Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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* A " \Htl'M l * UN rf < ir tiWc'roluinttii will
hit tiilo-n until I- ' i I in , fur ( litt'M'iilnn
( Minimi mid until1' 11 1 > in for tliu tmiriiiiijt
edition Mini -i smx in r
KATI.S Aih vrtlMMiiPiili on this P us * will ' 10
rlinrei-d fur nl the rate nf 1'i ' ( ( nil pi r
vni-il fnr the. llrst Inm-rllim , ind tn lit iitrxxnnl
for i < nrh > uh n < | iirnt Insi-Mlnn , uiul IV ) pi-r
HIMiiir iiHinlli .No aihcrtl < emcnl tnkin ( or
lr s tlmi . -.In'iit.s fur tliu lift Insertion
JMl\l/s ! llnures , * ) m ( mis , etc , , count caih
IIS < IIIO XVlllll
f IMII l , iiihortlsomi ills most run eon'-ocii-
I lUily ninl under no in unMmics " 111
tin ) In taki n or dlsi-ontlniliil liy ti li | ihoiii
I ) Mil 1 1 > \orlNlni ; In these columns ntnl
) i itlntc their answi rsuddrc > .si < d ton imtn-
1i n d h tn rtn care of fin III I will tin IMMI
miti 1 i ii il ( In el , tn enable them In Kit tliilr
! id r * Answers will be mltMiid unh mi
I iiisciitittiin of thl * ilipi-u I nt'loMJ anmxtrs
in i IIM liijM i prupcrlx nililii i < l
1. 1 , nilti rtlst-iiieiits under tliu head nf
sp.-i lal Notices" are puhlMii-il In Imlli
tin1 iiiiiiii'nifiind ' evi-nlin ; 1 ilttlniiHof I'll ) Hn ,
tin < Mi i M In I Inn < if whit li a JIM i Rates innii'tliaii
' .MUM pi pi rsdalh , unit KMS ! tin' adu'il'sir
tin' IHMH tit not only nf HIP circulation nf
'I in IIM. In Din i In. but also In ( cm in' II HI n IN
MIK oln ui nl nt In reltlos and towns I n tlio wist
. . . , . . "
t- i - B B - i - " -
Ad\i i tlxliut fnr these i-n'iiinns will I'd '
< ni tin al cm 1 1 mill Ic ii- it tin fidlow Ini ! bii l-
in - > IKIII-I H who un authorised totike ! pocl il
IH'llen ' III tillSlUne I Ills us < Illl IllIlllll lit tilt-
III till nlll < <
< j' ' > nn OMAIIX IIHAM ii u ricr.-NO
n Nin el , Ustir HltHi.
[ ( UNV iirU. lMiarmaclJi7&-'i'OUtbTi ' nth
* '
? 1ll\s | \ riiv7 | t-liilltim-iM and Printers ,
v in r,1r h Ifithstreet
-JU II \ AKSs\\ul \ ( | II , "Phariuaelit. Sll'i
> ' ( iiintnj strti U
dill s , IMiiim u-lst ( > . ' ! North IfHh
sin 1 1
/ inoV \ltit , I'lnriiiidst. 17H le.ivi-n-
V won I btreot
717r llll.slAltM.U VMill nnil rariwm
J/oi iiifr , rlf , tte tap nf III t minimum f/ilx /
\\7A.NTril-A prlmo rustler with IMI pllcnt
' business iiuillfli | it Inns desires posit Inn
In Ilisli Inss nnui-r > or jttntral iiiurcliiuuINi
istuhlWiini nt Cnn fiirnlili cllt odp reft r-
eiii-t's. AtldreHS 1'U. lltooniou. MUMI H
MI * A I' mid ] i nt i y poil. wants slluiitlnn
n floi March lth ? HIM rltd. ten , per do nnil
tollable , cond n IK n from inusont < in-
ployers Addiossl' L'l lice 47H II *
/ lOAriniAN Ml nation intod Iwxiiiiii :
vVin.ui , Rood liiind tuouiul hoist > Address I'
Cl llt-i' M7 II'
A YOl Nil innti ill-slim jinslt Ion as stonnj *
t J rnplioi ; inn nlto 11 lionlikoi-iicr ; run RM- |
u'fi-nncps A Oil rtiss ! ' & . * > . lit u M 01017 *
CTPNOt.KAlMiru fiiTh " - \ | ) - . - - .
'i led in in u mils pi ll Inn , inoli'l itc'-itinv
tostnrt Xddri'ss ITnj Hoc. fi > l Ib *
\\T ANT 111) ) 1'niltlon li\ joiiiio Indy stntuii-
' ' riplior mid linoUl.i I-IK-I , > \ ill ( uinlsh nf
rix-nots Aildrcss I l1) ) Itpo Isa
C1T11TfON Innltor hv piaolted
V iilumlHrM \ iiiiiipistmuls taking e ftof
bollnis stunn heitlng and Rent r il u n in lm :
Addnss P 4i , lleo > ir > 7t . ' 0 *
OMA1I \ rmphnment Unrein 1 st ilillslml
ll\e-irs. Ul IIUM10N intli , 11111 I apl-
t d axe M do und female help const nitty on
WAN rrnltuutlons for uonil clrls ; mv
' w iltliiK rodins an itlxxnH full fiom 'I ' a
m to I' i > m ranudlin I mnloment otllu ,
ai4' , S- nth 'IVlenhone. ss | ii-'l
J'ni nilcx , tlci-rtl < ipi > fjli < < t niliii/iiiuii
Tt/ANTKM An excellent oportunltj ) fur u
'i > ounr , praetlcul nexrspipii mm x\lm
possi somcrjx and imbltlon , nno whowriti s
court li ind tun u is Kept books pit foritil , ulM-
full Infoi mutton In application at nine Ad-
dixsa 1 4 , ' , HUD olliee. .Vil-tt *
AUT.NTa wantid to sell our portable nnd
adlnstnlile stoie sliolx InIn t MM > low n lu
thn I'nitwl "tntOH IHun il co-ninls-sioii pdd
co iil men Address , National Miolxlnir < , n.
rrenioiit. Neb M ( , l 1-17 *
1V7"AN ri'D Ore ml/ers In exerj state for
' Ihodrdorof tiidovtineut oidor.
piiylni $1 000 In 7 } ours ami $ " > to SJ. > weokh
HICK In m lit Uiiliiuefe-itiiris Oood men c m
mul.etl.nooa ytni. Address biiprt me 1'iesl-
tk-nt d A ll.ii pin , 44 laitlld mi'inie ( Mo\e-
land. l > MGlOls *
"V\7ANTKD S | > oretarles and orgmlrcrs hv
in assissmont Or ler paxMne SIOO In sl\
inontlis nt nn csllimnid cost of * 44 I tt put able
men mil WOIIH-II i-an sii me llbenl cumpens i-
tlonddrissM Mnliit ) re. Supienio M uriccr.
ll.'s Auli street. I'lillailtlplil i , 1'a M01S 17 *
\ \ ? AN I PI ) Oiennl/iri to Institute lodges
' " of tlio I ite-t noii-st i nt iinlpi nonudl-
cil i-vamluitlou , JKW In 1e 1 n JiopirnU
fordUibllltj Address bolus , - . , Nashua N II
M'n7 ' *
_ _
SAlil'sVUV xvnuted to m-11 poods to inir-
th inlslij Minph new needs ; biRi ) ix- for
winkers ; ponmni'nl sltuiitlnn , t banco to build
„ allnotridp Model Mfg. To. totith Itcml Ind
\ _ -"U A i *
A ill NT' ' "i ml Me foi the outfit of m noTTl
> lit inian's nn-inolrs by blmsilf. with ip-
lii ndlx bx lion .liiinesf ; . llhilne. Hetillmke
ti Ihlslsthe only nutlieiitlc llfo of CeniM il
( buries \\ob-ler I .1 C'o.l I. list
oiiiteentb st. , New > orkilty. 4 i'l II ,
\\rANTI D Salesiunn onsdaryor commls-
' slon to h indie the iie p-ituit ihemleil
Ink erisiiiKpemll. The Kitasest sellbu i.o\ -
rltx-i\ci piodneed. I'r ises lul. tlioroiulilx In
two Mi-onils , no ihinslon of pipi r S'O ' to" SO
pei emit profit. Ono icent's .ilis ainonntid
tn J'lJO In six daj s : another $ .U lii two boui-
A\ \ w int one eneriiotle Reneral aitent for em h
Hate mil 1 ( rrltoiy. s implu bv in ill.u * ror
terms and full partlcul irs , addnss the Mon
roe 1 inset , JlfK Co. , I.i Cro-se. \ \ Is Miai 17 *
AX'NT1 0 A joniis man for the st mo to
M Ic.irn iho driiiiitlo liislm--s ) Addit-is
Miss lima Marsell s Dr.iinatlc lo. Lexington
ITANTI'11 Two eonipetent dry
th rUs at Uoston store. M > 7ti
" \\7AVIMIH A Rood ( .ermnn blaelvsmlth to
' ' do inner d tep ill Inn , bin so shoeing nnd
jiloxvworU Must know how to urn shop I'll
Otto , l.alxa , la. M.'uu Hi
\\TANTTP A Hist olasblinksmltb , one
l tlmt Isllrst t-I-is-on plow work and horso-
thot-lni ; : no ol bei need apply. Aihlrtss.ll -
liuin sperllnu , l o\\ itt , NeK Mr > ti-IO
YVTAN'Tl.l ) An e\petieneed mule steno'ri-
i > pber md tuiowrltor todn work In a 1 iw-
xm'sollleoln nuty of 10.000 Inbabltints lo
cated In this stale. Must bo well recom
mended Additss Hex . ' 17 , Lincoln hotel , I lu-
coln. .Neb 51671
"IW'ANTI Ii.-Moi'linnlcs. miners , luinheriiit n.
' * clerks bookUeepi r , silesmeii , firmpi *
liboriis nnd nun In ill cipaeltles loeomo to
V.e-ti in Oregon and ai tciit pnsltlon- imiie
thn n luiinr wapes. This is a part of Hie wmkl
not only riiial | trt. but e\ei IlliiL' mix otlurln
nuliiml aihunt IRIIR A\e lnite cornspoml-
( m e frcmi all who \Miuld ftil an ) pos lldt-In-
ton si and assure xou tlmt all jou h i\e tntlo
Is to lux estimate xVp eiin pioxe boxond per-
aih entnreof adonbt ill tint XM < assert ( ire-
con loan A. 'Irust Co , it-y , 1'lrst si. 1'nrt-
land , Oresou. W)7 ) nuV
" \\fANTl D Men with coed lefeieueo at
I > Metropolitan M'f's l"o , 1000 Howard st
CI7 .MIS *
A ( ! NTs-Wanted Voxtlilm : Mrlte to
il iv Idobo Noxolly Co.4 Ollnton strict.
t lilengo. Merit *
Alin.NTs wanted for the Mimlntt in Life
Ins. Oo to reprcst nt lu all I ir o low ns m
the slates of N't luiiska anil Coloi ulo l.lln i il
conti ii-tsoifered AdditssNo. .KXi ami nps lleo
laiililliiK. lioo 1" I'arlsh. KID. ni's'r. for No-
braskt and I'olorndo Sirw
l'or , ifr , tit , tctlnp of Hint rohiiini on f/if / jug'
rpllF Mleu-lxeteham frchool of K\nre--slu ( )
1 I10N..Vith I'lasM-sbtluuformed In rioeutiou.
IMsuite , .s | , lUespoaii ) , I'hjslcal I'ultuie
41. an-
BKI Oil : , buyIMJ ; a ulanooxanilne the nuu
sudo Klmb.dl piano A lliiNpe.ljli Dou l is
CHI ) I' Oollenbeek. teieher of the banjo.
I w lib llospe , 1511 Doiu'luv il'i '
1IIA\ Ka few new pianos for sale awfully
o.ioup , ns I ha\e uoue out of tin- piano bust-
liess. . .loiiason , r.irii'un and llth ats 1'i.l
Fm ivtrt , rltKe < tnpiffn } > t rolurnn on tMiinuc
UK Madam DuUiur. over CIO S Irtb
.M Ifal-AO *
Maduir Uolzlor over 010S nth
MAsAlK bnth nt Muduiiio Multh'd parlors
M lloor , 4'.M b. 15th it , ICJ '
J'oi mlr tit , tee tt > p nf Ant fiilnmii on lhl <
\V AN n I ) l.nllr wlshlns nekliiil. lIch
' ' pit tslufrorK to tin iiili | tl ) at hme
cut nnd lidd for by mull. Adtlitss Aininnllt'
( i. 1 All I liver. Mass. Ml.T'J ! '
I \ HIT * tir Kenllt'inen wanlt'il t > can
I Jelly or toiiiitry JV Lotfan , si'l
\rANTn-(3lr ) ( | it ct ni- nil houseworU
> > I'miiily of throe I4WiT7tli ! stnel
_ _ _
ANTrJi-Wnlst skirt iiinKoM. at Ml l'ir-
niiin st Mtifiil I PUT
UTNTii : ) A M-rsoiieompi'-teiit lot ike care
ot a J tiiinj : baby. Call -it 518 S 2Mb st
\ \ "AM'I'I-A ) llmlKd iinniberof hidles to
' * li-iirn st lenllllc nmsHiire. bv a Kniduiti
if lin ) ill I'lillrito , Moi Uiolin , sUi ili'll l'i-rin- <
M-r n > isiui ihle t' ill or udilii'ss I ) V llolke ,
* 1J North 17lh stivet. MViO 1C *
UT AN' ITUA Klrl to do st-i-ond xvoik and
lielp with Hashing at a i-nuiitlt rtsl-
lein-i two In fiitnll ) j iotid wagis Appli to
I bulbs A llarti't , lliu slion , 1MI Inrinm
street M' 7S 1ft
U TAN I I.I ) A k'nmt girl for soni'inl lieu e-
neil , at 4.uorillfornln ht ; jtood wnses
inld. 61S IS *
OIM'K I , I , idx--r\ierleui'o | not tniessiri
\dditiss , ulth stimp box M. loutiell
lllulls. dot ir , <
lm tiitn , dr. , rcfitjnr ) tintttalutnn on f/iM / 7)11.71- )
I1 water , bit h etc . . . J.11 Oil
1UU N ' . ' 7th IIMU riDins. turn lie , i ; is
I'ttf 40 00
His , ! , iiniisl , fi KHIIIIS , ell ) uiti'r and
elsttrn li 00
3H * " ( > . IX , I list. , ,1 looms elly water and
e Hltrn 10 Oi
TtO I , ike s'l | fnomsand summcrkltclien U 00
I7VIM ( Mili s i\e . Merc loom
I'm lUth nnd Aihin stoio nom'J\ helx-
Ilitf clt > wdiM.utc. 11 t' ( Jlnik A. Co. I.MS
llai ne ) st. M iiM Is
itvi N. 17th s1 ! , 0 moms f7 , His su-i | m m
ixe , 10 loom modern , W. lliitchlii-.n \
\\ead , IV.-4 DuiiRlas. Mr.-ll
" 17IOU iiNI : lOrooiu house , tor. ttHli and
1 Dodire thrt-i ) ndnnlis fiom pnstulliei
llonsu Is lu ( list-elassoriler I'tisscsilon ul\en
ImiiiedlattH. .M L. KiiLdtl , 40J I'axton blni-h
Mi7li ( 17 *
/1O1TAHI. of ,1 rooms In leal of li.13 ( hlc-uro
\J stieet iKOJnei luontii Mu)7--'l *
I31OU Itl'N 1' A llxe-room coltieo on Hurl
i-1 m ir'-Md strtet ; dtv w itor 1'ilie * l\oo ,
per mouth Impllru J7U * > Ia\enport stitt-l
t.'s 1C *
8UOUM bouse , hot und cold u itei. httb and
iltiMt. hi uno of the best locutions In the
ilt.x } J. > 00 pel month to iksliablo puly II
1 I'olo , ( outlm niul blot 1 > f-'CI ' U
IT OU III NT 1 h x en-room , modem house
sontiit isl \osint | ) < f > H s I'Jnd st TV" 19 *
tjll - ' C iiiltol axtiuie A nko Tioom toll ige
i \xlth n.ith liKiuiio''jlS Capitol axinne
" ] 7 ( > ltTrN { : - ; ' - ) houses. l th and Yli7-
I tun ill , I s-rootn lionst ' 'iHi und I ildwell
with ill model ni onxenleiiLes. if.1' ) Addiess 1
II Johnson till N Y. Llfo Imlldln ? . 4
AM'MHHIt "f S-room lunisos eltv water
und bath f iliind nuw ards Also totluiji s
md Hits , llundy vX. C'o , Kill Capital axenue
| , ts-iA7
I 1' jou \ \ Ish to rt nt iliouse or store ste II I'
1 C'o It , I'outlneiil il block t l
TNl lout fiiind 7-room II its with
b lib. hot wnlii. ill1 : ptxed stiict.
liusiin-- , id ! liniiiotuiii ills nnh $ - " > pel mo *
Kofi n m t s it-iiiilied. The Meid Inustmeid
to , Hi lit i biillillnK. l7 l > '
I71DU III NT U-rni > mc < Mitr.i1l ) Incited resl-
Jtit nu s , nil modern tonM-nli in es ; llui IInest
In the cit ) \ \ K Ilum.iu , rooms 8 and 10 ,
I it n/irblk. liTMi M16
flur tafrx. rlr .Krifnjiiif/list / rntiiiniMiii 1/iN / j iift.
TTuTiPuTNT- rooTnT nTiuSnTd TtTl
I1 liil'JCuiiltol ' me 4.W 1J >
1 1 lNIsliu ! | ; moms , stoiiin bent , led ieniH
I7M KNlslll.l } from loom , llrsl lloor IMS
IJ Oiss M4'.0-17
SOI I'll looms HOJ pur month , 181fi riinim
strtet , M44UJ7 *
AM heited Mat sat 70 ! ) b. llth 1 bos I'
Hall , .111 I'uxlim block. l > i >
_ _
HUNT I'm iiluhed rooms 1C07 Doiiulas
* OK KKN I' Lnno front loom , furnished
modem JJOI'i I'oufihis. ' r > ll l'i *
5M ALL loom , 1701 Capitol axe
IjM'lJVIMU I ) mil unfiirnMied rooms and
i Rood bond. Mrs. M J. felnlnei.U'J i'Jut list
r 4d i'l '
"I7M50NT room fclth alcove enitilns. mantel ,
Jlit it. f ; n butli. ! . ' elo-ets fniJu'eiith men Or
mun and wife. jldUJ per mouth i .1)7 ) b Jlth st.
H , i
ST. CLAIlt ruropoin hotel , with dlnliiR
room ; sttam he it Inill reoms , Uth and
Dodno Special r lies by xui K or month I'll '
ipOU HF.NT Varnished rooms , gat , b ith mil
sti un , 1'il'J ' How mil | iL' >
FOH KENT luinlshod room 141s
MtBl 111 , ll
POU ltrNT 1 rooms , ono lloor , 171JJaeKsoii
shoot. _ ai'JH
Ij OK KI N'l lwont-flxn looms In a brN-k
J bloek. peed location : nlth or w Ithont fur-
liltnie O P. On\ls ( o , KiOil iriiim st J-JIM-'B
I'm talcself , , urctnjio/flint minimi on tliis i > < i r.
d ! UnNT I nrnlslied room with modern
IniproxupciiN , x1th 01 without boirn Hill
Douglas st. 40014 *
171OK HOT -Nlct-lj furnished moms with m
J-1 without bo nd fvjj N I7th. 14
loom w Ith boird Ucfeientes
. " 'll 1 iiaani Mtriiiai *
IAlJdP room md bond for i , ? " > poi xviek
J am llarneyttieet Mulils *
1 > OOMS uiul boiid , b22 Chlcaso st.
li M IML'I *
I AU'ril's wlsldns nlc-eh fund-On d , larjt
I south loomt , with bii.iid all ( OHM ulenois
\\illliiultttolhoii luturcst till' , ill .u once
at 'I ho lllll.siili , NV. \ . coijathand DodKi *
nlsf ictlou assnietl MOJ.I IB *
K UTNT Two south front moms , will
* -llrstcli s boird , rofutncos. Applx1HII
D MlKe strtol. : . % iu
rooms , ( ino a front room e u-li suit iblt
fur two , with KUOI ! bo.nd , 4D.JN 1-Jth stitt t
f.M76 *
looms with board 407 V inl
street Mr . ' 'T *
FOI ! KEN 1' A I irce , flni'lv furnished room
with lo ) ml , to a nnn and wife , 'lliu mosl
pleas int pirt of elty aiidpilx tin family , no
uthci boaidoirtferences Adilies- ) 47 , III e
J'DI iiifc * . ( If , "ft iij > nf fit ft rofiinm on l/ifs / p i/ | / '
I71O1 ! Hl'M'-- unfurnished rooms forhon-e
i-1 keeping Ibll rarimm stj Ml > 01 17 *
71 OH KINT- I looms , unfiirnislied. for
: ( is N. Uth at , pi Ice 1300
I'oi rate * , ilf , * rttnitof 1 mt col rum on Hits jmi/i- /
iron Kl NT store now oi-cuplitl by KIOIOM
J splendid optminK foi live man , itnt noml
nal. Addiess 1' " . _ llie. MM"- 1
ItKN rl.luinut el ) met ) for i .
store mom No IJiKi I'aik axiuue , emit iln-
Ine full tnktiy outllt , 51 Toft , Uth mid I ar-
n nn streets Mfils 17
UT01tl > nt Ttcistflti , , steun ho it furnTslied"
Pi I'homas 1' II ill , .ill I'axtim hbiok
1/OH Kl - - | . - , ) .
orulthnut pown formerlv ou-iiphd by the
Itee I'ulilHliliiL- ' ( . Dili Paruiini st. 'I lit ) hnlld
Intf has a tlrepruof et < meiit liaseinunt.ionipletu
steam lioallnu llxtuns , natei on ill the tluors
KIS.IIC Apply ut Jieollko of Ihe Ike. Ill
17UU UKS I' Or sale , my building on .lime's
i-1 at , bet 10th A Uth n A UiulipiM.JlO s 1Mb
_ _
"iriOH UTNT Hrlek wanhouso , two Htorlts
* - ' liL'li ; bisemont. hjilrailllo oluxiitor , traoU
IIRO ; host location In city. A. O I'oxvull. OK
l/'OU KKST "tore room , . 0x77 , In new Ulow.
JL1 ry biilldlnc on rblciuo htrtot , lust wcit
of mtli htnot. .iOUO | it r month lncludfiu.-.teuii
lio'it nnd city wntor ; also baitemiint snltabh
for shop , on corner Kith and Chk-aun streets
J.V.lKper ) month Uoborts , IT. oltll
_ _ _ _ _
torMtt _ , ttr.fttnpnWrt ( < iliimn on IliU jnof
1J1HK1) Alohle lunns miiiejreor , rurnanuMlll
'or ' mtr * . _ fit"P ( " ' _ flrt _ " * " [ > !
1 IT your houses tmell or rent with C I *
Jllarrlsou UI.'S N I , Ife P41
' . - 1
otnet. makes utii'i'liiltj of renting houses ,
lures etc , mid eolleitlnu rents. M < )7 )
\\rlll has hoiiKi-M and stores to rentf 1 have
T lotsofoustoiui-rs ,1 II I'au-titto's Itcn-
t' Au'i HIM Hill ) ami llodk'i' t-TilM.V )
I I 1' COl.i : , luiital iiKoney , Continental blk .
"o t ifc , ttr , rttti'i > nMrsfnfiiiini ( olilMc jiti/ / .
mrrirnFri A farTiruTrk i irtT
-1 Illiilr , Nib I.nnie onlmrd. Mneyaul
imoiia-- ( ' < runnlni ! water , fenced II \V
McHrlde , Illalr. Neb NI-'JI *
rj.\UIl\S 1 A11MS tirront. iVMurrnyr
Ol MMe
_ _
l Oll Kl N I' A Rfxiil unKou and l > lnt ihoji
Inioniii-i-tloii with my bliuksmltn alioi )
\ ildiebslllliimtpirllnK. \ . Do\\ilt. \ .Nub
MWi 10
" 17IOI1 AliK An A 1 lire pioof safe , l.minlre
-L at Itoston Mure U4'i
JTIOlf-AM Cotinilete ct of drne store flx-
tuns. alitxv t ises t-le P. O box UTJ 'HI '
" "
fm niti < , < / ( , Jin d | i nf nit rnliiniiimi. iht * ptje
\"lir\n lady desires fuinlslied room In
liiiusi with moilerii liiiprnxemeiit' " west of
nth nnd south of Dud u street , rifiMr-ncos
\ddii-i r.'ii Ilieollke Mti4l Id *
\\r \N ITU'lo T7-nt blicksm th shop In
IT ueoil ! Ion lij prut llcale smith ( 'oim-
ry town prcfemd. Addruss J. AM-ry. Al-
antli , low i fisj 17 *
\\/\N'I I l > A hniiso of ibont tin rooms ,
TT ui 11 limit niodirn linpritxemenls , tlnli-
iblyloi itnl w Ith 111 iw n ; nut lu a tort Any
me b iIIIL' such a hoiHu lo lent addits.s lioom
[ 7 , I'll imlnr ( oiiimeiLi- K" ,
\V\NTI D To rout , bj April I. nor S reemIT
IT lioiisi , moikrn Address''I' " IJodne.
v , tic , sn f jof flist rnltunn
C Ill AIM sp mill ltst storage for furniture
\ > plls. lll ' . -
ttol.l ) Mor IRC rooms foi e gs nnd butter.
> Mso drj stonsofor intlse anil lionsoholtl
Roods Riles leisonable , ample tr.ieUuije.
lliu Neb lold btoiaRoto , 81.V317 Howard st
501 AlI
] > | sl' track ipo and ptonifio building In
JOm ih i. I'nlted ' ' I lies irox uriimeut btiiuled
wuitbouse LI mi it-liohl KO ns stored indeired
foi Lowtst inlts KimiaulccdV. . \ . lltish-
niiin. lOKI-IOI'i heax-enwortb. 891
I'm inffx.flc , net turmfflrst column o
1 jl 0 1 1 S A 1 1 1 : \ H o r li i r t "o f fu r ut i "i o o if ' i i
I- Kioiii biianlliiK hniiso : house illicit with
boanleis ; good location. AiltlrisS 1 51. Kit-
_ _ MMIiiil *
OI ! ' AI.l' or Tradii" 1 nrnltiire of S-inoni
lionso. If sold win tal.t-paj In hoaid : liouse
foi l cut. Call at 510 S. 14th. .JlUiJlb *
171OU sAlill rurnltiiro In T-ronro homo ;
-1 house fnr itnt : opp. llinscom iiuiK , north.
All modern cniiMiilenits. Knnulru lee
.X.NIchol. J8th nnil
Kti nilci , flf . .xrclojxifltst rnlnmii onf/ifs /
S \I/I' J slnnlu express x\ntrnns and
o\i > ral held of horstsplit iptljihtA \ ,
SV mi llitb and llowardstretilH.
.M074 17
_ _
l _ > I < \ < K IL nn , Victoria , h irnos4ro ul wagon ,
IJ lior"e s ulilli > or linms-i cow Cost
t-ht-iin C olnnil llntler , 1'orl. thailis Hntler.
Is I rirn.un. MW1 Id *
710IJ SAII : l linpoitc-d Hictlmcl stallions
- 1) U Hi i niiin , Itlalr. IVli 4VJ lit
J.I OltSI Sand miilos e-isb 01 rusy pivintnts
I lull or aildri-ss IlawKuje Int. Co , loom 1.1.
lunn-las ) hloi U Oiiiuha , Neb ! > * > < i
IjlOllsAU' I heap , w.iRon and donblo woik
liunessiir ulll ixili in e fnr Inickboiril ,
also Rood side bit IniRKy , clioup II , 1 } Cole.
I onllni'iiUl hnllillng 04 J
nitrx , elc.kcrti > i > nfflntwlitmn on thfx fane
-A Rood mlleh cow. J , II. lu- )
luont , 104J I/ifiiyetto avonue. IiUl'i
tatet , flf. , netap ufflrfl roliiinnoiil/ils / jnyc.
MO-U'.K bink sifo7it h l7TdT tlInoT ,
oed LOiidltlou llo1. 1. ' , Columbus , Jseb
"IjlOlt sln _ iheap Pompletcset of nlnmb-
L t r's tools 1' I bchnoir. 5J3 liio.idwuv.
( onuell Il.nlTs. M4'r ' 17
17UU ) S \ ] , rho lOin tons In Ito Imuso with
J tiaekuie , ? 1U ) poi Ion. lth use of Ite house
till .lm mxt fire ; inii-t be sold , will In
spection -me uon & Allen , Ib07 Tinum
street. Dunlin. M4i.17
" -AI.r.-DIobohl ife in
FOKAI.r.DIobohl s Kood ooudltlon ;
medlinn sbo Impilio at 100 .Meiehiuts
National linU. J14J.1
171OU ' -/ur.-V vt mdard iniikn uprlbt
-L jilnno , but little used , at a sieilflce. Must
bo i-okl at oncn ( all at'IW fuldxvell ail
FlltP tnleU. Ui'OO per thousind. O , I ) . Wood-
woi th , TiU DoiiK-lii st 1170
71OU HMi : lMuiio jTlTT Tirtiln desk , fV ) .
- * and bnoKs. 1VJI Hitirin m axa 4,3
, dr. . * cc top of tint column nn till * vatic.
\\7AN I'hDilnon llxtnies mil two pool
TT t.iblis. Additss MJo West Ilioaduny.
Council lllufT- , Mi41
irit'ltMTl'KI , biiir-ht , sold , stored , \\ell
-L 111 ! Fainamst. urn
VY/AN I'l D Aiiythlui : . mdse , fiimlturc.
T > ht si < liiiKKliH-WllIhitr iiriythlne you
hax ( foi sile or sell It for yon. HOIK rt rnifon
Auction -mil Commission Co , 14111 , DoiiRliis
Mretl. Onmliii 171
I'm nitnftc , Mttnpoffln > lc 1 mnimUitgpnufi
loan and trust cmnpiny pnyliiR li per
tint \ \ ill sell In ninounts to suit , Adiliv-s
1 uMtte MO , , ' 17
"IJANIx stocks foi sale , O. II. llui lows ,
l > Noifolk Nth. itis
IJlIKSr i second moitK.iRps on x.ieint .x. Im-
Jproxod tltj pron t ounty wanants bon/lit
Money on hind 1' M Kiel ) uclsun.MS N V Life
1'mrntci , ( Ir , fttlnp nf tiinlmliimii iwMJs f > t < ie
MONT\ blind to loan on lmpro\ed orun-
ImpioM'd propeity. Clus. \ \ Hnlnex ,
Oiniib i N-illounl bank bldt ; Mt M 1
SrvritMj ? I ooo umounts to loan ou Im-
liroxi-tl in nniiiipioM-d propeit\su | i ttuit
1 to ' ) jears , * > ooil mi Impiow d pioputx- 7
pe. tint ( . dnllace. . 110-ill .1 J , llmnn
block , intb and DoiiRlas , ( Imaha , .ril7-lt !
fO.N I'.Y to loin On real ostati- . installment
I'-L morlRuKO , new plan ! easy nuinthlj piv-
nients I oi full partlcul irs vail on oi ad-
diessl nited ht ites Loin , x , InMbtmcnt Co ,
roomsUJI and UJJ Itee bnlldliiK. Omuha. Nib
'M J7 AO
M loin onOmuha nroperlr. Kldel-
ItJ Tnist toinimii ) . Hill I'arimin J7s
pitl V ATP iniiiiov to loaiu J D.
l N Vilfe.
Bl'II.DINn loins Mo 7 per cuntno addi
tional i h inros foriommlsslon oi attoimVs
fros W 11 Mulkle. llrst .National hank bid
_ _ _ _ ICil
KI Ai < INt ito 1 oiin-Cish on hand , dlobu
loin and Trust i oHITS inthht NiMklij ,
no o\tiii ( .hiu 'is lluiist-a to rmt , rftioil lUt
O ! , v f M. Ant nun ) , , nrx. > Uf
lend inline ) on farms In eholeo countI.LH In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on gomOnmlm \ ies- |
donio propoity ; lowest rites ; lies ! IUIIIIH ; no
dolnj ! money readj Titks and x nines p is eden
on here. _ iC .
MONKV to loan on Imiirored elty piopuity
ntcnrnnt rates , funds nn bund ; no de
lay. Goo I' must A. Co Srtl UaiiiKQbldV l l
EAnlTUN monoy-dllt cilaed huldo loans 1
waiittd 1'hll idolphla Minttfauo uiul
'i'lustCo.i.V , 1' , C'oatesiep. 7Hoiuilof 1' rid i-
71'AK Estate Loans M. O. Maoleod. llirx
J W l.lfobulldlm ; . 701 MJt
DISIHAIIM ; loans placed without anv
trouble. A , K. Klloy , luoiull.Continenta
blotk , MM nr.'l
For tnf < - jirtrt ( oin//ii | > ( coliunn onl'ilf ' Jidf (
LADH'.s and ui'iitlemeii cini lout nmsquer-
udo build ut C-J h , lOtli si. 4U3 A 11 *
" 01 mff < . ttt. , lt > ) > tif flM fiiliun'i ' on ( hi
IJI t'OM ) tnorlKiiKO lw\y < - money totiilr.
1 Alex JhHire , railleobldu 4TM..1J *
- 14 tt M
( INKY to lo Ui bj tti V. Masttrs on olmtli'l
and polhttt-rilMcciirlLlisftir any tlmo fnmi
to" months , in any1 ruiHHint ( „ Hllt ) bor-
' ' "
I. o ins miide on hoiKnhobl coeds jilinos , or-
Rans , borsi , mules , hou ? t a lenses uarehninn
rt ct Ipl-mno nl the lo ejti > sslh | > rntes XN llh-
mt publtelty orri'itioxftt Of proticrty.
M > loans arc so arriiiiKedlhut > ou can make
a pa ) hienlof any anuiiDH it an\ \ time anil re-
liut 'Mithprlnilpal ' inii ) liflerest ,
If jou owe n lialnme on jonr pnipertx-
in xi1 11 loin > oiiwaiitehiui3ed. I will piIt off
nnd cnrrx It foi > oil If ynu llml It moio eon-
xenlnit. enll up telephone No Illjl unit jour
iiislnosH vlll tiniirruntfvd id home
Money nl aj son hind. No tk-liiy. No jmb-
Iclti l.imcstritos
n 1' Musters.
Ioom4 ! , Wlthnell blk , Ifilliunil llarney t
n il A I'TEI. banli , : ilJ S. 1'itli si , loans money
v iiHliHlti'lsorcollnu'inl it re isonable rates
"ornilMrlf .ncrlojMif flisl rofiinm on ( df jmjf.
TfTAMMrni a llfo llnic for IIIDII x Uli capl-
til and iidlxe mi n without capital to
HOIMIIO u veiy pleasimt and protltalilo busl-
ies No drum or turlosilj seikers nied an-
> lx' . Aililnss wllir.-innl st imp Coiiolldatid <
\iljnstable Mioe Co , Hail-in Miss MU7s P )
IM ) pin eliaso ont-hidf or whulo Interest lu a
uood count r > weekh : sold to nart-
u-islilp di il : old ostabllslii d iiiiiei , repuli-
lloauiind In a tountyKoiit. Address 1'IJ. Itee ,
-Ali-IsM-ntj-IIxe : thousind bihk.
must In sold foi t ish , quick , Henawii .x.
o. f.00-14
| 7 > OI ! ' Al.r Me it muUtl best kicdlnn lu
JL/tll ( if 4 00,1 luxt opi-nliii ; in HOllth Nl -
iriiskii. Additss I' l-i , Itee olllce r.rll *
$1 ViW will pun base sloe U and II x Inn s of r -
t ibllshid let ill tiusliu s i null illy loeatul.
inw ilenilni ; our fl'iO a. inonth Address I'
l . lite Md7J 10 *
" 1710H t-\l.r Iho indy dniK Moio In Rood
Jlow n In suuthensti rn NebrmUa I all on
ir aihln-ssr. .1 llllss lluich nil Neb MilU-l'J' '
( < KUUKKV stoi-U for salt ; dolnt ; a eisli lm l-
lii'sn. Addass 1'47 , Iki JIV/l All *
I7tOUSAl7ilFit : \ markit tlistthiHsixtuiesi
-L ( lolin ; good buslniss. A b iigulii If taken
BOOM Atldiesslock box , M , ( ouuell lllulls
&sJO ,
fAliP Urtif ? stock and store bulldltiK
In oniMif the best towns In western IOK.I.
Atldass Ilarlo , llaus-x Uo , t omiell lllullsr
r > oi in
" 1710H SAIiull : imporaud mint establMi-
ment eiri\ln from } l MH ) lo t j.OflO sleek ,
dolm.'a Kood inolltatile businesseooit location.
\pinscs snuill. In thu mnspeinlis tltx of .Iiniition AdilrussboA bi.diand Inni-
tlon , lolo M ri7JJO *
MI A P Market 1'or Salt I itlett up with
powtr eboupor , reinlei lm ; kcttks and
I'xt-ij leoulsltL for allist ( .lass mat Ket doniK
the lust fmillv tradn In the Utx. Address
l.otk Hox400 , Council muffs Mr > IU-t
" AM : ( liie-lmlf Inlin-st In the best
pu > Inn meat in irUet In Counell lllulls ,
poor health reason foi selllnir. AxoriRo s des
ox-eri.V ) jiir dii > . Addioss l , uiro of llee
( ounrll Illurts M5IJ-'Jti
D I'M.Al1 , Ii , \vauts u ImUtrv. Suit dilo
hulldlng xIth ox LU foi tin. .1.11 Keud
" = AI.n Il-inlwaru , linplenienl , furnl-
* - tine nnd nndert iMn businiss lu one of
UK ; In si towns In \ \ tstern Io\\u Atlilioss l ix
' . - 04coi.i in. M-.J.IH *
s A T-coliiiiui \ \ nshliiMiiii | jircss
i iiaily for iisi ; L'Mlbs biun tols typo , sorts
undeases ; ' . ' 0 fount sdlspllj tm t \ ; till seeond-
handj jLIJO I'li&h I'louecr , Mobrura , Null.GOJ1G
IM.mtod-An , old e iriTshed real
( state ind Insiu aiiei ) firm desires to Incor
porate and urcrpt a tlilK ) pirtucr A coliltu
onjio-tunlty for the prini { pirson Only a
modi late imomit n ( t iMh uiiilri-d. | One u--
iiinluted | with the cltv > or thnMiKhout the
state proton ed Aadre.ssl Hie ollkeM451
M451 17
FOU SAliK Do x oil wjMh' to got lu u peed
bnslni'-S' ' Iu ) > the ' ( iniiu-ri'lal hotel at
Hrolii'M lloNeb. . , I.IKU pail Umiiha atie
| ) rtiierly. | 7 4'i7 '
Parties xilshlnRstrblrstoclr , .ulilrit s lei u
box 14ti. Ual. 1 aiul , Noli , a i Jtl rro Id'
FU ) MC-riiinlturo and undcrtaklni ;
buslno'-s ' In a Rood town , xUth or without
store hiilltlliiKi mirt cnsh , balimo Rllt edge
puu ] r or tlear leal ostnto ; Inrolet-s about
flX ( . ItoxOI'i Lincoln. 4CI
' ) CIUVUSMM-S and sdesium
nllli lit' le cipltal will llud thu best selling
specialties In tliu west bycilllnif at 1014 ( Id- sluit. Jhrbjsldie .1 HOIOIII. 4sOdO
BAKKIIV fir iale or rent. H. A. M. 11 U dl-
\lsloiiKoixtbnslnuss Address A. 1C . 1 ! i-
\onna Ntili . box " > t.
TIUAsSir.U Hue for sile , for cash , to ( he
blirhesllildikr , at 10th mil X strtets. llu-
coln , .Nob , March SI , If'Mit ' ; . ' | i ni . 1 will sell
i coinpleto trimsfor Hue. M mules and hoisi-s ,
.0 < ln\s mil coil Hncims 4 ni-w fuiiiltiue
\ nns , ! nmv frame birn It0\.l2 s ife iiioxln
niaihlneiv , harneb.s and other urllolis I' II
I'lerson. ueolxtr. sfijo *
Pontiffs , tir , ftetit ) ) offiisst colniiiii on l/ifs /
FOI1 KM'lIAMj K A rninilo of xori clmleo
lots , "ith a\o and ItoUo , foi first-class
ele u low i farm HOO'JJS & Illll , llui. Tarnum st
\\ANTH > 'In tndn a fine buslnisscorner
l.ixnutiot In > outli Oinalii , cleir. fora
resldi nee In Omiha.uloo JU',01/0 / to il'iOtX ) .
\ \ ilKht A. I.usbiuy , 1W1 llowunl street.
.MC.7I . 17
rilO KM HANOI : I'lno lot on Pleasant
J-Mit pt.Jiikt noitlinf M Marj's axtniie W >
feet fiont , on p ied street , ute. , w Ith two mu
st orj frame cottusts to exchange for nnlm-
pnmd lot-
I.lst x our prnpcrt v for side ore\clrniRO with
usu h ix o some tiistonu is
\\elinxiisexiril xny line homes and some
( .ash to uxihuiiiii lei lots
ridt-Iltj trust ( oinp-iny.
lull Tninim "I. lu
\V VXlI'li A stock of goods. A puty who
' liiissninii u ry iholcu landimd some ctsh
would like to Ret u Rood stock of Roods In-
xoltliij : from f > ,0ifl ) to ilOIKX ) All ) Ronenl
clean Hue of diy goods crotPilcs , oi othoi
lints bix Inn fall ti.ide. A 1C. Itlley , room II.
Continent il Omahn MM ( lj (
MILUN1 HVstock , nko riinnlns business
Rood t ish trade , thl'-kh stith-il ( ounl ) .
Rood toxvn within r > 0 mllosof Omaha Inxolie
Jl.r iU. IMKlll ) i.tKei , cash , balaiiioln
Rood properly A K Kile ) , loom II , Conll-
nental blk. Om dm MOill-lli
\VAN' ITU Haw 1 mil In custom ind n u-
trut Nt'bi iskti ; lhaxi KooilOiiinh i pmp-
ertto oxihango foi It. J 11 I.uins , js ) N y
LlfuluilltlliiH Ali.47 . 17
rpOTIJAIir.-lhlek business biilldlns U
- -stoiIt s , "i looms , on court house sipiaro in
I'MliiKhnin , HI l'iltP10JO. emumlired * l mo ,
Rood title-want Kiiod corn land not fnilher
west than Iveainov Kill minim's pDpulatlou.
O.OH ( ) , foundri t n shops nail f n-lgiles of all
klniK I i illio ids. ARoodulty lluntei HIO- , ,
Hucitin III V > J-1U *
rMI'lO\rilsto"k ! nnch In .Nobiaska with
iinilmlltd frieinnio ; 4-u4r.i < lii fin IniproMil
fm m or will h ise rmili bend foi dt-si-rlp-
Uon II 1C. lnu o ix o , Oumhi TMS Hi"
rpo trade40 icresof BUir Inid In Ad mis
-L fount ) Nilniski AVJif thnvo x ou to of-
feuV A Itaitlett ruiiinboll. Nub Mr.ll-'Jl *
\\7IIATIiavojon n-ot to trade foi a Rood
> ' Nebi iskn f nm tidiJilJiumohnuse , fr line
stable furs IIOIM-S. Rood'nlll , ixl ueris under
eultlMitlon rest of ipmrti r llnnh ij I md lei
i atnl In tintial Ni-brasK-tniitl onlx"i mlli s
fiom n iroid t oiniti suiPtWvn on U. It Address -
dress I' mi , lice , fiOI-17 *
\\IMitriiloeood \ clearlot woitbjoi ) md
I take KO id iijnlRht piano us put pa ) mutt
Address 1 .8 lite i 47
\VANT1II-lo tiado foi a stuck ot drus
> > IIt > \ ' .H. clly. | ii
A Niulf u m ind Rood poisnnal properly
foi Rluck Rein ml nHiriebandlsi$41x111
Hot hell A IV.Mllil. OiilJKnliaii | | , N't b M- > . " - | ' .
FOU TI1A DP r.0-iieio faun nenr Rood No *
hi ask i town \\lllt Ion tir tiudo limit ) , a
bniKiln , whatluixuuur Addu- I , ; > .l t.aie
lleo p.s
FOU I M'llNiCii ( ! : id liiiiroxi | > dDmib i
luoperty for t-leir Iowa and eastern Ni-
hr.iitka fiirins ; I'li'iu lots , horsesand cattle foi
stocks of merehandlso. W , H. Human looms
b ami 10 , 1 len/ii blk uii Mis
J-'oi itifo.ftc , rte totiofflitt rdiiiiin on l/in / (
JJM'HM' law ) ers nnd solk'It ( > is/\\ \ \ Siies
( o. Ilio bulldinOinulia lliunoh nllke ut
\N U'llilimton 111' ( oiiMillatliiu fiei. U.'l
J'DMiifrjt.flf. , cfefiiii//l ) nt roliimn on
I NdAor.MKNT" ' to do dross making In fnni-
J Hies bollciled. Ml , s stuidy , ' 'Ulu llaincy
ntuut. M18I-AJ *
_ _ _
Tnr rotti , rft * are top o/jr ! < ti > liimiioii ( Mt | > ap .
\\7 Isll I NliTo"enin yJfVti > rr "l wlirscTl
T clinnii for o i b nxi feet on aiili * t rti t nnd
MiuinlitK l.nko Htnet jimpt-rl ) In lots tosulli
nso | few NVashltiKlon Illll U > U U II. Mulfonl.
box W , teliiionell.l | | 077 M
IfOU S\I.I Tlic nlust. clmaie l liiinio lu
Omaha Cotno and "u1 me about this ,
must be sold I , S , M < Inner , 1111 liirnain
street \ 1MI7 (
1 T I'ltl''S nclinnce turn iu < mono ) , line fnui-
I > taKt-iin "aiimlers s | , pi ihi x low. for sale
ibenp Ittix I.1. I olniuliiis. Nub. Mil1C1
IOllt AU .1 cottau'ts cnr I'Tth nml v'niutim'i
1 cln ip U 1) . lllbblns llllou | liiH M
A 1. 1 , wanting firms : jo ; < xl ellnute. inaikels
and neil Address U K. 1 , nulls , N Ineland
N J. aim A. '
r-IUH > M house.'lot .IK'S. , JI.7IH ) , alsofi-toom
t'liomo , lot .lU.xH. ' , H. d cor llth and Mnleii
5t J.VHKi llrh k house lot llxul. n e cur loin
and DoiiRla iMO.iXW Kiildnmn fJIHIllli
ISO ni-res line fnmi 1 mil inllolnlni ; iiiKid Ne
braska tmvu , mail ) clear
ItiO titles Until x lniitined | 1 mil ' , " } mlln frnin
counlj seat lu rsibrusk i : lightly i in timbered
l.'o iH'tcsKood bind InNelirisUa.dmlks fium
toiint ) seat , ' . ' .VXI Inhablfiuts
Urn , HI- and lot in town in Kiinsus , cleir
t'leirlot In Rood 1st hr islci town
( .room house und lot , barn wtill nntl tlstorn ,
Ililh slrtet. Omiilii ; slllitlYencniiibi ) < ttd will
I rail e for Oiimha | n | iulv and assumoinutiiii *
II ,1111 IM 11 K liile. loiitlnint il Idoelt tin
t ' AM' 7-rooin liouse and lot , also o-
room house and lot , it a bargain. Inipilre
) \Mier . ' .M4 Miiuj st. 1171 MSi1
. . . rhol.otiM21 ( \
- with hmldliiR , lenis JIOO'H ' per inn. IMIO
block from now I1 O. U 1 * ( Item , K. , fJ Bar-
kei block Ud
15 \ < Kl > Inside ell x-limits KV ) per aeri casn
I AtldressOilclnil Owuor. 1'.v ; lleo 47.1'l |
"irU > Ksoiithr | , ihapiopei t ) l > u < lncsslraek-
1 IIRLOI rishltiMunto tin le ullni ; u-il < s-
t tie dpIIMS ! in Siuth Dm ih l , I'l Johnson \
( o , i or " 4th ind N sis M7I3
"iriOK t-AI.i : tlieap. The resldineo it 'J.-.IO
J 1'h retstrttl , at ubaiRiln fora few tliis
only luquhe at Hie Nth bit mi 1 iiinilr ) , Itlth
ami Howard siiecls Mil
| (1Olt ( * \ 1,1' The most conifoi tililn 8 room
Jinoilei n house In the city , DM rv tiinxun- bath jt is. ih cl rlo belli turn ice , 1 Hin
di ) . ( le , l.iruu stiiblt , IODIII fet I Iniisis , city
water lu M.ible. eotu-uto floor , full lot lu h-ilf
mlln limit , eonxenli nt to t lines of ems shade
tiees , etc Price JD.OOO Address K M , Hie
Olllco. 4ld
/ ' ( > idlci , cteffelop nfjlrst rnluiiiiinti Ililf j > it ,
KI : \ \
pit ni ) poeket liiiok tontnlnltiK inonin ,
iheeks certlflctti s of deposit , nolts and \alii-
, 'iblt ) papei swill letiiinllupoekel book uoti s ,
eertllleatDS of dtposit , t httks anil p iiors | he
limy retain the inonc ) and no iiiLstlons | will
bnasktd ' und them throiiKh ' ill to post-
olllce , 1) ) tx Id b. Ill land , South Om ilia , Neb
MA'-sAdl.tip itniont.oleclio-tbeimnlbatli-i
stdltund hair triutinint , in inlcuro anil
chlioixjdlstMis I'ost.JU'i ' sjIJtb \ Mlbnellbll.UI7
x , fir , Mctniyif fti t rnlnr/ili
i nmstlir pup Any one lotmnlng sn un
to 1 . M ' tculu .S. Co. ut Uth ind JOIICH will bo
lew uriletl. W ) II
LOM Or stoltn II irk bay horse hltt htd
to llRbt wa on Ill-turn \\bltt-sew \ Ins
mm bine compam lliint lilci.otrtet Miil'l Hi'
1'iinatnctt , fcrtni > nf fiiHt cilumnnnttil * pngt
MIJs \ \ AM.At'1' . , naturall )
Kitted , tells pist mil fntuit- hue tronblts
absent fi lends , changes , ti.nul. busliui- 1 w
1 iiii.un stitoU MlRIK. *
\ \ Us I OUT , pdinist fortune tellei , tt-lls
-i'l n ist nnd fntillo fiom lliu line ? of t he hand
lu old pj j > y wuj , ludlcb onlj , fto il 513 s
\\TA.NTii : ) All should kmnv Mi-s Fir He
T ' in. the I idy mind roider nnil fortune
tiller , tells p ist md futiiits , she Is the best
I.'VI.T hi ri ; ; is LHiiuhilly drop in all nutrliiio-
mil nlTiiliM nnd mj hlirlinn dlsippearmt us
don't bux , 'til or KO on u loiirnty tintll j on
( ( insult nei , slit ) e in cm ftutell Us results , Is
tintlifiil nnil reliable , peiRct siitlbfactlon
Kiiaiaiitced by mall ; send two stamps for II-
lnstintLd .K : North 10th ht . Om.ili i ,
Neb. IBI-alj
Mls ! Niinnln Y , U'anen ,
speaUInf , willing nnd tollable business
modliiiu. foni xtmrs liiUmalii. 11 IN. lull < i.s
t'm nth * , flf. , > .c < lu ) > of fiivt column uniM inyf
BI > T line halrKOods In wtst ; lull diis ln. :
w ! „ ( . . swllchi s b.inirs hdr cbilns iua
specltll > Ilixh- . bah mnids and liillllnti
opl > oslte iHhtolIlii. 1I1S 10th st . Uiiiaha Vn
l.Pll\M ICIIICAt.ll I Arrl\
Oinnlio , t IkjiotJOtli nn I Mn-t/n / ntreils
4 10 p m . .r Uilti 8 ) H m
9 W a in l.1) , ) i > m
t ) 10 p m ( liltnv.0I'xprua 10 in n m
i. v . . . . . lonrn 1 on\ \ _ . , . „ 12 1 < ) ni
Depot 10th an I Mann treit _ _ tnnh i
Denver Dny Knprosa 40.1 p m
Dinilw odd Kiiross . . ( I ) , pin
. . .liiini-r Kvpre s ul'i p m
Ut-nver > MpruJ . li Ij a ra
lliiL-oln I.lmlttil IIa n ra
. . . . Lincoln Iouii "HI ) p Ul
l uavoi K t , ni i , \ i it
OlIIHlllt. | IX-pot 10th mil Mnion ntrceln
I'SI ' ) ninl KiinmsCltj I ) F P prn § . | 610 pit
D4S p m IK C Nljjlit Kxp flit U 1'Irnns Jjlli n n
1/onrei | UNION I'ACIHC lArrlxo
Onmlm Depot mill cint .xlHrcy ftreots I Oinaln
507 n m . . . . Knnsis Cllr Kx-pross . . ' 1JO > n m
112) ) it in1 , , . . IKnver i\nrtii : . , IWpm
9 ( > ) p m . . . . Ovi'rlnn I I lyir lUii p ra
7,49 , P m . . 1'iiclllo llvprcis . , , . 1115 a ui
1 Oll\li ! | TllU AOO , It 1 X 1'xrrnC TArdM
UiiinliiL I U 1 * ill-pit. 10th nmt Marcy sts I Omiilin
(110 ( p m isTiTit T : pro i 1 10 U5 n in
9 0 n in Alhtutlc 1 xirj. | . C'W p n
± M p ni l.luillnrt , -.JJOJ5 n
l.t' V ( ) Biomrm * mru-iir I ArTKm
Omaha U.J1 ilo"t. | llllli faint M ircy st _ iiiiiutiii
7 16 umi hluiii Cltf l-iiBicnKon . j
4.10 | mLj j , . tl'aul _ ISpress _ . , . .i0.10 | ! nm
1 ifnvpsl BIOHXTilTVVl'AClKIO f Arrives
Oipnlm I Depot 15th mil XX'tbitt rss _ I Omiilin
11.00 p m | _ 8t I'uun.liiillwJ , LJLJSJ1 !
try sis I Om i ihi
OMAHA XM iotis
Uiimhft JU I' , iltpot llth ninl
J " 0 I'"I hi Louts liuiniin Hul IZ 10 | i in
"Tr,45"X"Mu X' f \rrtves
Depot 1Mb nnilVibUnr BH _ I 0tinlin
llV Hills
lta tli > 2 < Kip iKi
A 10 p in XNcliooxlliitoln
6 10 p m Niirfulk lot Hiimti ) l
Honvoi HT I'.M0
Oniiilia | Depot l..tll
U 11) ami. Sliiuxllty Arronimnitiitloii . | > | im
1 Oil p m Sioux Cllr Kximoi < Simlay ) IJU p in
UWpliil st pnnl l.liultist I 11 "in in
_ 61"i ji mlllnncofl rn < ncncr lot t-tinlayll 845 in
TU/wTl Ml'SOUlir I'AlU'ir TArTlTor
JJiptth * J _ IX-i-ullMli mil \SebJli r Sli | ( nuitliii
10 'kin IP I lit l.mils.vK l l'\pren . I 5 H ) p m
SII5 pml M ' Kiprnn lOSOnm
t.cllMH I tlllCAIil ) II I X I'X ( IHO
Triimforl Union liiwot ' < > | HI llliitTI llriinsf , r
lr-nvi | rillOUiOHl A I''IHC \rrlvoi I
IniiKfi _ _ nlon Popot ( ( iutirllllliijt < Mninstcr
H i pin I N.Klit rxprckiT I J 1) ) n m
| ) ' .i a in Mlnutli l\i > ti"ii S > . . n n
M | | XMlllinUMinitiul ID W n n
| CirU'Al.O MU \ Tf I'AAf. nirrln- .
Irnniforl Union t'tipot ' ( imnrll HIiilU. I'lrnnnf"
B f I p m > 1)11 ) m
.3 p m 1 6 J5 p u
K fl.fl'l1 JftH AO ; T Arrltui
Trnnifir rnlon IiHput.Council
10 07 n m . . .Hnnini , l.'Hy ln > Fiiirtii i m
.Kiinmii I Ity MKlit i ; preiii ( I. " ) n in
mUllA \ HI' 1.0P1M f ArrUrl
Trnnifor Union Pepot l ouiicll lllmTn , | Train for
t 40 I . . . . . .ht Ixiuli Cnnoii Hull | lll& pin
U nip u lltiio Council
D 40 a m Ilildivi Kv"1'1
10 00 c m Chlcnvu I'iprpiii
tOSgnj . , | | . icai
jU T'iTr'A PAC
1 rnnsfpr Dnion Depot , Council Illuffi
I 5 > ml. , fifotix Cltr Acciiwnjoilmlon . . TiO n m
w 3U I'mul 10.UU li in
Avolil druiisliti mid HiidilPti pliunitM ol
I'n ' nut ilisoinl Miilr \\lnli-ri-liilhltiit
on soon U l t > elli > r In Miiffrr u lIHlt'lncoii-
M'uliMiu1 than lo tnko onld.
lli-iiunilicr Hint ono I' ( 'ipcoliilly llittnV to
ontriil u bill oolil or ( hill at llil < o i oi of
tin1 , \ oir
A oiiuitli orI'oldiontrni'totl NM\\PPII tlifliov
SIMS Islliiiniisl iiiuiiiylnt ! Ulml , uiul in ly lust
lirmiKh tlioiuiiuui r.
If you fi-ol n i' < Htih ; tir oolil coinlni ; on Inl.o
nil ) Ink of tuiroliNUiv nt oni-i < . It "HI l.oi > | i
IIP blond In I'lioiilutInn uiulH tlio btstpro-
Mlituthn tiKntimt I iMtPiiics of tin' HI linn
lii luiinbor that onU i-l'iil' wlilskvv li uli1
In I'nir.I'ur. ' . Multhlski \ \ > liisilio
sli > n.-I-I i < iiiiniMiditili'im frntii tin- li idliiK
M'int ' hianil ini'ilU'iil iin'ti It Ii tin ) "illy
stindmil iiiidiliul M liliKi > v 1 UUP nontiur
loin MMII ilrnnili | nf
' ' "
Ill' \pllllllH till * 1'lllllS III * till' Ml'1-0-
pulllaii stri-i't Itailu/i ) . iiiMpanv.
OMUM , Maivli U To tins Killtor of Tnr
111 i OVVIIIK' to si i loin illness I liuvii boon
niulilo to ri'ily c.irlltr to ,111 uilu-lt- Mi
Andrew Uosinsatit- lust Siiiutnj'4 HKI-
AMillonssuiiiliiK totfho.ui anuUsH ol tlio
Jtillnniico liofototlio clt > council relntlnt ; to
tlitf luopn cil fuintlilso nf tlio MctroiioliUin
sltoot i.ill\\ar coinp.un fiointlio st iiultioitit
of Ills niofossloiiali 1'spi.iioiiLU tlio former oit >
on luiir fiillt Into n KOI IPS of KI VOUS
niors , an explination for vhlrli inu\
; iu fountl In the fuel , ns ho stHtos ,
ia liasos hli nnuljiU upon "n
cuisorpt'iiwil \ of Iho otiliti inco "
The subji-it of allow systi-iu of Intlopond
cut stivet nil\va\s for Oiinha niul Sotitli
Oinali.ilK-iim'iiiioof Intciest to both
titii-s , I iinisi conft-ss I ns consitlcrnblj
sui in IMH.I , \lcwof > o r inotiouncoil oppo
sition to tt usH ninl luonopollci , ntjou il ; > lug
lilsartltlo suoli pioiiilnoncoltliout a pilot
SMIohlng in\esti'ntlon ) of Iho iimttei and
tnist jouvill accoid iiiosp.uii foiplnlniii | >
vluit n thotoiiKh oxuinlnatlon of tlio oidl
tiinco as uiuoiKlud bj City Attouwi l'opilu-
ton , ilocs lovcal.
In ttio lirst pliicc , thn fact stnndsout tironi
inentlj tlmt the Alotroolluiti | ) sticot i.ilhva\
cninp.nn is paitirulirK prohibited from
sclntiK our to , consolidating wltli , or
trinsfnliiK my of its lines to an ) coin
puny and must forovci i-cimin indopmulont ,
thott-lij nssinliiR n ininpotitiK hjsttin ol
sttr-etrall\\a\i toOinnliu and South Omiihn
As to tlio sj stem of ' conxciiicnttinnsfci s1'
lioiutoiloutb ) Mi Kosp\\atcr \ as ono of tlio
Ixni'tkicnt rcsulti of tl.o consolid itlon nf tlio
original tluoo conip.iiilcs , ( icoplo ube pav
fno on thostrout lines in thlsclt > liuvo
lo lined to tinSicoil that tlio lioantiful
promise of sui-li trunsfcrs , enablingtnivel
o\or inrts ot t\\o lines foi ono lure , is an
"itriucbi'ont drojin , " tlioro being no such
unleisal sMtcni in VORUO , covt-tintj nil tlio
lines in the city , .1 ? ono would infer fioin hla
J'lio Ijcnollt derived from the
rompiHitiim oiiKcndared bj Iho ( jrmtirip of
illlleicnt fianclii os , in socuiiiiKto thociu
' i more i.ipid oxUiiisioii of stirot raiHMij
seivict tlmnnould otherwise lm\o houn the
cise , " Is admitted l > \ Mr. Uoso\\ator , and as
all competitive Innlilinn and cxtonsion of
lines -uis stopped iiiimudiatelj after the con
solldatlou otthcthroo nvai , coiniiinics , the
f ut Is plusnlj ostiilishcd ! ) wint thocit > must
loulc to a now and imkpendent lliii ) in order
tosccuriMic-cdtil nxtotibloiis now
ThattUeiois mom foi iminovemont In the
jircsont sj stem is also ndniittoii-thij fact is
tint the Jail ) intions of the consolidated
company aio howling for it and are
clutnotliiK foirompctition , as the
only mums to bring uliout suuli a ic ult , the
present monopoly having had amnlo time and
( ? oldea oppoituuiU for mi'usuiatiiiK the nn
pro ; einents mid reforms repeated ! ) demanded
bj the public iid the press , .
In icnrarii to the matter of fariw , no sane
man would % cnturo to predict that the con
solidated compam would voiunuudy in ike i
luluction. If a loducod r.ito is it
\ill bobioui Ut abouL In comietUion | oul >
II the conipiuyniU linstuutho ( stieet
can beruco upon stunts lu-kinn'
such facilities now , it \\ill piovo a
Knofiictor to m mv thousands of people
plo who purulnscil propeltj mul built
tiomes on stn-ct-s for whu-h such fuullUii
vote pioniibc-d and wheio thoj uie "liiKnn ;
now "
While under the provisions of the ontin-
ante the MctroixiliUin conipinv is obligated
to build ut hast ' a line fioin heath Omuna
to \unani 1 sticct in Oui ilia at .1 point not
\u-st of iMinenteenth street liy onu jeai fiinn
next July , " tlicro Is notliin to piovont thu
lonipanj troin tloiiifj a Kioil deal inoiu , .ind
as prielical e\c-iloino | ) Ins demonstt.iU-d
that electric motor sonIco is not proliiiblo
for less than seven miles of s > tnot rulwaj
in ono system it uould seem
iithor bold to arii\o at the toiiclu iou
tlmt "the total length of this line thus to bo
built beloroono jt ir fioin next .Inly is tliieu
and one half miles " The company simph
hinds itself to build the line quoted and
would bocrv foolish indeed \\ero it to
divulge its fiatlur plans at this stane To
attiibuto toil .1 purpose "to seuuc u ro ul
from rainambtutt to South Omiha ind iii-
cidcntnltj thiouRh It furnish a fr.mtlilso lor
the \vholo ciu ol Omalii onhlt li to spocii-
1 ito\\ilh possible hidders foi a uciiodof ten
joins , " is uiisooniUtosay the lout. It cer-
tainlj could not sell out to the
lompaii ) and must always i-ciiialna competi
tor theieof
Whlloitis trim that thol'acillrinllns
\\t-io built fioin Oinalm to ban Tiancisco in
IHo > tars and Iho feat is consldoied ov
tiaordlnary even at this ilntu It Is not
il limed b.\ the now compiny that "it will
tuko tmi jeais to build si\U milts ol tiaok
inthistit. % "It liiiiif. custom ute sot a tune
limit ihniiiK\\hith a stieet i liluiu coi.ip.nn
miconstrui.t Hues under its diailcrand
franchise , tlio citv tlooji unthlng moio than
what is lali , just ami wiuitiblo bv KMiitine
the Motiopolitan winpmy ten \oars riioj
nmv build si\t\ ot moio miles inonooi t\\o
jciis , but sliouhi not bo ( lemul iho
liKhl of ixtensiito noU.dovelopod
districts foi a numlier of yeii's not o\u'odinj ,
ten 'I he compam will h.uo to oeeiipv now
tetiitoij and opou now ioutos in older to
sun cs&iull } coinputo , and as this tetiitoij
ueelcps and oxtinds fumi Mr toont the
coinpanj shoultl manifestly Imvotlio iiiht to
share sui li iluMlopinciit and mtonsioii , of
\\hit-h \ \ \\ould Iw tlio cliiof ticatoi
As lo thoitfiii.iinlntf portion of Mr Koso-
watoi's lotttrliich is aimed at an Impost
tion of responsibilities upon the
now company and its Inn denim. with Kieitu
lostiktiiins than ahofily tontalni-d In the
stunijcitt inoxlsloiis of the ivvlscd ordiuniuo
now befoio lh louncll , a seeker
lifter truth mlelit uuiulto " \Vlij
weio these responsibilities and losttl tioiis
not iinpioNcdupon thethrcoioipoiations uou
imnposlni ; Hie lonsolldated stixvl cu mo
nonolj of Om.ilu at the limo thoioio
uniiitnl this fianilusp , by uhlili tlu' > ob
t iiiii-d possession of tlio cntiiii business dis
ttlt't and the host losidomo poitlon , nlin \ ;
tlieiu the irtMtnof the business And how
could thej injuhtuo ot this m \ \
complinhlcli must oo.upv and dmolop
new llelds , abandonoil or not coiislilirutl of
BiiflUlrnt Miliio looccup > , li thoconsolidat-
oil Huts'1 How nil an\onosii ( , ' tst the possl
hllitj of a piactknll.v suburban line ii'smmni :
ohliKatlons made , nnil possibli ! only In a few
of the most ii ipuious i illi s of the east ami in
hniopem iltioshoso peilodhof de\elop
ment cover cmutirlos wlioro tliej co\ei
In Otimha.
Jf A * former oltv onplnocr , Mi Uosow.itcr
liiidtM'stiinils the iiivosslty of ampin } mam at
public \voilts bv Ihoumiids nt omnpli ) > ) . and
ho must coitalnlj l > o nunu-of the Jail tint
uiidorour piosent clnutoi tluno is siaivelv
nnuioiun iiMiihtilo foi KiMillnuor snwerinn
this JPJI- , and Hint In all probabllllu \ lit
tle p.iviiiK "I liodonoMi \ shoultl lin thin
appaiontly KO out of hlnay to iintaKimUd
iipubilo iniproveniiMitwhitli will famish lm
medlnlooinplnvtnont in ( nnsti inlloii nud PI.I.
imuieiit umploniont to a lingo miinliir
of tialiiincn nnd others , midhith
will | iro\o of nmili moio boiullt ID
the t'ilj at liu e tluin : in.niUs . unilotakui
by the city Itself , for wldto all cllImprovn
monts bu\o to ho puiil for out of thn tuxi-s
Imioil for them , limn lucreislni ? the buidtn
of tiuiitlnn , thoconstnictiiui of now stioi-t
lililwnv lines , \\lillo siildiut ; to ihoultio of
footot proncitj routhcil b ) tlium , does
nntltivolto n spocliU tnx lo\j \ % dm tiionor
spout boln ; pild nnllrolj oiituf tlio finnls ot
the i-ompiuiy In tlio ulwiu-o of pultllo
\\oilc > Iho bulMlni'df ttiflcHlnOtoulilllioro -
fore provo \erlliibln MiHslnir
\VhoiitMtjAttoruoy I'opiili-Uiu , who , in
rnllwavlawjtr , hns had thu fullont oppor-
tiinltot bci'ouilnt ; fiunllhir with coi | > tiratloii
nu'thoih uiul can taplillv iw tliroiiKli anv
"stht'ini1 , " ondoiNrtl thi'orilhniifoiis ' It tunv
stands , uurI'ltlwi m ij fixl iiHunrod that
tin ) boitlntori'sUi nt thoilt } hid been fully
foilHU'il. aid1ulu I run tlildoi-
.sliuid tin ) opposition of the ronsoll
iliili-d romp-in v , 1 full to sen why
am prluito iltl/on should filtlctsu tliu in-ill
naiicowhich is fm iiiotvslrlii'ent ( limn Ihosn
pusotl In roiinor yoiiis to Iho nthor clroot
rallvillnoi . The coiiiollilittotl 111(11)1111 ) } N
opiHisitlou Is Insiilted | ij tin' HIIIIO nnliiitis
\\'ilch ' prompled tin' tU'uo niitiiKOiilsni of thu
"bob lull" IHVIH ho line to tht'calilc , and both
the laltnr to Di Moner's cntt iprlsc It
o\ldeutl > fins u coiniietItlon which will
compel II to timncmato the imm-oM'inonts for
\\lileh.b ) Mi Kiwi-wad I's mltiil-Hloti , Iliom
isiimph- loom If thesn tnipumnuMits am
nude , the enii ) olltlnn oftholieu line clanot
hint il llnanilail ) , us the fact has boon
lU'inonslriitod lliat IniMl bI I mil mulnlor \ \
\\ill linieasii \ \ lib Inuoased fiullitios , and
instead of diminishing , HL\\ \ lines should
uiilinnci'ltH ' iiiiHlnoHs
In i-iini luslon let inn HIU thnt the tn-
ooiporaloi's of thu Mot inpol linn stioot
rili\\a\ ; \ conipiinMIU fon-od Into this
iMileriiilso fiiint Iho fict of thilr ln'ini ;
Imceh Intdostod in teal I'stntn ' nnd Iho
stui k\ aids mil iiicklin ; liuusos In South
din dm ttio KUisulldatod comp 111 } ImvlnK'Ut
ti-ih tlisieKnrdetl Iho tliMiiaiuH fin botti'i fn-
i Illlku In tlmt cllv , uiiitonlln r llsolf with
ilumpini. its passitfreis Into thn mud and
slush of an iniprovid stn-ot nl thoii snulhi'in
t rminus 1'ioni tliti piossln ni't'osslU ul
mm i ) and bettor fncllltins In South Oinuhn
has f.'i\pn \ the pu-sent comp HI ) , \ \ hlch , il
runted tha fiiuuhtso It sti-ks. will aim nt
sciiiiliiK pnbliifuor nnd pitioni o listu
tlliiiisly cati ilnu lu the public's uiints and
fon\oiilLiico \ \ ( ! . \niiinillT. \
Tiio Sioux tinil AVIIil Me-,1 Shows.
Atu Votli'iin
The permission KIanted l > \ the Interior lie-
piitmont to lliifTilo lilll to ciiKt" IW 'n- '
tllms foi his \ VlldVost \ show Isnticit\ic
toij foi Hill It Is n inoio umspicuoiis sue-
cois o\cn than thatwhlih heachkietl dining
the rot out I'lntItiilut' camp li n , when , ns
bilgadior oniuil lomniinilini ; tttu Nobiasica
state forces , ho rocelvod a wiltten iioliuovvl-
udKinuiitof bis sen loci from nunuinl Miles
It has boon niLOinpllshol , IIIOICOMT , illioctiy
in the f.uo of nn ofllulul doeislon npilnst htm
made bj tholntoilor depiirtinent Itself lu
the last annual report of bi-ciotuty Xoblo ,
ilated Kovomhor l.\\o lltul a sped d uhapti't
houlutlilil Wist Shows , " \\hiehtheii
elTci-t upon tlio red mm U \ llitland
an\lonsly plilinvd-
' Ho is taken into striti | oin < l most start-
HIIR siiiioundlu s , ho U taught toiencu' tin
\vildost ami most HaMiio scones of Indian
xvaifare , nml too often teniptotl to rotur in
practice to the lowest MteaVlicn mlsfoi-
tune ovtrliiloi ? him In mi } folia of dlsebo or
accident , or Innkiuptc } bioak * up the lto\\
of Ids cmplojor , his condition on telmninn
homo is not a iood ; objcil lus on of the bu '
lltsof chih/ed lifois found by him In tin
capitals of our onu 01 other enlightened
lands. I'ho icsulls nio. in faot , dt-ploi iblt-
and it has been urtluruil tint no moro nucli
litensus or iontia < ts slull bo iniili-oi up.
pioM'd , and that all Iniliin uncut-i.sli.ill nxt-rl
thtins < > l\os to pun out anil defeat an\ at
tempts In future to talco Indians fiom thu
iLSurvations 01 ol ei\hero for siith puiuosca
"If sumo : u t of luumbacio passed foi
j ldin an > ] iursoii or eoiniatiuu ] to t ik-l
fflln eiiiiuo } uiLiit 01 iindti contiol tiny Indian ,
it would bo of iniKli assistance to Iho dqi.ut-
mint in t-afouiiiKlhis polk-j , "
Conimissionor Morgan , in whoso churfio
the Indians aw nut moio iiumniliiti-l.\ . was
ciimlljiuoious | In tlciiouniint' their on-
KiiKoniLiit fortiituses. Thoihaptcr on tin !
subject in his own last annual ie | > oit win
alsu jwiintodh luaded "WildVcat bliowl
and Similar exhibitions " It oalleu llioin
" \civ hirmful , " and it thanked Societiiry
Is'oblo for his letter of August J against pei-
mils It the teslinionj of those
losurvatlou agents who had boon fnrnliliinj !
Indians for llieso pnrpnsos was that "tl.ii
piicticois n most jit-inlcious one , fron ht
with dangerous rosulUs , ' hotli to tlioso who
goon the tours and these who htaj at homo
"Their rcpiesentationa of feats of sivatjo
life , bho\\ini'bordei life .is it foimorli o\ .
istedividh dupiititif.'sienes of i ipiiit'.iinii.
tlti and lobboiy , foiliich tlioy nio enthus
insticalU appliuded , isiKmioi.di/.iiic in m c\-
tu'iuo dtfjiee Thebitoino self impoitant
and stioiifrl } iinUnediththo ului thu
iki'ds of blool , < - tthicli thc pnrti i } ' in
tluir most icalistli- aspects .no espeii'ilh
plcisiiif-to tlio while peoiileliom thej li i\u
bun iiiUK'ht to refill ! as o-\aiiiilts of th ill
1 I'licii suiioundhiKs in thcsO touts arc pi'n <
ciilly of the worst ind tlmvplilc up most ile-
KrailinRicii Instead of beinc fnsoralily
unpiossod with Iho leli.on of the ivhitn
iniii , His more thin liKely tlmt thojome to
tlistiiibtit iliioii-li ( \\h\i \ thny iniiiv oidahh
set , hur niiilLxpirleiuu 'Ibex fiL-ipientlv
retnui home banUrtipt in JIUISP. xx locked
muialh and phxskialh , and , in such cases ,
tlairiiillncnie and iinjiloainonr thootln-i
Indians is tbu xx-orst possible 'Jho iMpular
unpnisMon of the Indians obtained fiiiui
\ \ ildLst shoxxcxhiliils is that tlioy aio in
t ipahle of ilullzilioii , and tins iniiiiussinii
x\orks directU and \vur/ully t ajrainbt thu
go\ eminent in Its iMMicficeut nolle "
llieso are the unounoiis obstailos whii li
lliitfalo Bill found m his path ; and the skill
and sucioss with which tie suimouiited thorn
aw proportionately ureat. Pi rat , ho took
some of Ids i ifoiiiiin'liraxcs ( to Washington
toUiow thu uiuJ uunotiliui ; intluciuo
xxlilch huropoiti tinvol haU had uion | them
'llion , when the Slntix troubles bioko out ,
and threatened to uruck his plans , i-speiiallv
as It was ch.irjreil thnt the complaints nf
homo of Ins troupe bad affirm ntitl thotiihil
ulsioiitunt , he found in that \orx- disaster his
opportuuitv and Imstonlni ; to the si one , took
< no that nnno of his rot out perfonnois
should bo lonspicuoiislv hostile to tlio KO\-
eminent. His next stop was to piocuio
iiionimendalions fiom aimj ofllceis , hlio\\
iimSiHietan NoWo the niilltiujxistlom tit
iillim mi { some of thu jounr , lustloss Sioux
buuosto bo taUoii aw ixfiom the ios"ix i
t Ion , under his clniffo Tlio issue Million
Ixtix-een Huffilo Hill and ( JominisslimTr Mor
Kim , and the fornur xvon.
To the cum nod heads of I'auopo and othoi
eminent patious of thuVild N\est" \ show
this uieuticton xxlll bo vor. xvjlcomo
And now tlio bo t tlilnn for ( Jommis-doni.1
IMorKim anil the Hov. Di Uoiclu-stei ludnis
to net opt the Ihit chinico to see the shox\
1'hov will piobabiv enjoy the spu-taclo , and
be proud of the professional piofieas ot their
A RII//IIM Wliii .NIHIT I'ays.
A WllUeshiiuv , I'.i. , jiipot thin do-
sciibcs u local chili u-tei : "Larn Mo-
iS'mmm.ti Is hit'k onct > moio. lo ( lias
tlio unique loputatiou of litixlii drank
nwroliiK \ \ \ iiiulboor at les , i-o-l tlinn
jtnj man in tlio i-ouiili-y. Ho tins
{ loiio.tnt-i- .MMI- and ti half. ho d ij
after hU aitixnl ht'ie ho snltl M liu\'o
boon aw.iy fi'DinVillvosburti isinine-
toin inontlis and ftuitteon iliiX In that ,
tiuit > 1 linxevoiUril i'i htt Itiis. I
nil lokl , l.Sii iliuiUs , ami I
cuil foi am of tiu'iii "
cqunUAjir's rills f. i stimul UIIIK a
IIMT , Htit iKtlinuiiK ( liK'siiui , and icj.ii.
htliiB the aetlon of tlio bowels , lliej ( . , , j\ .
i.iln no t ilium I , nm nii > oilier Injntloin
iliujblit are Cdinpusiilof tln > actlu > jiiliu-l.
Pie of tin 1 1 st M netalile calli.n tlia.
" I us asullciti lor jeaHfio
nnd ll\oi liouhln , am ) funini i
relief until I coiuiiii'iHi'il takint ;
Ihcj Inne iiluieti a c.nnplete
( Icorpe Meimex , \ \ alii \ \ alh , NV.T.
'MMieni'Mi l nm timiblcillth eonstlpa-
tlon.or ttnllir funi loss nf iipin-nie , Ajei'-i
I'lllssitm. . light iiK.iln"-A .1 , .
Itftk Ilium , V.i
"Tor the euro ( { lirndnrhe , A > or's Cn-
iliaiilo I'lllsare lie inii.l ! elTtitlxemedldnc.1
ex er used " -It KInnics. . Ducluster , Mil , .
"Two boxes if A > ei s l's | | | riiretl nio of
Hex trt In-iilacne fii'inwhlch \xasloiiKiisnf. I .
" 1 ni'iia Ke > es , lliiM anMon , Conn.
Ayer's Pills ,
i UII-AUI n nr
. J. C. AYER * CO. , Lowrtl , Mlis.
bold liy all Dc.ilcts In Medklucs ,