n 0 THE OMAHA DA1LTY BEJiJ TRVRSDAX MARCH 1 ! ) , 1801 ' ' \TIVI ? AMDIM7TO MIMHJPI'ITIVI MAKIlhlh , Grain Values SCJM nn Aihanco Oter tbo Previous Day. CORN REACHES THE HIGHEST POINT. I'l'lUL'.i Ill lilvi- Slunk IliM - - " ' ) | Crop laiiinuVorsi ) ) I li.in ( Icu- ernlly Kt'poi'lc'il-Siot'lcs niitl ItiiiuN. Oiupuio , Mnreh IS.-CMwIal Telegram tit TMK HKIJ.I The hoard o ( trailo nnirU'ts ktarlcil Irrt'aulnrlhM mornln ? . Whllo wheat nnil ntovlsiiiiis nhoivoil heaviness nt the opcn- InK , corn wiw higher mill uliuou ul the ex treme prloi-.i of yo.slrtday. O.ils acted with corn. As llio wonkncvi In tthoaland pork bo- I'awo more ma rlii'd. tlm strength In torn anil tuHUavo way , nnd prloosdiu'llnotl In : vll llio markets. There was : i Ilttlo rally hofoto llio mil of tlio hour. Tim salvs fur Miiyourly wore : Wliuiit. Jl.oivto ll.m V t' ll.oov to ll.oi1 , ; corn. ITI v. t w. " e. tnna'i'1 ' ' : "aK Wit-1. tn.VJV , tolWSo ! pnrli , flii7iln : ! ill.'S'S. ' . to tll.ST'i ' ; lunl , W.IS. to * 3.'J7'i ' ; ribs , fi.50 and IS. IS. Thn wheat marliot was hard to follow mml of ttionpsslim. News was very miii'h ' nilveil , I'spoi'lnllVvcro cable * conlllctlii ! ; . Kurly news as r.itlu-r nourish , nr at least mint tlio sort to support tlio nmrUet. The losullVIIH a hrcak of lour iiinio from tlio nponlii ; ! price. Alter tlio crowd Inn ] will out iirctly well llio news bocntnn inoro Imlllili , anil buying liocaino nioro pronounced , and hoforu 1 o'eloi'k prices were ill ) In about when- they started , but slltfbtly under tlio oloso lust night. Tlio notion was : May opened lit SI.DISc , mill to HdlH. loM.ni'i. toM.oi'i , .ml to Jl.flPiat 1 o'clock. July opened ntlHV ami solil to 'J' c1. ti > 07SP. totiMBi' , toi7'o. | | uliV > , to 1)8HP. ) At llioopcnliii ; l < l\i > iioiil | i-alili's cro hlinply firm nnd stcuily , Tlii-n llraflstroot'i inacli1 an In- oroiikii of 151.00' ' ) liuslic'ls In avallalilu stm-lis on tlio I'aulllccoiKl , anil only tlio < mmll ilt > uri'aso of I.V',000 linslii'lHuust of HID niuniitiilns. Low prlci-i won1 niiulo on thrso noun's , licoi'lpts In the noitliwoil wen1 inoli'rati' ' , at ' 'si oars u MliinciiDiills ami Oulutli. Tlu'ruvai an ull'ort nt tlmi's IDvorl < up snini ) stri'ii 'lli on tlio lirixpt'l'tsof a col11MIVC In llio far iiortliurM , but .Minneapolis riMinrtiMlcalino'omly , weath- tir ami twi-nty-four < len-roos aluvo. Now Yink ulonrcil 'AOJO liusliels of wlioat anil , OOJ IKioUicrsof llniir. I'linr Atlantlo porlH oleariul ai.OOO Uusliols of vvlii'iit. and a\000 D.vckiiijes of flour , a very Kooil slniwlnjt. Duliilli ronoiti'il 60,000 liuilioH of cash wlmat worl.oil to K" ciisl , all liy rail , whoa thirty ilays lalor It cinilit KO at a much lower rate , Closing calilos wi'io illllloult to Ki't curri'ut. I'rJvuto ailvlooi qunturt I'nrls easier on ulical , anil Idveipool closing louor. I'tililli ) I'ulili's to llio association nuvo llorlln lilnhrr , Paris lilrlior on wheat anil lower on Hour , anil Ulveriuxil higher 'or ' spot \vlioat unil near ( iituii'i. SI. l.ouU wired that a inll- lor just roturni'il fioin 1'ranoo foil nil llio ( laiuaco IliL'i-c iiiiH'h worse tlian thueahleil rr- Iioils indicate. 11 was Muted lliat California oU'erliiKiof wheat hail lin'iiltlulravn. . ' 1'ho niarl.ot liolil Us stii'iiKtli ni'll late In the scs- Hlon , with May nt Jl.liS11 ! , anil .Inly at M-OIC. The \\hral niiirlii't elo xil for a KO I | i'ounil-up for tlu1 bulls. Tlio stiongth Inoroaseil tu the very last , anil buying tiy bull onerators anil Imi'slorst'iirili'il iiilees to Jt.tiS'i for May. anil lK > ' , e for July , nail ut floshiK Jl.tKJMM.oa'i ' and ttio. Mau'h was ( juotril ut'.itt'ii'oii ' the lireak , anil up tiit'.i'.iiM-'loslns atU1.V.aftt'rtholireaU ! ' ofl'Be. Tbo early i.iarKel i-loscil a fraction better Iliau la t nlclit furall llio luonths. The oorn niarkot uus Highly au'itln liiiluy. Tbecasli tlfiiiiiiicl early was BIVOII as th reason for tlio U'lnarUably strong openlim. The prlcoof May starli'il at about Vic up at K1V , ami tonelieil lill'ae , liroko t < ffia o. rallleil In thiiiiiionliiK prk'o later In the ilay. July was nimteil as high as lU' o early lunl Bolif otr to about Oli1 , anil ii-eoveri'il to liettur than tUu bi'fori ) 1 o'clock , The close In corn was at tlio hlclmst closlns l > rloo on the crop. Ill bor prlees liavu IIIMMI maile , but not at the olosu of any session. Tlio element of the nt roust li all day was tlio i-bowlni ; niailo In cash sales. No. U yellow corn siilcl at Ic over the eloso of ycstonliiy , arounil ( il'ie , and No.ll was up'MicWith reeoipts only about onou h tosiiDnly thv local ilumand there Is iiolhliu' In tbo present prlees to brlni ; contract rorn to market. Without II , eonlraetscannot holllleil except by coiurlni ; la llio pit. May closed at tliuoponliiK prk'o at li'lV1 anil .luly i'loso.1 aiound ( ' ' . " 40. Mnri'li wai limited at ti\c } to Cl'4c ' to'c" ( o to ( BV ; April , ( I'l'ic to OP.ic lo KlV'toG'I'gO. , liino i'lo > ed a fraction butter than July. May corn prI\lluKua noht at OJo for pnlh and M' i' for calls. The oats market \MIS ciratle , Inriuonoril largely by the cither marUets. After a llrm opeiiliij ; Iht'M WIIH a break of iiboiit Ic with fo\v \ sales. Then a reaction rumu In the same manner , quick unit on few trades. May oueui'il at Kl'ni1. ' liaike to WC | , and eloped at t be hlKh point of * > lj e.ura fraction hlcher t linn la > t night's. June \\iis.V. " , o In ,11'u ' to.VJ'io in tbeelo-,0. July. I'J'jito ' 4s' o to4U'jCtu tin' ulosc. Tlii'io was less aotlon In provisions titan usual of late. Tbeio Has le-s sympathy 1 o- tuci'ii this trade and the raln marlvots. AVblle nil pralii marUets clo oil with Kalns over last ulihl. all ho ; ; products cliiM-il lower , ' "ie. lower for lard ami libs and 7'ie lower , for iiirk. Tlio action for May was as follow- : { 'ork. } IUO to ilf'J to JIl.JiT'i ' to } ll.u : ; to f ll.EVi : ! ; l.u-il , j < 1.40 to Jil.Ci ! to { I.IU ; ribs , } , -in to fJ.Citu } . ' > .47'i. Other months appear below. Then- were few buying orders early , ami I'utlahy nnd others otVered conslderablo stull. Aflor tlio decline llaulnln hbl for pork and helped the rally , while salosnf lard by ( ieddes held thai marla-t ktoady. When the market lieeniiie Hi m latu In thu day thcru was frco local bulls. ruici.s AT mic.ino. I'ltlCES AT ST. l.OIIIS. l. I IIUIi. | l.o > r. | I'lixn. | WllEAT- -Mnr. , 1 Oil * 1 K 1 01 1 02 1 Julr. , CUIIN . ' ' . ' ' . ( - Hon Mnr. . K'i . ' .21 , anil iiimsip. liocclpts nt Dulutli : X' ours whciit. liuci'lpts lit Mlnni'ii polls : ' . ' 10 cars wheat , Estimated luva at I'liluiiKO Thurscliij- , ; Latest Berlin cabluVhuit : : nilvanouil U marks. Uoci'liits it Kansas City : Wheat , 3 $ ; corn. K ! oals t * . St. Louis rvoulpts : Wlioat , 30,41" ; corn , 1W- WO : oals : ilwo. llrmlstrrol r < M > orts wlu'nt tli'c'ronseH,000 ' ) riiit anil wist ofthu iiuklos , IC tlinntoil L'ar < at Ulilcaco fur Tluirsilny : wheat , W ; I'orn , ' . ' " 0 ; o.its. ViK ) . Unto onlili's nun toil wlii'ut ' { il Inwor on ( utiues. I'nrls SOci'iitlmus luwur on Hour. Chk'iiKO rt'colptiVliuiit : , W.IiSOi corn. K oats. l\U14. ! r-liliaeiils | ) : Whuat , MUi ? ; oorn , 1T1.XM oats , lut-.I.Vj. Onu liunilrcd nnd twenty tliousaiiil biislii'ls wlioiit tuKi'ii In Dulutli for cxpurt , 4Jooo by rail anil MJ.iM ) for spring slilinn'iil. | Kt'iiiit'tt , lloiiklns Al'o. toS. A. Mi-Wliorlor Wlu'at ojii'nt'd I'.ioluruiul ili'ellnoil 1't froiu tlio top , Tin' 10 nas fn > i ) solllni ; froniall iiuar- tcrs. I'ablN were ratlior piislvr anil liriiil- Ktri't't'H vllblu showed loss of Init " , > 0.0K ) for the wci'k. wliurt'ononr two millions hail liec < n mpoclcil. Thu situation looked wuakpr than for soiiu'tlnio anil u fiirtlu'r liri'ak wi : conll- ik'ntlally p\L'olfil. | ) but lii'iivy buying liy throe or four cum mission IIOUM'K that > vuro fioo si'llois yi'ntiTiliiy mill thl > , iiioriiliij ; tiirnril thofcpalc.riillfiiiKprlui.'s U tn't of u rent. Tlicro was another luactlon nn luuor calilcs from ltt't'rb lnn , Init when the bonril's elo-ltiR uthlecs wi-io PO-.UMI i-lmwliiK nut only botlrr iirlci'sln l.lvi-rjiool hut a xlmriiailvanco In llvrlni , bhorts riishi'il for COVIT nnil inuilo tlio liicln' t priceof the ilny. St. I.uuls ami Dnlulli H'lHiruil I'oiislili'raMo iiuantlllL's taken for c.Nnort antl this ( nrlluT Inti'nsllii'il the bullish fi'L'lliiKL'urn and ottH : shotted I'onslijuriililo Mtrt'iiKth , most o ( which was cailM'il by the iloinuml. as usual , coinuii ; mainly for the * > liorts. The clhiuo that are milking the iniirlvt't and bhuarlnu vcnturi1- toinii l.inibs who | icr > M In short m'llliii : are ( IKposi'il toiiiuku thoiiuvstof tliu prt'bont op- liortiiiiltli'i. Tlioy williloubtleM uxoit thviu- Hlve ) lo prevent uuy accumulation ut tou- trict , RritlnhProf'T tlio pro cnt wlivli inljlit Uiti'tfiTO with thi'lr otiorulloii * * . I'rolKloni Tin1 d'aturi' f tliu day lin < bcon th olllns out nf li < inipr | H'rty. ' llnlilprt Imvo vlil tilly coini'lo tlii'cinii'lUHliiti Hint tlio lop lii ; lirt'ii rriii'hi'il fur the prp < < iMit. Tlii'ro was llm usuiil nttcintits to tuill the MKirlid ut tlio iiiioiilni ; . luil U xliitintly fnlli'il HTor < lo sell puniu froniall < | ilr.mil all iluy on unv llttlo ml- tani'p , si'lli'i-s nrpciirlinr inform I'nli'ss ri'- I'dlitiiif hnK * full otiiitlilrmbly sluirt nf i tl- tnatci , tin' ontlot'U , it thu oluso Is toward lower prli'i'i. \V. t ) . Mcl'orinli'k A Co. to 1' . ( ' . SwatU .V Co. The tnnrnltiit oahlci iiioli'il | lhi > lour of Kn.'lUlivheat iniirKoN ipilct nnd linrrly ste.ulv. hill jjavo iiiolitloliH | whli'liln- illi'iiU'd u half ( ii-rrv mix uni'o sliu'o yi'stonlay tuitltiliiK. Tlio ( cin'iiiT of our truilliU c-nrnd WIIH at usual lirnrKii , and In the nlwni'p of liirKc I mile lit up ) n Inn tliey fonnd iiinlllllciilty In ili'pri'xlnvr ptloi's. l.ulrr in the duy Itirlln calii" | < iiiotcil | an uilvani'cof ' ilinixrks , wlih'h itiirlrd the shmts to l > nvln nnd oaiisril u lo.-tnery u ( tlio early di-ollne. Tlio iimrUi't rf toiliiy has tlniwn bin few lntrir'tlim'd'at iires lint on tlio MlioloM' ' 1'inislilcr It has been u strong oiu' . The crrntost tiuulilo M'oini lo ho the miiillni" ' * of tlicoulslili'tradi' . Initvo l > ello p tliH will In- cri'aM' If fnroltfh inarKrtsciiiitliiHc llrm. Cnrn ha.s i'\hilillril ereat si renisl Ii. nil hunch the trailing tins not ' . ' hn-i' . Tin' Krc.itest hull fouliiro In thlNili'iil ! < tin1 unii-iial ili'tiiulnl for nil crailoi of ranli tntV , hoili heri-ninl lhroiiihiiiit ! the west , wlilrli ii'iulon an no- eiiiiiiiliitlnn of stoil > < luiioHilr. | . The I'loso of the market IH llrm , hut not UftUc. I'rotlsliins opi'iieilM'ik , ami although tin Kront dt'i'lliithaHtalii'ii plnco. we e in lilor Iho linirket M'ry lu'iivv nnil etpi'd to H'i > IO IT prlci't ' lieforo Mai eh fuitlu-r ndvaiii'i's. Wo in.tloe th.it soil-rill pai'liris who ( turlni ; last wi-ek wore fn-i'lmyi'is liu\i > today onlerodllio innrliet aI'llrr * . Vii' liellovo that lonn tuir sohl lixlay u ill In. l oiiKlit hack at a fair piollt wlihln thu next few days. .S 7V > ( 'li-S .I .VIt lt < > . \ ttS. Nsw VOIIK , MarcliKIHpool.il Teli'Kram to I'm : IIUK.l Tlio tio.sl llnntii'lorslti Mall street U > -lared last nlchtllmt the foreign llnnni'lal iiiiiMsliu 4 hud IICLMI fully dlsi'oimli'd In the stin'k inarUet , ; ind th.itliot lu'r Loailon anil Paris banUs. Involvrd In South Atnorli'iiii alYalrs. iiispetnled or nut the majority of bccurlltes llHloil on thuXow Vnrlt cxcliiiiitfu were In shape In act Indepomli'iit of tlio-.o In- llnoni'e.s , Still there Is a disposition to wait for tlio clouds to clear away. A gciilU'maii spcal.liiK for llonlil s.ilil Hint with money plenlv , slnclcslu lo J ) points lower tlnia ayear a 1:0,1 he aKrli'iilttiralout look IsniostproiiilsliiK , atnlonl ) a lltllo natural cvport inovuinont Iti Kulil.iiotlilin.orloinstiitiilsln the way of [ icon- oral Improvement In values. The. .story went around l.ito last night that Caiumaek , HmlliiK that a l 'hlcaio honso was about to cjver llnr- llnu'lon iindorMi , jiavo orders lo buy all that was olVered. Tills partly nceonnls for the erratic action In that "lock. This nioinliiK when it was learned that the cold for idilp- lueiit was to uo In the sliniiu of eoin the bear ish fi'olltm was IneieaHcd. This wns felt at the stall. Upi'inni : IIcures were generally from 'a to ! s peri'eal helow those ofl.'istoven- InC , thiiuih sonic Inotfularlt y was shown and further losses wore sustained In tlio early doalliiK" , whli'h. however , In iiono of thoioKU- Inrllht exceed' ' percent. Sugur was excep tional , with a los of 3.i per cent. Dullness , however , was amiln the uillng feature of the market , and late In the hour when a letter tone iircvalled most of the losses of early trading helni ; loiialnod. All animation in thu tnaiKct was cnnlincd to lliirlln.'ton , Ht. Paul , Ontario .t Western , Union I'aellk' . Louis ville , Northern I'.ieillc preferred , Atohison and isnizar. l.onlsvllli' was thostrongest nolnt In the list , hot Its ailvanco was only 3 , per cent. After the llrst hour a still lioavlor feelIng - Ing existed , and before I o'clock iinlle a sharp dcollnolonlt place. I'lih'ago lias ainiloiilsvlllu ; lost ' , percent , Hiirllnntnn sold hack to 70 a so'ond lime , Northwestern lost 'i to IDI'.i , IJiu'U Island > i to "lilii SI. I'anl'.i to.'i.V.t , while l.ackawumia held llrm at JHI'j. ' The dcellne whli'h set in early lasted until near the closn , and Uinllmtim went olT lo T.s'i. ' Northwestern to 101 and Uoi'k Ishinil toTI.'i. . ' Thorewas alltt lo Milly liefore theclixe.hnl all ai'tlvcstncliswero fioin 'ito'U pi'f cent under the close of yes- teiday. except K lekNland which was steady at 117 , nnd I'liloa I'aclllo steady at IVt. There win no shi.it . Interest siitlk'lent to cause a iiunil rally. The .sales wore llRht at III,11C ) Kcnnctt llonklns.t Co. to P. A. 'Mi'Whortor Thoio was ix Rioat deiilof sallsfaellon Instoek eM'lianso I'lrcles up to hist cicnlii' over the pn.ltiM' refusal of the treasury dopaitmeiit to supply I he line cold hurt for snee illative bul lion shipments to Kuriipo. It Is , however , aiiiioiini'i'd this ninriiliictliiit l.a/inl. : I'reres . llehllebach will ship Iho million I'liaqoil ' on eorn , hut at aeo--t of Se per l.out . ) . A very In- teiestluK Inlorvlewvltli Si'iiatorStowurl ' of Nevada , on silver , appc'irs In the Stockholder \\hlch Isuorlliy of mention. Ilo dcclaiv4that Amerii'iiii dlvlilund paying mines are nearly exhausted. It Is elalmeil the I ) . II. anthracite mines In IVniisylvuiiluiiru nearly worked out and there are no nioro coal laniK that can ho lioiisht , etc. The whole slnry Is similar to tlioso starli'd reirularly about oiico a year , by Dcople loaded with the stoi'lc. who Iry to 111:11.0 : a deal to nay carry hit ; over expenses The slock iniirkit today has been dull and lirsllHtlnj ; . mid as Usual \ \ 1th such inovcnients the tendency has been to lower prices , The shipment nf iciilil hy today's"teainer and the ft"ir Hint oilier Milpnients will ho niiide no diiilht had iiiiieh to do with the iliillnessnf thu market. Ueports of r.ites In the south are still In an unsettled way andhavo also inado traders timid about liiiylnj ; IIIK' nitlier en couraged them tosell. Tlio repoitof Ht. I'aiil eiirnlncs. sbowhij ; a decrease of M..MS for the .s "onil week of Mnich , wns also unexpei'ted , a iiioderuto ineronse InivliiK 1'con looked for. London has bought nioderaloly and the tone of advices fium Loiidiui Is on IhiMvholo inoio cncour.nliK. Theeniliarraxsed banking Him , II Is said , hns bad Its all'airs arran.'cd so as to avoid failure. StcrliiiKoschantfc Is higher and the ijold which was entailed yesterdiiy has KIIIIO forwnnl , niitwlthstaiidliiK the Kovorn- inent's lefusal to turnlsli burs. It bclnj ; taken In the fin in of cades and half cables. The earnings of the Union 1'iiellle system for llio month of January showed a larjro in- eri'iiseln net as well us uross earnlnis and made a fiiMirable Impii'sslou , The IncreiiM' . however. Is almost entirely duo to thu fact that last year's business was virtually sus pended nn llio Ure on Short Line. It lielna blockaded with snmv during the month of January. There hns heen unusually laruo sales of I'lilcauo \ Noitliwestem preferred to day at ilccllnliii ; prU'e , llioliulkof the trade boliiK iniule at : . , > out 111 points down from whore the stock has been st'lllni ; In small lots for a loin ; time. Some ncoplo vieto disposed tocoiislilertlieses.ilesas beln < . | jiltlcant | of aposslhle reiliietlon of the dividend on the common stock hut wo see no reason to lie- llovo sueli Iseonlcmiilated. Tlio boom In On tario , Western yesterday Is short 1'ved. The pllco declined today to yestcrdny's upeiilnK ii iirnnii the donlal of , iny Intention on the part of the New Vork ( . 'entral to leasi ; the road. The market at the elose WHS falilv tlrm nt some recovery from lowest prices. .Money o.isy. i-alos , r.K > , W * . MW : YOHK STOCKS. Sloeks. | lK'n ) | , i Hliili. I Low. H'lmu. | Yost. W. A. I , . K. llockliiii Vnl " ' ' . Wattiull pfil 1H > ( t'nnaila So. W'4 * $ I'licltlrMnll. . ' 17 37 Ijikc shore. 110 111) ) IUM 110V I , A N ' l.ciul Trust. 1'JH l'"t 110VS C. C. O niw 14)11 ) , XortliMCsl'ii 10 I'M mi't , Mo. I'ae 07 us lnlun ! I'no. . IV N. 1'ac. pfil. N. 1'ae. com , MH 27 1 iK -7 > l , I' . , U.AQ. . . Iturk Islai'it $ 117 n st. I'aul Ki'i tan S. I'aiil pfit. IVA. Wett , rnlon 81(4 M 1) ) . , I , . , x W. ir , Ani.SuK.IU. : ' * 3Sj illcli.Tinii'l | ii' * 17U ' ' ' Ati'hliim. . . . ' ? Ciilca.'u lias i'i ' ! ; w ! Pel. A Iiml ISIs , No. Am i 174 liH , id Mluli. I'ent. . stiver A. C. Oil. . . . 7IH 71'i , 74J 74' 7IK. Texni . ' < 14' ' ( A. S.It. pfil. Mi Hi The following are the closing iiuotatlons ; U. S. l ii'iildiiroil . . .I'Jl INorlhern I'liclllo. . . . K'j U.S. li coupunsff \ } iloprofrrroil 7IlJl U.si. Unit ri'k'lslori'il .Uil C. , N. \ W lOUj U. S. I'll ' * coupons. . . . 102 ito | ircf'il ( evdlvl. . .l , ) > i , I'm IDcini of ' ' .ii Ill Now VorlCentra.I. . .lUI'a ' IVntr.il I'ncllli ! . . . . . . Ss j } . Il , x K. . riikMU" \ Alton I''l Uork Ulniu ! 1'lilvnKO. llurlliiiitoa C..M. .V st. A. i ulney 7S' ( iloproferreil IliHj li. . iv iirtj ; > t. Paul \ Omnhn. . . . li Illinois Central Ul iloproferrt'il 7d I. , H..V.W I'nliin I'Jicllle 4J'i Kanins .V To a Ilk \V.M. I.I I' iJ ) ! l.nkoSlioro Ill ) ODproferrert liji Michigan Coniral . . HI \Ve lurn Union 8 | Ml-oourl 1'.u I Hi" . Mj MOVKV ON CAM , Ka > y ; closed otlered at a percent. I'IIIMK MKHCANTlt.El'At'Eli fl7 percent. bTEIII.I.Ml KM'IIANIIK OlllOt , StUllUj'i day bills , ( I sO ; dcninnil , jlbs > , . t'//if.i 1,1 rK STUCK . . CmrAOo , Mari'li IS. [ fpcclnl Toli'srain to THE HIE.I CATTM-III : the fuco ul the In creased receipts the market ruled strong to a shade higher on unylliln'in all iisoful Inthu fat cattle iluo. and In fact nearly overythlng sold substantially higher than ycslorday. Cow stock was not us plentiful us on Monday anil Tuesday and may uUo hit ijuolcd Btroiiser , espuclally kiich as can bo used In tlio shop tra.de. I'rlnio helfors never sold higher. The btookor and feeder trade Isf.ilily uctlvo nnd prices the highest ( ur the season. Uno carload of pradollerofords sohl at W SO , nnd four carloads of other prlmo steers at KOO , mid a largo iiuinher at } Vli > ( tJ.UU ; uUu lar o iiuinlcrsat il.W toii.'i. Coiiiinoii imtlvosold at il.'lJHU.'A ; lielfeis. I.C iill V.V , cons. 4'i'iVta 3 , " > i canners , ilWJ .J.2J ; utoukors , f.'i.'J.'iiti.bO. ( : llous IJusluMS was utulu actlvy , with au- thcr < llishl ndi'i\ncc all itnmnil innldiiR an ( I vance of lee ( o I.V for the neck no fiir. toitith ami common iolil atM.70 to f.lAU coi'd ' ilxed nnil pnokcru , t.L ! toM.OOi prltni' litmy ml liutchor wuUhtM , ( l.oo toJI.lOi Mchl soils , J.'A ) lo li.Wj Hk-lpi. J.UO to M.SO. NEW VOIIK , Miireh K-lSpeiMul Tolcjrntnto 'MI ; llKK.-Tho ) ( olldwltig at-o tlio n.liiliii ? lllO I ; lllnt.'ltlOllii | . Miii-Ui't. Nr.w VOIIK. March H , ISpoelal Toli'jratn to ' : . ] - - ' : : - ) ' wi-aks M4 10 noliits ilut > n an I cloiod steady at Vd''O points own. 'Iho sales were ! E.M ! ) . ) bass , Inoliul- UK Miireh , Si\Vi61 ? Ki ; April , jn.W6l7.IOi luyll.tf.lI7.kii , ; .lutio. flfl. 4tll9 ( : . ; .July. JldfiS SIHl.TO ; AllBllstJlll.iVim.4'li : , ' ScpleinhlT. JIVSIl tl.V.Oi Oi'lol ' or.MV : Viliri ( ; ; DoiTlnlier , il I Wift l.i.Spot Itln , ipUrt anil Mu.uly ; l.ilr cii- ; oos , J-'J.OJ ! No. 7 , f IM..VAls.l. ) ( > i. I'IKUt IH'K. rutCAon , Man-li ISCUnc.Vlio tt-Stomly : iiMli.liti'41' ; May , JI.W'Bdf.l.n''U ' ; Juno , ft > c. C'orn Muadyi on-.li , G'iiii'Ji.c ( ! .May , O.1'i © " iJiiis-rirm : ca h. MUo : Muy.KI'ic. INirk-rirm ; cii h. JII.IU ; May , JI1.M ® 'Liird I'lrin ; cash , Stl.l.'CVttli..JUM ! May , { C..ai : ! © O.iu , Mmrt Itlhs-rirni ! cash , } 3553M | Jiuy , ' Kyu Kn . ILirloy-Noinlnul at T t'lax IJulot nt Jl.l.l' Timothy -Sti'inlv ut MliUky-Kltin at Jl.lil. l''loiirrirniatiil iiiicliiiiiei > ( lvrlntorpatcnti ; , { l.iK'Ki.lNlt ) sprln palenti.il. ( W.Ci.lO. . Hulk Mi'ats Shoiilili'M. JISiHjfillki ; short cloir , $ \.VidC..Wi short rlln. J.Vii. Iliitter rui'liangcd ' ; oruainery , 'J lalry. KVS'.Nc. t'lieesorirnr. full oreain elioddnri. 0V ; llali , lU'i'dllc ' ; Vouiii ; Aiiiurlcui. Pu1. l'iKs-- . troim'ainllilKher , hut seatco ; ficsli , Hides I'licliaiiRod illKlitRroonsal toil , Krei'ii , 44 ! ( ' ! Milled bulk , -I 'jot ijri'tMl salted culf , S1 : dry lllnt.s' ; dry Halted , UitTciilry calf. NinVj hoarniiM , S > u o.ich. Tullow -l'iu'limiii'il ; No. 1 solid imckoil , 4c ; No. s , Ii'jWici cnki' ' , lv.iC. liccolnti. thlpiiifiits. Flour iJ.ono w.noo U'hoat. hii r..Oil ' ) III.OilO I'orn , liu SaiIOO ( 171,000 Uats , Oil i. > COJO , lOb.OlO NF.W VOIIK , Mnii'h ! . U'he.it Kccclpts , 2. > , SUO InMiols : exports. S3.RUtl hushols ; spot clov'd ( lull ; No. red. tl.Kl1 , , In olovntor : LIS'i'itM.1. ' ! f.o-b ; inmrailod red UiUcffHl.l'- . Iptlons declined 'ifeil ' , i' . uilv.inccd 'jffll'so ' mil closed linn , 'aiib'ie ' ntiilur yestvriliiyi No. J rod March elixlimat JI.I31J. Corn ltoeojlits. | M , ' > 0 hushols ! exports. 00- 4 0 bushels : spot llrnis No. U. 7JTt tlii ) I" ilovaton Tlwl'to alloali tuntratlcil mixed , "lldWi. Options cliisud llrm ; March"Ho. O.its Kecotpts , 5'1,0HI liiiliol ; oxports. HOMO ; spot lower , clinliiK steailler ; No. 2 white. r U tUt-Wics hilxoil wi'slern , riri'taMiJie ; wlilto w L'storn , . ' . " © . ' .ii'ic. ' Options llrni ! March. fiS'je. Siieiir Itaw , steady : Muscovado , M ) lost , i 1-lix. ' ; iclliieileasy ; mould. G ei standard A , 17-llic ; rnn feet loners' , C'io ' ; cut loaf. CJsc. ; crnshe < l , O af : LTii inilated , ii' o. _ . I'l'trolciini I'niU'il cUni'd , AprllV 7 % . KiSBs I'lrincr ; wi'iturn ' , 2''c. ' ' I'ork rirnii new moss , Jli.Kiiil2.rA ( I.nrd Opened .iiuk , vlu.suil tlrm ; western steam. JH..VJ'J. lluttur Stoiulv : western dairy , Klft'J'u : western creamery , 2l < rcik'j : Kl lns , aS KIo. Clicusc St IUIIK ; skliiis.HltSfiUo. ST. Iot'iJ ! , MarcliH.VhcutUlBlior ; -cash , Jl.ui'i'iil.lil'i ' ! May , Jl.Ul'i. Corn Lower ; cash , r.s'ji' ' , daisHlLhiT ! ash , -.Pic. I'ork-JH.a.YjUl.aTSi- l.urtl } ( UIO. Whisky - $ ! . ! ( ! . lluttor StiMily and nnhanRcd ; crcaracrv , . > 2wc : : dairy , SVffac. KANSAS fiTV.Mo. , Maioli 18 , Wlicat Qulot : No.'J h.ird. cash and March , 8so hid ; No. L1 red , oii-.li. Illc hid. ( 'urn SI router : eash. Me bid , Oalb IllKher ; Nu. S , cash , 44ic ! ; March , 4Sc. MII.WUTKKI : , March 18.Vhcat llrm ; No. ' . ' cash , Oi'ic. Uorii-ririiii No.3fiOiO. ! Oats-Stoady : No. L' white. We. 1'rovisions-Steady ; pork , } I'.U'5. CINCINNATI , March 18.-\Vlioat M'eakcr ; No. red. J1.W ) . Cora Active ; No. 2 inl\edC.c. ! O its Htroiisj ; No. ! ) nihod. Sic. Whisky S1.IG. I.ivr.ui'ooi. March IS. Wheat Firm and do- niiUHl fair : holnumilVersparingly ! Uallfumla No. I. MN'jd ( . 'oni-Stuaily ; demand fallen olT ; mixed vestorn , 5s til per eent al. I.MYK .STOC'U. CniCAnri. Jlarcli IS. Cattlo-ltoc-olptH , l.'i.nnOi market stronger and hiKhor ; Mecrs , prime , HI II ; eonitniiii to eholce. fllW V.R ) ; heifers Siwxtti'J.'i ; OOHS fl.'ityiOi.'J.'i ; stnckurs , sfa.'jy.r/i.so. lloKS-Uoci'lpts , 40,0011 ; market actlvo and higher ; niiiili nnd common , l.7tf' ( i.sil ; ooil mixed mid packers , Jllk'fi/.i.oi ) ; piluio heavy anil buK'lier woiahts , tl.Olht l.lU ; skips , W.CU3 as i. Slioon-UocolpK 0,000 ; market hlnhci ; na tives. V > .lMi4il.OO ; ftostcrns , } ) .UJ < i JU > ; lambs , " ST. I.oris , March IS.-l'attlo Iteeclpls , l > 00 ; shipment * , m ; market strong ; fair to fancy native steers , .fLOJCit. ' . . ' * ) ; stoeuers and feed ers. $ .I.OJi ! I.Ul ) . llo S--lteeelpt , 4,100head ; shipments. l.r.Oll ; market hnilier : heavy , { : i.Ki ! < isl. it ) ; nil.xed , f.i.iO ; ; , $ .1.80(3UC. ( . CITV. Mo. . March -Onttlc I5e- ci'lpts. : . : ! : ; head ; shlpinents , 'J.4.VJ head : mar ket strnii ? ; steets. fl.\a . " . . . " > V , cows , f . ' .7.V2.I.OJ ; hlockois and feeders , HuOC. < I.Ot ) . Ho s-Uei'i'lptu , ! i."lJ8lilpinents ; , 2 00 ; mar ket hljliur : all Krados , tl tiJI.t Jl.l M , I VK S TO ( , ' ! . OMAHA , March IS. OATTLB EstlinutPil rocoiwsof cattle umo , ni compared with 1'J.VI yestenbij and S , Itii Weil- ncsday of lust week. The market was net i\o and Men ly to strum ; on jiooil grades of beeves and slow and \\eak on others , ( iond huteher stock was , ictlM > anil strong : less desirable Kradcs lower. 1'eedors were sloaily. lions Kstlmatcil rceelpts lie sfi.K ) ) as com pared with0,0n yesterday and .i,17.r > Meducs- day of last week. The market was nctlvo nnd a big lOc higher. All sold easy. The runKii of Iho prices paid was J.I.'l.v < tI.S. . the hulk selling at Tf.'I.Wiii.7. " > . Plus. ( i.7.V4c..7.'i ' : iight-ilahts , ji 753:1 : > ; iiuht , KI.HViaO'i ; Im.ivy. tUhViii.N : i ; mixed , * 'l. ( > i/1.7."i. ( ( The avoraso of the prices p.iid was if.l.KI',1 , as compiled with KI..VJ yesterday and ii.0'i : : ' Wodiii'sdnyof last week. HlilKl1Kstlinnted reeolpts of slump R8.1 , us trii < n.KNME M. i it Kins. .VMOKI' ! ) Mr.us lliins , < , iiiarrurpil , 12 to II b > iivtrjiri' . It'e ' ; hri'.ikfast tiau'm.sug.ir ' ouieil. ) ( ) neh'-s , ll'ac1 ' ! No. I liatns siiffii'eiiri'il. l.'iln 10 liiivor.iue , s'ie ; > 'o. 1 liutiis , miKiir ouieil , K- li\'i'r.ise ! , s V' ! No. 1 liaini , Misur curxil , - < ) - 1 1 iio ri''e ; ' , M'J si. nine I liuius.SUe : N'o.'J liaiii > i , siisur cuied , 7e ; liiiil'lihum , 7'je ; shoul- len , sinur iMiruil. . 't'tui ' liiiikii ! ! ( > l bacon , faury Doneli'si , T'ic ; I 'allfoi'nla or picnic li'inis , sujinr eured , , V4i ; ; ilfk'il liei'f limns , fiiuar ouietl , sle | ; liuenii short eli-iir- , tl'ii1 ' ; Imutin clear bricks , ll'H' ' ; bneun eloar belhi ; . tiiurv l | lit , 'ic ' ; lincoii stlirtrt ribs , Ic ! bvof toniiiius , siiioUi'd , llle. lluv tu.r MKATs-Sljort clears , f > ' .ic : IOUK ele.'irs , Vsu : short ribs , 5ic ; : lielllos , fie ; eleiir Uai'lis , ( ic , POUK ANH HKKP-MCSH | ) f > rlf , barrels , now , $ ll.r > 0 ; mess jiorU. half barrels. ? ( > .oil ; fuinllyor bai'k pork' , barrels , 11 , ru ; family or back pork , luilf liiiiruls , W.OO ; extra mess lioi-f , bar rels , iU.S'ii o.xlra moss beef , half barrels. JI..10 ; biinulivis lilt ? | iiirl , liarruls , jr..Wj bunulvis pig I ioi I ; , linlf barii'ls , K.M. SArsAtiKS I'rown bologna In wcnsumls , faney. 4'ie ' : Oxford porl < MHISIBIlb paek- iik-i's , lie ! hc > li niis , 4u ; nnrk suns'ire , inllnk , > < ; iiorKhiiiinii' : ) , In belli , Ti'te ' ; lilnod. 4'-o ; ll\er , 4'ie : heail eliee. e , I'lt'l sinnkuii lieail ulii'esi' , lie : wi'lniT or I'raiikf url.Tc ; Kiioliluuoli saiisate , Tu ; I'ollsli silusam' , fc ; ton uu ; m- safe , 7 . Tlio nliovi * | irlei > sart > forloHnf fifty iwuiuls nnil up ! irils-ii less quantity. ' ! nioro. I'lriii.Kii Hi.ti- : < > ro.MifKs Itlils.uulhs. . , cneli. * i.W ; ) ; half Mils. , eju-li , JO.UO ; iii..rler [ Ul Is. , -ai'h , * 0.ixi ; I'ljihth Mils. . eiifht.l..ii > . liAitii-'I'luii'un , Wit1 ; tlcicc's , puru and Lcttlo- iTMileri.il , llSic. _ I In r < larc. . Arnr.iis AMI Ilrrs-U. II. .lennliiss rtls , fiTi'ii linsspll .I'jiiuliiKs , ills , S.1 ; hit stocMt ill-Ill , C'levelniiil kV Morse , ( Us , S ) . AXKrt-l.liipiiieolts. | UT do ? . if'S > i I'ouble ' hilled , fU.lfl1 Hunt's , } n.Si ; IlpUPiicott'8 hinu/.t'il ! i.\t's. iS. i. lii.t.s ! : l.iiilit. hrass , ha ml , dK Too ; Ken- tueky i'i'w ' > < IN. TOO , Doon I.oi'kf , V.ti" . Idst jnlei'4 as rovlscil Peeemlier : W. Ihsii , li > ss M I1) ) pur cunts nail- hii'Us , new 1M , d Is , 7(1 ( , HOOKS -SaKt'iit & Co. . harness list , ( V ) ; vioimlil siaples anil linuk.H luid staples. T. > ; Stauloy'n list , \ \ riiiiKlitstiipU'S T.loi hooks nnil eyes , wlin seri'W. T"i. hANiKiiss-Uui'kuyc.sr. , W.W . ; lliiokeye , Jr. , iV.0 : llrilllant. J.i.O ) . Mii.l sisi.\Tis ( : Stoliben's patlonis , ills 70. Oli.rashie anil tin , new list. ilKOO. I'icio-Uiillmail , mli'i > ye. ills ( Ul. UIVI.TSVIIKOII hex , H ; linn anil llnncil , nuw list Doeeinber In , 1 M , dMW ; copiiurilvuts anil bnirs , fJ ) , SniKHS 1 liit , head Iron. 7tfV75 ( : run ml head , new Iht. blued , ( VI ; Hat head , bass , ne\v list , 7u'/T.'i'i liiiKiimril , Kl couch , coniiiion or lag , CU-IO. HllOVKI.H AXI1 Sl'llinS Allll'l" . Oils 15. TACKS , Hums , I'.TC. American Iron carpet IncUs. ills Ml ; .stool c.irpol tacKs , all Kinds , IK ) ; s-vcdes Iron carp" ! incus , all kinds. II1) ) Swedes Iron tacks , 00 : s e < lcs iron iiplmlstcr- ITS' tacks , ( i ) ; tinned Sivi'iies him tarKs , .VI ; American iron cut tacUs , 75 ; copper tacks , r > n ; copper Iliiisnlnir anil truiiK nulls , l'i ; i'liiir box nulls , 45 ; llnMilnn nails , 7 ; Hungarian nallH and miners' ' tacks , 05 ; gimp and liieu lacks. 70 ; tiniieil Khun ami lace tucks , nil-10 ; trunk and clout nails. 711 ; tinned - nod trunk mid clout. imlls > , 3" > ; basket nails , 35 : chair nulls , ; t5 ; eoiiiinon anil patent linuKTii ; tinned cupped trunk nailsn ; nnl ID ; InoUIiiK-i-'lnss tucks , l''i ' ; plctnro fraino liolnts , 35 ; leather carpet tacks , 40 ; brush tacks , 3. " > . T\i'ts : MKAsriuxn American , dls , iUI'J ' , TiliilMo.Mmns-Tlncasodls : : , 75 , THAI'S ( i.iinc , Nowhonse , dls , 40 ; Rntnn , Onelih pattern , 70 ; mouse , wood choker. JUT do/un hoh's , an. 'l'iinwii.s Itrnilos' brlcic , ills , 10 ; Illssion's , SO-lou'imli'ii. net pcrili/ . { l.oo. Tui'i'KS iWarchoUM' , ote.lh Hone's 1C. .T..t Co. . dls , 50. Visrs I'anillel , I'tirkorN , dls. 10 ; parallel , oval sllilc. 10 ; sawlllcrs , WentworlliV. 30c. \Vnii : I trass illo and copper : i' ) per | h. net list : linirket. hrlirlib ttlc ; luurkcl , copporeil , fo .t 10 per cent ; tinned broom liv. r,0 , ; ininoalod ( enco. Nolaiulu , per IHO His , J'.7'i ; .lapanneil harh feiRc. ( l.l. > ; i-'iilvaiil/nl barb feiife , * il.75 : plcluro wire1 , T. S. k ,1. , ( IN. Silc ; clothes line wire , aulviinl/eil , pel o/ cell , .M.'il ; wlrn dotli.ureun , drab anil black , per IlK ) sijll , 11.45. 11.45.Wnr.vrili'.s Poos'-ui'iiiilnc , 5' ) ; I ! hard. CO ; Acr. 70-10 ; llomls .fe Call's piiti'iil conibhi.i- Ilniil5 ; Alkon. noiik 'tihrl litiil.ini. : M ) . HI.DCKS Hanluy Itulo.t I.evi'lL'o's , now list co. HOI.TS CotDTiirai-carrliicc.dlH 70-10 ; It. & K. Mfir.l'o's ' tovi'.dU 40-10 ; plow , ilNW ; machine , dls 70 ; tire bulls , W-lii , ( 'Asir.it Hud , dlH , 00 ; i > late anil shallow rockets , dls , r.ij. HUTTH Hrass , .uniuitht. ( Us 70 ; loosn pin , castills 70 ; loosupln , Jiipanni'd , dls M HMO : loose pins , Japaimecl. wrought. O'J ' ; Clark blind butt" , 75-10. CHAIN Trace , fi'i-IO-7 , per pair , net , 4de ; trace , ti'i. Anicrlcan , per pair , net , Mi" Uer- 111:111 : hiilter chain , list of Uiu'CinbiT III. bM dls. Till-lit ; Ainnrlcan halter chain , llstt f | ie- coiulu'rill , IHSl.dls , , vi-0 | ; ( iorinan cell chain , list of December ill , Issl. ( IN. SO-lo ; lion Jack chain , il5 ; hruss lack chain , : i5. HOCKS Hrass , now ILsi. .Inly 10,18SO , dls. w. I'ot'KKB MILLS Parker's iHianl anil hodls , -American ; i Mulct lIM | > > | fi { I'm , d IN ' . ' . " > . I'OMl'ASsKs , Divilililis , KTl' . t'ompiisses , ( IN , 5J-1U ; dividers , dls , 5 aml W : cnlllpers. ( IN. , V ) DIIUVIMI K NIVIS : I' , S. & W. Co. . Uls'U ; ud- Jnstablc. dlsU. . I''OIIKS liny , nmniiro and Kpndln , illt CO-IO- lii ; plutcil , Al , Kosor.s , t llros. . ta. J-'ill'lTrt AXD .IKI.I.V ruis.SE8--Kuterpllso : Jlfi ; I'HV I'A.NS Common , ills70 ; Aemo. dls in. l-'AruKTH-Prnry patent potrnlciini , dlw , M ; nnterprlhOBolf.nioahiirlni ; , per dn/ . * . illh.3i. ! I'll.ts llciiverit Uisklon'iiUO-1U , ; hoino rasps , He HIT KIDS ills , ' * ) . llAMMiu.Miydolc ; , dlsSl ; Atlia. dls 50. Il.tllMKHSSNAl'rf-sjiir.uiitJ , ilia 70 ; Liuriimii , Ols itt , IC.Mllis Poor knnliB , bronze , 50-10 ; door miuuuls , clour por. Jaiiuuvd , tluor yon iloorpor , nrw list dKM-lOi lionclaln shullcr , il' ' 7u llAHMIKTS DkfOlllit 40-10. II.U K.MVi.tl.lirliltilnit : , ) Cf doJ..CO ' ; rMionr I'olnl. penlo/ . , f.s.rm ; llono : N All.s No . 7 B I ) 10 IVcrlos ; ! , per Ib llel'.V Ilk' ' net Noithwuli'tii , " W ' . ' .I SI 58 51 11 ills ' .M ( 'luiliiploii , " IM i'fl ' .ll . " . ' ' 'I I'l ' ills -.1) ) I'tlliumi t - ' ' ' ID ID ll U ) , -X 'a 21 .V < < Kmi.r.K-ttrasit , per eont ills , 1A ; viiunu-led , per I'riit ( IK t . II i\niS"'lurke' : ( Nos. I , S , nnil ,1 , cut P. ills- oiinlliO : erow hook nnil strap , s to I'.1 , pi-r liH ) ll > s.l'te ' ! 13 anil npwarili , pi > r llH ) His. , il'ic ' ; Strap anil T il t. rebrnni-y II. IM'l. ' W ) per cent ; staiiiliiril H. A. , No. , \ f-i. . " > n I.IIIKS t'atiliiet nun oiii'itMt'ahlnpl ' , P. , U\ t'orliln , ills' ' , " . ; liiinl , , ills ' .n ; Vah * lock I'oiu * tniiiy. tlataud cor mailed key. ilis : uis , M M.l.inH-llli'kor\.1 iiiTe'eiililUnuiuvllai' . 2. . PIT ei'iils li'silher heiKl. W. PIT "ont. Mrvr ( H'rriiis r'nti-rprKi' . ills 11 ; leef HhiiM'i-s. ' illnlctprlsrMfj : . t'u. ) dls ' . ' .I. I'lt'Mlis INI. | , iviis ; Stimloy U. A ! < . Co > patent adlnstahh. . ils7o | ; Staiilev II A L.t'o's noii-iul inslnl.le , ills ; u : piiekct levels dls (0. ( I'osv 1 1 in , \MiTniK i : A rumsV minim's ) nst liolc , per do/ . . 1111.0.1) ) rliainploii post holoau- KlTS.Jlll.f.1. I'l'M'ni.s Hell or ilrlvo , tier iloJ..OO ' , S..1. ' . , . . I'liiin Ilo 10 , per lh , : K- net : < elf- lieallnir. tier do/ , * lu..Vl not ! Mi * . Toll's I MUM. ilotihlo IHilnlcil. ills .V , S.Mii' i'Kli ' lliii'diT \ Aihinisou's Hint. IH ) to I't. ' t' < . " ' < tier team ; Itaciler A Ailaia on's Hint. ' . ' , ; "t mid ; i , | V7. mi ri'iiin ; llaeder A Adniiison'sllliil.iiss.itted ( . < . ' ! per it'll in i Ihu-iler . " Ailainioir.sslar , } l.-"i per reams Itneili-rA A damson's onii'ry. MMKUll.f > 0 lerii'iiin. List , XI i , my. f.iHl i'oiiiIV r -r.iniinoti , Mr net ; p.tt- piit.lT net : U Mlor hakeliciup , Me ; l'hito rot tun , lir.ilih-il , ' 'S < > . S. < sn \ ViioinSohl : | I'jes. per 100 Ihs. tl.-M. S.M'SAin : srni-Kiis oit 1'ii.i.llis Perry , ills ; [ " > : lliitt- rpilsimaniifactiirlni ; eonipiiii' , ' "s S.IHS Ulssion's I'lrenlar. mllland iTOss-eat ills 111 lUsstiiii'jtliiiinl , panel anil rip , ills ai-r. . M'll.is-ll. : . e. ilN . . - , | , , , r oi'iit ; IliilValo , it.1 peri'ent ' ; I'lilrlianLu , ills M. STUMiMlndstnncs : , | ier ton. } lf , W ; irrlml- cHniJstoni's , iniiiiiueil , Sauiiisiin , " Nos. I , ' . ' , ' * " ' 'sTii'irs"-.Yv'ni'o Ktjt. wno. tl'l'l ' , Ills 7.110. . ( "oiuury I 'IMI ! licit. The hail oniullt Ion of roil a try roaili npieara | to heholilliiK I Kick prodii'VoT ' nil kiiul.s. Ar rivals of most e\erytlihiL' for soiiii1 ihivs back have hei'ii ll ht a nil hlulier prices will lie in. - tlceil In et'Ks .mil h y. llntter anil poultry \\iiri' uiu'hin i'il yi.sieiilay. ICiins llm Ik-lit reei-lpts of the past few dais hasoaiisfil 11 short ujn hi olVeiln s autl prfei'Hyc.terd.iy advanceil U > Iwr.lTr. lliv 'I'heri1vas \ praL'lleally no hay Intlui niniket yislt'nliiy nnil almost any price was obtainable liuud hay sold quickly ul ill.iOdt l.l.oi per lun. lll'T't 1:11 The marliet was weak nnil inleos not up toivhatwaNobtalaahh'a fou iluysiiKO. tiooil I'oiintrv lolls went at ' 'O WIe. I'ot't/niv 'I'lni iiiinki't illil not present any chaiiKo yestoiilay. Tim lecelpts neio ll ht anil nrlces stc'.uly. Chickens. uiUOe ; turkeys , 141ZI.H' ; wesi- and dneks , ll'iclx"ie > Kuinns- Small raboils brought (1.03 per do/.i'ii anil Jacks f.M. . POTATOES lloinn Btown stockSl.1.1 ; Colo- railo , * l.V5porbu.sif | | , PlK I'l , 1STPer div. fiO 7.1o. VriliiTAiu.K OVSTI its Per doOOc. . On. i tM ) win Per do.iu. : . Si'i.v ' AI n IVthhl , $ i.oi ; ) . I.LTTUCK Choice slocl. , Ifxnil.'io. Ht'TAiiAds.MIchlua ' n stock , per 1m. COo. IlKKTS-1'or blil. i.7V ' < ri.O ) . OMONS-Kastern stock , pur bbl , ? : > .WX3.0.00. I'lllliOTS POP bbl , W.2.V C'ii.inv-.Mu'liltan : : stock , 40(3 ( ( . 'c ; California , Hrilo11.00. . .s ii-rPiiTATis-Cholco : ( stock Is liulil nt &l. < Wt6l.S5 | > i > r hUl. sllKS Per do/ bunches , 43o. ' .s- Per I ilil , $ -1. Oil. Per Ib , 'l > 3W.\c. . . . . . CM , Kilt UOIITS Per do7. . c. lICANS-L'holee - . ) . - stoekJi.lX Fresh I'Yliitfi. ns Xnvals. $ i.mift,4..io : I'lorMa hrliht , ji.r : > oni.7. : ' > ; russets , $ .t.i i ) . : K ) ; l.oi Anirulos , JS.Wi ; iiiuuntaln frnll f'J.'AKl.uil. I.KMO.N.S I'liolee. fl.UO : fancy , } I..M. Al'i'i.iis Tlif supply Is ri'i-yllirlit and nrlcos eiitiesponilhiKly lileli. Hood stook Is held at J.l.Si , and faney applo.s as hinli nt $0.10 ; fanuy Willow iwltfs , iHfiO. .MAI.AIII Ciui'iisPer bbl , llil.i'OQIl.00. I'liANHi.liuii.s liiind Capo Coil , ui'rbbl.ilS.OO ; bushel lioxi'-- , Jersey , Jl.uu UKAIM : I'liuir l\r bo > , J4..10. I'Mour. 11. T. Davis Mill Co. . hlKh patent. Ko. I ntnl C'reani. } .MiO ; | lluo I ) , full patent , * . ' . : i,1 ; Hawk- I'vo , half nalent , JJ.-JO ; special royal mlfiit , No. 10 , SIM ) ; Mlniusota patent , Wtf ) ; liaiisa haul wheat psitent , $3,53 ; XubrasUa spring wlioat patent , } - ' 40. S. ! ' . iflhuan'slJolil Modal. } . ' .70 : Pnnw White , $ . : l ; Snow Klako.J..OO ; low uradc , il.tio. lln.ken llnw rolli'iinllls ! , Cu'iini. ( . ' .70 ; Myr tle. J.-.4I ; Claim. 2.0 ; XX.X , fl.Mi ; I'iilellty , JiN ) ; Minnesota Chief , i'.M'i ' ; Patent , JL'.liO , Dslilviiinp'h loaoy to ralsu hiiekuheat Hour , if l..r. pel euseiif f > 03-ll > paekaii's : ; biickulinat , in lbls , N. V. , SO.INI ; Kxrolslnr brand , J1..10 ; Ship J tick nioal , J3.73 pircasuuf 5J k-lhp.cli- lAKE-l'lckerol. very line , r.'Je . ' ; small white , clsi'os , 7uj peiL'h. sealed anil ilrled , h > ; i-ropple , faney. Vs salmon trout , he.nlloss B'JCS per- fei't whltuH.sh.ourpride.Oo ; pike , niiiiiil , lee ; small trout , very choice. We ; black basj , clioleo , l"e ; brook In/ill , :0c. : MCod : ami Imildoclt , ilc ; smells. , No. 1 , lar c. Hi' ; bine llsh , 14e ; llonndors. 1.1' ; sal- tiion. Oregon , Hie : led snappir , lit1 : eels , Ido ; hilstcrsJiic ; mackerel , larKe , each , 'J2escol \ - HONKV'lioli'i' . I II ) flames , . l.i.MKCi.Mb.\-r. : Kir , Un board csirsal Omaha Per bbl Ash drove lime , liuc ; chnniplon lime. Klc ; ( Julney vlilti'.WIc : l.ouK\llIi-c'emi > nl , .fl.'il ) ; MlhMiukeu eemcnl. $1. 1'is L'tlen cemi-nt , $ l.4i ( ; llmillsli 1'oillaiiil eoiiiont. M.4.1 ; New York plaster. J-'i ' ; Mlchicnn plasti-r , K'.oo ; Fort DfulKi- plaster , } j.5 ? ; white b.iud , 1' . P. hair , per bale , fl.illl. CiAi-Uii ( hoard cir : at Omaha-Ant hracltc - Chestnut. Kiii'-'carxl eirit , i\ ' . ' . " > pei'toimrate , SMHI. NifL I'oal Illilo. fi.7.ri ; Miiitliein Illinois , .fl.'iU ; Malniit blocli , $ .l.i > ; Iowa lump , 1.15 ; Imva nut. W.ii.1. lllDK Kin/oil lililps.ru > ; No , 1 uieoii suited hliles , ! ' , ( / tic ; No.linrccn ssiilnd hliles. , 'u' ' ; So , 1 V'reon sal teil blih" : , : . ' . " ) to4J Ibs. vt ( < n'n . No. 3 Kli'i-ii salt IM | hides , il to 41) Ihs , 4C'iI'ic ' ' ; No. 1 veal calf , h In 1.1 Ihs , Tc ; No.2 vcnlealf 8 to l'i His , ,1co. ; . lilr.v Hint hides , 7i7'ii' ' ; No. , ' dry Hint hliles , 5i .Vic ; Mo 1 dry .sailed hide.- , . ' ] ' TAI.I.ONV AMI c.iiB\Ki-Tallinv : No , l. , ' \ < rf.tt\ \ tallow. No. U'ilirt'i'c ; : ' : crcaso.hllu A , ; t'4ft Il'ie ' ; crease , while lt , ; ii : > , e ; crease , yolhuv , ti34e ; Krease , dark , l.ii" ! , old butler. y < i'"ic : lii-i'swax. pilinc , 10ii.Mcj roiiKh tullow , nf $ INCUI LOTS Oxr.v Drv hiitTalo , jier ton , i lHOnd&hUi ; ( Irv ei.iintry , blearheil , per Inn , if l .ll'iCll.ii ) ' ( ( ) : damp nnd me ily , per ton , iKwKfe in.O : ) . I'lioso prices are for hones urU licit and dellvi'icil In I hk-a'-'o. SIIKH' PII/IS : ( iieciikaltod , path , : i.r "Tf i.Kij Kli'in salted shea rll tics ( short voided eaily hklns ) each , loi0ie ( ; ilry shearlings ( shoit woolcd early skinsi No. 1 each , SCisine ; drv shearlings ( short woolnl early sldnsi No. * , I'lii-li. ' .V : dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells , peril ) , actual weight , IwfJ ll'ic ' ; dry Hint Kaiisasand Nebruaka murrain oni pelts , per Hi , actual \\eltfht , NRl''e ' ; dry Hint Colorado hi l lelicr it eel pelts , per Ib. act n.'il welL-lit , lUStWji'silry Hint Coloisulo murrain wool pelts , | , or Hi , actual weight. M<ii' ; < lry pieces and bucks , act ual weight , 7'iWe. ' \Vooi. \ Kansas , Nebraska and Territory PawasbedI'liuMiverai. . ' ! * 13 to I.I , eholeu 1.1 lo 10 ; ineiliiiia average Is tn30 , cholei-3.1 to L'I ' ; quarter blued avepaye 17 to ! * ' , clinluo 'Hi ' to S3) ) marsi'aver.itfe ID to III ; choice 111 lo Us ; colts and rmiKli iivi > riiiu 1 to II , eholue II to U ; fceedy or binry 13 to II ; blnek I.'i to 17s bucks ami very heavy line into IV. I'nwiisheil eoioh- lut ; and delaine. I'lno delaine A\eratolllo ! HI , choice lOto ] s ; me limn ilelainit aM'ia eVil lii l. rlioici'M ' tii' * . ' ; i ned ill in coiablni ; a\eraKo ' .11 to SI i < | iintor blood eoniliiim avi-rasio I7tn 1eholeu INti. 'Jo : eoaiso combine' averaire IS In 17 , cliolee 17 In Is ; bralil axeraznl' ' to II , choice 1.1 to III. Tub Hashi'd. Choice : ' tollii ; orate -1 loS ; coi : rsu 'M to 3.1. Ilenilo.-K slaiizhter sole , C foot.3lKifc.-Wc' , ) ! GK ill ' 1'osilivoly ctirnl liy tlic-su I ittli ; 1'lll.s. CARTER'S TlifV also relieve DIs- Ires-s from Dyspenfla. In- ITTLE dl cslloa luiilToolIcnrt ) Kat In ; , A pcrfiit rem edy forDlziloi'ss. NaiiHt'H , Drowslncas , Had Tnstc In the .Mouth , Coated Tun KUV , Pain In thoSldo , TOKl'lI ) J.IVKH. Thej rcgulato tto Dowels , l-urclj Vufe'clable , SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE , p , T , HUGHES , Wholesale Ca-U Coininis-iioii MernUunt. K\u\n \ \ iiml WHHlern ( 'tinineir butler iui'1liu' ' i. rniu-li unit Unto iVk'H inn ) | , iiii ) leitf liinl Will not Ifcolvu ur lain llu unly llio I < C > | | 'IH | I Ailviinei' ' < uii cur lutf on truck wiiit'limihu or In ftloru ut Lftuk lutuj. otLic uuU tlui u i sIjJJ iutli it. , Utm ur , OMAHA LlllUlllU llll til ) (1 ( DIRECTORY. " I1ILLIAKDS. The Hnumvick-Balko A , II. Purrip Oollfiidor ( K HIIIUM nifrchiinll'i' . AIIMnkoi , AlU'rlcci , All HinninBtliirM : I'nrK tm.to\i s lutii iitojt , Omnlm. BOOK UIMD13I13 tSs STATIONERS. Onuhix RupuUican Priutiuj ? Oo. , Lnw krlufi , bnuk niprlH" . i\n > t ctcr/lliliij In llio I'rMiHiiK linn. lOlliniul I'.ui.nhi ' troi'K. ArkiTiimnn Bros , & llointzi1 , l'rlnlfr % tliiitcn , rlndrntTfiir' , blink thwk niinu * fMituriTi , 11 Irlluwnrl ntri'ol , Onnln. uoors AND siioias. Ohnrlcs A. Ooo& QJ , , Kirkoiidtill.Jono &Oo , Mnnufiicliiter * in.i JobWmloi'ili. ' . MniiurniHiir'i tent * for lltnloii lint.- , . , . , . . I'crShmil'o. ' III ) . ' , IIDi , _ Jl"l ! Jtr"f't- mid IWI llnrncv Ml. William' , Van AcrW. . V , Mono & Oo. , OABR.IAGB9 , BUQQIE3 , ETO. , T. Seaman , Omntm'i I.nriwit Vnrloty WAUO.VS A.M ) CAHUUCir.H OAHPETS. | CLOTHING. Omahn Carpet Oo , , Gilmore & Rxilil. , oil clntln. inU- Mniiiifni-ttiror ) AVlioIo - pnlo ( lolhlnr-i , 1111 ttroot llCHIItnrnt-r St. OIO-ARS. "ffcat & Fritsohor , li , Tuclimai te uu Mnnufnctnrorn flno clKtr .l.iini fiiitiiri'M' Jobborn of Icnf tobnccos. 1011 Fnrnnin itroot , . ( iiiinlin.Nel ) . OOA.L , OOKE3. ETC , Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutaat & Squires , Limo Co , Hard ami xnft cunl ship Hnrrl nnil . per" , B. E. for UHli unit lMf ISOSFnrn.im reel , Ouiaha . liu utroctl. Ilulbert ( ScBlura , r.H. Mahoney & 0o. OWolump.KockSprlnii. . Ilonl-Coal-Sori. I'li'i'NInrVuliiiit 111 ii-'c , - - prri'i'iied nut. until rnclto , rmros SIS X. IBIli nn I cor. bmllhln . Rtfin'ii. 10th nnJ iti. 0111 co til S. lilhit. | DuuKlnt American luol Oo. Ilowell & Oo , , anil iK'ittsri la oiitlirarlli' iin.l . biu- SlIS. Hth street , Illllllllll full. Cmnlin.Nub. . 315 S. ISth Mrojt. Nebraska luel 0) . , Jclmson Bi'oi , llU'nrnnin xtrcol , 21.1 S. 13th street , Omnlia , Nob. Omnhn , Nob. Mount & Griflh , C. BHavciis &Co. , 213 S. Ilthlr03t , IWSFnrnam Btrcct , Offinlin , Nut ) . Oninhtu CORNICE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. llluutratcil l'atilo.'uu : fruo. 10U rnpltol Avcnno. FARM MACHINERY , BTO. Parlin , Orcndorif & T. G. Horthwall , Martin Co. , Oonernl weilern nnunt Corner Jorius nnd Uth ( its. Skindl.t : I'low ( i ) , Omnhn. N'ob. 134.1-ir.l Shcnimnnvn. FLOUR. Broken Bow Boiler' ' fl. T , Davis Mill Oo. , Milling Oo. , O.liUndorw , ) ) ! , wrohouio , Mnnncor nt Onnha. Tor. Sih iiml J.'ickwi H S.F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp , M'f'K of rculy lo ralii 10HN. lOtlMtroit. flap Jtit'k Mual , tliioit rakoi In llio v % orM. C.K. lllncknnijar. . l.Xi.l''l6 S .Ml.li ntrt'ot. FUENITTJRE3 AND CARPETS. DOWOJ& Stoao Fur- Olms , Shivcrick & Oo , uiliiroOo. , rurnlturo nnJ CarpoH. Turnltiiro nml carpeti , 1115-1113 Fuinsiii Htrcot , :2CO-1210 Farimin St. Beebofe RunyauFnr- nituro Go. Succos > ur tnl' . A. llec'bo \ I'll . G-ENTS' FURNISHINOGOODS. . Schneider & Loomis , J. T. RoWason Notion Co. , lobt'orianil Imporl r of ' , ( Fonts' furnUliliM poodi uotloos nnil furnlaliln. ? m'lii I'i'liilir.ili'l l.ranl KUUllI , llupkikln' ovcriilh , { .iiiitH. nlilrti. r < nti. oto llllllowiint street. Cor. Uth nii'l ' How ml tti QLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DBU < 3S. Keunard Qhsa and J. A. Tullor & Oo. , Paint Oo. , 1108-llla ll.irniiy slrool. Omiilii. NuU Omali.-v William Ouuiinlugs , Blnko , Bmco & Oj , lua-.UJ ' lAiiTcnworlli si 117 nnilClU South ICth at , Oninlm , S'oti Omalii , Neb. GROOBUIBB. Hairh G. Olark. CionlVe tcri > Aitenl xiwiliT. AtUs liKluixiilu i fimu. run , \vooij , niDiss , TALLOW. Qco , Obormt & ( b. ( J. . 8. Smith 4 Oo , , HJS. IJllntri'il , . UOD-III ? U.ircitiftorthit Oinnh.v Oilman. IHON WOUICS. . Piuton A Vierliug OumhnSnfo k Iron . Iron Work' , Works V > rontlit i\iut mil Iron , IniiMliii : wurK. Vninni.i , Mnnuf'r Urn mul lniriUr l.rn work , ui'itnrnl proof " ' ! ' . \iiiiln. lull foundry. inichlm : < mil i > rk. lrnn i lniUori nivl t'liiclmiiilli work U. I1. till' 0 l'l | > 04. II All * H mill iii ; ! t- dii'i'ii.lllli.t Jtcliioiiili A CUM Iron and Win ) Wilson & Drake , Works , M'fl tiilniMr fliin. flf 'run ' lr nil I t rsii w'ki tun iMilli'M. t uk < , ol < ) . . M.'S litliMri't't iV. lloolil , I'ropthitor. rifri'i. nnl Hull ulroi'U. Eeos Printing Oo. l.ltln > irni : > lilriir , I'rliillni i\n \ > l IllnnK Honk . lllli mill lli.warlttl * . LICJUOUS. Ilorik Co. , Willnit ! I.lquor Mi'ri'hint * . \Vlnci , Million ml Cl- llli I tumor Ntrnot. Mniiiirnctiir'r * Ki'iini.iljr'i ' ' Burr l.iul In ll.i llttli'ri. 1311 Knrnun M , Oimht L. Kinclit&Jo. ( , A. Trick 4 Op. , \Vhuli' iiloMuotlipiiler- fOI - mlS. ICIIiSt. 0. W. Donghua & Oo. John A , Wnkofiulil , liiil'nrtiMl ' Aiii < 'tlrfinriirt > ll.inlwuoil Lumber , linil Ci'iiieiil.MllTvmikpn Ilrilriiullo c'cmi'iit nuiS 1310 Nc.rtli Inth StronU yulnry Wlilli ) l.lino Charles R. Lee , Wyatt-Billiard Lumber Ilnnlnniiil lumber , wool ber Oo. . Ctb inn ) Dou.-hv Klh niilluinlHIroeti , daily & Gray , ' Louis Brnilfortl , tjlino , runiint. Uln. , H' I.umbor , limn , rometit.oto . Oir.9lti ml lunjidi 523 I MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0 , A. Stoiwhill , 1 Oborfoldor & Co , , &lllllncrr1Notloni Importernnil Jntibori In Clink * , Klo Mlllliirtjr. 208,510 niul 212 Foutti llth 110-IISS. Htli St. , Oninlm rlrui't. INSTRUMBNrS , E3TO Met Meyer & Bro. Oo , A. Hospo , Jr. , I'lanoi. OrKitm , Artlitt * etc. , MnterlnKKto. , Kuniaiu mid liith. ! Mi : Iljutflai Street , V CEMENT AND LIMB. J. J. Jcbuson & Co. Z18H.mii slroou Oninlm , Ni'b. OILS. | OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A , Booth Packing Oo. , * \ Line Oo , ii , llsi ! nnil cnnnoil Ilcflnod nnd lubrlc'\tlii < oiN. axle tri'n' . cti 1303 l avcnworth. . 11. Hhhup , Maniitfor. i PAPER. FLA.TINO. Carpenter Paper Co. , esteru Plating Wka Curry n full dock of ( iolil , ullrnr unit nlrknl prlnllng , wrn | > | iliiK und plnttriK on All nii'tiH , tntili'Miiro. i > ! c..ropluUHl. nrlthiKpapor , curd pa I'lillxlilnc brois .t per , etc. dullcrKork lilt PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribtel & Smith , Sohroodor & Oo. , Dealers In coinitrj i.ro'l- Cmh ImyiTJ butter nd uce , frulto , M'riOtnbl OIK * , an t Ki'nurnl caai- ftr. inl-sliin intTcfiitnl' , ftr.IKJ7 Ilownnlitroot C.M Suutb lUh Mtri-ot. Bates & 0o. , Williams & Oro33 , Ccunlry priKliiiv , fmltv ' > ciotMMo < . unman' 1'roiluro nnl frultv rpuclfiltlo' * . leas , spl.'oi . , tic. 4I7-41U.S. lith.SU 1211 llurnor tro. . RUBBER OOODS , ETO. Omaba Eubbar Oj. , Manufnrtiirlnit nn 1 J'J- bt'rsull kliuHruliln'- K'K.lll ' 100 ? KirnamilrHot. SEED3. Enursoa 830 : ! Oj , , ooil k-niwuri , do ilori In . iinK'ii. nr.M , Kraln i ia tree vo It. I'-'M.'i Sniiih 15th SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , E TO. M. A. Disbrow & 0o. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo. Maiinfnctnrors of iiath. Mnnuhrtiircri of m > il t- iii. . n. b 1 In il * nn it liiUJ , bllnli , cUj.n. MoiiMlnKM. llrniirtiuf- dec. I''IU nnil UnrUti. Ii'.lh nuit riirk strait i. SYRUPS. fiTOVE3S. Farrell & Oompiny , i imnfnrtiiror. Stovj Mintifao'g Oo. , yruin , ni.ilnMn nnl \lnoxiri , Mnntifa 'tiir'n 517-21'J Sou Hi uli nlrat. TEA , COFFEE , SPIORS , OIQAR3. Consoliilated OofTob Company , llll r.nllllil IIiiriicjiL Unialin. Nub. STEAM" AKD WAT BE SUP PLIE3 U. S. Wind Engiao & A. L , Strong & Sons , PumuUo. , llallllay ln. . | nilllv 9M IOJ2-IJDI Knrnaiu ilroet , unit ' . ' 'J .li.ni'i xti i ! K. llosn , nrllnk' inniMKor. Dtiiativ Neb. TOYS. TYPE-WR ITER3 11. & Co. . Hardy , Type-writers. Toyn , < lulln , nltmtin.fanaT . it ; > oih , IHJ uiti furnlilil n tlinnltl A ' 1 IVrrljj chltlritn' .V Co , t nt.il. > - lti ) ' ou KDotti , * ctir- 1115 P.U'BOtrvel ' ' riaKv's. Ul'J Kurnuu : Jt. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED , . . . . . . R - - - - - - VSM * -J JJXJ.IL .T..TJurxrirjxJ r- -v jujrTuuTjXJiJ ff LIVK STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyur & Co W-i'J Kichaniiu lIulMliu , I buuih Onmlii. 8 , JiCoiTnuii. Siuiloy lluuU'r& ' Qwon , &Uo. , SKKicluniio l I 24 lUeliiiniiii MulUliitf buutU Uui