THE OAIATTA DAlIjY HEE : WEDNESDAY , MATtCll 18 , .ISO' ' , SPECIAL NOTICES _ _ * A l'1 1 ItflSI Ml NTs7orWse7eliiiimr wiu 'ii ' luki niliilll 12 . li. | in , fur the \IMIIIR I | in'it mil until ii p. m. , fur the morning diimn niitl t-I'MtAV Mir. "I Hit M1'iish in nil \alien ) \THS Aihrrtlsetticiitsnii tlili patti * will'in piinriii'il for nl lln < rule i > f I1 , iciitH per i "r-1 for MIC first liiRertliin nml In-lit porwerd ir rnrii mil eiiinit | Insertion , nml II.Mi per no pi rin. nth. -iihcMNoiiieiit taken for > - HI mi ' .A < i > ntHfnr tinlirst Invrtlon , M 1 I M.S. llcuri'H. nynilwils , ole. . count each as < MIu tiril rplll si ; iid\crtl < ctiirnt < < limit run riMi riMi- * Hvily nml iiiiili-r IH > circumstances will tlii'j tie taken ordlscdiitlnued liy telephone. * I ) A Kilt : * nd Mrtlsln ) , ! In these column * anil .1 haxltiK tholr imsMf'r'iiiddro'.sod toiVnuni- I ctt'il li-Mi'i-ln euro ofTllt. lllr. : III locolu-u T-nnil't ' red cheek In enable them to Ri'l their luliri \nsnnrn w III lie uellxircd niilv on I n i iiliitlininr this rhceU 1 IK lose answer- * Ii i ni lupcs | irnii | > rlv uililic ssi il A 1.1. HilMMlM'iiiiMiM tlu > licail of " "pedal Notices" lire published In both tinn i urn I nit iimli-\i'iiliiic ttm l < u > iif Tut Hi r. rlmilntlnii of Ahlt-li a v't ! Iconics iiinrothlin . 'lii fli piipeisilallv , nml ith ft adM-rllsor tin1 iM-nrllt nut only n ( tlu > lir oclreniat Inn of 3 IIIllu : lii Oniiiliii , Inn ii Ni In ( 'niim-ll niutTs. I.Inulii - a ml nt lii r clt Us anil towns In the west. BRANCH OFFICES. Ail \rrll-in2 forlliomi ro'iiiniuM ' 111 lirt.iki'ti mi tlir iil'oM'i-onilU Ions nl tinfnlloHln liusl. IH"-S hoiisi's ulio niitliorl/i'i ) lei t nlr.pci'l 11 nnlli IM , nl ihu Hiiinu r.itcs in can In' li.ul , it tint Diiiln nlllci' . Jnl'TII OMMIA IIIIAM'II ( atSlN. Mici'l , l.lsliT lllnfK. JOHN \V. llin.l , , * ' stri'i't. CMM : A iiiV. : | ) .eiutlotu-rs and 1'rlnloM , 1 I.I f mi Hi inthstrci't. < J II rAI'N'sU'OltTII , I'hinnaclsU Sllfl V ' I'uinliu stieet , \\r ,1 Ml lllll'S , I'ha7in.iclsttai Noithirlh , 11 HtriM-l. riKti W. PA HI ! . Phariinclst. 1713 l.oavon- -1 worth street. ] P ( fill's1 1'li.uTMAt'vT2 l { } } and 1'arnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. J'orrnlrs. < le. , nrrl ) t nfflrnlniliiinn on Hit * pnyr. SITUATION wanted bv ft vouni ! nrin who Is . acquainted with I dllleient liintii ines and tlininimhly ipialllh d laallUlndsof oIlH e wntli. Addiess l-i ! , llceolllce. M7M III' "l\r AN'I'l D I'lisltlon by man of seventeen ' \eurse\perlonci'In Ihe wholesale bout nnd shoe litislness. elllu-r In houao or on Hie road. Address lit ) . HIP. M7.V-ls ) AYOI'Ntl man deslics position an stenoii- rnpher ; tun also a bookkeeper ; can clvc refi lences Address I' rCi , lice M fdo''u * i > V aiiunt ; iniiii. noik of any kind. Ail- I diess ( is , lice. M 7IO--JO' \ \ ' \N"ITH A position by llrst-class fancy T * blend nnd cake linker ( lnod icfercnces ; rniinliy pieferretl. Address 107 , Hee. M710-In' * \ \ " AN'I I.I ) Situation asstenosrapher.type- II Milter and bookkeeper , coinpetont to III ! pi'sltlon AMdrcNs 1' 7. ' , Hee. 7i17' \\r A NT I M- Position bv youiar l.idy stennR- ' r.iphcr and bookkeeper ; lll furnish ref- fli in-i-s. Address II'l - ' lieu . VO UI ITATION as lanllnr hv praetleal > ' pliiinliir who nnilersiiinils lakins care of lint'eis si , , nn heat IIIR and general icpairlnir. J-liess I'l. , , ll ( . al.'itlM' ( \ Mll A I'miilovtnrat Ihirean ICstatilUhed V. ' II \ ears. 'Id. ma. iw N. inn , , near Capitol tel in . Milo ; and fcniiilu help constantly on hand M5il7Ati' : UrANTI'l ) Situations for peed clrh ; my uniting rooms arc nlHiiys full fioni II a. in to 0 | i in , ( liiiKiilhin I'niiiloy iiu'iit olllci' , 314' ' i H. 1MII. 'IVlopliiilic. ' HI. HUM WANTED MALE HELP. JV I luff. fir. , fcrlnjinf Hrtt ro/iimil / mi f/if ) mc / 1 1 ' f'TF [ T"\VAVi1 1. ? rrAnr"v ou aTruttT7' I f v Miiloyiui use tlio A. I ) , lluili' now n.i'lliod Of ' ultlnn'i' ' ' M'.Ls--'l' \\TAVrr.l > AeiMiti In ovi-ry town mid ' coiinly In tli rnlti'd Slntps uutslili' of Inru'i' rltlci ; i' < nor da ) ninlo : bv mm and Honii'ii > \ lin a ru nlllliii : tucuntass frnni lionsu to IHIIISC ; uo liavii tlio fnsli-st iiioiioy-niiildni ; HL'I ni'v In Hid IMH Id , OurplniH arc new and ( ill's uro made at slirlil. llnblis' Mcillclm ) l' ( > iuniny : , 415 Dc.u-biiin strool.l'liU'aKo. Ill , . _ M7. IIW Atir.N'l'S. J.'i In J10 per day rollortliig sinsill plot nios for us to copp > anil culirir. : Sfai'tlon L'liar.iatt'cil and a ? limtlll frt'o. A Diniao A Co. , W KiMtlu slict-t NIMV Yorl ( . XXT. tiri'I'H nKonls bii ; money in p\clnslvo T > ti > i rlliuy. Our now paluit safes loll at flrlit ( In rlty orcountry. New iiKisnls Hist la Hold irlinllv cett Inc i k'h. ODD aprnt In one ( lay I'lcaicd i-fi. So can jon. Catalogue fioi' . Alplno Sifc roinp.inv , , 'J'-17I ) ; Chirk sliuet , I mi'lnnatl , O. Alii NT.s Wanted A nv atrcnt Irivlntf lu-i-n ik'crlu'd liy inlslcHilliiu' udcrtl riiirnn nml rliiMiliiis may si'i'inc tlu'canvnssln ' out- lit of ilicnu'inolrs of tipiioi al Slii'rnian , w rlt- ti n liy lilnisiilf , \ \ 1th niini'iidlx by lion .lanirs d Illalnc. liv sondlne Ills oitlllt to us and r > ci nts lii stamps. Our bonk contains 1.000 larjio panes and is tnfl only antliorl/ed 1.1 fe of Shci- " \inan Send to I'hai les I'nh I \ | er A.C'o..1 I'ast T oiirteemli street , Ne101 k City. M700 K ! Atil'N'TS wnntcd In every town for a fast sollliiK ai tide. Inclose stamp forp.irt'e- ulars. , lolo .Mi rrlK , AIIKH , In. TJi-b : , \\TAN''Tlt- Salesman , olothhi ! ; or tailor , us Ti nianaircr of onrluislness , Plymouth Hock 1".nils company , 1 , . J. Miller , Hotel Minrav 7. , ' 17 * " \\rAN'ITI > A youiiK man lo act as treas- * i urer for first chih * minstrel compaiiv. Must ha\e f-JO. Address ( I ; ! , lleo oBlcc.Uinnha. "l\7ANTll > I'list-chns nuchlnlsts ; noun Ti others need apply. Davis & I'owRlll Iron Works. J17W V\7AlTii : ) I'onr live moil to sell safi's on ii tlio road ; la'ary mid O\PL'IISOS. Address Wood .V Hat rli , Sioux I'ltv , la O'.is ' < * " \\TANTI'l > - ( ( > dcanvissers ut the Slnjjcr T i tM-vtlui ; Machine olllcc , 131-i IHniU'lasiit. CM-A-I. * ) TX'ANTI.P In oierv township Intnn stnte , i i a coed aent : to can\asn for John N Navens' stock doctor book , contalnliiK * ' ) panes , printed In I'njrlMi and rScrinan , 1'cr riirthxr p.n tleularsadilress H , lluux. t'arsna. lowi , tVs > -s , " \ \ \NTP.I ) Orcaul/ers in exery fur f i thenrderof .Iniio. an endowment order , paying } | 000 In 7 years , uml l'i to } - ' . " vopklv KICK bent III. I'nlipto featnies ( liinil men can inake iI.IMI u jear. Addre-s Snpienio l'ies | . dentli. A. Hurper , 41 Iluclltl a\cnue. Cleve land , O. MBItJ ls CiI < 1'"MIN wanted to sell coeds to ini-i- ls chants by sample ; new foods ; hie piv fur \ > oileis ; permanent situation , ehmoo to ti.illd ath.otradc. Model MfR , Co. . houtli llend. I ml. . " . AS * \\'ANTI'I1 A ynuiiK loan for the Magi * to ii learn the driiuatlo business. Addros Ml s 1'ptu Marsoll' * Praniatlo l'o. , Loxlnstnn. Neb. flKi IT" [ TNTI'.li Two competent dry ' clerks at Huston stole. M T\7ANTI'l \ lli t clusH blacksmith , out T i that Is first class on plow work anil horsn- tl'OPlinr ; no ollior need apply , Adilress11 - I llaiu s-iurllni ; , De\\itt \ , .Nub. Mf > .d-l < ) " \\TANTI. lAn l expericneod male htcnoirri- T i phor and typewriter to do work In a lu - yci s olllco In a city of lo.ixx ) Inhabitants lo cate. . 'n this st-ito. Mn-t boell ipcom- nionded. Add'css , llov " 17 , JJapoln hotel , Uln- coin. Neb. Mi"l * \ iI" A"STI.l > "Mechanlc5 , miners , liunlernien. T i clerks , bookkeepers siiilcMneii , fanners , laliorersand men In all cap.iclths to fiiaejo Vi'otrrnOwKnn nml tuft'iti positions at niero thiin llvlnn wncos. Thlsfsapar of the world not only tonal to. but i'\celllna any other In natural uilvnntaKa * . Vim Inv Itn corirspond- cnre from all \ \ ho would feel any possible In terest , nnd assure yon that nil you ha\e to do Is to InM'stlt-Mito. We jirovn lipycmtl pfr- adM'ntnreof a doubt all that weassort < > ri > - con Loan .V Trust Co. , I'--'i ' I'.rst s | . , Port- jHiid , OretfOn. M ? in ? ' * * \VANTIn-Mon wltli Rood reference at i Mt'tropolltan M'f'tiCo. , law Howard st. f.17 . MI3' WANTED FEMALE HELP , F > 'rratettr.HC'.oi > of 1rtt enluni'l on Mt JMJC f IHL wantctl at WO S , SSth ivonuo. 713 A11PAI.THV child to adopt Into rcspprln- bio family , Address 0 1. lice. 7JHH- "X.V'AJSTKD-A coed Rlrl for general bousp- V work. UUi-sJtli street. COl-17 * ( I AI > Y WantcdGerman InJy tolnstnict oa . .lSIuscr sowing nmohlnoi. , IfllC Ponslas M. \\'ANTKI > -A cnod clrl for ireneral lmn o- I wo.ut. ! . IJU-O Cullforo.'a t. i seed wnses pull > . ' IS * FOR RENT-HOUSES. FtHMtK.flr .Uf topatKnl niluirtnn'ilhb | MJ" Ijinlt UKN I SlTL ( llvo'n , iriiMu'.T7 , M n i. IMS , water , bath , etc tnoo UKM N L'Tth itU' . , I'J rimiiiK. furnncc , ens , etc . . , . 1000 'III MI : tntii t , 5 nxnns oily water and eun rn . . I ] 00 ai.'i sn. .Whst. , , l MUMS , city water and e lern . 10 01 ' . 7ioliikciit.irt : ; > oiii < niidsntnmirklti'hon U w ) ITinSt Mary's me. , store rnom clii-np. for inth and Arbnr. ilott'rix . ? ' \ . ' shdv- \i\U \ \ city ater , etc. It. tl. Clink .V Co. . PJIs llarnej si. M t 111 I/'OH HUNT-Kin en-nmni , tuoderti house iiiii t beast exposure. Mi S. Kud st. Kit 21 * ITViU lll'NTriu'reoni rottafe on nintor * ' line ; clt > wrim-r ; Pdl HoiiKlas. Wo J"fHI' Kent.-due homo In till'elt'pitit new block at tilth and California MM. I'nn toKins ; all moduli con\cntoncc-s , Ilrennaii A i . 6S N. V. 1 MU'1 ri'I'.N loom house with tun acri'4 fruit , e -1. liirn--plenml : Inline. Iliitcbliisnn , \Ye.iil. . l.V.'l Ilium-las W-IU. CDT'PAOI' * of 'I looms In lour of I''lSt'hleairo street , KOiliior nionth. MWMJ1 ( SKOOM hini-ic. hut and cold wiler. hatband chisel. In one of t he best lo.-.itlons In Ihe city. * i'i.oo per month In ileslrablo p.ilty. II } ' . . 1'iiU * . I Hi > ek , .VI HI J/OK HUNT 2 7-rooin houses , i th and Vln- - Ion. t\r \ > . I P-renni bouseStlth anil t'althvell. wllli alliuotlern convenleiu-es. J.'X AddlTSs.T. ll.liihnsnn.OII N V. I.lfe bulldbiK. I'M , \ M'Mlirilnf i-roiiiii houses , eltv water /Vmil hud , ' 1.M .mil utiMiirds Also cott iites and tints , llundv > V I u. Kill ( . 'apltal avenue. IP you wish ti rent a house or store see II , 13. block. lO.i " | ? ( ilc liKNI'- Pour (1 ( nnd 7-rooni Hits with * - . luxtli , lint water , etc. ; paved Htreot : near liiKiness ; all Impiovcmcnl'T. ' only 'J.'i per mo. Keferences iciiulted The Imcstment ( ( i. . 4I'J Hue biilldlai ; . trJ7 | jOU UiNT : 1'J-room centrally located rcsl- JL iicnccs ; all nioilern con\enlciniesthe lluest In Ihe city.V It. Human , rooms 8 ami HI , rien/crhlU. ' FOR RENT FURNISHED HOOMS PHI rdffn , rfr , trfl i > nf first mlunm on Hit * piiic. NHT. cast fiont looms , modern conven iences , fin Kintlemcn. M)3 ) * , ! . ' 1st strict. M 71' > ' "J ri'WO ! l-roiini cottaiies and II rooms all nicely J furnished for Ill-lit housekcenlnc , $10 , jl'J and { Hi per mouth ; city und cistern uutcr. ' hHI Iiecatnr. MTiCi . ' 11 " | jinu.MSllli ! | iiionn , licit , icfcieiiOHs , -T lir , Doiiflas. UK 'JO' OIi UiN : 1' Nloolv furnished rocniin with or without board , ti'i'.1 N I'th. 1ST H QI'P.AM belted Hats nt Tl'J S. loth. Thin. P. ll 1'iiMim blouk. ti-r > Ij'OU HI'NT Purnlsliuil rooms. 1C07 OoitKlas JL'st. 'Jll I ) t'II.MAN house. 1310 Doilio street ; for KOOI ! board , nleo rooms , inedern coiiM'nl- eaces , ralesand location Hcnnnot boc\celled. llNlal.V U * MAIIiroom , 1701 t'.ipltol avo. tKK LiU'lvNIMir.ll nud unfuiiilsbed nidins and 1 good hoanl. Mrs. M , J. Sliilncr.'ttl S. U'tllh Ht. OW ill' IjiIlOST loom with alcove , cintaln , mantel , - heat , j-as.liath , - closets , for' " uentlemeii or and wife , $ \ij.W \ per inoalli ; .1)7 ) Si'lthst. ST. CI.A1U Kuropoin hotel , with dlnliiK room ; sle.ini heat In all looms , lilt h and Undue Spit'lal rates by week or month. IKH 3/ill ( HKNT rurnlsbed roonn , BUS b.ith and 1 steam , ISI'I ' Howard. Klo JIDUUKNT PutnUhod room 141 Doilso st L1 M7M m III' J71OH ItKN'T . " > rooms , ono lloor , 17K Jackson 1 tt it-til. M'JIO Ii'dU KKNT Twonty-ll\o rooms Inabilek block : peed location ; nlth or without fur niture. O. I' . Davis lo. , I'm ParaaniHt. ! SIM'Jil FURNISHED ROOMS""AND EJOARoT I'or rtll ( , rte : , nrcl"i > ( ifflrnt rii'iiniu oil tlit.i paK. ( IriPltMSIII'.li roi mis with nioiliMn eonvon- lencles ; boaid If deslied. S. I" , cm nci -.Mh au'tiuoand Il.iiney. M702 SI' liITIlXIMIii : > room Hlth boaid. lloferences , -T _ Sl ! | I'nrnmn. _ _ MI.MI ai * ' : loom nnd board for S ; JJ per week. J 011 ll.irnoy struct. 5ll > 4"i IS' TJOOMS and board , h2-j Chicago at. Ii MI53S1 * _ JA1JTIKS w'slilnt ; nicely furnished , larcn south looms n ith boanl all conM-iileaees will Had II to their Interest to call at oncu at The Hillside , N W. cor. Mb and IloilBi' S it Isfact Ion assured. _ aliffii IS * KKN'I' Two south front moms , with " Ili-st class board , references. Apply 1M * loilRi' stn-et. .W ) IU * "lJIPIIxisill.1) ) looms w Itli board. 4U7 N lllTii .L1 street. .M.'isu-J7' l/ol ! IIKNP A Imve , ilin-lv tnrnlsbed room 1 w Ith boanl. In a iiiaii and \\ife. \ 'I'hn most pleasant part of city anil private family ; no other boarders , icfcronces. Address 1) 4" , llco , FO R R ENT RO QMS U NFURNISHED .i , tie. , pcrtojyof Tint rnliimn mi f'iln pay ' /Jit ( llKht hoiisfkeoiiln : , plea.sant rooms 1"with b.iy \ \ lud.'W. on motor line : modern lonvinlences. ! MV , X.Jlh stieet. MT01 iitt * FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES. I'ar rates , ctc.crtt > i > < if flirtciiJrmn oil tltiipnuf , ( JToItKSal 7tw"K10thsteam ; ftiraUlicil. nriioinasr. I 1'axton block. TO I7-OU - ItTNT- The l-story brick build I m ; , with Jor ilhiiut powei.formorlv occupied by the lice I'uhllHhlnu'Cn. Dili 1'arnam st , Tliuhnlld- Iia ; has a llrepioof cement basument complcMo steam heating lixtures , wntor on all the lloon. ( . as. etc. Apply at the otllce of The Hee , Ul" > 171011 KKNT Or" sale , my bulhflii'i on .ion PI L1 st , bet. 10thtilth. . G.A.Lindciuist.JlOh l.Mh.UI7 _ L i"ilU KP.NT - ' tore room. ' 0x77 , 111 new dow ry l.iillillnc on ( hlca.'ti s-treot , lust wc t of lutli ht rtet. I'lU.CO per i.i'.nth. IncliidliiKsteaiu heat and city vator ; also basement suitable for shop , on corner liith and Chlc.uo streets , * .V.t'0 ' per month , lioberts. 40J North liith. Mal4-MSI FOR RENT-WAREHOUSE. J' r late. * , tie. , ntctnpof tint cntumn on tlili j'l l Olt Ur.N'P-llnck wan-house , two stories L hlu-h : basement , hydr.iiillt' nlcvalor , track age ; best location In city. A. C. I'owell , ( ill "AGENCY. li't ' rntrt , rle. . 'ft t i > nt flat ruliimn nil fJilj > T your houses In sell or rent with C. P , Jllarrl-on. IH.'N. V. Mfo. 1)11 ) IjrXTAI. Aceiit ( lee . ! . I'.ml. 1WO I'liriiaiu Kticet , inal.cs specialty of rontlutf IKJIIMPS. stoetc. . , and colloctin , ' rents M.VI7 "l\"ll < l has houses nail stoics In rent ? I have lots of riishmipis. J. II Parmtto's Ken- tal Apcncy , lUlli and Dodi-e. ra.M. ' , * . Wl * . CO LI- * , rental agency.Continental blk.MO . , HITDJI ( iifflnt cul.itnn int U IU"NT N'ewl'nUii , Ucliot hotel.On.aim , "Neb. K. Stub ! his erected a tbnc sturv uri-skcil lirlck hotel , located on the corner of Ilth and Mason streets , bet wren the nntrniu-n In two VKiduetsand within 0110 blnelr of tlm new l.'aloa depot. It cunt.ilns 4S .sieeplnj MOIIK. a kitchen , laundry , otllce , lobby.dinlnir reom. a b-irber--bopor siniph'room , a ladle- , ' and Rents'parlor , and bath rooms ; hn" the Litest Improvements ; lighted by electrlo llKlit or Kas : Iliealarnis In every loom , and Is heated bv stenni. Ills In vle'A of all tralllo Kiilni ; to anil from the depot , t'leaso addro < i all letleisto ( IHIIOI , 1C. Muht. 101'J.S ll'.bstleft , tiin.ihn , Neb. M7unt ! ) IIil ) ! KHNT-A f.trin adjolnliic tlm toivn of I Hl.ilr , Neb. o or'-hard. ' vnievnnl tame tfra cs. riinnlu ; wator. funced. If. \V. \ .Mclirldo. Illalr , Neb. 444-51' " " AKUnN"l'A"UM3ToTijnt. T. Murray M519 _ IfOlt UI'.ST-A Rixid wacon anil paint shop Inconni'ctloa with my lilacksinitn shop. Address , William t-porlln , DoVVltt , Nob.M53619 M536-19 Foil SAhn An A 1 Hre proof safo. I'nqnlra at Hoaton More. L'I5 ' _ . . " HAM : ( 'unilot | ) ft > t of drup store tl\- tu res . tliou cast's , ute , . I * . 0 box J7' ' . 041 DRESSr/TAKING. t'ortatesetc. , Kctnpofftrit columnou tMi paje. DlirsSil A KINO. f lTlOtli7tre < > r * " rT \ _ TP " N't ) A oi3uTN'fTnro ! Tes7m iTTl niTiiTTiim- Hion m > llc'td. ' MUi Sturdy , voio Harnsv itroet. ilai-AS * WANTED-TO RENT. t't > n < ttt fir , M I ffl'tn//Ini / rn'iiinnmt thtx ( itflr. \VAN'ri'l > HOISP for hN fi ed , tiest nf care ; > l light wort. , l allat IUI N..Till MreM M7 J-ls \VANiril Slor mi-room celtuce In ii ttclnlt\ of llansciim park , Addiess. statin * | irlc ° e , I , . SBl ( Unuglm. M 7IM1 > ' \\ANTI'i | Oninirlno rooms and bmird In i' prlv iti-fninlly for Ki-ntlctnan nml lfe. Address it a , Hee. M7V1-1U' \\\"STKIi u neat 1 roomed rcsldoneo ilc- TI liu'lii'd. noun nr IIIH- . In uood lucnllt j. Tn ukc IK "session April Mill fur six niimtliinr u car. Ira II Newton , with iitti : < iiliuii i > mul 'nihiec , x IMh mul rioreostrocK T.u-ts * \\TAM'KH-lly a centhiiian mul nlcco n I HII tc uf rooms In a pilvatc funillv < if two v Itli no other roomers , Addrus * 1 * di. HIM' , M7U-.I-10 - * \V AM'i-Tnrent | : ) li itel In Iowa or Ne- > il.ra ka Address P in. Hee otllce M7ll-ls _ \ \ * AM'KliTo rent blacksmith shop In il uood location by | ir.iellc.ilt'smllb Coun try IIIMII preferred. Addles * J. Alcry , At- hintlc. lo a. f * . ' 17 * \\f ANTKH A liniisn of iitiout ton rimins , TI wi'll liiilit. iiiDili-rn IniiiroM'iiiiTiK ilo lr- nMy lor.iti'il , with it li ; n ; not In u nnv. Any mi' luttliik ; iii'h ulioiiMi toruut mlilri'sn KIK > IH 7,1'li.'iinlMT I'nininiTi'i' . US lUAM'Ktl-To n'lit. liy April I. rtorSrooin > ' IIUIISP , iiindrrn. AilDn- & < ' 'Ui liulip. ) M7S1I MSJ r'oi ntlit. ft < . < < foji iittrft fuliiinii i > nl'n.i ' | liK of lioiisi'liolil Rooils ; cloiin. ilry k 'liluri1 , prh.itolv stiili''rins tnoili'l'iiti1r ; lllll Stllll' stllVt'S lllirlll till' SlIhlllHT.lMVlll Ki't thrni f toin tlio IIIMISI'M mul ih'.lx IT tlii'ln III lie full In ( jooil trim. 'I'd. MX ) . 1 07 Moiicliis. Unmlia hio\i" Hopiilr Worki , 7111 CIH'AI'I.SP and best stonuo for fnrnllurc \\ells. III ! rarnaniM. KW COI.IIStnr.iKn nionis fur OKI'S ami butter. drj storage ( or nidse. and household goods. Halm iei-.iin.iblo. ample tr.ickiiirc Thu Neb. L'oltl btoraco I'o , Mi-sl7 lli > w aril st. Ml All " * | ) lt'T ti-iii-ka&c and stor.ipe build ur. In i'Omilia. I'nlted M.iti * . " uovernment bonded warehouse llonieliolil co'iits stoicd and c.irntl for. Lowest rali-s 1:11 iratituuil.V. . M. Ilusb- iii.ui. liHI-IDO l.t'iviMiwortli. WU FOR SALE FURNirUHE ETC. i rtitttetrfcft < > iiifflrtroliiii\n \ o i : All or unrt nf fiiriiltiiri- u IS louni boaidlni ; linnsu ; IIDII-.O IllU'd with ; good lucutlun. Addrt'ss I''il. Urn. MWG LM SALT riirnltuio 111 T-ioom linilsoi liousi * for rent ; upp. ll.uisuoin park , north , All iniiilcrii cimvcnloini'S. Hiuiulio l. J > tli anil l.t-aviMiwortli. M fiS FOR ' 3ALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. 7"iirr < iM , ( terrli > i > t > f flint column "IjIDIJ SAI.K fciinn liiifUkln IIOIM'H , war- JL' runlnil sniinii , lust tliothlnK for tlio roml In pity ilt-lhcry ; to inn u.isy. uxi > 'i-\v Voi k I.lfo. M7I1-18 * "IflMSSA I A' Onii of tlu liiiiidsoim'xt pnnli-s JIn Ilio oily : warr.iuiud sound ; wi'ljilit ( -Oil ; sniinii us a ilnlliir : rt'iitlo to riclo oriliivr. GDI Ni'Yorli lift- . M717 lh' Uli A I , ] ' . Horse and iibaeton. centlo and sound ; lust the tblnu ; for family use : terms y. Mkl New York ] , lfo. -MTtS Is' HI.AC'lv tiain.Vk'toilii , liirncs ! > , hnisisiddIr or lull nr'i' ' ) , cnu. C'lsh. Hiutip , t'liloiu'l Hutlcr , Toil. Charles llutli-r , | s-.M JIOll SAI.i : 'J Imported Shetland htiilllnnq. .1 I ) . II. lliMinan , lllalr , Noli. fa : M' "I I OH.sps nail iniili'i. casli or P.IS V piv : incuts 1 I ( . 'alloraildirvi llnwUi'yu Int. C'o. , room : i.t , Don llis blnrk , Onilillll , Neb. O.Vi 'A lii ; I'licrip , wimou nml double work ianiL'ss.dr will cu'liaiiKi * f' ' " ' Inu'Klioaril , iiNn need hlilc luiK'SJ'i clioap. II. K.Colo , I'onl limital liuililliiK. U4J FOR SALE COWS. 7 r ) iilf. etc. , ffetuji ' /l/ > fr * iNiii ( on l/ifs / iiiifie 1\\ \ 1 Mi pay cash or tr.ulo fiesh milkers for dry cowAdilressi : . > . Ji-itui , Ills N 'lith hticet. 7'.1i-lh' "Sll etnvs fnr cntranco to stock- yanls. 1M Hums. ftlU ? ' T ! SAM'A ( ' milch cow. J. II. On- niont.IWJ I/ifayettoavenui' . " M'-MJ FOR SAUE MISCELLANEOUS. /'ur * ( ifcu. etc. , ftttdfi uftlnl roliunit on ihtifnue hrli-k for sain nt 17.50 for l.oon. Can hhlp bj mil , Ailihets , r , 70 , Hicotllio. M7I7 I1) ) ' \TIM''rriN : vol. Nthraska reports and olllco 1 > furalturt' . room 3JS , N V. I.lfo biillillni ; . 72:1 : to1 IflOIt S-AI.i : Dlobolil afe in pnod condition ; nidlluin sl/c Iniiiiiio at 4W > Mcichants National M4a _ OU S A M : A standnrd inakn upilfiht piano. Imt llttlo used , , it asaerltleo Must bo sold at uat'ii. Uullat 2I1'J ' Caldwcll. iSl TTHlir brick. $ .0i ( per thousand. 0.1) . Wooil- 1 worth. ni'J DniiKlas t. > j0 ; SAM' * Piano , SI1. * > : enrtaln desk , ? : i , and books. I" > ? 1 Shoi-niaii avo. 4J8 WANTED TO BUY. J'ur rat ft , tie. , sic < i ji nfflrnt rolumti on ( "if * pagf. \\rANT to buy a house and lot on oasv IT terms. 11. M. Mohr,7oi'i : N. IDth street. " M74tl Is' \\7ANTPI-To ) buy a phaeton hiechan BO ii for a. ' ) year old ha v driving horse ; welxlit 1,100 pounds ; gooil stylt-i price S 'iO. Ailclress ( J4. lice. M7JJ4 In * WANT to buy and sell territory for pat ents ; patents obtained ; semi II,00for In formation , Instruction , etc. Keforenco , IIcm. \ \ . S. I-'elkcr nnd others. I'lilherford A. < 'o , patent of llco attorneys and agents , loom 013. I'.ixton ' block. TilO-lu' \\7'ANTIf ) f-alooa flMuves and two pool > tallies , AddrcbB ' 'KG Ucsb Ilroadwny , Conni-ll I Hull's. M.'ill Ti1 FUN 1T I ! Ki : bought , sold , stored. Wolls. -L1 1111 tarnani8t. via \\7ANTPn-Anytlilnc. mdso. furniture , IT horses. hnsKlei-Wlll buy iinythliiz you have for sile or soil It for you. I'ohort 1 niton Anellon and ComnUssloi. Co. , 141' ' ) , Jlou lis S-lrect. Omaha 171 MISCELLANEOUS. /'or / in/i'c.flc. / , fee ( i > o//"jj' / roliimit on t Mi ] > imf , "IJ AM'NKSS positively eiued No mistake I about it. s-end for ileseilptl\e elieulai Addiess "Anli-Halil , " nox 2U3. DitMMipoil , I a , lTAKNIXlAll persons nro warned not to li buy from or amnneo money to any per son or poisons on notes , checks , certificates of deposits or other papers drawn In the name of lUvlil y. or I ) . S llyland. uil-17' \\7ANTrn 'ine ' million snmhon to USD tlio IT Clear rack , can-lean ul . .nfiom break- Inc li.sldo of any hat ; handsomely nlekol plated. Ily null . iO vi'iits. Airents uantiil , llli ; suet esi. 1 ! , I'tumU X Co. , Uacu .St. , I'liil.i- delphla. WiOh * MA.sAnK treatinpiit.eloetrn-tbermalhathsT ai'alpnnd hair troatinont , ni'inleiiro and chiropodist Mi . l'o til'J'i : ' S.IMh.ltlinoll \ blk. 147 LOST /'or / riiff , fir , ffelni f flint ro'immnu tht * STIiAYKD liaritu bay hoiso , 7 years old ; . send word toJ. IIoods' barn , cor. 14lh aad Howard streets and ho will bu called for t ) II I' . IMe. M7.V.MU _ LOST 1'alr cold oypKlasses , with chain , at lloyd'sonora bou o or on street , bultublu reward , Address mi IMcrco at , 7il-ls ; * STOLEN. I'or rateslit , > Kft < > pufjlntcoluinnnnthli j STuIiKN- reward ; team , spring waciin anil harness one Iroii-jjrny IIOI-MS , wt. DUO Ibs. . llKbt tail with mark on front font near Imufi onobay inaie , 1) ) year.s old. ut. < M. ) His. , nhltostrip In fuihuad , ono white hind foot , wlriunaikon left ( tout foot from himf up ; one Mill bell sjirlnK waKen , part platform ; ono sot \uirk \ liarncsn ; the liorso Id 5 year sold , O'lty Murbhall , Uri'lt' , Ntb. 7 117 HAIR GOODS-WIGS , ETC. e. . itetnpoffliit coluinn on tltli B I'ST line hnlr goods In west ; lialr dressing , , iwltchos. bum ; ) , hair chains , etc , a specialty , Diivles , hair Broods and milliner. opposite postofllco. Ill H. 15th at. , Umulm. li& ? PATENT SOLICITORS. 2'oriiil < r , { ( c. , ite toi \ > i > fj\nt \ ( 01111111 on l/ili / 1 > AT1-N T 1 i vmj r and soco r sJ\v ( do. , It o bnlldtn ; , Oniiiha. Hr.uioli ulllvuut Watblriiitou D. U CoukUltatlonfruu. FINANCIAL , fur * ifr , ttf , rtelini t tHrat tutu inn onlhb 1 ) AN'K slock * for i.ihv ( X II , lin r row. I 'Norfolk Nell. SOS IjMKSI'.l .second morlitai ! ( ' on vneiuit A lin * JpioM'd city pron. touuij Wairaiit lnnnht Mtmej on baud. 1' M. Ulclitiilsiiii.sis N Y.Mfo. " MONCY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ' urnifct , ifr , rr/up / of Hi f rnlunpi I > M'I ( ' ( pl(7 ( < " Sl.coN'li iiiortcn i' loans ; money teitly. AleMeore , 4JI Uii'blll ( * . 4lV-u' " * \1tiN'l'.V to , Midland ( limraiiten anil Ail Trust Company. IflM li'.irnam stteet. MTtW * * \ll > * SrV en blind toh'mioa InipniM'd oriin- - .il liaproM'd propnty. Chiis.V , Ualtiey , Oinnlia Natloniil bank I'UU' . _ M4M " ! MO.VKV tiiloan-llnrealestaic , Imtnlliuont inortuaeii : nt < w plan ; cnxy monthly | MV- inents. I'or full parllciilnrs e.ill on or ad- clicss 1'alteil Ssintes l iin X Imc.stmi'iit ( ' < > . , rtKUiiiWI and COJ lice building. Pmah.i , Nrh. M'.M ; Afl _ _ _ _ "iHNI'.V | to loan on Omaha property. 1'ldel- lillty Trml company , lllll 1 amain. rrS ] ) lUVATr. nionoy to loan J , I ) . /.Ittle , nil N. Y. I.lfe. ( i. > 3 _ _ "IMMMUNO loin : . fllo 7 per ( 'cut ; no addl- * 'tloiial elurires lorcoininlsslon or attoriiev's fed. \ \ . II. Mol'do , I'lrst .N.ulonnl bank li'iCu. ICtl _ 1 Jl'Al , Hsl'i'e lo.ins-i'inli on hand , tllobo 1 1 Loan and Print t'o . W7S. lllthst. No delay , iioovtr.iebntj'es. Utilises to r mi , KINK ! list , nv * TVIDM'.V to loan on InipniM'd city property -I" at eu 1 1 cut inlcs ; funds on liiuul ; no de lay. Oeo. I' . Illint .ttCo. axi UaniKiilild's. H.-l JpASI'liltN money lillt eilitcil Inside loans \uinted. I'hlladelplila ' Morti'ime nnd Ti list Co. , U.V. . I1. Coiles icp. Tlloatdof Tr.ide. U.iii.ll _ JH'.Al , Kstiitu l.oani M. li. Maeleod. ( ir > N\ lY I.lfo bulldlntf. 7ol M JO IV'.HK.MII.i : loam pi iced wltliout nnv -I' tioablo. A. K. lllley , lootnll , ( . 'ontinental block. M7.V , m'Jl MONEY TO LOAN-CHATIELS. I'orrnffsi , clc. , ctdn ) ) nf/Irnlrii'miiu onlliln | uic. " tfOM'V to loan by It. 1' . Masters on elnttel -ill and securities foi any tlinefiom 1 to 7 months , la any amount to suit bor- io\\er , l/oaiis mndo on housobold ( ; ooils , piano ? , or- nnns , horses , niides. IIOIISIH , lenses , naieliouso the lowest possible rates with out publicity or removal of property. My loans me .so arrniiKCilthat you can make u payment of any amount at any time and ru- duee both principal and Inlorest. Ifyouowe u balance on your property or have a loan yoimaiitchaiu'ed. I will pay U oil and cany It forjiin. If jnu llnil It moiecon- M'lilent. call up lelcilione ] No lir.'l and jour business will ho arranged at home. Money ixlnaysoa hand. No delay , N'opub- llclty. rales II I' . Mail oil , Hooiii4 , M'ltlincll bllt. , 15th and llarney sts. C 11 ATTBti bank , 'IIIH. J.Mli si. loans mnncy 'uncliatlelsui ' , uollaloralnt n.ison.ililo r.itos Hill BUSINESS CHANCES. , f/i.crrloiif / ) ml mini oiif/ifs / | nrc. ACIIAM'R In a lifetime for men \ \ llhcaii- iind active iniiii u Itliunt capital to we 11 roil \cr.y plea.s.iiiL and prulll'iblc liusl- ness. No ilroiu s or cm loM.y sielvOH ni'eil ap- 1'ly. ' Addii'ssltli 'J-i'eul. si.imp C'oiisolldatcil Adjustable."hoe Oo t-aloin , Muss. M7l7-la * \\7 AXTTIl A hustler for olllcooik liy mi M liiM'siinent conipauy. I'.nty ' to take il.OX ( ) In 1C > ,000 hloc'k hi wnipany. Address ti 7 , lice. _ _ 'MTIiil : "iritll'HAM : llarbir simp In tn\snnf ! * .OUO la -L Neluaska : liiilldlin ; , tlxtuns and all com- nlelc. nn easy ttrmsor | fnither pirtlculars miiiliuofU. 11.1' . Halu.aiClluuljullilIni ! ai51-21 ljClt SAM : orTinde A well loc-nled lanch J1 with K'.IWO ' head of cattle and 1100 lioiscsi calllowcllKradwl up fioin nntlvi's , NoTcx- nns. Owliiirlo favoiablc elliu.ito ranch well adapted to lirocdlnn. 1'aitics Inti lesieil. do- sliliiK In close up tlii'lr buslnoss , \ \ ill oll'er special Indncoiiientslo bnyoisfor cash or well Ineatrd real csliitn. I'or further particulars apply to or addiess , ItobcitV , Claike..I I/a t-'illo street , C'lilcaio. 7ltr > - : ) 1/1OII HAM : f,000.W ; ( stoi'k ot unaoral mnr- -I1 ehamllM'Vnntc.islinndvlIl bell at dls- eonntlf taKcn this neok. Addmss lock box 41. Auburn , Noli. TSM'J ' * TilOU i\l'HANCii-A : : neat , desirable and J paying business In Lincoln forcooiluloar Oninh.i or l.liii'iiln proiorty ) , Worth about j. > , r > 00. fahaw X Shaw , c-or 13 and O Ms , Lincoln. siria in1 HAM : Hotel funilturo and IOT.O of FOIt old oslalillshmciil ; rooms ; lintel dnlnsi : ) 'ood Inislness. llhloeks from I'nlondepot : will sell olieap. Imiulio Atlantic hotel , t > U'.i-i > ll . - ll'lh ' struct. Omaha. Neb. ( . 'H-ls' ' OICiAK Morufur s.ilo. Iiujillro SOI S . st. M la * " \\MIO Ill's * A I.P. Ilrpior liuslnr'.s , n party with i i oiipltal desires in buy Into alimo bn liK"ii In Oni'ilia. A < hlless , stating tunounl runulied , I'7I. lluo. 7J4 . ' . ' FOIt SAI.H The only ilriu stoio In irooil town In soulhcnstcrn NclirasKu. ( ' .ill nn or address I' . J. llllsItiirchanl , Ncli. "MOH-IU * OHOOK11V stock for sale ; doing ueash linsl- ness. Address I'47 , llee. M fit/I A ill' FOHSAM : Meatiaarkot.llrst class ll\tiires , doing Kood Inislness. A bimuln If taken soon. Address look boKl , Council lllutrs. 585 ! iQ _ F OK SAM : Wall paper and paint estahllsh- inent carirliiK from Jl.ftoo to ' . ' .OUU slock , ( lolimn Komi protitalilo nuslno , coed location , o\pt'iises Miiall. In tlio prosperous city of fiiand Junction. Aildruss box b , > , Urand.liinc- tlon , Colo. M , ' .7J 20' KAT Market 1'nr Palo 1'ittcil up wltli power choTipor , renderlns kettles mul every requisite for a tlrst dais market , doum ( he best family tr.uln la the ulty. Address l.oe.l { llox 400 , Council IllulTs. \I" > IU-W T7 > OK SALi : Oao-half Inteicst In the be4 X' paylnc inaiket In Council Illulls poor health reason for stUIni : , A veniK" salt's nvur"il perday , AddiOss ( J , oaro of Hee , Council llliUTs. M. it-ai ! _ Dl'XIiAl1 , In. , iv.ints . u lukory. Sultalilu building with o\on for uat. J , II. Head. boa 19' _ FOIt HAI.K-Ilanhvarc , linploineiit. fiirnl- turn nml undertaking business In one nf the lies ! towns In western Iowa. Address box 'Ml , Noola. la. > IV.t ; lu' _ SAM * . Do you wish to got In a ijood business ? liny the Connierolal liotul at , Ilrokcn How , Nub , tauo pirt Uinah.i aero , 4i7 "I7"OU SAIiK ruinlturo and iindeilaklnK J buolni'ss In a Kixiil tnvMi , with orltlioiit htoro bullilliiK ; uiirl cash , balance Kilt cdi-'u napvr or clear re.d ustatu ; In\ok'os about IJ.WW. Iluv Wi , Lincoln 4iiJ EXlT.ltlRN'l'i ' : ! ) canvassers and salesnia1 ! \\lth lll'lecapltnl will llml tbu best M-llInt ; specialties In the est liyoallhm at 1011 I'hl- I'liszo fctriet. IcrlyslilTp& ) Iloroin , 4'-OalO ' rpl'ANsTiK : llni ) for sale.Tor cash , to tlio - ihlt'hebt blddor , at luili and X slieets , l.ln- coln , Noli , Mnreli 21 , IMH , at 'J p. in. , I \ \ \ \ \ sell a coinnlelo transfer line , JW iiuilos anil horses , 20 drays and coal watiui- 4 new funilturo vans , I nefr.imo liarn , I4ox.i2. safe moving inaehliieiy , liarnesf andutlii'r artlclus , 1' . II. I'lorson , rccoher 2sl ( 'JO * CLAIRVOYANT rnriutcttrtretiipiif frxl roliiiuii oil tlili MA Sri AUK MadanIJrl.Ier. . over GIOS iith ; i M101-AO * Mil ; " . WAIJiACK , clilrvoyanti naturally id f toil ; tells past antff nture.lovo troiiblts , absent friends , chnnioii'tra\ol , business. l.mH riirnnin stioct. i - M3.1' * MltH. rollT , palmist riirtuno teller , tells p.iHt mid future from thulinesof thu hand In nlil cynsy way : laillun only ; fee il , filS S. llith , & .VR'i VVrANTAll nhotild Know Mrs. Or Do T San. the lady nilnil ro.idor and fiirtnnu teller ; tells . and fiituioi she N tlio bust over hero ; IH especially deep In all iiiiitrliiin- nal alTalrs and mysterious dlsaipear.inees | ; don't buy , 6ellor K on a journir until you consult her ; she can can forltdl lln resulth : Is trullifiil and rullahle ; peileol snthdictIon ( . nariiiitied by mall ; t > end tuo stamps for Il lustrated circular. . ' . ! .North 10th st. , Uinah.i , Neb. Ibl-alJ MltS. NniinluV. Warii'ii , elilrvoyanttraneo spuakhi ) ; , wrltlim und lullnble biihlnes- ) medium , four juais In Omaha. II'J.N. ' Kth. v.-t ' MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. , ffc. , tc topo/jirst cotumn on tMn MAbsALil-.Muduu ; llol/.a-r. o\er OIOH. l.llh. M lOt-AO * MASSAIil * lialh at M.'iUaiuo smith's purinrs , W Hour , -I.M b. IHh at. WJ ; XI * > AIftaES5. The Great Worth a English Remedy Guinea a Box. In many town * wlifrollil v underfill mcdi'ilnc 1m been mlroducrd , anil Riven a IViir trial , II h.ii alicihslifil the family nu\lii inr dic t , nnd been foiiml milu ii nl to ! ctiii * nini * ti'iilhsof tlifonlmaryronipUtnlj iiuiilcnt to humanity ; ami vlicndi' ' cases nf iiKinllis and years arc- thus timuwil or p.illi.itcd la a few thy ! . It is lu > t' ' vondirftil's 1'tlN slionlil inimtain their , \ . ; ( - ' in < Iwlh lictni'siln | > rc < . I'lH'VI'O.vl 4 llly } If i'CIll.lalthough Ilic tirovtil'i.xl ix- prcssioti all'ivir ( lie vmlil is that tluy aic "w.itth a cuinc.1 a l > \ . ' ' f.r la truth' ' one \\illultcntiiui9bc the iiicann uf b.ivitii ; more tii.xn one riiuuM in iloeloi' bills. eoiisiis ) ; Pi FOR ALL Bilious & Mervous Disorders SUCH AS Loss of Appetite , Impaired Digestion , , DISORDEflED LIVER AHD ALL KiNORED DISEASE A'rrparcilonly by TIIOS. IlrECIIAH , St , Hcltn-i , Ijncnslure , lnBHnJ. ! ] l , I' . AI.I.KX 10. , Snlc Ajciitsfor ( Cnilcil St. itcs , 165 and 6'anilbt .New York , lie ( if your ilrtif.iibi uuca nut k ciji llioinvill ) mail llccch.unVs Pills on icicipl of p rice , s c but inquui : lirst , C * > miHtMinliintfl ulll I'lenno mention Tin . , ( FOR EXCHANGE. FuiitiUftCtCnUtctniniJ tiKl nilninn mi l/iln / ] > W < TjIJ ( Til A UK An -inoiii modern liousi- and JL full lot. 1 mill' wont nf l'it 1 1 anil r.iriiam : ' .mall liiL'iiiiiliraiu'C , Aildir iti I , lice.M7.Vi M7.Vi 20 * rilO THAOlI-Hrlclf biisliinns linlldln- . ii J stoiles , fi rooms on court house siiiiiiro In KIliiiKliini. III. I'rlciJI.OJi ' ) . i-nouiabicil il , iO. HOIK ! title : unnt Kiioil onrn land not further west t Inn Kearney. Kllliiulriin's | iiiiiilntloii. | 0,1)0 ) ; foundry , car sli'ips anil factoilcs of all Kliuls 4rilliuads. A pinil city. Hunter Hriw. . Dccatnt , 111. _ r > T > 0-ll ) * tr.idi' , CT ! iii-rcs of clear land In Adams -roniitv. Nebrniki Wliat IIILMI you to nf- \\.A. \ Ilirlletl , C.imnliell. Nub. .VllM * " \ \ MAT have you Rot to trade for a KIIDI ! i * NilirasKi faun , liood fr.inu'hoilse. fraino stnlilc for linrsiH. Kiind well , do aeres under cultivation , rest nf iinirti > r lint' h ly l.iiul. lo- i-aled la Nebraska and onH' 2' ' } miles finiix a uoDil eon nty suit town on II. 11. Ad dress I'lirt. llit . .V'l-17 * _ JU'll.lj trnilc ouil clear hit wort liJ'iOO and lakeKood unrlijlit pLino as part piyinent. Add ross I. ' ai , Hoc. 47S " \\rAypTCD To trade for a stock of Ilo < fit * , city , jot ) " 1J1OU THADK im-ncro farm near peed No ; J-braska town. Wlllcloar or ti.idocniiltyi a barsaln ; what have " vou ? Address II K ) . earn Dec. 1 " > T71OU EXCHAXOK Oooil Improved Omaha J- property for cltrir low.i and enslerii Ne braska farms ; cleir lots , burses and tic for stocks of incroliandlMjV. . H. rooms band 10 , Krcn/or blk. ti.Vi.MIS FORSALE REAL ESTATE. 7'or rntt > , rtcfcct < > ) > nffnt rn/iiiiinoii / l/ifs / | iuyr. rricTPopc iTry i i7ihT ) from 7 till 10 o'clock for the accommodation of tlioso eilKHUi'l ' tlinumli till ) d.iy.Vi > will show > ou our best estate bargains only If jou c.ill . Iiclweca7 and lOp. in.Vohavo an arraime- tnent by which jou can secure a conil house anil lot on Lowe n venno between ( < urimni and CumlnKHt iCHtH for le s than tlm lot h worth. Itesnlenee and business property listed and rented , sahs and oNchamies ni.ide. npiillea- tlons for loans recolvod , Star and ' 'rust I'o , 1st llonr. N , V. Life. M 7II-.M " 1T1OIt SAIKChoice corner'J4th st reel. Hnatb J Onialia ; full business lot , Jaoksun. near 10th. H , Uo\ lisp M-tlal ? ' T"iOllPAIii : or Trade Ono of the best Ireo J. clnlnis. Tlioiinis county , on the river , mile and li.ilf from county llooin Will , Now York Life. M7h IS * rOHS-Al/l ! At a bargain for rush , 10-rnoni frame bouse ; M.fiOO worth liolol furnllure , hmiRhtof Itowoy & Stone.ill ; In line ( ondltlon : ono upright piano , nearlr new ; onn square piano ; beaiitlfnldrl\luK pouy. No trade. .1. L Hlcc. II J N. Y. Life. 7lil ID * WMIIMJtoenlarsn my factory I will sell clioap for < Msh , UK ) feel on Liith stieet and iiilunbln I.iko street jirnpirly In lots to suit ; aso | \Vaslilnfton lllll lots. II. 11. Mnlford. boKV > . telephonu41.l. C77 M ) IlciittniH's , eor. 1.11 Ii mnlCuialiiK , 1 ulie.ip. C. I ) . IllUblns , IIKI Douglas st str.i..u'r. . * LOTH S. 1' cotner llansmm I'arl. at JI.OCO ; I room cottagu mid W ) fiet Int , Lowe's ad. , 11,200. llxitcliliiMin A. Wend , l.VI Douslns. AIjIi < vantliiR f.irms ! peed climate , niaikcts anil soil. Address U. K. I.andKVInol md , N. .1. M 1111 A i * r-KOCW housejot , 'HxiS , Jl.Trt ) ! also (1-room ( "homo , lot : U > ! xSL' , s n. cor. Ilth nud Vlnton st.ii.WX ) . llrlekhousi ! lot4l\r.O. n. u cor. 10th und DoilKlns , * iW,000. Mrs. Kiihliiinii. 81SI S.llth 070 1 ! * t ) UITOS flno fiirm land adjoining Bood No- Xbrnska town ; nearly olciir. ira ) acres line I v Imprnvod land 2'J ' miles f rum county scat In Nebraska : lightly cncumlicred It'll ai'i cssond l.ind In Nebraska , 5 mlles from enmity Heat ; -'H inhabitant * and lot in town In Kiuisas ; clear. L'leni lot la Kind Nebraska tonn. 4-niom house mid lot , barn , well and elstorn , Kith street. Uniaha ; ill hlly niiciiinburi'ili III trade for Oinalia property and ass u mo onnim- branccs. 11. ! " . Cole , Contlnontal block. 1UO SAIi--7-iooin : bouso and lot ; also 0- - rKiiii house and lot , at u bargain. Inqulro on ner , 2511 Mmey st. Ir71 M'J7' OIISAI.K Kxtr.l tiiiivaln. Cholco 01x130. with liullilliu ; routs llun.iv ) per mo i ono block from now I' . 0 , O , U Uioon , It. UK liar- kur block. IM.I II ! ACIlISShiHldu city llinlts.Vr > Oppraereeasii. Address Original Owner , ! ' S7 lUo 47J'J4' P Ol ! South ( ii-.iili 11 property bus I ness , 1 rack- apeor lesldenco 'o to the leading roil o-- tate dealers In Soiilli Umaha , Kit Johnson A- Co. , cor. "Itli and N sts. M7TI5 ir"l ( ! S A liH Cheap. Tlm residence nt J.'ilO J. Pierce Mrcct , at a bargain for a few days only. Inquire al the Neb , stoaiu laundry , liith and Howard Ktieets. ' T jtmI Ij"IOK SAliK The niot I'oinfortablo 8 room -L model u lionsu in Iho city , uvorv oimven- Ici.ce , liatli. ua , electrlo helN. furnice , liiun- ( byetc.'ostuble , room fort horses , city water In f-tuble , com rnto tloor , full lot In half mile limit , ciiiiM-nlcnl to I linen of cars , shade tn > L > > , otu I'rleo SU.OOO. . Addrcsa K 2i ) , Heo iilllca 4S ( IVIUSIG ARTANO _ UANGUAC * . /'or / hilf.s , i/c / , Nrcfn ( > iinnl ciilnniii OH tlitt ji.ii ri"lll'Allen-Ketchaia Hi-hool of I.\nresslrin , I lliiN' . ' . ' " > tli. i'lassubbelnuforined In I'lociitton , Dolajtto , sl.akcipu.iiu. Physical Uultuii ! . 4U at ) ' IH'oItl ! buying a plum ) luanilnr * the now * lilntball pluuo A. Ilu9 | > t-51l * ( lelli'iibeck. toauhiT of the b.injo. L'll IIAVDu fo * now plutiDR for H.iln avfnlly i neap , in I have uonu out of Ihe piano busl- o. Juuabun , 1'uruuiu unJ IHljsli * . WJ PAWNBROKERS. 1 11CI ! ) Jlohle loans n.oney.cor. ratniiin&llt li COSTUMES , l's1 and centh nion eanient nniMpier- ade sulU iitlKM N. Pit list. 4i ! : > A IP THIS lll-\.hl'V . ENSniL'MKNTS placed on record March 17 , 15'JI. ' VTMlllAVTV IIKKOl .1 It Anderson and vlfo to Allen ICorh , v > , lot 4. Ink I , snl > of.I I llcdlck'h add } 2.-.00 Henry llnlln .mil wife tn ( Mto , lots Kiln III. Waverly add . . L',100 M J-llaitlctt and -A Iftt to l.miin P Kwell , lot'1. lilk ' - ' . Pat tirson'isii ' bin Illmu- hanch's.idil . 1.0 0 P A Illldeibrnn and wlfii to hnsaii K'ol- s.y , lot A blk II. Orchaid lllll. lotI , lilk 14. Miimlcis .S. ll' Highland I'.irk. l.r > 00 Myton Kabn to I"mine .lessetson , und 1-tilot II. blkis. South Omaha ' - ' Iiinuood Park land company to ( ins \Vordeman. lot f > . hlu II , l.inwond Park. 100 Mnwood Parkland comp.inv to I-'raii- - Vol/ , lot 7. blk II. IIn wood I'.irk. . IS'i Unwooil Parkland company In IJonald Mcl/euii , lot ? , blk" . I'lnuool Park . . 4UO M 1' Mloliiplooii and hnslianil to Mat thew 1'lt/patrle-k , lot S , hlkhH. South Omaha f > 00 J .1 MoAllcstcrand wife to J IIMcGryor , lot ! ) . tilk'.H ) , SuitbUniaha 'IWO Julia Mi-ilk toM Al.Ny. 314 n51 ft , lots 1 and' ' . blk : i , rnnipbeH's add 1,100 AiinaC1 Piiiilsiii et al e\i-s to 1'r.uik Dlmke , hit ' . " . ' , ( ilk a , . Ila e- ilnrn's add 550 William ' hackley and wife to Prank llimke , lot 31 , blk 3. William llaco- loin'sndd WO .1 S Woodbnrnlo C'h.irlos Nelson , lot II , blk "A" , Snundois and IPs add 80 UL'IT-Cl.MM IIKIIIlS. G 1" Itemls and wlfoloVlllinlmStrnpiit , s 41 fu-t lot f , hlk 2-Jexcept ( U'Oxli''i feet In so corner ) In Cretllt I'oncier mid . . . . . . . . 1 Win St input lo O P Men Is. I 'ix3) ' ) feet Inso oiirnerlot f. blkM same . . 200 J P llflfin-ttoln and wife to W U liar- man. Hud 'i ' o ! li feet lot ID and e IIS feet of n ,14 feet lot 6 , blk 10,11V tmlth'n add Itcrtha IitixariH and hnshand to Jlyron Kahn , lot II , lult 7" , fouth Omaha . . . . flOO J I' lloyd , sheriff , to Nebraska Pavlnoi and KM'haiiRo bank , lot , ' 'M , blk II , Or chard lllll . - < 00 SamotoJI' Hoe. n 11 foetof l feet lots l,2iindi. : Lindsay's sub , anj lota , bill -A. " lied foul I'lai-e . 1..1SD S K Hohlen , special master to Oma- h.i loan and trust company , lot 'J ' , hlk 1. Mnyne's second . Co il ( ! Ulurk i tnl to public , dedication of plat of lotsM to&7 , SU-wart I'lucu ( re- tlio ) . Total amount of transform Ilullillnir Penults. The following penults wcro Hs'ioi ' by the flunerlntriulont of Imllillnjjs vostcnlayi S. II. Horsey , ono-st.ry ( . frame cotlaso. Thlrtj-slxth and Johnson sheets . ! M One minor nern It , . 100 Total ? fliM To euro lllllouinesa Hick Homlncho Coustlpatlorx Mabiln. Mvor romplitlnts , tnko the nafo end certain ruiuodjr , SMITH'S Use thoBMAIJJSI7.nn ! llttlo bfnns to Oio lHl. tie ) They nre tlio most convenient suit all titfua. 1'jlco o ( tilthor ilio , 25 contt per Uittlo 17. 7fl ; fhoto-irrarurfl. , , ano | lie Ottilia plctuto tor 4 J PBMIT1IACO Makers of "lulo lltrinj , st Ix > uls , Mo &IERVE & AND BRAIN TREliTNENT , GXDMAN UKUCJ CO. , Ill ) rnrnani Stront. - Omah i , Not ) Notice \Viltoil\\orl , s Coiitriiclurs , lllds Hill no r-velMd until U'edncsdiy Miiri hU. IHi | . fur Ihu coiibtiU'-l ' Ion i if the dim foi iiiipiniiullii tosciuir , mil com plot i < in of Vioius , for tlio ( , 'reston waterworks i-omp.iiH' . all ri-btmi , l.i , I'laiiM .mil -illriUiiiiis , , rc on tile ut the olllce if the I nluu isuistiii- ! , .n . ciinip.iny , f'reston ' , la , mul olll.'cofV It j | | | . lard. Wl Om.ilui Nuliunul bank liinMniL- Onialia. NubK K A Kl'iwiuii , C'hlef Kmdneer Cre.stou , la , , Muiuli II , loDI , HKWft OF TIIKWHTHWKST. Oth NcwiniMi onrrloil oT ( Ilio flrU fttfo nt the York liiwlt sohcol contest. Oimlron olalinn ( hut Ilinuto of Kifliti | | ni'iir thorlty will nuti'plluuy. | . Ills I'hilinoil thai coal luii IHHIII illsi'OVoiVil In p.iylimiitniitltU's I nll-mdo : . t-ltor > K liltailivtl cars of lee huvo In't'ti shii'i-oil ' fmtnl'ruio over tluii Missouri I'aclllo I'Ollll. Mi-N'aitil . * * - . WlHtifV'H slow ntVtuitclu \ Itvi lu'cii olinnl , hut binlnoM in.iy . bo roiutiieit ti"\l fall l-'rnnlt - Sloi'icr | otliotl t'lnmliw iwonlly lullcii nl NofUni , K.m. , by bcliif ? run o\or \ by the ca I'M The u'shloncn of M'llHiitn lloutly , llraily Island \vns iliHlroyctl by MroIIU tit'iuly nil Its contend * . Ifcv. i ; K. ( 'urn hinlriiiU'ri'tl hl'i roilKiin * t Ion as past or of the elintch ut KID- inotil nnd will io to Jackson , Mich An I'lccllon has been I'ftlh'il liy Ilio 1'o/mt Ri-hnol . to votoon it iiiiipii.slllnti to Nstui fii'.iNKi In bo mis fora brlelt .school lionsu. Mayor ( iiimly of llroUcu Ho\v \ plendcil irnllly in jiollco court tnnllouliiK' tlio ciiix'asi of niloiiil plKlc lioon tils Inland \\as lined 'I and costs. A suiiJbu IT worked Hiv y into tlio hanil of Mrs. I'al Mrl'umuiiiliy of limtwlok two months njjo anil she IH now very low front blond UIIMIIIIII | | ; . \Vhlte 1'i'iitlier , an Inillan travclliiK with a tiH'ilifiiii'coint'any ' ' , was nvcutly iniiiilinl to Miss I'loni I'.nieitoii , u well iJmwn jottnif > voiiuui of Unl L'luild. Honu * sacrllc idtisvrclch throw a beer but- tlolliroiich the window of u luulilliiKvhcro \ fc\lvni tnei'tlnt-H \\i-i-o \ In inonress al Stun- tun iNubotlv ius hurl. 'Ilin NIobiMtii I'liini-ci says that a "spllccil ti-am" was well iepic entcd en Nlobnu.rn stteeta , ronslslinuol iiinnlo , a pony , an OK and a MOW , tlm on by \vhllo \ 111:111 : and nil In dian. dian.We We arc nhul to bo ahlo to luiimtincc. , aajs thu Su\\anl huttvntiriit | , ( hat Iho U of Mis. C'oleiniui , ri'i'ortiil ' lust , \\oolc on wlntt , \vussinipo.seilto lin rrll.ihln anthorlt.v. turn1 * out to he a mlstalio. Who left Wednesday for N'cMiila , Mo. ( icorpo'P. ( 'lurkvns ivon t\\o jcurs In the IHIIISII of iiiruvt tun forpolipiiinj In Iho superior I'oitil ntltoston lust S.ilnnliiy , lo which chnriio ho hail previously ploailca ( rtillty. t Mm In- some t UPC iico went tolloMon front tlio proviiircsvhcro ho hud been pre viously inarned , nml had the children liy his lirst wife. AlliT lii-ini ; in thcclty u Hliort ti tno hova.s innitleil lo a MlssColTeollli whom lie had been IhliiK under the style of "Dr. L'l.irk. " I loli suld tolnivoathlnl , but this not. generally known. It Is claliuetl that ClnrUu once lived In "N'tibrnsliix and riud a woman in this .state. lo\ui. Shelby county pays f"i , for wolf scalpa. llalod hay veils for * W per ton at I ) alon , The lowu I.OKion of Honor Dallied -I'd tncm- l > crs in the List two ycart. Tlio Mii.siMtlno box fnotorv contcmiilatos starting a biMiicbhouso at Clinton. A btovo factory cm ploy inn l00 ! tiioti want ; * * S."illK ) ( ( ) noiMis to local out In1uiiuu. ] Dnrlni ; the ICldorn U'liinoranco revival Just clo'sod 1,0711 persons Joined the plcd o. It is .said lantl in WlntiL'baj'O county is el.caper than aiiywhoro else In Ihu stato. II. I1' Pierce , v\\o \ \ has been operating two . In Del.nvare county , has ( ailed. The old 1'ouilcciitli loua will hold a 10- unloti In Aimiiios.1 about Septunilior 111 or 17. There are 5Hi , * liipior dealers In Iowa nci'orilliiK to the K-cord of ( jovcnniient liicnses , Ilurllnpton jramblen say tholr business has bi-cn nearly rtiii'ctl ' by the Ilawkojo'a \var on tlioiu It cost tbocitlzons of IVs Molnoi rotinty Sl.l < 1s-.W ) nliovu tlm prtcocds to conduct tlicir county poor farm last year. Clitirlos Codney , nil ciKliteca-yQar-old bov of Cliiclcasnw comity , has boon .soiitenei.'d to three ji.irs In the Anamosa pciiltontiary for manslaughter. The I'roshyton.ia church of Tipton Iris just celebrated its llfteenth unnivor.siiry. Of the ton chaitcr members who orjranl oil the society nl Kcd O.ilt tjro\c in lb II only ono la now Hvitifj. Miss.IuliaStntsvold , p. youiif ; lady Inlnp near AVanpon , was attacked by wolves v > lnlo \vnlkiii | ! ( i dlitniu'O of a inllo tn hc-r honu * . Tlioy had Just overtaken her when help catno anil tlioivolics lletl to the woods. 1'olico JinlR | [ Ki-'fjleston of I ) os * NIolticn ro- fuscil to marry llinni.i Dirki-y , a frail \vhito fenialo of < ionium iwrentUKe , and .1 nines Hall , n iltiskv dtscipii ) of Ham. When in- foimuil that they wonM h.ivo to procitro n license , they lhnnnht that tnarryliiK was too oxiieiisivo a luxury and nave tip tlio Idea. A yotitiK C'hinatnau employed In nn Io\va \ t'lty" lattnilry dial the ether day. and the bod'y was left lyinir without atlcntioti ofnny sort ia an old shod adjoining the pliro , AVlien Kfol.uii ) , ' , the proprietor , vm aslied vliy ho did not show soinu solicit mlu in the matter ho replied : "No washoc to : longec , noiiccdce. " Michnul O'Cnnner , nn eccentric old of ninety years , who hus lived In a lint lor twonty-Uvo years oil the llornU farm , ono and one-half miles iioitti of Keokuk , died in extreme poverty und Illth For two \cai-s Itev. I'athrr Uonrovhnd hfon trying to induce - duce him to RO to the county house , but ho obstinately refused. It has beui ascertained Ihat Mary Schwab , tlio Dubiiquo servant i-'irl who suddenly dit , . appeared , and who il was thou lit had com- inittod suicide * , luus done herself no harm , Xiiinhborslii thu vicinity ofvl.cro bho was worUiiiK say shoivont a\\ay with a yoim married man who had lost liU pualtion us salesman in a retail store , Ed Itipley of UurlinKtoa 1ms coino Into possession of a remarkable specimen ol pet- illlealion. It is a full grown pear , formed after tlu > faulty lines of natuio , and turninl to stone so ticrfcctly Unit the stem U still on the fruit , i'ho lomnikalilo fe.ituro of it is that the pear Is not cracked or "chipped off , " but remains in a state of entire preservation. It was loiuid by a boy near \Vc t iJbtjrty. Tlllll-islH whether on plcasui'o hontor business , should laito on every trip a bottleof syrup nf U's ( , as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys , hvor anil bowels , preventing fo\ers , headaches aad other foriiH of sickness. p.r . sale in. * ido ntiu } 1.UO bottles by ull XVcathcr I'lnliabililios lor March. If Muruli comes in lilto n. lion It will go out lilco u lamb anil vice vot'Siu Hu every du.v In the month , uiln or shtiiut tliu electric Ugh toil , stoain Iicaleil , vos , tllutleil limltuil t ruins of the I'hicnyo * MiUvnUoe . * c St. I'niil railway will run , between Oiaalui and C'hlcijn' ; Thooloc- trii * li'M-tlironrllii" liunp in the Ir palace iloopln car.- ' are tlio luncHy ol the IIKU. Tic M.'t jlllco , 1 . "iOl Farnam'st , Uinahii. Tlie Original and Genuine ( WORCEOTERSH5RE ) jas jasm SAUCE the luivt ik-lK i nil Ukti > uul -'t to rnucT Nil rHi ofnl t i il H tmm u 5l ! I'll U. ( IIS. ; it.\vir.s , Tl.tMAX n.1 Mvl. ra , to M < l > r"ihtr IISII , nt HOT A COLD "Tell * ! \ ? IP. iTS th t ttuir n't ( IB rf lit. hl > oti u rt In iitir , < in my oTI.MI- . ua thu iiioht ItAJCI.IIlTS , HOinu nauco Ihjt IB ui Jo " Ac. Beware of Imitations ; . . , . ' lllll .i - = n r ? - | > 1' BOO that you got Lea & Perrina1 ti'ttlud ( it : < ln 5 ft Ofnulr.e. JUI1.N UII.N > > , M.\V