply to KUw. A. 1'oy k
Co. , 2T I W 4th ht. . Cincinnati , 0. NtU 22'
AOHNTS , W to IO per day collocthiK small
pictures for us to coppy and enlarge. Sat- '
Ihfiii.'tlon ituaranteed and a $4 outllt free.
A. DIIIIUU & Co. , Ml Hondo stiect Now Vork.
TJAKIIKH wanted at the Kxehango , South
JJOiualin. SI810-2I *
V\VANTKD Two persona to receive Instruc-
" tloim. Keep books ; coed situations. J ,
11. Smith. ffO Now Vork Ufo. Mferi 21 *
\\7 ANTHD A hustler for ofllco work by an
' Investment eonipany. 1'arty to take
fl.OOOto iW.OOO stock lu company. AcldiossO
7. lice. M 743-21
WANTii--Ono : ) first class pants maker at
once by A. L. ( Jliirkc , GUI-IS Second at. .
IlastltiRs , Ncoraska. b02 20 *
WANTED-Aro you a cutter ? Jf
so do you use the A. 1) . liudo now moihod
of oiittlnB ? J17JS-21 *
"IV ANTRD A good dyer. Address Turner
Steam Dye Works , St. Joe. Mo. KUI K
\VANTKD-Ono nrst olnss collar maker ;
IT steady work. J. II. Hancy & Co , , HastIngs -
Ings , Neb. 7Kia )
AOKNTd Wanted Any ngcnt having been
deceived by misleading ad\crtlscmonts
und clH'iilarxmay the
seonro canvassing out
llt of the memoirs of Uoneral Sherman , writ
ten by htniholf , with appendix by lion , James'-
O. Illalnc , by Bonding his outfit to us and 15
cents In stamps. Our book contains 1.000 largo
pages and is the only authorized Mfo of Sher
man , i-ontl to Charles Webster & Co. , II Hint
Four tor m h street , Now York City. M700 t !
WAITED 1'our Hvo men to sell safes on
the road ; sa'ary ' nnd expenses. Address
Wood A llairls , Sioux C'ltv , la. tt)8 ) 22 *
TlVANTI-D-Good cnnvnssers at tbo Singer
if .SmvliigMucliluo olllco , IMS Douglasst.
" \ y"ANTRITii every township In ttio ntate ,
IT a good local agent to canvass for John N
riaveim' stock doctor book , containing IV )
pnges , Drill toil In Kngllsh and Oermnn. Kor
further purtlcularn ntldrt'ss II , Haux , Carson.
Iowa. KvS-33 *
SAKKHMKN wnntod to soil goods to mcr-
chantH by sample ; new goods ; big | my for
vorkon ; permanent situation ; clianeu to build
a line trade. Model Mfg. Co. , toutli llcnd , I ml.
_ _ 2itl A5 *
"VV"ANTRU An experienced iiinln stcnosr-i-
11 phor and typowrltor to do work In a law
yer's ollleo In a city of IO.OOO Inhabitants lo
cated In this Hlatc. . Must bo well rccom-
jncndod. Address llox 217 , Lincoln hotel , Mn-
coin. Nob. M07I
"V\7"ANTKI-.Mcehnnles , mlnnrs , lumberrnon ,
I T clorks. bookkeepers , saleHinrn , farmerH ,
lalorors and men In nil capacities to como to
vi'ohtorn Oregon and ncrotit positions at niorn
than llylnu wages. This Is a par of Ihn world
not only equal to , but oxcolllne any other In
unturaladvantaKns. Wo Invlto corretpond-
oiu-o from till who would foul any possible in-
tcrest , and assure you that all you have to do
Is to Investigate , wo cun prove beyond por-
nnvpnturo nf n doubt all tJrnt wti assert Orc-
KOM Loan ft Trukt Co , I'&Ji First St. . 1'ort-
land. Oregon. 807 my. "
l\irrcittfetertetopoffirit column on f/ift / page.
\\rANTKI ) Competent ulrl for general
housework , small fiiiiilly.i'ood wuges.'I2J
Uuss Btroot. y.E 22 *
\\7ANTKI-Jlrl for poneral housework.
T Mrs. Thos. F. Hall , itou Shermnn itreiiiie.
( KM
" \ ANTEO-Oood clrl for house-
TT work. laBOeorslauve. fi'Jd 2o *
COOK A thoroughly oxperlencecl cook nnd
general hnusflhork girl In small fnmlly ;
only these with llrnt-eUisi n-feionccs nerd
Hjiuly ; high wages. Call atZSOJ Douglusntruft.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\7ANTEII-nirl for goncrnl houaoMorki
IT small f.Mnlly , .Mn. J. II. 1'arrottc. 210
gouth aitli at. 77:1.30 :
_ _
r Mil , \\aiited nt200 S. uvonuo. 713
V Wnnli'd.Uormnn lidy to ITiBtruut on
IJfluirer cvflnt ; muchlnes , 1510 lou ) lA nt.
\\7ANTKll-A lrl for general housework.
T * ISIIOiimliiK utrcet. Mfill 23 *
Forratu , rte. , tee tnpn/JIrtt column on thin j > dj
JMtieet , 10 rooms , f.Ti.K ( ) per month , water
rent Included , liuiultu Frank N , 1C. Or IT. 1012
Chicago mruet. M82ta
_ _
} } I2 C'anltol nvenito A nice 7 room cottngo
A with bath. Inquire 2518 Capitol a venue.
T71OU UENT-fl room liouso 2.VW I'nrknrTt ,
JL' between 23th nnd 20th , Apply 1313 Lowe nv.
"filOll HKNT Klovon-room. modern hoiicn
J-1 southeast exposure. 518 i . 22ml su f 7 it *
"TjlOH UKNT I'lvo-room cottnRO on motor
JL1 llnoj city water ; 001 Douglas. _ 730
"TJ1OK HHNT ti-room lieu c. furnished or un-
J-1 furnished. Inquire ut 2C33 Fnrnain st ,
703 IS *
FOR Ilent. Ono liouso In the elegant now
block at intli and California Hts. Ten
rooiiiHj nil modern conveniences , llrrnnan
& ( Jo. B52 N. Y. I. . J1718 21
OOTTAO K of ! rooms In rear of 1215 Chicago
street. KOd per month. MC07-3I *
I1OKUENT 87-room liotisci , lUh und Vln-
ton.tin. Ih-rtKim honse,3itli ( and Caldwell.
with nil modern conveniences. $2" > .
II..Johnsonnil N. Y. l.lfo building. 430
IjlOll HUNT No.2411 Uapttol avetiuomodern
JL1 conveniences. The O. F. Davis C'o. 7r 7-.7
"TTlOlt ItKNT 3 now six-room eottages , city
J. water , sewer , etc. , east fronts , good loca
tion. W. H. Human , rooms 8 and 10 1'ronrcr
block. Hit 3
ANUMHHIlof 8-room houses , elty water
and lititlt. J20 and uiiwanls. Also cottages
and Hats. llumly& Co. , 1014 Capital avenue.
J1K" > A7
ri" you wish to rent n house or store see II. I/ .
Cole , Continental block. U30
JilOU ItKNl' ICourflatid 7-room Mats with
bath , hot water , ete. ; pnvod street ; near
business ; till Improvements : only f2."i per mo.
Ilcferonees iciinlred. The Menu Investment
Co. , 44J Ilcu building. 187
1'ur rain , etc. , > rc top of first roliimiinn thtt
KCNT-FurnlMlicd rooms. 1924 rarnuni.
TfiMJUNIKIir/D looms , nlso rooms for hottse-
-I keeping ; gas. hath ; or will sell furtilturo
cif 1'J rooms on time. JIIJO Capitol aM ! . 71M22 *
"IjAIHST-OIiASH furnished looms. tlO North
1 10th street , socoud lloor. M7UO-S.V
"VflOE east front rooms , niodorn convcn-
J.N fences , for gentlemen. 808 y. 31st street.
"IflUUNISIIl'U loom with modern convcii
Jlences.wllh or without board , 1011 Douirln
rp\VO : i-room cottages atidS rooms all nicely
-I furnished for light housekeeping , } ! ' > , 112
and * li ( per inoiithr city nnd cistern water ,
2U ! Decatur. M70. > ai
j rooms , steam heat , rcferenco' .
2T115 Douglas. : r.-J 20 *
heated Hats at 709 S. ICth. Thos. V.
Hall , 11111'iixtoii block. trii
IJIOIt HENT-Furnlaliod rooms. 1C07 Douglas
I1 st. 211
IJUKLMAN house. 11110 Dodge sticef. for
JL good board , nlco rooms , modern conveni
ences , ratesand location Itcauuot bo excelled.
toil ai : > *
" 1J1UONT room with alcove , curtains , mantel.
J. heat , tras.bath , 2 closets , for 2 gentlemen or
man und wife , S 10.03 per month ; 20 ? S 21th M.
ST. t'LAlll European hotel , with dining
room ; Mentn heat In all rooms , 13th nnd
Dodge. Special lales by week or month , till
1OH KENT Furnished rooms , gas bath and
steam , IM ! ) Howard. IBS
TT1OU UKNT-Furnlahod room 1118 Dodgost.
J.1 M781 m Ul *
FOR KENT 5 rooms , ono floor , 1712 Jaekson
street. 31210
"I/1OU KENT Twonty-flvo rooms in a brick
JL1 block ; peed location ; with or without fur
niture. O. I' . Davis C'o. , 1505 rarnam st. 224MJO
Ferrite , ctc. , tectopof first column on tMi
TIIWO largo south rooms with board. Each
-Lsultablofortwo. All modern conveniences.
I'loasnnt location. Hatlsfaotlon assured , at
the Hillside. N. W. cor.lStli and Dodge.M612
M612 21 *
TPUIINISHED rooms nnd board , 102J Dodge.
J-1 827-alO *
"lilUllNlSllEU rooms with modern conven-
JL1 lenclos ; board It desired , S. E. corner 2.1th
avciiuo and llarncy. , M702-S ! *
_ _
TjlTUNIRHKI ) loom with board. IJefcronce-s.
JJ 2214 Fiirnatn. MC5U 21 *
T > OOMS and board , 1822 Chlcaco st.
JV M 15221 *
rooms with board. 407 N. Iflth
btrcot. M5SO-27 *
"ITlOIt KENT A large , flnolv furnished room
-L with board , to a man and wlfo. Tbo most
pleasant part of city and private family ; no
other boarders ; references. Address D47 , Hen.
for ratts , etc. , nee t j > iifflrst column oikl/ifa / jwoe
17IOU KENT a rooms , imfutnlshod , with
J-1 pantry nnd cellar. 1431 N. 10th st. SUSS *
T\VO very pleasant front rooms unfurnished
or part furnished to gentleman and wlfo or
two uentlomeii. 1700 Lcavcnwortb , 2nd floor.
SQj SO *
f'orrntfj ) , fic.eetop of flrstculvinii on tht * patje.
obk room for rout In rjulotofllco
on ground floor. 1C07 I'urnam street.
street.M780J9 *
S TOHES at 70 ! ) Sloth ; steam furnished.
Thomas ! ' . Hall , ail I'axton block. KM
1OH KENT The 4-story brlokbulldlng.wltli
JL or without powur.formcrly occupied by the
lleo Publishing Co. , Dili Karnam St. The buildIng -
Ing has a II r up root cement baseinent.eomploti )
steam boating ( Utures , water on all the floors ,
gas , olo. Apply ut tbuofllco of The lleo. 015
IJIOll KENT Or sale , my building on Jon < "
L1 st , bet. lOthA ; lltli. O.A.l.liidiiulst.UlO S 1Mb.
IJlOK KENT Store room , iO\77. In now Olow-
JL ry bulldlnc on Chicago street. Just , west
of llltli street , (50.00 per month. IncludlngHtoaia
boat nnd city water ; also basement Miltnblo
for shop , on corner Ifith nnil Chicago streets ,
fAi.OO per month , lloborts , 402 North inth.
M814-M21 *
ForrafMetc. , seetop offlrstcolumn on this
"I71OH 1SKNT llrlelc warehouse , two stories
* - hltrh : basement , hydraulic elevator , track
age ; beat location In elty. A. O. Powell. 040
forratnettt > cetnf > offirst colioim on thtcpagc.
FOK KENT Now Union Depot hotolOmnlin ,
Neb. E.Htubt has , erected a three htory
piessed brick hotel , located on tbo corner of
lltli and Mason btrrots , between the entrance
to two viaducts and within ono block of the
now Union depot. It contaliH 48 sleeping
looms , a Ultchen , laundry , olllce , lobby , dining
room , a barber shop or sample room , a ladles'
and gents' parlor , nnd batli rooms ; has the
latest tmpiovuments ; lighted by electric lleht
organ : has flro alarms In every room , and U
heated bv steam. It Is In view of all traftlo
golnu to and from thn dopot. I'loa&o address
all lottois to owner , E. Stuht , IOUB lltli street ,
Omaha , Nub. M7uO 'M
KENT A farm adjoining the town of
Hl.ilr , Nob. I.arKo oroliard , vineyard
tame grasses , running water , fenced. If. W.
Molirluo , ItlMr , Nob. 441-31 *
G AllDEN I'AUMS to rout , T. Murray.
JI51 ! )
1J1O11 HA liB An A 1 flro proof safe. Enn nlro
J-1 nt Iloston Storo. ' ws
FOUSAItE Complete set of druR utoro fix
tures , show cusus , etc. . P. O. box 372. 041
for rata , tie. , ee top of flrtt column on thl * page.
WANTKI ) Two or three unfurnished
rooms , convenient to board , for man ,
wlfo nnd lIUJu ulrl. Address W. A. Hand ,
euro Aetna Insurance Co. , N. Y. l.lfo.
M 82322 *
W ANTKD To renthotfll In Iowa or Ne-
hrnskn. Aildroas V 10 , Hce oHIco. M711lr
WANTKI ) A house of about ten rooms ,
well built , mixlurii Improvunientd , doslr *
ably locatoil , with u Uwn ; not In a row. Anyone
ono hikvliiK uoh a hotino to rout ailrtrou Hooni
IT , Cliniubor Cominnrco. 1 JT >
WANTKD-To rent , by April I. 0 or S room
house , modern. Adureu 2126 Lo ) < lxn.
Ferrate * , ete. , fee tnpor firl column on tAji pagt.
T,1ST your houses to soil or rent with C. F ,
JJHnrrlMinaiia N. V. Mfo. Pit
R"ifNTAI * Agent-Goo J. Paul. 1000 Karnam
Rtreot , makes Hpcclnlty of renting houses.
stores , etc. , and collecting mita. M.Vff
"WHO hns houses and sterns to rent ? I have
lots of customers. J. II , I'arrotto.s lien-
lal Agency , ICth and Dodge. Sta.MM
HU. UOLC , rental aKcncyiUonttneiital blk.
. MO
for rate * , etc.scctop of first column on tliu page ,
STOIIAOK of household goods ) clean , dry
place , privately storedterms moderate\ro
also store stoves during thosnnunor , wo will
pot them from the houses and deliver them In
tlm fall In good trim. Tol.OCO. 1207 Douglas.
Omnha State Repair Works. 719
'KST and best storage for furniture.
WWells. lilt Knrnamit. KM
OOMStorafto ) rooms for OXBI nntl hnttcr.
Also dry storage for indso. nnd hansohola
goods. Hate's reusotiablo , ninplo trackage.
Ilio Nob. Cold Stora oOo.,815-sl7 , Howard st.
fiOJl All ,
BKST trnekaRO nnd stornco bnlldlnir In
O iimh a. United States uovornmont bonded
waruliouso. Hotisohoht goods stored and oared
for. Lowest rates Rimratitcca. W. Jl. lltish-
ni nn. 1013-1015 Loavenworth. _ ao
For rate > , c ( . , tee top of first rolumti OH l/it / page.
WOK SAM'a bowl marble top washstands1
J-1 y.u iru a. 13tli street MM'-i a ! *
ITIOH SAMv olicap runilltiro of a 5- room
U house. Address t'41. lleo. M 82 181 *
iriOKSAI/K Nlco shelving , counters , inlr-
A. ' rors , tnhloo. show cases , Ras ( Ixturcs. Ac. .
Ac. tlco. W. Movrory. Hl DOUK Ins st.
iriOU SAM : All or purl of fiirnltnroof a 12
JL1 room hoarding house ; house tilled with
boarders ; good location , AdUicss 1'GI. Hoe.
TJ1OU PAIiE riirnlturo In 7-rooui house :
J- house for rent : opp. tlunscom park , noitli.
All modern conveniences. Knqulro Leo
ANIchol. 'JSth and I nveinuirth. JIW3
rorrata , etc. , fee top of flr t rotiinm on l/ili / page.
FOIl SALE Carriage , tnnm , wn on. horse ,
cow. Cash. Cheap. Colonel llutler , KorU
Imported tfhotland stallions.
U. 11. Herman , lllalr , Neb. 439 21
HOUSES and mules , cash or easy payments.
Call or address lluwkeyo Inv. Co. , room : u ,
DotiKlus block. Uiiiuha , Nob. UM
IJ1OH aAIjC Cheap , wiiRon and dnulilo work
1. will e\chaiiKo for bncUbonnl.
also ( rood side bur btiRgy , cheap. II. b. Colo.
Coiitliiontal bullilliifr. D42
Foe > afc , tic. , see top of first cotiwm on this pane.
POH SALE-Ono of the best family milk
cows in Omaha , 410 S. L'Oth street. M844 2J *
cows for sale : entrance to stock-
yards. IM Hums. M704 ' . ' 1 *
rorralfs , flc. , fcetop of first column on this page.
FOH SAI n Dlebold safe In good condition ;
medium sl/o. Iniiulru at 40U SlerchanU
National bank. JUS )
FOH SALE A standard mnkn upright
piano , but little used , at a sacrlllco. Must
bo hold ut onco. Call at all ! ) Caldwell. 1
1711 Itn brick. * 2i.OO per thousand. O. I ) . Woort-
J-1 worth. 151'J DoiiKlassU 1)70 )
rorratetrte. , sectop of first column on this page.
WANT to buy and sell territory for pat
ents ; patents obtained ; send 11.00 for In
formation , hist ruction , ote. Keforencc , Hon.
W. S. J'Vlker and others. Rutherford & Co. .
patent olllco attorneys and agents room 01' ' .
I'liMon ' *
block. raO-'JO
FUKNITUIII3 bousht , sold , stored. Wells.
1111 l-iiinamst , 'M
\\7 ANTED Anything , mdso , fnmlturo ,
> horses , btiKKlos Will buy nnyUiInc you ,
have for biilo or soil It fqr you. Kobcrt Kultou
Atl'otlon and Commlssloi. Co. , 1110 , Don gins
Hroct. Omnha 1T1
For rates , etc.see top of first rolurnn on fhls page.
MASSAOE trcatment.olcctro-thornial baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , manicure and
clilropodlht.Mrs. l'ost,310J4 S.15th.Wlthnollblk.
For ratcn.ctc. . vcf lop of column on mu pnjs
\\7AHNIXO Notice All persons nro warned
i not to buy nor rccolvo a note dated March
4.1R01 , Riven by Jtihn lleurv J.oeclinor to David
Hylund for $100 , due ono year after Unto. Said
note was stolen or lost. David S. 11 viand.
South Omaha. Nob. JI8T.1 W
PRUSONAIj 1'rank : Notlilne to date , 18th.
from "d O" since nt "S. K. Y. " Have been
delayed on account of suvoro Illnos ; will be
In " 11 S" about SOth to "T H" 27th. K. M764-2I *
TNTOHMATION wanted as to the whero-
J-abouts of viiluatllo Eimllsh mastiff , mlsslnc
slnconoon March 14. Itentrow Stevenson , CJ7
I'axton blk. T04 21 *
For rates , etc. , eee top of first column on th t page.
BANIC slocks for balo. C. B. Ilun-ows.
Norfolk. Neb. SOS
HAVU customer for.i,000 worth of national
biinlc stock , eastern Nebraska or western
Iowa , Omaha preferred ; clvo particulars by
letter , G. G. Wallace. UIO J. J. Hrown block.
Omaha. 7tr.-2il
HELFENSTEIN quit claim not required ;
llrst ami second niortgago lonim In E. V.
.Smith's and other additions. Alex Moore , 4dl
lleo bulltllnK. 703 a *
| V | OKTOAOES placed pro ! tly upon Omaha
i'l. business jiroperty at Icncst rates. J.oans
miulo on approved collateral security. Noll's
lioii'-lit. behool and municipal bonds negoti
ated upon very favorable terms. KImball ,
Champ & Ityan. l'-tl.i l.'aniain st t80t : alB
MOHTOAaE lojins wanleil. MoOasuo In-
vostnient company , 701
MONEY to loan on Rood collateral security ;
morteacos bought. KImball , Champ &
Ityiin. musi'iimam nt. 7J < 24
ITUltST & second iiiortsaKes on vacant &lm-
J- proved city prop. County warrantslxltiKht.
Money on hand. F. M.Klch.irilbOu.SlH N.Y.Ufo.
Forratcs , etc. , seetop of first coliimt ) on this page
S ECOND mortsapo loans ; inonoy ready.
Alox. Moore. 401 lleo bldg. 4UU-20 *
"ilfONEY to loan , Midland Oiiarantoo nnd
IT-L Trust Company , 1014 Fiirimm strcot. S1I08
MONEY on bund to loan on Improved orun-
linprovod property. Chas. W , Ualnoy.
Omaha National bank bulg 511 M 1 *
] \TO.NEYto loan On real estate. Installment
-U-L inortgaco : now plan ; OAsy monthly puy-
nioiiU. I''or full particulars call on or nd-
rtross United States Loan & Investment Co. ,
rooms 001 and ( XJJ lloo building , Omalui , Nnb.
JI207 AO
OI'HIt cent monoy. U. 0. Patterson , 007 Ntw
York Life building , 707,117
AfONRY to loan on Omaha property , icidnl-
a.Ulty Trust company , 1011 larnam. 278
P HIV ATE money to loan. J , I > . /.Ittlc.OU
N. V. Mfi . 'Oi. ,
B tillDINU loins. 0 to 7 per cent ; no iiikll-
tlonal charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. II. Molklc , First National bank bid's.
REAlj Ksta'o Loans-Cash on hand , Olobo
Loan tintl 1'rust Co. , ao7f. lOthst .No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses to r ml , good list.1KB
OK. it O. M. Anthony. : ! ! * N. Y. Mfo bulldinp.
.lend inonoy on farms In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on pcond Omaha rasl-
donco property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no
delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed
on Here. UJ'J
MONEY to loan on Impmoil city property
utourri'iit rates ; funds on liitnui no do-
luy. a co. V , lllust A : Co. . ya UnniKO Mtl'g. UM
EASTKltN money Ollt eilccil Insldo loans
wantiMl. I'hlladnlphla Mortu.ign und i
'i'rnst Ca , U. W , 1' . Coatcs rep. 7 HoardofTrc .
KAh Estate Ixians M. 0. Maolcod. OH N.
Y Llfo bulldltii : . 701 M20
DKSIUAIU.E loam placed without any
trouble. A. 1C. Itlloy , ruom 11Continental
. . ni2t
IJlltKU Mohlc louns moiiey.i'or , I'urnumillth
_ _ _
Furrat , etc. , tettop of jfat to/urn / > l on f/i / ( page.
MONEY to lonn by II' ' . 1 * Masters on chattel
und collateral sociirlirv for nny tlmo from
1 to 7 months. In liny AMiount to suit bor *
Loans made onhoil'chb'ld eoods , ptnnoi , o >
Knim , horses , nitiles. hniiscs , lennes , wnrchonso
recclKoto..iil | the loviwfc possible rates with
out publicity or removal of tiroporty.
My lonns ate so nrrnnsed that yon can ninko
a payment of nny amount at any time nnd ro-
ilnuo Ixith principal nnd Interest.
If yon owe a baliinco on your property or
hnvo a loan yon wnntchrciiseil. I will pay It off
and carry U for you. If you find It nioro eon-
vonUnt. call up toloplmiip No. ItKl und your
business will buarranjotl nthoino.
Money nlwily son hand. No delay. No pub
licity , Lowest rates.
II. F. Mnstors.
Room 4 , Wlthncll blk. , IStlinnd Hartley st .
bunk , ni99. Iftth st , , loans money
VAjuchnttelsurcollatoral at runsonublo rates
Formic * , etc. , seetop nfftnl column on thti page ,
/"lIOAIt ntoro forsalo or trade , Inniilro 5M
\J i-outli lUlli street. MalO-yj *
TilOH SALE A good paying real estate busl-
J- nos.llxponses light. Host of reasons for
selling. Small cash capital. Address G 1.1.
lloo. MUlK'l ' *
_ _ _ _
s ALOON for sale , only onn In Ihn city. Ad
dress M. K. IJinm. Jjont ? I'lno ' , Neb. i 7 alii *
SPIiKNDll ) clinnce lo obtain an established
jjroi'pry business If store U taken Immodl-
iiti-ly nftor It Is viientod. Tor partluulnr' * ad
dress ( I 10. lloo. sooa *
\\rANTED ICnprcotle rollnblobuslnpss man
with tl.00l ( to KWO for road or otilco work
In wholeanlo bmltios.i ! eood Hillary nnd ex
penses for right man. Address 0 1 : . ' , lite.
_ _
POH SA.M3 or trado-A blacksmith bhoii on
IPlli and Jaokaon. 7ri-:0 ) *
171O11 SA1.H 1 barber chair. 1 look I nK-Rlim
-L1 ] work-stand and other burbcr furniture.
II. Ciiiiiiport , Krcmont , Neb , _ 770 a ) '
FOH SAUInarbershop In town of S.OOO In
Ncbraskii ; build Ine , fixtures and all cotn-
plete.on easy tvrini , I'or further particulars
Inqulroof 0. II. I1. Hale. MO lieu bulldliKv ] ,
T71 OU BALK or Trade A well located ranch
J with 10,000 head of cattle- and IWO howai
cattle well graded ui ) from inithos. No Tex-
ans. OwliiL' to favorable cllmato ranch well
adapted to breeding. I'artics Interested , do-
slrlns to close up their business , will otTer
npcolal Inducements to buyers for cash or well
located rual estate. Tor fuithrr particulars
apply to or address , Itoberl W. Clarko. : < Iiii
Salloitrcet , Chicago. 7tj-a : )
W HOLKSA bK llijuor business , a partv with
capital desires to buy Into above business
In Oinaba. Address , stating amount required.
1' 71. lieu. 7t4 ! g |
_ _
UOOEHY stock for sale ; dolug a cnib busl-
ncss. Addre-sli'47 , lice , aiiWa A1.I *
OU S A IK Meat markot.drst class HxtiUTS ,
dolni ; good biiilnoai. A bargain If taken
soon. Address lock bottsy , Council lllnlls.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ r 8520
171OU SAIn Ono-hnlt Interest In the best
Jpnyln meat market In Counnll
poor healtb reason forso'llir , ' . AvcraRi ) sales
over $ Vt per day. Address 0. , care of Hce ,
Council Itliifls. . M54U-'JG
171OU SALIJ Do you wish to get In a
-L biislno'-s ? Iluy the Conmorclal hotel at
llroken Bow , Neb. , taku part Omaha aero
property. < 07
FOH SAMv rurnltnrf ) and undcrtaUIng
bu lni'ss In a good town , with or without ,
store building ; Dart uaah , balance gilt cdjio
paper or clear real estate : Invoices about
J3.WW. Ilox)42. ! ) Mncoliu - 4011
and s'llcsiniiii
cnnyiu-sers s'l
with lll'.le onptlal will llnd the best selling
specialties In the west by calling at 1011 Chi
cage street. Uerbyslilip & Horom. JSOalO
fpUANSl-'KIt 4lno for' Kale , for cash , to the
-L highest blddbr , at lOlli and X .streets. Lin
coln , Nob. , March 21. 18)Jf ) ut 8 p. in. . 1 will soil
aconmlctotransfor line , . 3 $ mules and horses ,
0 drays and ooal waggnS. 4 i.ew furniture
vans , 1 now frame barn. JWxIC. safe moving
machinery , harness und , 6tbor articles. F. U.
I'lorson. recolvur. . , 2HOM *
_ _
Forratcs , etc. , scetup of first column anif.i ( / pane ,
FOIt EXOllANUK OiUir lots near court
house. 1'lorre , capital ft > utb Dakota , for
town property or inniln Hn.luwaor NobrasKa.
Wright & Lasbury , Jjll ( ) Uuwurd strcot. Mtx > 4 23
WANTED To cxchaiiKo. A liouso and lot
In Omaha ; vnlno * 'l,000 , Incuinbrnnco
$1,000 ; also bouso and 4 lots In AliibUorth.Nch. ;
value$1.200 , mpumbranca ? < XIQ.for a good htoek
of stationery and fancy goods , or a stock of
Jewelry or boots and shoos In Omaha or Lin
coln , Nob. Addiess , Lock box 11 , Alnt-worth ,
Nob. MMOS *
rpRADK t'arty from Interior of tbo state ,
Jat present In the city , has a number of
good Improved farms and some raw land to
trade. Address , Rlvlnp full particulars of
what you have to offer , G 10 , Hoe. M615 2i *
rilO EXOHANOE Oleiir general stock of dry
JL Roods , clothing , boots anil shoes ; will taku
real estate nnd some molioy. Address Uox ! i9" > ,
Krankfort Ind. & alO
WANTKD-.A stock of goods for Nebraska
farms and seine cash. U. JL Herman.
I'lillerton , Nob. MS 23 *
Foil KXC1IANOK I hiivu some nleo Omaha
rental property to trade for farm land or
lots. I'arrottu , i-J Ilouitlah block. J17SJ-2J
W HAT have you to trade for 'i see. land In
renter of > 'obni3l.iV Address U 11. lleo.
793 1TJ
FOIl EXOHAXOE l-Vimi near Om.thu for
stock of drugs , Alex Jloore. 1 401 , lleo
w 7ANTED AVestotnlands forOmaha rental
property. 1'arrotto , 'JJ Douglaa bloclc.
HIOHLY linprovoil Omaha business uroo-
city totrado for wild land and some cash.
E.A. Loaveaworth , room 4'J , Darker blk.
JOD 21
o trade , 210 acres of clear land In Adams
J-county , Nebraska. Whathuvo you to of
fer ? W. A. Itartlett , Oamuboll , Nob. M.VII-21 *
IWIMjtradopood clear lot worth J.W und
take Rood upright piano as part payment.
Address If 28 , iW 47S
W ANTED To trade for a stock of drups.
llox 618 , city. U > 9
For rates , etc. , sec lop of first column ou/ils ( / page.
rpoknow your future satisfactorily and for
-L the least money , go to Mrs. stevor. ino
N ICtli st. MK-'O ! H *
MASSAOi : SladunUelzlor. . over 0109. 13th
MIIS. WAM AOE , clairvoyant ; naturally
Rifted ; lulls past and f uturo.lovo troubles ,
absent friends , cuanKes , travel , business. l. W
M11S. F011T. palmist fortune toiler , tolU
past and future from tlio lines of tbe hand
In old gypsy way ) ladles only ; fco tl. | > 1'-S.
WANTED All shoiilU know Mrs. Dr. Do
San. the lady mind reader and fortune
teller ; tolls past and future ; she is the best
ovorburo ; Is especially < foip ; In all inatrlnio-
nal affairs and tiiystoruis | disappearances ;
don't buy , eoll or KO oni ) , , Joiirnpy until you
consult her ; shn can eiti | [ ortoll Us results ; Is
truthful nnd rollabloii pi < rfoot satisfaction
Ruarantccd by mall ; send two starnps for Il
lustrated circular. 'JiiiKortli loth sU , Omaha ,
Nob. , . 181-alj
MHS. NannloV.ViirifrnVlalrvoyant , traiico
spuakhij ; , wiltlni : Anil rollablo business
ineelliim , four years In Otiaha. | ll'iN. ' 16th. ( US
Ferrates , tic. . , tcctop ciffitvf rolitinti on tMi page
rnlin Allcn-ICctehnm School of Evnrusslon ,
X HbN.tL'Jtli. Classes beln'dforiuod In Elocution ,
Uclsartc , bukcspoara ) , ' < lUyiIcal Culture.
il'itl 4aJ a9 *
{ El'OItr. huyliiB aniMiinoxanilno the now
'scale Klmbull plaiioi Jiillospt , lJI4 Uoujjlas.
GKO. V. aollcnbccl ! . Jridcher of the banjo ,
nlth Hohpo , IM.'I DuuVrak 211) )
IllAVKu few now pianos for sale awfully
nncap. us I have Konuontof thn piano busi
ness , s JomiHon , l'u rim in and 11th Hts. l > n
For rate * , tic. , see tup of first column on thin page.
ASSACIli Jladara DelzYor. over 010 8 IMi.
M I01-AO *
MASSAOK batli at Maduino tinltli's parlors.
: U lloor , 4i > 0 8. 15th st. \ K1J7 *
, etc. , ttetop of firet column on thl * page.
BiST : line hulr Roods m west ; bulr dressing ,
l2 , iinItches , bunxti. hulr chains , etc. , u
specialty. Duvles , Imlr iioods anil mlllluor.
opposltu iwstolllce. Ill S. 15tli st. , Uninba. Uf.7
.ADllCSuad Keutleineti can rent
t da Hutu at < Xl N. lOtli it. 4X > AII *
Spring Humors , whether itching , turning , bleeding , scaly , crusted , pimply ,
or blotchy , whether of the skin , scalp , or blood , whether simple , scrofulous , or
hereditary , are now speedily , permanently , and economically cured by the
Cuticura Remedies when the best physicians and all other remedies
fail. The almost miraculous cures daily effected by them prove ( his. No
statement is made regarding them not warranted by the strongest evidence ,
They are , in truth , the greatest skin
cures , blood purifiers , and humor reme
dies of modern times. They arc abso
lutely pure , and agreeable to the most
sensitive , and may be used on the young
est infant and most delicate invalid with
gratifying and unfailing success. CUTI
CURA , the great skin cure , instantly allays
the most intense itclringbuming , , and
inflammation , permits rest and sleep ,
soothes and heals raw and irritated surfaces , clears the skin and scalp of
crusts and scales , and restores the hair. CUTICURA SOAP , the only medicated
toilet soap , is indispensable in cleansing diseased surfaces. CirricuuA RE
SOLVENT , the new blood and skin purifier , and greatest of humor remedies ,
cleanses the blood of aH'impurities , and thus removes the cause. Hence , the
Cuticura Remedies cure every bumor of the Spring , from the simplest
facial blemishes to the worst case of scrofula. Sale greater than 'the combined
sales of all other blood and skin remedies.
-03" "How TO CURB DISEASES or Tint SKIN AND Hioon"rasil 4 free to nnyaJJrcsi , 6 | pijes , 3 * ) Dis
eases , 50 Illustrations , 100 testimonials. A book of priceless valua la every HI ( Tercr.
CVncuKV UKMEDIES arc sold cverynherc. Trice , Cimct'KA ' , 500. CUTICUA SOAP , asc. ; CUTICUU UK-
SOLVENT , $ r. Prepared by POTTER Dnw AND CIIBMICAL CoRrosmoN , Hoston.
C1rjn red , rough , and oily sVin and hand ) , painful finjcr-cmU with
OK11I , iiapcc$11yi | | , , ( are prevented nnJcurcJ by Cuticura Soap ,
Incomparably the greatest of skin purifiers ami beiulilicrs , while livallinj in delicacy ami surpassing in purity tin
most cipensivc of loilet and nursery Roapj. 'J'lit fuly niedictttd tiitrt tfnf , an < 1 the only frtventfot anieurt
of inflammation and clogging of tlie pores , the cause of pimples , blockheads , rough , red , and oily akiii , anil simple
Jnimorsof infants and children. Sale gicatcr thaa the combined sJe of all other skin soaps , Sold everywhere ,
For rotes , etc. , net top of first column on thtt page.
"IJ1OU Kalti KvchaiiKO Choicetriiokniti * . six
JL blocks I'lrst National bank ; for clour lowu
or onstorn Nebraska land. Wright & Lasbnry ,
1501 lldwiinlhtrcot. MuSI 2.1
171OHSALK lIT.2t.f ! > . 10 or 20 acres on Knr-
JL nnm or Dodge streets DS1 miles from court
hon c ,
1'roin ono to forty acres beautiful lilgli land ,
war Van Omaha , ; J."iOO to SHIO peracro.
Konrnoicsln Washington lllll.
Twocholcu lots , corner In Orchard Hill , otio
block from motor , J'J.400.
Rood foi ty foot lots throe blocks from motor
llnu , JIOO. Curtis & Sackctt , 'JOS S ir > th st.
Msm 2 ; *
$18,000 stook of irrnorul merchandise for h.ilf
ciihli , halancoxood farm In jliown , Dnni-
nhiitii Atclilxon or Limvonuorth roiiutlt" ' , KIM : ,
JIO.OW Block of Konoral inuioliuiidlso for linlf
casb , lidliineo Kootl farm.
{ ! > , UOO stock Koiionil ninrclmniHsu oiiH-tblrd
cnsli. baliini'O Bond ulcar farm iitr.mii valuo.
$8,000 stookKuitorul iiioi-i'lmndlsufiiroiiD-lnilf
casb , baliinco Kood clear real osUto brliiKhiK
In coed runt.
Stocks of merchandise , hardware , drugs ,
ctu. . for good property unit casb.
1.000 acres pralrlo land In soiitlioastcm Ne
braska. all funcud , J2T..COJ : ciiuiiinbianco 4'.tWO ' ;
will u\cliiiiRo forgooilproiiorty.
Improved farms In norUicubtcrn Kansas for
II. 0. Smith. Palls City. Nd ) . _ 8H1 gi
N ulisohito siicrlllco. Full lotJiith
slroct near Woolworth , SI.'JOO. Call for
terms. Smoaton & Allen. 1W7 1'urimm syucK
rilllRbntgnlimtlintvoolTpr for u few dnys I
-L will sneak for thoinsolvos to the posted .1
buyer and will make tbo uncdtiuiiti'il pur
chaser jiibt as iiutoli money. Twenty to sixty I
cc t fronton pined street. South Unuihii , for
.iTS.on | x-r foot , worth ta'5.01) ) . A business lot
worth Jt.SOJ.OO for SSOO.OO cash nnd tWQOO cm
hue. full lot on < J street , worth $7Xi.OO ( , for
100.03 , hlilt rush Ono clear lot. $100.00 cash.
urf 'i ' J.too.00 any day. Full lot , line one. near
llnnvom I'ark , * IUOO,00. Siuetitou & Alh-ii.
,007 , L'.miam street. M7S7-K.
open every nlfrht from 7 till 10
OKFIOR for the accommodation of tboso
ngiiced throuKb tboihiy. Wo will show you
our best real estate barealns only If you c.dl
between 7 and JO p. m. Wo liavo an arrnnRC-
montby bfch you can sccuro a ( 'ood bouso
and lot on Lowe nveniio between 1'iirnam ' nnd
UumltiK sticrts for less than tbo lot Is worth.
Uosidonco nnd business property listed and
rented , sules and oM'liniiKOS inuac. iipllca- ]
1Ions for loans received. Star Lo.ui nnd
Trust Co , 1st floor. N. Y. Life. M
PAhK Choice coiner ' . ' 4th street , South
FOrt full business lot. Jackaon. near
lOtb. B , Uoxaso M744al7 *
my mutory I will sell
WlSlIlNOtoeulareo t feet on ailh atieot nnd
valunblo Lake street property In lots to suit ;
also few Washington lllll low. II. 11. Mulfortl.
box &V > . tolepbono4ii. : 0 i SO
FOItSALK : i cnttases , cor. and Oiirnlng ,
cheap. 0. 1) . Hlbblns , 131J Douglas st.
< h wanting farms ! ( rood allinato. ninrkots
A nndboll. Address U. K. Landls.Vlnoland.
N. J. Mlu" > A2 *
" "
- house , lot 33xS2 , JI.700 ! ilspe-room
liouso , lot U4MKB.C. . cor. Hth and Vlnton
st , . * -,000. llrlok liouso Iot4l\f > 0 , n. o. cor. 10th
and Douglas , KW.OO'J. ' .Mr . Kuhlmau , Slil 8.11th
1 SO aoros flap firm land adjoining good Ne-
JLbraska town ; nearly olcar.
ICO aoros flnolv Improved land 2 ! { miles from
county aoat In Nebraska : lUjlitly enouinborcd.
U'OacrosKOod land In Nebraska , 5 miles from
county suat ; 2.50U Inhabitants.
HOI.SO and lot in town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In Bond Nebraska town.
4-roora honsoand lot. barn , well and cistern.
Ifith 8trvotOinnlm : sIlKlitly encumbered ; will
tradofor Omaha property and nviuinooncuin-
branccs. II , K. Oolc , Continental block. WO
SAIiEroom house and lot ; also 0-
room hoiiso and lot , ut a barRaln. Iiicinlro
owner. 2.114 Mnroy st. Ml M37 *
. -Extra bargain. Cliolco finxl3) ) ,
with liulldliis ; ronU $100.00 per mo. ; ono
block from uow 1' . O. O. L. Green , It W Uar-
kor block.
1 2 ACRES Insldo city llmlts.KMppr ncro.onsli.
1 Address Original Uwiior , K .T lleo. 4.JJ4 *
TjlOIl South On.ahaproperty . biislnosUrack-
Jv ncoorrosldoneo zoto the loading rual es
tate ( loalers In South Oniaha , IM Jolinson &
Co. . cor. .Mill and N ats. " ' " ' '
OH SAI < E Cheap. The resldonco at 2jio
1'Iorco stroct , ntaharualn fora f ° w d1' ,
only. Inquire nttho Nob. bloatu launarJr' 1 < > tli
an d Howard Ht roots. WJ1
| 7\OK \ SALE The most comfortable 8 room
J- modern house In the
- city , orory convon-
Icnco , bath , KaH.olpotrlo bells , furnace , laun
dry , etc. Larso stable , room for 4 horses , city
water In Mablo , concrete lloor , full lot In half
nillii limit , ronvi'nlom to 4 lines of cars , tthado
trees , oto I'rlco * 10OW. Address K 20. Ileo
olllcu. 4118
l'or rates , etc , Kftai > j > ffl > ft column on l/i / (
LOST IlluoU and tan bitch with collar and
bells. N'lino .Vclllo. lioturnto 015 Capitol
tel atcniioor ! ! * ' . ) Noith Oth street , rocelvo te-
wardaiul no quest Ions asked. M770-.U *
Forrutu , etc. , tet top off rat column on thttpaot.
EMIAGKMENTS to do drM iruld
llloH solicited. Mlbs Hturdy , JUlollnriioy
street. MI 4-A'.r *
For rate * , etc. , tee topnf first coumn oti tMn page.
l ATENTlaxvyers and sollcItom.O. W. Sues k
J. Co. , lloo building , Omnha. llranuhotllce at
Washington I ) . U. Consultation fron UfJ
or irl o roltot Ilka" lr. i'larct'a ' ALiKnetlu Klaitlu
T "ti. ' Itliasrumltliouianilil Iljruu want the
> IKVr , oiiit4o luitaiufl tor tree I'.imi'hltt ' Nu , I ,
.Mogutllc Trim Co. , Hull fruclKu , Cti
TNSTHUMr.NTS placed on record March 30 ,
Henry Atnblor and wlfu toS 15 Evoloth ,
lot 11 blkUCckormiml'laco . JOO
Ilt-iiry Ainblt'i- etui to LcMiaOUcn , lots
10 and II , blk III , Anililor 1'laco ' . 1,050
M O llanta and husband to A T Mr-
Liiiuhllti , lot S , blk 7 , MeConnlck's . 3,000
T A llensonaiul \ > lfo to Ll/zlo Kuck.lots
1 iinilS , blk 1. Drown park . 8,000
0 II Do JKU nnd wlfo to Andrew rior.-on ,
no l'i-Ul-10 ' . r , ! 00
1 K Clianibcrsiind wlfu to Nets Hclqulst ,
lot 21 , blk.'l , Bedford I'lnco . COO
0 U Calu and wlfu to W S lioborls , lot I ,
L'uln I'liico . 4,750
0 It Cain nnd wlfo toV \ S Roberts , lots
3nndf > . Cain 1'l.icn , J3.WO eaeh . 11,000
0 UCMIn mill wlfo to W S Huberts , lot
1(1 ( , Cain I'liu-o . 0,000
I.niilsUromblo to M A Knsnnrtli Iots2
to 8 , 10 , 11,42 , U'llson's add to Kimiit/.o
Place . 1
.1 ri iJ.mioroii anil wife to 1C A Koinp , lot
fl. blldll , 1-outhOiniiha . 0,000
N 1C aiiyorimd husband to KS Hood , lot
L'l. blk ! ! . DoilfordlMaco . 2,000
C F llurrlsou to II L Smlthsoii , lols tind
I , blk ; ts. Ambler I'lnw . 1,400
Louisa Hlllcku to 0 i : Dickens , lots 1
amis , llllloko'spark . 303
A 1' HopUlnsct al to .John flcliicrl , w 1 ?
ftlotlS. blka. linianl I'lncn . 45
JT UnrturtoT ITrcNler , lots 17 niul IS ,
bin Hitchcock's lit add . 1,300
T 1C . toW K Uurlcy.tlot U. blk
JIIIHi. Otiiiilill . 1
0 n .Maynnid to K A L'obb. n 10 ucros ot
w iio'i k'ovt lot I in 2- 15I.I . 0,500
Michael Mount and wlfnto Kihv Haiti lor ,
nnd ' . , ' Iot22 , blk5. ! Orchard lllll . 01
HO 1'iitti-rson und wlfo to J a Holland ,
lot ; " , bllcl , Aimonrl'liieo . 000
1'oltor & Oeor 'o ooiniiany to Joliu
Sohiooder , lot I , blk t. rotter & C'obb's
JiulniUI . 1,150
il K Smith nndIfo to 1C H llntclilnson
et al. und2-7 hHl ) ! and 4 , blk il8 , Am-
blorl'lacu . 1
John Schroeder and wlfo to I'utvr dons ,
o 120ft lotsl-J nnd i : ) , bile 7 , Thompson
& Cioui * nild . 1
LM to M Oltanto ,
lot8Dlk7 , MeCorinlcu's 2nd add . 3,000
J M norland to Storz&Ilor , lot ? , 1 1U8 ,
linker 1'Iaco , lot 17 , blk 1 , I'ortlund
Place . 800
City of Omnha to'f O 1'ollp , 20.\ta ft ailj
oonds 'Jlot 1 , blk ai. Omnha . . . . . Ml
U E Gnylord et ill to J 11 SlcOroary , lot
II , blkSO , Oniiibii . 15
J 1C Boyrt. hherltr. to N J Schmldl , lot 11 ,
blkC , Mehoso Itlll . 007
Total nraotintof transfers . * M'M
I.envea | CIIICAiO , 11URI.INUTON t Q.I Arrives
Oinnlm. | llt'pot loth nnil Mnion utreots. I Onmhv
430 p m .Chlrngo Kxpross SOU nni
050 n m .CMcngoHx press B.20 p in
910 p m .Clilcngo Kxprosi. . . , . . . . 1006 am
CM u m . . . .Iowa 1-xjcnl HOP m
Omnha. I Depot loth mul Majnn streets. JJJmatu
02"i n m Denver Kipntss ( Oi p ni
0.25 n m Dorulwood Kxprom 10J pm
023 n in . Dourer Kxprosi. . . , , c. 15 p m
7.10 P m . . . . Denror Nlulit Kjproj . 9 35 a m
601) p m . Lincoln l.linlloil . ! . : ) n m
a m . . . .htncoln I.ocjil . . . . . . D.OU p m
K. u. 01. . .1 1' . n.
DID nl ) n. Depot 10th anl Mniou Htrccta. Omni ] a ,
9.M nrn . . . .Knniis City Dny Kiprdi..I S.IO p m
9 45 p m K. 0. Nlglit Kxp. via U. t' . Tuna. I 6.45 i > ni
Omalii. Depot loth and Mnrcr atrecta. I Onmriit
fi.07 r. m Kansas Cltr Kxprosu 130/inm
10.20 n m Denver Krprens ; i..V p DI
2.M p in Ovnrlnixt Kl/ur ii m
7.30 pai I'uclllo Kxprois
OmT'M 1 011102(10 ( , U. 1. ft I'ACIHO. I Arrive.
Om uha. 1 U. 1' . aupoU lUtb und Murcr Btf. 1 Uiiml.n .
6.10 p m Nlubt Exprim. . . 10 05 a in
9.03 n m . . . .Atlnutlo Kxprois. . 6.MJ p ni
1.30 p ra . . .VfiHtiul * l.lmltod. 10.15 u m
Loaves I BTOUX CITY ft PAH1 If 107 fArrlvci
Omnlia. I D.I'.depot. 10th anil MnrorBts. ! Omaha.
t.16 n m.81oni | Cllf Pmwnaer \
t.3O I > ml. . . . . . . , _ . ( . Paul. . K prci . . . , . . . ,1IOJ.OJm .
leaves T BlOUX'dlTY'A rXCI Fjfl. Arrives
Omnlio. I Depot Itth anil Webstar His. OrnnliiL
8 ( JO p ml . St. i'nul I.lnillod | 6.25 am
OtnaluV. [ . 1' . Oepot , 10th anil Marcr Bta. Omaha.
P.1& A m Chicago Rzprem p m
1.30 p m Veitlhule I.I round f.OO n m
( .19 p P lawn Accomraodittloiiaxo. ( Ban. ) 105 p ni
o.lo p m Extern Flror 2.15 p m
11 45 n m ( eic.lunlli'astBait KtjoioMnnl T.4O am
Leaves ICUICAGO , MlkSsl. raiJI T
Omnliiu | U. I' , depot. lOtli nnil Mnrcr Sta.l Omnh .
11.10 pint ChlcanoKxpross | 9 ( . " > am
l.M ami t'hloiiKQ Bxpresi. . . | ti.W pm
EeroT | OMAHA \ .Vr. i.tIaT ( ) ) jArrtTH
Omnha. | U. 1' . depot. 10th arid ilarsy 8U. | ( luialiiv.
" < 00 p ml S t. I/iiit s CnTTnun Hall 112..10 jun
I nres I F. , K. A J10 , VAr.l.lCV. Xrrlvys
Oraahiu I ntpotlitli anil Webster Bti. OrnnhiL
MTSSOtnmrXBlVIC : 1 Arrlte -
Ornli . I Doputlith nnilVfbstgr Sis. | Oianla
10:30 : am I. . . .Bt. Ixiuls AK. C. Ktprc 1 1.1U IP m
0.16 p | I > jal5 AK. C. E i > rcis I 8.80 am
iirfa PArrlrns
iniTj. | Trnn ' '
Lcnvos I CIIIGAnO. H I. A PACIFIC. 1 ArrlTni
Traniforl Union IVput , Counoll Illulf' . ITrnnsfiir
t ( JO | < m
O.w : n m
5 CHI p m p ml . 7Atlantlo ilill. . . 7.8O m
mllowa Acconirooilatlon fKxo flun A.1O p in
m i icnicAno. "
m nsf r | Union Ih-i'ot , 'ni"rll Illafft. | Trnn f > r
110 p in' . Chlcnsti Kxpreif . I 9. IS a
.3 pin1 . Chluniio Krpron. . . . . . . . t S5 t M
rtr.-r'Jo ;
Union HtpoUIVmncll Itlulli.
, . , .
IU2A n rel.Konill ritf N lnlllKlpnu
Tranitar Union Dopot. , Council IHnffi. | Trnnifer
HO t m . . . . . . .hi 1-oullCanon [ llall IIMft p ni
10.00 p m
"EesTtes "T BTfiurcn'r'ir rrcmo
Tr n forl Onion ll pot. Council lllulli.
J.ii mBlonx | Cltr Acooiumodnilon. . .
U > 3 v ml. . , it. i'aul Uxpron 10.W p la
CoiintJl lini t ilu C * nil I tint os ,
Tito crop of coiuullinnnlL" candid \toa \ It
blootiilnjf In rank luxurlotisncss. With but
ono prltnnry election orciiums held , thcro nro
four roitulnrixnd cloven Indopstulont catull-
ilntCH for rotincllinnnlo honor * . And still
tboro's mow to Iollo\v. \ The liiilopcnJonLi ,
or local Kf.vngot-.i , nro tullclnitof puttltifr n full
ticket m tbo llciil , \vl\llo \ the ropitbllcaiis ,
cither as nstrnlKht party nomination or itm
rltl/cnV or tndrpondcnt ticket , will doubt-
lass KIVO some of tlio Itching ono * a ctmnro
to iKiiMilo boforon victorious foa and tlto ln >
tcivstoil public1.
Tlio folloivliiBaro the cmuHdatoi now lit
the Hold for councilman positions : first
wardK. . It. Tow ) , democratic ; A. V. Miller ,
William M.VooJ \ ntiil John V. HltelihArt , In-
( iepomleiitji , Second wnrd-lnines II , l-'lcm-
Inp. ueinocmtlo.lohn ; J. Clorinnn , George W.
Dull , fmnk Manmolrr , A. I ) . Hnloy nnil .lot'
rph W. SIX5. | Tlilnl wnnt I'rctt llowlcy ,
doinocrnt , nud .Ichn H. HurUo , indcpjiidcut
detnocrnt. fourth \vanl John lluiuy I och *
tier , ileinocrnt ; Joint \Vnlter.s , luaopciidoitt ,
ana Jcrcnunh Ho\vnrd ,
Knocked Out , \n tin.
Sltlnoy Lonilbotter , the Union Pnclllo
nlcbtciir Inspector , mot \\lthnnothor pnln-
ful act'ldentVcJnc diy ( night \vlillo Inspect- cara , Ix-liiR struck hv near on thooyo , ro-
bail cuts and luiuftil bi-iilso.- .
AYIII VlKlit tinMnl li.
Krod HaKonmnii and John Uixhor , two
locnl nsnlnitits tor piiKillUlc lionors , have
signed articles for n llfilit to a llnlsh In Clor-
mania hall , Friday oveninif , April 3 , for $ , V )
nnil the unto receipts.
Hoi Mat tbc 1 fjtno.
Today sales of IIOKSvcro miulo ntjl , the time sales huvo reiichod thojt Una
Bluoo Tlmndiiy , Novcml > ar 13.
Not os A luint the CJlty.
A. J , nnUwinU Inld tip with n combine
tlon ofKriin'o ' ami oryslpolai.
Mrs. Suinuol 1) ) . Itovcr hni tjono to Leii\cn-
worth , ICnn. , to visit her paronU.
Councilman K. B. Towl has bought loH > ,
bloolt 1'Jl , Jrotn the South Omulia land com-
A quorum of the council fiilllnt : toattciul
night nn iidjournuiont wus taken until to-
Kelion I * Olmntockof Do'WItt nml Ml
NottloM. D.ivisof this city linvo been U.
coiiseJ to wutl.
A car lomlof twenty-two horses belonging
to lion.Vllllnm i . Uoily btopped at tin
yards on route to Kuropo.
A Gorman theater , to bo followed by n
dance , will bo presented In Ilium's opera
house , Sunday ovcuiiip , tho'J'Jci.
An In f nut child of Mr. nntl Mrs. Samuel
Mlkhclsoii , Twenty-tint nnil Wynmintrooti ,
iliod nt o'clocl ! liiMtcvunliif , ' anilvai btirleil
In r nuroi lllll coinetcry ut a o'clockoatcr -
ilay iiftoriicon .
The nrKumcnt In the application for tlio
appointment of a receiver for the Drovers'
Journal printliiKConipmy nud for un Injunc
tion restraining the sulo on clmttol inort-
gafro' ? , wnssot for today in the district court.
Mnx Grimm's sntchrl , rnutulnltifjS boJiCa
of clgnr . a inulllcr and several pieces o (
dross coeds , stolen last Tuesday at the
Union i'aolllo i.issoiior . ( depot , was found
todnyln n rofriRcrutor car nt the Cudniiv
pacltlnj , ' plant. The dguw and niulllcr wcro
Edward Slattcry , the fresh yoiiiip man
who broUo tlio stillness of n Third ward
night by Miootlnj ? nt Ofllror Hii rliasvas
found guilty by JudKO ICinp nnd committed
to the county jnll for ton days. 13nniol Ale-
Cloud will accompany his ehum nnd tniry
for livotlnys forms rash und futile attempt
to rescue bUtterr. The city has not ROIIO
Into moumlni ; niirl donned sackcloth und
nfhesou account of their absence.
"Hnwn'H Ilronchliil 'I'roclios" nro
widely known ta nil ntlinlrablo romeily for
broncnltis , hoursoncss , coughs and throat
troubles. Sold only In boxes.
County School Notes.
Thocounly superintendent of schools states
Unit thcro ; Is an alarming' amount of sickness
in the schools of tlio county. In many of thu
schools the attendance is less than half what
Itvni one montn ai o.
Miss Anna LiOocb , principal of the Waterloo
lee schools , luis rcsicned oivlni to the death
of her ftuhcr , which occurred at KlK city
last woolc.
Principal Collins of the Florence schools
has returned from Wisconsin , wnoro ho went
to bury his father.
The school In district No.-1 , Just west of
South Oinalm , has been closed on account of
the sickness of thotcnchcr , JIlss McCarty ,
who bos resigned.
A ti nvnttilniit Inn of nunllpjinta fiitnnalttnna
ns teachers in the county schools will bo held
at tlio coutt house tomorrow. The next ex
amination will bo hold at Wqterloo , March
2(1 ( niul 'Jr.
Do Witt's r-ittlo Early Uisers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , baO breath.
AdvnrtiNlni ; Onmlm.
The real ostnto exchaiiRois taking consid
erable Intcicst In the advertising scheme ot
1'omcroy ALlhljyof Boston , who oroposoto
run several excursion trains west this sea
son. The matter Is now In the hands of the "
advertising committee , and It is proposed to
have Otnnha down ns ono of the polntd for
the excursionists to vUlt.
Messrs. Tukoy , Perriuo nnd Gcorgo , who
are appointed ns a committee to attend the
tnuis-Mls.tsslil ! | ) congress that convenes la
Denver in Mav , state that they will attend
and bring Omaha prominently before that
Don't Fool Jconrsolf !
Notwithstanding nil rumors to tha
contrary , tlio Uhlcafjo , Milwaukee < & St ,
Paul lly's now stcatn hoatocl nalnco
slooiiinp cars , with "oleotrlo Ugh la in
every berth , " still loaves the Union depot -
pot , pinnhn lit 0:10 : p. in. daily , nrriv-
inj { at Chlcjiffo at 0:30 : a. rn. , iti nniplo
time to inalco nil osiatorn connections.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Fnrnain at.
J. ri PHKSTON' , f. A. NASH ,
C. Puss. Apt. Gon. A't- ( ,
tuiuiuii | | IK" iiiimi * vv L-I iiiiLlJi.ll _ _ _
drill. Iiitcriiiniil , Holy Supiduncr conictury
Mr * Moanoy laa slstor of I'lttrlck. .lolin nnil
Thomas Oairuy , Sliohna llvud.ln Uinuliti suv *
cral joars.
The following marriftjio HOJ.HOJ wora U-
nuocl by JuJ o Slilolds yesterday ;
Nninaiui'l ' adiltuts. \KO.
I John A. Punclberir. Omavha . : a
iTliirna Iiarnon , Oinului . ' . ' 7
i Lnrs 1 * . fliistiiNon , Omnha . ! rt
I Mury O. Anderson. Omulu . 21
J Edward U-rvli : , ICIInnod . 27
( Nohluu KeIsonUniilia ! . 27
wlncli nro rapidly ncn ! rln fnr
It tin wiirniHit niitiriiviil nf thiii 'vlio linvo
lii | < l xporliMi'Mi lii tHiu-wrllliiir , Tim ullgn-
luiMitls ptufci- , iiiid fur HpoirJ , ihir.iblllty anil
eusunf f operation It I t'lttincitliu mcollcd. Gnm-
iiariaon anil lust biivo shown It to be the belt
In the innrket.
Tim Smite Premier TyDB-fritci1 Co , ,
Offlce , lOOO i Farnttn Stro et , Omaha Neb