Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1891, Image 5

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Ilio LIAlO 11 L\\.Li \ \ VlulVl
( hp'ain O-tlc-'s ' Exctuo for Ilia Tardy
Conduct at Pine Ulilge ,
il'rstlinony of dtp Kolmi'iil ( ; nl Hui oou
llni'N .Not. lli-lituM'uiilnlii- ! ii-
ttMiintt Kovcll'i IM.ilti lull ;
A bull t tin ;
Mnjnr I'erryiresuleiit. . ot tlio court In
the Ci tlnln ( . 'nllo.v CISP , cattail ho court to
oriltT iirniit.l\ ) \ 10 o clocic jesterJiiy morn-
li : niul the roll cull showed that tlioalwonteo
of jottiMiIiy , ( Jnptnln llnllcy win lucsent
With Hii'inhonnoinbormif the court.
A.lli-1- i ndiiiK the t liliMiro tuken nt Mon <
fliijN seiiloii and Inning It iijipiovoil , tlio
liitroiliiclliiii of oilier \ vltiieMspsviii tril < i'ii up
Captain \Vlllliini I ) Sieiii'T | , asdnUint sur-
coon of tlio United Stair * nrtny itutlunod at ,
I'oilOiimlui. WI H tlio -AltiiPMmllc'il. .
Jr Spun crmidh'j * t ho inoillc'alolllccr
In iittuniliuico iijwti tlie Soi-oud lufiintry lit
IMiieltUlKo iiK'tmuy dining the ludinn e"mii-
\n\lu\ \ \
< . iiptiilnralh'y , the ilni'tnr snU , had com-
plalnrel of lielii ill on nciomborlU nnd In
Jiad examines ! him lie cimsidrriul t'nptnln
{ 'alloy unlit fur Uiitv 1" tlin Held nd liul
rocmnmemleil him for tliu su-lt 1H
At that tlmo UuMii w.w Imminent ( lunger of
fi buttle1 Ciiptnlii Citlo.t H romimnyIH
tinder onlors to imirc-li and Uio uittieas lo
lli'u-d tlio captain IMS not able founder-
talto tlio sou're oporiitlunaboforo tlio com-
l nptnin f'ntlpy'i IO M % vrro swollen tram
.Rcvero tiiircliltiR ionic Mini'prior to thu div
tlio ilixlor I'xiiinlnotl him , uiul wlillo tint
citlalti | ] ini lil luiio lic-ti nblo for iv stunt
inniili iiirh day Wltliout ilaiiKor to Ins ,
hoiilllij lithpiMiier thought ho was not m
condition in iierfoiiu se'vorc'dut In tlio Held
at thnt time.
"Do juii tlitnlc I was iiDlo to march wlu-ti
yniiiunltioil maut 1'ino UUIiel" L'liptolu '
L'atlc'v inlfed ,
"I tlilnk jou could ha\o \ niado sboit
niiiielies witliout iliiiiKcr"
"Hut ilo > ou not Ivtiou , " sikt Captain
Catloy. with .soinc-shcm of passion , "thul I
wni plijsirnlly unlit for tlic 11M duty that
my roinpiiayas about to enter upotil"
.ludK 'Ad\oc.itol a > ohjrctod to tlio imn-
noi uildoli \ Capt.iinC.itlej imettlonod tlio
\vltncss iiiul tlio c-apliiii npoloi-i/oil to the
court rortl.n little out burst of passion
" \Voio \ the roiuls in uiul c-oiulition at Ilio
tlmo you oxaiiilnoil niol" asked C'liptain
1 I'lioioiids woio notlucry good coiuH-
tion , " Mid lr ) Spe'iictr
"U'oio thoinaiu not very tntiildv anil In
very bail condition ! " persisted Capttiln Cat
loy ,
"I object to the act-used ptutltif * leading
qxiestions tolliollucss , " said the JmlKund-
vooato tiilni ;
A ill tleu-nco of opinion arose aito tlio imn-
iii-rol thu question | > iit by ( "iipt.dn ] ( Jatloy
uiul the couiL was cleared \\liilo \ tliosuliject
\vn4illsriissnlaiiiltledilucl. Captniu Uatlov *
\vintoliltliathl3 qutstlom c-oiild to mule
dinvt , Imt they must not tie loading.
'Ilio Hitncss tpicatlons
bj the1 Judio ; nilNoeMto anil tncii tlio court
aslcul lilnf if Cait.iiu | ( Jiitlev could li.ivoeu-
teiod thu lU'ld on without tlieio
boliiK iliunjt-rof laving to bo taken In by the
"My opinion Is. " said lr ) Spencer , "tliit
If Cuptiiiii C'.itloj hail KOIIOout upoiin so\eio
in.uch huould have ; boon In the siinbulunco
vorv soon.
'Could ' ho have Rene with hii corap.inv in
nny win and performed hia duty ! " was au-
othcr ipiostion bj the court
"Ho could have gone , 1 think , by ruling In
.tlio ambulance. "
'Jho witness wai then pjiCUscdandChnrlcs
AV , Ron ell , llrst lieutenant of the Second
Infantn , was called.
Lieutenant Kowe'll slid ho hmlbconnt 1'ino
Iidk. - during thiitlmoof the Sioux hostilities
nnd hiacomniaiid had been ongiKOilla lielp-
int ; to .juict the distnrbaiuo. On
IJoccmuer yo hla eonunaiul was
ordered to ho In readiness to maich
nualnst the hostllos. In the afteinoon of
Uecembor : ll tlio reglnu'iitvns ordered to
tnko tlio Hold thones.t da ) audit did KO out
on January 1 , JIo bad seen Unntain Ontloy
on tlioevonlnn ol Deccmliei-IJ1 The captain
liad told him tliatho was ill and % voulel not
bo able to no with hii conipiny.
\Vbon the eoinpaiij nmn-hed on Jan
uary 1 Captain Ciitlc-j did not no. Ho was
reported side. C.iptnlu Catloy was not ie > -
ported sieltsubseiue-nt [ to tbonislitof Lo-
coniber.W ) . Lieutenant limvell said ho hail
oidured coinpaiiv U to take nna position in
the Held iieir the camp about II o'tloc'k oil
leceinbor ) IB ) , but Caiitam C.itlcy did not no
\\lth Ills company Ho joined the lompmv
lialt an hour after tlio men had K ° UU out to
the position iissiunod thoni
ThelicMitenaiits.iid ho le.irnod from Ca -
taln Catlc-y that evening tliit lie intoadel to
nnply for aslekiortillc.itoand remain at the
post.Tho witness snld ho told his superior ofllcor
nbout Captain Catloj's Intontlon.s and the
superior ofllcor requested him to ropiest Dr.
Spencer to oxmnino Captain Catloy and If ho
Jound the captain unfit for duty to return a
certillo.ito to"that olTcct.
In cross-cxnmination byC.iptiin Catloy the
witness said that so far as ho knew Caiitaiii
Catlej had never been roinmstul tomalican
explanation of Ids absence at the time
companj C went out to take up the position
assigned them near the post on December , ! ! ) .
"Had you any leasou to belic\o that inom-
IiiKheii \on mot mei and load the cider
vlucli called mo nnd my company out tint I
\\as ntall conscious of rny suinicion that at
tached to inv actions that morning ? " C'avtnin
C.itloy asked the witness \cry \ lmprossi\olv. \
" 1 linpicssedvltlitnofnctthatjou
mule no reply tmt nio\cilawavu-hcn 1 lead
the outer to von , " win the reply.
" 1 > id j on deem It nee swy at that tirao to
repro\o me , to have me arrested 01 to pass
miy luKorvj criticism upon m. % action ! "
' " 'No such action \\as taken. "
In nnswcr to a question bv the Jiulco advo
cate. Lieutenant Itouoll siiii tint \\hon \ com-
iwny 0 wan ordered to boieaih to march to
the railroad on Decenibet Js , Captain Citloy
expressed no desire to bo placed on the sicK
list.In ordorthat the stenoKi.iplicrs niltflithavo
time to extoiid their uotos the court ad
journed until lOa. m today.
Hone scales , truck * . colTeo mills , car-
etarters , HarrNon convenor. Catilofjues of
Borelen &bull ck Co , ngents , Chicago , III.
11 VON \\iNDii \ ii : > i.
I'liiicral Ceremonies Ovornn ls !
Citl/en Vi'titi'rilny.
Thofuneial of the Into IMilllip Von Wind-
helm ijfis conducted yesterday afternoon sit
'i o' clock nl the family resilience , slO IJarnoj
street , The Veteran Klroinen's nssociitiou ,
St. John's Mabouic lodpo anil the ( Joiicordii
society of which t ho deceased was n member
\\erelarnely represented
/ The funeral ndilioss was mndo by
! Hov. HomyV. . Kunns , who has for jean
* been a friend of the family. TboConcordU
society sang several apiiropriate selections ,
and then the Masonic loil o conducted the
1 fraternal ceremonies over the e\iskot in
vhich the remains \\oro \ lOstiiiB.
The lloral oltoriiiRs wore beautiful and
* profuse.
At ! l. in the remains \\ero \ berne nwny to
tbo union depot , followed by n long pro
cession , and at 4 p. in. the casket wns put
aboard tlio train anil started for St. I.ouis ,
accompanied by lloury Yon Windheini ,
youngest son ot tlio deceased , and Henry
Ncston , n son-in-law , The nnmins vill bo
cremated at tlio St Louis crematory today
and the ashes will bo returned tn the fanulj
losldeneo ,
No funeral culopy could so eloquently ex
press the high regard In yhlcli Mr , Von
Witidheiin was held by his follow cltl/ens
nndolel time IrionUsas dui tbo assembling of
so largo nconcourboof people to pay the last
tribute oJ losjioct.
Strain ( l
The funeral ccromonles o\er the remains
of Miss Stenlo Oeassmau , lately aprouilnont
member of the Salvation army , who resided
at 1UM South UlKbtcouth sheet , took plneo
yesterday afternoon. The services were
tieldln tiio Salvation army wad quart en , the
old Methodist church near the coraor of
Boveutevnth and Davenport , and were con
ducted by too officerj of the army. Tuu
was ( Illoil to the door * n l Uio tor-
vices wore ) iiultoltnprMslM ) .
The rwnnms were Intorrcel In
Thoeatlro ccrein mies front boclnnlnir to
'ml indicated tuluoro mill toinlor fcclhiB
onthopartof those \vlio finrtiflpntol ,
A1 * the proooAslon ic-turued front the cftno-
tery a verv tuinloasint nnd shnttictul Inci
dent occur nil On nivoiint of lhau'rv btul
iHiiuIition til Iho n > adi nt Twenty-fourth nnd
tjstrcots inSouili Oniiiha , twoof tlic oOlcers
of the Salvation iirim cot out to walk UN the
lilll T\vorou ; hs Hpritinwt fwm behind a
lulldltig and uisaiillod them , Knodmif ! nnu
iinn ihuvii niul tenlltip ) him very severely.
'Ilio toughs owntKil Wnrrants were is-
sue'd for their ariost
ri\iin ,
l-'ttticrnl sorvlros over the remains of An-
itroxv Klynn vero hold at Ht. I'lillomi-nn
catholral jcstonl.xy afternoon nnd vcro larso-
1) ) attended _
iiAiunt MAI i iis. ; ;
AVnrnril Away l-'inni Ctii-
\ IlarlH'f's I'nloii.
A roRulnr moi-lltiKof eiiponlors union No
M wai held last I < V < * IIIIIK In CJ loen's hall The
union holil a setrot session from b tn'.l ' ji m ,
but nobusliiessof importance was transaited
A ilivtihr from the headquarters of the
I'll i toil C'artH'tilors ronndl at Chicago was nnd created soiro surprisi1 ,
Thoelnnlar slatni Ihntiiu lie-count of the
ColumlnaiH'xpositinn to bo luld In iMiloaco
imsc'iupulons specnhlors have sent out word
OMM-Hie Mhulo civ ili/ed world reiii-sinliiH' |
CluciKo as Mm lalwiors Mc-ica. Phu is a
case \vlllfnl inisremi sintntlon. nsllienmro
lit piesont l. > , ( kH ) idle lien In the bnlldlii ) ' .
li.ide'H alone. No lulmr Ins as yet been pe > i
formed on tlio exposition trounds , i xcc-pt b ;
Italians , who not k under the contract ss -
Icm. The clinlrinnii of the counill iccoiii-
iiniinh tint slate ortfnnl/iitloiiH nppoil to
thoirstntenntlioi-itios tnli.ivottioir . tmildlnK'
elected on thoci hHioui plan , and at union
The circular ends in annppi'il to all tneni
liorsnf theorgani/atlon to use tlicir lullu
encoto Uiep i.irpentors and Joiners away
froniUhicigo , as the police stitloni ami poor
houses ntuoverflowinpr.
.Micliiii ; 1'allcd.
Tlio bathers of tlio ellj cndcavoieil to holt
n mcetltiKlnstnlKhtnt Owen's hall on F"nr
ii.imstrc'd. Onnciountof the heavy rah
about mi'dlng time onl\ two of the Oinalii
b.irliers were present , thoiich tu'a of tin
motiiborsof tlio South Omaha union facev
tlio storm In older lo attind. The objtct of
the ineetliiR was to endeavor to
tliu barber's ' union in Omaha.
II'JT | j ; I'tfttl lllllKK.l AY.
\Viilo\vN of Mniiitiintli Tilinci-M U lie
\\lll \ Count AVi-st.
SioTTsDti.n , Pa , March 17. The Mam
moth mine dUtistei of two mouths ago. In
\vlildi 110 men perisliod , widowed II fly
women. Ilistnct Master \Vorknion \ Peter
\Vise , of tlio t'nlted miuo vorkus , at onio
olTcreil toiceeivo .ipplu itioin 1 rom men \vlio
dc'siie'd vlvob l 'Aor since Ihc-n lie has beui
ovoinhelmedithlottcis \ , not onlv from men
but fro m wo i tien inothcriiails of the tuuritry
who \viint hiisbmuls. livi-n chv bilntw a
bat < li of le'tteis , some1 mining from as fur
west as Washington lu ) nl Urowor. a Mud-
Ison ( Nel ) i iinn , Mho viotufor u\\ido\v , bis
had his i'ill ansvvcieil 1)f.vo ) \ Mrs Morenie
of west \ iilniaiindMrs | ; Aiinlo
of 1'oiiit ' , I'a. 1'etor Delnhii
a soldier of Uinioln , llfty ye-us old.
writes tint ho Is lonesome and uoultl like a
Kood woman to make him a 'iharmlngwifo , "
aiul holds outtlio iillu lenient of nsmnll faun
and a monthly pension of $1All \Viso
thinks beliasniadosc'voral matches Silready.
IlusiyshU mail Ins beiomoso huivythat ho
thinks of cstabllsliinp a matrimonial ageiuy
to bo conducted for the benollt of the coke
strikers' fund
I'ntentslo Western InvcntoiH.
V \sin\iri oIVI.ucli ! " [ Knccnl Telegram
to Tin : lli.n.J -L'.itents wcru todiy isiued to
ihofollonliiK Cleoriro N I3iisbiimntlI Cep-
per , Spencer , I.i , norldiiff body ilium ; Lu-
inanM. Cleveland , Dustln , Xeb , neclt yoke ;
Matthew ! " . C'omioll , jr. , IISSIRIICO to L. . J.
Brown , N \ \Viiron , P. I1. l-Jlaiichard sind
T. W. llirloid , Unoniort. | In. , hand fence
machine , John 1' Dunn , riee , iNob. , ns-
biRnco to J. n. 1'Md , P. 1 < I nde , H. T.
Illlibnei , C. 1 . White , S.V. . Wadsworth ,
W H. Strieker , ! ' Drom , T II. Pitton , J. P.
IluntliiiK , U. AlthenV. \ . \Vatsonniul h.
Aclienback , lorn liarvtstor nnd LusUer , Selli
Ki'lhlodco , Isorfollt , Neb , scale beam , .lohn
Mei' , Dodhim. li , end { 'ilto ; ( leoi o
M. Packer , ItocU Palls , 111 .assicnoo to Kni-
piro iiinnufiutiirini ; company , Keokuk. li ,
nail macliitio , Ceorto ! ; ! ' . Uuniu'llsV'uo ,
Neb , apparatus for catering honfs ; Lvinm
D. Smith , AVatoiloo. Noli , wluol uroiidi ;
Abraham II. 'Pitus. Darnull , Neb , pump ;
Matthew Wilson , Oauibon , la , harvester
cutting nppaiatus
> > Hhop
, Mirchl" [ Ciblegranito
TnrBi.r ] The blue book Issued by the ROV-
ornmont todiy discloses tha fact that IVJ
pceis of the reilin aw ovneraof phces in
which intoxicating drinks are sold 'Iho
iiU'nberof ' "drinlt shops" ou'iiod bj Uuso
peers is 1,5.1'J ' The libt is liculod by the
eailof Derbj , who , the blue hook shons ,
is the owner of 7J diiiildiiK jilacos.
Next comes the duke of lied ford with Jb
drmksliops to his credit. Then comes the
duio of Dovonshuo with 17 , followed by the
earlof C.uvdorMth : i'i. ' the duke of Hntlinil
with 157 , thu carl of Dudley nith.ri . , the duke
of Northumberlainl with : ilanel tbodnkooi
Portland with ! Imludedin this hit is Kt.
Kov Klchnrd Lewis , bUhopof TJandoff , who ,
the bine book shuws , is the onnciof two
plices which , ire Jovotod to the sale of intox
icating lllU01 ) . _ _
Do Witt's f.ittlo Knrly nisorsi onlv pill to
cum sick headacha and rouulatotho bowels.
Anna Oiuldii dn's Coiidll ion.
Ai.ntM , A' , Y. , Mnich 1" . | bpechl Tele-
pram to TUB lin.l-'fht : ) following letter
concorrliifr the coiulition ol Anna DieUinson
has oeen received by 1. II Blind fiom her
sibter :
"It is absolute rest , the doctors siy , that
slio needs , and she is luvinglt with all possi
ble kind euro and attention. Tbov liavo
alieaelj persuaded hei to tal < e lei-ular meiU ,
and sh'ois bOKinnincr to sccuro natural sleep
atnisrlit , so there Is even hojioof her early
improNCinontm health. Tlioy say she should
po abroad to the Carlslnd springs lor a time ,
and then have a southern winter IE the
men ami newspapers who siy they aio polnu
toholpher to tundslll \ really do so , theio is
no doubt tint she will yet bo able to do ( , oed
\\orlc intheworld aKiim. "
( Icssler's.MapricIIea aelio 'A'afors. Cure-all
beAdt.dies in 'M minutes. At alt druggists.
Drv timid1 * linpultors liill. .
N'iYOIIK , Jlarch lT.-L.chmiir kNc. Co. ,
Importers and dealers In drv ( .roods , nsslgnod
lei tliobomtlt of their creditors toeliy. Tlie
tiiin H composed of Ludwig ohrainr and
faigmunU Iler og Profeunces , $ Jll,000 ) , ,
N'o grlpln ? , 110 nausea , no pain w hen Do
"NVitt'sUttlo Kaily lUi-ra { are taken. Small
pill , bnfo vill. Heat pill.
Cmi't Save i lie Trlinn ,
VisLwnt ) II \ \ ix : , Mass , March 1" . The
United States tup Triana , ashore at Cuttj -
bunk , will become n total loss Mho oilier
two vessels will probibly bo sa\od. \
Mothers will tlnd Irs. Winslow'sSoothing
JSjruii the best leiuedy for their children.
J5 cents a bottle
1' , I'.I
Chief Clcrlt MleholU of the railway mail
seivice at Cheyenne U In Omaha.
Superintendent Troy of the railway postal
service , stationed at Uhiciffo , li In tlio city.
ThoMnrnv li l , New VorU : J. 1 > .
Itoblnioti. Toleclnj J I1. Jolmsiin , Kile , I'a , ; J
A ISrmbory , C' O. Uurllin ; , .Now Uirti 11.
Hamilton , lies Molncd
1'ho I'n Mon J O.Vhlto , Lincoln : W. I.
"miilO , U'earneyV. . I1 , Haimu , t'hleiuo ; TV. .
Ayura , NuvtirU ) : 5 1 > . Ihaiei. Miss Aiinlo
JUiehont , John "U'lshton ' , Anil luun. 111.
TheMlllard 0 , U.Sln foril , Hotnirt. . M.
Kllllnssworth , I'nrtlaiid ' , Uro.i Pred.l. I'.ihr-
nln. J A. Ihds , Siltli.iko , J. U. ivirson and
nlfo. St. Joseph ! X. A. lialawoll. Norfolk ; U
1' . Packard , DM Molnos , la. ; J. 1' ' , llatniua ,
Mllwauku ,
RilU'AK ' TlXATlflX H IOWA ,
atflto Executive Council Discussing the
Assessment Question ,
All li u ooViiuts Tiui" ln-
on KiillriiiiiN null lilts
Am ANkliijror
n lletliiotlim.
Iis ) : MOIMI , r.1 , March I * . | Spccltil Telo-
Kritn to Tin : llrr. | The heirinn on tin *
finest ion of uilMay awwsments for the pur
pose oftiixatlou Iwgan befoio thosUitooM'ou-
tl\o \ council at 10 o'clock this morning-
T'lioro He't-oprcMMit tiluut llilrt-llvo ) entlu-
ttun , icpruMiitallvcs ot the r.illwnjs dolun
bislne hi tlio sluto nnd of the farinors' ul-
Hmico niul uirious jidvnto Inletesti. ( lov-
ernor Holess.dd Hint tlu'i-ouoio paitlos here
\\ho bflil a iloslroto yiienlc upon the question
in favnr of tlio rilsitiof ( ; the ii-st'ssinetit of
rallroiuli mid ho would auctot ttiit these
p.iitli-3 bt ) heard from llrst , If
there was no piearriiiKomotit. N. H.
ledurui of the f.irtnor * ' nllhinoo ,
\\H tlio flint ponou liPiird , lm\liiir ioinopro-
piruii ivitliun d.ibor.itol ) prop.irett p.ipor.
Il'jsaU ho\siislioroai a loolii'i * of jnstic-o
only , with no desire Hint llie loincll should
doati tliingtlinlwasiiiifuir , l > ut tlicio i\ero \
thousands of fiiimors who felt Unit the i.ill-
routs do not ] iiynos mi assessments In
Ifeepiui ; tlioaluo of tlulr jiroportli" * . Ho
KUe ? lluui'o from the stiilutiiiililar'i roport.
< liome tl'ii'ussissmi'tit of live sloe li last j car
vhlcliho slid piiil tixi > s upon nil H-ssussmi'iit '
of ISO per i en * . Ho thoii quo toil stuti'iiii'iits
fiom MVOI il loin iij-i'iits mid mini postal in
l.uul . Mines Tlio iivciiif-ousscvimoiit of the
hliite lie plniod iit ? ' . > on \aluatkm of Jlh per
nuo. l'\iinii rs in lown nro nsseised nine
mills on the dollar of tliu tot.ilalnntion .
Mr Ashbi s.dilthatho hid flpiruiUMrefull\
on thoprojiertirsof rallroids mid e.inio totlui
conclusion Unit Ihcv should boiwaossuil nluu-
tnithsof 1 p.-r cent of tliont-ttid vnlilo , or nil
IH.T font of tin * iVhnlu valuntion I'roni tlio
lopoiMs undo bj tliu railroaih he soiurod
tlio fullouuiK llfjuros. Ctui.i o , IHulliiK-
lon , ; , yniiuy , vnluttion SJ'l..UlUTI . I ! ! ) poriont , $10,771,11TT. , Hod !
Island valuation , filTr , > liiri , : , nsiossiiiont ,
} l' ' , I.l.s7 ) | ICeoluiliit Dei. Miiiiui , snlna
tlrn , J.V.I0.9 rssu33ii \ Mit , $ \t \ > : > ! , " > ! . Uos
Moiiicn i , Tort JuilK ) ' , \nlnatlon \ ,
* J , t.lI,0'.H , ' ; assoisnicnt , ? l'jli"fJ.Vi. L'hi-
( .luo , Milwaukee , t St. Paulalii ,
ntlon , tr > 0ll''iS ) , | ; asso incnt , $ lsl.TU' , '
CiicMjo ! V N'oi'ilixvoiti'i'niiluitlon ,
H)0 ) ; assessment , ? H.n : { , ( ) S. li
Cellar K.ipids V Noitliornvaluitiun ,
, l"it ; .isseasinoiit , $ lTT'.lM.7. Iowa C'
\.Un.Ulon fVll'1,17'-assessment ' ! , $ IIIU1 , , < | H > .
Mr Asliby sjld tint a cimtiollini , ' sliiit1 of
Iho stDi-k ot'thoBuiliiiKtou , t'oilai Itapiils A.
Northern could not beecui'eil for
nnythliiK Illto the asking prii'o of the
stoi-lt In the t.miovny his ll nics
iPtraulins live stock quotations liiul been
m.utcfiointheliokiinns of fainioijvlio an )
not obllKuilto id I. After inaldiiK nil possible
( Oiicossioiis to thu iiilro.ul ; * ho ll ured
Iho rillwms should -issosscd at the a rro-
( T.ite iiinoiint of $ Sll.)5KIsrilJ ) , , Insteiil ol the
lultiy s > l'J'i" ' > syjO , at wlilcli they weio as
sossinl in 1V.K ) .
A. II Cutiinims asked lio\v ho would assess
i whoso stock H not listed , its bonds not
latoil and tliu loiil not piintf.inj \ dividends
or mikitiK'iny nm'iej. .Vrshbi \ said ho
would piobably tnv it upon the basis oC its
i'\ \ \ ' . I.oluinn snld lie took execution to
tlio inuinei of rating utid thu assessment , as
jirosiiitodbv Mr. Asliby , nndiaieriod to the
branch of the \Vatiish \ vhlehh not used between -
twoon Dos Monies nnd Ottuuuva , but wldeli
11 assossoil nevertheless'- ,
Mi Asldiy nskodMr l.ohniin If the \Va-
bash \\otihl huuiUliiK toRtvn ui > thu line be-
tv\ ecu Dot .Monies and Ottuuuva , and lie ru-
plied it cert duly would , at le ss vhnii
fsOUO per mile Mr Asliby rctorteil tint tlio loa ouus that tlio Wab.ish c-oukl not
choiiiior than own mid operate between these
two points. Mr. Asld > \ slid it bte.iuso
of poor ciops nnd liai-cl tunes in ttio stutoj
west of lowtithattho ulli-oiils nskoel to Do
lot off oas ) rej.irdiii(5 ( iissc'sstwmts As well
miKht thoiiianuhoownsa fnrin in Nebiasln
that doesn't ' paj ask that hia farm in \o\\i
bo not assessed.
Mi I ehinnn road a icpoit of the proas
o.ii-tiniiis ot tlio t OH.i.ih.ish \ line and inado
stntimciits showing tint tills
opoluted at u loss lust year o ( ST-i"
per mile He Insisteil that to tike :
tlio funded elebt of , i real nud tax it on that
bnsit wainot fair. Koads dillcrnl as intuit
as f.iun propoity. Tltoioviro erse le'.ilis
in this ion problem than
lion Tlio assessed valuation ot poison il
property in inoiieu and eridlts has not increased -
creased a dollar in'tho ' .wttcnyeais . , anil tins
\vasonc' lliinirtlintshould boic'tneJicd The
stock of the \\nbivsh \ railwiiy couunnyis not
worth a dullai in the inirkot , but thcio uio
bonds and dcbentnies which brln ,111 ad-
\amcd flKiiro. 'Iho payliu ; capital nou
in the \Vabish \ lompmy does not be 'in
to coinpuio to the iiionoj put into this rail-
roail All Lehni in bopaii an ui uincnt to
show that n \\liosostockwa3iiotou tlio
market and wliosoeariiln s ilul not eciml its
yenily outlay should not ho iissesicd in pro
portion to that of uioiid that is valueil at
millions of iloll.ns tiiul whose" not receipts
i each a iignro that will allow dividends for
In the aftotnoon the counell was addressed
bylhoitCl.uke \ in benilf of tbe Minneapolis
.S ; Kt IjOJis raihvtij , Henry NV'alhicooC tlio
louallomesteul , anil Jmt o Trimble for the
Chiciiro , llurilnKtdii Ac Qidney. Jiid o Hub-
li.ird for the N'ortliwestera , Judgu lluplics
for the Kiolcuk&'osloru , Sanuiol Ihijis
for thi > Mi hison , and aain ( ; by Mr. Ashbj
on tlio lines of the morning mooting.
'I lie Tvot'tit Hull-Coining.
Cinrri ) , Miivli IT. [ Spociil 'lelojji.ini to
Tin Bur ) 'Ilio Alton loud nniionncod to
ilay that it would ston tonipoiuini , ' and
malic itsthreati'nod two-cent iniluago rate
as soon as it could be uono lijiallj This de
cision was reached on riceiptot a letter from
President Hook of the .lieksoiiville & Sotith-
eastern nnnoimciiiK the inipoisiblllty of
inKttic nnrkcts of the tickets to which the
Alton objeets Chairman Pi nicy aKo nu-
nouncod hla ikcisioii on tlio application of the
Alton for ttio two cent rato. In bilcfho
antliorieil tho.rato in iho ten itory affected
bv the , lacUson\illo i ito but not outside
of Illinois except to St. I.ouis. This decision
is unsatisfactory to iho Dillon. Itsoftteul
statement is as follows : "Tho Alton is
forced toiocluco passenger rates to meet Iho
.lailisonvillo'sc-otimctitlon I'resldont Hoolc
hasdisrcjjarileil his agiooinont to c-luir the
tniirltet and \\e \ are simply mooting his coin-
petition We will also maVo coiiosiond | > uf ;
- to Kansas Uitj and o\er our
wliulo line , us wo con Id not justify difloront
ratis on diflcrent pirts of tlio roa I. The ro-
iluction will bo made as soon asvo can
malto it legally under association rules , either
by nrbiti ition or unilertho ten days rule. "
'Ibis deulaiation of the Alton stirred up
the mo-t excitement of the ainoiiR west-
om roads. 'I lie lulncni rates vlll prol ) ibly
spread almost immediately to Om.dia Sioux.
City and St Paul , and tlio trans-Missouri
roads biliovelt \ \ \ \ \ ct into their territory.
Chairman Walker and Hcneial
St , John of tlio Kocklslunil liavo alre.iny
headed n mo\enicnt todolny the reduction ,
niul the Alton was ur'Cct ( by other roails not
to put into elToet the inluceil rates , but to ap
peal from fliairnna Fmloy's ' decision bofoiu
taking that stop. The Alton llnally decided
to do tilts , thus averting for the present the
danger of a war. _
n Itto-fYiit Unto.
Manh 17. Chairman I'inloj's
decision , allowing tlio Chicago it Alton to
make a rate of cents n mile on 1UJD , nilla
tickets to meet tlio action of thoJucltson\illa
& Southeastern line , was given out ted ly.
The ruling is that n2-ccnt mllcaKOinav bo
m.ulo between points In Illinois , on or bouth
of the AtcliUon , Tocku& | ) Santa IV , fiom
Chicago to .lollot , on the Hoclc Island fiom
Jollot toPeorliv ; on tlio JacksoiiUllo.l South
eastern from 1'oorU to Jacksonvlllo , and on
thoUhlcaiio , t Alton from JacKsonvlllo to
Plko .1 unction. 'I'ho Alton people are aot iat-
, islled aad will not ubldd by the ilnelsloii.
i1'arln ( Ji-ci'ii Ooiiihliic ,
OITAH \ , OST. , March 17. [ Hpoclil Telo-
rani to Tins JlbK. ] Tuo cuatouu > ilojnrt-
meut lias bccu uotlllcd luat the manufao-
hirer * of pnrli preen It ) the Unltoit Statw
nro mint Itur tlio prli-o oftlirt nrtlclo for ship
mi-ill to Cuiivli lit 11 cc'ftM ' pe > r p until , but
thcf tlocllno to quote ulft s for the homo
trailo until after Anrll 1 Ills mldout that ft
c-oiiiMnofKisti hi tit' t'hUnd State * unionist
nnnHlfiictui-esor pntl * itictn ) , and eollivtors
lime boon naillUulto tiipruho | the shipments
on arriving luCunVla ut themirrcnt marliet
rate )
t siwitn A.tir ( < f ititKAt'Kti ,
ilnrrtldi ) I'utu of nn ! D\VA Minor
Other Mlulutps.
Four Dmnir , In , Mtuch IT [ Special Tel-
toTitLltiil Jnhn I'otci-soii of 1.0-
intt hisdoatli lu aborrlbloiiiixuner tliH
ij , whllo at iorli lit the bottom of a IUO
footaliaftln the Crooked Cu-olt com mine.
The rope auppoitiiifj tbo hoisting bucket
broke \\lion Iho heuvilv loide-d bucKet \MIS
near th ( , top of the shaft , and the bucki't fell
to the bottom of the shaft , Tlio c.lnnio of
the bucket stuirlc 1'ctorsnu on the head mid
I'utits vav don nuatd , lltei illy so\uiln the
bed ; in two ( lives
Iliiiiilli'ti ii < ! iiu i'liri'lissi ) ,
I'liitT DDIKII11 , March 17. ( Special
Telegram to Tur Hit I-I II CJrei'n of
Dnjtou waskilk-d while cati'liMily batidlinn
a shot ( nui Tlio woipon uxploded ,
soinUn the full tliartwof shot into his left
aide tioiiie of tin' slu't e'litured tlio hunt
hilling Idin iiistiintl.N.
K'lltil I ) ) n I'liMiiat ' iin < IC\dosloii | ,
dmnnvii IB , l'i , MuvhlT A pivnmturo
explosion of powder at the Hi'iillo colliciy
this inninliiK Insiuith Utllwltlluiiu Mtil-
hoin ami iit < liiirdl' lock , nil u-riou-ily In-
Juu'il Roiuo llidfei ami Owui M iitln
'I .i 'Men lilowil lit .Miiln.i.
4\iiii.\si \ , l'i. , March 17.-A terrille inino
exnlosion ocenirej ncir IILMO today , Two
nun w 'ie blown to atoms , .inotlur fatally ia-
jmed and otheis M nouslv hint.
l b > lli , < Cai-s.
llovMiiu , Va. , M.irchlT , huh and Uell.i
C'oppira.'oen lulled list ni ht by a train
wnilo % \ iliciiiK on the iillroul ttaek.
It UesiiUs in | lu > Dcsliuclliin of l.lli-
and I'nipcilj.
IC\vi\s \ Cm , Mo , M.i oh 17. [ Special
Tdi'frraiii to Tin Un.l Ihoio was a linul-
lldo in the Iwartof KinsasCilj today , burv-
iiiKtliteo houses mid urrj inn \\ith ittheter-
roi of aslidodoHM the mountains in the
Hoekioi Tlioslllowi on thosteensido of
l"l'hteinth ! ) street be-in eon'IVi'iaco and Mor-
coi strxets. It isestimited that IHX ( ) tons of
earth and rocks , cirrUnir trees and femes ,
root and branch , down the lull to the bottom ,
coinplc jlv IOVCIIIIK tliriu laiRO dwelllatr
IIOUSIM liillio housool ilolin TiiRC't , Kiank ,
t be- < INoii olil son , could not esi ipo and
\ \ is bniied deoplu tlio dcUib. Tbomassof
rock and dnt thnt shppc > il J va lofta razeed
liioldiiKliolidii tlio lullside liftj feet lontf by
ten deep ami tlui ty fi ct wulo Tlio houses
\\PIO crushed hkec ushells , t tin root of only
one of them being \hiblo Thejoro Hvo-
story stiuetures , t\vo of brick'and ono of
name Tin uridc did not fall sn I lit as the
fiame housn , but it 1 * in a fe.utullv domol-
islitvl londilion. Thcio is considerable ahim
lilt in tin' samu ncitiiborliooJ noivastho
pioimd is cricking and in the mesuiit moist
\\catlui a fe'oaeial slide is fia rod
A lletlri- ( lass of Im nil ; iiiit M
Ui in \ v , OiitMnicli , IT ( Spottil Tclo-
Kiam to T in Bn ] Ofticcrs of the dcnart/-
nient nf n riicultuio statelliat while InunlKiM-
tlon lioin ( lit itiiul is not expected to be
much larger thin usual this season , thoiin-
iiiltriiiits ; \\ill boot a better class It
is anticipated tint tlieolloils now bem niade
bj ttiodep.iitmcnt in flroit lintain , buiked
by fa\orablo reiorts of fonner delegati's uho
Inve lieii ) wiitinu and lectiirnii ; fuelyill ,
usiilLin aiillillu\ inoni\c. cl ui'riuilUiiiits
TIII'SOwill settle largely in the northwest
niul inliritlsli Columbia.
i It I , It JWJ.V I'Vll V.
IloiistH Orlcrinti It Irom
A iiiei-K'iii JMrtiH.
Niw Voinc , Jlarch 17 [ Special Telcpram
to Tin : BIK , ) HeiJolbaih , Ickolhoimer A
Co. have oiclerul S1,000KH , ( ) in gold bars foi
shipment to Utnope toinonow ,
Onlil llai-s lt ( > l'iised t\ir I jvjioi't.
Niw Yoiiu , Match IT 'lias afternoon
Supeiintendent Mason ofthoassa ; olliio ie-
ccived nollco fiotn the director of the mint 4K | , ( > 0UUO , in gold biri ordered by two
linnsvoukl \ not be allowed to bo taken foi
e\poit This is the first time in clj-ht jo.irs
the cm-eminent his : refused to flllow goli\
lurs to he taken for ex pull Tlnco veais ape
the svsiay ollico had > HOOI)00 ) ( ) in jrold burs be-
liuid its countL-is , but thestenilv diiln fur the
hst two yeirs Ins reilueul the stock to < ! > , -
( )0,0W ) ( ) ( , and the prospect for further deple
tion vis nlainl ) apparent. If the llrnis cle-
slro tobliip oluthej will have to dra\\
cum fiom the sub tieisury.
St. l' trick in ICoiiio.
Hovr , Jlarch 17 | Special ( J.vblcfjram to
TinHi r l-CariHaaMai-obini , tlio socictary
of the propananil.i who presided at the St
1'atriclc's il.iy b.UKiuot , hold in this ciM
toJnj , praised the religion propifjnnd'v which
Iioland oxircised thiouRlnnit the world.
"Cod ! " ho sakl "is
, , aetini ; tluounh the
hish people. " Arclibisltop Valsb , who was
also pri'suit , tortnoil the lush the "con
structors of tliochnicb"itid ic'conntedtheir
icolesiistK il histoiy SIIHO the tliys of St
1'atruk AIIIOIIK the oth"r speak'erhvero
Cardinals Ma/illa nnd Vnnutelli , and Man-
Manors Iviiby , KalToseilliStonar ami O'C'on
rleiiiisoii MaViiloa Hunt ; ,
Gnu \io , Maich 17 In answer to a noco
fiotn the World's lair Auxihaiy ossoclitlon ,
tendering him honorary meinbeisldp and
su t cstingtliata SOUK from Ids non , to bu
suiiKnt thoopniiimof tlio fan , would bo ap
proeiated , Uoid Alfred reninson has sent
the following i cply " 1 acci-pt , j our olTer of
honorary mornborship , not witboutgratitiide ,
hut as for n soiu1 , 1 am an old mini vcrciin , '
on cithty-two and I cannot niomiio. " The
belief is , liowo\or \ , that lie will try to write a
It IN II rally Tnscott ,
CIIK ( < o , JMareh 17 , Stitos Attorney
LoiiBCiicclier is conllilont thnt tlio man under
anest \burdoen , S. U , is really Tnscott ,
tlio inurdcior of millloiiuko Hiioll , nipoitr.ilts
of him ha\o ban liluntillud. Tlio man in
lids city isknoiMi asTasiott.
St'itiie Pit ml.
Ni. Vniiit , March -Special [ 'J'olcgrira
to Tin HH ] \\atfinnouiicodinimythiU
the Shoriniu htatuo fund amounts toWil..r , ! )
Aiboi- Day In Illinois I'rocliuincil.
Si'iiiM.lli.i n , III , Mai-ch 17. C'o\crnor \
Tifertodaj Issued n pi < jilanntion d
Intr 1'ilduy , Apul It ) , as Atboruaj.
Although modestly inclined about putling in an apiHMrancc , will nncilhdi1 conic , we , haung no
direct connminicatiim with the wcatliiT bureau , thtnio'ltt it best in any ncnt , . to be on lime with our
part of the programme ! and he-re - aceoulin ly anangal on sevetal coiinteis tor j-oin Kiily and caicful
One thousand handsome sprino ; OvctcoaK iepre < cnliii every conceivable shade and fabric , Overcoats
made fiom fine woolens ol oui selection and finished \vitli eveiy care and tasle.Ve \ h it'll ' ly appreciate
the trade's conlideni'c in iyH > d < ofoiu o\\n \ in.iniilacttireand for the pie cnl siiin | , \\c have Sjiared no
pains in biinninu ; out only such giinnenK as we feel sine will if possible , cement inoie closely the flood
will antl confidence of the'entire community. No Merchant I'ailoi prices leqnired here lo obtain every
iKh.intiige . they can possibly offei. Om OUT-
And a large variety of late styles in priiio ; suits , we cuinnuiul to all elates of trade \vlto figure econ
omy when outlining lor spriim ; and sunnnei ; they not only combine quality anil style , but arc RTU-
ineiits ot'onr o\vn \ maiiufaetuie with a spinal snpeivhion ovei e\ery stitih and bnttoii , a sine guarantee
auain ; t liiipins ! ; 01 losiiii'shape. Keep this lad well in mind , that "the liio\vnin ' , KihniCo. ; . clolhini > -
is""the IV-ople's"1 choice in inoie than half cities in the Union. They have all the air
of the tailm1 art , the pi ice about one half.
Money ( In-eifullj Keliindeil mall
C isc-x W liorc1 do
S. W. Corner I5ih and Douglas , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
CK'ls I'm Cll \
hlrfi'l It ili\.iy . Com-
piny Mnj I < ' ; ! ln ltiisiniM .
Fj ! a inmmnioiisoto \ Ihf iMiinoll last idnht
jiasseil tliu onlinaiicu KrmtiiiK tlio Motiopol-
itan blnot railway a cliartir to builil from
tlio business portion ot South Oinalii to a
point on Kaiii.nn street not \vost of ICifih-
loentb. I'lio oloctloa H to bo bold on A pill
U ' .mil Uio cnnipiny lito luinim'iifooilc
\\itliln nlnoH dsni'thiroafler. Tlio lln Is
to lie c-oniiilcMul boforc'.htlv I , 1 'U. '
'llm llillou cU-itilc linbt ordliiaiu-a wit
oulor for Snt-
c-allul niaiHlinailo | tliospociil
uriliv tiiL-lit.
Anliitu't IlciiulnrtT was Instructed tn pio-
paicMin I'stinuti- cost of tlio furnltuio to
bo used In tlio nev c H hall
DP Wilt's I.lttlo r.arly Risers Host little
| iill cvu nmlc. Cnio constlpitioii cveiy I
Linw. .Nonu ciiual Ute them now. ,
U ladies st.irti'il out yrstordiy
to m.iUoniflilc' I'ollc'c-tions fur tlio Open Door.
Tlicv met ithoiy ciu'oiirauliiK success ,
and tlic u orUv ill Itu co.itmuc'il toilay.
'iho Ilowo bc-alos , the only scale \\llli pio-
toctcil liiMnni ! ' * No check loils. t'atilo iK's
of llurclcn Afc > olluU Co , Acts ,'o , 111
Slum Oi.myr and l-iin ( > ii Oinps.
> 'l.\\ oiik , Aluicli 1" . [ hpi-cnl Tclugrain
to I'm : Hi-Pl Some cxcitiiiiont Inn been
caused in the foreign fruit liado in this clly
bj ropoits fiom itily to tlio elTict that tlic- o ind limon crop * lime born distrojcil
byicft'iit stoinis. t-'iesiUunt c'oiitoncin of
the Italian Lliiimbcr of conunci.c , who nt
piiM-iit is nt Soircnto , Italy , Ins
willton a lultor lioic in wlilc'h ho si\s the
( lam.itroto the oi.uiL'o and lemon crops his
bc.on onarmous and \ \ .is c.iusc-il na ( -.ilo of
wind \\liu-h swept all iho It.voaolT tliu tr < us ,
luiiMiiutlio 01 .in ires and IIMIIOIIS without i > iu-
toction The crop , hocstiiiutos , will be 10-
iliiKHi about "i iier cent. Theio nio fiom
00000 lo " 0,0(10 ( boxes of winter cut
flints stored thoio , liixui , ' aliout an eiiuil
ainnnnt on tlio treelit for flnpincnt.
1 lail it not lieun for the ( jalc , Sonunto would
liuo shipped diuiiiK tlio stiuiiff fulU .ili ) > , ( )0l ) )
bovi's tiforaiRes U lie lemon riop sulTeioil
c-lilolly from hail , uhirh i-lullod the Iruit.
Hoirontoill not exjiort this sumniu much
o\cr twenty thousand to Unity thousand
boxes of lemons -instead of. , is founeily ,
about ono InmiircJ tuoubanil boxes.
Dr. liiriiov euros tatturn , Bco bldsj.
Ilio Nowrininill.iiMl C' iilrc irr 4 > .
1'xiii' , Maich 17 Tlio prcamuloto tlio Xeiv-
foundlaiid bill which \vis liul on the table In
the sointc today , s.iys Prance his piotested
ivpeiitully iiR.unst the Kii'lish | lobster lic-
tones on th l-'rcncli slioro as conunry to
exist inr' trollies Arbitr.ition , It is aililed ,
oiL'ht In result in lasting conditions which
\\ill satisfy Xewfounclland
Losnov , March IT. The papers hcie , com-
ininUiiKuii the acceptance by 1'r.uiio of ar
bitration as a means of sutlleincnt of the
rswfnunill.iiid lobster contiovursy bot\\C"n
tint coimtr\ and I'nulmd , tlilnlcil is satls-
f .it tori and just what \'e\\foaiiill.ind should
desire' .
Dr. llirnoy cin-es c.xttirrh. Hoe bid1
, March IT-lSpccinl Tclo-
to TUB Un.J-Thuo hunilred iniml-
nits from ( Jcnnniiy auivedlicro jostcr-
liaj bj Ilio Can.ulian I'ac-ilie fioiu IluHfix.
'J'liov oviiltntlv i)0 ) > seseil conslilerahlu
mi nis , ami all loll last uvunint ; for the
United States.
. llinki'ii Slinlt.
Ilrtiir.iiMl With .1 .
N'cw You ; , March -Special [ 'Tclo-
I'lini to Tin : Bin , | Tlio German
fHtiimor Italia , huiico for ( Jopen-
linRi'ii anil Slittui , vluc-h was seen
on the 11 Ui lust. K'turnliiKMi aci'ount of bur
.slutt liivluuhrokcii , .iirivd oilSauuy HOOK
tills morn lug.
IMrurll DeuoiiiKMMl KIOIII IhcIMiIplt. .
\VtnissocKBr.ll \ I , Mai\h -Dining the
sci vices at ht Cli.irles i-huich tins incrnlng
A' ( loni' McC.ilw denounce 1 1'irnoll as
unlit uioialU to leiul CuthnHc ! lii-.luni-n antl
reiumcd his paiishioiiurs to rcfeisorc'co.'iii-
tion toliib uivojsuuilsiippoit to thenc.mso
DiNiil : | > iMt ' l with the C'asl' .
Maich 170 Wliarton
l > inm > r.ii-iiiA1
Hltohie , rtct'lvliii ? teller of the Coiniion
\\enltti Xatlonal hank , las been iiiissliih'
blue iho niul He of last month AnoutjUOO ,
oftliob.mUb fund- , hives dU.ippe.ireil
1la\\ all's l' v Caliliiol.
Svs KIUM iiio , CM , Maich IT.-A Hon
olulu aicci.ils.\ > 3 thoiiuceii li.isiiiiiioiiiu-od anew
tahiuet with Samuel I'.irke tin uiomicr
mil nimistirof foreign ulTiirs
Nature should he assisted , when the system is changing
from the full habit of the winter months , to the lighter
diet of the warm season. Swift's Specific ( S. S. S , )
stimulates the sluggish blood and rids you of that feeling
of heaviness and languor ,
S. S. S. , beautifies tlio skin and makes thn complexion rosy and healthy.
S. S. S. , gives elasticity to the step nnd buoyant spirits.
S. S. S. , makes the fuublo nn < Uiullcnte strong antl robust.
S. H. S. , ia atonic to the whole body and increases vitality
S. B , S. , is a simple Apgctnblcincdiuinu ,
If there is poison in the blood , ityenornlly shows Itself in
the spring , nnd this is thu fccrtbon to help nature to tlilvo
It out and be cured , Nothing duos this as well ns S , S , S.
It is liannlcbs to the inost iMieate , jut so powerful as to
cleanse the tystoinof all impurities.
Books on Blood nnJ Shin Diseases Free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , OA.
1'li'sicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
1'iOU JJC UCilv VH fc-
Tup most widely anil favnralilv Unowtupcc-
lilisls In tint t i ( tot ' -lalii Iliolr Ions i"J-
IK I'll in ( ri iiiinkabli aKUl , ind IIIIIMTS ilsiit--
( i-ss In tliu tiiitiuiiit .mil cure of Norums ,
I hrmiie .mil | | | ( | , . | DUiiiisii ciitit'o Ibcsc
eniiiiint pli % slilims in the full conddciiic of
Iho .illllrtiil CMMheio. . Tluvv Bii.nantK
A II.IU'AIN AM ) I'OsfllVi : I I HP for
tlu > aw t ill olTi-i Is of e 11 V\ v | IM > ind the iiinnei-
mis iils Unit follow In Iti train
1'iiivAii : . iii.oon AND SKIN
spei dllv. UHiiiili-lflv Tiirl pcrinniK-iitlv
DUnniibjIuldiu ullly to the-li skillful trout-
" "
"iMir.s , ris'iiir.A AND IUTAI , n.fnus
ruariiitcid eiiud vltliout pain or iletintlon
from hiisliic-is
ni ntly and MiM'cssfullv cnruil In eM-ijei-sr ,
t-YI llll.l-- , l.OMlliUIII \ . r.l.IIT.pci ' -
nritnrrlii'i , soiiilnal \ \ i-.ikncssl.ost M-i tilniorl
Ni lil I nilssion" , I I'ciiyiil * . uillif. 1'omalo
\ \ < -.ilne ( s > anil ill clillcitn cllMii dors lii'iuliur
to I'ltlu-i kc'V | iiisllK ( > ly ciinil , .is unll is ull
f unit Inn il ilisnidcri thil ros n it from > ontli fill
lul lh s 01 | ho i"ii cssnf in ilu ni jc.i n
vC'I'I'If ' 'l I ' ! . 'K ' I'liiianlroil pcriimn o n t 1 >
. ) I K1V-1 U l\lj c-nri'd. reiniiNil complete'
wltlinut eiitt In. , c.ilisti.iir illlitnlldii. I'liit-f
i llVctrd nt hi mi ) by P itient w Ithiiat u ino-
miMil s p ilu nr mnm.uii'r
A < CIPn ! nil.'K'I'ho andil pfTocli of
/V OUIM. , V U IvL
, 'iirlj' \lui wldc-h lirhiRs
oti-.inlc wealtniss , dosi mliiu both mind and
liixly. wllh all Its ( IroMlcil 1IU. iierinancatl )
\MW \ nKT'K Adilri-in thn e wlinliuio tin-
Ui\0. 1)N 1 1O jiroil ) | tlifiii ! IMS by Im
proper InihilsiMieo mil solitary nablt * > . whli-h
i uln liot li in i ml and lnxlj , iinllttlni ; them for
) - . | . 'itiiiH or m u rl IRO.
M\Kltlii : ) MI'X ( ii tin so enteritis on that
h ipiIKe.awaro | olphjMeal ilobilltj , < | i.le-Uly
Is insert upon farts Pint Vr.n'tlnl oxporl-
rnci Sfiund l.M'ij c-.ivc Is HIUI | lall > stuilled
Hun st.ullii il lit Tldril nu-dU-lnn uio
pri-pni'il In nur labor.itiuy ixmlly lo suit
1'iu'lieuse , thiiiulUitlni'i.iiieitultliaiit Injun
Drs. Belts & Betts ,
The Liebig COMPANY
lfa\i' fni t\vtity-ll\i ! > i , ns hoe
lip ( hif.11111111 s pi i ) Im \\lilrh I sin i c I iiH'll-
k'.ili Ils H Inn Hisl imen tul . _ ' i n
to tin- orl < l hy the ii'inmiiul LlunuM ,
, | | | | Mill IH I ) -T Tin Il
ls Kiiiiwiiiioiinil I lie \\oild , i ml has Im t > ly
IHMMI i1 irilcd Into 'D.nkisffilci' liy
-t.inli > It i sun ippro uli ib li fin pntity
IhiMii anil Ixiuh.lil c'llccis As Urn
'I'l i ill-Mi IonUK ! lufi r > hlnn Indl-pfii-
sililnin linpnni'il nnd iMunoinlc'l.'wUeiy
Gtuuiiie7 jt of
ChinisjPh/ / .
l& < lJLnrlinHrH , Denver ,
t ole
Tt thxsoiufTorlnK from the
flints ol aa > t.iilu' liliiitvliiK
ui i-ii i'-i uiul ik' lru hu iiiii
All mil wrllti l.i > iU hiKuloiuM
A II * 1l ilimm I vr ,
i-n fulling ; wi'akiu * , innn
hu it IIITMIUH illiu i >
t > tiR ( > } ) . uiiiilnilu ikin' * <
_ tnulhriil filly uilnnrr trtiuli-
v in 'I luuMnmlie | . liiul ill i'.i < i' liuU-
n-tl u ch t mil luun Iroiiblu cuinumptl , n lu.n-
ih I' i uiiBliH. iolil4 aslluni ciilnrrli , nil I | | > 'IHI.N if
Ihnblixiil K , rnii la , r i > li IllH. cllfcnio's uf u | > rl\nli <
niiluri' cuiMrrlii'i. uk'ol illcx luiu r i-iinnr. Mill
llitMiin. ilu ilin.'UNiM inriliiN iilULIiill : i'ii-i' < ici-
tl\i'iii < ix il > iui4l | > i , nun n'uln. ' ill it I in1 * i InMni'x
HIIIUOI , < c'iuilluni | HUH lonu llf iniiliil'i nil I
OlNiiiHim iif Hu iMiiiriitl\iMirviin no in it t IT ui lum
l iu litiitliik' A cuio u'lninint , nl In m i j in u ur
innnijr loliinilnl llmi ) ! u\i- | ili | > , l | ki > t , tin t
I'l-iiiMii-ii' ' tin nut ilixinlr , lint isliii l.ihVIMi : u c'lll
nnil Im v on i liul nil hlil in. ulilrliU t i HIU until I , It n
Ilu ! i ' , , imi Indian I'siiiilimllun lii'i > linlsnmll
MUiifoi iiuiiMlkiH 'I liiiiiMiiulH Inn i t IMI uiri'ilif
lllllillllt clNii.u ! t > r \4V \\llu ( lllli < - > l > \lk'-
t'tullii u'liuilUn M.iny luUiliU'lililH inn Ini fiiniil
niul Dunn In hla nlllri , or lkn > ir IIHII THilitiun. .
, Ui-iaLarlinur Bt , , TJouvoi , Colo.
Knctoau ilniuplui it | < lx
' & § * *
UJ-J S 16 Hi St.
Oin.iliu , Nob.
\WCuilDolQGtlp \
I si question that rt.uly prose-iris itnolf
t oliur.ilrodsiiiid hundreds of the road-
orsof tins inpor Many ainonj , ' thisuriny
of sit'U iuiel sutUriu j'oiu s hi\o buun tin-
foituiiiitu in siMeolin tlieir phjiii-ijiii.
Minj liavo been in nlcil , uiimisod upon ,
h\vnrcllLl ( sind : u-e | ) II'ON : ' DI.N I , Uis-
c nl li.Mir.n ana .SMCIMH-AI , . They
don't Lnovs wlio to oinplov or whuii
\\.iy to turn to hud the liolpUiu } ncjcd
so inuin
Kenilj all have iii-oiiablv noticed Urn
aiUoi-tisoiniMitof UK. RU. Dll-.MNdS
tint li is uupi'iui'd in thin Dipur dnih.
Very iniinj hno : re id it carefully , not
ed the uhiiiiis tlioreiii undo , and hmo
o.'illed fet * consultation orTittou \ n
bliiteiiiont of tlioir e-.ise. 'JliebO nn\c (
almost \.iruiblv Iwonio p.itiunts and
aio now his grateful friendd. 1'heto mo
niiny others who luum tint Hiioh nn
ailvoi'liseiiiuiit luib iippe.ired . in tlio pi-
pi r. ojl have noei read it , prcforriiifj
tosny lo tlietiisi'lvoi : ' ' 0 , pshaw ! an-
oilier doctor. Ho cannot otileh
me ; I have hum liumbiin ed too many
tunes. "Tliis class nro tnnuly lit'M-
nuntilSfi iiiKMsisu'Ks for thoio are
jnof'-iMis ofMicNNII \VOMIN : in tlio
\Vest wlio lvX < m- Hint 1)I1)1 ) ) LLlNdS
is the MOST t-ri fi'ssi t'l. ollice praeti
Honor anil spci'iahptfst of Chicago
Then there is another class of btiilorers
who , roailiiifr the doc-lnr's boticdt an-
nouiiccmcnt. "Mil svy : : "Well , il I only
xVK-A that Dlt. UlLLlNCiS could nn
MIIAI li i : CKMMS ho can do here , I
\Miiildo { ; mill ttv him atonco. " Thus it
ia that many are piovuntod from buel\-
nifr lull ) nt the liaiiclt ) of one.v/lio is
iiualilic'd to alTonl it. KM'.ltY 1 1. MM
inndo hv Dr. r'.illint.'i is IIOM.-II.Y
TilVDl' . Ho does not treat acute df-oases ,
and ifiibkcd to treat n ci o of M'phnul \
1'uvcr of Di plithena \\nuitlicfuii3 \
upon the jile'ii of luck of oxjiof louce 111
suc-h e.isod , I lilt Ilio fcttihborn. hntrer-
niK1 , il'iiijforous nnd special illbeiM s
I'tiuniorated in his tiihorti-oments lie
ttfiits w.tli satijfviiiff and oltc'ii A
I\ is. .
rill " 12 IHr1 \ - may l > hi loll v iiinii-d n
Hl l. \1.- | nil. HI.iiOl ) , liiilndlni spm-
| HIOOll I'tH-ON. \ll , MUill' " Ills-
l'\ " . | . AIiL I I"K \ "I1-- \ \ DM. . VKM > M <
1 ! ( ) \ \ llll 11UMI \ \ NI I IM li. 'lltioiihli '
niiiM'tin- tin- nii.rsnioSIMII \ i ION
, inil M'Tltll'ION , iill fat inlial rioulili > s ail rrmilili-s nil iiuiiltn-l i liuiy I itMilili s
mil nil (1 M.ISIS of a plKnte nntlllr Nl )
MLNTIiAI- DIM OS ( , lIA Mi'illdnc-s aru
inostlj piipuid ftniii runts , hitlvs nni ,
In ills shrulis. i-te IMicMils me fin nUhcd all
Mil llll III ! s h'lhllllt ' 'Ml I l -t I'llllMllt.llll II
flci > . P it lints siii'C' < " -fn II ) ti ' it'd by c'liin
SKiidoni-i | ) i. ; "out li IM li slul On ilia , Neli ,
DH , J , E ,
1(1 ( VurV I"\icrii'iiit | .
loS ilnrn Itlnut Iliolomof iinhoiiri limn
( roitiliuiiiu'ii ' 'Ilio mini iibwluto iiiitili r i.l.Ki : r
nuil all itniii > lnu ill i liiirn , H OUT I.H i ni lo tiiulloil
iili'iiio SM'IIIIIS n v nrrniiltMl i-un'ln ' lltn Mj Ji )
'Ilio ino t pcinorful r\Miiil > jil kiiu rn for n ptnni-
lii'Iitiuro Mllll II 111 ir pain In ullni Inglliulluil-
ilur , cii ml nthiinii' without tnilruiiu-iiti , no ciilllntr
no p.lln , no illlnlliin I..HH of Miinliioil \Vi-akntMi
riitltln > l ) ciiri-il In ttiit ri'llcf slilii < lliim M nil t
ruinntoillsiMm * pi'minni'iit I v i urt l l > r MiMri' ( 4
iiirpi'ii In lhi > iri'itiui'iil of I'rltttu I'l o ioi IIK
iiKMTbi'i-ii uiiullil | iinthlH trout nriu > uf intli n
iini'lii't Irom tliu Ulnnlli t < i llui I'nltliMooki HI I
( IrciiliM IIIK I ulltx luun I to I oiilr lull nn I
> 'inn.nn ntttuu Oiunlu , Ne'li. Kntr.inoo oil iltliur
Mn cl
\M \ > , \I.\VOI ( | ) I'M'-t'I IS nni tlm
BOtUHsSl uiul oul > inpHuli't pri-Horllol ly
. . . .ilir | liUlinf for Ilio < n > , f
Uoiiiiiliini mill iliiilinni > 4 truui tlm urlimry
uuorllu'l ui iic'iulrtM. II XI l"-'r Wt .