Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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mlnil I'1" ' f I'lioxvit.xtc * It was not in
tvndi * t Hint 'ho ' Itihiibll.ints of Mich tntei
I iMitor llio union with all Iho rlgl.tJ ,
> ri\Ui f * niul imimitiituM "f cltbens of the
\ "nitr.i Strtti's In lliolluht of llio remark-
iiiiM htstorx Hbli-h ho ( nut - < x-nop l/iv ! , this
i niiii'iitliin M-OIIIS tn him absolutely
txiisurdVith rot port to thn treaties , hul it was the intention Unit the
inhabitant * "bould In-admitted withali the
Vi-lviUV"1 of citizenof the I'nltcd States.
Tin' luid luvniloi'ldod by tlm Huiuvnirtcourt
oltbo I'Mltod Stains , ns'hoouhlsliowlater. \ \ .
11 bi-ldthal If the inhabitaiiUs of the now
HlnU-H did not iH-llox'o that they xvero to ho
admitted iusdH/ciiJ of thn United States tint
tln-y xvmild nevi-rhavo coded one foot of Ut-
i-tlnrv In t tn'ciMK nil giivernmi'iit.
If tni'iii-t iif iiilmlsstnii < lidiii > t niiikclho In-
linbltanls i-illreiis of llio 1'nltodStates bow
tlul tlmy liivmiiu cllUons' I Iti cnshipof tlio
X nlted States prestinposed citi/.i-nslnp of
soiniHtate. . 1.x-on the imirti-ent liaiiioiiiliiirnl
t"lln ciui-.tltiit ion of the I'nlU-dStates saM :
"Anclllzwisot the Ijnlti-dStatC ! ) ami of tlio
ntatixxherein thcv reside. "
Mr , ln < tii | ) Millar , pronouiic-iiigthoopitnoii
nf ttiociiiirt In the sl.iuirhlcr IIOUHU cusus ,
Kil'iiited States at pnso T'J , sniii : "Tbo tlrst
ftrctionof the foiirlecnlh urtlclotovlilch our
nttontlnii is moro esjK-clallv invited , opens
xuth adetlnltlon of cill/i < ntlilp , not only cltl-
ycnsbiiiof the United States , out < -lilauslill >
of tin-slate. Nosnch iliMlnition xx-ns prrvi-
ously ( mind In t ho constitution , nor has any
atli-iniit bi-i'ii iniiilo to ili'tliu'IL liyactof con-
pivas. It li.ul been Uio occasion of niuch dli-
cussion in tbo courts , bv the uxecutno
ilepiirtimMitt niul In the pulilii * journals. It
Inul In en said by oinlnent ) n < lie.s thut no
111:111 : XMIS a rill /en of the United States ex
cept us bo was aohizcnof ono of thu stnlivs
roinpiwing the union. ' 1'hoie , therofore. x\lio
Imd iR'on born and rosMed nlxvavi In Iho
lllstricl of Columbia , or In the torritorles ,
thinigh xv ithln the U idled Statts , xvero not
rlliions. Wtiuthor tills proio.siUoii | xvas
simnd or not hail never been judicially
decided. "
Thu fourteenth amoinlmoiit had been
adopted after NelirasKn hail became a state.
It thoiu-t of admission made any of the In
habitants of tin ) toirltory ritU'ns of tbo
Vnl toil States , xvliy did It not innlw all of
thi'iiiciti/i'iis of the United SlntoslVliy
vaturall/.o these who bail been aliens I To
jj.iturali/.o uas tonatlonali/o.
tSoiicral I'oxvln chilins tint he did not , as
jssi-rti'd lvloncralVobstor ( \ , attorney for
( lonoral T'hay > r , bold that liiivernor FJoyd
had become ii citl/i'ii by vlrtuo of tlio treaty
of 1'nrls of ISIKI. 1 1 ( > ild ! hold , hoxvovor , that
that treaty , llio same as the sovcral cessions
of tbostatos to the confoilci'.itod coii'rcsai'O- | ,
nulredthat in duo linio states should bo
formed and the Inhabitants taken Into the
union on unequal footing with the original
states , ami stood on an equality with the or-
illnanco of ITNt. Ho also dlsclalined having
said , as asserted , that Louisiana \x-as a pur
chase from the Kmpcror jNapoleon or that
Napoleon was cmporor in IMKI.
Hohaid the othursldo contended thattho
word "state" did not mean the inhabitants
with respect to ( hell-political nnd civil rights.
Ho then quoted llnhlwin slioxvlng that the
xvordt "oinplro , " "North America , " "colony"
"state , " iinllon"ero moivly different terms
as applied to tbo same tiling. Ho also qxiotcil
the saino author showing that In thoconsiil-
eringof important inslrumoiits , the discus
sion about words were daniproiis ; , xudess
xx' lion their inclining was ndiiiillud and tbo
lie also referred lo Chief Jnstieo Tanoy.
xvhochdnii'il tbat thestato and the people of
the stnto were synonymous.
T'lio constitution of the itiito of Nebraska
approvoil by congress providedV : ( \ tbo
people , grateful to Almighty ( Jed for our
frccdiim , do ordain and establish the folloxv-
Ing declaration of rights anil form ofgovera-
inoiitns the oonstitntlnn of the statn of N'e-
bniilia. " N'oxv , who were "xx-o the people ? "
( . 'oiihl tticro bo any iiuestioii but that itre-
foi reit in the Inngtingn in tbt > enabling act to
"tho Inhabitants of that portion of tlio terri
tory of Nobrnsliaj" Those xvero thiiponons
xxho proceeded to make a Rovc-rnment for
In tlio cwo of Droil Scott vs Hatiford , ( W U.
S , ItH , t'blof .lustlco Timoy said : "Tho
words 'people of the United Status1 and 'citi-
7oiis'aro ' synonvmous terms ami mean the
same tiling. Tlioy both describe tbo political
bodyxvho , acoorilingto our republican insti
tutions , t'unn the sovereignty , and who bold
tlio power and conduct the government
through lliolr representatives , Tlioy are
whnt wo familiarly call thu sovcrciRii people
nnd over citizen Is ono of people nnd ix
constituent member of tliU sovereipitv. "
But thuwords ' 'xve , tUo oopli > , "rej'oipwil to
the pcoplo as tlioy shcruldbo after the jjoyern-
mtr'um'arirtlOiu "bift to citirons as
they would bo wlion the government
xvas foniiod and completed.Vhon
the language xvas used In the constitution
of the United Slates "xvo the people of the
Uiilled Slates" there xvas not a single cilizon
of the United States ; tticro was no United
States ; therefore "wo the people" meant "wo
xv ho .shall bo c-itUeiu xx-hcn this government
shall oo formed. " When the peoplu of Ne
braska u > , cd tbo term "xx-otho people , " there
xvn.iiio citl/onshlp of the state of Nebraska.
"NV'hen the terms , 'xx-o the people of the
t'liited States. ' liolds Ualdxvin , are thus ap
plied In thu constitution they seem to mo not
only appropriate to the instrument , Out the
only terms that would boso ; it uses terms in
all its parts , yut xvo llndno dollnition orox-
plaiialions ; it was not Intended for a roue ,
and the term 'people' ' xvas a mere designation
of the power by xvhlch the constitution was
made as the 'states'woro designated bx * their
separate ratifications ; lieneo it relerrcd in
ITsSUo eleven only , then to tlio old thirteen ,
nnd noxv refers to tbo thirteen neiv states :
and wh-'ii others shall lie admitted into the
union It will refer totnenins it did to the old
and now docs to the noxv. The people of tli < ?
several states which may bo included witliiii
this union as iho constituent power of the
federal government. "
Huquotas from the Spanish treaty with
tbo United States , ceding Florida. ' ' which
contained among other things the proviso
that the Inhabitant ! ) his "majesty cedes to
tbo United States by this treaty shall bo in
corporated in the union of tlio United States
as soon a ? may be consistent with tbo nrin-
clples of the federal constitution , andud-
mtttod to tbo enjoyment of the privileges ,
rights and Imtmmitlc * of Ihe citizens of the
United States.11
The treaty'of Paris In ISM , xvhiohcon
tained similar words , hud the snnio effect
with regard to ritirciistilp. The rights that
wore granted to the state of Is'obmslia upon
Its admission to the union xvero granted to
the Inhabitants of the stnto of Nebraska
Ho then qxiotcs Chief Justice U'nito as
follows : "Who-n-er , then , xvas ono of the
people of either of these states when the con
stitution was adopted became , ipso facto a
citizen and member of the nation by its adop
tion. Hoxvns ono of thoporsoi a associating
togothur to form a nation , and was , consequently
quently , ono of its original citizen * . As to
this , there has never been a doubt. Disputes
hax-o arisen as to whether or not certain per
sons or certain classes of persons xvero part
of the people at the time , but never as to their
citizenship , if they xvoro. Thissainoprinciplo
applies to every noxv state.
T'lio xx-liolo theory of cur govoramoiit is
that "xvo , the pco'plo of Nobrnslia1 , xvhoii
they formed , a gox'ernincut for themselves
mid were admitted Into tlio union , come as
If they had joined hands with the original
nhiostatcsandentcrod the union with them ;
xvithalltho rights , privileges nnd Immuni
ties of citirens of tlic Tidied States. A stale
romlng into the union xvlttt one-half or two-
thirds of her bona lido inhabitants denied tbo
rights of cllUeiiiiliip could not bo on
equality with a state , the whole of
xvhoso inhabitants caino into tlio union
vested with all the rights , privileges and im
munities of Amnrlcan citizenship. The ad
mission of a state either prnnla tlio right of
citizenship in the United States or does not.
If it is the law that it does not then three-
fourths or more of the electors of ntorritorv
xvho formed constitution for statehood
xvheii the government which tlioy have
formed Is admitted by congress , bo aliens ,
entitled to nonoof the privileges and immu
nities of citizens of ttio United. States , If
the territorial qunlltlcatlon for voting was
based upon residence only , as It might uo , or
citizenship and those xvho hiui made declara
tion to become cltlrons , then nil the voters
who did not corao xvithin this class of citUena
mid xx'ho have been by far thu greater
portion , and their families , would , after the
admission , bo aliens and entitled to nonoof
the rights of eitl/oushlii they had crentod
under the government of which they had bo-
comoa constituent p.xrt.
In the cascjof Dosbols First Martin , page
1S7 , Iho question was xvhcthor bv admission
of the territory of Orleans into the union ,
Dcsbois uccaiuo a citizen , ho hoing alien born
and n ver having been naturalized. The
question rose upon his application to court
to l ) admitted , citizenship being ncco.s-
sary , Tlio judge hold that the applicant
must bo em ( id < 1red ai a citizen of the state
of Louisiana , and such entitled to the
prlvileg-os of a of the United States. "
la the case of UnlUd States vs , Lovcrty
ctal , tlio opinion of tlio t'tillotl Ht : t court
In coimMUi'lico ' ol it * friImpnrtamv ( , X\M \
ni'crtM liytbe reporter lit the t'lr t Martin.
nnd Ufinitiil at tinitoso iiftho Vnluine The
ilefciiiMnlnin tliai cwo WITH iirrostod uiuliT
illaxv piMvidinglhat alU'nswho slioiilil not
n.itur.ili/o . wltlitn u certain time .nhuuld bo
piil'lioiMiiMnii" * anil pnnishi'd. The delfiid-
anl were alien born. Had iiovorboommtiml-
l/i-d , nnliMs natnrnli/ed / bytlu-art of the ftl-
mlHsioniof the tcrrllury'of ( Irh-uiii , into
the nidon as the HtntooC l.ovilsiana They
cainotn theti-rrllory of OrloniH alti'r the
tioiltynf I'.iris ' . and so wore not in.xdiiclUii'im
bv vlrtii" of that trtuty. 'I'ho court in nn
uimnswi-r.idr ! > nruumi'iit , holds Unit up'Mi ' the
admission of the state of l.milsl.ina Into tlio
unloiun'orr bona tldiiliilialiltant men rosld-
Ilig there became a clti/.rii of the United
' ' fmni the
'I'ho attorney qxiotei liberally
opinion of the court sustaining this sUto-
ment ,
In conclusion ho holds that tbo status of
Nebraska , wtu-ii entering the union WIIM Unit
of the original states ; that bur inhabitants
cntorcil the iinlnti us cltl/i'iis / of the United
States and that .liunos K. lloyd , who was imo
of these lnhibltint-H ; was , tliorcforo , ft cltUen
of this union at tbo time the stale enleredlbo
inion. He could not but think that a docl-
sloe to the contrary would result In stnmii-
ng on Nebraska ttio mnrn of dofoctlvo ( or-
nuitlim at birth and thnt It imisthoreaftor
sbluo xvith loss than Its original bright
.I .sj'/rj.i/y ; ( tieinit.
No\xheriy' Hill \Vlll Uo t'onshtorcd
by tlio Senate In Committee.
L.IXVOI.X , Xob. , March -ISpoclal to TUB
lli'.H ] This innniitiK the first slilnnish in
the battle for railroad legislation toolc place
In tlio senate. It resulted In tbo house max
imum rate bill being made the special order
fof toinorroxx * at'J i > in.
It win precipllatod by Uio consideration of
tbo report of Iho roinniittco on r.illrnftili ,
made on Thursday last , rceomniondinir that
Noxvborry's ' liouso roll JX'o. 1- , the nmxlmuiu
rate bill , bo considered 'this afternoon. "
Senator I'oynter moved the report be
adopted. Senator Mattes raised the nolnt of
order ttint the proposed niovo would take Ihe
liill nut of Its Kenor.doriltirandns such xvould
reijinro a two-thirds vote , and tlio suspension
of tlio rules.
Tin-chair hclil that the motion would take
the bill out of Its regular order , and adxanoo
it , to the disparagement of other bills , nnd
that It xvould bo necessary to suspend Iho
rules ,
Senator Poyntor said that the report of any
committee took bills out of regular order.
The senate xviis not nctlng on tbo bill itself ,
huton the report of iho committee , for Hint
reason ho moved to . from the decision
of Iho chair. I'ho motion seconded on
the hidoiicndunt sido.
Tlio chair announced tlio tnoliim to bo as to
xvhetlier or not his decision xviiuld stand the
Judgment of tbo senate.
SenatorIviMpor s > aul the senate had estab
lished the precedent of nilvniiclng bills at the
request of member * and xx'itliout the two-
thiub veto. It had ilonoso xvlth bills of his
anil others , and ho couldn't sco why it couli !
not bo done in this instance.
Senator Shuinxx-iiv said that on IVlilay last
lie had moved to tab a bill out of Its rotfiihu
order and that It beuaroltud and engrossed ,
buttho Senator from lioono il'oyuter ) said ,
to ilost > would require atwo-tl.irds vote.
Senator Mattes said they could not dismiss
from their minds the fact that ttio motion ti
adopt the report did not alloxv them an op
portunity to consider the bill In committee o
the whole. The only way to have the bll
passed us It should bo xvas to have It consld
sidercd in committee of tlio xvliolo am
amended if found necoss.iry.
Senator Kanuall said there had been iilentj
of occasions where bills had been UiUcn ou
of the Rxuliir order nnd advanced and thu
senators did not oliject.
Discussion continued on this point for some
time , until finally Senator Chutes moved to
lay the motion to appeal from the decision of
t lie chair on tlm tatilu. Tbo yeas and nays
xvoro demanded and resulted in a tie as fol-
Yeas llroxvn , Christofferson , Collins , Kg-
gk'.slon. Mattes , , Shea , Shu in-
xvny , Slarbuck , bivitzlcr , Taylor , Thomas ,
Vuii llousun , Wilson , " \Vooas-10.
Nays-Heck , Uiy. Dysnrt , Kill , Horn ,
Kelpor , Koontz , Mlchoner , I'oyntcr , Randall ,
Sanders , Smith , Stevens , Tin-nit , Warner ,
WilUaus-m , . . . , 11OUUll w
table the appeal , himself voting In Iho affirm-
Senator Poyntor then moved that the ro-
poit of the committee boadoploil.
'I'ho yeas and nnvs xvero also demanded in
this motion. Senator S\vlt/ler \ , In explaining
hisvoto , said ho XV.H ready tovotu upon the
bill , but a.s luo report proposed lo deprive
senators of an opportunity to discuss the bill
in Ihe ccinmilteo of the whole , he would vote
no , Ttio vote was as folloxvh :
Yeas- Heck , Jl.iy , Dysnrt , Illll. Horn ,
Koine r , Ixooutz , Micbenor , I'ovntor , Randall ,
Sanders , Smith , Slovens , Taylor , Turner ,
Warner , \Villiams-ir.
Nays Urown , rurlstofTerson , Collins , Ej .
gloslon. Mattes , Moore , Schr.un , Shea , Shum-
xvny , StarbucK , SxviUlor , Thomas , Van Hou-
son , Wilson , Woods IS.
The necessary txvo-thlrds not having boon
obtained , the chair declared Iho motion lost.
Senator Collins moved that the bill bo
placed on general ille.
Senator ICelpcr asked If the bill xvoro not
now on general flic. The chair said that the
bill lay upon the secretary's table , no dispo
sition having boon made of it since the rejec
tion of the report of the committee on raii-
Senator Poyntor then jumped up with nu-
other motion that the bill bo advanced to
third reading Wednesday next at. 3 p. in.
JSonntor Shuinxvay wanted lo know if such
a motion did not also requlro a txvo-lbirds
vote. The cliair Informed him that it did.
Tlio yeas and nays xvero asain doimnded
ami resulted in thodofont of the motion , Ixvo-
thirds vote not having been obtained :
Yeas-Hock , Day , Dysnrt , Hill , Horn ,
Keipor. Mii-hener. I'oynter , Randall. Sand
ers , Schrani. SmUtiStevens , Taylor , Turner ,
Warner , Williams .
JfayS'-Hroxvn , ChristoiTorson Collins
, , Kg-
gloston..Mattes , Mooi-o.ICoont , Shea , Shum-
xvay , Slai-buck , Sxvit/ler , Thomas , Van
I I onsen , W ilsm , AVoods- > .
Senator Collins explained his vote In thn
negative by savlnc that unless the ear load
rates on agricultural products as provided for
by the b',11 ' should bo reduced tlio measure
xx-ould bo xvortlilcss ,
Senator Poyntor , on whom sooined to devolve -
volvo the necessity of tijhtlnir ; for Iho Inde
pendents , apaln ro'oundln a caustic inannor
said that as some senators did not seem to
known xvlien to X'otoon ono side and xvlicn on
another ho xvould give them a chance to
know something about their mvn minds , and
xx-ould move that the oil ! bo made the special
order for next Wednesday ut2 o'clock.
Senator Sxvitzlr-r seconded the motion and
the same prevailed unanimously.
Tlio Senate ,
LIM.-OI.X , Neb. , .March 17. [ Special to THE
BKE.J Tbo senate mot this morning , all the
members save Senator Coulter being pros
out ,
.An im-itatloa xx-as rocelvod from the graml
marshal of the St. Patrick day parade to xvit-
ness the display from the Lincoln hotel at 1
p. in.
The folloxvlnc communication addressed to
the secretary of tliesonato xvas read :
'XYASUIXOTOV , March II-My DoarSIr : Mrs.
Xvindoiii lins in-clved your not oaii'l , ut t ho
hands itf Senator Mandennn. : i copy of tbo
rt.nluUi > n of llit > SBIUUII of llio state of Ne
braska , IIDOII the death of tbn late secretary
of tlix in-HMiiy , and bus rouo | tcd mum ON-
press her heartfelt upprcelatlun ofllilstrib-
ute pa Id tn tliepulillisvrvlcriiiif lu-r hnsbiinil
a ud of tliiiHyinpathr extended to Ills boieavod
family. Vorj truly j-outs ,
i' . M. llKNiiiv. : private seeiclary to thelatu
Bceretaryof the trrasui-jr ,
The judiciary committee rccominendcii the
indefinite postponement of semite llio No. 'J70.
aiiiOndliiK beclions'.W anil U'Jl , cede of nlx'll
proceduiv , compiled statutes 1SS7 ; adopted ,
Also No. 2Tii , provldlin ; for the relief of
drouth sutferers of I'olk comity. The snnio
cominittcn ivcomnionded the passive of liouso
rollXo. J-J , rcijulrinK'county clerks to outer
all fees received in tbolr fee books ,
The committee 0.1 ujjrieulturo rcconuncndod
thcpassaso of senate llio No. iilll , provhlin ?
fortho establishment of an agricultural experimental -
perimontal statioii at Ogullala and recom
mending the appropriation of $5,000 fortho
The committee on hijn roads ami bridges
rocommcndingthonassatru of house roll No ,
ii3 : , providing for the paymunt of road over-
The committee on railroa-h i-ocoinmcndlug
thelndollnltopostponement of honso roll No ,
15'J , limiting iMiasciiBcr fnro per mlloto-j
cents ; also liouso roll Wo. 201 , roqulriug rail-
wnvls tc Gtti ! > 1liU a depot In every x Ulaeo
through xvhu h they run , also hoisoroll N'o.
fit , rciiuirliitf the keeping of cattle KtiarJi In
Tbo sunn' cominlttoo rtHtimmoniled the
> : x--snk'i'ol liouso ruil Nn. livt. rciiniriiig rnil-
oinlcompanii'sto give to tlielr Htallons tlio
unoiuunnns that of the town In which they
ro located.
A lung ( llsevuslnn then ensued on the ow-
icrry Inniso inaxlmuiii rale hill No. I'.1.
Senator Uandall's rcsiilntlun criticising
lumberof the senate for going to I Denver
vasluid on thuliiblo.
SumtorSxvlt/lor g.ivo notlcetlmtlii' xvould
les'.rc t bo secretary ot t ho sonaui to llsh ill ) a
ostiiution huriiduccd seine time OM | , asldng
or infortnatioii re , irdlnff the tMiipioywof
in1 senate.
St'iiiiUir Van llouson also notltled the soc-
otary that ho would like to have uneartliiHl
i resolution xvhlch ho had Introduced soxeral
lays ago.
House roll Nn. 0 > , a Joint revolution provid-
ng for the p.iynient of all lines Into the
county treasury for school purposes , was
end llio llrst time.
A recess win taken.
In the afternoon the semite went , Into com-
nltteooflho xvholu , Senator I'oytiler in the
chair , tociiii ! lder bills on the ponoral llio.
Sciintollli' N. 14(1irmldiiip ( \ for tlm report-
Hi ; tn the uudltor of the state by railiMads ,
nut No. Sill , rc-Kimllng tla listing ot' prop-
ertv , xvoro recoinmended for p.issaito.
On million of Ivootitz llio conimlltce roso.
reported and tlm tvport xvas adopted , Ho
then united for permission to present a re
port from the commit toil OP Judiciary upon
liousu roll ' , ' I. This bill authorises county
boards to l.-.sue bonds to [ mrclmso seed for
farmers and food for teams. Tlio request
xvas i > ranu > d , and tlm report was made and
adopted. Tbo bill wont to general llio.
The senate again xvuut into cominiUeo of
tbuwholo and reoeiumcnded the passage of
ttio followini ; bills : Is'ii. 'J'l , cslabhshliiK
Moyil county ; No 1'J'J , preventing the collec
tion of debts represented by notes obtained
through fraud and circumventing : IS'o. til ,
dellnlngtlio quallllc.Uions of teachers ; liouso
roll'.VJ ' , rcgarillng insxirincocompinU's : ; Xo.
1.V1 , iipprovinunf xxhatever just and aueiuiato
course congress may Ulto to foreclose the
mortiagouf ( the ITidon I'acil'ic road ; No. OU ,
delhiiiigtlu- duty of county treasurers.
Senate tiles No. lilJ , providing for the tad-
Igiliility of county olllccw for txvo consecutive
tive te'rms xvas Indetlnlti'lv postponed , as
xvas also No. 11:1 : , refrirding tbo garnish
ment of clerks and ineclianius xvho are heads
of families.
Senator Slovens' file No. M' ) , providiiit ;
thai the railroad companies shall posl In n
conspicuous place In their depots the names ,
age , salary and rotdcneo | of ttioir employes ,
provoked sonic discussion and sox'cral minor
amendmentsand xvas aflorxvards Indellnllcly
TinHouse. .
LIXCOI.V , Neb. , March 17. [ Special to TUB
Bun. ] In the house at the morning session
sixty-seven members answered to their
names xvhon the i-oll xx-as called.
The committee on finance , wax's and moans
reported , xvilh the recommendation lhat II
do pass , liouso roll r > ! )7 ) , appropriating $11,000
to pay the stenographers and notaries xx'ho
took the deposition * in the contest cases foi
the gox'crnor and other ovccutlx'o ofllcorH.
Shnuler said Ihoso fees had been already pro
vided for In a bill covering the fees of the attorneys -
tornoys , and moved an indolliiito postpone
Melvcsson said that there was no use try-
in'to ; pull the attorneys' hill through in this
inannor , nnd read a contract that tho. sten
ographers and notaries xx'ero to look to the
leplilaturo for their compensation ,
After further discussion Sliriulor's motior
was lost , and the bill placed on the general
llio for future action.
Tlio same committee reported In favor ol
the bill Introduced by Speaker Kldor , appro-
prlatini : the sum of S-IO.UOO . for the support
of the. Nebraska national guards.
The committee on apportionment reported
tlio Olson bill , to reuistrict the state Into
congressional dislricls for passage. A
minority report favored the Faxon bill , but
the majority report \\-as ailopted.
House roll 4.V > , bv ijtcrnsdorff , extending
the term of county treastirerand sheriff fron
txvo to four years was inilotliiitely postponed
The house took up on linal rending ant
passed liouso rollXH ) by fSillilan , provldinf ,
for drawing grand and petit Jurors In conn
tics tiaving over 70,000 population' . The bll
provides that jurors shall bo drawn once in
t.xrn vp.irs. anil thai , t.lio " ' ; " - > - * imi
cannot bo ilrayvn again till a noxv list has
been mado. It is designed lo dispense xvill
the services of professional Jurors'
An invitation to witness the parade of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians xvas read nut
accepted and tbo house adjourned till ! : &
p. tn.
In the afternoon the house tool ; up on linal
reading and passed the following bills :
House roll UI8 , by Judiciary committee
providing punishment for taking usury-
yeas , 71 ; nays , 11 ,
House roll I Ki , by dunnett , providing for
the deposit of public funds and for rocoivin ?
interest on the same.
The honso xvent into committee of the
whole , considered the following bills am
KicomiiiCMdud them back for passage. Senate -
ate tile ilO by Randall , authorising boards of
county supervisors to draw their xvnrmnts
on Iho general fund of llio county to purchase
food , fuel and seed grain and to sell the same
to needy people ennatroj in agriculture ; sen
tlio lilo 175 by Kandnll , authorl/.ing the inert
gaging of crops for the purpose of buying
sued before-tliu crop Is planted ; liouso role
! ! , ! by Nichols , authorizing tlio Iransfer of
$ : )7,7Ht ) from the capital tax building fund to
the general fund of the state ; liouso rolo-CM ,
by Nichols authorizing the trans
fer of Sllor > 0 from the Kalino land
stockyard to the fund ;
house roll 7 by fTowo , prox'iding for a change
in the constitution , authorizing Investment
of permanent school funds , la school district
bonds xvas amended by adding "loans on real
estate security" and recommended for pas
sage.A long discussion followed on liouso roll
ntS ) by Sliradcr , appropriating , " > , UO ( ) to es
tablish a putho-blologiiMl labratory in con-
iicetion with the state university for the dis ,
section of diseased animals. On motion of
Slovens of Knrnas , the bill was killed by
striking out tbo enacting clause ,
isllousoroll , the Moan bill regulating tel
egraph charges , was called up , coiinnlttoo
ninondmcnts adopted nnd tbo bill ordered
engrossed for linal reailing.
The same order \vixs \ made in reference to
house roll S > , to punish Illegal voting at city
and x-illago elections.
The committee arose , the house adopt oil
the recommendations of the coiinnlttco and
till 10 . . ' '
adjourned a. in. tornort'oxx' .
The Usury Inxx' .
LIXCOI.K. : Nob. , March 17. [ Special lo Tun
BCB.J--TUO folloxviug Is the usury Dill In full
a.s it llnally passed the house :
Section 1. II shall bo unlawful for any per
son , I'orpnriitlon nr association , ttioharxiM'on-
tiiiet fur , or reeeive , I'ltliur dli-octly or Iniil-
ri'L'tly ' , wliotlier In IMTSOII or by agent , any
greater ratoof inli'n-- than (10 ( per year npun
41 UO iion imy loan , or furbenranuu nf moiiuy ,
guilds or thlins In action : or , If any person ,
linn , ( iiriHirntlon nr sii'lalion , for llm pur
posn of oriulii ! the provisions of tlds art
shall discount any not us. or other negotiable
paper , for t lie pnriMiso of socnrlus : a iu'uloi ;
rite : of Interest than lirrnlntjefoiu iirnvidi'd
fur , allsiicb triinnaetlons sball be. and they
iirchundiy divlari-il unlawful and In vloliitlnn
of the prin Islons of tins act , but thu notu shall
not Uo declared votil , Every | n < rson , llrni.
MirpoiMlliui.or asMK'liitlnn. vlolailim any cl
the provisions ill this ai-t aliall Do di-uinoil
guilty of a iiilMltMiimiiior , and upon conviction
t liiruofiliullbo lined In any sum not Ifsstlian
$ lna unit not mom limn Jl.uoO
Sen. 3 , I'.veiy pcrbuii , firm , corporiitlon or
aviouiiitlon. thut charges , contraois for , or it1-
rccelvesa xnutor ratnnf Inleri'st than * IO
per year npnn flM , sliull be llablo
to tin ) borrower or paitxr iig rlovi'd
In civil action , cniuinciiccd at any
time xvltbln llvo yc'irs after llio payment ol
such liilert-t-l , for live times thu amount nf the
xvholi * Interi'st. uhiir i'il , contrauted fur , or
received , uml tliu costs of suit.
Sec. : i. Thai said sci'tlmi ' & and all othoi
alts orpnrtsnf acts in cnntili't xvlth tliti pro-
vMonsof this not uro heruliy repealed ,
llio Maximum Itnto Illlln.
LiNcni.N. Nob. , Murch l7.-Spocial [ to Tun
nuK.J Leading iiulependonls in the son ute
have decided to do all they can toglx'e Noxv-
twrry's maximum rate bill right-of-xvay
through their house. This was made appar
ent in the fight in the morning to advance
tlio measure to third rcaisniR xvitbout discus
sion in committee of the xvholo. It xvns
also made evident this afternoon
when the leaders failed to call up the Sloven's '
senate maximum rate bill. The latter is al
the head of bills on third rending and couli :
have lieou called up at the time mentioned or
even in the morning , bocuusu as soon us bills
on second reading had boon dlspnseti of , tuo
senate adjourned.
In tLo af U'ruoou lusslou , instead ot calling
up 'lio bill as lid jninht hax-c iKmc , Seinit.n1
I'oyuttr led the bitdy inUi committee of the
xvlmlo to consider billi on the i.vtioril , fllfl
Siwitor StmoiiH uppeii" : to h.ivn com-
mitliVi thrt inainirtiiiii'nt of the railroad Ic N
Int ton to I'thor.s ' , ivil duos not seem to be
ji-oH ) incliis Mil xvltn'thi' I'litlinsliism xvblch
chnrai'torl/ed him lit the curlier dnys of the
Ho said tumult Hint there was a disposi
tion on the part of wn.xtnr.s to consider the
N'cwberrv hill In ndviiiico of hU and that it
xvoiild probably be iTVd ! upon before his
sheiild be ivnil n tlitru rlnio.
Tlie New-berry bill U now scheduled as the
spcilal order for tomorrow at 'J o'clock and
at least fifteen and prob.ibly sixteen soti.Uorj
xx-lll vote for It.
< " * iipe-kVlnlii > iHIM. .
MSVOI.V. Nob. . March 17 [ Special toTnr ,
'let' ' ' . ) Tlic rolloxvlng Hill byl'npokof nou -
us passed the house some time ai0 ! and win
recommended today for pus.sajro liytbu labor
committee i f llio semitoiinil limy yi3S :
"Thixtlf imy porsnn orpin-sons or body cor
porate , or any director , oilleeror any trustee ,
clerk or person acting for , or employed by
thorn or either of them , exact nn agreement ,
either xvrllU'ii or verbal , from an employe not
to join or become a member of any labor or
ganization n a ooiiilltion of securing or con-
LliiutiiK In employ incut , ho , slio or tlioy so ox-
noting such promise1 , or who shall aid or abet
In actlntftho same , shall bo dcomeii guilty or
u misdemeanor , niul shall upon conviction
thereof lie lined in any sum not exceeding
SUM for oni-h offense or imprisoned In the
county Jill not exceeding lx months , or both
In the discretion of tlio court. "
Hnpromo Court ncelsloni.
oi.v. Mob. , March 17.-Special [ to Tin :
Him. | iludKO MaxwoH , < ; ( ; nded down the fol
lowing : decisions in i-"i .ird to thocnsoof tlio
Nebraska & , Colorado ullxvay company vs
Isabella Scott :
In an action against .1 railroad company to
rcrovor damages caused by tlio construction
of a railway on a public road itnmediately In
front of the plaintiff' * residence , ih3Ki'ntlc
bolng bctxvoen olf.'ht and nine foot In height
and access to the property obstructed anil
thovaluo thereof diminished. The ovliloni'o
sliinved Unit tlio propertyvas thereby
If really diminished in 'value anil that tliu jury
bud biisoil its verdk't on ttio loxvost estimate
of tliuvltnessos , Hctii , That the verdict
xvould not , bo sot aside
In tlio ciisL' of Thomas .1. SliL'ibloy vs
school district , No. 1 of Uixon county , tlio
supreme court today handed down the fol
lowing decision :
Tlio school trustees of a high school luivo
authority to classify and gvudo the scholars
In the district nnil cause them to bo taught
linuotidopaitinents as they inuyileoin expe
dient ; tlioy may also prescribe the course of
study ami text books for the use of tlio
school , and such nusonublu rules and regn-
Inlions as they m.iy think needful. They may
also rcijulrn prompt attendmco , respectful
deportinont atul dillccnco 111 study. 'I'ho
parent , houovor , has u right to make u
reiuonnblo selection from the prescribed
studies for his ohllil to ptmuo , HIK ! this selection -
lection must bo iiMpiu'toil ' by tlio trustees , as
tlio riKlit of tlio parent In that iv unl is su
perior to that of the trustees and the tvuchcr.
Nob.March 17. ( Special to 'Pun
-Ttio adjournment to liavo had
olToot upon the niomhurs of
tlio house. Loss than seventy xvoro in their
seiils this morning when the roll was called. .
Tlio l.uvycrs In the contest casei received a
black yo today xvlmn tlio house decided to
consider the claimolMliu notaries and ston-
ocniplicrs separately from that of the attor
Hcotlnf DiUX'son nnd Unrpoutcr of liutlcr
\vern tbc only independents who voted
iiit tliu house usury bill.
Hli rnder of r ojrin : is beint , ' scvoroly criti
cised for moving to indefinitely pmtpono son-
ute Hie ill , iho sciuito usury bill , before that
twdy bail tnlien any action on the measure
p.wsodby the house. Hud the motion pre
vailed It is not likely that any usury law
would bo unacted.
The Moan bill regulating telegraph charges
as amended by the committee lixes the rate
at 25 cents for each ten words and cents foi
eacn additional word jo any point within thn
state , with frcotlclix'ujv xvithln on ° > " .
Mr. Uronnnn cmcf-.lf hinisQU..xsiti.J\r ? \ ;
mo xvholo. Ilia dooiilous were uiilfortnlx
correct nnd ho niaintainod bettor order than ,
the house has xvltnossnl for many a day.
Common clnir Thursday ov < 'iiiti ( , ' thu lionso
\vill bcKin to hold ox-enlng sessions , a. resolution -
tion was introduced by Mr. Schaimel to that
lloiiio roll 'JO by Huso to reinilnto telephone
chnrgesvm culled up in the liouio today by
lAilton. Borlraml opposed the bill , miil on
motion of IIowo tlio matter was referred to
llio dolcRiitlons from Douglas ami from l an-
cistor as a special committee , anil vill not
likely bo reached again during tbo session.
BondloTfiat Old Xot Pan
Out , SiitiM'act ii-Hy.
-K , N. IX , March 17. ( Special 'I'elo
gram toTiufUKn. ! Thoroaro some racy de
velopments hero regarding-the roeont boodle
campaign of the liquor men. It transpires
that n few of the members of the legislature
tried to xvork the agents of tbo whisky riiiR
and were themselves checkmated by a sharp
dodge. Those who wore paid for their votes
received chocks dateil ono day In advance
the day before that on which final action xvus
taken in the house. The checks xvero not
good , therefore , until after the vote had been
taken. Wbon the holders catno to cash them
they found that they had been counter
It is said Hint only ono member got his
check cashed. The otliars were higtily indig
nant at the hharp practice of the whisky
men , but tlioy did notdaro squeal.
Ono of the banks is trying to recoxw from
the member tlio amount of the check which
it cashed in of tlio date upon its
fiii'o and xxMilch wasubscquenlly counter
manded. There wi-ro no funds to the credit
of the party giving the checks in the bunks
onvhich thov were drawn.
Dentil ol'n Vclera n.
DKAIIWOOD , S , D. , Mnrch It. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : llr.n.J-IMere Labnche ,
aged sixty-nine years died in the county
hospital at',1 ' o'clock this moniiiif ; froin gcii-
oral debility. 'J'lio deceased was ono of tlio
party whuh under Uonvral John C. Fro-
inont , ostublishod a path across the continent
to thoI'ftoillc ocean. Durini , ' the xvar xvlth
Mexico bo here a disllngulsh-ul Dart , rising
to the rank of colonel of volunteers , r nto
ji-iirs ho hud been a resident of this city , and
notwithstanding his iwli knoxvn iibilillas nnd
the distinction ho bad at ono time earned , ho
had by vicious habits rapidly descended tlio
lilano. Ho was of a xvualthy and aristocratic
family residing in southern Krance , which
constantly aiipplied Mm xvlth funds xvhlch
xvero usually .MjuaniJcreil in dissipation.
After his death today's mail arrived bringing
linn auraftfor acoiiKlderahlo sum of inonev
Send for ( lie Knruirrt.
MiTCiiKi.r , S. 1) ) . , Xlari-h -Srecial [ Tele
gram to Tin : llKq.jvrtia county commis
sioners rnut today In special session and decided -
cided to furnish fanners xvlth seodnuoded ,
the snnio to bo pnld f6r next fall. Mltioiili | ;
needs of this kind a'rbcoiniuratively small , It
U thought the plan vlll bo the moans of in
creasing thoacreiiKpymva In thh county.
.lohn Uoou xvas nnpiitiiU'il county cotnmls-
iionorto till a vacancy ,
Woxtni'ii lV < iii ; in GIi
Ciiicxun , March 17. rSpoeiiilTolo'ram ; to
Tim HBU. I Among the western pooploin
Chicago today xvoro the folloxviug :
Atthor eland -Mr. and Mrs. I1. W. Will-
lams , Mrs. ( Uldmloovc , Mrs. I'liunbcr , Inde
pendence , la.
At the 1'almer ' Mr. and Mrs. Hay Nyt > .
Miss AnnioAIcKinney , Fremont , Noli. i U.S.
Tyler , Fai'KO , N , I ) . ; 1' . .liinss. ( irand Island ,
Keb. ; Hon. John li. ( laniblo , Yiiiiktnu , S. I ) .
At the ( Irand I'wlllc W. II. Spelman ,
Omulm ; Jncob Huns , Council IJlulfs ; U' . ( ! .
Ilarconrt Yeriion , Sioux ( Jity , la. ; Mrs. S. fi.
Ilroxvr.c , Dos Molnes ; ( lox-crnor A. C , Mel-
letto , U'atertoxvii , S. I ) .
At the Hhcrniiw .1. D. McDonald , .T. F
Allen , Frumont , Nub , ) K. V. Smith , Council
lIufTs ! ,
At the Fremont Miss N. l ichty , Waterloo
lee , Ju.j S. ( ! . Soagon , ( Jllinaii , U.
Holt Ojtintj Farmers in Convention Dis
cuss the Subject.
Klrc IVoiii SponlaneoiiM
.NVIir.iMka t'ily Milmiii li'i'i'if. ' ! " *
Dciiini'inl ic ( "onviMitloii - - Con-
vU-Mcd of
( V.Sriii , Nob. , March IT.Spivlnl [ Tow-
Riiiiu to'rnillni ; { . | At tluiniljoiirno'l Irrljta-
tlon convontlon helil in O'Neill tlili tiflcrnoon
the atlcndauco was Rood and the Interest
niinlf wtcd oxcoedlnuly uncoiliMirlnt , ' . Su
deh' nto * xvero elected to attcnil the state
coiivontion. After seine discussion the following -
lowing resolution was reail and adopted :
Hcsdlvcd , That tbo peonln of Holt county
arc fnvorabloto the svslcmof irriKatlon pro-
iroscd bv the conventfon met In Lincoln
in February , and that they are oppnsoil to
the notion of the liouso In loppinirnft llio best
features of the bill now before the h'Klsliituro
anil doimuul that part of tin.1 bill providing
for a board of control bo allowed to remain a
p.irt of the bill.
A permanent orcanl/ntion xvas formed , to
bo known as tbo Holt Conntv Irilnation asso
ciation. Hon. H.inford I'arkor was elected
president , 1) ) . I. , . D.irr vlco prosiilcnt iiiuKl.
C. Hn/dott sccrelary. Vnrimis conmiittees
xvero appointed to push tbo work In this
coiiii'.y , Tbo artesian well men are hero anil
busy jieltiiiK tlielr machinery ic.uly for bor-
intf. They will bciIn opuratlons about Mon
day next.
) ; 111:1 : trd iiy I'li'i1.
March 1 * . -Special Tele-
HKATIHIT , Nob. , - |
Brain to Tin : lii.l-Tho ) : : residence of Dr.
O'llnrran ' , W.Yest \ Court stri'et , xvas dam-
uiieil by lire this morning to tlio extent of
$ .V)0 ) , with no lasuiMiico. Tlio household
fiooils xvoro also badly dnmajjed by lire and
xvator. The loss on these eflcct.s is covoicil
by insurance. Tlio lire is attributed to stion-
tancoiis combustion , having originated in an
tipHtair room whore a quantity of old
clothe * boxes niul ndsculUnouM bottles of
inediclno xvero stored.
OtOI !
NEIIIIVSKI CITY , NTob. , March 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : HBB.J - The county assess
ors mot this afternoon xvith T. J. llarpor of
Douglas in the chair and agreed upon unl-
fonn assessments as follows : 1 1 onus over
tliruo yi-ar.-i , $ iT ; three vonrs , S'JO ; txvo years ,
$15 ; ono year $10 ; mules anil a'ses , ? i > ; cat
tle , coxx's niul steers , * i ; txvo years , ! ; ono
year , W ; beef , per hundred , jl ; sheep , 7. >
cents per head ; hofs , SI pinhnnilreil ; per
sonal property , oiK'tliiril its actual vniiio ;
real estatu , at last year's ' valuation. Tlio
commissioners xvill situs a board of equaliza
tion thn second Tui'sdiy in .luno to boar all
compl.ilnts and adjust assessments.
i'ily Domocrnts.
XKIIIIXSKI CITV , Neb. , Alaroli 17. ( Spocinl
Tele-jram to Tin ; U nr. | Tlio democrats met
today and placed in nomination tbo folloxvtng
county ticket : Police justii-e , Dr. J.V. .
C'liaddoclc ; school board , .1. II. MeCtlellan , II.
M. Uoydston Henry l-'nstonau ; for coun
cil , thirst ward , Thomas Thomas ; Second
ward , Prank M. Crow ; Third xx-nnl , .1. l'\
Welch ; Kourtli ward , John \\MJlaclt. The
central committeexvas named as follows :
Chairman , , lohn Mattes , jr. ; J-'irst ward , I' .
.1. llnnd ; Second xvard , ( J. M. llubrcr ; Third
xv'ird ' , JohnStelnliart ; Fourth ward , Jack It.
Oliver. Ala meeting of the coin miltuo held
aflorw.irdsO. JI. llubnur xvas elected secre
Guilty ol' I-'liihcz/.lomr > ut.
HI-UIUKT , N'ob. , March 17. | Special Tele-
prumlo Tun Ilr.i : . | Dr. ( J. 11. Hunter , an
Itinerant patent medicine vendor , xvas found
- , i - l * infr iiitl" * ' * * ' - * * * t
today and sentenced lo pay tlio costs of the
suit nnd to serve a term of thirty days in the
county Jail. Hunter \viis \ brought back from
Omaha only last weou by Sheriff Jones.
? out ' .Sioux C'ily A mi i IN.
SDUTII Siorx CITI , .Nob. , March li.
( Special toTiiKHr.i : . ] The Ice dealers have
secured a supply of ice and bax'o also sent H'JO '
car loads across the river to Sioux City.
The xvarmvcatherhas inutorially decreased
the visible supply of snoxv , but tboro is
enough left to ctTectuiilly block tlio Pnciilc
Short I. inc. Ko through trams lor over a
GoviiiKton is full of all kinds of panics- -
stud poker , roulette , cm ( is , etc. The recent
order of Sioux City ofllcUls lias had the ef
fect of driving a number of gamblers and
spot-Is to the south sido.
A team and buRpy xvent tnroutrh the Ice
into tlio Missouri river Sunday afternoon bo-
Ux-ocii Sioux City and Covlngtou. Tbo outfit
with occupants were rescued xvitli difllcnlty.
Crstal I.IKO is to bo stocKcd xvitli lish by
llio Kovornniciit , A carload Is to bo delivered
in the month of. In no.
There arc slim chances of reflection on the
pnrt of t lie majority ot llio old oily council
at the coming election ,
o Ij
NRIIUXSKV Cirr , Nob. , JIax-oh 17. ( Special
Telegram to TUB Bii : , | At the council
meeting hut niyht an ordiiinnca xvas road for
the ilwt time increasing the saloon license to
$1,000. $ The retail liquor dealers must also
nay an occupation tax of flOO , making $1,100
In all. Heretofore the license Too has been
$500 and the occupation tux $ 00. It was
also agreed to pave several blocks of Central
avcnuo xvitli brick this summer. Police
Judiro Poster naked that a committee bo ap
pointed to Inx'estigntu ms books and be was
lluildlntr and Iioan Association ,
NKIIII.XSKX OITY , Nub. , March 17. [ Special
to Tim I5ii : : . | The building and loan
association mot last night and elected
tbo folloxviiiR oftlcersi President , II. U. I'rcc-
man ; vicopre.slcent , K. A. I nmbotb ; secre
tary , S. A Hall ; treasurer , A. Xlimnor ; at
torney , O. T. Ilaydcn ; dlrcctoN , B. II.Noclt-
ing , K , M. Cbaso and 1C. A. Unmboth ; audit
ors , K. A. Hudiger , K. M. Taj'aril and K. U.
lloobe. The report of tlio seorotary stiowod
fi ) , ! il)0 ) still outstanding.
IllKhxvay ltnlil-iN in ( "ourt.
TirvruKK , Xcb. , March 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Iii ! : : . ] - In the district court to
day 1'rnnU ami lidw.inl Katon xvero found
guilty of high , xvay robbery. 'Iho crlmowns
comndttod December 15 lust , the victim beIng -
Ing one Kemp , a half xvlttodold man.
Tlio amount of money obtained xvas only J,7 ,
but that was extorted Irmii Kemp xviih a
llourish of knives by tbo Katon boys in a re
mote part of the city , Scntonco IMS not yet
been pa-iscd.
To Aid ItoilVillnv. .
Niiinivshx l iiv , Neb , , \Uivli 17.fSpccial
Tclugram lo Tin ; IJIK. : ] - The citi/.ens mot In
conjunction xvilh tlio board of trade last
night and appointed a cnminllloo to xvork
with Mr. lllnckof \VllIoxvcounty , in se-
curlnir aid for thn fanners In hi * locality.
Tbo comniittooconshls , 1'olot- '
l''roos ' and John U'Ullamn.
SI. ratrli'k'N inj ; .i
O'.N'mi.i , Nub. , Miuiih -Sopoclal | Tolo-
griun to Tun llii.j : -St Patrick's day was
well and appropriately observed today , aiui
this evening tbo Irish drama "Kobort Uin-
mett" xvas placed on the boards by homo tal
ent. The opera house was jammed. They
re.illa'd over 100 which goes Into tliu acad
emy fund ,
Tin * l'roili- |
Ki.xixvuun , Nob. , March 17- [ Special to
TIIK HKK.J--TIIO i ' 0lo' ( cDiu'ontlon was
held lust night and placed In noiniiiatlon for
iruinlMi-s of the toxvn ho.irii . thn folloxvlng :
( leorgo I latch , \V. \ 10. ItosoncrunsV. . II.
Kilo , I ) . ( Irconslnto and Willlnin Miiollor , It
Is reported this party xvill fax-or license.
A ( iir/.ca'N Ili-Ui't.
\\AIIIIO , Xub. , March 17. - [ Sjioelnl Tele-
Krainto TinHun. . 1-A largo and c'lithuslustic
mast convcntlim of llio clti/cns of Wahoo
was bold at the city ball tonight to nominate
a full ticket for city and school uourd olllcor * .
r Is the tleUet IVr innyorTliotnim
Klllliiii , rortrt < aim < r , O-u'iir Lent for citv
dork , ( horgo ) ,1 Mayer , fur clt vengineer. U .
II. DlcUlnso'i ' , CPUnellMian from the V'lrst
wanl , ( i Mrtfi Klblni , Second ward , llonrj
Johnson , Third xvii'd : , .lidm II I .cbnUiilil ,
fur nieii'bd-s of the sctnud board , I'lintlcs
IVfky , ! ' . M. SlniUonandJ. .1 Wilev.
TluMirohlbitionl- and Kninhts 01 l nbor
aiv tiillilnw'nf niei'tlnn and put ting aprohlbl-
tlon llclift In tbi > llel.l. . The llcliet nuinl-
mitcd tniilgtit fiixor.s hiuh lleenso mid nv
Iri'iii-hiiii'iit in city i'\H'nses | Mid Is linoxvn as
"a cill/cnV ticiict. "
Mi'i-i- I'msniitli Dnlinla.
Niommn , Neii. , March 17. | SK-cial | to
Tun llii : : . | -A local bivxvcry nnd two Mil-
waulico biwvcrliM xvilh lic.iilipiartei's hero
nro busy lining orders for llio tint-sty South
Dakntiiiis In count ios whore no district court
Is in session.
ISn'ii ' ill XV n In HI ,
U'liKvi , Not ) . , M.irch 17.- | Sif ( > clal Tclo-
pramto Tin : HI.I : . | A heavy rain has ( icon
falling bore fnrtluvo hours xvlthout any sign
( ifulutln , Tbo tiiinu'iir.ti iunnllty | of snoxx *
and r.iin Ihreatens lo do a great amount uf
ItKfi , MO/.V/-.S
Court ilo'ils tlio liulii'li'd Aldiirincn
Ijcgully t ; nill li-w.
DK.S MOINI' , li. , Mun-b 17. | S | > ocial Teln-
granite 'I'm : Un : . | In tin ) case of Iho state
against tin1 iiidcrmoii anilox-ntilerincn , J. K.
Smith , ( i cargo Sln-ldon , P. T. NonU , . ] . ( . ' .
Mncy , II. R. Uoyiioldi and M. Drady , jointly
indicted and i-luirgt'd xvitli "conspir.icy , and
with consnirini. and con fcdcr.itlnp logothi-r
for the allegcil purpose of oblainlng iiumoy
and property from the city of I'os Monies ,
la. , - - ' charged \vitb obtaining $ ; iHN , ! )
from said city by fiMiulnlent moans , "
.hidgo Itallict this morning handed doxxn a
decision sustaining llio iluiinirror of thodo-
fcndants t tlio Indictment Tlds practically
ends tininnch talked of f.iinoits Uca Molnos
"hoodln cases. "
Out of tlio elox'cn nldorinon Indicted -
dictod not ono has boon found
guilty. U'lnlo it Is true that no cnso
lias ( , ' 11110 to a jury yet , 1 ho courts hax'o do-
clped tindofondant.s are not K'll'ty ' ' of a cilmo
and In thei'ytvsof the nixv , at least , the In
dicted aldermen are innocent of the crimes
charged. _ _ _ _
OrKuni/.iiii ; an Alliance.
CIIRSTOX , In. , March 17. [ Special M'ele-
gr.iin to Tin : llKi : . ] I'ursuant lit call , repro-
scntalivos of county organisation of tliu
Farmers' Alliance ami Industrial union met
at tlio court house in tliis city this morning.
The object Is to form a state organisation of
that order , and tbo ratio of representation Is
throe delegates for every county that has a
county organization con tain Ink' more than WO
mciniK'rs. There are about one hundred del
egates in attendance , and more are expected
on later trains. The delegates are princi
pally from counties In the xveslorn , norlb-
xvostiTii nnd southwestern parts of the stato.
'I ho sessions of the order commenced at 10
o'clock this morning and are expected to last
about three days. I'roinliient nllianco men
nro in nttcmlanro from dllTorcnt hcctions of
tlio country. Tlio meetings are being held
xvith closed doors and only these who are
delegates arn admitted.
Thi ? morning' * session was ilox'otcd toen-
rollini'nt of members and a general discussion
of business in connection with tlio order.
Some of tbo prominent alliance men in at-
tenil.inco are as folloxvs : Hon. YJ. L. 1'ollc.
national president and lectiircrof tlio nllianco
from Washington , I ) , C. , Hon. John ( i. Otis.
co n gross in anelect from a Kansas district ; I'1. Wilietts , national lecturer of llio
nllianco and lute candid.ite for governor ot
Kansas ; Hon. 1C. C' ' Whiting , once a demo
cratic nominee for itox-ornor of Iowa ; lion.
IJave Campbell , a former no'iiineo of tbo
u'roenbarli party forgox'ernor of Iowa : .1. K.
Untekin , late chairman of tlio Kighth district
congressional coinitiitleo
Tlds is xvhat is commonly known ns tbo
southern farmers' alliance , as Its stronghold
Is in the southern states , Ixnnsus being tlio
only northern state xvhoro it has be-
coino strong. It is the body that
held its national convention a fexx-
months ngo at Oculu , l la. , and
provokodso much illicusslon by its declara
tion of principles , xvhlch are qnito ditrcront
from tlutvi of Ihu nnrthei-n farmers' ' alliance.
Its foothold in loxva is but slight at m-escnt.
\ > ! . , . . . ,1 . . k , . , r Xno Ulll
northern alliance in this state are going in
with the now movement , the majority nro
not. It is mi ilerstood that Ores ton has been
selected as headquarters for the state or
Accusril ol' Crookedness.
CPII.XU UXIMIH , la. , March 17.-Snccial [
Telegram to Tin : UEB.J Tbo grand jury of
Blnckuaxvk county has returned thrco in
dictments against Peter Schcmnor
, ox-supor-
visor. His alleged that ho drew more money
for bridge warrants than xvas paid for labor
and material. It is said the amount appro
priated is a largo sum.
Country More * IJiii-ned.
JS'nv IIxMi-Tiix , In. , March 17.-Spceial |
Telegram to TUB Hii.l-1-Tro : : this morninp
nt Js'orth Washington , this county , dost roved
Henges llrothers' and Aleltze's general stock
of nicrcliamlijo togctlior xvith the huildlngs.
Loss , ? 1SK)0 , ( ) lo W.-jWJO , ; about one-third in
sured ,
Tlm Iji-asi' Approved.
Di iiL-Qi-c , la. , March 17. At tlio annual
mcelinp of thoDubuqtio& Sioux ( Jity road
today lo. H. Ilarriman XXMS olectcu president.
'J'hok-asoto the Illinois Central is approved.
i.Vilorcd l riH , \Hsoiiatinn. :
OINTINXXTI. O. , March 17.-Ttio sovcnth
annual convontlon of the Colored Press asso
ciation oftbo United Stales began its session
hero today. President John Mitchell , jr. , in
his address called attention to Uio Increase of
outrages in the south ; to Iho plain violation
of the righls of cltUens , etc. Tlio attitude of
the txx'p political parties , ho s.inl , xvas cause
for serious alarm. The defeat of Ihe Illair
eiuic.itlonid bill mid the fulluru to favor the
oleclions bill xvero pointers to tlio drift of
pitbllu-suiitlnient in both tuosi ) parties. The
time was not far distant xvhun the A fro-
American xvould stiiko back. "Tho repimli-
can party of the nation , " ho said , "owing to
treachery in its ranks , has grovionsly disap
pointed iw.1 In the luturo the colored man
niust help himself and donll ho canto alle
viate bis condition.
.sfijrlnVasbiuit. .
A washout on the 11. , t M , was reported
from IJeiloviow late last night. Trains xvill
not bo delayed to any extent , M the long side
track tfTero xvill bo usi.-il to carry trains over.
Orders xvoro issued by the 15 , , t. M. train
masters for trains to run slow and keep a
sharp eye for xv-aMimits.
Tin-ruin of last night was much heavier than here.
GnuulJmy txt Now Orlo.nm Inquiring Into
S.tturJiy's ( lllooily All'uir.
l-'n liiMMinimIt ta KiMinti4tlif > Clinr o
That ilosepli I'l-oviMi'/aiio lit- *
lonui-d to llio Order -Nn
( 'iiiiNC I'mlianiinl. .
New OIII.I\N : , UaMarch IT.Indgo Man-
today charged the grand Jury In ii'inuxl tn
Saturday's Idliintr.lllo roclledtho facts Inllm
matter and cuncluiled : "It Is not my pur
pose noxv In do more- than ( jlx-o this matter in
I'lmrgo toyo'i , mid 1 do si ) xvlth every conll
dcnco that thorn xvill ho no nasty or til con
sidered action on your p.irt and the re-
stilts of your Investigation xvill ho In accord
xvlth your appreciation ol the farts as they
come to your Itmwleiigo. "
The grand jmy exiiiiiliml a inimber of wit
nesses this iifteriioo' ' . .
Mayor Shiiliesponro yintonl.iy rocolvod a
letter ( ini-porting to come from a coiiunllteo
of JI.IHM Italians , notifying him that I arlcor-
son , XVii'klilV and himself must iho. Tlui
letter said the chluf assassins hud not been
caiujht. The iwllcotliinlt thcso letturs uiv a
l-.itberMiinorltta has wi-Klon n loiter re
tracing the charge lhat doseph I'roveii/iinn
beliinged to thu Matin. In his letter l'\illu'i-
Manorlttasayslio oxoner.itas I'l-ox'ciizano ' lie-
fore the public of the I'hargiw ho made lhat
I'roviiiixiuiii bclongeil to thi MuI'm , and In
conclusion says ; "As lor the rest , you are
au t hurl/oil to say that Mr. 1'rox-ciiwno lilin-
fclf cannot bollovo that I kninv uiiyono bo-
loiiKing to the Malia , though , with everybody
In the city , I am convinced that nnhiippil.v
such a society exists ainoiur us and that Iho
midnight murders xvill not bo stnpiicil as long
as this society shall not ho annihilated.
.lohn Caruso aim Simscri xvero 1,0011 by a
rciwrti'i-In the ( larisb prison this mornlnir
nnd I'rox'onznno'K statcinent read to them.
The ( irlsoiicrsfcliowi'il much uneasiness , but
denied over having had anything to do with
.A statement U published here this ovcniug undo of thn man of Unit
name xvho xxas slain Saturday , had been
blackmailed by HID Mafia about llvo years
ago. I'Mvo hundred dollars was dcinnndinl ,
but Provon/iiiii ) and others advNi d
him not to pay. The Malla llnally
agreed to take § AV ) , pniviiling the
victim would ( > ay for thn dinner that
appears to folloxx' miccesstnl mlibery and
( iri'code contemplated murders. To get from
under the ban Seaffe-di agreed to ( lie lerms
and went xvitli Matrangn lo thifsxvainp.
xvhero txvo masked nion xiuro met. Matr.uiKa .
exilained ( to them lhat Kcaffedi was shoxv-
inga disposition to do llio best ho could and
tlie amount ho. xvas xvllllnir to p.iy should
satisfy them. The maslicd men agreed to
this , and the parly , to.'uther xvith otliorn ,
afterward onjoved tlio spread at tbo expens , )
of ScaiTrdl.
Tlio Malla warning received by I'nrherson ,
xvho led the citi/eiis' ' movement on Saturday ,
does not make him f'cl uneasy , although
there may bo some fniiiniiition for it.
Tlio records of the registration olllco of this
cityshoxv that Antonio iM a relies I is ivgi-
toi-oil as a voter. He is ono of the four
Italians the cniisul claimed \\-cro still Italian
Very LI It le Cause Ijiiinenlat inn.
LOSIKIX' , March 17. Tin ) St. .lames CJa/etto
says it is very curious to find the peoplu of
Italy lanionting the death of the Malla con-
sj-Jrntor.i at N'oxv Oilcans. They wen1
xvrelchos xvho had boon ili-lvcn out , of their
oxx'n country as posls ul society. The unef
of tlio Marquis di Kudlnl tor the men xvho
xvero lyncheil xvould not bo very long or very
profound. If tbo Mafias had not emigrated
they xvould liavo ivcolvml an oquallx' short
shrift from Sicilian vigilantes.
llallaiiM Kosolvo.
NiMiviu.K.Tcr.ii. , March 17. Tlio Itallnns
of this city have parsed resolutions of sym
pathy xvith tbo Italians of Noiv Oilcans and
aslc the Italian minister at Washington and
the consul at Noxv Orleans to protest to the
Italian government nirninst willful murder
by a laxvlcss mob nnd demand full
and the imnishmriit of the leaders of the
Doftton ItnllaiiN 'Meet and t'l-oiest.
llo-'TOX , March 17. A meeting under the
auspices of the Italian colony xx-as held in
Kjincuilhall tonight to protest against the
recent hilling of Italian prisoners in New Or
leans. Nearly H.IWO people attended. Sev
eral speeches wcro made and resolutions of
protest adopted.
A. South Dakota Ciilzcii 'I'liniks li an
Out ; i > .
Cincxno , March 17.--Spccliil [ Telegram to
THE JJr.R.j "It is an outra e , " said World's
PairConiinlssln.iiUavof South Dakota to
day , "that is what. 1 think of the government
giving IlulTalo liill permission to take
the Indians noxv at Fort Slieridnn to
ICuropu. JJut , " ho nddeil , "It is nol
an outrngu because their going there would
indict hardship or indignity upon ttiem. I
talio no stock in any such tnlit as that. But
because of the Idea of ( wnnittliig prisoners of
xvnrto hax'o nliloxx-out In Ktirope. Why !
It will boa regular picnic for thorn. TneV
expenses ) ) ; dil , no xvork to do , lots ot nexv
things to see , more to eat and drialc than
they ox'cr had before , plenty uf sleep and jj.'i
a month to spend besides. "
"Thai' ' Iho coniniibslouor indignantly ex
claimed , "is a nice way lo treat prisoners nf
xvnr , isn't in" and without wait
ing for a reply , ho continued : " \Vliy \ ,
xvben the oilier Indians on tbo
reservation hear of it tla-y xvill bo going on
the warpath in hopes of being similarly
troiited. We'll have an outbreak ovorv weelt
or two. Why not ! The whole business i- ,
tantamount to the government saying to ttio
Indians , 'Shoi > t a hole through a xUuto man
and got n ticket to Kurupe. ' "
Miirdci-c-il ili Marshal , ,
n.i.K , Tomi. , March K. Town Mar
shal .lames Hclmii'k sliot and killed by
Turner Alexander , whom he attempted to
arrest lait night.
Are tbo innidbs In which to pin ify your j Hood's Sarsaparllla x\ill cure , when In tl.
Mood , fur at no n'.hcr ' n-ason ilo < Mllio > < ini i pnxx-trof tned'cimscrofulasalt tlu-iimfores ,
K > mucli ii"eil thu aid of a lell.ibln inHlelno i boils , plmplea , all humors , dyspepsia , I'lllniis-
like lliioil'j Sarsiparllli , asmw. \ . Durini ; the ness , sick headache , IndUcstloii ,
long , cold Hlnl r , tlie Mood liccoincs thin and iii-hlllly , ral.irrli , rlicmnallsin , Klilnoj- aid ;
Iliipinc , I hvliotly IH-COWS xxeak and tlnil , thn liver coinp'iints ' , and all diseases or nITictlom
uppi'llto nny be lust , llooil's ' s-us.iparllU Is'arbl'ig ' ' fnun Impure Uuoil IT loxv cnnilillou ol
( icpullarly ailapti-il to purify and cnrii-b tin' , tlie4Uin. ) .
Mood , to ore-itoaR'xnlixppctlto and to oxer"In ! thosprln , ' I pel puiniilPti-ly iiindoxvn.
come that llred ( ( . ling , 1 cuvM nut ur s-li-ep. iiiid all ( lie dreaded
edicine a largfr sale than nny oilier saisajiarilJaUllse.ises ( if llfo jicmcd to luvc amort gape on
orluHHl piuinvr.aiu ! itln-rcascs Inponnmity i-iy systnn. I h'.vo . nmv t.iken t o bottli-s nf
i-vi rj'je.ir1f' rltlHthiMiluilSiirriigM.-iricliK-lio , < ii's | S.usapiir.M.v anil liavo gained
' I liavo lor a long time bi-i-n u m Jlm d's poumls. Um an > lhlng withoii' it Imrtlnu
ti.irsaparilh , and ln-licvo me , I xvuuld nut Pol mi i my dysipM.i andbltlousnosjluivii gen ,
xvltboutlt. As .isjiriiiRHii'iliclnoltis InvaluI I m-\i-r Mt beiii-r In my life. Tie | < i tx\u
alile. " I' . A. ItHoUM , 130 OnUuii Miei-t , I | .uttl ( " , TO worth { lee to me , " \V. \ V ,
Chicago , III. Ilu mm l.i get l'fi , > iwn , I.INI-OI.N , 111.
. JM.ili . forfS. j Sol.lliv li1niiiliu. f\ \ . | x for S. ml unlf
\ > Y I' . | . HOdll.V Co . \in\ciM.JUj , Iiy < I lliu | ) , . ro. , .X | l ! M > n ,
IOO Doses Ono Dolfnr | OO Doses Ono Dollar