THE ( TMA1IA DAILY IJKJB : Til t'HSlU Y , MAHOll ID , 1801 T 45 p in H had l"'on trtkrn from his Mek riHim IIU nlionio yvus excused Senator Collins offered as a Milntltuto for the hill su i.tiiiiimu thos.iineamfndtnentas Is rofi'rrul to liolnni Si'tmtor Syyl | lcr of fi rod its asuhttltulo the sanio HiniMHtments credited to him 1'nllltiV substitute xvasde- fi-ainl b ) n xoto of lt > to 1 The xoto on hxvll lor's iiinciidinent xvns as follous : Nous llroxxn , ClirlslolTiirsoit , Collins , \ ' . rloston. Matti-s , Moon1. Srhram , Sliou. hhumxMtx , Still buck. SxItlor , Tajlor , Thomas , Van llousonVIUou and Wools - 1ftN i ) - llei-U , nv , Ihsarl , Horn , Illll , K lvr | , Koont ; , Miotiotior. I'ovntor , Htxn- ilali , Siiiidi-r" , Smith , S'exons , Tnitn'r , War ner \Villlims-ll ) Hi fore tindi'iU nnnonnccd I lie xoto to tbo president , Senator Sxvlt/Ii'r inked tin' fernier to till him ho\y \ it stood , and yyus told It yyius it tip Swit/ler tlien said In MOXV of the facM that Ills i olio II.MIO , Senutor Shea. Inul been drinyn from n sick room unit iilso that St-mx- tor t'oultir xx is slok at homo , ho yyonld not press tlo Issue In a tie nnd depilxo Coulter of Ilm pleasnieof xnthiKon his return lit ! \\nnld , thiit-foie , clianp ) bis ynte ftom xeato nay This emu tlio nenillvo IT nnd i educed thu nnirmntixe to I. " . 'Iho deelnritlon yvus reielyed ith cheers b } the Independents Sxxlt/lor's amondmi'tit xxns lo-tl Until seniilnrs Kelix-r and HyyltMor ex plained tbi'ir xoles The former dnimwl ho xoled In iiccordnncu yvith thu in-lnriples of the democratic pirly The bit tin suld he lepresented the penulo and lint the pat ty The mntion to mlopt the rccmnincndillon Of the coinmittie of the yybololhat Iho bill do pass xx'as llH'ii ndoited | bv the followllicf xot < ? Yeas Heck , llroyxn , Dnv , l > ) < drU , lltll , Horn , Ki'lpor , ICoontMichoner , 1'oxntor , Kntidnll Sunders. Smith , Slovens. 'Pijlor , Turner , Van llouson , Warner , \Vllllanis , Wilson 20. Nnvs rhristofferson , Collins , I' Rloston , Mattes , Moore , Si'linim , Shea , Sliuiuxxu } , btatbnck , Sxylt/ler , ThoninsVondsU S'enatni'Vilson of Dnyyei endeax'oied to avoid voting , but attention \yns \ directed to lit in by Senator Moore , and bi'foio ho could bo excused ho ntmounccd his xote lu the afllrmatiye Uho coininltteo toso atS p : u O.Tfl//l'.S MW I'HAJIFKlt. Hcnator Ujsart .slioyx-4 lliich Opposi tion t < > tllC ( llj'M SllKC ) > ltl ( > IIS Neb , Murcli is [ Special to TUP Hrr 1 The Omaha charter bill oamo up In the senate this mornlni' In committee of the whole. Kenntor hi brain occupied the chair The reading of the message , yyhlch coin- prison thlrty-oifiht pages , yvas dispensed with , and on Senator S'yx it lor'.s mo tion only the amendments yyoro road Those comprise live piges niut haxo heietofore neen piintod in Tnr. HUB Senator Sxvltlor moved to ainond the orig unl hlllxyhlcli prey ides , in section JO , that the nut ) or shall iceolyo a salary of $ . ' , VH ) u j car foi scry Ices as inn ) or , and , as a member of tbo lire' and polko connr.ission , the sntno snlnij ns other members of the bo ird This yy ould glyo him n snlar ) of $3,100 per ) ear. The ninendiiiunt prevailed. The commltteo of the senito mncnilcd ono section of the original bill so as to i end ns follows , xxhlili Scntitoi ChuatofTei'soii moved to strike enl All Kridini ; , paxlnc , iiiiieadanil lng , curblni ; or uiiltinlngnr any htteets , inennis orallejs 111 tlio iltnhall lie ilono bv ilnys work iindir t lut illru'tloii nnd stmorx Islnn of tint hnird of Iinblle worUs 1'rmliltil , Tint \Oitnitncr the liroporly owners n > piisi < iitliu u majority of tin ) propi'i ty In an ) pixlim dlstrli t. 01 uloiiK tint poitloiiof any htm t , uvi'iine 01 alley In bo liupinxoil , sh ill pitltiim the tn.ijor nnd council to hu\u siteh gr idliiir paving , in u1 ul- mul/linr , cuililni ; 01 gntteilng diinn hy eon- triet , with the lowest rosponslbie bidder the BimOMlnll In so done , mid pun lilt'd ( iirtln'r , that x > lion any such orU shall I n ilone by dnysorlv the innturlal tbert fur sh ill bo pm- clinsed of tin lo\\eit resiionsllile bidder Senator I Jjsart opposed the strilMngont of thn amendment. It had boon agieed to in committee While ho yvas not opposed to aomo of ttionilnoi Ltian es sunjjested by the stuators fiotn Dotmla' , ho yyould loslst the ch UIKO of the se > lion nboy e quoted. Sonntor Sxxtt/ler bald that the UoiiRlas county delcKiition in the senate nnd house hail decided to stnnd together regarding the bill They leptosonted tlicir constituents , nnd felt tint they know wtmt their con stituents xvnnted Senator Dysait said that tlnoo different pnitlos bad lomo hofoio the coininltteo and nug ostcd I'lunicoa In the bill. Some body , ho said , hut questioned bis right to speak against the amendment , because ho did not reside in Omaha and had noptopoitj But ho yyouldshoxv them that ho had n right to speak against them , bocauo lie hnd a petition from ' . ' " > ( ) losulents in Omaha to the senate lonncsting that it kill senate Hies No. 110 and Ot nnd , in fact , all bills iclatin to Omaha Senator Swit/lcr said that it y\as possible to get u petition for anything , nnd if a bill bid been Intioduicd giantiug the yxholo state of XobiasUa to Oiniiha a petition could beseemed seemed leiiionstiatingiiKaliist it Ho asked thnt the Douglas ilolopitiou bo treated as the Lincoln delegation had been They nskod for legislation enl ) on local ninttcts and iy anted to bo nided enl ) so far ns it did not Intorfeic xxlth the rest of the btato Senator C'liristoffoisoa nsUed the gcntlo- man to bo ns llbonil xxlth the men of the onst ns these In the cast had bconlih the west xy'aen they yotod for the telief of the dtonth suffeieis. They asked only for local legisla tion , and hoped it would boaccouled them. Senator 1) ) ) sat tsaiil that there xyoro ! MsiO ( xxorkliiginen In Oninha who were opposed to the chmges , llo did not Unoxv that tbo sen- ntors fiom Douglas ropiesented anybody except themselves. They had good voters in thnt county , hut it scorned they did not have enough. Thov had to vote seine from Council Blurts. It had been uipcd that the leglslatuio had alxxa.xs accorded Omaha vlmtsho yyantcd In her charter. Hut the men who xxeio in the loglshtuio then xxoro not there noyv. Then the legislature yas composed of rmgsteis. boodlors , lailroad cappers ana the ) made the charters as they yyero xanted. . Senator Christofferson said that ho hml told the senator from iMickolls that the nniendment under discussion xxonld hive the clToct to cieiito coriuptlon In the board of public xyoiks , xxoud | make political nfdllntion aporouisito for olllco , yy ould tcnii toperpet- uato the dominant p.utin poxxer In Omaha. nnd drive out honest lahoiors The same sciiRtor had said that bo suppoitcd tlio amendment in committee , oul ) becaii ! > o ho had been asked so to do The section quoted xy as stricken out by a xote of H > to 'J , Senators D.ysnrt and Michcnor onlv voting in the nogatlxe Thn folloyxini ? amendment to thooilginnl bill xx as also siilckcn out , iiK'ilnst Senator Uysait's xxishes1 Aiiundsietlon.11 by striking out the words "not more than tyso uf xihom sh ill bu of the b line political putty. " In line r > of thenrlnti'il bill anil by Inserting In lien thereof the fol lowing xvoriK "one fiom e.iob of tlio four po litical panics ousting the I ugc t uiiiulier of Mites ro i cltv millets at tbo I ist pieeedlng cltv election , " If enndldiites for oltv ofllios wore nominated anil x of oil foi ut such elio- tlon , bv less tban four parties , the ginornor Miall appoint nt leat one commis sioner from CMieli ti.irty. which nominated and voted foi city otllcer * And In nooxtnt slull more tban two bo of the same political parly. The committee aslted leay o to sit again. 'Hie Senate. LIMOI.N , Neb , March IS [ Special to Tin : IlBn. ] The hcnato met this mornitiKiit 10 15. Messrs. Hroxvu , Coulter , Mattes and Shea ysero absent , On motion of Senator Shumxvay , somte tlio No. IS yyas walled from the house This isxhat is kuoyyn as the yynrehouso bill. It yvas amended in section 17 so as to enable the state board of transpoitatlon to llx the rnto of storage. The honso engrossing clerks hr.d not Incorporated this amendment In their cop ) It yyas , therefore , deemed adylsablo to recall the measure for correction. The committee on revenue and taxation recommended the indefinite postponement of senate llles No. 'WO , comnellini , ' dog oxvnors to pay n tax of fit ) , and fto uvt , i-ondciing pcrso'nnl taxes alien upon propcity The same committee tecominended the pis- saffo of the folloyy Ing tiles No (50 ( regarding1 the vnluo and uses of city , county and stuto xx-nrrantsj No 24S providing for thoeloctlnn of a state nssos or. No IM7 , changmfr county scats by n thiTo-tlflhs vote of tuxparrs ; No. CM ) , rolatiiif : to the holding of coinnitsslon- or's meetings : No. 'JM , relating to the loyy. luc , of ta\cs by county fomnilssioncrs ; No 'J5'- ' . providlnpr for the amount of taxation to bo iox led for school purposes ; No. 2S3 , do- tormialnptbo rate of taxation for tox\n imr- poses ; Xo ' . ' 5 1 , authorizing counties anil cities to isstto bonds for Internal Improvements ; No. 2.V. , of the snmo nnturo. The coniwllteo on oducatlo.i recommended the pasiajo of house roll No. 71 leiatlm ; to the purclnso of text books andsellatatilo o. 72 oti the nuo subject. TUe commlttoa on miscolloncous corpora- tlous pliuvd on general ( llo No 'ill , prevent liiKillsi fiinlniili m InUrolnsurimco , No . > 'Jro luting to the ptibllritl m of articles ot In or- put in m ami ytlittt the ; uliall contain 'lli Jwnt nus "iipcr rate bill xvas In- dHlnltoll ( Htstpnlu'd Mmisoroll Nu till , oompelllng rallrouls to KI\O to their stations tint u it HUM of thovll * la e ami tox\ns In yxhiih tnov are situated , XMIS phued on the genotnl Hie St'iinto IIU * No JV , pioyldlng for the telief of Iho sufferers in I'olk count ) , xvas In- dellntti'ly | > ostpnned. The bill proytdinu' for the i"ttiiblUhnient of exiinrlniiMitat stations nt Cnlbc'itson and Okrillaln nml snugi'stltij ; f"HK ( ) for the suno , xvas put nn rueral Illo. Senntor I'oynter introduced a resolution calllin ; for the production of nil the contracts existing betueen Hut state and Charles Mosher , relating loptUon Inhor Senator Vnti lloiisen called nn his resolu tion suggesting dispensing xxlth the services of second assistant sergentit-nt-nrins The doi'imient could lint hn piitluced , and thi < secretary xvai ghen time In xvhlcli to hunt It nn. liio lesolnl'on ' of S'ernitor I'olllns Intro dinvd .xesterday , ptovldlnn for the appoint- mint of n committee of three tn net yylth 1 lomtnllteoof the house to divide upon a date of adjournment yyns tailed up So i HI tor Kclpei mild it yyus lee enily to adopt sin It a lesiilutlon It xvould jjlye tbo people nil Ulcn that tin ) senito xvns golnp to adjourn nud that no more yyork xxould bo donii. It hnd bills before It yvhleh should bo passed If It took till next January 'I he motion yyas laid on the tablu and a re cess taken. The sunato mot this afternoon nt " lf > o'clock nmt yyent Into lommitteo of thu yy hole toconslder the Nowbeirv inixlinmn rate bill , xvith Senator Collins in the iliair I'ho chair nt I ( ) * > o'l-lin k nnnonnced that ho bad signed bouse toll No Id. nppioprluting the nmtiienlitlon nnd diploma lees , for the puiposuof estibhsliinga llbtar ) fund for the tate -intxersit ) , and No 17 , assenting on be half of the si tie ton inant of conmess , up- piopilntlnp a portion of the proceeds of the Kale of public lands to the suppoitof the agil- cultural college , The senate then considered the Ncwbeiry iimximuui ratu bill Adjoin nod _ 'Hie HOIIHC , LINTOI v. Neb , March IS [ Special to Tin : Ilrr | Iho homo at Its mornliiR session took up bills on llnal rending. House toll .M. ' , by Shrock , toesttbllsli an "Inteimedl ate reformatory" for criminals botxxccn the ages of sixteen and txventy-one , at Louis- \illo , Cnss county , yvas lost yen , Mj niys , , " 0. llouso by Coinlsh , niitliorbing the election of the six Justices of tbo pence At lire In cltle'i of the metropolitan class ( Omahi and Lincoln ) xvns pissed yens , oJ , nts , a ) . Senate Illo 175 , by Randall , nuthorMng chattel mortgages on crops bo fore being planted , when Klvi'n to secure a Wan to bo used in ptmli tslng seed , failed to pass yvith the emergency clause yeas , M , nays , .11 not the necessmy txxo-thlrds , and the b.11 xyas llnnlly defeated. llouso took a iccess till 'J p in In the afteinoon session the honso lecon- sldeied the xoto b ) xvhich si i.ato file 17"i xxas lost , and the bill yyas agiln placed on Its pissage JO.IS , fi'i , nays , ill not tyxolhiids , the bill xvas then Indellnitel ) postponed Thn honso xvent Into committee of the xx hole to considei X'arioiis lulls on the ireneial Illo. ilmiseioll M , b ) CJilllliiii , the Jmllchl distiict bill yyas taken up , nnd nineiided by tikmg Hamilton lonntv of the boventh and pi icing it In the Piftn , anilSheiman county xvns triinsfiirod fiom the nicy until to the 'lyx-elfth , and the bill recommended foi pass- nge. House roll Irtl , by Shrader , apjiropriating niiotherlUOUH , ( ) for tbu telluf of tlio drouth sulleicis xxas called up. White moved to stiikeout the emoting clause. Lost .is to II , 'Iho bill yyas recommended for pissaRo , but White amended the motion thnt it bJ In- dcllnltolv postponed bhrader siiu the peonlo in the west were in diie distiesa , and unless they iccehed more subst intlal issiatanco they yxonld haxo to leayo the country Storms in ido an eloquent ploi for the people - plo In the \\ost and fayoied donnthiKto them every dollru that It Is proposed to glxo to the yyorld's ' lair Cm pouter of Butler opposed tno appiopua- tion. tion.Cornish Cornish thought the pi oposcd appropriation yyas sinipl ) nusxycrmp the calls of humanity. Sodcrman ( hid ) opposed the anpropilntion. Watson ( rep ) bad faith in tlio future of yvcstcrn Nebraska nnd bohexod that the failureof crops xvas only temporary nnd favored the nppiopi nition. Felkcr did not uelieyo " ) ou could llnd a single man In Omahayylio yvas so mem an to hide behind a p iltix- tax and alloyv Ills fclloyv man to sulTer for the neeess n > ios of lifo " Kord said ho hnd heard from suveial members - bors of tbodiouth stiieken district that the supplies fiitinshed by the state yyeio given to fny oiiles , and used to advnnco the political interests of pa ) ties xvho handle the goods. White's motion to indelinltelv nostpono yvas lost , j ois il ! , navs ( il , and tlio hill or dered enerosscd for a llnal leading Anoffoityxas made to call up for nassigo bouse ioll 'J0i5 , In liohm , appropriating fW- Oill ) lor tno world s fair , but after a half hour of Illilmstciltig the house adjourned till 10 a. in. tomoftow xxitnout reaching a vote. 'Aho rib' Kunil Illll. LINCOLV , Neb , March -rSnoclnl to THE llpr. ] Houio ioll til , the ( Jnnnett bill , iiro- yiding for tlio dcuuslt of public funds as amended nnd finally passed by the house reads as folloyys1 Heellon 1 All public fnndb In tbohandsof the ticnsiucr of tlio state , or tbo tttitsur.'r of any i on nty or miiiilclpnnt ) , xxhlch slmll not lie needeil for Iniinedlato use. shall hade- posited by siirh ticnsiiiui as hereinafter In this net pioxldi'd and nil sums of money re- iiJMdns Inteiist or pieinliiins foi tbeusonf the iiiuney to depo < 4ti | il shnll bit p ilil Into the 1:01101 il f nnd of the st ite county 01 miinlel- p illty to which the s ime bolon , See. " . I xeitiensuror iiientlnni'd bisection I of this ail Hball deposit all public funils di II iislul to b s < ae ! u a Innk or banUs. com- piny , corporation 01 liidhldnullthlntlio state of Ni'bi.i'l , i , whlrb hanks , iiunpiny , loiooritionoi Imllx Idiial ire loln .ei'cteil | by the tiensurei , ) tex Ided. Tint bifoiennj pnb- llu funds ate ill posited in aiiv b ml. , coin- pnnv , eorpoiatlon 01 Indix Idiiul iiiulot tbo pioxWons of tills .n't , such bmU , imnpiuiv. 101 pot itlon 01 Indlxldu il slull expunto a bond for an amount double tin hlzhest sino ilepnilteil , nlth coed nnd sultlcli'at siciiiltles to no approved by tint troisnrrr , xxidclt note shall bo tn ulo I ) ij nbli to the tie isnnr. and Ute to Indemnify lilin and tin1iinlu - on bis ottlelil bond acalnst loss in dcfuli atlon front tbo liiiiU , coinpiii ) , eorpoi illon or Indl- xldnd xxlth xxlintii the monc ) Is dtposltid. jnil uboiu'U'i ( be bink slnill f iilhfiilly ind Irul ) uc count to thette isiin i foi the money Koieielvert 'ind siil | : | n iy tbo sinie , tbo bond sbnllbe eun i Hid and 11 Inriied l < > Iho bink. loinp my , 101 inn itlou 01 liidlxldnnlluii - oxer an ) baiiu , cinnpiii ) , corporation 01 slnill rueulxu anj money is herein proxldel tbex > m ill piy for tint % thereof not lissllitn four (4i ( per cent pir iniinm , and tin * Inteii'it tin icon slnill be ostlmalod upon Iho liilinno rt'inilnhu In tbo hands of the l.inli , coin | ) inx , tot iioint Ion 01 Imllv at the clo-io nf i ich il.iv's business : prox tiled , that nothing In this act sh ill lie rnu-trued to releiso the tre isnrer or Ins htncttes fiom II t- lililtj nn hlsolllelul liond HeiI. I. l.xniy tri'asinor montlnnnd In section 1 of tills uct.\x boshall In. in an. ) public ininiuj n for his OXMI bonellt. 01x bo shall leielxo nny moiiiy ornthei thln otalno , cither illicitly or Indlrt ctly. from any person ur eorpoi atlon for the nsoof siR'b publle nionrys nnd slnill not pay the samu Into thoiscm fund of thu stati' , county or lonnlelpalltv to uldch the lirlni Ip ilsum belongs , sb ill upon con\ lotion tlii-unt , bo guilty of a mlsileninuiot and shall bu punUhod by u line of il.OuO nnd be Im- pi I Mined In the county jail not more than onu ) ear Sec t. All aels n'ld p irtsof acts ImonsUtont herewith are hereby repelled Another View. TL.ISTOI.V , Neb , Mireh b [ Special to Tin : HEISald ] Senutor Moore today : 'Tho yvritor of the editorial in > Ioridu's issue of Tin : fJrE coiieornltig scnatollo / " : t , lelating to fees of county treasurers , has nppnontl ) ovnlookcd the fact thnt yyhen land is sold for tn\es the amount for yyhlch tolddraxys InUiost it the latoof U < ) per cent per annum Before sulo the tix draws Inter est at 10 per cent , tut after solo the oyvnor of the property must pay tiO per cent Interest until the land Is redeemed or deed Issued. This Is n snfllcient pcnal'y to Induce pay ment in all ciscs xxh/MQ the tax | aver can I revenniil ) do so. Tl. penalty of S per cent on sale , xyhlehlt is proposed to do av.ay xyith , I goes to the county treasurer , ard I bo- i llove can bo dispensed xxith without ic- ' torfcring xvith tbo collection of the rov- onuii. When money CRII bo borioxvcd on ical estate secuiity at fiom 0 to 10 per rent real estate owners xvlll ho inclined to use every nossilhle exertion to rnlso the 1100- essurx * funds to redeem from tax sales bearIng - Ing li ) per cent Intoiost. In I ancixstcrcounty , this fall , f 15,000 of tax certincatos were told. Thi ) ! i per cent penalty on thli xv mlil no f , ' , 'J.V ' ) The treasurer also leculvitd his ru n Inr fees on this tnonev for collecting same. besldcsu foi fr innldiig out each oerllllcite The trmsurer's oflhv < lniM not nooil this fee. the tnvpiyer has snniclent Incentlx'O to pal his taxes xvltlnmt It. and taking II olT yyould telli'ye a good tunny men xvho mo hind piimsud for rctulj money of an unnecessary burden " \ MX .Inilli'lal ll LiMtitv , N'ob . March li.-Spccl | l toTnp Hn 1 - ThejinHi lil distill t bill xxas chmgf'il somewhat lit the homo commlV.eo of the yxhole. As It no\y stands , and in the form lu which It will in all piMiiibiht ) bjAiam it htxv , Hi cads ns folloxvs I'lrsl Jndlc'iil distiict slull consist of lilchttnlson , Ncmah t , .lohnson , I'ayvnee , tligo nnd , IelTerson , txvn Judccs. "ocoud DIstrUt tltoo and Casx , ono Judge Ililrd Uistilctlincastcr , thrco JinK'es. ronrlh District Douglas Karpy , Wash- Ingtoti and Hint , sin on Judges rifth Distiict Sau infers , Soxvard. llutler , VorU , Polk mil llamlltoii , tuo Jndgost Sixth Distiict loditc , t'olfav , 1'latto , Mi'trlck and Nance , tyvo Judces Soxenth IJustrlct Siltno , rillmoro.'lhtycr , Nuckolls and IMny , oie Judge I'aght Distilct-e'ntnlng , Stanton , Dlxon , DiKotn , Cedar and I'hnuton , one Judge N'lnth District \V inu , Madison , Anto- lotHt , IMerconnd Ixnox , ono J'Jdge Tenth District - Adams.Vobster , Kcnmoy , KranUlIn , llarlan and 1 'helps counties ono Judge nioyonth Plstili'tHnoiie , Hull , Wheeler , ( Ireeley , ( lirrleld , l.onp , Valley , Howard , lllnltio , I liomas , HooUi'raml Grant counties two Judges T'xxelflh District HulTnlo , Da\vson \ , Ouster and Sliernilli , one Judge Thiiteenth District Lincoln. Logiiu.ICettli , Chevenno. Dem-l , Scott's HlulT , Klmbnll , lla'iner , McPhetson , Aithur nnd I'crklns , one Judge rourteenth Distiict ( losper , rurnas , IVontlcr , Hod Wllloyx1 , Ilites , Hitchcock , t'lmsonnd Dumly , one Judge riftocnth District Holt , Hock , Hroyxn , Kox n Pah.t , Cherry , Sliendm , IiyvosHloux ) , Box Hntto and the unoiganl/ed teiiltoi ) , tyyo Judccs. No | yvo-l cut Kate. LIMOI.N , Neb , , March 18 ( Special to TUB llru. | The icport of the railro id commltteo on the Moan J-cent p monger rate on rail- roaits favored Its indefinite postponement in the senate this mot n Ing. It xxas read a second end tlmo. Senator Kolpcr moved Iho report IMJ not roiicuuod In. The railroads yveie noxv ehaig- Ing. in bomo places , not more than 2'i cents per mlle Ho thought the bill could bo amended to provide tor the same tato. Senator Hyvltler said that the raihoad ( oinmlssioners of toxxa , xvhon the population ivas mote dense than It is in Nebraska , In their report , said that 2'j cents porptsscn- Kor per nnlo xvas not ndequita to support the roads Senator Kciper denied that the pomilation of Iowa \yas moio dense to the mlle than it yvas in Nebraslta Senitor hhumyyay slid the people yyho do the unvoting xvcio satislled to pay the exist ing i lies. Senator Sxvityler said that the people did not demand a reduction of the tales If it should be made it yyould result in a teduc tion oi the nmplo accommoditio'is noyv fur nished by tbo rouls. Thoiepoitof. the committee xvas adopted. legislative * N'otcs. Livcor.v , Neb , Miucit IS. [ SpJcial to THE Uri : . ] In explaining his vote against the bill alloxving a farmer to mortgage his ciop bnfore it ixas planted. Mr Gale said there xvoro too many mortgages on yxestoin farms iioyx- , and ho could not vote to increase tbo bunion. Hon. J. H. Fee Crop ) of Cherry and Kova I'aha has fur clear of so Kept any entangle ments and is sttll standing out against the appropuation combine. Mi Felker of Douglas gave notice todiy that ho yyns not a member nf the "combine ' and could not bo lolled upon to support every contemplated laid upon the state treasure. The mimes of NoKon ( dem ) of Dodge anil Lamp ( dem. ) of Washington should bo added to the list of membeis xvho piopose to keep a tight glip on the purse stiings of the state. The independents xvho tiaxo Joined the "appropiiation combine , " as disclosed by tbo test votes already taken , nro Nichols of Buf- lalo , Cuitis of Madison , Shrador of Logan , Dobson of Filltnore , Wilson of Webster , Nexxborr ) and Vooihes of Hannlton , Dunn of Colfav and Storms of Nomaha Notxvithstanding the stinng light inndo bv Ueprcsentiitives White and Sluyoektne bill to establuh an "Intermediate icfoinutoiy" for ciiminals xxas defeated by a vole of H'J to 50. 50.A A resolution by McICcsson expressing the sxmpithx of the house xxlth Koprosentativo Clapp of'.IelTorsoiiylio recentlj sntreied the loss of a promising son , xxas adopted b ) a unnnimous vote. 31.1 JK J.Ot'i : ytt SIlill'.lATS. Tlio Donxor fai'eei' of a "XlnHhlng Oer- man I'octor. ni , Col , March IS. [ Special Tele gram to Tin 13u .J It is more than probable tbatOmaha noyv numbers among her lately ncquhcd residents a gentleman vvjiom It yvill ho xxell to watch , ana of whom susceptible sorx nut pnls nro advised to boxvarc. About t\Xi months ago thoio ariixed at the Alba y hotel in this city a gentleman about fort ) xeais of ago , six feet tall , yvcll ptopottioned , xxith clear cut feat- uies , face smoothly shaven , durlt blown oyea , almost black , and slightly cuily hair. He was xx ell dressed , displayed considerable Jewelry and talked with a decided Gorman accent. The acrantxxas presumably affected. He claimed to bo it wealthy physlclm xvho had comoto Denver for the purpose of ostab- lislihigasanitmlnmand hospital fortieatiiicnt with the celebrated Koch linph , giving his name as 0. JIulko. Later ho took lodgings on ( Juttlsbtroct Ho paid his bills momptly and made friends rapidly. Hut no began malting love to all tlio servant girls ho could como in contact xvith , bocnmo engaged to many ot them and In ovety instance borrowed xx hut money ho could of thorn on ono pi o- text or another , alxxnxs telling stones of his great xvcalth. .lust boxy many his vic tims are cannot bo stated , but finally the dis- anpoititod females began to make it too warm for him , and the doctor , after bouoyying various sums from different gentlemen ac quaintances , loft the city He took yvith him ono of his victims , n nurse who stood high among the physicians and xvho had accumulated consldei.ible monov Ho stated that he was going to Salt Lnko but ns his mall nnd that of the young xvninnn Is being sent to Omaha It is probiblo that ho Is attempting to xxork his game amo ig tbo unsuspecting fomilos of that city. nml Valnnblo DcpnsitM of Ores jiiNCovcreil in Ulali. SyiT L ICE , UUxh , Match 18 [ Special Tel- pgiam to TUB Hi r J The commissioner of the general laud oftlco has sent to this city a letter in yyhlch ho says than clay lands can not bo entered under the mlnenillnnd act. The opinion was called for because an entry was pronoscd on a lot of lands containing potters' clay. The Utih asplmltntn nnd varnish company was organl/od here today. The capital stock Is f > , , * iOO,000 nml the lands are located in Uiutnti county near the Colorado lino. Near Ashley , IJlntah county , Is astnp ot country vvhcro for a dlst mco of thirteen miles theio is ononst body of asphaltum bltrmlnons foi millions The company hold claims nnd locations under the placer laxv to thoextent of < > ,000 acres in which unlimited quantities of asplmltum , bituminous oils , residues , etc. , nssis. Some doiwsltH yyent i as high as u ) percent asphaltum , yyhilo others tnoiich in vatlous oils. Ills pro posed to erect works thoio lor the reduction of matoilals for manufacture Into varnishes , pure asphaltum and the extraction of vniious oils pitratlno. Hen ( lUggenhoiinor of the Pueblo smelter pmchiised 1-M ( ) tousofslver oios , running fit ) per cent lead , of J ( J Couklln , matdng a puichase of 17OOU tons since bu came bore. I'nper CliiiogoH llnnils. Bu.T LKr , Utah , Mntvh 18.-Rpoclal [ Telegram to TIIF BRK. ! Messrs , U. Clnrk Wncelcr nnd William Hnlilorston , from Aspen , Colo. , Imvo purchased the controlling interest in thoTlmos of this city and will soon assume control. Tbo purchase price cannot tie learned. Whcolor intended going Into politics in Colorado , but now suj a ho will tnovo to this city. trt A Qu stioa of PMsS < tAflulaTlt Mnking to ' " DISTRICT GRAND ARMY ENCAMPMENT , Shot Uhllo l ) ( ; \\lth n Cuu- .NoiiilniilliiLj Clt.y IlcUt'lH Aiiiiniil Unlti'd Hrotlii-en iJiinioti ilruki'ii'inu ' Injured. LIVUHV , N'eb , Mnrrh H i poclil to Tnr UN. ] A case of considerable Interest , pittlculnrlv to attorneys , xvlll tic heard in .lustlce roxy\orth's \ ( oiirt toinoiioxx The cnsn of iliihii I'liiuciamngulnst Victor Nelson , an notion alleging forcible entry and detainer , xvns set for hearing In Pott worthy's coin t jesleidty. The defendant , Mr Nelson , n fnrtnoi living on the farm of the plaintiff , cuiio into coutt and tiudo the allldnvit In the tiMiitl form for a continuance , stating Hint- he1 could not safely proceed to trial for vvntit of initerial testimony yyhlch he expected to procure The case wns theie- fore continued. Later Pan/eiMin cuiio in und dcvlitrcd that N'olsiin hal no Rrounds to sustain such an oith. Ho syvoro out a win- inat asalnst Nelson h.irglng him with pet- Jury insofar that he hul no testimony , nor < coulil ho procure the suno yylthlu eight days Tlmt the oath was made for the solo nnd only purpose of preventing the cause fiom ooniinif to trial. Almost dully such nflldivltfl ns this are made In the Justices coint-s with no more foundation than Is aliened for this , and this IK tlou Is something ot a test to determine n bother or not H can ilghtfiilly bo held per jury. ( irnmltiny IJi UKIIKIC n , Neb , March H [ Spec-id Tele gram to Tut Hi-r | 'jho southcistom No- bi aslf i district Grand Army of the Uepubllc cncanipmont was held hero today xvith icpre- sentntlxcs present from Itlchardson , John son , I'Avvnec , Joffonou , Saline and Gage counties. Coinmandor Tidier of Paxvnco City luoslded. 'Iho meeting xvas simply nn executive 0110 and for tlio election of olllceis The following district ofllccra xxcro elected. Cotnmmder , O II Phillips of Beitrlce , senioi vlcocouiinnndor , MV. . Van Osdal of CrabOrchiid ; Junior vice romnimder , A. ,1. King of Palrbui ) , surgeon , H. I { Thornton of Killo ) , ChiiDliln , .1 A htlllwell of llurch- nrd ; council of ndrninlstnitlon , U. M Alttr- dock of W.xinoro , John Proyont of Hutchnid , U II. OJoi-s of Dewltt , .1 B. Dovlo of Lib erty nnd .lohn Hodges of I'lwnco I'tty. The next annual encampment of the distilet was fixed for March II ! nt Pawnee Ci v 'Ibe- an nual reunion of the distiict xxill tnl'O plnco In Septe.nbor , tbo elate and place to be fixed by the council of administration. Keeled AXIlii a Gun. VOIIK , Neb , March -Specid | Telegram to Tm Uri ] This morning while .loo Cox yvas handling a lo tiled sbotiniu in U. V. Sim- meror's nardvvaie stoio it xvas nccidently dlsch irged The shot struck apiece of moUil and yyas deflected lilto the fnee of W. D ribher , who xvas Just leaving thostoie Ills bedgniek and Porestill removed the shot and it is not believed'that the result xxill prox-o fatal , but ono eye yxlll piohably bo lost. Kcpti 1)1 loan Nuinlnatiiiiis. Nrnn\sM Ciri , Neb , Much IS. [ Spcclil Telegram to Tin Uii : 1 Tbo ivpiiulicnns of Xobiaska Citv met this afternoon nnd placed In nomination a veiy strong repub lican city ticket as folloyys : i'olico judge , Keuben Foster , school board , H. II HcEl- honiy , T. IJ. Stevenson and II. II Kass , for coiinrllmnn First want. Cnl Chapman ; Second end vyard. U W Stahlnit.Ihlrd wnrdKliiost ( arioyx ; Fourth ward , Wiljiam Uodenbrock. The folloyy Ing yvcre committee chosen. Tirst yyard , Jack Farley and C.V. . Sovinour ; Second vycrd , J. Id. Taylor and William I'llnoging : Thiid waid , Williim Nelson and Wash McCaluitn ; 1'ourth ward , Wlllim I3ishof and Hrr.ost Hopps ; CV. \ . Seymour chaiiman and Wash McUnllum tieasuior. United llictbrun Conterenec. Uitn SniiMis , Neh.Mircb IS. ( Special to THE BUJ. ] The annual confeionceof tte United Brethren church foi the South Platte distiict commenced a four days' session In this city today The conference Is composed of llftxslmlnistois delegates - \ , thiity-thieo lay gates and Visitors id Inlinitum. liov. M Castle , D I ) , of IClldurt , Ind , is hero and vxill pieside duimg the session. A HiakcMimit Injuicd. DIVID CITV , Neb , March 18.-Special [ Tel egram to TIM : 15i p. I \ \ ' . rroniin , n H. it M. braheinan , was knocked doyx n yvhilo maltl'ig a coupling hero this afternoon nnd had his left leg pretty badly mashed by the wheel of a car , ilo will not lose the limb. The In jured man was taken to his homo at Colum bus tonight. A People' * Ticket. nixiit , Neb , Maicu IS [ Special Telo- B am to Tm : IJEH. ] At a mass .meeting to night , consisting of democrats and uipubll- cans , the following city ticket was nom inated' Mayor , W. D Hitllor ; treasurer , H U. Jackson ; clerk , \V .1. Cook : engineer , \V. \ H. Hill ; police Judge , I ) S Muinmeiot , councllnien , Fit-it vx ml. Jack Maher , Second end ixnrd , K. II. Cloiid0-o ; Thiid xv.ud. M H. It. Uosenbauin ; fourth xx-aid , .1. L. Kob- ortsaudJ H I.utAllot the olllceis nom inated aio the present incumbents x1) . Hnller has served thieo tcnns as mayor nnd is now nominated for tholointh term Ulio ticket is called the people's ticket. A llas - Hall Club. Ni.yy M x % tiitoy r , Nob. , March -Special [ to Tnr Hi i. 1 ' 1 ho Newman Oiove base ball club met last evening , puisuant to nnnonnce- mentnndorgaiii/od complete by electing lue following nfllccis to servo during this season Thonins Oitcrgarcl , manager ; .lainos McKay , captain ; .lames Ij. llotlman , tioaMiior ; L. Hodman , secretary. The club xvas unanimous and adopted its the name by which It xvlll bo iccognbcd , Iho Newman trove ! Clippers. A Col I ego lor Vink. Youir , Neb , March ! < [ Special to Tin- nii.l List night the building commltteo axvmdcd the contntct foi the United Hretliorn college building to bo elected in this city toV. . L , . Mprgan , ut $ . ' .1,010 The structure will bo njaitdsoiio , | , [ and substantial ono , slx'.X ) foot , three storlos and a basoinont , of heavy masonry , \\\t\i \ \ \ cut stone trlminlia's Work will eommeiicp Innnedlitoly and yyill bo pushed us upldlyjis possible Itcnton and I bit lloj nl Aieaiiiint. Lisc-ois.Ncb , March IS. [ Specil ! toTnn Hi F. ] The Hoyal Arcanum society filed a petition In thosupli , ( ) b court this afternoon asking that Thoinm , ! nton , state auditor , bo compelled to issue n peitllicaU ) authotUIng the plaintiff to tran > aci its business in the state of Nebraska fqi pne ) cai Dcnth of nn' Old < itl/i'ii. IIIVINOTOS. Nob-March IS iSpcciil to Tnr nifK IMr. I . ClnrtesV. . Tuttle , nu old citizen , died beio last'niijht about II o'clock JOHANN HUFF'S ' MALT EXTRACT Tor nyspopMa , Imllsustloii , Coughs. I'tiUls mid IdlliK Trou ble" * . It U tlio ! > U\UIUKU \ for Ni'ii'iNO MOTIIMH the HICK ' and clurln ; IT STKENQTHKNS THE ggi SYSTEM. Noun is'Just ' us Ki" > il" when on c'lin obtain tlio Ri'iniln IniMirtcil | artluleliluli Mi'8T HAVKTIII. i TUIlKOt'JOIIANN lloU" Oil till ) I10cl ( Uf OVO buttlo , Mr Tutth' wn- born In tlrumtnoiMton , VU , Mny 1.1 , isjj , WIN mat ilit 1 to Murv A Kitl | > lit In 1 > M. nuJouimto N'tlirmkii In Ntnoinlior , IsM' ' . Ho ncrvoOu * n voluntcor lit uitlonror I corp * ( liirtiii ; the Into rolii'lllo-i Mr Tutllo I \vlto to mourn H'IHll ) llMIIH H\sns i , N'uli , Mnivh IS ( Spot'lnl IVlo- Kinm Id Tim HmTint | ropiitilloui illy runve > iitloii ronvciii'il In tliiM'itN hull tonlclit for tli < iitHHt i | > \ | of pladiitf l'i ' iiniiitniilliin 0110 liollou JuitgiMitul tliroo motnbt'iMor tlio seliool luurit. J. .1 Hlu'liumn wni nnuli' I' of the convention amiV \ II Suvler siiu-t n.x. The fnllimlnit cojiirlltnrn wore solei-toil nt tllU SOSOl'llIIHl IMUlH1 ' 'H I'llSt , vnnl , A 15 Mnoro , SotoiulVnrd , ( Joopjio tl UuinoiUo. 'I lilnl wiuil , T J. Cu-i'tli , roiiftii wnni , Mnvk li vj N. H. Vlnov.iiiliis noiiiliiiitoil for jiolli'ojmifji'by lucluiimtlon Tlio onus onllon \ \ \\ultiMou \ bv u ilcli'Knllon \Yonmii'4 OlirNtlm 'IViu- H'lamo union lulics tukln r leiifoiuiitullon nn tinropulilii'iin si-liool bniml tlcliit , \\lilrli inovokoil roimiiloruUloillsuiHHlon. I'of nu'iu- lii'ii of the si-liniil liounl I'll .IOIIOM iinU Ira 1'ord Horonomliintoil for tlio lonjr term , nml .Ini'ol ) Hull ) for tbo iliort term Itiis \ a ru in irliably hurinonioui eomentluii. A TctlllHMIItlOC 1'll'UlM. , Nun. , Mtirch IS. ISpoi'lnlTul- oprnni to Tnrrr \ \ | -A ( incutvui hcbl by I tlio tonipcr.uiL'o people here tonight nml ! fiiileil in the iiutnliiHtlan of. I \V. \ Siollold , ,1. ' I , MiiL-oo , I ! V. Mongol , P 0. liimvn mil t , ( t Hovcy n * rnrullilatos for town timtecs niulorthu iicacl of "Imlt'iieiuicMit ticliot. " i llou- Item ciVork. . Vonu , Nob. , Mii-cli -Sp'dtxl [ to Tin : Uri : | - hast iiluht t\\ontj \ o.o Odilfuilous , compiMnt , ' the ilORfco stall of ioiljo No. ! IT > , of IhH iltyont \ In Ori'ilmni , wlioro thuv oxi'inplUuM tlio tu.iin work to sovonil camlF- ihti'sto tlnHJiotliniii loil o. In the prosinuo ofsuvcntl other visiting I I A < clilciilallj shut. I I 1 Xol > , Miirrh IS [ Special Tclo- | , cram to Tin- IJn.lamps ] CiMwell , sou of I S T. Cnlduoll. accidentally shot in the loft arm todsijvhllo lifting , i 1111 from n I un on The nrm \ * b ullv shutturcU anil will luobablj luvo to bo amputated liitlil Up Tor Nnmivsiu CJinr , Neb , March IS.-fSpodfil Tclcer.nn to Tun Iliu. 1 O L. .lolncr uas painfully liijuiftl in a tuiifuny nnd .T n. iNortlidittiv. is badly bruised by hivinp hit let ; caught In n uncoil wheel yesterday. fioth will icxo\ci. A Afc.K Shop HolilicU. Bnrnticr , Neb , March 18 [ Special Telo- RMJJI to Tin : IlmTho ] inuit shop of J J. S'kowln the Masonic temple \\.is btokon Into by bunrlnti mul sovcial ilolhrs In inouoy taken from the till. A Nchritslcn City Ijiivury. Kv CITI , Neb , Muvh -Special [ to Tin Iln : . | Paiinow in this localiti aiosolllnp tlioir carlv Ohio poUtoea at SI.JO u bushel witli a liberal tlumand. IIK Put Allen Kiinold-d Out In n i\itti Ijnwiutu'p Knri'iMI DPNVKH , Cole , MirehH [ Spodil Tele gram to Tnr Hn 1 Pat Allen of Omaha and Lawieneo R-uroll of Chicago , lioth we'll known ho try weights , fought a long and ilos- porato l.altlo this afternoon at a point jiMt over the Aiapnhoo countj lino. Tliej fought two hours and t\\ol\o minute ? , anil It re- < liihed thirty-throo rounds to deeiiio it , far- icllinniiifr. . Ho clisposeil of his in.iuitli a straight right-aim blow uhlch c.iucht Alloa siiu.iielv on the loft taw , bonding him down llo could not iiwnond to the call of tlmo. Up tothooigt teen tli round , \vhontlio Inul llRlit- inp tie'giin , Alien looked like a u inner , acting wholly on tlio api-iessive. Up to the twcti- t > -llflli round rarrcll , ho was bufleriiiK I | fiointlio cold , iinproiod ( iinsidcuiUly After I j that ho ilropped his dofonsl\o tiictlcs and lushed his opponunt , using his , light \oi-y \iclouily. Doth men u-cro bidly [ muibliod. Pouf is tlioCli.iiiipliiii 1'iHil I'liiycr. Cinevao , March IS. The fii-st mitch playoa In Chicago for the pool championship of America terminated tonight in a vlctorv for Albeit J. Poweis , hodofcatltiB W.ihh by OOOto.'i'U. The stmiiff kid K-ilncd by i'oiv. ors in the llrst two nluht's playing detracted fiom the inteiost attaching tolho llnish At Iho lonclusion of the.mutch the championship mod il was ag.du awarded to l > o era To night's scoioas - . Powers , inValsh , 1 JO Sooio lit I lie I'oil Cent nst. Xnv YOHK , Mnuh 10 At I i ra the record of the sK leaders in the walking match wereIluchcs , .Ul miles Bennett , , IOOMuoie ; , " 01 , Ilrgolnim , 2' ' " > , llort , L".ia , Norcinuc , S5. hale of a Vnliialile Stallion. Tuo.S Y , Match ts > - liurdloii Conk- ling or ( ileus Falls htis sold his Hlectlonoor stallion , ( rovcinor fetanford , to a Now York lioibcman for Jlfi.OOU. A \ Nny OIII.P.ANS La , Mitch 16. The crov- assoon \Vliitchouso pl-intatton Is yyidon- liiK and much dainago Is l > clng done by the yvntcr which is pouting through it , Ahrgo portion of JctTeifaon pariah is inundated and tbolnss yylll bo 'J ho Southoui Paellic and Texas 1'acitlctailroaiK aio cut In tyyo nt this point because ofthollood. Hoopited Tor Tlirrr N\9iiviiM' \ , Tonn , March 13. - Stone , % ylm yvas to hayo boon hanj-ed at rayotto\iilo todaj , yvaa toi piled until Jui.olO. 1 > \ II f/H / 1\P IMPlll'IV'I'tVI'f / ' RAILROADS rlUlllMi lAXIiS. IOWA rrtnnors Wiuit Tliciu to Bnar Tl'oir ' Shnro of the HunltMi. INEQUALITV OF ASSESSMENTS SHOWN. pin-till CliaiiKi' on the r lnnoii -Uiilhnltcil llfkrts to llo Abe Dri MiiiVK-x , la , Mnn-lil1 * [ Special Telo- to I'nr llri-.j 'I'lio houliic ; uxanlincj rallyyav assessments win continued hefuro the sliittuxeoutlvo council todiy. . 'Iho fiirin- urs' idllaiii o li ul u great , iiUoiidiinco but tlu'i o was it nollcoixhlu dot'iwiso. of inilyyiiy icptv- sontntlviH l.itior Commissioner Hey civlgn \\iistho Hist speaker , elnlminn to lopron-nt tholCnlghts ofl.'xbor , t.\\othluls ot whom in this Htutc , ho suldero funnels , lie spoUo In a genual way of the feeling existing anion fmmcis that the rullroulsyoro \ not IxMiliiK tlic'lr shiroof tlioliurdcii of taxation. Coming to theynltuitions of Iowa lines , ho snid Ityn not true that they tuho out of the height , the proportion which covers the teun- Innls in Chirigo , mil tint lie bcllved the eonc'c.t inetliodi of assessment was on stocks and bonds Mr SoycrolKii said that oyorv- thiiitf indicates thnltlioic Is nn Inequality of assevuiiint in property , leal , personal nnd railroad , nnd that nsumemborof the Knights of Ijihorliooleod the sentiment of that ouU'i tint something1 should ho done to ro lleyo tin1 furnii rs , and nnko ciiult iblo tasus on all properties. . j ( ieiiorilil. II Weaver , rcine-sonting Iho grt rtib.ick. union labor , eitl/ciis , alll.inee , etc , bald tliat it was conceded tliat an eiuilt tiblc assessment was not opposed hj thcM.til- roadt , but the question nloiui li whit in inner of nroccduro cm this council pursua to teiu'li thatc-nd Hosild that to tiil < u the oainiiijs ( of Iho road In loyvu us a basii and dlsconneit them \\ith Urn minings outside of loyy i would bo Vc > rj unfair to the railioids. Hoinid the trim basis is the aggregate vntuo ol the stoilcs and lioiuls Tlio rule of asso-sq- inont should c\tond tliiouulniiit the entiio systinn The i.ito should apply to terminals ns yyell at shoit lines \Vhoroa \ roul has no stocks anil bonds limn this MHO cannot bo enforced , but hero the fiioss e'iniiriRs should bo taken as a nuis of assessment , us tno no\t best plan .ludgo llnhu.ird said thnt the Ctilc.iKn & Northwestom earned $ juuu,0i)0 ) a year anil had 1,10'lmilos ' of roul in lo\\i , and the' yy y to ( 'ft at Iho assessment is to take,1 Iho yyhnlo eainiiiKs and divide bv the earnings in loyva Tint would itiyo a bisis for an loyu assess ment .Mi Ulylhesild thnt terminal futilities are nothlnt ? but real ostatu gou'i-ncU l > y munici pal IcgUht ion and taxation , mid the value of theiQ toi mi n ills should notbu spiead ovoi the entiie system. j15. . Cummins slid ho thought the dis cussion Ind teii'hud 11 seopo that win not warranted , and tint the council has boon gUcri In Intiimtion , nt least , to understand that their pcmc'r.sycio greater than thov wclo in leality Ilerepiesenled thioo Miiull lines of nilroid tint arc not profit ihle , and ho believed heconldshoyvtheiouncil th it the assessment should bo icduced considoiatily. lloyould admit the assessment tlinnifrhout the state wouU icach fmrn .if to 15 per cent , but not moio thin that. The valuation of town proputj sliould bo ronsitl- ' ornl jnstas inui'h as'propert.y In this iiiMstlgatlon town property in lo\ya is plmcd at 5f < . > , ( Kl , and be did nor hchcNO the assessment \\oulcl reieh I" ) perce nt 'llils afternoon there uas a spiiltod ness Hiebi'tyycPii opposing interests and mc'inbers ot thu ( onncil AiKiiincnUi yyeru m.ido bj T I' C'l uidou , taxconimissioiiPr of the Chi- cngo & XorthHCste-rn , and Picsidont Murphy of the Iowa stnto priiniro 'J'ho heMtings is practically iloscd , tlionsh others will bo hoard nt any tiinu before ) , i conclu sion is leiehert Inerois a dnorslty of opinion as to the outcome , liut It is piobablo the aiscstmuut will bo ulsed yory little if any. The Minion Rumor. Nrw YORK , March IS--An evening piper saysItyyas innounccd on Wall streitthisl morntncthut the long turnout ! clnngo in the , maiiaircinuntof thoLouisvllle1 , Xeyy Alb my & i ClilcnROtailioid co-npiny hid t.iken place. ! The ofllrors yycio reticent , but Poor and Ciicenoiujh s > iid'o hiy o botifjlitf J.'jIlO.O W trcisurj honds of the Motion .mil theie will boa completerhiiiuro in thedhectoiy of tlio company Of tlio thirteen pie- > ont diuitorj nil but possibly tluoo y\lll ictiro .ind their pl.ues yyill bo taken by ppt-som yllo will bo ahlo to throyy l.nco business into the hands of the load. I'usltloiit 15ic fiulelll re- bign Ho mnj lioilhpclor of iho 1.iku Ilrio , and thowestein Interest will ho lirgehe ii- i "iitcil , and this will also RIVO the to.iJ valuable southern connections " 'Iho diieetois of the LiUo Crlo.V , WMtinn will incUulo Simuel Thomas , John ( ! . Moore , Ueorgol' 13.ikcr and Calvin S III ice All these gentlemen except IJ.i'ter ' ait1 diroctois of the Kic-hmond Toimiml systi'in , yyhich reahcal.ouis\illoo\or ( the I.ouisyillo South oinio.ttl , whleli is foiinuilj leise-tl by the Motion. Dciiyi iii | t 111' ST. PAUI , Minn. , March IS T Tclejsrain toTiir lit r ] President.I .1 Hill of the ( Ireat Northern ntlioad aitived from Kuropo this moiubiK. In repaid to the nuineiois tepoi it , that have been tniiimt of Into he sav > the wliters tiavc appucutlv glyen free rein to their im ipmation , and especially VM this Iho ca o In ronnnctlon xvith the minimal piiri'lnxsn of the Kiiusits 1'ilv road Illstrlpnliroail , Mr Illll sUitnd , yyas ononf personnl plonnroaiul lie Imd r. ittMy tinii'h. I'no compin.y's I'ni'llli mast oxtotiHlon yyould tie pushed nlu'itit yliminsl\ ) \ , but Iho I'xiict torndnal and Iho dotiUK uihl the 'imispcvth o niriinpliK'iits lould not jet bo stnti'd AH for Ilia story of the itinllhtln Inteiost nnd tiiMspocluo tronblo to bo inlsuil bv the S'oitboin I'nililo on iiu'onnl of any nrrco tncntdf the ( lii'atNnrtliorn \ \ the I'ttinii 1'iiilllc , It \ \ in n vci ) tnythli'il one The in tori'stH of thoOroat N'oilhorniindlho I'acltli ) Shott l.ln.iXIMO rciliitiili vor ) oliisolynllU'il , but not to tbin'\t < nit of in outilK'it ' as ims bit'ii stutoil li'MiM > V I'lirlllc'H AlV.tliM. NrYdiiu , Mnnh -Sptvlnl [ Tolocram to Tnr Hi i 1 The iniMiiil miu'tlni ; of the Texas , \ I'rti-illc rillti > ail i-ompnity xxashohl In lids city today. T-ltoiiiiuuil report shoxys tliulrnnsporUitloii n'l'i'tnts to bo { T'i.7Tlll : , nndoxpiMises , f-"i , < ! I , not oainlnwi from opeintlou fll. ( ' > 'iiV" , ! ) . Kfoss uirnliis | ; lu cwitsi'il , flOHmr : mpoii'cs IncriMsed , fMHi , loj Theponontjip' of oponithiK UAponsos to ( Miningsyiic 711 airitinstTT III. Dili'clois for tin' enmilniT jeir yyi'io eh-ctcd as folloxys , lay ( lould. lnssi { > USiie , Sldnox Olllon , I' M Midhoi' ' , ( Jioi-Kti .1. ( loulil , Sainuol Sloan , Jnlm I' TcrrjA. , I , llopklni , Satiniol 'I'hotnns ' , Isaac .1 Wisirt , .1 N lltitihlnsoii. John A ( Jnnit , M. 11 Snillli , 1 11 U'hcelock , S. II II. t'larlt , C. i : Sattorliw nndT. I1 Hckcrt. Hckcrt.'H 'H Itixie n SrA is , Mo. , March ISTho cominitUx ! of the llrotlicrhood of Kullrond conductor * , \yhlcb has boon In the cltv for txvodnys had a o < mfi > rciii' yylth nfllclals of the ( lould systont toilnv The nnturo of the Ki'iexiiiiii ) is not I'MXitlv known , and both Hidis t I'fuso to tiillt , exu pt to sny that them xvould bi'iio dillli-ntly in settling amicably nil iinistions In dispute It Is Htiiti'd that llto onniluctnrs' urleyanivii aio pi incipallj on IK count of the sny sjstom The } eonilain | ) thnt number-mi iniHcrnmilniis men aroctnplo.yed in spotun yvho , If thov cannot find nny thins wrontt with tlio con dnclorsyill \ titiinp up sow f ilso schritin iiKilnst them to keep tlioiuselvos In employ tnunt U ill AIiollslil'iilliniiiMl ' 'lli'kolM. Cnif * no. Mirch IS - [ Spoolnl 'Mo ? riini to 'J'nr tUr. | The tiioycnicnt .igalnst ttm scalpers in the nboHslmieiit of unllniltcd tickets y\ill \ bii thoioutdily tried In the vvoit unless theio is sonii ) iiiifotosien objection. A caiofnl uinvass of all the Chicago xvo-st- bonnd loulsM mule todnj nnd nil declnroil their anvlot.\ . Rlyc the radical ilupiutnran fairtrml As a soil of fooUi unlimited tickets ots xvill bo atiollshed botxyccn Uhlonp ) and St Louiiiiftoi Mjiuh'J5 , nml as soon thoii ) after as pnsslblo nil unllinlUd tickets \ylll \ bj nuollshed in the \vost. No riiouijlit < > ) Cine yno , Min-h is.Spool [ tl Ti'lojjrnu to Tm In ! 1 Prcililont IJroyfoglu of thn Monnn denies todaj's Ncxv Voile story re- ( TniilliiKtho rosipnition of bhiisolf and t"n of the Motion diiectois Ho addo-1 that lie bail no tlioiiKlit of H'sinninp , and that anyiiimor teD'iiidliif , ' the sale of tin ) Motion yyas fatso. Un inn L'.ii'illr lOaiiiinuH. Ilos TON , Miss. , March IS [ bpocial 'J'elo- tfram to'l'iiK Ilrp.l The Union PacilU's .Ian- uaiv statement for the entlr js\stciii is as follinvs. ( Jrnss oainltif-s , , increase , 5iiil | ) > S , net eainniLfb , f.M.liib , liicicase , A i'\i'Kt\f iA'i/.vis : is , Comp nison ol' licudlnu I'lnucs ol' the \ \ ! ' lill'-l IH' M. CIM INN \ n , O , March 1 > [ Special Tolo- frritn to I'm : Hi i : ] Tomoruiyy N I'ruu Cui- lent yvill say Paciciiif letnins for the yveolt indic.ito - > s > TiWi ( > Imps handled In tbo yvcit compared xvith tbo same number the preceding - ceding : yycek nnd JO',00'1 ' last ) car , making a total of T ( ) . " > , ( ) lH ) since Match 1 , at-iinst h5WO , ( last ) cm 'iho loidlng places comnne tn dnto as follows : Cltlo . IS/MM Boils srad PimpSes Are natures efforts tiuliinlnite poison fiom tin * blood. Tlilsiisulf ma ) Ic aiunnplijInMl inni limnrtM-ilei tu ill j is xu 11 .as agrei ihlj through the pii'i | t ixm lory clunnib , by tliuiiioof Vjci'sh.usipaiilli. " Tor scycral > IMIS I wn troubled with boilsaud ciibunitos. In casting about for a remedy , itncenrnd tome tint A > ci's Siiaa- piillli liad been used In my fallal's family , yyith excellent snece-ii , and 1 thought that x , hat xvns ioou ; for the f.itJin uonld aho bu good for the .son Threior four bottles ol this medicine ontliel ) nned me. mil I have not since In moio tlim tx\n j'cars Ind i boll , phnpK 01 any oilier eruptive trouble I can coivolentloiisl ) sp nk in the hlKliest teiiTH of A t's ' Sailipaiilla , ind many ) cars' exnii | i ' in the drug bmincss en allies me to sp ik Intelligent ) ) " 0. M. iI , I-,11111 ! ind , Ind. 's Sarsapariila rnfi'Mtm nv DE. J. C. AVER & OO. , Lowell , K .a l'flccl ; lU l)0t'.leiiv. A\'orUlJ \ a " \Villbcboys. " They'll climb fences , and catch on nails. They'll climb trees , and slide clown the trunk. They'll ' slide down cellar doors. They'll ' pick out the deepest mud puddle on the way home and go throujdi it "Kersplash ' rather than travel on a dry side walk. They'd rather play marbles than eat. They'll go through more clothes in a month than their "anxious dad" can afford to buy in a year. They'll do a thousand and one things that only a boy can think of , and ahoy hey that don't "ain't much of , i boy , anyhow. " The only thing you can do is to Iniy clothes that are as near cast iron as you can yot. and let them go it. We have placed our spring stock of CLOTHES FCXR BOYS on sale.Ve have clothes for small bojs and clothes for large boyp , clothes for tidy boys , and clothes for tough "Lids. " We have Knee Pant Suits tor boys from four to fourteen years ol a e , and Long Pant Suits for boys from thirti-en to nine teen years of at e , and every suit was made for hircl wear , made to 1 the racket. For six clays we will of UT you at the popular price of your choice of fic hundred Knee Pant Suits , in a half do/en handsome- styles of All Wool Cissiinere , m.ulo. up in nobby shapes , in a'jes ' from four to fouriei-n , worth four dollars. Bear in m'nd this fact , when we say "all wool" thai means ALL wool , and when \ve say "worth four dollars , " you'll find them WORTH four dollars. HATS FOR BOYS CAl'S FOR BOYS | | S1IHS1ORUYS ( ) ; ( ) | | SlinN FOR HOYS I Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. OPEN UNTIL s P. M. | New Neckwear Today I'SVITKDAYSIO ! ' . M.