Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAJEA DAILY BEE : , FrIllDA.Y , MAEO1I 20 , 189:1. :
A IJVBKTIHEMKN'TS for tliCHofoIuinni will
* * ' lie tnkrn until l-'iMp. in , , for the ovnnlnff
edition , and until Ptatp. in , , for the morning
edition nnd SUKiiAr Ilrr.
tPElIMB t'uli In advance ,
KATKS Advertisements on thliliacowlllto
clmnrnl for nt tlio ralo of Hi cenb per
enl tor tlio n reinsertion , and Icenttiorword
or each Hubscquont Insertion , and ll.M per
Ini * per month. No ndvortliotnrnt taken ( or
w than i'jccnts for thu lltit Insertion ,
INITIAL ? . ( Inures , ; lym bull , etc , , count each
JHHono word.
rPFIKHK nilvorthoincnt.t must run consocu *
-L tlri'ly nnd under no circumstance * will
tlicy 1m tuken ordlRrnntlntied by telephone.
[ JAHTlKHnd vcrtlslnz In Iheso columns nnd
4. linvItiKtliolriinswpmurMri'mod toVntim *
Iprod letter In care of Tun HKK. will receive a
mmilcn'd check to cnablo tlioni to gel tliclr
llcrM , Answer * will bo delivered only on
P1 tatlon oZ this cheek. Enclose aiiHwers
ii M rriiolotic * iiroorlviildro | ) * > 4odi
A lib > KMrrtl cmunl9 tinder tlio bond nf
"Spo lal Notices" uro published In both
tlic1 tnariiltiit nndiiVf'nhiK ulltlonsof Tut : Ilrr.
( In1 circulation n ( which nugreRnK" ) more than
tO.COIpiipeM ( lully , und Hives tlm achertlwr
thi ly unlit not only oftliulnrRo circulation nf
Tun IlKi : InOniiilm. hut nlMiln Council IHulK
Lincoln uiul otlier cl tics and to win 1 11 tlm west.
"BRAN c f
A < 1t rrtldng for IhcincolmnnH will lie taken
nn the above condition' . lit the following btlil-
lii"H houses w ho are nuthorlrod In takosptiolal
iiotlcn.ut Ihu same riilus usounbo had ut the
maliiplllci1 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
gfiJIN. Mrccl , I.lHter IMucK. _
T01IN W. HELL , 1'harmnc'lst. SSI South Tenth
" street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HARK & KTHIV. Stationers iitul Printer *
UJKouth lOth street.
II. rAHNiWOIim. Phnrmilclit. 1115
( . 'inning street. _
! V\ > J7 iriMJlYKH , Pharmacist , Kl North ICth
> Htrcot.
pF.O.V. . I'Altl ! , I'liiinnaclst , 1718 I.caven-
( J worth htrcct ,
M CdUKS'l'HAltMAOY.Slth end Farniitn.
n , rf. ( , rcttnj ) offlrrttotumnon tht ( pngf.
POSITION as stonoRraplier and typewriter ,
orolllcuwnrkof uny kind , by lady otcvpcrl-
pnco. (5. ( llllee. MMlfra
" \\7ANTIU ) Jl'oslthiti its bookkeeper nnd
clnrk ; olnht month's cxporltnce. Address
llox i' 7 , I'latthinoiith.eb. M8148I *
\VANTr.n--Sltnatlnn lirj'otinirinnn about
T IK ) as nsslHtnnt. bookkeeper , bill clerk or
fithorolllcedutlix ; has uxiicrlcncn of ( teneral
Morn work ! ( rood penmen nnd arithmetician ;
( ( fi-rfiiciMfrotuprt'sont employers. Addnss
Ilov ftV ) . Ogden. Imvii. 801 1U *
X Wanted , by a young man
married ) , sltimtloii ns boohkrunoror KCII-
ofllco work. Can speak ( ormuii and Klve
( Hot cluss references. Address OQ , HIT.M7POa
M7PO-a )
\ \ 7ANTED Portion ns forelady In some
> westutii town or city , best of city rcfer-
furnWicn. (1 ( in. Hco. 600 M *
WANTI'.H SowlnKlo do In private fanl *
llci. Rood work guaranteed. ( Jailor ad-
i2)JISl. ) Mnry'H nvo. M ) . ' . 81'
I T\/ANTii : ) Sltuntloii as cook orlionsiekenp *
V > cr , lir.M Clark At. 70ua ) *
AYOl'NOninn doslrcs jiosltlon as ntenoj-
'rniiliors am also a bookkeeper ; can Klvo
rcforcnci'H , Addruus 1'Ki , Hco. M C10-2U *
nmii , work of any kind. Ad *
JI 74n-.H ) *
\7 ANTl' ! ) I'oslt Ion by yontiK lady stonoc-
i ' r.iphor . and liookLecperi will furnish icf-
cronces. Address b' 49 Hao. CWi 50
SITUATION as Janitor by pniotlcal
pluinber who iindcrstniids taking care of
liollt-rx , stoain lieiitlng and general repairing.
Aildicss l 'W , llt'O. 11571 80 *
kMAHA Eniplovmeiit Uuronii-Establlshed
\.s II yonrt. 1i-l. 1112 , 111) N. 10th , near Gnpl-
tel inc. Ululo and female help coimtiintly on
jinml W507 Alll *
ANTED Sltnntlon < i for peed alrls ; my
uniting rooms are always full from 0 a ,
M , to 0 p.m. Canndlfin Kninloyiiiont ofllcp ,
aU'iS. ir.tli. Telephone. HI. 021
For , tte. , loj > nfflmt rnlninnnn thin page.
AIUIKJl wanted at the KxclianRo , South
Oinnhn. J1810-21 *
\\TASTEIl Two persons to receive Instruc-
TT lions. Keep bonks ; Kood situations. J ,
II , .Smith , ttfl Now Vork Llfo. JI8S5 5I
WANTED A hiistlcr for olllco work by an
Investment company. Party to take
11.000 to f5,000 stock In company. Address O
7. Hoc. Jl 74:1-24 :
\\fANTri--Ono first class pants maker at
* ouco by A. U Clarke , 01(5-18 ( Second st. .
Nonraskn. 8)2 ) 'JO *
COTTKH WANTKD-Aro you a cutter ? If
FO do you USD the A. 1) ) . Kutlcnuwn.othod
ofoiiltlne ? S1738-S1 *
"AN'J'KD Ono first elass collar niaUcr ;
slcady work. J. 11. lluncy & Co , , Hast-
IIIRS. Nob. 7at'JJ
GENTS Wnntcd Any Kcnt having been
deceived by misleading advertisements
.aid cliciilnrs may srcuro the OUIIVUH.SIIK | out-
lit of the memoirs of Ooncral Sherman , writ
ten by himself , vlth iinnendlx by Hon. .Inincs
ti. lihilne. hy sondlnK Ids oitlllt to us nnd 15
contain ntnnips , Our book contains 1,000 Inrno
Jmm-s nnil Is tlio only authorized Mfo of Shcr-
" mail , fend to Charles \Vobstrr k Co. , 'I Kast
Fourteenth street , Now York Olty. M7OQ 33
WAKTKU Konr llvo men to sell sufo.s on
the road : sa'aryand ' expenses. Address
Wood > V Harris , Sioux City , la.
WANTKD Good canvnsscrs nt the
NjwIngMnchlno ulllcv , 1518 DouglaiiHt.
\\7"ANTFD In every township In tno stitte ,
TT n Rood local agent to canvass for John N.
NaveiiB1 stock doutor book , contiilnlnR ! M
panes , iirlnted In Knyllsh and ( Icriiuin. Tor
furtlfcr partluulars address H. Hunx , Carson.
Iowa. 088-22 *
wanted to sell Roods to incr-
chants by sample ; now goodc ; big pay for
workers ; jjurmiincntsituation ; chancotobnlld
alliiutrndo. Model Mfg , Co. , touth licnd. Ind.
WANTTI ) An experienced male stcnosri-
phur nnd typewriter to do work In a linv-
ypf'aofltue In'n. ' city ot 10,000 Inlmbltunts lo
cated In this state. Must bo well rocom-
inoii'lnl. Address Itox " 17 , Lincoln hotel. Lin
coln. Nob. Jlf.71 .
WANTEl--Mcchiinlcs , miners , Innibcrinen ,
clerks , bookkeepers , salesmen , farmer' .
* lAlxitynf ana nfeii In all capacities tocomo to
wostein UrOKt > ! iaiul accent position ! ) ut nioro
tlirth IlvltiK wapcs. This Is a nur of tlm world
not only equal to"but oxccllliiu any ether In
natural udvuntagaB. Wo Invite correspond
ence ( rum ull who would feel nny posslblo In *
toresl , and assure you that all you have to do
1 to liivcfitlgiite. Wo en n prove beyond per
adyenlureof a doubt all that vvoa.s crt Oro-
' con loan & Trust Co , l.s } { Vlrbt St. , Port-
land. OruHOn. f07
For atcf , tte.ftttop offrtt folurmi on thin ) iag
WANTKD A girl for Roncral homework.
Mil Cuialng street. M81122 *
TSTANTEl ) Competent waist finishers ! por-
TT inaniMit places to Urst.clat.9 linnda. Ap
ply toMudanio Wallace , dressmaking parlor * .
6th lliHir. The Moreo Dry ( JcuxlaCo. 791-l'j '
GlKIi wanted for generalhoiiMjuork , coo N ,
lilthsU 807 ID *
COUIC A thoroiiKhly experienced coolc and
Bcnorul boiicuwork girl In small lumlly ;
only Ihoso with Urst-clutis roferencei nei-d
Bpuljl hlgli wntca. OillutSJOa Douglusstroet.
\\7ANTK1) ) Olrl for gonvml housework i
TT Kiuall fitmlly. Mrs. J , II. Tun-otic. 210
Poulliltothit. 773-20
G1 j wanted at SOO 3. 25th tiven tie. 718
IIKAIiTIIY child to adopt Into rcspcota *
bio family. Adclreij 1 , Itoo. 7U1-11T
A11V Wun tcd.Oc nun n lad v to Instruct en
tilngur sewing machine ! ! , 1510 Douglas st.
PATENT sfprrns
t'orrntn.ttt.,8e toto/jlrtt wumiion tl\t \ (
" "
Co. , lloo bul IduiB , 0 nuil in. liranoh oltlco at
\yaahlDituii U.U Coiistiltatlon free. t
, ftc.t fettoiniffnt column on
.WNOAaKMEISTS todo cl rc niaklnR InTfoni.
f'jL'J 1 1 Ics collcltcd. IMI > Stunly , SOlOllarncy
itrctit , M131-A- *
LAijlKii und Kcntlouen can rvnt
udu hiilu at Cil N. tilth ut , 11 *
For rate * , ett , , * c6tcrpnfflrtt column on
rnoil KENT Ilrlck hmino lO Half llownrd
J. Htrcct. 10 ixxun % J.5.oo per month , water
rent Included. Inijulro Frank IiK. Orff. ini.
Chicago BtrocU . M 82 < a
2iTlU ( 'attltol ux-i'Miio A nlco 7 room cottage
with bath , lii'iulro ' 2.118 Capitol avenue.
MJ18-2I *
TTIOIt HKM'-O room honio 2T 30 I'nrker st ,
J-1 botwconlHh and ttotli. Apply 1315 .Lowo nf.
700-VS *
T71OII KENT 'Eleven-room , modern liono
JL1 soutlionit exposure. 618 S. ZJnd at. .ViT i'l' '
Poll KENT rivo-room cottage on motor
lines elty water ! 001 Douglas. TOT
171OH Kent. Ono IIOUFO In Iho clofinnt new
-L1 Mock at lltth and California UK Ten
rxiins ( ; nil modern conveniences , Itrennnn
k Uo. C22 N. V. I/ . M718 3
FOH KENT n-room house. funiMhod or un *
furnished. Inquire at 2 ( ) l''aniain ft.7G5
7G5 1Q *
rpEN room house , with twoacro frnlt , lurpo
Jl bnrn pleannht hoina llutchlnsotiVund \ ,
riOTTAUn of a moms In rear of 1215 rhlcneo
w street , KOO nor month. MC07-S1'
SItOOM IIOHBC , hot nnd cold water , bath nnd
cloM > t. In ono of the bcstlouutlons In the
city. Ji'.l.ou per month to desirable party. II ,
i : . Cole , Continent- ! l > lock. WRiJl )
THTOIMtENT 2 7-room liotiico. 18th und V1 n-
JL. ' ton. HO. IR-rooni hiniKc.Vt'.tli nnd Cnldwcll ,
with nil modern ronvrnlcncci. fJS. AddrcssJ.
II. JohnsonCll . V. l.lfo bulldlns. *
"TI OIIKENT No.2111 Cnpltnl avenue , inndorn
JJ convonlcncoH. ThoO. l < " . llarlsUo. 7."i7-.7
ANIFMHKK nf 8-room luiiisi-n. city wut r
nnd hath. I'M and uuwnrds. A lie cottiiKt" )
and Hats , lluiidy it Co. , 1(111 ( Capital avennc ,
[ P you with to rent nhoiiHOOr Htoro sec II. I' .
Cole , Contlnuiital block. tr.'J
F OK KENT 1'our 0 und 7-rootu Hats with
bnth , hot wiitcr. etc. ; puvcd struct ; near
business : nil Inipiovonidits ; only 125 per ino.
llcferenucsrciiulrcd. The Mend Invustmunt
Co. , 4J3Hcobulldltiff. ir. > 7
For rnteo , tttfcft poffrt rnlumnon tlit ] > a < it.
liXMl KENT Furnished rooms. IttM I'nrnain.
I1 Mam a. *
3'HOOM cottage , furnished for housekeeping ,
II IS. , - ' - ' '
rooms , also roonii for house
keeping ; sns bath ; or will sell furnlttiro
ot 12 moms on time. 1330 Capitol live. 70S a *
IllST-ObAPH furnished rooms. 410 North
] th street , second Ihjor. MTUO-a *
. . . oust front rooiuu , modem convon *
uncos , for gentlemen. 60S S. .1st street. .
TTlUItNISllKD room with modern convon-
Jlouccswith or without board. 1011 IJoufrlai.
fPWO 3-room cnttatros and II rooms all nlci'ly
J-furnished for IlKht liousoKecplin * , 110 , $1-
nnil .flO per nionth : city and cistern witter ,
. " .m Docatnr. .Mrori : u
T71UIIMSIIEIJ rooms , steam beat , references
X1 KJIS DoiiRlas. 313 20'
TKAM heated llntmit 700 a. lUth. Thos. I' ,
Hnll , ail 1'aMon block. " 025
WOK KENT Furnished rooms. 1607 DoucliH
1 > UIIMAN hoiiip , U10 Dodjro street : for
J. Rood board , nlco looms , modern conveni
ences , ratesand locution It c.umot bo e.M'ciH'il.
OMAI.L room , 1701 Capitol uvc.
FUKNISIIKD nnd iiiifnrnlsliod rooms and
Kood board. Mrs. M. J. Shrluer.lCI S. ! Mh si.
WU 19 *
. . .T room with alcove , curtains , mantel ,
heat. Kns.UatliL'nlaiCt.s. for 2 entleiucuor
man und ulfe , $111.00 per month ; .WS SUlist.TO
ST. ( ! I > AIi : iMirnpean hotel , with dlnlns
room ; steam heat In all rooms , 13th and
DodKt ) . Special rates by week or month. UK
FOH KENT Ktirnlsliod roomsi , Ras bath and
steam , 1313 Howard , Iffi
OllltGNT Furnlshod room HI3 IJodso st.
M784 in W
FOH KENT 5 rooms , ono lloor , 1712 Jackson
atrcot. Mi.10 ,
TjlOU KKNT Twenty-flvo rooms In a brick
> - block : f-'ooil location ; wltli or without fiir-
nltiire. O. F. Davis Co. , IVKi Karinim 8t. 834MM
For raits , etc. , tec top nffrst column o tlitipanf.
riAWOIarso south rooms with board. Each
JLsultublofor twa All modern convenleiiocs.
I'loiisnnt location. Hatlsfnctloti assured , ( it
i . cor. 10111 nnu
M312 21
FUKNISIIKD rooms with modern conven-
lonclcs : hoard If desired. 5. r.corneri'.tli
avcniio and Harncy. N702 SI *
rilNISIIF.I ) room with bourd. References.
. ' 11 Knrnum. JIUVJ - ! ! *
ROOMS nnd board , ISiiChlcaso st.
51152 Sl
TT OH UKNT Two bouth front rooms , with
V tlrst oiass board , references. Apply 1811
UodKO street. 590 ID *
PUUNISHEU looms with board. 407 N. 10th
KtlOOt. MMU- *
FOII KENT A larRc , finely furnished room
with board , toaninn nnd wife. The most
pleasant part of city and private family ; no
other boarders ; references. Address O 47 , lleo.
lr rates , etc , , scetnp offlrst column on
rPWO very plousant front rooniH UMfurnlsliod
JLorpart furnished tOKentlcniiin and lfo or
two uentlemcn. liOOXeavonworth lloor ,
, B04 SO *
FOH IIclit liousoUecpliiK. pleasant rooms
wltli bay window , on motor line : modern
conveniences. SHii N , 23th stioot. MTOl W
For rates , etctcctop of first rnlniui on thttpaoe.
/"IHOIOKdnsk room for rent In quiet ofllco
w on ground lloor. 1007 Varmint atreot.
J1780-29 *
JTOUBS nt 700 S 16th ; steam bent furnished.
JThomns F. Hall , Ull i'uxton block. TOG
"I71OH IlENT The 4-story lirlok bulldlnc.vrlth
J. or without power , formerly oueuplpd by the
lleo I'libll.slilnc Co. , 010 Farniiiii st , Tlio bnlld-
Inic hat u ilrcproof comcnt basuincnt.coinpleto
steam hoatliiK ll.\tiireswiitcr on all thutloorfi ,
RUM , etc. Apply at the olllco of Tlio Hco. 015
POlt KENT Or Riilo , my building on Jones
t , bot. 10th JIc llth. G.A.Umhiulst/JIOS 15th.
FOK KENT Store mow. ' . ' 0x77. In now Clow-
ry building on Chicago street , just west
of IGth street , IMMO per month. InclndfnKstoara
heat and city water : also b.isnincnt Kiiltnbla
for shop , on corner Iflth uiul O'hlciiso streots.
f.V.OO per month. Roberts , 403 North inth ,
For rattt , etc. , tec lap offrtt column on tliii jiaoe.
FOR KENT IJrlck wiiroliouse , two storloi
lilttli ; bnspinunt , hydraulic oluvator , truck-
ago ; best location In elty. A. U. I'owoll. Old
For rattt , etc. , tectop offift rolurnti on M ( pj0f ,
.ST Now Union Peoot JjntulOmaha ,
Neb. 1C. Stulit lins erected a three tory
profuicd brick hotel , located on tin ) corner of
llth nnd Mnson t-trcots. boturca the onlraiice
to two viaducts nnd within' ono block of the
now Union depot. It contains 48 sdeoiitnic
roams , a kitchen , laundry , olllce , lobby.dlnlni !
room , a barbershop orsumpln room , n. ladles'
and Rcnt.V purlin , nnd butli rooms : has the
latest Impiouunonts ; lighted by vlcotrle Hsbt
orirus : hasllio nlarniHln every room. Mid It
heated bv steam , Itliln view of nil triilllc
RnliiR to nnd from the depot , t'lcato aiidw. !
nil lottorn toowner , E , Stuht , 1013S Hthntreet ,
Oinixlin , Nob. .Mruo y >
TIMNE Inrguhotel , Historic * withbiiscment ,
J' situated In the lieait of the city. Fur par-
tleulurs addre N box 17 , Murysvlllo , Kan.
77110 *
TTIOll IlENT A fixnn udjolnlnir the town of
-L. lllalr , Neb. l.itnje orchard , vineyard
tiitne anihx'H , running water , fenced. IfV ,
Mo 11 ridc , lllalr. Neb. OI--1'
AilUEN TAiniS Uircnt. T. Murray.
TT1O11 HAI.R An.Vl flro proof safe. Knniilra
- * ' nt HiMtou Store. OH
FOIlSAI.K-t'omplotowjt of'druK atoro 11 x-
turn , how uabcs , eto. . 1' . 0. box 37. ! . ( Ml
t'orr-.ittirte.t cetnpofflr t coliiiuri un th < < pdoc
I3EST Uuu Imtr goods In w i | | linlrdrroliix ,
-Uwljii , HWltchna. bunjta , hulr cimlns , eta. a
ipoclully. DttvUu , hulr x l und jullllper.
oppokltu po.tolllce. 111 S. Utli st. . Uiu-xha.
Tvrmttt , , rtc . , < * ttrpnf frit column on thu pay *
T.ISTyonrLounMto or rent wlthO. F.
J-.IIntrlgon.M2 ? ) . V. Uto.
I * Agotit-Ooo .1. Fail 1. 1009 Fiirnt\m
Jistrcct , makes jpcclalty of ronllnn bounce
Moron , etc. , and collecting rents. Mr 07
" \\rnuhashoimeiniidstorojto rent ? I have
ii loMnf customer * * . J. II. 1'urrutto's lion *
ta'Apcncy ' , loth and Uodfto.
Hi KCOLK , rental ngcncy.Coiitlneiital blk.
Forratetttc ue tnpoffnt ooliimnon thtt pi/ .
" \\fANTKD-T\vo or three unfurnished
11 rooinn. convcnlont to board , for tnnn ,
wlfo nnd little lrl. AddrcxiV , A. Hand ,
care Aetna Insuratieo Co. , N , Y. life.
ANTEI-To rent hotel In In , a or Nebraska -
braska , Address I'10 , llcoonico. aiill--'O *
WANTED-A boimo of about ten roomi ,
well built , tnodern Improvements , do-dr
ably located , with n lawnf not In a row , Anyone
ono having such n bouse to rout address Ilooiu
17 , Chamber Commerce. ' l.'tt
\7ANTED-To rcnt by April 1 , norSroorn
' house , modern. Address2425 Dodge.
MT8D M221
Forraltietc.tectnpn/Jlnt column.
STOllAOT ? of lioiiiolinlrt Roodsi clonn. dry
| ) laeo , privately ttored.tonns inodurntevo ;
iilso KtorentoH's ilnrlnc t hfsiiinincr , wo will
KCt tlicni from tlichousoi mill dcllrrr tliciu In
the fall In Rood trim. Tel. WU. Till Douglnt ,
Vorks. 719
C IIEAl'KST and best storao for ( urnlttiro.
\Vells. IlllPariiaiii st , oH
COI nStoraso rooms for OZICH and button
Also dry Htoraiio for m die. and household
goods. Hates toasonablo , ainplo traekum1.
The Neb. Cold StorasoCo. , 8I5-U17 Howard st ,
"liKST trnckano nml atonso biilldlnir In
JJOinalia. United States iro\erntiient bonded
warehouse , lloiuthold Rood stored and eared
for J.onost rates ciinranteed. W. M. Hindi *
mini. I0ii-lon : I.cnvpnworth. -TW
7'orrnlrtetc.fee tupn/Jlrst column niif/ifa page.
I31OII SALU chi-ap Furniture of a n-rooin
J-1 house. Address K 41 , Hoe. MB'il iil *
uliilvliix. counters , mlr-
- lors , tables , sliow cases , ( { as llvtures , &c.
Ac. Uio. W. Mowcry. Illil PoiiKlasst.
" 17\OHSAI \ > E-Allor unrtof furniture of a 12
J- room boardlnu house ; lionso Illlt-d with
boarders ; Rood location. Address 1'5 . lleo.
TilOH SAI.E Kurnltitro In 7-room lionsos
JL1 house for rent ! opp. llaiiscom ptrk , north.
All modern conveniences. Knqulro l.oo
AN'leliol. ISth and I.eavenwortli. Mh i
t'i > rrtiti > , ctc.tcctapof frtt column on thtupage.
| ? OU SAI.E Carriage , team , wnson. Imrse ,
J- cow , Uaih. Cheiip , Colonel llutlur , Kurt.
TTlOIl SAI lXl Imported Shetland stallions.
-I-1 I ) . II. Hotmail , llliilr , Nob. J.VJ L'4
HOIiSF.S and niulos , cash orcnqy pavincnts.
Caller addrossllawkeytflnv. Co. , room It. ! ,
DoURlnsblock , Omaha , Nob. Ittfi
IJlOUSAljK-Chonp , wngoii and double work
. liiuiu'ss.or will exchanuo fur liuul < board ,
also Rood side bar bncsy , clicap. II. K. Cole.
Continental bulldlns. OK
Fortfitttctc.icc topnfjlntcnlnmn
cows for sales entrance to slock-
JyiirJa. Edit urns. A1I04 L'l *
I'orrato , etc. , fcctii } > ofjlrst cnlumiiontliltpaoe ,
/iOP.OCO trick for sale nt $7.r.O for l.ron. Can
T : bhlpbyiall. Address , F,70 , licoofllec.
IN1717 'JO'
"VTINKTKKN vol. Nebraska rcborls mid ofllcc
J.N furniture , roomi08 ; , N. V. Llfo bulldlnu.
THOU iAL ! < K-Dlebolcl safe Ingoodeoiidltlon ;
JL in eel hi in size. Inciulre nl JOG Merchants
Katlonnl bank M-4'.a
TTIOU SALK-A standlird malm nprleht
JL1 plnno , but llttlu used , at a sacrifice. Must
bo sold at onco. Call utlill'J ( J.ilclwoll. IfJI
TTIIHE brick. $22.00 per thousund. 0. D. AVood-
Jyoilh. . 1512Douglas st. 070
T71OU BAI.K-IMnnn. 8115 ; ciiftttln desk , K50 ,
J. and looks. J52I Sheniian avo. 4Ift
JVr rnfcn , f/r. , tec top nffrtt column on t/i ttaoe \ ,
WANT to buy and soil territory for pat
ents ; patents obtiilned ; send 11.00 for In
formation. Initructloii , clc. Itoferoiifo , lion
\i. if. I'elker and others , lliitlivrtord It Co.
mtciitnfllco attorneys and agents room C.12
r.i\ton block , '
" \\rANTKl ) Saloon fl\tnr s and two poeT
T > tableAddttss SJM West llroadwny
Council llhifls. ' MM1
T711IUXITUKK bouslit , sold , stored.Yolls \
-LMI111'arnamst. 1)10 )
" \\7 AUTED-Anytlilnir. imlso. fnrnlturo
ii lioisi-.s. liuuKlesVI11 buy uiiytliliiK you
have fornaloor sell It for you. Robert I'ultoi
Auction and C'oiuniltidloi. Co. , 1419 ,
Mrcot. Ouiuh.i . 17
Forrnfcsetc.see topnfjtnt column thti figc
100 printed onvvlopoH or cards 4Cc. 500 M.ZC ,
Liutti'rhuads iinil billheads same. A. W
l.arlinoro. printer'I linrkor block , JNl t 11) )
"l\f A.SSAGKtroatmont.clcctro-tlicrinal baths
-illscaln uiul hair tro.itiiient , manicure IUH
chlropodlst.MM. l'ostaiM ! ) a.IMli.\Vlthnollblk
For rates , etc , see f.ijyiIrit column nn ttili mat
LOST-Illnck and tan bttoli with collar line
hells. NSMO Nellie , lioturn to 015 Ciipl
tel avcniio or'J'.J North Oth street , rceolve re
\\artl and iioqiiosllons aakcd. M77D1
For mtif.cte. , nee tnunf / > r t codimii /ntti7S )
Nothing todiite , ISth
4- from "Jj 0" since at "S. K , y. " IIiivolioci
delayed on nccoiint ofsovoro Illness ; will b
in " 11 S" about 2Gth to "T U" 87th. 1' . M78KJ1
JNKOHMATION wanted us to tlm where
about * of valualilo ICnsllslniKistllT , inNsliiir
slneo noon Jlarch II. Itonf rcw Stevenson. 1,2
1'axtonblk. ' 6124
A NY ono knowlni the whereabouts of two
boys , Doddy and Qulnoy C'nrsou.who wor
left with their aunt , Mrs , K.SIppel , i t tloux
City , la , , about Klinonlhs ILRO , will uluasnln
form tliclr mother , Mrs. H. I1. Carson , Blou.x
Ulty , la , 7o'J ' 10
Forrattt , tie. , tee top nf Jlnt column nn Ui It ( Kipe.
fPO know your future satisfactorily and for
-1 the least immuy. no to Mrs. btovcr , 4ui
NKth at. Miai ' 'J
T\f ASSAOEMadunPelzltir , oor lilt ) y. llth
i\flW. WALLA CK , clairvoyant ; naturally
-Ul-Klfted : tejlf ) past a iidfuturo.loxi troubles ,
absent friends. ohaiiKus , travel , business. Jlfcw
I'unmin street. MJ.V1
Srile.I'OUT , palmist fortumi teller , tolls and futn ro from the lines of the hand
Innld ( lypsy way ; ladles only ; fee H. SIS S.
Ilith. KO-'fi *
\UANTEI-Alt should know JlrDr. . Oo
ii Una , the lady mind reader and foituno
teller ; tells past nnd future ; hho Is the bist ;
ovi'rheto ; Isespcclally deep In all inatrlmo-
, nil ; alTulrx and inystorlnim ilUanpoaruncob ;
don't buy , uellor KO on a journey until you
consult her ; the. can can fortell lu result. : Is
truthful and rullable ; perfect s.ilUf.ictlon
cuurnnteod by uinlli send two ttuinp * for II-
Instriitcil circular. IT--- North ICth st. , Omaha ,
Neb. 181-alj
"jlfltS. NaunleV. Warren , clnlrvoyanf , trnnco
-LU j ) , , iliip , writlnic and mllablo biulnoss
incdluri , four yours In Omaha. HUN. 10th , te > 3
l''nrrtitrietc. , > re ( opu/JInt column nn l/itxptge.
" ; \AiJiAGE Madam Dulziur. uvorClO S. Uth.
IXfASfAOEbath at Mudamu Enilth'i purlurn ,
-Luul ; lloor. 4JQ S. 1Mb st Vti .T *
"JHHEU Uohle loans moavycor , rarnamilll
_ _
For rn tti { ttc. t itetof ofjtr eulumn on thu pigre
TJANK iitocki for salt ) ! O , U. llurrotr-i.
IJNorfollf. Ntb. KM
HAVEcuBtomcr for-CS.MO vrorlh of national
bank utock , oaMetn Mra-kn ) or woileru
own. Omalm preferred : i lvo particulars by
otter. 0 , O. Wallace. 310 J. J , Hrotm Woclc.
Jrnalin. , , t _ 7W-2a
EKI.KKNSTEIN quit Claim not required ;
llrst and iceond iiiorttaKc loam Iti K. V.
smith's and other addition * ! . Alex Jloore,4ui
leo hiilldlnR. , , W V0" !
MOHTdAara placed pWinplly upon Onuia
bnslncs-f property ntlotvpurttun. I/inns
nado on approved collutral | i-ccurlty. Note
irmitlit. School and mnnfulpal boildt iiootl-
itcd upon very favornblo terms. ICInilmll ,
Uyaa. ia Fariuiu u 1303 a8
\fOUTflAGE loanwautud. . Mct'uRUO In-
JJlvoatiiuiit company. _ 701
\1 ONKV to loan on RoodrpllatorHl security :
-'tiorlpiiiios | lionslit. Klniball , Cluiinti A :
tynn , l0a ! ! Fnriuuint. 71.8 24
I7IIKST A Heeond niortRaitoH on vacant A Im-
J. proved city prop. County warrant * bought.
Money on hand. K M. KIehardson.818N.Y.LIfo.
ur > o
, elc..tector > offlnlcolitmn onlhta yaae
s1 ECONI ) mortKiuo loans ; money ready.
Alox. Moore , 401 Bee bldR. 4C9-0 t
\rONKV to loan , Ml < llitnil ( liianmtoo nnd
LH Trint Compiiny , lOUFiimani alrcot. M708
\fONKVoiilmiidtolounon ImprxHcd orun-
L t ltiim | > vcd property. . Itnlncy.
Omaha .National bnnk bliU M4 M 1 *
\1 O.N l'V to loan On real cstntc , liKtnllment
Lfl uiortRaKo ; nuw iilntii OA.UJinoiitlily pay-
ncntti. 1'or dill particulars rail on or nd-
Ircss t'nltod Slatoa l.onn .V Inxcatmont Co. .
rooms GDI und 003 Hco building , Uniuhn. Noli.
fl rnil cent money , It. C. 1'atlcrson , DOT NLW
. 'Vork Llfo biillcling. 70ul7
"i\lNrV ( ) to loan onOnialiii nrnporty , I'ldcl-
-i. > liy | Trust com puny. 1611 l-aniuin. . 78
itIVATR money to loan. J , I
N. Y. Uff. 953
BUf TIDING lontiMOto 7 per ci'iit ; no nddl-
tlonnl cliur forcoiiiinlsslnnor iittorncv'H
foes. SIcllclo , First National bank bld'it.
l oani dull on hand. Cllobo
nnd I'rnstt'o. . IW7S. Kilhst. No delay.
House ! to rmt , jjood list.ft
CP , & 0. M. Antliony. IIHN. Y Ufoliulldltur ,
.lend inonoy on farms In cholco count let In
S'climslin mid lowu , also on seed Omaha ruti-
K'lito pniportyj lowoit rules ; beat tciins ; no
delay : inunoy ready , Titles and values pis-ml : iKU
" ] \fONrV to loan on Improved city projiorty
Jrlut cmrrciit nitos ; fluids on haiiri : no de
lay. Goo. F. lllnst. XUo.'i UaniKo uld'R. U51
EASTEHN inoncy-r.lH edswl inildo loans
wuntud. I'lilladolplila Morti'iio : and
Tiuat Co. , U. AV , I * . Coiitoaiop , Tllourdof Tr.ulo.
\ . Kstato Loans SI. O. Macleod. 1)11 ) N.
ly LMfobiiltdlni- . 701 ! ! : . > < )
loans placed wltlioiit any
trouble. A. 1C. Hlloy.rooinll , Cunttnvntal
block. MT.VI tn'Jl
fornitc , etc. , tccliipof flrtltnliim'i ' nntMn jiagt.
" \ToNEVto loan liy H. F.uMastcrs onchattol
J-ilanil collatinil sronrltlcs for : uiy tlmu from
1 to T inontlis In any union lit to suit bor
Loans muduon household ponds , pianosor-
cans liorses. inulus. housed , lunsus , waruliuusu
roccll > the lo estipoMslulo rates with
out publicity or removal lit prnpnrty ,
liy loans arc so arrnriKHd.tliiil ynn niako
u liayiiinnt of any amount at uny time titid re
el lira both principal and lutcrost.
Ityonnno a balance on your property or
liavea loun you\vantclinnod. I wlllpny Itolt
and carry It foryon , If yoif find It more cou- up tulcphonc N ( i 10''t and jour
bnilnosi will ho arraimert ut liono.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
( H. 1' . Mnstors ,
Itooni \Vitlmcll bile. . l.Hli and Karnoy sU.W8
b'inic , ill1) ) S. ir > ; h St. , loini'S money
iV onchattelsorcolIutorulat reasonable rate
1 JC W
Formtcsctc.settopcif'flrt\tintumn \ onl/ifs /
/ 1IOAllitorefiir ) sale or trade. Iixjulro
"TOH SAljK A ( soodpuylin : real estate bnsl-
JD IIPSS. Kxncnses llKlit. Host of reasons for
selling. Small cash capital. Address U ir .
lluo. M8UJ-SI *
Achancu In a life tliuo for men with capital
und acttvomoii without capital to sec uro u
VOIY pleasant nnil ] irolt.illo ( liitHlncst. No
dioncH or curiosity ree ( < eN need -ipnly. Ail-
ilii < si with 2 cent stamp , Vrnsnlldatuil Adjust-
aljlo8liooCo. . i-aloin. iluss M8I7-20 *
' . ) > chnncoto obtain an established
; 'iocory business If store Is tiiUenlinmedi
ately after It Is vacated. 1'or particulars ud-
dmG10. Uee , . 800 Si *
MfANTEn Enoiwtlo rellablobualiicsaniiui
wlthil.OO.Hii . * W > fur mud or olllco work
In wholesale biuslness ; nooil salurr niicl ix-
ponscs for rlKl't ' lutin. Address U 1 , Dee.
808 B5
"I7IOR ! ? A I. R or trade A blaoKsinltlislio , ) 011
Jt ? ifilli : md .IiickRon. TuMt ) *
"I710II SALK-1 barlior cjlmlp.
JJ I worUtaiiil and other harbor
H.liiiniiJcrt , rreniont. Neb , 770JO"
TT10U SALE-llarbcrsliniiln tonn of ' . ' .000 In.
JL ? Nebraska ; liulldlii'j , tlxtiircsi'ncl ull coiu-
] > lcle , oneiiay terms , For further particulars
liiqulro ofO. II. T. Halo. 1W ! Uou building.M73121
17IOU SAhK orTrndo Awoll located rancli ,
X ? with 10.UUU head nt i-attlo and : WO horses ;
cattle well Kraai'd up from nallvos. No Tcx-
ans. Owlns to favorahlo cllni.ite . ranuliwoll
adnptcd to brcodltig , * Vnrtlcs Interested , do-
Hlrlii ! ; to closu up tholr Ininlnc'HH. Mill oiler
special liiiliict'iiiL'iitslo buyers for cash or well
located real ostate. For further particular *
apply to or add loss , Kobort W , Uliirke.-iil l.a
Hallo street , Chicago. - '
"LTJOH SALE > 7,000 00 stock of Roiicrnl mor-
JJ eliaiidlso. Wunteiish and will sell ittdls-
connt If taken this week. Address look box
.411. Auburn , Neb. TtB-IO *
V\rllOtKSAIE ll.quor business , a party with
TT cupltiil desires to buy Into ubovuliiislness
In Oiniiim , Addiobsstiitlniainouiit ri'fiiilred.
K 71 , Uuu. ; 7J4 ! M *
G HOCr.UY Ktoolc for hale ; dolnj a casli busi
ness. Address 1M7 , Hoe. MSfi'J A13 *
FOH S A 1,13 Mpnl nmrlceUlrbtclnssflxtuies.
doliiKKood buslnu i. A bnritulii If ttilicn
HOOII. Aildreas look box . ' 1S3 , Council UlnlTa ,
F K SALE Wnll napurand p.ilnt . cstabllsh-
iiiiint carrying from 11,500 to f-,000 stoclc ,
nrolltablo business , coodlooatlon.
cxpcnios small , In the prosperous city ot
Qrand .Tunotioii. Addro sbtxi5 , CJrand .lunc-
tlon , Cola M 0iU ! ! *
TTlOK SAMv-Ono-hnlf Interest In the best
JL ? paying meat in.'irkot/ < C'oiinoll HliilTK :
poorhonltli reason forbo'lln-j. ' AvoraRn saloa
ovcrfV ) per day , AildresjitS. , care of Ili'o.
Counoll HlnlTs. MHU-L-O
DUNr.Al1 , la. , wants 'fc'mikory. ' Snltablo
building with OUMI fo" , on t. J. II , Head ,
I' COS 1 ! ) *
"IIIOK SAhE Ho you wlbtnto Ret In a ijoor
JJ business ? lluy the Cpiviicrcliil hotel at
Itrnkoii How , Nob. , tnKp jiurt Uiniiha ucrt
property , iao < 5
T710K SAr.K-l'iirnUuratLitnd undertaking
JJ bunliipHs In a peed towK.'vvllh or without
btore bulldliiKt unrt ciisiii.Uulanuo . cllt cdpo
pniicr or clear real estate ; Invoices aleut
M.COO. llox 042 , Mncoln , * * * 4KJ
EXl'EltlENCKn canvHs fers unrt
with lIKIo capital wllllhifl the limt s > lllnir
specialties In the west byVMIInn at IOU Clil-
ease street. Derbyihlro yfiorom.
line for tA ] * . fucash , to the
lilgliuatblddur , ntlOth'llAd 7C streets. I.ln-
coln , N b. , March 1 , ItlH/ntl J'J p. 1,1. , , I will MI 1
a vnmulcto transfer line , XM mules and horses
1.0 drayu und coal vaiom. 4 new ( urnitiiro
viinx , 1 now franio barn. HOxIli mifu niotlni ;
nuuliliicry , linnioss und othur urtluloi. K II.
IMcrson. receiver , 2 > i(130 ( *
c. , lectopofflnt column nnthls
rilllK Allcn-Kutchum School ot IC.xurosslon
JUOX.iStli. . ClushUHhelniiformcdln Kloctitlun
Uclaurtc , Sl.uUi'spoare , I'liyeleal Ciilluru.
BFIPOltK buylns unlnnooxaiiiliio Ihu new
iculo Klmball iiliino. AIloupeljl4 , Don elm
_ . _ 1)0. )
GKO. I' . Gollcnbcck. teacher of the banjo
with Hospo.lSia tlougla. ' . _ 24t
IHAVKu few now plitnoi for oiilo awfully
cncap , ns I hau ) uono out of thu planu bust-
ness , b. JoiirxMin , Fiiriiain and llth ti. f >
Air. .Albyn I'ranK , deputy clerk of tlm
United Stmoi court , went to Chicago yestcr
duyon private bualnoss.
Of your difficulties , if you arc a sufferer from contagious blood
poison , or any of the results of an unscientific treatment of that dis
ease , such as follow mercurial and potash poisoning is to take Swift's
Specific rtf jf f M You will n ° t only find relief , but a pcrma-
n e n t [ K mil lH curc * In thousands of cases tliat have stub-
bor 1 fti""l
n resisted
y all other treatment , IffrgrtMl 'i ' a s
been < jfound cncctiial. This great remedy not it3SftSa ) only
makes short work of blood poisoning , but drives out all traces of
mercurial or potash poisoning. It is a purely vegetable remedy ,
compounded of nature's most active agents , and it has been known
as a Specific for blood poisoning for fifty years. But the easiest
way out of such difficulties is to promptly begin the use of [ L.S-M |
Mr. George Stewart , of Shelby , Ohio , writes : "As soon as KSSBSi
I discovered I was afflicted with the disease I commenced talcing
and in a few weeks I was permanently cured. " t
Xreatt c on Illood anil Skin Dlnrnipn THiillcd Free.
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Gai
* orrafe , ffc. . ttetnjiof flnl column on (7ifxpiio ( < %
21,000 clothing forclotirfiirin.
' 'for Hear unimproved Innds. Wanted
tores nnil mules for good lots. Kvain K\-
hiiiisc , ( mil'iutoii bulltflntr. MtJO20 ) *
POK KXCHAXGK-I li.ivc .somo nlou Omaha
rental propcrtvtn tradofnr farm Iiiiul or
ots. I'nrrotte . . ' . '
, -2 Douglas block. JI.'s.1-irJ
HAT have vou to trade for U s > pe. liinil In
center of Nebraska ? AildreaiU 11 , Hoc.
nn 12
F IOU EXOHAXan-Karm near Omaha for
stockof ; drugs. AIo.T Moore , 401 , lleo bldjr.
797 . "
vv 'ANTIMVstcrn \ lands forOinalisi rental
property. 1'arrolte , S. Douglas block.
FOIt TIIADE A n 6-room modern IKHISC und
full lot , 1 inlln west of l.'itli und ruinani ;
ninll Incuinbraiicu. Address tl 4 , lice.M7S1
M7S1 20 *
TO TIUDK-ltrluk buslnoM bulldliu , 2
storli'S , 5 rooms , on court liouso Hquaru in
'Hliijthain , 111 , 1'rlco J4.000. oncuinbruil JI.OOO ,
oed titles want Rood corn land not further
vostlhan Kearntiy. KHInshiun'i population ,
i,0H ) ; foundry , car shops and fnotoih-s nl all
cltuK 4 railroads. AKoodelty , Iluutor Pros. .
IcH-ntnr , 111. f J-10 *
HIQIIIiV Improved Omaha business urop-
erty totrado for wild land anil some cash.
' . A. Leaven worth , room 42. Itarkerblk.
79J 21 *
ro triidc , 240 iiert'S of cleir laud In Adami
county. Nebraska.Vhat have yon to of-
erV. . A. llartlett , I'ltinuboll , Nob. MM I-31 *
IVILIj trade peed clour lot worthJ.0 und
takuKOod upright piano as part p.iyiucnt.
\ddress I'g.S , lleo. 47S
W IAIs'lii ; > To trade for astookof drills. J
Ho.v M ? . city. UVJ
POU TIIA1JK IWl-acro farm nniir KOO < | No *
brnska tovn.Ylll or trade eiiiilty ; a
> arialii ; ; what liavo you ? Ad ( I less C 5lt. euro
Jeo. 103
"or rofcs.tfe.if < ! loo/yiistriiliw ( > t on l/if / ] ) ( tc. (
AN nlsolutn 'acrlllce. Tiill lot , Sdth
street ne.irVoolworth , * I.K)0. ! ) Cull for
onus , i-moalon < fc Allen , 1 ( > U7 1'arnam street.
'ITIIK bargains that wo offer for n few days
-L will speak for themselves to the posted
nij'iT and will inako Ihu uneducated pur-
uhnwr just asinncli money. Twenty to mty
'cut ' fronton pivedstreet. South Omaha , for
J7.r .oi ) per foot , worth JliiOO. A business lot
vortb 8I.80J.UO for NX ) . < > 0 cash and M)0.i ( ) ) on
line. Kull lot on ( J street , vintli J700.00 , for
40000 , half cash Ono clear lot. $100.00 casli.
woith ? :109.00 : any day , I'ull lot , II no one * , near
llansconi 1'uik , $1,100,00. Smeatoii & Allun.
1007 I'limam street. M787-VJ
On'I OH open oxery nljslit from 7 till 10
o'clock for the accommodation nf tlioso
oiiRiiKed tbroncb tliodny.VowlIl show yoit
niirbustieul citato Iwririilns only If you e.ill
botwi'Pii 7 mid 10 p. m. WoIuiMi an urrunRo-
in cut by wh Ich you cini seen ro n oed liuimu
and lot on I.ono avenue between Kurnani nnil
Cuiulnx stuiti | fpr less than tliu lot U \ > ortli.
Residence and liiiNlncss projiorty listed und
rontcd. talcs nnd uxcliancoH Hindi' , uitpllca-
tloiif for loans received. .Star I.o.iu nn < l
Trust Co , 1st lloor. N. Y. Ufo. M 7I1--J4
FOIt yAMC Uliolec corner 241U street. South
Uinalia ; full business lot , Jackson , near
10th. S , llox IM ' MT-llul ? *
Foil SAMC At a barsaln for cash. 10-rooin
franiolinnsi > ; * IVW worth hotel furniture.1
liniiflit of Dinscv > t Mono.iill in line coiulllloii ;
onouprlKlit. 1) ) o , nuarlr new : one siiaro |
nlaiui ; beautiful driving pony , No trailc. .1.
U llleo. OM N. V. Life. 719 ! ! )
WISHING tocnlnico my factory I will soli
cheap fore.isli , WO feet on " 01 h street und
valuable IaUostreet jiroperty In lots to suit :
also few Washington Mill lots. 11. II. Mulforcl.
box& > . tclophonu tl.l. _ 077 1X1
FOBSAliE 3 voltages , cor. IStli nndCuinlii } ? ,
cheap. U. I ) . HlUblua , Hi ; ) Donslaa .st.
_ - _ r ) J-o *
LOTrf KE. corner HaiiM'oin I'ark at lOCO ;
4 room t'ottiiRO and 00 feat lot , Lowe's nd. ,
M.SOO. lluti'liln'oi. & Wciid , 1524 Uonglns.
_ _ TA-10.
ALL wanting farms ; Rood climate , market * >
and soil. Address O. K' . Landls.Vlnoland ,
NJ. MUM A2 * , ot Mx8S1.700 ; aNoC-room
house , lot : ) UJ\H2s. e. cor. llth and Vlutoii
St. . UUOU. IJrlck house loHlxlH n. o. cor. lOtli
and Douglas , U.tO.OdJ. MM. Kuhlman. 21 1 S.lltH
_ IV71)
1-0 acres line farm land atJJolnlni ? good Ne
braska town ! nearly
llWacrosnnelv Improved land 2'/i ' miles from
county seat In Nobr.isUa ; lightly oncuiuborud.
I'-'Ouc'rosRoixl land In Nebraska , 5 mllo. * from
county scat ; 2..VXJ inhabitants.
Hobsennd lotm town hi Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In xnod Nebraska town.
4-room house nnd lot , barn , well and clulcrn.
llthstr ( 'Ct , Oinahii ; sll htly uncnnibcrpd ; will
trade forOmaha property and iissuinooncum-
branccs. II. KC'olp , Continental block. WU
FOH SAI-K 7-room house uad lot ; aUo 0-
nxirn honsunnd lot , ut u bargain. Iiiqulro
owner.2.r < l4 Mnrey at. 1)71 ) MJ7 *
FOIt SAbK IMra bargain. Choice 00x120 ,
with bulUllne : rent.Jioo.oo per mo. ; ono
block from now I * . 0. O. U Green , It. 'M Bin
kor block. CXI
11 ! AOHKSInsldo city lliiilts.T.Vporiiro.eisn. ) (
Address Original Owner , K 57 Hue. 47.134 *
FOR SAI.E Cheap. Tlio residence at 2510
1'lerco street , at a bargain for a few days
only , Inqulro at the Nob. btoam laundry-.10th
und Howard strnots. lull
POIl SALE Tlio most comfortable. 8 room
modern house In tlio city , every eomcn-
lence , bath , sas , electrlo bcllu. furnace , laun
dry , etc. Ijurzc stable , room for4 horsescity
water In viable , concrete lloor , full lot In liiilf
mile limitconvenient to 4 lines of oars.'shado
trees u to Prluo $10,000. Address I' 23 , lloo
office. 40d
TNSTU1JMKNT3 pl.iced on record March 10 ,
1 IbOI.
P HAlexandorto K F Koohler , lots Kt
and 14 , MkS.Mayne Place . S 4,500
Thomas I' Ilnlfn to .Mary Kose , loth ! ) and
lo.biu n wtiinift mil . iooq !
J IlCiimpboll and wife toW T I , ynn ot
ul.blk 71 , Ueii.011 . 0,000
J II ( 'unipholl und > vlfo to Josl.ih Spoor.
bllH. " > . lIcriHon . . . 0,000
J II Oanilibell and \ > lfu ted II Young ut
nlnl ! bll(74. llonsou . 3,000
J II Ciimlilell and wlfo to J M lloyd , sJ !
blUUI , lleiihon . 3,000
J II Ciiniiiliull unit wlfo to J M lloyd , sVi
blk71. HciiHon . . ' 1,003
0'K DoMny nnd wlfn too \Vlllluni- \ -
HOII , lotn , InkJ , Mayiio'Hiulcl. . , . ; r.5
M .MUarlldis toAnimM V.ite.s , lots ID to
14 , blk H. llrlyw I'laco 7,000
M A ML-Sbano to Kianlc and Jospphlno
ICronok. lot II , blk J , I'ottup A. Cobb's
add to South Oinnlia. , , 7,000 ,
Mutiml trust company to Homo In vest
ment company , o 41 ft of B IEJ ; ft of MI ! >
lot'I n lotfl , Cii | > ltol Mil ) lot U
In lots Band I' ' , Capitol iiikl. lot 10. bile
10 , AH t'uddiH'k'i'IllKltlnnd ' IMncu. n III )
ft of o R1 ft lot It ) , blk ft. I'arlc ' I'lnco , . I'.S-J'i
N J Skew to AiiRiist ( Uiollnian. lot ID ,
tilk n. Totter & Uohu'i add tu iioiitli
Oinahi 18
South Onmhit hind company to K II
Towlu. lotd. blk l l.foiithUnialia 775
J \VTavInrniidvrlfiito Wilson lot
31. blk l.Tnylor'H rurnnni street add . l.SOO .
Iloburt " 'llllunH to I'miiclioodull. ( .
lot 7 anile , Wk2 , Iidbcll aUd 2.000
Total amount of transfer * I 17,118
The followlns pormlta wora Ismel by lUo
upcrlnt nilontof bulUHngs yojlerday ;
I'r < * d Illnnk. 1-story fruine eottusn ,
Tweuty'iilnth und Spring streets IVX )
Three minor permits 625
"Mounted I'iitrolnuui lluza Olijccta tu
AVearliiK Them ,
Count Pulasld , the titled premier of the
city pound , tarrlcxl behind bolts and bars for
about forty tnlnutos yesterday morning de
finite his most vehement protestations.
It Is alleged by Mounted Ofllccr Andy
Hnzo that tUo count lias cxcoodoc
the bounds of pronrloty- that he
culled n damsel fair to sco anc
roiircscntca hlrnsolf to bQ none ether than
the aforesi-.ld ofllcor. Kverythlitfj might have
boon well , hut the count's navaticoi woronot
regarded with fuvor , and tlio nprgrloVcd ro
ciplcnt tiled ucomiilalntapnliist the Ir.nocont
Than Jlazo wus mad. Ho didn't ' cnro so
much about I'uluskllmpcrsonatlnBan ofllcer
but what riled him wni to have somebody
else KO sparking on his reputation and then
Botloft. If the count had boon successful
llai.0 might have been pleased will
the Implied recognition of Ms suppoict
proficiency in that line , but darkuoop
and dismal defeat rcndorcd the situation too
galling for thootTenso to bo overlooked.
'J'hus it was that a complaint chnrginuPu
llsld with Impersonating an oDlcor wns illod
und the coutil taken Into custody. 'Jbo offend
ing poundmastor had the case sot for trial
ne.xtTuoiday and gave bonds for his appear
IIo declares that ho is Itmocont nnd tlm
the whole thing i-i a put up Job on the part of
some ono who "has It in" for him.
.Usntilted IllH
\VillIam Colson wreaked physical vcu-
Bcnnco on his landlady , and was sut un for
Uilrty days by Judge Ilelsloy , who road the
riot act InuDper Uund promUod Ilia culprit
the full limit if bo over caino lu again on that
charge. .
If llioro over is ti tlmo when the court's
feelings got tbe upf or hand It U o.i occasion *
of thli kind , and he declared that he would
have given tbo prisoner ttfty lashes on the
bare hack it lie only bad the authority to
do BO.
Wnnthor I'roliabllltlns fur Alnroh.
K March comon In lllto a lion It will ( ; <
out like n lumb und vice versa , liti
ovcry dny In the month , minor hlnot
the electric lighted , etcurn hoatoG , von
tlbulutl limited trulna ot the Chlcngo-
Mihvukco & Si. Paul railwiy will run ,
butwooii Omnha nnd Chlougo. The olou-
triu berth roadltif ; lump In the Ir pulitco
sloopingcnraaro the Rroutost novelty of
the ago. Ticket olllco , 1501 Furnaiu st. ,
on Air A ,
trim Dcmocrntlc City Ticket.
The domocrntlc convention WAS hclil In
{ owlcj's hall yesterday afternoon and notnl-
ulcd John J , I1yu\ for city clerk nnd Messrs.
John (1. Irvvln nnd Jnmos H , Uulln for tnciil-
ben of the board of education.
The city rcntrnlcommittee- made tip M
'ollo\TS ! John Prey oftho First wi\rxlThonia
ilnloy of the varxl. llcrnanl Kelly of
.hoThlnl ward tind Abel G. Degy of the
Fourth ward.
The city ticket nominated 1 n HtroiiR ono
nnd will give satisfaction to the party. City
2lork liyanhn.t been an obliging and cdlclcnt
ofllcer , while Mount. Dulln nnd Irwin are
Kpular ,
CoopciV Ilnll.
A plcftsnnter socml dnnco wn ? never f *
'onlcd the lovcraof pleasure In tills cltj tluu
.he 11 rst nnnunl hall of coopers' milou iS'o.
112 , given 'Wednesday ovonltiK In Kowloy'i '
inll. When I'rof.Oninott's orchontra struck
up the grand march , fifty couples llj-Utly
tripped to the lend of Rhvnnl t'ctorsou uud
Mlsi 'I'horcsa Dalloy.
Master of cercmonioi Tliomai Ivclly nnd
.ho members 01 the rcilninlttnivnnt nt.
in atiticlpatitift the wnnU and
rntilo inlorestof nil prcRont. Kully
.wcnty.ftvo couples wow prcsont from
Oimihn , u-hllo similar roprcsoiitatlons
.irsetitfrotiiPniillllon , Klkhoru nml other
The Micciwottho llrst nniuinl ball lias ao
encouvaped Iho tneinbcM of the union that a
biilU-illho elven every month during the
soaion. And It ! si\fo to say thill nil \v ro o
veil entertained unit plensodVeiliiosday
night that ovrryono will givct tlio coopers at
licit- next aoctnl. it wts us much or a Ihtan-
cilns it was a social HUCCIJS * .
Vetoed MKI Iliinit Ordiniincc.
"I linvo refused to appro ; o of ordltianco
No. 'J.VJ , providing for Urn issuttiR of fl,000 !
Jonds for pnvlnij Intorioctlojis on Twenty-
'ourth street , " said Miiyofsloano to TUB
BBP. "My reasons for so dolni ? inivy to
eiililyuiidontocxl. In thollrst plucolmd It
lot bci'ii for ciintciitloii about paving ma-
t-rlal licUvcon propurty holders on Twenty-
fourth street , tlmt street would lutva hocit
a\od \ bofoio this time.Vo have now a
contract binding ou the county to furnish
some $ l",0Kto ( pay for paving intersection * ,
frco from nil conditions , on which wo can let
contracts depending on receiving It In time
olimltu payments , nnd I for ono do not fed
ustillcd in saddling K0WO ! moru boud.s on
.ho city , the desired iniprovomcnU can
boimuloou funds furnished liy the county ,
itid which nto so Dxi.'d Hint any nction talicu
on or contract iniiJo on the fulth of thh con-
met as it now Is , vill be binding nnd tbo
nonuyill ho ready as soon as ncedetl.1
Court SUnndln Itnll.
The second animal ball of Coutt Slcandla ,
No. 2 : > < J , I. O , F. , will bo given Saturday
evening , April 11 , in Kowloy's hull. U'lio fol-
owing commltteo nppolntniants have boon
nado : Cicncnil nirtingcinonts Messrs. Nels
A. Lundgron , Charles \ . Kklund and John
A , Nelson.
Muster of ceremonies Mr. Nels A. Lund-
tCrcu.Hocoptlon MCMM. Swan Lurson , John
A inlet-son and Cns Johnson.
Floor-Messrs. John A. Nelson , John A ,
fohiiHon and Lurs Johnson.
lloor Messrs. Chiirlos NV.niclund , Kdwnnl
Peterson and Aiidrovv , F. Johnson.
Tuts social standhiR of the members of
Uourt Sltnndln Is such thntlts parties coin-
unnd iniiuh attention , as i > leaaure is afforded
friends iiiut jnein licrs.
A T > st CJINO ol' Mecf.
Paclctng house men have bcon coiniilulnlng
of late that hoof is too high ou the hoof to bo
profitable , and openly clto the increase of the
prices paid for llvo cattle and the snlo prices
of meals as compared ttlth past prices.
A teat case was made this wcok bj-ono of
the packing houses of n choict ) lot of bouvos.
The cattle coit $ I.8A on tno hoof , the yield
\vnsfiS per cent of meat , und the cost m the
cooler vliuu ready for marltotta T.'Jl per
100 pounds. _
Will I tun Independent.
A. B. Haley , the Brown I'ark grocer , and
ono of the heaviest taxpayers residing In the
Second ward , aniiounco1 ; that ho is an Inde
pendent candldnto for councilman In tlio
Second ward. I'lio personal populaiity of
Air. Ilnloy , his largo business interests , lib
locution nndliis political followinc and influ
ence complicate political matters in the
Second ward und renders uncertain the out
come of the election.
IrcstitoHnii ) tiouinl ,
The Young People's Society of Christian
ISiidoavor will give a social and literary nnd
musical entertainment in the church thU
evening , An excellent programme will ho
The public is cordially invited. Com-
mlltecs will bo present to cnlortiur. stranger *
and the modest.
Notes About tlio Olty.
Cbarlas Williams has gene to Chicago.
Mrs. Alfsonhusgonoto Uulutlt , Miim.
L. NcUon has gone to Blue Canon. Cal.
Mrs. C. Grcenough has gonotoBpringllold ,
H. A , Morrlman is out nftor n fortnight's
Mr. and Mrs. M. Carey have gone to Char-
( ton , la.
GeorgoS. Bartholomew has gone to Du-
buquc , la.
M'chaol ' P. O'Douncll lias returned from
James \V. Lowry of the Uolmonlco , has to-
turned from Lincoln.
Mrs. Charles H. Williams has gene to visit ,
her old homo In liocUfbrd , 111.
A son has boon horn unto Mr. nnd Mrs.
Liichonitcln , Twenty-fifth nnd Q streets.
Monday nichl some one took John T3oKlpy's '
horaa out of the stable at Albright nnd dfovo
it away , The animal was uot found till noon
A meeting of Bohemian electors was held
in tbo ball. Nineteenth and H streets , last
Tueiiday night , and Joseph M. Toblin wns
numinatod us 11 cnndldalo for Council In the
Second ward , '
Ilov. Thomas Stophenson. pastor of tlio
First Baptist church will continue , 'tils
series ot revival mootlnits ovary night thb
weolr except Saturday night. ConHidcrabla
interest Is being1 manifested In the religious
Do "Witt's Uttlo Early Risors. Best llttla
pill ever madu. Cure constipation every
time. None equal , Use them now ,
Pitialile Condition of nn Uusiicpess-
Till Suhool Tonulior.
A young lady employed In the Kountio
place ] { lndariartcn school bocarao violently
liisano Vednosdny night , and in usoinl-nudo
condition ran Into the street. Friends follow
ed , but she was riot captured until aha
had run borcral blocks. Her relations
living in Wyoming hnvo bcon not I Hal and
wcru expected to nrrlvo last ovonlntf , The
cause of her insanity Is said to bo owing to
the fact , that ibo failed to rass an examina
tion us atcnchor in the public schools.
The natno of the young woman Is Aadla
Klegan. About 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon -
noon she packed up a number of articles ot
wcarlntrnppurol und left her bourdliiKPluoo.
She took passapo on a motorcar , audit wni
there timt her itillrmlty developed itself.
She was arrested and taken to the city Jull ,
but shortly uftcrwnrds rpmovcd to tlio
county jail , to nwalt the arrlvsil of relallvci
living In Wyoming , who- have been tt-lo
grapbod for.
iJr. Illrnoy euros catarrh , liiso bid'
Miidn Him Hlclr.
Mrs. Annu Tlurku has filed a complaint
against. Sherman Qiborno charging him witu
assaulting and beating bur ,
The complainant was a tenant of Osborno'j
molhor and tlio trouble uroxoovortho lease of
tbo property , Osborno's motlioi * pleaded
sickness for her fcon and anid that ho could
not appear in court , presenting tinota from
analluKed M. L ) . to the effect that hla patlont
ought not to boout for levuul days. JudRO
llol.loviot tlio case for Saturday afternoon ,
und KHVO It out cold that If the defendant was
riot present nt thuttlnieho would know the
reason why. _
The U , B.
born of tlio Improml llowu scaliu , lord ) u
& Bollock Co. , agents , Chliunco , 111 ,