8 TIIKJ OMAHA DAILY HUE : , "WHISKSDAY" , JMAKtll 1A 181)1 ) HE CITY , Sons \Vtomn liiiji'l \ \ III K\O $ tlu'lr first niiiiuitl bull atVtishl Mtfluii liivll.uu 1'ihlny ON enl nt , ' , March LH ) . Avoid tlio fjinro ntul ( , 'lo < i fhon Ky olhorpfoiKirnlloiisniiil u u only Spanish ( 'ourl Piico Pottilcr , fo r Milubyiill ilnij- Mi' . .lolui n. ICollom , who was ono of tlio llrst Milt IPN In Omaha , litiiliif ; lo- intertill this oily nliout lH.Vi , died ) cs- tcrtlny iiftorimoii HtTustln , Ciil. Ml a F.lli-n o'Koofo dlr-il Mai-Hi 10 nt lior lain loHldoiu-K , 1710 Smith Klno- tuontli street , njjoil sKly-throo yea in. 'J'ho ' roinnliia will bo taki'ii to Iliul oy , Kob.lhli , tnoriilni ; , vhi-ro the inlor- monl will liiko phu'o. A liorsoaiuli'iii'twitsfilolcH\VciliiPMliiy cvonlnp liv.Itiuu'H Piuicj from I1. II. Mu- lioitciy , Hill Xnrih SKlcciitlmlrorl. The thlotvciliH | about innliuiiilu'd niul fifthly i > oiuuls Is lw < 'nl\-iM'lit , ( uarsoUl uiiil llvo foot iilim InrluH h it'll. 'Plio liooiihii liiirinl hi'Ul a os lon at nonnjpslenliij at which piM'inl . liiu was L'lvon ( 'liai'l iH Inskeptt to operiilo a cu- lodii at 721 South Kmirti'ontli si root. John Murphy WHS given pcnnisKion lo loinovo his Kilnnii fioin Ill.'Mo 1003 North \\entj-fointh \ \ stioot , 'I'lio PIMP of M. .1. Iiiirkloy , trpiisui'pi * ; J. T. Mllli'i1 , pro-niliiil | , ami S. L. Hotiro , spiTotary , nnd other incinbois of tlio lYoBiniPii , St 'reotl\poi's'iintinioi'tro- \ ' ' lypors' iiuliiti No. 112 o' ( ( ) inihi. ; aniiinst , I'i'oil Vn ng , Into treasurer , \\lio vlth- ili'ow from the noeioly snino llmo ii'o unil I'etuscil to turn HIP money over to thr union , lins boon OaiMili'd li ) .1 niljro Morrison in favor of tlio union. Tlio eouil hulil that the hoeicty is still In oxistL-uco unil entitled to nil funils of lliosoi-ii'ty. Hood's Snrsip.irllli Inn tholarpost sali' of nny niotllHnn lu > fon' the piuillo. j\ny huni'st 1 ' . will couUriii this statoincnt. h\vii : > NIK A tluc l Sells All IIi < < I'Mrnlt me ittH is 4'ou llillnn llo-l. AViiltorlti'lliiiil anil Imullt'ci'il oiookoiliipsi luivo ntaiu boliWil ipiotuly to tlio sin fiuo. This t Imih cap pens In tliotfiiisoof an Individual - dividualltli \ an immii"iliito iiouo , which Jolinl' . D.iviswo.iis Is iiuito unnpproiclin- lilo. IJ.ivUho is u limb of the liuv , sajs that hcu'tofoio ho hail fciiplnHCil HellaiM to bo n MT.J Hindi iibuscil man , nntl hail oa illvcn oc casions asststt'il liini In Kottiiitfout of tlicun- plom.mt pu'dli.unoiils in uhkli his ( | uostinn- nblo transactloin liul ptareil liiin. l-'oi the jiustsK weeks Ucilnil li.ul e\rn been stivlntf HL Ills liouu' , nml iIuuiiK Unit tlmo ho npiiai'- I'titly lu'pt his wuitlioi * o o Iitmlj Kindt lo the iiniii chimi'o , us it was onlv a few il.iy.s ape tint a frleiut toMIJiuls tint lils furnlturovasboiiiK \ mou'il out. Ho li.utoiu'il lioitu , to lln.l out tliat Ik-lluil luil solil his household ends to n smmd-liatul dealer \vlio hn.l . coiuo to talto possession liv ) is Intuiposoil a ilivideil iv- iiionstraniv , anil after slopping tlio ftnlhor transferi ) [ floods , li.isteuuij to pollco eonit nails\Viioonta warrant for lloliunl's at roil for uiaml liineny. 'Iliu pioporu which lli'llaul attemptcil to Bolli'oasisteil of l.MI yunlj of carpet ami par lor .mil beilroom ftiiiutuiu. It isalueil at butnconf.'iH } .mil § .W ( ) . .A nofile.'totl roUl , oftei. bceoines a 1'iioti- nionla. liunifliltis era iniibuuuition. Cine it with llinnphtejs' Hpcc-.llp IS'o so\uu. \ Ubcd with perfect , SIICCPSI by thousands. By iammioi.tblo euro" . Ilr Hull's Couuh Byiupl. is won for Itself a most uiulublo roiitution. | ) I'\o \ heen a ufToror for the past Ilirooncolts with a htrauuil wilst. 1 trioil Snhatiou Oil , nail Had iny.si'lf ' , after hn , Ini ; usoil nno bottle , ciitlu-ly etireil. Chas. Ki ysi.f , l'J',1 ' Mulberry ati'iet , li.iluinore , Mil. Tlio I'iiiinM.vHuiil.v'M i\ ; < Mir i'in. Tin1 first special ROlilcn ate tourists' ' train run by the t'eim lnmh ralho.nl will arrive in Omaha , nt - o'clock this afteinoon , with llOn.issengersoii board. Comiaitec of thoboarJol tiadcnnilie.il estate cxihaugo willKO to LiitLolti to moot the tourists anil cs- coitthomto this city. Orriiio : ; will bo In v.iitiiiR at tlio Union doiot ] tuiildmhiK1 Ihoir stopof three , ind a hall lioviis the visitors will no tre.Urvl to a tlri\o \ ulMiit tlio city 'llio pirty is coinpnsoil of tourists from oa-.torn . cities , ami leK I'hil- tlolpliiu 1'obru.try T , nr > \ ngesL to the co.u.t ovu thoSouliiorn l'inille. j\notlier \ similar pirtj will arrlto in about two wciks , uiiil still another the latter pint of April 'Iboroaro to bo four of the exclusions , aiic. nil but ono will visit Omaha , tlio fourth ono returning by way of the Northern I'acillo. Do Witt's Uttlo lUirly Kiscrs ; bostlittlo pills fonlj speit.iaboui , btonuch , bad bre.ith. ft o I/1 if o.n.iii.tjtys. : . I.oral 1'olitirs. Tlio ileinocratio priiaary elections , to bo lioM this afteinoon , hiu ilovelopol numerous caiulidatcs for loeal honors In the Thinl ivaiil tlio contest Is botupeii Councilman John IsT. nut Ice , \\lin hcelcs re-elation , ami Tim Ivlaloacy ami l reil Kowlo.Intlio . Seooiut anl James II. I'liMiilnff , . .losouhV Sipe , Kiiinlc Maumeir , Joseph M Tobns ami John J. Ciornwn aio contos.tini ; for the political shoes of Councilin.ni C A. Melclicr. In the lAiuttti ward Iloun Sip.or and John Henry J..oeehiier aspuo to till tlio seit oeeupioil hy Councilman lUlu.uvl Johnston. On ncvount ot the change ami rcihaiiKO of the poll liar plrcns ( hero is co.ioider.iblo . reelluij , niul a siilriteil I'ontPat will t-ilw place. In the rirst waiil I'ounc-ilinaii 10. 11 ToUviihos to sue- cool lilmself , wlillo IVinltVolilweber \ , one of the popular men at Swift A : Co's pii-Uini ; houses , Is IHMIIS * ypalously si.pportoil bv a lingo number offrlonls for tint position. Tim linpiiy tloui-'htis for all citizens that tlio nomination * are almost sure to glvo a lir t- class council of creed , conscionab'o ami vigor ous HI en , lliliilVaril Vonilnat IIIIIM. At a iloinoc'ratic tupotiii } ; hdil .Monday nlcht inMctiopolltan hall. Twenty-ninth anil Ustrcot , with Junes , I. MKSuiro attliifjas cliiiriiuu ami Dennis II. MiUuiro as .sccio- tary , Tim lilonv was nomiaateJ for coun cilman and .lames J. MeCiulio , J. I ) . Shcehin ami .Icliu A Kanninp delegates to the city co'iventlon. Mr. Mnlony anaouncos Hint ho Is In the licM till the List veto &hid bo cast. N UPH Alioui t 'i City. llcrnnnl J. McCabe of Swilt k < c Co. Ins RCIIO to Chicago. The Infant chil.l of Mr anil Mw Joiin SubortU side with bronchitis. N . HVolls , of thcCuilnliy pickliv ferro , is home , after a jaunt ItirouKh tuo uestcrn pait of the stato. Policeman Josonh Hump.il says that ho ho I no chickens hoiico couU not have any stolen as reported Tlio infant children of Mr anil Mrs. I'.d- \\anl Catdll , who have been vuv t > lek with measles , nro convalescing. Mr. anil Mrs luke Alconsof Clarliula , K , \\iio hn\o biY'n the jruc-sts of Mr and Mrs. 12. Scott Derail , ha\o roturncJ home. Itisieported that Captain I'.itrleli .1. Me- Wuhan's lost or stolen cow , is held in Al bright for { J trespass duiiia0'es. Tholadiosof the Episcopal will meet \Veuncsday afternoon at the denco of Mr. and Mrs , PredM. btrcet , Mi1 , anil Mrs. Ctiailes T , Y been called to Hiliadalo , Mlt.a. , on account of the seiious Illness gf IM. Von ' ii II. IDouil of the democratic cltv central committed states tint tli * phco for hoUliiR the 'third waul democritii ; prl- unry election has been Used aRala at tin ? IX- cban go hotel Chniles 1' . Puraud ha * hail n warn it I - cued for thu arrest of li. l\ ( iinnoi , icra- crly with Swift.t Co , for obtalninc # M n i /also representations that ho had jlo U In lank luOnmhn anil a farm la loiva. To the younpfaco i'o/ioni's Complexion J'owuer Rives freilior cliaims , to : b50iaro- , oowoUjoutb. Try it. ( / . . % i.i , .s// ; .i//s .TM.f.-i.v. I'lipl'tali llccunl of tlip I'lirllloSliori lil tic XVri'i'lti'r. SUT I.tKf , I'tnli , Mirch 17.- [ Special to 1'nr Hitr ] llonnld McLean , tlio nun vho liasni'hicvod such an enlabl reputation In the mutter of the I'aolflc Slwrt I.lno scheme , Is veil known in this city Ho cnmo licro soinoyoiis ajtoaiul annoiincod his Intention of making the west the ureit renter of llio unlicrsi ) Ill llrstorrort M.IS the tmlldhiR of a ditch 111 IJuho , which VH to water tlio whole country for a ilistatico of 'JOO miles around H.ilinoa l-'nlN. 'llio plans \a \ reef tliotuost elabornto Iclnil anil had the setieino panned out as the pro jector Intended ItshouU , it wouU ha\i3 \ been thofiroatpst ntlalrof Its kind In llio knoun woild. Mi Lean hired the most expert cn- that to could olitatn and la hU nihui sjsteiuof urlKatlun that wni nc\cr oqualiMlIn tlio da\s \ of inn-lent l-'cypt 'IMiero vcio canals and frailen , nnd cioss scotloim , and the pouerfl abo\e \ only know what. Cvery propoily on nor In the country as nduecdto Unco bomo stoi'U In the concern , mil inoiiov ww , as plenty us ilies n mi in tin1 r. Hut ono ilnv tlio old maclnne bustoit" nnil to llio Intouio surpuso mil itioitHltMtiunof tlio various stockholders llio ilitih refuseil to work , anil all hopes of obt.iliilnc water suditenly vanished K\ery one who Imdi cent In the cnterprlio kicked liniself for bem a snclcor and pronroil | to ; \\u \ \ up all the casli that hohad Invested Jut to llu' I'renl mnpriscof cvoryono Mc- ; _ , < > in canto bade in ,1 short tlino nnd piid evi'i'v ' cent tint liohad obtiinodVliero lie pol thoiniiiii'v noimf knoir ( c.ired and all \\bohaJputan.vcasliia Ibo lonceiii vere hsiiipv. Siuldonlv lie amieareil nt Hock Springs , Iiliho , mid thi'rolio oiunnl/pil iinotliir dlti'ti company. 'Ibis time ho uas poin to wutor , not onlj thotcrri'ory ' nrotiml tlio place , but t IIPhulo I'tiitctl States. 'I'lie jilaa was simply ntupotiiloiis. And lu it cost lint xcry litllo tnet | In the concern thonatncs MCPO isjiircr inul an\loiis Shekels ponied in lilci1 rani and la ashoit tinio the treasury was full to overllowinir 'J'ho conntijvaslnsino on tilt-subject of water ' 1 hey had boon so luiiir wiihnnt it that Ilioy iiiir\plloil Kri'itly tint they h.ul IIOM r iliseovereif thoMiluu of itliefuie Muro plans woii ! ovolveil and In a biicf pi'iiodlhe touiitiyvas Illleililli mips , .sliowiiii ; tholocation of the c.inalsniul l.it- ei.ils. . Tlio immher of acres tint were to ho rLvl.iitiieil final tlio blight of the MIO wish \\ere tan-fullv computed : ind seltleii Hied on cliiias that were , prior to that timeworthies- , so fast th.it in a hlinrt tinu tlio onlirc- district wasall pro oinntcd it may In'stilted tint tlie e d.iims are still there , wnlthiK for the water ( lint never came. Hut HUe the foiiiicrti'hcme tlicro iMinunn end totho mat- tor. Ono ihv wliun tlio miilelt'ss niea who liikl planted then iliH'.its in the ditih were \\iltiiu' for some olio ti > turn on tlio w.itor in onler that they nii lit liepin their splint ? plinvliif , ' , wnul v.H i < voi\cd th.it tlio illtch ms nomoii' , tint it had pone the wnv of t lie Salmon I'allseoniern 'I'lien there was \\eoplni ; ami n sound of pnishinir of teotliand cuss nordi from the lip- , of the homy h.indeil. nut tlin m mor > of the ether , and how itlurued oul pronptcd some of the boys tothinlc that poilnips.Nldc.ui ininht paj ui > , and thi'V waited 'i'lu-y aio still wiiltui | } That was the last heard of tlie ( iiiilclcss old pnl until about a venr ajro ho suddenly pop ] > od up In Silt Lake In nspeiial car on the Km ( iranilo U'eslern as the i > rt..iitoiit ol the I'neillcSlioil Line lie caino into town \\itli a ( loutish of trumpets anil iinnoiiueed his intent Inn of imlciiii ! every man who htayeil by him rich llo xv.islned and dined bj the AIM club , the leiiHtiK club of tlio tflly , nnd applied for incniliu'hhip. 1'end- niK action nu bis application hohad talks vlth tlio iLMilinninenol the city anil to thuin liolnipirtod tlioliifoiinatioii tint ho was no iuir tomakolliotowna cllt linked. To this man hous poliiK' to jnvo the ro.iitr.ict to furnish ono braiK-h of the supplies noedett nnd to tliisoiio another Ktcry imm m thcclnli \\.is \ goitifto fai a uliaek at tlio spoils and in their mil Js seine of tnoelubnioinbers vcro millionaires Ono ( Inn vas to fuinisli the bicoii anil Hour and another the frosli meat , \vhilo \ a third was to supply the over- nils lor the men who woio to bniUI ttioioad About tins t nno his biothor Xotniaii liovo Insight , aiiJ be and IJonnlU leased the Vo- bcinitcmine Xo " nt HIiiKliani. ( ihttcriiiK t\\oiitj-ilollir \ cold pieces' ' Ttioy mapped out a iil.ui that , li.u ) U lieen car ileil out , would Invo domonutucil silver nnd Kohl tlo liist yc.ir they bo 1'in business. Donald went to.lanics j\niler- son , one of the lieavvoro buyers of the eit.\ \\.intoJto contract \\lth him to liuy so many tlioiis.nul tons of ere pir month that for t no tu.lo.l i in was panlj/ed lint \vhon ho found cut \\hero it was to bo obtaineil bo merely smiled and said let it ionic llo liiiewthat the ininohail not tint much 010 in \\holoioncun. . And in all piobsibiliu lh.it movement lost Donald MeLein alot of iiuuiev , for Anderson is a veiy btiruwd iiniii and wlion ho heird the fellow talk in that sliain ho ut otuo maJo up ids mini that ho was no Kood. At the next mcetint , ' of the Alta club MeLe.ni was hlachlialk'J. Who did It , of iourt.ouo ono Icnows liut tint ictlonprol ) ablv sn\edthemprchintsof this city 111,111) ) nolins ) in ea-.li , as after Ih.it ho UiJ not seem to stanil verv lilnli. As far as can bo leirnod llio nnn did notet ( much inoiey out of Suit I.ake.ind llio tiniouiils seeureJ bv him nro in the tuna insi nill 'aiit. Oao or two men aio ald tolmui had tlulr leis ; pulled , but they deny llio liet and assort that llnnro sound vis fai as their pockctbooks avocoiuorncd. McLean was a M bond fellow .mil spent his nionev very fivel.wldlo . hero He waj lotiiited as is pilnco'ainoiiir mm ami wns gen- cr.ilh well h Iced 'Ibo men wlio were the closest to him all speik in the highest terms of his ability to trot the Hot ting cash and 10 mark that hous indeed a "smooth man" Ho tiled to play his Miingtoo'linen ' , huv- eer , and nu&bcd his inailc. SIM'MiL'U Tlinill I'll ion I'.irillc OpeiMloi-s IIue I'lx'li ( irloiaiiceH Ail.j nt.ti-il , A. 0 Tlutr.- > ton , granil chief of tlio Order of Knllway Telegraphers , held a ronferonco \\itbfi II Koity. bupodnteuilont of tolo- graphof the Union 1'acille , jCbtciday oven- Inp. Inp.Tho The recent trouble on the line wa ? dis cussed and a satisfactory eotulustoa ro.mhoj . Mr. TbuistonstatoJ to I'm : BIB tint ho had explained to Mr. Kottv that \uiilu \ seine of thoopi'iatou wliu had been attempting to ireato trouble > \ore , no doulit , members of Ids order , ttiat fact ti ul nothing lo do with their actions and tint their desire to stir up trouble wouUl icsull in llulr oxpaUon from tlio older The order would not counteninico any tiling In the nature of a stuUo on the part of its members , ho said , Mr Thurstoii btattd also that Mr. Koily bad agreed to illi'Oit the dKisioii superin- icndonts to tPiOpriph to recall any orders which had been issued by tlioiu direct Ini ; men to wlthdiiw from the order 01ba Uis- clmrgiil. A HriiUcn lie.ul. Too much whisky was the can so of P. M. joroino of Hixteenth anj Vinton streets hav- Inn a badly limlccn heiil jesteiday .lolia lluinov , .lolin Doe and MikoJUo are Uiarued \\ith iuiMiif ; eomnnttiM the assiult.Vnr - rants \voii1 issueil fur thothieo iiien , but lee ! and Dee uro still atubuty. Else Ajer's Tills foi btliniilitln0' a toiptiT ii\rr , stioMsihoniii lwt-tlmi , ami ri'KU- llic aitliiii of thobovtls. no caloiuc'l , nor any dlu-r I . but are niioMMut | t ! . * | 'I WJ' iv sLrti-nr lor Iiml Ihir troubles , nu > l [ nun It o ] iciiii.iiic'iit relief until Iconnncnooil taking .Asci'sl'llls. TLcy have dleciiMi ,1 i-niiijiK-to cure. " liCorRoMoonoy.ill.iV.illi \ \ \ , W.T. "Wlimever I nm tioidifd ultli constipa tion , or suffer frwii 1' s if ni > priic ! , -\i-i'd ) 1'IIH set me HKlit again " - A. J. IUs.fr , Jr. , 4cck ! House , Va. " Kor the euro of lioailnclip , Aycr's Cn- tbrtlcl'illsaro tl.pmnbtelTwtlvcmeilli'liio I tncr iiscil.-H. K .linms , liorolicstcr.M.'lt.M , "T\\n boxoj olAyri I-niJ cured nm ol seu > rt'he.'ul.irlieirf'in ' lilciIwnsloiiKa'Uf. ) ! ierer.-Einlia ! Ivtjc3. HublnrUstoii , Oiuu Ayer's ' Pills , 11V J,0. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Uuaa , 'M < 1 I'j ' all Dealers \lcUlclues , 'iT CHI : MIOS \ SOIM : : . ll < . \linsc-4 | | | M UIIV anil l > i'li' < MI\e In Court. .Colin II rhiiiipltt , ulio Is on trial In Clnilcon' * court , clianneJ with iiMEiuU wltli Intent to kill hti wife , ICnto M I'lninpltt , rrontcil nsconoln thu court room Junt ill the liour of llio I'oon niljonrnnu'iit jostcMny. I'etei'tKo Vtiuirhn luul bouti on the witness stuml , anil lu lilj testimony K.XVC tlioilofouilunt iiiiylhliiKliiit .1 BooJ I'luiMctor , Climpltl win tulkliiK ultlt hUe \ ( , tryltir ! to Induce lior to ill-op the | imsooutlon uiiil llvoltli him affnln Till * sno rofusiul to ilo , suyliirT that Mn > wns afrulil of Mm. Tlii stixti'tiiont niouseil the Ire of tlio jirlwior , and nf tor calling lior u foul nnmolio undo n bronl ; ut Viuu'lin , nlinlni ; n blow at hinfuco Viiiiithn iliii-ld1 1 hU lu'.ul , ami nl ttiiMiinii ) time u ili'imty plnimicil L'liiiiuiltfi uriiH anil forn'il him Into lilssi-ut Mn L'l.im | > itl win voiyiiuiiH nlTi'ctt'il. ' ami during Urn cvrlto inoiit rouit iiiljounicil inul the inltoiu'iviu liuttli'd olT I ii his coll. Iulii li.v noino'si-onil Iliorisoof Stiplion- son \ \ViillaiiH against Ili-ntv T. I'liu-lii1 win put on tilal > citi nliv. I'liiinlllTs ' mo .siilnjr ti ) ivcoMM' JI..MHIiltio on a niiulliiK fonlrart , tlio \\oilcluuliijr been porfoinic'il for I liivuiUir- Inptlio suiniiii'i1 of h > 7. As.i ilofoiiHo CliirUo rlulins iluit iln > triMdlaj ] did nut with the estimates furiiMied \VnrltliiKton I'li'iuls Impositions outlining tlio ilefonso thai will lm in.iilobyYni'liititoii | , llio destroyer of tlio "Keturnof Spilii " \voio tl'.oil ' in the otllfu of tlio iUrk of the iltstiii-t court yesterday tiftci uoon. llo vlll ( il.ty the insanity ilodpo , niut tel l > ro\o \ tint liiHtiiind Is unhiii'iil ( ono \\ltiiess swears that , utii'ii U'lirlliifitimvas a little ho.\ his fatlior usoil lo tnlio him nroutul to stoics anil saloons , ntul stiinil liiin upon oouti- ton , u-licio for hoiits at a tiino ho woulil clu- c-lalin ami roilli' poetry > \ notlnritnos3 tL'stlilos Unit WnrbliiKton hail an unelulio \ w.is aiiroaihur. 'I'hN iiuiu would ilolivi'i u siiiiinii in tliu morning mil stil u liniso In thnaftciiioon. Toslioiv thiit thli undo \\n ins.iiu'tholtnos3 \ tostilUH that iiiuriuWy liostoloa wottliless iiiiliual. "Avor's modli * nosna \ been satlshctorv to mo tliroiiiihoiii my priittii-o , uspti'iulh AMM'S therj I't'otoial , wliH'li has been ustd liy iniinj of mv pitloiits 0110 ofhitin \ sa.n hol ins it siM-il bis life. " 1 \ L. Monk M.U. , llioolilju , X. V. Don't I'nol i > tirm in Not\Uthht.iiidiii ! all minor ? to the contra.iv , tlio Clilrajfii , Alllwaulioo & SI , I'aul lt > 's now sto.un hoatoil nihieo blocpin ; ; etiiN , with "olectrio Hf lits in ovcry Iwrtli1 , still loivos the Union depot - pot , Omaha at 0:10p. : in. dully , arriv- uiMit ) , Chic.i o : it ! ) . . ! 0 a in. , lu aiiiplo tiino toniiiKu nil oaitorn uonnoctloiu TickotollU-o , loOl Famam st. J. li. 1'uiM'ov , lA NASH , C. 1'asd. Agl. OOH. Ayt. ADAT-lt IISl.MJ ( ) > IAII\ . Tlio lleul IC\clianjo II. 'i n In Try It. The nttcinhiicoat tlio inoctinsof the rcil ostnto cxchaimu yi'storday was coiisldor.i * blj uho\o \ th8 uvurairu. Tlio nuttor of thu trans-.MIsMSsslppi eon- \\is taken up , and In response totlio in- vit.itionof Mr. Me.Muri-.iy , president of tlio Doiivcrro.il citato oxiliniif.'o , the Oiinlia o\- clniiijo appointc'il us a ooiniiiittoo toattcml tliocotnontioii , Messrs A. I' . TuUej , I' . L. 1 VirinoiuidC. iMiooijti' , . " "I i\iiiosted | the Omaha hoanl of ti.ido to iiiHiht | | .1 like com- niitU'o to act with this committee. Tlio follo\\ln communication uas mil anil referral to llio .utvurtlsini ; I'oiiiiiiittro to in- vostiHiilo ami report at an carl } mootlnt ; of tllO OXdl.lllL'f llo-riiN , Slass. , Maiih ti : , 1MM Secretary Ko.il llstute K.MliiniL'o , Oinahn , NiMi Dt'.ir sir : Vo aio soon to 11111 anoxi'ursioa train , coinposoil of prospect i\e \ imobtois , tosoniool tlio western cities and if joii \vlllltiffto ralao a sulisi-riptlon In jour citv for thu purpohO of liolpin to defray advertising ami other extra fviieasos , wo will adver- ti > o Oinalia in our cxi-nrsion mis < [ iilto uxtnnsivi'ly ind will stop the party oft with you fet a tou' dnjs.velnvo \ n-rittuu the secretary ol the lioaul of trailo about this in liter also Shall bo ple.i-.cd . to hoar from you at an c.irly ilite. VOUH vciy truly , The hald nmi's motto : "Thoio isiooinat the ton" 'Jliis top inajbo siippliod with a oed ciop of Iliiebair by usiii | { Hall's ll.ilr ixucwir. Try it. T Icln ( x'l In Cimt oily. CliiefScavc'V ic"oi\cit yislonl.iv aftornooa ntclt pani from Cluef of I'oluo .l.iuson of MilwauUco st.itm tint .1 11. Mi-Iutosli was in custody thuie. but would nut uturii lo Omalii without lenuUition papiii. I'apors mil In ) olit.iineil ami the iiiucli vanti'il Mdutoali uill bj brouglit b.icli to fiio tlie inulsc1. U.cd InllllllcnE o ( Hornoi Macbeth's "pearl top" and " pearl glass " lamp-chimneys arc made of tough glass that costs four times as much as common glass ; and the work on them costs a good deal more than the work on com mon chimneys , just as the \vorl : on a dress is proportioned tioned to cost of stuff. The dealer is right in saying he can't ' afford to sell them at the prices of common glass chimneys. And what will become of his chimney trade if his chim neys never break ? He is apt to he wrong there. I le can afford to charge a fair price and give new chimneys for all that break in use. Have a talk Avith him. ( il.o A. MAriiini A. Co. NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DKPOStTOUV , OMAHA NtfJ S'.OO.OOO . Capital , - - - - Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 , - Oii.BOO mil nin-cmn-IIonrr W Vat m I'roillont , Oillcer * I.-wl.S. Hum \lij-frmnluiil , Jiiium W "uvnui ; , W V Mur i > . J-iliu < rolllm. II O. . tualiliii , J N U I'utrlck % V U s HuKlioJ , cuililor. Tlibl ILiON IdAPs'Iv. C'oincr U'tliuuil Hirruiaisn AOeucral lUukln. Uuilucsi Trausactai Sldas on Fire With Itohtiifr , Burning , as Insttur ly Rollovo.l by Cutluurii RJIUO JIos. Our llttlo on lll bo four venn nt nco on tliPA'itliliist | uiMiiy. I--- . , lie wus ultiu'ki'il wItli u Miry p.ilntul liioiiklnu oul nf ( In1 sMn \\oealli'd in 11 plijMfl.inlio . t n.ili'il Mm ( m- annul four wi-eu * Tlii'rlillil U'r < l\ < < il MM Icor imp mil fuini llio tH'iilini'iil , us tin- Urn Ulnc mil. Mtiii | | ( * id bv tin' lili\-li'l.tn In lohl\ iln nn ni'K'iru'aliil I'lnin lii'i : i MI i'l it i t r In liloti lies , niul niniii niul iniire illMtvluu. . tt well' fio- qiient li nlilUcil tuiM't 11)1 ) In llio nlnlit niul ruli lilni Itli MHI i In uiitcr slrniiu liniment * , ile. I lu.ilh , uillol ol her iilijslilnis , nut lion ! ( ' < Hun - . | \ Uii ; | ut li iiiKil | l iMitv lilni. nil nlll.i- ( nlliiiu , .mil Hit ) I'lillil stfuilllv ucllliiv : \Mir i > nndorsiMinlll \ nluiiil tlio JiMliof list .Inh. ttlu-n np li , CUM In vUililm Citulnl HisiM.UNTliii ! > : nillvuinl , tin- ( ITIIIIIinul 'i MCIIU MHI t\H-i mil ) .ami h ) t lie I n si uf Aiiu'iisl MiMKiiniMrly tti-ll l lint ni < HIM- him < Hllj nlll'diiviMlf tillItLoilIM NT .llllillt IMOIV su'iiiiilil.i v ( up nlmiii IIMI ilnv > InMtfor , ntul Im liii 11 in rr tin n i ion Mul11110 ulili tin. IK HI il iiul.Kl ) Inull i , nsnl li-si Ulan niic liaKuf u hut iliof ( i TU ut \ UI * > IIIM\T : , u illlU-li" < H t li in tine Inn nf < i TU l u v. inul mil v mic oil.i' nH'l lid lUMiAi' II. I1 USN. \ . l'aiu',1. . Ilhmliin ( n , III 'iiiiMrliit'l amiMHII to luduo inu this Itli ilnj of Jinu.ir ) , I" " " . tN CDI.J. I' . CuAicura Remedies. ( ' in nli. tin \ on iiMilIre lm \niit little mil's iiin > r , hiMilln'lr ttMiiter slilns mi- llli-i.illy on tin \sllli Ililiinu liiiiiiinir. si-.ny inul lilnlcliiil.kin niul soily ill iM es' Inkimw I hit i sln.'li- apill | < Mlloii nf llo CIIHIIIV III MCMI s \ \ | | | , , rii n allnnl Instmil ullof.per- nilt K'vl iiiiiNliH'i | niul point to n pi'lhiaiii'iit ' anil t-i niioinkM | , dn l'ni : u S < IHIIM'I | | ) l cini > . milt Ulll tl > IISt > till III. It Illlllt a IIKIIIII lit H lll'llV. Isln no tfnllu of i nslllx < Inhumanity. No KientiM ionium i-in In1 lii'siowi il upon a I'lilld thin ai'li-ai skln.iiiil pnro liliioi. < liiini\ liMinil-- ; me ulisiiliili'lv pineniul nriy lin u-cil finin Infuiiiy to iiK' ' , friiiu ; iluiiles | to Miof ul.i. ' uliloM tvnlifMv I'rli'iI'lTU'liu We : ' mp J'l1 ! Ul-lll.MN I . fl. I'lcp.lld l > \ till- I'llTII t Ulll IIM > I III.MR M , lOlU'Olt MIOS , lll -lnll , Miss. { vi i il ( i r "lli > \v lii < ntu Skin I Use IMS. " nUDA/IO / " " "I" mil1- , il' luirllloil nnil liniillileil Mu 1 u > > 11 mi nsnir \ .MSIIIIIII , > IIK- NO RHFMAT1Z HBOOT HE ! Is ( IM. MIM1I ! 'Ilir I TU III V AM i-l" M > I'l ' v si i 11 ii Hi MS i lii u- I : , ill , selatle. lllp. I.Mm J IMIIVII- _ _ „ .mil cliiit pun- lln-lli l mil only ii-'tuiit.iin"iis ! , jiiln l.llln , ' sti fiiilaMiiii- ; [ iListu. 'lloJlltrt'iiu , ( inI Itlininl { H tiniiiiivt Hiiltitiinllnllll < -tittfi'iii'ti'l //tilcl Itnfliltiiu In Oiimliti. ' ! i'i-iil ln'nru ' ' ) / / . tiff n " " " nntiilm/ ! > Infii'ini'iit tiivrmtitil t lif < 'f'illiiii it ml Jttiin-H Illicit iritl. .IhtiiHiui jli-i' iirtttit / Hintiiml.liii / /initntalMf / tu IniI'll < /M/(7. / ' . I ( I'fPMt'lllH'N Illltl //I'l' IllllrillH tliHiiiftliutittliti linilillii'l , f triiniIn-lit , li t niul i-iilil itntt'r niul mins/ilni-in ' | TI'I'uiiiii , Titbitllll.siii'm ' < f ( ill'/- B.SILLOWAY , Prop. KOTKL DKS.I.O . BET Corn r Mtliatul Cip-.tol Avtiiu ) . Just COiuplotoJ , lias H > 0 room < , thro ? bt.ilrw.ij'3 , irom thu top to tin ; Iwtlora , 1m tiuuolovitor ind. iliiiiiiu ; TOO n SCTMC11 liruprool throuttiit | ) , rt'i. > 'jill ir I ro' > m > aul ttii ImObt tullat r o iii in tli > rlty. L.iri ; Snmplo roonii , Hu ti wit'i ' l > it > & j CJu 1-ltli anil C'amtoi AVI * . Struct c irser\iou tu 11 Ub H i'ej. Iruiu i-.6 J to Jl.Ol ) . " DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dc-ntist. A fulltet < if Tot III nn lliiMir , , , i ni : n 11 MI- . \ | , i , . , , lit un inniK'nl 'In-ill un i.ii'il iXC ( * fcW > x" Mliluiut pain ' " ilaiuiM ml JVr i ultlniut niinoitlit'llii , , I uuil / VViio * nl\.ir Illlliu'i ill lni' < t inii A\\ J r " lliiil-'i'nii'l ' lru n\\ \ i i k 'liiiu ' TOA ( illi'uii'iulu All uik nr iniiii'ii OIF LE PAXTON I ! CCK , ' TH AMD FARNAM lnlr.tnn > I III ulnil ilnuiui OIIMI ( tntln. uiuil a , : , i k ( HUu-lir. IB M..U I. ti > I t , . uiiasniiiJil m . ' / . . I1. Killll lil 111 HlM I < fdl I'llHI I I'lN Aliiiiullc lilatllc'lruii. ( u , KUI I ruuotiio , Clotlilnfl to-cluy r < 'i ' tlipolns of ponplovho worvr "londy mmlf , " mnko Tni1 cllffiTfiit c'lim of flood ! ? from NVlint tlu-v inuiU > twoniv-fivo yoni mjo. Then pmili woio oul with IUIHHNV , oontHvoro in nil i' it 11 luno s shop , \c" ( n were lmply n pulr ( if nrm lii < lc"ivitli MomooN Mil iii'oiuul , mid Itw ns If the Nvlu lo sullvui inntU1 tosoohow nuuJiol- "vitiy"u mnn eonlil ho nindo ( o look. Moll n roncly-miiclo still then only when compelled to. Ornclunlly tills has chniigud. IVnpIo HUed thi' klon of buying n suit Snlurdny nnd svci\rlno llSuncltiy. MmuiltU'turors were not slosv nboui inkino m tlio slLxtatJon. They oinployod hcttor help , ust'cl botleiinntiM'iiil , imcl lurnotl oul bollorvcnli yi'iirnftop yoni1. To-dny thci'o tire innnufnctuiTi' of roncly-nincui clolliliHi who employ tlio host wurkinon that can bo lili-ecl ut any prlc'o. They buy iho bosl clolh that tlio mills nuiko. They uao the voi-y best tniii Thoronro clotlit \vlio mnUo " ' " in I'm * bettor iij ( concomalo-ilay up "I'oncly-mado" clolhlny tlio uverngo inerchniit tailor turns out "custom work. " Its alnuitlhnt ? oit of clothes \\o want to speak to lay. We Invc bought n much lander a of extra line suits and overcoats lor this piin 's trade than \vc luT \ ever before slum * n , ( iooilsth.it fit , hold their shape and would be taken lor" ciblonivutk"oii iiny inan'sback , , IIKvc ! \ don't , isk"cuMoin nry prices lor them , cither , 0/ < * ST'J.SV'A'A(7 } ' \ ( O /M I CO.- ITS in Melton ? , Kcrscvs , Cassiim-rcq Cheviots , Tweeds etc , ' made up in ck' ant shape , ijnods that more lhin one store in Omaha Us si\tecn \ and ei hteendollars for , at the uniform price of T\V KL V El E ) O LXA A R Q. S/tSA'P/Vf/JS OF STrusif S/'R/A'G SCl'ra \ \ \ han < lsoinc o-oods in almost any color joti \vant. Suits that aiv inaile p by the hest cloth inn ; mala-is in the Hast. Suits that make a man feel yla 1 he's living \vheii \ lie's ot one on. Suits that are \voith \ u'aynpto t\\rcnty \ \ tiollais , a ! ! ul the one un i form price of COMB AND LDT TH13 GOOD 3 TALIC TO YOU FOR TII13\lSDLjVG3. \ Corner Fourteenth an l Douglas Streets. TILL s r. i. r : r * SATURDAYS 10 p. i\i. A cough or cold is a spy which has stealthily conic inside the lines of health and is there to discover some vulnerable point in the fortification of the constitution Avhich is guarding your \vcll-bcing. That point discovered the ] spy reports it to the enemy en the outside. > The enemy is the changeable' ' winter climate. If the cold g'cts in , lool < out for an attack at the weak point. To avoid this , shoot the spy , kill the cold , using SCOTT'S EMULS1OM of pure Norwegian. Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda as the Avcapon. It is an expert cold slriycr , and fortifies the system against Consumption j Scrofula , General Debility , and a/I Anccmic and I'Vasting Diseases ( specially in Children ) . Especially helpful for children tu prevent their n1 < ing cold. Palatable as Milk. 0 SI'JTI AI Srott's rmulsion is nnn-sec ret and is pnsi rilu > 1 bvtlicI < d. C\VTION Scfitl' < ; Fmiikion i1 ? put up in "ilmnn-roUircd wrappers. ical I'rnfc'ssioti ill ier lilt world , IH.I .iiivc Ksinnriilu ills . .iret imtilii ally IJo sure and et llicc'tiiiine. . I'rcpnnil only Ijy Scott & Huune , win blued in biiili a in.inner , is to nrc.illv incrc-.ise tlicir rciuedud.iluc. . ManufacturiiiK Clumibls , Ntw York. All .A IV11 Jirjj i ' 't 'T L. 3SOTD'S. NIGHTS ONLYT \ \ ! .IIM > llV \ | \ l.i/M / I I o 0 in AND nu inv."A \ l\v. 11. lo a Iv "Famcu.H.ildy Hnnnu ot the Sli.ido\\s of i Cireat City. " Jlnnie Ward Tiffaiuj In ln't Inic-mt iinl j A null \ \ nil ' 1 ill mi i- I'l--'v Uu in il In [ ill liful In-li mir-i'i r.M'illi nl I i -l nf I h n n lei- | i Ul "i nn r > mil I'lloi'l- , . Pun l\ n \nu r i an I'l ij- ( it- < II - ill Till Ml I \ , ll I - . 1.1 I | ) l il'll DIME EBEIff \ \ 111 I.IM : or , Mm I'or IDI Illii ml run nu \VI'I K 01 MA . II I' . Tlo \ r it I in \ i'l ' a < ' 1 In1 \ < < trNI i * u . ,11 , IIM fill -prui sli ( , > | H | . i \llln i * 3 P - > Mrt I'IM ' , , r 'I .1 > l I lltlll \ \ ll III in I III. I HI 4 1 H II ll III (1 | I L | iU 111 llr ll > ili * . -IIKTUII ) ' A ! M IMV I nil' 1409 nud 1411 Dodso St , , Omaha , Nob. fV. . V.f. . * - S .t- * Sfi. 1 I 11,1)1 ) ll < < 01 First Class Carriages , Tito I ! .ullns M\1-s Tin't ! ( I'n IN I'A IK'iNM.lOMCI l'ii : > . rrlE tOLDS IN 1 HE HEAD , by one application. CATARRH in a very s'joit time. HAY FEVER , in fio.n 3 to 5 days. EARA'JHE ' , instantly , _ KIl'TV CI-NTS A UOTTI E. 1HUl.r. HYl.l. . 111 ! I'M , I SI'- : . I'l cp in 'lcnl\ ' I > J the PIII.MJMM : M | nn isr. m. lltilvd llluiK. ( liiuhi ; I' . - \ . WOODBUHY'SHOIALSOiP ' lor UioSkiii mnl Stnlp. i I'roi arrU l yn DnrmatoliriM with , ' < > -mn * \t [ i ifi HI * I'M itiJititl l fur t > iMmi M il < lti > i l < il > -k n. 'fli'tihu ' iniMiliai i nl liUTuifm i-iv | i i n nil > ti tihU t ni | l > \ on , i'i i in filling : in I , f r nil t all Blf rl l IH nn I ft u i t rdit no uf ill t Mmf < km tin H.I Pur Sato hy Prufrgists or tnt ly u ail T I C Il3. 1'acial ( , r I I I 10 ( ' , . I a f l > 1 I JOHN II. W flllltlll KTH mint. ,1 , i'i , t. ) . ' . - . M , .fvM Nt. , .NcMt \ orl. ( lly. E fc riilclii.li r1. I'ntlUti Dlumoii.l Ilmnd. PENNYROYAL PILLS HrljIiiUariil Only Ofnlllnf. ' uttl mllii IC laul ' rjiicuIiioN ifi > tt l * "h tiluv rti n I iiki tCtll 'fhrViiill 4 | r nt'iiU | i in t miian HI * i iiuifnt 'i t * nil < * . in unit l r i rlt > * " tn uiit tui * il * * Ittlli T fur Untlh-in' ' " " ' > rt'tvrn | * " * * - - ' ' ' - Kr ffMM ' "f001 . IwMl ; all LMI AYinslow Wilkcs , The U t nt1ju ir-iikl p.iilnc st.ilhuu in thu \\urlil \ \ , llei' nl. ' Ill - ' nl 11'li.t"i ) | > K > < il hint l > > Illnck \ \ UKlinn I i Alii nl - l'l ' mike llin n ii'iui ' Ir.l in i v , i i , iri.ii i iinlm Nib rtA''U. > f 1 0 A COLD IS INFLAMMATION. POND'S EXTRACT REDUCES INFLAMMATION. Specific Directions. ii' v cou > IN TIII : in : vn , nri'ir ' I'oinl's Dxtrnrt illlnliil nc-l ulO by n niiHiil tlniiolii' ) < > r Miiill' It , or \aiini lye It o\er a lump a ml liiliulo llio fiiiiim llirnucli dm noM1. li' IIOICS1I , .nr Io uUliPond' * Ilvtniet < iovoriil tlnifs ituilj. lI'TEIi : TI11IOVI' IS SO II12 iiiilNi : < Iw srit'l' , rub tlu < niclc ( Iloliilli4lil > 11 Illi I'oiul's l.xtlMiC , niul , on rollrliiur.ip , the urclc 111 ii \\nolfii ItiiiulnKO NiiliirnlvU \vltli Voiid's i\li : : id , inul | > ro- loclril lij ail nil Irr \ \ nipping. > ir TIII : MTsiis viti ; s < > ur I a lie a irtt iiooiiliil < > f I'onJ'w l.x- triirl ( our or ll\ i lliini < Iiill } ' . II'TZIi : IiMIIIS V < IC5 : niul uro f.tMv , rnli tliem il oiousl ) 1'oinl'K r.xtriiet. FOR CH1LDF-AINS , Imtlic I'onil'i-i l.xtraet anil Ii.iniln x clolli r > 'ilurnle < l \\ltli I' IMIM llx- trail. Hi liliiir | iilc-lil ) Ntiippt'il. OUT < ! < > mil pun liusi'"oiiiitlicap p. 11 list I till 11 niul 'X | > i'ttll tuilo I'liiuPn Kxtnict ulll. Ut-siiroji lime uuinine nrllflc , liulo mi l y I'oiul'H lUtrnit < .o , , niul I.oiitlon. 1310 Douglas Street , Omalia , Nob. ( i \ t'nti1 ! n ) nr * t Ti > oi n \ to iulur u in tn lit in n il t i in 1 p mi iho w IH ti li t r ii * w til tlio iiuMit * t Htji ICH * nil V < T \ i * t hr TI in l Ti la' ' IM OIH \ ) r u tut nl i u * i i r i M * o i I r * lv rte hi * nti it < HI tin t I -t M in > i I * - nalU iktH - M.-lit I o * " I UP t in \ \ ) > til I * t i 11 it n 1 i * * * * > . > Mrtii ) Nit I * : mruit.-i 11 i i \ * * < i- I tiiik n tfi u > t u 11 i ( .HI ul t Kin ii t tu 1 k i. Mt * . ilts i l I.It i ) uil I it ) l > U h ur * J it in lo - | ut * u * tiy 10 u in t > 1 - m 1 * 111 i 4 ; n im Iv f. r ill ( no II IHIUl J I Hi ri l.li nut tjt H IU1.1 I riiHto il 11 umi.f nun A IT Inul i mi' fur ilu * , , > ill- i ; uvuUuiM pisulmr I nm Ul to , i , 11 JIIVH. r hi'ltinil focUivfn TiiiviiStH > u funi ' " r < niiiiiiiillni ; II lo " ' VKOBf ttr n iii in it TrU * , l'l I'ltH l. OMAHA c " " " " 1 l \V I II llr.lt ork l.uullult.l SCHOOL OP ny Mmitti.i JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PS S. GOLD MLDrt' ' , PAR s EXPUSIT ON 1889. THEM08' , luRFEGTOF PENS 'nrlr cli-rar , MtvUiiitucftkii . l , t iu.iiilim l , flo , I Kill HI nl iv Miliinliln ir. aiiMi ixnl.Mli inululnlnl fill ! luirlli'iilnn for Inunn run' , I'IIC li uf i-luri , . ! A > pl < u HI nu li nl nrk i HI , , ma U < rcivl bynr nun * % lu N in ri iu nntl tl. tillluti il 1'rof. 1' , C , rVLiil , .l