Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    THJS CXMAJIA 1MIL\T U131H THUUSDAY , MAKO ! ! 10 , 1801
fill DALL
Km run
_ _
taIlium ( t iiinlniOiiD\ ) .
ii iiilPtiiulty.Oiiu A i ir. . . If "O
Six month * ft CO
Tlltlll UllMlllf
tiiiilny Hie , due Yiir. : uo
\ \ ukly HIP. One A'i'ir . . . . 100
f nnlin.Tl.r ltf > p Itiilltlltilt
Sc.ulh . Oii.iihn . , forticr N mil is Hi Streets.
i milieu lllutl IS I'Mirl ' 'tree !
hlcii * < ii > IIU-itlT ; ( li'iinlir cilOjHinncroo ,
Ni Vfirk , ItiminvlVltiiiill.VlrlliiiiiFllultillni ;
AViuhliulmi. 5U PoiirUMiitfi Miiuu
< OlMIsMM | | > KM'l- : .
All roiiimutilrnllniH ivlitlni ! to m w and
rtlimrlnl iiinllcr should bi mlilrcvod Mlho
! illtorlnl l > fiitlJiiint. |
AIH > ii lni""l ( < t t cf iiixl KMtilM imff" * should
'T nilil i ( ' . ' I'd In Tin llfi < I'nl tilth I titt Coin | imy ,
( Mn'iliii Draft" . eliprKt mill IHMI ollli n onleri
t p IHI iiimlo Jin ) ublulo tli in tin of Ilio loiu-
' rArr.MiXT or CIU < JII ) , < VIION.
Male oINi l > ri kn , I , .
l'nunl > otPoiiBlm. r
( iMirti1 II. 'U'oliu ic , W rotary ol Titr lUr
I'lilillMlilne rompnny , < lne nl Miinlv svreur
Ilintllii ii t ml elnnliitlim ot Piu.lltir.v UK * :
fur tin wcrK I'tiJiiiK Mirolill , ! & ! ) ! , wns as
Minili . " 0,101
, MnrMilt . ' .MT : .I
M.iri-h ID . .rUMj ;
diy. Miirt'lill . SV-O'I
Tlmrsdn. M in-Ill ! . IM.47I ,
Vrldnv. Miiuli I.I . 5.i.-H > fl
BntiiriUy , Match II . a Mi'l
Aver ice . IS I OKI
( inour.R ii. T/sriuuiv.
Fworntn leforo mi mill ilisi-rllnxl In my
inrvriuo Ilil.illlli diy jl Miiuli A II 1H' ' ) |
N. P. l-'i II.
f otury 1'iitillo.
fctntn cfNolmiskn , ( _
Count v o [ DontliiR. f"
fimui It. 'l/Hi'lmrk , Irtnuilul } iworn , do-
ion i mid s.ijs tlnii lu > Msoeri'liiryofTm UK ?
1'iililNlilMK ' ninipmn. tint tlii'iioniil avi'r.i e
ilnilv ilreiilitlmi of IIIK IHn.111 i : furtlio
iiuintli of Mureh Is't'l. ' nrnsJMl.'i coplci , for
April. IMW. .11 Itl ii ) ) > li'i , fcirMiv IS'.M ) , ai.lHO
copies ; for , | IIIM . IviO. Si' ' . . 01 ri > | > in | for July ,
1MI SOriJ r < | < : fur Aili'ilnt. l 'Hi. ' HIWUiiplos
for S- | ipinlitr | , It'iOM.KO ' ropli's ; ( nr Ci loher
JMO 2iU | ! ( < npes , for NoMinbiT , IS'Hl , K , 1 HI
ruples ! for Il ( > ci > iii1u > r. NX' . 'U71 coplis , f < ir
.linitiury , l UI "f.Jliieoulis ; fur Pel runn , 1MI ) ,
SSIIU rpi ) M ( itoiti.t H. TfincK. .
ld liiforn mi1 , aiul siilisi-nbi-tl In my
. tlilaSiJtlulnyud'olitiiiiiyi/V. / II IW1I
N. I' I'-nt.
Notary 1'uWlc.
COVIN'criON' Is NobiasUa'ti ' Monte
\V"AiiiiNiroN's ! ( inianlly is of that
chiifroroua tyi > \\liiili \ \ ishould bo pliiecil
in ( IniMiieolG. \ \ .
N'o lias lost many oflts terrors
In Doa Moinos. Klo\on aldorinon were
Inillcttd but none oonvit'ted.
TIou.o\vmockery.incl bullj concealed
ohicaiioi-y mtvkoip n vciy considcralito
pirt of the ] ) iocecilitjjs of the city
SUNVTOU I'ADDOt'lv tllllls llllll < 3clf n-
nroiiliibly ilutamccl In Washington. Son-
nlor I'addoulc his the sympathy of his
STI UN'snoiM 'a ' little schpino for a
four-jenr term of olllco fur county
troaaurorsaiul uliorills died ol indefinite
JKH tjionoinoiit.
Tin : pi'iiiiiinont school fund Is the
lioritnRo ot tlio olillili-on of Nolirnska
anil Hlmulilnot bo invustoil I tinny sort of
doubtful Mauritius.
COUNCIMIKX ouglit not to jircsunio
too inuoh upon the indilTorcnco of the
coiiinmnitj. Most citi/ona of Omalri
iptttl the nowsinpois.
TIIK olil hottlofa are iiahsingf n\va\ \ :
Logrnn , Wind helm nnd ICollom , three
f.iinilLif names have boon added to tlio
death roll within a nook.
TilKontlio $1,000 available for street
crosslnjrri will bo expended within a
month iind the cential pur tot the city
Mill continue impassably muddy.
Rr.v. Mi : . Micituu i , of Minneapolis
1ms the fiiith of the limit } rs. lloprnjcil
the Almighty to boston vlidoin upon
tlio Kobrnska hou o of reincsontutivc ? .
3iAit ! : , a Sioux Indian ,
lotinnud to I'nio Huljo ii oncy with a
Mliitovifo inuriod in Gonnany while
Mith the Wild West hh ow. Hociprocity
\\lll \ win nnywhoro.
AccouiiiN'O to Californias ntlornoy
Eoncial the ruliiij ; price for eomtorhl
\oto3 in tlio state log-islatxno is $2,000 ,
At this r.ito itvill take $110,000 to so-
euro the si'iiatorshlp.
AI KS aio to bo placed on
Tortj-.sixth and other central streets ,
while pedestrians on biilmrban thorough
fares liUo So\oiitconth and
M ado thrmiffh six inches of mud.
PUIIL.IC sontlin out compelled tlio coun
cil to take up the Metiouohtan street
railway oidituinco and iloinmda action
on the liilloti proposition , but puWlu
fontlnioiit may oxnect nnothor proof of
\oiinlltyofthnt body on Suturdiy
Mii . MVCKVY'S Paris libel suit began
yostoi-ila } and ah-oady the moral
obliquity involved is said to bo located.
This is worth all it co-tto the Honan/.v
King's biiou o , for while obliquity
is not wHiititif , ' In rat-in , It is not easy to
fix its o.\act habitation.
Boss Sioui's ciitlo on the Platte at
South Bond \\lll not bo an Intermediate
rofoimatory this joar. Perhaps the old
jol < o about adjournintr the leglslaturo
might eonio in here. So far as can now
bo scon Mr. fcitout has no further busi
ness for that body to transact.
UXMCSssoino man in the council has
manhood enough to assort himself , the
Uallou electric light ordintnco which
Bluptin the anna of Moriarty for six
vrooks nml lay down by tlio side of Mail-
eon for three more , will bo loaded down
with reservations , and lestrictions which
will prou'iit Its ticcoiitnncoby the com
pany. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AUDITOU LYONS ol Iowa lias discov
ered that the pcminnont school fund
placed by the state In the hinds of tlio
counties to bo loaned on roil estate se
curity in bums not exceeding $ oOO to any
person , has boon qultoo.xtonslvoly inls-
appllod. One county Is charged with
the wrongful use of $72,000. Legislators
in Nebraska who nro so anxious to inako
the school fund of this state similarly
available may find aonl o ( warning In
tlio experience of Iowa
in ( ( TTt r irHKir \
iiifoin iliM lii'ir'Hg mi tin1 i-attio iiulns-
lrID thou" t "uxt HUH Iho I'piinut '
Tin ; HKI : fi > rn firinnr imu-Uet nml bolter
pr'ivs ' In the Immediate future.
HH | now c\lilont that the herds in the
Indian Territory huvo almost uutirelv
iliMippoaii'fl , uiul lliaUho unriwdonlod [
marlotlii ( ) , ' ofcil\ositil ! thneatllo Inth- ?
last fo\v motilliH 1m nnt onlv largely ro-
duccil tlm vlilhlo supply , but has also
reduced Ihoovy nuri'o of the supply.
When Hi * reiiieiiiliiTi'il thnt t he proi'OHs
of iinliiiuling the great speculative
rungos * lin < boon gning on Htcidily for
thico yiars , and tluttlho histtwuwln-
tou hive heon lory deilrui'tlvn
to Ktoi'lc in the liitor-itimintain
region , It is perfectly plain that thoii1 is
no timber roatonublo ground for foai1 of
overproduction. If fear of an ) kind Is
to In ) outurtiiliiud II oughtto belhofuar
tint the supply \\lll \ not bo oqiiil to Iho
Tlio oomplolo fljTiiros of thu foreign
iniukot wliii'h xvoro antlolpitoil KOMirul
wi'i'lcs slnco hy iiiirollmlniry tiblo pro-
paieii by the luthoi-ltto \Vii9hlnglon
attlie u'quoit of I'lir. IJiil'i oxhlhit tlio
gnm thof tint > u incliof our buuf tiado
Itiastiikin } ; niniinor. 1'hoso llu'in-os ,
shownn' } the total ox ports of Iho cattle ,
urevot'i slgiillluant :
Hi' ill. Vnliio.
ls.s . no an ii'i77.r > Ts
issj . -jo'iT t ) inMn.uiT
H'JO . Ml'lfl III. ' . ' ! ! . ! ' ! !
The slutistli1 * nt canned and fiohhbeof
eNported in tlio simo porlod aie oqu.illj
initructlvo :
IhflJ ISl"l..ri"0
ISil Ki.OU.IVi
Tlio total ovpoit ol beet products in
IS'll ' ) , inelutliiiKtiillovv , was $ ( > lll.rir > 7
yientor by over WO,000OOU thun in the
bo4 pluvious year , \vlilc.-h was 1881. It
is true that tlio very low iiricuaof wliioh
LI in piiuliicor las ooiti phiiiuil were in
part responsible for the remitrkuble
f iowtbof the foioitrn triido , but Llu > ilo-
mind lor AmuiU'tin oeoi is now itillj
esliiblishod md tlu'fi'ls lltllo ioason to
foir tint it will fill oil appreciably Mhon
hichor prices are paid
\Vhlle \ the foiei-j-n maikot has been
o\ivniHii | : , the homo niirlcot has also
been gaining1 steiuily Mure and inoro
each joar the A.mortem tr.ido has
loirnoil to profoi1 vohtein beef to the
local product , iind the intttral jjaln in
popiilatioii has alaoollod \ the demand.
Wi th nil these fiiv irm reircuiif > t.iiieos
how much loitgop v.ill the pioiluccr lie
i'lillod upon to supply the inirket on
tirnib that lea.\ehttn no m.iryin tifprofit
to coniDoniito him for his I'ibor , for
| n&t Iniiosaiul for the risks ottho busi
ness ?
run' 'imri n ir/r/i / IT.
Thn action of tlio council \\lth icpraid
to thoMutiopolitan street railway ordi-
iiineoiloe&not ronimoiid it tothoeonll-
dencoof tlio cominunity.
rnnl > iriB : not committed to the Met-
inpolitiiii ( oinjimy and does not now an-
nouiH'o its a ] > piovaluf the ordlnanco pio-
] ioied hy Mr. Albiight and his a > o-
chiles On the -otitiai , it 1ms warned
the council to he wary la grant
ing \aluahlo fiatichibcs at all times ,
The Motiopolltan itrcet railway com-
p.iny presenteda business proposition to
the city council. It was entitled lo con
sideration upon a business bsbis. Instead
of treating the eoinpan\ \ with the con
sideration duo an iiHociationuf citizens
bent upon i legitimate uudettaking , the
( oiitiul passed without discussion or
amendment 01 opportunity of amend-
inoiit nn ordimnco fora fiam'lilse so
funned as to bo phisk'ally impossible of
performance and so rcstiietod in terms
as to bo absurd upon its face.
The ordinance was loaded with ro-
strii-tioas purpo&oly and evidently \\as
pissed by tlio council with knowledge of
the impracticability of itb toims. It
was mi insult to thocoinmon fonso of the
community to piss such an ordinance.
If the council really is determined to
deny the Motiopolltan compan } the
privilege o ( building' a line
fiom South Om.iha to Omaha
bpcmho such a line would
cut down the I'lirninyrs of the existing1
compiny the niemliers should lia\o the
manhood to siy so , and not trtlle with
Intninos moil or public
/ MUtl.AD / ; / 'Jill } I'liKSIDl.MT.
It M.ts only iiiltiiMlthal the smci'sof
Oonor.d I'.ilnier In getting into the
United States senile , under tircuni-
Etnncos exceptional ami unique , should
have made himself talked about as a
possible preblduntlal candidate. lio-
sidob , a Ncry consldorablo element of
Iho donioerntli ) jurty is cvceeilingly
anxious tomiloid the Is'ow York candi
dates , \\hoso conlliciing' aspirations
promise tomnlvoa good deal of trouble
in the paity. Tor more than a ye ir just
the question of finding : an a\ailablo man
outbldo of the Linpiio state lias per-
ple.xed the minils of a largo number of
donuH.ra.ts , v\\o \ \ liavo urged that the
btaiulard benior of Iho democracy
In the uo\t national campaign
oujjlit to bo a , wcstoia nun. liutln the
list of leading western democrats thcro
is none available so far as gcnoial
popularitj is coiicoined , with the oxoop-
lion of the new Illinois senator , and ho
has the disadvantage ot his advanced
ajjro. General 1'aimer ' will bo 75
\oais \ old when the next piosidont
of the United States is Inaugurated , and
we have had no pieoidont so old as that.
Thib fact 111113 not bo a conclusive reason
against his candidacy. Gladstone is Iho
\oais older than this , and his followers
hope that ho will jot bo again at the
head of the Hiltishg-o\ermiiont. Other
lUirnpeanHtatesmon hiuo been active in
all ails of go vein ment at a gioater ago.
But the American people are advoroo
to electing \ory \ old men to the
presidency , and such a candidate could
not command the support of the jumper
class ofoteis. \ . btill , General Palmer
lias lecelvod vorj respectable , if not
greatly influential , ondorbonient for
either thohoad OH-tail of the democratic
presidential ticket in 1R02 , mid It is said
that many democrats aio wilting to him
that ho Is their llrst choice for pie i-
dent , "C'lovolandand ' Palmer" is one
suggestion ; another is ' 'Palmer and I'at- '
tlson , ' ' and more nro to bo oxpei'tod with
Palmer figurliij ; In the ( list or bocond
] iosltlon. It is reported on the authority
of ono who isroprebonted to bo aory
close a'nd political filond of
CfOtioi\\l Palmer thnt lie Is not In the
race for the presidency , and that tinder
no clrcmiistniirea would ho aceopt the
second place on the ticket. It is
Haul thalhavin nuido critaln pledpea [
of what hn would rtuirnvor to do II I
ell-clod to the enate , his only ohjecl in
the ( tit mo will bo to Illl out hli term as
seimtoraiid rcdci'ia the pledges he nuulo
to Iho people of Illinois. Ho does not
o\peci to be asked to bo a i-atnlidato for
the | irc idoncy , and therefore ileoiii * It
utineces'ir lo declare what he would do
in such a contingc'iic.\but "if additional
responsibilities are rciiilieil | of him the )
wilt coino to him without oliclttiloii ! on
his part. " Ho will ptil no bnirlor bo-
t\\c'on himself and the prl/e , but ho will
not go out of his w . cook it. Tlio
active nsplrants nro fieo In diaw what
comfort they ma } from this. Ills not to
boiloubtod that If CJoiioral Palmer were
a few yoirs } oungor his elmneos
for obtalnlrg the presidential nomina
tion of his part } next year would bo
equal to , it not bolter , than those of iin
other mm. lie is certainly the peer in
ability of either of the N'e York candi
dates , and his domocnu1 } is full } as
bund mid Hound as llii-ir * , Ho Is the
undisputed leader of his patty in his
own state , ami not the head of a faction ,
TaKing the p.irl } as a whole ho un
doubtedly stands ncirly as high In its
conlldi'iiee and ndmhation us Mr. Cleveland -
land , and voiy much hif her than ( ! o\
01 nor Hill , who recently his sho\Mi
more conspicuously than ever hefore ,
Ills true chat actor as a more holt-book-
iiiL' politician. Kvon with the ilisad-
\nntagc that : igo ( ; i\es him , Cieneral
I'almer is not unllkol } to bo hoard of
in Iho next democratic national conven
.Statistics and opinions recently oma-
natin from the dopirtinent of agricnl-
tuio ate itMSMirinir to the meat pro
ducing interests of the west. Hotter
piii'csaro pi edicted , unit there are vei1 }
Hiili.stantial loabons ( or Hits. Tlio ox-
cossi vo maikntlnir for thonasttwtnema.
the clearing ovit of large utnges , ohielly
in the Indian torriloiy , and the decline
in the producing ctvpu'it } of American
herders aio among these reasons , to
which must l > o added the increasing do-
in uul for n\port blnco the inspection
law , \\hichis \ hehiitjoioiitly { enforced ,
\\ont into oiled. Tlio statistics show
that last jear foreign consuniurs took
$ , iO)0lOi ( ) ( Owoitii more of American beef
thin In 18SS , and $21,000,000 woith
more , than in ISS'J ' , and tlio im leased
movement continue : ) . 1'ho figures of the
tliowth of this liado during the jist live
eara are surprising , it having nouly :
ttebled inaluo in that time , and tlio In-
cioaso in the oxpoils ot fresh dresbod
beef and canned beef has been nearly as
yiuat as that in cattle. In IhSfl the
\aluoof cattle sent to foroigii markets
vas in lound muubcrs 911,000.000 , and in
18')0 ' ) it was Slil,000,01)0 ) , while of fn > sli
inul canned beef the value in the former
} was o or $11,000,000 and in the lat
ter year i0,000,000. : ! The total \nluoof
cattle and beef products , including tal
low , shipped abroid during the ii&cal
jear 1800 was $01,000,000 , , which was
$ 20,000,000 greater than for the largest
preceding } ear , 18SI.
If the demand ot last year is main
tained , and there appears to be no
ii'iison to suppose it will not bo , It
will. In connection with other conditions
affecting the price of cattle , result in
\ory material bonoflt to the stoclc r.itbers
of the country , and it would seem that
they have every roison to fool nsstir-d
that the period of dopiossion in their
business , coveilng bovoral jcars prior to
lust } oar , will bo followed by a mine
o\toidiid : period of ptosperity. Tliuy
mo no\v icali/ing bolter'prices than for
HOeial years , and thooutlook appears to
bo highly fmomblo to a. fnrthor ad-
The very decided Improvement in our
foreign cnttlo trade is ton very largo ex
tent due to tho/.oal of the agricultural
( lopaitmcnt in promoting tills bianch of
our commerce. The new inspection law ,
which the secretary of agriculture i * . '
carefully enfoicing , has done much to
iomo\o the prejudice nbioid against
American beef , and it isonl } a question
of time vhoti the protexU for dlscrinu-
nating against our cattle and mo.Us will
have to ho abandoned. Alroidy the goo.l
losults of the inspaction s-tem liavo
fullilndieatod its wisdom , and wlril-
ever opposition it miy hereafter on-
rounter will doubtlo-s bo to no purpose.
Theiu is every roison to ovpect that
within the next five years our annual ex
ports of cattle and fto h and canned
beef will amount inalue to not loss
than $100,000,000. Stock raising must ,
therefore , bo regarded as ono of the
countriu'binost pioimslng intorcbts.
A uoitiiisr ( > xmNr : desires to know
who will got the honelit from tlio money
to bo refunded to the state under the di-
tocttnx act passed by tlio list congress.
In most cases the whole people of the
states entitled to receive tlio inonov.
The direct tax was collected in two dif
fer out was. In homo cases the states
collected us ngont of the United States ,
.whilo in other stales tlio government
collected directly from individuals. In
the latter c.i = et > the btite merely holds
the mono } intrust for the individuals
who paid the tax , and it cannot lie used
for the oidinary expenses. Section tlueo
of tlio law diiefts the treisuier of the
United States to piy the sums the states
are entitled to to the governors , provided
thntwhoio the sums or an } pail thereof
credited to any state have ( icon collected
by the United Stales funn the citi/.onsor
Inhabitants thereof , or any othur poison ,
either dliectl } or by sale of pioperty ,
such sums shall ho held in trust by such
states for the benefit of these persons or
inhabitants fiomwhom they were col
lected ; or their legal loprosontutlves.
rKls received of the death
of Hon. John II. Kollom at Tiistin City ,
C'nl. This announcement will bring sorrow
row to the hearts of many old clti/ons of
Omaha. Mr. Kelloin resided in this
city man } years and \\iis universally re
spected for his Integrity , personil quali
ties and intellectual attainments. Ho
was for yours superintendent of
the city schools mid man } leading citi
zens of todaj will loincinber him as both
toucher mid friend. As postmaster , city
councilman , member of the board of ed
ucation and In other public positions hn
vvasal\vas } the &amo goniul , honest and
goitllonuwwllaMiig auiii.ssod a
ciiinfoi table foiluiiu , ho removed In his
old ago to 8outi | * iii ( . allfornla. where ,
in the mldfa of the hull-
est of feml-tnuilcal fruits and
llowers and nndi < rncath the sunn }
skies of tlilt" ! fnvori'il land , ho
lived Hovejnl years In tlio eii'e and coin-
foil ills oirlier slrugglD.s had richly
oniued. There as here he wius widely
known ami honored , and ho steps from
this existence In the reward of those
\\\w \ leave the wrtrlfl the bettor for hav
ing lived in it. .
Ir nn ordlnanco jn'iy In rcid t vvlro by
title ; bo tlion loforrcdlo acniniiilttoo
\\llhoHtdiscussion ; lie loported by tint
commutes ? for pa sngo r.nd thongotoa
third leading , when Is it to lie consid
ered nml dNi'us-od by the council , if no
nmondmoiits aio allowed nftor the thhd
reading. The rule inn.v bo all right , but
it is gicatly abusoil , vvlu'it no opportu
nity can lie had either to discuss or
amend solinportsuit a moasiiro ns the
granting of a franchise worth thousands
of dollars to the recipients.
AKIIU : voting down the two-cent pis-
sengor rate bill and shelving the ixntl
free iiass bill the seirite has made an ct-
foit to redeem its anti-monopoly reeoul
hy oidorlng the Nowborry maximum
freltrlit bill to a final reading. In view
of the fact that this bill is sure to he ve
toed mid cannot possibly pass both
houses over the \ototho value of this
spasm of iinti-inonopol } can bo loadlly
gunged. A more g.tu/.y sham never was
pluyed upon the people of Nebraska.
Tut : bill passed hy the house , impos
ing a ponilty on employers or their
ngenlsvlio ntleinpt to prevent their
workmen from joining labor orgnni/a-
tlons , isorthy to bjcomo a law. It lb
tlio inalieiiabli ) right of all citbons to
belong to tiny organisation which they
may think will advance their interests ,
provided that It does not conllict vvllli
the rights of other men. The bill is
therefore eminent ! } proper.
A CITY ward assessor niilKes the stato-
inoiit tlmt n $0,000 lot on Lake sticet was
assessed last jear at S'Jl. This is aery
marked example of the inequalities of
our present system of ical estate assess
ments , it is obboivod , notvvitlistsinding ,
that tlioussobsors have agieeil to iib-
bess city and county property on the
values oflast vear.
Ni.U' OuiiVNb authorities have entered -
tored upon a solemn "investigation of
the iccont deplorable nlTalr. " It is safe
to wager bomothing that the jury will
lopoit its inability to fix the icsponsi-
bility in this case. Laws are not bind
ing when public sentiment does not
stand back of them.
Tin : fiioiuisof good irovornmcut. nro
flfjhtiujr nmoiif , ' thomsolvus in C'hicnjjo ,
ami tlio fiionds of bid ovoriimont will
probably { , rot the majority , as tlioy $011-
eriilly do.
Till : lotfisluturo luw but a few inoro
clays to continue to do nothing ut iv jiub-
lic ovncnso ot $2,01)0 ) a day.
Tlio question of citizeiibhip , given unusual
prominence by leason of the Bojd-Tliavor
case , has oaiibcit ninny foid n bom citlens
to look up their own stiviiiHiiKln that regard.
Instances have arisen vhlch oxomplif } tlio
necessary uiuertniiity Mllcli attaihes to the
claims tocltl/ciishlpof many old and bonuicit
residents of this state. Men who toolc out
theii llrsl and linal natuiali/ation papeis in
the caily ilnvs of Nebraska's statehood can
Iind no record of the act OHins to the fact
that permuiont records vvcro not then kept.
Voithoyaio letial cluctors , anil have voted
and hold onico m Nebrasl. i forvcais
An iateiestlnc ca'.o in point tb that of Mr.
Prod Ileude of Ciianil Ishiinl , who took out
his llnal pineis in the Doujihs county court
In lwr.l about thhty-two jears ajo. ( Mr
IIcMlilo knew , of course , that ho hail boon
duly ini.illlicd ns n c'Itl7ea of the Unitoil
States , ami since tlio Uojil case became
prominent m state politics .Mr. HeoMo be-
euino soinovv hit intcii'.stcit m his own bdiulf.
Hoteiitly hovroto to lib old fiienil , Deputy
Slieiilt Oiobeof this city , nslunc that the
matter bo looked up , ami if Ills oilijiiial pa
pers could lie found Mr ( ! robe refjiie toil
to KCt it lertilied copy of tliein. The litter
soon found that no permanent icconl had
been kept of natmali/atioii pipcis piior to
Si7 , but dov\n in nu obscuie coiner of the
vault , in a pile of ilu&ty papers and ilocu
incuts , hn foiInnately found Mr , Iledilo's
oiis'lnal papi'H alter a thosonio scucli.
Iho paper was ili.uvn up in duo form , the
subject foicswcariiif ; allegiance to Icini ; 01
potentate , utc. , ami boie tlio clerk's certill-
i.ate , but It ilUI not bear the ull-iinportant sig-
natuio of Mi. Hrdilo. Mr. ( ! ielo notllleil
Mr Ilcildo of this fatal omission and the lat
ter lost no tiinoin nlllxini'liis slgnatino to
the document llaJ Air. HoilJo , atsonio time
the tlilrty-tv\nyeanbeen \ elected to tlio
olllco of governor of the st4ito , couhl lie have
been deposed on the inoro teohnicallt } of
omitting to slKii a douiimcut to tlio contents
of which ho Iind sworn under oathl Or , bad
his papeis been lost by lire or thimigh rare-
lossnebs , LOtilil lie have fully established his
claim to citiicuslilpitli all its , rights and
privileges ]
Thobo.uu uitorcsUn ( | iic'ttioas just at this
tlmo , notonl } to miii > foiuign-born citi/cns
who may bo unailo to proiluco a iccord of
tlio tnlclni ; out of their 'papers , but to tholi
sons as well , llvorybody who has known Mr
Heddo since l .v ) knows that ho is a lo nl
citi/ea of tlio United' Status , but sunrise bo
had died twenty jenrS > ngo and his son ( if be
has ono ) had boon elected to a civil olllio and
ills cili/onshlp hud beuu called In question1
Man } will say that bv common knowledge
and coupon t ho vvai and Is a ilti/cn anil his
rights ns such must bo protottod.
\\lieio t lio'liiili'ci'iii'.v ' I'U'-i.
Without oxprosnij'riii opinion either way
upon the uctioa ol 'Ilio ' 1'inlailolphia Indies
who objected to the exhibition of roitnln
woilts of ait beeaui 6 the subjects did not
wear tailor- made ilutagj , it seems doslr.ible
to icc.ih afjain an aneciloto of Uov. Henry
Want llicchcr.Vlion \ appro iclioj in a Now
\ o\\t \ \ Killory by a lady whoaslcod him if ho
did not thlnU a certain plctuto "Indoeoiit , "
thoillvliio bostowcd a searching shnco upon
Jicr and replied "No , inailiino , I do not
think it is laiiurcnt but your ( iiiestlon is , "
There wore whole tomes of philosophy In
that ansvvor
IlnriH 'IliKtr ItimlneiH.
/'no / ( ( .Nee i Ininnii ! .
A provident member of lliolu liluturc from
Ktoioy ( xiunty takes hh lunch from homo to
Curuii daily , mid Carson hotel men are about ,
to petition Supoiliitcndout Vorlngton to ru-
volte his pass over the V. & T. railroad ,
I'alrioi HIM ,
Mutiument .Mcnenu r
Colorado , glory crotvnod and sun klssoil , Is
HIP suuuntt of tlio mitvorse , the champion of
labor unit nrbltritor nf the highest tvpe of
clvlllnitlon , with a vvluiln world nckiiowloitiT-
liid her NUiuotuacy in the brluhtMt IriiK'sccnl
star In theula/llnK : coiKtollitlouof thoAinor-
ican union
MVm Not Vt ry Hull.
Hrr Mlnot J .SIII'IIIM
Mutual ( runt It at tliu b.nls o ( all
And it Is grand , and Klvus ns nddi'tl
for liunuin natureto sec how men -on 'chant ' ; ? ,
for iiiitaiicocommit tbeiiKolves , by n nod of
Iho head , to bargains by vvlilch they stniul ,
thou'li ( somutlmeH nt the cost of frightful
losses. Most men Kcnernll ) toll the truth.
lulu tlm Somite.
Miiliri Mill
If thnro bad bonti mi Clileano lire ( tonoral
I'nluicr mlt-lit hive itiiunlniul ft rcimiblii-an ,
and It Is douhtful If without him the demo
crats would over hive carried Illinois , or
been nllo ) to elect a United Mlutos senator.
Theieforclt is | ierhans not ton much to miy
that \v \ lieu Mrs O'Learv's historic eow undo
her historic1 Itlek which broke the * kornspiin
laiiiDaml startcvl so great ,1 hlnzo , stm kicked
over the lepuulleaus of Illinois nud sent n
man Into the I'nltcd States senate.
HoatM In llueiialo. .
.Viic l'iir/c / llmci
Tlio tlmo was whoa public honors , evou if
thc-v wore la ether waya uiulesoivedly bo-
stovveil , at least operated to countor.ict In
HOIIIO dugieo thn nieroantllo spttlt which
threatens to iciluco oveiythlni ; to a pecu
niary standard I f the more millionaire can
mplio to the highest ollli-es In what used to
bo cillcd "iho ( 'lft" of the people , but must
nowbo ilescrluoj as bi'ing In tno hinds of
the representatives of the people for sale ,
mid If the millloiiniro Incurs no ilisuvdlt bv
buying , the comiiunlty inhloli tliucnn
liappea ovliloutly knows and euros for noth
ing in the world but making money.
. .Ytic'utlt \
The Koveriimcnt has norigtit anil no power
to "mako , " to "croato" moauy It miy iniko
liroinissory notes with the lofjal tender qual
ity , but those aio monc y only so far as it is
believed that tboy v\lll \ bo piiul In inonoy , nml
iiuito indeponilcnt of the local tender quality.
If belief dliH out they eca-,0 to bu ac
cepted as iiiotiov ; if it is Jnatilled thej are 10-
placcil by real iiione,1' . This distinction islm-
portint , because once lot the notion prevail
that the ( 'ovormnent can "innko" inonej and
tlio pressure upon it to uxinvibo that power
begins , and to the extent that It is jloldoJ to
it is dangerous and may bo disastrous.
il' an Idiot.
/ . rr/in / nge
"I would lihc. " said Mr. Peaf'reen , "to see
a new dally piper stattcJ m Now Vork , and
I mi bt take it If it suited mo It must leivo
out the Hpoi ting page , iv hicti is f nvollt > ; it
must cut oil'tho political articles , vvliU-h are
ir.eio wrangling ; It should not ha'stufTexl
with Wall street speculations , which interest
vorj fowpeople , itshouhlKiveus aiestfiom
crime , which is disgusting ; it should t'lvo
shoit space totbu stittT called news , which is
of no account , it should lot people aloao , mid
not abuse them. " "Uutvhit would you
in it Mr " ' 'It slioulil '
print , Poujreonl" ( 'ivo
us essays on nature ami vlituc , sketches of
lifo and society , accounts of eminent public
ehmacteis , and other hKo material supplied
uy sctiolaily witters If jon \\ill start such
a piper and sell it for 1 tent I will try It for
a day , and tuUu it afterward If it suits mo. "
I'uclc : Mis. L.ajtln ( nnitiiiR up for her
husband ) What "is tlio nutter , Molly 1
Mollv ( fiom the kitelicnOcli ) , mum , there
bo th.ivesnt the duro ! Mrs. Lajtin Well ,
tell them I am not nt nomo.
O , sticot musician , how you praiico
it gives us pain
From opeia to song mil duico
And back again.
She Have jou hid any experi
ences \\itb western cyclones' "
HeAVIth one She as the widow of a
man from Kansas City.
Tlio whole , whole \\orlclabout him is wrapt
in auful hush
As hu asks the dealer for one card to fill a
loyal Hush
( iood News : Irate Tenant I asked vou
w ben 1 Rated this place if yon had ever been
troubled by chicken thiuves , mid you said
"No. " l < vuiv one of my chickens was stolen
last nitfht , and I am told that the neighbor
hood has been in fosted with chicken thieves
I or veins. Suburbia Agent 1 never Keep
chickens ,
Mamma AVhnt's the matter with ni } two
liltlo bo > s )
.liuiiuj ( fretfully ) Tie wants to plnyjick-
stiaws and I say it's jusl menu for him to al-
wajs call 'em after himself , and I play jim-
straws toiluj or
Texas SittliiKs : U isabsuul to say that a
siiifilo Htvalloiv doesn't m.ik a spiinp. 1'iro a
stone at enc > and sco if it doesn't.
\ \ It is a malodorous dol-
hit that lias only seventy-eight scents in it.
HostouPost1 Put up llftv wonileu boxes
in tlio city , none ol tuoin in the resom-
blititf letter boxes and [ nititoa oich ono the
sipn : " ordois diop no
mail in here , " and itisulo of toity-el lit houis.
over ono huiidieil lottcis do-uiied , for tuo
mill will ho pushed into them. It's a way
people havo.
MII : sMii.r.n
I untlcod she was piett.v ,
I tboiiRbt slid smiled at mo ;
Justaftir I had passed her
I turned mv huail lo see ;
A bit of lev sidewalk
r\h \ cureless feet b puilcd ,
I ciacked a II itrstono vvith my hoaj ;
And then f knowsbu smiled ,
Christian Advocato' A miiiislor of nn-
other lieiiniiilnatlon c.illod mio very warm
day at a friend's house , and , making some
roferuuco to the great heat , a llltlu gli 1 of
tbo family slid : "Vos ; I cm see the I'res-
Dvlorian coming out all over ) our face "
Voiil > ers Ktntesmau : C'ustomor How much
aio vour violitsi Ploiist Ono dollar and a
Inlf a hnudieil "I'll tuko oim. " "Ono him-
ihoiH" "No ; ono violet. " "Wo never sell
ono. " "Well , I bliouliln't think jou
that pilco. "
St. Paul ( Hobo Pirst Ulv.illMltor AVash-
iiiKton couldi-'t tell n lie Heconil Khal I0d-
itor- 1 tell nno as far ns 1 can see it , and
I've set n your unldavHof ciiculatloii.
7//1 : vui > . \ i'n i rr <
Clilcci'io 11 llniiir.
A toast ! l rom mol
AVhv , sum' ' Let's see
To whom I'll quad vvhilu imdiiiKlit's sound-
In .
1 have it1 PiieniU
To her who t > ouds
The lifo blood qulckl ) tlirouu'h us bounding !
Como , blushes spun ,
1 knowsho's fair ,
Her every iiilion jmronnil lender ;
With ojes so true ,
AVIuito'or tliohuo ,
'Ilio heait cm naught save houufo rciiljr.
Her woul contioU
Our sccrot souls ,
Thouph vows of love vvii'vootlcn brokoa ,
hho's nor loud
Her lilu's a bond ,
A lovinj , ' , li\intr \ , hicatlihiK token.
Como weal ; comuvvoo ,
Pull well wit kmm ,
Her heart Is uvei waim and trusty.
lioja ! to vour foil ,
Dun Honor meet ,
And hall our toast , lorn ; , loud anil la sty I
Nav. nay" No vvlno ,
Tor her , divine -
This cup we II pledKoas friends and brothers ,
\Vlth reuslni' ehoer ,
la water c-leir -
1'or boys , uo'io Unukiutj to 'Our Muthors , "
Tlio Contest for Mayor Nairows Down to anil Alcxnmlor.
ProspiM'ts CJooil lr a liOlijr Dctit ) In
Ilio Nc l ( 'asn Diiliiyi In Ilio
Dlslili-t Court
f.isr-iiv , Xob , Much Is [ Spv'clil to TUB
llni | - 1'huro is still n lniio unumntof thliik-
liiK belnc done tj some cithciis who iliitik
that tno situation warrants a citUcin" ticket ,
but the movement ( loot not appnar to bi > inak-
hijr much hvinhviiy. TonU'bt the lopubllcaus
will bold caiicnsei in a number of the wards
The Pirst warders will meet t the eoimcll
chamber to select eluhtcou delOiteH. ( The
Second waul faithful will meet ut tlm county
JtldKO'olllco to Holect fourteen lopioscntn
lives , Iho Third ward caucus U c.-vllivl to
inoet nt tbo ofllc'o of It , Ii. Mnarn in the
Uleliards block for tlio purpose of D'.oilltn ;
delegates. 'I hero will probibly bo a war
cloud of no mean illmeusloiu In this ward , tbo caucus. The
rifth warders will moot at tbo stow room on
Sixteenth street , between H anil U , this even-
In K
The Kirstvird Ituii-pomloiit caucui will bo
bold thl < oculm ? at Jon Wolfo's store on
Noitli Tenth strool.
'Hie wemiiu's cenlrnl corninlttod has dlloil
11 meeting of wnnien tn ( jivn < cpressioii to
their vie s on Hie public school question at
the Coupieciillounl churcli tomonovv after
noon nt 2 o'clock.
Intorosl centers milulv o n the diicstloii as
to who slnll bo the republic in nominee for
mayor. It is t.ow conceded that If Mayor
( ! raham carries his owa ward , the fourth ,
npramst .lolm 11. Wilght tlio contest will bo
nnunvvnldmvn between ( Jriham ami SI Al
evauclor of the Sixth The so called Tam
many rinijheio is said to favor .Mcxaailor ,
mid thoio has bnon some elTei'tivo wlio pull
iiiK done during t ho past tvv o weolti , ami tier-
( .oils who are on tin- inside dciluro tliat Al-
OMiniler has n sure thun ; . Tbo Tammany
riiitf has maun all piepai.itioiis to oaptino the
urimanes touiubt , and it is decbireil that the
will dlotato who tlio dolonatos shall bo
It was lepoilcd tndaj currentlv that Mayor
C5 raham bad si/e.d up the situation and hail
ducided to withdraw from tlio race
i * -n Menu's ' ci i I'.IUUTION.
The cclebrntloa of St 1'atriek's ilav vvns
flttln'lj ( ilosed last ovenlnp bi a piand ilein-
otiitr.itiou nt Biilmiiin's ' ball , which , not
withstanding the inclomeiicy ot the weather ,
was vcrj Imgi'ly attended. Cloveinor lioyil
olllciated as cbahmati , ami soon after S
o'elock tin1 gentleman was introduced to the
auiiienio by Thomas MeHluro Mr Doyil
spoke very nleisuntly and easily , ami tus ad
dnss was listened to willi attention
The musical features of the oveninn's iiro-
( jr.unmo worovery lino. The selections par
took of the mtloual music of th Irish race ,
and of course vvoro all deliRhtlul. The solo
IstsvveroMrs ,1 It ] inriiul > > , Mrs .1. A Kil-
roj , Mrs WiiMhurB , Mis .7 O AVnclavvorth ,
Miss Klannory , Mr N haw lor , l Casey , O
Artz and Joseph Wur/tinn : In every in-
stnnco their efforts met with such appiecin-
lion and nppliuso that the soloists were eom-
polled to ic.spond with another selection
At the completion of Mis ICllroy's llr t
son ? she was pie eutea vvith u Imndsotno
Koldou linrp , as well as two lovely baskets of
llouers , the kind tributes of appreciative
f i lends
M Corcoran delivered tbo midross of wel-
oomo in Ills UMiul ploasliiK stjlo lion A J
Siiwjerwnsalso down for nn udchess , and of
couiso aciiuitted himself VM-11 The last ail-
diessoftho evening was dclivcied bj Jolin
M Thuraton
A Krand ball ended the colouration.
mi vv IN mi , MAI i vsi.
It is piobahlo that no decision of tbo supreme
premo court in regard tolliocasu of Muideror
ICd Neal will be nlven inside ofsix months
Thocomt is already almost a ycir behind ,
and theio are a multitude of impoit.uit cases
on tbo coin twill probibly pass Judg
ment before the Iseal case will bo rcachod
Neil , theiefoiu , nets an indelliuto Kaio of
life , although tlio murder for vvhiih bu was
convicted occurred n jear and a half aco.
DI-.IIIK r rorur.
, ludto Picld and .1 Jmy bnvo been oncrnircd
since 1 o'cloik josterdav afteuioon in lie.u-
inc ; tiiciasc of It K. Johnson vs. 1 { Mimloid.
The suit is on a note for ? li : ( ) , which defend
ant acknowledges having executeii The
jirticsllv > nt V'alpiralso , and tbo dufendnnt
says tint Johnson came to him and sfrmcd
his services to shell n lot of corn Ho did
this wotk and a lot of other , and was told
tint the note was fully satisfied , but hci never
t-jot it. Ho asks ? lJil ( on his cross petition for
excess work performed The Jury have the
caso.The Lincoln city clectiic railway companv
have tired of the inaction of the court , and
this iiioniinir tiled n motion to dismiss the in
junction obtained by the Shecdv estate
against their running eaio over the track on
Tivelfth sticet
Judu'e Chapman yesterday beaid argument
in tlio case of Shervvin Vs ( ! urhcfMii et al. , tn
appoint a receiver. The motion was inado
M } Ueieiulant L-'erpusoii PirKUsoii , who sc-
cureu a judKinc'iitaij.iiiist CJanbeum. and tlien
levied on a block ot fronds wiiieli the latter
hid bought from .Shcrwiu but nuver paid ,
and pnssoisiuu of vvhn h Slieivvin still haJ ,
nslis tlio couit to appoint a leceivcr for Sbtr-
win's c'jods ' while no takes the c.iso to the
supreme court , tlio lower court bavini ;
pioiuptly Ki\en bhurwin his Icpal ilijlitb , .
The first ( omplauit ncnlnst Attoinoy U U
Xmk forouibe//llni ; AVulovv Hosiler s little
roll was disnUsscd vosterday and a new ono
llled. This makes the amount embe//loil $ 'iO
less thin the llrst one , vi/ , $ -ls't. ' The case
was called this inoriiini ; . Thocv ideucetundod
to show that lu ; had colleetud the money on a
inoitiwue for Mis. ilossler from p.utlos in
Antelope i-ouuty , put the money on deposit in
the bank licie , and iiotillud her Shu drew
on the bank for the inuiiuv , but found ho bad
drawn out the cash. The defense Hied n mo
tion tn quash on the ground that nocrimo etiargcd in the complaint ; that demand
for the money wns not made until the arrest ,
and that the waii.iut lor the second c-liaimi
was seivcdhilodefendaiit was still in jail
on the first charge The defense practically
is thiil no crime committed.
Louis VV.iuconer had hiit ml before. .ludijo
Houston on Iho char o of biiiplaiuniK the
lioubo of ( icorK * ATnlo , Tenth and M
HtircU , on the MiKht of .lauuary 's last
ANiiRiionor attemptiHl lo piovo that on tliu
dilu mentioned ho v.usat Ins bonu ) in South
Demi , this stutn it nppiMii'd that a coat the
Inn hr Imd loft iieliind bun was a KOCH I cine
to his identity IIH W wttonor , and the con-
tic'ctnir' link was found hy aladj boanler who
rccocnl/utl Iho coat. Ho was bound ovei in
S.M ) ) liniids but ho wont to the coiintj jail to
wait il out.
Thomas McCiiiiK.iu will have his proliml-
nirv' examination bufoio .ImiKoStow.ut this
afternoon on the chainu on vvliiih ho was ur-
irstod yesteidiij , the infamous assault on
jouni ! White. Ho will undoubtedly bo bound
iirior ruu.iTns KOII UIMOI u
The petition of the citl/ens of Armour to
thostitu biurd f truispoitiitioii that tlioy
h ivo station facilities at that town h is bivii
adjusted to the npparsnt satisfaction ot the
people of Armour The II Ac .M will abidu
by the decision of the board to lay sidetrack
r-uutruclstoi'lt yards nml to slop nil loenl
| tii mipir ! and freight Irnitu for thn accom
modation of the public
uri'HKViK HM m l > ri isi ) X ,
Thn following casci were hiiiiilod clown
tcvlny in tlio supreme i-oiul :
Orlm vs ltotiln on. P.IIW from llutiur
countv. le\crsod { and rcuimdcd , Ujilnluii
by Mr. Cblof .Instlco I'obb.
Ni'iiiMsku \ Coluud i lailnnd lompinv vi
Hcott llnor frmii I'liujor county , Aillimod
Opinion b,1'istlro ' Mavwnll
I'irst National limit of I'olumbus v < Hoi
leiln. lluor from Plntuii-ounty. Anlnuod '
Opinion bv Mr .ImtlcoMu\\u'U.
tlatos vs Pnrinlt. P.riiir fiom llooi 6
eoimty. Kc\cised and reminded , Opinion
by Mr. .luMIco N nival. '
St l.ouis wroii hl liiiu raiiRO coiuniny vt
Me > nr. Appial fin'ii loutl ) ; , > i. Opinion b )
Ml. Chief .ItiMIci ! Colil )
11. was a iiMtiiuriteui nt Omabi , lu fulling
iMCiimstiuicc . win ) ii-alled Ids ueditnrs In-
KOthor , tbo plaiiitllTs inul dofeiidauts , w lie
a ieed that tlio prnpetty of H , should bii
tiiki'ii In i banjo , In t rnit' , to secuio ruunli )
all of the ci editors , u.illn M and A
tuo of the cicdilois , as agents and Irustees
who took possession of the jiroperlj .nut
caused in bo ovecnled Hist to M and next ti
A and Ihoreifter In | inorit.v accinilltiK lo the
Krcitor anioiiiitvS duo to each cieilllor , a
sciles of chattel niiirt > M es hIt , \ The prop
ortv was mild at public auction under t n
iiitntk'as'cs of M and A and the pi wen !
diitiUnited a.-'inilliitjh , leavingllm iliilin
of ollieis unpiid lu nn action thoolhei . \
creditor iiKiiinst M and A for nu omul dis
tilliiilloii , helil , that M and A WCMO tiustuca
uml MKCiilH , for all the creditors and thupn
cecds of'ho lain hn pild tn the several cic-d
itnis inoiat i iiccoldmi ; to tbeii U'spcctivu
Doiucr , TC\.M A ( Julf ralhoad coiupiiiy vi
Ilutehlns. llrror from Lau.'iistnr couutv
Unversed and remanded. Opinion by Ml
.ItiHliee iuial
Iliincllev vs Pearso et al. Mntulainus
Aitlnu disiiiNsed Opinion bv Mr. Justice - -
Mix. well
l.oahns Stale IJrror from l illiiiori-
cnnntv. UeveiMed and remanded. Oi liiioii
bMr lustiu Maxwell
The folljvvliiK i uses wcro nrnued mid si h
milted I'ioico vs Kcuney canal coinpnii ) ,
on motion ; Dueling vs Miller ; Schllslcr Vs
Sherman , on motion , Stiicklef vs Hariris
IMoilyvs Prolicv ; lliunck VH Wood , Kll
[ iiitruMC vs ( nllcMiili'r ; l iirnn county vsDcmn ,
HulTalu County Isallonal bunk vs llansen ,
llerbeit vs Keck , Consaul vs Sheldon ; ht
I'.ml Ilio and muiiiio insur.iiic'o coiiip.iny vs
( luthelf , Ilariison vs Sillies ; Hill vs IIel
man , Me\ei vs Pajjnii
Tbo fnllovvliifr cases verocoutinucd , Via
cent vs.Stato , Ainold vs Stile.
Htaco ox lei Smith VK Ilrown , relntnr or-
dired to Ilio mid survu bi iefs in nlliut } ilu a ,
or cause dismissed
t'ou rtid join lied to Thurbdiiy , Mulch H > , at
' . ) o'clock n m , when Ilio causes from tlio
Kiev oath district w ill ho called.
osi \ urrv IXIM MIS' WOHTII
The case for ? J,0Ci ( ) diuna ci brought IV )
DiviUA Hiddlo , who clnlmcd that statc-
inftita mudo by .lames A. Unlyr dercfjator }
to bis honustv d mm cd him hi that iimuunt ,
w is jjivuu tn the Jmj ycstenlaj iifleiiioon
Ijitoi in the c'veninj ; a verdict was ruiilond
Klvinp plamlin $ .M ) damages , which also cai-
lies tno costs with it ,
sToii'i't ) nu : su.r.
The sale of the grocery stock of the Into
dim of Kranso .V Selnmtt , under a chattel
mm tK.uro held by II P Liu , was bc uii at
the room on South Tenth street this morn
ill ) : , but eamo to a sudden ending wlien Con
sta'ilo Ilrad Uiiigcr appeared willi n wilt of
replevin swoin out bv C. U. White , Lasch
liinlhcis and others , claiming that u poition - - r
of the stock about to be .sold was thulr pi op
eity , or jnopoiiy upon which they had a
claim The sale was stopped , hut Mr. I. in
had Slit-rilt Me Clay replevin the stuff this
afternoon and piocc'edcii with tbo sale.
Dili VIMI It's KICK.
John 13 1 uminor , the u ed farmer who suol
John Kodden foi $ lOiM d , in a js for assault
ins him so viciously that hu has become a
pii.U\tle , and whom a jury iu tbo county
cim it awarded tin ) sum off' . " ) , has applied
for a new tnal , on the t-round of fraud and
undue me ins on the pirt of dofpiidnnt , biis
and piniality on the part of the Jury , and
that the mcasuronf dimaijes was wholly at
vauanie with the injmies sustained. II P
Knso , his attnrnev , Hied an affidavit , iu' > .ml.
ho savs that Hodden spnkuto oneoi thojuij
men. ,1 I { . Ilin , nftei tliu tiuil li.ui bc mi
riRnrclhii ; tlm case , that the jiuors sopirated
after the adjournment for supper , and tint
ono limlm\ ) Iriend of Uoddcn , follow eil
Jiiryninn MeHoberts with iho ovideut mien
tlim of bavinir a imvato Loavcisntlnn ; also
tint A. .1 Savver. attoinoy for Hoiluen ,
w.dkcd tea blocks lhalcvcniii v\ith Jut.v man
Bins , ' .
films \M ) I M > * .
Tlioniinuil iiHiitltieof tbo assessors of the
couutv was held in the coutt house yostcriliv
afternnoii , ami the Insis of valuation for
property lixed for this yuir The sclicdule
imreeil unen vaucs but little from lint
adopted last \ear
Captain Hill , the stito treisuier , has
boiioied bv luivlni ; a nevvly oipmucd
Sons of Vc'teians named after him
Tbo AVeolily Independent , a bright pub
lication , after a wear } struggle vvith ad\cr
sitv tins concluded to suspend publication for
a time
11I1.Y 'KUt .11 r// < > /71/ ; . /
CustoiiiR Olllciul.s Scl/e 'IrinikH 1H--
li M iiiK ( i \ > \v oilcoiiien. .
Niw YDKK , Much Is iSpcciil Tclcgrun
to Tin : Uul Tlio seunro loom nt the
customs housei looked like a milliuei's esl.ib
lishmuit jcsterdny. Survejor Lon and Ills
htulT inado another splzuro from two women
snspectect ot bcliiK inillmcis or diessmakus ,
and their larpo trunks , contaiiiuif ! a unit
variety of vvouiiifj npp.ncl ami articlesof
dincicnt kinds \veio sloieil in thu sei/uru
room awaiting tlio decision of the govern
Miss P.uinv lj Uarrett and Mrs. Uloinor
1C Nott , of New Vinlt niounjiiouslj vvuitii <
for the decision also. They armed hurc v s
tcrilny on the Kider from Itiuinun , 'I In j
told the customs inspector * thev had n h vv
dutiable poils and tint the contents of their
trunks weio cntlrolj personal oflecLs. In
Miss Uuriett'b trunn were found bilk" ) ,
silk wraps , gloves , otc In Mis
Nott's tiunlis were Mlk dresses ,
tea ( 'ovvus , camel's hair KOIVIIS , wooh n
die-ises and manv dross pitu-ins. i'hearti
elos made ) the lariest amount of Hie U.u i
scl/i'il thib se.uson. Hot homen \ uonied
they were dressmakers. Mrs. llurrcitt , him
ever , admitted that her sister was a dins ,
umkor It is said that wairants lor then ai-
rest will bo Issued.
lor Chilian I
Hi INCH Avm > , Mireh IS ( Spaelal fil ( ' < > -
( . ram to TIIK HnA \ dispatch ieeei\ed In n-
fiom Valiiraiso [ states Hut Mayor Valdivi-
of t'ltj has jjonoovor to the insuiv11'- !
after vvimium to their cause the tariis ; n
which dcsortcd the fort after spiking tli
Kims The ex-L'oveinment troops then i i/i I
President luilmaecda's transport Maid >
which was anchored la the harbor and win i
wus loaded with ( 'itlin , * umis , utlem 1
animunition. After tins tlio miyorand k' "
iison onihanted nu board the trunsiioit an >
steamed northward to join Iho Insurgent
This is a tieiuendous lilow to i'rosiduat 11 1' '
imiceda's preslino mid his cause may no v
fulrl.v bo s lid to bo on the wane.
< laasHi'ii Given MVoars. .
Ni\v VIIIIK , March lb. Jmlgo lU-iiodirt to
day seuteMiccd ( leuetid ( JUnssen , convii-ted nf
bank vvreiUiiiff , to six years' Imprl.sonmeiit in
tliu peiinentiai ) .
Highest of all in Travelling Toner. IT , S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889 ,