XMIE OaiAIFA DAILY JlEl : MONDAY , MAROI1 1(5 ( , 181)1 ) , f AVTPiiviv/1 / iiiviiiiMt ntTW COMEKMMMA\lJlLjlRAlhS , , Wr ' Reply to SccretAty Oarbcr's Plea for the Unilroils. CORRECTING SOME OF THE INFERENCES , Tin * Hitif It DoliiK Vo Ono nn la- J i tlft Ir Ilio Stc iMit Maxl- iniiiu Knfc IHIl Is l.ttioiv , Neb , Mnrih 11To the Hclltor ofl'iirllFi' MrV. . S ( I nrbcr , socrolaiy of the slut o l > aul of traniiortntion. | xx'illiln Iho past f Mchns printed n pamphlet ad dressed to the senate niul house f irpro- Mintutlres of NVbmUa , untlllod , "Lincl ( liatiUuiut Itoml hiiliihl Us and Their Hour- Ini ; on MuNlmuiu Hates for K illro.nl TIIIIH- pirtntlon , ' which Is intended nsnn nnnxxtt to nnnruiiionttiinilu lij mu befoio tno senate iniiutiltteo on railroads , in which I otuli-av- 01 11 to show b > an anilysls of the llMincc-s of tlio n. .t M. nllxxav hi NebiaMca tint the reduction In local utos mlicitl for In the Sstevons bill voulil not \\orlc \ nn Injuitleo to Hint coipnr- ntlnn which hud boon selected b > tbo IWIIH ! of transport ttion IIH loprosnntdlx-o of No- lu.iHVn loads 'Iho firl tint Mr Harbor , Iho niUtio\Uc \ dcd | ; statistician of the luatd of ti itispoi t illon , n KOiitli'iniiii Kiv ii to labor ious restMuh , as ttoll is n poullcinnn of mirUid iiblllty , has rcfrnimd from attacking nn stitlstloil .irirunicnt. has Ignoic'd that inn lion of It uilitliiKto the litmus miulo n hiHls Hthu uoatd ol tuinspoi litlon for tliclr i efiHiil to icdnco rates list Miniinor nndhasdox'oted hlinsolftci aj-oneial niKUim'nt upon lina 'limn conclusions , per- hips iciuhia n rcplx1 from mouniu'iosssiiy 1 I'liiinot icfcain , howour , fioin loiroctlnK1 soaiool thi ) In lerencrs xx lilt li lie dims from iirKUinuit us to the position talten bmo bi roftivnio to theprnpusul i do reductinii nnd from pointing out the \\c\ik ness of his Mi Cnrher iiis _ , In \i\xa \ 2 , of his pim- phlut "llo ( rcfcii inp tuinx sclfi pioceeils to the conclusion that not oulj must a nmi- muin rate bo so loxxas to earn no nioro than nienvmiiblo rate on actual cost of building the rout , hut it must bo as niuob lowoi as ulll ptox'out the locolpt of a mcnuoon sums durlxrd fiom tliu sale of KianUd lindsatul 'jonas roiclx'od fioin counties and mu- licipalltii's In other xveuls , It cost ! " .HJ"i JUT mlle to build the -road , lint , says the argument , thcro hit bcon rcnli/ul ? TiiTO per milo fioni lauds and bonds , and thctofoio a maximum rate should hoos- tahlHiccl iolons to withhold n letuinoii moil ) than 5-14li..r > On that llnillntr ttiu nutlior couchidi sth.it the r.itos jiroposod bx- the Stcxcns iiia\iimim latn bill are about light , not too high , nnd ghostho bill his cn- dofsimc'iit " 1 x\ill sbnw the untoWlcss of this stitc- nuMitbv < iuotinginml the c-ouclusion drawn btno ft om tbo statistics which 1 hud com piled After showinijbx t\\o different meth ods that the stockholders of the ro.id are curuniK their dividends on the proceeds of public donations , I pioccoile.il to sltoxx that thu npprOximtxto Camillas on the donations , lopre suiting the intiltisirxnluc of Iho stock , for the ycir 1SH7 ( taken ns an iwcrigo jear ( onsldortni ; the ycm iss ! Is'irt ' liuluslvo ) amounted tifalMUt yj percent I then framed my conclusion In the follow int'hinpuiLo "Perhaps earnings likolhoso would not bo ( OMsiduu'ilmuiasomblo if they xxeio undo on mouoj fuinlshud b.x the stockbo'Uers I'orlmps they \\oulu. Hut I do not tliinU then ) r ui be inncli question tint the state is doi ) K no one mi lujustlco If the present icus- oniiblo maximum rate bill mc'sentod by Son- nlor Htena ( senate fllo S"i ) is passed , \\hen xxo remember that thc'so uiui- Intrs iiro nndo upon a principle sum donated by the people ] t nun lx tu od that tbis stock has passed Into the liuiitU of Innocent holders Jlio ansxvcr to this Is that tbo rights of etll islta citizens , also innocent , mo at htalte The inon x\hoso lusiuoss raiU 'siHx'idead < are uitithd tocon- sldentloinit your hinds in well as those men uhose imesVn < ! nts tuUc clniclonds The holders of this sjock took it snblpct to the , cqultlrfi existing between the .stato and the corporation " It Is readily seen that Mr. (1 arbor's pamphlet does not snto tbis conclusion , but fia cutlrclj different one. Mj'conclusion as to tlio effect that the reduction ot local rites asked for In tbpSUnens bill could not bo con oldoied us xx'roneliig the ixnd when the ctniitles existing between the road and the peoji'oxeic ' falrlj considciul \entnied 1 no ( onclubinii In nn .ngunieiit as tolmt \ aniciiint thu earnings ought to bo on tbis donated margin , but suigi ; > stflil tint if tbooio iU ! ior iiiut ,1 ndiicton of lo cil rites uetias inulc in tlio Ktcvnns liill , \ \ ould not niter them to in unreason iblj loxx" point .V mo'Urato conclusion IIOXTI icccUed n moie violent \nemhlng than this ono did \\lunit vis uustod into the onowhuh x\o Inix'o tjuoteil fiom Mr darbci'a inniphlut ' 1 ho in ijorit > of inon wliodesiie u icauction of local rites in this state are not extremists nor ininhlsts Their di sire Is not pi Unuili to oppiossthciailrouls but toiclicvc a state burdened\\ithuiirc.ison.iblo and oxtoitionatd loe'al lates , o f.u as is consistent with the Just lights of In v as ted capital I will now huelly eonsldoi the principles , wulor-lj ing the pioposition xxhich Air ( iinber so x'icorouslr iittic-Ks , to-wlt : That the doiintcd hind and bonds should be con- sidcred ten certain extent in tbo datotinitia tion ofxh it nro reasonnblo rates The jiolnt is inado tint the bonds x'oted In aid of leased lines of the B .fe JI rnilwaj should : iot bo rousidoied , sineo tlio B. .V M . railway leased the loiitsloiiKnftci thej were built nnd did not dlrce'ly ' ivceivo the bonds , Ilcfoi-o pointbifr out the lirolo\aneo of tbo nitru mem I will state th it .inalagous oh Jcotions iminotbo undo to the lincl prant domtlons for the reison that with unlmpor taiit PXCI puona thov wont directly to the K .t M railway , and fiuthcr thu Iho concos Rion of nil Jlr. Ciiibei n-sks in ipfeicnio to bond dointions would not nutornlly itTee-t the X'alidity of the genual conclusion lenchecl in my former niKumont Legal I ) niul nioiiilly the B & M railway In its com poslto ctinuiftei has assumed ox'oij linbilitj to the tito ot Kobiaskn ind its citi/c'ns , \vnUh xx as inun red by any ono of tlio in ( lividuiil loads before its nbsoiption bj the H. , M. railwaxhcro there has not been nn oMucss-wnher by the pcoplo of llKbtto info'co this llibillty 'Ilio argil- uionts nsul in this pamphlet of Mr. ( ! ar hcr's pronceil upon the .ibaiuloned principle thnta railroad corjioratlon , undci tbo hw , is to bo treated as a nrhatu indUidual , and thatjustas equitiescxisilnt ; hetxxica piivato pintles donotalwajs follow piix'ato ( iropertj xv hen ti-nnsforreu , so equities existing bo txxcYti tlio state and n. rrdlioadcoiporation do not follow tbo roil i mil piopcrty vhon ti ins foircd. I nm surpused that n sccietan of ttio board of transposition n bodj ap pointotl lu the Intoiest of the people plo to icgulato the use of rail road pioportj u gontlemaii x\hot > o oni- plojment nnd salary ns u sur vnntof the people depends npoa the li'gditj of this xciy distinction between the pioportj of 11 rail load corpontion and the proptrtv of a privatolnilnldual , should icsortto such an urRumont Ihls argument , cirrled to its lopitlmato coiiduslon , meias that by transfer \ of its nronertj n coriwmtlon cm nlbolvoltsolf from its liabiliu to the stnto , and bj the same aet pivo similur absolution to the grantee Neither the courts nor the people consider such a doctrine osxalid Just as tlio fact that the Mntognx-orailwn corporationsle al lift ) Is considered as a part of tlio basis of the Icpal right of the state to icgulate freight dnrpes , so should the fact tint the stnto or Its citizens gax-o tlio i.iihvu cori > era tlons those nngnificontdonatlons which rcn dor possible their llnauclal llfo nnd success , bo considered to seine extent xx-heni the 101 Boimbloiiess of therntcsehaige d the citizens of the sUto Is unclei conshicration AVe bmo repeatedly heard frjin the ofllolals of the I ) fc I\l \ rnllwuv , and othoi roads.that thoreduilion in local rules would workn great injustice to the stoikholdcrs , xvould uo u vroiiKful conlis > catton of proikiity and that tlioioudthrunoxv uiunhiK culy .ivcrj sinnll porcentaRii on actual cost. The stnto board of transportation , no- coptlnn llcuros a a basis , so nx-er aped as to include the .jcar of the great strike of engineers on tbo B. fc M. | vst m , an nounced thai the road xvns nuking onlj about f > aud 0-100 percent on cost and that thcroforo thcro was no ( jroutut for a reduc tion ot rates in this state My former argument tended to show that tbo stockholders , xx-lio nlono would l i a reduction In local rates , had Inx osh * 1 lii stock prnetloilly tiothlnjj except tlie * priii ccdn i f | ) ubile * donations , and ttilt when the water xxas siiirccel | nut of the stock niul the intrinsic \nhio of the stock nrl diiT | from tneso dona lions vvns considered , Intend of timkltiK on tliclr lux ostincnt a xcr\ Inn rate like "ili-iai , tin \ XMTO mailing . " . ' t > er iout. nnd Ihoreforu the Stovom i eduction would notiln them nn itijustlii * Iho nnsxx'er to this IH ( hat In order to IM * fnlr nnd Just nnd lonstltiitlonnl VM * must not cunsulei iilltlio < o mutters , Imt xvomust consider onU nn artl- trnrv pciionUuo fotined by dlx-ldliiR I'niu- Inusby cost of tiip roul a | Kicuntniohlili must bo ndiutttiil Is not a nmnsiitr * of ox i n tbo watucil sine h Toiopi at A rcdui'tlon o r rates nffcits the earnlnvTs on stoclt and that n'ono ' The ( UicMlun tliutofoio In the dotcimlnnlUin of tin * tx'iisoiinbliness nr tinransou.Uilenisi of n rate roduriiiiii bivoini'su question ot the ullcil of such t ri'iliietlon on stookeai nltiKs- ivhothor Itxtll 01 will not nniKostcH-k earn Injrs u n reason ihlx loixOni1 forinoi nru'l- ' nient tc'iulivl to prove tint tbo stock of the 11 . * c M oarnoel i n an nieraue nboul 'J jwr eent ou Its intiluslc X'ahie l.i'iivin out of con- Alc.iNiution outiiolx the dot thut the inttinslo wilue of the stocK conies from the KCJII orosltj of tbe public la the form of laud irrants nnd bonds. It cannot Do ho\wi tint theStoveiiH bill , should bocoiiio a luw , iitTVi t- itiKiis it does , ai'curdlnc'to ralhoid nnthorll\ iit'out lOner ixnt of the busiiiebsof thoroud , \\ould so fur ndiico ttil JJ per e'eut iuli * into Justllj an\ ono In n ch UtfO Hint the stock- holihis would havi * an unrcasiMiahl ) Inn Intiiost on the larine\ Invented in stock The people of thislountiv nro buKinnlii ) ; to lenrn that the thi'oietlcnl nnd nctunl function * of modem i illioid Htuelc .110 xxhk'lx itltVuent C ( ! ItrsolntioiiH Outsell a Uoxx. Dun iv , Mnieh 15 At the mill I'niiiolllto iiioHliiKiit NivvrxModa * , tluiu xxusn scene of Bttyit dl'.oreliM , thol'ninc'Uites tinning out In strong foreo , iml iloluc ; tlioh utmost tobtcik tip the meeting About the tliotisiiuil pi-r- omvoio lucsi'iit tit the inootmc 'Ilio cli < - oulei Ix'i ; in Mhon n soiies of rtsulntions do- noimc'ini ! I'mucll In thcstrcnuust ti'inin xH mil The iL".oliitlons uuro it'culvcil by the i'.iinell men \\ith hotits and KIO-IHH niul lixo puiioiiul Liicniiiiteu btiuoui the oppo- noiits and uppoitcrs of I'uinull tool ; jilaconi cvorv d I'm her hrxifiii I . .IMHl < j'ni'liy. ( Dim i\ , Match Ti In the pmlsh cliunh at lit hi'UstoiMi totl.ij Putlioi Sexton saht the nixt election Mould piobably icstiltln the jothoment ofYlllmin O'Uriui , and mtioftott should lie nude to uoct a Me- ( Jiirtbyito Coi the UistriLt 'Hit1 ljuiu lllto nicclliiK ntMldilloton todtx was hpnrsoly nttonded und HuuliiKtoti nnd Climi'vu > ro tiniiblo to pot a hc.u Ingvlicii thonttcmntid to spiMlt Tlio jHiiico hud to bo i.illod on to suppress a fico light. A tioxV Vu. , Mnnh 15 The log- isliituro ndjouiuod nt inidnl ht Snturila\ . bcfoio adjournment the sorgcant-nt- xx * sent out to uet n quotum for HIP - > omto nnd iittoiuptod lo tulto Sinator ICnott i i to the chamber. ICiiott struik the MH Koaiit-aMirina In the t e and was IlncJ $10 Spllill'H PlPlltJ ol'Collllllfl'CC. IvDinn , Muiclilr > - The ministers of for eign nnd colonial fifhirs bavo drnftod 11 scheme for n tioutj of coin met coith Amor- to the Washington proposul. Tlio scbeino will bo cx- unilnud In I'ictnitr Del ( Jastilo bufoto pruuntod to Mr. lilaino lontr > yoil. Diiitoir , HLI. ! , M.irch ISPiro at l ow- loiullo , Mich , todi\ destroyed the postolllce. oxpioss olllce , opera bnusi and n Ini o mini- hui nf bnsincts blocks nnd d\vollin > ; s 'Iho 10S < U lll.lL'od .It flD.OOOitll XOl'y bllKlll 111- SUMIICC - * lliirncd lo Dentil. Ni w Voui , , March r > 'Iho losidouco of Cicnoiatn I ! Fowler , in Uiookljn , vis paitlv liui n oil this nioining nii'l meson son WilllHiu , n od txx'eutjtwo , Cliilinn C'oniiii.iiKler Killed. Ill UNCH AMIUS , March Ifl Colonel Koblcs , comiuaiidor of the Chilian Kovcinwciit troops , U'.Vs killed in the ongagomout of March 9 Only a Ke\v U-ronls JIatli * . 1'utiS March n 'Iho races nt Autouilto clay \\oio largely at tended Only n fo\v nr- rcsts of bettcibero nmdo "Imp , " with Patti Uosrx In the llbular role , n comedy dtnina written bj the Into I'rocl Maisdcn , miscd bj ClaM Green , at- trictodieij laib'o tiudlcnco to the llo > d last evening 'Iho play is much suiiorioi to the usual run ot coniuly drain is , for It has u consibtont stoij , nnil is oceoclinijlyol' ' \vrltton , tlio genius of the author sliluliiu through main of the lines and situations. Ami it gives the st ir ancxccllont opportunltv to display lull x ei sat ility as a bow itohitiK Uttlo coinniedicnnc 1'alti Kosnis now iieu- the jonlth of hoi lame , und is quito capiblo ot stopping Into the shoes of l < oiti xvhcn the latter clocidos to nbnndou the > ririih gluim of the footlights for the lost she Ins so \\ill earned. She is aitlatio in oxcr\thing sbo does , nnd hoi humor U delightfully spontaneous. 'Iheioih nostiaiuinnnttci oftt-cts , no sainllcln line ; , foi situ itions On the contrary , art oxfoy- : xxhcre iiredoinlmtcs , while self is left pleas antly in the baclftfiound Mlsn Hosa Is a. pretty dancer , a fair slngei' and a bom comodionno. A stionpr company assists the star in un- rnxolllne the mxsti'ry surrounding tlio With of Imp , inc-idont.illv rontrilmtingto tliopleis- uioof the c\onine \eryrloxer spoi'laltlos ( Jeer o C' BoiUf IPC , ir , his a strong nait in bainpson Silt , 17 S A , a 1'loudi lincl boomoi , which nc plays in a minnor that lca\es liltluto boiloslic'd. ( icrald CJtlfll'i ns Mr. Aspen Tiniid , vlth \-ciy llttlo nieinon' , nildoa pronounced hit , glX'InKim oxc'eodinplv studious , yet \vitlia ! nnctuous i > oitiaiune of a tyi > u of man \ou moot xen- often 1'oin I'linid , a JOUIIK man wlio Jliially cuts loose fioin Ids niotliot's apion string , xvna In the haiidi of ICilu'ar S Ilalstcud , nni was plijed \ orwell indeed William N . Oilf- Ihh , John \V \ Unnnc , Hairy W Uhh. Miss Flojd , Miss Hatch and Misi luinsrei'o al excellent in tho'i paits , rouiidlm ; out ono ol the inoH ilolihtUil ! poi formanco given 01 the local bta o tills soisou THY CAITAIN t'onrl Slartial AA III Moot at 11 rail < ) iiartorN Imlnv , The lourt martial , called for the purpose o hearniK CIIURCS preferred ayutist Captdi Catloj of tlio Second Infantrv , will comem toJax In thecouit m.uUni loom In TinRn bulldin ? Most of the inemhois of the cout auix'cd Sattnday nipht \nstcnlnyant \ they x\ill doubtless , all bo pioscnt vliuu the roll is cilled An ortlcoiwhols not on the rour sildos terdaj to a HKI : ix'poiter "I will firedii- ii'bt ( iiow that the court xvill not tindCaptnit Catloi KUllt ) of ihoUiaiKCwmclornHldrains him.hcn un olllce-i hasi doctoi s ccrtlll oato In his pocket to the effect tliu ho n unihlu for actlvo dut ) . I tot \otl hols just about tiropioof u'-runst. the chaivoof cowardk'o or failure ) to pc'iforin his duty. I undorstuul that Ciiptdii Citloy has n doc tor's ceitilic'ito to thooftcct tint ho wa not able for actuo duty at the tiinohowa called out at 1'ino MADK IT I'AV. luiUirs ! Scciuo 8111110 I'roHthy Hob Joseph Tij lor is N U Palouiprs hoitlor lu ! sleeps in thu barn at Isil Doughs strocl Last night \vhon bo tucKcd his pints nwoj under his bead there XMIH $ ' 0 in ono of th pockets. Duiglnrs slipped inix little later on and got the $ IH ) , A man iiumcd Leisure xxho aleci > \\lth Tajloi lo ti. "Ayer's modloinos liuxo bwn satisfactory to mo throughout my practice , especially A > or's Uhcrry 1'ectomi , which lias beouusoi by mi.uy of mx * patients , nno of xxhoin suy bo knows it san-d Ids llfo. " 1L Moirls Jl. D. . Hrooklvu. N. V. JR. BAILIXGAIL'S B1)S\ ) LIFE , Brief Sketch of tbo Fjditciice of Olio of Iowa's Foremost Oitiznis , tVERYBODY KNEW AND LOVED HIM. lie ItCKiin I till * iiMii Itiiul Jilili'k Vli'ls- Hltinlc-i mill Itiiiinplis tif lilt ClII'CM'l HlllKIIU 'llllll ClOMIK'll MM | I'.IToits. OTTIMXX \ , la , March 1.1-f.Sp.3cl.il . to Tin : : lu : . | Pet hups in mm was moio xx'ldely viioxxn In the aUito of loua than ( Jolonol 'otorC ' ! . llilliiiKkll , whosodonilso noted n the telegraphic coluinm of 'I'm : Hi v on the 10th lust. llUiloitlioccmiodnt * ? i Mireh i , on thu I'aevlilD occin. Colonel lltilllugall eft the city hst Novouhor , Just nftci the coal pilnce hid ehuoil , on piospcctlxo \oxugci to Auitralii thcnco to ijtltnn nnd ihonio honii' , x\horeho xx is expected In Mny It xx'iu on lib \\u Imia tilduuy to China Unit his dciilh oicrmrcil , and His more tliia prob able Hi it It wm the losultof npoploKV xUnch lind tiouhled him at tinier boluio The profusion of rlbutus to this noted towan fiffn the Iowa press , lrrosp"otl\o \ ot p > tt\ \ , lends addition d bi lief lint a sketch of Ida llfo xx 111 hoof moio tb in oidlnaiv Inter est. ICnotMi nil o\cr Iho Uiiltuel States In the cip.icilj of u bolc'lkcopot , a pioiiuuunt lll'uw In the ficmoei itlu nitininl demolitions for the pist.ooroof yens , foi'omost in the councils of bis. pirtj In lovvsv for a quaitcr of nceutiirx , fniiu'd asboiutr the "untlior nnd llnishcT" oT the lox\i coil palico and its sue cessful pioaldunt , conspii-uou , in tbo military affniM ol the nitlonil guilds , an pnteipris liij ( , herculean worker for the interests of the1 state and inoro cspcci illy the eitv whifli claimed him asits Xi\oied son , U in little wcmdcr tint tlio press of the state , with ono in cord , has utttuvl tlio se'iitiinriit thut "Ot- tuniua s fc'io\v \ Is Iowa's sonow. " Uolonol Uallin all xx-as born in Olasirow , Scotland. Maiub a , 1st , ) , be'dlod March 7 , IS'M , it llontr Koucr , China , biix'iiicr llucl a jcni mote tluiu the allotti-1 thieo scoie' . Attho ago of sox'cn yeirs , in conipftiix with his motbci and t > tou-fathei , ho tame U ) America , landlnp utQuubec after \oyago of scn-oril weeks From Quebec ! the fiunilj wont to Wontrcil , nnd llicntato Port llopo on the Innkb nf l.iko Ontirio. After n BboitHojourn there his mother , brother and himself xwlkcd fourlixsn miles to Hrighton , and fioin there proceeded to Holduiinan 1'oui Coriicis. wboio the colonel eiriicd his llrst money spiling m itches Kofoio ho was ilt'X'cn jeirs old ho xx-ill.od fiom C'cburp , scx-ent-thrco mile * below Toionto , to Chi eii oby aiDund-about xxihlch Inx-ohod n elistanco of hc\enoi eight liunihed miles Aftei unking ho was emplojocl hi x'irlous eapaiiticsnt diltoient hotels , pio\ingluin self peculinilv adapted to his call- intr. Ho ud\nnccd froiii ono position to another , and in the com so of time XXMS up pointed icccix-ei of tlio Lake lioii > c , which position ho 11 lied until IsVi Upon IcaxMng ho waspicscnted uith a line gold nutcli , thu lottei nccoinp.injiiu'It boiiifr sitjned by the most proinlniMit men in 'ho ' oitv. After leu ing the Like House Mr T3dlln- ( all spent time months in h.ix cliiif , going through most of the soutbein statc-s , und while oil the const of Capo Ilattoras was duxcn bj a stonn to tbo Bermuda isUniis After x'lsitliiK the cist ho cimo to Chuafro und opened the Drk'gs House , whraco , attoi n few months , ho wont to ( inlosburg and be eamo propuotei of tbo Hisuoll HOUSD. The follow lug jeai he c'losecl out his interest in thisanu Msitcd Minuoota. wliore ho pui thasod a li.ietof lanl , and thence in the full of IVi'J eamo to ICcokuk , la , as manager of the I\ ins llouao The following x-oii hoiomo\cd toHontons poi t ui'l ouencd the Ashluul hotisp , thcneo to raiilloldand from thcio to Ancney City , whcio ho opened tlio Ku\era house ilcro hemet mot with a serious loss , hnviu his \nllso \ stolen , x\ith a x-nluiblo eolli'ction of iato coins and the watch that had boun prosontcd to him in Chicago. In the summer of IhV ) ho inoxod on with tliotormlnus of the railroad to Oltuimva. In connection w'ith bis hotel oporitions , ho had at onotimosox'cntecngox'- eminent license's for sepirntu nnd distinct brandies of business , all of which ho made sueeessful Tor nine jean hu xvas pro prictor of the stiiso line from Ottumwa to JUoonilicld , and during that IOIIR poiiod , throue'h suisbine nnd stoini , no * , or missed a tiip. In ISTO the railroad crowded this st.igo olt the track and ho xvitlulievv Ids stock lattice thntdatoho IMa \ line to Sipouruoy , a ells tame 01 thut } txvo miles , until the comp'o tionof the ChiciKo , Milwaukee A , St I'anl raihondvhcn , that , \vasvvitlidr.ix\n , In 1SIM Air lialhiiK.ill erected the Ballinifnll house , on the corner of Mala nnil Oiee-ii sttcols which he operated foi ton jours Ho ( hen 1'Mjod thU , but relaiuc'l the ) niumpre- incut of the Depot hotel At ono time ho was oxtcnsixel * , inteiejstod In poiK paiklnj , ' \\hllonox-eiaii aspirant foiotlld.il position the deceased has frequently been honored bj his p u t j nud fellow citi/ens w ith local ofllc-e Poi niaujeirs ho xvas a member of the democratic cential coininitteo Ho was a inoinuoroi the KcnoialnssombH of Iowa in ls * ) Piox'ious U ) this , hovvox'er , hoxas elected nldoinim of tha city of Ottumxva , and ic-clecteilsi'x-ciil tciius iftoi , Ho originated many of the Improvements of thoiity , and ui ed them with n zeal that in- stucil success In b7 : { hoxas nominated foi ninjor , but ilccllnod thohonoi llo lind also boon nominated foi senator on thodemocratlo tic'kot On IMirehls , IS" ) , ho xvns presented with another line ( 'oUl vviitch and clinn of suprb vxnrKiimnshlp , edomtlv eiiLTax-ed with thofollowhik'iiisorlption1 "Ifon P. ( ! BnllliiKiill , In his quests nt holdieis lennion at DCS Aloinoi , | is0. and othcis in Iowa , In token of o toem" 1'ilor to this u chniu manufacturer ! in xxow Yoikvvas piesOntoel to hitiilix- ' The * iltt/cns of Ottumwa" IJotli those cclftH arc oxeicdingljxaluablo in more lospcc-th than one. later , Mr. It.illin allMsitcd the xx-est foi lest and iecroation , spondinir nbout wix \veil < s on thol'.icitli1 coist , nnd upon his ie- tuin interooted himself In or inl/intf the inilltla of Iowa In this as in to | roatoi pint ot his undortilcInRS , ho dlstint'iilsheil liunself and xvas appoiuteit nmjor of thoTiflh icjjimetitin isrii , being pioinoicil two yonis Intel to colonel lie was soon aftenvards preiimlea xx'ith n gold mounted s\vord bv the Shciidnn Ciiiaiil-s The lolloxxMnp yenr ho was elected inijoi Renciil. but the ecovurnor assuiainira siiporxlsorx poxxei1 to roxo | the retuins , paxu his conipititor the place to xx'tileh ho xxas lORallv elected bv tbo or an- i/ed citbon soldiery The cllleois and soldiers of the eliiTeiontbriijados tostllloel In many \\a\s to then ballot in his just , claims by limp.iets in his honor , and notably in ono cnso b\ the inesoiitntlon of a niagiiillcent bndio set in pieeiotn btones As a hotel man , Mr ] lillinniiU was Instru mental in securing the present liux- for the protection of lamtloids He XMIS thu lint president of the * Hotel Keepers' association in | S7 ( , and xvas .mnuullv re-olectcd for.i sciles ofxo'irs In Issi l.o win piosuutod xvith u pold chdti consistliiiof fott.x-six Hat links , on cither bide of vvhiih IK the name of a hotel anil its landlord This eostly dft xx is prihc-ntcd bx tlio , u > soclition In the threolast national doinocintlc ) con- x ontlons Colonel llnlliiiRall hint chur ouf the Iowa delegation , nud hi approditlon of his senior the delotatoat Ciilc.iKO piosontul him with a cross anil .star set with diamonds , cni.'rix-cd witli tbo coat of-aim < ot thu stnto of Iowa 'Uio Wnpcllo Counti AKiicultuial sooictj selected Colonel UnlllnLjall for its Hist ptcstdunt , and ho dox-otocl much time and moans for its ndvnui'ouient Indeed there mo fe\x- public antorpilsosi in xvhlcti ho lull not boon actively intcio tcd and lias contnbuteil Kenorously of Ids time and means. In the sinin ot' bsO Colonel Ualllim'ill made u trip to Kuropo , xlsitin Kiu'land , Scotlunil , Ireland , Wnlos , i'raueo , Itnlv. Austila , 1'aisil.i , Ihvaiia , llollnnd. llelu'lum , aud minor piovinecs , juul In 1 7 made atrip around the xvoild , silling from S m KMiieitfoisitim ; .Austiniin , Uhina , > .liiiau | nnd all ether points of In tires t in the old xx odd. On his return frprti his llrst tiip toKuroiK ) ahamiuet XMIS ( riven In his honor at the linllliif'all house , \vhlch was lurtlcl- pitted lu by hundiuls of Ills follow citizens , xvithout regard to party or creed , Air BalHniall bad also vislloel ether nlaces of In terest abroad , tailing subsequently u journov down through old Moxlio nnd tbrou li x-arlous republics of South America. Hid hollved he wculil hnvo ronipletoil his third trip to Australia and the orient. Mr. llalliugall's honors did not ceaso. llo boiiinuAi.inilliTntp NirnPiinlorinllionors oil thodomoiTatle tl Kt umi vis tilivtod Ill xxoith us n whVu/'r end orKanlior was in irked Hint w Ifiin In. the hxst lepldrtt uw tlio spjinto wlshi'd HTI , unmo a nmu for the lovrt coniinisslonei'shlpJf the world's fnlr ho XXMS thviiiinulinoiis iihclco of tlio soimto , Irre1 spc'illx-o of liivlj , 'Ibis houoi lu * hud hi fonvo ln'ciiuse' , n jennlor , IIP could not accept un otlUtt c liUjd by tin * K'Klshvtuic , of whhii body ho wan n inombcr Whllo Colonel llnllliiK'ill is hiMj tit his U jl ; latUo work there xxas In hli ox .u cin u inovitmnit 011 foot. It wus the eonl palw , with wlilifli ImMIS ilowlj iillled from itslnceptlop. niulnhonlt ciune lo tlio cholc'i * of lt prosMi-nt , but one mnn xxns tunned nut tint T\H the man wbols mourned in Otunimii Iodill ' 'llrud by the xxNnir niulxoik of tbo foui xx'cins * trial , which prou'd such nsueccss , ho coiiimoniod plniiilriL ; foranolliorlilp ahroaJ , and lu Novembernftot bidding f ik'iids ndlcu , ho suilid ivcrosH tin * poiic'cful I'aelHo , on whoso placid bosom ho died llo died UXXM ) from home , but xxltb the coi3cioiisuos ! of 1 fo well spent foi Ins filloxx llion All the o honors could bolu-apod uiwn ono cltl/ou / , but the sornw of tbo citx todii ) would not be nmnl fist because ol this It xx-iis the notilo quihtlcs of u nun's liontl xvhlch nmdo him Itlox'id. btiirtinc : usn poir bow ) \ attained \xcilthbx- the most mduoiis lulior Ho le-niuiidie'redhisowii iMoernudlt soflc'iioil bis lutulU ullhuiiMiiit ) Tbeio till ) fumllies in this < lty who o o their li\eus to thcdoalcltheii , wlio. when huni'ur and v'old xx-oulrt hix'o won in the striigRle for life , dro\o both nwju with hli KOiiorom pumi and loxhiMT tliouirblfuliiiss llo know no such thinpaisdelp.it His piido of luscltx wan ( if siuli a pitrlotlc chiiMclcr that miy institu tion bo xx-ns connoetol xxilh imcoolod In splio Hflmliffcioiuc or mlstakooii the pntt Ol GlhlMS Ho xis alwax'sacbiinpioii of the rlu'ltts of thcchildioiiaucl of tha xxmnenVliit ho could doto\\.ud .iattcrititho ) roses nnd cat- nntionsof smishino and liiipiue : | > j Into tluli li\es , x\as Ins iiimiiiiuto desire Ills s.x in d.ithles wuro iilnax s wltli tlio pool mid approved His ambition xvas to mnlto Ottnniwii thollrslc-it.x In the stale mid hli eMToits In thoiousuniiintinn of his puipo'.o . \xn-o beicuk1 in No cue * nppcitcd to lilm foraietbut neeixcd it Mo class of wuiro- oiirnei'sv.oi'oopprussoJ but Unit ho ( hum- pi incd its ellsfrauduiioiiu'ut from grim uu-es. No l > ox shoxtcd uu li'mcst undeuxor toge * ) on in Ibo'worlcl but that ho appointed himsilf u eommlltco to enliinco his iliniuos of success llo w is nccustomed to po'ut ' out n number of the boil c'Minplos of business Integrity ainoni,1 tbo vouug men of the citv. ind siv "Thiro are nn bo\s , I rilsudtlie'm , " nnd these boys worealwajH jrlid toice-ipiocato tbe ] ustfeeling of priilu 'Ml tbocitjof Ottumwa nnd nn old nuigli- boisxxill foci tint 1 liivo boon Instriimontil iiidoiiiKthom somu t-ood , I will fool content for ( nixing ll\ad \ , saldbo nt onetime Nothing dell into is known about the colonel's \\ealtb or tbo disposition of his proper . It is gcucriillv boliovcu that his estite isxxoith fioin S100.000 to $ r > 0KK , ) Ho owned the spaeioas llallingnll house and a number of sm dle'r houses in the city , besides much ipil estate It is mostly free from In- c-nmbormco nuci is undoubted ! } beiiuenthml to his n > l ithcs hero rimtho xx is n business success is re.uliU demonstrated from the fact Uut ho started llfo as a boot block , loix'lng an estate of o\cr JHKH)0. ) ( ) He made his will , xx-blch is nnioiiR his puvnto paporsat tlio Tint National bank , nnd bid Ills business mailers nil satisfactorily nr- rnngod piioi to lcaing Sun Tranclsco llo xx is nc\cr married nnd bi ? estate v 111 fall to his sister and Irothcr A cablcertmi just rceeix'od niinouriies thnt the icnialns hau1 been shlppcl for Hong Kong per "Clt > of Uio , " iiud w ill leach Sail Kinncisca about Apill I Prcparitionsaro being mido feral l > ublle fuiiord orncoIn the coal palico nnd tbe f uncial rot lego xx' ill iiimouutodly bo the laigest ever scon in ly\\u. \ City \\HjLiliVlilJ i'llE ' ltOSTIjiS. ; ( hifTtilo HIM IiiU-tiiU SliDxx-ini ; Duropi- tin-.host Ounce1. U'illhin I1 Cody , Dpttor knoxui ns "Iluf- fnlo IJ111 , " was in the cit ; yesterdaj on Ids xalionics fiom Washington. ' 1'o.a repotler he said , " 1 leave for North 1'la.ttu thi cxein- ing. and as soon as l cin striiphtcu uii some of my personal Inumeas , I sliall lcaxo for Kuiopex"rth the grontcstslioxv oU'enflh. In fait , Hainum is no lonftor ii It. If jon ivimt to Icani additional fnits , you must sue my tiunngor , Major Hurh' " " Major iiurko xvas fountl at tboMillaul nnd XMIS inn talkatixo mood. Ho said : "As bo rons , I shall ho Oottj's manager j r Cody lias just returned from Aisbingtonxbcrd , \\lth the- aid of JNlessi-s Minilotson , 1'addoik ' , Council und Uorsey , lie ox-ercatne the opposi tion tint xx'.vs X'ery pronounced against tiikln Indians to liutope. HaxhiK nccomplislic'd this , he has since been busj milking aiiange- incntsto sail " \Vo w ill take 100 of tbo ghost dancing In dians , wao nro noxx-at 1'ort .Shcrnlin , and \\ith tlicni Icnx o NewVork about April 1 IhcHrst sbow x\ill hegix'eii tit Stvausburp , Cicrmnnx After doniK ( iormitiy uo slnll travel through Ilollnmlatnl Franco , and will bo absent at least \vo\oars "In addition to guing a show wo shill teieli the Indians the xvais and customs of the xx-ldtos , thus littinir them forciti/cnsbip " Major Hurlte loivesfor I'moKidgo toilnj , x\horeho will complete tbo prolltnlmrios for nuking thotnp - \VI11 1'airv n HIIIP , Trtink IDiiUinson , against ixhoiu chmgcs aiu pending , mil who has a Kdioral roputa tlon us n thlof , w is mi os ted lust iilg'it. On his nrr'vulat ' the stnionho xus nlontlllcd imniediiiteh oy a prisonci named Hirrh as ilio mm xxho sold the latter n holt of cillco for SI. Ilnriis was m rested xIth the calico Situnhv night , but cnulil giM ) no explana tion other tluiu thxt ho had bought the Ljoods fiom 111 unknown man for * 1. Ho was inlsjhtj' crlad to sio IJickinsoii. Struck a The way In which John Stinrt Mill pio- poieilto tlio lid ) \ \ ho ox-cntuullj became his x\lfo is said to hive heon as follows "I xush IhndyourhoadMr. Mill , icinarkcd the liulj on an occasion xx-hon tint Kaitlemau bid solved for Jura knottj point. "Ami I wisb I lind your heart , " leplicd .Mr Mill. " \Vill , slid tliolndj , "sincoourhcadaiid my hcirt seem to 112100 so xxill , 1 inn quito villii that wo should KO into partnership " And such was the result All Ho Had to Do AVns to Stint It. "Mtlctr \ sir , " slid the nun \iho hud como abotril nt tlio last stitioti to Uio iiidixldual wlioHatlii the scit in front of him , tojioits the Xuw Voile Tribune , "don t you know that liy hooping lluit window opnii tliis lolcl day Mti ) not only ondanffoi1 jour ojnii lioulth , Imt the health of o\oijboijj in tlusiarV "Yos , Ibiipno oiholopHod the man beside the open x\j > ii4ow , "Anil elon t joa Know , " c-oiitlnuoil tliu man in the boatwbotiliul , "tlmt OUMI thouirli you silo xxvU"U ) | | > risk join- own lioalth , it la hilflbitui ) \ wronj ; of you to lisle thu health oijiUioi ) ) ooploV" 'Yes , I ( rues4 jou'ro about riglit , ' i-o- nllud lliomiinbv llio xxlmlon. "NVull , tlion , 'rt intlniif > il thoinuti ! > - hind , "poiwdu-Ujg/iAl / these tliln h niul Hint yon uro , ] pnl ) > ully ) , nn oidliiiiiily ilucont mm , Mliy.jjpn't you uloso that window V"t , ft "tatratiLror , " loplAcil tlio nmu bcMdo tlio window , ns li filmed niounil in his M-iit iiud Lfii/od Vttll upon Ills interroga tor , "If xoti XMiutilUat window hliutwhv sliutlt. " , | j "ly ! Ljum ! I xyflp" the iniin in the scat behind o\ol iif\\icd. And ho oxi- dontly ino.iut what ho aildjor ho IcMiiocl ( ivorniul bu < ; , m tii'tjiiitj ( nt the \\indoxx with an oiioi'Bj bom o ( lntcnso Indigna tion ut the conduit of thu man in fiont. The window clung , spmuhtnv. It xxottli not eoiiio. Io8 | ilo tlio irnto inin'a ion Htiuid tnjfirlng , itbtilloluiiL ; Tlio nun In the heat by the xx-liulow appoarcd tc obtain an intense iiluisviio fioin tin ether mimV. ullorts , nnd xvhcn the tuguoi llnallycoasodhiis Milti tiiLr liitratul aftoi uttering u pontlo oith roriiitnod liiH sou lu Milloii Hilonce , the man bx the btll iiponwiiiiloxviuiiinrkcili "Von 10 foc'liti ' } . justuhiMit the xxi } Ifv foil till Iho nllor noon , I've ' lieoti working nil and on a that window for tlio hut two hours , hut the blnmoel thiiij'n open to stay. ' Major John M HuiUo , manager for Huff id Hill U ut tbo Murrjy. r/lVVIJllT / / Till ? 1)111 ) / ' \ 1)1 ) \ VO 10 CllAmRl IHL lUUAllAi\x ) ( \ An Omixba Minister Im\ws Tulay to Take Up Missionary Work , A FAREWELL MEETING TENDERED HIM. an hit CMOS t Int : Kornmit Upon tlio , \ \ViiniIoiriil Nil inn" 'iti ' Ihti'e Mlunil * 'I iiIkH Siniilaj Nlijlit Uiontvr * , 'I'llo lecture room of tbo Tint Methodist I'plscoiul ehuroli XX-HS well tllli'il jistonlny afternoon b.v nui'itrnest atnlleiico of Metlioil- his x\ho Kiiilierod to join Inn firexxoll miet- lin ; ns i p.ntlnicompliment to Uuv ( Ji'mpo S Daiis , who luivon tudii ) foi the inlMinn llcld in Uulir.iria The prominent iiihilsteis piosenl xxitc" lllshop Nun mini , Chmeollor C Cieiqhton of thoWeileynntmiversitv nt l.lneoln , Ucvs. Clime , Hrowii , Minnlt , llodtfiM , Meiiill and lloopiiiL niiior of the Methoellst rhuii'li , and Hov. lurliloof Iho Kountzo Mcinoiiil Until- er.iu church " ' ' lev- After sliming "I'lom Greenland's Mount ilus,1 etc , mill a prajur by llov. I'urkle , Clinifcllor Cici liton xv is luhodurod ancl spoKe fur ui ill * , half an hour in a vety Intercstlni ; manner. Ho slid bo felt sad nt the thoULjbt of liuv ini ; to put with brother Pax-is , but If It vv.is the call of ( ! od ho Hhould piniulho blel him ( led peul Ilie-n was not nmohnf Jnj to him in the * thought nf i-iosslnir the OIIMII ind entering tlm mu loiuii } xvm U In a foiciftn lni.il lint the Lord will loxvard these w holt ust In Him and for evity hard trial and ovc iv ililllcultv noldy met Itev. Divisvvillllnd that the Lord xvlll furnish a suitable revvnril Hishop Now t nn spoke next and desenbed tlu * i opluand the counti > lo xxhiihHev. Davis bus boon Ho said , the llnliailuis me xny iutollicent and iclini 1 'Ihey an * not hoitbeii by lin.x iiean ) < ; Ilio inineipal ditllculty to tie niot'wlth in tlio missionirv ivorlttlierals Iho licre'O onpositiun ol the 'InrliUh yinorniiifiitto the ilcMicd ftevlom of tbo Hiilu ( lans and thoopposltlon of Ilio ( hcokcluirch to Prntcstintlsin 'Iho xvinlc of thosupeilntinileiitof missions xxlde-h Is to bo tiUisn iii by Hev. 13i Divia. 10- qnirii u mau of excoptlonul ability not only IIB a iolirlous ( leudor but In a socialand cdticatton.il line as x\ell The people thcio speak soxeinl liiifruigpsancl missionaries nro Inviloil to thohoinos of the wealthy , thu rcttned and the edUcMtod. Dr. I < on ( , ' , an nininciit inlssionni ) , has estab lished a c'olle'pe ut ConslintiuopU * , vxhori * a pioatmam youiiK ininistors aiu hclng edu- latedand froniwhirh a x 1st aninnntof light Is t > einij sent out 'Iho bishop belli"ed Hint If Uev Davis would assume his duties ind anil I'hristiiko manner ho w ould succeo J nidcr Kliink offered a few well tuned 10- marlts and then llcDaus. \ . xvn intioduccd Hobuld hclnid been Lonviiu cd for mul > ton roars thut ho ought to becomei inlssiomry Ho hid been pupating for tbo cjteat x\orlc Ho icill/cd that thu losponsiblllties of this jiositlon the supi'rintendene'j of llulfjailim missions-were\er Itnpoitntit nnd nt tliuos ho nhnost fenred , when he incamrod his capabilities xvitli his own aye * , Unit hi * xxould not liccqud to tbe ilmnntiiis , hut tiustuu in ( Sod , he xvus iloterinlnod to do the best he lould Kov D is spoke as ti man of plain , honest convictions and hoioic uotcriniiutloii to ijim the bcstof his llfoto the xvoik. His lomuiks wore leceivcel hv tbo audience In breatnlesssileneo and tnnuv a silent prajer ascended for him as ho talked At the * close the congregation shook bauds with Hov Davis and xx-lfe' , xx idle the choir anel lontiietratlon SWK 1oU ( ! 13e * with You Till Wo Meet , \iraln \ " Itcv. Davis loivestoelay for Koxx- York lliiondcrliil tN.inic. P.ntor Allendeliveied an iuterestintj and instructive seimon jcsterelnj In Ids pulpit at the M U. church , comer of Is'inetecnth and Castfllnr streets. Among other things ho said. "It is needless for mo to argue that the nanioheicm mentioned refers to Chi 1st , the Messiah. Hit , name nlono Is truljvomlor - ful. Other names anpcar vxondoifnl hr 11 scMisoii and then lose their power. Of thir.jjs lion niomanx thntsooiii vx-onJorful AVon derful moon , vondcrfiil stars , woncleifulsim , woiniorful faith , xumileifnl jilinoti , wondc-r- iiil events All these wonders are out faint manifestations of Him x\ho-.o niiiiw is wou ld ful. He1 is the f-itbcr of them all. Ho lanp'th the xxoild on iiothiuc ; Hj Him all hiiiM e > ht nnil thtlvo Iloxv xxondorful is tioel1 ' dod is wonderful for tbo number of his jcais Ihov mo pi-a tlndiiif ; ctut I3cforo our fuller , lixed , nnd bcfoio Ali'viinder nnd Xoixos , Abialmn , Noah and Adam , before tlio c.iith was wheeled into spice nnd n deep iilnco xxamiilo for the sei , or i > voi thei motint.iins xx'f'io hPiived , bofuro the sun was inatlo to inlo the d ij ind thi > moon toiulo tho'nlKht , .incellc ! sonjrs awakothespieMdhiK silpiieeto Jo.xous uliocs , K inK gloiv to the iXlost High. Hut before nn ancrel ovei brcithc d , or sunc or llou , ( loci , oor xvotidurrul , existed ns the ( iioat Internal " ( loil is woiniorful also In HU loe.hllo \ wo nc'iOMH slnneis Ho hid such love foi us tlintllo enduied thecroa- , and for our silto def insod the slmno Uotoro tlio x\oild wa-s , ( ion wasluve. His lox'O will continue tor ovoi " ( lOil's cam foi all tilings piovcs Him linn \vondorfnl Ho provide * lor ill pee pin nnd Is kind to the needs of nil nnliniiN All tlmt ( loci 1ms done is xxoitderful U'o worn condomnrd toiloatb I-Iokcpt tin ) laxv .md lias nindo u xx'iij foi our escape. Wonderful ilecM1 "In times of distress Iiow wnuddful does Godappeiir. Losses ind poveity , CIIH-S , death aiiduewMveineiits lese their iwxerwhi'ii Ho is nlsli. "lo the seeker fiod is wonderful AVIien sinsnio lonfmliiK nut lius aio toiiiiPMiiiK , to tlio ploidei s xvoiulor there soon is piaoo imdjov tint pissoth all uncloMaiulin The ( Jliilsil.in will stion lv testify that ( jed is wondurful. llo delivers fioinovlls , incieises oumncngth , bossc" ! > oui labms und inulti plluiout ] ovs "At etc ith ( ! oil is woiniorful. 'Ilio sliados , tliOi'olil | sxveit , Iho tciror-s , all nivo xvnv to liirlil aiHllife ind laptuio. foi dociis woniloi- ful At tlio iLilpuicnt with thi > law ncnishiK and our sins uppumluu : , dod is \\oiiclorful \ \Vith HIsoxx'ii blocxl llo v\ rites ourautjulttnl audsot.sus fieo. Wonderful' "In lion en the xxoudi'rn x\ ill inrioise.Vou \ - ilcMat tlio niultitudo Helms six-ed , xvondori at the fjloi ions iiianslons lie his nude , won dels nt tlio peace llo imparts \Voiideii In nuine'rable. 0 glorious ( ! od ' Wonderful in thohouiv past , wonderful now , wonderful ox'cnviu , xxoiuletful foie > xei 'rhoUL'li the wiikod eoiint Him not wondeiful noxx thev shull by und hj Hut to the hunvunU host lleis xx'oneleifiil nnd x\ill ovoimoio bo thu theue ) of thch r.lptuioun SOIIRH O , Ciocl , to Thy KoiiclululiinmQ1" TIilnooi Tnic o M In ut n 'Iho fulloxx'Inpr unlquo notiio c Hied atton tiouto the men's nieetingat Ilio Vo'iniiMonj ' Ohiistiuiiiij&QcIntloii Lonueit hnll.\t * < iterdn\ \ at I p , in , "Thhtcui tliouiilittui Hi ret minute tilks. ou toples of tholuue bj thluli ors , tbeolopriins , tntuhers and traviilcrs Sovcu sthrinp soncra nj fioulfnl singers About ono humliril anil foilv inonsei > present win-ill1 ! of Sheldon wax-ol tholiiUin , Ml Allstrom tout hod up thu piano an ! Messrs. Stiang and ICimiodv divn thoboxxi liulitly o\er the strings of their xlolins After a few in. antes of slnpiiiB the soitvtarj toolc tbo tnoctlntr In b mil and nnd the llftl c'tnptciof Itoiuans , iiinarkin as ho did M that if nil tilt ) copies of the hiblo in exiiti IIP butonuworo doslioyed , and nil of thitoni di > tie > oil e\iuptthis rhnpler , Ihi'ro woul still lotimlu siinielent of the won ) of ( ! od ti convert the xvoild. Theio xvii' scjino inoro singluK , nnil then tin h'ller i-illed foi loinirus fiom these In the audioncc , i-nsinilly hbitliiL , ' tint if thij did not lespond pumipli ) hownull call their out by iiniuu NoiaHlng wasnee-ossai hoW' uvei , fui tha rupausc-t wore iiiunv mil pioinpt. A nutnhi-r of sti.ui on took pail and , \vilh the stilling SOUKS sandwiched bo txMon the te tlnionlulH Iho hour innnipldlj \ b The lender nniioiincc'd that Iho tldrti'u talks bid boon ulven , hut Hint , as HOIIIO uiu bnl said thut thirl oun wasun nnluuli ) iinia bcr. they xvould K" unlit on , and sovoin ! inon sjioke. At the ilo-o of thugoneiul incotlni a priiyt r mixjlhiK , lusting nbout half nil hour xvus hold lu the krturo hall , whom dollultc re'iUL-U | forpnijtr vvcixi nnje , nud spoclullj In lluno \ ro inl it XXAS an utiunmll ) Intoiostliu ; and piollt nbloncrxleo. OnnoNl SnMi.it li Iho idlngRoin'rul sivn * tnr.x w 111 dollx-rr an iidiliess tovouin ; men on Ihi'Mihjcit , "Sonio riilim < n Mm t. uri llo " Spi'ilul inusliMMll IK * iuriin rt'il for .SUNDAY Mdlir TilDAIIlUH. ItlM. HlllNllll T < ll U'llX 110 TIlllllCH 'llioiii linpioprr. KollniMln \ of the I'lrst I'lishytulau eliuii'h pti-ai-hed hut ntubt upun the subjort of SMiimlin thoalors Hi' ' iihinl the opening Hint In * hid born t blown In the companr of ( .omo tluMtrlnd people * loeontly nnd his IhoiiRlits bad been dim led b ) Uint luoldi'ut to iMtueh of tlio innmtnv tbuitir Ma bad ilddin in th Htiino sjleiMiitiK cm with the I'c'Mis Steer oinpnnj , anii boloio thcy had icailio.l KIIIISH C'ltv hu bi-iMimo tlioruuejlil.x cotnlui'ivl that If the teal IVsm stcii1 himself liilel liccna panneiiKil alioucl tliuc-ai'lio XMillld iinde'ouldnot linx o iii.iiloinoro noise 01 dls- turlinl othrr pissc'iigi'i'sinoro than the * nicui- lxrsjf ) tliis tlioitrhil coin pain 'Ilioywiiro llpiou ie > uiInloMintod | Hcv I hi slnihiilil ho did not Intend teen tor upon n tirade * about tin1 the it IN * In jrownil Ho would not hold thul tholhiMttii ) i > ci Mc wasnttt'rlj and outhol.x wli-licd , loihuionld si'o that In SOUK * ivspoi's this \Misnotlho rase Tlio lu tli-i tlus nf thoitrlcMl pivduc- tlom , sutli a.sSliaKispeaie''s \ auel SOIUP of tin * liewt moduli iirouuiltoiiH have ) ale lo itimato pine * . lint thu tioi.bhi of latii Is thut in nnlir to in lie a plax pav c'xpe sc-s it haste bimbjcctlouiblu fiom a imnal standpoint 'Jhuro is nlso giont itangi'r ofpNoeeis in tbo iiiiitleir nf ntnusu mc'iits lime .met eneu'N unl iniiaev arc * ninsloii'd bv people in sc'i'ltlnir Milistintinl auitisoiiiints ami tinpoplii wlioe1 in h'.isi atfoid ti Indiilgo niPxc'tssiiH nio tlm cMisscs xvbnnio eiiUfilit bxf the Inish } lli ntir \\iih \ leirnii ) to tliD Suiiihij thoitie Ke > x- Hnlsliii Mid liu had leauii'd fiom CHIIX uislui ; xvitli nun on tlio inntor tidns that the l'\irnam stunt line * , xvhlih inns out to a part of the oil ) xxhi'rci j o plo ijeMiir.illj oxx-i their homos docs a \eiv licbt business on Suiuliv night This proves tint tbo Sunday niuht tin itei tiexotoes uro not thosi'vvho esue'eii'doel well In life , but tbo Hnminx ni ht tlnntoi cut dies tlio younir nun who has no homo , thu pcldJv x iiiinn ikoph ) who fool xoiy little of the lesponsiliilltiet ol lift * I'ltuviMti 111 iifford such iocrelations , hut thov hive boioinofas emitted hv tin1 piiiro.mil plittn of tlio stii o Ono re mm why HID Sunday theater Hhould bo ilsc'oui.iK ! 'dis tlio fact that tbo S.ilib.itli ( lax ouilil to be ) kept holy All liiimanltj needs re t at least ono clnj in sox'on nnd Sun- dax max bo nmdo most delightful nbout ttio homo chili * . Hov Ilnr-'b i closed bj snx-lnp tint nllonrn ostand fdttifiil Chiltsiins shnuM lift theli xoiecs UKalnstthn Siindiv niglit tliMtci Mothr-M xx-ill Hud M s \ \Vinslo\x- Soothing Syiup tlio best nmcdj for theii cliiidie-ii. J. > cents a bottle. Cr / > tn tJet M juried. Asonteni'oof eiKht inonthsln tlio poniten tini ) xx-a ? imposed onillinin \ Ilnss , a burlj Ociiiian.In lirooUlvn , for a iull , Alagiio Pease , acomclj gnlhixteou joirsolel , whoso mother isa xx-lloxx-and who hns a little eindj nndstatlonorj stow , neciisocl Haas with hnx- Inpstruclt horiiftei she Indlgimutly spume I his olTcr of tnirriago , Hans is twenty-six \cain old , and on thu death of tbo girl's father , n\oai nio , lioRanto piy hismldrcsses to Mis 1'esseSho declined his Attentions , anil lie limilh bcuino so aulont In his woo iiiK that sbo caused biin rest , and ho serx cd six months in the ixnitcul aij Upon his re le'aso heionewuu bis attentions , and in order to malic tlie \ \ idow eoine to his terms set llro to hci house one stoimy nicht , His intention vvas to levtiiio hoi , butbpfote lie lial an opnoitunltx * the lliemt-n had ( omo and had nuelo the * lescm * Haas xxasntjiiiii nriested , but \vas \ not pioscotlteel Hi'was ik'tetmined to nntrx the woman and oliiisod hci aiouiid the house \xith a kinfo , Onnnoilier on ision , just as Mrs Peisoxxas returnur ono nl bt , Ilias iiipnucd fioin undortlicbod.ind on his knees Ik-Kited her notto xxrock Ids happiness llo wi oei'ted ] Ironi tbohoi e , and a few nights Utci Mr- . l-oiso xx is sinprisinl to lind him hiding uiidei the dininp room tahk * Ai'uinho < S put out , nnd whllo on his knees in front of Mrs l'cs > o's window she ponied i kettle of hot xvutei over him. btlll he eontinuod co couit heiMis Mis Pcssoi dnuirhtci xxis in the stoio one infill xvheu Haas ontireel Ho xvas looking for hir niothc'r , nnil llnelin ; she w.is absent lie made love to the Kill bho oidui od hlinoutof the place , \\huilioa.ssiulted hci and a pulkeinm nimstol him A \ ft't 1 tnnitinoe. Astraniro stoiy of nnrringo , ilhot'co and riiso his Just coiiicto lii-lit in I'all River , Mis .lohu I'lci.'o xxas boui in As. souct sixtj-llvo yen's .ijro , anl when hocauio to tlio yen's of m.iuUiol hu mirnoil 1 ix'o children \\ero the f rum of the inirii.inc \ \ hen tlio xx-.11 broke on. Piouo enlist ol and scMVcel tlneo voars When hn letuinejil from t bo war ho xunt < J toco tot'alifurni i tiit hiswifcrefuscel. Ho xvont toCnliforuli and i em line I tlieio Jlftoon > ean Iinin0' ) the tinio sbosonthim sevoi dloltirs nUiiii ; linn to le-tuin , butho icfusol She then uix ei tiscd in Lilifiiniu nox\i | ) ipn > foi him , and when tlio divoric laws of thatstato hnl lom coinpliut xvlth she sceureu a kvfil aeinration She then xveat to Boston to re < - bid * xvlth a faUtrr.Vlillotlioroshc met aud mm i led a mm nainc'd C'077 < > n Ilodied ibont a jt ir ni ) . Ino rldlilrcn xve're xvcll axvaro of hi'i eirnimstmros Tlicv nUo know of the father's conditionas ho nail letii'iiod east and bcc-n living hen ) and had boeoino tolallv blind. Ibe bliadnoss was slid to h ivo aiisnn from thooll ets ofdlioi-,0 miir.iitod duriiic the war , ami on this ae'iouut Ins icvontlv received ceived aoaekpension of > liMM' ( mil nlso i pension of t-UKi poi niontli diiiiiiLC life1. Iho childici detcimiiii'd tonax-othoi.1 pai onti re unite'l aii < ltheh i tToiu weio smee-.s f ul as tlio fouaer Mr .wel Mr I'lcivo be iMino OHOiivtm lliox ire now living with their children. C'ei 11 llo ito I ii J ids Mfiicni ) ( A coin let nt a riuneh pjiinlsettleMiiont xvho xx'ii tinilji'ifoliii ; a lilo iciituic'e , ik'siiod to imirx aioindoconv lejt.siii'h . innriliicroi bedni ; ofiominon oici.ri'iiee 'riieifovetnoi of the colonx * oflorod nu objections , but the priest 1'ioioodul tt c'lOss-i'Miiiiino the uiKoni'i "DUl joit not imriv in h'lineo1 ! ' Ves "And jour x\Ifo is dead' % 'bheU" Haxo xou am ctoc-imionUo sim\x tlmt slm is dead I "N'o ' uriicn I must derlino to inari.i von You must pioduce'sonio proof tint join \\ifo isdi'.iil' 'I heron as ipiu-o and thei lu-ido p oipeit'vo ' looUol niiMiush at tin * \\nulil-lm Biwin Tunllx ho said I c-nn punu thai mj foiincr xvitiIMI ! ad "llo-.x will vou di so I xx-nsbuntl in.i fur UliiiKhur And the hi nip , n coined lnu ) iiDtwilhst iiulinu is TIIK mini' ' 10 llllw vilJil/hi Mmi Mmt Do Right In Orilor to Bo Com pletely Happy. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ALL LAWS , .Men a * ti I'm'tiii1 In Onu'i'ii' incnlHim In Insult * il tisl ami Kqultnlile lr , > ; i lilt tun nx IIHN , win rt vnvrit LAW liw IHVII ( lelliunlto boa rule ) of or.hr onondtiit.esliullslioil bj nutliorlhVliot In i wo Know tliu mlu 01 not , .xotlho luv iBostaii lislioil incvi-n elepu tuiiMit ofhuinin llfo and notion. Wo are everx-whoroniul all tlio tlnn under the lolgu of laxv Not onh oui i l\d rclillons to uie'h other , but om pliisU ul , liioinl and sivlnl life , hus lKicl io > julitl < n ) foi our Koxuiiiiiir > nt It Is ceiliiln that liniiim happiness depends upm our Unowle\lee I time l.uvb nud om ohedloni'O totlieii ox on re.iulii'ini'iit. lu our inntal llfo , nun Ins Ui abllllx Kixon him vxltiiotit Iho alii of i'din i lion or t > io slow piocossof tiiinmii ionioiuiu to knoxvilKht fioinw roiiuac'ousilonio tin IiiluicH In his x'eiv Lelnij lo point out tli i l ht nn ! tbotiuowny If hi > ieftisi ) to olioy the x-nlro of tbuinni Itoi xx'itliln , ho not onh lo is ! tlio jo ) thu uoinos fiMiu oliodiciii'o , but hi ) focli the ) small and stini ; , and has to enduio thoshniuo tbii proinpth foiuos fiom w rem K-doli i IT. If in1 \MUI ) | | lu\ < his own self reipi'ctand Ihc * nn luovnl anil ( ontlelcnce of nil nbolll him , li mint olictin1 moral la\\ a hw thut h knows liv intuitidn If bo wouldbaxnn ll 'ht lionrt nnd arhiMi fuUpiilt , Iio4nust thus liaxoa coiselousti. ot iiitltndoof this life-tin * ions-taut n sm nice mat IK * is li. nielli < mil pit In I.IIIIH i \ with bis tilkher and be Hi r nature1 l nkex-'s "llntorv of Jiloials , " In louslib-nt ir tliisMUbjoct of conseioiue * , the wiitcr nnx > . "Its power mix bo iusl iillli in t , but , Us till is niulisputed and if It hud the liil bt us i' ' hnsthurlirlit It would Kovern tin * xvoild It Is tills faculty , distini't fiom anil super ! ute to all npetile-s | , plosions nnd dosliis , thut makes the supii'ino lavveif llli * , anil adds tin poi itix'Oehai ic'tei lo the foiling of attlilc'tiini thai It llispiies. "It Is this whlih xvis li scilboil Cliorous the ( ! ud ruling inthiMii bj the sloles , us the sovoiilitlitv of lonsoii bj h tint Paul , as the law of iiatuii1 ; bj liul lei , as tin * , stimonncy of foinucnci' . " If theinotal laxv ean coiiiiiiaiid obidleiiu1 anils honored , thocixil tax\ and tno sociil ainlnbxvlcnlliw will not bori'sistcd When a in m is lix-inp in hariiunj with lilmscll. In1 will not bo found to boa etlsionliiit clemoni in socictor tbo st.do. 'Ilie love of tliu right so ennobles and nmcnllios hum m exu tenio thut x-iio biiomos x'lilirav and t rinii horrible to thoexesof him who xluldiohedi eneo to tlio iloiniiiitionof conseienee. To nil Miih olicdicnei ) to tbe civil law is not u bin dun , tiuta continual delight To obey inoi u law is to have hapnlness , tolcnowand folliw tliolnxxsof hBiine'cri\es hcilth and toohiv thoeix illnxxs brings neaco und protection The onlj safetj to tlio state und to society h t o li.ix-o all Inw s iniulc for tlio civil pox-oin unit of huminltx n iulj ohserx-cd , not onh mlottor , but la spiut If time betoleiateUahalf roinpllaiuo xxMUi tlm statute , or it the * rink or riohesof nnv piorpcttboinigainst the penult } oflolateit law , then respuct for the st ituto rcasis , ai I tbo seeds of disorder and anarchy nu planted , ami a liar * , est of Inxx-livucvj an I disordei niaj bo the result Uixvs nro enacted to meet the wants anl needs oJoreml/edsocictx- nro the index oltheiittinand intdllfienco of the peopli fohoin and by w bom tbov are made.rl li book of statue1of exerj' IIRO is n lairlv ui I fru'ido to a Kiowlcdtjo of tlio ciiili/alion i f the times inwtilih they \vcio enacted , au 1 tb * truei-ritction of the condition ot puhlu sentiinuit onill nuostions alTei'tintf sotinloi en 11 life As inthlsfieo iroxTinment olnuis ox-ei\ voter is u sovereign , the joung man holds u most important and responsible position. II" mist Hist leain togoxiin himself , anil ttien bo must bo an OMinplo of obudioacu to all law , anil , in iddillon. must Imx-o the nianlv couiaKoteii ass.ul oxistinp vvi-onnrs : mist bi > atinctivc fnitor In dovating public ) sontl limit , must lie e eyeless in Ids efforts to pui ifl amliclorin oni A inoilcan politics , so tint thulctjMatois niaj tool tint public opinion xxill sustain him hi miking a nwie xliornus assuilton exist nn ; ex ils Iho blatant , blillieiini ; deinapoguo m ix fo ine-it a freithv fun aniontr the * ipior.int nnd untliiulilner. but the1 sti ulysolid pnblietcnti mult is main bv the honcstj sini eie nun xxliu aii iiujveil onlj hv the hiLrli puiW-o [ pioiuototl.o public1 ilfuro All laws that ire made in nbpulcnro to heite-cl public clinior aio but too often found iiinnt.ir'nuisni to thei hinor of i > ibli < opimuii mil have to arai'iielul ol ic-jiftled It ia better that it bhoilit b ) doni ) speedlU. No law sboiitel icinaiii on the stituto book ft dci i letter A doiil la v willlmpdi tin ) hcilth nnel lifi ) ofull ln\s. is a dead CM.UI.S will | in > diln * ditcMso Liu , theicfore , should not I histilj made Ihele ishnr should not oilv | have suf lluunt liitflii ence' to uin'crstind ' fnllv tli subject \xhiili hois piopo-liu to ictjulitoli 1m , hut ho sbnulil hax-o oimiprchuiihlvc Itiiowlcduo of the opinion of his ronslltiicnts niroiriiid totl.c * matter in hand \ \ \ \ \ tin stitutowlun nciuKM hoionnnenct itself t i tlio bettor jud , , i at of tlio ioit niijoiitj tli it the-y will , > t itnlxi ld n ilii > uilui ok'dieneo themselves , butwill most linpcra tive'lx- demand of the cout t * and Jutiei tl it all viol itors of tno laxv shall promptly p u- tin * ponaltv' I'o nnkc * hw requires a hishc'r doi'reo of xhtuo nnd a bnulei iatellljji neo than ti oliev itsrequiieiiicnts. All 1 irislitloii for the bonellt of cln.sos > r topioniDto spc > ci il inteiests at the exneiiseoi apltMt mass , or to scuue niel-op rtl-.iu ml MiiitaRO , xx'iliiout ivftTeiiceito tlio public x\n faio is pernicious and ought not to bo i 1 ei itc'd Siic'hlc > ii-litioii is unjust nnd oppic sn itue.iles eollee-tivo opposition to Its. eiifm 1111111 nnil clestiws all lox-oreneo lor 111" n i jostx of the'laxxand creitos i spirit nfu tali iliou tli it imiv result tn still iiioicobn \ ion. Iccislntlon 1'lu'ii i ouht bo no anare'liist , found nmu ir intullueiit Aiiic-iii ins if JiistU-e pnulilediu all laxiiiuliiiiK bodies , und the puiniotion it tlio hUhe-t pool to the > ricutestiminbu \ eie tlm sole motive of tliLilaxinahir So tli.it it is the llrst duty of tboyomi- nll/on to tioii hl hiinsi'lf and both In pi. ctpt and examplenlel in imiiljinp tlio limn tun tnun xMilcli nil luxs ccune , sci that no ju-t cmisc mix- exist .iR.iinst thnenfciecmu i of laxvv liittoinun will give us bettor laws , an 1 with IIIISL ] nut iinp.iilial niluiinl-.tiilion f tin1 s.imeili come a i > ur < i cu nuation an t a blRhortypu of mm .Am t'ii > in jut.111 ! s\liii h ti ] > niii > jnir ml II ouil a At lit ) other i isou ilooi tlo Mstom so" _ much nit'd tin * atil of n i lulili * nudii an bin Hi ? iiis.iiirillais n vi tnipovi rlslicil condition uf tliolilniil tin Vi.ikiittn'iflVrU of tin- mill \\inti i lli'1 I' " ' .iyt | t.1 unl th it tln-1 f n line ; ill iniko tunnel gpiiiir'nuvlnlno .ibsei- liui-l > u. . . < in IK.niis hus ipnilli ! - luiillirh adipte'il foi this iMirjx'sr , ami | u- en in in | iiilariv | tury ji'.ir. It is tlio ' . it xrini | * nirili l i * . I mint s i ) iiool's sirnpirlll.i U tliolrst nu di > nu 1 I'M r IIMH ) list kprlu 1 h.il m > jlpitiii iindlbo b istitk 1 illil fjll ucilnit ) c\i \ I s linn b I In ; ; m 11 taKr Il iu | > . sir- | > ( iirllH ind MIOII felt Hi it 1 ciinlil duns luui-li lu i d i ) as | b ul fiirmnl ) ilom * in iMY' ' Wen * \\lseonoiiRh tohrodlhls Jlj appetite H xoiiPlmts ' Mils M V. HAV- sii oii , worlil > f snti ( . . | boaidul Alin. .Mlintli ( it ) N .1 , Ifjou siitftT from linpiirc hlnmt niotuli , I N U If jim ibildc to take IIooVs Sirsa- cs , lirnilii'lii. taKu i I'liill.i ' ilo nut bo Imbued tobu > in > clho. . Hood's fl. History rrcpiroitonly ' Koltb Mlilruilrtsti : flUforfS \ P by I I. HOOP 110 V | > ntlnorlu.o ) > ull , Mm ljl ( I IlKUll.X CO .Xiilivriul | 4 , | OO Doses Ono Dollar ! IOO Doses Ono Dollar