Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    OM.AIIA DAILY UEK : THritSIXAY , l\IAUOIl \ 11) ) , 1801
il All A JJKK.
Ol-TIUi : No. 12 1'KAIU , STUKirt1.
I MlvortM by Cnirlcr In any jurt o ( llio City.
TKl.iPllON'KSi ;
IIIIUCM < onico ' , .
Night n < lll'or. No. - ' : .
jn\tnt .MI.'A i w.v ,
N. V. 1' . Co.
Coiinrll lllufi's I.uiiibi'rCo , coal.
Crnft'Rfhnltol loans , -.Ml Sapp blook.
( Icinslim Heels SjiriiiB roal. 1'lmtclicr , 10
Unity ( itillil mod * In rcfrnlnr session tomor
row cvinilnK witliMrs. O. H. .l.ieksun , Bl *
t''iwl stioot.
HfKiihr iiirotlni ; of Ilnnnou rlmptcr No.
M. Order of Knsicrn blur tills uvuiiing In
Miuotilclmll ,
'I'hu Mnrrli'il T.nilloi1 SoclnV society will
meet till ? iiMi'l-noon lit llio riMttlrnro of Mrs ,
II. II. Van llrutit , * : tr Mynsior strct't.
Tlic tRivolliiir men will holil a Innlnes !
inu'lltii ' : ill tlio Miiii'iis linll , Mil Mrandwny ,
Snluriltiv , Matvh ' 'I. nt 7in : : p in. All travel
ers ni-o R'nuosti-il to attoiul.
The Knlthful Woruors will plve n basket
Miiipor In the HiMViiu llnptlil dnnvh thi *
cvi'liliitf , I .mill's w'io I'oino nro roiiic"ttol | to
brlnu a lwM < pt or nn.v Ifi o'-nti nilinlsslon.
AH tries of liiforpornllonoto \ lllcil yoslor-
( liiy with tliofouiitv roc'onlor by tint Pirsby-
tcrhui i-liurch of Shiiiiin , Hollinap to\vnship
riio truiti'i-s nro Knlint Mlllof , Umll llebr- .
iiinnn nnil ,1. 11. SlniTt.
Jniiiia OMlrion , who was ( omul irnllty o (
Inrccny lu tllhlvirl coiuta few ilavh npi , lia <
been tliird $ IW nnd Hi'iiii-iu'cil to a tonn of
Ililrty days In the rotinly Jail. Joe Tullur ,
wlio burulail/iut LoutPit Mol/Ki'i''s restaur
ant , was k'iu'ii a similar scnU'iu-o.
Allssilpniilo 1'ilo ontortnlncil tlio tiMoburi
of llio Hill srliiml 'I'lii'sdiiy ' niclitni tier ivsl-
ilnnco , ! IVJ l.lin'oln uvniiiu. Aft < * r tliL'Kiiost ! )
liuil nrrlvi'il ntul worn busily cn Ki'd In bnv-
lii ( , ' u ioiul ; tiui' : thu still in iMiao up , anil as It
siTinc'd to jj'"W ' worsi' instoail of bettor as
tlio evening HOIV away , they iltvliloil to stay
all niirlit. Tor tlio rest of tlio nlnlil messc'ii-
KIT bo.vH wore busy hustling to uiul fro , noti
fying tli" frii'iuls of tlio toaehors us to their
A. Str.unl , K. Ktminl and 0. II. 'I'lioini ) oii
caino to the lllulls from Omaha nlnht lioforo
lint anil hiivil a hacli ilrlvor fur U'llllain
Martin , to taku them over the city. Thry
were tlruaU , anil when they wore nsUril for
their fare , they rofuseil to pay. Martin's '
man tit nni'o Inrlml them in thu vchiclo anil
took them to the ( lolleo station , wlieru lie
swore out an Inforiaatioa t-harKiiiK them with
ilninUi'iinoss and rofimliiK to i > ay hack hire.
U'lioy wore lined $10.10 In poilru eoun yester
day iiioniii ! . Joseph "Lawless , another
fit'i'linoii | ] of Intoxii-ateil humanity , was lined
S'.MIO. '
Joseph Welch , nf AVeleli's hack line , went
on a drunk last evenlni ; . Ho celebrated the
iHc'usioii bv tryinir to stanil on his hoail in a
innil piuldlo at llio corner of Ki hth street
and Ilroadway. Mo had Just assumed tin )
desiroil pose when Ollloor McDonalil clinic
nloiiK and Interrupt oil tils little divorsion.
Fred Heiiso , wnovorks la John Kvors'
butcher shon , was with \Velch ami attenmteil
tnproveat the oflloor from nmkiinr thoarresl ,
\\lioronpon .Mfllonalit took him aluiiK too.
AVelch was booked with ilrnnkonne.w nnd
HebBO with Interforiair with an ollk-or in
the dlscliaive of his iluty. Hoth men will an-
sw r to their ivapeetivu chnrKUi this nioni-
In in polieo court.
Tlio Mothddist laOles liavo a line display of
fancy articles lortnloat Masonle tomvlo'lo
iay. ! A innsleal pro rainino in the evening.
Ailniission freo.
T ( > noliiii | ; I lie VIMIIIH Idea.
ThonowStroctsvllhisflioolvwopened : yes
terday morning uiulur llio ilirectloa of Super
intendent Sawyer ami DlivctorSchoent en.
l''or various reasons tlio attendance was nut
l.ptt ; ; > I'liiolly on account ol thu weather nnil
' '
i'nu'tiieaslcs. There were about ono hundred
and twenty-llvo pupils onrolleil , anil those
wore divided into live grades , nccoiiliiiK to
their inialillcations. It is thought the onroll-
incntwill bu considerably larger than that
lieforo the wcok Is up. It has been tountlad-
vlsablo to extoiul tlio boundaries of the dis
trict to bo covered by the now building ; by
the addition of that portion of the city
bounded liy Kljlitecnth ; and Twenty-third
directs and avenues II and K to the territory
ns already dolliied some days ajo. This , it is
thought , will pivo the teachers plenty of
pupils to take euro of without iro\vdiiiK
ilium. 'J'ho work of vradini ; the school will
probably not bo entirely completed before the
end of llio v.'colt.
The residents of Htrectsvillo nro very much
] ) loaseil with their new buildini : . It at
lirst feared that the ImililiiiK would not lie
lari ocnoupli toareoininodato all tlio pupils
who mlfjht liavo tu altend there , hut from
present indications it looks ns thmidi the
buildini ; would ho lui 'o enouuh , not only for
present needs , hut , forsomo years to come us
well. The bnitdini ; is a model so far us
architecture anil general appeaiTiiconro eon-
cmied , and the property owners of
vicinity nro to bo rongnuulaluii on their
Co ! to Masonic temple for your to
day. Dinner , ; ( . " > cents ; nnppor , - . " > cents. Ice
cream and eako diirmi ; the ovenin .
Will Trailo for Kami..f. . Q. Anderson will
tradu for farm or aero property near Council
HlulTs , hia dwollltiK at Sholia'mloah , la. , ap-
praiboil at kt.-W. Call at the ofllco of the
t'ouiicil lilnlTs insurance company for fur-
Ihor particulars.
Hurled Ponton Street.
Property owners in the glens wore tntido to
understand yesterday morning that there
had Ijeen a rain durinn the night. Most of
them found that they had been in.ido
wealthier by the addition of larco corner lots
which had drifted down upon thglr premises
fromsoniewhoro furlhor up the bluffs. On
Lincoln avenue thu tlirt which should have
lain quietly in the middle of thu street was
removed , mid in its place was several inches
of soft , clayev stuff that had made the road
almost impassible. Iletitoa street is also In a
horrible condition , the clay Hliim- having
heon transformed by tlio" rain into a thick
pudding than threatens the destruction of
oven the souls of the unhappy residents.
Iris bv all means the worst street in the
city nnd won ono trip through it will jrlvo
the impression that It is the wor.t In Amer
ica. Docppntttrs have been cut in the new
llllinp on both sides of the street , rendering
it impossible to drive up to the sidewalks , or
where there should Do sidewalks. The thin
slime has slid down tlio hill and submerged
the crossings on Washington avenue to the
depth of a foot or more. Tlio indignation
felt by the residents toward tlio city nldor-
men , who arc responsible for the mischief , is
hot ciioiiph to make the mud boll.
" 1 wish , " remarked .11 in Anderson as ho
paid a darltey M cents to carry his gum
waders out of the rear do'or of the
'Columbia' last evening , "that every alder
man who voteil to pile that mud on' Henton
had to walk the full length of the street forty
times a day for the next month. Wo had a
decent street before tno council ordered the
alleged improvements in dotiancn to the pro
tests of tlio property owners , hut now well ,
1 wish there worn two or three alder
men buried up there in the mud they
have poured down upon us.'o will take a
cyclone or two in preference to any further
attempts of the council to Improve the street.
I'cak Sisters , Trinity church , Friday evo.
Kvans Lnumlry Co. , .V.'O I 'carl street. Tele
phone 'J'.H ) . Goods called for anil delivered.
JC. nixoy , sto.ita no. in ? , sanitary en-
Elmer , 20.1 Mo main block , Council Blum
Spriir. Hunting *
The Council HluiTs hunting ami fishing
clu u held n meeting Tuesday night for the
purpose of discussing whether they should
place n man In chargi ) of their hunting
grounds south of the city , so us to have thu
place always m readiness for the members
when they wish to enjoy n hunting or lishlng
excursion. After soiiio'iliscussion It was de
cided to appoint H special loliccimin whoso
duty It shall bo to care for the Krouuds and
the cabin , to attend to the wants of the mom-
bcJi-s whoa they visit the place nnd to keep
latruders away. The grounds will bo opened
for the use ot members iu a short time.
xirii'o iMinti oni'vni tu HIMM'
Nh\\S \ \ MIOM COINC11. HLUrS ,
The Tight Ow Taxu Between the Rail-
ro.idsmil the County !
llnply tu .Mi . Sti'ndliiiin
llui'liMl Henton Ml -I'repiirlni :
I'or Siulnt ; llittiiniK 'I'fletl Cor
County .Supervisor A. C. Clraham returned
yesterd.iy . from DOS Monies , \vheru lie ind
Auditor Ilri.drlcks ont on Monday to ap-
pi-ar ucfuro the state execiiUvo council with
reference- the taxation of tlio
properly within the city limits. The statutes
proide that all properly that is u od ex
clusively in the operation of railroa.h sli.ill
bo assessed by the executive counell. Taking
refilKO under this provision the companies
have heon tvtiirnlng largo ( piaiitltle.s of Innd
totliostateccunell for taxatlJii whicli were
not used even remotely for purposes.
The matter was looked vip by the county
supervisor ? and Messrs. ( Irnliiun and Hen-
drii-ks worn appointed a committee to present
the claims of i'ottawattainlu county before
the council.
These RoniliMTicn on Tucsiliiy mot tlio conn-
oil , which eonsl ts of the governor , state
auditor and soerotary of state. Their side of
the cnso was listened to by the members of
tlio council , after which the law was ex
plained by Governor llolus , Ho stated
llio law provided distinctly that all property
that \\M ii.soil exclusively la thonpcr.ilionof
the roads was subject to taxation by the coun
cil , but all other property wus assessable by
tin- county assessor lilto that of private indi
viduals. This was Just llio construction of
the law that the committee had wanted.
They asked would lie done in ease the
railroad * kepi tin sending their property into
the council as before. The re-ply was that it
made no illlTeronce ; If they sent their prop-
oily to the wrong place it was their own
fault and lhe.\ must hear llio consequences.
During the conference some Insight was
gaincil as to the way in which llio railroad
property Is assessed by the council , tiov-
ernor Holes stated that the railroad com
panies had been sending their property in for
assessment , and tlio taxes had been levied on
It at the tlgures which were given by the
ownirs , so that the companies liavo virtually
been Ihcirown assessors.
The HlulTs delegation was not the only ono
that appeared before the council. The move
ment has been begun all through the stato.
and committees from all parts were there to
present their cmitus. The companies too
were liberally represented. In tlio neighbor
hood of llfty iiliornuys were on the
Held In theintcre.stsof the various roads , and
the imivcisid desirownslo get something
more out of the roads than they Mere now
getting. Ono of tlio ntlornoys asked Mr.
( irutiam if ho was after them because they
had refused to build a union depot in this
city , nnd lie thought ho had a gowl oppor
tunity of getting revenge. Mr. I rah am re
plied that Council U luffs heUl no leeling of
revt'iiire towarJ the companies , In spite of llio
hubby way in whicli it had been tre.itoil by
tin-in ; nil It wanted was the money which
was justly duu it , and it proposed to get it if
It could. The attorneys gave notice that
they would tight the matter to the bitter
Mr. ( irahamluis no unuht , however , as to
the outcome. It is only natural that Ihocotn-
pauie.ishould wish to keep on the saiuo oltl
way , as tln > clianiro contemplated will lese
them a cool $ iuK ) a year In this county tilono ,
and in the same proportion all over the btate.
s'i ON sroitij.
Council lllulls , Iowa.
Tlio finest display of rust black silicons over
shown any where is to bo found at the Boston
Siore , Council Hinds. The prices conio
within tlio reach of all. A beautiful guaran
teed fast blacl ; sateen for 1'J'vc ; a better for
l ! c ; a better still for U.V nnd 'Uc ) , and a
beauty , lines t honrietta llnish , at ! Mc. The
IKc and -"m quality is wll worthy of special
notice , a line l ivnch sateen lirnrlutta llnish
lit I'Ji1. ' The latest in dress binding mitt
facing is the bias velveteen , wears much
longer ami don't destroy the slioi-s , to bo had
at the Boston Store. Council llliifTs , la.
if. II. Atkins , western agent for Dol'.in's
plate glass company , will nlvo estlmatos on
pluto delivery In Iowa and Xehraslta.
Tin * Xtnv I'acllic is the most ceutrallv
located hotel in Council muffs.
Tlic > larous Block \'aiilxlu-s in Siimkc
Aboiil 'M iilninhl.
"Firo ! " "I'iro ! " was llio cry that startled
the p.issers by on night
at II o'clock. An invostiir.Uioii showed that
the Mar.'iis blouk , on Hroadway between
Scott and Sixth streets , was on lireVhon
llrst discovoivd the Ila'nes ' were burning
brightly In the center of the store , tlioach a
view from the outside would not allow it to
bo seen it was that was burning , the
stock of clothing and dry goods with which
the room was tilled Doing piled up in such a
way as to shut off the view largely from the
No ono seemed to know whcro to go to turn
in nn alarm , nnd the result was that it was
several minutes before the tire department
arrived on the scene. After the connection
had boon made and the water had
been turned on there was sud
denly a loud no ] ) , ami tlio of the
hose blew off. Several more minutes
weio consumed in replacing the
broken hose. At last the department was
ready for work and then it was found impos
sible to gel the front door open on account of
the holts and bars which fastened it , ap
parently for the purpose of keeping intrud
ers out , no matter what their object wus in
wanting to enter. The pinto glass windows
in the front of were linally broken
in , and through the holes thus made a stream
ot water waa thrown into the interior of llio
building on the llaines , which afleratiino
died awav.
Daring the progress of the llro some 0:10
asked whether any ono roomed in the burn
ing building. As if in answer to the ques
tion , an apparition appetredat the entrance
to the office stairway with Its pantaloons on
its arm. The apparition was discovered lo
be ( .ieorgo K lloulton. who had made Ids es-
cniK ) from tlio olilce room hi which ho had
been asleep just in time lo prevent his being
transformed into ah.irbi-cue.
How the lire originated is unknown. Tbo
only thing that would tend to throw any
light on the subject is the statement of an
agent lor the New York life Insurance com
pany who is stopping at the Kiel hotel. Ho
stated that ho was standing in front of the
Kovoro house , across the street from the
Marcus block , Immediately after the alarm
of lire had been sounded and that on looking
Into thu building , which was lighted
up by the llames , ho saw a man distinctly inside -
side the room. What ho was thuiofor , or
who no was , lie could not say , but he was
certain ho saw him ,
Mr. Marcus , the owner of the building anil
the stock , was seen List night. Mustated
that ho had astockof about $ l-\HX ( ) worth of
dry goods , clothing and furnishing goods ,
upon which there was insurance to the
amount of about $10,0i)0. ) The building is
worth ilfi.Qii ) and this Is covered bv insur
ance. The loss to the building will bo heavy
and the stock was rendered ahno-,1 worthless
by the lire and the water togelher.
The lire department was called out yester
day afternoon at „ ' o'clock by an alarm from
bovIII , at the corner of Twenty-third street
nnd Hroadway. The call was responded to
by the North Mam street ami Lower liroad-
way companies. The lire was Iu a house
otviiplea by a man named Quick , situated at
the corner of Avciutu I and Twenty-second
street. It had started from a defective ttuo ,
n small crevice having been loft In the chim
ney , through which the Iliuno had been com
municated to the woodwork , It was so situ
ated that the hose could not be used , but
after a few minutes' work with palls the
bla/o was extinguished. In ono of the rooms
there was a let of barroom furniture storcJ ,
tto property of Nujwlcon IJluto , most of
which wtvs more or les.i scorched , Some
diitnn u win nlnndonoto tlio other household
furniture ll is thought the lo * will not ex
ceed < IW , nil of which Is cevoml by liisur-
Ttoiililo Ot < * r n I'njii'r.
An nnsxvfr , couutcrrlultnnml cross-petition
was lllod yestonlay Vy the doffiidunl in llio
r.Koof.M. M , Sleiultaan agahut O.V. \ . Say-
dcr , in which several thou < .UKl dollars' worth
of stoek In the Iially Nonpareil Is at stake.
The suit \vas commeiu'cd some time ago In
superior court by Mrs , Ste.utiiiaii , upon
tbreonotos of } . ' , ( K)0 ) cucli which had been
( 'lvon by Suyder when lie pxnvmned a half
intorcjt in the Nonpareil. The allegation of
the petition was thnt the Interest on the
notes hnit not been ki'p' ' ' up , and thnt one of
the notes themselves was due mid unpaid ,
The answer whicli was filed by the defend
ant yesterday tlirnuuli his attorney.- * , Mo.s rs.
Shea A ; ( Snlvlii , claims that neither the notes
nor interest are dm" , and that the
Is not indebted In any MI m to the plaintiff.
It alleges that Steadnnm offered lo soil the
stock to Snyder , anil In order to Induce liltn
to buy. represented that the prollt.s of the
paper had bocuifi'.MM , when in fact they had
been only flTiW. ; Ho also represented that
there were no outstanding dobls airalast llio
company , when In foci there wore debts un
paid to the amount of more than STW , ( ) . lie
al.-.o said that there was tluo on book accounts
inorothanfl l.ixxt , while llio book accounts
that were ruullv due consisted merely of old
and nlinoil woithlcsH accounts that had uc-
cu ululated as the result ofveursot
and were worth not moro than fi,000 : at the
oulddo. Another claim which Stoadinati
imuli' , according to the allegations
ol llio , was that the Kven-
ing ( ilobo stood ready to purchase
the oven ing Assnblated press franchise at
any tlmo for $ . * iHH , ( > , when In fr.ct the Olobo
was not ready to purchase It for that or any
sum approximating it. Tliodrfeiuliinl clninis
that the stock which lie bought and paid for
With IOUIn ) cash nnd $ Ti.K ( 0 in notes was
not worth the price he paid for It by at least
ill.OUI. lie uNo claims that ho suffered
$1Kill ( damages bv being-compelled to tnovo
to this city nnd put in his time and labor In
trying to nnikoa paper nut of the Nonpareil.
Ho demands Hint ho bo awarded a judg
ment foe JIOHH ( ) , and thnt the * notes bo can
celled mid delivered over lo him.
DrsVoodb'iry. ' . dentists , DO Pearl street ,
next to Ciraiiil liotol Telephone 115. High
grade work a specialty.
t'alaatho assembly Rive their soelal Wed
nesday evening , March Ih , at Knights of
I'ythias hall tor thu benefit of the home for
the Inimdloss. Admission'J5 cents ,
Shugart.t Co. carry largest slocn of hulk
Held , garden and lloiver scons in the west.
Catalogue and samples by mail.
( Suiting DDWII IpciiM.'H. .
Alderman J. II. 1'aco ' believes lu cutting
down the city expenses. Although ho has
hut just taken His soul In the council , ho is
already giving voice to his sentiments in this
direction with all the ease and gracefulness
of an old hnnd at tlio business , \Vhen asked
yesterday ns to what ho thought of the pres
ent state of affairs as regards the police force ,
lie repiieil :
"Well , I think that twenty patrolmen is
moro than wo need.Vecotilil just as well
ns not lopotT about live of them and bo none
the loser. Whether wo shall do so or not is
a thing I can't say just at present , but 1
rather think it will come lo that in the near
"Another place where wo are going to cut
down theexpenses is in the mutter of salar
ies. Ttieoriiinnnco that was brought up the
other night fixing the salaries of ihofurcu
will bo passed without a doubt , so far as the
salaries of the day and night patrolmen nro
concerned. As to the chief's salary , I would
bo In favor of keeping it down to ? > 0 per
month. 1 behove wo caii got lots of men who
would liKe thu oftlcd at Uiat price , and who
would fulfill all the duties connected with it
just ns well us the mini ihcy.havc got. Hut
then , Smith u the only man hi the council
who thinks as I do , so there is no use of talk-
ingaboiillt. "
The memuers of the force who will be af
fected by the cut in salaries do not pro
fess to want the earth ; they only
want a fair and honest salary.
Although they have been ostensibly receiv
ing ? 7l ) per month , they have in reality had
only in Iho neighborhood of ? C > 5. They are
compelled to take their pay in city warrants ,
which at present bring them W cents oa the
dollar. So t hat u cut to tii.r > per month will
bring them in reality to a trillo below ? < ; o.
They insist that lids l nota fair salary for
the work they have to do.
Tno police agitation has brought out some
of the prominent business men to the sup
port of the police department. .An opinion
nearly universal is that thu police depart
ment lias never been in as good condition as
it , now is. The city is more orderly than it
has been for years , and tliis fact is consid
ered duo largely to the strict discipline in
which the members of the department have
been held , and the close altc'ntion to business
that has been icquired from them ,
The Manhattan , sporting headquarters. Is' ,
O'llrien ,
Fruit farm for sale oa reasonable terms ;
within one and one-half miles of the 1" . O. ;
all in bearing ; peed buildings ; possession
given at once. Call on U. J , Ilulcbinson A :
Co , , 017 BroaJwuy.
Tried l ir Illojjnl Voting.
J. C lloyd was on trial yesterday niornine
before , Iudgo.Mcio ! ; on the charge of voting
illegally , The crnno Is alleged to liavo been
committed on March i ) , when the election of
school directors was held. Floyd was ar
rested on that day on nn information liled by
W , 11. Knophor , who was at the polls when
Boyil voted , and challenged Ids vote lit the
timo. The circiinmnmes out of which the
troublerrow nro as follows ; JSoyil went lethe
the Second ward polls and presented his bal
lot. Ho was informed that his name was not
on the registrar's list. Ho stated thutho had
moved but a few days before from tbo
Sixth ward , nnd that ho had gonoto the
registration place on Saturday evening for
the purpose of having bis unnio changed
from ttoSixth totho Second , Ho was told
that ho would have to go to the Sixth ward
anil have a transfer slip tnailu out before his
name could he transferred , ilo accordingly
went to the place of rotfibtra'.ion In the Sixlii
ward , but it was closed. Homo ono told him
that ho would nothavoany trouble in voting ,
so ho thought no nero about it until election
day , when ho swore in his vote ana was
arrested as above stated.
lloyd told his story to the court and
Kiiopher told his. The facts In the case
were admitted by the prosecution to have
been us lloyd told them , and the question
whether the vote was legal or not is the one
upon which tlio whole matter hinges. Con
siderable interest is taken In the ease by
members of both parties , ns is shown by the
fact that lOinniet'i'inloy appeared as attorney
for the prosecution , and A , S. Hu/elton for
the defense. T he cuso was taken uniler ad-
visomcnt by Judge McOco.
Now goods arc arriving by the car load at
the great installment house of Mamie ! A ;
Klein , IWO Hroadway , Iho only Installment
house hi Council HlulTs and Hie largest in the
west. Bvory article used about a household
is included In the new goods , and you e'lti get
thorn at the lowest prices and upon small
weekly or monthly payments and enjoy tbo
use ol the articles wlulo pajlng for them.
Do you want nn express wagon or boy I
Umg up the A. I ) . T. Co. , telephone Ifti , .No.
11 North Main street.
Michigan Sail : u ii .Met-t ,
* CITY , Mich. , March IS. At a mooting
of salt men today it was decided to allow tin1
Michigan S.ilt association to expire by limi
tation March HI. All efforts for reorganiza
tion were futile , A surplus of 1,1(00,000 , (
bnrrels will bo thrown on the market , unit
this , with individual competition , it U feared ,
\vill rcjult in ruining the industry and clos
ing many csUulUhincats.
VThen Hnbjr wac tck , wo RIUO her Costrrfo ,
Whash iw i\UUldiliocrli'd forCastorld ,
When ho U > ciinu MUu , the clung to Ciutorla ,
\7bC9 \ blio Lr.J CUldrua , the ( ave them CislortJ ,
< M I.IVO ItSl.i 4 10 V.I 10 11 Nil 1 1' ,
rninllitiitn IVImn A\i\m \ Im Km1 In
About Hr.h ry IllHclii iMl ,
S.teiuvfNro. Cal. , Mar i is , Thu senatorial
rial ballot today rosultc-d ! KsteeIT ; Kellon ,
W ; Johnston , II ; Hl.inolurd , ' . ' ; 1'crktii' , t ;
White iiitfin ) , 31 ; Irish | dom ) , I. Pulton's
friends then forced an adjournment.
The sensational bribery charges cnu od
great excitement today. Kx-l'onpvssimin
I'Vlton wrote n | > ereiiipory ( loiter to Attorney
lioneral Hart , domnndhipflmtho disclose the
actual fails and procccu itgalnsl any ono wno
might Invoked oven by implication In tlu <
alleged wrong doing. Tin' attorney gc-neri1 !
replied that the papers in nn way showed
that any candidate had personally done any
thing Improper In connection with the con
test , 1 le also said thiM-vldence In his pos
session wus not sufllelout to warrant him In
tiling In formation of any character against
any person.
A legislative committee 1ms been appointed
to inquire Into the matter.
Tin * Pnriiu'i'M1 Alliance.
H UTi.Mom : , Mil. , March b , - K\-Son tor
Ingalls of Kansas , talking of the farmers'
alliance today said : "This movement Is build
ing greater than the majority of the people of
tbo eastern slope nro willing to admit. It
presents one of the most liitereillng political
lirohlems of the country. Heroin the east ,
where the industries and employments tire
dlvcrslllcd , ita progress is not depreciated
nnil the strength It Is gaining not understood.
In the , we > it. a imrolv agricultural section , It
has taken n deep hold on the public mind ,
nnd tlio evolution of the movement Is closely
watched by our deepest thinkers ami political
economists. These farmers have cimclndod
Unit there are wrongs oxUtmg that need ad
justment. 'J'ho growth of the organ-
i/atlon Is not ethrrial or sponta
neous , hut has come with a strong un
dercurrent of rensju that will ultlm.itolv
hind It on a solid foundation which will defy
all efforts of political ajjit liters to shako. I
think it may he compared to the feeling of
republicanism which swept over thu country
from iN'tilo MiO. This result might bo mnro
( illicitly reached cnuld the west airl south
mill common ( 'round on which lo stand. The
east and north have recognized this nil along ,
and have very adroitly prevented any coali
tion.Voniaylnok for a coalition that will
produce tangible results. Tlio existing po
litical parties , however , may by llieir plat
forms nnd the candidates nominated , make
such concessions to the alliance us to cause
the menthol's to return to their respective
folds with the belief that t he evils thovso.nk
to redress will bo reformed In their house
holds. "
IMMiiix-iat i < - Tlianks.
Hi'iiiNiinni.n , 111.March is. The 101 demo
cratic members of Hie general assembly are
grateful to the democratic press for its ef
fective co-operation in securing the election
of Senator I'almcrand l.avo signed a paper
tendering heartfelt thanks Lo the democratic
newspapers of the state of Illinois and the
United States , "who niiled nnd encouraged
us In the batllo which ended In the election
oP the choice of the people of the stale of
Illinois lion , , lohn M , Palmer , senator of
the United States.1
I'atroim of Iniliisli-y.
LIN-SIVO , Alluh..March IS. The supreme
organization of the Patrons of Industry is
holJinea meeting bore. Unanimity docs not %
prevail and ills doubtful whether Independ
ent political action will lw adopted ns recom
mended by the state organization.
Till ! J\I > 3.1JKilCDKIlKltH. .
Ordered to lie Delivered to tin- Civil
Authorities I'or I rial.
IIM ) : ) OOH , H. I ) . , March \ \ [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BIT.--An ] order camotoday
from the secretary of war toColonel Simmer ,
in command of the post at Fort Meade , to de
liver to the civil authorities U'asunkaota ,
alias Plenty Horses , hullctcd til the last term
of the United States court held in Deadwood -
wood for the murder of Lieutenant Casey ,
and \Veihpeya , indicted at the same tiiao for
ttie nuirdor of lianehman .Miller during the
recent Indian outbreak. Tlio two Indians
tire now in the Fort ileado guard house , the
military having refused to surrender them to
the civil authorities until nn order to do so
was made by tlio secretary ofwar. . United
States Marshal Fryo will , on Saturday , take
the prisoners to Sioux Fulls.where they will
bo tried before the term of the United States
circuit court convening there April 10.
On Trial lor .Mnrtlr.
HL-IIOV , S. 1) . , March IS.-fSpecial Telegram -
gram toTiuHiKJ : : 'J'ho trial of Fred Hund
ley for the murder of his father. lion. Hue T.
Hundley , hero last June , is in progress here.
A number of witnesses Imvo been examined ,
maklnga strong case against young Hund
ley. The trial will not likely conclude this
Disgrace t < i Union ism.
UnrmsTiit : : , N. V. Maroh IS. At tlio in
vestigation of the clotldiig cutteiV lock out
hero by tno state uoard or iirbitrmion a
scheme by which money is extorted from
llrius by the clothing cutters' ' national union ,
was shown by voluminous correspondence
between inniiiifacturtM'i ' in this citv and Waiters
tors \ terbrook , secretary of the cutters'
union , and , lames Hiiglics. chairman of the
OM-Cutivo board of the union. Wcstcrhrook
has been arrested in Now York.
Hughes is under arrest la Philadelphia and
.lames Mc ( luirc is In custody In Clitcnco on a
charge of extortion. They will bo biotiglit
here. .lames A. Wright , district organixcr
of the Knights of Labor , ivho arrived lure
this morning from Philadelphia , together
with John .1. Tlioym and Fredeiick A.
.Archer of this city , were arrested inimeill-
ntely nttor Iho morning session of the board
of arbitrators on a charge ot conspiracy.
Staiitlard Oil Silence.
Xr.wYoiiK , March K ,1. I ) . Uockefoller.
president of the Standard oil trust , an I S. C.
Dodd , counsel , declined to say anything to
day about the petition filed with the attorney
general by Itogor A. Pryor , | r. , in behalf of a
number of Independent oil relii.ors , asking
him to bring suit in the namool the state
against the Standard oil company to have its
charter forfeited , because It had become ono
of tlio constituent companies In the trouble.
This is the sanio incliiotl as the proceedings
against the North Klvcr sugar refining com
pany. _ _
Holding a .1 nlilloe.
ST. l'\riMinii. , March IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HBK.I A dispatch from
Hrowns V alloy , Minn. , snys.i jubilee is being
helil there on account of the opening of Iho
Wahpcton and Sissotim Indian reservation * ,
it Is a very ileiirablu body of land , ropro-
senling 5,000 quarter ' -ections , equal la every
respect totho famous Jted river valley , of
which It is really n part. The reservation
lies along the west line of the state , and is
directly ro.iched by the Drowns Valley line
of thoUrent Northern railroad from lids city.
The l ! < > : ; tl Hull.
Ciiirtnn , March Is Jcroino Jlcrchor , a
well known plo'i ' > er merchant of Chicago ,
died here last night , ugiid soventy-threo. Ilo
leaves a j'ortunenf : . ' , IIOOXM. (
Si'iiixtinixi ) , III. , .Mifrcli IS.-Wllllam II.
Herndon , Abraham Lincoln's law partner
and o.vnerof . "A Ulfertf TJncoln , " died today
at his residence near lids city , aged seventy
two. His youngest 1,011 , M'ill , died six hours
before. '
Severe on Idv Stock K
SiMiisiii'iRMt. 111. , Maivh l .
tlvo DlxonnfVarrcn today introduced a bill
which , if passed , will sorlously cmbirass the
I'hlcneo live stock exchange. Its aim is to
| . inhibit coiiibinatioiH to prevent canipotilion
imioiig persons engaged In buying and soiling
live slock , and h similar to the Kansas law
already enacted on that subject ,
StiMinistilpirivalH. .
At Movlllo--'riio Anchorla from Now "York.
At London Tlio Lahn from Now York.
At .Vow York The Majtutio from Liver
pool and the \Vaesliind from Antwerp ,
Klin oiMi-il ol'
Detective Ilnyes last night arrested Art
Pierson , a "hastier , " who is suspected of
being connected with tbo N orrisVIlrox
burglary last wcok.
iciil Pliiiliiili | ! .
Useful iu nil forms of dyspepsia.
M'tMII\ TltOt'llt.t.H.
Atintlirr Chapter Wlilt'h I'rotnlsrn
Scnsnlloiial lovcli | illl < iilM.
CiticAiin , March H. A nowcliniiter In the
trouhloM of the Sncll family was iinlnlitcd to
day , which bids fair to h.ive . sensational ile-
vclepinonls. A few days ago Hnttli ) Juerst ,
a nurse girl employed wllh the family ol Al
bert , ! . Snell. son oltlie nmrdereil nillllonalre ,
was arrested , charged with larceny. Now a story that larce.y : was only a part of
the charge. For several weeks Mrs.
Snell's health has been fulling
rapidly. Finally It \ms notice. !
that tlio tonic she was taking was having u
decidedly bail effect , One day she found in
the bottle a while sediment , nhleh tlio tloct > r
saldwasliol npiirl of thelonh' . Then
was substituted , but thesamutnul elTecl fol
lowed , nnd the doctor told Snell thnt his wife
was being poisoned. An oMiinlnallon ill
closed some pnwdi'rtu the wine used at a
tonle. Detectives \\erc cinplojed mid IIill o
.luei'st's arrest followed. In her trunk n
found SIUI worth of Mrs. Snell's property
nndii vial containing a pinvder the same i s
contained in the wine and tonle. Unth puv-
ders liavo been sulijeeted to a ehemlsl. and
pending Ids riport the attorneys for Snell refuse -
fuse to talk.
Two trcntlemen inllmnlely ni'iiinlnted | with
Tascott left for Aberdeen , S. I ) . , lliis after
noon to see If tlio smpoct under ill-rest inure
is really the nun.
T.-iicott Not Vet Itleatill.'d.
AiuiiPirv : , S. I ) . . March b. The exami
nation of UnniOH , the alleged Ta'-eott ' , Ims
been postponed until thoCliicago man \\hois
lo Identify him nivlvcs.
TIII : / > / ; / * > sii > . iMs-nie.
Hcv. Ilinviiul Mrk ( > iiCiicyVill \ Accept
n I'lillarini < ' .ill.
CiSTnv , C" ) . , March IS. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : llr.i : . ] Kov. Howard Jlctjueary will
preach no moro In Canton. The verdict of
suspension would liavo settled that , but he
hnd determined upon immediate resignation ,
no matter . tlio result win , merely w.dt-
Ingfor the ofllcinl announcement. Mo has
had propositions from the Church of the
Messiah , Unitarian , at Chicago , anil also
from Iho lenlitig Unitarian church at To
ronto , Canada , from Jamestown , N. Y. , ami
other points. His friends think tlio lintlsh
have been taldng a part in his conviction.
Kcv. McQueary expected to bo acquitted.
HclioviiiL' that two mombotv of the court do-
oided upon acquittal , his friends had ex
ported at least one other to vote in that way ,
although a verdict has been reached and Mr.
Meljiiuary convicted of heresy , ll is not
thoughl that this ends ttio mitter in the
Itev. McQiieary's mill has assumed the
size of a congressman's , and his admirers
over the country nro sending In synipatuetio
messages. Although the verdict will drive
him to Unitariunimi and from tlio Kplsco-
pallan church , members hero think thoiutv |
tioas raised by tills case have raised a dis
cussion Hie ciid of which is by no means in
sight. _
.v AUK xn i.o\inie i' < nnt.
The AVI To of n IVmiNylvuiiln .Miner
hniilN llelrtnii l < 'orl line.
HnMOKIN , Pa. , March is. [ SR'eInl | Telo-
grain toTni ; I5iiMrs. : | . Charlcj Dlininifk ,
wife of a Shamohin miner , Is in luck. Her
husband wont to his work as usual yo.sto.du >
morning. Upon entering tlio hou-io in the
oyeninu'he was mot by his wife , who In ex
cited tones exclaimed :
"Charley , wo are no longer poor. "
As tlio woman spolco she handed her hus
band a letter frrm an F.imlbh lawyer , v\ho
said Mrs. Dimmick had fallen heir In a tliird
Interest in an estate in I.anenshiio. ,
valued atiiU,0iil | ( , liiis."it ) Mrs. Uimmick's
graniltalherdicd , leaving his entile estate to
her father. Soinedlllleulty arose and in Is.Vi ,
as the latUT was about inking pipssossion of
the property , he was drowned while crossing
the l nglish channel. Ills ilaiightcr , one year
later , married ( Charles Dimmick and came to
America , settling in the coal reginns oll'cnn-
sylvanla. Two iverks ago Mrs. Dimmick i'C-
ceived a letter from her sister in Lancashire
stating that the estate was about to bo set
tled up , and last nit-'ht a cable message set
tled tbo question beyond doubt. The two
sisters and a brother are the heirs.
Unrj'jiries IriHt N'iiilit.
The residence of George \Vilsoa was en
tered by thieves last nbht and the following
articles stolen : Ono suit of clothes , a watch
and chain anil loekut ; total value ) ' > . " > .
Sneak thieves entered i'J3l ! I'auitle. street
Tuesilnv nigi.t anil stole two albums and c no
buttle of perfumery valued utiJH.
Tliii'ves went tiirough lilOH Dodire street
aud stole a suit of clothes worth ? , ' ( > .
A S > rious c linr i' .
Kd Haynior.d , was arrested last evening
upon complaint of 1C. R Kobinson , wlwl cs
nt Sixteenth and \Vebitur streets , liohinsoii
charges Havmoi.d with improper relations
with his wife.
Do Witt's Lit tie Karly Hisers ; Dost little
pills for dyspopsli , sour stomach , bad breath.
N i'itt t Tin :
Tlppoo Til ) has been stricken with paraly
sis , his right arm and sule bemg.ilTocted.
A bill appropriatingl."iOflJ ) for Missouri's
exhibit at tlio world's fair \\ill \ urobahly pass
the legislature today.
Colonel Maple.ion , the ICnilsh ; ! Itnpressarlo ,
was married yesterday lo Miss Laura
Schinmjr liy ran In Pans.
In the commons yesterday the second readIng -
Ing of the U'eNli local option bill was car
ried--HI to nil amid opposition cheers.
A pissenger train nn tin ? Little Hock k
Fort Smith road was derailed near U/ark ,
Mo. , yostonlnv and n nunibor of passengers
injured , none fatally.
James S. Knsor , a St. T-ouis notary public
and attorney-at-law , we'd known in business
and social circles , lias disappeared , anil it is
said has appropriated some f,000 loaned to
him by friends , lowborn l.ii promised , .so the
story goes , to return on their investments IU
per cent u mouth.
Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasiint
and refreshing to the taste , nnd acts
EJiitly yet jironijitly on tlie Kidneys ,
ivcr and Jiowels , clennccs the sys
tem elli'ctiially , dispels colds , heiid-
nchcB and fevers nnd euros hubittml
coiistii > : ition. Syrup of 1'igs is tlio
only remedy of its hind over pro
duced , pleating to tlio tmte nnd ac
ceptable to tlio Bloinnch , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
effects , prepared only from tlio most
hcnlthy and agreeable substances , its
innny excellent ( jtuilities commend it
to nil and have inmlo it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of F'igs is for sale in fiOc
and 81 bottles by all Icmling drug
giets. Any reliable druggist \vh < >
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono \vlio
wishes ( o try it. Do not accept any
louismte. w. HE iv wait , N. r.
LAUNDRYSoAPirjtrjc World
and I ' use it in &J | myasMiig and cleaning1- t
"j Dt'oNLV y
30 Per Cent Saved At
Conic Ivarly and secure Hirqiins. , ; This Cut Price sale wil
Last Only One Month. .All Winter Clmnls Must Cio. K c-
mcmbcr the Place. Hvdl. H1vdI B.ESOTU0rS ! ;
fild uni' fils Mrna l\v.iy. Council lllulTd , I < uv
SOLD B rs.u OF vents is.
DyiprjisK H tlif l ann ofllip | ) ro onlKon-
rriitliin. II N r < > rllHt'iiivii > illlsiilii > iiil.iiitM ,
lii'iiilachf , must hint ion u ml | illcs _ , Unit
Of Council Bluffs.
DlltK loili-t. A Miller. F. O. Olo.nn , K I ,
Shiicnrt. 1C. K. Mart , J U Ivliniiii'lvin. ' Cli-irloi
C , lluniKiii. Trani'iet senoril biukln ; Inisl-
ness. lir.-i'st : | itii.1 surplus of uuy
lank in Sciiilhwosturii low i
r.vw , IAK : NO-K AMI
( ( lUIIC'ii KI'lllH.I'l '
AII ini'ii- if the ivr :
KAll. M ) - : TIIIIDAI' '
IrraH'd n > .ll llio urt'll
tklll ; inj f.-no
nnil 11AV KI'.Vilt lr.-il : !
Mltli I'liilm-nt sui''i'H
hl'ItiilCAliOI'KIIATKlN-i. wh'ro l
lci < ly lnTlnrnio I llli tin' iilnuiit ciiniiin.lflklll ,
furiii piTft'd rt'siillH IIN'KM' ( iLA l-H ariMr-
nH'lv prn fi'lli ' 'I ' c > irri'itliii nil H'fr'Ktivj Irjui-liii ,
us M > opla. llyicn | > | ili : mil A-tljIna' Urn , lliu : r , | .
ik'rilli. l.-llt eiy. limp ,111 1 pilnloil CllllONi ;
.Nii'l\l.lilAii : ( : : > l SII'K IIKAIIV 'UK , ntior y. iri
oflrrrlblo Hutlerlnj. nrelief. . oiitir-M , i-.u.'l o Ilo
* ( ooin I. Sluiii'irl lltucii , ovur lluno XCu'dHturJ.
Cuuncll HlulU , lu.
Fiiiloy Burke. Thos. E.Oasady.
PltACTICi : IN" Til 15 STA'I'I ! A N'l > KKDICU VI.
oniccs : J. J. Ilro\Mi lliiiltlliiK. Council IlluITi ,
D. II. McDancld & Co. ,
ButchGrs1 aid Packers'
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Fplrr'iiinli'iiinsaio ' ( Muki'rV Miu'lilin'ry.
tiki Main st , , ( . 'Minimi II lulls , In. Also il
n Illik'S ami ! uli
UT A NT III ) Airiio < , ' | . | ' : | '
ami typiMSilti-r , AililnI. I. HIT ulllri- .
piIIIK ii'fiit iici ) and iiaiiu'iif last fiiiilnyrr. |
L lil'IT fnrni fur siili'or Inulo ; well Im-iiti'il
- > iinil nil In lii'iiriii ; ; nol liniiso aii'l burn.
Will ItiKt'Miui < n'ni > il t'lty piopfMty. iinil iiiii < l
tliiu'Klvfi.iiu liiilaiK'o , i ' .ill mi ur aitilri'xi l > .
J , lliilrliiusiiii ft Ci > . . ( ilT Hiiiad\\.iy.
dMCO.uo will iniilio tin' llr-l iiaiinont on HV )
P ucri's uf llni1 liiiul In Miutlivcti.Mii .Miiinr-
futa , nnil trn yrais In | iny llin l > , ilini ; > i' ' In.
I'lirius fur rent In saint' Inralily. Sinti : , terms
nn liiijirnMil fiiiuis In NolranUa. Cull > n ur
send fur circulars , to.loliiMon & Van I'allrn.
j > \\M IM : 1 lu < I't'li'limtriT ' M l'lial | iiliimi , ;
1J now sriilu rrotvn pliuios anil nr aiiSilcl
on i-iisy payiuoiils hy Mar limn loins inusio
tl'lll'lllT. ' Ill St lllhlllllll Sl M'l > l. Cllllllt'll llllllN.
ItJli SAI.K Almii'iu ' ami lurirc lot tin i' sy
J- payini'iits. luijiilro atli.'p ( I'ark nvi'imo ,
Ciiuni'if 1 Hull's , la.
Ur V. "iAfTiu\VASHii'"luV : : ili rTu
i warnliinisi' finiu it. ' ' > llrniil : : iy in 4HI !
Itniiuhviiv , wluTi'howlll Iitop uu haml u line
bliu'l > nf iiiriiiu'tt IKtmus.
T dlt S.M.I---At : a MiJrllTiT 7"iiirri | t"i- iniir
1 tii'll , 'i ollli'it iloKs : iiil I'liiilrs , ' . ' Kiuro
trucks , I liiriso Iron soiilu liui-U. 8 lu-alliii ;
Ktovri , 'Jriiiinlir Houli'i. : > li'i | l.ulilrr- larnti
lililforin : Hour buali'S. Kuollnu A : I't-ll , 117
Main St.
T7 0ll Um' Thi7 MOTnlKiriili ( < 'U , : i Mnrv
* - liriokwithlianiMiii'iit unit I'luvuiur. J. \ \ * .
Sipilie , 101 I'oarlstnvt.
IJ ( IHSAI.K A liaivaln i ni'W iiinilorn IKIIISO
-I ullh all tin ) lalo liiipriiM'iiiinits M'Vt'ii
roiilus ; will soil on tm y iiiiynii'iils ; lofiitiil oil
tlif riflliiiviMiiiK inutur lluu. II , J. llutdilu-
biiii.UIT llrniiilwiiy.
"iriOH SAMS or Hoiit Oar lim Uml. witU
X' hoimu * , by ] , U. Ulua , IJI Mulu t , OuuuoU
Lrnvi'i ( IIICAi.ll , llt'HI.lNiirON , y. I Alrll
( iniuh'i i I > i > | iit , linli ntnl.MiiMon - ' _ O.imlin
l. | i m riili'piBoHM'H' " m 8KI n til
( IM II 111 OlKMUuKni'lTO f''H l > III
dill ii m llik-MKo K | iri"i lOn.'i n m
fi.VP p in Iywnjj4isnl 11 ( X ) 111
I.OHVIM jlirilMNUroN , V MO HIVF.Il.l Arrlvin
Omaha. | Illicit tilth mill MII < MIII nti . ' "U. | _ 0nrtlu
OTia tu . Ih'mtr D.ijr 10.1 p m
0 . ' a in . . . . ll : iwiMHl , | I \iro | > 4i . ( Ik'i ji in
( > ' . ' ' > n in . IH'iivor I'.M'rt'n ' . 1115 p in
III p in I Ui'tiur Nlxllt Ktprui . M n ni
MM p 111 l.liu'i'lii l.liiiltu.l ll : > l n i
M.'i 11 in Mncdlii I.IIIM' ' I II.1M p rft
t'iVul I K ' . . Pi I .i "l . j rti i.
iiiiialu | I > f | "t " IB'.li mil Mason mri'i'li. ' I O.imlia.
' .idil n m | . . KiiriMitiCltj l > y Xiproii . . .I CIO p m
( . ' > p in K. r Mull UxjMbi i ; I1. Trnin. I C,1J n 4
Ifiivpif ' ' ! fArrH
onialn I Iifi'iit ' Hili mi I Miner trenli. I ( Hiu'lin
fi 07 a in . . , . Knn ai Olr 1C H | ! Oft nm
111 M 1\ III IHMIVIT Hvr , lf.r , pin
! ' , ' > 11 in
i , u | > 111 1'ucltlo lixpfuii ll.tiiiin
Invi'il I IMC MiO. II I . ' . I'ACIKln " TAriiM'
'malm. IT JJilpl. , . IWh nnil Miro/SH. _ _ I Oiuiilin
1 Id 11 in . . . . . . . . .Slt-'lit K pr 'ii . . . .77. . . 10U.r > a lu
'O.S ' 11 in Allnullc Klfro i '
I HI i > ti , . . . . V-tlllmlc l.luillnl. . . . . . . . liil'ir. IJm
Horv iiTV.VPicipriV Airlvvi
ll'iiiilm itJ 1 ilfjmt. lilili mid Mary ; Bti- .
IIS itini hli'in ( 'III I'HMii'iiKiir
( uU | . m | M I'.iul I'.MIKH . _ .
lfavp I SIOI'I OITVX 1MC1KJ& lArrlvcs
Oiii.tln. I Depot IMIi iinil WutaliT SU. _ U < mnlu.
' ' '
MM jiin ; ; . _ si I'i4iil _ i.linitfrt. . . . .J BM am
\fu.vvi \ iiilCAilNnilTIlWKsfKUN"ArrlTtT : | (
Uinnt.n. I U. I1. iK-pot , H ill uiul Mtrcr til * . I Oiiinln.
I' ' l.r > m ( hloikrtii lixi ro , I fl. A ) 11 ni
I 30 p m Vi'illbnle ' I.linllodVM \ nm
CIS p 111 I < I\TH
u ID p nil Kittorn Flyo * ? .4A p in
II ' .1 ml i fu'.RiiiiiFii tl' ' t Kiexo.Mon ( > | i.H ) n ni
1,1-ivn ciiirAr.o Mifr .t ! ! ! 'r iTiiTnrpfmvfii
. < 'lilc.itro.rir03 ! | ! (1.45 ( lira
I.5 Kin t'lilcn y Kx
l-\'i T " ( ' .Mill Aj. . | iDLl.l
Din 'liv I U.I' , ili-p't. mil nnU Morj )
( OH imij _ . . _ . Si LnuliCiinitiiii I'nll . . . . .II7.SU pro
TojivcH P. . I ! A. .MfrvIiTi.fcn. I Arrfvti"
( iiuiih'i. I leput IStli irj'lVcbUir ' fli. : ( lnuln. ;
IMUfiral. . lllni-U llllli | -.i | iu3i ft.30 p W
I'M ' n m . .llntttiui K < | ' ( ii Siiinlivy ) . . S.VO ) i iu
MO pm \ \ h > 'o0.lnolii ri n Sur..l'y . )
& .lu pml . _ . N'ltf'ilk ' ( cr Suntlay I . . . . . Ill 3.r n m
l.oaV M I "r ST I' , M7 O. | Arrl "
JJinjiln. I I ep.'t I51U nml Wcl/il / ; r 8K I OamlinL
S H ) li'ni Arcninmoilatlon. . . 9 05 p m
1 < ! p m Sliuvi'tlv ( ex. Humtay ) U.4Q p in
tl.WJ lira M 1'iiul l.lnilleil S.2. , a m
M"i j , uill-npof _ t I'H ' 3tmj r lev Sun nr ij 8 4 % n
ler.cV i .MI < 5otIll I'APlKlT7. " "TArrUes"
Oitmlm | _ ' llvpnif.tli nnilV bilorSli. _ [ Oiujli *
W 'M ii in I . St. l.'iulnK. ' . i . Kipf JU 1 t , 10 p in
' .MO n in . .St. Lull.a A K. C. liiureu I H SO n ru
CllinAli'i. II 1
CIIIC.\li \ ( > . It I. A I'AflKlf. lAriltm
I'nliin IJi'imi. I'oiiik'll lllu',1' .
in' ' . N.alit i\prem : . I ' .i .i'O nliu
ni . Ad.'iiitli1 K.xjirtMH . f . v > ii HI
in . . , \i' illiiil , ' l.lmltc'.l. . 'lu. ' i' i a in
ICMIl'A'.o.'i ' .Mil'rilWisfir.HN. |
| i IU n i I lllll.'lCO K.T Jll C . * . . . . . . . . . 0 uu f n >
Uitlliulu Limited ' . ' .so n m
K.'istcrn Hljor , 2 0 | i ni
TAllanllc AMI. ' . 'M n in
d.H ) ji i loiv.i Ac.'umiiiMntly'iJ I xc unj. Ji. ( ) | i in
I'lilini ' I ii' . i' . > ! - ! I Uluir < . [ Trim ' r
. ChliTipn Kxprpn . I ' . ' .15 n >
. 1'lilt-iii.i ) I2xpru < 4 . ' 5.i)5 B at
= rl < C . S I1 , IUK 0. II TAirne
Un''ti ' Hop iM'niiiicIl llimt . ITrii'im , r
. n > . I 5 n | > lu
. , Kiin < ki I'll ) Nl2litr.x | > ; oi < iL _ . | ji' ' > ) n "I ,
i.MUl.\\ . pi'l.'H TAnlv j"
Trnnifcrl Unlnnliii ; . ! I t > 'incliJlhlt < . [ Trninfuf
I 4i7ilTil . . . . . f-'t I. . . ult t'linnn flnll . . . lit lSi | nj
"l.c-ni ; | IIKAiil > , Ultlll/N i QT'I.S'C\
Tri\i tnrl Uiifoiilifpnl , 1'iuinpll Itlulls. ITr.'iiuft'r
\i W u in j . . .I hlcniin IC.\rrp I r.2U p in
IU O ) pin Clil.'imci Kipri's ! > .4D n m
Ti)5ji ) in ) . , . frunlon V5al . . . . . . . . . . II"U i > m
8I i'X | l'IT.V PACMt'll' . I Arru-nn
nnlonl'rn _ | t , ( oiirc 1 llluH . | J'rjinior
. . .Mom City A < ( OIIIIIH ! , , n . I 1MO n m
l:0.i : ! > m
Electric Truss33 ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
< 3OO Broa l\v iy , Council BlulTa , la
' ' '
01 TICK. IT. l' ( | > IIV\ ' :
Thu New O'll.-.i UDL--I , 'ii ' C i . i 1' ' H. ilN
H .Hlincni-oinpl t I -lu-iii ' , n.l an in i Ii" i-
izpil throiiKl"1 it. Mini iiuiv mi l thi'hast
liotil ; intfi > -t > titf. : It" 1 lath t > u i-
lifsipartnt t ii'c-ity an tth fle-trc <
p.ibith iliuiri'Vc > ry ttiur iniiuituKirn * -
paji' < ainl lin > il irim thrnii jti'int ' 'h ) > nl l-
ma. , hot .mil out'r .111 1
Buii nn.iiiiVIT , " mini Ta'i'.u ' uuurp , t , > I
; my\vli Ti\ Ititi-- . , $ 'i.0i ( -liy.
GBO. M , WHITNEY , Mmuvior.
0 Fl' 1C Ii K & i'U rili Y ,
Corner M.iln mil Hnnilw i ,
linn In fnr l < n mil ih ) neil In vli ! ' > ? *
iui'lo ; mid iiiturtui paiil on ll uu
Medical and Surgical Institute.
i'lironli1 illM'ani's nf nil KliuU ami tli' ( < T * < .
II ll" . SirriUI | ; us Nu . i"Wl uiul i1
I uunvllIKuMs , lu.