THE OALAHA FIttDAY , MJVKCH 20 , 1891 TM DAILY _ E. HOSE\VATt.U \ Knifcm _ _ riJHIMSIIEl ) JiVKUV MOIINYKC" . li.-dly Ticcf * Illiout "iiiulaytOno Vcar. . . t-H 00 Imlly nnilfcmuliii , Jiio Year Tlirrn iii'iilhH ' . . 5iVi Hunlny UPC. Onei Vcir. . 'in lltu. One Vmr. . 100 rii-iliii.Thft Um Hiilldlnjf South onmlin.Coi ncr N nniLSntli Street * . ffiuncll llliifT',12 f'oirl street. riilcnKoiMll MilT , : < liniiilicror OiMTiifrco. , l /iSlilti.ton ( , OIJ fourteenth htreeU COUUllFoMinNCF. All roni-nurilfat loin rclatlnc to ro * tml nlllurlnl tuiitiur should to addressed totho V < lll ( > rlull > partniohl. und riMiilttniicii should tiiTliolli-e I'uhlliMiii ' ; Cnutpntiy , Oniiiim. Drafts c-liicUs nnd poitolllro ordi rs to 'o ' made p.ijiiblu to Uiot'rJcr ' ( if tlio ec'in- W mi jr. Tlifi Bee PiiWiMng Company , Promote TIIH nn : HUIUMMJ. BOKX BTA'ITMKXT OF CllCOli\TIOX. ! I , , County of Ihitiuk * . rUnrcnll. Tmiu ) < k , KfCrot.iry of Tin : IIE.K rtibllfihliu ? i oiniiiiny , clncs snlt'innlv suonr tliiitthcitetiinlilri illation nf Tlir DAll.v ! > for tlio WOOK i ruling aiiurh 14 , Iblll , was ui follow n : Fiindny. March ' . -W Momlny , MareliU . WH Tu.srtiiv. Mimh JO . SSUIU : x'eJnuKilar. Mmrli 11. . . , . WW Thursday. Mulch 1 , ' . . . . : . i.lJ7 Prldiv. Mnwli I ! . WOT humility , AInnli M . IWJ ATCrojjo . 21.010 OFOKOn . lCIIUOIt , Bworn to Iiofnrn inu nnd mtlisuril l In my prtsencu this lltli day of Mnrcli A. n. 1801. N P I Kir. Not n y 1'ubllc Ftnleof ricbratUn. i County of UmiKlin , l Grorno II. 'Iricliiick , licliiK duly sworn , ilo- ro'tH n tid s.iys Dint lie IsMcit-tiry olI'iiBlln' I'lillMilnp ron p.mj. tliut thn actual avortitc ilntly circulation of Tnr ] > AIIY Hil furllio innnth n ( Mnrcli. IC > t. vr 11 So kit copies : for April. 1HO , at/M cfijiIi-H : for Mijr. lf , 21110 copies : for.Tnie , 1 0 , Si i , 01 copies ; for .Inly. Jf-UO StuiiUnitlis : forAumist. 1W o,71colMj | for heptcmbor \ > tt , il > 70 roples foi Ootolir. IFM rn.TfJ copes ; for November , JSM , 2il1l ) c'Oilcs | : for TlKciiibir , 1HI 2.1.471 coplos ; fur 1 n nnn ry , 1(01. IM40 ( onloi , fet Iclu uni v. 1S91 , ? .r.12c til | ( . OKOIUIK II 'IVsmucK bmrn lo lic'fnro nip , nnil sulwrllml In my I iisenrc , thl lh duy of lebruniy. A ( ) . . IWl N , I * . I'l tr Public , I'AUNiL.rj : is in more danger Iroin the Irish clcigy limn the rng-lSsh toiies. IlASCAi.r. . isle bofivon { the poorhoibo in llou of the $ . ' 1,0(10 ( cliilincd by him lor rout. This moans that another subui- hnn rondhouso will bo cstablishoil. Tin : Omuhii in in nlwivys pots thcie. N. H. "Vlnoynid , formerly of this city , v 'iis unanimously nominated bytho ic- puhllcivns for police jndgo of Hastings SIJNATOUS MANDKKSON" and P-uldoek willnovor hmo tin onportunlty of mrik- ingtho acqunlntutu'o of the present Icir- isluturo If they ilo not return very soon. OMAHA pcoplo expect ovt-iy company , corporation or indlvlduil who wishes to expend money and employ labor within her boundaries to ho treated fairly , hon estly and even generously. Inu dninkon bummers of South Oma ha who made the dastardly nsstuilt upon the Siihntion army people returning from iho funci.1l of one of their numlor cloaorvo BOVOIO punlBlunont. boists of boiiip ; the best paod city in the west but jiibt now , when jou luivo to wudo thtough four inches of dirt to reach the pavements , the benefits - fits of tliopavcmonts are not manifest. jinmiivii upon wmcii it was hoped tocomict the inurduror of G. 8. Poor , proves to bo practically worthless as evidence. The peipotrntor of tint shocking crime goes jot undiscovered and unpunished. SINGE Chah man Birkhausor has np- pointed a timekeeper towatth the street cleaning gang , it Jia fair to expect that the street cleaning contractor will ap point a competent man to watch and time the timekeeper. -AccoimiNU to n statement accredited to Governor Doics the Iowa railways have hitherto virtu vlly boon their own assessors. Perhaps this is the occasion of a very general demand in that state for ahvrgoincrca&o of the uvluatlon of the railways. i : OUNNLIT'S bill to cut olT the interest poiqulsltes of state , county and municipal treasurers is nn olTortintho rk'ht direction , but the bill o.a it passed the house is 01 udo and prob ably would bo inoporatlvu. It conllkts with soDiofoaturosof tlio general lovonuo laws of the stiito. Thosonato should 10- aist it if it is to bccomo law. THK fildowalk inspector and the street commissioner have on jojod a good win- tor's rest , and it seems to bo about time to resume mtivo and olToctivo work. When wo say resume , wo don't moan to resume the old practice of spiking down planks in front of corn Holds three mlles out of town , but work where it is needed the most in the heart of the city. CiiAimiAN DIKMIAUSIU : of the board of public woiks , having failed to Ax the responsibility for the daiimgo to the pa\omonts of Spmldlntr and Thirtieth streets upon the council committee , now blames the streets thomsulvos. As TUB BKB has romnirked before , there is too much unlfting of resjionsibilityin city alTnlrs for the good of the taxpajors. SEKATOU HKAIIST has sot California millionulros ngood oxamplohy devising his entire ostuto of $20,000,000 to his law ful wife. It may bo nildod to his faith credit that thus fur no fomnlo claimants ha\o appeared with common law con tract ninrrlntros to annoy the cxcentrlv. Among the bonanza pcoplo of the coist this will bo rcuognUod as apenoiuonon. EX-SKNATOU MOODY of South Dakota is mentioned favorably in connection wlthonoof the nlno circuit judgoships. Inusiuuch as nearly every ox-sotiator and ox-congivs mna has hud a similar compliment ptid hfm , the mention Is not eoncUiHho proof that ho will bo np- polntod. President Harrison cannot bo oxjwctod to take care of all the able gontlomcn whom th6 recent political cy- ulono partilj/cil , but lie could make just nlnovorfo selections for the no\v judgeshlps and still not dcsorvo public censure. THK t/i/rr / or si iris AID. Till ! 13ti ! lias fa.wod the most Roticr- ( HIM nllef for thn ATCsloin drouth lufT r * ers and it bus all along Insisted that the money voted by the leMuluro | ? iliould bo expended so that the largest quantity of jirov islnn mid seed ilinll bo procured for the smallest amount of money. Hut th rc is Mich a thing nHfariytiig chin1- Ity wot-k beyond rcntonalilo bouiidj. Tlio first proposition was to place S7.V ( nX ) at tlii.dl iobal of tlis rolkf commit- too. Thin was enlarged -8100,000 , und the only fntiltue bad toflnfl i\lth It was that the logiilatuio dilrzlcil along six \\ooks before the monej was approuil- ated , TliVM \ \ followed by the bill au- thorl.tngtlio lasuoof 100,000 in tout ] ? , the procicds of which were to Vo utcd for ( ho jmrcIiiBo and distribution of peed * . This munlPcenl doiuition was also heartily uuproiod. But the proposition tooto tv Ihiiil ! 100XIOlllstrikc ( Uvpajors of Nebraska as unprecedented und ino\cudiblo , Kan sas has had thiro dioutlisotuions in sue- ociMlon and $ )0,000 ) is nil she has over taken out of the Btulo trumury foi'iollof purposos. The two D.ikotos ha\o hnd short crops ard scorched wheat fields for yous but their legislatures hnvo ilono nothing hoj-ond nuthoii/.ing local lolicl by lountlos. Why should Nobiaskn nilvcrtiso herself - self a.s the moit povortj-itrlckon stale \\hon she has only had ono sosison of drouth in 15 joars ? To vole another S100.000 would tiniply promote mondl- cancj and oncournifo iccklwsnc-i' ' ) and f.ivoiUitiin in thn purclinso and distribu tion of the supplied. There nui'.t bo iv limit faoinowhcio to state aid and that limit was iciuhod xvhon $ 00,000 was voted. Fen i nn XK ' A' i n * . In a recent intcrxloxv 1'ri'sidontlliirrl- con was asKed about the noxv navj and the criticisms directed against the sunn of inono.v expended upon it. Among othoisex-Scnntoi' Inrnlls ( has boon voiy pronounced in docl'iringlii(5 ( belief that thcrols no neccisity for treating such a navj as the legislation of the last txvo congiestiosiiontompUtPH , and that the moriov authori/cd to bo oxncndod , with the demand it xvottld make for : i still larger expenditure , is an unjuatlllablo ovtravngunco. Tlioex'ident idea of the ox-senator is tint if nn exigency should aiiso denundlng n naxy the country tould quickly construct one sullioiont for its defense , as was done during the Thu president docs notagroo with Mr. Ingalls and thoothoisho orltici/o the nexv navy. Hosiystheio : is no justice In making any comparison between the period of the rebellion and this , for the obvioub reason that times haio changed and the conditions to-day are vastly dif ferent. Great progress has boon made In the art of gunnery and ship building , and war vessels that x\oro \ effective a quarter of a century ago would bo of llttlo use now. "Trio truth of it is , " said the president , "that the e&tubtish- montof a navy puts a nation upon a re- speotablo footing , and is the best guar antee against the possibility of any war. In other words , it is insuianco and should be so rogaidod. " Intelligent public sentiment is undoubtedly largely on the side of the president , not that a majoilty of thopooplo dcslro a vnst ox- pjndlturoof money in order that the United States shall haxo the jrieatost navy In the world , but th it xvo nrn.y have force sulliciont fo1 adonuato de fense and which will exert an inlluonca in commanding the respect of ether na tions. It is notnouajsirj thnt\va have a naiy to equal in proportions that of England , but on the ether hand there is no good reason why TO should not have a navy at least equal to that of Italy , whoso rank is no\v fifth tunong the naval powois. A.n adequate navy , as President liar- rise n said , is a guarantee against the possibility of any war. A nation able to defend itself is in a pretty safe position No countrv , however , which is in active intercourse xvith ether nations , and hns interests to guard and maintain that may comointo conllict. with these o ! othei countries , is VA * anted in feeling absolutely socuio against the possibility of war. Wore the men who govern Italy as hot-headed as borne of tholr countrymen in the United States wo might receive a hostile vibit from the naval Hoot of that country by way of enforcing - forcing a doiuu'id for'ropu-ation in behalf - half of the relatives of the Italians killed in Now Orlevna At anytima \\ithintho \ \ past txvooars n ruptuio be tween this country and England ; groxv- ing out of the Uohrmg son controversy , has boon possible , and \xhllo the latest aspoctof this issue glvos premise of an amicable settlementit , would not bo wise to conisludo that there Is no danger of moro soilous dillleulty , Ono thing nuij' bo voiy posltixoly alTlrmod , If wo had posst8 od nu adequate navy wo should probably have no controversy , for the po.whois who caujod it would Imvo kept away. * The nation is seeking an extension of Its foioign trade. It is entering into commercial agreements and trmtics \\lthothurcountrios \ whoao business re lations aio noff Uugoly withLuropoan nations. Tholondency is to uirtnll the coniniorcial power and inlluonco of I'uropo in this hemisphere , while wo aio steadily growing moro aggressive in assorting the doctrine that European nations must keep hands ott of ovqrithing American. It cannot bo foreseen what tUniculttoa this course may bring us into.Vo \ cmnot bo sure how long r.uronotm nations will bo sat isfied with paacd iblo compatitlon in the event that they find they are steadily losine ground. Thoio is no assurance that wo xvlll bo permitted to quietly go on in the woik of dominating tlin txxn Amoiluan continents. It may bo giantcd that there Is num-osant noeosslty for a navy , but no man cnnsayhoxv soon ono may arise , and modern warships cannot be constructed In a month. .1 iX'X/O rsJ. V / 00 KBD FOlt. The eltlVonsof Omaha are anxiously iiwaltlug the decision of Judge Do mo in the xinduct and union depot injunction suits , "Whatever the decision may bo , It U to bo hoped that the courts haxo not boon Invoked in vain. Wo know , wo voice the sentiments of this community xvhcn xvo say our citizens would very cheerfully turn the bonds and title deeds over to the depot company providing they vvYro as sured bojond poradxonturo that the Union Paclllc and Its niTrtpring , the . dojxit company , xvxmltl faithfully carry out the condition ! of the contract with the citj , xvhlch obligate thorn ] to glvo access to all tlio roads ' tocrosatho .Missouri rhor bridge into the depot on rciBonablo terms. N"o forfeiture or damages will witisfv our oltl < 5ons or componsalo Omaha for the cmbaigo upon coinracieo fiomwliich wo have miff a red for the last 20) ) oars , and which It is manifestly tlio design of Mdnay Dillon to continue until his road Is compelled to raise It. ( IM W SOM'fHMX' llt lDK. Thumorchants and tiunufactuiors of the east me taking activa meisurcs for working up trade with South America At present the movement aims only at llriizll , no tociprocitv arrangement hav ing been consummated with any other country , although the Vononiola gov ernment has ono under consideration whichhiisiuccivcd the slgnaturoof its nilnistor totho United States and that of the president and secretaiyof state , und no doubt iscntciUuiicd of itsiatill- tition. "VVo noted seine time ago that a number of the morchantsandmanufact- uror.s of LJoston proposed to lend several steamships xvith goods for the Dra llian rairkct and hnd secured vviirehouso * In Ilio for their display. In pursuance of the plan that Ins been long folloxvcdby Europeans report \ fioin Haltlmoro states that the morchantsand manufacturers of th.itcity are piopailng to taKe tidvnntigo of the rccipiocitj with Brail. A. fcivdaysayo their association determined to send n icprcsontatlvo to that country to work up trnde , especially in Hour , which Is admitted fioo under the treaty , and a hearty interest was manifested in the movement , A few diyn ago a committee loprosonting the boot and shoo interests of Boston waited on the president and SecroUry Hlaino xvtth a 83i'icsof resolu tions endorsing the reciprocity policy nncl urging its extension to their own in- dustrx. . They received assurances that tliuir Interests would not bo overlooked when the proposed treaties nro formu lated. Such ovldoncos of hearty concern for the development and success of reel- procitj , on the part of practical businessmen mon , iS a sulHcicnt nimvorto the carping and criticism of those xx-ho arc unable to bee anv nromisoof advantacroor bonollt la the policy simply because it is being piomoted by a republic in administra tion. The solid mon of business and the commercial associations whoso endorse ment has been glvon to the plan of reci procity , and who aio attesting their faith by acts , , are not misled in what they are doing. They aio judging the matter wholly fiom a practicil stand point , regardless of politics or parties , und having had time to carefully weigh the possibilities , they arc preparing to lake advantage of the moro favorable condidions ollerod in tho- southern mirkots. They are going about it , too , in an intelligent xuvy. It is not pro posed to ilood those markets with goods , but rihioxvd and experienced men xvili Hist bo seat there to ascertain \\hat is xvantod and the conditions under which tiade must bo established. Thcio is reason to beliexo that so far as the mer chants of Brazil are concerned they are propnied togivotho preference to Ameri can goods which can compote m qualitj and mice v\lth \ similar roods from Liu- rope , and if ourmorchants and manufac turers can give them satisfactory terms in other icspecta they will havolltUo dllliculty in becuring the business. Because the administration has not Iweii able toolToct agreements or tioat- ies xvith all the South American coun tries at once theio is a disposition in some quarters to disparage .the effort ? making to extend reciprocity , but there is no reason todoubt that progress is being made as rapidly as practicable in view of the gioat dlllleultios to bo overcome. The task is not onlj ono of great magnitude , but there are many delicate rind perplexing problems involved that require to bo tieatcd xvith great care and chcuinspoc- tlorr. It is presumed to bo tire aim of the administration to do xvhatovor is accomplished thoroughly , xvith a view to avoiding future misundcistandings and to securing permanent results. If the administration shall bo able to draw most of the American republics into roulprocitybofoio tire expiration of its tornv , it xvill have accomplished a very pieat work. Meanwhile It is receiving most gratifying encouragement from the practical business interests of the country , and is amply assured of the general popular approval. J.M7J/1BSTO.V I'UllfM ' FVXDS. The house has passed the Gunnott bill providing1 for the deposit of public funds in the hands of state , county and municipal troasuiors , which are not needed for Immodialo vko und for the pivtncnt of all sums of money received as interest or premiums for the use ol such money , into thogoiicrnl fund of the state , county or municipality to xvhlch it belongs. This is an Important measure and deals adeath blow to a prolific ) fer- qulnito hitherto enjoyed by these o Ul cers and xvill if finally enacted into an equitable law and enforced save to the stale , counties and cities considoiablo sums of uronoy hitherto a prrt of tlio ronuinoratlon of the several troasuiors , Tire deposits of the state treasury are bild to bo worth $2" > ,000 a youto the state tiorisuror and the interest incomes of county and municipal trustees of pub lic funds have boon proper tlonitoly profitable. The law alms to correct an evil ol recognized [ proportions and IB vor ; stringent in its terms and goxcro la it penalty. It is weak In notno particulars however , and should bo amended. The blll'providos that the banlc , company corpoiationor Individual asiumlnjj th custody of the funds for tbo treasurer "shall execute a bom for an amount double the Irish cst sum deposited , " whkh bond shal indemnify the tro'isuror ' and his sureties against loss or defalcation , but vvhicl blinll not bo cjiistruod ta relieve the treasurer or his bondsmen from tholr liability. The language of the propose act if lltorully construed will icqulro BOW bond for each deposit of funds small or great. Tlrodifllcuityof carliij for the Btuto funds under the bill h pei Imps not InsurlptfVblo , but a county or city treasurer niMst almost nccossirily look tohlsliK-il bankorti as sureties on his bond mul tilMwbo to them as cus todians of tho&ml , ; | inoxcott ol im mediate xvatits. Under the proposed bill the Hnmo Individual may bo surety on Iho ollleial bond of Iho treasurer and surety or principal upon the bond , socur- Inif the funds dojiosltod bythotroaturor. This is a situation full of dmgor as any financier xvlll olnqrvo. If the treasurer and hlsHuretiosnndhlH custodians , who aio likevvisohialifdt-otlos , bo disposed to abscond \xlth the funds they have the opportunity , rurthorrnoro , ifthotroaH- uior bo honest and desires to protect his bondsiDonho xvlll hesitate to place funds for xvhlch they are security in the lands of strangers , thus Increasing the danger of defalcation. It is hardly fair to compel the treas urer to do posit the funds for which ho and his bondsmen are responsible with some bank , corporation or Individual xvlthout at the oamo tlmo providing nuainst his own pecuniary loss. A proud1 amendment would bo ono which shall rrraVo the constituted authorities pus upon the outllclonev of the bond ollurodto the county or city by any pro posed custodian Having accepted the bond and nuthor-iv.od the dopaslt , the treasurer and his bondsmen should bo relieved ol liability except for such funds as ionic Into or remain In his hinds This is oqultiblo and safe and icltovcs thobillof xvhat appeals tobo a hardship. If this bo not done the bill should prohibit the treasurer's sureties on hiaolliclal bond from becoming cus todians or sureties to the treasurer in dividually. i' : ArjriA\'tK , ffoitrn AP > 'Usotmi. The politico 1 plans of the leaders p ( tlio farmers' nlllanco , whether by design - sign or by accident , aim to build up an independent party In the xvest and to strengthen the democracy in the s.outh . The xvliolo force of their orgnnl/.atlon is apparently directed to thcso ends. Colonel Polk , the head of the national body , Is now on hia way to Iowa , xvhoro ho xx-ill orpanivo tlio alliance forces for political action In that state. If there is any state In the union wheio such an orparrl/ation is not demanded , in the feenbo that there was a reason for It in Nebraska and , it Is Iowa. The f.umeis there have already accom plished the princiual reforms for which the movement Bin vos in other stales. The Iowa railroad nites are the goal of the producers in Nebraska and Kansas , and no ether reforms are demanded which are not easily within tire roach of the pcoplo through ono of the present pirtios. The onlj result of a third party movement there can bo to assist the de mocracy topower. ( The democratic tendencies of the al- lance in ether western states haxo re ceived nmplo Illustration in the last throe months. ly ) the election of toria- ; ors in Illinois , South Dakota and Kan sas , thoxvillingnoss of the two par ties to combine hasbe n 'strikingly displayed , [ n txvo of these ca&ostho democrats have ictuaily voted for thoalllanco'candldato , und in the other the alliance xotoshnvo goao to the democratic nominee. There is no attempt to separate the alliance strength from the democrats in the southern states. Thoio the move ment Is simply awheel within a wheel ; the politicians of the alliance running the democratic machine. This has boon the policy in the last six months and it will doubtless bo continued until the close of the presi dential election. The democrats will not endanger the integrity of the solid .south by attempting to figlit the farmers' ' influence at this critical tlmo. The result of these combinations is very plain. The farmers1 movement is being shrewdly manipulated to give strength to the democracy in the south and to divide tlio democracy's enemy in the xvest. If the plan can bo carried out it will make the path of the democratic party to the complete assumption of na tional power easy and straight. An obstacle may arise , however , in the shape of the angry protest of the repub lican farmer. vxhca ho roxioxvs the disheartening results of the third party movement and discerns the Inevitable tendency of the present plans , ho may piofor his old party allegiance to his old political enemy in this thin disguiae. Last year the situation xvas nut clearly understood , There was icnson to hope forHornogood fiorn a decisive ijroto&t ngaitifet corporate domination In the re publican party. And this good may bo inn measure reali/.edhoicafter. Hut if the nlliatico is merely to bo turned into a third party for the pur- po'o of placing a democrat in Iho piosi- dontial chair , republican farmers will after duo reflection decline to play cats- paw for the southern brigadiers xvho are fomenting independent party action among the alliances in the western states , but talcing crrcat care to keep the alliance in harmony with the democracy in the solid south. THE fact that Paris and London engaged - gaged eachothorjn tolophonocon\orsa- tion on Match. lf18l [ ! ) , is worth jotting down In the memory as narking a not able oxent in tli history of rapid commu nications in Europe. It xvlll also bowoll toromember that'll woman's tongue ut tered the flibtvoVds which passed ever the now cable line * The first message on the first telegraph line built in this country , betwewr Baltimore and "Wash ington , was sent by n vv oinan. loxver hoilsp of the loginlatu re has pissed the bill ippoalintr the act of 1887 cioating the ollhcjpf state oil Inspector and authorizing the appointment of five deputies. Tine HKK has always faxorod a rigid and honest inspection of the illuminating fluids of the btato , but iiuife- much aa the inspections made in the pist four years wore neither rigid nor honostlt will not bo pirticularly grieved to bee the law disappear ( rotn the statutes. NOT many months ago It xvas the pop ular thing for democratic noxvspapora to ridicule the personal pcculJurl ties of "SVlllinm "Walter Phelps , minister to Berlin , It will noxv bo interesting to read the compliments ho will rocolvo in the samu journals for the success lie has achieved in Inducing the Gormangov ornmcit | to remove the embargo agalaut American uittlo , II ho convinces our Teutonic frlonds that tholr animosity to American hogs Is without reason or ox- CMISO , .Minister 1'lrclps ' xvlll deserve a vote of confidence. : SiNATottTjioxtASC. PcnvMi.oJ MotiJ "tana exhibits i-nio norvolii an mtorvlcv xvith nNoxv Vork reporter in which ho expresses the belief that the time has not como for free colnagu of silver. Mr. I'oworls right in his opinion , but vvhnn the Anaconda inlnois read lm interview there will boa gnashing of tooth which will grate uncomfortably upon the sena tor's cars. A RUOI IT flurry i nth a San Francisco ntoclc imirkot within the last low days to- crlU the Hush times of the early ' 70s \xhoit men , women and children xvent cia/.y ever mining stocks It also brings to mi nil the fearful collapse and almo4 unlvorwil lliuiiiclal eulToiIng which suc ceeded tliut era of consoloncclosa gamb ling. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ the- governor of the state In terposes n veto Nebraska's first and posltixely last democratic executive's name will bo carried down to posterity inlhomimo of a county. Doth homes have pissed the bill u-oatlng the county of Iloyd. _ Ilnle < l by Iliiiliouds Says the Is'ow Nation , an orfjnn of nation alists : "It Is sild tliut the peonlo of Con necticut tal < o very little interest In the con test for tlio governorship going ou In tint state. Why should tlioyi They know tint tic only ical executive m the state ot Con necticut is President dirk of the Now Y"0rlc , New Haven & Jlnrtfoid railroad , and tint ho will continue tobo tbo only real cj > ccutrvo until the riiltoaU Is mUomll/.ed Bulkclcy nnil Morris urn slmnlv 'not ' In it.1" Tlio West's OliliiMtloiiH to C rod * . Slant Cttv fniimni. JudgoOrolvho liasjustrcsi nod as com nilssloner of the general lund onitc , Is an of ficial \ - tlio government can 111 afford to spire. Ilo uas undoubtoilly been tlio most cflUle-tt admlnlttiator of the land department that ever liclil the olllce. Ho hai performed an Iiorculoan labor In roducliiB Its affairs to order and In bringing its business utito duto. Ho his overworked lilmsolf , and on Unit nceount is compelled to roii n Tlio nivvor ( lortioaof the northwest , which hnaso much to do xvith that ofllco , Is under lasting obligations to Judge GrolT. 1'rcHidcut Hliot Utlrs Up u Hec/atl. / It is not a safe thing to stir up a hornets' ' neat in warm vvoathur , whoa the hornets are actlvo mul bcllgorcnt. And It is equally im prudent to Ubsall a fanaticism in the nesuof f unities when they nro poiscsscdvvltli the momentary zcul of tliclr unreason. When Piesidcnt Eilot of Harvard university mndo his nut ! free silver speech on MonduyiuSt. Louis , ho did not consult prudunco. TUoro hnsbccua consequent terrible buzzing about his cars. Ono of the afternoon dally papers has replied to bis argument by calling Id m a snob ; anil it Is intimated that the morning papers may call him something still more dreadful. The majority of tlio pcoplo in St Louis are apparently not yet in afninioot mind to Us * ten to a college mau xvno. presumes to lofcrto tlio farmer * . ' movement mul the criio for cheap money as "avvuvo oC uninformed pub lic opinion. " ButtUorois n leaven of sound opinion oven In St L ouU ; and the tirnis will soon como \vhon a rally will bo made for sound currency oxer tliobonos of Tom Benton - ton , and when the apostles of honest money in that city xvill not bo without honor , nor without a popular follow Ing J'.lSSI\fS Noxv Vork Herald : Ethel Jack seems very pious when ho culls to see mo. Jland Yes ; but don't ' trust bim , doai. Ho is prob ably woildnt ; a sohcrno to yet a loolc into the family bible. Judge ! Customer Do you thinlc these shoes tire -worth mending I Cobbler Well , yes , It IsolotmQ heel'om ' , and put now up pers on 'cm ' the strings are still good. Llfo : "Who gooth a borrowing pooth a- sorrowing , " was doubtless true In the Kooi old times ; but nowadays it is the lender who docs the mournful perambulation. Dtwer Aiw&s Ho was ridtofr in a buggy , Butnowho rideth not , Torhllo going up the cable frack A. vvhyol droi > pcd iir the slot. Indianapolis Journal : The vveildlng ring The girl , her mother , and her big biothor. T < > xas Slf tings : "Talk isn't ' so thoap , after nil , " remarked tbo orator when ho catno to scttlo the stenographers hill Puck : Mrs A. . I lieird somothlnc about you thoothorday. Mrs B. Is it bad enough to lepent , Wbs Hc.iconhill--Does Harvard Lampoon : - - your room mate sit up for you wnen jou are outlatol Jack Matthews No ; ho lays for mo Smith , Gray & Co 's Monthly : Dolly Vni- tlcn I'm allowed to sit up till 9 o'clock uo\v , 'cause I'm ' six years old. Ficddlo Sparkle Hah , but I xvas allowed to sit up all night last night , 'cuusol ' bad tlio cramps. Siltliiffs : Old Tipplcton Horn I I s'poso nman ought to dross in sober colors during' this Lenten season ? Mrs. Tipplctori ( vvltli deep feellnK ) "Y"os. indeed ; and ho should bo particularly careful about the color of his nose ! Clncinuuti Knqulror : If Mr. flopow over runs for the presidency it should bo on tlio platform of a car stovo. Mason I see thu Ctilnoso puzzles are a drug on the market , Mlnor-N'o wonder. The baseball situation is complex enough to puz/lo anybody. Seattle Press : Mrs Cleveland is takinp lesions on the violin. Sim should tench Grover how to play "Silver Threads Among thcUold'a ' Htuo better. Dlattcr : "I Imvo Just hoard that my family physician Is dc.-ul. Just think ! ho was scurcly thirty yoiirsoltl. " "Then I must sny thut I don't ' sco how you can have any confidence In a physician who dies so early. " Harper's ' Hi/or1 Cnutisus Investor Bui is the mnnupeineiit of tlio P. D. ! * Q. K. U oconotulcaU Ilrokcr I should say sol Why , they buy all their rails In wlntor and lay them iu turn mcr , xvbcn the heat expands tuom a quarter ot an inch. Now- York Kccordor : An Kimllsh publisher announces a now xvorlc entitled , "Ho Always Pleased His Wife. " Itlsllotlon. Now York Hex-order : "Whatiloes It cost tx attend aSnnda/ evening H.u-n-cl concerti' naks ail out-of town corresponileut , That do- penjs upon the quaatlt } of bier you buy. Atchisoir Glebe : If you keep jour cnisopen in your association with mon jou will hen them complain oftcner of the Inyratituno o friends than of the In justice otciiomio , Indianapolis Journal- When a man not old enough , to knew himself iboronghly ir begin si to ontcrUilu cynical opinions of th vvjiclo human racu. Washington Post : "Don'tyou thlnh thn the cold xvoithonodu fountulti It u pern clous nlTalr , deacon I" said n medical man to his frlond "Yea " the "tut , , wai reply , xv llud thai we must wink at it , " SHE MURDERED HER SISTER , ho llyawry Sarrouuding the Killing of Lilh Hojlo ftt Last Explained. N AUNT TELLS THE AWFUL STORY , M ) Committed tl > o Crlino llocnnso SlioIH .Icalous mul Ilrrliovcr anil lTncl Dlspiscl ) of Her VIctlnr'H llocly , Woiiciwtrii , Moss , March lO.- oioprnm to pJL'ni : Ilpr. ] The fnnious l.llln loylo murder mystery bld fiir to bo ox- ilolneil tliioiiRhlho destruction ofa tranBO omUnntlou % vlilch litrctflfoi-o 1ms been too trong fordotcctlx-ov1 skill and stntcgy to verconro. Alice I\0)lo hby her own con- cssicn tbornunlcroroC lier slstor. Once be- 01 o , moro than tnrco yo.irs aRit , she nilinlttcd ho nwfulirlmoto the police nnJ tlicn denied t , mid In iplto of great pressure ami the nostrlKiil Investigation , the rmllco could not astcn tbocrtnionpnn Ucr. Drxun U. Covvlo , an undo of ttionmrdrrcil girl , nnd Tlionnva ilcQuaid , her aiceptcd lever , wcro both ar rested for complicity in the crime , but they vero never tried us no cflUonco coulil bo se cured auilnst them. The case was IIUTI appireiHly nbando.iud by tlio po- Ice. Alice Hojlc , a beautiful ( 'lrl of eighteen , vvint to Hvo with nnotlicr uncle. Androxv Hoj-lo. Inlois thnn two xcirs she eloped with him. Tills fmnUlml tLukey to the mystery Lilla and AIKo Hovlo vero orpbnnt. Lllla sui -waiter hi the ii'stnurnnt of Mr1 * Txlur Allco vorkcdln nniill Atthollmo of the tragedy the latter nis neatly seven- cori vcai-aold , but so multireel iho apncucd ihreojcurs older , vviillo Mlla xvas nc.irinK tvv only-one. Ihey lived In an attic bouse in which Mrs T > lcr bail her lunch room On the night , of September 1 , 1SS7 , L.illi llovlo ilUniiii'iitt > il. Alli-n rennrti * ! ! thfl tlnv follow- Ill that lier tistcrv is Iml. The river was draped nnd tlio woods srurcliid , but nothing was heard of tlioxoiuifcoiniui. . Tnico vvcoks from thn thto of her disujipcantnco the body of the girl van found under an olit corn crib nt n ik'scrted farm about three miles from Center village , by t\vomon xvlio woiu ivttrnutcd to the plrco by the oaor. Doth pir is luui been favorites ttitb younj men nnd both loved Thomas Mc- Qnuiu 'Iho latter s'roxvul a prefcronro lor Llllnancl Alli-o was Jealous. In Anpirst the Hvo girls went to the seishoro fora short time , end them Lilla told Alice she thought McQinid would becoiuo her hushand , as she thought him it-sponslblo for bcr unfortunate condition. They returned from the heath on luesdiv , AuRusiiiO , 1SS7 , nnd on the follow- Inp 'Jhursiiij Ijllla disaj pearoil. Alice for two vveoki doniccl ail ItnowledRe of thocrimc. Ono nftoirioon she burst out crying , thicvv her arms around her aunt's ncclc , and exclaimed1 "Aunt ihnnnh , T killed Lllln Oh , I linoxv they will InriK mo for It. Oh , vvliat shall 'I do ! What shall I do"1 Then she made a full confession of her irlmoto bcr uncle and aunt , Mr. mul Mrs. Andxctv Hoxlu ITor moro than two jcirs Mrs. Hoyle lias kept that secret AjoaraKO her hushand eloped xvith Alice , leaving her iieiindoss and mono. Having abandoned all nope of assistance ) fioin her husband , Mr.j. lloylont la t told the story of the ruuidor. This was the story tlio girl told : "I loved Tom IvIcQunid and she know I wanted him to marr.v mo. Ho was no moio responsible for Ulhi's ' condition than others. Ho said that if it was not for lhat ho would marry mo. Ho said Unit If Lllln was oiilv got out of the way everything would bo ull right , but nothing could bo done as things were then poiiip ; ' ' Mrs Hovlo tneii told the story she said Alice told hor. After muih pcr < .uas'cm ' Mc- Qunid consented to help her to get rrd of Mlla. nncl It was arranged that ho and Dixon Cowio should dispose of thu body nftcrxvard. The confession implicates the girl's ' undo Dixon Uovvlo , and M tQuaul hi the oriuie. Mrs. Hoylo sa.vs shoand hurhusbuid hue resorted touve'ry dcvico and misrepresenta tion of facts in older to keen their nlcco from prison and [ Kjsslljly liomtho bcaffold. She adds that the entire fimily huvolicdln order 10 Icccp the police and reporters off the trailc. Now that her nuslmnd Ins deserted her for the gill she will no longer shield hci fro rut ho consequence of her ciimc. o The Ainu Mm * . H'lUiHr Larrtmirc in Oi'ciktiul , c > wirn in inosnnsmno unci uanco , Yo atoms too small for ken ; Circle , recede , and advance , Marry by twos and twos. Gather In social .tnols. Jostle for place arid lose , Or mount above other uots : Swim la tbo sunshine imu dance , No rest during dav's llttlo cbaiico , Yo atoms Umt Clod names rnenl Teins Storr's ( j 11 man , Colo. , was thrown Into n state of great excitement last \veclc by the arrival there of a , wild Texas steer from the moun tain back of town , where It has been starv ing for weeks during the recent heavy snow storms In stock countries during severe winter's xvlrcn cattle fall from oxlmustlou nnd starvation , upon boiiii ; assisted they invnrla- blv turn on their rescuers and show light , This ono was no exception , nnd ho had prob nbly boon nurslnpr his wrath foi sevcial diys , forhocutno In nn a charge , knocking right and loft sovcril unfoitunato pedes trians , Pnt White was the only ono badly bruiscii , receiving a serious wound through the eluolc fioin the steer's horn. After hold ing high cirni'xal foraii nouror more , tbo innddcnod anlmil fell from exhaustion and vvas quickly roped and socuied. Bnttlo inountiin , bvk of town , has several more of thcbo little roaming Its summit , nnd the next ono that conies will not bo given any chnnco to do damage. Tjorc'H hilrnee1 Longman' * Magazine Of all the words tnat bear their part In all tlio deeds of day to day , Ono word Is clilollvln my heart , Olio litllo word I must not bay. The hills of truth nro straight and steep , Theybavo n smart in every btono , And climbing thoml needs must veop To think that love must die unknown , Ni ht follows day day chases night , And brinRH n lesson srraiigoto teauh , ThatloxToislifole.ssln the light And silcnco h the fullest speech. > Couldn't Illiimn Him. Ten iiyson received JIO a word for his lat est spring poorn. This provokoi the follow ing from a disappointed author , reports the Allanti Constitution : Some of these Georgia papers Have thought my prices high : Hut when I vvrito a tiling llko that , I'll lay mo down and die And then there will bo 0110 poet less in a grateful country I IMiat ii thn KritHOM ? I.mllfs' 11 me Jourruii. I told Ilezcklah to Ull Widow Gray To tell Mother IJrovvn , noictdoor , To tell Dicny Uvviuhtho goes that way , To toll Do-icon Burnos , nt the store , To tell the old stage driver , Timothy Bean , To como for mo , sure , nnd in season ; Hut 1'vowaited ' all day , and no stage hnvo I seen ; Now what dojou think U the reason } TJIK ctz'U'.t ; , dry , AtlornoyInk IJotmd Over in ( | ia Dlxtrlut < < ) iiit , Ltvcot.v , iVob.Mtiicli Hi f Special to 'lim llEr.J The prellruhiary hearing of 11 \ \ ' . Xlnk , the attorney charged xx'ltii having tin- iKvzledflSllboloiiBlnu to Mrs. Ainin Dossier of Kaxivoo , 111. , WIH couoliulod before < luilg < Stou'nrt this inoriiini ; . Tlio ovMrnuiton thfl purt of the state was Unit /.Ink hnj Rotii-n tbo money from the pirtieiowim ; MH H ler and had placed It In tlio dor * man Nutloiml bunk. Ho first dnnv out $ T 0 , his attorney foes , and aftem anu the balance In nin ill checks , From th < iito of the loiters sent to Mrs. Dossier iiotlf iu her thnt the money xvai axxxitinghorordonn the b.iiik , it npK"iM | tbattlioy werovvriltca after ho had drawn out tliomonoy 'Ilio court" found there was probibly cause to consider him millty ol the mine , and bound him OMT totho district court In the sum of fl.OW iin was unable to glvo It und vxent hack to I m county hastllo. Young Wilbur ] ! . \Vhllotho toupli > oum > stci , who appu.irs to lie a ruiniinuT asvvi li i- . a llilef , xva < ordoreil soul to the reform school. Tlio court overruled the rnotloi for a iu\v \ trill in the use of Dnimmor Koclden , the dnmngo case trlod the other tluj. IIISTIIIIT COIIIT DOI Nl ( . The Jury I" the ciso of Johnson vs Mim fold , noted vcstorilux' , lotuincd avorJictthn morning tlndlng In favor of [ ilaintlir for'S2o > Judge Field nnd n Jur ) wcro husv tins morning heirlng the case of U. S Nlont gomery vs S. J. Odell SLllll.MI COtllT. r.u-incrs' and Moichiuits' bank of Alni xvoiths Ulihim Cause rolnitnted. I'lainiul ' to serve and Illo briefs In tin dajs bjon x-s Moore Drummoiul's ni11dn\it \ stricken from Illcs Schuiter xs Sherman Motion to Illo e\ dcnco properly ceittlKMd ovcrrulid Ucttsvs Slnuiis. ixlotron to rnodl/j onlit ovci ruled. Janssvs Wilson Dismissed. IMiilutlfT t pay costs of defendant's Iriofs McUoima X's Hittcnbusth , Dismissed. 'Iho folloxvinff ( 'pntlomon wore admitted ! pinctico Ilc r > M. Klildoi , osi , , olt'ustcr county. A. II Tavlor , csii.of Chasu countv Stole ox rel UoyalAicnnuni VH 01 deletion docket Cause advanced , vs luck\voith ) \ , dismissed bUitecjf rcl xvil son vs Ci.tbluo , dufcndnnt allowed to ( tin oxccjitions t iofcrto's loport by M.iioh r < Woods vsVcst disnilsscd. State ex lot m toiuuy goiural vs Itepubllcaa Vulli'y \ Wcstuin luinpmy , lontliiuud tills xvugoii works vs Heiiudiul , rllsiiiUscd Stn. ex icr Merrill vs fcnydcr , onlorcd ondoikct foi nro > cut term. Thu following cmses wore argued mul sub mined. Smltli vs Uojtr ; Republican Vnllij railroad ionimiy | vs conn tv of Chat u , Tinponrl X's Wright , Kelly v a V/ntta , McGIIIln xsO li i- son\Vrightva Imperial , on motion , oa- nectrrut Kiver pivm s bank vs liariett ; Kithc'.irt vs l.orirnoro. Court iidjourned to Tuesday , Match. ll ! , Ihlll , at i o'clock a m vv hen the causes from the Twelfth dlstrirt xvlll ho cilled II A Searles and Albeit AveriiofT ol I'Vanklln county are quaircHiig o\ir the imall matter of $ W. In the low or courts Searlos nine off victorious. Avcrholt took thpinattcr to the sunrorno eouit today ou alleged error. llio injunction case In Clay county In which l > r.i 1C. llovard and Irenus V Howard were the plaintiffs ind ] > ra Hrovn ot al. Ihoclofindann uan tikon to the &u- promo court today on alleged error case Is ono in which an Injunction \ \ n asked for by the Hoxvards , but refused and the costs thrown on them. OII)9 ) AM ) BM)3. ) The case of Victor Nelson , who Is charge ! xx'ith perjury by John I'ungcnini , has been coiitlnuid until 2 v m. tomuiroxv. Ellsworth riomlnp , oru of Lincoln's vou business men , was married last evening Miss Mngglollrooks at the msiilenco of tha bride's mother , Twenty-fourth street , near Q , In the urcMJiico ofnoaily llfty Invited Kuesta. The coromonj wai pcifornicd by Hov , Chmlcs Urndt of the Bocond Presby. i terraii ehuiob , and the presents vero numer ous and costlj. The young people xvlll set tle down to married lift ) al Twentj-llftli and Q streets Hud l.lndscy is anxiously looking tor i smooth joinit'limn whoc.imoalong cnnvass Ing n few vvcoks sitiro foi seine sporting publication. Ilo wanted to ilhistrato seine nf Lincoln's loading sports , nnd secured SiU'j from Ltndseyfor a write up nncl thu i > ilnting of Hud's poitrait blnco then Bud has naxlouslv been looking for that article , bit be Ins heard novcr a word since , aid has about concluded tlir.t he was "dono up " Thu independent central i.ornii.lLtco will hold a incutiiiirthlsuvenliigto 1111 vaciincics on the ticket. Mrs. II. C. Kltso , snid to liavo boon form crly n school teachur in Lincoln , but now living in Sioux ( JitVi is credited by the dis patches with tuning fallen Uoii to u Inrxd sum of innnovln l > nUiild ( as ono of thobeira of some Lord Leicester. \V. L. . CmullrT icturncd last evening fioci So\vnrd , where ho attended the piolitnlnai/ cxnmlnatioa of Nash , Andicvvs and bmitli , the follows who robbed tbo Sownrd cunning factory. They wcio houud ox'cr in 51,0 bail Dennis Shccdv arrived in the city jester day afternoon Ironi Ocnver on business in connection wild tbo murder eiso. Tbo lunl\XAIO store of Lex-1 V. Smith in North Lincoln xvas taVn possession ofjos- terday afternoon Dy CoiiHtablo Kaullmaii under peculiar circumstances Smith vas in haid luck and moitgagcd the stock to difTciont merchants , packed up his household goods and moved tuvayltlioutuotlfiiii ; anyone. The constable vv out ever to sciv o n writ of nltnclunent , but found no one. Yei terdiy ho received the kovs of the slot oft nut Smith In u letter , Smith is said to bo In Chicago. According to the MclCInloy bill crude sugir shipped into tlio United bt.iUs lor puiillcation after April 1 will bo admitted at the rate of accents pel pound dtitj , irwload of .1 cents , as bcixtoforo chaigoil The col lector of customs lioro has ihendj r"Clx cvl four carlo ids of suRiir , which ho will hold in hand until Apul lor , inther until midnight March ill , xvhon ho xvill tuin them ovei to the wholesale houses licio. llieronio about tliiity cuiloads moro on the wnv , BO that fein n fowdnyi after April 1 the prlco of sutjar will bo within thoreuth of ovcrybodj , and persons buying it In bulk can save tousldoi ublomoncj. Life : Noxvly Made \Vidovv-lio Is T fashionable undortnkcr , But ovun IrU clnigci nro fur below what I afford , nod I vv ant to give rny husbmd the moat exoeiisivo fuaual I can , jou knoxv. The Friend Why don't ' you got a plumb v to bury him , then ? J1 It.lltJ.I.V ll fVKMi. H < i"tiiH Unvi Icr , It w is n pitiful mistake , > r Anurroi sad nnd grim , I waited for the tallroud train , The light XXMS loxv and dim. It cnmo at last , and from the cir Tbcio stepped a dalutj ( Inme , And lookiiic upaaddoxMi thi'placo , She straight unto me came. "Oh , Jack ! " .sho cried , "Oh , dear old JacUV Anil kissed mo as shu spake ; Then looked again , and tiighteiicdcrioJt , "Oh , xvhit a bad mlstaku ! " I said , "Forgive mo , maiden fair , That 1 am riot > our Jack. And us rogiirds the kiss you gave , I'llstraiBhtxvuy glvo Itb.iclt/1 And since thnt night I have often stood On Uio platform lighted dim ; Hut only onuohia iniin'M vvholo hfu como to him Highest of all in IrfiveuiijgPoHcr. U" . S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17,1889. A&SO1JUTELY PURE