Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1891, Page 12, Image 12

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Nothing Strange About thoStorjof Joiiali
' find who Whale as Now Explained ,
4 < '
Ifl Coliifj On lit tlio
NljfCH ( if l'fttlCH' ' '
ClirJsllim Worker * * lloc'cnt.
dnrlc tnS-yitnufleUn fiMtean ,
Dear gliosf * , whoso softly trailing robes wo
boar ,
Yet-tco not wldo wo set tbo household
door ,
That your Moved footfalls , as ot yore ,
May seek tlio old familiar hearth-light's
Sodnrkl Sucolal The winter vlnd blows
Hastaln , dear ghosts , that wo may bar it
out ,
Nor stand In such pathetic.llngerlng doubt.
The old love waits you ah , the old love still I
Hero nro your places in the broken chain
Dear lips uiikisscd Ocar hands \vo inny
not holil
Dear foot , love-led across the dim , whlto
Toshaio thcoUl remembered 11 fo
" \Vhen jou go forth In to the vailing night
Hack to your lonely graves , bear with you
Our chrism of tears poor , tardy penitence
for caiclcss deeds our grief would fain set
Aye , let these tears dropped crystals in tbo
llo Jewel ulcainsto puldo you homo again
To your old places in the broken chain ,
Silent unseen within the hearth-light's
Blow !
Kviloil l onpluIiookliiK lloinnwnrd.
Prof. Chnilcs A. L. Totten , of Yale Unl-
verity , presents some intoreslliiB facts In an
Interview reg'irding-tho project of restoriiifi
l ulestirio to the .lews , which project was bet
forth nsn memorial to President Harrison ,
mid Is advocated by prominent men of the
leading Aiycrlcar. cities.
The memorial , as explained to the presi
dent , byVilllani li IHackstone of Chicago , is
lie result of a conference of Jews recently
luld in Chicago.
The plan 1s to obtain m a peaceable way
their old homes in Palestine for the Jews
through the medium of an international con-
fcrim UP , on the pica that "accordlnu to Clod's.
distribution of nations It is their home an
nllcnuulo possession from which they were
ojjx'llcd by force. "
Totten is the Instructor
Prof. well-known military
structor at Yale , and Is the author ot Im
portant publications on ' The Identity of
Our Knio. "
In roard to the memorial to tbo president ,
lie says : " 1 cannot but rcgnrd it as tbo most
remarkable paper that has CUT been submit-
tcdto the executive consideration ot this ur
any' other country. If jou note Its
date. ' it was presented to the presi
dent of the United States , whom Ibelievo to
represent ai.inassch's great people , on tbo
flist . d.iy . of the new presidential y ear.
Ills rilped by some of iho leading , rich and
Inllncntlal Kentleinaa of the land.
dovlso moans of Riving Israel its rightful
liomo. This Is nolliliiginoro nor less than
Jewish Irrldentalisin. Wo nro a destined
tieoplo. These tire blind whoilo not sea it.
Six months ago I published at autumnal
equinox the second study of the scries of vol
umes which 1 am editing. Upon 1'iigo ' eighty-
two C noted that the current year , then be-
Binning autlcnllcdby tbo Jews the 6051st
year , was a. Jehovetlo ono ns It could not bo
written In Hebrew without suggesting the
Ineoniinunicahlo mime Jchovnh.
"In , tbo table opposite page 200 of that
V.qltinvoatid opposite thodatuSoptcinbor.lSOO ,
I purposely annotated thotlntuof tlio publica
tion of the volume , ami six months further
do\Vn opposite Altircb of this year , laiinotat-
tcil. .fciwlsli JrroclentuHsni. ' Muchadtlitlonal
matter will lo found similarly annotated ro-
ferrlnpwfuture cveiits. The thing expect
ed has hejun to como to pass ,
"Do not understand that I pretend to pre
dict ; I simply road the prophecies concern-
ItlR on1 races with xtho same careful niathc-
"xnatlchl scrutiny that lodino to discover the
data of Joshua's long day , and which led
Daniel-Indued a prophet to study my hooks
the tiitiovlicn thoscuttcringof Israel should
cud. Certainly the times are creeping upon
Israel unnwarcs. "
In connection with tlrso statements it is
lii(0l'0jtliitr ( to iioto in examining a copy of
X'rof. 1'otten's ' "Joshua's Long Dny" that the
work terminates with this slgnlllcant Warn
ing !
In 1837 the kingdom of heaven was likened
unto ten virgins , live of whom were wise
and live foolish , uho toolc their lamps und
went out the bridegroom.
"Lilto them , because ho tarried , love
fell asleep. Hut ills time to wane , Reckon
ing from JMUi a. in , , when Daniel uttered his
reimirlmblo prayer , chapter IX , tbo irloom
upon the tllal Is close upon its midnight
niarlc , so dense tlio darkness that It may bo
' Sleepers , nwnlco ! There Js barely time
totrimyourlainiw. The long expected mid-
nlftliL cry Is hreauliifr on the car. "
I'rof , Totten ucllcvos that tbo prophecy as
read by him Is being fulllllcd.
His talilo announces n congress , a compact
and nn edict lor the coinluj ? jcnr.
Story otMoiinli.
Thatold bughoarof the sceptics , ttio story
cf.lonuh and thowhale , receives thissolu
tlon , says the Christian Leader , suggestive
ut least of probability , as the result of recent
research ! Jonah's visit to Klnovch coincides
vritli n period of preat Assyrian depression ,
whim ball apponraiicetho most dangerous
iilaco fora Mranger was within the walls of
Klnoych. Now the Assyrian moaning ol
Nlnunor Nlnovclns "fish. " Yet again , the
cuiiulform method of writing the imtno was
that of to arranging the arrows as to ropro'
sent a tank enclosing nllsh. Duslng ; ft SUK
gostlon ujou a hint iii Lcnorinuiit'H Scuiir-
mnls1 Jional do A. Itagozln , in the "Tho
Story of Assyria says : "The big llsh thnt
swulloivcd Joiinlnvas no other than N'iuo-
\cii , mo llsli city Itself , where ho must surely
tiavo lecn sufllclentlyencompassed to war
rant hU Ucspcrnto cry for deliverance. "
Father , continues the Leader , this method of
solution is strictly In kecpingwithttiu Orien
tal rhctoritj of which the lilblo U rcdolunt ,
Yet again , the much nhused , because mlsap-
prehcMidcd , higher criticism is , hy discoveries
auuilurto. that of the tank und llsh , throwing
n grout deal of light upon the scriptures ,
Rocoiid I'riihiilloii.
The frequent use of tha phrase "Inter-
tnpdhit stato" hyProf. C. A. Urlggs In his
looks ami addrcsso * points to theories which
lid I T supposed to hold on the subject of ft
"second probation , " hut which ho has no !
nnjwhero "fully unfoldo.l. ' 'From the drift
of mucu recent discussion among hlblical stu
dents , both In Knghuul and In tformany , "
continno9'tho UnlvorsalUt Christian Loader ,
"Itv5uUl , aijpoftr that the doctrlno hold oy
Iho elmrcti in thu first centuries , rocanUng
"Chrlst' 1iilssloii to tlio under world , is to bo
rqvlVed unique I'rotebtants and made to do
jtluty In .tho interest of the 'larger hopo. "
Kuch scholars as I'lunnitro. Uicliuck , Karrar
ln'KnKlnii.0 , inifJ as JJelltzsch and Uoiner In
( Icruiany , bila not taking a decided dogma
tic position , argue with nil the energy of con-
vletlontint , Cnrist'a ' ministry reach 01
tHjyoinl ( bis life. This scorns to bo what Is la
Dr. BilgRsMmndwhen ho sxulcs | of tlm in-
tmncdluto state , The world do movo. "
1 I'rayod Pol it un.
An old pastor lu Connecticut , a prjjont
Spiritual anil fa'Hhfut uiun , was damaged by
aiti | > it from a nolcbhorliiK community Unit
liQlinJ broveht i 3lltlcs Into his preaching. A
friend visited tbo place where the minister
wo * , reported to have done so , and nslcod a
brother In the church , "Did Dr. Kly preach
whan herof" "Yes " the
politics , was ro-
Bionsf , * ho did.Vbat did ho say I"
' \\ell. Bir/'sr.ld / tbo Intcrropnted witness
inorq uuWOusly , "If liodidn't ' preach ixilltlcj.
luunjIiQW prayed politics. " "Hut what dm
bo say | " Jtll | urged his friend. "Say I"
echoed tbq rcapouaout , "iio sold , "IhougU
hand loin In hand the wicked ihall not RO un
Ho Tolcriint ,
Archdeacon Parrar ayB thnt a visit to
Westminster abbey should loach the lessons
of tolerance for opinions ana sympathy with
men. Slilo b.vslde llo there a great multlltido
of those who were equally Rood nnd prcixt ,
yet who In their Hfetlmo regarded each
other ns heinous heretics and monstrous
blasphemers. There in Iho quiet light of
history It may bo rend that many who Imtea
and denounced each other and made each
other1.- * lives titter wprojct common servants
of ono ( Jod.
( Jooil Works ,
So far -as the additions to membership
gnugo the jplritual temperature of the
churches , the period since the beginning of
tboycar has boon n marked ono throufjhout
the country , says the Conprcg.itionallst. In
this tiino we have recorded la our weekly
register 8,509 more accessions on confession
of faitn than during tlic same timolast jear.
rear. The number this At'eok , 1,183 , Is largely
n excess of any previous record fora single
week. ,
" "
JJext to * Paris , No\v York Is tho'largest
Cnlholioclty In the world ,
The Jlethodlst church needs 1,000 , new
preachers every year to keep Its pulpits sup-
They are about to liCRiti on theirIOIIR-
talked of $5,000X)0 ) Episcopal cathedral In
New Vork city.
New "Vork , accordlnp ; to the best Juices ,
now has a Hebrew population of from Uy'i.OOO
to ! iVJ,0008ouK Ills the center of Judaism
of the world.
A fourtcen-jear-old Rlrl who was sworn as
a witness In a Oimdcn , N. ,1 , . murder case
saidshelmd ncvorsCoii a bl bio before she en
tered the court room.
Itov. K. Pnyson Hammond , the evatiRellst ,
Is holding a series of successful revival serv
ices In Washington , I ) . C. , in the Tabernacle
Congregational church.
The UcV. , Phillips Brooks , the popular Dos-
ton clergyman , has thus far iniinnccd to es
cape being pliotflgriiphedor cmlcaturctl. He
will not kit for his picture.
According to Ur. U' . II. Koberts. American
statistical necictarr of the Prcahyterinn alli
ance , tboPrcsbytoilaii and Kcforuicd denom
inations throughout the world have 10 , 0,5uO ) ,
The Icelandic Lutheran congregations in
Manitoba and the northwestern state" re
cently celebrated the three hundred and
fiftieth unniveis'ary of the translation of the
scilptures Into Icelandic ,
The greatest number of Lutheran Tiilnls-
tersln any oncstatonroto bo found In I'enn-
sylvimia. That state lias T- ) > , and Illinois ,
which comes next , has 100 , with -132 In Wis
consin nnd-J'-illii Minnesota.
"Tho fact is , " sajsMr , Moody of his work
In Ilostonnmlvlofnlty , "that the only I
ha\o \ about it H because everybody is prais
ing it. I used to feel that'l was , potting a
good hold when tbo devil stirred up men to
oppose me. "
Oftho47S ministers who left the Estab
lished church of Scotland at the disruption ,
forty-two are still living In S\\lt/.orland ,
'vhllo : i few bthorsnro living in other coun
tries. Dr. Bclth , who was ordained sixty-
eight ycjrs ago is ono of them.
Statistics of the Friends or Quakers ofthis
country and Cinnda show that they have 781
meetings. 1,0'JI ' ministeraand Til.KW members.
Adding the membership In ( Jrcat Britain ,
Iruland , Australia and other countries the
result isa grand total of 101,87. ) members.
In Belgium ono out of every 200 of tlio pop
ulation is a monastic brother. Tucso JU.OOO
monks , notwithstanding their vow of pov-
ortv. have nronortv valued at Kn.lfla.OOfl. ! f n
franco there uro fully 1.0.0JO Sisters of
Mercy , who upon entering the SOI ) cloisters
of that country , resign all claims to their
property. Vet tbo property of these orders
is worth more than $ , - > , UOoUOO.
Christian at Work : Ills a hopeful sign of
tbo future of the church that the modiiuval
notion of relegating the entire spiritual work
of a parish to the priest Is giving way to the
higher and moro just Idea that every "member
of the churcli has spiritual duties not only ,
but privileges. The pew has to come to the
aid of the puljlit. The religion preached on
Sunday must be preached by the people on
Stjtiarcdit with Ilia Conscience ,
There was a ring1 on the stone slilo-
wnlu and tlm young mun stopped nnd
picked up a coin , says the Chicago Trib
une..Ho hold it In the jialm of his hamljmd ,
looked to sou what , it was. Ho looked
honest , and even after ho had discovered
that it was a $5 irold pipoo instead ot a
penny ho didn't eloso his hand ever it.
Ho looked up the street and down the
street not furtively , but inquiringly.
His face shoved that ho was looking for
the person -who dropped the coin ; not to
sco if tiny ono was watching him.
In ono direction hoba V three mon who
had passed ( ho apot about the same tlmo ;
in the oth'urumtliuindawoiniuiof whom
the saniQ wjw truo. llo iniido n move as
though to overtake onoof the three mon ,
but stopped , hesitated u moment , and
.tnoii thruat the gold piece into hia
Thou it was that a little man who had
been an In tores tud spectator tapped him
on the arm and asked !
' 'Does that belong to you ? "
"No , " returned the youth. "Does it
belong to youi1"
"No. But I infer going to
keep it. "
' 'Yes ' , unless the owner claims it. "
"Do you think that's ' honest ? "
The youth knitted his brows.
"Well , I dbii'tknow , " ho said. "You
see it's just this way : If I know who it
belonged to I'd ' return it , but I'd ' rnthor
kcop it myself tlmn-lmvo some ether fel
low got itwho hud no claim to it. I
didn't see \vlio dropped it. "
"And 5' ? > u didn't aalc these who were
passing tit the time ? "
' No ; bocnuso it's ton to ono the first
man I tackled would "have clnimcd it ,
and then I'd have gone to my grave
witn a fear that I liiul delivered prop
erty belonging to ono man to another
without the consent of the first party.
Tlmt's ngulnst nil business principles ,
and my'consciouco would trouble rno. It
would bolt bronoK of "trust. "
"But you intended to appropriate it
to your own use ? "
"No , I didn't. Honest. I looked to
sco wlioso It was , and couldn't bo sure.
Now I'll h6ld it in trust [ or its owner.
I'll give it up to the owner any time ho
shows up. Any man who can give mo
the dtxtoof the coin can luivo it. "
And thus ho squared himself with his
iOn \ uty 12 tstor Honnct.
A botmottliat is n voryilroim in violet
let has u cM-own of open gold lace that is
outlinedabout the fnco und around the
top with email violets , the gold lace
showing plainly between the two rows of
violots.Fiiyjtho . Ladles' Homo Journal ,
Just lnfront nro two tiny , white love
birds , thiiUaeem to nestle among the
pnlo blossoms , \vhilo at the buck are
loops of xvhlto ribbon from among which
comes up a white aigrette , The tics , de
scending Xroni underthosoloops , aronlBO
of white ribbon , and nro fastened In n
prim llttlo bow just In front. A bonnet
of this design inndo of lace straw , the
very yollowHhado , will bain vogue , and
can , ofc6urso , lw trimmed to suit one's
fancy us well us to look well with one's
{ owns.
The Manhattan Athletto club has leased
the polo grounds In N w Vork for n term of
one year , and thodlantswillplay.nt Drothur-
liood parlc to bo hereafter known us thu Now
Polo grounds ,
The Maryland konncl club pnvo a pront
bench show this week. There wcro 500 doss
on drcaj naraito. Dlclt Swivcller , the cham
pion IrUh scltor , waa placed on the "has
been" class , for the blno ribbon was awarded
to.Mnx t > onor Gulor-Wlnifwd.
Until the fate of the bill prohibiting thoot-
ing plgoaiiH In Illinois had boon determined ,
Mr. J. A , K , Klliott has for the present BUS-
Dendodno olliitlous for the laud nnd erection
of the buildings , etc. , for the sbootlny park
tiolutcudoUtocatabllsUlu Cbtcajjo , 111.
Edwin Both'a : Kindly OourtoBj to an Occu
pant of His Box.
IMrs ) Tlmt Will bo Hreii Next Season
ntul lUo Proltesfllimal 1'coiilo
AYlio vlll Give IM'o nucl In
terest to Tticin.
.Ada Djas will support ( Booth next
The tallest notor In tlio profession is snid
to bo Charles "Walton , of the "U ami 1"
JDoo Ilayncs will continue as treasurer of
tlio now theater unilor Thomas F. Uoyd'a
Marie Jimscn last week renewed her con
tract \vltli tlio Fi-uncls Wilson company for
I'attl lias accepted ixn offer of $150,000 for
twenty performances In Hlo Janeiro , wblthor
she will sail In June.
'There will bo two"Bluo Jeans" companies
next mason. Ono will visit the inrgo cities
nnd the otliur will travel west ,
I3crt Cooto will bo with "Little Puck"
next season mid play I'ranlt Moulton's ' old
part I'nckliiKliam Olltedge , f other of Billy.
J.V. \ . H.insonio . , well known on the vavule-
vlllo 8tiifo. will bo starred next season. Flora
Moore tiud Jaino3 I1. Iloey will lo in the
George C. Uonlfaco jr. , now .with Pattl
llosa will not bovith tbat llttlo luilynext
season , although his plans are still imaui-
tu red.
Herr Anton SeUll has boon attain onuagcU
to conducttho concerts at Brighton Bench
iiejit summer and , as last vcar , ho will got
? 1,1)00 ) a week for it.
By the way , the librettist of Iran boo is
.Tuliati Sturuis , a graduate of Uton , Knglimtl ,
imdiiKonof Hussoll Sturgls , so well known
to nil Kooil UoMoiiiuns , (
The new opera -whichDo-\Volf Hop-
nor will bo Scon Ibis summer nttho Now
York Broadway theilorils called "Wang.1
Tlicscono Is laid in Slam ,
James T. Powers Is malting a nronounced
hitlii "AStralK'litl'ip , " Now York.miHcnccs
oontfrmtiiR Omaha's opinion tluit it was ono
of the brightest furccs on tour.
AV. H. Crane has accepted tbo play that
Clinton Stutirtwroto for him on the scenario
approved by Mr. Cratio six months ago. It
la a comedy In four nets , and dolls with
Anglican life.
IMrs. Langtry propose1) to cotno to America
next summer anil will appear next Season
throughout the country in modern so.'loty
tln.\3. \ CharlesCoghlunwill probably uouor
lending man.
lioyd'stheater will open ISIondny , Aupust
31 , the attraction has not yet been decided
upon. Fanny Davenport will play three
nights and a matineu In September , producing
" . "
ing "Cleopatra.
Ills now said that Gilbert and Sullivan
aroto niako It up again. It Is tbo old story.
And after nil , "tbo Jingle of tlio gulnon helps
tbo hurt that honor feels" as much today as
it dlu years ago.
Mhs Ilnttio Ford , divuhtcr of Manager
John T. Ford , made Uobut on
Monday nlRbtln Ihltimora with Julta Mar-
lo\vo's company. She appeared as 1'hcobo in
"As You Like It. "
Henry Irvlnp lias been elected to tbo
Mnrlboroueh dub. This Is a liiirh honor , for
the prince of Walouloes not allow any one
to Join thit , institution whom ha docs not wish
to number umonif his Uitiumtcs.
Jennie Veamans has signed a ttvo years
contract with the management of "Blue
Joans" to play Juno In the piece of that
name. Laura Hurt , the understudy of Miss
VToamans , will play the part in a second com
pany to IKI organized next season.
There are afflictions and afflictions , but the
worst is the "McGlnty Troubles" company ,
which played at the Grand on St.-I'atrick's
day. TulK uboufc f rest I That was a blizzard
along side of which nn importation from
Manitoba would be a summer zephyr.
Wr. Bertie Coote , who joins Tatti Kosa
this week , taking Mr. Hlch's place , who re
turns to his liomo In Canada to rest up , Is a
very clever young comedian quito well known
to western audiences , having- supported Jar-
beau , ICnto ( J'Htloton , Lotta and I'atti Hosa ,
through the west.
The number -Americans amotii ? the per
formers in "I vauboe , " Sir Arthur Sullivan's
now opera , Is really quito remarkable. People
ple are saying , "who is So-and-Sol I never
heard of him"or , her , as tboeaso mayho ; "
but the " .An " '
answer , American , 'sdfllclcntly
accounts for the popular Ignorance ,
Guy do Maupassant , the master of short
story writing , has madu bis first dramatic
venture , and it was a great success.
' Alusetto'1 given last week nt the Oytnnaso ,
Paris , was unanimously pronounced a hit.
It Is rare tbat an author is ; o praised and
that no discordant voicu Jars upon his suc
Sol Smith Ilusscll bin boon acting for
twenty-eight years , and yet tie is only forty-
two , Ho was a drummer boy in war times
and found himself In Cairo , 111. , whom bo
joined the stock company of tho' , Dellanco
theatre in ISO ) . Ho iihyod utility parts ,
sang songs between acts and played the bimro
drum in the orchestra all forifj nwoek.
Parisians nro very enthusiastic ever Mtno.
Ivilll Lohmann and Paul KalUeh , having
given them ilvo recalls .it the Latnouroux
concert February 15 , when they sane the on-
tirolovo scone In the second act of "Tristan
ami Isolde" without cuts , Mine. Lohmann
singing as usual without notes or prompting.
fciol Smith Russell's now play , "Bo-
witched , " which ho is now rehoursing , lias
beenseeurod for its Initial production in Phila
delphia attho Arch streounoatro. Mr. Russell
writes enthusiastically of his own-character
in the piece , and predicts tor it'the ' most
brilliant success of his career.
Augustln Daly Is preparing to produce
"Love's Labor Lost , " onoof theShakosporcau
comedies which is a real novelty to the then-
tor-Rolng public , which will listen to Shako-
spero under advantageous circumstances but
cannot us a general thing bo mduqctl to read
him. The only American production of this
first comodv of Shakesporo's was given by
Mr. Daly in 1874 , with Ada Dyiw. Fanny
Divonport , Sara Jowett , Danial Harklns ,
Uharlea Fisher , Mr. . Uavidgo and Jimcs
Lewis in the cast. i
London actors and theatre maiiaeow are
all up n tree on account of the bill' which
gives the censorship and the supervision of
theatres Into the bunds of the London county
council. So far they have bean accountable
to ono man only , namely , the Lord Cha-nbor-
lain , and now tnat It passes Into the hands of
the county council , they feel that ttiolr' line *
nro thrown anywhere but in pleasant places ,
and have asliod Mr. Ilonry Irving and Mr ,
Beorbohm Tree to confer with Slr.lohn Lubbock -
bock , tlio chairman , in order to still the
troubled waters.
Tnorols a funny story In eonnoitlon with
a performance of "A Doll's House , " given a
few weeks aeo In London , which Is worth re
peating ! Two ladles , evidently miking
their Oral experiment in losenltoarauu , sut
silently among tbo audience Intently watch
ing the movements of thoactors on the stage.
At the close of the porformnnco they audibly
compared opinions , 'Rathordull , wasn't 111"
said ono doubtfully. 'Never mind about that,1
replied the ether with nn air of superior wis
dom , 'Its the cleverness of nctlnpr. Look how
stiff some of them kootull the time they're
all supposed to bo dolls , you know , "
Boston Homo Journal ) Mu * Anna Dlcicln-
son was an orator by naturo. Eloquence ,
voice , presence , and that faith in herself in
which h faculty nswollas Inclination , were
ncrs , to draw and Interest anil porsuaao great
audiences. Wlion sno turned to the stngo
slia turned from nil she was , save inclination.
She was under the mastery of the delusion
that has lea othen from tliolr gonlus to their
common solves. She was tike ILiins Christian
Acdoruon , who felt Iteonly his disappoint
ment whoa the world cave him reputation for
bis children's ' stories Instead of for his phil
osophising ; or like Thackeray who would be
nn urtist ; or llko Shakespeare when ho turned
to acting. The mistake that did not shatter
the men broke the woman down. And now
trie question of recovery risci. Can she have
her powers of mind and body restored to tiorl
If so. could she bopur.suadodthonto take the
platform ! She would not.'bo ns she was
twentV'llvo yeainiogo ; but siiu would bo ono
of the few Interesting figures In tills dull
world that draw attention , and thereby put
nionoy la their pursos.
A few days ago n lady wont to the Madison
Square theater , .Now Yoric , to hear Sidney
NYoollctt roclto. Jt was ralulng and slio scut
her carriage away MjYoro iho to the box
office , feeling stirothnt she could get , a sent ,
When she applied atttho box ortlcc she found
there was nothing them There was not a
sent left on tbo lower floor except In ono of
tlio boxes.
' There Is only ono person In that box , "
tbcmnnnt tlieticltotonicesnld. "and 1 don't
think bo would objoot If 1 sold ono of the
seata. "
llo passed over n tteUot and a moment later
tbo visitor entered the box. A gentleman ,
apparently of advanced years , rose , bowed
politely , assisted lier'wltli her wraps , handed
tier a chair , seated himself again and turned
bis attention to thuatapo. Mr.Voollett \vis :
reciting at the tluic.und after ho had HnUhod
tbo lady turned to ladle at her companion In
the box. Itvns Edwin llooth. Uuou making
the discovery she half arose and hastily ex
plained the situation.
"Of course , " ahosnld , "I supposed that nil
tbo scats In the box were for sale to whoever
wished to buy thorn , but 1 see now that the
box Is your own. I feel very much llko an
Intruder. "
"Not at Ml , " said Mr. Uootli earnestly ; "I
feel that I am taking advantage of Mr. wool-
lottln occupying n whole box when there Is
such a crowd. Indeed , I always feel that
way when I tnlco free seals. " Tuero Is a
lossou for deadheads In this ,
Continued frum tenth i a-jt.
plvcn by homo tnlcnt attho U. iJ. church on
Tuesday for the benefit of the pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. White prtvo ono of their
very select parties to a party of friends
Wednesday last. As usual ut the beautiful
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. AVnltonvcryenJoyiiblo
tl ino was passed by these present.
The congregation of the Trinity Memorial
church Is making preparations on mi ex
tended scale to celebrate linster. INO pastor
having so far been appointed In ptoco of
Kcv. iiriuly , lllshop WortnliiRtoii will send a
special missionary for services on Knstcr
Tlio Young Men's ' Christian association
will entertain the members with a cobweb
social at their hnndsoino rooms on Tuesday
next ,
The students of Doano collcRO nro not
taldiiR tliolr defeat nt the state orntorlcnl
contest at Lincoln last wcou very philosoph
ically , lllood is In their eyes for field day.
KraostMunecy , ono of the very boat voung
men , has been appointed agent for Wells ,
Farijo & Co. ' express company nt Sherman ,
John A. Stevens of Lincoln was In the city.
Hert Powell is chief clerk at tbo Commer
cial houso.
Miss Jesslo Loach is vislthiR friends In
H. F. Young , deputy county cleric , Is very
sick at present.
The Hebron cornet band will plvc a grand
concert In the ncnr future.
C. C. Fletcher nnd J. F. 1'cddlcord are off
for the I'hitto to shoot geese.
M. L. Wheats of tbo Knight * of Lnbor
spoke nt the court house Tuesday.
Miss Lav ilia Marsh of Hod Ulouu Is visit-
inc Mrs. M. E. Marsh at present.
Hon. C. II. Willard. ex-state treasurer , Is
very sick with pneumonia at present.
Miss Emma Oarlwright of Fail-bury Is
visiting her brother'Arthur this week.
The V. O. T. Q.igdvo a reception ut the rcs-
< lt5enco of E. M. Corroll Tuesday evening.
Who will bo iniiyor and will the saloons
runs this year , are the questions of the day.
Miss Cora Eiistou started to Chicago
. whore Aho will remain until full.
J. J. Malowiioy nnu J. 13. Thomas returned
Saturday from a month's stay ut Hot Springs ,
Mr. "Will McICcnzto of Chicago Is hero su
perintending the construction of the stand-
0. II. Morgan Is moving Ills stock of dry
goods to the Richards block on Lincoln ave
nue ,
Frank Hiirtman tvont to Louisville , ICy. ,
where ho will thko churgo of a furniture
Hebron division uniform rank Knights of
Pythias gave a grard bull at the opera house
Thursday evening.
II. D. Breeno , the popular Hock Island
agent , will take a two months' vacation ,
visiting iu tbo east
J. J. ICoper went to Mntlloon , Neb. , on
business this week.
Cuiitaln John ll , Anderson is taking n lav
off at Lincoln this wcok.
Miss May Bray ton of York is here visiting
her friend Miss Hefllobowor.
Aonm Ornss of Inuianola autographed at
our hotel here cm Wednesday.
Judge T. H. Saundcrs went to Lincoln to
take a look at the legislature on Thursday.
W. D. Patton of the I'alaco hotel Is taking
a look ever his oldtown.Itearncy this week.
Liwyer S. L. Makeover is off on n business
trip to Omaha , LincoliiUorchesterand | York.
Uov. I ) . II. Jlotchldss is attending the
United Brethren conlcrenco at Blue Springs ,
Miss Moon from Marion county , Iowa , is
horu visiting with her aunt , rs. II. P.
Shore. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. 13 , F. Joy were hero this
week , the guests of Judge nnd Mrs. J. S.
Dr. Knanpof Saunders county has pur
chased the Charles Klagsolver farm near
town for$5OJO.
Kev. .f , W. Soabrook , pastor of the Motho-
dlst Episcopal church , made a business trip
to York the last of the week.
Hav. A. M. Tanner announces that ho will
preach lu the I'resbytorlan churcli both
morning and evening on Sabbath.
Miss Jennie Snodgrass closed her second
term of school in the Jnrmin district last
Friday aud commenced lior third term on
Tlio concert given by Mrs. snodgrnss ana
her music class at tho'Motliodlstchurcli was
u very pleasant cnto 'talnnient. The house
was well llllcu nnd all enjoyed the exorcises
very much. Tlio fund received , about $25 ,
was divided among tha needy of Osceola.
Great credit U duo Mrs. Snodgiius and her
class of little on es.
O2 > JE > 'J
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figgiisltnken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio tnsto , and acts
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys
tem effectually , flispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Byrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto and acceptable -
ceptablo to tlio stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
Leal thy and agreeable Btihstnnces , its
ninny excellent qualities commend it
to nil and hnvo mndo it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fips is for snlo in COc
and 81 bottles by nil leadinp drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for nny ono who
\\ishcs to try it. Do not accept any
LQMVIU.C , K * . AflV YORK. N.Y.
1309 TI-IEL USUAL , 13.p )
Celebration of the 17th of Mardh
AVns purtlclpntoJ in by many of our worthy citizens yesterday , who , with owexcoptlons wore wonry from their days's po * f
ruiiibululioiis , .Aftor showing duo roepoot to the UGHI3ATT.ST OK Tin : OHBAT. " many did not full to ombnico tlio ( icod-
ness cast to in tin , anil upon their dlsohixrRO ot onu duty , fulllliod iiuolhur by vlsltlnp the
Misfit Clothin
Merchant Tailor's Misfits and Uncalled for Garments.
They adjourned , feeling fully convinced that the origin of llio Mlsllt Parlors was to abolish high tnriffa on Clothing tuuL
the truth of the Parlors luivltig tlio most olocant display o (
Ever witnessed by any eye is now substantiated by citizens of Omaha tuid vicinity. Among tlio many bargains tlioro stil
roinnlns unsold ;
25 00 Merchant Tailor miulcnt. .JIS . 00 125 COMorcliiuilTiillor mode nt (10 CO $000 Merchant Tullor mndo at $ .1 00
: H ( K ) Mcrclnint Tailor Hindu at. 14 00
: 00 Mcrclmnt Tiillormtidont . . 1000 HO 00 Merchant Tullor made nt U flfl S CO Men-hiint Tailor tnadual. . . , , 4 CM )
40 00 Mciclinnt Tailor made nt . 11 i3 ! 40 OOMon-hiintTiillor mndo at 14 7.- > 10 00 Merchant Tailor made nt 5 CO
4.-i ( X ) Mcrclmnt Tullor intsiluat. . -0 OJ ooMurelihnt T.illor Hindu ut S. ) 00
fiO 00 Morcliant Tailor niiulo at. . 2130 CO rOMurcliunlTiillnr niiulo nt 2-J ( X ) IS CO Merchant Tailor niadent 0 M
TiO no Mere-limit Tailor mndo at. . MS 00
' . ' 15 00 Mcichunt Tullor imuloat 7 M
ftl 00 .Merchnnt. Tailor made at. . : ) oo (10 ( OOMurcliunt rnllor jnndo t ' ! ( H )
07 00 Mcichant Tailor innUu at WS > 00 TO 00 Muiclianl Tnilur intulo at 30 03 IS CO Merchant Tailor imuloat . s M
A perfect lit wnrrnntoil , unct all goodB sold on their merits. A cuiirnntco in every cnso just as represented , nt ! tho.
1309 Farnam Street. Omaha , Neb. 13O9.
Liebig COMPANY' '
"Iii Darkest Africa , " by Henry Ms.tjinloy
"Uno.Mahdl miniiucd to crawl near in j- tent
* * * llo wi s ut once borne lo : i llro and
laid within u lew Inches of It. anil with the
addition of a pint of licit biotli , Hindu
from tbo IMilil ComjxmiKrtrnct of lite ) , we
lestorc-cl him to his bcnsua. Veil. H. '
ft HI HI Norpliltio Hnhlt
OIJ VJL CJ _ LVJLcnr ( llnllto20dai
Noptrtlllcnriil.DX.J STEPHENS Llt uoa,0
DB. IIUMi'iiuKis' SPECIFICS nro Bclcutlllcally nml
carefully prepared prcserliitlous ; usctl for ninny
ycaralUllrlvntolractlcowith8U | col > < lro o c
thlrtyyoarsuseaby tlioieoilo. Kury Blnglo Spo-
clllo u a special euro for thu disease named.
TIicso HpcolUcs euro wllliout dniRRlnir , purg ;
InRorroducliiKtho hjstcm.nml nro lu fact nnd
deed thu Hovureleit rt'iiiunle oltuoWorIil
1 Fi-vcrn , Congestion. Iniinmmallon . .
yVorinn , Wprmtyor.Worm Colic
CotxhM , Cold , liroiichltlg
. Ncnralffln , Tootlmclip.l-nccoclm . . .
J llcnilachvH , Slckllcmlaclie.Vcrllgo
1 hyupcimln , Ulllous Mnmach. . . . . . .
11 H iiprcBKndor 1'alnful 1'crlods.
IT 1'llcit Illlndorlllcodlng. . . . . . . . . .
Ill Cntnrrh , Innuen n. CoidlnthoIIc cl
14OV hooptnir Collllli. VIoU-ntCoiiKlu.
1S4 Oriicrnl lii.illlijl1lirtlcnlWi-akut6a |
1S7 Kidney DlnoriHf _ .
ViHNnrfoun liability. . . . . . . . . 1
O Urinary WPIIUHCBH , Wetllns llwl.
Sold bynrugflsts. oremit postpaid on receipt
- MASL-AI , ( I4t DBRM )
ot Mice. DR. lIounniRVBMASLAI
rlcwy bound In cloth and ( told , mailed tree.
Oor. William and John Slroclt , New Yorlt.
MenwhoarolacUliiBlii vltnl lorco nml vln r ,
or weak , nervous from any cause , ncml at once
for thq Wew Common Hon o Homo " !
Konnuscatlnifiltugs. M > electric nonsense. / ' " > '
iuch tothe dojs. Sc.ilc.1 information f rep. Aililrcss
jL bnrmucy Co. . Her U * .
T.v prpsla In the linnn of tlm prosi'ntBPii-
cniildii. ItHforllHc'iiroiiiiilllsntli'inliints ,
elclt licncluclic , coiiMtlintl | n nndpll - , Hint
Iiavo liecomo so fniuoiw They net gently
on tlie < llBrstlvonrinn them toiio
mill vigor witho sea. Boo ,
Don't lit ) ] luiulinuiiii
by the flotltlOHS cliilnis
jnmlo for 1'orous I'laatcrs
tlmt euro before they ore
npplli'il. USD Ilcmon's , n
Eclontino preparation tlmt
elves prompt relief nml In
indorsed by over 0,000
repn titblu riifsiclans nml
DruKclnts , Cot I'm '
\\T A MTT ? "H Apotits to soil tlm 1'lnloss
WAiN 1 " -
li-U"-clothes Line : tlio only
line ever Invented Unit holds thu ulotlies wltli-
ont pins ; u purfoet success ; patent roueiiUy
Issued ; sola only l > y iwonts , to whom tlio ex
clusive rltjht IH Rlvon. On reeolntof M cunts wo
HlllKencl usimiplo line l > y mtilli also cliuu-
lurs ; prlco list uncl terms to usont. Secure
youriurrltnrv at onoo . Address THR 1'IN
LKSS ULOTlIKS LINK W. , 17 llormon Rt
Worcester M'isi
Clicinlst and Assuycr.
1'orincrly inOlicinlcnlLiilioratoryoftlio Union
ruulilo Uullwiiy C'oniMiiy. |
Special Attention Given to Ores ,
Waters and Oils.
1112 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb
nnnlITt HAS AIWOOU UAl'SUMSS nro lie
II III I A u t nml only miwului i > ri' crll > < l Uy
UU UU I n t-Kiilir | iliy UUin fur Jliueuruuf
( lunnrhiB.i nnd cllBihnrKC < Iroiu tbu iirlnarr oruuiu
nliorlloJ or acgulcoil , t\M \ l' ' r but. AllUruuuliU
Corner 14th anil Capitol Avenua.
Just completed , has 100 roomi , thro3
stairways , from the top to the bottom , has
fine elevator anil dinning room horvioe , is
fire proof throughout , fliiebUlarJ rooms ana
the finest toilet room ? in ths city. Laris
Bamplo rooms , Suites with bith & 3. Cor
14th and Oanltol Ave. Street oar sorvlco In
all directions. lUtes , from $2.60 to $ 1.00.
. , < ' < " " ' ' " " '
limit miliMtiiHtittlli/
lluti-l ilnitiltiHIn Hnmhii. Her frn
lit-nni Iti-Mt lli't' null * i-UHHlHU / 'oH
biHinnt tit / ' . .1 " " ' relllHUH mill
irltsHlnHtim \ /ii- j > i-uuf
liilntli It to ( mi-it
J-tm > < " lie * " ' ' / ' ' " ' ' "
hot mill / ' n-uti' > ' mitt
cri'y room , 'luiili' u < i iii-iii < 'il ( iiil/-
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen yrar iiTporlon-n. A rojulir Brulinto In tii'itirlnp nt illiiliiinii IIO\T \ N llll InUliir with
tlio L'tc.ite timcir < v nil Norvom , Chronic ntnI l'rlvul ll"0i i-i. A lurnrinont oura Kiinrnntool for mini til
Si priiMilcirrlm-n. Ui t Mntilinoil. Soinlnnl WcnknciMitlit Inm-t , IniiioU-noy , Svphl li. flrlcliiro. nndiiiiitlg.
uiisiM of tlio Illool , Sklnun I trlnnry Orunn N II lttiinriMloof.VM fur uvnrr CJIJD 1 uiilurt iko mil fill to
cuio I oniiiltutlon free llouk i.Mriturli ofUfo ) imt fieo O.llcaliourj tl a. in to a [ > . in , Sunliiy U
n in. to 1ui. .
Is not ploa'nntio tnko , as it Is com
posed of all the medicinal qualities
thn' go to nmko now and rich blood
without c jinpolling the ooneumor to
which can bo bought any where for
thirty-flvo osnts a gallon , as nil sar-
sapnrillas nro. BEGGS' BLOOD
composed of pure modicne ! , and al-
Icw3 the purchaser 10 add syrup ,
wh oh is udvisoi whoa glvoa to
If your < lriiK5l3t does not keep It accupt no
hiuistltutp , liit order direct , fiotu Ili-nas M tit.
Oo. , 101-1'JI ' Mlchl aii St. . L'liloaRO. 111. , at tl
they will forivaru. oxurcsa piupuld , onu lo.- )
tlo for $1 or six for J , " > .
u. T. VII.TX : floriiAru's OICIIM'AI :
CKKAM , OK MAUIUAI * ! tiAuiiFiiit. :
" i'i rt ! i-'itnL- .
IttmuvfHrnti , > i * -
oery bltinbli cm
.Aiiuty , nuil ilofli-ii
iiUtt'ctluiu It liu
loiul tlie tcH of 10
cut * , iiiul IB HO
illy nmde. Ai'tti-t
DO Cltlllltf I fftt II f
tmitnrnaiiitf. I > r.L.
A. htijri- Mild to n
Iiiily of tlm hnut-ton
( aiuitlejii ) "A * you
1 n'Pommcii'l ' 'tlou-
1 J.a-stlm niful of u 11
tint frkin pivjMiiii-
tlotif.1' For mile i y
all Dii'CK ta niiu
K noy UuoUs Deal *
eroln the rnllwl Rtatw. Canada find B roW |
FEIlli.T.HOI'KlS8Pio'r.8TUroatJoiirtSt..N.y. |
OTNHUEY S3 Goodyear Welt/ /
m.iJc of CalinUhi LMTliUlj -
n.Hcrliii'd. . SolJ cri'nwhore. ;
. llcuuro orlinl
tallous , I
nine tinU-ti itiuiipcd M 'h '
from wlilch tlio excess of
oil Has been removed , la
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in its preparation. It hns
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Stnrch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro
economical , costing less thun one cent
a ci(2 ( > . It is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , KASHA MOISTED ,
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
Wonderful Remedy
For Sale by hading Druggists.
Kllnok Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
( H/alniil / nIOiiljlJfnulne
HUM. .
iei. K .
, Uli/u.
naallirr Krftul Janjiruui u.l.l IniUluM. Atllru l l , r 1C.
In iltmM tot jtrlleiiltri , leitlatnoUl * ftD4
"Itrllrf fur l. cllf . "lri Irllir , l > r rrl urn
With Ooublo Wire Suspensory ,
PATENTED AUG. IB , 1537. IMPROVED IDLY 29,1890 , ,
mi. o\vr.N's
I'KSSOUV will cure nil Ithou *
mallcComplnlnU I.unibntio ( Ion-
craland Norvom nobility. Costive.
lien , Kid nor " rn-os Nerv-
omnoss , Trcnib- : . Hoxtial
hnustion. Wnst- . . . -of body L . .
on os cnuso < l by Indiscretions In
Von tb , Age , Mar- „ - nod 'or Single
SENT TO nrsroNsi L.u pAHTtrcs von CEK-
Alio tin Kloctrlo Truss nnd Unit Combined.
fend Po. PO I BO for KittR Illustrated book , 250
panes , wlilcli will boNjntjoif In plain scileJ envoi ,
upo. Mention thia jmimr. Adda s
Owen Electric Belt & /ippliance Co , ,
3O6 N. Broadway. St. Louis , Wo.
I'uri'M Anivnilit. Scruruiii , Hud Clrnilnllon
inilnll Imourltios of the Blood m llaj tlio
' . .BonIns Norv * Dleeanes , vu : N rvmu rtuil
IMiyslulul IliOillllr , Vltiil ixliiiulloii : , I'rc.
inulliro Dcciif , 'Iromblliin , II ) f.'iThl. N < T.
VOIIH lliMiluclir , I ISK f I'oucr In .Mtlic-r MIX ,
Nnr7oitvtitHH Iii un > fnrtit. i old llfixull ur
Feet , 1'alii In thu Duck mill other forms ot
V/"nUiii' .
Dr. irnhl/D Nonru Tunic J'HlH brlnRtha
rosy tint of health to the shi How chonU.
W".M. lu'rvoiis [ icnrla sliouhl lakn tliii irenl Life
Ronowor. Trj UIPIH. and jou will Join tlio thoi
or Impnr ni"n and women wl.o dally I'lc
fuDDf , , rhls Hreat nork III their hclmll 'I are
, tifir-rnileil : , (0 rrnb a vial , r'cr ealu br UugKUU
. PROPS. . s * FSAIWWCO , wu
Kunu & C'ci. C'vr. ISih & Doutilai ' Iri-cn
.1 A 1'nllc-r A l'i > . l r 1 III ) .t llouulm Slrri'U.
A I ) . FuMiT A. Co. . Council llliiHi. lnun
MONWOOD 11212.
Slri'ii byMonon. InNutwood. . 2l8'j : ,
I'rofni'o , by ' ' .
L'lliluni Antlii'iii , liy Uuylnr 109.
: ul iluiii AiiKiiHtu , liy Kvs-ilyU'H llollf.miulor.
4lhliun Dolly .MIIU , by Seoltsy'H AmurlcuiiStal
Brood Mures , Colts and Fillies For Sale ,
IncltiilliiR t oby the greiit llliiuU Wllki-si slr <
of Wlnsluw WIIUos " : ll ; nisi ) a fiisliloimule
bred L'-.MMir-oln WIIUos stulllon u K < " 'I ' ' " ' "
Send for iitiiloKua ; or bolter , como "nil sc
tliuin. o
M P. BROWN , - P opl 1 Ion , Neb
m * d n uo > WF a *
Guifarii.Mandollns&Zilliers .
In Tolumo and qaalit ; nf tons m
Ibnlirnl In Ilir inrl < l.V rr ntod
to WB r In anj cllmnle , MoUj \ all load.
In * denl.ri. llo.utUnllIlluttiatiil , dr.
BcnptUo cattlocuQ with portrnitii of
Itmuai artliti ; llUIiil : ilil.'li.
Wrnk iiitn , with brain , nerves mill xciiiul orKiini
Iiniinlruilan tlnilnii nbsolutocuroln Nnivi : HfANH.
Tlioy iiiiikoiil'liiicii ruuiiK , KlviMlroiiinl vlitor to i'x.
liiiuituclyiiulliil ublollfu' Joy , II | > or box , ixirllnilil
INiniiilili-tfrnii. NKHVK 1IKAN 10. , IIUCKAIU , N V
Uulit I'V ' liutKliuan Druj Co. , 1110 Fornulu Ml. , Uin.llio
iSchlffmans'iAsthnaCur noier/ ' i -
i dinl n/i / la th wont cu ? t loiurca com *
IhrixV.s tlotpl cffecll caret vbcrttll tthcn fall , < 1 I
( rial ronrinrti Hit molt < ArliVa < . 1'rlce , 1 r ( ind I
Ol.CO.of Dnnjlilitr by mill. Sarapla rfll'i : for I
itamp ! DR. n. SCniFFMANTl , Et' Panl. lllnn. j
3. M
tncnt : II a ! > . or ' ? 'or J. lint Ly.
With c b orUer for ill lioinn , will iml iiuuhai
( nmranuu tu refund nearr If Iho ttontiafniliill *
OJiJi tYuirwit'w * Ukiia . | ii 'ii'l'ol.tunlJ . U
GOODMAN 1)RU(5 ) ( CO , ,
11) ) I * nriiuni tilruut , Oinuliii. S'nli.
Jlanhoi" ) rvMnri'il. hiiiitll , niiX
mo of IUu o IruubloH. AiMrurK.vllh 'iinl ? ,
_ _ . IA. im/lllMSV. / . ( I..MIcli.
, , A P0 _ C d Permanent C Etor all
dlteasito. . Cur
where olh rtreitmen iroctionjnllheacri
Nlllo. Prlc , one dollar , So * ilgnaliifo oi E. U
6IAIIL For Bale Cy All D" > ' - * -