Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Ella WlicelorWilroi Denies Thntthe Order
of Spir.storliw.1 Is Increasln ; .
MIIII'H Anililllon I M On , , oitstiiflc l < )
> Iiilil Mi ! !
ol ii \\IIV- \ .
In n rcrontniiinlirr ofilie North Amrilonn
loino roasonivh \
Slu > tdh intluitllii'v icinl.olu , iitul ' 1' < > 1
stol , and niodlrtil , inul li'iuii to fi nr
iticu ( tiul innirl.ijjo ttintthoy outer inofos-
sinis , niul onm llniuu'l.ii iiulopoinlmicsiuxl
fed tin nooil of Ufa lurtiius , Mhntu they
HiU'hl iKittlbly Imvo to stippoit , utiil th\ttlu\v : \ j
tnU with their inolliur.s , iunl lltul htuv uiiui.v
K'tiily inniuouts sliohnsinspl | hi her inur
rtiM UTe , mid tliuvilri'Uilslintlii * oxporlciu'os ,
nml dcilili ) tint sincli' Hfo Is | iii funblo
III ( llMMI ' lllg tlllMU'ttl'll ! . \\llll-1l ll.M CUISOll
i'ieut ( iliMl of uotnmiMit , \\onltl 1 siv Hint , in
tlllMIl'ttpllKV , IhOSUUCIIHMltls % MOI1 ,
( ilrlt do nut initirv us u > u S UH Ihi-'y ' " 'I ' "
t lie IHM | of our KtimilniolhiM't.liut they ivoiit-
ually iiurry m f i'o | tioiillj im In nnv former
pirliul of tiklnr > ; and the iioroontiiitu o (
hnpuliwspimloi'sli nocrciitur tlim It ever
\ \ ,11
In ourliii'Kccltli'i tlirro IM tit o\Montly In-
puiishigruliiiliini'coii tlio u.iit of iiu'iito us
sumo tlio ro lHlllslblllt of nnirhvl lifo
I liiivulioniil u iiimbciorouim \ men do-
ohio tint t ho society taiHirtior Llio stiinptti-
oil'- homes nml brllll.'iii ton toil iininontsnr tin'
\ cr ) I'lih , who foim : \ t-olonj In oui' liiipacit
ion , ( Hsiwirni'os tlwin fioin , ittoititlunto | ) os
t\lillsh u homo.
Mi'ti iMro iiionj for pnbllo oiinion | , fur mow
nlout ! ; ( ; u line shou * in thn woi'M than
\ \ oinuiuloluju , \ro coiiio tdiiinil/o Uio'ii
c.tri'fullj. Yet tlioy tin not an iH/.o thorn-
Ki'Ui'H. Mtinv a in in Mill tell you ho e.mnot
uiTonl to ltooMip | .iho'iii ) us Ilio yimt.ijllliot
ottlio luotunt dnj closlio to live , \vlillu tlio
f nil is , n do/on young lillosof Ills uciiiain- |
tnnoo would bo jiorfcctly I'ontcutoil to H\e
quietly niul uiiostentutlousl\liiit Ills Mso\Mi
niiibltlon wlili'h stands in tlwwny Itseoins
tolio tlio iniiuosslon of youiiK men in lar o
towns Unit nil woiiion mo inticcnaiy , niul
all K\V\I \ \ nro consumed ulth an intense doslio
to sliluo as soulul lUiideH.
Tlioj know what tills means inthowny of
cxponse , niul they ilui-o not think of in.irriaKO
\\lthoutii lar o fortune In tlio biiikirrouuci.
\V < : ( iiiinotoiulor lit thoii- hesitation ,
\\lillo they iipirdoursrx in thislltflit. i ut
ills u fnlso lljjht Thu avinjjo ( , 'irl Is not
mercenary , nor docssho need toslune as a
Hoelal luminary to bo Inppj 'J'lio
Kill luw liiU'llluomo enough to titlior : ubout
licr un uniie.ilde society , lio\vo\cr \ liuinbl )
BIO | mm live , ami she IMS nenso eiidiich to
itiill/uliowllttlotriiu lii ] > piiiuss thoiols in i
lifo douHoilto tlhplny Now nml tlieuo
linil u ilil ; \\tio is inn billons to nlfii : i snchl
ipiuoii , nnit wbo wantsn roitnno laid at lici
liol Mlhur tliiui n lieiirt , ami this prl Is
iiMiullMi liiilliaut , fnsilimiliifj iie.itmx'vlio
ulliui'ts nil eosnnd M > > ouii IIUMI Kiucupon
licr. study her , slU | ; over her , : niJ Jmlfo llio
vholosos h ) hor.
TliU N unfair to scoics of niio iihvlio ,
nil iniolisci eil bvtlieio iMiliulirnn \ , ; inon ,
ma wnltliiR , not for n fertunu , outanhonost
lic.irt , worthy of thcli IOMI , to bo offorwl
It is unjust iuiilun\\is , to juds'0 \\holo
community bj ono jjiil , ht'i.uiio she U tlio
yei iiini. hollo. Yet this Isvlnt itwu uio
douiK dally.
Thisfnlsocstiinatcofourso'c curtains to a
ccitnin extent tlio dolayt > in inuuliiijcs ; niul
the llnani'lillndciL | iidoni'o of women lenclcis
tlicni loss oaiter tnumleceivotholi ilotiuutois
unit piovo themselves worthy unit iloslrublo
lidpmeots for these cjnioiil men thun the )
inlRlit othoiwiso bo. Hut to assort that
voiuon live [ inst their jonthimd into old URO
smtilo fioinetioiro Is | ioslti\ely \ absuiil , uim
tlio reasons which MisVclU has fl\o\i \ tor
thU 'clioiiv , " us i > lia bollcvos It , render it
still inon ) absurd
1 do not bcllo\otbosliijlo woman of foitj
ll\es \ , orovordidlivu ( cvcoitliiK | loliirious en-
t hut. iusts ) , who uould not i.ithorbo Lappilj
' 1 ho woman \vlio couM stiiml nt Hint "unset
pottulof youth nun look do\m \ into that t\\l-
light valfoj of midcllo lift1itlniKO , In the
instance , and not u Uh foi n Imsbnnd and
dilldien to bo with her , must luck liourt ,
Miitiincnt , anil Iminnii natuiu I do not be-
llevo the single \\oiinii \ of thirty lives who
( onld not to persuaded to dmngo her lot , If
the riht | ( mm nrped peislstcntlj enoiiuli.
1 suj the light mini , not nny or overj man. '
No tntttor what eailj disappoiitment she
may have li.ulliut vows she tnnhao \ \
taken to botrno to omo inemory of u lost
lever , If the rifiht sort of intn wrslsts long
cnouuh In Ills sun , ho ran in ike her his wife ,
for tlio mjstory of niurrlano possesses Its
faifinations for even woniin , and , louplul
vlth nu ardent , taiiRible , ami insistent lover.
Is suit ) to comiuciheiitlmuiit , whlili ib bas.ed
upon liiuigiiiation
"Tim rifjht , man" does not always appear ,
howo\or \ , and other men in vain. Yd ,
no innttor lioiv v.illiintlj slio may assert tint
the , is coiittntod with her single lot , shols
not. If she is , tlioro is something w ronp
about the construction of lier liourt.
Thowoinan hctit that does not cry for Its
line unite , no inattoi what other jojs and
nin billons it hns In life , by the time it U
thirty , Is not a natni'nllienit ,
Thoioiitenl of such .1 he.irt uould bo moid
inlseiablo tlmti ttio misery o [ discontent
uhieli coinos from craving what wo need ,
mul luiowo \ could appreciate.
Tlio pane of liuinjer U not s > o cruel as tLo
loss olnppctlto.
Deslto is better thnn apathy.
So long \vccravoboiuethiiig.llfe Iswoitli
The woman \\lio llinlsheiself satisfied with
because slio has "n
tliiKlollfo paying pro
fession , " or because she ha * re.ul . "Tolstoi
mulola" and medical \\orks. or because
"tier mother passed some limen moments , "
must be u curiom being Land's must sui-
pl > tlio place ot heart in her breast , tepid
\\atoi the place of blood in herein ,
Hull assort that she docs notuxist Let
the ixTsistcnt lo\or , uho U even half wa >
ler prove to her thnt ho is In dead ear
nest , ami as honest as eiirncst.aiicl profession ,
Xoln , " peripatetic vorlcj. " niul nmtoriml
\MirnliiRs Mill vnuisli llko the nliilitiinie of a
droiiiuer's brain , niuUliolll \ piovo to lilm
thut her content wn oiih superileial , mid
nolcoiuo his coming astdoeaitli dcoines
the hiiuriso
Hut every year the Amoilmii woiuftn is bp-
roniliiK moru cMiotin inner deinuiids of
nlint , a husbiuidshouM he ,
A inoro husband is not enough ; she does
not incept tlio first offer , "for four she Mill
not have nnother , " ns I once hoard un old
laity sin * she iliil she \\uits \ to Jlim thn man
ivlta the husband. As woman louehos
higher stniulntih lursclf , her ideals are
Juslnou we liavo more line women tlmn
fine men ill larpo pities
Uut tlio men \\lll bo forced into clovntlnR
thoinselvojiifterii ponerntion or two. They
l\ill become shamed Into it.orclso n coinpleto
revolution of our social system vlll take
plneo , and inon will become the housokeoixrs
mid iractlorockeri nml the women the II nan-
cloi-s Should the Intlor contiiiifoncj result ,
mid v.oniun . boestotl with nil man's present
power nuilprlvlkyo , slie vlll certainly provo
to thowcilu that she does not prefer sii irle
life , anil no ono will question , " \Vhv ilo not
glrUmarr1 ) ! Em N\'nr.iini WIKOX ,
\Vcutlicr I'roliuliilitloi Tur > fnrch ,
If Miiroh coinos in llko u lion It will ( jo
out liken lainh , mul vice vorM. Hut
everyday in the monlli , rain orshlno ,
the elootiio liuhtod , steam honteil , es-
tibijloJ Umitoil trains o ( the C'lilfiigo ,
Mihuiukco & ; St. 1'atil iailny vlll inn
bot\\i'on Omaha and C'lilentjo. The elec
tric liortli roadliiff lumps in their paliico
tlooplng1 cars mo the jjreutost no\oltyof \
tlio nj'o. Ticket olllco , 1 01 Farnani St. ,
Ki'i'pthf .Money in tint I ainlly.
Boy Jones , the Lpixlny boy of the bcn-
ntorfruin Nomiluwlio is ut Harvard ,
loceutly got a lecture on
> liln wro p.itili.v hl fntlior , ho
ft'iiml tiiunii ) ! tl it'in nni'of lilt1 oiittl dibit. ' ,
"Mont jjiuii'ih' wlillo % \ nu rout sohool ,
Kdj. " Mid llio clioory turoiit. "Vnu
hmcn'l titnn t < i purn for It. lint \our
otlucatldir , Ilint's what .lou'rnut llur-
vntil for.nltllH \ \ , iou'\o \ t'mtltiatL > cl ,
mul thiMi you I'M n ha\o \ your till of ( jinn-
bllny. I'll | . 'amlil ( < with uni , piiui.\ ( \ , till
you't'f tlrod , In that w . \ jon cnn 'luivo
all the fun , niul the mono ) will Mtay in
the fuinllj . "
DoVltfs I.lttlo i : . rly Itlw-i ; nest Illtlo
I'HU foi dj sjicpsia , sour stoiimoh , bul bientli ,
Scnnlor sti\\iri linn Mot
Sonntni1 Stewart ot Novmla IOIOWH
soinct hliifr nliout liiillntis ( loiiiai'tmil ex-
pi'iloni'o. ' In 1SMI houaM ilri\liif ; In his
own wiiuiilii ) ; > aiilUtli | ( his law lilinu\\ ,
fniin Downlci ill to < 'ar-oii Four iniilo
won * ( liiiuliiir lilin at tlic rule of I'ljjlil
inlli" > nu hiuii1 lliroiitjli tinMoliriisli (
and siin hiiiii. The lutuiu noiuitur rat-
tli'tl iltmn tliriniiili thu lk tini" < s 1'ab" ' ,
'tltho'lVuiioo ' at IlnnttM'H , n fewest \ \
west of Iteiid , and win toiliiif , '
toward Sto.iniboaL SiirhijfH , when
honotlceil an Indian iirnii'illlh arllli'
in the road alicncl of him. News not
o\cr tlio niouiiil slowly In the .t' ilajs
and Sti'\\ait ' \ hail nut IILMUI ! of llio tipriv
inv'of ( ho iel- ( < or the < M'linhj , in
VNliich ticiirlj a liiindii'd whites had fal
len Sn \\hi-ii tlu > I'ivitc in his path
rnlsoil his liaiul Stoui't \ pulluil up his
iiiuloH niul ii'aililj t'oibuiitnl toijivo the
siuutrcu ride on'tho "out lie ulo him.
Tlio I iiiliiinlu'l < l his lilloiiprij.'lit lioforo
him and talked choctfiillj , oi'i'i'suitiallj '
oiHtinjiv ; (1iiiMiinti'il | | ] hni'Uind chuifi'
nl the luw liiiolco , which MIMO oh\iously
not f onil to eat. The t'onvorsii ion win
pu i'O'-slni'iiiiilcMhlj ' \ \ hen nimHier In- iMiiu- Into MCW. llouas on top o (
alil 1 nick "HI ) MtrtlsnhiMil anil ho also
hold arlllo. 'I'lio twoi'oilinnti eu-lutiK d
sln'tiaNand t oic was that in tlioh man-
nerofiloiiiylt tint \MilvoiifoolniH : otsus-
plcion nnil iiiHMi iiios in Mr. .Start. \ .
'J'hi'fo woic inoic signals and 11 loolc at
tlio faio of thu 1'iute ' lie ldo him fro/u
tlio lawyer's hlmul , fo1' he saw oxultanl
iniifilt'i thcrn. The situation liiokoupon
him. The mulct weio rnplilh hrin iiiir
him neiir the on thoiocK , who wlilonlly cutting ii'iulj to lire ,
Soinutlilny ; must bo ilono , and that
inlL'htiiiclc \ | , too. htowiirt did it. IIo
dioppeil the nini , in a lla h had his
nuns niouiid the I'iuto pist-en er , and
K ivo \ollthat scaioil tlio iiinlos Into n ,
mail { jail o ] i. Them ho held hiswi-iy lint , '
jnisoiiur between himself niul the cnoinv
on thoioelf , iiialiitaitiln thiit lulvanlayo
till the nuilus I mil run thieo inllos.
A alu iiisufety , the pioblem of what
to ilo with his Indian pressed for solu
tion. Stewart wreuted the rllloaway
ftoin tlio bivago , siimshud its lock on
the wheel nnd tossed it Into the sngre-
binsh , Then the bijj blfoot lawyer
took a peed squire look nt the porlldi-
ous Pinto , luuilcd oil and hit him between -
tweon the e os. As Stewart ( fathered
up the roim'niiil eluc'ked to themvilcs
that Indian \ y lint on his hack in the
iiud Insurbible. with his nose smashed
lu earlier da } , wlien the senator was
mining on the IVathor river , ho had
inon a nai rower e-oujio. Ono day ho
mounted his hronuho and started into
the iiioiiiitiilns to dost little jiiospcrtinfr.
Cnishlii'r through the ohiiparuvl late in
tlio afternoon , ho had the bml luck to
onino into full \iowot an Indian viiinp.
Tlio icdb let ilii\o at liiin with their
nirows. Throoof thoui hit , tlio caj vibe ,
whiohso iimddined the boast that lie
dishoil on ut thu c'.unn , tluough
the oiowd of astonished wai riots and
into tlio wondt. iij ii in. Stowait hunfj on
somehow and got back to his cabin after
dirk , unhurt. Ho told his aiUonturo to
his comrades , and that banio night n
do/en miners , under the senator's guid
ance , nonlup ngiiinsl the Indians , Stew
art was for surioundliifr and capturing
thorn alive , but the boynlc't ilrlvo with
their pistols and trims , and se\on baia t's
\\oro \ Killed. Stowait { ja\o them C'hi'is-
tian burial , or ai near that as ho ( .ould ,
not behifr hlnibclf at that tinio in a state
of trraco. He siin plj rcpoatrd the , ten
commandments over the bodies as thcj
were thrown into one Hhallofriac. .
The bald nan's motto : "There is room nt
the top" llus top may bo supplied with a
KODil crop of tine Hair by usiiiK Hull's ' Hair
ic'iiemcr. 'hy it
I > ra\viiir ( in Inference1.
"You lii\e ! lieon so long- about the
miiiititor'.s hand , .John , that I dnro say
jou could prcneh u boriiipn joui"-ef (
mnv"saida yontlonmii ono ilajto a
beacllo of Ins acquaintaiRo.
"O , mi , sir , " 10plied John ; ' 'I coulclna
proac'h a Ecrinon. " Then , after a brief
putso , he loinarkcil : "Hut porlmps I
could Aenan \ infoicnee , though. ' '
" \Voll , John,1' , &iid the gotitloinan ,
hiunoiiiifj the quiet \nnity of the beadle ,
"what infcronco fotild jou draw from
this lo\t : ' . .Vild ussinitTeth up the
wind at her pleassuio'V' ' ( Jeroniiah 11. .
21. )
" \Veol , " replied John , "tho onh
nntuial-liko inference that T could draw
frae it is just this that she wad snutT a
lang time afore she would fatten on it , "
A > Istory. )
A strungo story comes from .Anisted ,
In the Kllcrivor mining lotion. Miners
have been nt work for over two months
driving an entry through a ten foot vein
of ooal. When o\cr ono thousand foot
in the mountain they broke through into
a "room"'about twenty foot square. It
had no visible sifjiis of o\or having been
lu oomiinmioation with the outhido
world , On the Iloor hi ) the skeleton of
n hinntiii being , the bones crumbling
into dust on exposure to air or nt the
slightest toneli , whllo on the walls % % cro
many rude outliiiLS of skrletons ami
what seemed to bo Inscriptions. It is a
mystery which awaits the solution of the
learned. _
A. Smith \Vlii ) Cluiiiucd UIH > 'mnc ,
The only Smith who over radieally
rlunijiud his was tlio ono \\lio
moved west ton small town nnd the Hist
day encountered the editor of the local
paper lookiiifj for news. "What is your
muuoif" a-kod the editor , "Smith , ' 10-
lilieiltlio other. "Ah , I didn't qnlto
cnteh it , " said Hi enow hpauor man , who
was slightly deaf , "I'lnin Smith , "
answered the nowairival , and thoedltor
noted It down. The iio\t morning1 the
paper ramo out with this Horn : "Mr.
John I'lalnsinith hus-"filled in our town
and"otc , Mr , Smith pondered u whllo
nnd concluded to inalco no oorreotion nnil
to tills dahois I'liiiiiHiniLh ,
In the Hominy Ga/.otto appears this
parngranh announcing in aHsoriousncss
the death of a piominont > oung inor-
chaiit : "Alasl ho is gone ; KIIUO fur fioin
us to the future world , loa\intr his beloved -
loved rib nnd pot childien to tlio tender
mercies of friends to bomo.m Ills lo s.
In the twinkling of an eye death
pounced upon him and lie was no more.
His soul , Mveied from Its clayey togit-
metit. must htuo boon "borno away. Ho
was u loving husband , alcindfatlior nnd
niniablo filond , and , in u orcl , Irj was
'fat , fair and forty. ' "
( lli ; l lie Was ( iiMicral.
Cioiioral AlKorclroio ujito ono of the rail
rouiloDlees , alielitud , nnd wont In , says tlu
I'loilla Tunes-Star. Ho wuiiteil to find out
soincllihiK about transportation , nud tbo
( iK'uiit suH : "What is jour lunnc , slit'
"General.\lfe-er , " MIIS the reply. "Will,1
said thu a'oiit. "I'm t'luil vou'io n goncral
'cinisothese florlilu woods uro jubt full o
colouela. "
Pttssnge , Hallway Fares , Hotel Expen
ses , Guide ? , Etc. , Prepaid and Guaranteed ,
The Itcc'M TMutHilosH Olli-r to So
licitor * IVl1 SlllHt'lllllM'N lolls
Siniilii ) unit Wt'rUly
lldillotis ,
Arrnnppments Imvo neon oflfocloil by the
puhllHtieiH of Tin Mi i : which oiiiibK' us to
iunk < ) u novel tmdiiltrm-tlvti offer to parties
vho nrotli' posed to de\oto Ihetrtlinotind en-
ority to\\nrd \ \ proeiirm ni'w sulnpri tiers for
TIIIIOMIIIVVrihi. : . \ Iih ! : or Till : Ki SDU
HIE between this ( Into nml tlio 10th day of
.luuo next.
'lids ' otl'orwlll bo open only to parties so-
liltln subsciibeis in Notnnsl < aIow.i , , South
Dikotaniid K'unsiH.
A caufnl rcronl will lie kent of nil sub
scriptions loH.inled , niul the avv.uds 111 bo
made without paitliiitty.
Tin : KfUDi'i'AN ' Toru ,
To the poison tint will swum the Inr cst
nuinbei of easli sutisciibort lor Tun OMMII
\Viii\n : Un or TIP Sin \ \ llii : : befoio
Juno 10 , IfeDI , will bo given runor iosr \
KM Ml Tllll' II lllll'KXN mill Til M f . 'UllS
ticket will melndo llrst-clnss pissaco fioin
New Yorlc to ICuropo and ictiirn. This In-
cludo.s also nil tiM\ullnp , hotel and sl'ht-sec- (
iii ( ! vxioiiH04 ] 'J'ho trip \ \ ill be niado with in
excursion ptttv ( 'otten up by Mrs. M. 1) ) .
L'la/ierof lloston , and will be in chaise of
compotint miiilos The traveler hus no cares
\\liuto\cr. Thotour lovers nil tlio
eoiintiies of Kuiopo ICiiKland , ( iciiimii ) .
Sult/oilind , Priinec , llel iumltily , and tliclr
prlncipil cities , lncludliij ( London , Pails.
llrussels , Herlin , Hoinu , I'lorenco , Venice ,
Milan , Genoa , otc.
sius : nTII HIT n\is OF UHIT-XIM INO.
The party starts fioin ICow * York Juno JO
mid relums to that citby bepttniber H.
Taken by any individual iilono , this Kn-
ropoiui trip would imoivo an outlaj of nt
leist rfTUO.
Per the second latest list of subscribers
vo olTcr n fieo ticket Ironi Omaha to San
Pinnclsco and Los Ancelos and return.
l.iKiilllcont inountiiin scenery , tnc beautiful
( ioldeii ( iiite , the land of sunshine , fiults and
llowors "Who Ins not seen California will
not dlo happy. " Tnucl is nn educator , and
to properly uppiet'iato the vastnuss of our
gieat ( ountry one inubtseo Its best features.
Per tlio thiid largest list of sulncilbors to
the WIEKM or bisim Uu wo off era ticket
from Omaha to Quebec and return. What
could bo grander than a trip down the beau
tiful St. Lanroncoln mtd-snmmeri To 1011-
teinpluto the bcautv of Thoiisnnd Isles Is do-
llh'htful. How jimch inorodcllKhtful to visit
thorn when In verdure clad ,
And all this pleasuio for obtainlni ; sub
scribers to the \VLBKI1 UlldSLM > VUii2. .
Per the foiiitn 1 ir cstlistof subscribers wo
ofTor a free ticket from Omaha to New Yoilc ,
I'hlladelphln.Vnshin ' ! toii and leturn
Theio mo no points on tins continent
preater general Intirest than these tbr
cities. An American clti/en has not coin-
pitted Ids eilncatloii until ho lias seen the
eat of Koveinment , The perbons and points
dflntoicst \VashlnKton are intiumerablo
anil to tlio intollinentobsencr n visit thoio Is
full of lutcicst. Now VorkimdPnlUdelphla
as tliocomuieroialandtlmincial centcis oftho
counti ) arcahva\s intcrcstluir.
All this sight seomj ; aiiil traveling Riven
away for obtaining hiibsciibors to the
WKIMY orHtMin llir.
For the llfth lurgobt list of subscribers wo
offer n free ticket from Omaha to Xlajrara
Tails nnd icturn. Ever since \ our childish
wonder wns aroused by the description In the
old school icailoisof these wonderful falls } on
have desired to see them. Herts is the op
portunity. A. most delightful excursion and
\vltboutoxpcnsp , given for securing sub-
scrlbus to the WKP.I.M orSrvmi ULC.
Per the sixth largest list of subscriberswo
offer nfrco ticket from Oinatia to Salt Lake
City mid return , Thu tainous Mormon city
h last becoming a Guitilo eltv , ami will in
time lose niueh of mteiest. Now , this sum
mer \\oulu bo u peed tinio to visit the booin-
\n \ % city. CJarliold lieach is of tourse in
cluded in the till ) . Tins summer icsort on
the ! nko is a delightful phuo to pass a lew of
the hot summer dajs. Why not secure a
number of subseribcis for the \Vn.M. \ or
Si MIU Bn : and talto the trip.
For the fcCAonth laiKCstllst of subscribers
o offer a free tlcketto Denver and Manitou
and return While a shorter tup thin anj of
the others it combines many pleasant fea
tures , Denver the queen ciu of the plains
is aKvnjs worth scelnt ; whilu tlio health
and summerrosorts of Manitou aio ilcIiKbtful
Indeed Health irivlnp , instilling , restful
amid sublime scenery what trip could ho
moro restful" " All this pleasuio for securing
subfauiborsto the SIMIU or WKI kit HLP.
Now what arc the conditions upon which
those tickets are given a\\av I The bocurmi ;
of the laiL'tst list of subseilbors to TUB
Wirkit or Sini Hi i . Nono\\sp.itier ! in
the vest is socll and fa\orably kiow'nnnd
luvo always found it an easy nut
ter to seomo subscribers. Tin , Hn's sub
scription 1M has always kept pace with Its
reputation and it deisres to add now names to
Its long list of friends Helm : at nil times a
people's , paper it makes friends with nil
tlasscs .
The subscription price ofTnr. Wniki.y Urn
HSl.OO per year postpaid to auv plueo in
this country orUunada , or ? .l)0 ) If scut to a
foroit'ii country.
TIIK Si MHV HDE is J)00 ) nor \car.lmt
Omaha subscribers for Tin : St MIVI BIE :
will not bo counted in this competition.
( Jet up alist. Havcyoui friends subscribe
for the paper. Sample copies forwarded
free on roquost.
I'crsons dcsirlnir to compete for ono ef
these iiri/cs will please ny so when Bonding
in their tint orders.
Uoinittanco in full must Accompany every
order ,
Two six mon'hs ' subscrintions or four
three months subscriptions will bo counted
us ono order.
Uessler'sMiiKicHeailacho XVafors. Curesall
headnchca In liO minutes. At all
Slinrp llrnkciiinii.
"Say , " blurted out tlio brakcinun ,
abruptly pausing in his htntoly march
through the car , BHJS tlio lirooklyn
KiiKlu , "wheic'd jo buy jour clothes ? "
The pin ty iuldrevod sported a novelty
In ( 'lilnclillla overcoats and n red mous
tache. Ho was too Hiirprisccl to imme
diately reply , hut tlio bnikoman.eoutm-
ued :
"Hiirrj up there , youiifj feller ; tell mo
quick ; soon bn ut the htatioiil' '
" 'Xonoo' your hliink , Ham , jip-waclcoil
husincss , " ronliuil the pafcsoiitfor , be
tween snorts of rngo. "
" Tin my business , jon'd botttor be
lieve1 coiitinuud the uiulisturbed brake-
man. "Tho cdinpany'll ' want to hear
from mo. Did ye ( , rot that overcoat in
"To thunder with you anil the { * ravo-
lobbliifr company , " trumpeted tlio now
thonmfjhlv infuriated p.ib&oiifjer. "D'yo
suppose Id ffo to I0iij'land for un'rlS '
ovouoat , you Nn bwalln or ,
'That settles it , " calmly put in the
hrakomnn. "Vou'vo sot join- coat iiliru
with that cigarette 'oyouis , and I want
no ( illbeit d.unaijo null on thin road.
H rook I en Tlioink uvs ! Stoji lively
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrli. Ileo
Know Slut \\iis \ a IS
"Aro tliot-o inaelcorol ( | tilto fresh ? "
nsU'ed a lioiton lady of u rn od hu t
poinpotiH old colored llsh iicddlur , who
nuiio to lier iloor. "O , jcs , lady , imf-
fec-Kly BO , putleokly ho ! " was thu reply ,
> 4.IeMi noitrili/u them and MHJ. " "Xov
trili/o tliouiVVhiit do xim mean by
that ? " "Why , lmly"Haid the poihllor ,
with 11 look of indicative nity for hur iy
noranue , "eiiiull 'om ! binoil "om ! "
The best and cheapest Car-SUrtor Is sold
bv the Honlon .V Selleck C'o , C'DlcaBO , 111
With It ouo man can move a loaded car ,
M' < IWTI. WO.SMI * .
All T lilt the
.IcoM.'AulUToU Ir.tlniiii ; ut West Nynolc
for lih HKlit with 1'iit Km i oil
llllli Smith of AnMr.ilhi and llcniiy IColil-
her , llio Hostonlan , are to lljrlit at St. Paul on
tinM hut. i
1'nddy Ilivnnan ilffoatoil John Honplns In
a two round mill near HuiTalo Diiiiiian Kot
theieon a foul
Harnoy Ti > lor will bo next pitted a ilnsl
Jim lllK > it'i\\orniiit Hiiruey inlKhtns well & >
mound no\\ \ and s.iy jrood-byo
.loo Klclili'ii and , lno Oll\or li.ivo been
inatdicd to tleht forii fTidOnurio at the Audit-
bon club. NcwOrlfins , April'.1 ,
Hilly 1 law Ulns wants In Unlit Austin ( ? lb ,
bens at l.ll pounds liofoic nny club that \ \ II-
olTor a satlsfiutorv purse It l a nnv nerd
that of old man Itaukinil
Aithur I'nh.iin and 1'iitil 1'it/liti may meet
for the inldillo\u'iht \ ( chum ploushlpof 'Teas
llaebnn \ \ has won one inttlo fioin the othei.
I'plinm now holds the title.
Pat Allen , the Omaha heavy wolrlit , WIM
to ha\o \ fiitiftht l.awroncn Kancll near Don-
\er last Tnesdij. but the mill ivas pnnentcil
hy asevoiiisnon storm and It Was postponed
until Tuesday next.
Jim ( . \irlu-tt has loj.'iiu ) tialiiinif for his
matdi in Maj with 1'cter Jnckson. Mo is
now more than twenty tlvo poumlH over the
\\olclit \ at wlncii hi > intends to lllit , but
niitlcinatcs notumblo in r ( liu'ing
A matili has lucn niado beti\eon \ Hilly
Mnber of Australia and Andy llowcn for
$ -H ! ( ) ) before the Oljinplc chili , N'e\v \ Orleans ,
Anrll 15. The mnnnpcmentof tliu Oljinpli !
Intends to matdi the winner a .ilust Jack
Mc ulllTe TinMyei McAulilfe mateh is
not inucli talked of
-Tom H.uin , the C'hlcnuo * wcllorwclclit wlio
recently defeated Dannio N'eedhani , has tele-
i.'raihed ] tn.lohn U Sulllwin thill ho ii now
reml ) to m.tken match to tltilit his porteKC ,
l'atsKenyan , for $ J,50 > ) or iiioioa sldo
There are plenty of boxers In San Trail-
ilsco now and mo econiin . The lehabilita-
lion of tlio t'lilifni nla allili'tlo clilli his rc-
vlvcil the Inteiost In rinn nmttoisliKh \
was so strong a few months ni'i > , but whidi
ncaih died out dmiiiK the p'lidlut ; of tlio
offoits to trc.iK up the Institution.
The roorcnnl/ed dub will in conducti'il on
moiotlKld lines than the old one If President
Puula ivn ulns in niithoilty. Smuller purse *
will bo offered and men who dcslio to coin-
pi1 to In the cliibiooiiu will ho placed undir
stritiKunt penalties if they notfloct their
tralnltiK or fail to lieop faith with the eluli
In other lospuits.
Cal McCarthy Is talking of RohiR to finj- ?
land "I shall try , " ho said to an \enini l ;
Hun man , "toRot nflKhtonltlithollrst mini
of my weight who \\ill meet mo nftor 1 land
In KugSiind. ineicly to show the Uritlbli sport-
In men what kind of annul Iain Hy this
means I hone topotii chaneo at ono orinoro
of their cinch featherweights If I succeed
I shall return with both fame and money. "
It looks very much as If Hilly Mojcraml
laclt McAuliffo weio bioiiRht togetlior a alu
after all. Mjer leceived a telet'r.nn from
Jimmy Colville ycsterdiy tcllhij ; him that
MeAuliffo's deposit had been made. This
maltes $1,000 , n sldo up and tlio il ht is alino t
assured. ThoeluhbiddliiK the most money
will secure the mill Mjcr has already bcRun
to train , having commenced ] o > rKlnt ; the pint
week. He sajs ho never felt bettor and
Ids lirst work was stronger and hotter than
over in his caicer. Ho woijzhs US pounds ,
but will have no tioublo getting to weight.
Piof. .lack Uivis has nailed n Inr o number
to his boxing dussos within the past month ,
and Is kept pretty busy at his Sixteenth
street athletic parlors. Ho has one pupil , a
well known business and society young man ,
whom ho ptonounccs a wonder.
"If tnis " remarked the
Kcnllumnn , pro
fessor to the writer last niuht , "should e vi r
renouuce bis tlalnis on business and society
nnd enter the niiK1 he would make every man
in the piofesslon jump over the ropes. "
"What is hb class , Jack ? "
"Ho is and the best
a middleweight , two-
banded man I e\er faced , or over met. In
fact , in all mj experience. He is n perfect
Apollo , with aims and leps of steel , us quick
as aiat , thoroughly scientific und , tallcabout
your iiencrals well , ho can glvo 'cm all cards
and spades and box all round and over 'om.
Ho ban taken but one course of lessons , and
I am free to confess thnt ho Is a much better
sparrer than I am. My 1 what a light ho
could mane. Talk about Domnsov , or oven
Fitfslimnons. I honestly bclievo this fellow
could lick 'om both thu satno nlgbt , "
Is'ow , v.ho is Jack's wonder ?
Toiamie Comer wants to make a match
with Louis Bcenah.
AV. M Davis , the veteran pURillst , in a let
ter to Mike Donovan , says : "From the show
ing that Young Mitchell and Lalllancho
made , and from what I know of Dcmpsej's '
ability as a lighter , I believe that ritzsitn-
tnoiis could whip all three of them , ono after
the other , on tlio same night and without
leaving the Hup. And I'fnrthor bcllc\o that
you could have lowered the long Australian's
colors easily when in your piimo , and would
lut him know that ho had been lighting inn
go with him now. FiUshninons' weak point
Is his loin , and ho does not know how to pro
tect himself there. When McCarthy
fought him ho evidently knew o'f
Fitz'st weakness , for ho accidentally
ga\o him his elbow on his tender
spot and the tall fellow cticd out like n
wolf in a tr.ip Anv man who would fono
the lighting w Ith I'Mt/simnions and tiy and
get In under his long reach and do some
ligtlng on his own account f thin K would
stand a good chance \\hlpning him. A
good body and Inlightcr is the kind of IIIIMI
to successfully battle with him. I think
Kit/simmons will bo chainpion of his weight
until a man possessing these ijualltlcations
turns up in thu ring. "
All About thn , \ niatciirs.
A'an Arimm would like to join the Cheyenne
Stonoy will likely bo found on the West
Omaha team ,
Met/ should make n good pltclior for the
Gate City team.
'ino Gate Citys have n reliable thiid base
man in Sawyer.
Daniels will captain and cover second base
on the Gate Citys.
Andy Sldcncr is in Fremont waiting for
something to turn up.
Harry Howies would niako a goou man for
the West Omaha team.
Wo look for Iluiloy to do great work this
season. With a little better Mick work ho
would bo hard to beat.
Pitcher Williams will ho found on the
Crane company team the coining season.
Just keep your o\o on him.
Lou Camnls hero dUeng.iROd , IIo would
make a tattling good third baseman for ono
ot the f , and I. league teams.
Missouri "Valley will secino the seiviccs of
Pitcher ( lOistthlb season. They will have a
gieat pair in Hevmor and Geist.
Au effort will bo niado oy the amatucr
teams to seuro the Omaha nurli for Sunday
s , when the league team Ii nway Thr-ro '
be plenty of good ainattier bull hoit'thls ' .
N'ot much Is hoard from Missouri Valli'i lu '
regard to their club this MC.USOII , but i.o doubt
they will belli It better tlniu OUT. |
Motiaghau's Imttoiy wns uw.iy off thopnst
aeasou , but ho , promlsos to redeem himself
Mltli tlui ( . 'ratio company team this season , i
The members of t lie Om ilia Wheel club ox
peel to orininlru a team for the coming son |
son. 'llicre Is plenty of matciiul there for n
team. i
Spud Panilshoxyoi'ts toha\o a Hue toniii
this sea on Strnd will leivo oil a few of ,
tlio ohcstnuts tnat were with Ids teiiui lust .
season. I
Jimmy ( lallnglier will loaui shortly for
Lead City , D.ik. > limml ( < ls the nioit popular
man on the team , and COUTH short a la Join
Walsh. I
( 'arrljjnn would HUe a tilid by the Omnhn
team in the exhibition games , Jink thinks
lie Is fast enough furany | team , und ho really
is a good onn.
Charles Tow IslniHtllng tosecute plavcrs
for the Mlalr team. Thev do say up Micro
that no Omaha team will win a gimo from
them.Ve shall see
\Vo should ll\o to see the Omaha team give
Vitcher Ullllams a dial. IIo has
aiiniiiiit of speed , good inntrol of thu ball ,
ami might pi ONO u good llml.
Ilighlower leave for Ncbiask-i
City lua few dins. 'He goes to tnkii charge
of n gymnasium tliciv He will prolubl.v
jilij on the Nobiusknl'lt ) loam.
II. It Smith will holds the reins of the
( Into City trim , mid they will i-urtiiliily ho In
It , as tlio following phucrs will slum up
Reynolds , Met/ , Smith , Kiilm.Siw.jci'\litto- ,
son , Wedcner and Drevel.
1'ho amateur season piiiinlsos to be a good
ono. Tlicie will be i number ( if good teams
in the Held , and the Crane Comuiiiv team
will llml it no easy mnttor to taho the cham
pionship , as In seasons past
Vnu Camp has boon released from reserva
tion h ) the Seittlo club Here Is a line
joung pitcher for so'i'u ' tram wishing such a
man. It would not boa b.ul Uioa for the
Oinalhi team to gio him n trial
1'hi'io is quite n illsputi ) o\cr \ thn fact of
who were llio amateur champions of Omaha
last season. In the wilier's opinion that
honoi Justlv belongs to the Xonp.nells , the }
IrivliiKonl ) once Inst season
ThoOHTuent te.ims are not jot fully made
up but most of thepliyei's luuo been seeuifd
and all show up well. I'ronunont ntiiong
them are the Nonpareils. West Onialms
Ciiino Company , Gate ( Jitjs , and posslblj
the "Shaimocks , "
The different members of the Nonpareil
team ate in good shnpo , they liavinc had the
benefit of gynnsiuin work this winter , .lellen
thinks bo will bo all O. 1C. for the pitcher
box , and perhaps a no man will do the
catching. Captain Shiinnahan intends to
make them all hustle
The Nonpareils vlll bo under the nblomnn
ngoment of Uavo Sliannahan , and it pees
without sm Ing that the team will be ad.mdv.
Tim following aio the pliijor ; . so far as so-
cm oil Peicival , .lellen , Kl > nii , bhannaban
( captain ) , Mahoney , J. Mahonov.
Durr , Uradford , McAulllfo and possibly
The Cr.ino Company team will bo managed
bv "Jack Carrigan. " JC\ery one that knows
Jack knows that he always lias A Xo. 1
loam , and this year will bo no exemption Tl e
follow Intr Is the team as near as can now be
nsceitained b\vail7 , Williams L.m\on ,
Iltnye , Canigan , Wlgnian , llutUi , 1'uicel
Howies and Monaghan
The \Vest Oinahas will bo under the man-
ngoinent of John Pattcison The plaxers
were most all ( onncctod with last season's
'City Steams , " the best amateur club in the
state. They expect to ui\e e\erybodv a li.ird
tussle for thu "pennant. " The following
] iln\ois have .signed : Dolan. Potcrsen ,
( irandoan "lieliablo How "
] , man , Jimmy
Hart , Patterson ( captain ) , Xoi'gren , Hurley ,
Nelson ,
Tomi'de Hyan went to Mlnnoipolls and ap
peared at Dannio Ncodtiam's henellt.
The robins have nriived in lirgo numtnrs
a smo sign that the wild fo\vl will not belong
long in following suit.
Hairy McCormiclt has imported a St. Ber
nard pup eight monthb old that is a beauty.
The price paid was Jl25. !
Dave Seville has been bound over formnn-
slaughter in the sum of $ JOfK ) His seconds ,
Tom Tracey and "Red" Hcnnossy , and
I'rankio Mellugh , the rcfcreo , weio hold and
their bonds lixed at 00 each.
Patrick Walsh's challenge to play A'oert '
( i Powers of Chicago for the pool champion
ship of America and $ : tO < ) has been accepted
uy iho champion , and the giino will tano
place on March It ) and IT , in Chicago.
Omaha boasts of no less than seven shoot
ing galleries , nml all are well patiom/ed It
is a tact , tliongli , that no shooter has yet
succeeded lu putting twcnty-llvo conscititUo
bullets in a > -s Inch clrolu at lii1 j yarns , ex
cepting John Petty , the crack of the town.
A number of Jack snipe ( scolopax Wil-
sonll ) , It is reported , have been killed within
the just three weeks In this immediate \icin
Ity , and on Saturday aftei noon last during
tlio snow storm.two golden-legged plover and
ono snipe were killed at Cut-Oil lake This
Is raiely early for those birds m this l.itltudo ,
but I have shot both on the Lower Illinois as
early as IV ) ruary 'Js.
Mr J. A. U. lUllott of Kansas City , who
tlio last six months has lotained the Amoii-
can live bird championship cup against all
comeis , with John Watson of Chicago anil Al
Handle ot Cincinnati , will , wltli thcnssUtnnco
oftboontiro Illinois State ' ,
Sportmen' ; asso
ciation and Frank Parmcleo of this cityba\o
the arranging ol tin ) big world's shoot to be
held In Chicago during the world's fair in
IMC ' .
The officers of the Town Tiottlng circuit
mot at Ceiiar Itapids the other day and ai-
ranged mitteis poitaining to tholr coming
meetings In addition to the six stakes pro
vuled fornt a previous meeting the following
nurses were arranged Free-for-.ill ( ,
fieo-for-all tiot 'J. 4 class ' . ' .
- - , trot , 'J 'Ji cl.iss
trot , at'J : : class trot , 'J : 'M class pace , -i : i * class
trot , 'Jn : class trot. The meeting will be
held at Davenport July 2 > , 'J'.i , ! ii ) and , ! 1 . at
loxva City August , ft , ( land" ; at Independence
pondonco August it , 21 , aft , till , ' . ' 7. ' 'b niul S'.i ' ,
Siiloiniiii .
It has been decided in the NorrNtown , Pa ,
court thnt a piront has a perfect light to
chastise a cnlld , and that any outside Inter
ference from over sympathetic neiglibois
may bo resented. Jassunina Juliannoiis
on trial , charged -with a violent assault on a
neighbor who Interfered while Mu. Julianno
was correcting ono of lier own children with
n largo sized shingle. Mis .liillanno laid
down the child and used the stiuurloon the
neighbor Mrs. Julianno was acquitted , and
the meddling neighbor was niado to pay the
How About Your IViother ?
Scrofula or Kings Evil is the most stubborn of all Skin
affections. Whether inheiitedorothcrwiseitisablooddis
ease and cannot be permanently cured by anything but
S. S. S.
S + S * * WX W
My mother was sorely aflllcted with Serofula for three years nnd ahnlfi
during that time the tflandson lier iieelt liurhtopon in live pianos Tluee of
the openings were biuall and healed right up , but thu other tj\o would illl up
und brenlc open iinc-w , about every tovceUs _ , always causing M'U'ro pain
nnd often prostration. Siie was bo reduced in strength , that tonics and
cooo.i wines had to he generously used to keep hernlhe. hhi1 coinincnei'd
Inking S. S. S , , and impioved from the htart ; the first bottle giuo her an
iiiipetltu and by the time blm finished thu fcmrth bottle her nci-lc healed up.
She is now entirely well. Miw. 12. ! . IJowr.n , , Mcdford , Mass.
THE SWIFT'SPECIFIC ' CO. , - - Atlanta , Ga ,
Total iBiuea of CITIES ,
COMPANIES , 8T. \Vholus ih C.iili Commib'.lon Murrhunt.
I'.lylu llml Wnli-rn ( ii'iimi'r ) biiilir mil i lu-i' i >
NWllAnRTsCOMPANYBankers rnnili unl vlntot'u'U1 * inn ) i > urt K'tl lunlMII nui
, , , , ritLClu' r Inn IIo enl ) Ihi * hi'i * ! nun- * \il\anr * , * u
103.185 Dearborn ( ilreet , CHICAGO. pin lnlH nn iruik wircliiii , i , nr in "t > n > nl lunk
IS Wall SUoot , NEW YORK. ruU'i Ollioj Mild eturc1 U''j UoU lull ill , DeiucT
70btuto St. . BOSTON
The - A , H , IVrrigoit Co ,
Oolli'iidcr Oo ,
ItlllUM ItlPrc llHI1lll < lt All MnVni All I'rk-m , All
"tliiiiii flttum * I'fUt *
( K ttj * huh nt root ,
Oiiinhn. HIS IKiilxvMriTt.
Oniulin Itopnliliaiu Printing Oj , ,
IMK brief * , Intik mpplici , nnl uvoi/llitii ; In Ilia
print Intl Hll , '
ICtli kin ! Huiinl iliwH
Aclccriuami Ere . A llelutao ,
Printer * , I'ltnltM ' , ( lorlr.iUpc'ri . Mnnk book nninil-
Ini inrt'M ,
llllHUmirl Mro't Omilii
Charles A. Ooo & Co. , I Kirkcmlnll.Jonoi & 0o ,
MnnurnrlurpM .nn I Job- \ \ hull Hid ) Mnnnfti't ir I
I IT1 Aiu'tiU fnr llmli'ti ' Huh-
lii > rxiiif | < rn . IIU1101 ,
lift * Hi wnr.MtroiH nml Ilix , Iliuiii'i - < l
\Vlllinm , Vim Aor- W. V. Mo wo & 6o,7
imin & Harto , Fhoc Km tnrr cirni > r Illli
anil li , iihl i < i * ( * out
I21 : llnuior ilroot ,
lin McriliixtiM lnHo , !
loiill mil I'xnmlm-
John L. W-.lkio , Louis Holier ,
Omnhn tutx llntilii M' ' *
pnpor factory nnd 1'nrkor *
HIT-llH l > iuitlii T < iii | V > > | | > limit ,
tint : I Hht 11 * i ( ilnK
Ordu iiriMiiitl | ) lll > , Ills lnok mi SI
W. T , Seaman ,
Pmnlia'a I nru < ( VnrlolT
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Glmoro : & Rnhl.
i , nl ! clolln , mil Mn iiifictiiror-i \ Whole-
llnK'.ftirtalnk'ooiKotiJ. I rnlt > ( InthliTi ,
1511 lloiiitlni Htreot ! HIM Unmoral.
West & Fritsolier , B. Tllcllllia I
Mnniifncirrcri llnockirs Malitlfiu
JoMiorn of lon ( tobnccoi linn"
1011 1-nrnnra ntroot. lull ill Dunlin Nib
Omaha Goal , ( Joke and Ooutnut & Squires ,
Limo Oo. Unrd niul tnft cnil nlilp-
Ilirdnnil soft on\\ \ .
8.1. C or li > tli niu 1303 Knrimin root ,
Hulljert & Blum , P. H , Mahoney & Oo.
Otilo lump Ilni-k Mprlnji. . .
"nri1 Conl oft
MciMor.SnlniitM , ic. *
urtccnnl nut nnltimcllo , oniros SI I V ir.dinnlcor
"onlLo'jiVs' ' , t I I0lh nml " " " ' s"
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. ,
Phlit | > ots nml iloilcrt In
unllirncltu nml liHu- llTh lltli rlrcct ,
niliuxn cull
Omnlm , Noh.
215 S ITilh Jlrnut.
Nebraska Fuel Oj. , JolniBou Bros. ,
IK I nnmm ftreJt ,
2US. Utlutroet ,
Omnli'i , Neb.
Oranhn , N'cb
Mount & Griffiu , 0. B. Havens & Oo , ,
2138 Ullistrojt , Karimm Btroot ,
Oronha , Kcb. Onintin. u.
Eagle Oornico Works F. Ruempinc ;
Manufacturerof ! ! Outrun * Onlvnnlicil Iron enrnlcm.
Iznl lr < in toi nlto Dormsr windows , iloor
Window ruin , motnllc-ikr' r p , Ilnhil' . otc 'lln
( tc 1110 nnd HI. Irunninl nliitc roofer
I Ml Inrnntn t
M. E , Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Goods Oj.
Dry poocln , furiiUhlni ; ,
f , notion * i Dry iii > oil * nntlon1 * . cents'
I fiirntnlilux kooilf
Cor. lllli nnil IlownrJ sti. Cornur Illli nnl llnrnor
Wolf Electrical Oo.
llluitrntoil CuUloKUO
1CH Cnpltol Avenue.
Parlin , Orendorff _ A ; T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , Ocneril wcitcrn ngont
Corner Jones and 3th oil bkanilli I'low Co ,
Oninhn Neb liormin nvo ,
Broken Bow Roller R. T. Davis Mill
Milling Oo , . < " < Umlerwoo > l ,
Offlrennil wurohouio , Mannk'er nt Onnliv
10IJ.N lull ( treat Tor 8lh nnl Jnckson iti.
S. F. Giluian , Clemens Oskamp ,
M f K of re idy to riha
1014 N lOthstroJt blip Jnck Mini , tlnon
onkiM In tin , wnrlil
PK. lllnck , Mnnajar 1JU7-12I5S ) llnlroct
Dewey tt Stone Fur Ohas. Shiveriok & QJ.
niture Oo.
, Furnlturo nnil Carpets.
KurnlturB nml c rpof ,
Furnnm utrcot , kt.
Beebe & Ruuyau Fur-
nitura Co ,
buccossors to ( A llc'i-tio
\ ( u
( irnco niul Utli bt .
Rector &Wtlh lmyOj
.nm d-.u. . . , , . ! , Hardware Oj. ,
Qco. Obonio & Oo. , J , 8. Smith ft Go. ,
Ill * 1411 t.oiwnwotlli rt.
Onmlin. Onmhi
1'axtoii & Victims ; Omnlia Snfo & Iron
. Iron Work' , Works
\\roiitilit \ niul rn l Inm ,
linlllliik' irrk. iMintiKK Miimif'r" rtrontiil tuirgliir
ITII trk no no nil limif nli > Minlti lull
fiiinulrv tim-hlii nn I nnik Inni uliult ri in I
I litrlKtniili wiirk U 1' ( hi1 > * IMM ! \u-
U > iiinMTI'nl ' ilri'cii Illh A , tnck i'intt
Actuo Iron nnil Wire Wilson fc Drake ,
Work * ,
M It tiilnil ir Hunt nr
'run ' itlro mlbi-m w'kt lmIniltori link * do.
Ml * Mlintrwt
A llochl , I'roiitliUor rinri-onnl IMi
Rees Printing Oo.
Mllinnrnplilnir , I'rliulii :
inul Ilium , lie "In
Illli niul IliinnrclSts
Ilor ft Oo , , Williiini D.trst ,
1 lii | r Men liinti a' , LI'iuiT , mil i l-
IIU llHrni' ) niri'Ot
MniiulK itirr Kcnn nljr'i
1 nil Inlln Illlii'r * . till rntniiii ilimh- %
H , , Orotto , rmtik Dollono & Oo. ,
Iniporlor mill .lolibur ot
I.I niOM mill lil'tllllllllNu *
\ \ liu1 nii < l I | iiiir4 |
I0o nmlKi \ ( 1 niiivit st. Mot i < U'nrs
1 rli I'llilt nn i.w , nuiiKinitioi
L. K'.ISCllt& Oo , A. Trick & Oo , ,
V. ImloMltf l.lnimr
lull 1 Mtiniii xir , " > l. KM HH S ICIli < (
G. W. Douglass & Oo , John A. Wnkffinhl ,
llnMrli | il AtniTIi nn I1 rt-
llnnltrnnit Ijiimkerw Intul Ci ini'lil Mll nuk < i
II ) ilrnullc < i innl tiuj
KM N'nrtli Ifih Slro t. VUHHJ \ \ hllu l.lim ,
OhnilesH. Luc , Wyatt-HullanlLum-
llnnliMi , , , ) liimlMT wool
riri < l * Mul | itirtuul bor Or .
Mil mul Dixiuh * . SCIIi nnllfn i
Oady & Gray. Louis Bradford ,
Mine , I'O'liMit Illo , C Lumber , Ilinc roni nt eta
for nni vi I ttiiulu 5U DoiiKlni Btrpct
0. A. Btonohill , I , Obcrfulder & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notlont Ini'orur | mi 1 lulilicii la
Clmki , Kl3 Mllllnpr )
S08,2IOninl2U bniilh lltb
IIB-IHS KlhSt Oninln
J. J. Jolmson & Co
! ISS lltli alroou
Om'iln , Nci ,
Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. , >
Line Oo. Oysters , llili nnil onn nod
( 'OOllS
Hoflnpl nml lulirleitlni
oiN iixk * Krmip , oil 1G09 l-cnvenworlti.
A. II ltlilioi | , .Man
Oarpontor Paper Oo , , Western Plating W'ks
Carry n full dock of ( iolil , nllviT nml nlcknt
printing , H nipping nnil plnllni ; cm nil inotnK
riling piper , card pa- I'ulNliliiK tirn tVchanJ
tur , otc ilcllurwork 1111 DodKO.
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Mnnitficturlnc an 1 Jo }
tiers itll klmU rubber
IWS Funinu nlnioU
S o 1 Oo. ,
ei'd urowon doit'rs In
k'inlLii irriii rilniai
true * < ie 11
4.MISIMiutli 15th
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bohn Sash & Door Oo.
Manufacturer * of nnili , Manuf iclurer * of m , ilj .
ii ni > r * . blinds ami lnt ! < , bllnlt iloorj
Moulillnes llrnnrliof- I'lC
tUo , Ulh nml ltnr < l Jti ti'th niul I hrk-tivHi
Farrell & Oonipiiny , Diifly-Trowbridjd
Stavj Miuufao'g Oo ,
% liii-'c in , Mftiiufa-turB florin ml
Nt.lVI * pip
SIT 21'JS mill Mh street till I''IS . , ' , ' , irtlnl.
Consolidated Ooffea
Company ,
UK an.HIM lUrnoyiL.
U in Out Neb
U. S. Wiml Engine & A , L. Strin &
Fuinn ( ) o , ,
IW.-Ull Knriiuti strjjl ,
llnllliln ) Html mill' 9H
mil .r.'i JiiniiKl ( I h
UuHti. aittnx iiiiniikor Omutm Neb
H , Hardy & Co. ,
1 ) i , < li IN tilbniiiH.fancf
nuiJi , limiHffiimliliUl. : irilillKHI \ II IV rl ,
, \ ( o mini > k'u , ' ! : DJ
rhllilrim * car
lUUh.irnniuit. 1 Ii | lii'k , -Irtol
A , D. Boyer & Co
LS-li Ki'luillKO llullllliu ,
buulli Om ilia
8. J , Coflnun , Sm ley
& Co. ,
3U l.i
11) liiiliaiimi llullilln.-
buulh uaj