Til ID OJIA1IA .lAJLL\T HQB , MOXDAV , MAHOH 10 , 1891 , THE CITY , Only 'Jo conic fortv Inrjro Imx of Span- MI'ourt face poudor , sold by nil drug- ijlBK A Finull MIWJ ill Kitflith nml Hiirnoy yuHtcnliiy iiinrnlni , ' wni rmisuil liv do- leotlvo lluo Inn t\\o-Htm-y frmnolmlltlliitf owned byilohn McShttiio. The tluimtgo was very Hlijjht. Thorowill lie n regular iiieotliij ( of union No. r > s , I'lirpunturt * nml Jtilncis of Oiiinlin , nt nrouu'D Hall , 1H" > Karnain Html , Tuesday rvonliitf at 8 oYlook hhittp. All nuMiibors are requested to ln m'OM'iit UP very Important business will bo attonili'il It ) . OrtftinhriMl lubororor * , nil Kirlioi'i of North and South Omnlui tire oiiriirstl.v roqtioHtril to attend tin oputi uii'cllni ; at Croon's hull , IMAKtirimin Jttruot , all ) p. in. slnirp , Tnt'Mlny , Mnrehl" . Meinltorn of all traili'.s ni'o uoU-onw. Oi'fjatii/.Atioii coininlttuo , Central Liilior union. llm-li H'.ISOII lias IN own ( icrullar malady : but with tlio iilnnil iiuiiiitniiii'il In u state of iiiilfolinlnur mid imrltj by lliousoof yor'i Siirsiipailllti Ilitlo ilun'i.1'i * mvil l > o fi'.iroil from iiii'tt'onili'Klial inlliioiicrs No oilier blcotl iiH'illciiie Is so infa ami effective. MIL i > i < : rt.vK. : Hi * ( Malms tlm liiitnliiM' Dcnlcis In tin' ( omitr Ilini't Totn Knlr. "I was Ri'Mtly ntauwil nlthn roust son.o DUO KIIVOIIIG In Tin lln la loiiiu'ctlon with Ihn Lumber Dunleis' n iucintloa , " retiiiu-Ueil C. N. UlotSiittifiiiy. . "It was tlm tlisl in- tlinatlon I hail icetlveil Ibat tbo assoclatloa tntcniloil to douio tiling In thu tnattur "U'bon 1 joined Ibu ussocintloii it was with tlio distinct iimloraliiiiiliiiK llmt our Lincoln yiud wns'aut nicluilud , us none ol tlio Lin- cola dealers lielotitfi'il to the association , nail , lor Hint niutluf , only ono of them Is a mem ber now. I do not consider that I lia\o violated lated any of tlio rules of tlio association , but tlicy seem to Lo anxious to inaico a sruicgont | of nio. v'l'hu association is n rather onesided HirniiKi'inunt unjttiiy , " continued Mr. Diet/ "U Is orKimlrcil in tbo Interests of tbo ictall iliMlui'H la tbo Intel lor of tbo state. Its main prlni'iplo is tbo law forbidillni ; tbo wliolo- naler selling to tlio consumer In tlio tcrritorj of ono of tbo rotull inemliers of tlio iissocintlon. That theory would bo well and Kood , If it was bused on business l > ilneiiU | < s. It Is Utiecteil almost solely against Oiiintm niutlc.1 , us tlieromonowliole- hiilo dealers of any conseiueneo | nt other points in tbo stato. If these sumo retailers would patronlio the Oninliu wholesalers there would uo no occasion for any imnclution tuloto piu- vent tlio wholesaler from sollinp dirt-el to tlio consumer In tlio teiritoiy of Ids ciitoia- crs. liitsinc s scnsoould prevent nil trans- titllonsof tli.it Ulnd. Itut thcso ictailers say tons , 'Vou shall not sail to consumers In our tcnitory , ' and at the same time tlioy buy nil their supplies in C'liiciiRO , Minneapolis , or other points ontslilo the Mate. I atn a linn bcltovir iu iceiiuoclti'lii this matter. Wo don't aslc those dealers to pnv us higher prices than they pate outside parties ; vo only ask to compete with these parties.Vo can supply the dealers In Nebraslm with lum ber ehcapor than they can buy It , from Chi- CHRO or any other point , but when they re fuse to patronl/e us and try to loinpol us to lieop out of their torritorv , I think they dis play u Krcnt amount of cheek. "I have lived up to tbo rales of the as sociation as far us all my yauls winch aio members of the association lire cotxr/W'il / , " but 1 hayo tried several times to resign , it looks to ino as though tlio Omnhu dealers AUTO heinpnsed as oatspaws by tbo small dealers In the state , and I don't caio to ic- inuin in the Institution , but they will not ac cept my resignation. ' \\erenlnrnontitnberof complaints inado against other dealers here In town , hut they were nil hushed up in sotno way with the exception of my ci\so , and they seemed nnxlous to make a semiCRoat of mo. Itnthcr BtraiiKU , isn't ' it. Hint tbo ottior fellows didn't get hauled over the coals i" Tonrlnts whether on pleasure bout or business , should take on every trip a bottloof sviut > of lips , as it nets most pleasantly and effectually on the Idtlnojs. liter and bowels , provcntlng fovris , headaches and oilier forms of sickness. Tor tale in f > lo ) aim f 1.00 bottles by all leading < ; ioAi ) iivin\v. Last YViir'H Heat and Its ICfTeot on ( rnwiiif ; i'ot'ii , CoiiM.i : \ , Neb , Match 11. To the Kdltor of Tin : ln ! : : An uualjsia from a meteorological standpoint of the drouth of lh ! > 0 niiiy be of Interest. With normal conditions certain bolts ot urea uro adapted for corn , Nortn lUiropo is too cold to prow corn. Thocll- mnto of Florida is too hot and dry for corn. The rainfall forcential Nebraska for March and April \vns 1 S-U inche ; . , May -J.91 , Juno lN" > , August 'J.W , Sentombor ft M. May , and ttio jwriod from August 15 tbroufih September , was too cold for dcnl corn. Prost September b and freoo Sep tember It. , while tlio period from Juno 10 to August ISuns sbnoon hotVitli u mild Sep tember nnd October ninny fields would have iccovorcd. Temperatures fi(5c ( to Tip F. are wnnn ; fll0 to bt ° , suminor warm ; bi ( = to 1K ) = , hot ; W = to lib ° , veiy hot ; lib0 , blood hot ; above | iS = , destructively hot.Vo had between Juno 10 and August IS : Days that ere hot nnd above , 'Mvery \ hot , is ; blood hot , 1ft , and dc'strnrUvel } hot , U ) . On three days the temperature reached 10.1 ° , with wind nlpti. This with a properly exposed thermometer. On areas sloping to the southwest , in shel tered vnlloys , and near areas of sandy loam it \\ashiirher. \ The rainfall fiorn .luno 10 to Aimust 15 was 4 'JO Inches ami for Julj * U.lKi. Tlio Kenernlizntion reached fiom an o'bsorv- ntion of the facts is that the destiuctioa of the corn ciop resulted moro from unseason- nhlolempeiMtiiies ami hijH ( winds than fiom dolieient ralnlall. \ \ o am experiencing n lejflhv period of nn eusoimblo oseillutions ii tempcrntuinblch continues , Wo mo n great iiKrlcuUiiinl nation , nnd our prosjieritj depends iiuich upon a collation of these facts that foreshadow the future crop piospects , Spilnjj will not bailiUcly to open penna neatly until the "chatiKO of the monsoon,1 whiLh occuis In Atuil. Tin1 BIJE'S cable EVUIU from India could toll us. n. J. Count. Xo prlplnp. no nausea , no pain whnnDo Witt's ' Uittlo llarly Uisersaio tuken. yiiuil pill. Safe Dill , IJest pill. M'EUSOX.U * JfAH.Hill.tl'IIS. T. C. bobbins of bholtoa is at the Casey. O K. Webber of Cliteago is at the Pnxton F. II. Lcmloy of Detroit Is at the Millard John F , CJlenn of Grand Island Is , at the Casey. J. 1FIDO ofSueltou is In the city , at the Uuspy. \V. V. Kobinson , Jr. , Is In the city , nt tu Millard. \V , J. Harilbon of Is'ow York Is nt tb Murray. K. G. Tltus.of Iloldrego was nt tbo Casey last niKbt. C. B. Kin sh of New York Is in the city , a the 1'uxton. M.V. . Campbell of Chicago Is registered a the I'nxton. .1. N. Hamilton of Indianapolis , Ind. , U n tbol'iiMon. U. S. Itipley of Kansas City Is registerec at the MillarU. O. K. Hobblns of Chicago \vas nt the Mur ray last night. C , IJ. Scars of Now York was nt the 1'ux ton last nicht. ' ( .ieorno Leonard of Boston was at the Mil lard last ni ht. Captain Charles A. Coolrldso , Captain A \V Corliss nud Lieutenant . L. l-'lnley o JMno Itiilgo nro nt the Murray , for thu pui posoof attenolni ; tbe court-iuarttat that convenes venos nt Fort Omrdia today. Know It All. "I don't want any cnstor oil , " said a sic' llttlo Ilostoa boy , ( ictuUiitly. "Why Horace , " expostulated bis mother , "Jon1 you know that castor oil Is trade fron beans J" and the llttlo boy , uho * > o faith In hi mother Is perfect , took tuo dose aud feebly naked for more , SHADOW OFA BRIGHT SUNDAY Funeral Oloom thnt Envolopoil Miny Houics iu Omnba Tfestonlay. 'IONEER JOHN LOGAN LAID TO REST , iiipi- < ' * lv ' r < M-enninl < 'M Hint Mnrkptl thi1 I'nynieiit nl * llnniaiiliJ'H l/nst 'l'iHIMt--Olbcf InteliiKMiln ol' I'coplo U'cll HIIOVMI. March could not hn\o furnished a moro ivrfeetilay than \estonl , y. Yet in Omaha t was marked sadly with a black stone In natty n hottscholil urn. While the sun shone \\lth idl the biltflil promise of venlantsprtinr , tbo snblo shadow of death nnd the bom oer pall of funeral soivlces dnrliened the glow of inlitro for hearts that had looked cheerfully forward to the coining of buds nnd blnls. 1'lrst atnong the solemn processions or the day was thnt which conslirned to omth nil that nns mortal of John Login , ono of DoiiKlas county's ploneei-s , who settled over a third of aecntury n eon the slto now oi1- cupled hy tlio cltj of Oinalii Tlio funoril seiylccs were held at the late residence of the deceased , ITHICitllforiili street , and at Masonic hull , corner ol Hi.xteeuth and Capitol int-nuo. During his long i esldeneohore the deceased had foimed a wide elielo of lu'iiuaiatanic , and the nttcnd.mcu of old fiiunds at the funeral was unusually largo , The services nt the house wuro held at ID.JtO o'cloelc , llev IIV. . Knlins oftleiatlng. Thosamodorgym.uioniclatcd at the tn.ir- liago of tlio deceased nearlj thbty-lhp yeatb ngo , the cotilnu'tliiK parties bcin the ( list \\hitoporsons to i > aitlcipato in such n cere mony In this city Itiib therefore particu larly lilting Unit lie should conduct the last services solemnl/ed o\or the remains of the filendof n lifetime , and ttio eloquent tribute paid to the memory of the departed CURIO from an intlmuto know ledge of bis many viltues. Omaha lodge Mo. 2 , Independent Order of Oddfellows , of uhle'i ' the deceased w.is a charter nictnncr , attended tbo funeial in u body , headed bv tbo Union I'arllic band. Mho pallbearers , William Hexauer , D.ivld llnip- ster , .latin nvntis , lOincst Stuht. 10anV. . \ - iii.ui and John W. Nichols , were selected fiom thnt ordor. A largo representation of tbo Old Settlers association MMS present although tbo mem bers did not attend in a body. Among the pioneers present uero O. 1" . Catllr. , t'hiirles Cldids , .1 J. O'Connor , I * . O. Ilawcs , t'harle.s rurni'i1Vllli.nn Lobtncr , John T. Crort , Low hliields , Chlis Hurt man , . W. ,1 liroatch , Allan itoot , ICvporieneJ ICsta- broolc , Thomas Kiley , A. I ) . Jones , D.V. . Carpenter , Vincent llurldey. Dr. CJeorgo Smith , ( Jeorgo JIcKcn/le. kViliiimi Snowden , C. H liro\Mi , Oorere Swift , .loseph I ted in in , John Kvnns , U.K.It. Kennedy , ( icorgoA. Hoiigland.CyriH Uose , Henry Llvesey. Hovcrul memhors of liuth lodpe , No. 1 , Daughters of Keb.'Unliero nlso present. At thu vonclu'don of the services at the house tbo leinuhis encased in a rich broad cloth covncd casket wcie berne to tlio he'ir o , the pallbearers with their butden passing throufh tbo open ranks of the Odd- follows to the bttains of an ininiosslvo dirge. As soon as the leinuhis were deposited in the hoarse , the band anil lodge tiled past on either side to u position in advance , and the cortege inovufLio Masonic hull The caslcot was liorno to tlie loiico room of Capitol lodge , No. ! l , Ancient Tree nnd Accepted Masons , \\boio both Masons nnd Oddfellows par ticipated in the fnnoial ritnnl , each brother depositing a sprig of evergreen in the open casket. Biiof addresbes were made by members of each orderwho rotot reel to their relationship with tbo deceased both in tbo led o and out of it. The deceased was one of the veteran member * of Capitol lodge , mid there ; \ero but two other Oddfellows In the city , A. D Jones und John Kvnns.Vbon \ ttio surUces wore concluded the cortege moyed to FVnest Lu\n ; , both lodges Cbi'oitln the lemuins as far as SiNtccnth and Claw stioots Bejond that point tbocacoit consisted of six inem- borsot each older. Tlio berviici tit the giavc- were brief , and nt.o'clock ) John Logan's tired bed ) wus forever laid to rest. < IatneN U ntlswurtli. The funeral of James \Vadsworth took pbico yesterday nfternoon from Tiinity cutbedrnl St. John's ' lodge , Ancient I'reo and Accepted Masons , proceeded to iltf late losldcnco of the deceased , HUD Is'orth Eighteenth stieot , and escorted tbo remains to the cathedral , where the Kplson ) al burial service \vas Dcrformed bj Dean ( Jnidncr Tlio remains vveie encased In nhaiulsomo black cloth coveted casket , on which rested a largo star of white carnations with calla lillies Iu the ( cntor On tbo stnr vvuie the words ' 'Car 'Department. " A larco cro.s of vvhlto roses rested at the foot of the casket. At the conclusion of tbo service at the chinch , the solemn corteiro proi ceded to Koiest Lawn cemetery. The Union PacitlV band was llrst in line and \vas followed by St. John's lodge , escorting ; the remains , thu pall-beaivis beiiiB John Jenkins , tus ! Loch- nor , Frit ? Unlig , Ed Uicholieu , K Peterson and A. J Picisou. rollowingtho hearsovvns a latgo budy of the old associates ana shop- mate of the doceu.scd. Yofcc-I. The funer.il of Mrs. Uosalia Dhundt Yokel was hold from the residence of her bon-in- lavv.C II Flsotto , 10U South Tweaty-.seeond street , jestordny afternoon. Tbo remains were interred in Forest Lawn. Mrs. Yokel was ono of tbo old residents of tbe city , hav- niK lived hero for more than tbiity jenra. Thu funeral was largely attended , a number of the early pioneers belli ; , ' pioont. MlU inili-cl. Mrs.Vinlfroa , the nijel grandtnotber of C. U. Chapman , died at the residence of the \i\- \ ; \ tor , 'WOf Davenport street , M stoivlay morn ing nt the advanced ago of ninoty-ono vc.irs nnd flovcn davs. 'I lie finioral seivieo will ho held tit the hon o at ' , ' 'HJ p in today , nnd the remains will uoioivvurdcd to yt. Louis tor interment. _ Muillii \ \ iMhli. The lemains of Martin \Vetsli were laid to rest in St. Mary's cemolory jcstonlny after noon. Tno funeial was held from Heafey' , nnd was hngoiy attended by railroaj inen and friends ot ttio deceased. Cnimni ; I'ltuor.ils. ' The funeral boi vices over the remains of F. D. Manner will take plnco tit Up. in todny from tbo faindyrcablcnco , at TUl South Six teenth stteet The funeral of Miss Stenlo Glassninn will occur tomonoiv at 1 : . ' ( ( ) p in. Services will bo held at tbe residence , ItKJU South Eighteenth street. 1'hillip Von Windham , who died yesterday , will bo buried on Tuesday at i ! p. in ycr- vues vvillbohold ut tbo residence , slu llm ney street. _ of lii Crawford county , Ohio , is considerably stilted up over tbe tiling of a suit foifVoiu ) damages atji.li.st Oliver Monott by Cluiriis son-in-law. The circumstances McCllnton , his - - stances lending up to this suit are tragic and much out of the ordinary. About n month ago young MeClinton eloped with Mis < Mln- nio Monott , an only daughter of thu defend- nnt In this suit , himself u wealthy innir/'Tho voutnreonplo wcio mairled In KetitueUv ainl linniedlately returned homo to obtain the pa ternul forgiveness. This , however , was not granted nnd tbo hfido of tlneoda.vs commit ted suicide , ( Musing a profound hensathvi. ' son-in-law this suit alleging JS'ow tlm - - begins , that tbo father was the cause of the wife's suicide , aim that ho has been damaged in Ids nlTccUoni and linanclai prospects to the amount named Itvas clinrped nil along that Mil Mintnn only sought the girl in mar- iliigo because of the father's woalth.aiulsiiico the beginning of tins suit public sentiment has been busy 'with tho.vonng man's character endeavoring to prove those insinuations true. TANNKK 1 rank I ) , , died at 0-10 n. in , Maii'h H.1W'JI. ' . 1'uneral nt - o'clock p. m. Monday , from 701 South bUtccnth. I'ATIUCU'S IA' I ) IN Hl How the N'atlveM Olmrrvo 'Ilii'lr l' t- Iron Ntilnt'M AiiiiUt'i-snry. If Christina * bo e\ceptod , the day moa gladly welcomed and most Joyfully celo bulled In Ireland Is I'nlilcli's dny the fes tlval of the patron faint of the country. To the true Irishman , whoso hear throbs with true love of country , 1'at- lick'n dav has something more than a rellg lous signification , to such It will recall the eninnclpatlon of tlio Irish , not only from pa ganistn , but fruin slavery and lunoraiue as ve'l ' Tbo advent of Patrick vvorlied anew ei.i In the history of Iteland In addition to coin-citing the Irish to Christianity , under hi" guidance schools and colleges were built throughout the land , and bcv.nno In time fa mous seats of Icntnlnir. "to which the youth ful of fcifign nations Hocked " Such an npostle e.ui never be fonrotten by a r.ico whose strongest feature of chmactor- Istic isnlTcition , , md the nieans emploted to keep hU memory giocn tire udmlr.iblo Indeed Seveial d i\s ptevlous to Mirch I" the little boys unit ghls of the \llhiges and towns tnnv ho seen in the Holds , tlnough thn valkns and on l no hillsides looking for the trefoil , the national emblem of Ireland , which "grows tliHHU'h tbo tiogs , ttnongb thu lir.UuN anil the inirclniidj" the plant which Pat lick so HtttiiL'l.v used to IllnstrUli * the mystery of tlio Tilnitv In his sennon to the lilsb on Tark nlll. Having collected sufllclonl to supply each member of thi-ir fuinllies , nnd peiniun n passing frietul with n sprig eneh , the ehlldien return homo and lieoji the plants fu-sh liv so.iUlng them In witter until about to bo worn. When the holiday comes ,11011 nit ovei'i family , froiti the baby to tbo grand- motlur. Is decked out in shamrocks and green ilbbon , or perhaps In both A couploof hours in the forenoon arespont In cliuich bv all uhn can posibl.v attend , and the history of I 'all ick's 11 to , as 'told bv the minister of ( ! oJ , Is listened to with rapt n'tention ' bv tbo Irish peasant and mechanic , They hear iiow 1'atriclt was sold as n slave into Ireland in his youth ; how holo.irncd tlio inniTiuiro of the coiintiy dining bis stnv , how ho spout Ins life theiv In piayer and working , how ho made his escape in n trading vessel to Franco , and there studied for tbo priest hood They hear how , nfter n nuinher of venrs , be returned to Ireland , as ho himself bolic'ves , under the dbectioa of llourin nnd succeeded in converting their fathers from pairnns nnd idolatois to good and practical Christians And then they leirn. with a llnsli of pride. be\v their fntlicrs , througli persecution and death , prosurvoj their religion - ion , unsullied and unchanged , nnd gnvu It to them as thov themselves had iccetveil It trota 1'ntilclt. The story of Patrick's life cannot bo told too oftrn to Iristimon , as it will , without doubt , add strength to their moral character every time it Is icpented. Tlio results of tils labois mo n just sou t co of prldoto vyery Jushman , and tbo one wlio dwells thoioughly on his history will do nothing to I'riug ' shame or dishonor to his country or hh race. After leaving i lunch , people enjoy tlicm- selves us host they can. Sonic , Ironi the in nil distucts , spend the d ly in visit lux their niral friends , and In like iimnnei' town lolks cinbtacc the oppoitunity of calling on their country cousins. Clood nature beams on cvory face , nnd ondi pel- son's object seems to bo to make his neighbor hapny. The eveniinr is spent in enteitainments , in dancing and singing , in listening to national airs played by hinds of music , or In llttlo sociables at home. The latterentcitainmont is the niot common , which fact nuv bo accounted for on the ground that the Irish , being so affectionate and generous , Oellght most in amusing their friends and 1 miy add my testimony , even if it is fiom nn interested paity , that thovsue coed m doing so In this manner St. Pat ricK's daj is t > i > ent in Ireland. AN Inisn\i\v. St. I'nl rlctt'rt I'nj in Lincoln. Hon. John M ThuHton of this city will address - dross the state gathering of the Ancient Order of Illbeiul.ins at Lincoln on Tuesday ovonlng , the 17th , ntliolramm hall , Lincoln. Mr I'liuiston will paiticubirly refer to the early struggles In this country m behalf of A met lean freedom fiom tbo lhilish | yolto. A ttcat is In store for every lever of our country \vho may have the good foituno to boar 111 in. Mr. Tlnirston's ' addre-ss Is only ono part of the evenlnir's clioicely selected programme. Special trains luavo Omaha a' , b in a. m. Tuesday for Lincoln , returning nt midnight Fnie for round trip only ? . ' .liO. tltihlKitdVnslitMl t'l o IHM' | ! . Julius S Marvin was in the habit of cook ing the supper , washing the Oishes and un dressing the children. So ho told Justice Lawrence in the zscw 1 ork Mipiemo couit. llerac testifying in bis wife's suit for sep aration and m ihitenancc. Mrs Maria Marvin is very slender and fragile. Sbo was on the verge of fainting half a do/en times while she \v.is tellingtbe coutt that her husband abandoned her and took her cblldicn fiom her Iu July , iss.Ho had not supported her since , sbo dcclaied , unlll the court granted her $13 u vveekMik- inony n few months ngo. Mnivin gets ilHO a year as travelingsalosir.au. lie ! , a tall , thin man with blue ejes anil a stilt golden brown beard nit ton point. Under n law yers questioning ho said. " 1 was in the habit of cooking tl'O meals and washing tlio diiliL-.s. We couldn't keep a scivnnt long bpcnuso thcio was no bend or tail to the houso. For weeks uta time myifo \ never went into the kitchen. When there win no servant I cooked the meals nnd little Ella and Ilnny dried the dishes as 1 washed them. Ju.lulj. I'-'M , 1 doteiinincd to live with in } patents at Walton , X Yheio my home is now. My \ \ \ ! oouldn't ' go with me , She said sbo had always lived in Biook- lyn and wouldn't leave It , I took the children n'nd wont to Walton , Things bad got so bad I couldn't st.ind it. I used to lo.tvo homo in the moining while myvlfovasin hod pte- temlmg to bo side. When I'd como homo I'd tind that she had been away all daj runnniii nil over New Yor'tand ' Ilrookljn. "When we'd finished supper and washed tiiu dishes and put llieiii away she'd como in , about il o'clock or so " "Did this happonoftep" ' "It wus a stead } diet " . Date ! ' < ) Ktislcr. The fict that F.aster falN on a very early date this von1 ( March 'Ji ( ) lias caused i "friend ol facts and figureto collect somu cmious5tiiliitic& , says the I'nll Mall li.i/cttu. In iss-j iastr : ffllon March 2 * > , and it will only once ngam this ci-nturv , namely in is'.u. ' tall on so eatl.v a date. In the thuo follow ing centuries IIvill occur onlv eight tlmos on tbo snno date- namely , in l'"il ) , ' 'o.C ) , ' 'OltJ. aoiT , J1UJ.'Jill , 1il'Sand ' 'UK 'iho c-nllest date on whldi ICnstcc can full is on Matvl 21 , and this only in case the1 moon is full IM Min.lr.illicn this ditto happens to fall oi Sitnrdav This ronibluutioii of ciicnni htancos Isoxtiemelj rate" ; it occuucil in lii'.t.i ' | ( J , | and IslT , and will li.ipiten again in I'.i'.i ' ) \\lilloiliaitig Iho throe folhiwini' ivn tinlcs II is not omo "on the booUs" nt this e.nlv < l.ite. On the oilier hnmt , Histornevo fulls later thin Aptll v'.V , tljU was the case ii llilill , 17" ! and Issh.and will only bippononco in the next icnUii ) -namely , lit mil. UjcillnllllLlcnaor nomeo 10 Years flinFt"1 * OMAHA il'iill > nornilJr HHvi I llhllKIt TELEaRAPHY , Gone mat/ / tlic poison with li'id Mood who's not takini , ' Dr. I'ICMU-'S ( tolilrii li'dicnl DNcoM-ry. ' ) ll are horeft of jtuli- ; iiii'iiL and peed scn o if you nllutv vniir liloodlo yd out of order , your liver iluiryi It ljf > dull , I'vorytlijn bliic , fur ynn niav soon iiml otit that yotiVo in tlio jjisivo or iic'\t to it liocniisu . ) did not prociuo tlio O. M. D. inon i-Moiiyh , and Koine dieid : disi'Hi- ' , niay bo iiilluonu or , iiny lit1 typhoid or nriluri.il f.-vcr , lias lukoii you. Con ttinptioii isl.uni , ' Sciofitln. l''of ' fi'rofiilii in its tnyiiiul forni , : iml for all Liver , lilood and Lunij lis- ouL" ? , the "Dk'ou'ry" is an tin- t'linsili'd remedy , iM'yhody ' ] , nnvv niul then , f ( , Is ' 'run-down" ' "played- out , " with no nrnu'r to Lji'tternto \itidily , in fad , jti ! > t too sic'k to bo veil. 'That's whcro tluri lit kind of incdic'ino c-oinos in , mill tlm"lis- ) covc'iy" docs for a dolhr what the doctor wouldn't do for less than five or ton , Wo claim thnt nothini ; lil < o it ha" heon disi-ovcrod fora Ijliiod-nurifnT. It's u\Mriinti'cd\\ \ \ innki-rH. Voitr iiionoy is rclurneil if it dosi-n't ' bcno- fit oretiri Drs. Belts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists * 14OO LJOUGl AS , fc OJ1AIIA NK1J The most \\liUilj' \ unil ( avorjl'v ' liiio\\t spec- lillsts In tin1 t iillcd Stit < " - . Thi'h luiii i \ - I'ri'fh me. inn irkalilikill anil iiiilv ' , i-l | sin IOSH In tintK'iitincnt .ui < l cnnj of N'lrvous t'lroiilo unit Surgical DIsci L-s. entitle HK-.I' ' oiulnnit plijslcluns tothi-fiill ( inilldinci-o [ tin * uHUc'toil i > \ t-rvwh' re TJiov CU n : i nli c : A niKTAIN' AN'1 > I'OSlTlVK Cl'lti : for tlio awful clliMM-tof ( Sirlv' vlu1 unil tlio iiiiniiM- oils i-ills th it follort in Its ttn'n. I'HIVATi : . lU.OOI ) ANDSICIN IIPKA ! iS spnoilllv. cniupli'lcK innl portiiniKntl v inri'cl NFItVoi'S ' Ir.llll.lTV AND SKXUA1 , 1)1.-- OUDintH i'leltl leiiillyto their skillful tn > iit- " ' 'iM llns , I'lFTl'I.A AST ) ItKCTAfi UI.CEH- ciiiir.intciMl oiifcil without julii or < J < * ntlon from bnsinc1 * * * . MYllKOt I'.KK AND VAJllc'OCn.n | i rim nontly unil unc'i'i'ssrully cnriil In ciry P.IHO SYI'IIIU" ' , UONOHHIIICA , ( ilI.iT , Spur- t Knil'"liii < , Dec.ijiil I i \\enhiivss \ nti'l all ilollcitu illsniilirs to ollliorex piihltl\py | on led. in well. 'is : ill fniiclloniil dl'-cirdcrs that rciint from youthful fol His or tlio I'Miss ot in lit ur veils. C'Plf"l'n | | l IJOunr in toed iioinm lion t Ij Ol 1\1V , 1 u IX I'ciiicil , irinoval coniil | iti without onlllin : , Ciiu tie or illlutatloii c'iiri ollotlid nt luniio by put icntvltbontoiiiu - inont's niiln or annnviiniM" . TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN A Sl'KMi fllKMJ The .ittful ctlocls of A oU Kl , L UKU , , , , - ivlci - which hi III.N nrunnlc ueil > iu-s . < li"-tio.v Inir Ixith inliiil : iml hoilylth nil Iu ( In ; ( lud Ills. | ieiiuLiii > iitly enroll nKT ( T IIT'I' Acliln-ss tlioi' who liavo tin- Ul\0. Dl/l thiiiiM'lu's ' by ini- proper Iniliili ; * * ! ! ! ! mil solltii v Ii ililtvvlildi iiiln loth mind nnd lunly. uiillttliu them fur hii-lness. stinl v or ninrlnvo : , MAKUH'I ) MiN'nrtlmsu : cnti'tins nn t li il hi ! > l > y llfo.iivviirc of | iijslcil ] ( lctillltyciilcl.lj | iibslslud. OUR SUCCESS Is lnsotl upnti flits. I'liit-l'iactlutil rv | > or. cncc Socninl Kvpry iiso : Isspot hilly * > lnil ! l thus stiiitlnj iln'ht Tlilnl nuillflnos an piciiiri'd fn our lulioi.itoiy cMieily to snli I'uclmise , tlm soiled In. ; cm \\llhout In J in > Drs. Bctts & Belts , 1439 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA , NErf Macbeth's "pearl top "and " pearl glass " lamp-chimneys arc made of tough glass that costs four times as much as common glass ; and the work on them costs a good deal more than the work on com mon chimneys , just as the work on a dress is proportioned tioned to cost of stuff. The dealer is right in saying lie can't afford to sell them at the prices of common glass chimneys. And "what will become of his chimney trade if his chim neys never break ? M e is apt to be wrong there. He can afford to charge a fair price and give new chimneys for all that break in use. Have a * talk with him. rittsburu. ( j o A. JMciinTii A. Co. " RESTORED , , "SAIS.YTIM ) " thn \\oinlrlTiil bp.iuMi It m'I ) , N poll ult > i \ \ i ! tlin ( iuraiifu ti titt nil % . t rvuu i 1)1 ) l.l-l'S. Mil ) Uh \ \ , L M ni' < r 1 i8 i f Droll I'u i r H ! til a c * hr HiK. ; iLlniw U t Mm ' UK homl Si rvoii'iic',8. U rliu If nil ilulim nnl GcforoA. After Uso. li s i ( IWIUIT c l tlr , I'liotorrjplii d ( ruin llfi D > n rot \ orratiR , In iitl.vr i" x. iiuiMMl I ) nTfre irtlonuilifnl iiili'H ( < rin 'ii * , IT tin i < II' IM | use of tdlnrm , nl luu. . trr'niiuUlit . lil < li ii'Mnu ' Illy Icnltn Innrmit ) Coii umpH-mu il Innnlii 1'ut up InronvpnHit furni iu nrr > in \injiockit. . ilcc tHpii'luuc , urtf > r { 5 wuli neoliurdirwi JI\D n wiitti'ii > ; ii runtietii < " > < > r MMIIIII ! HID nioimy. h. nt by mini u. am JdJrcos. Circular tttt Mention lhl juptr Ail'ri' " , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilronrti Offlrp forU. S.A. 417 li' ) rl irn strut I HU V. " 1 1.1. Mll ) BMC IMIMAIIV N'hll.ilV iMltm > t , I u , I'or , iMh A I ) , , i.'lu- ( . > I ullt r , V l u , i .r IM , ' . ii . .icui'ils. . AD Kuttir A. ( ii i .nn il I'liillin 5 STEEL P GOLD MEDA' ' , PARU EXPOSITION , 1883 , THEM08k'lRFECTOFPEN8 ' , SPRI .Although modestly inrlined about pulling in an appearance , will nevertheless conic , \vc \ , having mT direct communication with the weather bureau , iluninlil it he l in any event , to be on time with our purl of the iirogninunc ; and IILMC acfortliiij > ; unangal \ on n-vcial imuiters for your early nnd c.nvf ] > inspection OVER Oncthonsaiiil liandsnincspiiiio-Ovoicoals , icprcscnlinivevt'iy conceivable shade and fabric. .OvciroalS" " made * from line \voolonsof \ oftr selection and linishal with e\erycaie \ and taste. Ye highly appunalc the trade's confidenee in goods of our own nianiifacliireaiul for the'preivnt spriniv , we ha\e siauil | no jiains inbriniiiijj out only sucliffainieiits as we IVel sine vill if possible , cement more rloM-ly UK-HOIK ! \villandcoiilideiiccoftlieeiitiiTcoininiiiiity. \ No Merdiant Tailor prices required hereto obtain tuiy advantage they can possibly offer. Om 0\cr- GOAT And a larixc vaiicty of late styles in spiinsuits we coiinneiid to all classes of trade who figureu na"- omy wlicn ontfittinn for spiin aiuisuiiniKM ; they in t only combine quality and style , but are u.ir- neiits of our own iiiaiiiif.icturcwitli a ecial supeivision < ner evciy stitch and hiitlon , a sure HIKIKHIU-O io-ainstripiiin.uor ; hisiny ; shape , Keep this fact well in mini , that the Biwiiiiii ! ; , Kinir & C ( ; lot lung1 s the People's choice in more than lull ol the principal cities in the Union. They have all th'anr ' of the tailofs ait , the price about one half. Money Chccrfiilly Hofutiilod in 11 Of-es Wlicro Cjooils BROWNING KING& CO. . AUK KOT SATISFACTORY. , . , S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. asas. lotiist. omahn , Neb [ sn question that daily jiiesontH itioif toll utsdreilsanu hundred.-of tlio rend ers of this paper. Many uinong this nrtny of sielc anil sulTennir ones have buoniin- fortnnnto In sclutitiiii ; their physician. Many liavc lioon m slcil , iinno-ecl upon , swindled anil nro IISI'U.VI ) ; > LST , lis- ) < . ' < iruAUJi ( unit SMI"IR'\I : , , "They " don't linovvlio to employ or winch \\ny to ( urn to llnd the help they need so much Neatly iLll have proti.ibly noticed the advertisement ot Dl1' . C. DJL.L.INCJS tli.it has appeared in this paper d.iil.v. Very many have read it carefully , not- cil thoulninis therein inailu , and have culled for ooiiiultn tlnn ot1 written a hlatomcnt of their c.iso. These have almostmvariablj huvonio patiuntiiiiul sno non Ills grateful friends , i'lioroiiro tinny others who Knotliat bitch tin ' jiiU'o'rtlsenient hits appeared in the pa- pnr. but luivo timer lead it , jirofotring tobiiy to tlieinselvob ! "O , pnlnuv ! an other quack doctor. Ho I'iiiinot citch ino ; I htivo leLMi hiiinhufjrod { ! too inntiy times. "This class tire surely ill M- iti'CttiiN'ii 'JIIIM'-IL\I > for there nro West who KNOW that IK. DILLIN'tJri is the Mjvi sfii USM fi. olliie ] ) iicti- lionot'and specialit't west of Chiiapo Thou tlieroib anothnr uui ! > - > of snITcrurs \\lio , rcticlinn tlio doctor's liunuat un- nounceinctil. will btiy : ' 'Well , if lonly KSM\V thtit DH. UlLMNCiS uoulJ DO \UIAT HI : CLAIMS ho c.111 ilo hoi-o , I uonld fTo-sitid tr > him at IIIIL-O. " Tims it is thnt many nro prevented from suolc- intr liulu iit tlio JiaiicU of one v.ho is q'liililiod ' to alTord it. KMIIV CI.AIJI iniulo by Dr. Billiups is noxi. ii.Y MUMC. Ho does not trvatnoutcilUc.ihey , nnd ifnskcil to tmnt a. cntu of Tvplioul Fuvcr or Diphthuria huvoulil icfuso upon the plea of lack of otparlcnco in itii'h iMbos. Hut the btubboin. lintror- inn , ( lantrorons anil special ilis-uusos cnuineratoil in Ins nilvertiscinutits ho ttPiiU with satisfying and often ASTON- IslllNtl Sl'Vl ( > S. Tin > r 1 JlKA1nm ! boluU'lly naiin'il us IIIMC \ < 1 > 01' fill. HI.OOP , Im luilln. | .i t-i. im i noun I'd i SON. M.I , .NriiVDiDIS - i \ i- > . \MI HI * ) \ ! rv MI \ \ r.KM 'i * IIOM\\ ! \ II \\OMKN I'lITU ill tiuulilK , iillui'tliis tin 1)1(11 ( ' 1 ION. A 'IMIh.M'IO.N unil Nl TIM I ION , all ( atailliil liniilii s. ail lit 'tal I'mnliU < . ill lliMiilo-l i ii iry rnnililii mil nil ilisii > .c'i nf M pi huto li Hun Nil MIM.IAI : < HIM ON I.IM.N Muiii'ims am must Ij pu'inicil mini iiuil . lmkjuiiii linrli-"In iili > I'll1 I'.il't ' i > t-.m fin ni-lii'il all hll'll ii'llll - - M'llllllll ' I'MI.I li-l ( 'Hl-lhl.lt ' Illll fli'r 1'iitli'iith sini'isfull \ In itiil l > \miii. hlliII. . 11. Oinaiii , Ni'b hirtliotroitmi'iiLofn\l \ CIlltnMl AMt llliiK M. JISK.\MS. | \ : llrnci" < Vpiiliaii. . 'tr. . i li toinnili'i nnl Trii4 iD4 lti't Tinilitu'i Ai > inrnt'iH riii IkMni'ilio , lurNiiu'tM f ul In itnu'iit nf t'vi'n 1 inn of ilMi'iim le-jnlrlnu - .Mnllriil Muivn il 'Irritni'in M.NKn IIOO.Ma I'Olt I'MIKVIi , llonul mil A ilinjlan u llii't A < riiiiiiit'MtalliiiM ' > 4 | \\rliolnrrlriiilirsoii \ \ IHiloliiillU"4 nn I Hr u IM , I rii < m > 4 I hili IC.MIIIMI lllliM Hi M'llic. I'lli" , I lllinn Clllr'l , lutiirill llinncMlli Inhaltillin | li < itililtr l'iril > il < Cii'l- ' ii- > . Million 111 11 IIT K\c. hr , ' kin mil HI , I. ami nllMirKlinl i l iiiil''ii' HIsnVNi.s ol rtOMIS' it Ku' < lnltii lliii km IH-i t i > s nf \ \ omen In' , ' \ \ lmlili'ly mtili'itn IMn ; In DI'II irinieiit fnrmnai Illlllm lonllni'Mii'iil iMrlc lly I'llMtti'l ' llii ) Ili-lli- lili' Mullciil liKlltiilu .MnkliiK l - | > < ) ililt > uC 1'itl All ill lent lilni'ii-nsiKCi' fiilly IrnnlOil Muilu Ina or ln > liuiiirnti mil I' ) mall nr oM'nm ' lui'iiri't ) PHI. kill Hi nink < In Imliiutii mli'iili ir n > n tin Kill' | icr i'ini lnt < 'rUov pr , fern I I all nn I r m il't ' Uh nr.iTiil lilior > 11 viir iiifninnil K v ilUcn 111 lilli lli'l' | < i' " " llu ' ' I" 'l1' I "i ! lllinn I'rl Adilri nil IdiiT-tP Dr. A. T. MfUnnglilm , Preaidint Itli mill I lut in t ' tin ts , < im ut i I L.XUOOK. I.J He Tilt WOULD IHtKt IS BUI ONt CURE ' GOLDEN SPECIFIC DR.HAIME3' , II rut lo ulivn In u tu , ut , < < irit * ir Irit. ur III Dr. IrKml luil , w Ithoui lilt laibA tJwicl lln | ntli-ul t ( u oe 4iir it inabdolutoly IIUDI ! HI ulicl vill tjlfvct r. uBrmin niatnl ipoociy euir. nlifihir ilin i > ni > niii ' . . A.lv. It opuraim MO QUIUIIJ auU with men. otr * luiiilithnt iho pmitnt umlortoo no incuntciiieuce. ud ire i > M atom. ln > ronplita rvloriiniiin n etieiMcd * Upine book ci particulars frao 1'ul tiHilol KU1IN A CO. . Ibtlllc UoUki nl. lblliX.Cuinillc HII D-rir il ' lupuUtil by UiTKi. IIMU01. A COLO IS INFLAMMATION. TO POND'S EXTRACT REDUCES INFLAMMATION. Specific Directions , ii' v r > ii IN ' ! in : in : v 11 , i i i"r ] 'l tlt'N lUtrnrt ll'.llltt'.l ' . < > IH'-llllln 1i ) ii nil sill tloiirlii1 , oi * mi u II It , or mporlvc It oMTII him | iun < l liiliahv tlio liuiii'i tlnoau'i ' tliolioM' . I If IIO.IUSI ) , uaru'i1 ' nidi I'oinl' * ivtrnct : novor.il tlnion ilallj. if 'I'm : 'iiiico.x'r is SOUK niiil.\iIC SflC-M' , rub tlic mrlc tliorniiiilil ) ' MlIIi 1'oinl'M ivtrnt : , In \voolmi luindu o nlnruled \vl li I < iiil'n Kilrncl , i iul ino- . ( eclril ! > } nn iiutor ivnipplii ) ; . IB' TIII : MINOS . .misom : talcvii tdiNixioiifnl f I'ond'N l.x ( rix'l four or live llnx'n dull ) . II'TIIi : B < I.1IIIN ACIIi : unit nrf > nero , ruli tlicmlK < > nni.lUtt ) , X'oiul'N I.\trjnt. FOR CHILBLAINS , biillio I'oinl'H DMriicI mid iKiniliixo tlolli H'llnriilcilltli PoinI'M ix- : triiil. Helling < | iili'Ul ) Httippod , BUT lo not [ ill r < liuNOHinnc client Mil > stltiilc nnd c-xjicct II to do i\lm H I'.ictriict Mill , llu Hiiro you toniiliio urllclc , ITliulu only > y I'ofxl'n Kitract Co , , TVviv mill London , NO GLJREl ! MO F > A.Y. 1310 Douglas Street , Omaha , JMeb. Bcv nlncn jcirs ptporl < n-P A ro-'iihr irrilmtoln 11 d IP 11 tllpli m.ii MIOTT li Klill Iroilintr wltti curoutiit sin i'si nil No > nu ( lir.mli nil 1 riltntallls M" \ p rinancnli'iiru mi-iriiiti'i * I i r I iitirrti triuiitorrhii-ii li utMmli i l0111 l nali > iikni'K. NUIH u n Im i.tin , "inlil li M mine amUi. ll - n nl llio lll ol Sum mi I I'liiinrj ( > r nn < Nil luui uilii-JJIT'irtnoryoasu Inn ItrliKiami fill teen _ ro I oniiiltalioii ficu Iluuk t Myaluric , of Ilfoj - < cnt t on ( J.llfli mrs U ft iu lei | i in u i t.ij la / , in to Km DB 3. E McGR.SW , . , . , THE SPECIALIST. 1(1 ( Yi'.irIXpi PRIVATE DISEASES ruri'il In i to 'idij Mllhniittlio ICM of nnhoiirt'tlinn Inini lui-lni i Tlionmst ab < nlulii cure l..r , l.ii'l : : mil all iinnii > liic < ll ili irii > 'i ovi-r knmvn ii > ipc.llc.il i-ilenco syi'lI-5 | | | .iMiii niiloil cure1 In to to 71 d ivt 'llu nunt pcivvirliil iciru.l ) ) i-t know n fur a | xrmi- niiilcuic sKIlTl | li : < irinln | Inri-llovln tliolilii 1- tier ciirdlut luiiiic.illlu > it Invtrii n > uti initnlilnj lluiMln no illllltlllil l.tiH iT M.inlKnid itr NN'cMkiifHi | Mi lll\ilr ) fim I lii'tuni r I i'f ' km ill > n > e < ,111 I fun ill * tlisi1 i i , prrin in nl\ ! i i. r < il lir Mtin , 4 piniOHH in l Ic Iri'nliutMit "t I1) ) vat * ' IM'.t'fiHM li is in \ < r 1111\ IMJII illeit ml hii i.ri it in m * > f i > ntlt'Tit9 i-in - Ii. MM in iluAtltuill. . I iho I'm . : < lti ks anil ( in u I ftn IK * 1 , | > < . li n 1 I > i I Illi u i I 11111 n in mtttii cJajliii Nub KuLrunc'Ou ntliur Mn > t KERVE AND BRfllfi TREATMENT , 000 u M \ N i ) K t'i' , " IT > ! NEBRASKA National Bank u. s. DEVosiroru , OHAHV , N- : > Cnpltnl , - - - $ /.oooo , < > Surplus Jan. 1st , I8OO , - OL,3OO ! ( > IICIT | nml Illmclori llonrjr W Viilni I'miltoii' ' I - li Itid'l \ li'ii l'rciU'rit. . JiuiH'i \ \ mtjV \ MI .I > I > , .luliii h Inllln , It I Cuililn/ N II i'kV II llii lie < iii-.liti'r . T i u ; IKON u.-xxic , lirnoi lith mill l-urinin * u ( ii'tior ii U inli'u ' { II t-iiiii * 1'r.iusai 10 1 RflC M SiitTi'rlnii from | Yl-lVJ tin ) i-ITidn i > l llla-J'9 > oiitlifulirron ei\rlyilci'iiywn tlni wo knr " , lu t inuuUiml , I-IP. I wlllU'li-l tlMiliuWf laalUH iiivli.li ciili'nliillii fuUisrin uliw t it liiinin cur > ' , I'll I.I ! "f < lmi. ! A MIUII li t ini'ill-nlniirk tlinull l * > HA'l li ) I'M n limn wh i li m rmii nut itil > llll itnl Alln > I'rvt , IM , i/o\VXaiti : .iluudui , Coiiu Cl'RES ' . COLDS IN 1HE HEAD , by ono application , OATARKII , in a very short time. HAY FEVER , in fiom 3 to 5 days. EAEAOIIE , instantly. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. rou Aii : in AM , i > ui ( , < SM'S PlL'p.lllMl ( illlv III Ihll IMIKNOUXi : MlIlll HIlll'U. Illll-llll I - ' HOTEL , Tin' .Viii'ruii. tot" , tltli unit Ifiii-nt'/ Itiilt-l Itnililfiiii III ( tinnlni. .Sfircul tit-urn In-ffi. jti-f ii-'illf. riniiilni/ i Ini" nn nt tu rmil. sill r/ > r- < -/r/ii//Miii / l / / ; ) < llnt'il if/// . /Iftfx'H/iiv / / ) ! in-oof iiiiniiKiiinii It iniiKiinlhlc t < t liiu-il * /u/r/- / . I ii'vt'Hfu\H'H \ unil / ! < iitiirnm Ilii'tiiifilioiit tinluiililiiifi , Sfi'ioii ln-nt , litit unil t-iilil iiiittiKII | miiisliiiii'iH I'tl'flt KIOIII- 'IllllUItllNllllHISHil ( IMJ/ ' IC/II'4'C' / , B.SILLOV/AY , Prop. " " "H'OTEJ , BELLON-E. Corn r 11thand Capito , Avum Jn , t conipl"t J , htxs 1 ( > J loo.n , throi ht II\VIVB , trim tlm top to tli" bottom , has iMlni-'e itor ind iliunui rein se v , . , i hr i rnof througlDUt , tim > .iiln I ri > in mil tin fuiiit tnllat moms in tn i-it , L.\r < ; o S impl" rooms , Siut- wit'i ' h itli k c'or I'll i iiiil I'amtol Avu. Htr it ir . vi in uhJ.i .1 tioub Katos. fruin $ > .OO to $1 u D , DR , BAILEY , Graduate Do"li8t , ' \ I nil - ! l , ( imii on luilii r t ir I l\ II , ! . i \n \ pi hit tit m irnniiM'il I i iih i n lil \ % ' | II 11 I illlllkl't 'III ' \\llll Ul IU IK t 1 , I , , i an I - IM > i"K < ut I > i > it i Hi'- II i U ii ill I > n U I. Kctll n th ut lluttn A tt iH \ \ t u i I Cll t I A * S li OI.K ' TH ANJ FA AM I i i III rlrnt clivaKir llfu luntuisO . * i ti kP > IfilfffVl Ai lu ri in , H It , nil Ilia iiintuMIn , i luti , ; nurl Utit , ' ills , unbiif rtirn A ni i UH' f i r l li. ililult kr vvitkino | ivu lur n in. irfs hoitniiil fcfUnf * III r. imiinriiillnt , ll IO nil STOi'R ' M 0 0' 1t.l. ( ili < lit : rntriclili - V" I'ltl * I Al.ilt ) , r I A POSITIVEindptimsnentCUREIor all iliieasnottlnURINARY ORGANS. Curnt where olhirtrettniontUlls.Full direction * nilhcach Mile. Price , one dollar Sec jlgiali.ro ol C. 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